Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Time Management is Bogus - It's Time to Get Your Life Back" |
"We all have the same amount of time every day, so why do some people seem to get so much done while others struggle? Learn the 5 best habits to create time productivity and realize personal success. Plus receive a bonus lesson on How to Overcome Procrastination. Just by using one of these principles, you will increase your productivity by 33%. Each video session gives you key takeaways and worksheets to insure you take action and start to make these time principles a lifelong habit."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Praca marze- czyli jak mie wakacje cay rok i zarabia?" |
"Praca marze- czyli jak mie wakacje cay rok i dostawa za to pienidze?W tym kursie, chc Wam da gotowe spis treci na sukces.Bdzie to menu dla ambitnych, modych osb chccych znale prace marze dla siebie. Idc do restauracji, przed Wami ley otwarta karta da i kady zawsze znajdzie co dla siebie jeli lubi dane smaki !Tak samo tutaj jeli lubicie tryb ycia jaki Wam zaoferuje napewno odnajdziecie co dla siebie a opcji bdzie wiele. Pewnie kady z Was kiedykolwiek sysza o kim kto pracuj na Malediwach 4 dni w tygodniu zajmujc si wiami, a przy tym reszt tygodnia ma woln i korzysta z urokw pikna natury, albo o nauczycielu angielskiego w Tajlandii, ktra mieszka w uroczej lokalnej wiosce, daje kilka lekcji dziennie dzieciom a reszt dnia spdza surfujc na play, a ju napewno syszelicie o synnych testerach piwa, ktrzy za darmo mog si napi a przy tym jedzi po caym wiecie i spa w bardzo dobrych hotelach.Mona by rzec y nie umiera, prawda? Ale syszc o takich osobach zawsze pojawia si pytanie, gdzie znale tak prac, kogo przyjmuj, jakie rzeczy mamy zagwarantowane, czy s jeszcze jakie inne opcje pracy marze, ktre by do mnie pasoway? I tu pojawia si moja osoba, jako pierwsza odwa si stworzy list prac marze i powiem,, co, gdzie, jak i dla kogoUchyl specjalnie dla Was rbek tajemnicy, ktrej nikt nigdy nie wyjawi w takiej formie. Take zapnijcie pasy jeli czytacie to w samolocie albo zacznijcie pakowa walizk jeli jestecie w domu, bo ju niedugo ruszycie na najlepsze wakacje, jeli odwaycie si zamieni Wasze marzenia w rzeczywisto.Take jeli jestecie otwarci na zmiany i gotowi by zmieni prac w wielk yciow przygod zaczynajmy.."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Teoria Musicale Moderna" |
"Impara in sole 6 puntate a costruire scale ed accordi e conoscere la tonalit dei brani.Tantissimi schemi e nozioni da applicare sullo strumento musicale sia da punto di vista armonico che melodico.Un corso essenziale per chi vuole saperne di pi e per ogni musicista che inizia il suo percorso sullo strumento o che ha maturato lacune durante studi precedenti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel MADE EASY : A Concise Excel Course" |
"Welcome to my course ""Complete Microsoft Excel Course: Zero to Hero"". By using this comprehensive course you will go from beginner to advanced. In this course i will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of that course you will be at intermediate level. This course contain Real World examples and hands on practicals without neglecting the basics. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will allow you to work on Real World as a professional.Join Us! Get the opportunity to learn from this comprehensive course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning Fundamentals" |
"This course provides a broad introduction to Machine learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, and also strategies, techniques needed to build the best machine learning models. The course starts with Introduction to python programming, Data structures, and python for Machine learning. Learn to use Regression, Classification models on a wide variety of datasets Available at Kaggle. Learn to built neural networks for classification for image datasets, learn to use pre-trained models to make predictions, Also, learn how Neural networks can outperform human ability using TensorFlow."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"All about Jewellery Domain and Solitaire Software" |
"If you want to become a Channel Partner of Solitaire Jewellery Software and want to start your business with no investment then this course is for you.Process to Become a Channel Partner1. Complete the Course ""All about Jewellery Domain and Solitaire Software""2. Clear the Exam ""All about Jewellery Domain and Solitaire Software""3. Register With Us and let us know your target regions.4. After Successful registration, We will send you marketing material.Done:5. We will start sending you leads for your region.Along with Solitaire Under your Channel Partnership we will provide you access to our CRM Software to manage your leads.Upon Registration as A Channel Partner,You get access to sell1. Solitaire Jewellery Software2. CRM Software3. Doctors OPD Management Software.Thank You"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Impara a sfornare un'ottima focaccia genovese a casa tua!" |
"Ti piace la focaccia? Quella ligure ottima? Vorresti fartela a casa per stupire gli amici?Ora puoi!Grazie a questo corso potrai sfornare una deliziosa focaccia genovese.Nel corso troverai le attrezzature richieste, gli ingredienti e i video che ti spiegheranno passo-passo come realizzare la tua focaccia.Che aspetti? :)ENGDo you like focaccia? The original from Genova? Do you wanna make your own focaccia to surprise your friends?Now, you can!With this course, you could make a delicious focaccia genovese.In this course you can find the items, the ingredients and the videos that explain you step by step how can you make the focaccia.So? Do you want wait again? :)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
CanvaSNS |
"CanvaSNSLesson 1-1,1-2SNSFacebookLesson 2SNSTwitterLesson 3Lesson 4-1,4-2PDFSNS"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"D3.js: From Beginner To Understanding" |
"Welcome to D3.js: From Beginner To Understanding! This course is an introduction to the vast world of D3.js. You will learn how to create data visualizations by understanding how small pieces work before putting them all together into a chart. We start out with simple concepts and with each lesson, build upon what we had learned in the lessons before. By the time your are creating your first data visualizations in this course, you will have a much clearer understanding of how D3 works and how each small chunk of code contributes to the overall data visualization. Come join us on this journey to understanding the basics of D3.js. I'll see you in the first lesson!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Python BeautifulSoup & Selenium Veri ve Otomasyon Sistemleri" |
"Gnmzde veri ve bu verinin otomasyonu ok nemli. BeautifulSoup ktphanesi sayesinde internet sitelerinde bulunan verileri sistematik bir ekilde ekebiliyoruz. Selenium ise web taraycsn kodlayarak bir otomasyon salar.rnek olarak internette bir sr rn, stok ve fiyatlar yazan bir siteye sahipsiniz. Bu verileri teker teker tm e-ticaret sitelerine eklemeniz lazm. rn saysnn ok olduunu farz edin. Bunu elle yapmak ok uzun ve zahmetli deil mi? Ya da Excell'de bir sr depolanan veriniz var. Bu veriyi internete eklemeniz lazm. Tek tek elle eklemek mi zorundasnz?Ya da internetten ekmeniz gereken haber, borsa, hava durumu, yazlar bulunmakta. Ksa bir kodlama ile tm bunlar sistematik bir ekilde ekebilirsiniz.Mert Mekatronik kalitesiyle zenle ve pratik rneklerle hazrlanm bu kurs sayesinde siz de yapabilirsiniz. Hatta bu yazdnz programlar cretli olarak sunabilirsiniz.Hemen imdi MERT MEKATRONIK kalitesiyle kursa balayn!"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Curso intensivo de kung fu y calistenia" |
"Este curso se compone de dos partes: kung fu y calistenia. Por lo que si deseas aprender a pelear, o si nicamente quieres entrenar tu cuerpo para darle una mejor apariencia, este curso te ser igualmente til. En la primera parte del curso te ensear a calentar, ya que siempre se debe empezar por el calentamiento, para preparar el cuerpo para que de su mximo rendimiento.Despus te presentar las tcnicas bsicas del kung fu, estilo Chang Quan (boxeo largo), haciendo hincapi en los detalles tcnicos de la correcta ejecucin. Despus te mostrar las combinaciones que podrs poner en prctica cuando ya domines las tcnicas bsicas. Entonces podrs empezar a emplear las tcnicas triples, las ms efectivas durante un combate.En la segunda parte del curso te presentar los ejercicios corporales que puedes emplear para transformar tu cuerpo (calistenia).Por ltimo tendrs acceso a un programa de entrenamiento de 10 semanas, el cual podrs personalizar de acuerdo con tu nivel actual."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Sell T-Shirts Online Successfully, Heat Transfer, POD" |
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Reprograme Sua Mente Para Conseguir Parar de Fumar." |
"Esse udio De Reprogramao Mental Para Ajudar a Parar de Fumar, foi desenvolvido por Tiago Teixeira (hipnoterapeuta) com tcnicas de Auto Hipnose, PNL, Reprogramao Mental e Mudana de Hbitos. Ele ir trabalhar a sua mente subconsciente para que em apenas 21 dias, voc consiga ter mais controle sobre esse vcio."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Career Success Secrets To Land Your Dream Job" |
"This course is for anyone who feels stuck, unhappy, or unfulfilled in their current job or career and even for someone who does not have a job yet. Its also for those who are not sure which direction they want to go in, or how to go about securing the position, or career, of their dreams. You could be a seasoned veteran who seems to be successful in the outside world, but deep down, you feel that you need a change. It could also be for someone who has never worked before and is in the process of looking for a job this very moment yet is uncertain of what the next steps are to finding their dream job.If you have lost your job during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis, then this course will help you secure another job that is fitted to your skills, personality, and desires.No matter where you are in your life or career, I have good news for you. I can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, that it is possible to have the job of your dreams. A career that gives you a sense of meaning and fulfillment, one that leaves you refreshed and energised, and above all else, one that feels like it is a perfect fit for you.I say all this from my own experience. My name is Sarah Jones. I am a top executive, talent development and career reinvention coach. I too have been in a career that left me frustrated, stressed, unmotivated, bored and in despair. I have also seen the other side. I went from being stuck in a draining career to a career that I absolutely love helping other people like yourself succeed and find meaning in life.Did I have to overcome fears and doubts? Certainly. Was it challenging? Of course. Did I make mistakes along the way? More than you can imagine.Was it worth it? Absolutely.Not only was I able to accomplish this for myself. I have helped countless clients in my coaching practice achieve the same. Clients who felt like they had reached a dead-end in their lives and careers, who nonetheless came out with a job that left them feeling empowered and living to their full potential.And starting right this moment, I can help you do the same. With this course, you will have exclusive access to the same tools, exercises and mindset shifts that transformed my life as well as the lives of countless of my clients. These are the very same tools that I use day to day in my practice to deliver phenomenal results. And my clientele ranges from high-flying executives to people who have never had a job before. So thats how I know these tactics work and they work across the field.The first steps begin with YOU. You will discover what it is that drives you in life, what fulfills you. You will explore your likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, you will discover your deepest values. You will find out what is it that makes you unique and what you can offer that no one else does. You will take a close look at your past, explore what got you to where you currently are, and where you are going.These first steps will be essential to start the process of a career change. As the Ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, put it ""the unexamined life is not worth living."" And make no mistake you will be examining your life much more in-depth than you might be comfortable with. But being unhappy in your career can translate to unhappiness in other areas of your life such as stress, anxiety and worse. You will have to be brutally honest with yourself, but in the process, you will discover who you truly are.Once you gain clarity about yourself, you can start to set career goals and work on the details of your future. You can build up a career vision that motivates you, goals[JS1] [-2] that make it easy to get out of bed in the morning, full of energy and refreshed. You will also identify any obstacles that stand in your way and devise a strategy to smash right through them!Then I will teach you all about creating a brand out of yourself and how to effectively market your skills. You will learn how to optimise your resum, CV, and LinkedIn Profile. Or build them from scratch if you never had them. Your marketing materials will revolve around the extensive self-analysis you did in the earlier part of the course. It will be an expression of your deepest values and your authentic self.And then, I will teach you all about tapping into the hidden job market to find the job opportunities that are the right fit for YOU. You will learn all about Job Boards, Recruiting Agencies and Marketplaces, and how you can choose the one that is most effective for you. This section is very detailed, and we go in-depth when looking at each method of searching for a job. This is helpful even for those who want to work independently, as freelancers and consultants.And when you land job interviews, this course will arm you with everything you will need to create an excellent first impression. You will appear confident, professional, and trustworthy. You'll learn how to keep calm and remain in control even in the most nerve-racking interviews (and other high-pressure situations too!).When it comes to negotiating your salary, this course will cover powerful negotiation tactics. These are skills that will serve you in your contract and salary negotiations, and throughout your career.This comprehensive Career Change course is 2 hours and 20 minutes in length, has 7 sections, 37 video lectures, 8 easy-to-complete (yet powerful) worksheets, resource lists, and templates for resums, CVs and cover letters. Here's what we'll cover in this course: A process of self-discovery where you explore your values, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and learn to channel them into finding your ideal career. How to perform a Career SWOT analysis to gain clarity on your past, your present situation, and craft a personalised roadmap for the future. Build a personal brand revolving around this process of self-discovery so that you present to the world your most authentic self. Build a powerful, compelling resum and Curriculum Vitae (CV) with the help of proven principles and included downloadable templates. Write a persuasive cover letter that will capture the attention of employers and hiring managers. It will let your unique skills, experiences, and expertise shine. How to build a great LinkedIn profile. You will learn not only what to include, how to choose appropriate photos, but also how to align your LinkedIn profile with your goals. How to use your network to maximise your chances of landing your dream job. Your existing network, as it is, is brimming with opportunities. But you have to know how to actually tap into it to gain any benefits. Cultivate a mindset that will let you handle whatever challenges life throws at you and will let you prosper in your life and career. With this mindset in place, you will go through life with resilience, confidence, and with the ability to notice opportunities all around you wherever you are. How to tap into the hidden job market. Even when it seems that traditional routes of job searches are tapped dry, you will still be able to discover ample opportunity through alternative ways. Learn about how to find possibilities hidden in plain sight with Job Boards, Recruitment Agencies, and Online Marketplaces. And so much moreUpon completing this course, you will have in your arsenal everything you need to go from where you are to the career of your dreams. It doesn't matter your age, your work experience, or the industry you're in.Now let's imagine that you get your dream career, and some years down the line you get those nagging feelings once again. You want to make a career change all over again. No worries! You will have practical skills ranging from effective resum writing, crafting an attractive LinkedIn profile, negotiation and persuasion know-how, and more. All skills that you can apply over and over again throughout your life. Not to mention that you get exclusive lifetime access to my course, so you can come back to it at any time if you forget something.Here's How You Should Proceed With This Course:First go through all the videos, all the worksheets, and downloadable material as quickly as possible. Watch the videos at 2x speed and give the written material a quick scan, without completing it. This will provide you with a bird's eye view of the entire job process.Then go through the material a second time. Go at your own pace, listen carefully, take notes, do the worksheets, and take the quizzes at the end of every section. Take time at the end of every lesson to reflect on what you have learned. There is no deadline for finishing this course. You will be able to fit it around your current life and responsibilities even if you are a busy professional. It doesn't matter if it takes you one week or several months to complete this course YOU WILL STILL GET THE BENEFITS.And finally, when you're doneApply, apply, apply!!!!Take everything you have learned and put it to use in the real world.Let's imagine that some time has passed. It could be 6 months, a year, or more. Here are 2 scenarios: one in which you entirely apply everything in this course and take massive action. And one where you don't put to practice what you learn.In one case, you'll be exactly where you are now. Unfulfilled. Stressed. Miserable. Powerless. Stuck in a soul-destroying job as life passes you by wondering to yourself ""Is this all there is?""OrYou can wake up every day feeling refreshed, excited, and ready to tackle whatever challenge life brings. You go to work full of vibrancy, hope, and positivity. Not only do you have a career that you love it gives you a sense of purpose, direction, and motivation. You'll be doing work that is true to yourself, in alignment with your deepest values and who you truly are. You'll probably even wonder at times ""how can this be possible? How can my life be THIS GOOD?""I've been there. A countless number of my coaching clients have been there too. And I KNOW that you can get there as well.Perhaps you're skeptical. You're unsure if this course will help you with your career. Maybe you've never heard of my brand or me and are not sure if you can trust me. I get it.That is why this course comes with a 100% 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with this course, or if you don't like it for ANY REASON, you will get all your money back within 30 days of purchase, no questions asked. In 30 days youre either well on the path to the career of your dreams, OR you have your money back. Its that simple. You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain!Are you ready to unleash your true career potential? Enroll in this course so that I may help you transform your life and career today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Signals and Systems : From Basics to Advance" |
"This course explains signals and systems representations/classifications and also describe the time and frequency domain analysis of continuous time signals with Fourier series, Fourier transforms and Z transforms. Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental properties of linear systems, by explaining the properties to others. Develop input output relationship for linear shift invariant system and understand the convolution operator for continuous and discrete time system. Understand the limitations of Fourier transform and need for Laplace transform and develop the ability to analyze the system in s- domain."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Power of Healthy Eating - Start Feeling Better" |
"This course will lay the foundation for powerfully changing your diet to eliminate nagging symptoms such as brain fog, cravings, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, lack of energy, and even begin healing from many conditions such as diabetes, depression, and more. Learn why food is powerful medicine. Explore supplements. Start putting together a transformation meal plan for yourself and your loved ones using the resources provided."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Awakening Astrology (Full Course)" |
"A course on astrology as it was before the western world, combined with all of the new evolutions of our modern time. An overview of how astrology works, how to use it in various ways from reading a chart, to healing with herbs, and meditative guides to accessing the intuitive process."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bible and Archeology through a Tour of the City of David" |
"What you do in this course:You will gain a visual and a physical understanding of the ancient city of JerusalemYou will learn the citys biblical story in detailYou will hear an analysis and explanations about the newest archeological discoveries in the city of DavidYou will obtain a better understanding of the relationship between the Hebrew Bible and archaeologyYou will take a real tour in the City of David by one of the sites official tour guides."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cmo crear una fuente con un iPad" |
"En este curso aprenders cmo crear una fuente utilizando nicamente tu iPad.Debers descargar software el cual es requerido para tomar esta clase; el mismo est disponible en la App Store y cuesta alrededor de $8 dlares estadounidenses.Recomiendo utilizar el Apple Pencil o algn otro stylus pero esto no es necesario, puedes tambin usar tu dedo.Aprenderemos cmo utilizar las herramientas del software que nos permitirn ir dibujando o diseando cada letra del alfabeto. Te dar tips en qu signos y caracteres especiales te recomiendo que hagas. Veremos cmo rpidamente podremos crear una fuente todo en maysculas.Al tener una fuente terminada, te mostrar cmo puedes fcilmente puedes convertirla en una familia De Fuentes, quitando o agregando peso a cada letra del alfabeto, y as tener un estilo 'regular', uno 'delgado' y uno en 'negritas'.Tendrs acceso a las 4 fuentes mostradas en este curso, las cuales puedes utilizar como ejemplo o gua para crear las tuyas propias."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"7 Wonderful techniques for building confidence" |
"Do you feel or have you ever realized that you need confidence in any particular situation or facing any challenge at any time or any place? To overcome such situations, I have developed the course named as ""7 Wonderful Techniques for Building Confidence"" with the help of the techniques described in the course you will be able to gain confidence instantly."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Il Metodo Pratico per Analizzare un Grafico e fare Trading" |
"TradingStep il primo Corso di Trading Pratico che ti insegna un passo alla volta come analizzare il prezzo per operare sui mercati finanziari grazie all'analisi tecnica.Dovrai solo conoscere le candele giapponesi e la parte basica di analisi tecnica, al resto non dovrai preoccuparti perch te lo insegner io.Ti insegner un Metodo Pratico e immediatamente applicabile di analisi tecnica a 360 gradi!Ho creato TradingStep con un unico obbiettivo: realizzare il video corso pratico sul trading e sull'analisi tecnica pi avanzato e completo di semprePer farlo ho costruito un percorso Step by Step che ti insegna in maniera cronologica come mettere in piedi le analisi dei graficiSi parte dallinizio e un passo alla volta si arriva allanalisi completaI video sono in ordine cronologico per farti capire davvero come iniziare, cosa fare e tutto quello che dovrai considerare nelle diverse situazioni graficheAcquisite le competenze per lanalisi del grafico imparerai una tecnica di trading profittevoleIL METODO DEL CORSO DI TRADING PI AVANZATO E COMPLETO DI SEMPREIl mio metodo applicabile da subito e ti permette di avere un piano di trading chiaro ed eseguibile immediatamente, il metodo cos strutturato:Analisi del grafico Individuazione delle giuste tendenze sfruttabiliRicerca dei potenziali setup di ingressoImpostazione degli alertEntrata a mercatoGestione ottimizzata della posizione apertaTradingSteps il 1 video corso completo sul trading che ti insegna un metodo pratico step by step per imparare lanalisi tecnica, analizzare il grafico e tutto il necessario per impostare la tua operativitIl video-corso composto da:SPIEGAZIONE A MERCATI APERTI SU GRAFICI REALILintero svolgimento del corso stato ripreso su grafici reali con contrattazioni aperte: analizziamo ogni singolo dettaglio per capire cosa fare e come muoverti sul prezzo.Dall'inizio alla fine, sparai finalmente come fare trading grazie all'analisi tecnica dei mercati finanziari su ogni singolo grafico analizzato.APPRENDIMENTO CRONOLOGICO IN STEP NUMERATIQuesto ti permette di avere ben chiaro il filo logico da seguire per comprendere tutti passaggi chiave del metodo di trading operativoVIDEO DI APPROFONDIMENTOPer completare al meglio lapprendimento e chiudere il cerchio sulle analisi tecniche che riuscirai a mettere in piedi da soloOPERAZIONI REGISTRATE IN REAL TIMELe operazioni eseguite dal vivo con la tecnica spiegata ti serviranno per capire effettivamente come mettere in pratica quello che hai imparato-------IN COSA CONSISTE LA METODOLGIA DI TRADING CHE IMPARERAI?18 Step progettati per fornirti un'apprendimento preciso e corretto.1 Step: Come iniziare lanalisi dei grafici: quali livelli chiave tracciare e come sceglierli2 Step: I 5 fattori fondamentali da considerare per dare la giusta importanza ai livelli chiave identificati sul grafico3 Step: Cosa devi controllare per scoprire in anticipo quando un trend sta cambiando direzione4 Step: Impara ad usare i Ritracciamenti di Fibonacci per avere la conferma che un trend ha invertito la sua strada e non solo5 Step: Come usare le divergenze sugli oscillatori (e quali tenere in considerazione) per confermare lanalisi dei prezzi e le possibili inversioni6 Step: Il vero significato di alcune candele giapponesi particolari: quando (e come) considerarle nelle tue analisi7 Step: Come tenerti pronto ad operare identificando i giusti setup potenziali da sfruttare8 Step: Quando scatta OGGETTIVAMENTE il segnale di ingresso a mercato che ti far operare long o short9 Step: Come gestire (e ottimizzare) al meglio lentrata, considerando tutti gli altri fattori grafici e il contesto generale10 Step: Quali sono gli aspetti tecnici che devi conoscere sulla lettura dei volumi e come interpretarli per capire i futuri movimenti del prezzo11 Step: Quali altri grafici devi controllare prima di fare unoperazione su un determinato titolo, che possono favorire la tua operativit12 Step: Dove impostare correttamente lo stop loss sul grafico senza regalare commissioni al broker e senza rischiare di perdere il movimento scaturito dal prezzo13 Step: Come fare per seguire il prezzo quando inizia a muoversi nella direzione sperata senza rischiare di rimangiarti i primi guadagni ottenuti14 Step: Gli errori psicologici che non devi assolutamente commettere quando imposti le tue operazioni e come evitarli per non azzerare il tuo conto15 Step: Delle semplici istruzioni di Money Management applicabili da subito per mettere al sicuro il tuo portafoglio16 Step: Come sfruttare la forza relativa per mettere il turbo alle tue operazioni rialziste o ribassiste17 Step: Il punto principale da controllare per diversificare realmente il portafoglio e coprirsi dalle spinte contrarie alle proprie posizioni18 Step: Come preparare al meglio le tue prossime operazioni di trading grazie al mio piano operativoPER CHI QUESTO CORSO SUL TRADING?TradingSteps per tutte le persone che stanno iniziando, o hanno gi iniziato, a fare trading sui mercati grazie allanalisi tecnica.Non esistono trader che non hanno bisogno di analizzare in modo pratico le dinamiche sui prezzi, i diversi andamenti e tutti gli aspetti tecnici legati al grafico.Lanalisi del grafico ti permette di costruire una qualsiasi strategia di trading profittevole: di breve, lungo o medio periodo il discorso non cambia: si parte sempre dallanalisi del prezzo e dall'analisi tecnica dei mercati finanziari.TradingSteps il posto giusto per imparare a farlo!PERCH UN CORSO DI ANALISI TECNICA DAVVERO UNICO?TradingSteps lunico corso che ti insegna ad analizzare il prezzo step by step, in questo modo impari in modo OGGETTIVO cosa fare quando ti trovi di fronte ad un grafico del prezzo.Ci sono 18 Step, gli approfondimenti e le operazioni registrate per un totale di 12 ore di video svolti a mercati aperti.Parti dalle basi e arrivi piano piano a costruire unanalisi completa considerando tutte le variabili, anche extra grafico, che ti permetteranno di operare al meglio contenendo i rischi.CHE TIPO DI OPERATIVIT IMPARERAI GRAZIE A QUESTO CORSO?Il corso ti insegna come analizzare il prezzo.Avrai le capacit per creare tu stesso la tua operativit sui mercati finanziari e ti insegner una vera e propria strategia di trading facilmente applicabile. una strategia che non richiede la presenza continua sulla piattaforma di trading, ti consente di preparare i grafici grazie allanalisi tecnica del prezzo, per poi impostare gli alert sulla piattaforma e tenerti pronto ad operare in Borsa.Quando scattano gli alert farai alcune considerazioni (che ti insegner nel dettaglio) e valuterai se entrare in posizione. Tutto secondo regole chiare e ben stabilite.I grafici che utilizzo sono il settimanale, il giornaliero e il grafico a 4 ore. Questi sono ottimi time frame per evitare la frenesia dei mercati e fare trading in tutta tranquillit.POTRAI INZIARE DA SUBITO A FARE TRADING?Assolutamente s, una volta assemblate le giuste nozioni tecniche e pratiche che ti insegno nel corso. In ogni caso potrai sempre consultare i video per avere la certezza di fare operazioni seguendo il metodo, senza avere l'ansia di operare in direzione sbagliata.QUESTO CORSO FA PER TE SE:Vuoi smettere di chiedere consigli su cosa acquistare e cosa vendereNon vuoi pi cercare conferme per capire se lanalisi fatta al grafico correttaNon hai ancora un metodo di trading oggettivo per cliccare Buy o SellNon sai come gestire la posizione aperta e ti fai prendere dallansiaSe la tua operativit viene influenzata dai consigli che leggi e senti in giroSe ancora non sai come impostare le tue giornate operative senza diventare matto analizzando 200 strumenti"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Starting Your Business from Scratch" |
"You don't have to get your Masters in Business Administration (MBA) to start, grow and sell a successful small business. However, you do need to learn some business fundamentals in order to be successful. Starting Your Business from Scratch is a video training course that will teach you everything you need to know to start and grow any small business successfully. I will teach you how to manage your finances, create marketing programs that attract leads, how to convert those leads into high-paying customers, and everything else you need to know in order to make money doing what you love. If you want to leave your day-job, or you are stuck in a business startup and want to do things right, Starting Your Business from Scratch is for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Drawing with Illustrator and Photoshop: Artistry Essentials" |
"In this course, well learn how to use Illustrator and Photoshop together to create cool, fun, and visually interesting artwork. And, well learn by doing. We'll create a drawing of a family of raccoons. The structure of the course is that well have technique videos, where we'll learn how to use some of the various tools and functionality of Illustrator and Photoshop. And those will be followed by doing videos, where well use the techniques we learned in the technique videos to create the raccoon drawing.There'll be several useful handouts for us in the Resources that will help supplement our learning. Well learn the many techniques that we need to learn in order to draw the raccoon drawing, and we'll also learn enough that we can create other drawings on our own. By learning by doing, we'll develop a very good foundation in both programs that well be able to build upon.So, well start in Illustrator, where well learn how to:Create a new Illustrator document and import a sketchCustomize and navigate the Illustrator WorkspaceUse the Layers panelMake Selections and work with SelectionsDraw using the Shape Tools, the Pen Tool, and the Pencil ToolAlign and combine our artwork using the Pathfinder and Align panelsArrange objects on a layerCopy, rotate, reflect, and scale objectsDistort objectsModify the Strokes of our artwork, including how to cut and join paths, and how to create, save and use Variable Width ProfilesColor our artwork using swatches, the color picker, and the color panelCreate gradientsConvert objects to Live Paint Objects and then how to clean up those objects and color them using the Live Paint Bucket Tool.Export artwork from Illustrator to PhotoshopWell then move to Photoshop to add a bit more life and pizzazz to our drawing, adding in the shading, shadows, and highlights, as well as the color adjustments. Here well learn how to:Customize and navigate the Photoshop workspaceUse several different tools to make SelectionsTransform both a Selection itself as well as the contents of a SelectionUse the Layers PanelUse Blending Modes and Clipping MasksMake custom brushesUse brushes to paint shadows and highlights in our drawingImport photos and use those photos to create texture in our drawingCreate gradients in Photoshop and use those gradients to create effects in our drawingRun Color AdjustmentsApply Photo FiltersRecolor Strokes/Outlines in PhotoshopWell also learn how to go back into Illustrator to make changes to our artwork after weve already started working in Photoshop, and well learn how to bring those changes back into our project in Photoshop.Well have a chance to practice using the Pen Tool before we use the Pen Tool in our drawing. We'll have a chance to practice creating and coloring Live Paint Objects before we do the same in our drawing. And well also have a chance to use our custom brushes and practice shading before we start shading our drawing in Photoshop.Hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spring Framework con Spring Boot" |
" Mdulo I. Introduccin a Spring Adquiere los fundamentos necesarios sobre el Framework Spring. Este framework te permitir agilizar y simplificar en gran medida el desarrollo de aplicaciones JEE. Conceptos bsicos en Spring: Estudiaremos en qu consiste la inyeccin de dependencias y la Programacin Orientada a Aspectos. Mdulos en Spring: Revisaremos cada uno de los mdulos en los que se divide el Framework de Spring. Arquitectura Multicapas: Revisaremos en dnde pondremos mayor nfasis al utilizar Spring en una arquitectura Java Multicapas. Mdulo II. Configuracin de Spring Aprende la forma correcta de crear y configurar las clases necesarias utilizando Spring, lo cual te permitir escribir cdigo modular, fcil de probar, que permita la integracin de dependencias fcilmente y promueva el uso de POJOs, pudindose robustecerse posteriormente por medio de AOP. Concepto de Beans: Es un componente de software que se puede reutilizar, tambin conocido como POJO (Plain Old Java Object). Mdulo III. Inyeccin de Dependencias En este mdulo aprenders y pondrs en prctica conceptos referente a la inyeccin de dependencias (DI), el cual es un tipo de Inversin de Control (IoC), y aprenders a aplicar este concepto de forma eficiente en tus configuraciones con Spring Framework. Inversin of Control (loC): Este concepto nos permitir delegar la responsabilidad de instanciar Objetos al Framework de Spring. Inyecciones de Dependencias con Spring: Estudiaremos los tipos de Inyecciones de dependencias existentes en Spring, ya sea por Constructor o por Mtodo. Estudiaremos el concepto de Inyeccin de Dependiencias Automticas (Autowire). Creamos algunos ejercicios para poner en prctica cada uno de estos conceptos por separado. Mdulo IV. Spring Data Conocers acerca de los patrones de diseo en la capa de datos, as mismo usaremos las mejores prcticas para persistir la informacin en nuestras bases de datos. Patrones de Diseo en la Capa de Datos: Estudiaremos algunas tcnicas de programacin que se han perfeccionado a lo largo del tiempo para solucionar, facilitar y estandarizar los desarrollos pertinentes a la capa de datos. Uso de JDBC Template para consultas y/o modificaciones: Haremos uso de las plantillas proporcionadas por el framework de Spring, las cuales nos facilitan el acceso y la manipulacin de informacin en nuestras Bases de Datos. Manejo de Excepciones con Spring JDBC: Veremos la forma en que se procesan las excepciones en Spring JDBC cuando se interacta con una Base de Datos. Ejemplos con Spring JDBC: Pondremos en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos previamente y se explicaremos paso a paso cada uno de los ejemplos mostrados. Mdulo V. Manejo de Transacciones Estudiaremos varios de los problemas que Spring nos permite resolver en aplicaciones JEE, esto debido a que muestran las mismas tareas a realizar una y otra vez, tales como la localizacin de Servicios, Manejo de Transacciones, Manejo de Excepciones, Parametrizacin de la aplicacin, entre muchos ms. Estudiaremos los problemas ms comunes al trabajar con aplicaciones Java Empresarial, y as conocer cmo se resuelven comnmente estos problemas recurrentes. Manejo Transaccional: Aprenderemos a manejar una de las caractersticas importantes en la interaccin con Bases de Datos, las transacciones, con las cuales lograremos tener un buen manejo y consistencia de los datos manipulados, as mismo la habilidad de recuperarse de algn fallo. Ejemplo de Integracin con Spring y Hibernate: Desarrollaremos algunos ejemplos y ejercicios sobre las transacciones integrando 2 de los frameworks Java ms populares, Hibernate y Spring. Aplicacin Web del Mundo Real: Revisaremos una aplicacin Web que nos servir como base para el desarrollo de nuestras aplicaciones Java utilizando los frameworks de Spring y Hibernate, incluyendo Thymeleaf y Bootstrap.Los esperamos de otro ladoTu amigo e instructorIng. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Science of Personal Productivity" |
"Exploring the power of the mind to get more doneDo you start your day by checking your email and then get stuck? Do you let one big task loom over your head and get in the way of your productivity? Do you find yourself saying Yes to too many tasks and then not having enough time to do anything well?If any of these sound like you, this course from Dr. Rebecca Heiss will help you understand more about why we find ourselves in these situations, and teach you practical, science-based ways to be more productive."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Super Simple Microsoft Forms" |
"This course will take you from zero Forms knowledge to creating and sharing a well designed, feature-rich survey or quiz.I will use a mix of video, PowerPoint and activities to teach you as we work through these topics together:What is Microsoft Forms?Open Forms & Screen TourDeep Drive - Question TypesBranchingCreate a FormPreview and testDeep Dive - Theme & SettingsCollaborate on a FormDuplicate (use as a template)PublishView and export resultsExercise 1 view and test my formExercise 2 create your FormQuizzesExercise 3 view and test my quizWrap upThe learning doesn't have to stop when you complete the course, as an Office 365 lead trainer and blogger it is my job to keep up to date with Office 365...I will keep you, and the course up to date with the latest Forms updates as they happen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sweet Treats to Make" |
"Sometimes we want to make delicious sweets but we dont want to spend much time making it. That is when I reach for something that's pretty easy for making. So I am going to give your some ideas for these recipes and these recipes are super-simple anyone can make them.Cake PopsApple RosesHomemade Ice CreamPetit FoursTeddy Bear Candy CarsHomemade BrowniesHomemade Whipped CreamKey Lime Cheesecake"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Cute and Delicious Treats for Your Pets" |
"Now you can Learn how to Make Cute and Delicious Treats for Your Pets! Homemade dog are easiest homemade dog treats ever simply mix, roll and cut. Make a super easy dog bandanna and you can learn how to make a cute washable pet bed with fabric. Always feel free to share your project photos with me on social media!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing: Generate Leads & Convert Them to Sales" |
"This Digital Marketing course will help you get more business leads and convert them to more sales.Do you have a business that needs more sales and clients?If you've been desperately hopping from one tactical activity to the next, thinking there is a MAGICAL, secret formula that no one has told you about...then I'd like to help you put an end to all of that busy work, by inviting you to enroll in this course-- where I share all the details on a framework I've been using for years that's helped me grow two multiple six figure business and since then helped hundreds of business leaders, brands and entrepreneurs do the same.Over the years working with so many clients, Ive come to realize that working hard isnt the problem for most aspiring business owners.Neither is being committed to reaching their goals!Their problem is ""what do I need to focus on, that brings me measurable results"".Its figuring out which activities in which order are going to get them where theyre supposed to be.Does that sound familiar?Obviously youre smart. And, youre passionate about what you do!It isnt a lack of wanting IT thats keeping you stuck.Its a lack of clarity!But the problem is, how are you supposed to move forward and gain the necessary clarity when you literally have no framework or way of predicting what will work for you specifically and what wont?Look, you dont need more information you need a clear structure. You need a simple to follow framework to create that thriving business youve been dreaming of.This framework is the antidote to all the BS out there, sharing one simple to follow process, to position yourself as an authority while building your credibility and attracting your ideal buyers so that all of those tactical activities finally start working for you.So if you're ready to stop struggling, stand out in your niche, and help your tribe get the help they desperately need, then the time to sign up is now!Looking forward to seeing you inside!Key topics you'll learn in this digital marketing course:Setting up your businessCreating sales funnelsSurveying your customersUnderstanding your audience pain pointsCreating the right offer for your customersUsing content to grow your businessOptimizing your content for search enginesUsing social media to get more leadsCreate irresistible lead magnetsSet up opt-in forms on your websiteDesign landing pages that convertConverting website traffic to salesBuilding several types of email marketing campaignsWriting persuasive sales pagesUsing analytics to measure successand so much more!Get instant access to:Over 6 hours of easy-to-watch video lessonsPractical activities and assignmentsDownloadable resourcesLifetime updates to the coursePremium instructor supportOur happiness guaranteeWe have a 30-day moneyback guarantee. If you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase you can get a full refund, no question asked. We aim to make this the best course for helping you to get more leads and sales. We'll use any student feedback to make the course even better!Enroll now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MikroTik Routing Engineer with LABS" |
"***This course is not officially sponsored by MikroTik and not an authorized course by MikroTik. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by MikroTik. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***MikroTik MTCRE is at the 2nd level certificate from MikroTik, and it is considered in the Engineering level. This course will speak about everything related to Routing at the Intermediate level. Being MikroTik MTCRE certified is a prerequisite for the higher level Routing certificate which is MTCINEFor this reason, I have designed this course to help you understanding how Routing happens in MikroTik and be read for the MikroTik MTCRE exam. This course will contain theories but a lot of LABS. For this reason, if you want to follow this course I advice you to have 1 PC and 5 or MikroTik Routers with UTP Cables. Alternatively, you can use MikroTik CHR on GNS3 to emulate the LABS, and which GNS3 you don't require any physical Routerboards as all LABS can be done on GNS3In this course, you will learn the following topics:More specific routes ECMP How to force gateway over specific interface Gateway reachability check and route distance Routing mark and route policy Recursive next-hop and scope/target-scope usageWhat is OSPF?How OSPF protocol worksHello protocolDatabase distribution and LSA types explainedOSPF network structureAreasRouter typesOSPF neighbors and neighbor states (DR and BDR election)External Route Distribution methods (type1, type2)Interface cost and interface types (broadcast, NBMA, etc.)SPT calculation algorithmOSPF and multicast (problems with NBMA)Stub, NSSA and area ranges (route aggregation)Virtual links, usage and limitationsSPF routing filters and limitationsWhat is VPN?Different types of VPNSite to site connectivity with tunnelsIPIP, EoIP, PPTP, SSTP, L2TP, PPPoEVLAN and it's usageVLAN and managed switchVLAN and switch chip configuration on RouterBOARDsQ-in-Q implementationAs you can see, there are many topics that are covered in this course and on each of the topics there are sub-topics. A lot of LABS will be done on each of the topics so you can understand practically how you can configure all these topics on the MikroTik.Finally, if you want to have a global understanding of all MTCRE topics and be ready for the MTCRE exam, all you need to do is to register to my course and I assure that your goal will be achieved."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Einfhrung in die Versionsverwaltung mit Git Git lernen" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du einen ersten berblick ber die Versionsverwaltung Git erhalten. Egal ob du einfach nur mal sehen mchtest, wie eine Versionverwaltung funktioniert, oder ob du in einem Unternehmen in die Softwareentwicklung einsteigen mchtest: Hier wirst du alles lernen, was Du fr den Start bentigst. Im ersten Abschnitt gucken wir, was Git eigentlich ist. Aber keine Angst, das wird kein Vorlesen einer Definition, sondern vielmehr ein Bericht aus dem Alltag eines Softwareentwicklers. Auch werden wir im ersten Abschnitt schauen, welche Tools wir bentigen. Aber keine Angst, das werden nicht viele sein. Wir mssen lediglich Git installieren und eine lauffhiges Terminal besitzen. Optional kannst du auch den Git-Client ""SourceTree"" installieren.Im zweiten Abschnitt geht es dann in die vollen: Wir erstellen ein Repository und setzen die ersten Stnde unserer Software fest. Wir werden lernen, wie Git arbeitet und wie wir in einen Fluss kommen, der uns eine kontinuierliche Arbeit mit Git ermglicht.Im nchsten Abschnitt verbinden wir dann unser lokales Repository mit einem remote Repository. Dadurch erhhen wir die Ausfallsicherheit unserer Software und wir knnen problemlos mit anderen Menschen in unserem Repository arbeiten.Im vierten Abschnitt geht es dann um ein fundamentales Feature von Git: Branches! Wir werden Verzweigungen anlegen, diese wieder zusammenfhren und so arbeiten, als wenn wir uns in einem Team mit einem anderen Entwickler befinden.Im fnften Abschnitt reien wir das Zurcksetzen zu gewissen Codestnden an. Wir werden einfache Mglichkeiten kennenlernen, um nderungen rckgngig zu machen und alte Stnde unserer Software anzuschauen.Am Ende gibt es dann noch einen Ausblick auf fortgeschrittene Themen und eine kurze Erzhlung, wie Git im Alltag funktioniert.Ich wrde mich sehr freuen, wenn du ein Teil des Kurses wirst und Git in einer vernnftiges Basis erlernst.Liebe Gre,Thomas D."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |