Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Budget LikeAPro" |
"This course was designed to transform how you manage your income and have you reaching all your financial goals.You will receive custom-built, one of a kind budgeting spreadsheets. The system explained in this program was used to help pay off over $62,000 worth of debt, in under three years.The system is not difficult and anyone can follow it. Reaching our financial goals isn't always about making more money, it is about managing our current finances better and better.This course is full of all the personal finance secrets that they never taught us in school (and probably should have). You can reach me at daily for any questions or concerns you may have in regards to personal finance."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Virtual Teams - Design your successful remote team culture" |
"In this course, we will design your customized team culture that makes your remote team more productive and engaged. I will guide you through a variety of activities and with every task, you will get closer to your ideal team culture.Build A Strong Bonded Team To Save Money And Time And Be More ProductiveFind ideas on how to engage with your team.Get active in various exercises and design your ideal team culture.Share the course tasks with your team and create your team culture together.Recognize different ways on how to foster team culture in remote teams.Team Culture Is The Backbone Of Every Company.Did you know that 86 % of Millenials would consider a pay-cut to be able to work for a company whose culture and values align with their own? Team culture is your biggest marketing tool to attract new talents.Plus, teams with a great team culture are more productive, efficient, and show higher engagement.Real-Life Examples And Getting Things DoneThis course is not to sit back and listen to how great team culture looks like. It is about getting active and designing your ideal team culture. It is like a workshop, that you can either take alone, to get clarity about your values, norms, and rules that you work by best. Or you can give all of the tasks I give to you to your team as well and with that facilitate a team culture workshop for your team.This will support your team in finding clarity about how they want to work together, and at the same time to bond and socialize. This is important because a team that trusts each other dares to have open discussions and with open discussions, you will find problem areas in an early stage and at the same time enable creativity processes.I will guide you through every activity step-by-step and make it easy for you to take that course alone or share the tasks with your whole team.At the end of the course, you will have designed as a team the culture that allows you to work best together."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Mastering ANSYS Mesh Generation with ICEM CFD" |
"In the modern engineering society , Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is often used in the early design and testing stages of production to improve performance of the desired product. Through the context of this course, I will be teaching you modern methods in developing and generating structured, unstructured and hybrid meshes for ANSYS, OpenFOAM and any other applications you may want to use. The course comes in three parts a) Introduction and Interface b) Unstructured and Multi-Zone meshing methods and c) Structured blocking and Meshing methods."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Grasshopper 3D: Nivel Bsico PLUS" |
"Aprende Grasshopper desde cero y desarrolla conocimientos en diseo paramtrico. Estos tutoriales te ensearn las lgicas del programa y tcnicas de modelado paramtrico.El curso est estructurado por temticas que explican de manera concisa los conceptos y componentes ms recurrentes, y por 2 bloques de ejercicios prcticos. Mientras que en el primer bloque ganars confianza mediante ejercicios sencillos y cortos, en el segundo realizars ejercicios de ms dificultad poniendo en prctica tcnicas ms complejas y adquiriendo nociones complementarias que te acercarn a un nivel intermedio.Al final del curso, habrs entendido el funcionamiento y lgica de Grasshopper y cmo el Diseo Paramtrico puede ser de gran utilidad a la hora crear modelos flexibles para tus diseos. Inscrbete y empieza cuanto antes!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D Game Development (2020) - From Beginners to Masters" |
"Why Learn Game Development with Unity?The gaming industry is a $100 billion industry worldwide. By 2021, that number is expected to near $120 billion. With Unity being the most widely used engine to develop games across multiple platforms, there has never been a better time to get into the field. As you will learn, the types of games you can create with Unity and C# are limitless. Game development makes a great hobby, allowing you to learn a new skill and play your game with family and friends. It is also an exciting and rewarding career, where plenty of successful developers, including myself, have learned the fundamentals of game development through courses like this, and not in the traditional classroom setting. Every great game starts somewhere, so why not make it yours? While people often find coding or making games intimidating, this Unity course utilizes a unique teaching method which will allow you to gain a thorough understanding of concepts while you develop your own games. Thanks to the Unity community, youll be able to connect with other developers, work together on new projects, and make some incredible games!The course is about creating games using unity game engine. You'll start learning how to create 3D games using unity game engine. In this Unity course, you will:Master Basics Concepts of C# .Learning basic Functionality of unity.Detect collisions, receive user input, and create player movementsImplement sound effects, background music, and particle effectsLearn about Assets and Navigate the Unity Engine and discover unique features such as the Asset StoreLearn and create 3 Interactive Games and also learn to create a clone of Brawl stars.All That And Much More Is Awaiting For You In This Course!What if you are unsatisfied with the course?If you are not satisfied with the course, you can apply for a refund within 30 days after your enrolment and You will receive full refund of your money - No Questions Asked!!So, Don't wait any longer, Begin your Journey creating Amazing Unity Games.Enrol Today!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android Game Development Crash Course For Beginners (2020)" |
"Ever thought that building games would be too difficult for you? Well this course will prove you wrong! Because if I can, then you definitely can!! This course is dedicated to help you build your own games for Android platform with minimum knowledge of JAVA concepts and Android studio required. This course will help you learn Android game development despite your busy schedule as it is simple and effective. Not only will you learn, but also have the running versions of your own games!That will be amazing!! At the end of the course , you will be having two Android games on your resume. This course focuses on using LibGDX module to create Android games with useful built in features. Once you start this course, within no time you will have your games built,all by yourself! Every detail of developing games is explained in simple language. Why Android for making games? Because you will find Android to have a larger amount of players available. Many smartphones and tablets use Google Play Store as well as the Amazon Store which is Android-based. Getting your app to big success is greatly dependent upon its exposure. Putting it in the Android mainstream market is one way to do that.So what are you waiting for? Join me on this exciting and rewarding journey to become an Android Game Developer now. Enroll!I believe the best way to learn game programming is by making one. So, I will walk you through the process of creating this game, from start to finish, step by step in a completely hands-on fashion. at the end of this course you will be able to great create apps and publish them on play store .So why wait Enroll NowWhy choose me? Because I want to make you realize that developing games is super easy and fun! If you have always been interested in building games but you didn't because you thought it is too difficult? Then this Course is Perfect for You!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Electrical distribution L.V Design AutoCAD, Dialux and ETAP" |
"Hello guys in Our Course you will learn All steps to Make a Full Electrical Design for any Project, in our Course we will make a Full Electrical Design for a hospital What you'll learnWork perfectly on AutoCADWork perfectly on DialuxWork perfectly on ETAPThe most Electrical Codes are used around the world, and what are the benefits from them??Make an interior lighting Design for any project.Make Lighting and Socket layouts.Load Estimation CalculationsTransformer Sizing.Design Light Current System1- Nurse calling system2- Fire alarm system3- Telephone system4- CCTV systemHVAC systemMake a Load Schedule Calculations Using Excel.Generator Sizing manually and Using Cummins software.Make UPS Sizing.Design a Single Line Diagram with ETAP.Make S.C (Short Circuit) calculations for any electrical system with ETAP.Make the Voltage Drop calculations for any electrical system with ETAP.Design an Earthing System.Make a power Factor Correction."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Docker Formation Complte" |
"Docker est une plateforme open source pour la construction, l'expdition, la gestion et la scurisation de conteneurs. Docker est devenu l'outil de choix pour les personnes dsireuses de travailler avec des conteneurs. tant donn que le march volue vers la conteneurisation, Docker aura certainement un grand rle jouer sur le futur march technologique.Vous commencerez par installer Docker et comprendre et travailler avec des conteneurs et des images. Vous continuez ensuite en apprendre davantage sur la gestion du rseau et des donnes pour les conteneurs. Cette formation explore les API RESTful fournies par Docker pour effectuer diffrentes actions telles que les oprations d'image / conteneur. Enfin, Cette formation explore les journaux et le dpannage de Docker pour rsoudre les problmes et les goulots d'tranglement. Cette formation vous aidera galement comprendre les cas d'utilisation de Docker, l'orchestration, la scurit, les cosystmes et les plates-formes d'hbergement pour faciliter le dploiement, la cration et la collaboration de vos applications.Cette formation couvre les nouvelles fonctionnalits de Docker 18.xx (ou version ultrieure), telles que l'utilisation de Docker Engine, Docker Swarm, Docker Compose, etc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create a video game music without musical knowledge" |
"Creating music for video games is different than composing on a real musical instrument.Here you have to think about making sure that your music corresponds to an atmosphere: is it a mobile game of race, adventure, calm, scary etc ...?It is therefore because the music of the game is an integral part of the game, that it must reflect the spirit of the game of its creator, ie you!With this training, learn the basics of music creation on software in order to master the musical part of your video game.Note: No need for knowledge of music or music theory, certain software parameters will allow you to create chords without having to know them.In addition, the measures and rhythms will be processed by the software.See you on training!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Literature" |
"This introduces students to the traditional genre classifications of literature--prose, poetry, and drama--because these categories provide a convenient and logical structure for an introductory study of Literature. Additionally, the course seeks to emphasize the universality and diversity of imaginative literature as an expression of ideas and emotions, readings, culture, ideas and even language itself through works from various cultures and from differing segments of society, as well as from a variety of time periods. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MONDAY : Le meilleur logiciel de gestion de projets 2020" |
"Bienvenue dans ce cours la dcouverte du logiciel Monday ! Vous dcouvrirez un outil performant qui vous permettra de : - Crer un gestionnaire de tches fluide et efficace- Adopter un tableau CRM pour le suivi de vos prospects et clients- Suivre les tches de vos quipes et notifier vos actions- Intgrer votre agenda pour ne louper aucune deadlines- Automatiser vos tches, envois d'emails et bien plus encore Cette formation est adapte aux personnes dbutantes sur Monday souhaitant passer l'tape suprieure afin de gagner un temps prcieux lors de la construction de l'outil.Vous serez alors capable de crer des tableaux avancs, administrer votre environnement, crer un suivi type CRM, automatiser vos tches et intgrer vos logiciels favoris (Gmail, Calendar, Outlook, OneDrive..).Je m'appelle Lou Chardin, j'ai crer ces vidos suite l'intgration de Monday dans des dizaines de PME afin de partager ma connaissance des entrepreneurs, start-up, dirigeants, chefs de projets dans le dploiement de ce logiciel sans limite !Bon visionnage toutes et tous."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 Kurgu Montaj Eitim Seti" |
"Merhaba, ben ar TulumoluByk bir dikkat ve emek ile hazrladm, Adobe Premiere hakknda Adan Zye bilgi dolu olan kurgu eitimi setim ile karnzdaym. Bu kurs ile video montaj konusunda uzman olacaksnz. Kursun sonunda video kurgu ve Adobe premiere kurgu program ile ilgili her eye tam anlamyla hakim olacaksnz. Bu kurstan aldnz eitim ile YouTube, Instagram gibi mecralarda dilediiniz gibi video kurgular yapabileceksiniz. Bu eitim setinde, bugne kadar edindiim tecrbelere, program hakknda detayl bilgilere ve programn pf noktalarna basit ve anlalr bir dil ile yer verdim. Sadece bu bilgiler ile snrl kalmayp, nasl dzenli ve hzl alabileceiniz konusunda ipular da paylatm. Eer kurgu montaj renmek istiyorsanz doru eitim setindesiniz. nk bu eitim setinde dier eitimler gibi sadece ne yapacanz deil ayn zamanda yaptnz ilemi neden yapacanz da anlattm. Yani aslnda size balk vermeyi deil balk tutmay retmeyi hedefledim. Neden benim eitim setim ile renmelisiniz?ncelikle 7 yldr prodksiyon sektrndeyim ve hala bu sektrde almalarma devam ediyorum. Kurgu tekniklerine ve Adobe Premiere Proya tmyle hakimim. Ayn zamanda Radyo Televizyon Sinema blm mezunuyum. Yani aslnda bu iin hem teorisini hem de pratiini renmi ve uygulayan biri olarak sizlerle btn bilgilerimi ve tecrbelerimi paylamak istiyorum. Bunlarn yan sra;Program kategorilere blerek, anlalr ve sonradan bulunmas kolay bir ekilde hazrladm. Yani dzenli bir eitim seti sizi bekliyor.Bir kurgu operatrnn bilmesi gereken her eyi zenle ayrdm ve titizlikle hazrladm dersler ile sizlere sundum.Btn bilgilerin yannda anlk uygulamalar ve zel ipular bulacaksnz.Kurs sonunda Youtube, Instagram, Twitter vb. sosyal mecralar iin videolar retebileceksiniz.Nasl dzenli allr ve nasl daha hzl kurgu yaplr gibi konular hakknda tecrbelerimi aktaracam.Oluabilecek problemler ve zmleri iin ayr bir kategori hazrladm. Bylece oluabilecek problemleri bu dersler sayesinde zebileceksiniz.Benim de hala ilerimde kullandm ve sizler iin bir ara getirdiim zel efekt paketlerine sahip olacaksnz.Bu kursu son kan Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 program iin tasarladm ancak sk sk gncellemeler yapacam.BONUS: Sizlerle ekstra olarak paylaacam video materyalleri sayesinde benimle e zamanl kurgu pratii yapabileceksiniz.Bu sayede sadece eitimi izlemekle kalmayacak, eitimdeki ilemleri uygulayarak aktif bir renme srecine dahil olacaksnz.imdi hemen katl butonuna basarak Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 Eitim setine balayabilirsiniz. O halde ilk derste grmek zere."
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks: Sfrdan leri Seviye Bol Uygulamal Eitim Seti" |
"27 TL ndirim Kuponu : EYLUL06 (20 ile 25 Eyll Arasnda Geerlidir )Merhabalar,Bu eitim setinde, mekanik tasarmn temellerinden balayarak retime uygun, nokta at tasarmnz isteyen arkadalar iin SolidWorks programn A'dan Z'ye reneceksiniz!SolidWorks Hakknda hicbir n Bilgiye Sahip deilken safra eitim serisi sonrasnda sizi sertifikal SolidWorks Kullancs Haline getirir. SolidWorks becerilerinizden gururla bahsedeceiz.SolidWorks kursumuza kayt Olduunu izleyin Dier eitimlerden Farkl Olarak dinamik Bir Eitime Sahip olacaksnz. Bu tasarm her ay gelen yeni gncellemelerle mekanik tasarm blgesinde piyasay izleyin takip edebileceksiniz. Eitim seti bnyesinde bulunan soru-cevap blm sayesinde iin hem eitmenle hem de dier kursiyerlerle sorunlarnz zerinde tartp, zmler reteceksiniz.SolidWorks ile snr yoktur. Tasarm yapmay ve yeni eyler ortaya koymay seviyoruz. Etkili bir eitim iin sizi de aramzda grmek istiyoruz."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Anything - Drawing 101" |
"Draw Anything! Are you new to Art? This is made for Beginners. I go through some basic ways to break down any object. Everything in nature can be broken down into 3 shapes. I'm going to go over how I do this for literally everything I draw. Here is a list of everything I go through in this course. - Supplies I recommend (as usual)- ""Thinking in 3d"" Concept- ""3 Shapes"" Concept- Frameworks for Figures- Demonstration of the Whole Process- How to MemorizeLet's Get Started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Panduan lengkap: Menguasai Docker Dasar hingga Mahir" |
"Pelatihan atau Course ini menjelaskan docker container dalam bahasa indonesia.Pembahasan mencakup konsep paling dasar untuk Anda dengan mudah menguasai konsepnya. Anda akan diberikan penjelasan konsep dan teori dan praktek, menampilkan bagaimana menggunakan docker.Mencakup:-Instalasi-Arsitektur docker-Docker hub (public dan private)-Docker image-Docker container-Docker volume-Docker File-Docker Linking (Link 2 container)-Docker compose-Membuat container Jenkins-Membuat container Node -dsb."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"R Programming" |
"Data science is an exciting discipline that allows you to turn raw data into understanding, insight, and knowledge. The goal of R for Data Science is to help you learn the most important tools in R that will allow you to do data science. After going through this course, youll have the tools to tackle a wide variety of data science challenges, using the best parts of R.What you will learnData science is a huge field, and theres no way you can master it by going through a single course. The goal of this course is to give you a solid foundation in the most important toolsFirst, you must import your data into R. This typically means that you take data stored in a file, database, or web API, and load it into a data frame in R. If you cant get your data into R, you cant do data science on it!Once youve imported your data, it is a good idea to tidy it. Tidying your data means storing it in a consistent form that matches the semantics of the dataset with the way it is stored. In brief, when your data is tidy, each column is a variable, and each row is an observation. Tidy data is important because the consistent structure lets you focus your struggle on questions about the data, not fighting to get the data into the right form for different functions.Once you have tidy data, a common first step is to transform it. Transformation includes narrowing in on observations of interest (like all people in one city, or all data from the last year), creating new variables that are functions of existing variables (like computing speed from distance and time), and calculating a set of summary statistics (like counts or means). Together, tidying and transforming are called wrangling, because getting your data in a form thats natural to work with often feels like a fight!Once you have tidy data with the variables you need, there are two main engines of knowledge generation: visualization and modelling. These have complementary strengths and weaknesses so any real analysis will iterate between them many times.Prerequisites:You should be generally numerically literate, and its helpful if you have some programming experience already."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"TikTok Marketing - Ms visibilidad, trfico y ventas." |
"Un curso muy potente en donde aprenders a utilizar la red social ms potente el da de hoy y con mayor alcance orgnico.Conoce las razones por las cuales debes usar TikTokConoce cmo puedes aprovechar TikTok para la marca de tu empresa o marca personalDescubre cmo optimizar tu perfil para obtener los mejores resultadosAprende las estrategias ms poderosas, para generar ms trfico a tu perfil Aprende las estrategias para crecer exponencialmente de seguidoresCrea una mquina generadora de likes e interaccinConoce las estrategias para generar trfico para crecer tu canal de YouTube y cuenta de InstagramAprende a conocer el algoritmo, para que juegue a tu favorTrucos para grabarMira el abanico de opciones que tienes para generar clientes potencialesDescubre las estrategias para hacer crecer tu negocio y vender msY mucho ms. Te lo enseo con mi propia experiencia, casos de estudio y con la seguridad que ya ha funcionado para muchos clientes y personas que he podido asesorar."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Job interview in French" |
"The objective of this lesson is to make you feel comfortable during your job interview in French. It gives you vocabulary and useful expressions for each step of the job interview. It starts with lexical help about the organization of the company and presents you each part of the job interview and related expressions easy to learn and use. Each word and expression is written in French with its translation in English and is pronounced clearly. To finish a role play of a job interview with subtitles will show you some of these expressions in context."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diagnosing Internet Connection Issues" |
"We rely so much on the internet that when our connection goes down, or behaves very slowly, it is not only very frustrating but has an impact on our business and personal lives. It's even worse if internet connection problems are intermittent or ongoing!Getting to the bottom of WHY the problems are happening can be ""a needle in a haystack"", so this course is intended to provide some basic understanding, along with things to test - in order to identify whether the problem is with something at your premises, the Internet Service Provider or (in the case of Broadband/Fibre) the underlying phone network. This should help to save time (and frustration!) when contacting your Internet Service Provider, as you'll be more informed and can try things ahead of speaking to them.I produced this course with small business owners and home users in mind - the topic is technical by nature, but I've tried to stick to the fundamentals and break it down into methodical steps. It is focused on Broadband and Fibre (as these are what I had to deal with during my time working in IT infrastructure), but some of the principles could be applied to other forms of internet such as cable.Later in the course, I touch upon issues relating to Wifi and also the idea of a ""Backup"" Internet Connection (so you can keep working when you main internet connection goes down). There are also lectures on restarting a router remotely, introduction to IP Addresses (including Fixed IP's) and introduction to firewalls.Ultimately, no one wants to waste more time and energy than they have to dealing with internet problems, which is why I'm sharing my experience through this course - I hope you find it useful and helpful."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Shaolin bungen fr Zuhause Fitness (Teil 1)" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr alle, die fit werden wollen und keine Lust auf volle Fitnessstudios oder altbekannte bungen haben. Shaolin Fitness ist ein Training mit effektiven bungen der Shaolin Mnche.Du lernst die fnf Shaolin Grundpositionen, die alltglichen Fitnessbungen wie Squats den entscheidenden Kick geben, um dein Training noch effizienter zu machen.Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du die Shaolin bungen in deinen Alltag integrierst und du entscheidest selbst, ob du heute nur eine Einheit mit fnf Minuten machst, oder ein komplettes Workout mit mehreren Sets.Zu einem ganzheitlichen Training gehrt neben schweitreibender Anstrengung auch Stretching und Regeneration. Darum gibt es eine Stretching Lektion, Qi Gong Elemente und ich zeige dir die Selbstmassage, mit der du Muskelkater entgegenwirkst."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Shaolin bungen fr Zuhause Fitness (Teil 2)" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr alle, die fit werden wollen und keine Lust auf volle Fitnessstudios oder altbekannte bungen haben. Shaolin Fitness ist ein Training mit effektiven bungen der Shaolin Mnche.Du lernst die fnf Shaolin Grundpositionen, die alltglichen Fitnessbungen wie Squats den entscheidenden Kick geben, um dein Training noch effizienter zu machen.Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du die Shaolin bungen in deinen Alltag integrierst und du entscheidest selbst, ob du heute nur eine Einheit mit fnf Minuten machst, oder ein komplettes Workout mit mehreren Sets.Zu einem ganzheitlichen Training gehrt neben schweitreibender Anstrengung auch Stretching und Regeneration. Darum gibt es eine Stretching Lektion, Qi Gong Elemente und ich zeige dir die Selbstmassage, mit der du Muskelkater entgegenwirkst.In diesem Teil gibt es zustzlich eine spezielle Bauch & Rcken Einheit."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Graduate From College Debt-Free" |
"Student loan debt in the United States is around $1.5 trillion and rising! Many people are taking out loans that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. This course offers a better option: A step-by-step plan to pay for college without loans and graduate debt free. No fluff, No nonsense, and No rich parents required.The last thing you want to feel on graduation day is despair at knowing your loans are coming due. I imagine that you, like most of us, want to spend your twenties and thirties traveling, going out with friends, pursuing something you believe in, and enjoying all the benefits available when you don't have a mountain of debt looming over your head at all times. Take this course, follow the steps that it teaches, and enjoy a life free of student loan debt.In this course we will go over the step-by-step plan that I used to go from having only ~$1,300 my first day at college to having tens of thousands of dollars and no debt upon graduation. We will cover a wide-array of proven strategies, tips, and tricks of the trade that I stumbled upon on my quest to acquire an excellent education at an excellent university, for an excellent price. In The Complete Guide to Graduate From College Debt-Free, we will cover:Understanding how to calculate the true cost of college and using that knowledge to choose the right school. A step-by-step guide on how to pay for college without getting in student loan debt.How to reduce your tuition cost by 30%-70%. A simple system that will allow you to apply for hundreds of scholarships in a fraction of the time.Whether or not you should work while going to school and the type of job that you can and should get. How to cut textbook costs by 70%, live for free, and leverage student-discounts. How to negotiate with a university to get a larger financial aid package.How to graduate college early and save $$$$ (without having to be a genius).Much more!Regardless of whether you are a high school freshman with college still a few years out, a junior in college with just a year or two until graduation, or the parent of a current or future college student - this course has information that is relevant to you today!So buckle up, strap in, and start on your journey to graduate debt-free by enrolling in this course today! It's going to be a wild ride."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Edio de vdeos usando computador e celular" |
"Com este curso voc ir desenvolver rapidamente edies de vdeos de alta qualidade, seja para fins caseiros ou profissionais. Este curso desenvolvido de maneira inteiramente pratica, sem rodeios, direto ao que interessa a todos atualmente: qualidade e rapidez. Tambm ensino o aluno usar o aplicativo HandBrake e o app Vdeo Guro, para edio rpida e de qualidade no smartphone.Todos podem aprender a editar vdeos, com estes cursos de Filmora e Vdeo Guro, tudo est mais fcil. Experimente, assista as aulas demonstrativas."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Declarao do Imposto de Renda - Novidades para 2020" |
"Nestas duas videoaulas, voc ir aprender todas as novidades da Declarao do Imposto de Renda 2020.Parte 01: Novidades atualizadas para 2020.Parte 02: Tudo que tem de novo e como preencher o programa gerador do Imposto de Renda.Estas duas partes referem-se Instruo Normativa n1924 de 19/02/2020 divulgada pela Receita Federal com as novidades para 2020.Quer se aprofundar ainda mais no assunto e aprender TUDO sobre como declarar o seu Imposto de Renda? Conhea nosso CURSO AVANADO.Abrao e bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre les bases du dessin raliste" |
"Dans ce cours, nous allons voir ensemble les bases du dessin raliste. Pour commencer nous allons faire connaissance avec les materiels de base ensuite nous allons apprendre comment appliquer et matriser les proportions autrement dit nuances, et pour finir des techniques sur comment matriser les normes du dessin raliste peu importe sa nature.Je vous souhaite une trs bonne tude et n'hsitez pas me contacter pour toute information et question."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Don't give up - Piano course." |
"Many piano students/players waste a lot of time, when they practise, and therefore they seem to be slow learners. But it does NOT have to be that way! This course is based on 31 years of playing instruments, combined with knowledge I have received from skilled music teachers through the years. It is mostly a beginners course, BUT the secrets I reveal is also very useful for those, who have played an instrument for many years. In other words, you will learn NOT to waste your time!You will learn the very basics of the piano and piano playing. This will take you to the next level where you learn to play short well-known songs, using the things you just learned from the previous courses. After the course, you will be able to play something, that sounds good and impressing - and you can show it to your family and friends."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TypeScript - TypeScript" |
"Typescript2020 TypeScriptTypeScript Microsoft TypeScriptTypeScriptJavaScriptJavaScriptTypeScript"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Firebase Hosting + React Todo (React Hooks)" |
"News: React Hooks + ContextAPIFirebaseReactFirebaseReact functionReact Hooks + ContextAPITodoReact16.8useContextContextAPIReduxReactwebweb10FirebasegoogleBaaSBaaSBackend as a serviceFacebookgoogle"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Piano by VN ile popler mzik retimi. (piyano eitimi)" |
"Pratikte lazm olacak temel Teori dersleri ile beraber ellerinizin, parmaklarnzn geliimi iin zel seilmi egzersiz almalar alacaksnz. En nemlisi, ok sevilen paralar elden renecek ve notalar elde edeceksiniz. Kursun Yapsnce piyano enstrman hakknda bilgi edineceksiniz.Ksa bir temel mzik Teorisi derleri alacaksnz.Paralar rahat alabilmeniz iin Hanon, gam, arpec, akkor gibi egzersiz yapacaksnz. Bu egzersizler parmaklarnzn hznn artmasna tulara olan duyarlln artmasna vesile olacaktr. Kurs eriiEnstrmanmz tanyalmTemel Teori Kavramlar (pratik)Egzersizler""anakkale"" trksDaler Nazarov - ""aki aki"" ( )Sagopa Kajmer - ""Galiba""Enes Batur - ""Dolunay""""Polyushka Polye"" Kzlordu mar (Lay lay lay...)""Plevne"" mar - """" - (La Clin)Hercai dizi mzii - ""Duygusal""Ahmet Kaya - ""Kendine iyi bak""Balti - ""Ya Lili""""Ceddin deden"" marKara Sevda dizi mzii - ""Kokun hala tenimde""""Alatan dans"" erkez mzii""zmir"" mar""Yandrd kalbimi"" arks (Azerbaycan)""Dirili Erturul"" dizi mzii Jenerik""skdar'a gideriken"" trks""Payitaht Abdlhamid"" dizi mzii JenerikEvgeny Grinko ValsBONUSKurs boyunca tm sorularnz, grlerinizi ve eletirilerinizi hi ekinmeden bana bildirebilirsiniz. Bunlara elimden geldiince cevap vereceime emin olabilirsiniz.Haydi ne bekliyorsunuz ? imdi Piano by VN ailesine katln ve Piyano almann keyfine varn!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como se tornar um Designer Ilimitado (foco em Redes Sociais)" |
"Voc acredita que um layout bonito e agradvel em suas peas grficas seja suficiente para garantir um bom resultado ?Em partes posso te dizer que sim, mas isso qualquer operador de Photoshop com um pouquinho de treino pode fazer.O maior desafio de um designer grfico e saber se o que ele esta fazendo realmente vai trazer resultados, e isso vai alm de ser um bom operador de Photoshop. Requer conhecer as vrias cincias da comunicao visual.E esta minha proposta neste Curso da srie Designer Ilimitado. Em sua primeira edio voc vai aprender Como se tornar um Designer Ilimitado em Criatividade , este curso tem foco em criao de projetos para as redes sociais.O curso foi criando pensando tanto nas pessoas que esto comeando a trabalhar com artes para redes sociais, como para aquelas pessoas que j trabalham e desejam aprimorar suas tcnicas e conhecimentos.O curso tem o conceito de aprendizagem baseada em projetos. Assim voc aprender conceitos, princpios e prticas simultaneamente.J esto disponveis 11 projetos de artes prticas e reais, com possibilidades de mais projetos serem adicionados futuramente, desta forma seu aprendizado ser contnuo e sem nenhum custo adicional pra voc.Ento este curso tem um incio, tem as aulas bsicas para emisso de certificado, mas no ter um fim.Do mdulo 3 ao mdulo 08 voc receber de forma gradativa conhecimentos fundamentais de direo de arte onde abordaremos os seguintes tpicos:Como elaborar um BRIEFING de qualidade.Como fazer um PLANEJAMENTO VISUAL GRFICO com tcnicas CIENTFICAS de DESIGN GRFICO.Como estimular a SINAPSE e iniciar o PROCESSO CRIATIVO.O PRINCPIO da PROXIMIDADE (que so as unidades visuais).O PRINCPIO DO ALINHAMENTO.O PRINCPIO DA REPETIO.E o PRINCPIO DO CONTRASTE.E para aliar todo esse conhecimento terico com a prtica, em todos os projetos de criao faremos a ANLISE DO PROCESSO CRIATIVO de cada pea de designer, ser com uma aula extra ou uma resenha que comentarei sobre os aspectos :ImagticosSimblicosTextuais (ou seja a tipografia empregada)SensoriaisCorese DiagramaoO curso traz tambm a seo DICAS de JOB, esta uma seo especial para voc que deseja entrar no mercado de trabalho de forma rpida mas com postura profissional desde o incio.Nesta SRIE DE 3 VDEOS te passo dicas poderosas onde voc aprender:O passo a passo de COMO SE TORNAR UM FREELANCER DE SUCESSO.Como criar um PORTFLIO ON LINE NO BEHANCE.COMO CONSEGUIR UM EMPREGO DE CARTEIRA ASSINADA NA REA DE DESIGN GRFICO (MESMO SEM EXPERIENCIA).E ai ? Deu para perceber que este no s um CURSO DE PHOTOSHOP ?Este diferencial que o meu curso traz em relao a grande maioria dos cursos existentes no mercado.Se voc se tornar meu aluno em pouco tempo voc realmente se tornar um Designer Ilimitado em vrios sentidos.Haaa, um detalhe importante, mesmo sendo 100% on line, voc ter todo suporte e acompanhamento em seu desenvolvimento. Voc poder tirar suas dvidas no campo perguntas e respostas da plataforma, como tambm em nosso grupo fechado de alunos no Facebook.Ento te convido com muita alegria a se inscrever agora mesmo e se tornar um designer ilimitado.Um abrao e te vejo em nossa primeira aula."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Basic life support,,practical steps" |
"In this coarse we well go in to the steps in dealing with unresponsive persons, how to perfom effective chest compression's in adults ,children s and infants , also we well learn how to manage airway obstruction in adults and infants , how to use an AED , in simple and practical way ."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |