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"Learn SQL (Microsoft SQL) - Beginner's Course" |
"SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language which is used to interact with databases which stores data. Microsoft provides SQL Server to manage the data and the query language which enables to store and retrieve the data with ease. With the emergence of Big Data and Business Intelligence there is an extensive demand for the resources who has basic SQL skills.This course will teach you how to use the SQL language with Microsoft SQL Server, one of the popular database server in the world.In this course we will learn the following topicsIntroduction to SQL SQL Constraints SQL Data types DDL, DML, DCL & TCL SQL Operators Groups in SQL Built-in Functions in SQLSub-Query, Inner Query, Co-related QueryJoins, Inner,Outer,Left and Cross JoinAt the end of the course, you will gain a good knowledge and will be able to write SQL queries with ease."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"VLOOKUP was launched in 1985. It has been with Excel from the beginning; it was included in Excel 1 for Macintosh released in 1985. For 34 years, VLOOKUP has been the first lookup function learned by Excel users and our 3rd most used function (after SUM and AVERAGE).This course covers several example - ranging from basic to advanced - explaining how to use VLOOKUP Functions.It also introduces XLOOKUP - which is a successor to the VLOOKUP function."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Expert Em WordPress e Elementor: Como Criar Sites e Blogs" |
"Ol, seja muito bem-vindo ao Curso Expert Em WordPress e Elementor, eu sou Anderson Costa e vou ser o seu instrutor neste curso.Eu trabalho com WordPress h mais de 6 anos, e estou muito animado em poder te mostrar todas as fantsticas possibilidades que o WordPress oferece.Eu vou te mostrar como criar sites e blogs (Blogging) profissionais do absoluto ZERO sem que voc precise saber nada de desenvolvimento web e programao.Voc vai aprender, de forma fcil e divertida, como criar um site profissional responsivo e otimizado para os mecanismos de pesquisa (SEO) que contenha elementos como carrossel de imagens, cones personalizados, botes animados, imagens, depoimentos de clientes, formulrio de contato, pginas diversas, menus, botes sociais e muito mais. Alm disso, voc vai aprender a criar um blog profissional responsivo e otimizado para os mecanismos de pesquisa (SEO). Voc vai aprender a criar postagens atraentes e otimizadas para o seu blog, tambm vai aprender a adicionar publicidade ao seu blog e muito mais.O site e o blog sero construdos passo a passo, para que voc possa aprender na prtica.No curso eu mostrarei todas as ferramentas necessrias que tornaro a criao do seu site e blog uma tarefa extremamente fcil, rpida, interessante e gratificante.O curso foi dividido em mdulos, do bsico ao avanado, para facilitar o seu processo de aprendizado. Voc vai se surpreender com a simplicidade e facilidade com que desenvolver seu site e blog! As ferramentas que eu vou te mostrar tornam a tarefa de desenvolvimento de sites algo muito simples e rpido mesmo quando estiver na parte mais avanada do curso, voc perceber que tudo muito simples e interessante.Este curso foi desenvolvido com muito zelo pensando em facilitar o seu processo de aprendizado. Espero que voc entre em contato caso tenha alguma dvida ou dificuldade, afinal, estarei sempre pronto para te ajudar. Desejo que voc desenvolva ao mximo suas habilidades e construa sites e blog espetaculares! Espero voc no curso!Seja muito bem-vindo!Anderson Costa"
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Reflection in Java" |
"Learn about Java Reflection advanced capabilities. Don't settle with the basics. Learn how to write code that explores objects and classes during runtime, indirectly invokes methods and indirectly access fields, and indirectly instantiates classes (even when the case involves a class that was created long after your code was written). In addition, learn how we can use reflection for overriding accessibility constraints, such as the private access modifier. Take this course and leverage your Java programming skills to the next level. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Nackenschmerzen lsen durch Selbst-Massage und dehnen!" |
"Volkskrankheit Nackenschmerzen - nie war das Thema wichtiger als heute! Wir sitzen zu viel in Bros und Autos, betreiben entweder zu wenig Sport oder zu intensiv und beschftigen uns jeden Tag mit dem Smartphone (Stichwort: Handy-Nacken). In diesem Kurs lernst du wie Physiotherapeuten das Leiden Nackenschmerzen in unserer modernen Gesellschaft erfolgreich behandeln. Du lernst u.a. Techniken, um deine eigenen Nackenschmerzen zu beheben und wie du einen eingeklemmten Nerv behandelst der fr Schmerzen, Kribbeln oder Taubheitsgefhl in Armen, Hnden oder Fingern sorgt. Dazu erhltst du Expertenwissen was Nackenschmerzen oder sogar Bandscheibenvorflle verursacht und wie du die Ursache fr deine Beschwerden ermitteln kannst. Dazu lernst du Korrekturbungen, die du in deinem Alltag zur Behandlung einsetzen kannst. Starte noch heute deinen Heilungsprozess fr ein Leben ohne Nackenschmerzen! Dieser Kurs zeigt dir in einfachen Schritten welche Massagetechniken, Korrektur- und Krftigungsbungen sowie Dehnungen speziell fr deine Schmerzursachen wirken und warum sie dies tun. Dieses Wissen ist auerhalb von Fachliteratur in dieser Form nicht verfgbar! BONUS: Lerne echte Physiotherapie-Techniken zur Schmerzlinderung kennen wie z.B. die Triggerpunkt-Therapie.Mit Abschluss dieses Kurses wirst du gelernt haben: 1. Was verursacht Nackenschmerzen und wie knnen Ursachen ermittelt werden? 2. Wie du deine Nackenschmerzen behandelst und du ohne Medikamente und Operationen schmerzfrei werden kannst"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Geometric Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Do you want to learn how to create simple, strong, powerful icons for your business or for your customers?Are you unhappy with the logos you are currently making but cant quite put your finger on why?If so then this is the course for you.Follow along with me in this logo design project as I create 4 logo design options for Zero Degree Distribution. I show you the ins and outs of every part of the logo design process.In this course I will go into details of researching, brainstorming, idea generation, and sketching, before moving into adobe illustrator to create 3 professional logo concepts ready to present to the customer.All you will need is a pencil and paper, a computer with adobe illustrator, and a passion for design.By taking this course you will get a great understanding of every apart of the logo design process, allowing you to imagine, sketch and then create AMAZING logos in a short amount of time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Posting for Small Businesses Completely on Autopilot!" |
"Are you looking to start your own, easy to run, online business?How about a Social Media Marketing online business that can be set up quickly, with zero upfront costs and can operate 95% on autopilot, but can still bring you a recurring income from small businesses month-after-month, year-after-year!Set up your own profitable online business within just 24 HoursI'm Kerry Knoll and I've been self employed, working online from home for over 10 years. In this course I'm going to let you look over my shoulder and see exactly how I run my Social Media Posting Service so that you can copy me and have your own online business set up within the next 24 hours.More information about this online business...Easy to run from the comfort of your own homeQuick to set up - You'll be up and running within 24 hours (if not less!)Can easily be run part-time at hours that suit you and can be run alongside any existing online business or traditional businessVery low cost - you will need some software to run the business, so the cost is just $24 per month for up to 25 clients!95% of your work is done by the software on autopilotYour Social Media Marketing clients pay you month-after-month, year-after-yearYour clients could be local businesses, or anywhere in the world - the choice is yours!No face-to-face selling is required you can run the entire business without ever meeting or speaking to your clients.The course lectures include...Introduction10,000 Foot OverviewHow to automatically post to FacebookHow to quickly and easily watermark images with client's logoWhere to host your images for bulk uploadingHow to create text blurbs for each postSet up and configuration for each client's Facebook business pageI'm also giving you all the done-for-you digital assets you need to run the online business including a sales funnel website that you can use to attract your clients.From the Desk of Kerry Knoll:Dear Fellow Small Business Consultant,Hi! I'm Kerry Knoll and I've been helping people build profitable online businesses since 2010. If you'd like to build a business to $10K/month without dealing with complicated membership sites or dealing with complex software...Then this will be the most exciting program you'll ever see.Over the past few years, Ive been working on solutions to help folks like you, from all over the world, discover micro automated services that have little to no resistance with local business owners and are scalable to $10K per month or more.WellIm going to show you how to build a Micro Automated Service Empire that generates steady cash in my spare time.This is not just a great idea - its 100% REAL because Ive been doing it for over a year now!You'll want to pay close attention as I reveal my whole strategy with all the detailed training.I promise you, you will be on your way to a dependable, sustainable, monthly income in just a couple of hours!And let me share something thats AMAZING! In all this time...NO One Has Canceled!The reason they dont cancel is that its a small enough fee to fly under the budget radar and its something all businesses need to be doing. PLUS, Im happy to tell you theres...No Design Skills Needed!No Ongoing Fulfillment!No Tech Skills Needed! No Experience Necessary!Here are 3 powerful ways to use thisMicro Automated Service:It's a GREAT way to get a Foot-In-The-Door by offering a REALLY hot service that will absolutelyWOW a small business owner.Of course, if you already have clients, you can add on some extra money for providing this service. Its set-and-forget and I dont exaggerate that claim! OR, you could find small business owners who have Facebook pages that just need some attention and collect an easy $99-$199/mo. So, Ive given you THREE ways to use this package of social media posts to pad your pockets! Sounds good...but heres where it all goes wrong...Every business owner knows they need a Social Media presence, and it starts with Facebook. Facebook has become new Google as a search engine. The small business owner is not a marketing expert, sets up their Facebook Page and they try to post something on it whenever they can. And before you know it, they have a Facebook Page as dead as a ghost town, and they start to complain that their social media thing isnt working out!EnterThe Social Media Consultant to save the day And thats YOU!! !You WILL solve this problem quickly and easily at a cost so low that it's an absolute no-brainer for them!Facebook rewards an active business page in the search results. Why would anyone do business with a small business whose Facebook page looks like an abandoned ghost town?Just to recap...You fill a gaping NEED!At a very LOW MONTHLY FEE!With minimal amount of time (approximately less than 2 hours) and then FORGET IT!You'll collect payments on autopilot, month-after-month, year-after-year, essentially FOREVER!Good clients are easy to find...and even easier to CLOSE!Oh waitYou might be thinking you dont like social media and dont have time to do all thisIm smiling at that one because I thought the same thing!Im going to give you COMPLETE training on how to spend a few minutes to set up an auto-posting system for your clients and thenyou can literally SET IT AND FORGET IT!Its 100% true Ive been doing this for a couple other niches for the better part of a year, and I barely have to touch them. And yet, when I go to their Facebook pagesmy images are being posted every day (and twice per day if I set it up that way). Their automatic payments come in every month...Let's do some math...If you charge $100/mo. and you get just 25 clients (EASY to do!)look at these profits! 25 clients = $2500 /mo. 50 clients = $5000 /mo. 100 clients = $10,000/mo. And folks, this is recurring revenue WITH NO WORK after the initial set up!This could quite possibly be the easiest and highest net profit of anything youve EVER done! Do you hate creating the content even though you know it's absolutely necessary? Believe it or not, there is actual work that needs to be done when you provide digital marketing services to business owners. And it's no joke! I can personally attest...doing the same task over and over again can drive you absolutely nuts. Stop the rat race of having to create cover after cover and having to do it over and over again for client after client. That's no fun! Which is why I am so thrilled to share with you the easiest, best and highest quality way to use plug-n-play digital assets for your clients without you having to do any of the work! And no, I'm not kidding... Almost 100% of the work is completely done-for-you. And it's done at a professional level. What you're about to discover is an easy way for you to have completely done-for-you social media images for just about any niche. This solely exists because one day it dawned on me that what I had created for one of my clients could easily be used for others as well. And there was nothing like this available! So I worked my fingers to the bone. I figured there had to be a better way. Which led me to here at this very page, this very letter, and even this very sentence as I type it. But first, a warning:Before we go further, let me make something abundantly clear:This isn't one of those ""get rich quick"" websites that promises you a fortune for doing nothing.Here's the deal...In this program, you are going to discover my battle-tested residual income generating strategies that are working great for me and my students... and I believe they can help you, too. However, my results are not typical. Im not implying youll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of building businesses for 10 years, and have an established book of contacts, skills, and mindsets as a result. The average person who buys any how to information gets little to no results. Im using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All types of businesses entail risk, as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that and do some work,PLEASE DO NOT ENROLL FOR THIS PROGRAM.With that said let me ask...Do you feel overwhelmed with all the information that's out there? I know when I started my online business 10 years ago and tried to make sales and scale I was lost. I didnt know what to do! There are so many blogs, courses, videos, and websites out there that teach specific online business tactics. Everything from selling physical products online to using online marketing strategies to help local businesses drive leads and sales... plus everything in between. How do you know which strategies are right for you? How do you know what online courses to buy? How do you know what's ""actually"" working to drive revenue? How do you know what ""type of revenue"" you want to work towards generating? (Think: recurring vs one-time sales) And how do you take everything you discover and know what order to do it all in so that they will actually work to grow your business and your monthly revenue? Its hard to figure all of this online business and marketing stuff out from scratch!What this offer is all aboutIf you offer social media marketing services (and even if you're not) then this is a must have asset to add to your arsenal.Every business owner needs content to post on their social media accounts... more specifically Facebook, to create engagement and ultimately more likes/follows which eventually turn into new customers, clients, patients, etc. Why this offer is so valuableYou can start selling social posting as a service to your clients and they'll happily pay $99-$199 per month to post these for them... and again WITHOUT having to create ANY content whatsoever! You easily can RECYCLE the posts every 60 or 90 days! It doesn't get any better than this!Every small business NEEDS content to post on social mediaespecially for Facebook to build engagement, get shares and likes, and create buzz about their services.For that reason, I created a program called...Local Social PostsWhat you'll be getting inside...Part 1: 10,000 Foot Overview - I'm going explain exactly what we're doing with social media posts and how they can benefit your clients by creating engagement and brand awareness.Part 2: Automatically Post to Facebook - In this section I'm going to show you a software I use to automatically post, shuffle, and recycle our content for our client's Facebook Business page.Part 3: Watermark Images with Client's Logo - In this part I'm going to walk you through a very cheap and extremely easy way to watermark all of your client's social media images in only a few minutes! Part 4: Image Hosting for Bulk Uploading - Using this super reliable and cheap service will allow you to easily upload all your social media images in a matter of just a few seconds.Part 5: Text Blurbs for Each Post - To make each post look more natural and less on autopilot I'll show you how to provide a comment or text blurb in a super simple way. Part 6: Setup and Configuration for Each Client's Facebook Business Page - I'm going to show you how to connect all the dots to make this as seamless as possible and truly set and forget.But wait...You'll also be getting...AGENCY - Done-For-You 3-Page Sales Funnel Website (ClickFunnels) Selling This ServiceAGENCY - Done-For-You Video Sales Letter Selling This ServiceAGENCY - Done-For-You Facebook Ad CampaignAGENCY - Done-For-You Landing Page (ClickFunnels) Using a Lead Magnet To Attract Potential ClientsAGENCY - Done-For-You Lead Magnet to Attract Potential ClientsAGENCY - Done-For-You Follow-Up Email Sequence to Convert Prospects into Paying ClientsAGENCY - Done-For-You Follow-Up Phone Call Script to Convert Prospects into Paying ClientsAGENCY - Done-For-You Client Tracking SpreadsheetExactly what you're getting...First of all, this is dramatically different from anything you've ever seen because it's most gurus teach about how to sign-up clients for high-ticket services.There's no fluff or filler. It immediately gets down to the brass tacks, showing you exactly what to do, how to do it with my top client acquisition and scalable income generation strategies that are working right now.And they're easy to understand! At just under an hour, you can enjoy the training in an afternoon. And you'll immediately ""get"" everything I personally do to drive recurring revenue in my business every month. Plus, even though I've used this system to drive hundreds of thousands in recurring revenue...Youll start selling this service in just hours!Small business owners will happily pay you $99-$199/mo without blinking an eye. You know I speak from experience this is NOT just theory!It just doesnt get any better than this.Whether you are just starting your online business career have been building businesses for years...And youre trying to figure out what you should be doing and in what order to get into the online income generation game... I will show you exactly what to do step-by-step.Yes, Im Ready to Dive in! How Much will this Cost Me???I want you to get a head start using these assets! I want you to achieve your dreams by running your own home based social media marketing business.I know, you would think that such valuable, business building assets SHOULD be expensive. However, I have a very SPECIAL offer for you today! And I want to make something crystal clear... Im confident youll find it to be the best purchase you've ever made. Now regarding your purchase... Prospective local business clients are probably spending as much as $1,000 or more per month at the moment for social media marketing services. This is where you step in. So offering prospective local business clients social media images for $99-199 per month will be irresistible to them. So that means if your purchase today was $397 then you regain all of it with just two sales at the higher level of $199 per month or just four sales at the lower level of $99 per month. Heres another eye-opener. Even if you only got one client you will have made a NICE PROFIT when they pay you for the second month. And every subsequent month means EVEN BIGGER PROFITS! Thats right, even at just $297, it would be a great deal! BUT, it WON'T cost you that much!! My course will have you making sales within just a day or two from the comfort of your own home. So I'm granting you access to copy my battle-tested approach which is working right now to add thousands of dollars in recurring income to my bottom line month-after-month. You really need to GET ACCESS NOW! Don't put it off or you will lose out.WHY am I doing this at this low price?Because Im building a legacy, and that means helping others, including YOU!I continue to add Social Posting clients, building my MICRO AUTOMATED SERVICE EMPIRE! My goal is to help you build a real asset and another income stream for you and your family. Here's what to do next...The price of this product is NOT GUARANTEED to be same price you see here tomorrow and you get access to it instantly, as I previously mentioned.And since it's available on-demand, you can purchase it RIGHT NOW and get instant access to it, FOR THIS INCREDIBLY LOW PRICE!As soon as you click the buy now button on this page, and fill out some simple details, you'll get a special link sent directly to your email inbox with all the details on how to get instant access to the ""Local Social Posts""! Oh, and in case you're wondering ...There's absolutely no catch!There are some products out there that offer you a fantastic deal, but then try to commit you to a monthly recurring fee every month.This is most definitely NOT one of them. There's NO hidden ""continuity program"" you have to try ... or anything even remotely like that. I'm literally giving you this entire product, FOR THE LOW PRICE YOU SEE ON THIS PAGE, as a means of ""putting my best foot forward"" and demonstrating real over-the-top value. My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come. With all that being said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind: Time is of the essenceYou should know that I'm actually taking a loss by giving you access to this product at this incredibly low price.When I use paid advertising to attract someone to this offer exactly like you, it costs me an average of $28.33 in advertising costs to get just one person to view this page.So you're probably asking yourself, ""Why would you do that?"" Simple really. I'm making this offer with the hope that you'll be so impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future. Don't worry though, I don't have a sales team that will call and bother you or anything like that. It's actually quite the opposite. I'm betting that you'll enjoy the product so much, you'll want to reach out to me!Anyway, with all of that said, this is a limited time opportunity. 30-Day Money Back GuaranteeI want to guarantee you take advantage of this offer today, and feel great about it.I also have my 100% no questions asked guarantee means there's no risk to you - EVER!That means you get to try it, break it, fail at it, succeed at it whatever...Make money, don't make money...For whatever reason if you don't like the product, do like the product it doesn't matter.If you ask me for your money back you will get it.Youre protected by my 30-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason at all youre not completely satisfied, get in touch with me and I will give you a complete refund. Its that simple.All the risk is ours and you can rest assured we honor our guarantee and keep our promises.Before I let you go, I wanted to send out a BIG THANK YOU for reading this letter.Im truly excited for you to get started with Local Social Posts and see the results. See you on the next page,Kerry KnollP.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:I've put together a product called ""Local Social Posts"" that you can get instant access to right now, FOR ONLY the price you see on this page! When you join, you'll get my top battle-tested strategies that I use to build scalable recurring income month-after-month, without dealing with any complex software or membership sites that other's promise to bring you wealth but in the end create a lot of frustration... This is a very limited opportunity because I'm trying to gather testimonials. There is no ""catch"" to this offer. You will not be signing up for any ""trial"" to some monthly program or anything like that. Click the button below. I promise you won't regret it. P.P.S. I reserve the right to withdraw that very generous $170.00 discount at any time without notice the instant I have enough glowing testimonials. I know youd be super frustrated if you came back later and found your investment has shot up by $170.00 from $27 to $197.00. So why not go ahead right now, while its still fresh in your mind. After all, you have the cast iron protection of my no questions asked money back guarantee, so the ONLY way you can lose out is to pass on this incredible offer.P.P.P.S. Of course I could just be full of sh*t and my program wont really help you achieve the new life you want. But what if I AM RIGHT? Can you afford to take that risk? Particularly since theres a simple, 100% RISK FREE way to find out. Just claim your fully protected purchase RIGHT NOW. Then youll never have to wonder What if?Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Are there a lot of people offering these social media images? A: Not implementing these exact images. Not to mention there's so many business owners out there that need your help that it's highly unlikely to ever be saturated. Q: Do businesses really need me to provide them with my social media images? A: Absolutely! Most business owners just dont know where to begin and some of them dont have the time to post to their own accounts. Q: How much time does this take? A: It will take you a few hours to initially set everything up, and then about 5-10 minutes each day for each client you have. Q: How much money will I have to invest? A: Not much if any. It really will only require your time and effort. You may want to invest in a virtual assistant to help you out, but that's up to you. Since you'll be getting paid for each sale you won't have any expense unless you decided to take on any of the business owners as new clients. Q: Do I need any employees? A: No - unless you want some help. But again it's completely up to you. I suggest you don't get any help until you have enough sales/clients or want to venture into different niches. Q: Why are selling this for so little? A: Because I want to give back...If it weren't for other great products I've purchased in the past at such reasonable prices I wouldn't be where I am today. I really want to help folks like yourself and give you the best deal possible so you too can attain similar success that I have. Also my digital marketing agency is where I make the majority of my money. Q: How much can I make in the first 30 days? A: Honestly I don't know. I'm no psychic. I CANNOT and WILL NOT guarantee any income you may or may not make. However, it's really up to you and the amount of effort you put in. I CAN tell you that any business owners you add to your group will pay month-after-month, year-after-year for your digital marketing expertise. Q: If I have any additional questions how can I contact you? A: Just hit the chat widget in the bottom right hand corner of this page. Alternatively you can send a direct email to me at I usually answer all support inquiries within a few hours. Q: How do I know if the Local Social Posts will work for me? A: To be perfectly honest, I don't know for sure. But I can tell you without any uncertainties that this will NOT work for you if you don't go through the training and then apply what you have learned. However, if you DO go through the training and then apply what you've learned this could be the best investment you've ever made."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La porte d'entre au Dveloppement Web - Version 1" |
"Objectif lissue de cette formation vous serez capable de crer nimporte quel site web visuel pour mettre en avant votre activit ou crer un CV en ligne.Vous deviendrez un intgrateur web capable de transformer une maquette en un rel site web.Vous comprendrez le fonctionnement du web en acqurant des notions aujourdhui indispensables.Le but est que vous soyez totalement autonome et sachiez rsoudre des problmatiques complexes.Vous modifierez votre faon de penser vers une rflexion plus technique.En tant capable de raliser en autonomie tout site web visuel vous serez mme d'en raliser pour un tiers et ainsi vous crer une nouvelle source potentielle de revenus.Vue d'ensembleBienvenue dans ce cours complet traitant toutes les bases de web pour construire son site de A Z.Nous sommes en 2020 et vous ne savez toujours pas crer un site web ? Pas de soucis, ce cours intgre toutes les cls pour crer un ou plusieurs sites web design en utilisant toutes les bonnes pratiques. Ces comptences vous ouvrent la voie vers le dveloppement web afin de vous donner des bases solides.La premire partie de ce cours est thorique pour comprendre comment un navigateur fonctionne, quels outils utiliser puis acqurir les bases ncessaires en HTML/CSS. Nous entrerons ensuite dans le vif du sujet en crant notre Landing Page pour enfin la mettre en ligne. Voici le rsultat final : https://testvideofullstack.ovhvidemment, beaucoup de surprises t'attendent pour faire de ce cours un des cours les plus complet dans ce domaine.Cette formation est accessible tous mais adapt en particulier aux non-dveloppeurs souhaitant crer ou mettre jour des pages web. Le HTML et le CSS sont le socle du Web, tout repose sur ces deux langages incontournables.PublicDbutants souhaitant explorer un nouveau domaine.Toute personne souhaitant crer ou modifier un site web.Dveloppeurs web souhaitant consolider leurs connaissances ou se mettre jour.Personnes ayant dj un site web sur un CMS comme wordpress et souhaitant pousser la personnalisation.Graphistes, rdacteurs, chefs de projet, commerciaux, consultants souhaitant complter leurs comptences.Pr-requisUn ordinateur et une connexion internet.Du caf soluble, en capsules ou en grain.Une petit dose de motivation.MthodologieCe cours dispose dune partie thorique indispensable mais les de la formation sont orients vers la pratique.Toutes les vidos sont tournes sur un fond vert pour vous montrer tous les comportements en live.Je fais exprs de commettre des erreurs chaque tape car rien ne marche du premier coup et cest la meilleure faon dapprendre.Mme si je connais les commandes par coeur force de pratique je cherche tout le temps sur google pour vous montrer la puissance de la communaut concernant ce sujet.Le CSS est souvent difficile comprendre et mettre en place mme chez les dveloppeurs plus expriments. Vous avez de la chance, cest ma spcialit.Ce cours vous montre une vraie mthodologie de travail, une mthodologie rutilisable en toutes circonstances.Ce cours a t cr pour vous permettre un apprentissage simple et rapide sans aucune perte de temps."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Earn a Web development certification the easy way" |
"This EASY to LEARN course will cover HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS Base ( Cascading Style Sheet) and JS Base ( Javascript) to give you a jump start career in web development. Secure your future with this course , studies show beginner level web developers make $40000-$50000 a month and thats just with less than 12 months experience so imagine when you hit that 1 year gap , aside from the salary you will have a fun job where you can be as creative as you want."
Price: 1450.00 ![]() |
"Siemens HMI SCADA- Operator Panel from Basic to Advanced" |
"Hi dear Friend!Code : DISCOUNT9Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation and HMI SCADA programming , PLC & SCADA design track and being able to design a complete project?What Do you think ?If your answer is YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Let's start learning,Do not forget to look at my other trainings after this training,I provide P7, HSC trainings with S71500, S71200, S7300 PLC, HMI & WinCC SCADA Trainings, AC and Servo drives.I am waiting for all your questions and opinions"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The road to Clean Code with JavaScript" |
"This class will create a bridge for you to become a real Senior JavaScript DeveloperYou're going to learn how to write clean, readable and scalable code while using one of the most important Software Development skills: Refactoring! (turning old bad code into new clean code!)Class Topics:- Overall understanding of how functions work in JavaScript;- Function Composition and Currying- Functional Programming Principles (the important parts, don't worry)- Hacks to deal with daily challenges- And more!This class has no slides, just my code editor and the sound of my voice (maybe some keyboard sounds as well lol). Talk is cheap, show me the code!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram fr Anfnger- die ersten 1000 Follower aufbauen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, was du beachten musst, wenn du erfolgreich auf Instagram sein mchtest. Ich stand am Anfang vor dem Problem dass ich nicht wusste, wie ich schnell aktive Follower aufbaue und in diesem Kurs mchte ich dir mein gesammeltes Wissen zeigen und dir beibringen, wie du erfolgreich auf Instagram startest."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Entrepreneurs Guide to Building an E-commerce Brand" |
"The digital revolution has completely changed consumer behavior and brands need to respond accordingly. You will learn insider tactics of high-growth Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) digitally native brands!The course bundle covers all major areas to focus on as a business owner to make the right decisions regarding your brand - through an e-commerce lens. My expertise connects cross-functional business units and combines them into a cohesive digital experience. You will learn about: value propositions, branding, operations, CX, marketing, digital strategy, e-commerce, and much more!This course is for the go-getters, brainstomers, ideators, and business owners who want to learn how to execute efficiently and create high-performing brands that have a best-in-class digital experience."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Post traumatic Growth" |
"This course is an overview of Post traumatic Growth and how to apply in therapeutic practice as well as in the classroom with therapists in training. This course will teach you why PTG is an excellent intervention for PTSD, the 5 concepts of PTG, creative ways to apply the concepts in your practice and classroom assignments, as well as the appropriate way and time to introduce this intervention to clients. This course is a beginner level course and is appropriate for anyone with mental health knowledge including students. This course is ideal for therapists in different professions ranging from Social Workers to Psychologists and Counselors. "
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails 6 Complete Beginner's Course [2020]" |
"The only up to date course you will find on Ruby on Rails in 2020.Ruby on Rails is one of the most powerful frameworks for building web applications and is trusted by huge companies such as Airbnb, Twitter, Shopify and Github.One of the most attractive benefits you will discover with Rails is the ability to create working products FAST! This is why it has been hugely popular with many startups and a highly sought after skillset in tech hubs like Silicon Valley.The underlying language for Rails is Ruby. Ruby was created for developer satisfaction, with the language being very easy to learn and lightweight in comparison to many other verbose languages and frameworks.Throughout this course we will discuss each step that we are taking and build a blog application as we progress through the course.Ruby on Rails has changed a lot since the earlier versions and Rails 6 is no exception. Throughout this course we will focus on learning all the basics to get you comfortable building any Rails app you can imagine in the latest framework."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"KPSS Matematik Son 12 Yln km Sorular Detayl zmler" |
"Bu kurs ile birlikte 2008-2019 yllar arasnda KPSS matematik testinde km tm sorular birlikte zeceiz. Bu sayede gireceiniz snavda matematik testi iin tam anlamyla hazr olmu olacaksnz. SYM'nin yapm olduu YKS, ALES, KPSS gibi pek ok snava giren birisi olarak unu rahatlkla syleyebilirim ki hangi snav sz konusu olursa olsun her snavn bir format vardr ve nceden km sorular zmek bu snavlarda adaylara ok byk katk salar. Eminim ki bu derslerin tamamn tamamladnzda matematik testi sizin iin hi olmad kadar kolay olacak ve gerek snavda karnza kacak sorular rahata zebiliyor olacaksanz :)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Kurs administrowania sieci komputerow - poziom CCNA" |
"Kurs administrowania sieci komputerow przeprowadzi Ci przez technologi sieci komputerowych od podstaw a po bardziej zaawansowane tematy. W materiale kursu zostanie przedstawione dziaanie takich urzdze jak przecznik czy router, a take jak czy i komunikowa ze sob te urzdzenia.Na kursie w jasny i prosty sposb, zostan objanione zjawiska zachodzce w sieciach komputerowych. Kurs pozwoli Ci zrozumie te rzeczy, ktre prawdopodobnie nie byy dla Ciebie do koca zrozumiae na studiach bd w szkole. Jest to rwnie spora dawka wiedzy dla tych ktrzy nie mili stycznoci z sieciami w szkole, ale na co dzie korzystaj z Internetu i chcieliby pozna w jaki sposb skonfigurowa i przyczy komputer do sieci, jak ustawi router, jak zabezpieczy sie a take jak sobie radzi z testowaniem pocze sieciowych i weryfikacj dostpu do Internetu.Odbiorc kursu moe by kady, jednak gwnie przeznaczony jest on dla osb ktre chciayby podj si pracy jako administrator sieci lub pracuj ju w dziale IT, a chciayby zgbi swoj wiedz na temat jak od wewntrz wyglda komunikacja sieciowa i dziaanie komponentw oraz protokow sieci.Kurs skada si z czci teoretycznej i praktycznej.- cz teoretyczna oparta na czterech prezentacjach multimedialnych (prezentacje udostpnione w zasobach kursu)- cz praktyczna skada si z kilkunastu laboratoriw, w ktrych pokazane jest jak budowa topologie sieciowe, konfigurowa routery oraz przeczniki, uruchamia poczenia, testowa sie oraz weryfikowa konfiguracje (laby mog by wykonywane z instruktorem a potem wiczone indywidualnie we wasnym rodowisku laboratoryjnym).Kurs podzielony jest na 4 moduy (Podstawy Sieci, Routing, Switching, Sieci WAN). W kadym z moduw obszernie objaniane s wyej wymienione zagadnienia.Poniej streszczenie moduw:Modu 1- Podstawy Sieci- Model TCP/IP oraz OSI- Warstwa aplikacji. Protokoy DHCP oraz DNS.- Warstwa transportowa. Protokoy TCP i UDP.- Warstwa Internetowa. Protok IPv4.- Adresacja IPv4. Maska podsieci.- Podzia sieci na podsieci.- Protok IPv6- Testowanie sieci. IPCONFIG, PING, TRACEROUTE- Protok ICMP- Protok ARP---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Modu 2- Wprowadzenie do routingu. Router- Protokoy routingu dynamicznego- Protok RIPv1 i RIPv2- Protok OSPF (konfiguracja i weryfikacja protokou, autentykacja, metryka, typy pakietw)- Protok EIGRP (konfiguracja, weryfikacja, metryka, algorytm dual, warunek dopuszczalnoci)- Protok BGP----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Modu 3- Switching wprowadzenie. Tablica MAC-adresw.- Konfiguracja przecznika. Zabezpieczenie dostpw przecznika.- Upgrade przecznika- Funkcja port-security.- Sieci VLAN- STP i RSTP- Protok VTP- Protok CDP- Etherchannel- Protok HSRP----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Modu 4- Sieci WAN- Konfiguracja DHCP i DHCP Relay- Listy kontroli dostpu ACL- Standardowe ACL- Rozszerzone ACL- Translacja adresw NAT i PAT- NAT statyczny i dynamiczny- SYSLOG i SNMPKurs jest bardzo dobrym, pierwszym krokiem do tego aby zacz przygod z sieciami i mc administrowa maej lub redniej wielkoci sieci komputerow."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Becoming a Better Singer: with Easy Steps to Follow" |
"In this course you will learn many different ways to exercise and control your voice. The easy to follow steps will guide you to becoming a better Singer! Your Vocal skill level will increase with this knowledge and understanding of how to use and control your voice better. Practice everyday for the best results and let friends hear you after completion of this course. You will have the tools you need to take your vocals to the next level and be on the road to becoming a great Singer. The course starts with the essentials and works all the way across the board with elements that will have you performing with the best of them. If you have an interest in studio singing and or live stage performance there is something in this course for everyone to learn from. So start from the beginning and see it all the way through and you will feel the difference. When you are aware and paying attention to the little things it brings out a professionalism that you already have it just needs to be activated. Lets take the journey together for you to become the best Singer you can possibly be!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ralisez un projet de Machine Learning en Python en 2h" |
"Recevez mes conseils en Machine Learning dans votre bote mail !En complment de cette formation ou pour simplement profiter de contenu gratuit, vous pouvez rejoindre mes emails privs, que j'envoie 2 fois par semaine 9h. Dans ces emails, je vous propose des conseils et astuces en Data Science et Machine Learning pour vous accompagner dans vos dbuts dans ce domaine.Je fais galement un dcryptage de l'actualit et des dernires tendances en Machine Learning afin que vous soyez au courant des dernires actualits importantes.Pour rejoindre les e-mails privs :Faites la recherche suivante sur Google : ""damienchambon podia""Mon site devrait tre dans les premiers rsultats. trs vite !Damien----------------------------En seulement 2 heures, vous saurez raliser un projet de Machine Learning, du dbut la fin.Vous connaitrez toutes les tapes dun projet en Data Science et comment les mener bien en Python.Jusqu prsent, vous avez sans doute appris beaucoup de choses sur la thorie du Machine Learning mais vous navez aucune ide de comment les appliquer des cas concrets.Vous souhaitez peut-tre incorporer du Machine Learning dans vos projets professionnels pour amliorer vos rsultats mais cela semble insurmontable.En continuant comme a, vous pouvez continuer vous documenter sur le Machine Learning sans passer la pratique et perdre ainsi un temps fou. Pire, il se peut mme que vous vous dcouragiez de cette discipline et que vous abandonniez tous vos efforts.Le vrai problme, cest quil y a beaucoup de choses prendre en compte dans un projet de Data Science, de la collecte des donnes, leur prparation, au choix du modle en passant par loptimisation de lalgorithme.La solution tout a, cest un plan clair avec des instructions simples suivre mais trs puissantes, applicables tout projet de Machine Learning.Cest pourquoi jai voulu crer une formation complte, qui dtaille toutes les tapes des projets de Machine Learning, du dbut la fin, en les implmentant directement en Python.Attention, cette formation est intense, de nombreux concepts techniques sont couverts, ainsi que plusieurs librairies et fonctions Python. Il faut que vous soyez motiv.Il faudra suivre avec attention les diffrentes tapes mentionnes pour sassurer que le rsultat final soit intressant.Aprs avoir complt cette formation, vous saurez comment rsoudre un problme grce au Machine Learning et Python. Vous dcouvrirez quel point cette discipline peut tre puissante.On pourra vous donner nimporte quel jeu de donnes, vous allumerez votre ordinateur et vous vous lancerez dans ce projet en suivant les diffrentes tapes prsentes ici.Au fur et mesure que les lignes de code saccumuleront, vous resterez confiant dans votre dmarche car vous saurez o vous aller.Vous aurez de plus en plus dides de comment lappliquer dans votre vie professionnelle.Dans cette formation, vous dcouvrirez la puissante technique quest le feature engineering.Vous apprendrez 3 techniques utilises, simples mais puissantes, pour explorer des donnes.Vous dcouvrirez comment automatiser la prparation des donnes grce 4 outils utiliss par les data scientists.Enfin, vous apprendrez comment amliorer significativement votre modle, de manire automatique, avec une mthode trs robuste.Si vous connaissez actuellement peu de modles de Machine Learning, pas de soucis, jexplique lintuition derrire les modles que jutilise. Cette formation convient aussi ceux qui nont que quelques bases en Python car le code est expliqu au fur et mesure.Ce cours est un vritable guide pour tout projet de Machine Learning en Python.On se retrouve dans la formation.A tout de suite,Damien"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Persuaso Imperceptvel" |
"Aprenda do bsico ao avanado sobre persuaso com este curso e economize anos de estudos e leituras.Este curso baseado em estudos feitos por psiclogos e PhD's de diversos pases. Ideal para quem quer vender mais, ser algum mais influente, confiante, melhorar seu marketing e liderar equipes.Este curso era vendido por R$497,00 em meu antigo projeto. Aproveite!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sculpting Female Characters in ZBrush" |
"Sculpting Anatomy - ZBrush Tutorial[6hr 7min] Project Files IncludedThis a step-by-step tutorial about how to sculpt a Female in ZBrush. This course is designed to teach you how to take your base mesh and add realistic detail. Learn how to incorporate proportion, muscle anatomy and bony landmarks into your sculpt. You will see this sculpt in it's entirety from start to finish - over 6 hours of training tutorials. Understand the importance of masking, creating poly groups, Isolating selections, viewing silhouettes, inserting sub-tools and more. This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of the ZBrush Interface. You will be provided a Starting Mesh to follow along.Files: Sculpting Females Project Files**35 individual ZBrush files that give you the exact starting point for each video*ZBrush 2019.1.2 or newer is needed to access project filesVideo TutorialsLesson 1: [9:54] Setup and ProportionsLesson 2: [9:27] Torso FrontLesson 3: [8:15] Torso BackLesson 4: [7:54] LegsLesson 5: [12:17] ArmsLesson 6: [7:49] Face Poly GroupsLesson 7: [10:28] Face Proportions and Sub-toolsLesson 8: [11:44] Blocking out the EarLesson 9: [10:55] Face and EarsLesson 10: [10:03] Face SilhouetteLesson 11: [10:59] BreastsLesson 12: [10:12] Torso SmoothingLesson 13: [10:55] Face SmoothingLesson 14: [9:54] Face Eye SocketsLesson 15: [11:44] Face Minor EditsLesson 16: [10:37] Torso Silhouette EditsLesson 17: [10:12] Legs SmoothingLesson 18: [10:45] Back SmoothingLesson 19: [10:02] FeetLesson 20: [11:03] Body Silhouette EditsLesson 21: [10:30] Hands Inside BlockingLesson 22: [10:01] Hands Outside BlockingLesson 23: [9:46] Finger NailsLesson 24: [10:59] Toes BlockingLesson 25: [10:06] Toe NailsLesson 26: [10:30] Face EditsLesson 27: [9:56] Full Body EditsLesson 28: [11:42] Full Body Edits 2Lesson 29: [12:09] Full Body Edits 3Lesson 30: [11:18] Full Body Edits 4Lesson 31: [10:34] Foot BottomLesson 32: [12:48] Full Body Edits 5Lesson 33: [17:06] Full Body Edits 6Lesson 34: [14:59] Hand Resize / Asymmetrical Editstotal time: 6 hr 7 minutesThis is part of the Creating Female Character Series: The series is designed to show the workflow from Modeling to Animation but any part can be viewed as a stand alone lesson. You will be provided the proper starting files to follow along."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to create Hair and Clothing in ZBrush" |
"Creating Hair Styles and Clothing - ZBrush Tutorial1 hr 48 min This course is designed to teach you how to create sub-tools to make various hair styles, eyebrows and clothing. The 4 hair styles are shoulder length, long, pony tail and short. The clothing is a bikini top and bottom. Extracting directly from the model and readjusting the edge flow using ZRemesher will be covered. This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of ZBrush. Video Tutorials:Lesson 1: [9:58] Hair (Shoulder Length) Base MeshLesson 2: [14:15] Hair (Shoulder Length) DetailLesson 3: [9:31] Hair (Long) Base MeshLesson 4: [11:31] Hair (Long) DetailLesson 5: [9:26] Hair (Pony Tail) Base MeshLesson 6: [6:16] Hair (Poly Tail) DetailLesson 7: [11:25] Hair (Short) Base MeshLesson 8: [8:12] Hair (Short) DetailLesson 9: [5:04] EyebrowsLesson 10: [6:39] Bikini BottomsLesson 11: [16:32] Bikini TopSoftware Used in Videos:ZBrush 2019.1.2 (ZBrush 2019 or newer is recommended)This is part of the Creating Female Character Series: The series is designed to show the workflow from Modeling to Animation but any part can be viewed as a stand alone lesson. Each lesson can be purchased individually. You will be provided the proper starting files to follow along."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Day Trading For Stock Market Beginners" |
"There are many courses on day trading out there, many of which will set you back quite a bit. So I wanted to make this course here that can provide all of the knowledge I have learned from various courses I have taken and the ~5 years of trading experience I have.Hopefully, by the end of this course, you can go out and get some experience of your own through the use of paper trading and eventually transitioning to live trading.I hope by the end of this course you have learned the following:- How to Trade Using the TD Ameritrade Thinkorswim Platform- How the stock market works- How to chart stocks- How to take advantage of irrational trading- How to manage risk- How ETFs work- The psychology behind patternsIf you guys need any help to be sure to message me on Instagram I can walk you through any additional questions or set up a free consulting call."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Yin Yoga Release, a Journey Inward." |
"How are you relating to your present moment experience? Yin Yoga offers a practice of slowing down and turning inward. Though longer held passive postures we create the conditions to observe and learn about ourselves in an intimate way. With greater intimate comes a deeper connection to body, mind, and spirit. Becoming receptive to who we are and what is unfolding in our moment to moment experience. Through a process of self-discovery, we discover how to influence our own state of wellbeing. Nurturing the yin qualities that bring about easy, peace and harmony."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MEDITAO para quem no consegue MEDITAR" |
"Curso de 8 semenas com prticas dirias onde vo comea aprendendo pouco a pouco a meditar, quebrando paradigmas e entendendo melhor como nossoa mente funciona. Nesse vurso alm de videos voc tem acesso a audios tanto dos ensinamentos como dasmeditaes. Depois desse curso voc vai mudar completamente sua ideia sobre meditao"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a criar uma marmitaria fitness do ZERO." |
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - Tricks Level 1" |
"This course is designed to teach you how to clicker train your dog to perform 8 cute tricks. Polish your clicker training skills and have fun with your dog. Learn from highly qualified clicker training instructors and see why clicker training is the fastest and most enjoyable way to teach your dog. This foundation tricks class will provide you with the necessary skills to teach more advanced behaviors in the future and can also help you build skills for other dog sports, including agility."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Camtasia Quick for Mac - Learn Camtasia for Mac 2020, 19, 18" |
"This course is designed for people who want to get up and running on Camtasia for Mac as quickly as possible.You should be familiar with media (videos, images, audio) files. This is not for people who are new to video, but new to Camtasia for Mac.You learn the basics from installation and recording to editing and producing your video.You get just the essentials - no fluff. The goal is to get you to create a video using the only the most important features in Camtasia for Mac.Bonus! You also get a free, 28-page PDF which summarizes the training, shows how to complete the activities, and lists common keyboard shortcuts to help you efficiently use Camtasia for Mac.Camtasia Quick is not comprehensive and does not include the software. You can download a free trial of the software. I'll show you how.At the end of the course, I have a project for you to work through the steps in the course - installing, recording your screen, recording your audio, editing your recordings, adding content (images, annotations, transitions), and producing an MP4 video."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Android 10 & Kotlin Development Masterclass" |
"So you want to become an Android developer and work from anywhere in the world, or maybe even the same place you're currently at, but with much more interesting and well-paying jobs? Learning Android App development is the way to go.You have a great idea for an app and you just need to learn how to make it happen? Or your friends know that you are tech-savvy and they constantly come to you with their great ideas and want you to build them?You have no programming experience what so ever? Or maybe you have worked with another programming language in the past?Either way - you're in the right place.In this course, you will learn everything you need to know, to build your own apps, no matter what you need them for. For your company, your friends, your own business, or simply for fun. You'll become a real Android App Developer by getting the best Android App development course on Udemy.If you sign up now you will get all this Android app development content:Over 45 hours of high quality & high definition 1080p video contentThe complete code with step by step guides (in the code itself). So either you follow along in the video, or you get right into the action in Android Studio yourself.Loads of exercises that make sure, that the knowledge really sticks.The best Android 10 app development course money can buy.You will build these amazing Android appsA Trello CloneA Quiz AppA 7 Minute Workout AppA Weather AppA Drawing Appand more...You will learn from me, Denis Panjuta a German engineer and tutor with over 8 years of programming and teaching experience.After the course you will be comfortable using:The object-oriented programming language Kotlin, variables, data types, functions, classes, inheritance.Control flows (if/else, when, for/while/do-while loops) .Data structures such as collections, arrays, ArrayLists etc. Networking including asynchronous API call, to retrieve live data from the cloud and store it there.JSON with all of its advantages.Camera, Gallery, SQLite, GPS, and many more Android Device features.Third-Party libraries such as GSON, Google Places, RETROFIT, DEXTER and many more.Firebase and Firestore usageBest practices when using Kotlin and building Android apps.Get started now and become an Android app developer in just 6 weeks! You will learn all relevant Android App development techniques. I can tell you Android development is a lot of fun! This course will make your journey to becoming an Android developer fun as well.Don't waste any more time and get right into the action. This course consists of precisely curated content with fun example applications, exercises, presentations, and demos. As our main goal is to make sure, that you become a successful Android developer. We also offer high-quality support, so in case you get stuck, we will be there for you, answering your questions in the Q&A.REMEMBER There is a full 30 DAY-money-back guarantee.So what are you waiting for? Click the ""Buy now"" button. Youve got nothing to lose only to gain from this world-class Android app development course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel VBA for Beginners - Learn VBA Step by Step" |
"Welcome to the Excel VBA Programming Course for Beginners. If you need to learn how to program VBA for your job or for yourself, this course was designed for you! You'll start with the very basics of understanding what VBA is and what it does. You'll learn how to install VBA and record your first macro. Then, you'll progress to learning all of the essential terminology as you create your own functional VBA modules. By the end of this course, you'll be able to create your own user forms that other users can interact with and enter data into, and you'll be able to troubleshoot and debug your code, make it run faster, and even create your own custom Excel functions.The beauty of VBA is that when you learn to master it, you can program Excel to do the work for you.Using VBA, you can save a ton of time for your organization by automating repetitive and tedious tasks.VBA isn't exactly easy, but it's one of the simplest and easiest to learn programming languages. It's like the gateway drug that gets you hooked on programming. And in this course, I'll walk you through the initial learning curve to give you a solid foundation from which to launch your programming skills.This is a very detailed course and you will walk away with a vastly expanded vocabulary and a full toolbox of VBA programming skills.The truth is, you could teach yourself VBA using free articles and videos on the internet. The challenge is that VBA can be hard to learn without the right info and the right examples. It's easy to waste a lot of time learning things that aren't useful in the real world. By following this course, you'll get clear, step-by-step guidance along a relevant and valuable learning path to master the essentials of Excel VBA.I have a lot of personal experience learning and using VBA as an engineer and I'm very excited to pass that knowledge on to you! Ever since my days as a college tutor, I've loved teaching and helping people learn challenging subjects. So, if you're ready to learn how to start programming in Excel VBA, I'm excited to show you how!Thanks for checking out the course and I'll see you in the first lesson.By the way, did I mention that Udemy has a 30-day money back guarantee? That's right. You can take the whole course, and if in those first 30 days you don't feel like you're actively getting better at using VBA, you can get a full refund. So, you really have nothing to lose. Dive in and start learning Excel VBA today!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |