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"Preciso fazer email marketing" |
"Este curso, feito para humanos, visa atravs da experincia do autor, demonstrar que fazer email marketing um processo relativamente simples, que voc pode comear hoje, mesmo no tendo uma base de e-mails.Voc vai entender os principais motivos para se fazer email marketing.Descubra como construir sua base de e-mails, como fazer o envio, o que fazer aps o envio, as mtricas importantes para voc acompanhar os resultados, problemas comuns enfrentados, dicas como fazer a sua pea de e-mail de um jeito fcil e como se manter no jogo, sempre atualizado.E ainda um mdulo adicional especial com muitas dicas."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Simplificado" |
"Se voc sabe o que WordPress, sabe para que serve, quer se aprofundar no assunto, mas acha que no tem conhecimento tcnico suficiente, ento este curso seguramente para voc.Mas caso voc seja um designer, marketeiro, programador, e quer saber um pouco mais sobre WordPress, problemas comuns, dvidas, melhores prticas e dicas, este curso tambm para voc.Saiba como dar o prximo passo se estiver utilizando o WordPress.Estrutura de contedoPorque WordPress?Comunidade WordPressTreinamento simplificado de WordPressGutenberg sem mistrioSEO DescomplicadoTemas para WordPressHerdei um site em WordPressMonetizao de blogsMelhorando o seu blogIntegrando com redes sociais com o WordPressReceitas recorrentes com WordPressSegurana para WordPressOtimizao e performanceManuteno profissional de WordPressHospedagem otimizada para WordPressDesenvolva seu negcio com WordPressSe torne um profissional de WordPressGerando trfego para o seu blogFerramentas, plugins e sites teis"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales 1/3" |
"La formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" a t cre pour vous apporter toutes les connaissances ncessaires dans le but de renforcer vos comptences de conseiller ou vous installer comme Praticien Spcialis en Phytothrapie.Cette premire partie de la formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" est conue pour un apprentissage complet des plantes mdicinales travers des modules spcifiques se succdant logiquement.A l'issue de la troisime partie, il est possible de valider le suivi de la formation complte par la certification EquilibreSante. Suivre les informations la section ddie.La Phytothrapie est une discipline trs performante en tant que moyens prventif, adjuvant et curatif !""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" est une formation complte en 3 parties qui s'accouple aux formations dj existantes ""Devenez Conseiller en Aromathrapie"" et ""Devenez Conseiller en Gemmothrapie et Phytembryothrapie"" pour les personnes dsirant devenir phyto-aromatologue.Diplm de la facult de mdecine Paris XIII en phyto aromathrapie, j'ai donc souhait proposer une formation complte en plantes mdicinales apportant les connaissances tant sur le plan chimique, incontournable pour conseiller les plantes mdicinales, que sur le plan pratique pour faciliter cet apprentissage.A la fin de cette premire partie vous connatrez la composition chimique et les proprits de 147 plantes en vente libre. Une approche de la rglementation vous est apporte dans cette premire partie.Accdez au programme complet de cette premire partie de la formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" ci-dessous !Cette formation contient :=> Plusieurs cours en vidos, (style projections PowerPoint), dcoups en sections pour une dure de 10 heures=> Chacun des cours vidos est accompagn de son support pdagogique crit tlchargeable => Des ressources complmentaires sont accessibles pour complter l'apprentissage=> Des QCM de connaissances constituant de vritables rvisions de cours=> Des bonus finaliseront l'apprentissage de cette premire partie de votre formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" => Une messagerie pour changer si ncessaireEn rsum, vous apprendrez, dans cette premire partie, tout ce que vous devez connatre pour conseiller les plantes mdicinales vos clients ou patients et/ou votre entourage.Cette premire partie de votre formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" vous permettra, si vous le souhaitez, d'aborder la seconde puis la troisime partie totalement complmentaires !Le cursus de la formation ""Devenez Conseiller en Plantes Mdicinales"" contient 3 parties !A l'issue de la troisime partie, il est possible de valider le suivi de la formation complte par la certification EquilibreSante.Vous allez suivre une formation signe EquilibreSante"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn to lead Cacao Ceremonies" |
"In this course you will learn how to confidently hold ceremonial space, how to connect with Cacao Spirit, how to source, make and serve ceremonial cacao. You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself, the world and plant medicine. How to navigate and control your and others energetic states and wellbeing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Makine Mhendisleri iin Derin renme" |
"Deerli renciler,Yeni bir kurs ile beraberiz.Bu kursta verilere ve derin renmeye merakl mhendisler ile Endstri 4.0 ve sanayide ska karlalan problemleri zerken ayn zamanda Derin renme ve makine renmesi kavramlarn detayl olarak inceleyeceiz.Spyder arayznde Python dilinde kodlama yaparak kodlama kabiliyetlerinizi gelitirebileceiniz gibi, Keras ve bir ok ptyhon ktphanesini de nasl kullanacamz reneceksiniz.Ayn zamanda gncel problemleri zp, sfrdan model oluturmay greceiz.Umarm herkes iin faydal olur.Gzel gnler."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"PCB Design (with 3D Model) in Orcad 17.2/Allegro [2020]" |
"Get Detailed introduction to Orcad Capture CIS, Padstack Editor and PCB Editor with Project-1 Project 1: Learn How to design basic Circuit based on real life projects [For beginners] Level Up your Skills with Project-2 Project 2: Learn to design Schematic & PCB for Arduino UNO (includes multiple schematic pages, Off page connectors, search parts from Digi-Key, Professional Bill of material, Smart PDF for Schematic, How to download custom footprints , How to create 3D Model etc )This course is complete & detailed walk through of industry leading PCB Design software.This course will help to develop a fundamentals in OrCAD, leading to better PCB design practices and skills. After completion of this course you will have skill and useful resources to design your own custom PCB's."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Build Your own Self Driving Car Deep Learning, OpenCV, C++" |
"""Machine Learning will change the lives of all of us. What is Machine Learning? Its behind what makes self-driving cars a reality""This unique course is a complete walk-through process to Design, Build and Program a Embedded IOT Project (Self driving Car). Everything is discussed with details and clear explanation. Whole Project is divided into 2 parts.(Course - 1) 1. Learn to design complete hardware for self driving car a. Learn to setup Master device ( Raspberry Pi ) for any project b. Learn to setup Slave device ( Arduino UNO ) for any project c. Learn to Establish Communication link between Master and Slave device2. Learn Image Processing using OpenCV43. Learn to driver robot on road lanes (Course - 2)1. Learn Essentials of Machine Learning2. Learn to train your own cascade classifier to detect Stop Sign, Traffic Lights and any Object3. Learn to design LED Dynamic Turn Indicators4. Create your GitHub RepositoryFor More Information, don't hesitate to email:"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"The Keys to Winning at College" |
"Students go to college to earn an education so that they can eventually enter the workforce and become self-proficient adults. However, less than HALF of today's high school students feel prepared for this monumental endeavor. In fact, ""many believe that their schools arent helping them develop the skills theyll need to succeed after graduation"" (Mr. Fermin Leal). It is for this reason that I have brought you a course that gives you the knowledge that most high schools are not."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"How To Love On Purpose" |
"This course is for people who consistently find themselves attracted to and in relationship with, unavailable people. Students will gain insight into these unhealthy attractions and learn strategies for overcoming them in order to transform the quality of their relationships. Students will be able to determine the quality of their current and/or previous relationships based on a Relationship Spectrum. Students will participated in several Self-Awareness exercises to develop insight into their own ways of navigating relationships."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Information Security in Python" |
"Information technology is important field of computer science.Knowing basics of Information Security is essential. In this course student will be able to1. Apply traditional encryption algorithm.2. Design his own malwares.3. Implement SDES and RSA like Algorithms.4. Illustrate of the Digital Signature5. Many moreAlgorithm explained in Python are1. ceaser cipher, 2. mono alphabetic cipher 3. Polyalphabetic cipher4. Hill cipher 5. Playfair cipher 6. Transposition cipher7. RSA 8. SDES"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Number One Challenge For Entrepreneurs" |
"Would you like to know the number one reason entrepreneurs fail?Join Todd Hutchison (the corporate mechanic and founder of Peoplistic), Mike Handcock (founder of Rock Your Life) and me, Dave Rogers, on a journey of discovery where you will get to know the answer to a pretty amazing secret. This is a journey where you will be informed and enlightened. You will save time and a considerable amount of money, as we explore Human Complexity, Values and Beliefs, Quality Question, Power of Clarity, Environment, Power of Words and finally the Truth behind Who are you, but, before we start, I wonder if people have already noticed how different the three of us are. We dont only look different, we act differently, we dress differently, we see the world differently and we see business very differently, but we are all successful.At the end of this short online program you will have a number of key learnings, distinctions, and insights into our primary question - what is the number one reason why entrepreneurs fail?Buckle Up and See You On The Other Side, Dave ps..I kindly invite you, as you move forward with this course, to write notes, answer the questions in each of the chapters and to apply the lessons learned in your professional and personal life. We welcome questions and if you are inspired to share some positive feedback, it is much welcome. We are a community of like minded social entrepreneurs and I look forward to hearing about your exciting and inspiring initiatives."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Data Integrator 12c (ODI) Essential" |
"Coupon : ONLY-BY-50.00 to get course by 50 $Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12c Course is first course in Arabic ""English Captions Avaliable"" .Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12c Developer Course on Udemy, because now is the time to get started!But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps of ODI developer functions, this course also has quizzes and projects, which allow you to practice the things learned throughout the course!You'll not only learn about the concepts, but also practice each of those concepts through Projects.Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is the integration tool every enterprise need. The key technical capabilities likeExtract-Load-Transform (ELT) approach,Near real time data integration capability through Change Data Capture(CDC),Declarative design with fully modifiable Knowledge Modules,exists only in ODI. It's Oracle's flagship, High-performance bulk data movement and transformation tool. Oracle is investing a lot in this tool.Every new ODI version is coming with added features. Success of ODI implementation and its performance depends on ODI developer.Pay once, benefit a lifetime! Dont lose any time, gain an edge and start now!Course TopicsIntroductionAdministering ODI Repositories and AgentsODI Topology ConceptsDescribing the Physical and Logical ArchitectureSetting Up a New ODI ProjectOracle Data Integrator Model ConceptsOrganizing ODI Models and Creating Data storesODI Mapping ConceptsDesigning MappingsMapping: Monitoring and Debugging"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Discover Your Life Purpose and Unleash Your True Potential" |
"In this course you will gain a deeper understanding of who you are and why you do what you do.The course is smartly designed to guide you to your destination through knowing yourself, as the two are intertwined. With just 5 questions, you will discover a clear start into your life purpose path, what truly motivates you in life, what your strengths are and what your core values are made up of. Once you know your path, you can align your daily life with your true purpose, and in return live life with more fulfillment and happiness. If you want to become aware of your intrinsic life purpose and have a framework to start incorporating it in your daily life, enroll now! We personally have taken the road to be more aware of who we are, our purpose and how to work purposefully. It is worth it! It brings more color to our lives, stimulates us to learn more every day, to be the best version of ourselves, to become better at what we do, to inspire others, to make more money and to live with more awareness, to live without the autopilot. We know who we are, we know where we are going, we know what makes us happy; and no one can stop us, because it depends only on us.Guarantee: We are confident you with love this course, however we offer a full money back guarantee should the course not meet your needs for any reason.We look forward to sharing this learning experience with you!Sending good vibes,LIV.In Training Team"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Da sentido a tu vida en 21 Das" |
"Mi nombre es Jess Cosano. Llevo cinco aos trabajando como Hipnoterapeuta y PNL (Programacin Neurolingstica) y he de decir que han sido los cuatro aos ms maravillosos de mi vida. Hace algunos aos estaba perdido, sin rumbo, como t, hasta que decid empezar a cambiar el rumbo de mi vida. Tena 34 aos, si, seguramente pensars que menuda edad para buscar un cambio en la vida, pero djame decirte querido amigo, querida amiga, que no hay edad para ser realmente Feliz, no hay edad para hacer cambios en nuestra vida, cambios que nos lleven a esa felicidad plena que siempre andamos buscando. A da de hoy soy un hombre Feliz, trabajo en lo que me gusta con quien me gusta, pero esto me cost esfuerz, sacrificio, lucha... Y ahora lo quiero compartir contigo. Quiero que te des cuenta de todos los recursos que tienes en tu interior para cambiar tu propia vida, quiero hacerte ver el potencial que tienes dentro... Y para ello este curso... 21 Das en los que vas a adquirir hbitos y habilidades que harn que sin darte cuenta tu forma de pensar y de actuar cambie por completo tu vida... Te espero, y espero que comentes e interactes, yo estar aqu, al otro lado, resolviendo cualquier duda que tengas!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"New approach to Mindfulness" |
"Explore a different perspective on Mindfulness.Connect to your Mind in a new way.Understand the difference between your mind and your head-brain, learn more about your other brains, find out what to do when stressed, check out if you have a healthy ego, what's your dominant energy expression, are you ever mindful .. or always?Get some new and simple practices for getting back ""in the flow""."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Certificate of Effective Problem Solver & Decision Maker" |
"Certificate of Effective Problem Solver & Decision Maker (C.EPSDM)AC (ANALYTICAL CREATIVE) PROBLEM SOLVING & DECISION MAKING: Effective, Simple & Practical!Langkah Sederhana Untuk Menyelesaikan Masalah Dan Membuat Keputusan Secara Analitis Dan KreatifLatar Belakang (Background) :Kita seringkali dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah. Kita sering dalam posisi memecahkan suatu masalah hanya untuk berhenti dan bertanya kepada diri sendiri atau anggota tim bahwa tim sudah merasa memecahkan masalah. Sehingga tidak perlu dilakukan lagi khususnya pada masalah yang sama. Biasanya permasalahan muncul ketika sedang bertugas ataupun tidak. Sayangnya maksud baik tidak selalu berarti masalah terpecahkan. Segalanya berjalan keliru dalam proses. Asumsi yang mendasarinya pun berubah. Barangkali solusi Anda hanyalah suatu quick fix dan sifatnya sementara yang tidak memecahkan masalah secara permanen.Pelatihan ini menyajikan pendekatan yang sudah teruji untuk memecahkan masalah. Model pemecahan masalah enam langkah mengikuti jalan yang logis, praktis dan sistematis. Dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi akar masalah secara jelas dan akurat menuju kepada suatu rencana tindakan untuk memecahkannya. Pelatihan ini juga dirancang semudah dan seefektif mungkin sehingga dapat dengan mudah untuk dipahami karena dikembangkan berdasarkan pengalaman praktis di perusahaan dan organisasi. Learning Outcome (Sasaran Pembelajaran)Setelah mengikuti program pembelajaran ini diharapkan setiap peserta dapat mengetahui, memahami dan mempraktekan :Proses menyelesaikan masalahProses membuat keputusanMetode-metode sederhana, aplikatif & efektifManfaat Pembelajaran (Learning Benefit):Terciptanya pedoman untuk memecahkan masalah secara sistematis sehingga membentuk kinerja SDM yang unggul dan efektif dalam menghadapi, mengatasi dan menemukan jalan keluar pada setiap permasalahan yang timbul didalam proses pekerjaanGaris Besar Materi Pembelajaran (Learning Outline):1.Pengertian masalah, akar masalah, alternatif solusi & solusi terbaik2.Model pemecahan masalah yang sistematis3.Model pemecahan masalah 4, 5, 6 & 8 langkah4.Mendefinisikan masalah5.Menganalisis sebab-sebab potensial6.Menganalisis akar penyebab utama suatu masalah7.Mengidentifikasi kemungkinan solusi8.Memilih solusi terbaik9.Metode sederhana untuk memilih alternatif solusi terbaik10.Menyusun rencana tindakan11.Implementasi solusi dan mengevaluasi perkembanganSetelah menyelesaikan seluruh materi pembelajaran dalam program ini maka setiap peserta berhak memperoleh 2 (dua) Sertifikat sekaligus :Sertifikat Penyelesaian (Certificate of Completion) dari Udemy yang diakui secara Internasional dan dapat dimasukan kedalam Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Curriculum Vitae/CV) ataupun dicantumkan dalam Profil Profesional (Professional Profile) misalnya di Linkedin, JobStreet, JobsDB, dan lain-lain.Certificate of Effective Problem Solver & Decision Maker (jika telah menyelesaikan) dari DACA THE Solution - AV Global Institute yang oleh Coach Dr. Andi Chaidir, S.Si, MBA, Ph.D., Indonesia Trainer & Coach Community dan Indonesia Speaker & Presenter Community.Terimakasih telah bergabung di kursus ini dan kami berharap siapapun yang bergabung dengan program pembelajaran ini akan memperoleh manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya dan mencapai hasil yang terbaik ketika diterapkan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari untuk kehidupan dan masa depan yang lebih baik. Salam belajar dan berbagi untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Semoga dengan mengikuti kursus pembelajaran ini diharapkan setiap peserta dapat lebih mengetahui dan memahami tentang arti pentingnya membina (coaching) dan membimbing (counseling) dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia (people development) baik bagi pribadi/individu maupun organisasi/perusahaan.Selamat belajar dan semoga bermanfaat. Salam belajar dan berbagi untuk hari esok yang lebih baik.Salam dari Mitra Belajar Anda, Coach Dr. Andi Chaidir, S.Si, MBA, Ph.D."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Oracle Integration Cloud Service - ICS-iPaaS - Crash Course" |
"Oracle ICS is a cloud based integration platform from Oracle. It offers a user-friendly web-based interface enabling 'citizen integrators' to quickly perform some basic mapping and integration between (cloud) applicationsOracle ICS is part of PaaS Portfolio Integration platform as a service (iPaaS) is a set of automated tools for connecting software applications that are deployed in different environments. iPaaS is often used by large business-to-business (B2B) enterprises that need to integrate on-premises applications and data with cloud applications and dataFollowing topics are covered : Overview of ICSICS CompetitorsTechnical ArchitectureICS FeaturesIntegration Design & PatternsFault/Error HandlingDeployment/MigrationAgentsSecuritySchedulingPre-RequisitesResources"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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"Dr. Rebecca Tiew ()"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Practical Robotics with Control Systems and 3D printing" |
"Control Systems is the heart of robotics. When we want to auto correct the errors we use PID closed loop feed back controllers ( at starting level)Mobile Robots with arduino C programming with PID controllers will be taught in this course.We will be building a differential drive robot and performing following tasksGoing in a exactly straight line with difference in rpm of motorsLine Following robot and if-else comparisonGo to Goal BehaviorDiscussion on Self Balancing RobotThese Projects are going to build strong base for understanding how to implement difficult to understand equations of Control system theory."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB Advanced Test Manager Training" |
"Topic: ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager Certification based Professional Training (Syllabus Version: 2012)If you are looking out for an opportunity to excel in your career by achieving ISTQB advanced Test Manager' certified,this is the perfect platform for you. Learn from European Software Testing Awards' Best Test Manager award winner on key testing principles and his experience in running world class testing teams.Role of a Test Manager:The Test Manager role is tasked with the overall responsibility for the test effort's success. The role involves quality and test advocacy, resource planning and management, and resolution of issues that impede the test effort. This covers:Negotiating the ongoing purpose and deliverables of the test effortEnsuring the appropriate planning and management of the test resourcesAssessing the progress and effectiveness of the test effortAdvocating the appropriate level of quality by the resolution of important DefectsAdvocating an appropriate level of testability focus in the software development processStaffingRoles organize the responsibility for performing activities and developing artifacts into logical groups. Each role can be assigned to one or more people, and each person can fill one or more roles. When staffing the Test Manager role, you need to consider both the skills required for the role and the different approaches you can take to assigning staff to the role.SkillsThe appropriate skills and knowledge for the Test Manager role include:knowledge of all aspects of the software engineering processexperience in a wide variety of testing efforts, techniques and toolspeople skills, especially diplomacy and advocacy skillsplanning and management skillsknowledge of the domain, system or application-under-test (desirable)experience programming or managing programming teams (desirable)Role assignment approachesThe Test Manager role can be assigned in the following ways:Assign one staff member to perform the Test Manager role only. This is a commonly adopted approach and is particularly suitable for large teams or smaller teams where the Project Manager has minimal test experience.Assign one staff member to perform both the Project Manager and Test Manager roles. This strategy is a good option for smaller test teams.Assign one staff member to perform both the Test Manager and Test Designer roles. This strategy is also a good option for smaller test teams. A person filling both these roles needs to have strong management and leadership skills as well as strong technical skills and experience.Assign one staff member to perform both the Test Manager and Test Analyst roles. This strategy is another option for small to mid-sized test teams. You need to be careful that the minutia of the Test Analyst role does not adversely effect the responsibilities of the Test Manager role. Mitigate that risk by assigning less critical Test Analyst tasks to a person filling both these roles, leaving the most important tasks to team members without any direct management responsibility.***Exclusive price reduction and discounts are announced in facebook page 'Software Automation Testing Secrets Revealed'*****Reviews:""A very must course for the QA engineer. It covers the topics that come in ISTQB paper. Go for it.""""Awesome materials and sessions to listen to them. It really helps with my foundation level examination. Thank you Narayana Palani. I will definitely suggest to my fellow members.""""Thank you for this course! It's well structured and contains very useful information for my certification preparation.""""I've been in the QA industry for 7 years and this course is teaching me things I didn't know. It makes sense, straight forward and gets to the point. the instructor is knowledgable and clearly a professional. I'm learning so much. Looking forward to completing the course and taking the big test!""""This course has given me value addition in my learning phase of ISTQB. One amazing trainer with detailed explanations to each and every topic. Abundant questions and in depth coverage of the syllabus.Many Thanks! :)""""It'a good course for going to certification""""Very good content and briefly explained the all test techniques in simple way, easy to understand. Course content might be very good but what is the use if you have to wait forever and ever for videos to stream. I always come up with lot of interest to learn in Udemy course which is posted by Narayanan.""""An extremely helpful and informative course. The course is nicely designed keeping focus on entire ISTQB Foundation Course 2018 syllabus, it's contents are very well organised. All lectures are very clear, the instructor have good hold on the respective topics and explains the concepts nicely in understandable manner. Every section has relevant assignments and resources, which are extremely helpful. Instructor is very professional and pleasant to learn from. The videos used are of high quality, in terms of video and audio quality. I would strongly recommend this course..!!""**About Author:Expertly leading, controlling and directing Quality Engineering for feature teams through dynamic engineering interventions.Stellar test specialist with 11 awards, 19 international certifications, 8 published research papers and 5 best sellers across the world.Implementing continued efforts to improve the test process (TPI Next*), innovate cutting edge technologies, volunteer for sharing technical knowledge via internal guilds and training series.Endorsed by the Tech City, UK as an Exceptional Talent within the digital technology arena with a focus on delivering standards and high-end client experience.Driving a team of fourteen quality engineers to display strong professionalism, best practices, coding standards, elevating industry trend towards innovation of niche tools and technologies.Successfully designed GITHUB open-source testing projects & UDEMY training programs that are accessed globally and assists job seekers with the junior testing jobs.Skilled in providing innovative solutions to complex technical issues, utilizing systems to re-engineer outdated processes and delivering world-class results.Business OutcomesAn Advanced Test Manager canManage a testing project by implementing the mission, goals and testing processes established for the testing organization.Organize and lead risk identification and risk analysis sessions and use the results of such sessions for test estimation, planning, monitoring and control.Create and implement test plans consistent with organizational policies and test strategies.Continuously monitor and control the test activities to achieve project objectives.Assess and report relevant and timely test status to project stakeholders.Identify skills and resource gaps in their test team and participate in sourcing adequate resources.Identify and plan necessary skills development within their test team.Propose a business case for test activities which outlines the costs and benefits expected.Ensure proper communication within the test team and with other project stakeholders.Participate in and lead test process improvement initiatives.Syllabus Introduction:The ISTQB Foundation Level syllabus describes a fundamental test process which includes the following activities: Planning and control Analysis and design Implementation and execution Evaluating exit criteria and reporting Test closure activities The Foundation Level syllabus states that although logically sequential, the activities in the process may overlap or take place concurrently. Tailoring these main activities within the context of the system and the project is usually required. For the Advanced Level syllabi some of these activities are considered separately in order to provide additional refinement and optimization of the processes, better fit with the software development lifecycle, and to facilitate effective test monitoring and control. The activities are now considered as follows: Planning, monitoring and control Analysis Design Implementation Execution Evaluating exit criteria and reporting Test closure activities**For Your Reference:Language: Strong Indian accent of English (not suitable for few participants if no prior experience in hearing the English in Indian accent)DISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT).Copyright International Software Testing Qualifications Board"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"HR Analytics Master Course with Excel, Python and R" |
"HR analytics is also known as people analytics or you can say talent analytics. It is kind of analytics which helps HR managers, executives to make data-driven decisions about their employee or the workforce. It gives you expertise in using statistics, technology on unused but very important peoples data which can help you in making better business decisions and management for your company. In this course, we take you on a journey where you start from a simple topic of calculating mean and move on to many complex topics such as text analytics. Hence you kickstart from statistics and land on machine learning techniques.Once you have completed the course, you can help your company to better drive the ROI. Classic approaches are not sufficient in getting the required result in the long run.To overcome this gap we came up with a solution where you can learn the techniques of solving these problems on your own in a very simple and intuitive self-paced learning method.We have tried to create a very simple structure for this course so even if you have no knowledge or very basic knowledge of analytics then even you won't face any problem throughout the course. In this course you will:Learn applied statistics right from scratch.Simultaneously learn analytics on R and Python.Identify the dependent and independent variables in your dataset.Understand the steps involved in data preparation.Various methods to measure Central Tendency, Variability, and Shape of data.Understand the steps involved in Hypothesis Testing, Univariate, and Bi-variate Analysis.Learn the concepts of Feature Engineering.Understand the concepts of Statistical model building.Identify a business problem and its importance. Understand the concept of Machine Learning Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Techniques.4 Hands-on case studies.More than 20 types of charts/plots.And the most important is applying machine learning on HR Data and predicting futuristic insights."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Ginnastica Posturale" |
"Questa disciplina ha un obiettivo ben preciso: migliorare la postura attraverso il rinforzo del tono muscolare. Ma perch cos importante? Perch la postura sempre pi legata a problemi di natura muscoloscheletrica (e non solo), dal mal di schiena alla scoliosi. quindi necessario prendersene cura.In questo corso troverai esercizi che riguardano:apertura dorsaleautomassaggio e respirazionelombalgiascoliosicervicalgia"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bu video eitim serimiz, 3 boyutlu tasarm ve ve 3 boyutlu yazclar hakknda hibir bilgisi olmasa bile, bilgi edinmek ve tasarm yapmay renmek isteyen byk kk her ya grubu iin uygundur. Bu kursta yeniliki bir bulut tabanl CAD yazlm ve Web 2.0 arac olan TNKERCAD platformu ile hazr geometrik ekilleri fark formlarda kullanarak 3 boyutlu nesneler oluturacaz. Tasarladmz modelleri 3 boyutlu yazcdan bask almaya nasl hazr hale getireceimizi detayl bir ekilde ele alacaz. 3 boyutlu yazcdan hem tek hem iki renkli bask rnekleri alacamz bu kurs ile 3 boyutlu modellemeyi, model dilimleme ilemlerini, filamentleri ve 3 boyutlu yazclar, derinlemesine renip hayallerinizi somut nesnelere dntrebileceksiniz. 3 boyutlu tasarm ve bask alannda aklnza taklan her trl konuda eitmeniniz olarak yardmc olmaya hazrm."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing" |
"Digital Marketing: Important Trends.The new wave of technology and consumer habits. Learn how the e-commerce industry is rapidly changing due to the sharing economy.How will businesses survive in this changing environment? How I can get started with Digital Marketing? What do I need? We will discuss the difference between SEO and SEM, the distinctions between B2B, B2C, and C2C as well as social media marketing and a few analytics and tools."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Data Structures A to Z" |
"This course combines conceptual lectures to explain how a data structure works, and code lectures that walk through how to implement a data structure in Python code. All the code lectures are based on Python 3 code in a Jupyter notebook. All the code and presentations are available for download on Github.Data structures covered in this course include native Python data structures String, List, Tuple, Set, and Dictionary, as well as Stacks, Queues, Heaps, Linked Lists, Binary Search Trees, and Graphs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tell Me a Story: a Guide to Traditional Storytelling" |
"Oral storytelling is a lost art that is beginning to revive across the world. Once it was a rich and integral tradition, passed on through families and communities. Stories carried important cultural knowledge and wisdom to be shared down through the generations. In the space of less than a century, this art has largely disappeared from our communities and families.Tell Me a Story will introduce you to the art and craft of developing this ancient skill, using proven story-learning techniques to help you remember the structure and detail of traditional tales.The course includes opportunities to reflect on what stops you from telling stories now and to clarify your vision of the kind of storyteller youd like to become.You will be encouraged to explore the deeper meaning (for you) of the stories you select to learn building a relationship with your story, making it your own and reflecting on its story medicine gifts.In a world now mapped by digital hyper-connectivity, so many of us are disconnected from the natural and human communities that surround us. Renewing the art of storytelling may offer a remedy for reconnection. As we sit by the family fireside, or in forests and by streams, listening to stories told from memory, with gesture and expressive voice, we feel our hearts and minds awaken to ancient ways of relating to each other, to nature and to the sacred. We begin to remap ourselves and our world into wholeness.A well-told story is spellbinding: we walk away with fresh insights, challenged by questions or mysteriesour emotions and spirits stirred into new possibilities of becoming.Toko-pa Turner writes in her book Belonging: There is a world behind this world. The old cultures used to be in constant conversation with it through the sacred practices of storytelling, dreaming, ceremony, and song. They invited the Otherworld to visit them, to transmit its wisdom to them, so that they might be guided by an ancient momentum. But as we succumbed to the spell of rationalism, the living bridge between the worlds fell into disrepair. As fewer made the journey back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch, we forgot how to find the Otherworld.Reclaiming your inner storyteller builds a bridge between you and the Otherworld to enable many magical journeys back and forth for years to come.Who is this course for?You are a parent who would like to spend more creative and meaningful time with your childrenYou would like more social confidence new ways of sharing old wisdom with friendsYou would like to reconnect with the magic of your mythic journey and draw inspiration from the old talesYou are keen to reconnect to your ancestral heritage and landsYou long to reconnect to Mother Earth by learning nature tales and telling stories outdoorsYou feel you lack the skills or presence to tell a story wellYou think your memory is not good enough to remember a storyYou want to deliver wisdom and insights in a more spacious way that is not didactic or moralising.During this course, you willRecognise your innate storytelling ability and experienceDiscover many online resources and books for traditional storiesPractice tried and true story learning and telling skills.Gain insight into your lifes journey through traditional talesGlimpse the power of story medicineBuild a relationship with your story to make it your own while retaining its key elements.Practice your story in different ways and contextsBe introduced to the worldwide storytelling renaissance.At the end of this course, you willFeel more confident in your unique storytelling styleTrust yourself to improvise your story, rather than trying to remember it word-for-wordNever be short of ideas or resources for story-findingHave begun your own oral story collectionUnderstand the importance of building a personal relationship with the stories you tellSee parallels and symbols in traditional tales that offer solace, encouragement, and inspiration for your lifes journeyEnjoy being creative and experimenting with how you practice and tell your story.See many ways you could contribute to the worldwide storytelling renaissance.The course is taught by Nicola-Jane le Breton, a creative writing teacher and arts facilitator who runs a storytelling development project and monthly workshops in her home community in Western Australia, together with theatre director Silvia Lehmann.Enrol now to learn a uniquely insightful and powerful approach to storytelling."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
sukinakoto |
"1/3Step.1 Step.2 Connecting the dotsStep.3 orStep.4 Step.5 As is/To beStep.6 Step.7 MSPMSPMSPMSPStep.8 YouTubeUdemyStep.9 YouTubeStep.10 Step.11 Step.12 Step.13 YWT"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Workshop Power Landingpage" |
"In questo video corso imparerai:- Quali sono i 10 elementi di una pagina ad alta conversione per i tuoi workshop ed eventi- Come aprire velocemente un conto Paypal per ricevere pagamenti online- Come costruire tecnicamente questa pagina con Wordpress e il plugin Thrive- Come costruire una pagina evento con Eventbrite, senza nessuna conoscenza tecnica"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"French Language Course : From A1.1 to A1.2 with Confidence" |
"The courses leads you from level A1.1 to level A1.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages. I will guide you step by step through the different objectives and requirements of the A1.2 level. It is meant for students with English as a native tongue (it has subtitles, translations and documents to print in English) who are A1.1 in French.The course is completely taught in French to immerse yourself in the language, and believe me, this will help you A LOT to improve your listening skills. As an experienced teacher, I know the right pace to use and I choose my words carefully for you to understand what I say. I also provide the course with subtitles in English and in French.I am Benoit, a native 15-years experienced teacher as French as a foreign language.I worked in various institutions and schools, among them ""the European Parliament in Brussels, An Alliance Franaise in Mexico, Universities, High schools, Private schools, etc..."".In this course, you will find :Powerpoint animations with grammar or vocabulary descriptionsConjugation lessons with ready-to-use phrasesAudio and oral exercises to practice your listening and pronunciationlots of quizzes to check what you learntPlenty of PDF documents to print (to recap lectures, list vocabulary or have conjugated verbs printed)So don't waste more time and join me to improve your French right now. bientt ;) "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cambia Vita! Ricomincia da oggi: Autostima, Famiglia, Lavoro" |
"Se non vuoi metterti in gioco e non accetti le sfide, questo non il corso adatto a te.Questo un vero e proprio seminario di formazione, INTENSO e IMPEGNATIVO, dove i primi ostacoli da superare sono quelli mentali, emotivi, relazionali e spirituali.Dai un taglio alla tua vecchia vita e riparti da zero ma con una marcia in pi.Grazie alla Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica andremo a lavorare nei nuclei profondi per riprogrammare la tua vita come lhai sempre sognata, per diventare chi vuoi essere e ottenere dalla vita il massimo, senza limitarti e senza dover rimpiangere un giorno di non aver veramente vissuto.Oggi uno dei problemi che stiamo vivendo la difficolt di esprimerci, di condividere, di aprirci alle altre persone, di far vedere come siamo fatti e come la pensiamo.Questa situazione porta poi ad avere problemi di socializzazione, con tutte le frustrazioni che ne conseguono, soprattutto con le persone che amiamo e che ci stanno vicine.Questa la conseguenza delle esperienze negative che abbiamo vissuto, che in qualche modo ci hanno portato a credere o a non credere, a tutto ci che di bello ci si presentava, senza comprenderne il significato, perdendo cos tantissime opportunit.Ed cos che ci ritroviamo a vivere situazioni difficili, a subire gravi sconfitte, a non riconoscere le reali opportunit, perch intenti a proteggerci e a guardare verso i problemi, che le numerose situazioni ci propongono continuamente, opportunit che potrebbero cambiare per sempre e radicalmente la nostra vita.Le conseguenze a questo malessere sfociano in situazioni che si presentano in ambiti e momenti diversi come:Non riuscire a chiedere una semplice informazioneNon manifestare il proprio amore come vorremmoNon dichiarare il nostro amore ad una personaNon riuscire a dire di noNon riuscire a dire ci che pensiamo realmenteEssere troppo accondiscendenteNon essere veramente apprezzatiImbarazzarsi di fronte ad altriTristezza, ansia e depressioneProblemi di autostimaNon superare un esame a scuolaNon riuscire a presentarci per un colloquioEssere umiliato e deriso dagli altriNon essere allaltezza della situazioneLitigi continui con le persone careNon vivere una vita serena e feliceNon apprezzare le gioie della vitaNon trovare un partnerNon avere amiciNon vivere una vita appagante e soddisfacenteCambia Vita! Ricomincia da oggi pieno di esercizi e di sfide. Perch per crescere bisogna sfidarsi, conoscersi, mettersi alla prova e prepararsi a tutto, anche all'imprevedibile!Su cosa andremo a lavorare:Lavoreremo sulla comunicazione per comprendere meglio prima noi stessi, poi gli altri;Sulla fisiologia, per poter gestire meglio lumore;Sull'atteggiamento mentale, per mantenere il controllo anche nelle situazioni pi difficili;Sulle emozioni, per poter esprimere i nostri sentimenti senza precluderci niente;Sulle relazioni per dare e ricevere amore incondizionato;Sulla spiritualit, per poter creare la nostra migliore vita ricca di soddisfazioni;Ci metteremo obiettivi motivanti, programmeremo il da farsi, pianificheremo la vita migliore per noi.Cambia Vita! Ricomincia da oggi rivolto a tutti.E' rivolto tutti coloro che vogliono cambiare davvero, a chi vuole riprogrammare la propria vita, pianificando e definendo obiettivi, per creare un nuovo percorso appagante e soddisfacente, per imparare a superare i propri limiti e ottenere, non di pi, ma quello che hai realmente sognato.Questo corso segue la modalit full immersion. Prima di iniziare il corso assicurati di avere il tempo necessario per fare gli esercizi, per riflettere, per togliere fuori tutto ci che ti impedisce di evolvere e anche tutte le tue potenzialit, che a volte neanche sappiamo di avere. Ma sono l, nascoste, aspettando solo il momento propizio: che ne diventi consapevole. Prenditi tutto il tempo che ti serve, devi essere sicuro che nessuno ti possa disturbare, devi completamente dedicarti ad un lavoro di introspezione, molto profondo, un lavoro di autoanalisi e di programmazione del tuo futuro, un lavoro di crescita personale, per mettere al primo posto le cose davvero importanti per te.Il corso ha l'obiettivo del di fornirti gli strumenti teorici e pratici per mantenere salda la mano sul timone della tua vita, con maggiore responsabilit, per superare le paure e abbattere le credenze e convinzioni limitanti, attraverso un percorso ricco di sfide ed esercizi.Il corso super-consigliato anche (se non soprattutto) a coppie, genitori con figli e singoli.P.s. non scordare di tenere a portata di mano qualche pacchetto di fazzoletti.Ci vediamo dall'altra parte.CiaoPiergiorgio"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |