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"Linux Security and Hardening, The Practical Security Guide." |
"JOIN THE OTHER 40,000 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY MASTERED THE LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM WITH ONE OF MY TOP RATED COURSES!Keep yourself and your company out of the news by protecting your Linux systems from hackers, crackers, and attackers!This course will not only teach you the security concepts and guidelines that will keep your Linux servers safe, it will walk you through hardening measures step-by-step.Hello. My name is Jason Cannon and I'm the author of Linux Administration, the founder of the Linux Training Academy, and an instructor to thousands of satisfied students. I started my IT career in the late 1990's as a Unix and Linux System Engineer. I've worked for many technology companies who take information security seriously. I've even worked for security firms such as Mandiant and FireEye. I'll be sharing my real-world Linux security experience with you throughout this course.By the end of this course you will be able to tighten up the security on any Linux system. You'll learn the security weaknesses of the Linux operating system and be given step-by-step instructions on how to protect those weaknesses. You'll even learn some security concepts that apply to information security as a whole while focusing on the Linux specific issues that require special consideration.What People Are Saying About Jason and his Courses:""Excellent course on Linux! It is the best way to get started using Linux that I have come across."" --Chris Bischoff, Udemy student""This class was a great review of the 2 Linux classes I took in school. I learned plenty of new stuff and got a great refresher on things I haven't used in some time. I did well on my interview and got the job I was looking for. Thanks!"" --Alan Derrick, Udemy student""This was a great course! Learned a lot from it!"" --Ricardo Jos Crosara Junior, Udemy student""Excellent starter course. Very good and complete guide to get you started on working on Linux."" --Brian Mulder, Udemy student""Great course! Easy to understand for beginners and a great refresher for experienced users!"" --Spencer Ball, Udemy student""Very well laid out course. Thanks Jason!"" --Eric Etheredge, Udemy student""Love it... it's absolutely one of the best courses I've taken here on Udemy."" --Idriss N, Udemy student""Awesome Course! Another great one. Thanks Jason!"" --John Wilmont, Udemy student""Excellent Course! Having come from a moderate understanding of Linux, this course has given me a deeper and more streamlined understanding of Linux. Definitely worth the money."" --Armando Cabrera, Udemy student""Fantastic course and very beautifully explained."" --S John, Udemy student""Great course, great instructor. I enjoyed every minute of it. I recommend this course 100%."" --Alfredo, Udemy student""I am lovin' it. Nice way to begin one's journey into Linux."" --Rohit Gupta, Udemy student____________________Here is just some of what you will learn by taking this Linux Security and Hardening course:How to protect your Linux systems against hackers.Ways to prevent attackers from breaking into your systems, even when they have physical access to your machine.How to enforce strong password policies and control password as well as account aging policies on your Linux servers.SSH Hardening practices.Network security tactics.Port scanning and network service detection.How the Linux firewall works and exactly how to configure it.How to protect the superuser (root) account.Ways to share accounts securely with an audit trail.File system security and encryption.Using and configuring sudo, and why you need to.Advanced Linux permissions include special modes, file attributes, and access control lists (ACLs).Much, much more!Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!What you learn in course applies to any Linux environment or distribution including Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Slackware, Kali Linux and more.____________________Free Bonus - PDFs of All the Material CoveredAs an added bonus for enrolling in this Linux Server Security video training course, you'll receive access to all the slides used in the lessons. You can download them and refer to them when you want to jog your memory or double-check your work.Enroll now and start learning the skills you need to hack-proof your Linux systems today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Linux Administration Bootcamp: Go from Beginner to Advanced" |
"JOIN THE OTHER 20,000 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY MASTERED THE LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM WITH ONE OF MY TOP RATED COURSES!If you want to learn Linux system administration and supercharge your career, read on.Hello. My name is Jason Cannon and I'm the author ofLinux for Beginners,the founder of the Linux Training Academy, and an instructor to thousands of satisfied students. I started my IT career in the late 1990's as a Unix and Linux Systems Engineer and I'll be sharing my real-world Linux experience with you throughout this course.By the end of this course you will fully understand the most important and fundamental concepts of Linux server administration. More importantly, you will be able to put those concepts to use in practical real-world situations. You'll be able to configure, maintain, and support a variety of Linux systems. You can even use the skills you learned to become a Linux System Engineer or Linux System Administrator.Free Bonus- Video Demonstrations from my best-selling book, Command Line Kung-Fu.In this series of videos I'll be sharing with you some of my favorite Linux command line tricks. These tips will make your life easier at the command line, speed up your work flow, and make you feel like a certified Linux command line Ninja! If you want to see the pages ofCommand Line Kung-Fucome to life, then you have to watch these videos!____________________This Linux coursedoesn't make any assumptions about your background or knowledge of Linux. You need no prior knowledge to benefit from this course. You will be guided step by step using a logical and systematic approach. As new concepts, commands, or jargon are encountered they are explained in plain language, making it easy for anyone to understand. Here is what you will learn by takingLinux Bootcamp:How to get access to a Linux server if you don't already.What a Linux distribution is and which one to choose.What software is needed to connect to Linux from Mac and Windows computers.What SSH is and how to use it.The file system layout of Linux systems and where to find programs, configurations, and documentation.The basic Linux commands you'll use most often.Creating, renaming, moving, and deleting directories.Listing, reading, creating, editing, copying, and deleting files.Exactly how permissions work and how to decipher the most cryptic Linux permissions with ease.How to use the nano, vi, and emacs editors.Two methods to search for files and directories.How to compare the contents of files.What pipes are, why they are useful, and how to use them.How to compress files to save space and make transferring data easy.How and why to redirect input and output from applications.How to customize your shell prompt.How to be efficient at the command line by using aliases, tab completion, and your shell history.How to schedule and automate jobs using cron.How to switch users and run processes as others.How to find and install software.How the the boot process works on Linux servers and what you can do to control it.The various types of messages generated by a Linux system, where they're stored, and how to automatically prevent them from filling up your disks.Disk management, partitioning, and file system creation.Logical Volume Manager (LVM) - extending disk space without downtime, migrating data from one storage to another, and more.Managing Linux users and groups.Networking concepts that apply to system administration and specifically how to configure Linux network interfaces.How to configure sudo.Managing process and jobs.Linux shell scriptingUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!What you learn inLinux Bootcampapplies to any Linux environment including CentOS,Ubuntu, Debian, Kali Linux,Linux Mint, RedHatLinux, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Slackware, and more.Enroll now and start learning the skills you need to level up your career!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Create ANYTHING!" |
"How many times have you heard that certain people are just born creative,"" and certain people aren't."" This course debunks this misconception by showing you that creativity is a process with clearly defined steps, that you can learn and apply towards ANY project. Using techniques taken from brain science to rocket science, you'll learn that everyone, including you, is born creative. If you think of yourself as creative already,this course will make you more efficient and productive with your creativity. If you think of yourself as one of the not creative"" people, this class will show you that you ARE creative, and how to bring that creativity to fruition.Examples of what is in this course:What you need to know about every step of the creative process, from coming up with an initial idea, unpacking and expanding upon it, to shaping and refining it.The seven key principles of creativity. Common roadblocks to creativity, and the remedies to get you through. The brain science of the unconscious, how it applies to creativity, and how to give your brain the right data it needs to figure out the problem or next course of action. Case study examples of creative projects. Quizzes to test your knowledge and make the material your own. Exercises to practice what you are learning and much, much more!About This Course:Unconditional 30 day money back guarantee from Udemy. All future upgrades and lectures are included for FREE. Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right of this page now and get started right away. You don't want to delay learning how to apply a simple process to be as creative as you can be, no matter if you are solving problems or creating new projects."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a pintar un lindo cuadro sobre lienzo con acrlicos." |
"En este curso te enseare a pintar un hermoso cuadro en lienzo con tcnica gauche, te guiare paso a paso sin omitir ningn detalle, ademas todo el cuadro esta hecho con materiales econmicos y fcil de conseguir en cualquier lugar. Como si fuera poco es una obra que podrs realizar en poco tiempo y con acabados totalmente profesionales, son ocho vdeos con los que te divertirs aprendiendo. Estoy segura que con este cuadro sorprenders a tus amigos y familiares.Con las tcnicas aprendidas en este curso podrs realizar muchas mas obras y proyectos. No importa si eres profesional o principiante. Este curso es ideal para alumnos de cualquier edad incluso nios mayores de 12 aos pueden intentarlo, ya que es ideal para desarrollar la creatividad y el interes por el arte."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to paint a pretty picture on canvas with acrylics." |
"This course will teach you to paint a beautiful picture on canvas with technical gauche, will help you step by step without omitting any details, and to enhance the work of art it is made from cheap and readily available materials anywhere. It is also a job that can be performed in a short time and with totally professional finishes, are eight videos with having fun learning. I am sure that with this work of art you will be surprise your friends and family.With the techniques learned in this course, you will do a lot more artworks and projects. Whether you're professional or beginner.This course is ideal for people of all ages, including children over 12 years can try, as it is ideal for developing creativity and interest in art."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to paint a picture with metallic effects" |
"This course will teach you how to make a beautiful metallic painting with a gradient technique, metallic paint, tissue paper texture, and foil paper. You will also learn how to assemble your painting with picture fittings. The process will be easy and fun because you will learn using a five-step video. Likewise, the materials you will use are inexpensive and easy to find. Upon completion of this project you will create an awesome, fun, and professional work of art with professional finishes, no matter if you are a novice or a professional. With the techniques learned in this course you will be able to make many more projects."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Refactorizar para mejorar la calidad del cdigo Java" |
"Curso de refactorizacin en Java. Utilizando el IDE de Eclipse y mltiples plugins aprenderemos a incorporar las actividades de refactoring en el proceso de desarrollo del software diario. Relacionaremos la refactorizacin con las actividades del proceso de desarrollo:pruebas y calidad de las pruebas mediante su cobertura (plugin JUnit y Eclemma)control de versiones (plugin Git)comprensin de cdigo mediante diagramas UML (plugin ObjectAid)revisin de la calidad del cdigo basada en defectos de cdigo (plugin InCode y PMD)El aprendizaje se har de manera progresiva, primero conociendo y aplicando refactorizaciones aisladas del catlogo de Eclipse mediante pequeos ejemplos de cdigo. Despus se presentarn un caso de estudio ms avanzado donde se aplicar una secuencia de refactorizaciones con el objetivo de adaptar un cdigo existente con una nueva funcionalidad. En la ltima seccin del curso se presentarn herramientas de deteccin de code smells que ayuden a incorporar las actividades de refactorizacin en proyectos reales de desarrollo software.La planificacin recomendada por el profesor es dedicar cuatro semanas de 6-8 horas de trabajo cada semana."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Temel HTML - Yeni Balayanlar in Kolay ve Pratik renme" |
"Web sitelerinin temelini HTML oluturur. Tm web sitelerinin (,, vb.) arayz hep HTML ile oluturulmutur.HTML kursumuzda daha ok HTML in temel yapsn oluturan etiketler zerinde duracaz. Fazla detaylara girilmeden, rnekler ile kolay ve pratik olarak HTML i hep beraber reneceiz.Bu kursun ana amac kendi web sitelerinizi oluturacak altyapy sizlere sunmaktr.Bu kursu bitirdikten sonra;HTML etiketlerini tanyor olacaksnz.Bir web sayfasnn nasl oluturulduunu renmi olacaksnz.Statik ve dinamik web sayfalar arasndaki fark anlam olacaksnz.HTML kursu, HTML Temel ve HTML + CSS eklinde iki seri halinde olacaktr. Bu kursumuz daha ok teorik arlkl ve sadece HTML etiketleri zerine olmasna ramen, dier kursumuz ise HTML + CSS etiketleri zerine detayl ve uygulama arlkl olacaktr. Bu iki kursu bitirdikten sonra profesyonel web sitelerinin nasl tasarlandn renmi olacaksnz ve kendi web sitenizi tasarlamaya balayabileceksiniz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1 Day Product Prototype Idea to Product in 24 hours 2019" |
"This course is a HANDS-ON workshop. Starting from basic idea generation/creativity hacks, it takes you though entire journey of developing and launching products in a professional way.You will be able to:Learn proven methods to generate high potential business ideas (demonstrated with a real life example)Get more creative ideas on your online or offline ventures esp. E- CommerceEvaluate the right ideas and increase your venture success rateUnderstand key components of a Product -Why it is beyond a website or a mobile app?Learn proven steps to convert Idea into Cool Product and sell to first 100 customersLearn to create an integrated GO TO MARKET plan and get customer proofs for freeLearn ABC of product launches and how to make them successfulUnderstand key performance metrics for your productMake your idea/product attractive to your investors or board membersJust imagine if you can get fresh ideas on any new product or for improving existing ones in less than 15 minutes. Not only that, imagine if you are able to shape your idea into a sellable product in just 9 simple steps. Research says that more than 95% of the business or product ideas end up only on papers and never take off. If you are also planning to start up with single or multiple ideas but unable to decide which one to pursue, this course is for you. Just imagine, what it would cost you in terms of time, effort and money if you select a wrong idea but later uncover the feasibility challenges or business potential limitations. Over 3000 students have benefited from this course taught in classroom in various business schools and seminars This course shares my knowledge and experiential learnings with you in a simple and step wise way. You will learn an actionable framework 'getSMART' to increase chances of success of your innovation exercise. Also, have designed a framework 'InCUBATER' to help you evaluate any idea in a holistic and unbiased manner. This framework is work of my interactions with various entrepreneurs and product managers. I assure you that you will not need any other tool if you learn to use this framework properly. In this course, you will see how a simple service like ""Loyalty"" card for an apparel brand can be transformed into an innovative and unique product through getSMART framework. You will learn how leading companies in technology, software, fmcg etc. generate ideas through a structured methodology. Irrespective of your job whether you are Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Services Manager, R&D professional, Artist or Student, you encounter situations that require ideation to create new stuff or improve the existing things. Starting with an overview on getSMART framework and brief on main source for ideas, the course takes you through 9 popular and useful methods to Generate Ideas"". A complete unit is dedicated to each unit. At the end of each unit, you will be able to take any object around you, apply this method and improve it. What will you learn? getSMART framework to convert your idea into a sellable product9 Types of Innovation Situations9 Methods for Idea GenerationInCUBATER framework to evaluate ideasIdea to Product conversion stepsIdea and Product Validation Methods and Online Tools (available for free)4D model for Idea or Product Presentation designOnline resources with more than 100 advanced ideation techniques. This course will serve as a reference toolkit that you can refer to at any stage of your career whenever you need to generate fresh ideas or solve problems. I am positive you will benefit from this course and learn new framework and methodologies around ideation. Go ahead, Think creatively, Get great ideas and Launch cool products."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to Freestyle Rap: Rhythm, Lyrics, Delivery" |
"In this course you will develop the skill set to freestyle rap in various styles without running out of bars, even if you have never rapped before. This is a bold promise, but like anything else, freestyle rhyming can be broken down into a few simple steps. I will explain the three components to rapping, then we will talk more about freestyle-specific skills. 1. Rhythm: You will learn to catch any beat by tapping out the quarter notes, then create a simple percussion rhythm which you will then put words to.2. Lyrics: We will talk about polysyllabic rhyming, associations, building topics to fall back on, and wordage (word choice).3. Delivery: In this lesson you will play around with your voice to see what it can do, and take a good look at how to hone your flow. After we cover the three fundamentals of freestyle rap, I will help you to develop multiple flows and improve your delivery, teach you tricks to come up with rhymes and always have subjects to rhyme about in cyphers. We will cover: Cypher Etiquette, how to Never Run Out of Bars, Tools to Get Going, Finding Beats, Switching Flows, Entering a Flow State, and more. Relax, get into the vibe, and come with me on this journey through the components of freestyle rap. Oh, and if you are wondering ""Who is this guy and why should he be my rap teacher?"" I am the musician that goes by the name Douglas, Sir Douglas Fresh, Ammon, and godsol. You can listen to & download my mixtape at, and find me on Spotify as Ammon (Check out my song ""Ammon - You Are Love"")I also hold periodic freestyle events for local rappers called Solsfest (since 2014). Oh yeah, and I built a worldwide music map app that YOU can be a part of! You can find beats there, and even share your music for free. It's called cXc Music, and you can find it at"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn ASP NET with Bootstrap,Entity Framework,JavaScript,C#" |
"In this course, you will learn how to create an Asp.Net Web Forms application from scratch, while implementing the Responsive Design Framework Bootstrap. We will start with the installation of Visual Studio.From there, we will learn about the different server controls such as a Listbox, Dropdownlist, File Upload controls and more while structuring these controls with Bootstrap for a clean user interface design. We will then implement different data controls such as a Gridview, Formview, and Repeaters. These controls will be incorporated within Entity Framework and Sql Server for the purpose of advanced data access techniques.. Students who complete this course will acquire the skills for creating advanced Asp.Net web applications while implementing Bootstrap and Entity Framework.Source Code will be made available. Once the student finishes this course, They will be able to create advanced .NET applications that will be functional on any device."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn SASS: Optimize your CSS skills in Windows & Mac OSX" |
"Web developers and designers work with CSS daily in all of there web activities and projects. CSS can be time consuming, complicated, and chaotic. SASS is the solution to all of your CSS problems. SASS enables you to build upon your existing CSS knowledge base without having to sacrifice time.In this course, you will learn how to write faster and more maintainable CSS by utilizing SASS. You will learn how write and compile SASS in Visual Studio 2015 on your Windows OS and Visual Studio Code on your Mac OS X. If your CSS has not improved by utilizing the SASS concepts in this course, you can request a full refund up to 30 days of registering.What is SASS? SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) is a CSS preprocessor extension and a scripting language. This CSS extension can assist you in creating beautiful and elegant websites with minimal effort. By comprehending and mastering Sass, your web design and development efficiency will sky rocket!!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"HTML & HTML5 Crash Course for Entrepreneurs" |
"Have you ever wanted learn HTML or HTML5? How about becoming an entrepreneur? What about creating and monetizing your new web development skills? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this course is for you. The HTML & HTML5 Crash Course for Entrepreneurs is the most detailed, comprehensive, and in-depth courses on HTML you will find on the web. This course will teach you all the necessary skills for you to become a Front-End Web Developer. No programming experience is necessary. This course will take you from beginner status and transform you into an expert HTML5 developer.If you don't believe me, I will offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of your purchase of the course.How will I make money with my new web development skills?This course will teach you how to monetize your new web development skills by helping you find resources online for freelance web development work or become an online teacher. If you do not want to be a freelance web developer, the skills learned in this course will assist you in finding a job in a small business or corporation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ASP NET Core 3 (ASP.NET 5),MVC,C#,Angular & EF Crash Course" |
"* *Last Update 12/13/2018* * Discounted Price for a Limited Time Only!!!Have you ever wanted to learn how to develop and host ASP.NET Web Applications in a cross-platform environment? Well you have come to the right place.ASP.NET Core 3 (Formerly known as ASP.NET 5) is the new way to develop Cross Platform web applications in ASP.NET and C#. In this course, I will teach you how to build ASP.NET Core Web Applications from the ground up. We will also examine and demonstrate all of the features of MVC, Entity Framework Core, Web Api, Angular & C#. After we develop our ASP.NET Core Web App, I will teach you how to deploy your web app to Microsoft Azure.What is ASP.NET Core?ASP.NET Core is an open-source and cross-platform application framework used for developing modern cloud based web applications utilizing .NET. Why Build Web Applications in ASP.NET Core?The web stack for ASP.NET is based on a older legacy platform. ASP.NET has a lot of the unused code in the .NET framework. Since ASP.NET 1.0 (Over 15 years old), there's a lot of legacy code that has to load even when it is not being utilized in your web projects. This can cause performance issues in your web apps. ASP.NET Core solves this issue.ASP.NET Core is built with the needs of modern Web applications in mind. ASP.NET Core is built to be cloud-ready by introducing environment-based configuration and by providing built-in dependency injection support.ASP.NET Core supports cross-platform development on Windows, Mac and Linux. The ASP.NET Core (ASP.NET 5) stack is open source and encourages community contributions and engagement from developers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Philosophy Of Religion: Spirituality Despite Politics" |
"In this philosophy of religioncourse you will learn about the philosophy of religion, which is a branch of philosophy (not theology) that focuses on using rational understand to comprehend various religious phenomenons and beliefs. How Is This Philosophy Course Structured?In the course I present the leading opinions about religion fromthe topphilosophers from the last 2000 years.Icover philosophers starting from Socrates to modern existential and nihilisticviews on philosophy, andthe evolution of religion from ancient times to the present. I equallypresent the rationalizations and proofs of God as well as reasons not to believe in God. I also point out when politics takes over, and how to make the distinction, and not let politics take over.The course is 100% objective. At raretimes I offer my own opinions, but I always try to give both sides of arguments by philosophers on both sides of the issues I present. Additionally, I NEVER single out any religion or ANY group of people. My goal for this philosophy of religioncourse was to present itas objectively as possible, and let you decide on your eventual beliefs. I just introduce philosophy of religion approximately as it would be taught in an undergraduate philosophy of religion course. You Will Get Introduced To New Ideas And Perspectives Religion is as prevalent and widespread in the world today as it has ever been. I feel that you will find thisphilosophy of religioncourse enlightening and thought provoking. I welcome and encourage you to take the course. It will give you a number of perspectives and arguments from which to view spirituality and religion in a new light. No Risk To Take This PhilosophyCourse Every course on Udemy comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, and so does this philosophy course. So there is no risk to take this philosophycourse. If you find that you don't like the course, just get your money back. But I am confident that you will find the course interesting! Is This A Philosophy Course Or A Religion Course?This is first and foremost a philosophy course. This course examines the opinions of the major philosophers (not theologists) about religion.Why Is A Philosophy Course Like This Needed Or Interesting For Today's Audience?Today, religion is politicized more than ever. It is also endlesslyskewed by the media. This is why in this course, we go back to basics, and examine what the smartest people in history had to say about religion."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Lead Generation, LinkedIn Sales" |
"Learn LinkedIn marketing to get LinkedIn leads for your business and learn how to pitch them in order to turn leads into LinkedIn sales.This LinkedIn course is no joke. You want to know what works on LinkedIn right now? Forget Cold Calling, Gate-Keepers, Flyers, Networking, Time-Sucking Meetings...This LinkedIn course is currently assisting professionals in numerous industries, such as: ConstructionSales & MarketingAccountingOil & GasFinancial PlanningBusiness Consulting/ManagementReal EstateetcWe're currently getting B2B leads for our clients connecting them to the following job titles/positions: HSEs (Oil & Gas) Franchise OwnersNetwork MarketersSmall Business OwnersMechanicsInternet MarketersRetail Store OwnersFinancial PlannersRestaurant OwnersCEOsAssistants to the CEOsetcProfile ViewsIf people aren't viewing your profile, how are you getting an opportunity to sell yourself or your service? Connection GrowthViews = Exposure = Connections = Leads Along with more views on your profile comes more real connections. Whether you're selling a product or service today or are planning strategically for the near future, we are currently using this method on a managed basis to help our clients get connected directly to the decision makers. Forget Cold Calling, Gate-Keepers, Flyers, Networking, Time-Sucking Meetings... If you're in Sales/Biz Dev in any B2B industry & you're not handed the Glengarry leads on a silver platter, you need to stop what you're doing & read below. REAL, High-Quality, High-Quantity B2B Leads ARE Possible on social. This LinkedIn course will show you how it's possible. You have NEVER seen a service like this. It doesn't exist anywhere else. If you're looking for B2B leads, we know how to get them for you...on autopilot. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe LinkedIn course comes with an unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 day money-back guarantee so you can try the course risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will succeed ... just like my thousands of other Udemy students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Branding - Be Seen As A Celebrity In Your Niche" |
"LEARNTHESAVVYSTRATEGIESREALBRANDINGPROSUSETOGETFARAHEAD OFEVERYONEELSEThis advancedpersonal brandingcourse will teach you to elevate your business presence to immediate celebrity status within your industry niche. Having a celebrity status will open an incredible number of doors for you. People will want to do business with you, people will trust you more, you will be able to sell more products for higher prices, and people will want to be associated with you. You can get all that just by following the proven tactics described by Tracy A. Hines. Tracy has years of experience providing a premium service in which he does everything for his clients to get them to celebrity status. And now, we are excited to present this advanced personal brandingcourse to you. In this course you get his secrets and tactics for a much cheaper price than his service! ============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and Iwould love to help you.I am an expert growth marketer, and Icreate winning marketing strategies for my clients all the time. Now it is your turn to grow your business, and fulfill your dreams.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute GoogleHangout coaching call (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course*Be automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month status and have your business featured ============================OFFICEHOURSANDONE-ON-ONE HELP - IGIVEMY PERSONALTIME What really sets this course apart is the personal time Igive to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and Iwill do my best to help you. The office hours are free, Idon't try to sell anything. It is just another thing Idoto help you achieve your goals.You can also get my help and advice any time! Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you.============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic.============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEE The course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try the course risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will succeed and that I will go out of my way to make sure you succeed with this course... just like my thousands of other Udemy students. Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Productivity & Time Management: Grow Your Side Business" |
"Learn how to save time and be more productive while you work on your side business while working at your main 9-5 job that helps you pay the bills. This course is made specifically for people who have to work a 9-5 job because they need to support their families, and pay their rent. Since you have to maintain a full-time job, you probably have very little time to work on your side business that you dream of growing to a big business one day. Naturally, you need to free up as much time as you can in order to allow as much time as possible. That is why this course was made. In the course, you will learn to stop procrastinating, delegate and outsource, properly schedule your time, set smart goals, and use productivity tools that will help you save time and be more productive. No Risk Of Trying The Course If you are wondering whether this course will be right for you, there is no risk in trying it. Every Udemy course comes with a 30-day money-back guaranteed. So go ahead, try the course now, and see whether it helps you! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Entrepreneurship Qualities For First-Time Entrepreneurs" |
"In this entrepreneurshipcourse you will learn how to become a successful entrepreneur. You will learn how to train your mind to be the mind of an entrepreneur, and you will learn tactics and strategies for how to behave and the kinds of people to surround yourself with.Who This EntrepreneurshipCourse Is ForThis training is for people who are either dreaming of starting a business, or are in the early stages of starting a business. The course doesn't discriminate in who you are so this is equally a course for young people (maybe teen entrepreneurs) or older people, men and women, and people of all shapes and sizes.The strategies I teach here are universal, and will help anyone in the beginning stage of their Entrepreneurship journey.How This EntrepreneurshipCourse Is StructuredFirst I explain what is an entrepreneur, and what it means to truly be an entrepreneur, and how to ultimately become successful. After that I discuss the psychology of a smart entrepreneur, and the common characteristics that will help you be more successful.I also explain what mistakes to avoid.Still Wondering If This EntrepreneurshipCourse Is Right For You? There Is No Risk To TryEvery Udemy course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. So if you don't get what you hoped out of this entrepreneurshipcourse, you can get a full refund. But I am sure you will love the course, so go ahead, sign up, and start becoming the best entrepreneur you can be, starting today.Why Do You Need This Entrepreneurship Course?If you are serious about becoming a strong and successful entrepreneur, you need to understand how to face different situations and how to think like an experienced business person. You need to hone your mindset, your thinking, how you work and how to manage to be better and better. Once you become a strong entrepreneur, you will be more likely to succeed in whatever business you are starting.Why This Entrepreneurship Course And Not Others?Ihave found success as an entrepreneur, and I came from nothing. I had no support, no money, no investment, no advisors, and no business education since Iwas a Computer Science major. I had only my hard work, my resourcefulness, and my hustle and persistence. I figured out how to start from zero, and create a successful business. I was hustling every step of the way, and Ishare what truly worked for me.So you get the A-Z of the important entrepreneurship skills I learned that I think made a big difference for me, and should make a big difference for you. That is why Imade this entrepreneurship course - to help you become a better and stronger entrepreneur faster.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE The course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I'vedone for thousands of my other students.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Executive, Life Coach, Career, Or Business Coaching Success" |
"The world-famous coach of coaches, Marc Mawhinney, teaches how to become a coach & earn a living doing what you love.Marc Mawhinney also hosts the popular coaching podcast Natural Born Coaches. Marc Mawhinney has interviewed over 2,000 coaches on his Natural Born Coaches show in which he interviews a new coach every day.In this coaching course, March Mawhinney will teach you how to start or accelerate your career as a business coach, life coach, executive coach or in just about any other field of coaching.In this course, Marc shares what he learned from all the business coaches and life coaches he's interviewed on his show and coached in his practice over time. You will learn his productivity tips, his marketing tips on how to get clients, his strategies on how to find your niche (especially a lucrative niche with clients that can afford to pay fair prices), and much more. The secondary instructor in this course is Alex Genadinik who is also a business coach that has helped over 1,000 people in his mobile apps and business coaching practice.Together, Alex Genadinik and Marc Mawhinney bring you the tips you need to become a leading coach (or one of the leading coaches) in your industry.RECENTLY ADDED SECTION ON LINKEDINWe recently added a section to the course about creating a great LinkedIn profile. Your LinkedIn profile is one of the first pages that come up in Google when people search for your name, and it is part of your online reputation management, which will help you convince clients to hire you as their coach.FROM ALEX GENADINIKYears ago, I was one of the early guests on the Natural Born Coaches podcast and March Mawhinney and I kept in touch. I have seen Marc become one of the biggest authorities in coaching, and I wanted to create a course to help new coaches get Marc's insight and tips. So we came together and created this course for you. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.WHO THIS COURSE IS FORThis coaching course is ideal for you if you are a business coach, marketing coach, lifestyle coach, productivity coach, happiness coach, offer transformational coaching, mentoring, or any other kind of coaching. If you are just starting out in your coaching practice, and are not having the success you want, take this course. It will help you tremendously.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE This coaching course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Join the course and let's start growing your coaching practice today! "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Trademarks: Look Up An Existing Trademark Without A Lawyer" |
"In this course you will learn how to look up trademarks, and determine whether your website, app, podcast or any other kind of a brand infringes on another trademark.It is extremely important to check for existing trademarks before you start any kind of businessYou may not be planning to get a trademark of your own, but you absolutely must determine whether the company name or brand you are planning to create will infringe on another existing trademark. If it will, you may have to re-do your entire website and all the branding that you posted all over the web. That would be an absolute nightmare, and this course helps you avoid all that.Save money on not having to hire a lawyerif you had to consult with a lawyer every time you needed to check whether you would be infringing on another trademark, it would quickly become expensive! Knowing how to do it on your own saves you A LOT of money and time!Try the course risk-freeEvery Udemy course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. So if you don't like the course, you can simply get your money back. But I am sure that you will love the course. So go ahead, sign up for the curse now, and learn whether any of your existing or planned websites or brands infringe on any trademarks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020: Find & Buy Premium-Looking Domain Names Cheaply" |
"Course recently updated and completely re-filmed to be more effective at helping you find amazing domain names!This course will make you come across asstronger entrepreneur byenabling you to find a premium looking and professional domain name for your business.VALUEOFAGREATDOMAINNAME FORBRANDINGANDLONG-TERM BUSINESSSUCCESSYour domain name is the first thing people see even before coming to your site, and they form their first opinion about your business when seeing your domain name. So learn to get a domain name that will makea great impression on your clients.A great A-level domain name will do wonders for your business. All your clients and potential business contacts will be impressed. A great domain makes the entrepreneur look savvy and experienced.Plus, your clients will trust you more because your company will look professionally branded, and more legitimate. Additionally, once you practice my strategies enough, and become good at finding great domain names, you will be able to sell them online, and generate an income that way.Before you start any project in the future, or if you don't have a website or a domain name yet, get this course and follow my creative strategies for finding a domain name. You will be so happy that you took this curse because a domain name can stay with you for years, and all it takes is a great 1-time effort in the beginning. And then, every day after that, you will be reaping the benefits of having an A-level domain that impresses people and makes you look like a great entrepreneur.OFFICEHOURSWITHPERSONAL HELPWhat really sets this course apart is the bi-weekly regular office hours Ihold with students in this course. The office hours are a group call with other students where you can make connections and get extra business advice from a real expert.During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and Iwill do my best to help you. The office hours are free, Idon't try to sell anything. It is just another thing Idoto make your course experience better.Iform many amazing and long-term business relationships with people in my courses and I hope one day Ican meet you.MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I'vedone for thousands of my other students.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastermind Business: Create & Promote Mastermind Groups" |
"Two heads are better than one, and that is why you should always get coaching or be a part of a mastermind group.Experts use mastermind groups to learn from and brainstorm with peers to get ahead in business and creative projects. Use this time proven technique to get help, advice, and support in your business.OFFICE HOURS WITH PERSONAL HELPWhat really sets this course apart is the bi-weekly regular office hours I hold with students in this course. The office hours are a group call with other students where you can make connections and get extra business advice from a real expert. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to make your course experience better. I form many amazing and long-term business relationships with people in my courses and I hope one day I can meet you.HOW THIS COURSE WILL HELP YOUThis course will teach you how to make money by creating and running mastermind groups of your own.If you have some expertise, and think you can teach people how to do that, you can create a mastermind group, and make money by charging the members of the mastermind for access to the group.This course is made by Alex Barker and Alex Genadinik. Alex Barker has been creating mastermind groups for years, and has been training others on how to successfully create their mastermind groups. Now, with this course, you can make money and forge great long-term business relationships by hosting your own mastermind groups!No Risk To Try The CourseEvery Udemy course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. I am sure you will love the course, but just in case you don't, there is no risk to try it because you will simply be able to get a refund if something in the course is not to your liking. So try the course now, and get on your way to starting your very own fantastic mastermind groups."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Profitable Business Niche: Find An Ideal Business Niche" |
"Get on the path to finding the best business niche for your business, learn the basics of business planning, and identify a niche that can be the foundation on which you can build a great business. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSEIf you have not started your business because you don't yet have a great business idea, or have not chosen a business niche, this course was made specifically for you.After seeing MANY people not start their business because they were struggling with finding a correct niche for their business, I have put together this course to help you get over this challenge, and help you to finally start your business!This course is relatively short. After you complete the course, you should understand how to structure your thinking to allow you to choose a correct business niche that is right for you!============================EXAMPLES IN THE COURSEThe examples I use are from my own experience and from the experiences of my clients. One client is especially interesting. After one client came to me with an idea for an affiliate marketing niche, I helped him think about his business in a broader way, and create an agency, YouTube channel, and a personal brand from his initial business niche idea. In this course, you will see how I turned his initial vision into a legitimate business with long-term potential. ============================FIND A NICHE WEBSITE FOR DOING NICHE MARKETINGOne of the biggest marketing challenges today is that most niches are too competitive. This is why you need to do research for your niche website so that you can do niche marketing so that it isn't too competitive. This is especially important for first-time entrepreneurs who must have some small successes early to build momentum.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.============================BONUSES INCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute GoogleHangout coaching call* Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course============================OFFICE HOURS AND ONE-ON-ONE HELP - I GIVE MY PERSONAL TIME What really sets this course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours, you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your goals. You can also get my help and advice at any time! Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you. ============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEE This business niche course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try the course risk-free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will succeed and that I will go out of my way to make sure you succeed with this course... just like my thousands of other Udemy students. Invest in your future. Enroll now and uncover an amazing business niche."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Hire A Lawyer / Attorney & Get Premium Work Cheaply" |
"If you need to hire a lawyer now, or will need to hire one for your business, take this course to learn how to hire a good lawyer that will help you at a reasonable price, and get the job done well!Every lawyer will tell you about how good they are. But how do you know before hiring them? In this course Steve Pipenger (New York state lawyer) explains the best strategies of finding a lawyer, looking up their history and doing research on them. Steve also explains what to do in order to get a good price!This is a quick course and will take under an hour to complete, and after you finish the course you will be able to save a lot of money and time by hiring a great lawyer when you will need to hire one!Still Wondering If The Course Is Right For You? There Is No Risk To TryEvery Udemy course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. So if you don't get what you hoped out of the course, you can get a full refund. But I am sure you will love the course, so go ahead, sign up, and start learning about how to hire a great lawyer, starting today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"U.S Startup & Small Business Registration And Business Law" |
"Refilmed and updated in 2020!Learn why you need to register your business with the state, how to decide on what business entity to choose (LLC, S corp, C corp or something else), how to protect your intellectual property, basic employment laws, online privacy issues and much more. You will also learn how to hire a good business lawyer to help you when you will need legal help.As an entrepreneur, at one point or another, you will need to hire a lawyer. You will also have to understand many of the business law basics like issues with business registration, liability protection, entity types, and more. This course will teach you all that and much more!Disclaimer: this course is for US law only.Understand Intellectual Property LawWe'll go over various ways to protect intellectual property and when to use Trademarks, Patents, or non-disclosure agreements. We'll also cover when Trademarks, Patents, or non-disclosure agreements don't work and when not to use them. So by the end of the course, you will know whether you need a trademark, patent, or a non-disclosure agreement.Still Wondering If This Business Law Online Course Is Right For You? There Is No Risk To TryEvery Udemy course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So if you don't get what you hoped out of this business law online course, you can get a full refund. But I am sure you will love the course, so go ahead, sign up, and start learning about business law concerning your company, starting today.Why Do You Need A Business Law Online Course?Every new entrepreneur should take this business law online course to become familiar with basic business law that they will need to understand when they start their business. This course will explain how to form your company, how to protect your intellectual property, legal issues associated with hiring and firing employees, and much more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Company Formation Law: How To Register A Business (US Law)" |
"Refilmed and improved in 2020.NOTE: This course covers company formation law for the United States only.Learn why it is important to register your business with the state, how do register your business correctly, and how to choose the business entity (LLC vs corporation). By the end of this business registration law course, you will have a great idea of which business entity is right for you, be able to register it on your own, and do what is necessary to keep your business in good standing with the state in which it is registered. This will give you liability protection and protect your personal assets.This is a great course to learn corporate and business formation law for entrepreneurs.Still wondering if the course is right for you? There is no risk to tryEvery Udemy course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So if you don't get what you hoped out of the course, you can get a full refund. But I am sure you will love the course, so go ahead, sign up, and start learning about the best ways to register your business starting today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1 day WordPress website for your business, affiliate or blog" |
"This course will show you how to set up a basic WordPress website or WordPress blog in just 1 day so that you can get up and running with your business! This is a basic WordPress primer in which I used an example of a new website that I am building from absolute scratch to show you the basic steps needed to make it look presentable and professional. So go ahead, sign up for the course, start building your site, and launch it today or tomorrow!As time goes on, I am sure that you will add many additional bells and whistles to your website. But you have to get started somewhere, right? This is the course to get you to a quick launch of your website or blog so that you can begin promoting your business and have a foundation from which to continue to improve your website.For what kinds of businessescan you set up a WordPress website using this course?With thestrategies in this course, you can set up a WordPress website for arestaurant or diner, coffee shop, barbershop, nightclub, local event, business selling t-shirts, most kinds of stores ranging from boutiques to grocery stores to jewlery shops, animal care or grooming, lawn care or landscaping businesses, moving businesses, gym, frozen yogurt or ice cream shop, a deli, liquor store or a sandwich shop, a a beauty salon or a hair salon, a spa, a daycare business, a hardware store, commercial cleaning or residential cleaning, car wash, general contractor business, dog walking or pet sitting, martial arts studio, or a dance studio.Here is a list of potential online businesses you can start using thiscourse to set up a WordPress website: blogging, affiliate marketing, elearning, create a channel on YouTube, become an author and sell books on Amazon and the Kindle, or become a freelancer or a local concierge.Money Back Guarantee If You Are Not SatisfiedIf you do not like the course for whatever reason, every Udemy course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. I am sure that if you need a website, this course will help you get quickly up and running. But if for some reason the course doesn't satisfy you, it is good to know that there is no risk since there is a 30-day money back guarantee. So go ahead, sign up for the course, start building your site, and launch it today or tomorrow!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bestseller Book Marketing: Amazon Kindle KDP Self-Publishing" |
"Brand yourself like a million bucks for the rest of your career by making yourself a bestselling author using 100% legitimate book marketing techniques.Secondary benefits from being a bestseller:Get paid speaking engagements Sell more books - paperback and Kindle (KDP) Get invited to appear on radio shows and podcastsCareer-long branding as a thought-leader in your industry that opens doors============================HOW THIS BOOK MARKETING COURSE WILL HELP YOUIt used to be nearly impossible to become a New York Times bestselling author because you needed to have a publisher and be very well connected. But since Amazon democratized book publishing, it is more attainable to become a bestselling author on Amazon, and in this course, I teach you exactly how to do that.I show you how to write a good book even if you are not a good writer, how to position your book to more easily attain a bestseller status, and then I show you exactly what I did to become a 3-time bestselling author on Amazon so that you can do the same thing too. Sign up for the course, and let's make you a bestselling author. Just imagine how potential employers, business partners, clients, or investors will respond when they read your bio when it opens with the words ""bestselling author."" People will be impressed and will be more likely to do business with you or hire you. Having a bestseller status will pay for itself many-fold throughout your career.============================AMAZON KDP LOW CONTENT BOOKSA recent addition to the course is the creation and sales of Amazon KDP low content books. Low content books are books like planners, notebooks, diaries, calendars, and many similar books that are categorized by the fact that you don't have to create the content. Amazon KDP low content books are a great and fast way to get into the Amazon Kindle KDP business because you don't have to buy, outsource, or write an actual book and there is a lot of demand for Amazon Kindle KDP low content books.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI am a successful book author with many Amazon bestsellers. Some of my self-published books are used by universities and high schools throughout the country where I've given talks. I do all my book marketing and I'll teach you the strategies that help me sell books today.I've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.============================BONUSES INCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute Google Hangout coaching call where we can discuss your book marketing and Kindle (KDP) self-publishing (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course============================OFFICE HOURS AND ONE-ON-ONE HELP - I GIVE MY PERSONAL TIME What really sets this book marketing and Amazon Kindle (KDP) course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. During office hours, you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your goals. You can also get my help and advice at any time! Feel welcome to start discussions and message me with private questions about your book marketing. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you succeed with your book marketing and Amazon Kindle (KDP) book sales. ============================CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THIS BOOK MARKETING COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this Amazon Kindle KDP and paperback book sales course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your self-publishing and book marketing expertise, and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in book marketing and Amazon Kindle (KDP) sales.============================MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE This book marketing and Amazon Kindle (KDP) self-publishing course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed with your book marketing just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll now, take your book marketing to the next level, and sell more books."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr Freelancing 2020: Sell Fiverr Gigs Like The Top 1%" |
"Updated for 2020: Sell more Fiverr gigs, build a real freelancing business on Fiverr beyond basic freelancing, and maximize revenue from each buyer. Gain financial independence and freedom!Learn to:Have your gigs rank in Fiverr search and be discovered by more buyersGet people to make large orders from youTurn buyers into long-term customers who buy many gigs from youIncrease Fiverr sales of your gig extrasHow to get your gigs to rank highly in Fiverr search and get many organic sales driven from Fiverr searchMaximize revenue potential from each customer============================DON'T EARN A SMALL FREELANCING INCOME. GENERATE SERIOUS INCOME ON FIVERR!The aim of this course is to get you to start making thousands of dollars per month by increasing the number of orders you get, and increasing the average order price, and increasing the number of times a single person purchases something from you on Fiverr.============================BASED ON TOP FIVERR FREELANCERS AND MY OWN SUCCESSThe tips in this course come from a number of established top-sellers on Fiverr, and tips that I myself implement with success. Many of the lectures offer practical advice based on real-world data and success. This way you can see how experts do it and achieve success for yourself as well.Sign up for the course today and begin making money on Fiverr as early as today.============================NOT SURE HOW TO START A FREELANCING BUSINESS?This course covers freelancing for beginners. I'll walk you through every step of setting up your Fiverr freelancing profile including account setup, branding, creating the initial services you sell, and getting your first sales.============================WHAT TYPES OF FIVERR FREELANCING SERVICES CAN YOU PROMOTE WITH THIS COURSE?Marketing like SEO and social media marketingFreelancing for developers selling web development and app developmentDesign servicesSales and blog copywritingCoachingVoiceoverSpokesperson videosVideo creation, transcription, animation============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.I've been successfully freelancing on Fiverr for over 5 years. I mastered turning five-dollar sales into clients who spend thousands of dollars, and that is exactly what I teach you in this course. Don't look at Fiverr as discounted freelancing. Look at Fiverr as an amazing lead generation platform where the leads pay you instead of you paying to get leads! ============================WHY FIVERR FREELANCING IS BETTER THAN UPWORK While you can post your freelancing services on both Fiverr and Upwork, the problem with UpWork freelancing is that many potential customers ask many questions and you have to apply for many jobs. This is a substantial time investment on your part that you don't get paid for.On Fiverr, on the other hand, many people just order your services, and there is no interview or application process. This way, you don't waste your time on Fiverr like you would on Upwork.============================BONUSES INCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute coaching call where we can discuss your freelancing* Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course============================OFFICE HOURS AND ONE-ON-ONE HELP - I GIVE MY PERSONAL TIME What really sets this Fiverr course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours, you can ask me any freelancing questions you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your goals. You can also get my help and advice at any time! Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you. ============================MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE This Fiverr freelancing course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll in this Fiverr freelancing course now, and turn it into a sustainable business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1-Hour Yoga Class For Beginners - Like Yoga Class At The Gym" |
"This course is designed to make it easy for you to start practicing Yoga on a regular basis, and get the physical and mental health benefits for which Yoga is widely known for.In this course, Crystal Sens, who is a licensed Yoga instructor with 10 years of experience, takes you through a beginning Yoga class that you can follow along as you follow it in the course. The other person in the course is Alex Genadinik who is an absolute Yoga beginner. If you are a beginner, you can watch what mistakes Alex makes, and see where Crystal corrects Alex. Chances are that if Alex makes some mistakes, you might make similar mistakes if you are also a beginner. And this is a good way to see what common mistakes there are so that you don't make them.Yoga health benefitsThe potential health benefits of yoga include:Stress reduction. A number of studies have shown that yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety. It can also enhance your mood and overall sense of well-being.Improved fitness. Practicing yoga can lead to improved balance, flexibility, range of motion and strength. And this means you're less likely to injure yourself in other physical endeavors or in your daily activities.Management of chronic conditions. Yoga can help reduce risk factors for chronic diseases, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Yoga might also help alleviate chronic conditions, such as depression, pain, anxiety and insomnia.Try the course risk-freeEvery Udemy course has a 30-day money back guarantee. So if there something you don't like about the course, you can just get your money back. But we are sure that you will love the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |