Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Sicurezza Informatica Corso 100% Pratico per Principianti!" |
"Non puoi pensare di Attaccare una Rete se prima non impari a DIFENDERLA! Ecco quindi il motivo di questo Corso!Insegnarti le Principali Tecniche di Difesa di un'Architettura di Rete...e lo faremo partendo COMPLETAMENTE da zero!Preparati perch sar un Viaggio Affascinante, ti ritroverai ad affrontare tematiche particolari ed interessanti che ti porteranno ad acquisire, passo dopo passo, abilit che saranno utili alla tua crescita professionale in questo settore.Affronteremo la materia considerando sempre il Punto di Vista di un eventuale Attaccante e scopriremo come quest'ultimo pu essere utilizzato a nostro favore per Proteggere e Gestire adeguatamente il nostro contesto di Rete.Studiare la Cyber Security pu sembrarti qualcosa di complesso, ma non preoccuparti: ho ideato un percorso che, partendo dalle Basi ti condurr verso i concetti pi avanzati e complessi.La Sicurezza Informatica deve tener conto di tutti i possibili Vettori di Attacco ad una Rete e perci gli argomenti che affronteremo saranno molteplici.Partiremo dall'Analisi del Traffico di Rete che ci permetter di comprendere come i Pacchetti fluiscono all'interno dei dispositivi e quali sono i protocolli maggiormente utilizzati.Seguir la parte di FIREWALLING: il firewall perimetrale spesso il primo elemento di protezione di una rete e quindi fondamentale conoscerlo bene.Passeremo poi alla parte di IDS/IDP/HIDS che ci permetter di anticipare, rilevare e bloccare molteplici attacchi.E poi tanti altri argomenti, tra cui:Sistemi di Endpoint Protection.Soluzioni di Data Loss Prevention.Honeypot.Network Access Control (NAC).SIEM.Proxy ServerEcc.Insomma, cosa stai aspettando?! Iscriviti ed entra a far parte di questa avventura! Che altro dire? In Bocca al Lupo e Buono Studio!Alla Prossima!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create Ecommerce Website In WordPress (Hindi)" |
"In This Course, You will Learn Ecommerce Website Development In Hindi. Basically, Here is The Full Course On Ecommerce Website Development, Which Can Be Easily Made In WordPress. So, I Urge All The Users To Go Through To This Course & Enjoy Learning Ecommerce Website Development Easily.Kindly, Don't Forget To Ask Your Questions If You Have Any Doubts Regarding This Course. Also, Complete The Full Course To Generate Your Free Certificate. Please Rate The Course And Give Your Valuable Feedbacks (It Will Surely Help Me Out, To Launch More Courses Ahead In Future)."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Change Management for individuals and teams" |
"The rules for organizational success are ever changing. The new context then demands renewal of your capabilities and development of different mindsets. In this course, youll learn the different components of the change process at the the workplace as well as at home. This course details the process of how to heal from loss, disappointment, and other emotional trauma. It explores the physiological implications of certain chronic emotions such as anger or sadness, and discusses common emotional challenges. It also reviews techniques to promote emotional healing, and how to move forward after the process has been completed. Through understanding the impact of emotion and recognizing when a change must be made, the challenging and lengthy process of getting back to performance can begin. This course discusses the stages in emotional change as researched by researchers across the globe.This course is suitable for personal or professional purposes. This course serves as an excellent resource for those who may need to understand or guide another person through their emotional healing. Management professionals will find that it reflects psychology within a deeply human context; social workers, teachers, religious leaders, and others who sometimes become stand-ins for counsellors/coaches will discover new perspectives and ways to help those that come to them. If you are a parent considering this course to support and encourage children and teenagers, you'll find that this course make it easy for you to understand and to adapt in life so as to guide them through difficult times. The slides, case studies and quizzes used in the program will help as a take away resource for participants to coach other people on the subject."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"On-Camera Presentation Skills Development" |
"In this course, you will learn how to develop your on-camera presentation skills as well as learn how you can actually make money online from home after developing your on-camera presentation skills. This course contains topics such as appearance, confidence, video production equipment, etc. The bonus video will provide you with all you need to know in order to make money when utilizing those newly developed on-camera presentation skills."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Online-Kommunikation und Beratung leicht gemacht!" |
"Arbeiten an jedem Ort der Welt? Keine langen Fahrten zu Kunden und trotzdem den persnlichen Kontakt pflegen? Das nchste Meeting mit deinen Kollegen, deinem Verein oder deinem Kunden direkt online durchfhren?Vom Teammeeting bis zum online Vertragsabschluss ist mit einfachen Schritten und einem genialen Tool nie wieder ein Problem.Die Vorteile sind riesig! Ortsunabhngig und extrem zeitsparend kannst du ab sofort in jedes Gesprch einsteigen.Dein Gegenber muss nichts installieren und braucht keine Vorkenntnisse. Alles was gebraucht wird, lernst du in diesem Kurs.Steige ein in die Welt der digitalen Kommunikation und hole dir direkt die Vorteile fr dein Business und fr dein Leben. Das ist die Zukunft!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Psychology Driven Web Design - PART 1 Fundamentals" |
"There are over 250 million regularly updated websites on the internet, that look, in one way or another, similar. How can yours stand out in this crowded place? How can you make sure that your first-time visitors have an engaging user experience and come again? And when they do, quickly find what theyre looking for to accomplish their goals? Can you change their mood to the better and use that positivity to achieve your website goals? Or anticipate their unconscious desires and cater to them?This course will enable you to create effective and affective websites that are centered around how human beings work. By teaching you how to take findings in applied psychology into account when designing, it will empower you to predict how people will interact with your website and to take their perceptual biases, motivations, emotional states, and unconscious cognitions into consideration.Only when you thoroughly understand the human mind can you hope to create designs that are simple yet pleasing and engaging at the same time. Psychology driven design aims to help accomplish that, by making you aware, at every step of a creative process, how humans think, feel and act. And the result of it is a product that appeals simultaneously to the intellect, emotions as well as unconscious desires of users.Some people refer to this method as designing for the mind others as designing for humans or even neurodesign. We prefer the term psychology driven design, because the concept relies on findings in cognitive, behavioral and social psychology to determine, how, for example, the structure of a website influences users perception of it; how the colors and types used by its designer affect their mood; and how they interact with it to connect with others.The psychological impact of the design of a website determines if users will trust it or not, if they will feel important, or at ease, or curious and so on. In short, it is the number one determinant of a good or bad web user experience, and regardless of whether you are new to web design or a seasoned professional, if you would like to understand how you can use its power, then this is the right course for you.WHO THIS COURSE IS FORThis course is useful for all web designers, to a great extent also app designers, independent of their level of expertise and years of experience, from individuals who are using readymade templates to publish their first personal conceptions, to highly professional designers who are creating original web interfaces for Fortune 500 companies. This course is very useful even for those content creators, who are not versed in web design at all, but wish to insert some content into an existing web-based platform in an impactful manner.The course is especially beneficial for those who want to accomplish the creative part of designing a website, to then have a web developer do the coding; for those who use ready-made web templates that can be modified by users to quickly personalize them; and of course, for those who are already proficient in developing websites but who can use deeper design knowledge to make their creations more effective. If you are in this last category, this course can give you sound reasons for much of what is felt intuitively, and yet not fully understood.HOW THIS COURSE WILL BENEFIT YOUWebsite elements have become more or less standardized, so that by combining them within some context you can quickly end up with a fairly good-looking website. But the problem is, content and design are interrelated. Websites that are based on off-the-shelf themes by themselves cannot claim the kind of relationship that makes a website impactful, as a theme is always built on dummy content. This means that, in order to select content appropriate layouts, visuals, colors, typography etc., to create content that is scannable and shared more, to design user experiences that are gamified and personalized, you do have to master the way to influence the perception of your visitors, whether you design from scratch or use a template. In that sense, learning about psychology driven web design will enable you to:Understand why successful websites have been designed the way they have been;Evaluate why, in some context, a certain design generates positive emotions and thoughts while another leads to user frustration;Create designs that increase conversions by taking latest findings in applied psychology into account;Design websites that support the quirks, biases and defining features of the human mind;Design displays that support human visual perception and improve the user experience.In a word, by the end of this course, you will be able to create better websites and be more successful at what you do.MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVESPART 1Learning to design with user focus, from goal setting, through user research, defining personas, creating scenarios, devising user journeys and user experiences, user motivations, all the way to information architecture, usability and usability testing, and accessibility issues.Learning to take the characteristics and limitations of human attention, memory, perception, language and reading skills, learning abilities, and different types of emotions into consideration when designing a website.Learning how to account for perceptual biases of users in order to create websites that are more appealing to their subconscious mind and easier for them to navigate, by understanding the gestalt principles of perception.Learning to create perceptual organization using similarity and contrast, visual weights, visual directions, dominance, focal points, compositional hierarchy, flow and rhythm, compositional balance, proportion, whitespace and much more to achieve strong visual hierarchy, simplicity, unity, variety, and consistency in design.Learning to use the impact of color on human psychology to convey specific feelings and messages in your designs.PART 2Learning to create content that is suitable for scanning, better legible and readable, more impactful, socially accepted, and shared more, which are essential skills for any blogger.Learning to judge the purposefulness, appropriateness as well as psychological impact of visuals, multimedia, and typography by taking into consideration such issues as the psychological impact of faces and anthropomorphic forms on photographs, the attractiveness bias, the meanings of common shapes, the use of digital arts, infographics, iconic representation, the psychology of typography and much more.Learning to take characteristics and differences of individual users, as well as subtle details relating to specific user groups, including culture, gender, age, etc. into account for creating personalized experiences that resonate differently with different psychological profiles, groups and communities.Learning to take human time requirements, responsiveness of designs, conceptual models in interactions, the usability of controls into account, and to be able to design effective call-to-action buttons, effective forms, gamification, real-time technology and mobile user interactions.Learning to account for the triune nature of the human mind, the inconsistency of the self, the psychology of trust, the psychology of choice, the psychology of decision making, the price and quality perception, the psychology of scarcity and urgency, the psychology of reciprocity and rewards, the effects of social validation, and more generally, for all idiosyncrasies of human psychology to be able to design e-commerce websites that convert.PRERQUISITESThere are no prerequisites for this course. If you can browse the internet and know what menus, buttons and links are, you can follow all the lectures. No literacy in psychology is required as all necessary knowledge will be conveyed, in laymens terms.THE LEVEL OF STUDYThis is a comprehensive course for students at all levels, from beginner to advanced, where every aspect of psychological influence in web design is dealt with in detail. It is not a quick, one-hour design tutorial, not a presentation of inspirational lists and certainly not a tool tutorial. While someone on their first project can easily follow the lectures, even a seasoned professional web designer can find here some inspiration in terms of psychological impact to improve their work.The course consists of two parts, where PART 1 covers the Fundamentals and PART 2 covers Advanced Topics.The curriculum of the course is completely original, meaning that it does not follow any one book written by a third party. However, the information contained in the over 800-page course script has been checked against 12 contemporary design / psychology books and over 600 pages of design / psychology blogs.The summary of this course is being sold as a kindle book on Amazon. It is provided to all students of the course free of charge.You will receive a valuable certificate that you can add to your CV when you finish this course.THE TEACHING METHODThis course contains a total of 160 video lectures, 80 in PART 1 and 80 in PART 2, with each lecture having a duration of approximately 15 minutes (some a few minutes longer, others a few minutes shorter). The lectures are organized in 10 coherent content sections, plus one introductory section and one conclusion section.The second section of the course serves as an extended introduction, where the entire user focused web design process is explained from goal setting all the way to usability testing, so that someone with no experience in web design at all can, having studied this section, easily understand the later section. For more experienced designers, this section may appear to be superfluous, but should nevertheless serve to solidify the basis for later sections.Sections three and four convey the fundamentals of cognitive psychology so far as required for designing impactful websites, with lots of illustrations and always in laymens terms. From the fifth section onwards, the lectures are heavily supported by exemplary websites, either screenshots or video captures, where concepts are discussed with the help of design examples.At the end of each section, there is a quiz. However, due to the nature of the subject matter, the quizzes can only serve to reinforce what has been explained in the lectures rather than testing design knowledge. Your actual progress can only be attested to by yourself in the long run through the changes you will notice in your creations.Everything youll learn in this course relates to creating effective and affective websites. But it is one thing to hear about concepts, yet another to actually implement them in design work. Even though a great many number of examples are shown in the lectures, mastery in design requires practicing and so you will have to do the real work more or less by yourself. There are 82 assignments that accompany the lectures to facilitate a more active learning experience, which are the secret ingredients to the success of learning psychology driven design.All assignments are applicable on any one of 5 web design projects, based on imagined scenarios introduced in the fifth lecture. The assignments, if properly worked on, can take the student from an empty canvas to a finished web design project. In other words, a student applying all assignments on all 5 scenarios will end up with not one but five portfolio-ready website designs by the end of the course.WHAT THIS COURSE IS NOT ABOUTThis course is NOT about learning web development using HTML / CSS / Scripting Languages. It is also NOT about encoding, implementing, or publishing an actual website on some platform. This course is about web design.This is also NOT a psychology course. While a great number of topics are covered here that are usually taught within the curriculum of a psychology course, including advanced topics in neuroscience, the emphasis is always on practical design implications of these and NOT on theoretical notions of cognition or behavior.Psychology driven design is NOT about the psychology of the designer or designers in a design team or their interactions with other project stakeholders or the design methods they may be employing. The focus here is always on the psychology of the website visitor.Psychology driven design is also NOT about hacking peoples brains, or using techniques for manipulating their unconscious mind, or persuading them to buy things they dont need. It is merely about using knowledge gained about the way human beings work for designing impactful websites, apps and more generally, web-based user experiences.Psychology driven design is NOT the same thing as user-centered design. Nevertheless, even though this course is NOT particularly about teaching the standardized user-centered design methodology, or the design thinking concept, it touches upon many of the topics that are usually covered in those fields of study, but then goes way beyond.The applicability of psychology driven design is NOT limited to creation of business websites. It is applicable to all types of websites, from personal blogs to virtual reality-based community forums."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Psychology Driven Web Design - PART 2 Advanced Topics" |
"This is PART 2 of the course ""Psychology Driven Web Design"". It also contains our course ""E-Commerce Psychology"".GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThere are over 250 million regularly updated websites on the internet, that look, in one way or another, similar. How can yours stand out in this crowded place? How can you make sure that your first-time visitors have an engaging user experience and come again? And when they do, quickly find what theyre looking for to accomplish their goals? Can you change their mood to the better and use that positivity to achieve your website goals? Or anticipate their unconscious desires and cater to them?This course will enable you to create effective and affective websites that are centered around how human beings work. By teaching you how to take findings in applied psychology into account when designing, it will empower you to predict how people will interact with your website and to take their perceptual biases, motivations, emotional states, and unconscious cognitions into consideration.Only when you thoroughly understand the human mind can you hope to create designs that are simple yet pleasing and engaging at the same time. Psychology driven design aims to help accomplish that, by making you aware, at every step of a creative process, how humans think, feel and act. And the result of it is a product that appeals simultaneously to the intellect, emotions as well as unconscious desires of users.Some people refer to this method as designing for the mind others as designing for humans or even neurodesign. We prefer the term psychology driven design, because the concept relies on findings in cognitive, behavioral and social psychology to determine, how, for example, the structure of a website influences users perception of it; how the colors and types used by its designer affect their mood; and how they interact with it to connect with others.The psychological impact of the design of a website determines if users will trust it or not, if they will feel important, or at ease, or curious and so on. In short, it is the number one determinant of a good or bad web user experience, and regardless of whether you are new to web design or a seasoned professional, if you would like to understand how you can use its power, then this is the right course for you.WHO THIS COURSE IS FORThis course is useful for all web designers, to a great extent also app designers, independent of their level of expertise and years of experience, from individuals who are using readymade templates to publish their first personal conceptions, to highly professional designers who are creating original web interfaces for Fortune 500 companies. This course is very useful even for those content creators, who are not versed in web design at all, but wish to insert some content into an existing web-based platform in an impactful manner.The course is especially beneficial for those who want to accomplish the creative part of designing a website, to then have a web developer do the coding; for those who use ready-made web templates that can be modified by users to quickly personalize them; and of course, for those who are already proficient in developing websites but who can use deeper design knowledge to make their creations more effective. If you are in this last category, this course can give you sound reasons for much of what is felt intuitively, and yet not fully understood.HOW THIS COURSE WILL BENEFIT YOUWebsite elements have become more or less standardized, so that by combining them within some context you can quickly end up with a fairly good-looking website. But the problem is, content and design are interrelated. Websites that are based on off-the-shelf themes by themselves cannot claim the kind of relationship that makes a website impactful, as a theme is always built on dummy content. This means that, in order to select content appropriate layouts, visuals, colors, typography etc., to create content that is scannable and shared more, to design user experiences that are gamified and personalized, you do have to master the way to influence the perception of your visitors, whether you design from scratch or use a template. In that sense, learning about psychology driven web design will enable you to:Understand why successful websites have been designed the way they have been;Evaluate why, in some context, a certain design generates positive emotions and thoughts while another leads to user frustration;Create designs that increase conversions by taking latest findings in applied psychology into account;Design websites that support the quirks, biases and defining features of the human mind;Design displays that support human visual perception and improve the user experience.In a word, by the end of this course, you will be able to create better websites and be more successful at what you do.MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVESPART 1Learning to design with user focus, from goal setting, through user research, defining personas, creating scenarios, devising user journeys and user experiences, user motivations, all the way to information architecture, usability and usability testing, and accessibility issues.Learning to take the characteristics and limitations of human attention, memory, perception, language and reading skills, learning abilities, and different types of emotions into consideration when designing a website.Learning how to account for perceptual biases of users in order to create websites that are more appealing to their subconscious mind and easier for them to navigate, by understanding the gestalt principles of perception.Learning to create perceptual organization using similarity and contrast, visual weights, visual directions, dominance, focal points, compositional hierarchy, flow and rhythm, compositional balance, proportion, whitespace and much more to achieve strong visual hierarchy, simplicity, unity, variety, and consistency in design.Learning to use the impact of color on human psychology to convey specific feelings and messages in your designs.PART 2Learning to create content that is suitable for scanning, better legible and readable, more impactful, socially accepted, and shared more, which are essential skills for any blogger.Learning to judge the purposefulness, appropriateness as well as psychological impact of visuals, multimedia, and typography by taking into consideration such issues as the psychological impact of faces and anthropomorphic forms on photographs, the attractiveness bias, the meanings of common shapes, the use of digital arts, infographics, iconic representation, the psychology of typography and much more.Learning to take characteristics and differences of individual users, as well as subtle details relating to specific user groups, including culture, gender, age, etc. into account for creating personalized experiences that resonate differently with different psychological profiles, groups and communities.Learning to take human time requirements, responsiveness of designs, conceptual models in interactions, the usability of controls into account, and to be able to design effective call-to-action buttons, effective forms, gamification, real-time technology and mobile user interactions.Learning to account for the triune nature of the human mind, the inconsistency of the self, the psychology of trust, the psychology of choice, the psychology of decision making, the price and quality perception, the psychology of scarcity and urgency, the psychology of reciprocity and rewards, the effects of social validation, and more generally, for all idiosyncrasies of human psychology to be able to design e-commerce websites that convert.PRERQUISITESYou should take our course ""Psychology Driven Web Design - PART 1 Fundamentals"" before taking this second part of the course. But other than that, there are no prerequisites for this course. If you can browse the internet and know what menus, buttons and links are, you can follow all the lectures. No literacy in psychology is required as all necessary knowledge will be conveyed, in laymens terms.THE LEVEL OF STUDYThis is a comprehensive course for students at all levels, from beginner to advanced, where every aspect of psychological influence in web design is dealt with in detail. It is not a quick, one-hour design tutorial, not a presentation of inspirational lists and certainly not a tool tutorial. While someone on their first project can easily follow the lectures, even a seasoned professional web designer can find here some inspiration in terms of psychological impact to improve their work.The course consists of two parts, where PART 1 covers the Fundamentals and PART 2 covers Advanced Topics.The curriculum of the course is completely original, meaning that it does not follow any one book written by a third party. However, the information contained in the over 800-page course script has been checked against 12 contemporary design / psychology books and over 600 pages of design / psychology blogs.The summary of this course is being sold as a kindle book on Amazon. It is provided to all students of the course free of charge.You will receive a valuable certificate that you can add to your CV when you finish this course.THE TEACHING METHODThis course contains a total of 160 video lectures, 80 in PART 1 and 80 in PART 2, with each lecture having a duration of approximately 15 minutes (some a few minutes longer, others a few minutes shorter). The lectures are organized in 10 coherent content sections, plus one introductory section and one conclusion section.The second section of the course serves as an extended introduction, where the entire user focused web design process is explained from goal setting all the way to usability testing, so that someone with no experience in web design at all can, having studied this section, easily understand the later section. For more experienced designers, this section may appear to be superfluous, but should nevertheless serve to solidify the basis for later sections.Sections three and four convey the fundamentals of cognitive psychology so far as required for designing impactful websites, with lots of illustrations and always in laymens terms. From the fifth section onwards, the lectures are heavily supported by exemplary websites, either screenshots or video captures, where concepts are discussed with the help of design examples.At the end of each section, there is a quiz. However, due to the nature of the subject matter, the quizzes can only serve to reinforce what has been explained in the lectures rather than testing design knowledge. Your actual progress can only be attested to by yourself in the long run through the changes you will notice in your creations.Everything youll learn in this course relates to creating effective and affective websites. But it is one thing to hear about concepts, yet another to actually implement them in design work. Even though a great many number of examples are shown in the lectures, mastery in design requires practicing and so you will have to do the real work more or less by yourself. There are 82 assignments that accompany the lectures to facilitate a more active learning experience, which are the secret ingredients to the success of learning psychology driven design.All assignments are applicable on any one of 5 web design projects, based on imagined scenarios introduced in the fifth lecture. The assignments, if properly worked on, can take the student from an empty canvas to a finished web design project. In other words, a student applying all assignments on all 5 scenarios will end up with not one but five portfolio-ready website designs by the end of the course.WHAT THIS COURSE IS NOT ABOUTThis course is NOT about learning web development using HTML / CSS / Scripting Languages. It is also NOT about encoding, implementing, or publishing an actual website on some platform. This course is about web design.This is also NOT a psychology course. While a great number of topics are covered here that are usually taught within the curriculum of a psychology course, including advanced topics in neuroscience, the emphasis is always on practical design implications of these and NOT on theoretical notions of cognition or behavior.Psychology driven design is NOT about the psychology of the designer or designers in a design team or their interactions with other project stakeholders or the design methods they may be employing. The focus here is always on the psychology of the website visitor.Psychology driven design is also NOT about hacking peoples brains, or using techniques for manipulating their unconscious mind, or persuading them to buy things they dont need. It is merely about using knowledge gained about the way human beings work for designing impactful websites, apps and more generally, web-based user experiences.Psychology driven design is NOT the same thing as user-centered design. Nevertheless, even though this course is NOT particularly about teaching the standardized user-centered design methodology, or the design thinking concept, it touches upon many of the topics that are usually covered in those fields of study, but then goes way beyond.The applicability of psychology driven design is NOT limited to creation of business websites. It is applicable to all types of websites, from personal blogs to virtual reality-based community forums."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Universal Justice and Human Rights" |
"Humanity is capable of great things, but it's also capable of great evil. This course will talk about difficult subjects like genocide, slavery, racism, sexism, and more. We will discuss what they are, how they have come about, and what we can do as a species to help prevent them from happening again."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Master en Psicologa del Adolescente" |
"Si eres padre o madre de adolescente y has deseado comprender mejor los cambios fsicos y emocionales que tu hijo o hija atraviesa. Si sientes que la relacin con tu adolescente va camino al fracaso o si temes que tu hijo o hija se esta saliendo de tu control, entonces este curso es para ti.Me llamo Julio Csar Silverio. Soy Psiclogo industrial de profesin y poseo varias certificaciones de diversas universidades norteamericanas en reas de la Neurociencias y del comportamiento humano. Soy Coach Ejecutivo certificado de la Universidad de Washington con Mster en Inteligencia Emocional en Nios, Jvenes y Adultos del Instituto EdilFormacion de Madrid, Espaa. Estudi Neurobiologa del Da a Da en la Universidad de Chicago, The ABC of Parenting en la Universidad de Yale, TDAH en la Universidad de Buffalo, NY entre otros.Actualmente soy profesor de psicologa de la Universidad Federico Henrquez y Carvajal y orientador de adolescentes en la secundaria Saint Nicols School. Disfruto trabajar con adolescentes y por ms de 25 aos he tenido el privilegio de interactuar con ellos y sus padres en diversos contextos.Soy autor del libro: ""Adolescencia, Manual de Instrucciones"" dirigido a padres y educadores, el cual ha sido tomado como texto en universidades y en secundarias privadas. Doy conferencias y talleres a orientadores, psiclogos educativos, profesores y padres sobre el apasionante tema de los adolescentes, su evolucin fsica y emocional y las mejores estrategias para ayudarlos a desarrollar su potencial.Mi intencin con este curso es proveer una gua prctica para padres y maestros donde estos puedan aprender con lenguaje sencillo los cambios fsicos y psicolgicos por los que estn pasando sus hijos y sus alumnos. Adems, pretendo con este curso sugerirles acciones puntuales para mejorar la comunicacin con su hijo o hija adolescente.Con este curso pretendo llegar a los miles de padres y madres de adolescentes que buscan desesperadamente un salvavidas para la situacin estresante y difcil por la que tanto sus hijos como ellos estn atravesando.Que aprenders en este curso? :Sobre la pubertad y sus caractersticas distintivasSobre las caractersticas del desarrollo fsico y emocional en los adolescentes.Como los cambios fsicos y emocionales afectan la manera de pensar y actuar de nuestros hijos o alumnos.Sobre el desarrollo del cerebro adolescente y su influencia sobre el comportamiento de los adolescentes.Los signos de alertas de comportamientos potencialmente peligrosos y como actuar ante esas peligros.Diferenciar las conductas peligrosas de los traumas psicolgicos.Comprender las seales de que es necesario recurrir a un profesional de la conductaAprenders a manejar las situaciones estresantes y potencialmente peligrosas en tu relacin con tu hijo o hija sin necesidad de llegar a la confrontacin.Ayudar a los adolescentes a tomar decisiones sabias y responsables.Distinguir el comportamiento normal del comportamiento potencialmente peligroso.Estrategias puntuales para transformar conductas no deseadas.A acompaar a los adolescentes en el proceso de toma de desiciones relevantes para su vida adulta."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ace AWS Certified Security - Specialty (SCS-C01)" |
"Want to ace the AWS Certified Security - Specialty (SCS-C01) Examination and become an AWS CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AWS Certified Security - Specialty (SCS-C01) is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the exam.Who this course is for: AWS Absolute Beginners. No prior AWS experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to High Entropy Alloys" |
"Note: The lecture videos in this course are not downloadable and this is a totally theoretical course. So the learners, who are really interested are most welcome to enroll in this course.High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) are defined as an alloy with five or more principal elements, with an atomic concentration between 5 and at. 35%; they can contain minor elements below 5 at.%. They are rather interesting due to their unique compositions and adjustable properties, and its name derives from its higher mixing entropies in comparison to conventional alloys. This MOOC covers the basic concepts dealing with HEAs, its properties, various fabrication techniques, and its application.Course Image courtesy: Dalarna University, Sweden"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Taste of Rome" |
"This is a course on traditional Roman cuisine delivered by a professional Italian chef, the recipes include pasta dishes, meats and desserts. Roman cuisine is traditionally very poor, extensive use of Pecorino cheese and pork is made, as all Italian cuisine the focus is on the quality of the ingredients, the way they are processed in the kitchen. You don't need particular skills to attend this course, just a willingness to practice will make it better and better."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Fusion Smart View / Financial Reporting Studio / OTBI" |
"Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence OTBIOTBI is a great tool to generate variety of reports which are based on transaction data. You will learn about :Comparison of various reporting tools in Oracle FusionOTBI FrameworkBuild an Analysis reportExporting the data to ExcelGenerating multiple views from an AnalysisUsing report wizard to build reportsCreate dashboardsAdding reports to dashboard Fusion SmartViewYou will be able to lean the steps to install, configure and build adhoc reports quickly. Once you have understood the basic reporting then you can see the advance chapter to build more complex report. By building reports in Excel, you have the power of Excel and security of the database to build amazing reports quickly.Fusion Financial Reporting StudioThis course gives you thorough knowledge of building reports using Oracle Financial Reporting Studio (FRS).Key highlights: Learn how to install the software and avoid common mistake done by most during installationBuild a simple report with row,column and calculationEnhance the report to enable expansion of parent valuesUnderstand how to enable drill-down from report to the transactionPreview the report in designed or through the application"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Elevating 30-Day Program" |
"This 30-Day Yoga course, by yoga instructor Heather Lenz, will guide you to uplift your emotions as you build strength, flexibility, balance, bliss, and serenity.Youll discover your potential to raise your vibration, as well as your capacity to experience powerful positive emotions in your daily life.You will be building not only physical but internal strength as you build your mind-body connection.In other words, youll develop a yoga practice that starts to shift your consciousness and your well-being to new levels.Commit to a Daily Yoga Practice to Build Strength, Stamina, SerenityEstablish and Deepen a Daily Yoga Practice for Body and MindTrain Your Focus on the Positive for Emotional and Energetic WellnessIgnite Your Wellness as you Open to JoyUse Yoga to Raise your Physical, Emotional, and Energetic Vibration :)There are a mixture of vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga, meditation, and yin yoga practices for each of the 30 days. The vinyasa flows link breathing and movement to wake up, strengthen, and energize your body while releasing tension and energy blocks. In yin yoga, you will settle into poses for 2-5 minutes to increase flexibility, open to healing on an energetic level, and access deep relaxation.The hatha yoga sessions are slower than vinyasa and encourage an opening up of your body and a of your balancing the emotions.The short meditations cultivate mindfulness, inner strength, awareness, and an opening to joy.There are longer vinyasa, hatha, or yin, sessions on weekends when there is more time to access the benefits of your yoga practice. The last week of the program provides longer videos; you will have the opportunity to follow more intermediate level practices to build your courage, strength, stamina, and serenity.Included in the course is the 30-Day UPlifting Yoga Journal for daily inspiration.Who this course is for:Anyone who wishes to establish a daily yoga practice and uplift their emotions and vibration.Anyone who wants to go beyond the physical practice of yoga to learn and commit to daily meditation."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Sermayesiz Print On Demand ! Spreadshirt" |
"PRNT ON DEMAND ETM LE LGLMerhabalar ben Hasan, bu eitimimizde, Print On Demand i modelini kavrayacaz, talep zerine baskclk ile nasl e-ticaret yapacamz reneceiz, tamamen sermayesiz bir ekilde hemde, bu derste vereceim bilgiler altn deerindedir, sadece kendinizi gelitirmelisiniz, daha yaratc olmalsnz diyorum ve cmlemi bitiriyorum, aklnzdaki sorular sorabilirsiniz.Merhabalar ben Hasan, bu eitimimizde, Print On Demand i modelini kavrayacaz, talep zerine baskclk ile nasl e-ticaret yapacamz reneceiz, tamamen sermayesiz bir ekilde hemde, bu derste vereceim bilgiler altn deerindedir, sadece kendinizi gelitirmelisiniz, daha yaratc olmalsnz diyorum ve cmlemi bitiriyorum, aklnzdaki sorular sorabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cmo crear un curso online y generar ingresos pasivos" |
"Te gustara empezar un negocio digital?Te gustara ayudar a otras personas y compartir tus conocimientos y experiencias?Eso es lo que haces al convertirte en un Info Productor. En este curso, aprenders de una forma corta, concisa y eficiente a lanzar tu primer curso en Udemy.Aprenders sobre la mentalidad necesaria para ser exitoso.Aprenders cmo empezar si eres demasiado tmido (vers qu hacer si no quieres salir ante una cmara).Vers el detrs de cmara de mi equipo. Aprenders a editar tus videos de una forma fcil (aprenders el paso a paso con un programa muy fcil)Descubre cmo validar la idea de tu curso (para no crear un curso que nadie te compre)Vers cmo crear artes para tu curso.Y mucho ms."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Navigating in a Hostile Work Environment" |
"Hostility in the workplace is real. Poor management, a lack of job satisfaction, and hostile influences can all band together to form an awful company culture. And even High Performers are not immune to the toxicity that can occur at work.Sometimes, the work environment can genuinely get in the way of your ability to excel on the job and cause undue stress that effects your personal life, as well as your health. And unfortunately, some instances of workplace toxicity dont meet the definition of workplace harassment or discrimination, but can be personally and professionally damaging nonetheless.Regardless of where you work, a hostile work environment can be a complex situation to navigate and you shouldn't have to feel like you're alone in facing, disagreements, personal character attacks, unprovoked bullying, discrimination and/or harassment.The key to survival is to understand the causes of workplace conflict, learn strategies to manage your emotional reactions, identify the best support resources and options, and get the right tools and processes to effectively combat opposition.And this course will give you the survival tactics you need.More than that, you'll learn how and why conflict arises, and how to minimize it before it becomes unbearable."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao JavaScript em 60 minutos" |
"O JavaScript conhecida como linguagem de programao front-end, ou seja, mostrada direto no navegador que conhecido como cliente. O JavaScript tem ganhado destaque no mercado e se tornou uma das linguagens preferidas da maioria dos programadores de renome na web por este motivo lhe convido a mergulhar nesse mundo do famoso JS. Nesse curso de introduo tentei mostrar o basico de forma rpida e direta para que vocs tenham uma iniciao rpida na linguagem."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Practice" |
"Hemen hemen herkesin bildii ama anlayp da konuamad o ingilizcenin en basit halini, en basit cmle kurulumlarn ve adeta kkn anlattm bu derslerle hepiniz basit de olsa cmleler kurabilecek, karnzdakiyle veya karnzdakilerle anlaabileceksiniz. Bu derslerde anlatlanlar gzelce kavrayp sk sk tekrar ettiiniz srece bata geni zamanda olmak zere bolca diyaloa girebileceksiniz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Simple quick casual recipes" |
"Easy simple casual recipes for daily creations, the point of this course it'snot to turn you to a 5star Michelin chef but to help you save money and time.If so far the excuse was no time and the delivery menu was the only option, maybe it's about time to eat healthier and save yourself from ordering a takeaway ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Decoracin y Estructura de Pasteles" |
"Si siempre has querido decorar tortas espectaculares, con bordes perfectos y con diseos llamativos, este curso es para ti. Encontrars videos explicativos para que perfecciones tu tcnica y tendrs acceso a todos los secretos de Sweet Studio para que cada vez sea ms fcil lograr pasteles perfectos. Aprenders a hornear nuestra receta de vainilla, realizar la crema de mantequilla ms sedosa, a realizar dos tcnicas de decoracin y a hacer el montaje de tortas de varios pisos con la mejor estructura."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"1Y0-264 Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Support Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Administrator implemented QOS (prioritization), to ensure that the priorities of the ICA traffic appropriately. Session Reliability is using the default port. What you need to check your firewall administrator to make sure that the Session Reliability will work?a) 1494 TCP is open for incoming traffic to the server.b) 2598 TCP is open for incoming traffic to the server.c) 1494 TCP open for outbound traffic from the server.d) 2598 TCP open for outbound traffic from the server.e) NoneQ) The scenario: an administrator attempts to run one of the servers in the farm, the presentation server. But the IMA service fails with an error message that says: ""Unable to start the IMA In order to solve this problem, in this case, the administrator must verify that ____________. (Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence.)a) Server name has not been changedb) IMA service startup type is set to manual modec) The WMI service runs under administratord) Print Spooler service has been launched in connection with the systeme)Nonea) An administrator has received phone calls from users can not bypass authentication when logging into their disconnected sessions. What is causing this problem?a) NTLM v2 is not included in Active Directory.b) The administrator is not allowed Streaming customer confidence.c) authentication smart card is not enabled on the Web Interface sited) The administrator does not determine policy in relation to the method of delivery of programs.e) NoneQ) Users in different time zones, the administrator informed about the environment Presentation Server, that the time shown on their claims are incorrect. As an administrator can fix this problem?a) Client Configuration rules Time Zone (CTZ).b) Evaluation Setting to the local time for all users.c) Including the right area for the server in the policy.d) Disable time zone rule is not used by the client local time in politics.e) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Quora 101: Increase Website Traffic From Quora for Free" |
"In this class, you will learn how to generate thousands of free visitors and increase your traffic to your business, blog, website. Here's what you will learn:Properly setting up your Quora account to ensure maximum exposure.How to find questions in your niche.How to drive qualified traffic from Quora to your website or blog.Create answers on Quora that attract thousands of views every week.How to create evergreen content on Quora to promote your website smartly.Insight into my views & products & how you can do the same."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gua prctica del Anlisis Financiero" |
"A travs de una metodologa terico-prctica los estudiantes podrn evaluar la situacin financiera de sus proyectos de emprendimiento o empresas en general, bajo el calculo matemtico de indicadores y el uso de Excel como herramienta principal de apoyo.Realizando un anlisis vertical y horizontal e indicadores financieros que se soportar con grficas y un informe de gestin podrn diagnosticar situaciones de riesgo y beneficios de una empresa o proyecto."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA PD1-001 PDI+ Beta Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following functions is associated with the developer unit?a) Supplies toner to the photoconductorb) Charges the surface of the photoconductorc) Writes the latent image on the photoconductord) Cleans the photoconductorQ) An encoder sensor typically detects:a) paper position.b) shaft rotation.c) magnetic flux.d) laser beam strength.Q) The customer has a dedicated ink jet fax machine that is used to send and receive faxes only from the corporate office. The user complains of streaks on the received faxes while the internal self-prints are fine. Which of the following should a technician recommend?a) Clean the scanner glass on the distant machine.b) Clean the scanner glass on the local machine.c) Clean the printer head on the local machine.d) Call the telephone company to increase the line signal level.Q) Which of the following stages in the laser print process attracts toner to the latent image on the photoconductor?a) Writingb) Fusingc) Developmentd) TransferQ) Which of the following would be the BEST process for the technician to follow when beginning to diagnose a unit at a customers site?a) Check the printers error log, and then inform the primary user what the issue is.b) Go directly to the printer and investigate any issues that are found.c) Investigate the printers status, then ask the primary user to write down what they think is wrong.d) Gather information from the primary user, and then evaluate the printers condition."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Eliminate Overwhelm" |
"This course will teach you how to eliminate overwhelm and reduce stress in your business. Youll learn the essential techniques and strategies to bring your overwhelm under control. Youll discover how to plan, prioritize, and manage your workload effectively, how to find more precious hours in your day, and how to return to a balanced life. Youll find everything you need to take back control and eliminate overwhelm to become more productive and successful in future."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"LEED Green Associate Simulation Exam V4" |
"The Practice Test Consists of Two Parts:QUIZ: LEED PreTest (a preliminary test to determine a student's baseline knowledge or preparedness for the LEED Green Associate Simulation Exam) and helping resources for full Exam understanding. 5 questions Duration: 1 minuteI highly recommend checking the resources and links when you review the PreTest questions, it will help you to get a high score at LEED Green Associate Simulation Exam V4.LEED Green Associate Simulation Exam V4 (contains 100 randomly delivered multiple-choice questions and must be completed in 2 hours). The exam covers the 9 Knowledge domain :LEED Process (16 Questions)Integrative Strategies (8 Questions).Location & Transportation (7 Questions).Sustainable Sites (7 Questions).Water Efficiency (9 Questions).Energy & Atmosphere (10 Questions).Materials & Resources (9 Questions).Indoor Environmental Quality (8 Questions).Project Surroundings and Public Outreach (11 Questions).The exams assess candidates abilities at three hierarchical cognitive levels: Recall, Application, and Analysis. Recall Items: These items assess a candidates ability to recall factual material that is presented in a similar context to the exam references. Application Items: These items provide the candidate with a novel problem or scenario that the candidate can solve using familiar principles or procedures described in the exam references. Analysis Items: These items assess a candidates ability to break the problem down into its components to create a solution. The candidate must not only recognize the different elements of the problem but must also evaluate the relationship or interactions of these elementsThe exam contains 15 unscored questionsThis exam is designed to test the general knowledge of green building practices and how to support other professionals working on LEED projects."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Empower Your Mind for Wealth Creation" |
"Do you want to attract money 10x than you are earning now or do you want abundance of massive wealth and free flow of money in your life? Learn the wealth creating beliefs and techniques described in the course and practice these in your life and you will get the amazing result and attract massive wealth. Money is one of the most important energies in our life. But many people are unable to attract money because they do not follow the basic governing laws of universe to attract money.You will learn in this course how to build wealth creating beliefs in your subconscious mind. You will also learn to set your wealth goals with help of neuro plasticity. You will also learn the visualization exercise / technique of Future Timeline of your wealth journey. And you will get the amazing result."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Mtodo Completo Piano Prctico Para Principiantes - Nivel 2" |
"Curso de piano y teclado destinado al principiante que empieza desde 0, sin conocimientos previos, y a todas aquellas personas que quieren aprender a tocar el piano de una manera fcil, rpida, prctica y divertida.El propsito es que adquieras las bases que te permitan desarrollarte como pianista rpidamente y aprendas la teora y prctica fundamental para que seas capaz de aprender y tocar la msica contempornea, pop, rock, soul, jazz, reggae, popular, cantautor, etc. de una forma intuitiva, independiente y con confianza, desarrollando capacidad de composicin, acompaamiento e improvisacin que te permitan disfrutar al mximo nivel como pianista solista, en un grupo musical o cualquier otro contexto.El curso completo est desarrollado en diferentes niveles para que puedas ir aprendiendo y progresando adecuadamente, asentando conocimientos, practicando, desarrollando tu odo y sentido musical, adquiriendo una buena capacidad rtmica, ampliando tu repertorio, etc.En este Nivel 2 aprenders sobre la posicin de los 5 dedos y melodas conocidad que lo utilizan para ponerlo en prctica, funciones de las manos que todo pianista debe conocer, la escala mayor, ejercicios de tcnica y mucho ms, todo de forma prctica a travs de ejercicios y canciones.Para seguir este Nivel es conveiente realizar primero el curso Nivel 1.Eres principiante y quieres seguir un mtodo fcil que funciona? Este es el curso de piano que necesitas."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Software Developer From Scratch" |
"Structure of the Course1. In the first module we will start with talking about IT industry in general.2. In the second module we will talk about our daily work - how we work in teams and how important teamwork is.3. In the third module we will together set up a complete local development environment, and demo a sample enterprise-class web application - all to give you this impression of how it actually looks like.4. In the fourth module we will have an introduction to the most essential technologies: programming in Java, Spring enterprise framework, frontend development (JavaScript and Angular), version control systems, databases, networks and infrastructure.5. In the fifth module we will go through couple of more advanced topics, to inspire you and to give you strong foundation to further developing your skills.6. We will finish this course with couple of practical tips about job interviews, sample tasks that you might expect on your first days at a new job, and couple of learning tips.What You Should Expect Nearly 13 hours of video content split into 6 modules Holistic view of IT industry and enterprise software development Exercises, coding tasks and coding screencasts that demonstrate many of the technical concepts in practice Straightforward explanations of many of the fundamental techniques and principles illustrated with animated slides Technologies: Java, Spring, JavaScript, Angular, Git, PostgreSQL, DockerWhat You Should Not Expect This is not a strictly programming course.In case you want to learn programming A to Z, for example in Java, this is not the course for you. However, this course will explain many of the fundamental techniques and will teach you how you can further study the technologies that we are covering in this course to become a professional software developer. This course is not for Mac users.I assume that you have a PC with Windows operating system. In case you own a Mac, you will still benefit from most of the explanations and most of the exercises and all of the coding tasks. However you will not be able to directly repeat all the steps of local development environment setup. Also running a sample system will be even more challenging. Unfortunately I will not help you in case of a Mac."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Liderana de Alta Performance - Alquimia Negocial" |
"ALQUIMIA NEGOCIAL Revelando o Caminho da TransformaoTudo comeou na tragdia na regio serrana do Rio de Janeiro no ano 2011, onde o consultor Flavio Gueiros logrou xito em aplicaes prticas junto ao empresariado local de recuperao econmica do municpio de Terespolis/RJ. Esta metodologia de vida e de negcio, acabou sendo consolidada em no livro Alquimia Negocial. Logo em seguida o livro vem a se tornar uma Capacitao Imersiva, que vem gerando testemunhais de solues atravs do mtodo que soma princpios e prticas de Programao Neurolingustica, Design Thinking, Direcionamento Estratgico, Psicologia Positiva, Liderana e Mentoring.Nasce ento o Instituto Flavio Gueiros IFGEle foi criado com o propsito de despertar, desenvolver e consolidar a auto-eficcia do indivduo. Esta demanda originria dos leitores do livro Alquimia Negocial, de autoria de Gueiros, bem como dos ouvintes da Coluna Eletrnica Consultor Conectado da Ter FM 93,7 que sugestionaram capacitaes e treinamentos que pudessem resultar o desenvolvimento de empreendedores preparados e em pleno desenvolvimento para altas performances na prtica do mercado. Tendo como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento humano organizacional, estruturando, avaliando e conduzindo para a excelncia o desempenho por competncias, formando profissionais high performance e de posies-chave para crescimento adequado em seus empreendimentos.E aqui nasce o Alquimia Negocial EAD, para atender, despertar, desenvolver e consolidar vidas de forma online ;)"
Price: 459.99 ![]() |