Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso de Francs : Del A1.1 al A1.2 con Confianza" |
"Espagnol :El curso te llevar del nivel A1.1 al nivel A1.2 del Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas. Te voy a guiar paso a paso a travs de los diferentes objetivos y requisitos del nivel A1.2. Este curso es para estudiantes hispanohablantes (hay subttulos, traducciones y documentos para imprimir en espaol) que ya tienen un nivel A1.1 en francs.La clase es completamente en francs para que te sumerjas en el idioma y creme, eso va a ayudar MUCHO tu comprensin oral. Con una experiencia de 15 aos como maestro, s cul ritmo usar as como cules palabras escoger para que puedas entender lo que digo. Agrego subttulos en espaol y en francs a las lecciones.Yo, soy Benoit, profesor de francs con 15 aos de experiencia en varias instituciones como: el Parlamento Europeo en Bruselas, una Alianza Francesa en Mxico, Universidades, Colegios, Escuelas Privadas, etc...En este curso, vas a encontrar:- Animaciones en Powerpoint con descripciones de gramtica o vocabulario- Lecciones de conjugacin de verbos irregulares con frases listas para usar- Ejercicios de audio y orales para que practiques tu comprensin oral y tu pronunciacin- Quizzes para revisar lo que aprendiste- Muchos documentos PDF para imprimir (resmenes de lecciones, listas de vocabulario, conjugaciones de verbos irregulares)Entonces, ya no gastes tiempo y empieza a mejorar tu francs ahorita mismo.Espero verte pronto, bientt ;)Franais :Ce cours te permettra d'atteindre le niveau A1.2 du Cadre Europen Commun de Rfrence. Je vais te guider pas pas travers les diffrents objectifs du niveau A1.2.Ce cours s'adresse des tudiants hispanophones (sous-titres en espagnol, documents PDF en espagnol, etc...) qui ont dj un niveau A1.1 en franais.Les leons sont compltement en franais pour que tu t'immerges dans la langue et, crois-moi, cela va NORMMENT t'aider progresser, surtout en comprhension orale.Fort de mon exprience de 15 ans comme professeur de franais, je sais adapter mon rythme, et choisir mes mots pour que tu puisses me comprendre. De plus, le cours est trs visuel, avec des animations, et donc, facile comprendre.J'ajoute les sous-titres en espagnol et en franais, cela peut tre aussi un excellent exercice de revoir les leons sous-titres.Je m'appelle Benoit, je suis franais et je suis professeur de FLE depuis une quinzaine d'annes. J'ai travaill dans plusieurs institutions, le Parlement Europen Bruxelles, des coles prives, des universits, des lyces, une Alliance franaise au Mexique, o j'habite actuellement.Dans le cours, tu trouveras :- Des animations Powerpoint pour les explications de grammaire et de vocabulaire- Des leons de conjugaison de verbes irrguliers avec du vocabulaire utile- Des exercices audios et oraux pour pratiquer ta comprhension orale et ta prononciation- Des quizs pour vrifier si tu as bien compris les leons- Beaucoup de documents PDF imprimer pour pouvoir rviser les leons et tudier o tu le souhaitesAlors, ne perds pas de temps et commence maintenant progresser en franais avec moi.J'espre te voir prochainement,A bientt ;)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Citrix 1Y0-A05 Implement Citrix Xen App Windows Server Exam" |
"211 UNIQUE practice questions for Citrix 1Y0-A05 Implement Citrix Xen App Windows Server ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Citrix 1Y0-A05 Implement Citrix Xen App Windows Server ExamTotal Questions : 211Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (158 of 211)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Cat Development and Nutrition Cat Behavior For New Cat Owner" |
"In this course the new cat owner will learn how how a kitten develops week by week. Cats have unique nutritional needs and the course goes over those needs. Learn How To Effectively train your cat and their animal psychology. Upon completion, earn a certificate and the course does come with a 30-day money back guarantee."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Fazendo a gesto de Riscos e Crises na hotelaria e turismo" |
"Tendo em vista o variado contexto de riscos, vulnerabilidades e ameaas, a cultura de Gesto de Riscos e Crises fundamental para a prestao e utilizao de servios adequados em viagens de negcios e a lazer.E no sentido de atender essa demanda do mercado, profissionais e estudantes do setor do turismo e da hotelaria, criamos o Curso de Gesto de Riscos e Crises na Hotelaria e no Turismo.A proposta desse curso oferecer um contedo acessvel, compacto e ao mesmo tempo abrangente, sobre os conceitos que podero, desde j, servir de base para o incio da transformao que as atividades requerem nesse momento.O tema adequado para todos aqueles que tm relao com os setores da hotelaria e do turismo, sejam os que contratam os servios, como turistas ou travel managers, sejam os que comercializam esses servios, ou mesmo os que fazem algum tipo de intermediao, ou tenham qualquer envolvimento e responsabilidade nesse processo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mitologia Grega" |
"Este curso panorama dos mitos da sociedade grega antiga.Aps uma rpida introduo ao estudo dos mitos, a Cosmogonia Grega apresentada, estudando as obras de Hesodo. A seguir, os deuses do Olimpo entram em cena bem como os heris e personagens que moldaram a tradio ocidental.Zeus, Apolo, Dioniso, Afrodite, Hera, Hcate, Hracles e muitos outros aparecem para entendermos a Mitologia Grega."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Automatize: Envie emails automticos com python" |
"Nesse curso o aluno sair capaz de criar um projeto 100% automtico e completo para envio de emails em massa com a linguagem python e ainda por cima ter um timo projeto para acrescentar em seu portflio.Utilize as bibliotecas: Tkinter, MIMEMultpart e smtp,No fique para trs o mundo de hoje exige profissionais capazes de automatizar as tarefas mais repetitivas aumentando toda a produtividade e lucro da empresa."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Windows Privilege Escalation" |
"This course teaches privilege escalation in Windows, from basics such as how permissions work, to in-depth coverage and demonstrations of actual privilege escalation techniques. The course comes with a full set of slides (150+), and a script which can be used by students to create an intentionally vulnerable Windows 10 configuration to practice their own privilege escalation skills on. This is a 100% privilege escalation course, with absolutely no filler!Please note that this course is aimed at students currently taking, or planning to take the OSCP, and thus covers more common forms of privilege escalation. Some extra methods are included, and more methods may be added in the future, however this course was not designed to cover every possible (or obscure) method."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
feng-shui-carp-painting |
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Facebook (Remarketing) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track Training" |
"These simple and over the shoulder videos will enable you to increase your learning and make the most through Facebook Remarketing for your business.Its a proven fact that VIDEOS are the best way to PUMP UP your learning, so you dont go in the wrong direction and apply the latest Facebook Remarketing tactics in the right way to attract more leads, customers, sales and ultimately, more profits* for your business. It also helps to...Recapture website visitors and convert them into high paying customers Drive relevant website traffic to increase salesDrive higher conversions and opt-ins* for your productsStay engaged with customers having the intent to purchaseExpand your market reach without costing you a fortuneIntroducing: Facebook (Remarketing) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track TrainingThis is a complete collection of High Definition videos with step by step content. Heres the breakdown:--------------------------------Section 1: IntroductionVideo 1: Video Intro 1Section 2: Facebook Remarketing BasicsVideo 2: What is Facebook all about?Video 3: What is Facebook Remarketing? Video 4: How can Facebook Remarketing help your business? Video 5: Shocking Facebook Remarketing facts to consider Section 3: Facebook Remarketing - Step by StepVideo 6: Facebook walkthrough Video 7: Facebook Ads manager walkthrough Video 8: Creating a Facebook Remarketing pixel Video 9: Adding the Facebook Remarketing pixel to your business website Video 10: Custom audiences Video 11: Creating a Facebook Remarketing campaign Section 4: Advanced Facebook Remarketing StrategiesVideo 12: Remarketing to your existing customers Video 13: Remarketing to app users Video 14: Remarketing to engagement audiences Video 15: Remarketing to users who never open your emailsVideo 16: Using content series to remarket to hard-to-get leadsVideo 17: Additional Facebook Remarketing tips and tricks Section 5: Additional Tips to considerVideo 18: Do's and donts Video 19: Premium tools and services to consider Video 20: Shocking case studies Video 21: Frequently asked questions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram (Marketing) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track Training" |
"Instagram (Marketing) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track TrainingThese simple and over the shoulder videos will enable you to increase your learning and make the most by using Instagram Marketing for your business.Its a proven fact that VIDEOS are the best way to PUMP UP your learning, so you dont go in the wrong direction and apply the latest Instagram Marketing tactics in the right way to attract more and more visitors and retain them for long time. It also helps to-Easily spread product awareness to globally scattered clientsAttract more visitors to your website and capture their attentionEngage more prospects & convert them into high paying customersMake an impact worldwide by demonstrating your expertiseBoost marketing efforts by sharing product images across different marketing channelsIntroducing: Instagram (Marketing) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track TrainingMost people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you to the Advanced level, you will be up and running in no time using Instagram with confidence.Instagram (Marketing) 3.0 Made Easy: Fast Track Training is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:Section 1: Instagram Marketing BasicsVideo 1: What is Instagram all about?Video 2: What can Instagram do for your Business?Video 3: Shocking Instagram Marketing Facts to ConsiderVideo 4: Instagram WalkthroughSection 2: Marketing on Instagram Step by StepVideo 5: Set up Instagram for businessVideo 6: Your Instagram business settingsVideo 7: Posting and SharingVideo 8: Instagram StoriesVideo 9: Instagram AdvertisingVideo 10: Types of Instagram AdsSection 3: Advanced Instagram Marketing StrategiesVideo 11: Instagram InsightsVideo 12: Instagram Microblogging for maximum reachVideo 13: Shooting great marketing videos on InstagramVideo 14: Snapping great marketing pictures on InstagramVideo 15: Advanced Instagram marketing tips from the expertsVideo 16: Using Instagram DIRECT for killer engagementSection 4: Additional Tips to considerVideo 17: Do's and DontsVideo 18: Premium Tools and Services to ConsiderVideo 19: Shocking Case StudiesVideo 20: Frequently Asked Questions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Permanent makeup full LIPS masterclass" |
"A unique course where you will discover tips and tricks for lips permanent makeup. Check my Instagram!Possibility of additional accredited certificateLearn how to easily change shape and colour of lips by using permanent techniques of micropigmentation which is a form of tattooing but slightly more gentle. Learn how to pre-draw the shape and what needles to use, how to properly stretch the skin in order to easily implant the pigment"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"5 Smart-Habits To Build Your Inner Power" |
"This course will support you to reclaim your inner power in real time, experience grace, and show up bold. People who might benefit from the course are business professionals, managers, entrepreneurs, artists, authors, educators, coaches, parents, healers, therapists, yoga practitioners. It is helpful for individuals who are going through a a rough period and are looking to get a grip on things, feel better about themselves and cultivate healthier mindsets. The 5 habits are simple to understand and follow. A MindSpa (a guided thought walkthrough) at the end of each section is designed to help you shift mindset, making it easier for you to develop a new habit. I am here to support you along the way and to answer questions that may arise as you go through the course. I wish you inner power on your journey!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"9A0-303 Adobe Photoshop CS6 ACE Certified Practice Exam" |
"324 UNIQUE practice questions for 9A0-303 Adobe Photoshop CS6 ACE Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 9A0-303 Adobe Photoshop CS6 ACE Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 324Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :220 minsPassing Score : 75 (243 of 324)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Teradata NR0-013 SQL V2R5 Certified Practice Exam" |
"115 UNIQUE practice questions for Teradata NR0-013 SQL V2R5 Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Teradata NR0-013 SQL V2R5 Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 115Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (86 of 115)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"AGILE is a framework for HR, developed by The Chrysalis Crew, that will help you to influence and drive change in your organisation.In this course, you'll look at all of the usual HR areas, and consider how by applying an AGILE approach, you could make tangible improvements to how you currently do HR. The areas covered include:RecruitmentOnboarding and InductionWellbeingRewardLearning and DevelopmentPerformance ManagementTalent ManagementLeadership DevelopmentEmployee Engagement and CommunicationsEmployee Exit ProcessTo support you, you'll be provided with exercise worksheets that you can download to help you consider how what you learn could be applied to your business, to help make real improvements.Additionally, a number of articles, websites and videos have been curated, which will help provide examples of different thinking and approaches, which you could use to help influence and change the way you do things currently.At the end of the course there'll be an opportunity to make a commitment to yourself, to apply what you have learnt to your business."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Movavi Video Editor Plus Full Course 2020 - Video Editing" |
"Video content is a blast right now. YouTube blogs, video courses, promotional videos - you name it. And there is a great way to start your journey in the video-making game - Movavi Video Editor Plus 2020. In this course, you will learn not only the basics of Movavi Video Editor Plus 2020 but more advanced techniques. Moreover, you will go with me through the process of making real projects step-by-step. ""Movavi Video Editor Plus Full Course 2020"" tutorial is a great way to master Movavi software! Even a complete beginner would be able to get the confidence and knowledge to become a full-fledged enthusiast.I have experience of editing video for 15 years and tried the great number of apps: from Movie Maker to Vegas Pro and Premiere Pro. And in this course, I will teach you what I know about video editing and how to make it with Movavi Video Editor Plus 2020. You surely will be proud of your video, and your friends, colleagues and even YouTube audience would appreciate your creativity as well!What you will learn:Basics of video editing.Creating titles, transitions, applying special effects.Color correction with Movavi Video Editor Plus 2020.Recording and editing audio.Creating Picture-in-Picture and Chroma Key effects.Making slideshows quickly and effortlessly.A step-by-step way to create complete videos from scratch.Getting additional special effects from Movavi Effects Store.and much more!If you still don't have Movavi Video Editor Plus 2020 I will show you the way to get a free trial version to test all the techniques that we will cover in this course. And if you need to buy the software I will guide you through the acquisition and activation of your license key.Movavi Video Editor Plus 2020 is a great way to start creating beautiful videos. So let me be your guide through these 3 hours of lessons. Hop into the video-making game with ""Movavi Video Editor Plus Full Course 2020"".See you taking the lessons,Damian Green, tech and software expert."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Educao Financeira" |
"O Curso Online de Finanas Pessoais um treinamento em vdeo onde ensino o aluno a organizar suas finanas para que possa ser bem-sucedido com sua renda atual. Eu mostro o passo a passo desde como trabalhar suas emoes at montar junto do aluno as melhores estratgias para diviso da renda, temos um mdulo voltado a negociao de dvidas, aplicaes e reservar financeiras em renda fixa e o grande diferencial dos demais curso de finanas pessoais que aqui ensino estratgias para que o aluno tenha uma renda complementar para aumentar seu ganhos financeiros.So estratgias aplicveis a vida de qualquer pessoa e com resultados garantidos em curto prazo.Aproveite o contedo e mude de vez sua vida financeira."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"O Poder Dos Chakras - Meditaes dos Centros Vitais" |
"Tambm conhecidos como Centros de Fora (ou Vitais, ou Energticos), Padmas, Vrtices entre outros, so determinados locais ou pontos de nosso corpo por onde circulam boa parte das nossas energias. Eles so como um centro de distribuio e armazenamento de prana (o princpio da vida) e esto situados no eixo da coluna. H uma enorme importncia em manter os Chakras alinhados uma vez que toda experincia fsica se manifesta no emocional. Os Chakras comandam todos os nossos rgos, glndulas e enviam energia para todo o nosso corpo.Trouxemos, aqui, uma srie de ferramentas, meditaes, tcnicas de respirao e conhecimentos milenares unidos com uma metodologia prtica e um mtodo com passo a passo para ser exercitado em cada dia de reprogramao.Nosso mtodo funciona assim: aps efetuar a matrcula ser liberado, no primeiro dia, um vdeo completo explicando todos os 7 Chakras de uma forma mais abrangente, para voc se familiarizar com eles. Tambm disponibilizado o primeiro Chakra, que o Chakra Muladhara, ou Chakra Bsico. Com ele enviado um exerccio escrito para voc preencher e se perceber e, tambm, uma meditao guiada que vai purificar esse Primeiro Chakra. E assim sucessivamente at finalizar o 7 Chakra. No Oitavo dia liberado um Ba de ferramentas, contendo diversos bnus e meditaes extras para voc seguir equilibrando e limpando sentimentos e emoes.Chegou a Hora de Voc Fazer A MELHOR MUDANA DA SUA VIDA! E Ela COMEA Agora!Estamos te dando a chance de fazer o curso todo e s depois decidir se ir ficar com ele ou no! um presente para voc porque confiamos que esse mtodo pode mudar e VAI mudar a sua vida a partir de hoje.A caminhada comea agora, e s depende de voc!Te Vejo na rea de Membros!Com amor: Hygor e Marisa"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"My Amazing LYFE Mapping Program" |
"An easy-to-follow system that helps you uncover obstacles, set goals and visualize a path to achieving them. My Amazing LYFE Map integrates mindfulness to fuel your life-mapping journey. Includes tools to unearth your strengths, passions, and flow to holistically blueprint your life. The course also includes a complimentary 1:1 map review/mentoring session, if desired."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Mantenimiento y Reparacin de Laptops" |
"Quieres aprender a reparar tu Computador Porttil?En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para que puedas reparar tu Computador Porttil y el de los dems.Solo necesitas tener conocimientos bsicos de Computacin e Internet.Iniciaremos conociendo las partes internas, su funcionamiento e iremos avanzando hasta poder Desarmar y Armar un garantizo un aprendizaje exitoso.Computador Porttil totalmente.Aprenders a instalar Windows 10, descargar programas esenciales para el Computador, eliminar virus y otras amenazas, optimizar Windows y solucionar fallas comunes.Podrs repotenciar tu Computador Porttil, instalando un Disco Duro de Estado Slido (SSD) y agregando ms memoria RAM, de esta forma incrementars su desempeo sustancialmente invirtiendo poco dinero.Contars con soporte Online en donde podrs realizarme preguntas desde la misma plataforma, de esta manera tegarantizo un aprendizaje exitoso.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y espero verte muy pronto!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mehr Verkufe ber Social Media: Marketing fr Anfnger" |
"Kommunikationsmanahmen erstellen ohne ein konkretes Ziel damit zu verfolgen. Das ist Zeitverschwendung.Ohne Ziel kannst du als Shopbetreiber, Coach, Trainer, Berater oder Dienstleister nicht dahin, wo du hin mchtest. Wenn du aber die richtigen Ziele definierst und deine Interessenten ber alle Felder auf deinem Spielfeld hin bis zum Sale fhrst, dann kannst du mit wenig Zeitaufwand sehr gute Kommunikationsmanahmen erstellen und bist deiner Konkurrenz voraus. Wie du dein Ziel formulierst und mit welchen Manahmen du deine Interessenten zu Kufern machst: Das zeige ich dir in diesem Kurs. Wenn du jetzt denkst: Das wird bestimmt kompliziert! dann kann ich dich beruhigen. Es wird nicht kompliziert! Versprochen.Im Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du als Anfnger deine eigene Marketing Strategie aufbaust, die richtigen Kanle fr dich findest und deine Interessenten zu zahlenden Kunden machst. Mit vielen Beispielen aus der Praxis und einem liebevoll gestalteten Workbook zum Download. Es gibt alle Module zustzlich zum Nachhren als Audio Files. Strategische Kommunikation hat viele Vorteile:du steigerst deine Sichtbarkeit und Reichweitedu zeigst dich als Experte du baust Vertrauen auf und erzielst so langfristig hhere UmstzeDu steigerst die Interaktion und das Engagement auf deinen Kommunikationskanlendu begeisterst deine Kunden mit deinen Inhaltendu sammelst Leads und erreichst neue Kundendu erreichst deine Ziele leichter und schnellerdu steigerst die Kundenbindung und ziehst neue Kunden wie magisch anFr Fragen stehe ich dir vor, whrend und auch nach dem Kurs zur Verfgung. Natrlich erhltst du auch bei diesem Kurs die volle 30 tgige Rckgabegarantie, wenn dir der Online-Kurs nicht gefallen sollte: Null Risiko."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Il regolamento Europeo sul Trattamento dei dati - Privacy" |
"Il corso prevede un semplice test di valutazione necessario per dimostrare la partecipazione al corso di fronte a possibili controlli delle autorit competenti (Garante Guardia di Finanza Agenzia delle entrate).Il corso ha l'obiettivo di illustrare cosa devono fare le organizzazioni per rispettare gli adempimenti previsti dal GDPRIl corso suddiviso in vari moduli al termine dei quali sono previsti dei momenti di valutazione necessari per rilasciare un attestato di partecipazione e di superamento del corso che vale come elemento da esibire a fronte di un controllo dell'autorit GaranteSessione 1: Introduzione e descrizioni dei principi su cui si fonda il GDPRSessione 2: Termini e definizioni: verranno illustrati i principali termini e le definizioni contenute nel regolamentoSessione 3 Soggetti coinvolti dalla normativaSessione 4: diritti riconosciuti agli interessatiSessione 5: Lezione : quali sono le attivit che devo attuare per ottemperare al regolamento europeoSessione 5: Lezione : la gestione degli impianti di video sorveglianzaSessione 6: Le sanzioni previste dal GDPR"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"States of matter (Explanation with Solved Numericals)" |
"If you are a student of Chemistry...If you don't like chemistry, but you need to learn this topic just for the sake of exams...If you know the concepts, but don't know how to do numericals on this topic....Then this course is for you.Each lecture includes the numericals or multiple-choice questions and lots of quiz questions.The lectures are very small so that you don't get lost in the topic. I hope you will enjoy.Good luck..."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel im Bro - Excel in business (alle Versionen)" |
"In diesem Kurs mchte ich dir alle ntigen Fhigkeiten beibringen, um Microsoft Excel erfolgreich im Geschftsleben anwenden zu knnen. Viel zu oft wissen Leute leider nicht, wie man das Programm mglichst effizient und effektiv einsetzt - stattdessen wird unntig Zeit verschwendet mit Ttigkeiten, die mit nur wenigen Tricks drastisch simplifiziert, oder gar automatisiert werden knnen. Ich selbst konnte mit nur wenig Aufwand meine ehemalige Stelle in einem groen Unternehmen ""wegrationalisieren"", und das alles ohne Programmierkenntnisse. Nun mchte ich dieses Wissen an dich weitergeben.Mein Kurs ist dabei sehr praxisorientiert gestaltet - du wirst von Anfang an aktiv mitarbeiten, um typische Excel Probleme im Bro effizient zu lsen: Schnell einen Datensatz mit Informationen zu 500 Mitarbeitern bearbeiten und analysieren? Nur eine Frage von ein paar Klicks! Den Umsatz ber mehrere Jahre hinweg analysieren, um die ""Cash Cows"" zu identifizieren? Mithilfe von Pivot Tabellen blitzschnell mglich.Zusammen erlernen wir folgende Inhalte:- Absolute und relative Zellbezge, um das Kopieren und Einfgen mglichst effektiv zu gestalten, und blitzschnell Tabellen mit Analysen zu erstellen- Text-Funktionen, um Mitarbeiterausweise zu erstellen & Informationen aus anderen Quellen (Datenbanken, SAP, etc.) herauszufiltern, ganz egal wie gro das Datenset ist- Wenn-Funktionen, damit Skonto Berechnungen automatisiert und zum absoluten Kinderspiel werden- den Unterschied zwischen Summewenn, Zhlenwenn, und Summewenns verstehen, und mit diesen Formeln absolute Produktivitt zu erreichen- endlich den SVerweis und HVerweis, sowie ihre verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche kennenlernen. Gleichzeitig zeige ich dir die Schwchen dieser Formel, und weshalb du eher die Index und Vergleich Formeln, oder den brandneuen XVerweis verwenden solltest.- Daten als Tabellen formatieren, und mithilfe von Pivot Tabellen auf die wichtigen Geschftszahlen fokussieren, um schnell die richtigen Informationen zu erhalten.ber den gesamten Kurs hinweg werde ich dir ebenfalls beibringen, wie du mithilfe von kleinen Tricks zum Excel Profi wirst, und deine Arbeit rundum produktiver wird."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Food safety, ISO 22000:2018 & HACCP Mock Tests" |
"There are 210 questions on HACCP, ISO 22000:2018 and food safety in 3 different tests. It will help you practice the principles of HACCP and food safety and will make you ready to get relevant certification. These tests are made based on the foundations of food safety and HACCP from Codex Alimentarious. In addition, the 3rd tests is focusing on ISO 22000:2018. Overall, the tests are made in a way that teaches on those 3 domains. It will certainly help you know more and concrete your understanding of those concepts. Test 1 - Food Safety 50 questionsTest 2- HACCP 50 questionsTest 3 - ISO 22000:2018 , 50 questionsTest 4 - GMP 40 questions for facilities and groundsTest 5 - GMP 20 questions - Personal Hygiene"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master World's Top 20 Effort Estimation Techniques with Ease" |
"Estimation Techniques are essential skills for anyone especially from Team leaders till Senior Management.This course primarily aims at making you an expert in estimating anything in Life and at your work place with focus on Software Industry. Be an hour task or up to 200000 hrs task, techniques learnt here will be handy to estimate them accurately with ease and very quickly. About 20 proven Estimation Techniques are explained here with simple resolved exercises. And have included Quizzes / Estimation challenges to test your learning outcomes. Also, you will also be learning about trending Agile Methodologies and Scrum Framework and its associated Estimation Techniques.In addition, you will be learning to sequence the activities, plan the end dates, plan resources required and arriving at a Schedule of a project. Also, how to identify and manage the critical path of a project will be taught. Thus, you can learn to execute an entire project Successfully.Overall, its an essential course for 2 yrs and above Software professionals. All the concepts are clearly explained and hope you derive the best out of this exercise and will be happy once it makes a difference in your career growth."
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Real Estate Investing Analyzation Of The Deal" |
"There is that abandon house in your neighborhood, you want to know who owns it and if they would sell it. This course will help you do just that. First locate documents like deeds of trust, liens, and other documents that may affect the strategy you use to make a profit. Second to figure out the after repair value (arv). Third locating the owner of the property. Whether it is updated home address of phone number. Fourth what to say when you make contact. Simple scripts you can use on the phone, mailers emails, text messaging and at the door."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Domina SAS Programming YA!" |
"""Domina SAS Programming YA!"" es un curso simple pero eficiente. Por medio de videos tericos, otros prcticos y muchos pero muchos ejercicios, logrars dominar sta herramienta en un dos por tres. Ac te enseer conocimiento bsico y no tan bsico, desde instalar la versin gratuita de SAS hasta contenido del examen de certificacin oficial. Aventrate a dominar SAS Programming YA!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Temel Unity Eitimi" |
"Oyun oynamay seven ve artk kendi oyunlarn yapmak isteyen balang seviyesindeki oyun gelitiricileri ite bu kurs tam size gre. Hibir programlama altyapnz olmasna ihtiyacnz olmadan UNITY oyun motoru ve C# dili kullanarak kendi oyunlarnz gelitirebilirsiniz. Oyun Programlama Uzmanl herkes tarafndan kabul grm bir uzmanlk alandr.Katlmclar bu eitimin sonunda hem PC platformu iin hem de iOS ve Android cihazlar iin 2 boyutlu veya 3 boyutlu oyunlar kurgulaya biliyor ve gelitirebiliyor olacaksn.Zaman kaybetmeden balamak ii kursumuza cretsiz bir ekilde kayt olabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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