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"Upgrade Your Life, Skills & Opportunities" |
"In these uncertain times, this course (made up of five sections) is your guidebook for starting a new future for yourself. You will go deep into the art of persuasion, learning how resonant communication truly works. You will have an entire 'Swiss army knife' of tools for creating game-changing ideas that can unlock extreme competitive advantage. You will be armed with numerous ways of making money while you sleep and know the top ten ways of pivoting your career to being more digitally focussed. It's time to upgrade your life."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
illustrator |
"illustrator ? All in one illustrator Graphic # # 5 1. 2. Graphic Design3. 4. Workshop 5. 33 11 - - Step - -"
Price: 2200.00 ![]() |
"Cmo hacer un Plan de Fundraising Bsico para ONGs" |
"Muchas organizaciones buscan captar fondos con urgencia para lograr continuar operando. Profesionales en la industria de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro se enfocan en ir directamente a hacer la solicitud de donativos o un evento de ""fundraising"". Sin embargo, para lograr estrategias de recaudo efectivas y una organizacin sin fines de lucro sostenible la planificacin y la evaluacin de las estrategias de recaudo es clave.Este curso esta diseado para organizaciones sin fines de lucro que desean sobresalir en sus estrategias de recaudo o ""fundraising"" y que estn dispuestas a invertir tiempo en el proceso de planificar sus iniciativas de recaudacin de fondos basndose en el anlisis y comprensin de sus necesidades. Es por ello que en este curso nos enfocaremos en la planificacin y la evaluacin. En este curso te explico cada uno de los componentes de la planificacin para que al concluir puedas desarrollar con efectividad el plan de recaudacin de fondos para el rea/departamento o programa de recaudacin de fondos de tu organizacion.El curso est dividido en 3 secciones: Seccin 1: El Avalo Por qu y para qu se planifica? Se enfoca en proveerte herramientas para identificar las necesidades sobre las que vas a planificar. Incluye:Dos (2) ejercicios.PDF con slides usados en el video.Plantilla de avalo.Documento con ejemplos de preguntas de avaloDocumento en Microsoft Excel con ejemplos explicativos de los componentes del avalo.Documento en Microsoft excel integrando todo lo enseado en esta seccin.Seccin 2: Los componentes del plan. Se enfoca en los componentes necesarios para desarrollar el plan de trabajo. Tambin encontrars lecciones donde se discuten los componentes del proceso de recaudacin de fondos con ejemplos sobre aspectos a incluir en tu plan de recaudo. Incluye:Cinco (5) ejercicios.PDF con slides usados en el video.Plantilla de Plan.Documento en Microsoft excel integrando todo lo enseado en esta seccin y la anterior.Seccin 3: Evaluando el Plan. Se enfoca en ""cmo evaluar tu plan de recaudacin de fondos"" para determinar si lograste atender las necesidades sobre las que planificaste.Incluye:Un (1) ejercicio.PDF con slides usados en el video.Plantilla de Evaluacin.Documento en Microsoft excel integrando todo lo enseado en esta seccin.CrditosCrdito de Imagen de Thumbnail: Downloaded from freepik, made by peoplecreationsMsica del curso: Finding Me hecha por EveninglandLecturas recomendadas y referencias:Rosa, R. (2006) Planificacin y Evaluacin de ProgramasBurke, N. Works, E. (2012) The Complete Book of Grant Writing"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Estratgias Avanadas em Redes Sociais" |
"Todos os dias, milhares de empreendedores e emreendedoras, proifssionais de marketing e profissionais liberais - como esteticistas, mdicos, dentistas, arquitetas, consultores e personal trainers - comeam a levar seus negcios para as redes sociais, mas logo desistem porque no esto tendo resultados. Se voc est entre eles, bem provvel que voc at esteja fazendo o bsico, como:Planejar seu contedo do ms;Postar pelo menos 3 vezes por semana;Interagir com os usurios rapidamente aps eles comentarem;Trabalhar com vdeos e um design agradvel;Distribuir seu contedo em outra plataforma.No entanto, isso s o bsico do bsico.E se eu te disser que existem tcnicas que voc pode comear a aplicar hoje mesmo para ampliar o seu alcance nas redes sociais, aumentar seus seguidores, e ainda aumentar o potencial de vendas da sua marca?Neste treinamento, voc vai entender quais so as principais estratgias que j utilizei com vrios dos meus clientes para influenciar os algoritmos das redes sociais ao seu favor e aumentar o seu engajamento, a sua visibilidade, a sua autoridade e o nmero de seguidores.Voc vai descobrir quais so as tcnicas que ajudam a influenciar o comportamento dos seus seguidores, para que eles percebam voc como autoridade, para que eles engajem mais com o seu contedo e, principalmente, para que eles sintam cada vez mais desejo de comprarem os seus produtos ou servios.Voc tambm vai conhecer o Impulso Viral, que uma metodologia que te ajudar a criar material com alto potencial de viralizao no Instagram e que tem o potencia de expor sua marca para milhares e milhares de pessoas.Voc vai aprender a usar ferramentas para criar posts atraentes, para descobrir qual tipo de contedo criar e tambm vai aprender a usar uma das principais plataformas do mercado para espionar os dados dos seus concorrentes e copiar aquilo que eles fazem que funciona.Por fim, no ltimo mdulo, voc ter acesso minha estratgia secreta de produo de contedo, que, com apenas uma nica ao sua, vai ajudar voc a:Aumentar sua autoridade perante seus seguidores;Gerar visibilidade para seu nome e sua marca na internet;Gerar trfego para o seu site (se voc tiver um);Influenciar o comportamento dos seus seguidores;Ter uma fonte praticamente ilimitada de contedo para suas redes socias.6 Motivos Pelos Quais Voc Deve Comear Este Treinamento Agora:Existem mais de 50 milhes de pessoas no Brasil usando as redes sociais todos os dias - e seu cliente em potencial est nesse meio.Voc vai aprender tticas que muitos profissionais de redes sociais no querem que voc saiba;O treinamento e focado em profissionais de marketing, pequenos empreendedores e profissionais liberais;Voc vai aprender a trabalhar de forma inteligente, trabalhando menos para colher mais resultados;Voc vai aprender tcnicas utilizadas por vrios clientes e por vrios dos maiores profissionais de marketing nas redes sociais;Voc pode comear a aplicar o que voc aprender imediatamente!"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Potna Osobowo" |
"Co o sobie mylisz? Jak si czujesz z samym sob? Jakie masz samopoczucie na co dzie? Jakie decyzje podejmujesz? Jakie wyznaczasz sobie cele? Ile zarabiasz? Z kim si spotykasz? Ile czerpiesz satysfakcji ze swojego ycia?Znasz odpowiedzi na te wszystkie pytania. Jednake czy wiesz jaka jedna cecha decyduje o rodzaju tych odpowiedzi? Jest to...Poczucie Wasnej WartociPoczucie wasnej wartoci to wiadomo, e jeste zdolna do podjcia yciowych wyzwa i e zasugujesz na szczcie. -Arlene HarderOsoby z Wysokim Poczuciem Wasnej Wartoci...Tworz szczere, dugotrwae i pene mioci zwizki.Maj wielu przyjaci.Pracuj na wyszych stanowiskach, zarabiaj wicej pienidzy. Czsto s niezaleni finansowo.Uwielbiaj swoje ycie, ciesz si kadym dniem, s szczliwe bez wzgldu na okolicznoci zewntrzne.Niestety osb o wysokim poczuciu wasnej wartoci jest na wiecie znacznie mniej ni powinnoDlaczego?Gwn przyczyn jest brak edukacji na temat poczucia wasnej wartoci. W szkole nie uczy si dzieci mioci do siebie, empatii, czy pozytywnego mylenia. W yciu rzadko si nas pyta, czy jestemy szczliwi, a przez to sami nie zastanawiamy si, w jaki sposb moemy polepszy jako swojego ycia.Jeeli nigdy wczeniej nie uczye si niczego na temat poczucia wasnej wartoci, to prawdopodobnie dowiadczasz teraz tego skutkw.Jeeli:Odczuwasz lk przed podejmowaniem wanych decyzji w swoim yciu,Boisz si mwi o swoich uczuciach, wyraa wasnej opinii, decydowa o swoim yciu;Zgadzasz si na mniejsze zarobki, gorszy seks, niesatysfakcjonujcy zwizek, nudne spotkania ze znajomymi;Nie lubisz przebywa sam ze sob,Nie przepadasz za swoim ciaem i wygldem zewntrznym,Mocno przejmujesz si opini innych,Nie podejmujesz wyzwa, poniewa, boisz si poraki,Za swoje ze samopoczucie obwiniasz innych, lub wydarzenia,Odczuwasz w sobie niezaspokojon ambicj,Czujesz si nieszczliwy,To znaczy, e nie wykorzystujesz w peni swojego ycia...Jeeli zgodzie si z przynajmniej jednym przykadem, to znaczy, e blokuje Ci Twoje ZANIONE POCZUCIE WASNEJ WARTOCI.Osoby o zanionym poczuciu wasnej wartoci:S smutne, nieszczliwe i przygnbione. Zamiast cieszy si ze swojego ycia, to staraj si jedynie przetrwa.Zarabiaj tyle pienidzy ile oferuje im pracodawca, a po 25 latach pracy przechodz na emerytur, ktrej kwota na rok 2019 wynosi 904z netto.S duo mniej atrakcyjne dla otoczenia, dlatego trudniej nawizywa im nowe znajomoci, tworzy zwizki zarwno partnerskie jak i miosne.yj w duo wikszym stresie ni powinny, a przez to s naraone na liczne choroby.Niskie poczucie wasnej wartoci niesie ze sob powane konsekwencje. Nie chc Ci zastrasza, lecz takie s po prostu fakty Jednake mam dla Ciebie dobr informacj. Mona to zmieni!Mona podnie poziom Poczucia Wasnej Wartoci.W jaki sposb?Poznajc siebie, swoje ograniczenia, saboci, a nastpnie pracowa nad przemian ich w swoje wartoci i zalety,Akceptujc swoje ciao,wiadomie stwarzajc sobie przekonania, na temat swojej wasnej osoby i otaczajcego Ci wiata,Tworzc pozytywne myli i oczekiwania wzgldem wasnych dziaa i innych ludzi,Pozbywajc si lkw przed porak, odrzuceniem i opini innych,wiadomie kreujc sobie dobre samopoczucie i radosny humor,Zaprzestajc usilnego poszukiwania aprobaty i porwnywania si z innymi ludmi,Wyznaczajc sobie cele na przyszo i dy do ich realizacji,Rozwijajc siebie, swoje silne strony i osobiste wartoci.Pewnie mylisz sobie teraz, e to cholernie trudneI masz racj. To nie s banalne sprawy. W kocu mwimy o zmianie Twojego ycia. Lecz i tutaj mam dla Ciebie kolejn dobr nowinStworzyem dla Ciebie program, dziki ktremu krok po kroku moesz si tego wszystkiego nauczy.S dwie drogi, aby przey ycie. Jedna to y tak, jakby nic nie byo cudem. Druga to y tak, jakby cudem byo wszystko. - Albert EinsteinDla kogo jest ten program?Dla osb ktre pragn...osiga w yciu wiksze i czstsze sukcesy.odnale szczcie w sobie i swoim yciu.nauczy si asertywnoci, komunikowania swoich potrzeb i pragnie.tworzy trwae i zdrowe relacje z innymi ludmi.dowiadcza w yciu wikszej radoci, satysfakcji, spenienia i spokoju.zwikszy swoj pewno siebie.nauczy si y szczliwie, pomimo wewntrznych lkw i ogranicze.odnale swoj warto i zbudowa silne Poczucie Wasnej Wartoci.By moe znasz, syszae, lub jeste sobie w stanie wyobrazi osob o niezwykle wysokim poczuciu wasnej wartoci.Zastanw si chwil jak ta osoba zachowuje si na co dzie.Zapewne jest niezwykle umiechnita, kroczy pewnie kadego dnia, okazuje mio i dobro innym, ale rwnoczenie wane s dla niej jej wasne pragnienia i potrzeby. Osiga w yciu wikszo rzeczy, na ktrych jej zaley, zarabia satysfakcjonujc ilo pienidzy, spenia si zawodowo, yje w szczliwym zwizku, nie przejmuje si opini innych i bez wzgldu na problemy zawsze znajduje w nich pozytywn warto.I wiesz co?Ty te moesz sta si tak osob.Bez wzgldu na swoj przeszo, sposb w jaki zostae wychowany, traumatyczne wydarzenia jakich doznae w przeszoci, otaczajc Ci rzeczywisto, opini jak masz wrd ludzi, i to co sam o sobie aktualnie mylisz.Moesz stworzy w sobie nowsz, lepsz, bardziej pewn siebie i satysfakcjonujc osobowo.Ale jak to?Poniewa w programie, o ktrym mwimy....Dowiesz si, jak przepracowa swoje lki, tak aby zamiast Ci ogranicza, wspieray Ci w trudnych momentach.Poznasz sposoby mylenia o wiecie, ktre daj si, pewno siebie, spokj ducha, i ktre mona wdroy w ycie praktycznie od zaraz.Dowiesz si, co wpywa na Twoje samopoczucie i poznasz sposoby, wzbudzania w sobie dobrego nastawienia, pozytywnego mylenia i radosnego humoru bez wzgldu na okolicznoci.Poznasz skuteczne techniki przebywania wrd ludzi, dziki ktrym bdziesz wolny i niezaleny od ich opinii. Pozbdziesz si lku przed odrzuceniemPoznasz teori dotyczc budowania silnego poczucia wasnej wartoci.Uzyskasz moliwo wdroenia w ycie teorii za pomoc niezwykle skutecznych wicze, ktre przynosz w yciu namacalne efekty.Dowiesz si, jak zmieni swoje przekonania, myli i sownictwo, tak aby kadego dnia napdza si motywacj i energi do ycia.Poznasz wasne wartoci, osignicia i dowiesz si, o co Ci w yciu chodzi. Otrzymasz moliwo ycia w zgodzie ze sob.CO ZNAJDZIESZ W KURSIE?Przygotowaem dla Ciebie 27 nagra video, dajcych cznie prawie 5 godzin materiaw edukacyjnych. W kadym filmie ucz innej umiejtnoci lub omawiam zupenie inny temat z zakresu poczucia wasnej wartoci, pewnoci siebie, poczucia szczcia, zarzdzania emocjami, osigania w yciu satysfakcji i spenienia. To gwnie cz teoretyczna.Do kadego filmu doczone jest przynajmniej jedno wiczenie, ktrego wykonanie pozwala wprowadzi w ycie realne zmiany. Z wasnego dowiadczenia wiem, e samo ogldanie nagra nie daje takich rezultatw, jak praktykowanie teorii we wasnym yciu. Dlatego przygotowaem dla Ciebie proste, lecz nie zawsze atwe do wykonania wiczenia, lecz takie, ktre z ca pewnoci podnosz Twj poziom poczucia wasnej wartoci. To jest cz praktyczna."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Data Management and Analysis with Stata." |
"Note: The course is COMPLETE now. This course, extended over seven sections, provides a comprehensive introduction to Stata and Statistics. The aim of the course is to teach all the variables, and the relevant Stata commands, used in Statistics. These variables are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio variables. There are two alternative ways to undertake the course.1. If you have a basic understanding of Stata, you can directly start from section 3, which teaches Data Management. You should then proceed to section 4 on Descriptive Statistics, which is common to all types of research. Section 5 analyses a relationship and interprets it between Nominal/Ordinal variables. Examples of these types of variables are gender, race, employment status, ethnicity, levels of satisfaction, customer service quality, hair color, and religion among others. Section 6 investigates a relationship and interprets it between the Nominal/Ordinal variable and the Interval/Ratio variable. Section 7 finds an effect of one Interval/Ratio variable on another Interval/Ratio variable. Examples of these types of variables are age, income, prices, exam scores, temperature, distance, and area among others. Note: If you adopt this strategy, you may need to go back to the second section, if you have any trouble understanding a particular Stata command in sections 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The advantage of this strategy is you will study the more important content first. 2. Alternatively, you can follow the exact order of the course, starting from section 1 and then proceeding to the next section until you reach the section 7. If you follow this strategy, make sure you do not give up in the middle of the course. The research shows that, and this course is not an exception, some students do not complete the entire course. In this course, the first 3 sections are meant to prepare you for the next 4 sections. Therefore, quitting in the first half of the course will deprive you of the intended benefits. Whichever alternative you choose, you must download the resources and practice with me during the lectures. In addition, you must attempt all exercises given at the end of each section. Captions: Each video/lecture is accompanied by accurate captions to enhance your comprehension of the course contents. Resources: You will be provided with a separate data set for each section to practice with me during the lectures. You will also be given a separate data set to attempt the exercises at the end of each section. You will obtain five do-files, one on data management, and the remaining four on data analysis. The only prerequisites for the course are to install Stata on your computer and remain committed. Good Luck!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"140 Combat Moves - Self Defence and Street Fighting" |
"140 Combat Moves is Amazons most popular, and highest rated, Self Defence and Close Combat DVD set and it is now available online so you can have instant access.This easy to follow step-by-step Self Defence course provides you with all the knowledge you need fight effectively. You will learn all the theory, techniques and tactics that normally take a martial artist or security professional years to acquire.Practicing regularly, you will increase your fitness, increase your confidence and learn how to protect yourself, your family and your friends. A fight should not last longer than a few seconds. To ensure you win quickly, all these techniques follow three simple rules. They:are realistic, designed against specific attacks you may find yourself having to defend against.are effective, with fast moves aimed towards pressure points and target areas.require no martial arts experience, anyone can perform these moves with a little practice."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D / ZBrush - Learn how to make great illustrations" |
"Want to make amazing photorealistic illustrations?Want to learn how to use Cinema 4d, Vray, ZBrush and Photoshop all together?Then this epic course is here for youWhat you will learn from this tutorial:You will learn how to make photorealistic illustrations from start to finish: I'll explain to you in detail all the process for those two illustrations, including modeling, materials, lighting, and post-production ninja technicsYou will learn how to create from scratch an insect with ZBrush (sculpting, UVs, Dynamesh, ZRemesher, Polypainting, export to C4D)You'll see how you can take advantage of ZBrush/Cinema 4D workflow for your illustrationsYou will learn the steps required to make photorealistic renderings with Cinema 4D and Vray. Before starting into the projects, we will talk about 3D renderings, theory, examples, and what you need to know to start on the right foot. Softwares are tools, but knowledge is the keyYou will learn how to improve incredibly your raw render with the use of PhotoshopAnd because knowing softwares is good, but you also need some basic knowledge about modeling, lighting, materials, to replicate great photorealistic renderings, I'll teach you all I know about photorealism and lights at the beginning of the courseWhat is The Ladybug Journey project?This project started as a game. I wanted to try to make a ladybug and challenge myself to make something beautiful and realistic.When I released The Ladybug Journey few years back, I had no idea how it would help me in my career for the following years.After the publication of the first image, I won my first prize as Best Illustration of the Week, then of the Month, with 3D Artist Magazine, and I got published quickly in their international magazine.The second image took me a bit further, as Maxon (Cinema 4D editor) asked me to use it as their worldwide front illustration for the promotion of their new release of Cinema 4D R17.Then my two images won prizes in a lot of online publications and magazines, helped me to get recognition in the 3D community, and to earn new clients.With this course,You will learn how to use a modeling tool like ZBrush, how to compose, light and render your scene for Cinema 4D and Vray4C4D, and how to improve your renderings to a professional standard with Photoshop.I'll share with you some of my finest tips and tricks that I've never shared to anyone before.You will have in your hand 13 years of professional experience, creativity, publications... and awardsWhy is this tutorial so unique?You will not only see all the process to make great images, but I will also teach you the knowledge you need to understand to know how 3D works and what photorealism means in 3D.At the end of this course, you'll be confident enough to create great photorealistic illustrations with ZBrush, Cinema 4D, Vray4C4D and Photoshop, and make the next masterpieces acclaimed by the 3D community.Your only limit will be your imagination!But who am I?I'm Nicolas Delille, 3D artist and art director (10 years of 3D, 13 years for art direction). Time goes on pretty fast...I started my creative career in advertising, where I had a ton of photo-manipulations to make every day. That helped me definitely to enhance my Photoshop skills :) I had also the opportunity to work with pro retouchers, and that was helpful for the rest of my career!I started 3D as a hobby first, because I couldn't find some images I was looking for, and I found it easier to create them in 3D. That was the start of a great journey, which lead me to work as a freelancer and launching my studio.I won many prices, had the chance to work for great international brands, with great artists, in several countries (France, Canada, Australia), and I'm still here to create new kickass projects anytime, anywhere :) I gave over the years several masterclasses for 3D Artist magazine, as well as Cinema 4D reviews.I also like to share with fellow 3D artists. I launched last year Better Digital Artist, which showcases the best 3D artists in any disciplines. I had the chance to interview 15 great artists like Cornelius Dmmrich, Raphael Rau, Ian Spriggs, and the number is still growing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Microsoft Office; Excel, Word ( ICDL )" |
"Word Excel PowerPoint "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Perakaunan F5 Chapter 4 Perkongsian (KSSM)" |
"Untuk Prinsip Perakaunan Tingkatan 5 Bab 1-3, murid murid boleh mendapat free online tuition di youtube channel cikgu - ""SPM Malaysia"".Dalam course ini, murid-murid akan dapat belajar Prinsip Perakaunan Tingkatan 5 - Bab 4 PERKONGSIAN. Selepas course ini, murid-murid boleh membuat soalan untuk * PENYATA PENDAPATAN, * PENYATA KEDUDUKAN KEWANGAN dan* PEMBUBARAN PERKONGSIANUntuk dapatkan DISCOUNT bagi course ini, sila melayari youtube ataupun facebook page ""SPM MALAYSIA""."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Perito de Seguros de vehculos Automviles" |
"Este curso est dirigido a todas aquellas personas que quieran aprender una profesin que est en auge. El curso comienza con un nivel bsico sigue con medio y termina con avanzado con el fin de que seas un profesional de la peritacin. Te ensear como debes de actuar como Perito Judicial. Te aportar documentacin al respecto para que puedas desarrollar tus habilidades una vez que termines el curso. Veremos los diferentes mtodos de valoracin que utiliza la compaa de seguros para ser perito de seguros. (Ojo, las compaas slo necesitan que seas conocedor del programa de valoracin y que conozcas la Ley de Contrato de Seguros que te detallo en el curso!).Tras finalizar y con tu diploma podrs acceder a cualquier asociacin de peritos de seguros para darte de alta en las listas que emiten las asociaciones a los Juzgados y Tribunales. Estar en todo momento pendiente para que aprendas y no te atasques en el curso. Mi intencin es que aprendas al mximo de todos mis aos de experiencia como perito. Espero verte pronto en el curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Produktiv im Home Office" |
"Mein Online-Kurs richtet sich an Mitarbeiter und Fhrungskrfte die gerade beginnen im Home Office zu arbeiten und bisher nur sehr wenig oder gar keine Erfahrung in der virtuellen Zusammenarbeit von Teams haben.Die Zusammenarbeit von verteilten Teams unterscheidet sich stark gegenber der Zusammenarbeit von Teams, die an einem Standort sitzen. bliche Routinen und Arbeitsweisen mssen angepasst und durch geeignete Tools untersttzt werden.Dieser Kurs gibt dir einen berblick ber folgende Themen:- Klare Absprachen und Vereinbarungen treffen- Routinen fr die virtuelle Zusammenarbeit etablieren- Tools fr die effektive und produktive Zusammenarbeit nutzen- Prinzipien und Werte kennen lernen, die zu einer vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit beitragen"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"""Tezoqy""" |
"! , . 300 , , . , , . , 2-3 . , . - , ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Yoga for Back Pain with Dr. Kirstie Griffiths" |
"This course is a brief introduction to Dr. Griffiths' 12-week program Yoga for Back Pain. This clinical yoga program combines Education, Movement, and Meditation, specifically designed for people with back pain. In this one hour course, you will learn:The most common causes of back painThe most effective treatment options for mechanical back painThe anatomy of back painHow to approach a yoga practice if you have back painHow to perform spinal ranges of motion and apply the outcomes to your yoga practiceThis course includes:An introduction to back painDr. Griffiths' Cardinal Rules for practicing yoga with back painAn anatomy lecture on the tissues involved in creating back painA quiz to check your understanding of information presented in the anatomy lectureA spinal ranges of motion activity and worksheet to record your findingsA 30 minute recorded yoga practice including a meditation that you can practice from the comfort of your home"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
ntiytkyr |
"1234STEP.1 5STEP.2 36STEP.3 5W1H5W1H5W1HWHOWHATWHYWHENWHEREHOW5W1H7STEP.4 8STEP.5 - - - - - -11 - - - - / 9STEP.6 10STEP.7 11STEP.8 12STEP.9"
Price: 7200.00 ![]() |
"Travel Tips - Ingls para Viagens - Bilngue Idiomas" |
"Guia prtico de ingls para viagensViajar algo necessrio em nossas vidas. Seja para passear ou trabalhar, precisamosnos comunicar no idioma dos falantes do lugar o qual estamos, e muitas vezes, falar um obstculo que pode ser evitado. Este material um guia prtico de ingls paraviagens, criado especialmente para voc que est se preparando para viajar e precisade dicas sobre temas especficos, como por exemplo, como pedir informaes noaeroporto, expresses chaves em pontos tursticos, restaurantes, hospedagem etc.Em sete temas distintos, voc conhecer o bsico de cada um deles e ainda poderpraticar com dilogos montados especialmente para cada rea. Sero desenvolvidosos seguintes temas:1. HELP!- Falando do seu ingls- Saudaes em geral2. TRAVELLING BY PLANE. WHAT I HAVE TO DO IN THE AIRPORT?- Como pedir informaes sobre o voo- Check-in / durante o voo / alfndega3. FIRST TIME IN THE CITY- Como indicar seu endereo para o motorista- Expresses para convers"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ISS (Imposto sobre Servios)" |
"Voc j ouviu falar sobre ISS (Imposto sobre Servios)? Trata-se de um imposto municipal campeo em dvidas por aqueles que atuam na rea fiscal e contbil. Neste curso, de modo simples e objetivo, voc sanar todas as dvidas sobre este imposto, revolucionando seu conhecimento tributrio e impactando nas atividades profissionais, de modo a reduzir potenciais autuaes pelo Fisco.O presente curso tem por objetivo apresentar aos alunos as principais peculiaridades do ISS (Imposto sobre Servios), atravs do estudo da Lei Complementar n 116/03. O referido curso abordar temas complexos tais como: local de pagamento do ISS, Substituio Tributria, Cadastros Municipais (CEPOM ou CENE), dentre outros. O curso visa garantir aos participantes informaes tericas aliadas a exemplos, de modo que possam aplicar os conhecimentos obtidos nas atividades profissionais cotidianas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Reteno Tributria do INSS" |
"O presente curso tem por objetivo apresentar aos participantes as principais peculiaridades da Reteno do INSS, atravs do estudo da Instruo Normativa RFB n 971/09. O curso visa garantir aos participantes informaes tericas aliadas a exemplos, de modo que possam aplicar os conhecimentos obtidos nas atividades profissionais cotidianas.Atravs do curso sobre Reteno de INSS, o aluno ter amplo conhecimento sobre o tributo, sanando dvidas porventura existentes, aplicando o conhecimento na prtica e reduzindo o risco de autuaes pelo Fisco. O aluno estudar os seguintes tpicos que lhe proporcionar uma viso ampla do INSS: 1-) Introduo ao estudo da Reteno do INSS; 2-) Cesso de mo de obra e empreitada; 3-) Servios sujeitos Reteno de INSS; 4-) Base de Clculo da Reteno do INSS; 5-) Alquota de Reteno do INSS; 6-) Dispensa de Reteno do INSS."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Reteno de Imposto de Renda e Contribuies Federais" |
"O presente curso tem por objetivo apresentar aos participantes as principais peculiaridades da Reteno de Imposto de Renda e Contribuies Federais (PIS, COFINS e CSLL), atravs do estudo do Regulamento do Imposto de Renda e da Lei n 10.833/03. O curso visa garantir aos participantes informaes tericas aliadas a exemplos, de modo que possam aplicar os conhecimentos obtidos nas atividades profissionais cotidianas.Atravs do curso, o aluno ter amplo conhecimento sobre os tributos, sanando dvidas porventura existentes, aplicando o conhecimento na prtica e reduzindo o risco de autuaes pelo Fisco. O aluno estudar os seguintes tpicos: 1-) Introduo; 2-) Obrigao Tributria; 3-) Fato Gerador do Imposto de Renda; 4-) Reteno de Imposto de Renda (1,5%); 5-) Reteno de Imposto de Renda (1%); 6-) Reteno de Imposto de Renda (Comisses e Corretagens); 7-) Reteno de Imposto Renda (Publicidade e Propaganda); 8-) Dispensa de Reteno de Imposto de Renda; 9-) Contribuies Federais (Fato Gerador); 10-) Contribuies Federais (Base de Clculo, Alquota e Dispensa de Reteno)."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Locuo Esportiva" |
"A Radio Gama esportiva uma Web Radio lder em audincia na regio metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, para este curso escalamos para passar os seus conhecimentos o nosso locutor que alegra a massa, Christian Gama. Aqui voc dar o pontap inicial na sua carreira no jornalismo e radialismo esportivo."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Self-Defense, Anti-Bullying Course for Kids, Teens, & Adults" |
"We can't Learn how to fight from a video, but you can learn muscle memory movements. Over the last 3-4 years we have been teaching our effective system of mixed martial arts, to a local community in new jersey. This Course is for kids, teens, and adults. With this course you get a years worth of value ($1548) for $59.99. This is a one time purchase and you get to keep the videos.In this course we go over our basic but effective blocks, strikes, stances, and footwork. There are 12 combinations and over 24 videos of content .12 partner combinations, 12 solo combinations, plus all of your basic videos. Our students must learn and be able to perform either in person at our school or online through videos via our website newjourneymma .com. These combos are designed to build muscle memory. All the techniques have been tried, tested and proven in the ring, cage, and the street. The last 3-years we have had amazing results in person and even better results from our online students. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram. FB: newjourneymixedmartialarts IG: newjourney_mma"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Essential Tools for Real Estate Agents" |
"The major problem real estate agents face is that they dont know how to get organized with their business. Our industry gives clear direction on how to get licensed, but most of the training stops there. As busy agents, we tend to jump right into drumming up new leads and working through transactions before weve gotten our business organized. This course will help you get organized, making your real estate operation more efficient and effective than ever. We'll teach you how to make the most of Essential Tools in every real estate agents tool beltEmail system, CRM, Transaction Management, File Management, and Calendar. Well show you EXACTLY how we set up each of these tools for our real estate team, give you tons of tips, tricks and best practices for making the most of each of them, and finally we'll show you how they all come together by walking through each step in our process for Buyers and Sellers. Bonus Features In addition the training, we're including our transaction checklist for Buyers, and the checklist for Sellers, each with more than 140 points to ensure you never miss a beat and provide the best customer service possible. Also included are 23 pre-written emails that will save you TONS of time, give your clients loads of valuable information, and equip you to be an expert communicator through the real estate transaction."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso SEO para WordPress y Optimizacin del Sitio Web" |
"Este es un curso para aprender a optimizar y a posicionar nuestros sitios web de WordPress. No es necesario ningn nivel de WordPress y SEO para realizar el curso, donde aprenders paso a paso todo lo necesario para que tus sitios web se posicionen correctamente. Aqu encontrars todos los plugins, temas, herramientas, trucos, recursos y consejos para empezar correctamente, y no perder tiempo y dinero en el camino hacia el xito de tu negocio online."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ser professor sua misso de vida?" |
"Neste curso iremos descobrir se ser professor sua misso de vida. Faremos uma reflexo sobre seus objetivos de vida enquanto influenciadores de geraes. Caso esta no seja sua misso, o passo a passo ser dado para que a construa e possa viv-la plenamente! Sendo professor a sua misso, darei instrues para que seja o melhor de todos e referncia para seus alunos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Programa de cadastro de clientes e produtos em Excel VBA" |
"Esse curso foi criado com o objetivo de compartilhar conhecimentos da ferramenta VBA - Excel.Com ele voc aprender conceitos intermedirios sobre programao VBA, criar um programa bsico de cadastro de clientes e produtos e, alm disso, ter acesso ao material de apoio disponvel para download, conforme contedo descrito abaixo:* Cdigos dos formulrios (""Criados no decorrer do curso"");* cones;* Formulrio Produtos;* Background do programa SisControl."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Phone Addiction Course" |
"In 12 easy-to-follow steps we'll ditch your bad habits, develop tactics and reclaim control. The goal is to transform your phone habits and change the role that technology plays in your life. You'll change your behavior and learn to direct your attention towards the things you want to pursue in life. The included Focus Workbook will help you stay on track by measuring your progress. The included bonuses will help you put your knowledge into action.BonusesSmartphone EtiquetteHealthy ReplacementsLeisure PlanMorning & Evening Routine Building BlocksSolitude Ideas SheetDigital Detox ideas Sheet"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Boost your confidence and self-esteem" |
"Attract the perfect partner for youHave confidence in datingMake a killer first impressionMaster online dating, phone courtship, and flirtingLearn how to make the right moves, at the right time to create interest & attractionIncrease Your Level of Confidence and Self EsteemDevelop a Powerful and Confident Vibe and Body Language that naturally attracts the woman or man of your dreamsSocial Confidence & leadershipLearn how to be an incredible conversationalistStart a conversation with anyone, at any time and anywhere."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Biomas |
"A compreenso do ambiente em escala macro fundamental para o entendimento dos processos do Planeta. O conhecimento da formatao das paisagens e recursos naturais tem impacto direto em aspectos da vida em sociedade, como a economia e a relao entre os povos. Para tanto, abordaremos o tema Biomas de uma forma integrada com os conhecimentos das cincias a ele atreladas, em especial as Cincias Biolgicas e a Geografia"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Unlock Secrets to Reduce Overwhelm and Manage Your Time" |
"This is a MUST!Taking one of Victorias courses is a MUST! She excels at creating an atmosphere that encourages real work and fun, while learning about yourself. I've learned something I can use on a daily basis and I LOVE IT! - Laura BennetAre you longing for a life with less overwhelm, less anxiety and general unproductiveness? Are you ready to embrace more JOY?Perhaps you are spending your days at home right now and you arent sure where all of the hours of the day have gone? Wondering how you can get control of general unproductiveness? At the end of the day you are left feeling unsatisfied?Do you know, deep down inside, that its time to start prioritizing health and happiness, but dont know how?If you feel this way, Ive got some awesome secrets I want to share with you!This Course is designed to shift your mindset around time, stress and your relationship with yourself. It will provide you with simple and realistic strategies that will guide you to take back control of your time and reduce stress .In each short video lesson and be given a tool, strategy or action that is created to actualize positive and impactful change in your life while boosting your confidence and resilience.Most importantly this course has an element of FUN! Because, I believe that, if it's not fun, you won't show up for yourself. I'm so excited to spend some time with you so you can learn to find more joy and create some amazing new habits in your life. Its your time to decrease stress, find time and live fully.I know it can feel overwhelming to start looking after yourself and you may be thinking what's the point, Ill never get there? I also know that you're probably thinking I dont have the time. Im here to tell you that you do and you can. You actually have 62 extra hours the week and Im going to tell you how inside the course.If you have made it this far down the page you are probably considering registering for this program. I know we dont know each other yet but I can tell you this, even if you only use one of many strategies learned in the course, you will be shifting the programmed patterns of your life and ultimately creating change that will reduce your overwhelm so you can find space for joy. So get yourself enrolled now and get ready take back control of your time and to elevate and evolve your human experience.See you in the course!VictoriaP.S. Here is what some more of my past clients and participants have to say about my approach.Changed my life.Victoria's programs changed my life. I am living a fuller life and I feel like I'm embodying my true self. I can't say enough good things about her knowledge, process and positive energy. - Katherine HenselThoughtful and Inspiring.Victoria is one of the most talented programmers I know. She designs and delivers many thoughtful and inspiring programs, both for individuals and groups. She inspires people of all ages and stages, her passion and vision for helping people find a love for connection to the self and to the world is strong and clear. - Jane HayesI am confident.With so much wellness information out there today it is hard to figure out what is real or fake and to just make sense of it all. Victoria's sessions help simplify everything so that I can make better life choices I am confident about. - Allison Young"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Symmetrical building design Using ETAB Software" |
"We all know that the design of building is very difficult for civil engineers with respect to Multi story building. Here we are providing you the whole analysis and design of building in which you can able to design and analyse and do the estimation with reinforcement detailing of all structural elements.It is advance lecture series which help you to generate the Schedule quantity and detailing of all structural members including the shear force and bending moment design.Following are the agenda of this video series :1. Basic modeling2. Load identification3. Advance modeling4. Shear force 5. Bending moment6. Design of column7. Design of beam8. Design of slab9. Design of foundation10. Design of combine footingI hope you all learn the best from this video series.Thank you"
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Learn authentic Italian cooking" |
"Learn from Lilly, who has been cooking Italian recipes for nearly forty years.Her recipes have been passed down by generation to generation.Learn four authentic Italian dishes:Meatballs in sauceStuff squid in sauceRolled meat in sauceMixed meat in sauceEach lesson comes with the ingredient list and then each video Lilly will show you the step by step way to create the dish. Throughout the video she will let you in on the secrets of Italian cooking that only the generations before her know."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |