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"Tangenciales Catia Vr5" |
"En este curso aprenderas herramientas basicas de diseo en CatiaVr5. Podremos utilizar estos comandos basicos para la realizacion de diferentes piezas en el sector automotriz, aunque existan diferentes tipos de software para diseo, Catia es uno de los mas usados en el mundo para realizar simulacion y pruebas. Ademas de poder realizar diferentes calculos de manera real y virtual"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Bsico - Completo" |
"O Excel um dos principais softwares de planilhas eletrnicas utilizado para auxiliar nas operaes financeiras e contabilsticas. O software tem diversos recursos de clculo, alm de elaborar relatrios, grficos, calendrio e controle de vendas. Este recurso utilizado por inmeras empresas, instituies pblicas e particulares. A Studio Excel est trazendo o Curso de Excel Bsico composto por nove mdulos e mais de setenta vdeo aulas didticas com exerccios de fixao e emisso de certificado digital. Este curso do Microsoft Excel indicado para pessoas que desejam conhecer a ferramenta, aprimorar seus conhecimentos e alavancar sua carreira profissional. Ao concluir o nosso curso, os alunos estaro aptos para desenvolver planilhas, criar e utilizar frmulas, grficos, formataes, relatrios e planilhas personalizadas."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"How to do Yoga Arm Balances like a Pro" |
"Don't be afraid arm balances are fun, great for building body strength, and self-confidence. This course will help you navigate through each arm balance at your own pace. This course will help you reach amazing abilities within yourself, boost confidence like no other to achieve comfort in arm balancing. This is the start of something new."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Guide to Photography - Learn Manual on DSLR" |
"Photography made easy! This course is for beginners that want to instantly improve their photography skills. This course goes over outdoor lighting, composition, getting sharp images, how to photograph in manual mode and basic editing in Lightroom. Whether you want to pursue photography as a career or just want to up level your photography skills for your business or personal life this course is going to be beneifical and applicable to you!I'm sharing with you what took me years of experience, hours of trial and error, and thousands of dollars invested in education to learn. I'm breaking all that down in an easy way so you can instantly apply what you learn to your photography and walk away with results.I remember always be intimidated by other professional photographers and feeling like their must be something wrong with me when I didn't understand all the technical jargon they would use. Well I'm here to say photography doesn't have to be that hard! I'm the kind of teacher who is going to explain things in simple and easy to understand ways so you don't have to feel like I did and so you can apply what you learn right away."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apprenez vous aimer et reprendre confiance en vous !" |
"Pourquoi un cours sur le dveloppement de la confiance en soi ?Avez-vous des situations o le manque de confiance en soi vous empche de prendre des dcisions importantes qui pourraient avoir un impact positif sur votre vie ? Avez-vous des fausses ides sur vous-mme qui vous empche d'agir ?tes-vous sensible au regard des autres ?Avez-vous du mal vous affirmer ?Vous savez peut-tre exactement ce que vous devez faire, mais vous avez simplement peur. Sachez qu'il n'y a pas avoir honte. La plupart des gens luttent avec eux-mmes et j'tais il fut un temps o j'tais l'un d'entre eux. Et la bonne nouvelle, c'est qu'avoir confiance en soi n'est qu'une autre comptence que vous pouvez apprendre.Dans ce cours, je partagerai avec vous mes meilleures techniques pour devenir plus confiant rapidement. Toutes les stratgies dont je parle peuvent tre appliques immdiatement. Vous verrez des rsultats, cela ne fait aucun doute.Allez-y changez ds maintenant !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Russir son CV canadien" |
"A ce jour, la concurance est rude entre les candidats pour trouver un emploi qui leur correspond aussi bien sur le plan professionnel que personnel. Il faut savoir se dmarquer ! C'est a que cette formation va servir. Avec les outils que je vais vous donner ainsi que les exercies, vous allez apprendre vous connaitre sur les deux plans. Car avant de se pouvoir se vendre quelqu'un, il faut savoir qui nous sommes, ce que nous valons et ce que nous voulons ! Je vais vous accompagner tout au long de cette formation pour vous guider pas pas vers le chemin de la russite et vers la job de vos rves. Je ne dis pas que les exercices vont tre facile faire mais cela vous permettra d'avancer. Ce que vous allez apprendre sur vous vous servira bien au-del du CV, je peux vous l'assurer ! Cette formation continuera de s'amliorer au file du temps et vous rserve dj quelques surprise ! Je suis recruteur depuis quelques temps dj et faire cette formation me tenais vraiment coeur. J'avais envie de vous partager mon exprience et mon expertise afin que vous puissiez pleinement vous raliser ! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Anlise Tcnica Grfica - Teoria e Prtica" |
"No se costuma falar muito sobre as fases mais importantes do mercado, quando h um consenso momentneo sobre o preo de um ativo entre os operadores de mercado. Nestas fases, ocorre uma grande atuao de investidores profissionais. Identificar as estruturas e os efeitos que as foras de demanda e oferta provocam nos preos nestas regies, permite que o investidor individual assuma uma posio antes da participao pblica, da manada. O contedo ajudar o investidor a identificar as fases do mercado e a reconhecer os sinais que indicam se esto se formando ou chegando ao fim. E esta uma grande vantagem! uma habilidade que permitir se posicionar no incio das tendncias mais lucrativas e com baixo risco operacional. O curso apresenta uma das metologias mais confiveis da anlise tcnica que auxilia o investidor a desenvolver estratgias lucrativas. Abrange os fundamentos e tpicos avanados da anlise tcnica grfica.Tenha pacincia para surfar as melhores ondas do mercado, as mais lucrativas e seguras. Se prepare para as prximas viradas. O foco do treinamento para investimentos de curto, mdio e longo prazo em aes. As informaes so valiosas para aplicar em operaes Day Trade, no entanto, a dinmica operacional muuuuito diferente. Digamos que seja uma especializao, um MBA, que no o foco deste treinamento. Mas os princpios e fundamentos apresentados so os mesmos aplicados nas operaes intradia. No incentivamos o investidor iniciante a comear por esta modalidade de negociao sem antes treinar bastante e definir um bom gerenciamento de risco.O que vou passar para voc aqui ser muito valioso para as suas operaes de Swing Trade. Para o investidor de longo prazo, auxiliar a se posicionar melhor!Como Bnus, mas apenas para o investidor que concluir o treinamento passando por todas as aulas, testes e tarefas disponveis na plataforma, poder solicitar a participao em um grupo privado de experts, local onde todos os membros podem interagir e compartilhar estudos e oportunidades. Abraco a todos! Espero que este treinamento mude positivamente a maneira como voc analisa o mercado hoje, se j possui experincia. Caso no seja iniciante, ser um passo importante e acertado, pois a sua jornada de formao ser abreviada, poupando perda de tempo e dinheiro. Iniciar da maneira correta se pretende adotar a anlise tcnica grfica como ferramenta para auxiliar em suas tomadas de decises."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Mehr Glck und Freude in deinem Leben durch Dankbarkeit" |
"Ich bin mir sicher, dass du schon etwas von Dankbarkeit gehrt hast. Dankbar zu sein, ist dabei so viel mehr, als nur Danke zu sagen. Bewusste Dankbarkeit kann dein Leben transformieren.Wenn du Dankbarkeit in deinem Leben zulsst, bietet sie dir, dass du alles in deinem Leben mehr zu schtzen weit. Was du vorher als selbstverstndlich angenommen hast, bekommt nun einen Wert.Freude, Spa und Flle knnen dadurch wieder in dein Leben kommen.Wenn du die Kraft der Dankbarkeit regelmig anwendest, kannst du dein Leben ndern. Die Auswirkungen machen sich in den verschiedenen Bereichen bemerkbar: Im Beruf, in deinen Beziehungen, in der Gesundheit und im Wohlbefinden. Du empfindest mehr Flle und Freude und lebst ein besseres Leben.Du bekommst:7 Videos mit Erklrungen und bungen rund um die DankbarkeitVerschiedene Arbeitsbltter zum DownloadZwei Dankbarkeits-Meditationen zum DownloadLinda Benninghoff zeigt dir, wie dir das mit einfachen aber sehr effektiven bungen gelingt. Investierst du nur zehn Minuten tglich fr kleine Dankbarkeitsbungen, ist eine Vernderung schon schnell bemerkbar. Dankbarkeit wird so ein fester Bestandteil deines Lebens, den du schnell nicht mehr vermissen mchtest.Die Autorin wurde im Alter von 37 Jahren Witwe, war pltzlich hoch verschuldet und musste in die Privatinsolvenz. Whrend dieser Zeit hat sie gelernt, trotzdem das Gute zu sehen und konnte ihr Leben um 180 Grad drehen. In diesem Kurs teilt sie ihre Erfahrungen und bungen mit dir, die ihr selbst geholfen haben.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs:Dies ist ein Einfhrungskurs, der dir dabei hilft, dein Leben zu verbessern, mehr Freude und Flle zu erleben. Besonders wenn du das Gefhl hast, dass du nichts hast, wofr du dankbar sein kannst, wenn du enttuscht vom Leben bist, aber trotzdem nicht aufgeben willst, dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich. Denn es gibt einfache und effektive Techniken, die dir dabei helfen, ein glcklicheres Leben zu fhren."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Hambrguer Saudvel" |
"Uma receita desenvolvida pelos Chefs Emily e Ricado de hambrguer saudvel, para pessoas que esto seguindo uma alimentao mais saudvel, para pessoas com intolerncia ao glten ou a lactose.Se voc ama um bom hambrguer mas no come por no se encaixar na sua alimentao seja por ingredientes especficos ou por alergias especficas essa receita com certeza vai te ajudar a viver com seu prato preferido e manter uma boa alimentao"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como ganhar dinheiro no Mercado Financeiro" |
"Este curso uma iniciao ao mercado de capitais. No um curso acadmico destinado apenas a alunos de economia. Mas um curso destinado a ensinar aos mais distrados como podem ganhar dinheiro e alcanar a sua liberdade financeira comeando desde j a investir. O curso serve para alertar as pessoas para esta realidade, que comum e frequente nos pases mais desenvolvidos, mas desconhecido da maior parte dos pases menos desenvolvidos. Neste curso ensinam-se todos os tipos de investimentos que as pessoas podem fazer, desde os ttulos do tesouro, at aos mais arriscados e mais lucrativos. Ensina-se como se faz a negociao em aes e indices de aes, indices de moedas, introduo ao forex e s cryptomoedas. Escolha de um broker ou correctora para negociao assim como tipos de alavancagem a usar nos negcios."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Unity and Game Development Fundamentals" |
"Welcome to your first Unity course created by experts here at the School of Game Design. With years of experience in both game development and teaching, our team make these complex tools simple and fun to learn.The Unity engine is used not only by major game studios but also indie game developers all over the world. Anyone who is serious about becoming a game developer should take the time to learn this user-friendly yet powerful 2D and 3D game development platform. Unity can be used to develop games, apps, and interactive content which can then be published to Mac, PC, gaming consoles, as well as all mobile devices. Getting the right start with any software makes learning more advanced features down the road that much easier. This course takes the fear and frustration out of learning this powerful game development program by keeping things simple and to the point. You will quickly learn the fundamentals needed to have a strong base and the confidence to move on to the many more advanced Unity training tutorials we offer. You should take this Unity course if youAre completely new to Unity or game designWant to learn how to make your own games or work in the game industryWant a great understanding of the basics so you can easily follow along in later coursesBy the end of this Unity training series you will:Know how to properly install, setup, and launch Unity hub and the Unity AppKnow how to navigate around your 3D sceneKnow how to add 3D objects to your sceneHow to organize your workspace and customize windowsLearn more about the online Unity community and assets storeKnow how to open and view complex game projectsHave an excellent understanding of the tools, console panel and the inspector window.Both the Unity Engine and the 3D Game Kit plug-in are completely free to download and start using to build up your game development skills.This course is an introductory course intended to simply get you up and running as efficiently as possible.This Unity 3D Game Kit is packed with beautiful graphics, easy-to-use design tools and plenty of creative freedom. It's perfect for someone interested in being a game designer or level designer without needing to worry about building an entire game in order to create fun designs and interactions.Create beautiful and interesting environments using the assets that come with the Game KitStart writing simple scripts in C# to add amazing interactions and animations to your levelsby the end of this course you will have enough game development knowledge to start bringing your own games to life in no time at all."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Archetypal Branding: The Secrets of building a Premium Brand" |
"""Archetypal Branding: The Secrets of Building a Premium Brand"" is designed to provide you with a systematic way to: Clearly define the Brand so that it is compelling and credible to your key Target Audiences. Create a Brand Identity that all key internal Constituencies can agree on and work from. Increase the Reputation, Image, perceived Value and Brand Awareness of your CompanyTake this Brand Leadership Course and discover how to build a Brand that commands Premium Prices and turns Customers into Brand Advocates that are Loyal for Life."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Brand Marketing: creating powerful brands" |
"The one constant in the turbulent marketing landscape has been the crucial role of brands in the creation of shareholder value. Everything an organization does, from R & D through to after-sales service, manifests itself in the value proposition made to customers and this is represented by the brand.This online workshop provides a step-by-step process for managing brands in such a way that they create shareholder value. More importantly, it spells out a quantitative approach to the frequently misunderstood and poorly managed topic of brand equity.The workshop consists of six modules plus optional appendices containing useful technical/legal details Module 1 defines the real meaning of value Module 2 explains what brands are and their role in corporate strategy Module 3 unravels the complex relationship between brands and consumers Module 4 explains the bedrock of successful brand management Module 5 spells out how brands create value for customers Module 6 explains how to quantify the shareholder value that brands createWhilst it has been written with marketers in mind, this workshop is definitely not just for the likes of brand managers. Branding deeply affects everyone in the organization and if the brand is not differentiated, carefully positioned and professionally managed, all its stakeholders will be adversely affected, not just its employees. This course will also enable directors and accountants to make a major contribution to the management of their most important asset: their brand."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Power BI Desktop - Solving Data Prep Challenges" |
"Microsoft Power BI Masterclass - Solving Data Prep ChallengesBusiness Intelligence / Business Analytics is in high demand. Companies are constantly searching for ways to make better and faster and smarter decisions. Therefore they rely heavily on data. Small company or Multinational - data driven decision making is the key to success for any business in the world of tomorrow.Because of that companies are drastically increasing to step up their efforts to find skilled employees and freelancers with the necessary capabilities to help with analyzing data and creating valuable highly profitable insights. Since there is way more demand than supply it is a ""War for talent"". And the competition will increase further. This environment is a bless for anyone who acquires the necessary capabilities and positions herself/himselfMS Power BI is an advanced yet easy to get started self service business analytics / business intelligence solution provided by Microsoft which is currently in very hot demand. From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you master Power BI. Diving into data & analytics can not only immensely improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!Power BI is also a great tool for data science too. A lot of data scientists like to use it for visualizing and presenting the findings. Therefore learning to use this tool can also be a valuable skill for data science jobs.Let's talk about data!!!This course is inspired by students and extends my Power BI Masterclass series on udemy. This course is not a visual course like the other parts of the series. This time it's all about data preparation in Power BI Desktop. How can we leverage the Power Query Editor to prepare our data. Data preprocessing is key so we want to make sure to have to right data for visualizing in our reportsSo let's dive into various Power BI Data prep challenges and find out a possible solution to solve them. Are you ready?Update: The complete Power BI Masterclass Series on udemy1.Power BI Masterclass - beginners to advanced2.Microsoft Power BI Masterclass - Expand Excellence3.Power BI Masterclass - Data Analysis Deep Dive4.Business Intelligence with Microsoft Power BI5.Power BI Masterclass - DAX, Excel And More6.Power BI Masterclass - Your future in data analytics7.Power BI Masterclass - Learn Advanced DAX, R and Gateways8.Power BI Masterclass - Python, Finance and advanced DAX9. Power BI Masterclass - How to use CALCULATE in DAXTips and Tricks courses:10. The Power BI Masterclass - Tips and Tricks11. The Power BI Masterclass - Additional Tips and Tricks12. Power BI - Tips for your next data analytics project13. Microsoft Power BI Desktop - simple tips and tricks edition14. Power BI Desktop - Data Prep ChallengesWe got a lot to do so let's get into it!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Whatsapp Marketing Hero - Grow your business using Whatsapp" |
"Whatsapp is now in the hands of over a billion people and is the fastest-growing Messenger app in the world. As a business owner or marketer, you need to exploit Whatsapp to reach your target market and establish a direct line of communication with your customers.This course will start from scratch and guide you carefully into the world of Whatsapp marketing. You'll learn what works and what doesn't work, and what you must stay clear of.This is a must-have course for anyone who wants to find fresh customers and buyers using Whatsapp.By the end of the course you'll know:- How to find new customers using WhatsApp- How to engage with them to turn them into your audience- How to effectively promote your offers to them- How to use WhatsApp to answer customer queries and engage them- How to use WhatsApp Status and stories to get new buyers- How to use WhatsApp automation to lessen your workload- How to create audiences and groups and reach out to a lot of prospects at the same time& a lot more.See the Table of Contents for a complete review. The first chapter of this course is free. Go ahead and start learning!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Shamanic Nusta Karpay, Receive & Learn How to Pass Them On" |
"Come on a journey into a spirituality infused shamanic healing pathway of self-discovery with Sharon Ramel. Sharon pioneered bringing shamanism alive online. You will awaken the deep healing within these sacred Andean Rites; the Nusta Karpay, to align with your heart in these times. Release fear and thrive.Certified: You will receive a personalised certificate of attunement from me on request. *****I show you HOW to pass the healing Nusta Karpay Rites onto others***** What others are saying about this course:""Lovely!! I love Sharon a lot, she is a powerful and enchanting priestess (I know a good course when I see one), I myself am a priestess of Avalon and I live in Argentina. I received the initiation from usta Karpay some years ago (But sincerely, have not practised it deeply) by Dana Tir who happens to be a pupil from Mariano Quisque (a Quero Shaman). However, Sharon provides information I had not received before, full of harmony, healing and love... Well done sister!!! I bow to you!!!"", Adriana""I love the way Sharon teaches from a deep knowledge and with deep compassion for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants..... I look forward to gathering the gifts of this course into my life.... thank you Sharon for always giving from your heart"" Grace S""I love Sharon's passion when she teaches and her desire to share her knowledge with us all, to heal humanity and our mother earth"". Rachel B""What an amazing journey! In gratitude and love to you, thank you so much for this amazing course!"" Elisabeth K""Exceptional. I recommend it for anyone who needs to recenter, ground, and get out of your head"". Frost FWHO ARE THE NUSTA KARPAY?The Nusta rites are energetic transmissions given into your seven main chakras. The chakras are the organs of the luminous body which hold all our histories, our light and our shadow pieces. Therefore, upon your initiation with the Nusta rites, you begin to stir the contents of your chakras, as one stirs, bringing to the surface the parts of yourself that as yet have not been healed or honoured. You will feel the impact of the Nusta immediately, but as with the cycles of the moon and the cycles in nature, its alchemy works in cycles through you.Every spiritual practice performed in here is in great Munay (love), this raises your vibrations and brings you closer to source (Great Spirit, God, Goddess).You will be among the first to receive this potent initiation teaching from the Andean Shamanic tradition online. You will receive these transmissions in alignment our course community. These are ancestral wisdom traditions of Peru and Bolivia.You will be initiated into the Nusta Karpay shamanic tradition with the help of the 7 sisters of the Pleiadian StarGate.You will have the ability to pass these Rites onto others after completing this course.You will learn to find this medicine in the seen and unseen forces within our vast cosmos... this is a powerful self-discovery tool.You will connect deeply with the earth-honouring presence of our beloved Pachamama the seven goddesses or Nustana revered by the Indigenous people of the Andes and you will renew your connection with the wisdom from the Pleiadian seven sisters, and, thus, your Self.This energy healing journey with Sharon opens YOU as a creative, divine presence beyond space and time.What Is Inside This Course:The Pleiadian Connection WHO ARE THE PLEIADES?The Pleiades (/pla.diz, pli-/), are universally known as the Seven Sisters, they are an open star cluster located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky.The Pleiades is sometimes called the Seven Sisters. Why? In Greek mythology, the Pleiads were the seven daughters of Atlas, a Titan who held up the sky, and the Oceanid Pleione, protectress of sailing. The sisters were Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Kelaino and Merope.Learn about and merge with the wisdom of Asterope: The star of illumination that lightens up your way. The star for how you walk upon this earth, with focus on how.Learn and merge with the wisdom of Taygete: The star of manifestation. The star that carries all seeds for a new beginning, a new dream.Learn about and merge with the wisdom of Maia: The star of identity, direct connection to your soul. The star that knows who you are, your history and who you are to become.Learn about and merge with the wisdom of Kelaino: The heart of the Pleiades, the star of Love and compassion. The star that comes with the realization that everything is there formed. The living pulse of life energy/love that never disappears.Learn about and merge with the wisdom of Elektra: The star of creativity and expression. The star that integrates the experience of the living energy of everything and the balance that is created in collaboration with everybody's expression.Learn about and merge with the wisdom of Merope: The star of reconnecting, the star of the holy visions. The star that comes with the light of being here, in balance. A door to the FutureLearn about and merge with the wisdom of Alkyone: The star of the light, the star of the rainbow. The star that integrates you to a deeper holy level of yourself. Lightens a sun of pure consciousness.Learn about and merge with the wisdom of Pleione and Atlas: Receive the Pleiadian starseeds of Pleione, the beautiful Mother of the star nations. The star of information and of feeling carried. And Atlas empowering transmissions the amazing Father of the star nations. The star of direction and grounding, experiencing yourself and expanding your senses.The benefits of the Seven Goddesses and Sacred Archetypal Feminine energies of Nature Receive initiation with Mama Occio. Increase in vitality, passion and physical security. Will help overcome hostility, anxiety, depression and lack of confidence in ones future. SReceive initiation with Doa Mujia. Clears emotions & feelings, trusting, faith. Helps release jealousy, resentfulness, loneliness, and shyness.Receive initiation with Mama Simone. Self-esteem, positive self-image, personal power, independence, happiness, in touch with ones gift, alignment with cosmic personal path. Release dependency, lack of confidence, self-condemnation, hostility, aggression.Receive initiation with Doa Teresa. Loving, caring, generosity, selflessness, healing, nurturing, balanced, discerning. release indecision, paranoid, overly critical, manic depressive, moody, co-dependency.Receive initiation with Maria Sakapana. Good communication & expression, creativity, inspiration, contented, living in the present. Release poor communication, cant express thoughts, scared, timid, harmonious, intuitive, vision, clarity of thoughts & emotions.Receive initiation with Huana Huaman Tiklla. Connected to the Falcon Temple, also known as the Temple of Clear Vision, and your ability to connect with the spiritual realm to manifest in harmony with your hearts desires.Receive initiation with Tomasa Huaman Tiklla. Sister of Huana Huaman Tiklla, they reside together. The Goddess of Freedom. The energy of this rite is transformation and liberation. This is the rite of transformation.Learn how to initiate others with the rites, I will teach you the process. Each step is explained so that you are free to practice and pass them on when you are ready. You have the full use of all audio and PDF content to support you.What to bring to the Course -7 stones that speak to you. Ensure each one easily fits in the palm of your hand A special cloth or pouch to wrap your stones in (you will be creating a Nusta mesa, otherwise known as a medicine pouch).A tie/ribbon to close the mesa.A pen and notebook or journal.A totem (item) that represents sight and flight (e.g. a small statue of an owl or eagle), or a crystal that reminds you of sight and flightFeathers, or a handmade paper fan or smudge stick to clear energy.Flower petals, or herbs, leaves if no petals are availableTwo pieces of plain paper, one cut into a heart shape for a simple despachoYour pi-stone from the Munay Ki or another favourite small crystal.Extras you receive -PDF manual to support you receiving and passing on the Nusta Karpay - you are free to print it and pass it onto others you wish to initiatePDF light codes from each of the PleiadiansPDF extension homework for each of the Rites to expand and deepen your learning (you are free to copy and use them)Audio MP3 of every lecture for you to download and use at any time to help give you plenty of inspirationIf you're already a healer in any modality (eg. massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, etc) you'll be able to quickly apply and integrate these Rites in your own life and work with them to provide healing to others.This tradition has no institutional facilities, nor the hierarchy of leaders who tell people how they must behave. Rather it is a tradition that works on the mystical and energetic levels. It understands we are part of a larger whole. Be alert to their conversation through your dreams, visions and experiences with nature. You may even notice that you receive a new spirit guide to assist your journey.Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee. Job 12:8The Nusta Karpay are not only for those who have apprenticed in the Andean or other ancient spiritual traditions. They are for all who have a deep connection to the preservation of our home, Mother Earth, for people who desire world peace and the awakening of unity consciousness. This is for you.The feminine is too wild to be contained by religion. Which is probably why shes probably been so marginalized and silenced in all the world religious structures. Mirabai StarrShamanism is a way of life... one you already know deep down... it is rich, respectful, and resonates with your truth. To walk this path is to remember that you too are a part of the Heavens and Earth Its to remember the preciousness of the natural world, your propensities for self-healing, and how to care for and be of service to others and the planet. Shamanism is the about being connected with nature, understanding that we are earth-based, the real and living knowledge which is then used for balance, health, relationship as well as success in all that is that we do. You will notice that when you commit to this sacred course offering that the Nusta begin to work within the core of your being.Learn ancient shamanic practices that will help you see and reach beyond with the Pleiadians to what has clouded your innate wisdom whether thats depression, anxiety, heartbreak, illness, overwhelm, or growing grief over the state of our world. Know that, you are sheltered by the sky and the stars. Always there shining upon you.Through ancient shamanic practices and sacred rituals including the building of your own Nusta Mesa (a sacred medicine bag that draws on the healing forces of the universe) youll find your centre, your place in the world, and the shamanic medicine for self-healing and helping others. It is time take refuge in the stillness and explore the silence with curiosity and tenderness of life.Please join me on this sacred journey.#Shaman #Self-discovery #NustaKarpay #Shamanism #Pleiades #Manifestation #Spirituality #Spiritual"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Laboratrios CCNA 200-301 no Packet Tracer" |
"O Packet Tracer um programa educacional gratuito que permite simular uma rede de computadores, atravs de equipamentos e configuraes presente em situaes reais. O programa apresenta uma interface grfica simples, com suportes multimdia (grfica e sonora) que auxiliam na confeco das simulaes.O programa Packet Tracer foi construdo pela Cisco Systems para o ensino de redes de computadores com simulaes baseadas nos nveis de conhecimento exigido para obter uma certificao CCNA da Cisco. Ele oferece ferramentas capaz de visualizao de redes, avaliaes de medies complexas alm da capacidade de criao de novas redes. possvel trabalhar com mltiplos usurio no mesmo projeto atravs da internet.Ele pode ser utilizado atravs do sistema operacional Windows (XP, 2000, Vista, 7, 8 e 10) e Linux (Ubuntu e Fedora). As verses atuais do programa j oferecem suporte para os novos protocolos utilizados nas indstrias e pelos governos como o IPv6, RSTP, SSH e outros.Neste curso voc vai realizar o Download, instalao e Simulao de Redes com excelncia! Est estudando para o Exame Cisco CCNA 200-301? Sim? Fantstico! Esse curso possui laboratrios com contedos que vo te ajudar tanto no exame quanto no dia a dia."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"SAP Security Administration" |
"This course provides in-depth knowledge about SAP Security. Any one willing to learn and understand SAP Security or like to become SAP Security Consultant can follow this course. Course covers all aspect of SAP authorization, SAP Security and Auditing topics.Course is very helpful for SAP Basis consultant or SAP Technical architect to understand and support any type of security requirement. How to handle new SAP implementation and existing system maintenance are explained in detail."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como planejar, gravar, editar e lanar seu prprio podcast" |
"Voc conhece podcasts?J pensou em gravar seu prprio programa?Sabia que possvel atravs de ferramentas gratuitas e do seu prprio celular gravar seu prprio programa assim como fazem os grandes podcasters?Meu nome Tiago e juntamente com meu irmo Lucas comeamos a partir do zero a menos de seis meses atrs a desenvolver nosso prprio podcast. Comeamos como leigos e aprendemos como editar, planejar e gravar nosso prprio programa.A tecnologia mudou e hoje no precisa mais de uma sala cheia de equipamentos de edio para construir um programa de podcast que pode ser ouvido por milhares de pessoas. Tudo que voc precisa para comear voc j possui. O seu aparelho celular (e at mesmo sem acesso a um computador) te permite gravar com facilidade programas, aulas e bate-papos. Qualquer pessoa pode comear hoje a gravar seu prprio podcast.Eu, como professor, j fiz uso de podcasts em minhas aulas de duas maneiras:1) Gravei um programa explicando um ponto especfico da matria que trabalhoe2) Pedi aos alunos que, em uma atividade avaliativa, fizessem a entrega de um podcast ao final com tempo mnimo de 5 minutos explicando um tema especfico. Funcionou como um ""seminrio virtual"" e ajudou a ""destravar"" nos alunos mais uma forma de comunicao.Voc vai ler agora alguns exemplos de como um podcast pode ser til:Voc pode construir sua marca e divulgar seu negcio ao mesmo tempo que informaPode levar informao ou treinamento aos funcionrios de sua (ou de qualquer outra) empresaComo professor pode usar um recurso didtico a mais com seus alunos.Usar esse TIC (Tecnologia da Informao e Comunicao) para permitir aos seus alunos entregarem trabalhos e tarefas de forma diferente.Criar um programa especfico para seu bairro ou comunidade (igreja, associao, etc)Nesse eficiente treinamento voc ir aprender os recursos mais modernos que permitem o desenvolvimento desses programas. Atravs de aulas prticas (todas as sees possuem exerccios que eu pessoalmente corrijo e acompanho) e softwares fceis de se trabalhar voc ir em algumas horas dominar o que preciso para gravar seus prprios programas.J est pronto?Comece agora mesmo, adicione esse poderoso curso em sua biblioteca de conhecimentos e passe a contar com mais uma poderosa ferramenta em seu arsenal pessoal e profissional."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Network Scanning with Nmap for Network Security" |
"Do you want to enhance your organizations network security? Are you worried about what could happen if an intruder were to move laterally throughout your network? Internal network security testing is a critical aspect of any security program, while not knowing if an attacker has successfully identified a flaw that has led to a breach could be disastrous.In this course, you will learn about several modules to use Nmap in real life situations, discovering vulnerabilities, and emulate an attack on a system. You will start with a review of penetration testing processes, installing Nmap, types of available scans, and the reasons for selecting different Nmap scanning options. Next, you will learn about advanced scanning with Nmap and customize scans to analyze machines, servers, and networking devices. You will then create Nmap reports and customize formatting options for detailed information about the network. You will automate useful activities using the Nmap scripting engine.You will also learn about Firewall and IDS evasion and Zenmap GUI.By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently audit your network with Nmap and scan through vulnerabilities to secure your network.About the AuthorBrian Rogalski is a technically sophisticated computer professional with hands-on information security and networking expertise. Brian is known for his ability to implement advanced technology and provide solutions to individuals and businesses alike to meet a diversity of needs. Brian is also known for his analysis and communication skills. Brian is a security professional working in information technology for over 15 years."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a Scene" |
"It doesn't matter if you have the most brilliant story idea in the history of literature. If you can't write a compelling and engaging scene, readers will put it down. In this tight, concise, course, bestselling author and master educator, J. Thorn, walks you through the simple steps to make your scene shine."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Belly Dance Basics 6" |
"In this sixth course in her Belly Dance Basics series, Shyama will teach the grapevine step, 3/4 shimmy, and 3 forms of choo choos--the choo choo step, hip movement, and shimmy. Following a detailed breakdown of the movements, some variations will be taught to explore the diversity of the moves. Combinations will be taught using individual moves to form the building blocks of a dance choreography of your own. Students will explore precise technique, fluidity, and varying speeds. Concepts learned in previous courses in this series will be referenced as well, building off one another to expand students' repertoire! After completing this course, students will have a foundation for continuing their dance study, and for practicing on their own. Students will get a great start in learning to belly dance for fitness, fun, or performance! Belly dance is a naturally good core workout, designed to power muscles in your core, legs, arms, and back. Absolutely anyone can benefit and enjoy this art form--people of all ages, genders, shapes and sizes have enjoyed belly dance! Learning and performing belly dance can do wonders for self esteem, self confidence, and promote positive body image! Whether you are looking to form a new and unique fitness regimen, learn a new style of dance, drill moves you already know, or just want to try something different, this course is for you! Shyama breaks down moves to their simplest aspects so students can follow along and learn the techniques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Project Management Fundamentals" |
"Project Management FundamentalsPractical Project Management worked example using Gantt Charts, PMI, PMP, APMProject Management is an incredibly powerful skill, and pretty much everything in the world relies on it! The Olympics, developing a new disease cure, putting a man on the moon, launching a new product range, or even just planning a birthday party - if you can master Project Management you can lead any project of any size with the same simple process. However, amazingly, most people are never taught it, and those who are will often be shown an overcomplicated and overwhelming version with confusing software and detailed maths. Instead, in this course, youll be walked through step by step on how to simply and effectively manage any project, in any industry, with any budget.The Project Management process taught in this Project Management Fundamentals course is the APM (aka PMP or PMI) method. Its based on decades of academic research and is widely accepted as the ultimate Project Management solution. The difference with this course is that its a live work-along version - so we will plan a real-life project together and show you how simple and effective the tools are. Youll learn how to make a PERT diagram with Post-it notes, and a Gantt Chart using only Excel. Say goodbye to overcomplicated Prince2 or Agile, and enjoy the simplicity of this 12 Step Process. This course covers detailed tips for excellent planning using Gantt Charts and PERT diagrams, managing a team, avoiding overspend, predicting risks and dealing with multiple stakeholders.After this course, you will feel calm, collected, well prepared and confident that your project will be a success. Youll know how to come in on time, on budget, and with a very happy boss. We look at lots of real-life project management examples (some of which will definitely get you laughing) and give you practical tools you can use right away to get better results in your projects. Whether you're managing a small at-home project or an entire global corporate expansion this course will empower you as someone who is always one step ahead.Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Project Management to companies for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you life-changing skills for home and work.The course overview includes:A step by step real-time project planned out before your eyesCreate a Gantt Chart using only Excel, and a PERT diagram using just Post-It notesTemplates and tools to plan your own project simply and effectivelyCommon mistakes which will instantly set your project up to failWhat makes a great project managerBe able to manage a successful project even with zero experience in that industryPredicting which tasks are crucial to your project timingMeasuring whether you're on budget and on time - and how to fix it if you're notFeel calm and effective in running a project of any size in any industryThis course does not look at Agile or Prince in detail - but something better!And lots lots more!By becoming great at Project Management, not only will you pave the way for a future promotion, but you'll also have saved your company thousands!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Start An Affiliate Marketing & Dropshipping Business" |
"Hello and Welcome!If you have ever wondered how to start an online business and you have taken in consideration one of these two business models than you are in the right place!Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest way to start generating income online, with in some situations even 0 startup-costs, and that is why it is an ideal business model for many people who are just starting out online.Dropshipping on the other hand is a business model which might require a higher investment in the begining but one which can turn out to be more profitable than affiliate marketing.Both business models are very good, they have prons and cons and can actually be combined.So, if you want to learn more about these online business models, I invite you to join this course right away!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"How to Present Confidently using Video from a Home Office" |
"Have you recently been forced into home isolation? Does working from home mean you now need to use video to communicate with your team or consumers? This mini-masterclass has been filmed entirely on webcam and smartphones, to show you simple, effective techniques for ensuring you look & sound great for Video Conferencing, Webcasting, Vlogging or any type of Video Communications. In this 43 minute course, split across 8 easy-to-watch videos, you'll learn:Choosing the Right Background: Every home office is different, but these essential tips work everywhere.Audio Tips & Hacks: Sound is commonly a problem with home webcasting, learn how to achieve the best in your home office.Camera Techniques: Simple knowledge that can dramatically improve your audience's engagement with your video message.Managing your Eyeline: Where you look means everything to your audience, be that a few peers or larger virtual audience.Best Angles: Knowing where to position yourself and your video lens will dramatically empower your presentation styleLighting Solutions: Understand the easy fixes you can apply at home to enable dramatically improved lighting options for you in your home office.Best Presentation Tips: Lastly, Jason shares his quick wins for ensuring your video presentation style is confident, competent and enjoyable for both you and your audience."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Pre-Calculus Video Series" |
"This course will provide students with an in-depth overview of Pre-Calculus (advanced algebra and trigonometry). All major Pre-Calc topics covered in most classes will also be covered in great detail in this course. Students can use this video series to supplement all course instruction they are currently receiving, or even use this course as they progress through a virtual course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Job Search Solution #1" |
"The Job Search Solution is the process to get a job!Learn Tony Beshara's proven system, which has helped more than 100,000 people find a new job.There are three major reasons people have trouble finding a job. They don't know what to do! They don't know how to do it! They don't do enough of it! A recent survey found that 86% of a group of 15,000 job seekers were resorting to only two activities to find a job...calling a few friends and sending resumes to internet job postings. The Job Search Solution explains exactly what to do for an effective job search well beyond these two fruitless activities. It details exactly how to do all of the right things to land a job, and it helps you manage the process so you do enough of it. It is an intense, systematic, step-by-step process."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Online for Contractors" |
"A Contractor could be a physical type of contractor; like the kind that do repairs, renovation and construction or demolition. However, there are office professional type of contractors who still operate in a way that they need contractor features in QuickBooks Online. This course is perfect for any type of contractor and will give you exactly what you need.This QuickBooks training course will show you every possible thing that QuickBooks can do for a contractor company. You will learn in QuickBooks how to:Choose What Type Of QuickBooks Online Account To UseInput The Specific Chart of Accounts That A Contractor Would Need In QuickBooksNavigate The QuickBooks Online InterfaceSet Up And Manage The QuickBooks Online Items List For Contractor UseSet The QuickBooks Online Account Settings And Options That Contractors NeedCreate Estimates From Contracts, Create Invoices From EstimatesUse ""Progress Invoicing"", To Track The Progress Of JobsCreate And Manage Change OrdersRecord Receiving Deposits From Customers / ClientsFind Everything Input In To The QuickBooks Online AccountDetermine Profit Or Loss By JobBill Customers For Reimbursable ExpensesTrack Workers TimeBill Clients For Workers Timesheets And Time SlipsRecord Retention Withholdings and Bill For Retention PaymentsThese features in QuickBooks Online can be used for any other type of company that needs to: Track time by job, allocate cost by job and use the percentage of completion method of progress invoicing.This special and revolutionary QuickBooks Online video course includes videos for Contractor's 'retention"" and shows each action that any contractor would need to take while servicing clients as well as tracking costs, progress and profits. You dont need any prior knowledge of QuickBooks Online, Computers or Bookkeeping in order to start this course. Everything you learn is shown with a clear, step-by-step explanation that makes learning easy and fun.The most helpful part, is that you should contact me immediately to address any question, issue or concern you have about the course.I'm right here for you if you have any questions or need support. I hope you learn well and enjoy the course!-Mark"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso de iniciacin - SAP ABAP List Viewer -ALV" |
"El ALV (ABAP List Viewer o el Visor de listas ABAP) es una herramienta SAP de visualizacin de datos que ofrece la posibilidad de visualizar los datos en forma de Tabla con filas y columnas, en forma de listado Jerrquico o como listado de tipo rbol.Las funciones ALV se utilizan para la generacin de reportes ofreciendo muchas ventajas y utilidades que vienen ya implementadas en la propia funcin. Entre las funciones integradas para manipular resultados encontramos opciones como: clasificacin, totales, filtros, ordenacin por columnas o la posibilidad de ocultar columnas y tambin funciones para exportar los resultados en objetos Excel, fichero local, Archivos CSV, en formato HTML."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Evernote with System X Methodology" |
"Hi, my name is Jan and I am an Evernote Certified Consultant. I've been using Evernote since 2011 and for the first few months, I didn't know how to use it properly.As a multiple-project infopreneur, online teacher and author who focuses on iOS and web development, fitness, productivity, and passive income, I'm constantly trying to hack my life to get the most bang for the buck.Unlike many regular Evernote users, and even Evernote Certified Consultants who simply treat Evernote as a digital storage while using some other products and services for task management, I am wholeheartedly convinced that Evernote is a unique service, that can successfully play both of these roles when used with the right methodology. It can be great digital content storage and, it can be an even better task management system at the same time without going back and forth between different solutions.In 2017, I published my unique methodology for using Evernote as a task management system which I called The System2. I continued to revise and polish this methodology to make it even simpler to understand and easier to use. I'm very excited to present to you the results of this improved version of The System2, which I managed to transform to a whole different, more intuitive and straightforward productivity solution which I call System X.System X is based on the same principles as The System2, yet it makes the whole journey to productivity less grinding and more fun, which is especially important at the beginning when you need to turn your time management into everyday habit and ritual.If you're tired of constantly trying to find yet another new productivity system, this is the right course for you. I'm positive that System X will allow you to truly appreciate the hidden power of Evernote you've never even thought about.In this course, you'll learn about:why there are only two notebooks, SORT and CABINETreference notes and task notesa brand new universal task templatehow to create and use saved searcheshow to use reminders with due dateshow to use tags properlyDR@PS, a unique tagging systemstatus tags like !URGENT, ?SOMEDAY and othershow to capture stuff to Evernotehow to sort notesspecific workflow examplehow to properly use task progresshow to work with dependencieshow to keep your tags tidy"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cours Agile Scrum : Les Fondamentaux de Scrum Certificat" |
"Note: This course has subtitles in French, audio and resources in English Note: Ce cours comporte des sous-titres en franais, audio et ressources en anglais. Le Cours de Fondamentaux Scrum, unique en son genre, le plus complet que vous pouvez trouver sur le march couvre tout ce que vous avez besoin de savoir pour tre immdiatement oprationnel avec la Gestion de Projet Agile Scrum : les Rituels Scrum, les Fondamentaux Scrum, les Principes de Scrum, les Outils Scrum, les Artefacts Scrum et les concepts cls Scrum, qui inclue des exemples concrets et des modles. Et en plus, une tonne dextras.Ce cours a t cr avec un focus sur la qualit et la simplicit, le rendant idal pour les Dbutants ou pour les personnes voulant se perfectionner avec Scrum. a vous guider travers une exprience ducationnelle et intressante, couvrant tout ce dont vous avez besoin de savoir sur Scrum ou le A Z comme je lappelle.__________a lair bien, nest-ce pas ? Si vous pensez que ce cours est pour vous, alors continuez et cliquez Acheter maintenant pour dbuter votre voyage avec Scrum.__________Quest-ce que Scrum ?Scrum est la mthodologie Agile la plus connue pour mettre en place des projets. Cest une approche itrative, et limite dans le temps, ou un cadre pour rsoudre des problmes et apporter de la valeur ajoute. Scrum se focalise sur la vitesse, la simplicit et lamlioration continue, tout en restant compltement centr sur le consommateur.Quallez-vous apprendre ? Comment Grer des Projets avec Scrum Les Diffrences entre la Gestion de Projet Agile Scrum et la Gestion de Projet Traditionnelle Pourquoi Scrum est si puissant Les Concepts de Scrum Les Fondamentaux de Scrum Les Outils de Scrum et les Artefacts Les Piliers de Scrum Les Valeurs de Scrum Les Rituels de Scrum La Signification des Scnarios Utilisateurs Les Origines de Scrum Comment Russir dans vos Projets Scrum Comment Travailler avec Scrum Les rles de Scrum__________Pourquoi suivre ce cours ? a a t cr par le fondateur de la Base de Connaissance dAgile ; un expert Scrum et Agile et un coach leader mondial Vous allez devenir Certifi Scrum aprs avoir termin le cours Ce cours va vous ouvrir des opportunits de carrire, sans mentionner le fait que vous augmentez votre chance de dcrocher ce job de rve ! Scrum est la mthodologie Agile la plus populaire dans le monde, avec des tonnes dopportunits demplois, publie quotidiennement pour les gens qui ont des connaissances de Scrum Vous nallez pas le regretter et vous navez rien perdre. a inclue une garantie remboursement. a inclue aussi des outils divers, des modles et des ressources. Vous allez adorer.Pourquoi suivre ce cours et pas un autre ? Plus pour moins. Vous allez avoir accs des Certifications Scrum supplmentaires gratuitement. a inclue des outils gratuits, des modles tlchargeables gratuitement, des exemples concrets, des conseils et des extras. Cest cr pour vous aider commencer une carrire dans Scrum en tant que Scrum Master ou que Membre dEquipe Scrum. Pas de dtour, pas de superflu, seulement des choses utiles ? Cest un de mes cours en MEILLEURE VENTE, donc achetez-le en confiance. Ce nest pas une concidence si tant de personne lachte. a a t cr par le fondateur de la Base de Connaissance Agile (AgileKB) la Mthodologie de Gestion de Projet la plus demande dans le monde moderne. a a t cr par lauteur du Mini Livre dAgile, disponible sur Amazon. Ma proposition de valeur est unique (voir en dessous Promesse Tous les Etudiants ). a vient avec des Sous-titres cods (sous-titre Franais) Vous allez apprendre dun Scrum Master Certifi et dun expert Scrum qui met cela en place sur une base quotidienne et qui reoit constamment des prix sur ses projets. Il dispose dune Communaut Q&A active avec de vraies questions dautres tudiants. Toujours rpondue par votre expert Instructeur. Ce cours est mis jour rgulirement et vous obtenez toutes ces mises jour gratuitement vie !__________Que disent les gens de ce cours ?Les gens adorent ce cours, mais ne me croyez pas sur parole. Soyez libre de lire en dessous des tudiants, juste comme vous !Trs bon cours pour les dbutants dans Agile Scrum. Excellentes conditions de livraison et vous aide comprendre les bases de Scrum. -Daren K. Stills.Jai suivi le cours Agile Crash de Mauricio en premier. Ctait trs utile. Javais hte de suivre ce cours et a a rempli mes attentes et les a mme dpasss. Je suis un chef de projet, depuis de nombreuses annes- Six Sigma, Lean etc., assez nouvelle avec Agile, aprs ce cours je crois honntement que je pourrais tre un membre important dune quipe Scrum. Merci Mauricio Mary Nelson.Clair, Concis, Complet. Un indispensable pour les dbutants pour dmarrer. - VirenCe cours a rpondu mes attentes, jai pu beaucoup apprendre, trs bien expliqu dune faon simple. Merci Mauricio pour a, vous mavez fait plaisir ! Sekou DiakiteJe me suis toujours demand ce qutait Scrum. Ce cours ma aid en dcoudre. Content de lavoir suivi. Damilola Olumide - AdenolaPour un cours sur les Fondamentaux, cest gnial, linstructeur explique avec transparence et avec de trs trs bons exemples. Jesus Gonzalo VargasSi vous pensez que ce cours est pour vous, continuez et cliquer Acheter maintenant et nous allons rentrer en contact bientt.__________Comment est ce que a va vous aider ? Vous allez tre Certifi Scrum aprs avoir suivi ce cours (vous allez recevoir un Certificat de Russite que vous allez inclure dans votre CV).Qui est derrire ce cours ?Un Gourou Agile et un expert Scrum qui a men des projets plusieurs millions de dollars pour certaines entreprises leaders mondialement, dans tous les continents. Il est aussi le fondateur dAgile KB et lauteur du mini livre dAgile, disponible sur Amazon. Rfrez vous la biographie de linstructeur pour plus de dtail sur profil et exprience unique.Ce cours spcifiquement pour : Les dbutants Les gens qui veulent en apprendre sur Scrum Les gens qui recherchent des Certifications Scrum Chefs de Projet, Dveloppeurs, Bas, Architectes, Analystes, Designers, Manageurs, etc.Ce cours nest pas fait pour : Les gens qui prfrent la quantit la qualit Les experts Scrum ou les tudiants de Scrum avanc__________Quels sont les avantages de la Gestion de Projet Agile Scrum ? Vous allez livrer des projets rapidement, temps, dans les clous et dans le budget Cest beaucoup plus rapide que les mthodologies de Gestion de Projet traditionnelles Cela cr une culture oriente sur les rsultats, la collaboration et le travail dquipe avec un focus sur lexcellenceEst-ce que ce cours inclue une Certification Scrum ?Oui, vous allez recevoir une Certification Scrum, suite lachvement de ce cours (un Certificat de Russite Udemy, que vous pouvez tlcharger comme PDF).Est-ce que je peux ajouter cette Certification mon CV ?Oui, bien sr ! Vous pouvez ajouter cette Certification Scrum votre CV. Je vous recommande de lajouter sous lintitul suivant Dveloppement Professionnel , et simplement ajouter le titre du cours, lanne de ralisation et Udemy la fin.Est-ce que la Certification Scrum Udemy a une valeur dans le monde rel ?Bien sr que oui ! Mme si Udemy nest pas universit et ne fournit pas de certifications accrdites (comme celles que vous obtiendrez dune Universit), Udemy est la plateforme dducation en ligne la plus importante dans le monde moderne avec plus de 40 millions dutilisateurs mondialement. Donc a a du poids et cest reconnu de plus en plus mondialement. Donc soyez srs quajouter cette Certification Scrum votre CV va augmenter votre probabilit dobtenir ce job de rve dans un environnement Agile Scrum ou de la Gestion de Projet.Donc quattendez-vous ? Cliquez juste sur Acheter Maintenant et nous serons en contact rapidement.__________Quest ce qui est nouveau (Dernires Mises jour du Cours) Amliorations gnrales Nouvelles ressources et modles ajoutes Nouveaux outils inclus__________Promesse tous les tudiants (tudiants actuels et futurs)1. Les tudiants en premier. Je ne vais jamais compromettre votre exprience pour faire de largent. Jamais. Oui, cest aussi un business mais pour moi, enseigner va bien au-del de faire de largent. Jai dj un emploi temps plein et heureusement je ne compte pas sur lenseignement pour survivre. Vous tes toujours au premier plan de mes cours et je peux vous assurer une exprience unique, utile et mmorable. Je promets.2. 24x7 / x365 support. Vous pouvez me contacter 25h/24, 7 jours sur 7, toute lanne, mme pendant les vacances, Nol et Nouvel an, je vous rpondrai rapidement (en quelques heures) et je vous livrerai un service de support de qualit. Je promets.3. Modestie, gentillesse et responsabilit sociale. Je veux vous offrir en retour et au monde. Donc pensez moi comme votre votre propre vrai humain Siri . Si vous avez besoin de conseils ou de soutien, demandez simplement. Et si je peux faire quelque chose pour vous aider dans votre voyage, je le ferai. Je promets.4. Fabriqu en Australie. Reconnu dans lindustrie comme un symbole de qualit et dexcellence. Tous mes cours sont Fabriqus en Australie dit professionnellement et avec de la haute technologie. Ils incluent aussi ma sauce secrte : beaucoup de passion et damour ! Je mets aussi en uvre dans mes cours tout ce que jai appris avec mes annes dexprience en travaillant avec de la technologie, des projets, des entrepreneurs et des gens partout dans le monde. Je promets.5. Qualit sur la Quantit. Je vais mefforcer de faire des cours concis, directs et pertinents. Le temps est un des atouts les plus importants et nous devons linvestir avec attention. Donc je ne vais pas faire des longs cours histoire dafficher plus dheures de cours, juste ce qui est strictement ncessaire. Pour moi, il sagit de qualit et si je peux produire cela en 5 minutes et vous faire gagner du temps, je le ferai. Je promets.Note: This course has subtitles in French, audio and resources in English Note: Ce cours comporte des sous-titres en franais, audio et ressources en anglais. "
Price: 169.99 ![]() |