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"Productivity Masterclass: A Guide To Personal Effectiveness" |
"When pursuing success andpersonal achievement, there are plenty of roads to choose from and many mountains to climb. But what would happen if you reached the top of yourmountain, only to discover that you'vebeen climbing the wrong one?In life, mostpeople commit the best of their time towards pursuing goals that when reached, often prove to be empty or completelyunfulfilling. The good news is that you don't need to learn this crucial life lesson the hard way.Your work is going to fill a large elementof your life, and the only way to become fullysatisfied is by doing whatyou love, andlovingwhat you do. Because onceyou understand whatyour core values andmain priorities are, every decision thatyou make will bewiser, less impulsive and of far sounder judgement.By the end of this course you will be able to:Make Wiser Decisions that Align With your CoreValues.Be Certain About How to Best Invest your Time & Resources.Prioritise your Goals toMaximise your Productivity & Effectiveness.Overcome Indecisiveness & ProcrastinationWith GreaterEase.Manage your Priorities for a far HealthierWork-Life Balance.Pursue yourPrimary Goals With Boldness,Confidence & Clarity.Understand the Motives Behind all of your Decision Making.Make a Positive Influence in the Lives of Other PeopleAnd much more ...This thought-provoking course will open your eyes as we explore your core values and prioritiestogain more clarity, maximise your productivity and fulfil your maximumpotential.You'll soondiscover how understanding what drives you is crucially important fortransforming your personal effectiveness, decisiveness, productivity and selfconfidence.You'll be guided through a process of evaluating your routing decision making, your career,lifestyle choices,finances and even your closest relationships. You'll develop the confidence to take greater risks, explore unchartered territories, and go beyond the limits of what most people believe to be possible.There's no time like now to become clear on what you want inyour future,totransform your productivityand build more purpose into every future decision that you make. So, forget what you think you know about success or productivity and enter a new way of thinking that will completely revolutionise your entire way oflife.Productivity Masterclass: A Guide To Personal Effectivenesscomes with a Full Money Back Guarantee, and if you're less that 100% satisfied, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Super Confidence Why It's OK Not To Be Liked By Everyone" |
"Mostpeople don't realise,that when ourmain goalin lifeis to be approved of or acceptedby others, we can unknowinglyend up sacrificing ourdignity, integrity and self-esteem in the process.When people behave like this, it's not uncommon to lose the trust, respect and admiration of others.One of the main concerns that we have as human beings, is whether other people willlike us,accept us, respectus and fundamentallyappreciate us. So, the BIGquestionis, how mightyour life improve once you are no longer plagued by these insecurity issues?Developing strong social confidence in life requires that we stop trying to be someone that we're not, and start being true to who we actually are - which is something that not everyone is taught about from family or at school. The good news, is that worrying about what other people think of you doesnt ever have to be a problem again.By the end of this course, you will be able to;Transform the effectiveness of your communications with other people.Say 'No'to What you Want to Say 'No'to - With GenuineConfidence.Say 'Yes'to What you Want to Say 'Yes'to - With GenuineConfidence.Manage your thoughts, emotions anddevelopfar greater self-control.Build authenticsocial confidence that alsoincreasesyour self esteem.Live free from worrying about what other people mightthink of you.Communicate with more openness, honesty, sincerity andauthenticity.Build healthier relationships that are free from dependancy orco-dependancy.Just be yourself with genuine confidence in ALL social situations.And much, much more...A wise man once said, 'When people won't accept themselves, how can they be accepted by anyone else?' Sothroughoutthis eye-openingcourse, we'll explore a rangeof crucialcore truths, that if you build into your life and apply, will set you free from everworrying about what other people think of youagain.While you cantcontrol what other peoplethink ofyou, you can controlwhat you think ofyourself and how you respond towards those who judge you unfairly.One of the mainregrets thatpeople have,is thatthey spendmore time 'trying' to keep people happy, than what they dojust being themselves.'Self Esteem Secrets: Why It's OK Not to be Liked By Everyone'will take you on an eye-opening, step-by-step journey towards betterunderstanding yourself from the inside-out andaccepting yourself from the outside-in.Upon completion,you'll understandwith absolute certainty, whyit's totally OK not to be liked by everyone.This course comes with a Full 30 DayMoney Back Guarantee, and if you're less than 100%satisfied, you can get a full refund within 30 days of your initialpurchase."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Captivate Your Audience With Transformational Storytelling" |
"Every day we are bombarded with stories, be it through literature, films or merely gossip. Stories drive our very existence and enable us to imagine the future. Were not necessarily talking about folk tales or fables here, were talking more about the metaphors that transform peoples lives.The tradition of telling stories is as old as language itself, and throughout the ages has been used to communicate wisdom and understanding from one generation of people to another. This course is designed as an aid for those who tell stories to teach and positively influence others.A wise man once said that, If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten! 'Inspire Your Audience With Transformational Storytelling' begins by breaking down storytelling's secret underpinnings, hidden meanings and exploring the dynamic relationship between you, the story & your intended audience.By the end of thiscourse you'll be able to:Use More Expressive & Emotional Language in Your Storytelling.Communicate Your Life's Experiences in the Form of Stories.Understand & Engage With Your Audience in aMore Intimate Way.Tell Thought ProvokingStories That WinPeoples Hearts & Minds.Develop Your Imagination and Your Core Communication Skills.Improvise for Engaging Your Intended Audience With Greater Ease.Inspire Your Audience With Transformational Storytelling.Throughout the course, you'll discover easy-to-follow methods for building, capturing and maintaining your audience's attention. You'll acquire easy-to-use techniques for finding, selecting, and preparing your stories/metaphors whether they are your real-life experiences, ones you have heard in the past, or re-delivered stories that you take from this course.Whether you wish to sharpen your storytelling abilities in the boardroom, at bedtime, in the classroom or even in a therapeutic environment, 'Inspire Your Audience With Transformational Storytelling' has some actionable solutions. Although the context in which you tell your stories may change, these timeless methods will always remain the same.This course comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee and is a treat for the heart & minds of those who are new to metaphor/storytelling, & even for those whowant to be reminded of the basics."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Communication Skills: Become A Superstar Communicator" |
"Being able to communicate effectively is a critical lifeskill that influences our degree ofprofessional success, the stability of our family life, the quality ofour social relationships& our ownpersonal happiness.Good communication skills are critical for virtually everything we do in life. Whether we're interacting with our friends, engaging with a socialgroup or even delivering a professionalpresentation. Competent communicators will often enjoy the benefit of havingmore rewarding relationships with others.The best communicators inspire and motivate people, help them to take effective action, and remove obstacles to theirunderstanding. Communication skills are a core interpersonal skill, and by discovering how to improve ourselves in this area, we can expect the widest range of long and short-term benefits.By the end of this course, learners will:Understand why good communication skills are important and beneficial.Understand the importance of body language and other paralinguistic aspects.Know how to develop new habits that deepen connection and relationships.Understand the common communicating blocks that damage relationships.Communicate with greater confidence in a personal or professional context.Know how to make explicit, interesting & engaging conversation with others.Use metaphors/storiesto connect with people in a more effective way.Understand how to ask captivating questions that earn you better responses.Give constructive feedback that wins you the respect of others.Know how to deal with difficult or challengingconversations.And much, much more...This Communication Skills courseis suitable for employers, managers, supervisors or anyone in a leadership role who wishes to improve their communication skills. The course is bestsuited to those whowanttocommunicate effectively on a regular basis, as the skills and lessons can be actioned with confidenceimmediately.The course gives an overview of many of the main communication styles and provides details on how you can improve your skills to get the best results in all of your future interactions. The course will provide you with a broad range of corecommunication principles; so that you can start communicating with greater confidence in every area ofyour life.You'll learn practical strategies for more effective listening, how to ask more engaging questions and how to interpret the non-verbal signals of other people. Upon completion, you'll have everything you need to begin communicating with far more clarity, confidence, and persuasiveness.'Communication Skills Become A Superstar Communicator'comes with a Full Money Back guarantee, so join today, and discover howyou can start experiencingfardeeperconnection throughyour communications."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Emotions and Revolutionise Your Social Skills" |
"Deep down, most people know that there's always room for improvement in their social life. All of us are prone tohavingmomentary bouts of shyness, and we all experience those awkward moments whenengagingconversationallywith others.Perhaps you know that you dont need another 500Facebook friends, but it would be nice if you had a few more people to hang out with on the evenings and weekends. The good news is that its never too late to start making improvements in your Social Skills and this course stands to become your greatest socialally.'Master Your Emotions & Revolutionise Your Social Skills' offers you game-changing insights into your interpersonal struggles, while providing hands-on advice for developing and maximising your people skills.This Complete Social Skills Blueprint Will Show You How It's Possible To:Develop Impressive Social Confidence & GenuineSelf Esteem.Eliminate Social ApprehensionorAny Fear of Social Rejection.Engage in Meaningful Conversation With Anyone That You Meet.Break DownMental Barriers You Haveof Shyness orSocial Anxiety.Achieve RobustSocial ConfidenceWithout Losing Yourself In The Process.Take Full Control of Your Emotions & Revolutionise Your Social PeopleSkills.Eliminate Any 'Approval Seeking' Behaviour From Every Area In Your Life.Improve Your Conversation Skills & Learn How to Make New Friends.With practice, patience,persistence and perseverance,this ground breakingcourse will give you all the understanding you need for developingthe excitingkind of social life that you hopefor. You'll understand how to achieve authenticsocial success while remaining true to your personality and character.You'll quicklylearn to overcome the internal issues that belittle your social confidence, and realise the power you have to determine your social behaviour in every situation and circumstance.By the end of the course you will have discovered revolutionary social success secrets for unlocking unlimited social confidence in every area of your life; to develop more impressive communication skills, transform your social confidence and make a far greater impact in the qualityyour personal and professionalrelationships.Partnered with a Full Money Back Guarantee, if you're less that fully satisfied, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchasing this course."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Man Up: The Ultimate Assertiveness Coaching Programme" |
"No matter how successful we are, we all face challenging and hard-to-handle situations in daily life, and if we want to navigate our way through these challenges as effectively as possible, its imperative that we learn how to assert ourselves.Assertiveness is a common trait that is popularly sought after by many, however genuine assertiveness can easily be confused with aggression by those who are more passively inclined. Assertiveness make our voices heard and enables us to approach life with robust confidence and self-assurance.This course has been designed as a roadmap thatll guide you on a journey of self-discovery towards transforming your assertiveness, your social confidenceand the quality of your communicationsand social interactions with others.By the end of this course you'll be able to:Have The ConfidenceTo Say 'NO'To Things You Need To Say 'NO'To.Have The ConfidenceTo Say 'YES'To Things You Need To Say 'YES'To.Make AssertiveRequests toOther People With Greater Confidence & Ease.Handle Confrontation and Challenges with Greater Confidence & Assertiveness.Recognise the Difference BetweenAggressive, Passive & Assertive Behaviours.Reduce The Amount of Time You Spend Procrastinating Over Making Decisions.Set Strong RelationshipBoundaries & Manage Other People's UnfairExpectations.'Man Up: The Ultimate Assertiveness Coaching Programme' will expose you to a range of fascinatingly life changingideas, thatcan be actioned immediately,which willbuildupyour confidence, add rocket fuelyour self-esteem and develop and develop within you, an proactive outlook on life.You'll learn to makestrong requests of others, sayNOto anyunreasonable demands that people make of you, set healthier relationshipboundaries, manage peoples expectations of you and overcome any unhelpful habits such as procrastination or indecisiveness.Upon completion of the course, you'll see how the quality of your daily life, is always determined by the quality of decisions you make.So, enrol today and access a framework thatll enable you to get more of what you want, say more of what you want to say, and earn greater trust, admiration and respect of those other people in your life.This course comes with a Full Money Back Guarantee. So enrol today, and if you're less that fullysatisfied, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"The 50 Craziest Ab Exercises You've Ever Seen" |
"Who wants great abs, a solid core, perfect balance and fun? We all do, but we have to work at it. What are the best abs exercises to get the results you want? And what about abs exercises without eqiupment?Well, with the 50 Craziest Ab Exercises You've Ever Seen, you will have answers to those questions, simply by performing them. In this course, there are a load of great ab exercises and they are all (well, mostly) fun! Wild, crazy moves that challenge even the best fitness gurus around.Video is used to introduce and explain each exerciseA pdf workout sheet is included with suggested workoutsYou use bodyweight, stability ball, small ball, furniture sliders, and the gym for these workoutsThe length of this course is up to you - since these are recommended exercises to use anytime.To get a flat stomach, you need diet and exercise. The targeted ab workouts in this course will help you get results fast. There isn't simply a top 10 abs workout, there are hundreds of workouts that you could make-up on your own with these 50 exercises."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Success, the Fundamentals" |
"Succeeding in business, creating wealth - making money - is an exact science. Do things a certain way and get a specific result - every time. The challenge is most people don't know what to do to succeed in business - they don't understand the fundamentals.Most people don't understand whatwhat business is all about, what money represents or what people are reallyafter in the end. Business Success, the Fundamentals explains all that. Learn whatbusiness is all about, what money is and what people are really after. It's likely not what you think.Discover the scientific process for making money and succeed in business. Business Success, the Fundamentals takes the complexity out of money and markets by drilling down to the fundamentals - the fundamentals few people understand. Since most people are confused about the fundamentals, most people prefer to believe succeeding in businessis hard. Stop telling yourself that. Making money is not complicated; it's not difficult. It doesn't take money to make money. It just takes a little vision, drive and determination; oh, and you must do things a certain way.You have the ability to succeed in business and make money - lots of money. It's a matter of knowing what to do. Sometimes all it takes to finally figure something out is to look at things from a new perspective. Business Success, the Fundamentals offers you exactly that - a new perspective.This course includes a .PDF version of the transformational book: MONEY, The New Science of Making It.The course is organized in four sections totaling 18 lectures (each approximately seven minutes long) including an Introduction and Summary Conclusion. Each section includes Concept Review Questions and a Self Development Exercise to helpyou acquire the right perspective regarding business and focus you on the essential elements of making money.If you have ""tried it all"" and are still looking for ""the answer"" - welcome!It's time to start at the beginning and ground yourself in the fundamentals. Mastery of anything is really mastery of the fundamentals. Learn the fundamentals of Business Success right here."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Analyzing Rental Income Properties" |
"Jason Mora - 5 StarsI'm loving it so far. The content is top notch. The instruction is clear and concise. The pace is perfect and the extra resources are enormously helpful. Well done!Dimitris Provatas - 5 StarsReally enjoyed learning from Symon. Can't wait for more courses on real estate topics, especial financial modeling and evaluating investment proposalsEric Chauss - 5 StarsVery practical!!!! Love the lesson plans and the step-by-step instructions.If you've EVER wanted to Invest in a rental income property Do a fix & flip for profit Have professional investment analysis tools that you could use immediately to evaluate your own investment opportunities then this course is definitely for you._______________________________________If youre still unsure, here are a few questions that I often get from prospective students:I don't live in the US, is the material still useful for me?Yes! The examples I use are primarily US properties because the vast majority of my students are from the US. However, ALL of the concepts taught and tools provided are just as useful for any market around the world. In fact, I have students from over 190 countries who are using the tools and knowledge provided in this course to help them invest wherever they are located.The only difference is that it's harder to gather the initial information in some markets and will require different tactics to get that data.How is this different from your other courses?This course only covers the foundational topics and only has two case studies with the fix &flip and the rental income property.If you only intend to invest in fix &flips and rental income properties, this course has everything you need for investment analysis.If you intend to invest with business partners, in apartments, in commercial, etc...then you should look into taking my other courses, which can be found at the bottom of this page.What if I don't have any real estate background?This is the perfect course to get your feet wet. I'll cover all the important foundational topics for you and then show you how to apply those same concepts to evaluating a fix &flip as well as a rental income property.I have some real estate background already, what could I learn from your course?If you have some background, I'd recommend you check out my other more advanced courses.I can learn all of this elsewhere, why should I learn from you?No, you can't. Go Google how to use the waterfall structure and try to find someone that not only covers the waterfall framework in great detail but also gives you numerous examples on how its used. I've looked and it's not there.The same goes for all the other material in this course. You can find the descriptions and commentary, but you won't find the detailed examples and the investment models that I give to you here. In theory you could do this on your own by searching all over the internet, buying tons of books, interviewing lots of experts, getting an MBA, performing all your own research, getting a job in real estate private equity, and doing $400M+ in real estate deals and get the same level of knowledge I could just take advantage of my experience. I've done everything I listed above and I put the best of what I learned into this course. Trust me, its worth it.Can you make me rich by taking your course?No way! Not just from taking the course, anyway. Anyone who promises you that is selling snake oil.If you take my course AND apply what youve learned to make smarter investments in the future, then you have a chance at making some real profits.What I can guarantee is that you will leave with some serious real estate investing knowledge, techniques, and tools.What else does this course cover besides real estate investing?This course is ALL about and ONLY about professional real estate investment analysis concepts and techniques. Nothing else. But as you can see, just this topic alone requires I cover quite a bit already.Actually, I do cover one more thing: I will also give you daily affirmations that help you build a ""winning"" mindset and I'll have lots of sales videos that push you to sign up for my top-secret real estate system for only 12 monthly low payments of just $999. Just kidding.James Cochrane - 5 StarsGreat class. You will learn a lot from this instructor and the subject material is good.Jerry Mastren - 5 StarsEasy to understand, step by step instructions.Glenn Levine - 5 StarsThe instructor is very informative and is a real estate expert. I will definitely purchase more of his video tutorials in the future. GLWhat will I be able to do after I take your course?After taking my course, you will be: Able to confidently use professional real estate investment techniques. Able to evaluate both fix & flips as well as rental income properties. What WON'T I get from this course? You will not get a Real Estate License from taking this course. You can only get licensed by taking the appropriate test with the testing agency of your state and country. But what is taught in this course has nothing to with getting a license, which focuses on how to legally transact real estate deals between buyers and sellers. This course is about investment analysis. I will not be evaluating your personal investment deals for you for this course. This is about you learning how to do it on your own using the lessons and the tools here. If you really want me to consult, you can reach out to me. My hourly rate is $350/hr. Whats holding you back?Are you afraid this course wont work? I promise you it will.Are you afraid this course will work and youll actually have to start investing? I think thats a pretty good problem to have.Are you afraid it will take time and effort? It will. Real estate isnt an easy business, if it was everyone would do it. But if you put in the work I promise youll see results.Best of all, there is absolutely ZERO risk. Udemy gives you a 30-day money back guarantee to ensure you get what you pay for.So go ahead, sign up, and let's get to work. I hope to see you inside,Symon"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Financial Modeling for Beginners" |
"Arun Mohan - 5 StarsThe experience was an enlightening one as I was a novice in Finance and Excel and this Class was best fit for me. I could understand everything as the instructor took time to explain at a good pace and patiently introduced excel as well as accounting methods. Looking forward to getting acquainted with more of Finance.Ethan Wong - 5 StarsThe course was designed very well, with clear explanations of the topic matter. Having the instructor show you everything step-by-step was very useful for learning. Also, having the excel spreadsheets to practice on was perhaps the most useful thing for me.There are THREEthings you need to do in order to learn financial modeling: 1. You need to understand the key concepts of Finance 2. You need to understand the relevant features & techniques in Excel 3. You need to be able to put both of those together in practice.You're reading this because you have an interest in learning financial modeling for your work or a desire to get into corporate finance.We did too many years ago.But when we first started out, we wasted a lot of time and effort learning useless and unnecessary information and techniques.It didn't have to be as painful and time-consuming as it was.That's why we created this course,so you can avoid making the same mistakes that we made and learn financial modeling fast with no wasted effort.You DONT have to learn everything about finance or Excelto become proficient at financial modeling.You just need to know the RIGHTconcepts and the RIGHT tools in each to get started.Now why should you learn from us?Im proud to say that I have anMBA from Stanford University and have worked on many commercial real estate properties across a dozen asset types in multiple markets. I even helped create the underwriting standards for a 2000-store private restaurant chain, helping them open new locations around the world.And as alicensed broker and real estate consultant, I've helped many private clients with locating, evaluating, and structuring investment opportunities including multi-million dollar commercial property acquisitions and 1031 exchanges.My co-instructor, Brandon Young, has aMasters in Real Estate Finance & Development from the University of North Carolina Charlotte as well as a Masters in Finance from Tulane University. He has over a decade of combined financial and real estate experience, including acquisitions and development.We've been living and breathing in financial models for practically our entire careers.Andrs Soto - 5 StarsA really good course for beginners. Right now I understand everything.Henry Taatjes - 5 Stars""great instructors, great contentBrady Burba - 5 StarsAfter reaching this point I see the training is going deeper into Excel and how to utilize the many tools and formulas Excel offers, without training on topics that are not relevant to my needs. Thank you!What if I don't have any Finance or Excelbackground?No worries! This is an introductory course and it assumes ZEROprior knowledge or experience. It is condensed because we've curated only the most relevant and useful topics to get you going fast. What will I be able to do after I take your course?After taking ourcourse, you will be: Able to confidently speak to key finance, accounting, and modeling concepts Able to use over a dozen of the most useful Excel features & techniques Able to construct three distinct financial models from scratchWhats with the lemonade stand?Learning Excel or finance on their own is tough enough, and learning them at the same time can be extra challenging. To further muddy the waters by asking students to learn an arbitrary business model would be unnecessarily confusing and a waste of time. But even with a simple business model such as a lemonade stand, you'll be surprised by how complex and sophisticated the analysis can become.Whats holding you back?Are you afraid this course wont work? I promise you it will.Are you afraid this course will work and youll actually have to start investing? I think thats a pretty good problem to have.Are you afraid it will take time and effort? It will. Real estate isnt an easy business, if it was everyone would do it. But if you put in the work I promise youll see results.Best of all, there is absolutely ZERO risk. Udemy gives you a 30-day money back guarantee to ensure you get what you pay for.So go ahead, sign up and lets get to work right away!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with LESS - Beginner Crash Course" |
"What is LESS ? Less is a CSS is a superset of CSS and a pre-processor programming language, often referred as ""Dynamic CSS"". LESS syntax is modelled after traditional CSS LESS compiles into standard CSS3 LESS allows you to extend your CSS with great features such as : Variables for faster maintenance Mixins as re-usable objects Nesting for a cleaner stylesheet structure Math calculations with the Operators. Less code and more work done ! Why use LESS ? While CSS is a great language, it has its limitations. For example, if you have a color code used multiple times in your stylesheet, you need to edit this one multiple times to update your design. Very tedious process! LESS is great for the following reasons. : Allows to cut down one code and save time Reduce repetition (DRY) and mistakes It makes logical sense to break out CSS into multiple files with the feature Every web developer or front-end UI engineer should use LESS over traditional CSS => What you will learn: In the first section, you will : learn how to define Variables for faster maintenance. learn how to declare Mixins as reusable objects learn about Nesting for a cleaner stylesheet structure. learn how to perform mathematical calculations with the Operators On a more advanced level, we will discuss about: Built-in functions Parametized and Guarded mixins The @import directive to include external stylesheets in one single document. In a last chapter, you will apply what you have learned with a hand-on project. => The objectives of this course is to help you create smarter and cleanerer stylesheets, cut down on code, keep your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and organized. => By the end of the course, you will understand how to use the LESS features and compile the less stylesheets into standard CSS you will understand how to easily integrate mixins libraries as well as external resources such as Font Awesome and Google Font into your project. You will also be able to install and use the application SimpLESS to compile your less files into beautiful CSS. SimpLESS is a GUI application for Less and Sass compilation. SimpLESS is simple to learn for first-time users and it is compatible with both PC and MAC. In Getting Started with LESS, learn to take your CSS to the next level and write better styling code. With several demonstrations and examples. you will see the power of the pre-processor language."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SASS - Beginner Crash Course" |
"What is SASS? Sass (Syntactically awesome stylesheets) is a CSS preprocessor. Sass allows to write more maintainable and more concised CSS Sass allows to use great CSS features with superpowers. Some features include: Writing and defining Variables Clear inheritance with Nested Rules Using Mixins as re-usable objects Doing maths with the operators (+, -, *, /) and functions And, it is actively supported by a large community of developers to stay ahead. Why use SASS ? While CSS is a great language, it has some limitations. For example, if you have a color code used multiple times in your stylesheet, you need to edit this one multiple times to update your design. Very tedious process! Sass is the most reliable, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language. It has been chosen as the premier CSS extension language. Sass is great for the following reasons. : Less code and repetition - allows to cut down one code and save time The stylesheet are formatted nicely with a more dynamic code It makes logical sense to break out CSS into multiple files with the feature Every web developer or front-end UI engineer should use a pre-processor language over traditional CSS In SASS - Beginner Crash Course, you will discover the power of Sass and learn to take your CSS to the next level. With several demonstrations and examples. you will see the power of the pre-processor language. => The objectives of this course is to help you create smarter and cleaner stylesheets, cut down on code, keep your code DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself) and organized. As part of this tutorial, we will use the online application Sassmeister as a playground to compile the Sass syntax into beautiful and standard CSS. => Topics include : Define Variables for faster maintenance. Declare Mixins as reusable objects Nesting for a cleaner stylesheet structure. Perform mathematical calculations with the Operators and Functions On a more advanced level, we will speak about: Parametized Mixins with default Inheritance and Extend Placeholder The @import directive In this tutorial, you will easily and surely get started with CSS programming and learn to write better CSS."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Interactive Web Design with CSS Animation & Transition" |
"With the CSS3 transition properties, it is possible and easy to add interactivity and enhance the user experience of your webpage by using CSS only. CSS3 transitions allows you to change property values smoothly over a given duration.In this course, we will explore the different options of animation techniques that you can use to bring elegant animations and life to a webpage. The course covers a range, from simple to complex, of demonstrations and examples that you can use in your own work or project to impress your audience.The course also includes a challenge assignment as well as a final project to apply what you have learned and put all of it in practice.Topics include:The CSS transition fundamentalsThe transition propertiestransition-durationtransition-delaytransition-timing-functionBrowser support and performance with the CSS vendor prefixesA challenge assignment Project : a portfolio pageYou will learn how to:Create smooth transition to animate property changesUse the shorthandUse the transition-timing-function to control the speed of the curveAnimate color changesFade elements in and outCreate multiple transition effectsBy the end of the class, your will be able to use the concepts and examples presented to impress your audience with fancy animation effects.if you are developer, you will know how to create nice animation effect with CSS.if you are a designer, you will take your CSS skills to the next level and learn to add interactivity to a web page without jQueryJoin me in Interactive Web Design with CSS Animation & Transition to learn how to create an enhanced user experience and take your web design skills to the next level with CSS transition."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Android Completo: Aprende Creando Apps" |
"Aprende Android ms rpido que con cualquier otro curso.En lo que leste eso ltimo ya habras creado tu primera app.Mi objetivo es que aprendas a programar en el menor tiempo posible, por lo que te prometo un curso con contenido de calidad, sin rodeos. En resumen, en vez de crear un curso con 30 horas de contenido que nadie va a terminar, este curso es corto, al grano y contiene slo lo necesario y suficiente para que cuando termines puedas crear tus propias aplicaciones mviles en Android.As que Qu esperas? el conocimiento est a la vuelta de unas cuantas horas y te puede traer un gran beneficio de por vida.Al terminar estars listo para iniciar a trabajar como desarrollador Android, lo cierto es que lo que aprenders aqu es ms de lo que yo saba cuando inici y ahora soy desarrollador Senior con experiencia de ms de 8 aos en empresas tanto en Mxico como en Silicon Valley.El curso aborda la programacin en Android desde el nivel ms bsico hasta un nivel intermedio-avanzado, es decir, aprenders desde como instalar Android Studio (el software oficial para programar en Android) hasta como publicar una app en la Play Store, pasando por los temas ms recurrentes que te piden en empresas de talla internacional como Uber, Snapchat, Whatsapp, entre muchas otras.Por ltimo djame comentarte que cuando surjan dudas (que de seguro surgirn) siempre estar al pendiente para resolverlas de la mejor manera posible, siguiendo las mejores prcticas de programacin que he aprendido a lo largo de mi carrera.Si quieres saber ms de mi, mi experiencia y mis proyectos, te invito a ver mi perfil de LinkedIn: Jesus Ernesto Valdez Almaral"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Perfect Intro To Lead Generation Using Solo Ads" |
"You Realize That List Building Is The Best Way For Small Entrepreneurs To Make A Big Splash These Days...Have you ever thought about building a highly responsive email list, but you're stuck spinning your wheels, because you're just not sure how to get started on the right track?Are you frustrated trying to build a responsive list of leads who know you, like you, and trust you?Then you'll love the perfect intro to lead generation using solo ads! Check it out, and finally have the freedom and confidence that's only possible when you have a list of truly responsive leads who ultimately become lifelong fans.I've Sent Over One Million Promotional Emails! Discover The Hard Lessons I've Learned...Don't waste your time, or your hard earned cash on ""incomplete"" list building and lead acquisition training.Instead?You should enroll in this course and allow yourself to build massive authority, prestige and rapport in your niche that's only possible when you connect with your end users in the right way.At the end of the course, you will generate leads for your Internet marketing, biz op, self-help and other mass market offers consistently and reliably.And You'll Crack A Big Smile Every Time You Email Your List...So if you want to realize the freedom and prestige that's only possible when you have a ravenous following, andfinally be an authority in your niche... You're going to love this.You'll discover how to generate leads using solo ads, but not just any leads! These leads will know you, like you and trust you based upon the fundamentals in this comprehensive intro to lead generation using solo ads.Enroll In This Course Now So You Can FinallyBuild Your List, Even If You Have No Idea How To Build A Funnel, How To Interact With Your Leads, Or How To Sell Using Unshakable Email Copywriting Strategy!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Fast Sales Copywriting For The Absolute Beginner" |
"Discover The Secret To Writing Super Fast Sales Letters Easily Without A BudgetWhat would you do if you could create awesome sales letters,even if you dont have any experience?Would you be interested in learning the secret to creating super fast and super easy copy even if youve struggled before?Before you tap into these secrets Let me ask you a quickquestionAre You OverwhelmedBecause YouHave Awesome Products To PromoteBut you just can't write your first sales letter to save yourlife?Have you ever been irritated because you've suffered fromwriter's block, even though you honestly want to help people by offering yourproduct?Maybe you just can't figure out how to put pen to ink, eventhough you've read every copywriting course on the planet?If That's The Case - I UnderstandYour Struggle!I know what it's like when you just can't write your first salesletter, even after struggling for hours, days, weeks, or even months!See, I've spent years of my life writing sales letters formyself, so I could finally be my own boss and connect to my end users in a waythat worked.The best part? My copywriting template is literally the easiestway to write sales copy fast - allowing you toreliably pump outsales letter after sales letter by studying this course.You'll Also Discover The Copywriting Secrets I've Learned After Sending Over One Million Promotional EmailsAfter sending one million promotional emails, I've learned some priceless email marketing strategy that quite frankly is impossible to obtain anywhere else!So, if you've ever sat down to write a promotional email, and came up empty, this one lesson alone will be worth more than a treasure trove stuffed to the brim with sparkling rubies...That's Why You're Going To LoveEvery Lecture In This Course...You'll finally smash writer's block, and write your first,second and third sales letter instantly and automatically using this super simple copywriting method that's fast to use!Ask yourself how it would feel if you could easily write salescopy, without banging your head on the wall or spinning your wheels for whatseems like an eternity?Would it feel good if you could write sales copy that connectedwith your demographic, and imagine if it only took you a few minutes?If YouCan Imagine Yourself Writing Sales Copy Super Fast, Then Enroll In This Course!The reality is that It's taken me years to master this simplesales letter template that you get in this course, plus you'll also learn someof the most important copywriting lessons that will make your copywriting chopseven more powerful.You'll easily tap into your end users, using a simplecopywriting tactic that works, all the while discovering the forbiddencopywriting strategies that most curmudgeonly ""copywriting experts""don't want you to know about!Enroll Now To Download My Super Easy 11-Point Copywriting Template, And To Finally Write Copy That Sells Even If You've Struggled Before And Have No Idea How To Sell!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Super Fast Writing Hacks" |
"Have You Felt Frustrated Because When YouSitDown At YourDesk To Write Content Quickly...Nothing Ever ComesHave you ever been mad that it just takes you too long to write articles, blogs, and other web content?Are you constantly banging your head against the wall, because whenever you try to get into the swing of writing, it just never works?What If You Could Write High Quality Content Quickly And Reliably?You have likely noticedthe benefits of being able to churn out a raging river of content for your business.Imagine the benefits and prestige that comes with being able to produce content that your end users actually read, and content that's easy for you to write?Imagine The Power Of An Infinite Wealth Of Content At Your Fingertips!How would it feel if you could create a 500 word article or blog post in 20 minutes instead of 20 hours?If you know what it's like to spin your wheels, and if you've ever suffered from chronic writer's block, you're going to love this course.You'll finally fill your websites, blogs, online courses, article directories, and client's hands with awesome content that didn't take a month until Sunday to write.I Know What It's Like To Struggle Writing! That's Why It's My Honor To Help YouSee, I've spent years of my life writing content. I'm an established ghostwriter, email marketer and blogger, so if there's one thing I can help you with, it's writing high quality content fast.You'll finally have the confidence and web presence that's only possible when you can create your own content quickly.Discover The Secret To Fast Content Creation By Enrolling In This Course Today!Ask yourself how it would feel to finally be able to write content that your end users find interesting. Content that your clients thank you for. And content that doesn't take you very long to write at all.Imagine the look on your face when people are actually visiting your websites because you have content created on a consistent basis.If it would feel good, then I honestly think you'll love this course.Enroll Now To Finally Start Writing Fast Even If You're Suffering From Soul-Crushing Writer's Block, And Even If The Cat Has Had Your Tongue For God Knows How Long!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"15 Cool Ways To Interact With Your Email Subscribers" |
"Are You Frustrated Because You HaveNo ClueWhat To Send To Your Email List?Have you ever been annoyed, because when you sat down to write an engaging email to your subscribers, you drew a big fat blank?Or maybe you're sick and tired of sending promotion after promotion, and you're just not connecting with your list?Do you feel bad that you're not connecting with your subscribers, and you never send them anything cool?Have you ever felt like there has to be more to email marketing and list building - but you're just not able to build that rapport, prestige, authority, and respect that you hoped you could achieve?Are You Just A Churn And Burn Marketer? Or Are You Seeking Something More?You have most likely noticedthat email marketing can be the best thing for your business, if only you had awesome content ideas to share with your subscribers!You know that emailing your subscribers frequently is a genius idea - but you're just not sure what to send!It's not fair to your end users when you send promotion after promotion, and maybe you're annoyed that you haven't sent an email to your subscribers all week, or all month?Maybe you want to provide better content, but you're just not sure where to start?If That's The Case, You're Going To Love This Course!I know what it's like when you just don't have enough high quality content to send to your list.See, I've struggled in the past developing good content ideas to share with my subscribers.That's why you're going to cherish this course...Because I'm sharing with you 15 different content ideas that you can deploy to your subscribers starting today!This is a comprehensive list, my private ""goto"" list of 15 content ideas that you can use over and over again, and your subscribers will actually thank you for it.Imagine If You Had A Raging River Of Email Content That Was Adored...Imagine if you finally knew what to send to your subscribers, and it wasn't just lame one off promotions?How would it feel if your subscribers knew you, liked you, and trusted you?Would it feel good to send emails to your list that they actually enjoyed reading?If that's the case, I truly believe you're going to love this course.Enroll In This Course If You Want To Provide Value To Your Subscribers!You realize by now if you can benefit from this course.If you're sick and tired of not emailing your subscribers because you're not sure what to send, or even worse, if you're a ""churn and burn"" marketer looking for a better way, enroll in this course now!I'm confident that you'll enjoy, and I'll see you on the inside!Enroll Now ToImmediately Build Massive Authority And Relationships With Your Subscribers! Works In All Industries, In Any Niche, And Even Helps To Generate Email Sales!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Email Copywriting Strategy" |
"Are You Frustrated Because Youre Not Sure HOW To Write EffectiveEmail Copy?Lets face it, its easy to be a churn and burn marketer and just spam the heck out of your subscribers.But, you've likely noticedthat writing in that way will never yield any fruitful rewards.You realize by now that the true rewards are reserved for those who interact with their end users in a way that invokes trust, confidence, rapport, and prestige.If Youd Love To Pick My Brain, Ask Me Anything You Want About Email Copywriting, As Well As Learn What Mentality To Have As You Artfully Compose Emails, Youll Love This Course!Im not going to hype this course with any fanfare or ballyhoo.You either realize what I have to offer (5 years of email marketing experience, countless subscribers who swear that my style rocks), or youre just not interested in being a longterm email marketer.So If Youre Depressed That Your Email Subscribers Opt-Out...Or even worse - if they mark you as spam, or just plain ignore you...Then enroll in this course now - you'llfinally have the prestige and rapport thats only possible when your susbcribers know you, like you, and trust you.Youll Also Have Me To Support You One On One!Im not ashamed to mention that I live on my computer 24/7.I come from the tech world where customer support was always the top priority; so I cant help it! Helping you is literally ingrained in my DNA.So if youd like to study alongside me, and have an email copywriting coach for the cost of a few peanuts...Then youre going to love every second of this course, and the relationship we develop shall last indefinitely, if you let it.Talk later, and Ill see you on the inside.Mike The Email Poet DeVincentEnroll Now, To Finally Interact With Your Subscribers In A Way That Builds Massive Rapport While Establishing Massive Goodwill And Prestige!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"7 Proven Product Creation Ideas For Newbies" |
"Have You Ever Felt Frustrated Because You Know That Product Creation Is A Genius Business Strategy, But You're Just Not Sure Where To Start?If that's the case, you're going to love this course.You're going to brainstorm 7 different product creation ideas that work even if you have absolutely ZERO experience.So, Ask Yourself How This Would Feel.How would it feel if you finally had the confidence and freedom, to start creating your own information products, even if the gurus and amateurs said that you don't have enough experience?Have you ever been heartbroken to learn that only ""gurus"" and ""experts"" can teach othersMy Philosophy Is That Anyone Can Teach. Anyone Can Publish.That's why you might love this course. You can study alongside me, someone who has thousands of students, and over 30 books published.It wasn't always this way. Not too long ago, I was too shy to publish anything. So I literally bent over backwards, studying like my life was on the line to determine what type of content I could publish, that actually provided value to the live's of my end users.If any of this sounds good, then I honestly believe that you'll love this course.Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you on the inside!Enroll Now To Start Building Your Own Online Empire Using These 7 Simple Product Creation Ideas That Are Perfect For Newbies!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How To Ask Anyone To Promote Your Products" |
"Have You Ever Felt FrustratedBecause You Have Awesome Products, Courses, Training And Books,But Nobody Even Knows That They Exist?Does it irritate you that everyone else has an army of affiliates, but nobody ever promotes your stuff?Have you ever banged your head against the wall, because your products just aren't selling?Maybe You've Tried To Recruit Affiliates Before... But You Felt Embarrassed Or Sleazy?You may have noticedthat getting people to promote your stuff isn't as easy as the gurus say it is.Maybe you've spammed on Facebook, and just felt like you were pulling out your own hair, and you felt like you deserved better?If That's The Case, You're Going To Love What I Have For You!I know how hard it is to get people to promote your stuff, and I know how embarrassing it is spamming on Facebook trying to recruit affiliates.That's why you're going to love this. You're going to discover the secret to asking almost ANYONE to promote your products in a super cool way.In fact, the way you'll be asking is super under-the-radar.You won't be begging or pleading. In fact, even if people ignore you, or turn you down, you won't be annoying them or making a fool out of yourself.And your reputation won't be any worse for wear. Even if everyone turns you down, you'll be introducing yourself and possibly building relationships. So, even if this method totally fails, it doesn't cost a penny, and you still might benefit tremendously.When You Ask People In The Way You're About To Discover - They'll Actually Smile!Sound far-fetched?Well, ask yourself this one question.What would you do if the next time you tried to recruit affiliates, instead of feeling embarrassed, it was actually fun, because you were being totally cool?Would you be more confident or less confident? That's why you might love this course.Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course?Well, how much is it worth to your business as a product vendor, launcher, instructor or teacher, if you could finally prospect for affiliates without being ashamed or feeling like a charlatan?What if you attended a class or a workshop that taught you how to attract prospective joint ventures and affiliates? That would probably cost you a few hundred bucks, or more!That's why you're getting a great deal on this course, and you also get lifetime access and updates!If any of this makes sense, then I'll see you in the next lecture.;)Enroll Now AndAsk Anyone To Promote Your Stuff While Being Totally Cool!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"10 Perfect Lead Magnet Ideas For Fiction Authors" |
"Are YouFrustratedBecause You Want To Build Your Email List As AFiction Author, But You Have No Idea What To Give Away As ALead Magnet?Face it. You can be the best author on the planet. And you can have the coolest books, with the best settings, plots, and characters.But if you don't have an awesome lead magnet, then you'll never be able to get a single subscriber.So Ask Yourself How This Would Feel...How would it feel if you could finally prompt your readers to subscribe, in a totally cool way, all the while building massive rapport and authority with them?So they would thank you for offering something totally awesome, and even branded yourself, your characters and your books at the same time?Would that feel good?If That's The Case, You'e Going To Love This Course!You can brainstorm with me, a grizzled email marketing veteran, about these 10 awesome lead magnet ideas for fiction authors.You'llfinally start to build your list. Even if you've struggled to come up with a cool lead magnet idea before.Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course?Well, imagine if you had to pay a lead generation expert, or an email copywriter to help you come up with these lead generation ideas?How much would that cost? Afew hundred bucks? Or more?What if you attended a workshop or a class that taught how to build your email list as a fiction author? That would easily cost a few hundred bucks, or more!That's why you're getting a great deal on this course, and you also get lifetime access and updates!If any of this makes sense to you, and if it feels good, then I'll see you on the inside!Enroll Now To Finally Turn Your Fiction Books Into ARaging River Of Email Subscribers, While Being Totally Cool With Your Readers!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The 7 Best Ways To Get Paid As A Writer (Writer's Revenge)" |
"Are You Frustrated BecauseYou Work Hard As AWriter, But It Barely Pays Off?If that's the case you're going to love this course.You're going to brainstorm the 7 coolest ways Iknow of to get paid as a writer.So Ask Yourself How This Would Feel.How would it feel if instead of being mocked and laughed at by your critics, you were finally starting to make writing pay off?Have you ever been heartbroken that your content just isn't making money? Maybe your loved ones are asking you what you're doing online all day... And you don't have a good answer?If That's The Case, You're Going To Love This Course!You access a massive list of websites who want to pay you for your content!Not only that, but you'll brainstorm alongside me as we talk about the coolest ways to get paid as a writer.Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course?Well, if you hired someone to collect all of these websites that want to pay you, it would easily cost a few hundred bucks.What if you attended a workshop or a class that taught you how to get better results with your writing? That would easily cost you a few hundred bucks, maybe even a few thousand bucks!That's why you're getting a great deal on this course, and you also get lifetime access and updates!If any of this sounds good, then I'll see you on the inside!Enroll Now AndFinally Tap Into This Massive Treasure Trove Of Resources For Anyone Who Wants To Get Paid As AWriter!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"10 Cool Ways To Get More Action From Your Marketing Emails" |
"Start getting more action from your email list! But first, let me ask you a question...Have You Ever Felt FrustratedBecause Youre Getting Lackluster Email Marketing Results? Face it. You can be the best email marketer on the planet. And you can have the best intentions in the world, with the best subscribers you could ever ask for. But if you dont get enough clicks, or make enough sales? Then youll never make email marketing work. So Ask Yourself How This Would Feel. How would it feel if instead of being sad and discouraged because your email marketing isnt working, you suddenly were getting 10x more results with your same email marketing list? So you could finally be awesome to your subscribers, and even increase sales, and your authority and reach shot through the roof at the same time? Would that feel good? So you could finally get powerful results with your email marketing list?? If That's The Case, You're Going To Love This Course! You'lltap into these 10 awesome methods to get more juice from your current list. Not only that, but you'll increase sales, and get more clicks, without being a jerk to your subscribers. Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course? Well, if you hired an email marketing expert to optimize your campaignsthen it would easily cost you at least a few hundred bucks. Probably, a few thousand bucks. What if you attended a physical class or a workshop that taught all about how to get better results with your email marketing? That would easily cost you a few hundred bucks, maybe even a lot more.That's why you're getting a great deal on this course, and you also get lifetime access and updates!If any of this sounds good, then I'll see you on the inside!Enroll Now To Finally Deploy These 10 Awesome Ways To Increase Sales And Clicks With Your Email Marketing List!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"10 Perfect Lead Magnet Ideas For Bloggers" |
"Start Building Your List As A Blogger! But First, Let Me Ask You A Question...Have you ever been frustratedbecause youre a blogger, and you want to build your email list, but you have no idea how to entice your readers to subscribe? Face it. You can be the best blogger on the planet. And you can have the best content, the coolest looking site, with the best strategy for promoting your posts. But if you dont get leaders to subscribe to your list, youll never be able to grow and get the most exposure possible. So Ask Yourself How This Would Feel...How would it feel if instead of being struggling to grow your list as a blogger, you could tap into these 10 awesome lead magnet ideas, opening up a raging river of email leads? So you could finally crack a massive smile each time you wrote a blog post, and even promote affiliate offers, and your blog posts at the same time as your email list grows? Would that feel good? So you could finally get the most potential out of your blog? If That's The Case, You're Going To Love This Course! You'll tap into the 10 lead magnet ideas that are specifically designed for bloggers. Not only that, but you'll also be giving away super cool stuff to your readers, while growing massive goodwill and authority. Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course? Well, if you hired a lead specialist to brainstorm these ideas, then it would easily cost you at least a few hundred bucks. What if you attended a workshop, or a physical class that taught you how to build your email list as a blogger?That could easily cost you a few hundred bucks, maybe even a few thousand bucks or more!That's why you're getting a great deal on this course, and you also get lifetime access and updates!If any of this sounds good, then I'll see you on the inside!Enroll Now And Finally Build Your List As A Blogger!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"10 Perfect Lead Magnet Ideas For Coaches And Consultants" |
"Start Building Your Email List With Coaching And Consulting Clients! But First, Ask Yourself This Simple QuestionHave You Ever Felt FrustratedBecause Youre A Coach And Consultant, But You Have No Idea How To Build An Email List? Face it. You can be the best coach or consultant on the planet. And you can have only the best of intentions, with the best strategy to deliver breakthrough results to your clients. But if you dont have an email list, youll never be able to fully control your ability to generate clients. Thats the main problem youre probably facing. You realize that you need to have an email list stuffed with clients, but you have no idea what kind of lead magnet you could use to get them to subscribe to your email list. So Ask Yourself How This Would Feel...How would it feel if instead of struggling for your next coaching or consulting client, you had a big fat email list stuffed to the brim with prospects that you could constantly tap into? So you could crack a big fat smile the next time you wanted to brainstorm a client-outreach-campaign, and you could actually help people because youre super cool and care about your email list. Would that feel good? So you could finally help people, while building your email list of coaching clients at the same time? If That's The Case, You're Going To Love This Course! You can brainstorm these 10 awesome lead magnet ideas that are designed specifically for coaches and consultants. Not only that, but you'll also be helping your prospective clients every step of the way. Would it feel good to finally help people, while at the same time, securing your business by building an email list of consulting and coaching prospects? Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course? Well, if you paid a professional email lead generation specialist to help you brainstorm these 10 lead magnet ideas, then it would easily cost you at least a few hundred bucks. Probably a few thousand bucks. What if you attended a workshop that taught you how to build your email list as a coach or a consultant? That could probably cost you a few hundred dollars, maybe even a few thousand dollars, or more!That's why you're getting a great deal on this course, and you also get lifetime access and updates!If any of this sounds good, then I'll see you on the inside!Enroll Now And Allow Yourself ToFinally Build Your Email List As A Coach Or A Consultant! And These Lead Magnet Ideas Are Evergreen For Nearly All Coach And Consultancy Niches So Theyll Work For You Now And 10 Years From Now In Practically All Coaching And Consultancy Niches."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"10 Perfect Lead Magnet Ideas For Freelancers" |
"Start Building Your Email List As A Freelancer! But First, Let Me Ask You A Question...Have You Ever Been Frustrated BecauseAs A Freelancer, Its Either Feast Or Famine? Face it. You can be the best freelancer on the planet. And you can have awesome clients, with the best work ethic and the best business on the planet. But if you dont have a consistent stream of clients, youll never experience true freedom. So Ask Yourself How This Would Feel...How would it feel if instead of being struggling for your next client, you had an email list stuffed to the brim with clients chomping at the bit for your service? So you could finally have the freedom, and even confident, and your freelancing career would be in better shape than its ever been at the same time? Would that feel good? So you could finally have an email list stuffed with clients who wanted your service as a freelancer? If That's The Case, You're Going To Love This Course! You'll brainstorm alongside me as we talk about 10 awesome lead magnet ideas specifically for freelancers. Not only that, but you'll only attract clients who are red hot and in some cases presold on getting your services as a freelancer. The best part, is that these 10 lead magnet ideas will work REGARDLESS of what type of freelancer you are. You can be a freelance programmer, a freelance designer, a freelance writer, a freelance copywriter or a freelance pastry chef it literally doesnt matter. And, when I say 100% evergreen, I mean it! So these lead magnet ideas will work now, and 10 years from now. Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course? Well, if you hired a lead generation expert to help you generate these 10 lead magnet ideas, then it would easily cost you at least a few hundred bucks. Probably a few thousand bucks. What if you attended a physical workshop to learn about how freelancers can actually build their email list? That would easily cost a few thousand dollars, maybe even more!That's why you're getting a great deal on this course, and you also get lifetime access and updates!Enroll Now So You CanFinally Build An Email List Stuffed To The Brim With Freelancing Clients, Regardless Of What Freelancing Services You Offer!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cmo buscar a una persona o empresa? (1er paso del hacker)" |
"Este curso tiene como temario la parte inicial de la metodologa usada por los hacker y los especialistas en seguridad informtica, pero segn la demanda de ciber delincuentes es primordial que cualquier persona haga la bsqueda de la empresa o persona que recin conoce, para evitar fraudes en un futuro. Debido a la creciente demanda de los ciber delicuentes que se camuflan por medio de nombres falsos sea empresa o persona, permite sin problema atacar a su victima, por el desconocimiento que se tiene de las nuevas tecnologas de hoy en da. Siendo este curso en su mayora prctico permitir usar herramientas para deteccin de los nombres falsos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Your personality color course 2020: Which color are you?" |
"Have you ever asked yourself why do you like a color more than other?Do you think that colors and personality are linked? In this course: We will study the type of colors Help you to understand the behaviors and motivations of others In connection with their personalities, you will be able to recognize personality differences and characteristicsYour personality color tells you A LOT about yourself. It can absolutely reveal aspects about your own character.Don't think twice? Just Enroll to this course, and Enjoy it! WELCOME TO ALL OF YOUKey words: Colors; Personality; Coaching your self; Know yourself better"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Travailler en Equipes" |
"Le travail dquipe dsigne le processus par lequel un ensemble de personnes collaborent activement la ralisation dobjectifs communs.Travailler en quipe, c'est contribuer une activit commune de faon responsable et autonome en interagissant avec les autres.C'est tre capable de participer l'organisation d'un vnement, d'une fte, de comprendre ensemble des changements organisationnels, des erreurs dinventaire ; c'est savoir aider d'autres personnes dans le cadre d'une activit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gestion de temps: Grer bien le temps NEW 2020 Nouveau" |
"Bien grer votre temps de travail vous permet de gagner en efficacit et en productivit. La gestion du temps peut ainsiMieux grer son temps est dsormais un impratif. quilibrer son quotidien entre le travail et la vie personnelle. La gestion du temps est aujourd'hui la priorit pour une vie plus saine et mieux quilibre.La gestion du temps est ncessaire pour vous permettre de mieux anticiper le futur et organiser votre quotidien.Les avantages de savoir contrler le temps ont de nombreux effets, et il y en a beaucoup:Amliorez l'efficacit et la productivitAvoir un travail mieux structur, priodes de repos, tches raliser...Prenez du temps pour pratiquer vos hobbiesFaites de lexercice physiqueSimplement respirez de l'air frais et dtendez vous1/ Se fixer des objectifs annuel, mensuel et hebdomadaire : Objectif clair et spcifique.2/ Dfinir ses priorits : Important/ Urgent et surtout se mettre loin des distractions3/ Se fixer une limite de temps : Canaliser son nergie et respecter lchance.Pour plus d'information, N'attendez plus! Inscrivez-vous VITE!Je vous attends!A toute de suite!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |