Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"MERN Stack Gelitirme Kursu" |
"JavaScript'e younlaarak MERN Stack beraberinde tam donanml uygulamalar gelitirmek istiyorsanz kursumuz size uygun olacaktr. Kursumuz balca NodeJS & ExpressJS tabanl hazrland ve bunlar gsterilirken beraberinde NoSQL veri taban olan MongoDB kullanld. Devamnda ise temel olarak ReactJS gsterildikten sonra tm bu teknolojileri birlikte kullanarak proje gelitirmeye odaklandk ve genel olarak yaparak, teknolojileri kullanarak ilerleme yntemini seyrediyoruz. Web programlamada ihtiya duyacanz bilgileri bu kursta renerek yani salam bir temel atarak sonrasnda kolay ve hzl bir ekilde zerine koymanz mmkn. Beraber yaptmz rnek uygulamalar ve size gsterdiim konu balklarnn neredeyse hepsi bir proje gelitireceiniz zaman karnza kacaktr. Dolaysyla kurs bitiminde kendi projenizi dilediinizce gelitirmeye hazr olacaksnz. Ayrca dersleri seyrederken sizin de e zamanl veya videodan sonra yaptmz projeleri yazarak interaktif ekilde takip etmenizi tavsiye ederim.Bylelikle ok daha kalc ve salkl bir renim gereklemi olacaktr. Teekkrler ve baarlar :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Theory of Credit Risk Models" |
"For the Actuarial StudentsThis course is designed for actuaries writing exam: SP9/CM2/CP1.It is theoretical in nature and designed to introduce a student to the material.It is not a substitute for studying, rather a supplement.IntroductionRisk is defined as the consequences resulting from uncertainty.Credit Risk is defined as when a third party doesn't meet their obligation.ContentPart 1 is an introduction to Risk and looks at the mathematical properties of risk measures.Part 2 is about being aware of Credit RiskPart 3 is about identifying Credit Risk and its sources of uncertainty.Part 4 is about the models used to assess Credit Risk.Part 5 is about the Merton Model with an introduction to Option Pricing.Part 6 is about Migration and Portfolio ModelsPart 7 is about managing Credit Risk and goes beyond just using collateral.Part 8 is an Appendix for the Jarrow-Turnbull Model (Stochastic & Markov Processes)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Project-Led Editing in Da Vinci Resolve Beginner to Advanced" |
"So, you want to edit? Great! You know what they say, you learn by doing! Whats even better is you can get the software for free, crazy right? Theres never been a better time to knuckle down and get started. This course will take you from the bare essentials; how to set up Da Vinci Resolve and organize your media properly, all the way through to finished edit of a short film including basic audio. But thats just the start! Therell be regular, free updates with new modules, entirely new projects and lectures every month starting in May 2020.This course is taught almost entirely hands on, youll download a full short film and begin working on it immediately. Ive built this course around professional, practical projects that are taken directly from industry. Every project in this course, and there are more to come, was produced professionally by a team of experienced industry practitioners, on most of which I was an active member on the real project, who have agreed to let me teach with our work. So, you know youll be working with some great learning content!Now, this is just the start. This course will, over the coming months, cover subjects such as documentary, corporate and more as new projects are added and whats great already only continues to get better. Right now, you can look forward to a second practical project making use of Resolves new Cut Panel due to launch in May, and that ones a multi award-winner starring an actor who had a limited role in Game of Thrones. After that theres an excerpt from an award-winning feature-length documentary, corporate interviews and the possibility of a professionally choreographed martial arts fight scene. So before long this will be a comprehensive editing course sure to give you the ideal foundation for your own career or continued study.So, go ahead and take a look! Ive made some key videos free down below so you can make up your mind. I hope to see you on the course soon so we can kick start your postproduction journey together!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness 101" |
"Hello & Welcome!Thank You so much for taking this Course and for starting the journey to creating more Mindfulness in your life - You Deserve It!Through the next 2 weeks together, I will be sharing some tools, techniques, and practices that you can use each and every day to discover how easy and effortless being Mindful truly can be!We will start out gently getting used to bringing our awareness back into our bodies.By the end of Week 1, we will contemplate our feelings surrounding our physical and spiritual beings.Moving through the weekend brings a mix of activities around observing and discovering - introspection and reflection - embracing and stretching with a focus on Mindfulness.Going into Week 2 we will dive deeper into creating space for a Mindfulness practice! You will learn ways to create a space unique to your needs, tap into your Spirit Team for spontaneous guidance and help, going further with your new-found rituals, and much more.Your second weekend will offer up more ways in which Self-Care and Self-Love are at the forefront of each day and Mindfulness, by this point, is second nature.I've included a follow-up *Bonus Day* in which I will answer questions and give you some advice on advancing your daily Mindfulness habit while offering a heartfelt Congratulations on completing this most beneficial Course!As you can see, you are in for a double dose of care, devotion, guidance, and help to create a space you feel drawn to and a life enriched by the simple yet profound act of Mindfulness.Throughout the Course feel free to ask questions, offer suggestions, and participate full out - this is for you - and I'm here to help in any way I can!Thank You Again and Welcome - I'll See You On Day 1!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Automated test Framework (ATF)" |
"Simulado para Micro certficao do ServiceNow ATFQuando saberei se fui aprovado?R. Na mesma hora, assim que finalizar o exame.No h um feedback, apenas informa aprovado ou reprovado.Qual o Idioma do exame?R. Ingls (No h disponvel em outro idioma.)Onde fao o exame?R. Online site nowlearningescopo da prova:13% ATF Overview Recognize the goals and benefits of using ATF17% Run ATF Tests and Test SuitesRun Tests and Test SuitesAnalyze Test and Test Suite ResultsUnderstand the purpose and function of Client Test Runners13% Create ATF TestsAdd and configure Test Steps to build out TestsUnderstand how Test Step Configurations define the behavior of Test Steps13% Create ATF Test SuitesCreate Test Suites to group related Tests together09% Schedule ATF Test SuitesSchedule ATF Test Suites22% ATF AdministrationConfigure and maintain the ATF testing environmentCreate Custom Test Step Configurations13% ATF Tips and TechniquesIdentify best practices for Test developmentVeja tambm outros cursos e simulados em meu perfil, como para o CSA, Subscription.Produzido por Tiago Macul"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Foundations in the Study of Magic, Part 6: High Magic" |
"Part 6 in the Foundations in the Study of Magic completes the second trilogy in the series. In Part 6 you will learn about the historical contexts which created the concept of Magicians . You will also become informed about the two basic perspectives of ceremonial magic, goetia and theurgy. And finally you will discover how ceremonial magic maneuvered to legitimatize itself . In addition you will have permanent access to a curated set of resources. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pharmacy MCQS for Professional job exam" |
"Dubai Healthcare Authority (DHA Exam), Ministry of Health UAE (MOH Exam), Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD Exam), Ministry of Health Sultanate of Oman (OMSB Exam), Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners (QCHP Qatar Exam) Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS Exam / SLE Exam) and moreExam is an assessment and qualifying exam for Doctors, Nurses and other Health Specialists and technicians who want to work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Beschaffung fr kaufmnnische Azubis" |
"Der Kurs enthlt die Inhalte des Lernfeld 6 der Ausbildung zum Verkufer/Verkuferin bzw. Kaufmann/Kauffrau im Einzelhandel. Die Inhalte werden in dieser Form auch in allen anderen kaufmnnischen Ausbildungsgngen vermittelt, so dass dieser Inhalt fr alle kaufmnnischen Azubis relevant ist. Von den Aufgaben der Beschaffung ber die Planung der Beschaffung, das Auswhlen von Lieferanten bis hin zum Angebotsvergleich werden die prfungsrelevanten Inhalte komprimiert behandelt und ermglichen Dir ein schnelles, kompaktes Wiederholen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simulado para o exame LPIC-2: Linux Engineer:202-450" |
"Pratique com o simulado completo para o exame de certificao LPIC-2: Linux Engineer 202-450 em portugus-BR atualizado 2020.Esta a certificao de nvel intermdirio da carreira de um profissional Linux, uma das principais certificaes Linux do mercado, muito valorizada e reconhecida internacionalmente. Validade de 5 anos, apartir da segunda prova, para receber a certificao necessrio ser aprovado nos dois exames 201-450 e 202-450.O que a prova abrangePlanejamento de capacidadeKernel do LinuxInicializao do sistemaSistema de arquivos e dispositivosAdministrao avanada de dispositivos de armazenamentoConfigurao de redeManuteno de sistemaPara o exame voc precisa acertar 50% das questes, ou seja 30 questesSo 60 questesTotal de tempo 1 hora de prova, caso escolha sua lingua PT-BR, caso no, 90 minutos.Linguagem da prova, pode ser feita em Ingls, Japons, Portugus BR, e alemoNecessrio estar com a LPI 1 em validadeValor $173 dolares, necessrio carto internacionalNvel intermdirio"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to build a brand for your business or non-profit" |
"The course gives you valuable insight and information about building a brand. Step-by-step, the course takes you through each of the stages you needed to create the perfect brand, either to design your own or to intelligently and confidently commission a designer.The course has a worksheet to help capture your thoughts in one place.The 12 modules with supporting videos and worksheet will take you through the process of developing the perfect brand and help you stand out from the crowd.By the end of the course, you will:Be able to articulate what a brand is and why your business needs one.Have accurately described your companys personalitySelected the appropriate inspiration for your brand.Have considered various processes for choosing your business name.Understand colour in terms of mood, impact and use of various colourways.Understand the impact of various fonts and when to use different types.Understand how to choose images to portray your brand.How to design your logoHow to develop a tagline.How to pull all the elements together in the form of a Brand Board"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor free style painting. Fresh Spain spring flowers" |
"Dear friends! I'm happy to introduce my new watercolor course in English. Three bright and intense flower compositions, also prior flower compositions. I'll show you how easy and joyful we can paint watercolors. These flower compositions will be as clear and transparent as flower watercolors should be. You'll learn how to mix colors properly, create contrasts and set accents. I'll be glad to see your compositions in our group at FB Inna Tumarkin Art Workshop. And I hope you'll like my course and find my other courses on Udemy. See you . You Inna"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Satc Paneli - Seller Dashboard 8:30 Saatlik Eitim" |
"AklamaAmazon Satc Paneli kursunu uzun sredir yaynlamay planlyordum ancak srekli bir younluktan vakit bulamyordum. Corona Virs ile birlikte satlarmz olumsuz etkilendi. Maazalarmz tatile aldmz bu srete sizlere bu eitimi brakmak benim iin bir frsat oldu. Neden Amazon Paneli EitimiAmazonda sata baladm zamanlar hatrlyorum ve karma kan panele almakta ok zorluk ektim. O dnemlerde bu ekilde bir eitim olsa idi kesinlikle alr ve incelerdim. Sizlerinde benzer skntlar ektiini dnerek bu eitimi ortaya koymay uzun sre nce planlamtm. Bir ok arkadam gryorum. eitli platformlardan bana sorular yneltiyorlar. Bu sorulara cevap verdiimde ise tam anlalmadn gryorum. Ardndan panel bilgisi gerektirecek yeni bir soru geliyor. Buradan takip ettiim kadar ile benim ilk balarda yaadm zorluklar yayor arkadalarm. Bu ve benzeri nedenler beni bu eitimi hazrlamaya yneltti. Umarm Eitimden faydalanabilirsiniz. Eitimi srekli gncelleyeceim. Eitim sre bakmndan cretsiz eitim kstlarnn zerine ktnda ise cretli ekilde yayna devam edecektir. Eitim cretsiz iken almanz tavsiye ediyorum.Bu Eitimin Sonunda Eitimi Alan Arkadalarm:- FBA & FBM olarak rn Ekleyebilecek- Private Label, Dropshipping yada Retail Arbitrage Olarak rn Listeyebilecek- Envanterlerini Ynetebilecek- FBA olan rn FBM olarak deitirebilecek- FBM olan rn FBA olarak Deitirebilecek- rn Silebilecek- rn Listesinde Deiiklik Yapabilecek- rn Listelemede Kullanlan Barkodlara Vakf Olacak ve Kullanabilecek- Kargo Planl Yapabilecek- rnlerini Ayn depoya yada Farkl Depoya Gnderebilecek- rnlerini Global Sata Aabilecek Yada Kapatabilecek- rnlerini Amazon Dnda da Satabilecek- rnlerini Topluca Amazon Dna kartabilecek- Toplu olarak rn listelemesi yapabilecek- Taslak yada Problemli olan rnleri dzenleyebilecek- Envanter ile rnler arasnda balant kopar ise Dzeltebilecek- Fiyatlandrma konusunda Buybox oranlar ve Competitive Durumlarn Analiz Edebilecek- Fiyatlarn ve Business Fiyatlarn Gncelleyebilecek- Pricing Error olduunda Mdahale Edebilecek- Gelen Siparileri Gzlemleyebilecek- Siparileri Ynetebilecek- adeleri Ynetebilecek- Dier Satclarn Saldrlarna Kar bilgili olacak- Amazon zerinden Case Aabilecek- Amazon Hesabn Downgrade yada Upgrade Yaparak Satc Seviyesini Deitirebilecek- Hesabna Kullanc Sanal Asitan yada Ortak Atayabilecek- Hesabndaki Sanal Asistan yada Ortaklar iin Yetki Ayarlamas Yapabilecek- Kargo ablonlar oluturarak rnlerini farkl kargo ablonu atayabilecek- Hesabna ilikin Raporlar nceleyebilecek- deme Raporlarn inceleyebilecek- deme steyebilecek- Gemi demeleri Analiz Edebilecek- FBA yada Vergi Raporlarn Analiz Edebilecek- Reklam Raporlarn nceleyebilecek- Promosyon Kampanyalar Yapabilecek- Reklamlar okuyabilecek- Reklam Maliyetlerini Drebilecek- Keywordleri kullanarak Manuel Reklam kabilecek- Otomatik Reklam kabilecek- Reklam Btesi Ayarlayabilecek- Satc Performansna ilikin verileri okuyabilecek- Performans Bildirimlerini Okuyabilecek- Suspend yada basit performans bildirimleri ile ilgili bilgi sahibi olacak- Hesap salna ilikin bilgileri okuyabilecek- Mteri memnuniyetine ilikin Hesap Saln bilecek- Kiisel Haklar Kapsamna Giren Konularda Hesap Saln nceleyebilecek- Kargo Performans Konusunda hesap saln inceleyebilecek.- A'dan Z'ye garanti kapsamnda gelen ATOZ ikayetlerini ynetebilecek- Charge Back Claim eklinde gelen ikayetleri yada problemleri ynetebilecek- Mterilerin Sesi Blm yardm ile envanteri gncelleyebilecek- Seller University kullanabilecek- Business Reports ve Selling Coach kullanarak satlar arttrc aksiyonlar alabilecek- Hesabna eitli uygulamalar balayabilecek ve MWS token konusunda bilgi sahibi olacak.Bu konular ve benzeri bir ok konuda bilgi sahibi olarak Amazonda daha iyi bir satc olma yolunda bir adm daha ileri gitmi olacaksnz.Umarm faydasn grrsnz. Sorularnz olduunda Telegram da Amazon Workshop yada Facebook'ta Udemy Student Group zerinden cevaplamaya hazrm.Baarlar Dilerim.Seluk GKTAEverything is Online LLC"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Massagem Modeladora - Reduo de Medidas" |
"Eu sou massoterapeuta a mais de 10 anos, e durante esse tempo eu atendi muitos clientes, e aprendi e desenvolvi muitas tcnicas e trabalhei de varias formas nessa rea.Uma das minhas tcnicas favoritas e sem duvida a que me deu os melhores resultados a ""Massagem Modeladora"" inclusive essa foi a segunda tcnica que eu aprendi, e ela tem uma gama muito grande aplicaes e o que aumenta e muito o leque de possveis clientes.Aprendendo essa tcnica voc pode imediatamente iniciar seus atendimentos e ingressar no mercado de trabalho como massoterapeuta, onde voc pode aplicar suas tcnicas como autnomo, profissional liberal ou mesmo trabalhar em um espao especializado em massoterapia, academias , centro de reabilitao e etc.O QUE VOU APRENDER?Aplicar a Massagem Modeladora com precisoIniciar no mercado como massoterapeutaFazer fichas de anamnese da maneira corretaIdentificar contra indicaes relativas e absolutasTRANSFORME SUA VIDA!Se voc esta desempregado ou quer uma renda extra a Massagem Modeladora vai te possibilitar trabalhar como autnomo de maneira imediata podendo assim mudar sua realidade financeira, ou mesmo aplicar a tcnica somente na sua vida pessoa e obter resultados incrveis.SUA JORNADA1 - ASSISTA AS AULAS 2 - TREINE O CONTEDO 3 - SEJA UM MASSOTERAPEUTA"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"4-Day Work Week Entrepreneur - More Impact, Income & Freedom" |
"Course is Optimum for People Making at Least 80% of their Necessary IncomeThis course is for Entrepreneurs who wantMore Time with Loved Ones, Doing Fun ThingsBigger Results for Clients & Bigger Income in ReturnGreater Opportunities to Do the Work You LoveLarger Business Growth & Impact on the People You ServeImprove the 4 Main Entrepreneurial Areas of FocusLIFESTYLE - Create 3-Day Weekends All the TimeINCOME - Increase Your Hourly & Annual IncomeFREEDOM - Do More Work You Love, Delegate MoreEXPANSION - Impact More People & Grow BusinessGet started now so you can eventually Experience How a 3-Day Weekend LIFESTYLE Looks & Feels.FULLY ENJOY Your WeekendsDISCONNECT from Your WorkBE FULLY PRESENT with Family & FriendsENJOY Your Favorite ActivitiesSAVOR Your Life & the Most Important People In ItWhen implemented, you'll eventually get to know How a 4-Day Work Week BUSINESS Looks & Feels.DELEGATE the Work You Hate to DoFOCUS on High-Impact, High-Income WorkFILTER Clients So You Only Work with the BestSHARE Your Highest Purpose Work with the WorldGROW Your Following, Your Income & Your BusinessCOURSE INCLUDESTraining VideosImplementation WorkbookPrivate Facebook Group for StudentsWould You Invest 8 Hours of Your Life to Learn How to Have Fridays Off Forever?DO THIS NOWEVERY WEEK YOU DELAY IS ANOTHER FRIDAY LOSTEVERY YEAR IS ANOTHER 50 FRIDAYS LOSTWHAT COULD YOU DO WITH 50 EXTRA FRIDAYS?CREATE MORE ENJOYMENT & FREEDOM TODAYCREATE MORE IMPACT & MORE INCOME NOWIt took me 22 years plus over $100,000 in coaching programs to create an abundant & sustainable 4-Day Work Week Lifestyle.I can show you how in a LOT LESS TIME... for a LOT LESS MONEY.It's not magic... It's work... but it's smarter, more productive & more impactful work.The longer you delay to start your 4-day work week journey... the longer it will take for you to get there.Get started today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Augmented Reality in Depth 101" |
"Use this coupon code to get the best Deal Use the COUPON CODE : SEPTEMBER Hello Everyone !RequirementsA Windows or Mac Computer systemAndroid Smart Phone or an iPhoneBasic programming knowledge will be of Great help Good Internet Speed for Downloading FilesCourse Content and OverviewThis course is designed for students interested in creating Augmented Reality apps.Don't worry if you if you never used Unity 3D or you are not familiar with Coding . Here you will be taught each and everything from scratch. Currently this course is having 11 Sections full of latest concepts and understandings. You will come across Articles , Quizzes , Various Resource and downloadable files and assets. Also for those who are new to coding , one thing i must ensure you that C# is very creative language and it is very easy to understand plus when you will be installing Unity 3D , Visual Studio will also be installed which will make your life more easier as it is very Programmer friendly Software. In this course you will be getting the full understanding of AUGMENTED REALITY in depth and its future scope as you all know the market of AR is expected to be 85 to 90 Billion USD . So do not miss the opportunity to learn the cutting edge technology .In this Course , you will come across 11 sections . SECTION 1 : INTRODUCTION TO AUGMENTED REALITY and its FUTURESECTION 2 : Introduction to Game Engine , Unity3D and VuforiaSECTION 3 : Old Uncle AppSECTION 4 : Virtual ButtonsSECTION 5 : 2D Page CurlSECTION 6 : Cylindrical TargetsSECTION 7 : Multi-Image TargetSECTION 8 : Uer Defined Targets SECTION 9 : Super-Imposition along with Vuforia Object ScannerSECTION 10 : Ground Plane Stage Bonus Section ( Section 11 ) : TransformationCurious about Augmented Reality, You have come to the right place. Learn the basics fundamentals and programming techniques required for building fully functional Augmented Reality android and iOS apps. For this course you will need an Android Smartphone or iPhone.So what is Augmented Reality?According to Wikipedia, Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are ""augmented"" by computer-generated or extracted real-world sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.In Augmented Reality the real view is modified by a computer (Smartphone in this case). Augmented reality (AR) enhances ones current perception of reality, whereas in contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one. Augmentation techniques are basically performed in real time,Power of Augmented Reality Vuforia platform seemed very promising as developers all over the World have used Vuforia for developing Augmented Reality apps.Pokemon Go game is the best example of Augmented Reality. Other than that Augmented Reality apps expand over a wide range of topics from Education, Business, Architecture, Health Industry, Home Decoration and obviously mobile gaming."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MasterLSAT: How To Get A 180 On An Actual LSAT (PrepTest 73)" |
"In this course, we'll break down every single question (and answer choice!) on an entire official LSAT (PrepTest 73, from September 2014).Many students see score increases of 5-10 or more points after mastering just one test with me in this way.First, you'll get a chance to work through it yourself. Then, you'll use the MasterLSAT interactive video method to clarify whatever questions you had trouble with.There are video explanations for every single answer choice - even the wrong ones! It's like having a personal tutor (who has scored 180) to ask ""Hey, why was (B) wrong on question 15?"" or ""How should I have read question 23 in order to predict the answer?""After thoroughly working through the videos in this course, you'll be at the point that if you took this test again, you'd get a perfect 180. You'll have honed your weaknesses and developed some amazing strategies to be able to apply to future LSATs!Additionally, you'll get a lot of great tips and tricks along the way from someone who has thoroughly mastered the test.Most LSAT methods are overcomplicated. The MasterLSAT method is simple, intuitive, and cookie-cutter - just thoroughly master one practice test, and then move onto the next one. Hundreds have used this method to improve greatly - you won't be disappointed either :)You'll also have the ability to ask me any questions you may have as you progress through the course.Can't wait to see you inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Jaringan Komputer Menggunakan Cisco" |
"Jaringan Komputer Menggunakan Cisco adalah course yang ditujukan bagi umum yang ingin mempelajari teknologi Cisco Switching dan Routing. Pada materi course ini terdapat penjelasan teori dan praktek langsung menggunakan simulator Cisco Packet Tracer maupun GNS3. Sebelum terjun langsung dilapangan melakukan konfigurasi perangkat Cisco, maka sangat direkomendasikan agar mengikuti terlebih dahulu course Jaringan Komputer Menggunakan Cisco."
Price: 1050000.00 ![]() |
"10 projektw w czystym JavaScript cz. 1" |
"Witajcie w kursie, w ktrym zbudujemy wsplnie 10 wietnych projektw i w ktrym stawiamy przede wszystkim na praktyk! :) Wszystkie projekty zbudujemy od postaw - zaczynajc od tworzenia struktury w HTML, przechodzc do stylw CSS, na JS koczc.Dziki temu kursowi zdobdziesz cenne dowiadczenie oraz zbudujesz solidne portfolio. W ostatnim projekcie (ToDo Lista) dowiesz si te, jak w profesjonalny sposb mona zapisywa kod JavaScript, tak aby cao bya wietnie zoptymalizowana i wygldaa, jakby zostaa napisana przez dewelopera z wieloletnim dowiadczeniem. Aby mc uczestniczy w kursie, powinnicie mie przynajmniej redni wiedz na temat HTML, CSS oraz JS. Jeli dopiero zaczynacie przygod z tworzeniem stron internetowych lub programowaniem w JavaScript, sprawdcie moje pozostae kursy, w ktrych ucz wszystkiego od podstaw. :)Lista projektw w kursie:WyszukiwarkaKalkulator rachunkw i napiwkwWalidator formularza""Magic 8 Ball"" - zabawna 'mini-gra', ktra odpowiada losowo na kade pytanieStoper zmieniajcy kolory & Modal""MyNotes"" - aplikacja z notatkamiAplikacja do przeliczania kursw walutMeneder finanswOdliczanie do dowolnej datyZaawansowana ToDo ListaMam nadziej, e podczas kursu bdziecie si wietnie bawi i nabierzecie olbrzymiego, cennego dowiadczenia. :) Nie ma co przedua, zapraszam na kurs!"
Price: 609.99 ![]() |
"Exam MS-300 and Exam MS-301 - Practice Tests" |
"Exam MS-300: Deploying Microsoft 365 Teamwork:Candidates for this exam are Teamwork Administrators who are responsible for configuring, deploying, and managing Office 365 and Azure workloads that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and adoption. Teamwork Administrators manage apps, services, and supporting infrastructure to meet business requirements. The Teamwork Administrator must be able to deploy, manage, migrate, and secure SharePoint (online, on-premises, and hybrid), OneDrive, and Teams.The Teamwork Administrator is involved with decisions regarding governance and works with other Administrators to implement many of the decisions made by governance bodies. The Teamwork Administrator collaborates with the Messaging Administrator to configure options and security related to email tasks, the Voice Administrator to integrate voice capabilities in organizations, and the Security Administrator to ensure end-to-end security.Candidates for this exam have a fundamental understanding of integration points with the following apps and services: Office, Power Apps, Flow, Yammer, Microsoft Graph, Stream, Planner, and Project. The administrator understands how to integrate third-party apps and services including line-of-business applications. Candidates also have an understanding of SQL Server management concepts, Azure Active Directory, PowerShell, networking, Windows server administration, Domain Name System (DNS), Active Directory mobile device management, and alternative operating systems.Skills measuredNOTE: The bullets that appear below each of the skills measured in the document below are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive.Configure and manage SharePoint Online (35-40%)Configure and manage OneDrive for Business (25-30%)Configure and manage Teams (20-25%)Configure and manage workload integrations (15-20%)Exam MS-301: Deploying SharePoint Server HybridCandidates for this exam are Teamwork Administrators who are responsible for configuring, deploying, and managing Office 365 and Azure workloads that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and adoption. Teamwork Administrators manage apps, services, and supporting infrastructure to meet business requirements. The Teamwork Administrator must be able to deploy, manage, migrate, and secure SharePoint (online, on-premises, and hybrid), OneDrive, and Teams.The Teamwork Administrator is involved with decisions regarding governance and works with other Administrators to implement many of the decisions made by governance bodies. The Teamwork Administrator collaborates with the Messaging Administrator to configure options and security related to email tasks, the Voice Administrator to integrate voice capabilities in organizations, and the Security Administrator to ensure end-to-end security.Candidates for this exam have a fundamental understanding of integration points with the following apps and services: Office, Power Apps, Flow, Yammer, Microsoft Graph, Stream, Planner, and Project. The administrator understands how to integrate third-party apps and services including line-of-business applications. Candidates also have an understanding of SQL Server management concepts, Azure Active Directory, PowerShell, networking, Windows server administration, Domain Name System (DNS), Active Directory mobile device management, and alternative operating systems.Skills measuredNOTE: The bullets that appear below each of the skills measured in the document below are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive.Configure and manage SharePoint on-premises (55-60%)Configure and manage hybrid scenarios (30-35%)Migrate to SharePoint Online (5-10%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Devenir Rentable sur Forex - La Convergence" |
"Vous tes Trader Dbutant ou particulier ? cette formation s'adresse vous !Je vais vous montrer le premier style de Trading qu'il faut suivre par un Trader dbutant : ""La Convergence""La Convergence signifie que le march a un seul sens pour tout les types de trader. chaque jour,des dizaines des marchs entre sur une convergence . cette formation vous guide identifier les convergences et les Trader inteligemment, pour avoir des meilleurs performances. la mthode expliqu est utilisable sur le Forex et tout les autres marchs.Devenir Rentable en forex grce a cette mthode !Cette mthode est facile comprendre !"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-516 Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger Essential Certify Exam" |
"245 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-516 Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger Essential Certify ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISSP Software Development Security Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 245Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (183 of 245)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Desenvolver Seu Sistema Para Apresentar no TCC" |
"Neste curso ns ensinamos a desenvolver um sistema para apresentar banca de TCC como sugesto, ou seja, nosso foco o Sistema para apresentar banca de TCC, o aluno poder ou no apresentar, escolha de cada um apresentar ou no. Neste mesmo sentido, o aluno dever respeitar as regras da IES para os cursos e apresentaes de TCC na Instituio que estuda. Este curso ensina por meio de uma ferramenta a desenvolver um sistema, e este sistema poder (caso o aluno queira) apresentar em sua defesa de TCC com todo respeito aos professores e IES. A ferramenta de desenvolvimento abrevia o tempo de desenvolvimento de sistemas... Ns vamos utilizar uma ferramenta que disponibilizada de forma grtis, isso mesmo, a ferramenta freeware, e serve para desenvolver diversos sistemas, seja sistemas, comerciais, empresariais, mdicos etc. Contudo, nosso foco o Sistema que o aluno possa apresentar em sua banca de TCC. Caso voc queira obter mais conhecimento da ferramenta de desenvolvimento, ns temos outros cursos bsicos aqui na Udemy, que ensina a desenvolver qualquer sistema. Temos tambm um curso no nvel intermedirio aqui nesta conceituada plataforma de ensino.Desenvolva sistemas simples, robustos ou complexos mesmo sem ter nenhum conhecimento na rea de TI ou ser formado. O segredo o conhecimento que vamos disponibilizar por meio deste curso para desenvolvermos juntos um sistema de complexidade inicial. No necessrio aprender nenhuma linguagem de programao e nem ter conhecimento prvio em banco de dados e linguagens SQL.Aprenda a criar formulrios, criar relatrios, adicionar botes etc. Criar sistemas sem a necessidade de digitar nenhuma linha de cdigo. necessrio primeiro criar um ambiente de desenvolvimento virtual propcio ao desenvolvimento com a ferramenta. Calma, ns vamos ensinar a criar, configurar e desenvolver.Ensinamos a criar um ambiente virtual de desenvolvimento que o windows xp ou windows 7, o Visual Basic 6 e a ferramenta de desenvolvimento. Desta forma, seu computador fica do jeito que est, sem alterar em nada a configurao atual. Basta criar este ambiente virtual de desenvolvimento, propcio para o desenvolvimento e para a utilizao da ferramenta.Escopo do Curso:1) Vamos criar dois bancos de dados, um de cadastros e o outro de empresa;2) No banco de dados empresa vamos criar uma tabela de empresa para o cliente cadastrar a sua empresa;3) No banco de dados cadastro vamos criar dez tabelas: Clientes, Contas a Pagar, Empresas, Produtos, Fornecedores, Vendas e Itens de Vendas;4) Vamos criar formulrio de entrada de dados para todas as tabelas informadas no item 3;4) Elaborar consulta e relatrios para todas as tabelas informadas no item 3;5) Vamos aprender a baixar, instalar e a configurar a ferramenta;6) Conhecer o ambiente de desenvolvimento da ferramenta;7) Compilar o Sistema criado no Visual Basic;8) Vamos desenvolver um sistema como exemplo e de forma didtica."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Automation With Mailchimp. Basic + Advanced" |
"If theres one thing that MailChimp excels at is its marketing automation.It is like a second brain for your business that when put into good use help you find and connect with your audience and with a few configurations on your part, it will just keep branding and selling more stuff to them NON-STOP.That means more money for your business.Automate. Sell More. Earn More.Without a doubt, MailChimp sends better emails and get them inbox better than any other mailing service provider online.As a matter of fact, it has become the #1 choice for many big companies all around the world.But MailChimp isnt just a mailing service provider. Its more than that.Its feature-rich interface provides you the ability to automate your selling process for your online business.It removes the need for manual interaction whenever its set up.Hidden Features Not Used By ManyOver the past few years, MailChimp did some major improvements on their platform that many people are not even aware of.These hidden features are not used by many yet they are so powerful.But if you can harness its full potential, you can bring your business to the very next level.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Complete Marketing Automation. Focus on other areas of your business and let the marketing to MailChimp.Send Better Emails. Awesome campaign templates and most of all stellar inboxing rate.Put Your Data To Work. Understand how your marketing affects your bottom line.Advertising Channels. Integrate with Facebook, Instagram and Google.Reporting. See how youre doing and keep improving all the time.And the list goes on and on.MailChimp is one of its kind Marketing Automation service provider that will bring your business to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingMarketing AutomationWith MailChimpHow To Put Automate Your MarketingUsing MailChimp Feature-Rich PlatformTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started and automate your marketing with MailChimp so that you can bring your business to the next level.I reveal my best tips for using this amazing platform. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guess work.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Understand what MailChimp is all about and which plan works best for your business.Learn how to get familiar with the interface and discover the amazing features it offers.Learn how to configure your settings and account like a reputable business.Discover how to use their mailing platform and how to send your first newsletter.Learn the simple technique to automate your emails whenever people join your list.How to use forms and integrate them in your website.Learn how to work with their templates and which is best fit for your business.Learn how to import and export your contact list to MailChimp.How to work with double and single optin feature in your account.How to organize and schedule emails on a specific time and date."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creer La publicit qui boostera vos ventes ( cas pratique )" |
"Vous recherchez un cours complet de marketing numrique pour vous apprendre tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour devenir un expert en marketing numrique, non?je peux vous affirmer que vous avez trouv le bon cours de marketing numrique juste ici!Grce aux comptences acquises dans notre cours de marketing numrique, vous pouvez: Developper une puissante strategy pour votre contenu en ligne se qui vous donnera loccasion de toucher enormement plus de personne et de crer linfluence que vous voulez Construire une serie de show et contenu que votre audience voudra absolument voir et partager Developper des competences en digital marketing transposable sur toute les plateformesNous voulons vous aider dvelopper votre entreprise avec le marketing sur les rseaux sociaux, la commercialisation de contenu, le marketing par e-mail, et plus encore!QUEST CE QUE VOUS EN DITESEssayez-nous SANS RISQUE grce remboursement gratuit"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Empezar a correr sin lesiones" |
"Este curso est dirigido a todas aquellas personas que quieren empezar a correr y tener un estilo de vida saludable a travs del running. El curso empieza por aquellos aspectos motivacionales que ayudarn al principiante a romper la inercia. Se sugieren algunas tcnicas como correr con propsito, comprometerse con una meta y correr en grupo. Tambin el curso responde a las principales preguntas de los corredores que se inician, elegidas a travs de casi diez aos de consultas a travs de la plataforma de SoyMaratonista. El curso incluye un plan para empezar a correr de diez semanas y las explicaciones necesarias para ponerte en accin. Tambin se incluyen recomendaciones generales."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scenario Planning for a Coronavirus (and Post-Virus) World" |
"Now, in September 2020, we have been through 8 or 9 months of the pandemic. The ""panic phase"" of the Coronavirus crisis is behind us, mostly, but now a new challenge awaits: we must all formulate a strategy for being successful in the post-pandemic future. The problem is that the changes brought about by COVID have made this ""future very difficult to predict. On the one hand, COVID forced us all to rethink our needs, and find (or invent) new ways to get things done. In general, this inventiveness is a good thing, right? Yes... but. Because on the other hand, adapting to these changes has had one very big consequence: all of these ""temporary fixes"" reshaped our operating terrain, and many of these adaptations will become the way we do things from now on. In other words, the adaptations will turn out not to be temporary, but permanent.People are calling this the New Normal a changed landscape in which you will have to operate one that is very different from the pre-COVID world. What could this terrain be like for you? That's what this course is about: helping you foresee your organization's New Normal the one that is taking shape now, in the autumn of 2020, and which may well stay in place through 2021 and beyond.If you want to prepare your organization for whats ahead, you need to get a handle now on how different this operating terrain might be. Scenario planning is a very practical method to foresee how your future landscape could change. It allows you to explore alternative futures that could realistically emerge around you, with the potential to turn your business upside down. It's September high time to think ahead and anticipate these changes, so you're not taken by surprise.This accelerated course leads you step-by-step through the scenario planning process, so you can develop the scenarios:to foresee how your landscape might continue to develop, if the COVID landscape lasts a while. to foresee scenarios for your post-Coronavirus landscape - one that has been taking shape over the past 4-5 months, will continue to change, and will potentially influence how you do business for years to come.By investing 1 hour of your time in this intensive course, you will learn a solid, logical methodology for understanding how your organization might face very different futures. Note - there are no exercises or quizzes: just an intensive learning experience, taught by a world-class expert."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Java Course For Beginners" |
"Welcome to my course ""Java Course For Beginners"". In this course you will learn the basics of Java. If you want to learn about Java practically and also the basics then this is the course for you! Learn to write basic Java programs. In every part first we shall cover the theory and basics then we will cover the main topic. This course will teach you some of the most useful topic so that you can get start as a programmer. In this Java course you will learn, Basics Of Java Functions StringsVariables Object Oriented Programming And more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Guitar and Beyond - the fast track to playing like a pro!" |
"This course is designed to assist the beginner, intermediate and advanced guitarist to develop an understanding of various playing concepts. Proper execution of techniques such as alternate picking, legato picking, sweep picking, and two hand tapping are covered in depth. From the basic skills to advanced topics such as scale modes, harmony, understanding chords, chord substitutions, chord/scale relationships, phrasing and so much more. We will be introducing the student to the music theory and the tools needed to construct their own innovative solos. Although modern rock/metal styles are topics of discussion, we also direct a great deal of attention to traditional jazz, jazz fusion, and blues styles. The student can then use basic fundamentals learned from these various styles in the development of their own personal playing style. The music business is demanding and unpredictable. When an opportunity arises, the information from this course provides the tools to allow the player to take on any challenge. A well rounded musician needs to take grasp of the proper technique and theoretical knowledge to excel his/her playing skills. Upon completion of this course, the student will be well versed in guitar technique and also have the ability to improvise over blues, rock, metal, and traditional jazz progressions. This course is designed for the student who wishes to become a ""complete musician""."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dizi, Film ve Amv Editleri Sony Vegas Pro ile Nasl Yaplr?" |
"Udemy'nin lk ve Tek; Dizi, Film ve Amv Editleri Kursuna Ho Geldiniz!Bu kursta, Sony Vegas Pro programn kullanarak Instagram ve Youtube'da grdnz Dizi, Film ve Amv editlerinin nasl yapldn reniyor olacaksnz.Bo ve gereksiz bilgilere boulmadan, sadece gereken eylerin anlatld ve hzlca hereyi rendiiniz bir kurs aryorsanz, doru yere geldiniz. :)Skc ve yorucu derslere son! Bu kurs ile elenceli, pratik ve uygulamal olarak Sony Vegas Pro'yu renebilirsiniz.Peki neden Sony Vegas Pro?nk: Sony Vegas Pro, arayz basit, kullanm rahat ve kullanc dostu bir programdr. Sizden sper tesi bilgisayar istemez, neredeyse her bilgisayarda alr. Hatta hesap makinesinde dahi alabildii syleniyor...(Daha Kantlanmad ama mmkn :)) Uzun lafn ksas; Editrlk yapmak ve yeni bireyler renmek iin gzel bir balang programdr. ster profesyonel bir eyler hazrlamak isteyin, isterseniz sadece bir ka videoyu birletirmek. Hepsi iin Sony Vegas Pro sizlere yardmc olacaktr.*Sony Vegas Pro ile korkmadan, ekinmeden ve rahata kendi dizi, film veya amv videolarnz dzenleyebileceksiniz.*Hareketli, gzel efektlere sahip ve yumuak; gze hitap eden geiler ve editler yapabileceksiniz.*Instagram ve Youtube iin kendi editlerinizi hazrlayabileceksiniz.*Instagram'da kullanlan gei efektlerine hakim olacaksnz.*Zoom In/Out(eri ve Dar), Slide(Kayarak), Rotation(Dnerek) geileri tek gznz kapal dahi yapabileceksiniz. (Sonuta biriyle grmek lazm xd)*Dizi ve Film editleri hazrlayabileceksiniz.*Anime(amv) editleri hazrlayabileceksiniz.* Hem indirimli kayt olmak, hemde 1+2 kurs kampanyasndan yararlanmak iin adresine mail atabilirsiniz."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"C# ile 30 Yandan Sonra Programlama ve Programclk Mant" |
"Hi, yeni bir program yada yeni bir uygulama gelitirme fikriniz oldu mu?Yada belki bir yazlmc olmak istiyorsunuz ve ""i iten gemitir"" diye dnyorsunuz...Bakalar ne der bilmiyorum ama ben ""asla ge deildir!"" diyorum.Bu kurs ile programclk servenine katlmaya sadece bir adm uzaktasnz. :)*Kursta programlama bilmediinizi dnerek her eye sfrdan baladk.** Hem indirimli kayt olmak, hemde 1+2 kurs kampanyasndan yararlanmak iin adresine mail atabilirsiniz.Arkadalar hepinize merhabalar. Ben Alper Tunga, sizler gibi programlama ve yazlm dnyasna merakl bir renciyim.Bu kursu, ilk defa programlama dnyas ile tanacak, programlamaya, bilgisayarlara ve internet dnyasna ilgi duyan abilerim, ablalarm ve ihtiyac olan herkes iin hazrladm. C# programlama dilini kullanarak, kendi uygulamalarmz gelitirmeyi reneceiz.Bir ite iyi olmak iin, onun zerinde bolca pratik yapmak gerekir. Bu yzden kursumuz boyunca bizde oka rnek uygulama ve pratik yapyor olacaz.Kursumuza her hafta yeni ders videolar ekleniyor ve bu yzden kursumuzu takip etmeyi unutmayn! :)Kursumuzdaki derslerde takldnz ve anlamakta glk ektiiniz yerler olursa, ne kadar kolay veya zor olursa olsun, ltfen sormaktan ekinmeyin. Sorularnz en fazla 12 saat ierisinde cevaplyor olacam."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Juniper JNCDA - JN0-1101 : 4 Full Practice Exams 2020" |
"Are you ready to pass Juniper JNCDA - JN0-1101 exam?Exam DetailsJNCDA exam topics are based on the content of the recommended instructor-led training courses, as well as the additional listed resources.JN0-1101Administered by Pearson VUEExam length: 90 minutesExam type: 65 multiple-choice questionsPass/fail status is available immediatelyNote:The JNCDA certification is valid for 3years.Real Exam and Practice Test ObjectivesThis list provides a general view of the skill set required to successfully complete the specified certification exam.Customer Network Design RequirementsSecuring the NetworkBusiness ContinuityNetwork Automation and ManagementNetwork Design ArchitecturesDescribe considerations for a campus or branch networkDescribe considerations for a WANDescribe considerations for a data centerCreated: 04.04.2020:*If you do not want to lose time and money, you can try this practice test.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you valuable leads.Go ahead and hit the ""take this practice test"" button to start your career today!Thank you very much and have a wonderful day!Good Luck :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |