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"?Cmo crear un Blog GRATIS Crear Blog en BLOGGER FCIL" |
"Cmo Crear un Blog en Blogger Paso a Paso? Tutorial fcilEn este artculo voy a ensearte a crear un blog en blogger paso a paso de manera muy sencilla.No hace mucho publiqu un tutorial sobre cmo crear un blog en wordpress (la mejor manera de crear un blog desde mi punto de vista).Pero como muchos de vosotros estis interesados en blogger he decido crear esta gua para que no te pierdas.Men para Impacientes [Ocultar]Crear un Blog en Blogger en 3 Pasos Gua Fcil1. Iniciar sesin en Blogger2. Crear un Nuevo Blog3. Recorrido por el Panel de Control de BloggerVdeo Tutorial BloggerQu Sistema Elijo, WordPress o Blogger?Otra Alternativa? Alternativas a Blogger Crear un Blog en Blogger en 3 Pasos Gua FcilBlogger es un servicio adquirido por Google que permite crear un blog de forma gratis.Lo nico que necesitas tener es una cuenta en Google para poder tener acceso a la aplicacin.As que si todava no tienes una cuenta de google puedes crear una totalmente gratis. Tambin puede ser que la tengas y todava no lo sepas (a muchos les pasa). Si tienes una cuenta de correo en gmail, entonces ya tienes una cuenta en Google.1. Iniciar sesin en BloggerUna vez que has iniciado sesin en Google vers la opcin en el men de tu cuenta.Como crear un Blog en Blogger Paso 1Haz clic en Blogger y llegars a tu Panel de control de Blogger.Pantalla Principal de BloggerEs posible que tengas que volver a iniciar sesin.Ahora s, entrars en el panel de administracin de Blogger donde tendrs que elegir un usuario para gestionar tu cuenta.Panel de Blogs de tu cuenta BloggerDebes saber que puedes crear varios blogs dentro de una misma cuenta.2. Crear un Nuevo BlogHaz clic en la opcin crear nuevo blog y vers una pantalla similar a esta..Crear un nuevo Blog Paso 2Es momento de escribir el ttulo de tu blog y una direccin.Es posible que el nombre que has elegido ya est ocupado por otra persona.Lo siguiente que tienes que hacer es seleccionar una plantilla entre todas las disponibles que ves.Una plantilla es la esttica de tu blog. Siempre puedes cambiarla ms adelante.Una vez finalizado ya puedes hacer clic en crear blog.Llegars al panel de control de tu Blog.Panel de control de bloggerTodas las opciones de la izquierda son las que vas a necesitar para crear un blog en blogger.Como puedes ver todo es bastante intuitivo.3. Recorrido por el Panel de Control de BloggerEn la pantalla principal del panel de control tienes un resumen de las pginas vistas, actualizaciones, noticias blogger, etc.Todo esto es un resumen de lo que ocurre en tu blog.Esta parte a la que llamamos panel de control (Backend) es la sala de mquinas desde donde se controla y crea todo el blog.Antes de continuar indicarte que en todo momento puedes ver una presentacin preliminar tu blog haciendo clic en ver blog.Ajustes del Panel de Control de Blogger Paso 3Si no puedes ver esta opcin, es posible que la est tapando una ventana informativa sobre las Cookies. Acepta ese mensaje y se quitar.Y esta sera una presentacin de mi blog de prueba:Presentacion de mi blog de prueba en bloggerToda la informacin de que ves de mis datos personales lo coge de Google Plus. Como ya no existe Google plus (la antigua red social de Google) los datos que se mostrarn son los que tengas en el perfil de la cuenta de Blogger.Volviendo al panel de control vers todas estas opciones.Entradas: desde aqu puedes escribir tus artculos. Las entradas o post es el contenido dinmico de tu blog.Pginas: para escribir todas las pginas de tu blog. Se utilizan para crear contenidos ms estticos. Por ejemplo, la pgina de contacto.Comentarios: es el panel de gestin de todos los comentarios que realizan tus visitas. Desde aqu puedes responder y gestionar todos los comentarios de una manera sencilla.Google +: presta atencin a este apartado porque google valora mucho que tu perfil est vinculado a tu blog. Esta opcin ya no existe.Estadsticas: para controlar las visitas que recibes. Es importante ver y medir la evolucin de tu blog.Ingresos: para vincular tu cuenta de Google Adsense con Blogger. Cuando tengas una cantidad de visitas razonables puedes ganar dinero con ingresos adsense (ingresos por publicidad).Campaas: para crear campaas de publicidad de Google Adwords y salir en los primeros resultados de Google pagando.Diseo: desde esta pestaa puedes configurar las posiciones y reas de tu blog.Plantilla: como has visto anteriormente puedes seleccionar los colores y la esttica de tu blog tantas veces como quieras.Configuracin: conviene configurar este apartado segn tus preferencias.Vdeo Tutorial BloggerComo puedes comprobar crear un blog en blogger es bastante sencillo pero an as te dejo un tutorial que he encontrado muy completito por Youtube:Si tienes dudas puedes preguntarme en el rea de comentarios de ms abajo. Estar encantado de ayudarte ?Qu Sistema Elijo, WordPress o Blogger?El blog est creado con WordPress. En mi opinin es una de los mejores sistemas para crear un blog. No tiene nada que ver con Blogger.Si vas en serio y te gusta el mundo del blogging te aconsejo que utilices WordPress, sin embargo la curva de aprendizaje es algo ms elevada y necesitars algunos conocimientos ms.Algunas ventajas de utilizar WordPress: no existe limitaciones, control total, muchas ms opciones para posicionar mejor en Google, ms aplicaciones para instalar (plugins o complementos), una gran comunidad de usuarios profesionales con mucha documentacin.Algunas ventajas de Blogger: no tienes que preocuparte por ningn hosting, fcil de administrar, buena opcin para principiantes, es gratis.Otra Alternativa?Siempre puedes utilizar un Builder Site para crear tu blog. Si buscas una herramienta que sea sencilla, elegante y prctica hay muchas en internet. Por ejemplo esta.La versin gratuita puede ser ms que suficiente para empezar y lo bueno es que tienes plantillas de blog muy atractivas y actuales. Y por supuesto adaptadas para mviles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"El envo directo es un mtodo de gestin de la cadena de suministro en el que el minorista no mantiene los productos en stock, sino que transfiere los pedidos del cliente y los detalles del envo al fabricante, otro minorista o un mayorista , que luego enva los productos directamente al cliente. Al igual que en los negocios minoristas , la mayora de los minoristas obtienen sus ganancias de la diferencia entre el precio mayorista y minorista, pero algunos minoristas obtienen un porcentaje acordado de las ventas en comisin, que el mayorista paga al minorista.El concepto de modelo de envo directo est ganando popularidad ya que el vendedor no necesita mantener ningn artculo en stock, ni tiene que soportar el estrs del embalaje y el envo. El remitente Drop mantiene la diferencia.Procedimiento Un minorista de envo directo puede mantener los artculos expuestos en una tienda fsica de ladrillo o mortero o proporcionar una copia impresa o un catlogo de productos en lnea para que los clientes puedan revisar los artculos antes de la compra. [ cita requerida ]Los minoristas que envan mercadera de los mayoristas pueden tomar medidas para ocultar este hecho o evitar que la fuente mayorista sea ampliamente conocida. Esto se puede lograr mediante ""envo a ciegas"" (envo de mercanca sin una direccin de devolucin) o ""envo de etiqueta privada"" (envo de mercanca del mayorista con una direccin de devolucin personalizada para el minorista). El mayorista puede incluir un albarn personalizado , que incluye detalles como el nombre de la empresa, el logotipo y la informacin de contacto del minorista. [ cita requerida ]El envo directo puede ocurrir cuando un pequeo minorista (que generalmente vende en pequeas cantidades al pblico en general) recibe un solo pedido grande para un producto. El minorista puede hacer arreglos para que los productos se enven directamente al cliente desde el fabricante o distribuidor. El envo directo es comn con productos caros.Los vendedores en los sitios de subastas en lnea tambin usan el envo directo como una forma de distribuir productos sin manejar el almacenamiento y el envo del inventario. Un vendedor listar un artculo como nuevo y luego lo enviar directamente del mayorista al cliente. El vendedor se beneficia de la diferencia entre las ventas del producto y el precio al por mayor, menos cualquier tarifa de venta, comerciante o envo. [1] [2]Una tendencia emergente en el negocio de envo directo es el envo directo de etiquetas privadas, en el que un fabricante produce un artculo personalizado para un minorista y lo enva directamente. La gama de artculos de envo privado con etiqueta privada incluye recuerdos simples, indumentaria con logotipos personalizados, imgenes y formulaciones personalizadas para vitaminas y suplementos nutricionales. [ cita requerida ]Los pedidos atrasados pueden ocurrir cuando un vendedor hace una solicitud de envo a un mayorista, pero el producto est agotado. Los pedidos atrasados pueden ir acompaados de una larga espera para un envo mientras el mayorista espera nuevos productos, lo que puede reflejar mal en el minorista.Desarrollos Los principales proveedores de envo directo y los servicios de cumplimiento se basan principalmente en los EE. UU. [ cita requerida ] . En los ltimos aos, han surgido mercados de envo directo en plataformas de comercio electrnico que se centran principalmente en proveedores de EE. UU. Desde 2006, muchas compaas de envo directo han surgido en China [3] , muchas de las cuales ofrecen servicios mayoristas y de envo directo tanto a empresas como a particulares. [4] Esto se debe en gran parte a la creciente facilidad de las compras electrnicas y la parte cada vez ms importante que Internet est jugando en el comercio electrnico. Los proveedores de envo directo con sede en China han podido competir cada vez ms con los distribuidores del mismo pas debido a la mejora de la logstica de los paquetes pequeos y la reduccin de las barreras comerciales.[5] Algunos informes indican que casi el 33% de los minoristas de Internet pueden usar el envo directo como su mtodo principal para el cumplimiento del pedido. [6]Las plataformas de comercio electrnico como Shopify , Woocommerce y Magento brindan a los emprendedores de envo directo una opcin fcil de conectar y usar para vender productos en lnea. Al 31 de diciembre de 2018, Shopify solo inform que tena ms de 800,000 empresas en aproximadamente 175 pases que usaban su plataforma. [7]Estafas El envo directo tambin ha ocupado un lugar destacado en las estafas de negocios desde el hogar basadas en Internet . [8] [ verificacin fallida ] Los estafadores promovern el envo directo como una lucrativa ""oportunidad de trabajar desde casa"". A la vctima de la estafa se le vender una lista de negocios desde donde se pueden realizar pedidos de envo directo. Estas empresas pueden no ser mayoristas, sino otras empresas o individuos que actan como intermediarios entre minoristas y mayoristas, sin ningn producto propio para vender. Estos intermediarios a menudo cobran precios que dejan poco margen de beneficio para la vctima y requieren una tarifa regular por el uso que hace el minorista de sus servicios. En 2018, un podcast de medios de GimletRespuesta Todos investigaron el fenmeno del envo directo. Los periodistas exploraron la forma en que los remitentes de micro-objetivos se enfocan en su cliente [9] , pero tambin descubrieron que el microenvo en s mismo es una industria bastante dudosa, ya que a pesar de las promesas de algunos de los aclitos ms conocidos de envo directo, pocos los cargadores directos obtienen beneficios. [10]En 2016, Buzzfeed public un artculo que expone a los cargadores sin escrpulos en China. El artculo muestra cmo los clientes reciban productos que no se anunciaban o no reciban ningn producto. [11]Un efecto del envo directo es que los clientes que reciben un paquete enviado se darn cuenta de que pagaron en exceso por el artculo en eBay, lo devuelven al fabricante y luego vuelven a pedir el artculo idntico directamente del fabricante. El costo del procesamiento de la devolucin y la prdida del producto devuelto no vendible puede resultar en prdidas significativas para el fabricante. [12]Eliminar los productos de marca que venden los mayoristas de envo directo es otro problema. Si bien algunos de estos productos pueden parecer genuinos, pueden verse por los mrgenes de beneficio extremadamente altos disponibles en ellos. Si los colores, estilos u otras caractersticas fsicas no coinciden con los del fabricante, es probable que el producto sea falso. Vender productos no genuinos podra destruir la reputacin de comercio electrnico de uno y posiblemente arruinar un negocio de envo directo. Tambin puede causar problemas legales. [ cita requerida ]Conceptos relacionados Se llamar a la inversa del envo directo, donde un cliente recoge directamente de un mayorista en lugar de en una tienda minorista.Al igual que con el envo directo, el marketing de afiliacinpermite a un blogger, propietario de un sitio web u otra forma de propietarios de contenido de Internet comnmente conocidos en esa industria como editores o socios, enumerar o promocionar un producto o una campaa publicitaria en nombre de una marca de terceros que generalmente se llama comerciantes. En el marketing de afiliacin, el producto o los anuncios no son propiedad ni estn diseados por el editor afiliado y, a menudo, los afiliados y su contenido deben cumplir con los estndares contractuales que detallan cmo se puede representar la marca y la promocin. Los afiliados a menudo pueden no implicar en su comercializacin que poseen o representan la marca. A diferencia del envo directo, el cliente potencial, a menudo llamado cliente potencial, generalmente se redirige al sitio web, portal de ventas o carrito de compras del comerciante externo. Por lo tanto, en las transacciones tradicionales de marketing de afiliacin, el cliente potencial se redirige a la propia campaa de ventas del comerciante y, por lo tanto, solo se procesa directamente a travs de la red de terceros. Por lo tanto, se genera una comisin de afiliado para clientes potenciales y ventas que se producen directamente en el sitio web del comerciante tercero y no se combinara con ningn proceso o comisin que surja de una relacin de envo directo. Bajo laconcepto de cadena de suministro , el proveedor es el elemento clave y fundamental del envo directo. Los cargadores de envo necesitan un proveedor confiable y de calidad para desarrollar su negocio de envo directo. El proveedor y el remitente deben trabajar juntos para formar una asociacin estratgica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Cubase |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Investir na bolsa de valores mais fcil do que voc imagina!Hoje em dia temos mais de 2 milhes de brasileiros investidores, com uma populao de 210 milhes. Estamos apenas comeando a investir e temos muito potencial de aumentar esse nmero e lucrar com aes.A melhor forma de fazer o dinheiro trabalhar para voc se tornando scio de timas empresas!Aprenda todos passos necessrios para analisar todas as aes listadas na bolsa de valores e se tornar scio de grandes empresas, de forma simples e prtica. No deixe de adquirir essa oportunidade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Que tal investir em imveis e obter uma renda extra por meio de aluguis?Essa renda pode complementar seu salrio, sua aposentadoria ou levar voc a uma possvel independncia financeira.Imagine ser scio de escritrios de alto padro, lojas em shoppings nas melhores localizaes do pas, flats, lojas de rua e agncias bancrias.Receber mensalmente rendimentos em sua conta, provenientes de aluguel, sem se preocupar com a gesto desses imveis e toda a burocracia que envolve a administrao desse tipo de ativo.Saiba que isso possvel, mesmo quem tem pouco dinheiro pode investir em imveis por meio de fundos imobilirios.Aprenda todos passos necessrios para analisar e comprar fundos imobilirios e comece a receber o aluguel desses ativos periodicamente.No deixe de adquirir essa oportunidade!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
JavaScript |
"JavaScriptJavaScriptJavaScriptMDNDOMJavaScriptPromiseasync/awaitfetchwebpackbabelJavaScript2015511PCJavaScript ES6(IE11(bable))JavaScriptDOM(Promise/async/fetch)/////DOM//()//(window,history,location)/JSON/(Promiseasync/await)/Ajax(fetch)/WebAPI(API)///(webpack+babel+loader)Sass/ScssNode.js/npm, webpack, babel, Moment.jsVue.jscanvasJavaScriptjQuery"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Application de la commande backstepping un quadricoptre" |
"Ce cours est divis en trois parties. Dans la premire partie, vous apprendrez modliser un drone de type quadricoptre sous sa forme non-linaire. La seconde partie, dtail la thorie de Lyapunov ncessaire l'application de la commande backstepping. Une approche progressive avec des exemples illustratifs (thorique et sous Matlab Simulink) devraient vous permettre de saisir en profondeur le fonctionnement de ce type de commande. Enfin, la dernire partie illustre l'application de la commande backstepping un quadricoptre, d'un point de vue thorique et sous Matlab / Simulink.Notez que des diapositives dtailles sont fournies avec le cours ainsi que l'ensemble des fichiers Matlab/Simulink."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iOS App Testing in Swift, Xcode" |
"Writing tests isnt glamorous, but since tests keep your sparkling app from turning into a bug-ridden piece of junk, its necessary. If you are enrolling to this course, you already know you should write tests for your code and UI, but you may not know how.You may have a working app, but you want to test changes youre making to extend the app. Maybe you already have tests written, but arent sure whether theyre the right tests. Or, you have started working on a new app and want to test as you go.This Course will show you:How to use Xcodes Test navigator to test an apps model and asynchronous methodsHow to create Unit testsHow to test UI and performanceHow to use the code coverage tool"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Twinmotion - Direto ao Ponto." |
"Talvez voc modele suas cenas mas tenha dificuldades ou precise melhor o tempo para texturizar, iluminar e renderizar de modo satisfatrio. Essa pode ser uma boa oportunidade de aprimorar isso. Mas no apenas isso: voc pode adicionar recursos animados s suas produes. O plano o seguinte:A partir de uma cena modelo fornecida por ns, voc ser guiado passo a passo atravs de vdeos feitos com excelncia pelo Twinmotion 2020 (perfeitamente aplicvel s verses anteriores). Voc construir o contexto urbano da cena e aplicar as texturas e iluminaes, desfrutando de controles dinmicos de ajustes desses elementos. Depois, a partir das colocaes das cmeras, voc poder complementar seu modelo com objetos complementares como quadros, mveis, objetos de decorao. Voc ainda ser guiado sobre a insero de itens de vegetao, veculos em movimento, personagens animados, pssaros, peixes e outros itens de humanizao.Depois de tudo isso, voc exportar as imagens estticas e os vdeos de seu modelo de estudo. Adicionalmente, voc far a edio destes vdeos no prprio Twinmotion, gerar imagens panormicas e ver como us-las e ainda ver a exportao de um pacote interativo de apresentao.Se sua inteno melhorar a relao entre o tempo empregado em suas produes 3D e a qualidade dos seus trabalhos finais, esse curso para voc!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The secret on how to reach over 10,000 followers on Instagram" |
"this is a revealing secret behind a successful social/Instagram influencer and how you personally can reach more than 10,000 followers on Instagram. many have use it and it worked for them and you too can use the same Technics. if you have been longing to increase your followers and get more popular than you are right now then this is the best course for you"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SUPERVISO E GESTO: Telemarketing, Call Center e Televendas" |
"Ol meu nome Isaac Martins, sou professor, publicitrio, autor de livros, colunista de dezenas de portais, mestre pela Universidade de So Paulo e atuo no mercado de televendas a mais de 20 anos.Durante esse tempo, foram mais de 2.000 implantaes de telemarketing dos mais diversos tipos, portes e segmentos. Com todo esse know how escrevi 2 livros no segmento:A Bblia do Televendas, um guia de como implantar e gerenciar uma central de telemarketing, call center e vendas internas. Mquina de Vendas por Telefone na Era Digital, o livro que vai capacitar o seu time a atingir a melhor verso das vendas na era digitalE reuni as mais diversas informaes nesse curso on-line de SUPERVISO DE TELEMARKETING E CALL CENTERVeja as aulas abaixo, inclusive deixei a primeira sesso liberada para voc sentir mais confiana no contedo.NO SE ESQUEA! Confio tanto no meu contedo que voc ter a garantida de 30 dias. Se nesse perodo voc achar que o curso no agregou ou no para voc, com um clique devolvemos o seu valor. Aqui voc no perde nada!Bora iniciar esse curso agora com um desconto super especial?Te vejo no curso,Sucesso,Prof. Isaac Martins"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Carb Cycling For Weight Loss" |
"This diet video course reveals everything you need to know about Carb Cycling: how to get started with carb cycling, core benefits & implementation strategies, carb cycling protocols to follow, sample 7 day carb cycling meal plan and all the tips & tricks to get the best results out of this diet!This course is for those who want to:Lose weight in the safest & controlled mannerBurn stubborn belly fatsBreak the weight-loss plateauImprove overall athletic performanceBuild lean muscles effectively without gaining too much fatImprove muscle recovery in order to train longer with higher intensityOptimize physical performanceLive longer & healthier lifeLook good, feel good with the dream body!Topics covered:Could I Benefit from Carb CyclingWhat Does Carb Cycling Involve?What Does a Carb Cycling Diet Look Like?How Does Carb Cycling Help with Weight Loss?Are There Other Benefits to Carb Cycling?What do I Need to Remember About Carb Cycling?Types of Carb CyclingWhich Foods are Good on a Carb Cycling Regime?Sample Carb Cycling ProgramsHow do I get Started with Carb Cycling?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AZ-900 : Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Questions" |
"ComTech is offering 250+ UNIQUE practice questions for AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.5 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Microsoft Azure Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR MICROSOFT AZURE CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Microsoft Azure AZ-900 exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many Microsoft Azure AZ-900 practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 250+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 5 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 250+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the OfficialAZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a Invertir usando Python" |
"En este curso vamos a aprender mucho!. En primer lugar Exploraremos los conceptos bsicos de Python,muy enfocado a personas que no saben programar o quieren aprender un nuevo lenguaje.En el segundo mdulo explicaremos los conceptos bsico que debes conocer a la hora de invertir as como diferentes mtricas que te permitan saber cuando es buen momento para entrar o salir del mercado. En el tercer modulo Uniremos ambos conceptos la programacin en Python y la inversin para ver como programando podemos extraer informacin valiosa del mercado y poder as construir nuestro portafolio de Inversiones.En el cuarto modulo veremos un ejemplo prctico en el que estudiaremos la correlacin entre las 500 empresas ms importantes de EEUU y explicaremos como podemos idear estrategias de Trading Algortimico usando Quantopian.En el quinto modulo y ltimo mdulo veremos diferentes Software de Inversin y como podemos usarlos y extraer informacin til a la hora de entender el mercado, en este mdulo adems se ver como puedes invertir en una plataforma real.El curso est pensado para que cualquier persona que no tenga conocimientos de programacin ni finanzas puede aprender ya que est estructura de menos nivel a mayor. Es un curso muy prctico donde podrs desarrollar tus habilidades de programacin e inversin."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Automation Anywhere Anytime" |
"It is inevitable to remain untouched by the popularity and potential of RPA in the times when it is being speedily embraced by the business world, given to its steady role in growth and productivity. Explore with us and get to know about the exceptionally useful technology that benefits individuals and organizations alike and results in the overall growth in productivity and profitability.Contents:1. Five Automation Anywhere Sample Papers to get you Certification-ready.2. e-Books to get you covered: Automation Anywhere V11.3 Automation Anywhere IQ Bots Automation Anywhere Enterprise 11 LTS Metabot Designer User Guide Automation Anywhere Enterprise 11.3 Client User Guide3. Practical examples to get your Resume ready.P.S. - (2) & (3) could be accessed on completion of (1)."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sap/Abap - ALV (Abap List View) OO - Descomplicando o uso" |
"Pblico alvo:O curso voltado para desenvolvedores Abap iniciantes e/ou intermedirios que j possuem noo de Abap.O curso consiste em:Overview do ALV no orientado a objetos (REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY).Montagem simples. No comtempla eventos de clique nem FORM USER-COMMAND.Montagem completa do ALV OO (CL_GUI_ALV_GRID).Criao de tela de exibio de dados do ALV.Criao de e modificao de STATUS-PF.Criao de USER-COMMAND para tratamento das interaes do usurio.Como modificar os Labels das colunas sem o uso do elemento de dados.Como adicionar checkbox no ALV.Como adicionar ttulo ao ALV.Como mostrar mais de um ALV na mesma tela (Container)Como selecionar mltiplas linhas no ALV.Como remover botes do ALV.Como adicionar cones no ALV.Como colorir uma linha no ALV.Como colorir uma coluna no ALV.Como colorir uma determinada clula no ALV.Como adicionar NEGRITO a uma clula do ALV.Chamada de eventos do ALV.Como sumarizar e agrupar os dados do ALV.Como alterar os dados do ALV e refletir a alterao na tabela interna."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel for Young Professionals and Students" |
"This course is about Microsoft excel basics for young corporate professionals and students. In this course, I will be teaching the excel tools and techniques that you required as a young professional. I worked for 13 years in the corporate world and Microsoft excel was the daily tool that I required to work on from simple to complex things. So I will be teaching you all starting from excel interface, Row, Columns and cells to how to perform different analyses using different formulas. Formulas such as simple one like sum, average to some intermediate level like Hlookup, Vlookup.In this course, I have also explained to you in detail about the Pivot Table. How we can retrieve data from large data using Pivot Table.Then Also covered Graphs, the basic ones that are most commonly used during the presentations to the senior management at the corporate world and also very useful for students like Bar Graphs/Charts, Line Graphs/Charts, and Pie Graphs/Charts.I have also given some basic short keys that save you time while performing different functions in excel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Filmen mit dem iPhone fr meinen Nachbarn erklrt" |
"Schnell mal ein Video produziert, am besten mit dem Smartphone? Kein Problem, wenn du ein paar Dinge beachtest. In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen fr schne Videos, die du mit dem iPhone filmst. Ich gebe dir Empfehlungen fr weiteres Zubehr, das gut und gnstig ist. Dies ist der ultimative Kurs, fr alle, die ihre Videoideen ohne viel Schnickschnack mit ihrem Smartphone umsetzen wollen."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"3 Make Money Online Methods To Generate An Online Income" |
"In This Course I Will Share With You Three Methods To Generate An Online Revenue That Everyone Who Want's To Get An Online Income Can Apply Easily.You Can Generate With Them Up To 5000$ Profit Per Month.Each Method Is Explained Very Well With All What You Need To Do About It."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Contabilidade bsica fcil para iniciantes" |
"Este curso o resultado de 20 anos de experincia na aplicao de cursos presenciais de Contabilidade Bsica para leigos. uma forma inovadora e indita de abordar o assunto de uma maneira envolvente e sem burocracia ou enrolao. Tudo isso, alm de seu voltado para a prtica onde, ao final, o participante estar pronto para controlar seu prprio dinheiro usando o mtodo correto da contabilidade sem nunca mais precisar reinventar a roda."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Webassembly OpenCV Apache Cordova" |
"In this course you will learn how to write mobile apps.We will use Linux and create android app in multiplatform framework.Basic web building skills are required. You don't need Android Studio or Eclipse or any heavy IDE.Hardware requirements: 2GB RAM 16GB HDUbuntu 18.04 Desktop Webassembly - runs code faster in web browserOpenCV - Computer Vision Library Apache Cordova - multiplatform mobile app building frameworkThis course ends with fully working app that detects edges in video stream.Course consists of three sections.Section 1 Basic installation and configuration for simple apps (1-7)Section 2 OpenCV and Webassembly installation and configuration (8-16)Section 3 Creating simple demo app (17-23)1 Npm and Cordova installation.2 Project creation and jdk download.3 Oracle registration info4 Java installation5 Accept all licenses6 Install android packages and gradle7 Building app using cordova to check installation8 Install cmake and other requirements9 Webassembly download and install10 Check emcc11 Build opencvjs12 Adding plugins to project13 Optional step vim install and config14 config.xml15 index.html 16 Google chrome install and adb basics17 Index.js adding init18 Camera permissions19 Finding back camera20 Checking OpenCV is ready for use21 Starting video 22 Filtering to find edges23 Final build"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn Russian Language: Travel Russian Course - Beginners" |
"This online video course is made for the people who are going to travel to Russia, but don't want to learn a whole language or for those who want to explore Russian language from scratch and maybe in the future would like to learn Russian in more detail. Lessons designed as an easy to use, fun and logical introduction to the Russian language. It's perfect for people wanting to travel to Russia or explore Russian language from zero. This course is filled with useful information for travelers. Lessons cover many topics:Structure of Russian language Introduce yourself Order in a cafeShopping in a storeAsk for direction in the streetCheck in to a hotelEmergency situations, which are rarely covered in travel guides.You don't need to learn tons of complicated rules and exceptions, or memorize useless vocabulary. Take only selected information which you really need for comfortable travel to Russia.Whats inside?This course has 33 different types materials, built around 6 core topics:1. Introduce yourself (Russian alphabet, what is it/who is it, introduce yourself)2. In a city (Polite words, places and directions, where are you/where is it)3. In a store (Numbers from 1 to 10, daily food, accusative case)4. In a hotel (Personal pronouns, new verbs, vocabulary ""In a hotel"")5. In a cafe (Daily routine, describe your typical day, in a cafe)6. Emergency situations (Useful phrases, emergency services)After each lecture you can review what you learned and strengthen your newly acquired knowledge by taking quizzes.After completing the Travel Russian Course you will be able to communicate in simple, day-to-day situations in Russian and develop a natural understanding of the language.Start learning Russian already now and I see you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing Secrets 2020: 16 ways To Hack Instagram" |
"Before I show you all the great things, you will learn in this course. Let me tell you that my goal is to help you use all the Power of Instagram to exponentially increase your sales, crush your competitors and become an Instagram Leader in your niche while having a great time creating a community of raving fans that love your products and are addicted to your Instagram content.This is not a course like other courses where you just watch the videos and never implement anything, here well be working with actions and results. To guarantee that by the end of the course you will absolutely dominate Instagram and that you have real results, using the best Instagram and social media marketing strategies that are being used by large corporations that make thousands of dollars every day, strategies that you will start using today.Every Day, more than 800 Million people are active on Instagram, and 80% of them are following businesses on Instagram.But, how do you optimize your Instagram account to get more followers?How can you effectively plan your content to get more Likes, comments and shares?How can you spy and beat your competitors and see what are the exact strategies they are using?What are the things you need to do and the things you need to avoid?Not using the right strategies on Instagram will cause you to lose money, lose potential clients and to spend time with no result.Using the right strategies will give you outstanding results, increasing your sales, increasing the number of customers and your relationship with them, growing the number Likes on your photos, views on your videos, and inspiring your followers to take action and buy your products or services.Welcome to the Ultimate Instagram Marketing training in Udemy.In this course, you will learn how to reach hundreds, thousands or millions of people on Instagram and how to convert them into clients and raving fans.Well create and optimize your powerful Instagram account to make sure that when somebody visits your profile, they FOLLOW YOU!You will become an Instagram Content Genius, with strategies that will allow you to touch your customers heart with each post.Well talk about the 6 Ways to Create a Viral Instagram Post, about content ideas, content planning and scheduling to save you hours of time.You will identify and make a list of your top 5 competitors, and together, well do an X-ray of their accounts, learning whats working and whats not, so you can apply those strategies immediately and accelerate your results.You will also learn how to create 4 types of Instagram Ads, and how to analyze your results, so you know exactly what to do next.And of course, you will learn how to create raving fans with Instagram Live and Instagram Stories, (300 Million people watch Instagram Stories every day). Using the right Call to action, we can convert fans into customers.And as a Bonus, I'll share with you the Ways to Grow Your Instagram Organically (without Ads!) and the 6 Mistakes that most People Make on Instagram and how to avoid them.What will you learn? (if you find at least two things on this list that you think will take your Instagram game to the next level, you should enroll right now!)You will learn strategies to become an Instagram Leader! Dominating your niche or market on Instagram.You will learn how to beat your competitors on Instagram. You will identify and make a list of your top 5 competitors, and together, well do an X-ray of their accounts, learning whats working and whats not, so you can apply those strategies immediately and accelerate your results.You will learn how to create a community of raving fans that are addicted to your Instagram content.You will learn how to create an Instagram content masterplan that will generate the best results and save you time, money and energy.You will learn how to create unique business opportunities from your Instagram presence.You will learn how to build a trustful relationship with your Instagram fans, customers and business partners.You will learn how to get more Instagram followers, likes, comments, and shares.You will learn how to use Instagram to generate and grow your sales.You will learn how to spread your brand, your products and your message all over the world.You will learn how to use Instagram to increase traffic to your website, your stores, or other social media channels.You will learn how to run Instagram Ads like a Pro.You will learn how to use the power of Instagram Stories like a Pro.You will learn how to create your own Instagram Live show.Learn the best Instagram Marketing strategies that will create real results for you and your business, saving time, money and energy.and much more...Why should you take this course right now?There are 800 million people on Instagram every day, your target audience is there, people are waiting to hear from you, your products and services. If you are not optimizing your Instagram strategy, you may be missing a great opportunity.You need this course because here you will find real-world strategies. We will analyze the top players on Instagram to see what's the exact recipe they are using, you will see and learn that so you can implement immediately in your Instagram.You need this course because together, we'll identify your top 5 competitors on Instagram, and learn the strategies they are using.You will love this course because this is not like other courses where you just watch the videos, here you will get real, solid results.You will love this course because does not matter if you are new or an experienced Instagram user, here you will find strategies that will move your business forward.You will love this course because is not rocket science, this is a simple recipe that you can quickly follow. After each lecture, you can take immediate action, and start seeing results.You will love this course because you will learn how to ""read"" anyone's strategy, this is a skill that you can always use for business or personal relationships.You will love this course because you will have fun!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Salesforce Platform developer 2 Certification Practical Test" |
"The best Salesforce Platform developer 2 Certification Practical Tests and that is all I want to say. By doing all these practice tests, you are not only learning day to day Salesforce dev works, but you also access to the valuable exam like practicals which is going to help you a lot with your exam. And it has awesome explanation and tips from the Salesforce documentation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blueprism certification pass guarantee 100%updated Oct 2020" |
"caution : I will update with more papers as soon as i get.Important Tips for Preparation of AD01 RPA Blue Prism Certification ExamHello Friends, Welcome!!! Here I would be discussing Some Important Tips for Preparation of AD01 RPA Blue Prism Certification Exam and Some Important Steps which would be helpful to clear your Exam. I would be providing Real time exam Questions which contains AD01 Exam Paper Pattern which contains 60 Objective Type Questions which will be very helpful to each of you. I would be also sharing you the Blue Prism Question Pattern provided by Blue Prism Portal. In the Exam You have 60 Questions with 60 Mins with 60 Marks. Each question has 1 mark each, Min Passing Percentage is 70%.My Advice to all is that please read all given tips Properly and follow all tips properly. And All of You Surely Clear Your RPA Blue Prism AD01 Certification exam.1) First Refer All Guides of Blue Prism properly such as Development Best Practice, Object Design Guide, Exception Handling, Environment Variables, and Session Variables and Work Queues.2) Practice all Demo Examples given in Guides on Blue Prism Portal which is (Please refer this link (Log in Blue Prism Portal). This link contains all Reference Guides of Blue Prism.3) Start Preparation of any exam very early almost before 15 Days and not on Eleventh Hour or Just Simple Say Before One Day of Exam. Take some advice from your friends you have already given.(i) Exceptions Handling,(ii) Work Queues,(iii) Data Handling,(iv) Environment Variables and Session Variables,(v) General Processes like Calculation, Decision, Choice, Subpage,, Parametrization Examples, Passing Values and(vi) All VBOs Example just go through it once.(vii) Object Layer Design5) Take Dumps before almost 3-4 days. Just Go Through All Questions Once. Try to Guess the Answer and Best way is to Just Practice with pen and paper and Try to Solve Questions and Get Answers of Question with Blue Prism Studio.6) Then Copy All Dumps to New Word Document but this time Delete All Answers from Dumps Questions. Keep Original Dumps for your Reference and Just Test Yourself Just as your giving Self-Test of 60 Questions.7) In this above Process of Self-test, you might get All Questions Correct and You Might Get All Questions Wrong or Some Questions Correct or Some Questions Wrong.8) After Test try to match your Ans with Answers given in dumps, and Get Score of Test.9) Lastly you try with Self-Test of Each Section on Blue Prism Portal which is given on Blue Prism Portal (Refer this Link-:Log in Blue Prism Portal )"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"rem'le talyanca Temel Seviye" |
"Kursun Hedefi:Katlmclar, talyan alfabesinden itibaren dili sfrdan renmeye balar ve gnlk konumann gerektirdii basit cmleleri kurabilecek seviyeye gelirler.erik: Kurs dev ve mini snavlarla desteklenmi 10 dersten olumaktadr.talyan AlfabesiHece OkunularsimlerTanm Edatlartalyan Cmle YapsGeni Zaman ve Dzenli Fiil ekimleriGeni Zamanda Dzensiz FiillerGeni Zamanda 'Olmak' FiiliGeni Zamanda 'Sahip olmak' FiiliGeni Zamanda 'Yeterlilik & stek & Zorunluluk' Fiilleri"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"DIY Logo Design Course" |
"In this course, I will not just teach you how to design and create your own logo, but I will teach you the finer detail before you design your logo.Your logo is the face of your company, therefore it needs to set of emotions that will attract your ideal customer. So just slapping lines to paper is not enough. And with this course, you will see how you can use psychology to attract more customers.Designing your logo can be easy, but only if you understand the fundamentals."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dealing with Depression after Divorce or Broken Relationship" |
"Relationship is all about companionship & support, care & share, love &joy. It is very natural to be sad and feel low when a relationship comes to an end (whatever the reason be) . It may be a divorce case or a broken relationship, the pain and agony of the person concerned and family members is unexplainable. This course 'DEALING WITH DEPRESSION AFTER DIVORCE OR BROKEN RELATIONSHIP', is specially designed to learn ways to effectively deal with depression in such cases through positive insight, visualization techniques, lectures and processes."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Linux Kernel Driver Development" |
"Starting your journey in the Linux device driver development is a pain for beginners. This course is designed to clear the air and provide the right insights for beginners to get started in device driver development. Before jumping right away into development it is better to know the basics and need of device drivers. So, the course begins with an introduction to Linux kernel architecture, the role of device drivers. Course Structure Includes:Introduction to Linux Kernel architecture.Role of device drivers and their use case.Intermediate steps involved in the compilation process.Cross Compilation for the target architecture.Kernel APIs understanding for getting started.Implement a Hello World module.Module Building, inserting, and checking status procedure.__init and __exit keywords and their use case.Character driver implementation.Implementing read, write operations for the character driver.Creating and submitting our first Linux kernel patch.This course, if well practiced well enough along with supported theory and lecture, is good enough for any beginner to get started in device drivers development. As time proceeds, I will be updating the course contents with the additional drivers and techniques for debugging the drivers.Hope you will enjoy and have fun learning. Cheers."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Advanced Google Tag Manager (GTM) 12+ practical use cases" |
"You know the basics of Google Tag Manager and you want to see more examples of how you could use this tool to your advantage. Here I collected advanced and intermediate use cases of how you could use your Google Tag Manager and explain why those examples could be beneficial for you or your clients.This is a list of practical use cases that we will setup in this course:Tracking any website form performance (including AJAX forms and edge cases using dataLayer)Tracking of any element visibility and CTR (using GTM + GA + DataStudio example)Personalize website content based on acquisition channel (We will hide subscription forms if users came from email)Detect user device type and fire tags separately on mobile or desktopTracking of dropdownsTracking of checkboxesHiding any element from the website using GTMAdding any element on the website using GTMCount page views during a session and fire a tag (popup) when a certain amount is reached.CSS selectors - a very detailed introduction for GTM usersTracking of JavaScript errors on the website, automatic alert setup and review dashboard exampleCreating and deleting cookies using GTMI will add more hands-on examples based on student requests and feedback.Why this course?Tons of Ready-to-go custom JavaScript templates for your GTM tags and variables that are available in resource materials.Most examples are divided into stand-alone videos, it's easy to find the most relevant use cases for your project.I explain the practical application behind each example."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_TSCM62_65 Certified Associate Order Fulfillment Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following can directly influence if it will run an availability check? (Pick two)a) The category of online planning in the sales documentb) The type of deliveryc) The control group in the material masterd) The item category in the sales documentQ) On the basis of which of the following dates is the availability of control (ATP) carried out?a) Required delivery dateb) Lead date Supplyc) Material availability dated) Goods issue dateQ) According to the system there is no stock available, but you continue to receive a program line has confirmed the sales order. What is the reason for this confirmation?a) The availability check that was carried out included a lead time of supply in the control area.b) The system automatically searches for other plants for inventory and transfers this inventory for the plant with zero inventory in the sales order.c) The availability of the control was carried out, and the saving, the system immediately reprogrammed sales orders according to customer priority.d) Inventory Management creates a transfer action when the sales order is saved.Q) If the material is entered in the sales order it is not available, as the user is alerted to this situation?a) The incompletion log displays the programming line not confirmed as missing field.b) Displays the availability control screen.c) The schedule line is marked and highlighted by the system.d) An error message is displayed on the status bar informs you of the situation.Q) As a member of the project team, you are asked to set the system so that the user must enter a reason the order when processing a sales order. It should be possible to save the incomplete order, but further processing should not be possible until the Reason field order is filled. How do you implement this requirement?a) You can define a procedure incompleteness Reason Order field and score as mandatory.b) You can define a procedure of incompleteness with the field Reason Order and assign a group of state in which the general courts, delivery and billing document are selected.c) You can define a procedure of incompleteness with the Order reason field, assign it to the type of sales document, and set the status ""released for further processing.""d) You can define a procedure of incompleteness with Reason Order field and assign it to a type of sales document that has the ""Incomplete message"" indicator in September"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |