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"Star-Verkufer Sales Tools fr Deinen Erfolg: Einwnde & Co." |
"Herzlich Willkommen bei dem Kurs, der dafr sorgen kann, dass Deine persnlichen Verkaufszahlen nach oben schieen.In diesem Kurs bekommst Du wertvolle Werkzeuge fr Deinen Vertriebs-Werkzeugkoffer:Welche Tools sind das? Hast Du schon einmal von Verkufern gehrt, die gefhlt nicht viel ""aufs Papier"" bekommen? Woran liegt das?Oftmals landen diese direkt in einer Preisdiskussion, die entweder ohne Abschluss oder in einer Rabattschlacht endet. Vielleicht kennst Du Verkufer die das erleben? Aus diesem Grund bekommst Du in diesem Kurs eine Anleitung, die Dich perfekt durch das Verkaufsgesprch bis zur Preisverhandlung fhrt. Du lernst den WHID-Effekt kennen, wie Du Dich und Dein Produkt prsentierst und wie Du gekonnt und gelassen mit Einwnden umgehst. All das erhltst Du kurz und prgnant und ohne viel Bla-Bla - sondern zielgerichtet, dass Du besser wirst und Deine Verkaufszahlen nach oben gehen.Es spielt keine Rolle, ob du mehr Geld verdienen mchtest, deine Verkaufszahlen steigern oder endlich die Dinge angehen mchtest, die du die ganze Zeit vor dir herschiebst. Wohin auch immer du mchtest, du brauchst eine Basis, einen Startpunkt.Gemeinsam gehen wir den ersten Schritt und ich zeige dir die Basics aller Basics, die du praktisch anwenden kannst, um sofort einen sprbaren Unterschied in deinem Leben zu erzielen.Die einzige Frage, die bleibt: Bist Du auch dabei?Du mchtest Deine Performance im Vertrieb auf ein anderes Level heben? Dann wird Dir dieser Kurs helfen.Dank ber 20 Jahren Vertriebserfahrung in einem DAX-Konzern und zahlreichen Auszeichnungen, durfte ich schon in hunderten von Seminaren und Trainingsmanahmen eine groe Zahl von Vertrieblern begleiten und nach vorne bringen. Mit all dieser Erfahrung habe ich die Gruppen der Vertriebsathleten gegrndet. Die Vertriebsathletik-Reihe ist ein Best-Off aus all diesen Trainingsmanahmen, der alle wichtigen Ebenen des Vertriebs und Network-Marketings abdeckt.Wenn Du Dich gefragt hast:- Wie bringe ich mein Business auf ein anderes Level?- Wie baue ich mein Netzwerk auf?- Wie gewinne ich andere Menschen fr mich, mein Business und mein Produkt?- Welche Techniken helfen mir dabei?- Wir schaffe ich es mein positives MindSet zu steigern und auf andere zu bertragen?- Welche der 1001 Vertriebs-Tipps, die sich teils widersprechen, funktionieren?oder Vertriebs-Insiderwissen aus einer Hand suchstdann bist Du bei bei den Vertriebsathleten richtig.Ich habe Freude daran, Dich zu untersttzen, Deinen Weg zu gehen. Du wirst begleitet, indem Du wertvolle Werkzeuge bekommst und lernst, wie Du diese richtig einsetzt, dass Du das Gleiche tun kannst wie ich:Dein Business aufbauen mit Erfolg, Nachhaltigkeit, Freude, mentaler Strke und genug Zeit sowie einem Kontostand, der Dir die Zeit fr Dich und Dein engstes Umfeld auf eine andere Ebene hebt.Das Ziel ist es, Dir dabei zu helfen, Deine Ziele schneller zu erreichen. Du bekommst Abkrzungen und Bauanleitungen, wie Du Dir ein Netzwerk aufbaust, wie Du bessere und erfolgreichere Gesprche fhrst. Du erlebst, wie Du Dein Business in eine andere Dimension fhrst.Vertrieb ist nicht immer easy-going. Es hat mit Arbeit zu tun und ist manchmal eine emotionale Achterbahn. Du steigst hoch zu ungeahnten Hhen aber manchmal rauschst Du auch in die Tiefe. Mein Ziel ist es, dass Du nicht nur Werkzeuge kennst, wie Du Dich und Dein Business nach vorne bringst. Sondern auch Dich mental so fit zu machen, dass Deine Tiefs auf andere wirken wie deren Hochs.Ich habe gelernt, verschiedenste Methoden zu nutzen, um schneller ans Ziel zu kommen. Wenn Du motiviert, voller Kompetenz und diszipliniert an Deine Vorhaben heran gehst, wird Dein Leben in allen Bereichen reicher.Eine Info der guten Ordnung halber. Du hast mit Menschen zu tun. Behandele Deine Mitmenschen immer voller Respekt und respektiere deren Perspektive. Dies gilt vor allem fr alle Bereiche der Kontaktaufnahme. Beachte bitte stets alle rechtlich relevanten Themen. Gerade das Datenschutzthema und die Bedingungen von Tools oder Apps, die Du nutzt sind zu beachten. Alle Themen, die hier besprochen werden sind vorbehaltlich nderungen und Fehlern in der Ausfhrung und / Darstellung. Gerade rechtliche Themen knnen sich ndern - daher checke immer, ob Du juristisch auf der sicheren Seite bist. Hierfr kann der Verfasser keine Verantwortung bernehmen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Persnlichkeitsentwicklung: Power und Drive an jedem Tag" |
"Hallo und herzlich Willkommen bei dem Video-Kurs, der Deinen persnlichen Lifestyle auf ein anderes Level bringen kann.Kennst Du Menschen, die sich stndig wegen aller mglichen Dinge Sorgen und Gedanken machen?Hast Du von Menschen gehrt, die meinen, dass alles immer schwierig sei?Bist Du Menschen begegnet, deren Glas gefhlt immer halb leer ist?Mchtest Du keiner dieser Menschen sein?Dann bist Du hier richtig.Schn, dass Du da bist und vielen Dank, dass Du Dich fr diesen Kurs interessierst.Was erwartet Dich?Meistere die Herausforderung des Lebens, indem du deine mentale Fitness steigerst und Du lernst, wie Du Dich nicht immer verrckt machst. Die mentalen Trainingssessions werden dir dabei helfen, entspannter durch Dein Leben zu gehen.Erhalte Methoden an die Hand, deine Zeit zu meistern und das meiste aus Deiner Zeit heraus zu holen. Werde effektiver und produktiver. Lerne wie Du in krzerer Zeit mehr erreichst.Bekomme einen Einblick, wer und was Dir bei der Erreichung Deiner Ziele im Wege steht und wie Du mit diesen Hindernissen umgehst.Kursablauf:In zehn kurzen Kapiteln bekommst Du Hacks und Tools fr die wesentlichen Dinge, die Dein mentales Mindset und damit Deinen Lifestyle beeinflussen. Wie gehst Du Probleme richtig an? Wie gehst Du mit anderen Menschen um, dass diese Dich nicht bremsen oder aufhalten? Welche Menschen bringen Dich weiter? Welche Abkrzungen gibt es, dass Du Deine Zeit so produktiv wie mglich nutzt?Was sind die drei Grundgesetze fr Deinen Erfolg?Wie reduzierst Du Deinen Stress in einer Minute auf ein Minimum?Wie wirst Du ungebremst und unaufhaltsam?Wie konditionierst Du Dich richtig?Das sind nur ein paar der Fragen, die in diesem Kurs beantwortet werden.Es bleibt nur eine Frage: Bist Du auch dabei?Eine Info der guten Ordnung halber. Du hast mit Menschen zu tun. Behandele Deine Mitmenschen immer voller Respekt und respektiere deren Perspektive. Dies gilt vor allem fr alle Bereiche der Kontaktaufnahme. Beachte bitte stets alle rechtlich relevanten Themen. Gerade das Datenschutzthema und die Bedingungen von Tools oder Apps, die Du nutzt sind zu beachten. Alle Themen, die hier besprochen werden sind vorbehaltlich nderungen und Fehlern in der Ausfhrung und / Darstellung. Gerade rechtliche Themen knnen sich ndern - daher checke immer, ob Du juristisch auf der sicheren Seite bist. Hierfr kann der Verfasser keine Verantwortung bernehmen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"[Python Django 3 RestFramework + Angular 9]Web" |
"*********Angular***AgileDjango RestFrame work APIAngular 9WebSPA()-BackEnd : Django RestFramework API-FrontEnd : Angular 9 + BootStrap[]Django: 3.0.4Django restframework: 3.11.0Angular: 9.0.7-Agile(Web )Full Stack-Django RestFramework API-PostmanAPI-Angular 9 Type Script-Angular-Bootstrap-Back end(Django Rest framework API)Front end* MacWindowsQ&A*()-Anaconda Navigator-PyCharm-Postman-Visual Studio Code-Chrome"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"WebAssembly Beginner to Advanced 2020" |
"In this course you will learn what WebAssembly is, how can you use it and benefit from its capabilities.This is a brand new technology which lets you to run your C/C++, Rust, AssemblyScript code (and many more to come) on the web by using assembly-like binary files.You will learn: To compile your C/C++ code to the WebAssembly binary format (wasm) using online compilers, and after this, the Emscripten toolkit locally. The low-level building blocks of a WebAssembly moduleThe WebAssembly Text Format (wat) and use it to solve complex problemsHow to use the Emscripten Module object and the generated glue codeCall C/C++ functions from JavaScript and vice-versaDebug and launch the Emscripten web serverCompile a Qt project to WebAsseblyIf you want to be a part of the future of the web development, this is the best place for you to start. You will get to an advanced level of using the web assembly technology in no time."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Poderoso Cocriador" |
"No deixe que os seus medos tomem o lugar dos seus sonhos.Walt Disney.A primeira coisa que voc deve saber: sua frequncia vibracional determina tudo o que voc vai sintonizar na sua vida.Agora tente pensar... Qual frequncia voc emite ao Universo? Ser negativa ou positiva? Voc tem mais medo do que sonhos? Ou ser que algo do seu passado est bloqueando a prosperidade na sua vida?Em uma tcnica nica e indita com base em best-sellers internacionais, a Pura Energia Positiva desenvolveu o curso Poderoso Cocriador para te mostrar o passo a passo da da frmula da cocriao, unindo a Lei da Atrao com a meditao. Neste curso, voc vai aprender a ser um verdadeiro cocriador, com um guia de profunda transformao em vrios mbitos, e tudo comea em um s lugar: na sua mente.A sua mente inconsciente h poderes extraordinrios. Em um estado alfa (que voc atinge quando medita), voc consegue se alinhar com o Universo. essa energia transformadora que vai guiar a sua vida para uma transformao, conectando voc ao seu novo e verdadeiro eu. Mas no apenas isso: para ser um poderoso cocriador, voc deve comear a agir imediatamente. No espere nem um segundo a mais para comear a sua mudana de dentro para fora! E Vanessa Scott est aqui para te auxiliar durante todo esse processo.Neste curso, voc vai aprender a identificar os cadeados que te bloqueiam da prosperidade, a chave para a abundncia, os segredos sobre a Lei da Atrao e a Cincia da Manifestao. Vai entender melhor sobre as feridas emocionais e as frequncias que anulam ou impulsionam seu pedido no universo. E, finalmente, esse curso vai te mostrar na prtica, as aes que voc deve tomar para despertar o poder interior para conquistar uma vida plena, livre e incrvel na mesma vibrao de abundncia do universo.Os sonhos existem para tornarem-se realidade.Walt Disney.Voc como o intenso desejo que lhe impulsiona:Assim como seu desejo, assim ser sua vontade.Assim como sua vontade, assim sero seus atos.Assim como so seus atos, assim ser seu destino.Assim como seu destino, assim ser voc.Deepak Chopra."
Price: 459.99 ![]() |
"++ GOF" |
"- ++ . GoF, - . , ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What defines a project is executed, monitored and controlled, and closed the document?a) Strategic Planb) project Charterc) Project Management Pland) Service Level AgreementQ) What changes occur in risk and uncertainty, as well as the cost of changes such as the life cycle of a typical project progress?a) Risk and increased uncertainty; the cost of the changes increases.b) Risk and increased uncertainty; the cost of changes decreases,c) Risk and decrease the uncertainty; the cost of the changes increases.d) Risk and decrease the uncertainty; the cost of changes decreases.Q) What tool or technique it is used in the Application of the Plan Scope management process?a) analysis of documentsb) observationsc) analysis of the productd) expert ReviewsQ) What tool or technique is a review of the sector and of specific vendor?a) independent estimatesb) Market researchc) analytical techniquesd) bidder conferencesQ) An input used in the development of the communications management plan is:a) communication models.b) Enterprise environmental factorsc) organizational communications,d) organizational cultures and styles."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Cocina saludable sin gluten. Panadera integral gluten free." |
"En este taller vas a descubrir la gran variedad de harinas integrales sin gluten que existen. Aprenders cmo combinar nuevos sabores en preparaciones de panadera para darle siempre los mejores alimentos a tu cuerpo.Juntos derribaremos el mito de que la alimentacin sana no puede ser rica.Me interesa tanto como a vos que logres resultados ptimos, por lo cual podrs consultarme cuantas veces necesites si te surge alguna duda. Estoy para guiarte y ayudarte!Las recetas integrales y sin gluten que vers en este curso son: Pan de molde de sorgo y sarraceno.Baguette de sorgo.Pan rabe integral de cha, quinoa y arroz integral.Tortitas de garbanzos.Grisines de lino y amaranto.Facturas integrales.Donas integrales.Pancitos de azahar y amaranto.Pancitos de quinoa.Brioche de mazTrataremos temas importantes como:La contaminacin cruzada.La limpieza necesaria para eliminar el gluten.Qu hornos utilizar.Utensilios aptos para la produccin.Celiaqua, intolerancia, sensibilidad y dieta sin gluten.Sin mix comerciales! Hacemos nuestras propias premezclas y combinaciones de harinas. Los principales ingredientes que usamos para esto son:Harina de sarraceno.Harina de sorgo.Harina de arroz integral.Harina de lino.Harina de garbanzos.Harina de cha.Harina de amaranto.Harina de quinoa.Harina de maz.Fcula de mandioca.Harina de arroz.Almidn de maz.Leche en polvo ( te enseo como reemplazarla es caso de intolerancia).Goma xntica o guar.Pods aprender a tu propio ritmo y en tus horarios disponibles! Tenes acceso de por vida a los videos, podrs verlos cuantas veces necesites, pausarlos, y volver a retomar desde los puntos que necesites, en los momentos que vos elijas.No es necesario que tengas ninguna experiencia previa, con muchas ganas de aprender es suficiente!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Repostera sin gluten. Pastelera bsica gluten free." |
"Realizars una amplia variedad de preparaciones dulces, con distintas tcnicas de repostera que luego podrs aplicar a una infinidad de recetas. Abarcaremos las tcnicas bsicas de pastelera y la aplicaremos a nuestras preparaciones sin gluten: masas quebradas, mtodo cremado y arenado; masas batidas livianas; masas batidas pesadas; postres tpicos; cremas, ganaches y merengue italiano.Con este curso sper completo estars altamente calificado, una vez concludo, para realizar una gran variedad de preparaciones de pastelera 100% libres de gluten y aptas para celacos. Ya que incluye: un componente terico sobre la contaminacin cruzada y como evitarla, y 10 recetas.Me interesa tanto como a vos que logres resultados ptimos, por lo cual podrs consultarme cuantas veces necesites si te surge alguna duda. Estoy para guiarte y ayudarte!Las recetas sin gluten que vers en este curso son: Alfajorcitos de maicena.BrownieBudn de zanahoria y naranja.Brazo gitano.Torta de chocolate.Cookies de frutos secos.Turrn alemn.Chocotorta.Galletas y masitas secas.Lemon pie.Trataremos temas importantes como:La contaminacin cruzada.La limpieza necesaria para eliminar el gluten.Qu hornos utilizar.Utensilios aptos para la produccin.Celiaqua, intolerancia, sensibilidad y dieta sin gluten.Sin mix comerciales! Hacemos nuestras propias premezclas y combinaciones de harinas. Los principales ingredientes que usamos para esto son:Almidn de maz.Harina de arroz.Fcula de mandioca.Leche en polvo ( te enseo como reemplazarla es caso de intolerancia).Goma xntica o guar.Pods aprender a tu propio ritmo y en tus horarios disponibles! Tenes acceso de por vida a los videos, podrs verlos cuantas veces necesites, pausarlos, y volver a retomar desde los puntos que necesites, en los momentos que vos elijas.No es necesario que tengas ninguna experiencia previa, con muchas ganas de aprender es suficiente!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Il Pronome Relativo Greco: usi e particolarit" |
"Questo corso offre una visione d'insieme del pronome relativo greco e delle subordinate relative, compresi i fenomeni particolari (prolessi, attrazione ecc...) Troverai consigli pratici di traduzione, approfondimenti di morfologia e di sintassi, costruzioni particolari, le tipologie di relative possibili : insomma tutto ci che riguarda il relativo e le possibilit di tradurlo. La parte introduttiva del corso si sofferma rapidamente sulla morfologia dei pronomi relativi, con particolare attenzione sul principale ;La parte centrale analizza con vari esempi i pi frequenti fenomeni sintattici particolari che interessano la relativa :-Assorbimento del dimostrativo -Nesso relativo -Prolessi del relativo -Attrazione diretta e inversa del relativo -Locuzioni e strutture particolari costruite col relativo -Segue un quiz su quanto affrontato in queste prime due sezioni ;Si conclude con una lezione legata alla differenza tra relative proprie ed improprie e i modi del verbo che in esse si possono trovare Al termine del corso sarai in possesso di tutti gli strumenti per tradurre ogni tipo di relativa! Ricorda di scaricare il materiale pdf dalla sezione risorse per seguire meglio gli esempi ed usufruire di rapidi schemi di ripasso"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced C# - Learn from Open SourceCreate Project List" |
"First of all Why we need to re-create a class that is already available within the .Net framework library? What is the purpose of cloning it? To answer that let me explain ""Why this course""?When it comes to Software development, everyone will look forward to working in a very interesting, complex, challenging projects which will simulate the thoughts, analytical, and technical skills. Working on such challenging projects will help anyone to gain tremendous knowledge on new things. However, in reality, not everyone will get the opportunity to work on something very cool and interesting.But if one is interested in learning something cool, or some examples of some good design or advanced concepts, the best place to learn is looking at the source code of existing well-proven applications.In today's world, many of the applications, frameworks, tools, utilities are completely open-source. Where we can explore every single source code file and understand the design, algorithm, logic behind it.What is in this CourseThis course is an attempt and walkthrough of an answer for a curious technical exploration question. We all know that the .NET framework itself is open-source, which means we can access every class in .NET framework to see how it is written. With the situation of readily available source code, this is a self-challenge to re-create some of the existing .NET framework features from scratch and validate if our thought or design aligns with what is originally written within the .NET framework. Here in this course, I'm re-creating the experience of creating a List class from scratch along with the details.We will explore the challenges and learning in the journey of building this feature. Time to time we will peak into the source code of .net framework to understand how this feature is implemented there.BonusThere are few chapters on the Netstandard library with detailed walkthru of creating the NetStandard library."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exams Exampods" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Validate your technical skills and expertise with an industry-recognized credential and grow your career.The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role with two or more years of hands-on experience managing and operating systems on AWS.,Abilities Validated by the CertificationDesign and deploy dynamically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, and reliable applications on AWSSelect appropriate AWS services to design and deploy an application based on given requirementsMigrate complex, multi-tier applications on AWSDesign and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations on AWSImplement cost-control strategies"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Practice Exams Exampods" |
"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Validate your technical skills and expertise with an industry-recognized credential and grow your career.The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a DevOps engineer role with two or more years of experience provisioning, operating, and managing AWS environments. Abilities Validated by the CertificationImplement and manage continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWSImplement and automate security controls, governance processes, and compliance validationDefine and deploy monitoring, metrics, and logging systems on AWSImplement systems that are highly available, scalable, and self-healing on the AWS platformDesign, manage, and maintain tools to automate operational processes Recommended Knowledge and ExperienceExperience developing code in at least one high-level programming languageExperience building highly automated infrastructuresExperience administering operating systemsUnderstanding of modern development and operations processes and methodologies"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certification Guide For Python 2 Course" |
"In this Python course you will learn the basics of Python from scratch. This comprehensive course will teach you the basics of Python, Python Statements, Python Functions, Tuples, Operators, Numbers in Python, Uses of Strings and Programming in Python. If you want to learn Python 3 then this is the course for you. But we will also cover Python 2. This course is designed to take you beginner to advanced in Python. Work on Real World as a professional Python programmer using this comprehensive course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Excel From Scratch" |
"Microsoft Excel is used by millions of people around the world every day. It is an extremely powerful tool that allows individuals and businesses to easily sort, search, and review large sets of data.While there are endless possibilities for how to use Excel, there are a number of basic formulas and built-in tools that everyone should know. You can learn these basic tips in under an hour and once youve mastered them youll be using Excel faster and more efficiently than ever before.In this course Im going to show you Split the text into multiple columns based on pre-determine break points,Easily clean up large lists and columns,Easily count different kinds of cells, such as blanks or non-blanks, with number, date or text values, containing specific words or character, etc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Architect Practice Tests New (AZ-300/AZ-303)" |
"Best One Stop to start if you are are taking up Azure Architect certifications or starting in architect path. We cover practical aspects of the role in enabling you to pass the Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Certification with the view of skills assessed under upcoming certification road maps. All the best for your future, Happy learning !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
zaimu-bunseki |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"SOLIDWORKS CSWA Certification Practice Test" |
"Welcome to CSWA Certification Practice Exam.this exam is presented to you by Junior Engineers training center. the Exam is made by our certified SOLIDWORKS instructors and they are the following:Eng.Mohamed Farid Dowlah, CSWA, CSWP, CSWPA-SU & CSWPA-SM CertifiedEng.Mohamed Karam Dahy, CSWA, CSWP & CSWPA-SM CertifiedEng.Mohamed Shoman, CSWA, CSWP & CSWPA-SM Certifiedthe aim of this exam is to be similar to real CSWA certification exam to give you a background about the real exam sections and its questions and be ready to take it.The Exam consists of 3 sections which are similar to the real exam and they are:Drafting Section.this section covers the Drafting Section in SOLIDWORKS and consists of 3 MCQ questions.Part Modelling Section.this section covers the Sketching Entities and Tools and basic features of part modelling like Extrude, Revolve and helping features like Mirror and Pattern and this Section consists of 3 parts with total 7 questions with different complexity level: Basic Part.Intermediate Part.Advanced Part.Assembly Section.this section covers the Basic Assembly Features like Inserting components & Standard Mates and it consists of 2 Assemblies with total 4 questions with 2 questions on each Assembly.After this exam you will be ready to take the real exam within a short time and a high score.We hope you a good luck and a high score and don't hesitate to ask us about anything."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Java Programming With Hands On Examples" |
"If you have a basic understanding of Java but feel ready to start digging deeper, this is the course for you. It's the perfect followup to our Java 8 beginners tutorial, but also suitable for those who've worked through other introductions, as well.You will start with a quick review of Java, then jump into learning about object inheritance, interfaces, abstract classes, and polymorphism. From there, Brian will teach you about exceptions and string manipulation, including custom exceptions, checked and unchecked exceptions, and the string tokenizer."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript Course For Kidsm" |
"Hi! Welcome to my course.This course will help you learn the latest technologies, tools and libraries to become a proficient web developer. Think of this course as an encyclopedia of all the knowledge you need to take your developer skills to the next level.Everything well cover in this course is up-to-date and even anticipates future advancements to prepare you for what is to come. We focus on the most commonly used technologies, libraries and frameworks."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Homemade hand sanitizer Masterclass 2020" |
"*!ATTENTION!* . THE most coprehensive, practical, complete and demystifying course on homemade hand sanitizers on the WEB. The course is based on my lab experience as I gained it during my specialization in Biotechnology and food engineering, as part of my undergrad degree in Chemical engineering, as well as on the experiments I perform for my Master's thesis. Last but not least, I try to communicate the notions of this course the way I wanted to be taught ""Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less""Marie Curie, Nobel prize winner "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Substance Painter - Creating Normal Maps" |
"Creating Normal Maps - Substance Painter Tutorial[1hrs 41min] Project Files IncludedThis tutorial will walk you through how to create normal maps inside of Substance Painter. Learn how to Bake Maps, Use Mirroring, Radial Symmetry, Importing Custom Text, Masking, Creating Straight Lines, Using Stroke Spacing, Exporting Maps and more. By the end of the lesson you will have the skills necessary to create complex normal maps on your own hard surface models.Files: FBX, Maya (2020) files and Photoshop files.Video TutorialsThere are 11 Video Tutorials averaging about 10 minutes per video. These can be viewed in order or feel free to jump into any lesson to just learn a specific technique.This is part of the Creating Advanced Hard Surface Vehicles in Maya Series: The series is designed to show the workflow from Modeling to Rendering and Lighting but any part can be viewed as a stand alone lesson. Other Lessons that will continue on what you learned here will included Modeling, UV Mapping, Creating Color IDs, Materials in Substance, and Rendering and Lighting. You will be provided the proper starting files to follow along."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tutte le forme verbali dell'inglese" |
"In questo corso vedremo in maniera dettagliate le forma verbali dell'inglese attraverso esempi e prendendo in considerazione i loro veri utilizzi in contesti diversi. Analizzeremo i veri presenti,passati e futuro con uno sguardo anche al gerundio,participio e infinito.Lo scopo del corso quello di ottenere padronanza e dimestichezza nella scelta del verbo pi adeguato ad ogni contesto."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
ez-excel-chart |
". , . . ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Techniques in 1:1s - For Leaders" |
"This deeply innovative course will help leaders like you to learn techniques to coach your managers efficiently and effectively. It will help you understand what coaching is, how it is different from other forms of leader-manager engagement. You will be exposed to the various techniques that you will employee for future coaching sessions with your subordinates. It will also help you refine your 1:1s with team members. As a result, you will efficiently draw out a growth plan for them to align team goals for continued success!"
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"MUN 101: Power Play & Rules of Procedures" |
"MUN is more than just a competition; it is a chance that requires me to balance out academic intelligence with emotional and social intelligence, listening and speaking, safeguarding and accommodating, defending and sacrificing . Three years thriving, I realized that MUN is a platform of self development that makes us master the art of understanding ourselves and others. For the greater good that it has taught me,I'm sharing what I my knowledge through this video as an MUNer that is also a coach, trainer, and a chair (judge of MUN).This video is an ""MUN Basic"" series that is targeted to beginners that just want to jump start their MUN careers to learn about the essence of UN, MUN, and it's rule of procedure.I hope this video is useful!"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Acrylic lesson - Wild roses in glass vase - Flower bouquet" |
"You will paint with acrylic! It's paint flower bouquet with wildflowers: delicate pink wild roses, primrose, bells, ground elder and beautiful yellow buttercups! The interesting part of this tutorial - we learn how to paint glass vase and shadow from it! Background part painted with flat brush technique with glazing as a finishing touch!You will also receive traceable for this tutorial! Easy to print and transfer all the lines you need. You can add any details you like and create unique art based on this tutorial.I'm sure - everyone can paint it! My mission is to motivate you to believe in yourself. Paint with me and open the talent you have!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor lesson - Lighthouse by the sea - Landscape" |
"We paint with watercolor! Seascape - waves, sea foam, splashes ... clouds and rays of the light! We mix different watercolor techniques to create a beautiful landscape! Also, we paint a lighthouse and a small house by the sea. Watercolor techniques in this tutorial: spraying, dry brush, wet in wet, watercolor lifting, ways of napkins use to create effects.You will also receive traceable for this tutorial! Easy to print and transfer all the lines you need. You can add any details you like and create unique art based on this tutorial.I'm sure - everyone can paint it! My mission is to motivate you to believe in yourself. Paint with me and open the talent you have!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Custom ""Diva"" Lace Wig Technique" |
"You will learm how to construct a hand made custom lace wig from scratch. From start to finish. Utilizing head measurements taken from your clients previously. You will learn the correct placement of your lace before and during construction. Pinning lace and making darts strategically to form your lace mold on the wig block. Ventilating hair correctly."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corso pratico di Data mining con Python" |
"Questo corso incentrato sull'analisi e sul preprocesso dai dati sui quali verr successivamente costruito un modello predittivo con tecniche di Machine Learning.Offre conoscenze utili alla visualizzazione, descrizione e manipolazione di dati; Con lo scopo di estrarre informazioni utili da essi.E' adatto a tutti i livelli poich segue una struttura con livello di difficolt crescente, partendo da un modulo basico di programmazione in Python fino a trattare le funzioni pi utili nell'ambito dell'analisi dei dati.Un'intera sezione dedicata alla risoluzione di esempi pratici, con i quali lo studente sar in grado i fissare e comprendere a pieno le funzioni e i metodi esposti nelle sezioni precedenti."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |