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"Complete Tally ERP 9 (GST) Course with Live Project 2020" |
" TALLY ERP 9 COMPLETE VIDEO COURSE YEAR 2020 (ENGLISH) This course comes with a live project, so that students can learn from a scratch to prepare a complete accounts in Tally ERP. I will teach you how to start with Tally from zero to finalization of balance sheet of a live business organisation. After this video course, you will able to work as an accountant in any business organisation. So i hope you complete the course successfully and start your career as an accountant. Best of Luck.Course Content:1. Introduction to Tally ERP and Basic Setting Introduction Downloading Tally, Installation & Licensing Creation of Company and how to edit or Delete the company2. Goods & Service Tax Integration GST Set up with basic information CGST/ SGST/ IGST ledger setup3. Ledger Creation Creating Purchase & Sales Ledger Cash & Bank Ledger Creating Discount & Round off Ledger How to Edit & Delete the Ledger4. Inventory Management Creating Stock Items and Stock Group5. Voucher Entry GST Purchase Entry GST Sales Entry and Invoice Generation Sales Return & Credit Note Entry Purchase Return & Debit Note Entry Receipts, Payments & Contra Entry6. Opening Balances Entry7. Bank Reconciliation What is Bank Reconciliation Manual & Auto Reconciliation8. Payroll Management Payroll basic Info & Setting Creating Employee Categories, Employee Group & Employee Name Creating Attendance record, Pay Heads, Salary details Attendance and Payroll Entry, Payroll Reports such as Pay slip9. Reports Generation View & Printing of various Accounting Reports such as Sales Register, Purchase Register, Cash Book, Receipts & Payments Account, Profit & Loss Account & Balance Sheet10. Search & Review Searching of Specific Transaction Checking negative cash flow and resolve11. Other Back up & Restore Splitting of Tally DataPoints to keep in mind: No note book, pen, pencil is needed, no need to write any notes. Only FOCUS is needed. Whole course is bifurcated into small lessons and segments, so whenever you need you can view the specific lesson. Practice material such as Bank Statement, Opening Balance Sheet, and Purchase Invoices are provided during the course session. Kindly download those files and take a printout while watching the videos. Do practice the entries simultaneously so that you can learn fast and query (if any) whenever arises can be resolved while practicing. You can ask me any query related to this course, I shall response your query as far as possible.Know about Tally ERP 9 It is an enterprise resource planning software developed by Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd. Tally ERP 9 software serves more than 1.6 million users across the globe The software handles accounting, inventory management, order management, tax management, payroll and banking. Licensed version user gets regular update in respect to the various changes in Accounting and Tax Laws by government authority from time to time. Almost all the small and medium sized enterprise are maintaining their books of account in Tally. Tally is very cost effective software which is considered most affordable software from small and medium sized business point of view. Latest version of Tally provides Tax compliance related report which can be easily uploaded in government portal. All accounting reports can easily exported to any popular file format for reporting purpose.Thank you.Regards,Atikur"
Price: 7040.00 ![]() |
"ISO 9001:2015 - Interpretao e Implementao" |
"ObjetivosCapacitar o participante na interpretao e implementao dos requisitos da ISO 9001:2015, proporcionando uma viso abrangente sobre os conceitos e fundamentos de Gesto da Qualidade.Programa- Introduo aos conceitos e histrico; Estrutura das Normas de Gesto; Sistema de Gesto da Qualidade,Estudo dos Requisitos da ISO 9001:2015; Contexto da organizao; Liderana; Planejamento; Apoio; Operao; Avaliao de desempenho e Melhoria."
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"C++ Unit Testing: Google Test and Google Mock" |
"This course is for software developers and students who want to be better programmers by writing more solid, bug-free code using the Google Test framework. Your code will get better and you will have more confidence that your code is correct, because you will catch more bugs using automated tests.How many times did this happen to you? You wrote new code, and after your hard work is done, you find that you broke features that used to work? And you had to waste more hours finding and fixing the bugs... This problem can get solved in most cases by using automated tests, especially unit tests.No experience with automated testing is required. Very basic C++ knowledge is needed, nothing too sophisticated. If you are completely new to Google Test, this course is just for you! If you already have some knowledge, look at the course content and see if you find some more advanced features that you didn't know about.Google Test works on multiple platforms. You can use any platform you like. In this course, I am doing it on:Windows (Visual Studio)Linux (CMake or compiling directly from the command line)Other platforms will be added if you suggest them to meThere are slides and hands-on coding examples in each section. I recommend that you try the examples and play around with them.Here's a brief presentation of the course content:Optional videos: Setting up on Windows (Visual Studio) and on Linux (CMake and GCC)Basics of unit testing:Unit test structureAssertions - numeric, string, exceptionsReusing code between tests (test fixtures, SetUp() and TearDown())Parameterized tests: generate multiple tests by writing one single function.Mocking - replacing real objects with fakes that you can control):BasicsSetting the behaviour of mocksMatchers"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Estrategias de venta para cada Generacin." |
"Los clientes estn cambiando.Actualmente contamos con consumidores de diferentes, edades, gneros, necesidades, lenguajes, conceptos de xito personal diferentes, en resumen, distintas generaciones.Si tenemos clientes distintos, Por qu seguimos vendiendo a todos de la misma forma? Cmo logramos vender ms y mejor a cada uno de los grupos generacionales?Dentro del curso Estrategias de venta para cada generacin, nos adentraremos a profundidad a conocer y aplicar las 6 variables de venta para las generaciones anteriores y sobre todo, las nuevas generaciones.Hoy por hoy, existen 8 generaciones vivas y de ellas, 5 estn inmersas en el proceso de compra. Y sabes qu es lo interesante? Cada una de ellas tienen necesidades diferentes, pero sobre todo manejan un lenguaje nico.Despus del curso, generars una nueva estrategia para venderle a las generaciones tradicionales: Los Baby Boomers y la Generacin X.Y tambin una estrategia de ventas especializada para las nuevas generaciones: La generacin que nadie conoce, los Xennials. La generacin ms estudiada en la historia, los Millennials, y la nueva generacin, que poco se ha estudiado, los Centennials.A lo largo del curso, que cuenta con ms de 30 sesiones y con 3 horas y media de contenido, podrs ir a tu ritmo, comprendiendo y aplicando ejercicios especficos para generar una estrategia adecuada para cada Buyer Persona.As que, si deseas mejorar tu estrategia de venta y vender ms y mejor, nos vemos en el curso Estrategias de venta para cada generacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gesto do Tempo: Ter mais tempo ter mais vida!" |
"O Curso Gesto do Tempo: Ter mais tempo ter mais vida, tem o objetivo de conscientizar o participante sobre a importncia de gerir seu tempo para obter uma boa e positiva qualidade de vida.Demonstrar que possvel fazer uma eficaz Gesto do Tempo se mudarmos comportamentos e forma de encararmos nossas atividades e a prpria vida.Conhecer conceitos, ferramentas e tcnicas de Gesto do Tempo.O Curso: Gesto do Tempo: Termais tempo ter mais vida possui 08 Mdulos"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Adicciones con y sin sustancias (+ Libro descargable)" |
"Adicciones con y sin sustancias es un curso prctico y accesible donde vamos a abordar caractersticas y aspectos que nos permiten identificar una conducta adictiva. Estudiaremos qu son las adicciones, causas, consecuencias y los procesos comunes presentes en cualquier adiccin. Ademas hablaremos de las adicciones por consumo de sustancias, definiendo, caracterizando y clasificando las sustancias mas consumidas y por ltimo abordaremos qu son las adicciones sin sustancias, tambin llamadas comportamentales como la tecnoadiccion y la dependencia emocional."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Database Specialty" |
"The AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) examination is intended for individuals who perform in a database-focused role. This exam validates an examinees comprehensive understanding of databases, including the concepts of design, migration, deployment, access, maintenance, automation, monitoring, security, and troubleshooting. It validates an examinees ability to: Understand and differentiate the key features of AWS database services. Analyze needs and requirements to design and recommend appropriate database solutions using AWS services."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Remote Learning with Microsoft Teams" |
"This course starts with finding and opening Microsoft Teams, online and the desktop app, and walks you through creating a class team, adding Google and DropBox, and uploading files. From there we work through setting up channels and tabs, adding students and co-teachers, and creating assignments. We will show you how to distribute attachments, link videos and files, attach and reuse rubrics and quizzes, and use the grade book in Teams. We will also show you how to harness the organizational features of a OneNote Class Notebook and how they benefit students and teachers. Accessibility features throughout Teams will also be a special focus of the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fitness and Exercises for Beginners" |
"This course is designed for the working professional that doesn't have the time to devote to going to the gym.It features a 5-10 minute workout at the end.The course features 3 main topics: Diet and nutrition, Cardio and weight training for beginners or advice for the busy professional.This course is geared for someone that works 40 hours a week with little time to run back and forth to the gym after work everyday."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Clculo estructural con CYPE3D" |
"CYPE 3D es un gil y eficaz programa pensado para realizar el clculo de estructuras en tres dimensiones de barras de hormign, de acero, mixtas de hormign y acero, de aluminio, de madera, o de cualquier material, incluido el dimensionamiento de uniones (soldadas y atornilladas de perfiles de acero laminado y armado en doble T y perfiles tubulares) y el de su cimentacin con placas de anclaje, zapatas y encepados.Las barras de madera, de acero o de aluminio; y los pilares y las vigas de hormign armado, pueden ser dimensionadas por el programa. Los pilares mixtos de hormign y acero pueden ser comprobados por el programa.Tambin permite la discretizacin de estructuras mediante lminas (elementos planos bidimensionales de espesor constante cuyo permetro est definido por un polgono) para calcular sus esfuerzos y tensiones.Los objetivos son:Aprender los procesos de introduccin de datos, anlisis de resultados y tratamiento de informacin para obtener la documentacin grfica y escrita del proyecto.Adquirir las habilidades necesarias para manejar el programa.Permitir al alumno realizar el clculo completo de una estructura metlica, mediante el desarrollo de un proyecto real, comenzando por la introduccin de datos y clculo de la misma, para continuar con la revisin de resultados y obtencin de los listados y los planos de la obra."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Canva 2020: The Complete Design Course for Digital Marketing" |
"Hi!My name is Julian G. Castrillon and I am an online marketing specialist with over 10 years experience in Digital Marketing. In this course I am going to show you how the pros create designs and advertisements using Canva, no previous design skills are required. This course is intended for those eager to learn how to use Canva and its many design applications. If you are brand new to Canva, I will show you the proper building blocks so you can get started creating beautiful designs from scratch. If you're already familiar with Canva, I will show you how to create eye-catching, modern-looking designs using Canva's latest updates including the background removal tool. What is more, I will include all the exercise files in this course (15+ templates) so you can use them for your own projects! -Are you a marketing specialist, entrepreneur or social media influencer looking for a design tool that is affordable and easy to use?-Are you looking to create high performing ads and designs that get clicks and views on Social Media?-Are you looking for a course that is to the point & teaches you an actual real-world application of Canva?If the answer is ""YES,"" then this is the right course for you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Relationale Unternehmensfhrung, Disruptive Change & Fhrung" |
"Wie Sie Ihr Geschftsmodell, Ihre Organisation & Ihre Fhrung von morgen erfolgreich gestalten und Relationale Unternehmensfhrung erfolgreich leben.Online-Kompaktlehrgang in 4 Teilen (je ca. 20-30 Minuten)Inkl. HandoutInkl. Artikel von Sonja Radatz Disruptive Vernderung: Was folgt aus der digitalen Revolution fr Unternehmen & jeden von uns?Teil 1: Neue Geschftsmodelle & Unternehmensfhrung: Wie erfolgreich ausrichten?Welche neuen Mglichkeiten, welche neuen Herausforderungen schafft das digitale Zeitalter unsere globale Welt? Wie knnen wir auch instant mit globalen pltzlichen Vernderungen rechnen, z.B. mit weltweiten Epidemien etc.?Welchen Impact schafft der globale Wettbewerb?Wie knnen wir die neue Mitarbeitersituation weniger sind verfgbar, andere Kompetenzen gefragt handeln?Wie schaffen wir die geforderte Schnelligkeit, Kreativitt, Flexibilitt?Warum die klassische Silo-Organisation nicht mehr funktioniertWarum die klassische agile Organisation nicht ausreichtTeil 2: Radikal neu: Relationale Aufbauorganisation & flexible GeschftsmodellWas unterscheidet die Relationale Aufbauorganisation von den klassischen Organisationsformen und der agilen Organisation?Wie funktioniert Heterarchie und warum brauchen wir sie morgen?Welche Rolle spielt der Strategische Treiber?Welche Organe knnen Sie im Notfall/im Bedarfsfall auslagern?Wie kann die Netzwerkorganisation der Zukunft entstehen?Die Kriterien fr die Geschftsmodellentwicklung von morgen: Schafft unser Unternehmen Convenience? Lieben uns unsere Kunden?Wie die Relationale Ablauforganisation funktioniert ganz anders als bisherTeil 3: Zentrale Relationale Elemente der morgigen Unternehmensfhrung & FhrungWarum das Denken in Strategien und Zielen nichts (mehr) bringtWie Sie einen Relationalen Rahmen gestaltenWarum ein Heuergesprch absolut key istWarum jede Fhrungskraft begleiten muss. Und wie.Das Ergebnisgesprch. Und wenn es nicht funktioniert: Enger fhren.Teamarbeit essenzielles Tool der Zusammenarbeit und KultursicherungTeil 4: Disruptive Change: Gefhrlich. Aber planbar.Der Relationale Radar. Was er bringt. Wie Sie es befllen. Wie Sie es nutzen.Wie Sie Sicherheit durch die 2-Sulen-Organisation gewinnenWann Ihr Unternehmen einen neuen Rahmen brauchtWelche Praxisfragen noch geklrt werden sollten"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Activecampaign - ," |
"! . , . Activecampaign , , ., , """" "" "" Activecampaign, Email ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Success" |
"Learn English in a fast and clear way, with clear grammar explanations and practice worksheets.This class focuses on the basic keys of English grammar giving you the important tools to communicate more successfully and confidently in the past, present, and future!If you are a basic student just starting to learn English or an advanced student who needs clear grammar instruction, this is the class for you. : )Each video lesson has a PDF worksheet for you to complete as extra practice.After you finish this course, you will have learned how to use the following correctly:The usage of 'to be' (is - are - am)Subject pronouns (I - you - he - she - it - we - they)Object pronouns (me - you - him - her - it - us - them)Possessive Nouns (mine - yours- his - hers - its - theirs - ours)Possessive Adjectives (my - your - his - her - it - their - our)Demonstrative pronouns (this - that - these - those)Demonstrative AdjectivesCommon contractions (he's - she's -they're - we're - don't -isn't - etc.)Asking & Answering - Introduction questionsAsking & Answering - Yes/No questionsAsking & Answering - Information questionsPresent Simple TensePast Simple TenseFuture Simple Tense'to be going to'"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Brushlettering Basic Workshop" |
"Im Brushlettering Basic Workshop, lernst du die Grundlagen und wichtige Tipps und Tricks um in die Welt des Handletterings einzusteigen!Keine Angst, du brauchst dafr keine tolle Handschrift. Jeder kann die Kunst der Pinselschrift ganz einfach erlernen.Lernen wann und wo du mchtest!Lerne wann und wo du mchtest. Du profitierst aus meiner langjhrigen Erfahrung als Kursleiterin.Was erwartet dich?Ich zeige dir den richtigen Umgang mit Brushpens und wie du richtig die einzelnen Buchstaben aufbaust. Auerdem fttere ich dich mit theoretischem Input und vielen wichtigen Tipps und Tricks. Tipps und Tricks ber Papier und Stifte die richtige Stift- und Papierhaltung ein ber 20ig seitiges Workbook und noch viel mehr...Sichere dir noch heute den Zugang zum Brushlettering Basic Workshop und verzaubere deine Freunde und Bekannte in Zukunft mit wundervoll gestalteten Karten."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Turning Website Visitors Into Customers" |
"Getting potential customers to your website can be expensive. Whether your business uses SEO, Pay Per Click ads, leaflet drops or print advertising, bringing customers to your website costs money. If your website isnt converting visitors into customers, then a significant portion of your advertising spend will be wasted. During this course we will identify some of the main reasons why visitors leave websites and our top tips to ensure your website converts as many visitors as possible.Taking this course will leave you with a clear knowledge of how to evaluate, test and analyse your website along with how website users interact with your site. By understanding these key principles, you will be armed with the knowledge that help you make meaningful alterations to your website, analyse and test increased levels of conversions and ultimately end up with a website that has a higher conversion rate than the standard 1-2%."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Domina los acordes de guitarra y conviertete en Cantautor" |
"Aprenders a tocar la guitarra, pero ademas aprenders sobre canto, de esa manera te aseguramos que tu aprendizaje sera mas veloz que con otros cursos, ya que tener un instrumento de apoyo como la voz, te ayudara a entender mejor muchas de las cosas que de otra manera, tardaras varios aos en aprender."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Temel Wordpress eitimi" |
"bu kurs ile web sitesi kurmay, ierik retmeyi ve eklemeyi, temel seo almasn, wordpress altyapsnn google ile nasl altn ve web sayfasnn sizin iin nasl ek gelir kaps olacan renin. ierik nasl yazlr, anasayfa ve ek sayfalar nasl oluturulur, dzenli yaz nasl yazlr, tatilde iken zamanlanm yazlar nasl ayarlanr, telifsiz ierik kullanmann nemi, google ile entegre alabilmek ve siteye trafik ekmek zerine bonus olarak deinilen bir eitim setidir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yaratc Yazarlk Inda Hikaye ve Karakter Oluturma" |
"Bu kurs ile amacm senaryo aamasnda takl kalan,yaratclk eksiklii eken ve senaryo matematii kuramayan yazar adaylarna k olmaktr.Dersler dzenli takip edildiinde geliim kanlmazdr.Yaratc olmak sizin elinizdedir. Sk alma ve dev takibi ile hayalinizdeki tiyatro senaryosunu yazabilirsiniz.Bol bol hikaye ve oyun okumalsnz. Sizi bir adm ileriye deil on adm ileriye gtrecek bir eitim sunuyorum. Bu yazm srecinde ansn sizin yannzda olmasn dilerim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kettlebell Master Kurs (light)" |
"Lerne den Kettlebell Swing, Clean & Press und Snatch im russischen Trainingstil kennen und lass deine Technik von uns per WhatsApp Video bewerten. Dieser Kurs ist aus Leidenschaft, Erfahrung, Wissen und mit viel Liebe entstanden. Wir stehen zu 100% hinter unserem Kurs und sind berzeugt davon, dass es auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt kein vergleichbares Angebot gibt. - Gregory von Lebe Stark"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Princpios da Educao Inclusiva" |
"Curso baseado na Poltica Nacional de Educao Especial na perspectiva da Educao Inclusiva e nas legislaes internacionais que trabalham em prol dos Direitos Humanos, da educao e da educao inclusiva e de qualidade para todos. um curso para iniciantes com o intuito de consolidar de fato, a ideia de incluso escolar, de maneira diferente de outros olhares que temos em nosso pas. O nosso propsito mostrar que para se fazer a to sonhada incluso, voc no age na criana ou estudante, voc age no meio. No se adequa a criana e sim o ambiente para que essa criana possa se sentir includa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Stata do zero ao TCC" |
"Aula Geral Apresentar o Stata de forma ampla e compreender o uso das principais ferramentas estatsticas de que ele dispe para auxiliar a anlise de dados independente da rea de estudo,Iniciando a rotina de trabalho com o Stata Apresentar como um trabalho estatstico com o Stata comea do zero at a criao de uma rotina de trabalho (stata code ou simplesmente rotina)Anlise Descritiva Elaborao de uma primeira rotina de trabalho, medidas de posio, disperso dos dados, principais comandos e menus para entender o comportamento geral das informaes a serem estudadas, comandos condicionais, listing e demais ferramentas para anlises de amostras e subamostras,Grficos Principais grficos utilizados, opes de estilo e personalizao. Boxplot, histogramas, grficos de linha, de tendncia, de frequncia, de distribuio, comparaes com funes de distribuio de probabilidade e demais usos na anlise estatstica,Anlise no-paramtrica ANOVA, MANOVA, testes de mdias, comparaes entre diferentes amostras e subamostras, Anlise ParamtricaMedidas para Pr & Ps-Estimao de Modelos:Elaborao do banco de dados no Stata, principais problemas,MQO (Mnimos Quadrados Ordinrios)Sries Temporais,Corte Seccional,Painel de Dados ou Dados Longitudinais,Apresentao e Interpretao dos Resultados Principais ferramentas para exportar resultados para planilhas e documentos de texto, personalizao do layout dos resultados e melhores prticas.Elaborao estatstica de um TCC completo usando o Stata: Encontrando os dados, baixando, analisando, elaborando e exportando os resultados para Microsoft Word ou Excel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Encouraging - Die Kunst der Ermutigung" |
"Encouraging die Kunst der ErmutigungWir kennen das aus eigener Erfahrung: Werden wir abgelehnt, erniedrigt, entmutigt, fhlen wir uns wie gelhmt. Wir sind traurig, verbittert, unsere Lern- und Liebesfhigkeit ist blockiert.Sind wir aber ermutigt, blhen wir auf, werden frhlich, beschwingt, aktiv, kreativ.Entmutigung vernichtet, Ermutigung baut auf.In diesem Kurs bekommst du eine Einfhrung in das Konzept der Ermutigung und machst erste Erfahrungen. Viele praktische bungen zeigen, wie es dir gelingen kann, dich und andere anzunehmen und zu ermutigen.Die sechs Einheiten bauen aufeinander auf. Zudem empfehlen wir dir, dir zwischen den Lektionen gengend Zeit fr praktische Erfahrungen zu lassen.Damit du die Inhalte der einzelnen Lektionen noch vertiefen kannst, findest du unter dem Stichpunkt Materialien diverse Arbeitsbltter, die du herunterladen kannst.ber deine Erfahrungen, Fragen etc. freuen wir uns sehr. Hier unsere"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Riparti dopo la separazione" |
"Una separazione spesso segna la fine di tutto quello in cui abbiamo creduto. All'improvviso ci troviamo di fronte ad un futuro colmo di incognite, pieni di dubbi, incertezze, paure e ferite.Avevamo solo considerato un futuro possibile, quello con lei.Ora che lei non c' pi, ci troviamo a dover ripartire da capo, senza avere minimamente l'idea da che parte cominciare.Questo corso ti permette di rimettere insieme i pezzi, fare chiarezza dentro di te, definire al meglio ci che di te ti ha fregato, portandoti a vivere qualcosa che non avresti mai immaginato, per poi scegliere consapevolmente quali forze sviluppare, quale vita scegliere, quali persone fanno per te, quali sono i tuoi comportamenti che ti sabotano e quelli che ti proiettano, al meglio, nel futuro.Riuscirai, passo passo, in breve tempo, a riscrivere la storia della tua vita, riscoprendoti un uomo nuovo, pi forte, pi saggio, in grado di rialzarti e dimostrare a te stesso che anche se poco tempo fa ti sembrava impossibile, anche a questa et tu sai essere degno di te."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams" |
"This is NOT just another practice exam. This is a hard core crash course exam prep like no other. With ~1500 questions in total this is the largest exam prep allowed on Udemy! This extreme study guide is great for preparing you to take and pass your AWS exam!6 examsEach exam has 250 questions! Timed to simulate a real exam situationLinks to supporting documentation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Domain 1 Exam" |
"Design Resilient Architecture represents 30% of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate. If you've taken the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate exam you've received a score which is broken down by domain. If you were weak in Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures this is the course for you! This course is also great for those that have yet to take the exam. Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures Design a multi-tier architecture solution Design highly available and/or fault-tolerant architectures Design decoupling mechanisms using AWS services Choose appropriate resilient storage"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Domain 2 Exam" |
"Design High-Performing Architectures represents 28% of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate. If you've taken the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate exam you've received a score which is broken down by domain. If you were weak in Domain 2: Design High-Performing Architectures this is the course for you! This course is also great for those that have yet to take the exam. Domain 2: Design High-Performing Architectures Identify elastic and scalable compute solutions for a workloadSelect high-performing and scalable storage solutions for a workloadSelect high-performing networking solutions for a workload Choose high-performing database solutions for a workload"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Domain 3 Exam" |
"This practice exam is meant to focus on the second domain of the AWS Solution Architect Exam: Design Secure Applications and Architectures. This section makes up 24% of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam.Domain 3: Design Secure Applications and Architectures Design secure access to AWS resourcesDesign secure application tiers Select appropriate data security options"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures" |
"This practice exam is meant to focus on the second domain of the AWS Solution Architect Exam: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures. This section makes up 18% of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam.Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures Identify cost-effective storage solutions Identify cost-effective compute and database services Design cost-optimized network architectures"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Practice Exam" |
"Get the certification which is ranked as one of the top paid certification in the US. AWS Certified Solution Architects make ~$130,000 per year. With this exam, you will be better prepared to pass the exam on your first try300 Unique Questions Questions cover real topics found on the ExamTimed test simulates actual exam conditionsAffordable Practice exams"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Exam Certification Prep - Application Integration" |
"This Exam Prep Includes the Following AWS Service. Covers key AWS services that will both appear on the exams as well as in your career as a AWS certified professionalAmazon API Gateway Amazon MQAmazon Simple Notification ServiceAmazon Simple Queue ServiceThe questions in this Exam Prep will help to pass several different AWS ExamsAWS Certifications:AWS Certified Solution Architect AssociateAWS Certified Solution ArchitectAWS Certified DeveloperAWS Certified Cloud Practitionerand more.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |