Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Morning Mastery: The Morning Ritual & Morning Routine Course" |
"Morning Mastery: The Morning Ritual & Morning Routine Course is a course specifically designed to help you to customize your own morning routine in an informed way that serves YOU!A morning ritual is one of the very best ways to have complete mastery over your life. Morning Mastery: The Morning Ritual & Morning Routine Course provides you with all the tools to create the morning rituals that will empower you with the energy, vitality, creativity and joy to dominate your day and dominate your life.Morning Mastery: The Morning Ritual & Morning Routine Course gives you a systematic way to decide what to include in your morning ritual, and then gives you many options - helping you decide what is personally right for you.In Morning Mastery: The Morning Ritual & Morning Routine Course:You get your own Morning Ritual Planner.You learn how to incorporate your individual needs into your plan.You get your own Daily Master Map.You learn the importance of habit.You learn what NOT to do in the morning.You learn about the best way to begin your morning.You learn how to wake up on time.You learn which exercises to do in the morning.You learn what to eat for breakfast in the morning.You learn how to take care of your mind in the morning.You learn what to do in the morning if you live with other people.You learn what to listen to in the morning.You learn how to prepare for the day ahead.AND MUCH MORE!Take control over your morning routine today and plan your own morning rituals for productivity, happiness, and success!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Travel Anywhere, Anytime, on Any Budget" |
"This course is the tell all on budget travelling. It's broken down by the basics: Food, Accommodation, and Transportation. With these 3 things, you will begin to identify the basic needs of each traveller. From here, we begin to develop a way for you to shape your own unique travel experience. What you want from life is different from everyone else. Learn the basics first, and then move on to whats important to you. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Simulink desde Cero" |
"En este curso de Simulink abordaremos los diferentes bloques del software junto con sus herramientas para conseguir simular y modelar sistemas, procesos, realizar ecuaciones matemticas y finalmente disear y proyectar sistemas de control de procesos. Todo ser abordado desde lo ms bsico para aquellas personas que nunca han programado en la herramienta hasta proyectos avanzados para personas con experiencia en el software."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de anlisis en Inteligencia Estratgica (Avanzado)" |
"Este es un curso centrado en algunas tcnicas de anlisis en inteligencia estratgica que son utilizadas habitualmente por los analistas profesionales. Todas las tcnicas son desplegadas con su contenido terico y conceptual, con su implementacin paso a paso con el software apropiado y con la interpretacin posterior de los resultados. Al mismo tiempo, el alumno tendr la oportunidad de aprender cmo se realiza correctamente un informe de inteligencia y tomar contacto con uno de los software de referencia en el anlisis de inteligencia como es el i2 Analysts Notebook."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Italian course (for beginners - A1)" |
"Welcome to this complete Italian course for English speakersI created this course thinking of 3 fundamental things:1. The phrases, dialogues and words that I use in this course are useful, they are the words of a frequency list, that is, the list of words that are most used in a language in order of frequency.2. I structured this course in 3 different types of classes:Communication classes,vocabulary classes andessential grammar classesThe grammar rules are clear and explained in a simple way with clear examples and exercises.3. The exercises are mainly active translation, English-Italian translations, I will say the sentences in English and you have to translate them into Italian.You can see the sentences on the screen only after saying the phrases in Italian aloud,There are some texts to write, that correspond to the writing parts of the level A1 of Italian certification exams. (CILS A1)What I recommend is that you notice the mistakes you make, and if in one exercise you made too many mistakes, I recommend you do it again.This type of exercise has many advantages: it is very useful for the brain to be fast in the active language, you will immediately notice the different structures that exist in Italian and English, it reduces the time of linguistic decoding, it gives you an immediate answer concerning your progress and this thing increases motivation. You can listen to the audio of these exercises in down time: by car, at the post office or just when you are going for a walk, I always do it when I learn a new language."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"C# advanced - useful features and advice" |
"In this course you will learn how to find and use some great C# features, with that some very useful advice on various topics. We will not be talking about C# generics, such as class constructors, interfaces and the like. Instead we will jump into some practical things - such as Linq, cryptography, clipboard handling and others."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Kubaton |
"Kubotan (bazen yanllkla kubaton veya kobutan olarak yazlr), 1960'larn sonlarnda Ske Takayuki Kubota tarafndan gelitirilen bir kendini savunma anahtarlk silah iin genelletirilmi bir ticari markadr. Tipik olarak 5.5 inten (14 santimetre) daha uzun ve yaklak yarm inten (1.25 santimetre) fazla deildir, biraz daha kaln veya bir keeli kalemle ayn boyuttadr. Malzeme genellikle sert, yksek etkili bir plastiktir (rnein, Lexan). Kubotan'n gvdesi alt yuvarlak olukla kapldr ve bir vida gz ile veya anahtarlar iin bir ucunda dner ve ayrk halka eki bulunur.Kubotan anahtarlk, aslnda Kubota'nn babas Denjiro'nun icad olan ""hashi stick"" adl kk bir bambu silahna dayanyordu. Poplaritesi, Kaliforniya Eyaleti Senatr Edward M. Davis'in istei zerine, o zamanlar Los Angeles Polis Departman'nn eski efi olan Kubota'nn silah yaratmas ve uygulamasnda kadn memurlar eitmeye balamasyla, 1969'dan 1970'lere kadar artt. Ac kilitler ve bask noktas grevleri ile asi phelilerin iradesini krmada son derece etkili olduu sklkla lanse edilir. Bu nedenle, Kubotan bazen 'tutum ayarlama arac' olarak da adlandrlr.Kubotan, eitimsiz gze zararsz bir anahtarlk olarak grnebilir. Ancak baz durumlarda, baz yarg blgelerinde tannabilir ve bir saldr silah olarak kabul edilebilir. Amerika Birleik Devletleri'nde Kubotan'larla ilgili birka yasal kstlama vardr, ancak bunlarn uakla seyahat edenler iin kabin bagaj olarak yasak olmas dikkate deerdir. [1] Birleik Krallk'ta sivri ulu olmayan bir Kubotan'n (yani bir sopann) saldr silah olarak snflandrlp snflandrlmayaca davann koullarna baldr ve karar jriye verir. [2] Nisan 2010'da aktr ve ovmen Darren Day, Edinburgh'daki bir mahkeme tarafndan saldrgan bir silaha, yani kubotan tarz bir anahtarla sahip olmaktan sulu bulundu.Kubotan'n doalama srmleri kolayca bulunup kullanma sunulabilir. Bir Kubotan sadece sert bir malzemenin ubuu olduu iin, herhangi bir ortak enin kubotan benzeri bir ekilde kullanlabilmesi nedeniyle herhangi bir kstlayc dzenleme byk olaslkla belirsiz ve tanmsz olacaktr. Bu adan Kubotan, sa fras, kalem, keeli kalem, el feneri, kk tahta dbel ve hatta elektronik sigara gibi gndelik eyalarla ikame edilebiliyor. Metal kalemler (yani taktik kalemler) bazen Kubotan'n ikamesi olarak pazarlanmaktadr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CCT Routing & Switching exam (RSTECH) : Practice Tests" |
"CCT Routing & Switching exam (RSTECH) : Practice Tests Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching certification focuses on the skills required for onsite support and maintenance of Cisco routers, switches, and operating environments. Technicians in this area must be able to identify Cisco router and switch models, accessories, cabling, and interfaces; understand the Cisco IOS software operating modes and identify commonly found software; and be able to use the Cisco Command Line Interface (CLI) to connect and service products.This practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with Updated questions .Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"calculus for beginners" |
"Calculus is one of the greatest achievements of human thought. Calculus enables us to learn from path of planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city. This intuitive course covers the core ideas of calculus of single-variable. This course focuses on conceptual understanding of subject and its applications. Ideal students for this course are, students beginning in the engineering, physical, and social sciences. This of this course Calculus for Beginners is to address the most important foundations for applications of mathematics in science, engineering and commerce. Main emphasis of this course is in ideas and historical motivation of calculus, while at the same time striking a balance between theory and application. This way we can master the concepts of calculus with intuitive foundation.Students taking this course Calculus for Beginners will: Gain familiarity with key ideas of pre-calculus, including the manipulation of equations and elementary functions.Learn, L'Hopital's rule to evaluate limits.Learn a new language for describing growth and decay of functions.Develop fluency with the preliminary methodology of tangents and limits, and the definition of a derivative.Develop and practice methods of differential calculus with applications. Develop and practice methods of the integral calculus."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Attempt the questions on this course to measure your programming skills and improve where you lack. There will be answers given out after your try so that you can see how the questions are answered and also to compare your answers with the provided ones to measure your progress. You can retake the test until you pass.The course is for students or graduates who want to test their knowledge on Java programming to either pass their examinations or get certified. You may even take the test despite you passing your examinations or certified, it will help to keep your knowledge up to date."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Engineering Lab Viva Questions & Answers" |
"we have special prepared LAB viva question and answer for electrical engineer students and we are 100% sure after attend these question you will be fully prepared for viva interview as well as be for professional exam for job too. For your best information we have prepared these question from engineering expert educational consultant to clear your concept."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Public speaking skills: a quick fix" |
"Do you want to improve your public speaking skills and looking for a quick fix to make better speeches? In this course Im gonna teach you how to level up your presentations, to be a more confident and persuasive speaker, how to build credibility with your audience and make your arguments more effective. Whether in work, business environment, at events or presenting to your friends you will find here some helpful strategies, tips and techniques."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Charakterentwicklung fr Roman und Film" |
"Krnkelnde Figuren, ohnmchtige Charaktere und stillstehende Handlungen - der Tod jeder aufkeimenden Geschichte.Jedes Kapitel und jeder Szene leben mit und durch ihre Figuren, erst durch interessante und motivierte Charaktere kann ein lebendiges Traumbild erzeugt werden die ""reale Fiktion"". Ziel muss es sein, dass dieser Traum so echt und real wird, das sich der Leser darin verliert, zumindest fr einen kurzen Augenblick.Es ist simple und einfach eine ""echte Figur"" fr unsere spannende oder humorvolle Geschichte zu erschaffen, dabei sollten wir uns die anfangs nebulse Figur vor die eigenen Augen fhren wie sie denkt, handelt und fhlt. Durch uns wird sie lebendig, ihre DNA wird unsere, durch uns atmet sie und handelt!Du fragst dich, wenn es so einfach ist eine lebendige und markante Figur mit Ecken und Kanten zu erstellen, dann htte ich es doch bereits getan? Oder nicht?!Ja, httest du.Die Wahrheit ist, es liegt an der Tiefe. Die allermeisten fiktionalen Figuren sind zu oberflchlich und zu glatt. Nehmen wir sie unter die Lupe, dann zeigen sich riesige, klaffende Lcken, sie ist zu monton. Sie kann niemals eine Geschichte voranbringen.Fr jedes Problem gibt es eine Lsung, zum Glck!Ich verspreche Dir, nach diesem Kurs wirst du dreidimensionale, lebendige und mitreisende Charaktere fr deinen Roman, dein Drehbuch oder deine Kurzgeschichte erstellen knnen.Ich gebe Dir in diesem Kurs ein umfangreiches Blueprint, mit der du Hunderte von interessanten Charakteren erstellen kannst, in die Hnde.Was bringt dich zu diesem Kurs:Du mchtest einen Roman oder eine interessante Kurzgeschichte schreiben?Leser sollen in den Bann deines Werkes gezogen werden?Der fiktive Traum soll gelebt werden?Du bist es leid, Leser und Zuschauer zu langweilen?Deine Figuren sollen sich verselbstndigen und die Geschichte erzhlen?Du mchtest mehr Tiefe fr den Leser schaffen?Du bist hier richtig, dieser Kurs bringt dich weiter in deinem kreativen Schaffensprozess.Wieso habe ich diesen Kurs erstellt?Auf meinem Weg als Schriftsteller wurde ich immer wieder vor das Problem der Story gestellt ich kann mir wunderbar Ideen fr mitreisende Geschichten und Romane ausdenken, das Plotten fiel mir leicht.Einzig und allein, das Voranschreiten der Geschichte hngte ab und an. Ich wusste nicht wieso, es lag am Konflikt der Charakter und die Figuren an sich. Nach und nach erkannte ich, dass die aufwendige Figuren-Inszenierung der Schlssel zu diesem kreativen Problem ist. Nur ein dreidimensionaler und lebendiger Charakter kann seine Geschichte selbstndig erzhlen. Es ist nicht der Autor, der sie erzhlt, es ist die fiktionale Figur mit ihren Wnschen, Begierden und ngsten mit ihren Ecken und Kanten, schlielich ist es ihr Leben!Dieser Kurs vereint meine persnlichen Erfahrungen mit den Lehren von Theaterdozenten, Drehbuchcoaches und Schauspieltrainern. Er spricht deine kreative und schpferische Bewusstseinsebene an. Er ist die Schablone fr fiktionale Figuren, die Leser mitreisen.Das lernst du in diesem Kurs:Wie man fesselnde und interessante Charakter entwickelt.Wie man Charaktere zum Leben erweckt und ihre eigene Geschichte erzhlen lsst.Wie der fiktive Traum durch den Helden oder Schurken gelebt wird.Wie man Bestseller-Charakter erstellt.Der Kurs ist ein Praxiskurs. Du wirst durch interessante und abwechslungsreiche bungen an die Erschaffung deiner fiktionalen Figur herangefhrt - lasse deinen Charakter zum Leben erwecken. Melde dich bei dem Onlinekurs an!Viel Freude und Erfolg mit dem Kurs Fiktionale Charakterentwicklung fr Autoren und Storyteller.Dein TommyPS: Der Kurs ist deutschsprachig."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Data Science and SQL Server Machine Learning" |
"In this course for beginners, you will get started with Data Science and SQL Server Machine Learning Services. You will learn the basics of Data Science, as well as, how you can start implementing Data Science projects in SQL Server, via its Machine Learning built-in feature.WHAT OTHER STUDENTS SAY ABOUT THE COURSE:""Simple to the point & easy to follow""""Excellent course""""I enjoyed it. Thank you.""""Very informative and complete. Quite useful and thorough. Very well structured, with examples and easy to follow. Recommended.""""A great introduction to Data Science and AI, practical and to the point for busy professionals and not only!""MORE ABOUT THE COURSEData Science, Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, are the areas of technology that have been significantly evolved over the last few years. These technologies, are already heavily used by many organizations, in order to efficiently solve complex problems. Among other, they are used for predicting patterns based on large data sets and thus transform raw data into meaningful knowledge.Examples where Data Science and Machine Learning are used, include: email SPAM and malware filtering, product recommendations on eCommerce websites, online fraud detection, early prediction of diseases and much more.To this end, knowing Data Science and Machine Learning, is surely a competitive advantage in the job market, since as we evolve as a society and economy, these technologies are being used even more, for helping Business, Healthcare and many other sectors in our everyday lives.Since all these technologies rely on large sets of data, also known as ""Big Data"", combining these technologies with a powerful Data Platform such as SQL Server, can further enhance the process of learning from data. SQL Server, via its Machine Learning Services offering, helps you to easily implement Data Science and Machine Learning projects, directly against your data, either structured, or unstructured, or both.Via my course ""Introduction to Data Science and SQL Server Machine Learning"", you will get introduced to Data Science and SQL Server Machine Learning Services. Among other, you will learn what Data Science is and what is the Data Science Lifecycle. Moreover, you will learn about SQL Server and its Machine Learning Services offering and see live demonstrations of installing the required services for getting started, as well as of how you can run Python and R code from within SQL Server. Then, we will talk about SQL Server's development tools, which can be used for implementing Data Science projects on the platform and finally we will perform a simple Data Science project in SQL Server, where we will create, train and score a model, for predicting values based on the data input.AFTER THE COURSE:You will know what Data Science isYou will know the different stages in Lifecycle of a Data Science ProjectYou will know what SQL Server Machine Learning Services areYou will know how to perform a simple installation of SQL Server along with Machine Learning ServicesYou will know about the Python and R machine learning packages included in SQL Server Machine Learning ServicesYou will know how to start using SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio for working with SQL ServerYou will know how to execute Python and R scripts directly from within SQL ServerYou will know how to implement a simple Data Science project using Python and SQL Server Machine Learning ServicesPREREQUISITES:Basic SQL Server knowledge is good to knowPython and R knowledge is good to know but not a strict requirementTHIS COURSE CONTAINS/OFFERS:2 hours of high-quality videoLive demonstrations and hands-on guidesUseful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each sectionMany downloadable resourcesA practice test in the end of the courseAbility to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A sectionCertificate on course completion"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"DAX Data Analysis Expressions using Free Tools for Beginners" |
"**** Life time access to course materials. 100% money back guarantee ****Companies are gathering more and more data every day. Skills in data analysis, Business Intelligence / Business Analytics are highly in demand in today's job market. In this course, you will learn how to use DAX to Analyze, find Patterns and Trend in your Data using Power BI. Once learned can also be used in Excel and SQL Server Analysis Services.In this course together, we will go over business scenarios where you will learn, how to use advanced / complex DAX calculations further to derive more insights from data. We are using SQL Server Adventure Works Data warehouse as a sample database. We will hold your hand and walk you thru each scenario Step-by-step.Not only you will learn Power BI Best Practices, Tip, Tricks and Case Studies that you will not find in ANY other course but also learn Microsoft's Popular Course DASHBOARD-IN-A-DAY at your own pace at home or at your office AS A BONUS. All of the exercises are designed by keeping the practical aspects of DAX in mind. All exercises are 100% handson.24+ hours of HD videos of building Business Scenarios using DAX from scratch to finish. Files for Start and Finished projects also included to challenge you so you can learn by immediately applying what you are learning. You will have gained the knowledge and confidence to apply these same concepts to real-word to solve the Business problems or Business requirements.By the time you complete this course, you will be a highly proficient in DAX. You will be fully prepared to collect, clean, model and present data for any purpose. You will be using your skills as a Business Intelligence Professional to extract knowledge from data so you can analyze and visualize complex Business Problems/Requirements with ease.Why should you consider a career as a Business Data Analyst?Salary. A Business Data Analyst is a well-paid careerStable Career. As most corporations gathering more and more data. There will never be shortage of Jobs for Business Data Analyst.Advancement in Career: Since you will be building different reports for different departments. You will never be bored and always be valued. Which will bring you more opportunities in your career. Business Data Analyst get very visibility in corporations. Whole management depends on them.#microsoft #powerbi #data #business #intelligence #analysis #DAXSection1 : IntroductionThank you and How to get supportSection2 : Install Power BI and SQL ServerHow to install Power BI DesktopHow to use the Start and Finish FilesSQL Server InstallationConnecting to Database using SSMSDownload and install sample databasesImport data from SQL ServerSection3 : Dax BasicsDax Model ComponentsWhat is DaxDax Data TypesDax Operators and SyntaxM vs DaxCreate a ColumnRules to Create MeasuresCalculated Columns vs Calculated MeasuresSection4 : DAX Date and Time FunctionsCALENDAR FunctionCALENDARAUTO FunctionDATE FunctionDATEDIFF FunctionDATEVALUE FunctionDAY FunctionEDATE FunctionEOMONTH FunctionHOUR FunctionMINUTE FunctionSECOND FunctionMONTH FunctionNOW FunctionTIME FunctionTIMEVALUE FunctionTODAY FunctionWEEKDAY FunctionWEEKNUM FunctionYEAR FunctionSection5 : DAX Filter FunctionsCALCULATE Function - 0CALCULATE Function - 1ALL FunctionALLSELECTED FunctionAllEXCEPT FunctionCALCULATETABLE FunctionCROSSFILTER FunctionDISTINCT FunctionDISTINCTCOUNT FunctionFILTER FunctionHASONEFILTER FunctionHASONEVALUE FilterISFILTERED FunctionISCROSSFILTERED FunctionKEEPFILTER FunctionRELATED FunctionRELATEDTABLE FunctionREMOVEFILTERS FunctionSELECTEDVALUE FunctionUSERELATIONSHIP FunctionVALUES FunctionSection6 : DAX Information FunctionsCONTAINS FunctionIN FunctionCONTAINSROW FunctionBLANK and ISBLANK FunctionISERROR FunctionISEVEN FunctionISINSCOPE FunctionISLOGICAL FunctionISNONTEXT FunctionISNUMBER FunctionISODD FunctionISTEXT FunctionLOOKUPVALUE FunctionUSERNAME FunctionSection7: DAX Logical FunctionsAND FunctionTRUE and FALSE FunctionsIF FunctionIFERROR FunctionIN FunctionNOT FunctionOR FunctionSection8 : DAX Text FunctionsBLANK FunctionCOMBINEVALUES FunctionCONCATENATE FunctionCONCATENATEX FunctionEXACT FunctionFIND FunctionFIXED FunctionFORMAT FunctionLEFT RIGHT FunctionsLEN FunctionLOWER FunctionMID FunctionREPLACE FunctionREPT FunctionSEARCH FunctionSUBSITUTE FunctionTRIM FunctionUNICHAR FunctionUPPER FunctionSection9 : Dax Path Functions and Row Level SecurityPATH FunctionPATHCONTAINS FunctionPATHITEM FunctionPATHITEMREVERSE FunctionPATHLENGTH FunctionRLS - Static Row Level SecurityRLS - Dynamic Row Level SecurityRLS - Organizational Hierarchy 1RLS - Organizational Hierarchy 2RLS - Organizational Hierarchy 3Section10 : Math Trig and Stat FunctionsSome Examples:DIVIDEPerforms division and returns alternate result or BLANK () on division by 0SUMAdds all the numbers in a column.SUMXReturns the sum of an expression evaluated for each row in a table.FunctionDescriptionAVERAGEReturns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the numbers in a column.AVERAGEXCalculates the average (arithmetic mean) of a set of expressions evaluated over a table.COUNTThe COUNT function counts the number of cells in a column that contain numbers.COUNTROWSThe COUNTROWS function counts the number of rows in the specified table, or in a table defined by an expression.MAXReturns the largest numeric value in a column, or between two scalar expressions.MAXXEvaluates an expression for each row of a table and returns the largest numeric value.MINReturns the smallest numeric value in a column, or between two scalar expressions.MINXReturns the smallest numeric value that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table.RANKXReturns the ranking of a number in a list of numbers for each row in the table argument.Section11 : DAX Time-Intelligence FunctionsCLOSINGBALANCEMONTH-QUARTER-YEAR FunctionDATEADD FunctionDATESBETWEEN FunctionDATESINPERIOD FunctionDATEMTD-QTD-YTD FunctionENDOFMONTH-QUARTER-YEAR FunctionFIRSTDATE - LASTDATE FunctionsFIRSTNONBLANK - LASTNONBLANK FunctionNEXTDAY-QUARTER-MONTH-YEAR FunctionOPENINGBALANCEMONTH-QUARTER-YEAR FunctionPREVIOUSDAY-MONTH-QUARTER-MONTH FunctionPARALLELPERIOD FunctionSAMEPERIODLASTYEAR FunctionTOTALMTD-QTD-YTD FunctionSection12 : Advanced Time-Intelligence ScenariosCreate Date Table in DAX-0Create Date Table in DAX-1Create Date Table in M (important)How to use PREVIOU FunctionHow to use SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR()How to calculate Cumulative or Running totals TOTALXXX() FunctionsHow to use DATEADD() FunctionHow to add column DateLastPurchase in Customer Table 4.34How to calculate Days to Ship and Delivery StatusHow to calculate Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter Sales for 2012How to Calculate Customer Age and use it in charts and graphsHow to calculate Days till last purchaseHow to calculate MOM valuesHow to calculate Previous Week SalesHow to calculate Running Total 1How to calculate Running Total 2How to calculate sales for last N daysHow to calculate Weekend - Weekday sales 1How to calculate Weekend - Weekday sales 2How to calculate YOY GrowthHow to calculate YTD with Different Fiscal YearHow to Calculate Thanksgiving-BlackFriday-CyberMonday 2 weeks salesHow to compare Quarter over Quarter 1How to compare Quarter over Quarter 2How to compare YearQuarterMonth better wayHow to create Short Month Name for Fiscal YearHow to do Grouping and Segmenting 1How to do Grouping and Segmenting 2How to use specific relationships if you have more than 1 relationshipSection13 : Advanced Business ScenariosCreate new table for Scenarios MeasuresHow to calculate of order per customersHow to add calculated column in Employee tableHow to add calculated column in Resellers tableHow to calculate Customers (using TOPN) for Target MarketingHow to calculate and display Profit MarginsHow to calculate and display sales growthHow to calculate how many items bought by Customers Multiple timesHow to calculate how many Resellers sold specific Item more than 5 timesHow to calculate Moving Average 1How to calculate Moving Average 2How to calculate number of Products - Customers Sales TrendHow to calculate Profit or Margin Variance MOMHow to calculate sales category for CustomersHow to calculate TOP 5 Customers with RANKXHow to calculate Trend on Profit for Internet SalesHow to categorize Employees on SalesHow to categorize ResellersHow to create Product SegmentHow to export measures from Power BI fileHow to see top N Products 01 StaticallyHow to see top N Products 02 DynamicallyHow you calculate and show ProfitsHow you calculate Best Product Sales DayHow you calculate Dynamic TOPN product or CustomersHow you calculate Hot Selling ProductsHow you calculate how many unique Customers bought specific ProductHow you calculate how many unique Products bought by each CustomerHow you calculate product sales growthHow you calculate Reseller 01 Sales Growth YOYHow you calculate Reseller 02 Profit Margins YOYHow you calculate Revenue Forecast 01 using Analytics TabHow you calculate Revenue Forecast 01 using What If ParameterHow you calculate Top EmployeesHow you calculate which Reseller selling what ProductsHow you show Products quantity forecast 01 using Analytics TabHow you show Products quantity forecast 02 using using What If ParameterHow you smooth the trend using Moving AveragesSection13 : Bonus Dashboard-in-a-day (Same as actual Microsoft Class)Dashboard-in-a-day and PBI Best PracticesDIAD - IntroductionDIAD - Accessing DataDIAD - Data Prepration-0DIAD - Data Prepration-1DIAD - Data Modeling and Exploration-0DIAD - Data Modeling and Exploration-1DIAD - Data Modeling and Exploration-2DIAD - Data Modeling and Exploration-3DIAD - Data Modeling and Exploration-4DIAD - Data Visualization-0DIAD - Data Visualization-1DIAD - Publishing ReportDIAD - Creating Dashboard0DIAD - Creating Dashboard1DIAD - Creating DashboardsSection14 : Bonus Power BI Best Practices.Best Practice0Best Practice1Best Practice2Best Practice3Best Practice4Best Practice5"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye PHP Eitimi" |
"Merhaba arkadalar. Bu eitim serimizde sfrdan bir programlama eitimi alacaz. rendiimiz her eyi uygulayarak reneceiz. Ders iin herhangi bir n koul beklenmemektedir. Dersin bitiminde artk hepimiz PHP programlama ileri seviyede kullanabiliyor olacaz :). Ancak her zaman kendimizi gelitirmemiz gerekiyor ve bu sebeple de srekli tekrar yapmamz, yeni problemler retip zmemiz ve aratrmalar yapmamz gerekiyor. Umarm bu eitim serisi yardmc olur. Her trl problemlerinizde bir soru kadar uzanzdaym. :)Konular:Sublime text ve Xampp kurulumuTemel HTML ve Form ilemleri (Formdan veri ekme)Deikenler ve sabitlerDizilerOperatrlerKarar yaplar (IF - ELSE / Switch Case)Dngler (For - While - Do While)Hazr php fonksiyonlarFonksiyon oluturma ve armaDosya ilemleri (Dosyaya yazma / Dosyadan okuma)Oturum ilemleri (Oturum ama / Oturumu sonlandrma)Snflar ve Nesneler (Snf oluturma / Snflarla alma)Proje konusu belirleme ve detaylarn karmaProjenin kodlarnn yazlmas"
Price: 359.99 ![]() |
"Learn Zoom for Remote Life and Learning" |
"People are using Zoom more and more every day! They are having meetings, conference calls, teaching, learning, participating in auditions, competitions, social gatherings, interviews, physical workouts, recitals, and more. This course will walk you through the Zoom meeting application so you can use it to host, participate, and work effectively in a virtual meeting environment. (Note: While Zoom has official tutorials on their website, I tried to organize what was necessary to quickly get going with Zoom in this short course. I have listed Zoom's official site as a resource too as well as just contacting me to help you with your particular situation.)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Remote Teaching Tips" |
"This 30-minute course contains several video segments/lectures that outline best practices for conducting remote learning from how to approach (synchronous vs. asynchronous) to the digital tools one may use for delivery, content, and responses with students to typical schedules. There are also helpful tutorial links embedded on the slide deck to all the tools discussed. Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oculus Quest development with Unity3D - Fundamentals" |
"I decided to create this course since when I started developing for VR I found it hard to find resources that shows the whole process from start to finish. I found parts here and there and had to piece them together myself.The purpose of this course is to provide a hands on guide from beginning to end for starting VR development with Oculus Quest.We will do this through a set of project where we do hands on, practical development, creating two apps which we will deploy to the headset for testing.We will start from scratch by downloading and installing the necessary applications and libraries and set everything up. We will even build, deploy and try a small but functional application in the headset.After that we dive right into interaction. We will setup our virtual hands and create an environment with which we can interact. We will enhance the game with user interface concepts like canvases, panels and buttons.Next we will start moving by exploring the possibilities of locomotion. We first get an overview of the mechanisms and then we will dig deeper into the components, like handler and transitions.In the last section we will briefly look into how to distribute you creations to the world.After this course you should have a firm foundation of Oculus Quest development and be ready to create on your own."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"E-Books That Convert" |
"Creating a professionally produced e-book to use as a freebie (opt-in) offer for you business is a fabulous way to attract your ideal audience. Gift them the e-book in exchange for their email address. It is as simple as that. In this course, I will walk you through 5 simple Modules that take you from idea creation all the way through to final publication of your book (and it will even be ready for publishing on Amazon Kindle, if you so desire). In the past, I have charged clients up to $500 per e-book using this exact same formula. If you'd like to use this as a side hustle for yourself, please feel free to adopt this method and use it for your own business in that way as well.The bottom the owner and founder of four businesses, I know how important it is to build a successful email list. Working with your warm audience email list is a tried and true way to make sales over and over again. So, it makes sense that creating the perfect freebie offer will attract the ideal audience for your email list from day one.Jump in and get started today. In just a few days, you'll have a professionally designed e-book and be well on your way to the email list of your business dreams!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advance Maths: Part I: Linear Differential Equations" |
"This course covers all the details of Linear Differential Equations (LDE) which includes LDE of second and higher order with constant coefficients, homogeneous equations, variation of parameters, Euler's/ Cauchy's equations, Legendre's form, solving LDEs simultaneously, symmetrical equations, applications of LDE. This course covers a major and important part of LDE with many solved examples and exercises for students for self assessment. This course will undoubtedly help students in thorough preparation of this topic."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Buchhaltung mit Excel" |
"AllgemeinNicht immer haben wir im Unternehmen eine Software, die die Aufgaben der Buchhaltung bernimmt. Insbesondere dann, wenn es sich um ein Einzelunternehmen handelt. Forderungen mssen entsprechend berwacht, Zinsen eines Kredites berechnet und Umsatzsteuer an das Finanzamt abgefhrt werden.In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Excel erste notwendige Aufgaben bearbeiten knnen.Der Kurs ist sehr gut fr Anfnger geeignet, die in Excel ber Grundkenntnisse verfgen und einen kleinen Einblick in die Buchhaltung bekommen mchten.InhaltForderungenDarlehen Zinsen berechnenRechnungsvorlage mit Excel erstelleneinfacher LiquidittsplanUmsatzsteuer berechnenZustzlich erhalten Sie die fertigen Excel-Vorlagen zur Vertiefung bzw. bung."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Developmental Psychology" |
"Hello and welcome to our Certification course on Developmental Psychology. The course consists of 19 topics in which we will examine in detail the problem related to the age-specificities and dynamics of the processes of mental development of a person throughout his life. We will look at the Subject, Tasks and Methods of research in developmental psychology, Attachment theory and basic concepts and styles of attachment, The three-category model of early attachment of Mary Ainsworth, The four-category model of adult attachment styles of Bartholomew and Horowitz, Lawrence Kohlberg and the moral development of the personality, Psychosexual development of personality by Sigmund Freud, Stages of Psychosocial Development of Personality by Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget and cognitive development during childhood, Theories of adaptation to ageing, The Humanistic Tradition in the Study of the Life Path of the Person by Charlotte Bhler, A General Approach to The Seasons of a Man's Life and The Seasons of a Woman's Life by Daniel Levinson, Dynamics of romantic and love relationships, Dynamics of marital satisfaction and predictable crises in the family life cycle, Evolution of the Individual Life Structure during the initial phase of early age by Daniel Levinson, Characterization of the early phase of an early age by Daniel Levinson, The transition in the middle of life by Daniel Levinson, Retirement Theories and The Evolution of Mature Consciousness and the Phases of Personal Transformation through Lifepath by Roger Gould.In our training, we adhere to the idea and purpose of providing deep, useful, accurate and clear scientifically-based information, which in theory can be used for any purpose and in practice can help anyone. In each lecture, we show the original text of the course, and the goal is a more accessible and proper understanding of the training. In this way, we believe that we support the easier perception and comprehension of scientific information. Also, this way anyone can take notes. We hope you appreciate our goal of giving you as much as possible for a minimum of time.About the author - Valentin Boyadzhiev is a trained nutritionist, graduated Master of Psychology in ""Psychology and Psychopathology of Development"". He has acquired Professional Qualification ""Teacher of Psychology"" and Postgraduate Professional Qualification ""Psychological Counseling in Psychosomatic and Social Adaptation Disorders"". He has obtained a Psychoanalysis Diploma and he has specialized in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. He is a member of the Association ""Bulgarian Psychoanalytic Space"", ""International Society of Applied Psychoanalysis"" and International Alliance of Holistic Therapists. He is a lecturer on issues related to nutrition, diet, supplementation, food and sports. He is also a teacher and a lecturer in the field of psychology, logic, ethics, law, and philosophy. He has been a school psychologist since 2017. He has been participating annually in scientific conferences on psychology, psychotherapy, dietetics and medicine. His main interest and practice are in the field of psychoanalysis and clinical psychology."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Online ESL Games" |
"This unique course is for online teachers. I will share with you a ton of online teaching activities that can be used to successfully educate and engage students. These learning activities can be used in online teaching environments such as DaDa, VipKid, Go-Go kid, iTutorGroup, SayABC, and others. They can also be used for your own private classes through Zoom.I learned early on in my teaching career the value of educational games. If nothing else, a nice little game gave everybody a break from learning for a while. But educational games are much more than that. A good game will get the kids learning without them actually knowing or feeling that they are learning. By playing a game, students may be able to comprehend a new concept or idea, take on a different viewpoint, or experiment with different choices or variables. Also, there are a myriad of secondary skills that students can develop through game playing such as critical thinking skills, creativity, teamwork, and good sportsmanshipIf you are an online ESL teacher, having interesting classes is very important. The market is highly competitive and companies tend to favor teachers that can keep the students engaged and interested in learning. Adding a game motivates and energizes students and adds variation to a lesson. I have used all of these games. They are tried and tested, and I truly vouch for every single one of them.You will get 50 video lectures, one for each game. You will get clear instructions, and I will demonstrate the educational game or activity with a live student, so that you can know exactly how to use these games.As a bonus you will also get a copy of my book Awesome Online Teaching Games in pdf format. These are the same 50 games featured in this course but you will have them in pdf format with clear instructions and screenshots so that you can easily access them while you are having class.Happy Teaching!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Quarkus Backend development with Java and GraalVM" |
"Developing with Quarkus is fast and fun. The combination of Quarkus, Java, GraalVM, Docker, Kubernetes, and JPA makes it even more fun. And it's even more fun to deploy it onto the cloud.There are ten parts to this course - Quarkus Backend development with Java and GraalVMToday all the companies moving onto microservices. RESTful API services are the first step to developing great microservices.The first and second part will introduce you to the main concept of Quarkus and RESTful APIThe third part covers in-depth on how Quarkus Core worksThe fourth part covers communication like RESTful API, Websockets and CORS in-depth.The fifth part will tell you how to use Maven or Gradle efficiently to build your applications, and even more.The sixth part will dive you into data and persistence. You'll work with different databases starting from MySQL and going to MongoDB, Infinispan, Neo4j, and DynamoDB.With the seventh part, you'll know how to do messaging in Quarkus. You'll work with Apache Kafka, as well as Artemis and AMQP.Part #8 will tell you how to secure your Quarkus application with such technologies as JWT, Keycloak, OAuth and more.The most interesting part nine will cover Cloud and Quarkus, this includes Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, Azure and AWS LambdaPart ten will give you information about Observability with health checks, Open tracing, Sentry and GELF logs."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System" |
"This ISO 9001:2015 quality management system awareness training course is specifically designed for those who want to get awareness of ISO 9001:2015. The course includes in detail, an overview of an quality management system (QMS), benefits of QMS, overview of requirements, list of documented information. This ISO 9001:2015 quality management system training course is helpful for employees of all types of organizations, students, professionals and individuals to get complete awareness ISO 9001:2015 International Standard"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Dropshipping" |
"Te gustara crear tu tienda online? Necesitas dinero extra para comprar ropa, un mvil, etc? Quieres aprender a utilizar FB ADs? Si realmente quieres aprender a usar Facebook ADs, crear tu tienda con Shopify y ademas facturar dinero con TU tienda, qudate y lee la descripcin. En este curso voy a ensearte a:Crear una tienda online con ShopifyCrear un Business Manager en FacebookCrear una campaa de anuncios con Facebook ADsEscalar las campaas publicitariasCrear una Custom AudienceRetargetingCampaas CBOEtc...Te garantizo que aprenders mucho con este curso ;)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Algorithmic Trading on Zerodha KiteConnect Platform" |
"Design and deploy trading strategies on Zerodha's Kiteconnect platform. Automate every step of your strategy including authentication, extracting data, performing technical analysis, generating signals, risk management etc. Gain a thorough understanding of Restful APIs and kiteconnect python wrapper. Learn how to deploy your strategies on cloud.You can expect to gain the following skills from this courseAPI tradingHarnessing streaming tick level dataIncorporating technical indicators using pythonIncorporating chart pattern analysisEnd to End strategy design and deploymentSelenium webdriverAWS EC2Sqlite database management"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"VCPC610 VMware Certified Professional 6 Cloud Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the VCPC610 VMware Certified Professional 6 Cloud Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam. What you get from this course150 UNIQUE practice questions VCPC610 VMware Certified Professional 6 Cloud Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers Official Exam DetailsExam Name : VCPC610 VMware Certified Professional 6 Cloud Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 150Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 180minsPassing Score : 75 (135 of180)"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Iniciacin a la meditacin" |
"Te gustara implementar un nuevo hbito de bienestar de forma fcil? Con este curso obtendrs una meditacin diaria durante 14 das. De esta forma, podrs empezar con el buen hbito de meditar de forma sencilla, ya que, solo son entre 2 y 4 minutos diarios. Una forma fcil de iniciarse, y traer calma y bienestar a tu vida.Te espero!Namaste"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C_TAW12_70 SAP Development Associate ABAP Net Weaver Exam" |
"332 UNIQUE practice questions for C_TAW12_70 SAP Development Associate ABAP Net Weaver ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TAW12_70 SAP Development Associate ABAP Net Weaver ExamTotal Questions : 332Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :210 minsPassing Score : 75 (249 of 332)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |