Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Antibiotics Use, Pharmacological Effect and Classification" |
"Contagions account for a main reason of death all the way through the improving universe. This is primarily due to the appearance of newer contagious factors and more particularly due to the manifestation of antimicrobial resistance. Together with time, the massive careless use of antibiotics in clinical exercise has resulted in bacteria impedance to antimicrobial agents.Bacteria that create bacterial contagions and illness are denominated pathogenic bacteria. Anyway, they cause infections and diseases when they enter the body and start to proliferate and crowd out healthful bacteria or to develop into tissues that are usually sterile.The invention of antibiotics drove to optimism that contagions can be blocked and controlled. Antibiotics can be categorized into five main groups, for example type of action, spectrum of activity, source, function, and chemical structure. The current perception of the biological action of antibiotics is broadly centered on their fundamental cellular goals. Moreover, this categorization could be useful in health care and academic scopes right now and as well, in the future .Anyway, in this Practice Test Course, I have five practice tests which contain about 80 questions; to examine students knowledge concerning the following topics: Rules of Anti-microbial treatment, election of antibiotics, combinations of antibiotics, route of antibiotic administration, complications of antibiotic treatment, and Anti-microbial agents that act as 1) Metabolic enzymes inhibitors, 2) cell wall synthesis inhibitors, 3) Protein Synthesis Inhibitors and 4) Nucleic Acid Synthesis Inhibitors.Keywords: Antibiotics Use, Pharmacological Effect, and Classification"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda os Segredos do Material Gentico" |
"Este curso est voltado entusiastas do conhecimento biolgico e tambm para estudantes buscando preparatrio para provas de Enem e provas de vestibulares! No perca tempo essa a sua chance! Comece o curso preparatrio agora!Se voc muito curioso e sendo ou no estudante, gosta de conhecimento a mais em cincias, este curso foi feito para voc. Com imagens empolgantes sobre o tema ""Material Gentico"", mergulhe no conhecimento e desfrute de todos os seus segredos! Numa srie de slides belssimos e temas bem focados no assunto, voc vai passo a passo, entender como a vida funciona, como possvel a natureza criar tanta diversidade com to poucos elementos. No perca tempo! Confira o contedo descrito abaixo, assista a vdeo introdutrio e comece agora seu curso ""Aprenda os Segredos do Material Gentico""!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To Qlikview Data Architect Certification" |
"This Course cover some of the important topics that will be tested during Qlikview data architect certification.About the certification exam:This exam is based on QlikView Version 12.1, and has 60 questions to complete in 2 hours.Passing the QlikView Data Architect Certification Exam grants you both the QlikView Data Architect (DA) and QlikView Business Analyst (BA) certifications.Syllabus from Qlik for QlikView Data ArchitectGather and Interpret Requirements (8% of the exam)Given a set of business objectives, determine KPIs, dimensions, or measuresGiven customer requirements, determine an appropriate solution to meet the customer needsIdentify and Analyze Data Sources (18% of the exam)Given a data set, identify quality issuesDetermine the expected effects of data quality issuesGiven a data set, determine how the data characteristics at the field level will affect the QlikView data model (e.g., performance, accuracy)Interpret an entity relationship (ER) diagramGiven a data set, determine the relationships among dataGiven a data set, determine how the relationships among data will affect the QlikView data model (e.g., performance, accuracy)Create the QlikView Associative Data Model (39% of the exam)Explain methods and considerations for connecting to different types of data sourcesDescribe the circumstances under which different load strategies should be usedExplain the circumstances under which QVD files and/or n-tiered data architectures should be recommendedDescribe the use and properties of fact tables and dimension tablesExplain load techniques relevant to data transformationExplain the use of QlikView functions to transform dataExplain how to resolve complex calendar scenariosExplain the use and effects of different types of joinsGiven business requirements, determine appropriate section access configurationGiven a scenario, determine how to resolve table association issues (e.g., synthetic keys/circular references, data types)Explain the use of control statements and/or variablesExplain the purpose and functionality of the Table Viewer/System FieldsDetermine the root cause for discrepancies between values in legacy reports and QlikView valuesExplain the purpose and functionality of QlikView troubleshooting tools or functionsGiven a script, determine the cause and/or solution for a script errorDesign and Develop the QlikView Application User Interface (25% of the exam)Determine the result of a given function or complex expressionIdentify where alternate uses of expressions are appropriateGiven a scenario, determine the appropriate function or complex expression to useExplain how to implement Actions/Triggers in the QlikView interfaceGiven a scenario, determine the appropriate object or chart type to useExplain the purpose/functionality of common object propertiesGiven a scenario, determine the appropriate application performance tuning option to useGiven a scenario, determine the appropriate reload performance tuning option to useDeliver the QlikView Application (10% of the exam)Describe how to give the user information or direction for using the applicationExplain the purpose and functionality of the QV Server and PublisherDetermine the circumstances under which particular client types can be usedTopics Covered in this course:How to load data from excel file.How to apply cross tab while loading data from excel file.How to use of QlikView functions to transform data.How to use common string function while loading data.How to aggregate data using group by.How to restrict your data by using where.How to export your data from a internal table using Qlik scripts.How to implement set analysis.Upcoming modules:Given a scenario, determine how to resolve table association issues (e.g., synthetic keys/circular references, data types)Explain the use of control statements and/or variablesExplain the purpose and functionality of the Table Viewer/System FieldsAbout Set Analysis:Set analysis offers a way of defining a set (or group) of data values that is different from the normal set defined by the current selections.Normally, when you make a selection, aggregation functions, such as Sum, Max, Min, Avg, and Count aggregate over the selections that you have made: the current selections. Your selections automatically define the data set to aggregate over. With set analysis you can define a group that is independent of the current selections. This can be useful if you want to show a particular value, for example, the market share of a product across all regions, irrespective of the current selections.Set analysis is also powerful when making different sorts of comparisons, such as what are the best-selling products compared with poorly-selling products, or this year against last year."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crer un site de A Z : Le Portfolio" |
"Dans ce cours en ligne nous allons crer un site de A Z dans les rgles de l'art, le tout en HTML / CSS et JavaScript pour les animations.Le site en question sera un portfolio 100% responsive, qui utilisera pas mal de concepts cls en CSS. travers ce projet de Portfolio, vous apprendrez :Positionner des lments avec Flexbox,Utiliser les medias queries,Utiliser CSS Grid pour faire une grille,Animer vos lments avec TypeWriter, Greensock et ScrollMagic,Crer un site de A Z, tout simplement.Le code source est disponible avec la formation.On se donne rendez-vous de l'autre ct !"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Cartes de Crdito - Como Ter os Melhores Benefcios" |
"Voc:1 - Paga anuidade cara e no recebe benefcios ou recebe benefcios que no valem a pena?2- No utiliza carto de crdito por ter medo ou est negativado e acha que no pode ter um?3 - Acredita que no pode ter benefcios ou no consegue viajar com os pontos?4 - Quer descobrir o carto de crdito ideal que te dar muitos benefcios que valem a pena?Se respondeu sim pelo menos uma vez, esse curso para voc.Voc aprender tudo sobre cartes de crdito nesse treinamento:Mdulo 1 - Melhores Formas de Utilizar Seu Carto de Crdito;Mdulo 2 - Como Conseguir Carto de Crdito Com Nome Sujo (Negativado);Mdulo 3 - Quais os Melhores Cartes de Crdito Sem Anuidade;Mdulo 4 - Quais os Melhores Cartes de Crdito Internacionais - Compras no Exterior;Mdulo 5 - Melhores Bandeiras e Seus Benefcios;Mdulo 6 - Melhores Programas de Milhas e Quais os Cartes que Mais Pontuam;Mdulo 7 - Como Aumentar Seu Limite do Carto de Crdito;Mdulo 8 - Como Ser Aprovado Nas Anlises de Crdito.30 dias de garantia, podendo reembolsar seu dinheiro caso desista do curso.Recursos extras do curso:Planilha de gesto financeira (para controlar e organizar suas finanas);Planilha de controle de cartes de crdito (para controlar suas faturas);Planilha com acesso aos cartes que mais pontuam no mercado;Planilha com acesso aos melhores programas de relacionamentos (bandeiras e milhas);Passo a Passo de como negociar e conseguir diminuir ou at mesmo se isentar do pagamento da anuidade de seu carto.Aproveite e garanta esse curso para economizar e se beneficiar de uma ferramenta incrvel ao seu dispor.Te aguardo! Abrao."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Complete Electrical machinesAC/DC motor driveVFDMATLAB" |
"Hi Our Friend!Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation and learn about Variable Speed Drive or VFD to control the speed of the AC and DC motors ? >> If your answer is big YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Why this course is Powerful and Unique ? This course will give a person with no prior experience the basic tools necessary to create a VSD Design from scratch.this course is the first one on udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you - step by step - to understand how to be able to built a VSD.this course teaches you how to dealing with different kinds of machines like Induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, DC Motors.This course is designed by very big team which is always available to help you at any time.this course teaches you about Direct Torque Control and Field Oriented Control concepts.this course is the first one on udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which helps you to built a complete Matlab Simulink Model for actual Variable Speed Drive base on Field Oriented Control and Direct Torque Control.rse is using many examples more than any other courses.This course will offers you a great opportunity to learn about VSD j-1000 with examples.This course will offers you a great opportunity to learn about DC drives with here you will find our help is available for you at any time.We have here a huge number of instructors supervising this course willing to Put in your hands all their experiences in real life. At this course :These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing .We'll design with each other a complete Machine control drive used in the practical life.O help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question as I believe we can learn from each otherThis is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..## So don't hesitate and click "" Buy Now "" button so you can begin on the right path!Who is the target audience?Anyone who is interested in Understanding VSD.Electrical Engineering Students.Anyone who wants to be familiar with Industrial Automation and Industrial Machines.Anyone understands VSD but can't practice on Actual VFD. Anyone wants to learn about Field Oriented Control and Direct Totque Control."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"CAN network development course using ARM cortex m3" |
"CAN protocol overview: Introduction to the CAN protocol, Overview of Reasons for the development of CAN Comparison of CAN with other serial communication protocols, ISO-OSI layers of CAN, CAN vehicle network Architecture, Features of CAN protocol, Frame formats of CANCAN physical layer: CAN nodes, CAN Bus voltage levels and node interfacing techniques, CAN bit timings and baud rate settingsCAN data link layer: CAN Bus arbitration, CAN Bus Fault ConfinementHands-on Exercises on Real World System: Introduction to Cortex-M3, Online compiler Hands-On session for cortex-M3, Building CAN Transmitter nodeBuilding a CAN Receiver node, Analysis of CAN data on desktop"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Headlock & Wirst Lock" |
"Krav Maga sisteminde nemli yeri olan bilek ve boyun kilitleriBoyun KilitleriAma: Boyun kilit durumunda nefessiz kalmak ve boynumuzun krlmasn nlemek iin yaplacak savunma hareketleridir.Teor,i: Boynumuz yedi omurdan olumaktadr, boyun blgesine yaplcak bir saldr boyun omurlarna zarar verir, boyun blgesinden 31 ift sinir kar (Bknz: Dim Mak ) bu sinirler kollarmzn ve bacaklarmzn hareketinin sinyallerini verir, burada oluabilecek bir zarar bizin fel olmamza neden olabilir.TEKNK:Boyun saldrlar ka trl olur? 1. Yandan yaplan boyun saldrlar ve savunma2. Geriden yaplan boyun kilitleri3.ene kilit farkl olarak uygulanr savunmasnda baz ince noktalar vardr video ierisinde bunlar gstereceiz. Bu durumda 3 sn. ierisinde kurtulmamz gerekir yoksa baylma gerekleir.(Baknz: Dim Mak Part-2)4. Giyotin tutuu nden MMA tutuu diye adlandrlr,nefessiz kalmak ve boynun krlmas ile sonulanr.Ek uyarlar:Boyun saldrlarnda ok ksa bir srede savunma olarak cevap vermemiz gerekir yoksa baylma ve lmle sonulanr saldrBilek Kilitleri:Antrenmana balamadan nce bilek snma almalarn yapmamz gerekirAma: Bileimizdern tutulur ekme ilemi yaplrsa bu durumdan kurtulma tekniklerini greceiz.Teknik:1.Tekli parelal tutular2.Tekli aprak tutular3.iftli tutular n4.iftli tutular arkaUygulama &PiratikPiratik yaparken adm adm yapn ilknce statik ve dinamik sistemi nedir nasl uygulanr videoda o blme dikkat ediniz.eer fazla g ile yaplan kilit hareketinde yeterli hza ve mesafeyi kapamaz iseniz o kilit durumundan kurtulamazsnz.Kilit durumundan kurtulmann temel unsurlar:1.Hzl olmak2.Mesafe kapamak3.Admlarnz ge kar ynlendirmek (Thai Sabaki)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"NetBackup 8.2 Administration Course" |
"This course is for technical professionals for managing and administer NetBackup environments.The course is for Backup Administrators responsible for performing operations on Backup, Restore and Media Management.Course agenda covers all the topics need for a IT professional and learn the skills that are needed to Administer a NetBackup environment on day to day operations."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Entrepreneurship & Personality" |
"Would you like to become a self- confident inspired entrepreneur?Learn what drives and motivates entrepreneurs to succeed.Discover if it is right to follow passion, and when it becomes obsession.Gain a deeper insight into intuition, and why entrepreneurs do need it.It is important to be true to yourself and practice authentic connections in spite of the fear of judgement and rejection.As an entrepreneur you should be ready to embrace failures, and bounce back from entrepreneurial grief.Since ancient times patience has been identified as an important aspect of virtue, and related to spiritual transcendence.Gain ideas how to practice patience, and achieve the feeling of bliss.Inspiration is a predictor of creativity.Learn how to fire the soul of an entrepreneur, and why it is vital to be an inspired entrepreneur.This course containing 23 lectures and 3,5 hours of video will walk you through the connection of entrepreneurship with intuition, passion, obsession, faith, patience, inspiration, flow. You will gain more insights into entrepreneurship, and how to become a self-confident inspired entrepreneur."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"No curso de especializao em Excel - ExcelForever o aluno ser submetido imensa carga de casos reais, passando por todas as ferramentas e habilidades relevantes para todos os tipos de profissionais do mercado. Com base na experincia em mais de 18 anos, em grandes empresas e inmeros departamentos entregamos aos nossos alunos todos nosso conhecimento e atalhos da ferramenta e habilidade mais requisitada do planeta."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-931 Oracle Autonomous Database 2019 Specialist Dump" |
"Use This Coupon : LESS_THAN_10 to get discount more than 60%Use This Coupon : ONLY-BY-12 to get discount more than 52%Prepare For Oracle 1Z0-931 Exam Related with Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud 2019 Specialist Certification.We Provides 100% Valid Oracle 1Z0-931 Exam Questions and answers which can helps you to Pass Your Certification Exam in First Attempt.You have to pass 100% like real.Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this.( Make sure take up all the 3 test sections or parts )You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"magical way to learn integrals" |
"this course intends to teach integrals to students in a magical way.the course has been divided beautifully to make easy for the students to understand different types of integration.very basic examples has been chosen to impart clarity to the students.i expect without doubt that the learner will be indebted. differential calculus is a pre requisite for this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Relationship Psychology: Secrets to People's Behavior" |
"Welcome to Relationship Psychology!Are you curious about why people play mind games? Have you ever wondered why some people are abusive to others and others arent? Do online power games drive you crazy or seem bizarre to you? Or have you ever really considered why you fall for certain types or are drawn to certain friends? Psychology has come far to grapple with these questions and finally has an answer to them. No more guessing games with a guy or girl friend that seems impossible to read. In fact, after this course you'll be able to understand more people and their interactions. Although there are vast relationship questions out there, this relationship psychology course has the root of them (a bold statement I must admit, but not an untruthful one).This course dives deep into the real reasons why we really do what we do, our unconscious patterns of thought that we all have and are running under the surface, and more importantly, how to reprogram ourselves so we no longer fall mercy to them. This course is jargon-free, boring-free (no more monotone-sounding instructors with plain slides), comprehensive but easy to digest and takes no degree or background in psychology to understand.In this course we'll be delving into:The root of relationship issues and how it's not what you think...The modern relationship issues that plagues our society today and whyWhy you're truly attracted to certain ""types"" (that goes beyond biology)Your own relationship problems and how to solve them for goodMyths and truths about relationships that the internet keeps confusing"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Eyes&Hair Drawing Tutorial Augen & Haare Zeichen Tutorial" |
"In this eyes and hair tutorial I will show you how you can easily draw eyes and hair in different techniques. If you want to improve your drawing skills regarding eyes and hair, this eyes and hair tutorial is for you.You will learn in the eyes and hair tutorial:drawing material theorythe anatomy and the components of an eyethe meaning of the eye in the (historical) societyhow to draw eyes (step-by-step tutorials)possibilities how to draw hair I will show you how you can draw with this skills impressionable eyes and hair drawings.This tutorial contains many downloadable materials. If you need it, I can send you a certificate about this course. Please write for a certificate to martinaledermann@gmail.comSubscribe now.(This tutorial is in English with German subtitles.)In diesem Tutorial fr Augen und Haare zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie Augen und Haare mit verschiedenen Techniken leicht zeichnen knnen. Wenn Sie Ihre Zeichenfhigkeiten in Bezug auf Augen und Haare verbessern mchten, ist dieses Tutorial fr Augen und Haare genau das Richtige fr Sie.Sie lernen im Augen- und Haar-Tutorial:Materialtheoriedie Anatomie eines Augesdie Bedeutung des Auges in der (historischen) Gesellschaftwie man Augen zeichnet (Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitungen)Mglichkeiten, wie man Haare zeichnetIch werde Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie mit diesen Fhigkeiten eindrucksvolle Augen- und Haarzeichnungen zeichnen knnen.Dieses Tutorial enthlt viele herunterladbare Materialien. Wenn Sie es brauchen, kann ich Ihnen ein Zertifikat ber diesen Kurs senden.Bitte schreiben Sie fr ein Zertifikat an martinaledermann@gmail.comNehme jetzt teil.(Dieses Tutorial ist in englischer Sprache mit deutschen Untertiteln.)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"70-345 Microsoft Exchange Server 2016: Practice Test" |
"Candidates for this exam are IT consultants or senior administrators who act as the technical lead over a team of administrators. Candidates should be familiar with the requirements for integrating Microsoft Exchange Server with Skype for Business and Office 365.Candidates should have a minimum of three years of experience designing and managing Exchange servers and who are responsible for the Exchange 2016 messaging environment in an enterprise environment.Skills measuredNOTE: The bullets that appear below each of the skills measured in the document below are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive.Plan, Deploy, Manage, and Troubleshoot Mailbox Databases (15-20%)Plan, Deploy, Manage and Troubleshoot Client Access Services (15-20%)Plan, Deploy, Manage, and Troubleshoot Transport Services (15-20%)Plan, Deploy, and Manage Exchange Infrastructure, Recipients, and Security (15-20%)Plan, Deploy, and Manage Compliance, Archiving, eDiscovery, and Auditing (10-15%)Implement and Manage Coexistence, Hybrid Scenarios, Migration, and Federation (10-15%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Premium Solidworks 2020 Completo Para CSWA Desde Cero" |
"CUPN DESCUENTO: ""SOLIDWORKS_4"". Aplicalo y tendrs un descuento!Este es un curso de Solidworks muy directo, vas a aprender todo lo que necesitas para disear con Solidworks en el menor tiempo posible.Podrs pasar sin problemas una prueba de trabajo de SolidWorks o aplicar al certificado de SolidWorks CSWA!Veras muchos otros muchos cursos de Solidworks en Udemy pero no te confundas, ninguno con la calidad y enfoque de este.-----------Si tambin estas interesado en aprender Catia V5, no dejes de revisar los mas de 10 cursos que tengo acerca de Catia V5 y sus mdulos o busca directamente mi curso ms completo de Catia V5:""Diseo Industrial Automotriz Curso Catia V5 Premium+ 28horas"" y compralo con el CUPN ""CATIAV5_11"" para obtener un buen descuento.---------Siguiendo con este curso de SolidWorks: no voy a dar vueltas innecesarias, ni repetir lo mismo mil veces, tu tiempo al igual que el mio es lo mas valioso que tenemos, asi que he preparado este curso de una manera muy estructurada y precisa para que aprendas BIEN y RPIDO.Ademas te beneficiaras del espacio de trabajo de masterCAD en Slack, algo que ningn otro curso te ofrece y te va a permitir llegar mucho ms lejos, ya que vas a estar en estrecho contacto con los otros alumnos de masterCAD, podrs ver sus dudas, sus piezas, hablar con ellos y ver las soluciones de que les proponemos los profesores.Por qu deberas comenzar este curso hoy?Curso acelerado de Solidworks, donde en muy poco tiempo, vas dominar el diseo de piezas complejas.Directo al grano, no pierdo el tiempo en lo obvio.Video profesional HD 1080p con alta calidad de audio. 100% claro!Si es necesario tambin tendremos sesiones de Skype y TeamViewer.Vas a aprender la metodologa de diseo y normativa que exigen los grandes fabricantes de automviles y sus proveedores para trabajar con Catia V5.Quisieras ms detalles antes de inscribirte?...Mira ahora gratuitamente nuestra primera clase/presentacin del curso! o las clases que tenemos en abierto.CUPN DESCUENTO: ""SOLIDWORKS_2"". Aplicalo y tendrs un GRAN descuento!Extras solo por inscribirte:Acceso a coleccin de manuales de Solidworks de alto valor educativo.Resolucin de dudas en el mismo da, comunicacin directa via Slack, Whatsapp o mail.Certificado oficial y constancia con valor curricular de masterCAD al completar el 100% del curso. Si no tienes el Catia V5 instalado, no te preocupes, escrbenos un mensaje en cuanto te inscribas.Los vdeos son multiplataforma, es decir puedes verlos en la computadora, en el laptop, en el celular, en la tablet y en cualquier lugar donde te encuentres.Si tambin estas interesado en aprender Catia V5, no dejes de revisar los mas de 10 cursos que tengo acerca de Catia V5 y sus mdulos o busca directamente mi curso ms completo de Catia V5:""Diseo Industrial Automotriz Curso Catia V5 Premium+ 28horas"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
kak_sozdat_lichnyy_brend_lichnyy_brend_v_seti_s_nulya |
"- "" ? "" . , YouTube . , , !"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Create MLM Website - Multi Level Marketing Website WordPress" |
"Multi-Level Marketing Website in WordPress With Binary MLM, Forced Matrix and Unilevel MLMin this course, you will learn how to create MLM website which is also called network marketing and referral marketing, which is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company's products/services.You will be able to create your Chain system for affiliate/membersthis system will allow you to create market your products automatically by members/customers and increase your sales organicallycreate a genealogy tree of MLM plans and much more with this course and plugin!The plugin is provided for FREE ( Save 56$ )ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Tour Website With Travel / Tour Packages In WordPress" |
"Travel & Tour Website with WordPress - Complete Tutorial for how to create travel webCreate a website that demands a second look and get found online with marketing tools that put your business in all the right places.Benefits :1. It saves time and generate money on autopilot3. It's easy to check out what people say about you4. They can make your multi-destination holiday seamless* WordPress Theme is provided for FREE *If you run a tour site, chances are youd like to let your customers book tours online. Travel / Tours focuses on making that possible by enabling you to implement a flexible, user-friendly tour management system.The entire booking experience is designed to be as smooth as possible. Travel Tour enables you to create and display several types of tours for customers to choose from, including one-day and multiple-day tours that can be set to recur. Visitors select the tours they want via an easy-to-use booking sidebar and have access to various payment options including PayPal, credit card, and bank transfer. You can incorporate multiple pricing options, and enable customers to use coupon codes during their purchase. After they have chosen a tour, customers have access to a personal dashboard where they can view previous or pending bookings, see their receipts, save wishlists, and review past tours.In addition to these client-friendly features, Travel Tour aims to make the customization experience just as simple. This theme incorporates the best Page Builder, which enables you to build content on your site using a drag-and-drop system that displays your changes immediately. There is plenty of demo material to choose from including headers, layouts, and menus and you can use the demo importer to pick and choose what youd like to keep from those examples. Once the site is up and running, youll have access to an admin panel where you can approve or reject bookings easily, among other things.+1 you will also learn to create an online store and convert your website to webview app!* WordPress Theme is provided for FREE *ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Medical WordPress Website for Hospitals, Clinics & Doctors" |
"Do you want to create a Medical website with Wordpress If yes, then you are in the right place.Easily create an online website with our powerful yet simple all-in-one platform. ( WordPress )Download Premium Wordpress theme - MEDICLINIC ( FREE )Download WP Rocket ( FREE )With this Course, you will save 120$#1 Provide a world-class experience#2 User-friendly website builder#3 Fully optimized for web and mobile#4 Advanced developer customizationThis course is meant for anyone who wants to create a Medical Health website with Wordpress. There is no experience required. You can do this if you can point and click. The idea is to teach a broad subject like WordPress website creation coupled with a specific outcome through a really specific application of the knowledge like creating a medical website with WordPress.Learn how to create a Medical Website ( LMS ) with WordPress even if you are a beginner. If you are an intermediate or advanced user of WordPress, you will know the lessons you need to take as the outline has a meaningful learning path and meant to address the beginner as well as the intermediate user. I will take you by the hand and we will travel the path together. We will move from the beginner stage to the intermediate and the advanced stages along the course. The steps are clearly laid down with walk-throughs so that you can follow along the course and create the desired outcome.This course is suitable for professionals across verticals who would like to create a great professional medical website with WordPress.You will be able to create a website for different categories like : DentistClinicPediatricianMedical LaboratoryOphthalmologistPharmacyMedicineGeriatricianHealth Care Center& moreStart now and turn your knowledge into Professional website with Stunning designYou Have Nothing To Lose But Everything To Gain!30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Construction & Architecture Website for industries WordPress" |
"Do you want to create a website but you don't know to code?, you are lucky because in this course i will show exactly how to make a website from scratch without needing to know how to code.In this course we will build it step-by-step togetherWordPress is the perfect tool to create a fully-featured and fully customized website for any business or for any purpose. Whether you want to create a blog for earnings, a personal portfolio website to showcase your projects or a business eCommerce website to sell your products and services, you can do it with WordPress.While WordPress might seem complex from the outside but once you get started, it's fairly easy to use. Everything from hosting WordPress website to installing the theme, editing & making content-( Theme is not FREE )-Our Theme uses WPBakery Page builder & Revolution Slider..WPBakery Page Builder with 70+ Custom Elements ( FREE )Creating pages is really easy with Drag and Drop page builder WPBakery. This premium plugin comes with theme for Free.Revolution Slider Plugin Included ( FREE )We can not imagine modern website without Sliders. Theme comes with ultra powerful slider building plugin Revolution Slider Plugin. Plugin comes with theme for Free. Theme also include 10 different kind of sliders as a starting point for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intermittent Fasting: The Easiest Way To Lose Weight" |
"Welcome to Intermittent Fasting: The Easiest Way To Lose Weight!Questions to considerAre you suffering from having low energy?Do you feel tired or exhausted all the time?Do you have trouble focusing or getting work done?Do you have low motivation for prepping 5-6 meals a day/week?Do you feel like your mental quickness or sharpness is starting to slow down?Are you having trouble making time for fitness?Do you need to lose weight and shed body fat?Have you noticed that your muscles are slowly or quickly disappearing?So how do you address some of these issues without spending THOUSANDS of dollars on...A gym membership $40-$149/monthFitness classes $180-$349/monthPersonal training: $60-$100/session. Typically at 2-4 sessions per weekSemi-private training: $20-$40/session. Typically at 2-4 sessions per weekAre you ready to:Burn Fat?Build Muscle?Revolutionize Your Energy?Improve Your Health?Reduce Inflammation?Even Improve Your Brain Performance?Say ""Hello"" to Intermittent Fasting!Intermittent fasting is not a diet, but a strategic method of eating that's been show to literally hack your metabolism and hormonal system for fat burning. The Shred-Tech eCourse will help you avoid the most common intermittent fasting mistakes while also taking your intermittent fasting to the next level to 10X your results and quantum leap to your results.In this in-depth comprehensive course you'll learn:How Intermittent Fasting WorksHow To Maximize Your ResultsFrequently Asked Questions AnsweredHours of in-depth tutorial videosThe secret to starting intermittent fasting simply and easilyHere's what your first day could look like: 8:00AM: Begin Intermittent Fasting 2:00PM: Eat your first big meal 6:00PM: Hit the gym for one hour 8:00PM: Eat your second big mealSound easy? That's because building strength and lean muscle is simple when you're on the Shred-Tech Program! See you Inside!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"7 Top Instagram AR Filters or Effects in Spark AR Studio" |
"7 Top Instagram Filters with step by step tutorials are waiting for you!This Spark AR Studio course is created for all levels: it doesn't matter if you are a beginner and have never worked in Spark AR Studio before or you know how to make AR filters. These lessons have something to offer for everyone!What is inside:""Getting ready"" lecture for beginners3D lashes, makeupParticles Sparkling texturesLightroom presets to AR filtersPerson segmentationBorder around the user3D objectsFramesQuiz filtersFixed Target Tracker ... and more!+ Spark AR TIPs lecture which helps to speed up your workflow!The course is a practical, step-by-step video tutorial on how to work in Spark AR. We will be creating 7 amazing AR filters so that you can use the tools for your own projects.Are you ready? All hands on deck, we are starting right now!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Creating Academic Presentations for High Grades & Outcomes" |
"Presentations are increasingly becoming vital to success in corporate, entrepreneurial and social engagements around the world. As such, universities evaluate their students on how to write them. This course provides you with the basic and fundamental skills essential in writing and delivering high-quality presentations. The course commences with a discussion of what constitutes an excellent presentation. This will lead to three lessons that will focus on (1) how to write a referenced outline for a presentation (2) how to write the actual presentation and (3) how to deliver the presentation."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness for Pain Reduction" |
"Mindfulness and meditation is an evidence based approach to pain reduction. Learn how to practise mindfulness and meditation within your day to day life to help reduce pain. Recent medical research suggests that we can use our mind and our mind / body connection to help become more aware of our connections with pain and reduce it. This course will allow you to learn about mindfulness for pain reduction in under 20 minutes a day for 14 days. Equipping your with lots of different mindful tools to enable you to continue practising for the rest of your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Korece Dinleme Derslerime hepiniz ho geldiniz!Dinleme insann dnyaya geldiindeki ilk dil becerisidir. Hepimiz kendi ana dilimizi ilk bu ekilde reniriz. Dinleme olmadan yaplacak yabanc dil renme almas yetersiz kalacaktr. Bu nedenle Udemy'deki Kore Alfabesi, Sfrdan leri Seviye Korece 1 ve 2, Korece Kelime Hazinesi kurslarmn ardndan Korece dinleme yetisini gelitirmenize yardmc olacan dndm Korece Dinleme Dersleri kursunu yapmaya karar verdim. Nasl allmal?Her nitede yer alan videolar kelimelerin anlamlarna taklmadan en az 5 kere dinleyip tekrar etmeye alnz. Bu ekilde bol bol dinleme ve tekrar ettikten sonra metni ezberlediinizi fark edeceksiniz. Videoda ve aklama blmnde verilen cmlelerin Trke evirilerini inceleyiniz.Aklama blmnde yer alan kelime kartlarndaki kelimeleri not edip yazdnz kelimelerin stlerini kapatarak ezberlemeye alnz.Bir dersi tam olarak ezberlemeden dier derse gemeyiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on Tableau-10: Data Science Case Studies In Tableau" |
"Learn data visualization through Tableau 10 and create opportunities for you or key decision makers to discover data patterns such as customer purchase behavior, sales trends, or production bottlenecks.Tableau is an interactive, self-service reporting and analytics tool that enables faculty and staff to integrate and combine data from multiple sources into visualizations and be accessed in a single desktop environment using Tableau Desktop or through a shared dashboard.In this course, we are going to provide students with knowledge of key aspects of Tableau. We are going to build 5 projects from scratch using real-world dataset, heres a sample of the projects we will be working on:Sales performance analysisEarthquake and geospatial data analysisRossman store data visualizationTop 10 Startup investment analysisExploratory data analysis of H1B visa data"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Buildbox 2 Game Design Tips & Tricks" |
"In this course, you'll learn how to add essential game design elements to your game to make the gameplay more fun and engaging for your players. You'll learn how to add a health bar, countdown, secret worlds, and many other cool features to your game. We'll also teach you step-by-step how to make a 2D platformer game using Buildbox 2."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |