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"Hypnosis- Attract Love Using Powerful Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Attract Love Using Powerful Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Love,indeed, is one of the most beautiful experiences and life's greatest blessing. Everybodywants love and enjoy being loved. But many times it happens people fail toattract love. The reasons could be a pain from a past failed relationship, fearof rejection, loss of a loved one or loneliness. All these factors keep youaway and separate from people you love. Pain, fear and loneliness are all stateof mind and self hypnosis is one of the powerful tools to program oursubconscious mind and change our state of mind from negative to positive.This videocourse is designed to help you to attract love including love to yourself.Learn how to create an atmosphere of love in your life. Program your mind to loveyourself, be open to love and enjoy the feeling of being loved.This course is ideal for people who have gone through a heart break and are looking to attract love in their life to overcome the pain and loneliness they have suffered in their life.By taking this course they will be able to psychologically attract the love of their life and live happily.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Choose To Be Healthy Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Choose To Be Healthy Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -One of thevery famous and old saying, 'health is wealth' is absolutely true. Health isone of the greatest gifts we can give our own self. But often people ignoretheir health. To be healthy, we have to make certain choice in life. You haveto make a choice to be active and healthy both mentally and physically. Whenyou are not taking any steps for your improvement, then you care certainlymaking a choice to me inactive and unhealthy.With stressand anxiety come many health issues. Self hypnosis teaches you how to relax andstay positivestay healthy. Learn to say STOP to any negative thought thatcomes to your mind. Say NO to other people's negativity. Eat well - thinkright and make a choice for a healthy life.This course is ideal for people who want to stay healthy mentally and physically because of their stressful and hectic work life . They want to attract a healthy lifestyle and a peaceful mind to stay happy always.It is ideal for students and people working in corporations and business executives .It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Let Go Of Your Negative Patterns And Move Forward In Life" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Let Go Of Your Negative Patterns And Move Forward In Life' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Negativepatterns are drilled into us by people and circumstances throughout our lives. Inorder to move forward in our life, we need to get rid of our negative orlimiting thinking patters. We should let go of things that are no longer usefulto us, things we've outgrown or things that no longer serve a purpose.Some of theexamples of negative thought patterns are:Iam not good enough.Icannot do this.She/he will not be interested in me.Thereare many beautiful girls than me.Iam not capable to handle thisWillI able to handle this job?Thisvideo course has been designed to help you get rid of the negative patterns inlife and move ahead. Develop a relaxed mindset and a more positive approachtowards life.This course is ideal for people who are into sports and have built negative patterns and blocks in their mind which is keeping them from achieving their goals in life and become successful.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Boost Your Self Esteem With Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Boost Your Self Esteem With Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -What is self-esteem?Self-esteemis a reflection of person's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his orher own worth. Self-esteem is shaped by a person's behavior and actions,as well as by society, culture, and important individuals throughout a person'slife.With selfhypnosis, you can change the negative programming in your mind to positive andboost your self-esteem.Symptoms of Low Self-esteem: Feelings of inadequacy Guilt Shame Inferiority complex Lack of self-trust Inability to take decisions Lack of self-acceptance and self-loveConsequences of Low Self-esteem: Anxiety Depression Fear of intimacy Underachievement Sexual disorders Aimlessness This course is ideal for people who have low esteem and lack social skills in their life and want to increase their self esteem.It is ideal for students and people working in corporations and business executives .It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Overcome Your Anxiety Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Overcome Your Anxiety Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Anxiety is an unpleasant emotion generate within yourself. You can only feel and experience anxiety. This means anxiety is merely a feeling or an emotion which you feel inside you. However, when you feel anxiety, there are many physical changes that happen in your body like increase in heartbeat, body tremors, sweating, dry mouth, sweaty palms, difficulty in breathing and stammering.Using powerful self hypnosis , affirmations and visualizations you can overcome anxiety and nervousness and become more successful and happy in your life.This course is ideal for people who are into sports and have lot of anxiety and nervousness before any important match or event in their mind which is keeping them from achieving their goals in life and become successful.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English and bonus material."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Get Rid Of Your Fear Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Get Rid Of Your Fear Using Self Hypnosis.'Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Fear can anything like fear ofheights, fear of flying, fear of driving, fear of opposite sex, fear offailure, fear of success, fear or examination, fear of interviews etc. Sometimesfear is a natural phenomena, or a sign of warning but being fearful always isnot a good thing. Fear stops you from taking up new challenges in life. Fearbecomes a block on your pathway to success. Don't let your stop you frombecoming successful in life.The most common reasons for fear are wrong programming in your mindand fearful memory of a past event.Using self hypnosis and visualizations you can overcome any fear or phobia in your mind which is causing you problems to achieve success and your goals by changing the negative and wrong programming in your mind.This course is ideal for people who are into sports and have multiple fears of losing , success , anxiety and negativeness and want to overcome it and become more successful in their life.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English and bonus material."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Control Your Anger With Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Control Your Anger With Self Hypnosis'Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Anger produces many dangerous effects on our body. The body reacts to anger by increasing respiratory rate, pulse rate and blood to the muscles that moves the body's bones. It also constricts the pupils of the eyes, pumps out hormones from the adrenal gland. Now, with so many adverse effects of anger, it is neither good to express the anger loudly nor to suppress the anger. With self hypnosis you can program your subconscious mind to change the negative programming to positive easily.Using self hypnosis and visualizations you can overcome any rage and anger from your mind which is causing you problems to achieve success and your goals by changing the negative and wrong programming in your mind.This course is ideal for people who have a short temper and are unable to control their anger and rage in important situations of life and are causing themselves mental and physical harm.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English and bonus material."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Get Rid Of Warts Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Get Rid Of Warts Using Powerful Self Hypnosis And Affirmation' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Did you know that self hypnosis has been proven to effectively to treat boils and warts?YES, the warts respond to suggestion and visualization. Self hypnosis has been a powerful tool for physical self improvement and mental development. Self hypnosis has also been a proven method for the treatment of moles and warts. This video course is designed to help you eliminate moles and warts naturally and allow beautiful new skin to form in their place.This course is ideal for people who want to get rid of moles and warts on their bodies and get a beautiful skin and face by using very powerful and simple Self Hypnosis techniques , affirmations , visualization and imagery.You will be able to heal your warts, boils and moles using self hypnosis by giving it very powerful suggestionsIt is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 8 lectures in English including an E-book"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis - Stop Snoring Now Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis - Stop Snoring Now Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Do you at times wake up to the noise of your own snoring? Does your partner complain that your snoring prevents him or her from sleeping? Do you snore very loudly? Does your snoring scare your small children?Snoring is a very common health problem. Snoring is a sign of disrupted sleep, which can lead to many health issues. Snoring may affect your relationship badly. Self hypnosis can help you stop snoring with its effective mental programming.This course is ideal for people who have snoring problems and are unable to cope with it . They are not able to overcome it and it is affecting their relationship and health. .It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.Using self hypnosis and affirmations you will be able to overcome the habit of snoring and save yourself from embarrassment and relationship issues.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis - Increase Your Sexual Desire Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis - Increase Your Sexual Desire Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn that-Sex as we all know is a part of our life. Many times it happen people fail to enjoy their sexual life, which may affect their married life a lot. Lots of couples fight over this issue, which creates lot of problems in their relationship.Apart from some physical and hormonal reasons, there may be some psychological reasons behind the decrease in men's and women's sexual desire.Lack of confidence Consciousness (for example if she or he has gained weight, they may become conscious whether they will look good or not without clothes) Shyness or hesitation Guilt or shame Frustration Anger Stress/ AnxietyPartner's Mistakes: No co-operation in trying to explore new things putting him or her down either by words or actions Partner's frustration or stress Partner's rejectionThis course if for everyone who are facing problems in their sex life due to the above reasons and want to overcome it using powerful self hypnosis techniques and positive affirmations.By the end of the course you will be able to overcome all these problems and enjoy a healthy sex life and a happy married life.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis Overcome Premature Ejaculation Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis Overcome Premature Ejaculation Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -What is Premature Ejaculation?Prematureejaculation can be very embarrassing and disturbing.Itcan ruin your sex life completely.Psychological factors commonly contribute to premature ejaculation. Ejaculatory control stems from mental thoughts and emotional states. Stress and Anxiety Performance anxiety Traumatic sexual experiences Wrong programming from the childhood Stress and depression are common causes of acquired premature ejaculation just like relationship issues, conflicts and performance-related anxiety. Self hypnosis can help you with the problem of prematureejaculation. Self hypnosis programs your mind to be relaxed and in control ofwhen you orgasm.Self hypnosis helps you to break old patterns of thought andpsychological bodily responses to enjoy a satisfying sex life.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.Using self hypnosis and affirmations you will be able to overcome premature ejaculation and enjoy a healthy and happy sex life.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis Overcome Sexual Fears Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis Overcome Sexual Fears Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -As we all know fear is a state of mind and fear of sex is also a state of mind, which can be a very dangerous as it may damage your relationship badly. In most of the cases, the reasons for fear of sex are psychological that may not have been fully resolved. Self Hypnosis helps you to identify the root cause of your problem and get it resolved at your subconscious level.This course is very useful for people who have psychological fears of performing sex because of which they are unable to lead a happy married life. It is ideal for everyone who are stress, depressed and have a negative mindset towards sex.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.Using self hypnosis and affirmations you will be able to overcome the fear of performing sex and enjoy a healthy and happy sex life.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis Eliminate Stuttering Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis Eliminate Stuttering Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Stuttering is a problem with the normal flow and timing of speech. Stammering generally occurs in childhood, between three and seven years and is perfectly acceptable. Stammering becomes a cause of concern, when it extends beyond 10 years of age. Statistically, 1 out of every 4 children who stammer, retain it up to adulthood. It can affect men or women but is more common in men than women. Stuttering may lead to damaged self-esteem, low self-confidence and even anxiety. Learn how self hypnosis can help you eliminate stuttering successfully and naturallyStuttering is often caused by stress and anxiety Stuttering could be problem of wrong programming from your childhood daysProblems of Stuttering:Lack of confidence Problem at speaking in public, meetings Low self-esteemLearn powerful self hypnosis , positive affirmations and visualization exercises to overcome the problem of stuttering mentally and improve your morale and self esteem.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 8 lectures in English including a bonus e-book"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis Improve Your Eyesight Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis Improve Your Eyesight Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Eyes are crucial part of our body. They play a very important role in our lives. We can survive if the other part of body gets damaged but if our eyes are damaged, all the daily activities become very difficult.This course is designed to help people who have got vision problem and wear spectacles or contact lenses. They can improve their eyesight naturally using self hypnosis. The prerequisite is you have to believe in self hypnosis and your subconscious mind to make it work for you.You will also learn the following-1. Psychological Reasons for Vision Problems 2. About Conscious Mind& Subconscious Mind3. Myths About Self HypnosisIt is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.Using self hypnosis and affirmations you will be able to improve your eyesight and vision naturally and psychologically and become more confident and alert.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis Develop Emotional Stability With Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis Develop Emotional Stability With Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -What is Emotional Instability?1) Emotional Instability means a minor event triggers an extreme emotional outburst - extremely angry, extremely ecstatic, extremely agitated and violent, or extremely sad and suicidal. In other words it means intense mood swings.Problems of Emotional Instability:1) Unstable Intense Interpersonal Relationships 2) Unstable Self-Image (""Who Am I?"") 3) Unstable Life-Goals (""What Do I Want In Life?"") 4) Irresponsible Behavior 5) Inappropriate Or Intense Anger 6) Physical Violence 7) Depressed Mood Recurrent Suicidal BehaviorSelf hypnosis, since ages, has helped many people overcome their mental and physical issues. It is natural, safe and effective method. Self hypnosis can help you with the problem of emotional instability.How Self Hypnosis Can Help?1) Self hypnosis helps you to relax and calm down 2) It has been found that by using self hypnosis people experienced improved quality of life and a lessening of anxiety and depression. 3) You can alter or change the psychological factors that affect your state of mind with self hypnosis 4) Self hypnosis helps maintain positive attitudeIt is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.Using self hypnosis and affirmations you will be able to develop emotional stability and become more happy and confident in your life.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis Improve Your Hearing Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis Improve Your Hearing Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -The loss of hearing may lower the quality of one's life, and for most people facing hearing problem also face many psychological, physical and social consequences as well. Self hypnosis, since ages, has been proved as a tool for successfully treating many physical and health related problems. This course is designed for all those who are facing hearing problem and want to improve their hearing. Self hypnosis is natural and effective, without any side-effects.Using powerful self hypnosis and positive affirmations , improve your hearing and listening skills and become more alert and attentive to perform well in your studies and in your professional life.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English including a bonus e-book"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Overcome Jealousy In Relationships Now Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Overcome Jealousy In Relationships Now Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Jealousy is a dangerous negative emotion. Jealousy is complicated, involving a myriad of thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Jealousy and insecurity come from your own lack of confidence and feelings of inadequacy and the constant need for reassurance makes you feel bad, and can also lead to confrontation and arguments, leaving you feeling even worse, with even less confidence.This course is for everyone who want to overcome insecurity, jealousy and fear of relationships and want to psychologically overcome the problem and lead a happy life.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.Using self hypnosis and affirmations you will be able to overcome the negative trait of jealousy and insecurity and lead a happy relationship and married life.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Manage Your Diabetes Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Manage Your Diabetes Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Diabetes is a very common and faster growing health problem these days. Learn how self hypnosis helps you control and manage diabetes and live a healthy life.In this lesson, learn the physical and most importantly psychological reasons that cause diabetes. Understand how self hypnosis programming can help you control your diabetes successfully.Learn about conscious mind and subconscious mind and how we can program our subconscious mind for better health conditions and changing habits. Also get a detailed insight into self hypnosis. There are lots of myths attached to self hypnosis, let go of all the myths you may have about self hypnosis. Self hypnosis is natural, safe and effective method to treat many of the physical and health problems.Problems of Diabetes: Poor Vision Kidney Damage Damage to Nerves and Blood Vessels Foot Problems Dental Problems Weak Bones You will be able to manage your diabetes and live a healthy and happy life using powerful positive affirmations and self hypnosis techniques and change the negative state of mind into positive state .It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English including a bonus E-book"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Power : Increase Your Intuition Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Psychic Power : Increase Your Intuition Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Intuition is an inexplicable feeling telling you to act a certain way for no apparent reason. It is a feeling which comes from deep within your gut.All of us have intuition power but only few people realize it and make the best use of their intuition power. Many top level CEO's of the multinational companies use their intuition power to the best.This course is ideal for everyone who want to increase and improve their psychic powers , gut feeling , intuitions and sixth sense using very powerful self hypnosis techniques and psychic exercises to understand complex situations in life better and improve your risk taking abilities.By the end of the course you will be more psychic and intuitive than before and achieve more success in your life by trusting your intuitions.Also learn the myths about self hypnosis and how to use your conscious and subconscious mind more effectively.This course contains a lot of psychic exercises and more than 35 minutes of live video content designed over 9 lectures in English including a bonus e-book."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Power- Develop Your Telepathic Skills" |
"In this course titled 'Psychic Power : Psychic Power- Develop Your Telepathic Skills' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Telepathy is one of the most beautiful Psychic Powers. Telepathy is made of two words Tele and Pathy where Tele means Distance and Pathy means feelings. Telepathy can be stated as direct communication between minds.This course is designed to help people who want to enhance their psychic powers and develop Telepathic Skills. In this lesson, you will learn the most common example of telepathy and about telepathy.This course is ideal for everyone who want to increase and improve their telepathic skills ,psychic powers , gut feeling , intuitions and sixth sense using very powerful self hypnosis techniques and psychic exercises. It is also very useful for magicians , tarot card readers, hypnotists , healers etc for fun , fame and profitBy the end of the course you will be more psychic, telepathic and intuitive than before and achieve more success in your life by trusting your intuitions.Also learn the myths about self hypnosis and how to use your conscious and subconscious mind more effectively.This course contains a lot of telepathic exercises and more than 35 minutes of live video content designed 8 lectures , Bonus audio file and E-book on positive affirmations.."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Reduce Abdomen And Hips Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Reduce Abdomen And Hips Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Many women face the problem of weight gain around their abdomen and hips. Weight gain around abdomen and hips can be very difficult to lose. There may be many reasons for weight gain around abdomen and hips, whatever reason may be, self hypnosis can help your program your subconscious mind to reduce the excess weight. Sometimes frustration to lose weight could be an underlying factor for weight gain. Stress, frustration, anxiousness and impatience to lose weight are emotional conditions. Emotions can be successfully handled with self hypnosis.Learn about conscious mind and subconscious mind and how we can program our subconscious mind for better health conditions and changing habits. Also get a detailed insight into self hypnosis. There are lots of myths attached to self hypnosis, let go of all the myths you may have about self hypnosis. Self hypnosis is natural, safe and effective method to treat many of the physical and health problems.Some Useful Tips and Closing:Eat lots of nutritious and healthy foods. Include physical activities in your daily routine. Manage your stress and anxiety. Take enough rest and sufficient sleep. Control your intake of alcohol and caffeine. Practice meditation, relaxation and self hypnosis.You will be able to reduce weight around the abdomen and hips and feel more happy , confident and energetic using powerful self hypnosis exercises and affirmations.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English including a bonus E-book"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Heal Pimples Naturally Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Heal Pimples Naturally Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Young teenage girls face the problem of pimples a lot. Having pimples affects their self-confidence and their friends get a chance to make fun of them easily. This course is designed for all those who want to heal their pimples and enhance their beauty. Self hypnosis is natural and safe without side-effects. You will be amazed how your mind can heal your body naturally.Psychological Reasons for PimplesThere can be many reasons for pimples varying from hormones, wrong eating habits, not taking proper care of your skin, oil, heal in the body etc. If you have tried almost everything like medicines, ointments, creams in healing your pimples but got no result, you got to consider your emotions. Emotions play a vital role in your skin conditions. Many famous skin experts believe that stress and anxiety can affect your skin predominantly.Some of the psychological reasons for pimples can be stress and anxiety.Pimples can be caused if one faces difficulty in expressing, understanding, or describing emotions; Suppressed feelings Stress, Anxiety, Depression Learn about conscious mind and subconscious mind and how we can program our subconscious mind for better health conditions and changing habits. Also get a detailed insight into self hypnosis. There are lots of myths attached to self hypnosis, let go of all the myths you may have about self hypnosis. Self hypnosis is natural, safe and effective method to treat many of the physical and health problems.Some Useful Tips: Avoid fatty, sugary foods. Avoid milks, sodas, chocolates, candy bars and ice creams. Include more fruits and vegetables. Drink more water. Take vitamins. Include physical activities in your daily routine. Exercise and sweat. Practice relaxation and self hypnosis.You will be able to Heal your pimples and live a healthy and happy life using powerful positive affirmations and self hypnosis techniques and change the negative state of mind into positive state .This course is ideal for young girls and women who emotionally get affected because of unclear skin and pimples .It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English including a bonus E-book"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Power- Exercises To Develop Your Senses" |
"In this course titled 'Psychic Power : Exercises To Develop Your Senses' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -This course is designed to help you develop your senses (first five senses and the sixth sense) to enhance your intuition skills. We need to sharpen our first five senses to activate our sixth sense.You will also learn to be more psychic and intuitive and be able to trust your intuitions and sixth sense much better than before.This course is ideal for everyone who want to increase and improve their psychic powers , gut feeling , intuitions and sixth sense using very powerful self hypnosis techniques and psychic exercises to understand complex situations in life better and improve your risk taking abilities.By the end of the course you will be more psychic and intuitive than before and achieve more success in your life by trusting your intuitions. You will be able to develop and improve your sense of seeing, hearing, smelling , tasting and feeling.Also you will learn how to relax instantly using powerful techniques of deep relaxation and meditation.This course contains a lot of psychic exercises and more than 35 minutes of live video content designed over 10 lectures in English including a bonus e-book."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Powers Create Psychic Shield For Protection" |
"In this course titled 'Psychic Powers Create Psychic Shield For Protection' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Psychic shield is the method to defending against negative energies and psychic attacks. Psychic shield is a protective shield around yourself to protect both your physical and mental body.This course is designed to help you create your own psychic shields to protect yourself from the negative energies around you.It is ideal for people who are into sports and the corporate world , who have lots of people around them who spread negativity by passing negative comments and demotivating others.By the end of the course you will be more positive and feel more protective by not letting your energies drain by people's comments and thoughts . You will perform at your best and feel motivated all the time.You will also learn more about conscious and sub conscious mind and instant relaxation using self hypnosis.You will overcome all the myths about self hypnosis and have a strong positive mind.This course contains a lot of psychic exercises and more than 35 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English including a bonus e-book on positive affirmations."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Powers Connect With Your Spirit Guide Now" |
"In this course titled 'Psychic Powers Connect With Your Spirit Guide Now' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -All of us have our own Spirit Guides, which are always with us right from the time of our birth. Once we make connection with our Spirit Guides, we can seek guidance and help from them with all sorts of issues. They help us in taking the right decision and finding solutions to most of our problems.This course is designed to help you connect with your spirit guide. Learn how you can talk to your spirit guide and develop a psychic connection with them.It is ideal for people who are into spirituality, hypnotism , tarot card reading, healers , magicians and astrologers.By the end of the course you will be more psychic and be able to create an imaginary guide and seek guidance and help from them as and when required and overcome your problems in life.You will also learn more about conscious and sub conscious mind and instant relaxation and self hypnosis.This course contains a lot of psychic exercises and more than 35 minutes of live video content designed over 10 lectures in English including bonus e-books."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Overcome Baldness Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Overcome Baldness Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -Hair loss is one of the fastest growing problems all over the world. It affects both men and women of any age group. Hair loss or baldness can decrease self-esteem and confidence, and limit one's ability to enjoy life to the fullest.There are many reasons behind hair loss and baldness like hormonal problems, aging and health conditions. Apart from the various physical reasons, there may be many psychological factors responsible for hair loss and baldness. This course is designed to help both men and women to overcome the problem of hair loss and baldness using Self Hypnosis, Imagery and Affirmations.Psychological Reasons for Baldness or Hair LossStress Anxiety, Depression Tension Wrong programming of the subconscious mindBy the end of the course you will overcome all the psychological barriers to baldness and feel more confident and happy. You will be able to give yourself positive vibes and suggestions and not let hair problems and baldness affect your personality.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 9 lectures in English including a bonus E-book"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis- Sexual Fulfillment For Females Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Sexual Fulfillment For Females Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn that-The sexual fulfillment of women is vital for harmony in love relationships. Many females suffer from the sexual frustration and dissatisfaction. This course is designed to help female overcome the problem of sexual dissatisfaction and frustration using Self Hypnosis, Imagery and Affirmations.Causes of Sexual Dissatisfaction in Female: Sexual frustration in female can be due to: Not having a partner with whom she can express herself sexually, Having a partner who is not satisfying her sexual needs, Or some psychological reasons like guilt, depression, stress, frustration, anxiety, self consciousness, fear of sex etc. It is important to reflect on what might be causing this frustration in your life and take steps to help you (and your partner) feel better.This course if for everyone who are facing problems in their sex life due to the above reasons and want to overcome it using powerful self hypnosis techniques and positive affirmations.You will also learn more about your conscious and sub conscious mind and the myths and perceptions surrounding self hypnosis.By the end of the course you will be able to overcome all these problems and enjoy a healthy sex life and a happy married life.This course is ideal for women who want to increase their desire for sex and also lead a happy married life.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 8 lectures in English and a bonus e-book on positive affirmations."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Power- Learn Astral Projection Now" |
"In this course titled 'Psychic Powers Learn Astral Projection Now' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -What is Astral Projection? In this lesson, you will learn what is astral projection? Astral Projection means to out-of-body-experience (OBE) during which the astral body leaves the physical body and travels to the astral plane. What is Mental Projection? Difference between Astral Projection and Mental Projection: In this lesson you will understand the difference between Astral Projection and Mental Projection. About Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind and Super-Conscious Mind: Learn what is conscious mind, subconscious mind and super-conscious mind and how they function. Myths About Hypnosis: Get rid of all your myths concerning about hypnosis.It is ideal for people who are into spirituality, hypnotism , tarot card reading, healers , magicians and astrologers.By the end of the course you will be more psychic and be able to create experience out of body astral projection and gain answers to many questions regarding your life and experiences.You will also learn more about conscious and sub conscious mind and instant relaxation and self hypnosis.This course contains a lot of psychic exercises and more than 35 minutes of live video content designed over 8 lectures in English including bonus e-books."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Power- Learn Psychometry Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Psychic Power- Learn Psychometry Using Self Hypnosis Now' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -What is Psychometry? Why Psychometry works? Advantages of PsychometryHow does Psychometry works? About Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind and Super-Conscious Mind: Learn what is conscious mind, subconscious mind and super-conscious mind and how they function. Myths About Hypnosis: Get rid of all your myths concerning about hypnosis. It is ideal for people who are into spirituality, hypnotism , tarot card reading, healers , magicians and astrologers.By the end of the course you will be more psychic and learn psychometry by moving an object using just your energy without physically touching the objects.You will also learn more about conscious and sub conscious mind and instant relaxation and self hypnosis.Using positive and powerful affirmations you will be able to improve and enhance your psychometry skills and psychic powers.This course contains a lot of psychic exercises and more than 35 minutes of live video content designed over 8 lectures in English including bonus e-book."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis Lose Weight Automatically With Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis Lose Weight Automatically With Self Hypnosis'. Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -With self hypnosis, visualization and affirmations, you can program your mind with the positive habits and attitudes necessary for successfully losing weight and keeping it off.This video course is designed to help you change the programming of your subconscious mind to become healthy and slim automatically. Self hypnosis, visualization and positive affirmations you will help you to develop positive and healthy thoughts, improve the functioning of your body, and lose weight automatically.This course is ideal for everyone who want to lose weight and have a confident and attractive personality. By the end of the course you will be able to achieve your ideal weight and mentally program your mind to lose weight naturally and effortlesslyYou will also learn instant relaxation and self hypnosis techniques to overcome depression, insomnia , lack of confidence,negativity and stress caused due to obesity.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English including a bonus E-book"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis Boost Your Immune System Using Self Hypnosis" |
"In this course titled 'Hypnosis Boost Your Immune System Using Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -A healthy immune system is the product of a healthy mind and a healthy body. A strong immune system means a healthy body, quick recovery from illness, and strong resistance to infections and diseases. By strengthening your mind and improving your mind body connection, you strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health.Practicing self hypnosis, visualization and positive affirmations every day will help you to develop positive and healthy thoughts that will have a deep impact on your subconscious mind, improve the performance of your body, and boost the functioning of your immune system.By the end of the course you will overcome all the psychological barriers to your weak immune system and have strong immunity by changing your negative state of mind and feel more confident and happy about your immune system.It is ideal for people who have a weak immune system and are prone to lot of general health issues and weakness.It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 7 lectures in English including a bonus E-book on affirmations."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |