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"AZ-204:Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Test" |
"ComTech is offering 150+ UNIQUE practice questions for AZ-204:Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.3 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Microsoft Azure Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AZ-204:Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR MICROSOFT AZURE CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AZ-204:Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AZ-204:Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AZ-204:Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Microsoft Azure AZ-204 exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many Microsoft Azure AZ-204 practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AZ-204:Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 150+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 3 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 150+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AZ-204:Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diversity & Inclusion" |
"THE CASE FOR organizational diversity has never been more convincing. Diversity within firms has been shown to drive innovation and increase productivity. Gender diversity, in particular at the leadership level, has even been linked to boosts in profitability. Its no wonder, then, that 34 percent of CEOs recently ranked diversity and other societal impact indicators as a key measure of success when evaluating firm performance.In this course we will look at:a)What is Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)b)How to Design Equality using design thinking to tackle gender bias in the workplacec)D&I in Tech 1)Paving diverse paths to technology leadership 2)Closing the tech conference gender gapd)Achieving gender equity in financial services leadership"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Sprints For Agile Scrum Teams" |
"You could have been practising Agile development for a while, do you see the results you envision? What are missing in your Agile practices? Besides delivering products faster than before, do you think your customers actually use your products? How much do you know about the experience that your customers interact with your product or service?Agile Scrum alone is no guarantee that your team will consistently deliver truly engaging, impactful products.How Might We turn a Product-Centric Scrum team into Customer-Centric team that builds products and services customer actually use?How Might We bring the Design team and Development together, all work in a guided process that gives them a tool to express their thought, to help the team to discover the user experience together in a highly engaging, open and creative environment?Design Sprint is the answer to bring your organization from a product-centric mindset to a customer-centric mindset. It is a fast-pace 2 to 5-day process that allows a multi-disciplinary team to develop and test new ideas using a set of structure design thinking toolkits. When Design Sprint works together with Scrum, it brings the design activities into the development process. The Scrum teams would become more design-driven, they can systematically build the feature backlog that solves the right problem."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Guided Mindful Meditations for Anxiety and Sleep" |
"Guided and Mindful Meditations to use when you want to feel calmer, less stressed, sleep better, more energized and so much more. Transport yourself to beautiful places within. Meditate daily and notice your life change. Science has shown us the many benefits of meditation. My favorite kind and the one I have studied so extensively guides you through the meditations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Jk0-016 Network + Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) When browsing the web, that the level of the OSI model will lead to a session timeout?a) layer 2b) layer 4c) layer 5d) layer 6e) NoneQ) The customer complains that, when there is a home phone call, wireless on my laptop lost connection. What is the most likely cause of this problem?a) Cordless phones are connected to the RJ-11b) Cordless phones are connected to the same outlet as your routerc) Cordless phones are2.4Ghz that prevents wirelessd) Cordless phones are5.8Ghz that prevents wirelesse) NoneQ) If you want to use a 100BASE-T network to connect two servers and five workstations where the physical topology are you using? a) starb) busc) Calld) FDDIe) NoneQ) The RJ-11 connector, how many pairs of wires can be used with most?a) 2b) 4c) 6d) 2e) 8"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA JK0-702 E2C A + Certified Practical Application Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) One user reported that their computer is running significantly slower after visiting the website. The user's computer has a current anti-virus package that runs properly. Which of the following techniques should do first to diagnose the problem?a) Clear your browser history.b) Run anti-spyware tool.c) Defragment the user's hard drive.d) Run the utility CHKDSK.e) NoneQ) Which of the following protocols will be techniques used to execute commands on a remote computer?a) NETBIOSb) FTPc) SMTPd) TELNETe) NoneQ) Which of the following groups should be added the ability to restore files without providing any owner privileges?a) Remote Desktop Usersb) force ~~ POS = Trunc Membersc) Administratorsd) backupe) NoneQ) The client wants to change the file system on a Windows 2000 computer from FAT32 to NTFS without destroying data. Which of the following is correct?a) From the command line, run XCOPY * * C / Mb) From the command line, run FORMAT C: / FS: NTFSc) From the command line, run XCOPY * * C / Yd) From the command line, run CONVERT C: / FS: NTFSe) NoneQ) Inkjet printer has a bad color registration. Which of the following should be done first to solve this problem?a) To clean the printhead.b) Replace the toner.c) Calibration device.d) Replacing the drum unit.e) None"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"IBM 000-324 E SERVER Z series Technical Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following Z800 models can be upgraded to z890 model?as) 1C8b) 0A2c) 310d) one hundrede) NoneQ) What is the maximum number of processors ZAAP, which can be installed by 2084?a) sixteenb) $12.00 c) eighte) 0e) NoneQ) Which of the following load is not a candidate for the / g OS.e?a) WebSphere for z / OSb) Applications PL / Ic) SAPd) oraclee) NoneQ) What is considered a traditional mainframe workload?a) Servlets, JSPb) Linux workloadsc) intensived) Batch and OLTPe) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Como Vender Mais Conhecendo Bem os Produtos?" |
"Vendedores que CONHECEM BEM os produtos VENDEM MUITO MAIS!O treinamento de produtos sempre foi um dos grandes desafios do varejo!Ns mostramos em detalhes o que fazem e como fazem OS SUPER VENDEDORES para saber mais sobre os produtos e vender mais!Um treinamento distncia, direto para vendedores que precisam aumentar suas vendas e saber mais sobre os produtos que vendem!Falado em ""LOJS"". A linguagem prtica das lojas.Prepare Agora a Sua Equipe para VENDER MAIS!Voc treina em qualquer tela que tenha acesso a internet!Recebe o link e pronto!J pode comear o treinamento, que dura apenas 25 minutos. tudo muito rpido e prtico. O treinamento e os resultados!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"The Divine Within You - 11 Steps to Inner Freedom" |
"This Course is an invitation to Stay, to Allow, to Embrace, to Accept and to move Beyond illusion - simple, profound, intense, blissfully You <3Are you passionate about diving deep within? Is inner bliss your most cherished experience? Is merging the Human and Divine your Soul's calling?This course has been designed to enhance your experience of homecoming, tapping into the inner reservoir of happiness and contentment. It uses a combination of ancient and modern practices, such as:The powerful vibration of some less known Mantras from the Vedas;The depth of Isness accessible through the New Energy practise of Conscious Breath Meditation;The absolute merging of All, physical and non-physical, ancient and modern into the pure and perfect Now moment through Yoga practices.It makes no difference whether you are a seasoned Meditation or Yoga practitioner or anywhere in-between.This Course is a whole new experience in itself.A graceful unfolding of the Love Affair between Human and Divine.A seamless merging of All that You Are."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Identificacin de dlares falsos" |
"El dolar es la moneda que mas circula actualmente en el mundo y ademas la que mas falsifican por este motivo es un curso altamente recomendado.En este curso podrs aclarar dudas frecuentes con relacin a la identificacin dlares falsos, reconocers los diferentes diseos del dlar, aprenders a contar de forma rpida y al vez identificar caractersticas de seguridad.te mostrare caractersticas que nunca has visto antes, realizaremos ejercicios prcticos iremos desde lo mas simple hasta lo mas especifico en cuanto a identificacin de dolares falso. este curso sera muy til en tu vida tanto en tu vida profesional como en lo personal"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_TFIN52_05 Consultant Certify Solution Consultant Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You can define a budget version in two phases: (Choose two)a) Enter the directory of budget versionsb) Define hierarchical levels and assign accountsc) Doesnt Enter the directory of budget versionsd) None of the aboveQ) Which of the following statements on financial reporting are correct?a) When you see a financial statement, the system can automatically calculate the profit statementb) You can get a summary cash flow statement for any defined hierarchy in the budget versionc) A version of the cash flow statement can not include more than one company code, unless you are using FI-LCd) A financial statement version and display a balance sheet or a profit and lost, not both.e) The system can translate a balance sheet in any currency for reporting purposes.Q) Which of the following statements are correct? (Choose three)a) A house bank can be assigned to a business segment of the payment program configurationb) A house bank account can be defined in more than one currencyc) The payment program can use a different house bank for each payment methodd) When creating a bank House, it is not necessary to specify the country.e) House of basic data bank should be created in advance, before assigning the house to the bank a payment method in the payment program configurationQ) A group of accounts (multi) (Choose three)a) It is defined for each company code.b) It defines the range of numbers for a mater record.c) Use a group status field to control the field layout for the keeping of registers materd) Determines accounts once and for debts and credits.Q) Which of the following statements are correct?a) The comparison program compares the personal data of customers who have already created the master record in financial accounting, but not yet created for sale and distribution.b) The customer's personal data compares the customer's legacy system with clients in the R / 3 systemc) The comparison program compares the personal data of customers whose data have already been created in the purchases, but not yet for sale and distributiond) Customers Mater program checks the comparison of data if the customer master record contains a phone number."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"PMI CA0-001 Associate Project Management Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A contract can not be _____________.a) illegal activitiesb) deadline for completion of workc) Fines and sanctions for the dissemination of intellectual property rightsd) All of the aboveQ) Which of the following is the first in the project plan?a) SCOPE educationb) Quality Planc) WBSd) Development planQ) She is project manager of a project. During the selection process of the vendors, you refuse a supplier, because it has no manufacturing capacity. This is an example of which selection tool?a) weighting systemb) Screening Systemc) Seller rating systemd) expert ReviewsQ) ______________ it provides details on how the project scope can be changed.a) the flow control systemb) VeiirV Scopec) scope Paperd) scope management planQ) Which of the following technique to identify the cause of a problem and take measures to prevent reoccurrence?a) root cause analysisb) quality controlsc) design checksd) risk audits"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Estrategia e Indicadores de Capital Humano" |
"Los indicadores son una herramienta fundamental para monitorear el desempeo de una organizacin. Su belleza proviene de la sencillez de sus clculos (habitualmente hablamos de multiplicaciones y divisiones simples para calcularlos) pero an as, es muy difcil elegir la mtrica apropiada y hacer un buen uso de los indicadores.Lo que habitualmente sucede cuando la Direccin General de una empresa lanza un comunicado que dice ""A partir de ahora hay que medir todo"", y acto seguido googleamos cules son los indicadores de RRHH y elegimos indicadores en base a nuestras tareas, para terminar con un tablero con 50 mtricas, cuando el negocio slo demanda que prestemos atencin a 6 o 7 KPIs.Este es un curso hecho para mi yo de hace 5 aos atrs que pele contra sus capacidades, cometi muchos errores y trabaj arduamente para que finalmente todo el proyecto termine olvidado en un cajn. Tambin van a sacar mucho provecho los profesionales de RRHH para mostrar el impacto de su gestin y que buscan ser socios estratgicos de sus organizaciones."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"--OmniFocus for iOS" |
"OmniFocusOmniFocus for iOSiPhoneGTDiOSiPhoneiPadApple WatcheOmniFocusGTDOmniFocusOmniFocusOmniFocus"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
globalplayer2-3 |
"TOEICUdemy305Mindset305Non-JapaneseDual Perspective316 789"
Price: 15600.00 ![]() |
Excel |
", Excel, . , , , , , , ,"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Dein 1. Vorstellungsgesprch - so berzeugst du jede Firma" |
"In diesem Komplettkurs bekommst du eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung fr ein erfolgreiches Bewerbungsgesprch an die Hand. Du lernst, wie Du jede Phase und Situation im Bewerbungsprozess meisterst und somit optimal fr deine Bewerbung vorbereitet bist. Jede Lektion bietet Praxisbeispiele sowie aktuelle Insidertipps von einer erfahrenen Recruiterin und Bewerbungscoach. Am Ende jeder Lektion wird dein Wissen anhand eines Quiz vertieft. Die Inhalte sind brandaktuell und orientieren sich an den Anforderungen aus dem Jahr 2020. Prdikat besonders wertvoll!Die Kerninhalte des Kurses sind:Die perfekte Vorbereitung auf ein EinstellungsgesprchEs gibt nur eine Chance fr den ersten Eindruck - Warm upPraktische Tipps fr eine gelungene SelbstprsentationBewerbungstraining: Auf alle Fragen einen passende Antwort wissenMit Krpersprache und Stimme berzeugenWas kannst du nach dem Gesprch noch aktiv tunGehaltsverhandlung erfolgreich meisternDie richtige Entscheidung treffenBonus: Strken/Schwchen Mindmap, Keywords in der Stellenanzeige, Multiple Choice Test mit 22 Fragen, Meditation gegen Nervositt, Video Interview, Brainteaser & Schtzfragen Worin unterscheidet sich dieser Kurs zu anderen Kursen?kein 0815 Wissen aus frei verfgbaren Quellenkein copycatprofessionell in einem Studio produzierterstellt von einer ausgewiesenen Expertininkl. Entspannungsbungen gegen Nervosittinkl. praxiserprobten psychologischen Tippsinkl. Zusatzwissen (z.B. wie geht es nach dem Gesprch weiter)inkl. umfrangreichem Bonusmaterial"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
studyinspain |
""" "". , . , . ! . , , . . , , . , , ! , - , , , . , . 2 . . , """" , , . -, . . !, !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Natural Soap Bars From Scratch For Beginners" |
"Learn how to make natural and vegan-friendly soap bars from scratch.This course covers everything that beginners need (and want) to know, including some insights into more advanced soap recipes and techniques. After completing this course, most beginners won't need any additional soap-making courses, except perhaps those students who are interested in advanced designs and swirling techniques. You will receive 5 soap recipes; watch 4 demonstrations showing different soap techniques; and you will be equipped with the knowledge to formulate your own soap recipes.For those beginners who just want to make their own soap - even beautiful soaps for gifts and for selling - this course is more than sufficient. This course balances theory and demonstration as best as possible, and will review your understanding of the material through optional quizzes, and a practical challenge. This course is structured to answer every little question that beginners might have, and it assumes zero knowledge about soap ingredients, equipment, safety, method, recipe formulation etc.Many beginners are concerned about lye safety, but after this course you will feel confident to attempt soap-making by yourself - because you will know enough, and because you would have seen enough soap-making in action.You will be ready to make your first batch of soap after the third video lecture, and you are encouraged to do so! So, if you are a beginner looking for one comprehensive course, then this is the course for you. You will never buy soap again."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Stressige Gesprche schnell und nachhaltig verndern - CH" |
"In Drucksituationen, gerade in Gesprchen wenn unterschiedliche Meinungen da sind, wird es oft hitzig und wenig freudvoll. Resultate kommen kaum noch vor, dafr Frustration und rger. Wir haben in der Regel nicht gelernt, wie wir in solchen Situationen wirklich aufeinander zugehen. Rhetorische Tricks und berredungen versagen ebenso wie Druck erhhen oder Nachgeben.Die Videos sind Schweizerdeutsch gesprochen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Premiere Pro Workflow (Folder Structure, Templates, etc)" |
"Have you ever lost footage, premiere project files or your software crashed and your last saved version was 2 hours ago?With this process that has an end today!This is part 3 of the Freelance Videography 101 Series and today we are going to talk about the unsexy but important topic of workflow and data structure.You are going to learn everything you need to make sure you work faster, safer and more professionally:Edit a Video Start to FinishCut a video to musicSet up your data structure to never lose data againSet up your Premiere Pro ProjectCreate and use Sound Effects for your editColor CorrectionColor GradingHow to be able to work from anywhere....Enjoy the class!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"DSLR Filmmaking for Beginners" |
"This class is for you if you want tofinally learn shutter speed, aperture and ISO the EASY way!Learn how to ALWAYS have perfect white balance with the power of grey cardslearn how to use basic and simple lighting techniques to create a ""cinematic"" and good looking imagerecord good audio without spendings hundreds of $ on expensive micsget a head-start with the simple basics of framing, frame rates and morestart making videos today and not wait until you can afford the Sony A7iii or other 2000$+ camerasMy mission with this class is to enable you to create really good looking videos. Whether you want to start a YouTube channel, teach video classes here on skillshare or maybe even start a freelance videography business.All of this is way more possible than you might think. Obviously it's not easy and you need to put in the work. But sometimes all it needs is a little spark of inspiration to finally make the jump and learn something new.I didn't go to film school. But I make a living as a freelance videographer in Germany. And I had to learn all of this over months and years and it works.There goes a lot more into making all those different carreers possible but it always starts with the ability to learn and apply it. And thats what this is for.I really hope you get value from the class and enjoy the lessons.Please make sure to leave a review with your honest opinion, I want to become a better teacher and still have lots to learn so feel free to be honest.Best,Dennis"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crea un cmic en 7 das" |
"En sus marcas: listos, fuera! Tenemos 7 das para convertir tus hojas en blanco en un cmic digno de ser presentado en una convencin, feria gamer, feria libre, libreras de barrio, entre otras opciones. A travs del formato de Fanzine vamos a crear un producto atractivo del cual te sentirs orgullosa/so. Pasando desde crear la historia, tus personajes, encuadernar, hasta cmo crear una portada atractiva.30 DAS DE GARANTA DE SATISFACCIN"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beginner to Advance Google Ads (Adwords) Course 2020" |
"In this course you will learn how to ads on Google ads (Adwords) 2020 from industry expert. We will cover all the networks by Google also the session has been created keeping in mind the language barrier hence we have used both Hindi and English in our session.Take Away from the session: Fundamentals of Paid Search Paid vs. Organic Search Customer Use of Search Engines Paid Search Benefits Elements of Paid Search Campaigns Paid Search Campaign Creation with Google Ads Google Ads Manager Account vs. Child Account Google Ads Best Practice Google Ads Account Elements Paid Search and SEO Keyword Research Google Ads and Paid Search Campaigns Search Campaign Management Advertising Budget Management Google Ads Bidding Optimize Paid Search Campaigns Google Ads Editor Paid Search Campaign Measurement Paid Search KPIs Conversion Tracking Success Metrics"
Price: 10560.00 ![]() |
"YOGA Exploration and Deepening 1 With Shona" |
"In this deepening course, the student gets new yoga tools on how to be present, re engage, and dive deeper into both on and off the mat practices. Within a series of lectures, videos, full length yoga classes, and self study, the student will gain new knowledge , revisit awareness and begin to develop their own independent yoga practice."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso de tranas-Letcia Gabriele" |
"Voc aprender tcnicas para fazer qualquer tipo de trana .As tranas mais pedidas do mercado da beleza voc aprende aqui sem nenhuma dificuldade e pode aumentar seu oramento fazendo em suas clientes tenho certeza que vc ir arrasar nessa rea que tanto cresce no Brasil!Aprenderemos:Trana bsica , trana embutida comum e embutida exposta ,trana boxeadora, trana cascata, trana espinha de peixe ,espinha de peixe embutida , trana de 2,3,4e 5 pontas ,trana raiz,traa grega ,trana holandesa e etc..."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Become More Connected in your City in 30 Days or Less" |
"This course will teach how to become super social in your city to create an amazing social life. With conversation skills and confidence skills to be able to meet anyone anywhere.Learn how to: Boost your confidence Improve your social and communication skills Create rapport and connect with peopleEliminate anxiety and fear of rejectionIn this course, I will cover everything on building an amazing social life and take you through all of the steps on to even inviting people into your life."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Autism & Anxiety - The Girl With The Curly Hair" |
"Learning outcomes:By the end of this course, you will understand:what anxiety ishow anxiety is likely to be experienced differently in autistic people as opposed to neurotypical peoplewhy autistic people are anxious a lot of the timehow to help autistic people recognise when they are anxioushow autistic people can manage their anxietyAudience:This course is suitable for:Anyone working with autistic adults or autistic childrenParents and carersAutistic individualsCourse content:Narrated presentation: You watch, read and listen to the learning materials.Animations: Unique, charming, sweet animations based around the central character, The Girl With The Curly Hair, and her experiences of anxiety in different situations.Visuals and infographics: No plain writing!Questions: Answer questions to check your understanding along the way.Notes: Print a set of summary course notes for your records.This course was written, created and narrated by autistic author and founder of The Curly Hair Project, Alis Rowe."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"What is it Like to Have Autism? The Girl With The Curly Hair" |
"Learning outcomes:By the end of this course, you will understand:what autism is and how it affects people in day to day lifewhy social interactions can be difficult for autistic peoplehow to better communicate with autistic peoplethe benefits and drawbacks of receiving an autism diagnosiswhat is meant by the term 'reasonable adjustments' and how to make these adjustments in your organisation, school, workplace or serviceAudience:This course is suitable for:Anyone working with autistic adults or autistic childrenParents and carersAutistic individualsCourse content:Narrated presentation: You watch, read and listen to the learning materials.Animations: Unique, charming, sweet animations based around the central character, The Girl With The Curly Hair, and her experiences in different situations.Visuals and infographics: No plain writing!Questions: Answer questions to check your understanding along the way.Case Studies: Download a selection of 'reasonable adjustment' scenarios.Notes: Print a set of summary course notes for your records.This course was written, created and narrated by autistic author and founder of The Curly Hair Project, Alis Rowe."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Autism & Communication - The Girl With The Curly Hair" |
"Learning outcomes:By the end of this course, you will understand:what is meant by 'communication'how autistic people might communicate differentlyhow to more effectively communicate with autistic peoplewhat empathy really means and why becoming empathetic is really importanthow to put yourself in the shoes of an autistic personhow to improve your communication skills generally, e.g. listening, getting to the point and using eye contact and tone of voicethe different preferences people have for communication, e.g. visual or auditoryAudience:This course is suitable for:Anyone working with autistic adults or autistic childrenParents and carersAutistic individualsCourse content:Narrated presentation: You watch, read and listen to the learning materials.Animations: Unique, charming, sweet animations based around the central character, The Girl With The Curly Hair, and her experiences of communicating with people in different situations.Visuals and infographics: No plain writing!Questions: Answer questions to check your understanding along the way.Notes: Print a set of summary course notes for your records.This course was written, created and narrated by autistic author and founder of The Curly Hair Project, Alis Rowe."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Crash-CourseStart to Finish - Budget Home Studio Production" |
"This Crash - course covers the basics of how to. You are looking for this course if you are wandering around YouTube and other platforms looking for information on how to record good quality at your home. Truth be told, you can achieve a lot with just a few speakers and a computer. In this course we will write an acoustic song from scratch and record it, after that mix it and apply mastering. No bought VSTs will be used for the sake of keeping it a budget studio course. All DAWs come in with stock VSTs so you will be able to do this even if you don't use Cubase. The fundamentals are the same. What You need to record music is the following:Computer which could support a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).(most low-to mid class PC will do the job)Instruments to record (not necessary if you do electronic music).Microphone to record voice (if you will).Studio monitors or some kind of speakers (+Headset if you record voice). // well we can't make music without hearing it after allAudio InterfaceAn Installed DAW in your choice (I will use Cubase 10.5 pro)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |