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"Balangtan leri Seviyeye Vocabulary & Grammar Eitimi" |
"NEDEN ?Hepimiz bugne kadar hayatn her alannda birok eitim aldk, snava tabi tutulduk. Bunlarn bazlarnda baarl olduk, bugn bulunduumuz yerlere geldik. Bazlarnda istediimiz sonular alamadk. Belki kayglarmz vard, hazr bulunuluumuz yeterli deildi, belki de ihtiya duyduumuz eitimi yeteri kadar alamadk. Dnya gnden gne, bir nceki gnden daha da kk hale geliyor. Bilgi a, iletiim teknolojileri yaadmz evreni bizlerin ayana sunuyor. Hem de bunu evde, oturduumuz yerden kalma ihtiyac hissetmeden elimizdeki telefonlar ya da bilgisayarlar araclyla yapyor. Peki bizler bu dnyaya ne kadar dahil olabiliyoruz? Zaman akp gidiyor ! Dnya yarn, bugnk gibi olmayacak. nk dn byle deildi. Biz neler karyoruz ? NEDEN karyoruz ? Neyimiz eksik ? Etrafmzda akp giden zamana, her gn deien dnyaya dahil olabilmek iin yeterli dil eitimimiz var m ? Eer cevabnz ""hayr"" ya da ""yeterli deil"" ise doru yerdesiniz! Bizler, bu eitim ieriini sizler iin hazrlayanlar yukarda sorularan sorularn hepsinin cevabn biliyoruz. Bu yzden burdayz, bildiklerimizi sizlerle paylamak iin. nk bilgi bulacdr.letiime gemekte zorlanyor musunuz? renmeye kar n yarglarnz m var? Kendinize eksik mi hissediyorsunuz? Bir zamanlar bildiklerinizi unuttuunuzu mu dnyorsunuz? Endielenmeyin ! Bu uzun, zorlu bir yolculuk olacak. Merak etmeyin ! Bu yolu biz sizden nce getik. Tecrbeliyiz, kendimize gveniyoruz. Size gveniyoruz. Birlikte yapabiliriz, yapacaz!NASIL ?Bu eitim seti sizler iin hazrladmz, u an hazrlanma sreci devam eden eitim ieriklerimizin ilki, temeli. Bu bir balang. Bu eitim setinde ngilizce'de sklkla kullanlan, gnlk hayatta, snavlarda sklkla ihtiya duyduunuz fiiller, kelimeler, sfatlar, zarflar, ksacas ""aaa evet ben bunu biliyordum"" ya da ""bunu rendiim iyi oldu"" dediiniz her ey var. zenle hazrlanm videolarmz, konu seimleri, konu anlatmlar, rnekler ve altrmalar ve srekli gncellenen konular. Yapmanz gereken bizim iin gnn 30-45 dakikasn bize ayrmanz. Anlalr konu anlatmlar zorluk ekmeden konulara dahil olmanz, rnek cmleler gnlk hayatta rendiklerinizi nerede ve nasl kullanacanz, altrmalar ve sorular rendiklerinizi pekitirmenizi salayacak. Tavsiyemiz; elinize bir adet kalem ve kat almanz. Bir de sessiz bir ortam. KMLER ?Yeni balayan, daha nce balayp yarm brakan, eksiklerimi tamamlamaya ihtiyacm var diyen, ilerlemek isteyen herkes. zetle HERKES. nk konutuumuz ya da renmek istediimiz diller yaayan, canl organizmalardr. Her gn deiirler, her gn ilerlerler. Asla yerlerinde durmazlar. Eer bir gn uzak kalrsak treni karmaya baladmz anlamna gelir. Bu sebeple bu eitimize hepimizin ihtiyac var. NE ZAMAN ? Hemen ! imdi !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create own eCommerce website in OpenCart 3 Complete Project" |
"OpenCart is an online store management system. It is PHP-based, using a MySQL database and HTML components. Support is provided for online Course videos you are creating your own online store after this course and also create your client work Open Cart is the best way to develop an online store and reduce time"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Mix Penteados" |
"OlTrago para voc os segredos das minhas preparaes e finalizaes de Penteado, esse o curso definitivo para voc sair do anonimato e se destacar e lotar sua agenda se tornando um especialista em penteado. Serro demostrado as tcnicas mais pedidas comercialmente. Ento no fique fora dessa, vamos aprender e se diferenciar no mercado. "
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"ZBrush ZModeler - Mini Curso" |
"O Software Zbrush tem mais de 20 anos de existncia, e ainda hoje utilizam o velho ditado sobre o programa ""zbrush no bom pra modelagem poligonal"", mas, estamos aqui para lhe mostrar que possvel utilizar esta ferramenta sem medo e de forma muito simples, no s como ferramenta principal de modelagem mas tambm para ajustes em determinadas rea do seu modelo.Neste curso irei mostrar uma das diversas formas de criar um modelo a partir de uma referencia 2D, iremos trabalhar com as formas bsicas, geometrias simples para criar nossa blocagem inicial, passaremos das formas primrias para as formas secundrias e tercirias, ajustaremos as propores e iniciaremos o detalhamento utilizando as Subdivises Dinmicas e Live Boolean, ajustaremos o modelo High Poly e Low Poly para exportao e para finalizar faremos uma breve passagem pelo Transpose Master para criar nossa pose final.Com certeza ao final deste mini-curso voc ir esta bem seguro sobre como utilizar e finalizar seus modelos com Zmodeler."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Corso di panificazione-Tecniche e teoria per creare il Pane" |
"Ciao, sono Tommaso Dallasta.Benvenuto nel mio video corso sulla panificazione!Durante questo corso imparerai inizialmente tutto ci che necessario sapere sulla teoria del pane, in modo molto leggero andr ad analizzare i cereali e il frumento, la farina, i vari tipi di lievito e i vari processi di panificazione.Nella parte finale del video corso invece ti seguir passo per passo nel processo di creazione del pane, per assicurarti un ottimo risultato partendo da zero.Andr ad aggiungere gradualmente tutti i numerosi argomenti che contornano la panificazione, cos da assicurare un processo di pieno apprendimento in modo semplice ed efficace.Se sei interessato all'arte della panificazione o vuoi metterti in gioco per creare il pi tipico prodotto casalingo, sei nel posto giusto!Ti aspetto nel corso, a dopo!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS para iniciantes - Dicas de operao na aws" |
"Esse curso abordar de forma objetiva, por onde voc deve iniciar seus estudos e projetos na AWS. Com base na minha experincia com Cloud e infraestrutura, espero contribuir para que voc trabalhe com projetos sem receios e surpresas.Com aulas praticas e conceituais, ao final desse curso voc estar apto a implemetnar um projeto atendendo as melhores praticas, alm de aprender como trabalhar com os conceitos de: segurana, escalabilidade, backup, arquitetura e automao"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Post-produzione Beauty" |
"Allinterno di questo corso, troverete un importante approfondimento sulle tecniche di post-produzione fotograficalegate al mondo BEAUTY e FASHION.Impareremo insieme a valorizzare un soggetto, ripulendo i difetti e dando luminosit allo sguardo e alle labbra. Lavoreremo su un unico scatto, che troverete nelle risorse, per vedere un processo di ottimizzazione e post-produzione digitale in stile beauty dall'inizio alla fine, passo dopo passo. In questo corso imparerai a: - Rimuovere le imperfezioni della pelle,- Ammorbidire il volto ed i tratti somatici con la ""separazione delle frequenze"",- Dar luce agli occhi e cambiarne il colore,- Dar risalto al trucco ed aumentarne il contrasto,- Dare tridimensionalit e definire i bordi delle labbra,- Dare volume ai capelli,- Snellire il volto con lo strumento fluidifica,- Utilizzare la tecnica ""Dodge & Burn"" applicata ai ritratti,- Esportare correttamente le tue foto per i social network.Vi racconter quindi, come trasformare il soggetto di uno scatto,rendendolo un vero e proprio volto da passerella, con uno skin perfetto.Davide #ChaosLabStudio"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Tecelagem na Era Viking: Tablet Weaving" |
"Conhea mais sobre a histria da Era Viking e suas tcnicas de tecelagem, achados histricos e como reproduzir peas de l feitas com cards.Vamos falar sobre:O que foi a Era Viking?Quem foram os vikings?O que esse povo fazia para viver no dia a dia?O que eles vestiam?Como eram os processos de produo txtil?Alguns achados arqueolgicos e reprodues de roupas dos sculos IX ao XIComo montar um tearComo ler um diagramaComeando a tecer: tcnicas bsicas e erros comuns"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"WebAdobe Illustrator(" |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations -New 2020 (1Z0-1085)" |
"DescriptionThe Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Foundations certification is intended for individuals looking to demonstrate fundamental knowledge of public cloud services provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.Note: These questions will not only help you to clear the exam confidently but also help you to understand the core concept of OCI and add-on to your working knowledge.Three Practice Tests with overall 60 questions. (Relevant Questions and Answers to help you practice and clear the exam)Exam Topics:Describe the key features and components of OCI.Identify the core OCI service offerings.Understand OCI security model.Get to know the OCI compliance structure.Understand OCI pricing, support model, and operations.Point not to ignore:Our questions are not braindumps mainly, they have been curated and are up to date with questions patterns being asked in the exam. People who are experts and have done the exam: they work to get them ready for students to be ready before any attempt.Our recommendation is to go through pre-requisites as well.Things To Note (Tips):When you are booking your OCI exam as an online proctored exam, keep the following things in mind else you might lose time to start your exam and you may not be able to clear your exam.We are compelled to write this since You have only 15 minutes after your exam scheduled time to complete the verification formality and if you have low bandwidth or any problem, then you have enough time to fix it.(We recommend this to every student appearing for any OCI Online exam since some who had attempted but stuck not due to knowledge but because the online proctoring process to clear the exam.)Please make sure to run the pre system check at least 1 hour before your exam or 1 day before. Better to do pre system check a day before to save time.The moment you click on Begin Exam button or Run system check, you will download a VU (from PearsonVue) software which is used for the exam. This file is 60 to 80 MB so early you download better it is. (It's one-time activity)Open the software and it will copy the code from your browser to it (if not manually copy and paste), click next.Provide your mobile number and click next. (Athr: CloudOps)SMS will be received, click on the link and take your selfie, upload the ID proof (Make sure to keep it handy).Take 4 more photos of your location/room as it asks (Front of your Desk, Behind your desk, Left and Right)Once done, click on the refresh button in VU software opened ion your workstation/laptop.It will ask you to close any other applications opened including your browser, do it.If it is pre-system checkit will ask one sample question and then you can end the sample exam, Once sample test is done, don't wait; open your browser and then re-click your begin exam button and repeat the steps from 4 to 9Else it will take you directly to your actual exam and you are ready to roll. (Athr: CloudOps)Make sure no one in the room, no sound from you or anyone else while exam in process. Don't read out loud ;-)Many students get confused within steps 10 & 11. Since doing the same activity twice leave you to be puzzled.However one should remember that system pre-check is separate(if already done, then it won't ask you but if ask for it, DO IT) and your actual exam is separate and they both start with the same process of verification and both must be done.If your system pre-check is failing due to Internet Bandwidth even though you think it should not; try to switch to another internet device.Now you might have understood the step 1 why it is important.Wish you all the best!Thanks,CloudOps"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
FP |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Especialidad en Modelo de Negocio Online" |
"Hola! Yo soy Sandra Burgos, la creadora de 30K Coaching. Quiero darte la bienvenida a la Especialidad en Modelo de Negocio Online.En este curso vamos a ver en detalle la estructura que te recomiendo para tu negocio online, independientemente de que vendas servicios o productos digitales. Incluso a productos fsicos puede ser aplicado, sobre todo en los tipos de negocio basados en uno o dos productos en lugar de todo un catlogo.Espero que este programa te ayude a clarificar muy bien la estructura de tu negocio. Si ests empezando a crearlo, es el momento perfecto para definir bien las bases y ahorrar un montn de tiempo en tropiezos derivados de la falta de claridad y foco. Y si t ya tienes tu negocio, hacer este repaso por la propuesta de modelos de negocio te va a permitir identificar posibles fuentes de improductividad y falta de rentabilidad en tu estructura actual.Disfruta del programa. Empezamos a trabajar."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"GYM PHOBIA? Or Need Lockdown Fitness >HIIT with no equipment" |
"Follow along with these simple sessions that you can do at home or in the garden. Course includes One Insanity Session, some Metafit Sessions, a 'Legs, Bums and Tums' and a Zumba Session. You choose which ones to join in. You can do them all or pick and choose from your favourites! If you're a HIIT regular but you've not done these particular classes before watch the videos first so you can see the various routines and then when you feel ready get your kit on, grab a towel, a water bottle (and a mat if you have one) and then you'll be ready to follow alongThe course is designed for students who would normally be doing regular gym classes but cannot at the moment get to Gym as most of them are shut."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"10 Instagram Growth Secrets From Celebrities & Influencers" |
"**BRAND NEW COURSE 2020! - COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE!**Instagram is a powerful and fun social tool that allows you to market your business to hundreds of new customers everyday! There are over 1 Billion Instagram users, and learning simple strategies to gain targeted followers can significantly increase your businesses revenue.10 Instagram Organic Growth Secrets From Power InfluencersRank using Instagram's new SEO AlgorithmBuild strong trustworthy relationships with your Instagram followersLearn the tricks to rank in the Explore TabUse the proven marketing skills and create killer posts to sell your productsUse Hashtag to increase your life expectancy and your RankingBuild strong trustworthy relationships with your Instagram followerInstagram is a small time investment for a huge customer return!Once you spend just a few hours learning the powerful proven Instagram marketing techniques, you will see why we are the recommend course.We explain the hidden secrets with easy to follow step by step techniques to grow your followers and market your business, to master the Instagram Algorithm and to run your account efficiently and effectivley.Your time will pay off by reaching thousands of new customers, and building a strong, trustworthy relationship through Instagram will skyrocket your brand awareness to a level beyond your expectations. You will have the tools to create quality content, grow your Instagram followers and market your business to these hyper-targeted customers and to understand the Instagram Algorithm.When making a purchasing decision, people online use your social media presence as a measure of the quality, and trustworthiness of your business. Nothing speaks trust and quality louder than having a thousands of targeted, real, and loving Instagram followers on your profile (of which you can contact at any time!) Your posting will be professional and compelling and you will be using stories, live streaming and all the other new features Instagram releases.Instagram for Business Contents and OverviewThis Instagram course is for those who want to learn how to use Instagram to grow their followers and business.In this course we show you the powerful secrets implemented by influencers. You will learn how to create a professional Instagram profile for your business or your product designed to effectively appeal your target customer. It is imperative to know that you have done this in the optimal way for Instagram growth and marketing! Even for people who have already established an accountYou'll then learn, using the incredible Instagram promotional marketing strategies, how to gain hundreds of followers, comments and likes for your business account every single day. All the time we are here to answer questions.What sets this apart from other Instagram Growth & marketing courses is that by the end of this course - you will know the top strategies used by large Instagram Influencers and multi national Business.By the end of this course you will know how to implement these Secrets into your Instagram Strategies and you will know how to grow your followers and convert your successful Instagram statistics into sales, customers and loyal fans!You will receive practical activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources to guide you through the entire process.Looking forward to seeing you on the inside ;)- BenjiEntrepreneur Academy"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Live Streaming - The Complete Course - Zoom Twitch OBS Skype" |
"Live Streaming - The Complete Course - Zoom Twitch OBS SkypeLive Streaming Like a Pro - Learn Tech and Performance Skills for Zoom Meetings - Twitch - OBS - Open Broadcaster - FB Learn everything you need to know to start your on Live Stream today. Live streaming can be more complicated and challenging than a typical produced, on-demand video. But nothing beats the immediacy and impact of a live shared experience between you and your audience/community/fans/clients/customers.Live Streaming is a rapidly growing form of social media content and communication. Now more than ever its important to know how to reach your audience in real time and connect simultaneously no matter where in the world you are. Utilizing the latest in encoders and platforms includingFacebook LivePeriscope/Twitter LiveYoutube LiveTwitchMixerEven Instagram and Tik Tok From your PC !! This course if perfect If you don't know anything about live streaming and want to become a confident live streaming content creator. The best part? We teach you how to conduct yourself both behind and in front of the camera. An in depth comprehensive guide to the correct way to not only set up your software but conduct yourself in stream and even the correct materials to use for a successful stream.If you aren't live streaming yet, you are missing out on the most powerful tool in social media today.Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Neuro Oratoria: Hablar en Pblico Cientficamente" |
"La ciencia ha avanzado mucho en los ltimos aos y ha ido probando y re-formulando lo que funciona y no funciona en Oratoria. Hoy sabemos mucho acerca del cerebro, la mente y el comportamiento de la audiencia.Los cientficos concuerdan en que los seres humanos somos sociables por naturaleza que no podramos vivir aislados, sino que por el contrario necesitamos vivir en comunidades organizadas. La relacin con los dems, en cualquier mbito de la vida se basa en las interacciones humanas y la base de dichas interacciones es la comunicacin. Por lo tanto las habilidades de comunicacin son la base de la vida misma.La comunicacin Oral es la ms utilizada en todas las interacciones, sin embargo es la menos aprendida y entrenada. Desde nios se nos ensea la comunicacin escrita y muy poco de la comunicacin oral.Esto acarrea enormes consecuencias en la vida de una persona:Para rendir un Examen.Para Vender una Idea.Para Exponer un Proyecto.Para Solicitar un Aumento.Para Hablarle al Sexo Opuesto.La vida, en todos los mbitos se desarrolla muy por debajo de lo que podra ser si no se realiza un entrenamiento adecuado en Oratoria, por que la Oratoria nos da las herramientas ms poderosas de las que puede disponer el ser humano, nos ensea a:Comunicar.Persuadir.Convencer.Motivar.Este es el curso ms completo de Oratoria en idioma espaol con clases que van desde los fundamentos de la comunicacin Oral, hasta los secretos de las presentaciones de Steve Jobs y las Charlas TED.Adems de otros temas tales como:Modelos de Comunicacin.Persuadir en Lugar de InformarPlanificar para OratoriaTipos de PresentacionesMtodo M.A.P.Proceso de Pensamiento Estructurado.El Modelo de Presentacin de 5 Puntos.El Mtodo Narativ.Estructuras de Poder.Elementos de una Presentacin.Cuatro Grupos y Siete Clases de Audiencias.El Cerebro Emocional.El Cerebro Lgico.El Cerebro Instintivo.Dirigirse al Cerebro Emocional.Hablarle a los dos Hemisferios.Componentes de una Verdadera Conexin.Cmo Formular Preguntas.Cmo Manejar Preguntas y Respuestas.Cmo Entrenar la voz.La Escalera de la Persuasin.Recursos Retricos que Estimulan el Cerebro.Lenguaje Verbal.Lenguaje No Verbal.Lenguaje Para Verbal.El Storytelling.Comunicacin Multimedia.Etc. Etc. Etc.Te invito a mirar las clases de muestra y si te gusta, a que te suscribas.Nos vemos en la primera clase!!!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Get more productive using think-cell and PowerPoint" |
"In this course you will learn the power of think-cell. Create great and complex charts, based on Excel data in PowerPoint. With Ease and on average more than 3.5 times faster than any PowerPoint Expert! Learn how to create links that update your charts in PowerPoint when you change Excel data. Also learn how to create waterfall charts, Gantt charts, Mekko charts and much more. In addition to Think-Cell chart you will also learn about think-cell round and think-cell layout. The course will be updated with new version information when a new version of think-cell is released. You can use this course to learn how to use think-cell from scratch or use it as your personal video manual."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness Modern Approach to Meditation in a Hectic World" |
"Mindfulness Meditation is a modern form of meditation and this is a learn by doing course that will give you the same benefits emotionally psychologically and spiritually along with all the health benefits. However the process is very different in that instead of struggling to get to the no thought state that true mediators want you focus on an object in the moment any object. So there are no limitations to the object you decide to focus all your attention on and it is the focusing all of your attention is the key to getting the full benefits of mindfulness. Because most everything we do and even when we are doing it we are not truly focusing all our attention in the moment or the process because we tend to let our minds wander to outcome of what we are doing or to past or future problems or even happy thoughts and ideas, but in doing this we miss the pure moment of the present as we can experience it.Now when I say as we can experience it I say this because to some degree we are always in the past even when we are totally focused in the present moment because it has be scientifically proven that there is a delay between any outside stimulus through our eyes ears nose taste or sense of touch as it comes from the subconscious mind through to conscious awareness.But having said that with mindfulness and what you will experience through the six different mindful experiences you will experience here you are going to be living in the conscious minds full experience of living in the moment.The six guided mindfulness meditations you are about to experience will teach you six different ways you can use mindfulness and once you get a full idea of the process you will be able to create a mindful experience that suits your taste and lifestyle.Now it has to be said the more you practice mindfulness the more you teach your brain a new skill of being present in the moment and the more this happens the more joy you will feel from any positive experience and the lessons to be learned for negative experiences. Mindfulness Meditations Included in this course are: The Coffee Meditation The Chocolate Meditation The Raisin Mediation The Body Scan Meditation The Food Meditation The Personal Power MeditationAll of these mindfulness meditations will have a Mp3 download in the resources area You also get an additional meditation of loving kindness meditation that I have added to help you send give others and yourself more loving kindness."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Capturing, Analyzing, and Using Lessons Learned (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Capturing, Analyzing, and Using Lessons Learned (PMI - PMP) is course 4 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). The course is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK6) developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).Every project comes with its own unique challenges. There is valuable learning that takes place as project team members solve problems and persevere through challenges to meet their objectives. Lessons learned can serve a dual purpose. First, the new knowledge can be incorporated into the current project, resulting in fewer mistakes, lower costs, more accurate estimates, and many other efficiencies. The second purpose is to preserve and pass that knowledge and wisdom on to the planning and execution of future projects. In this course, you'll learn about the basic steps involved in collecting, analyzing, and passing on lessons learned, so that organizations are able to grow and experience superior performance.1. What are Lessons Learned?2. Managing a Project's Knowledge Base3. The Lessons Learned Process4. Gather Lessons Learned Information5. Conduct a Lessons Learned Meeting6. Analyze Lessons Learned Information7. Share and Adopt Lessons Learned8. Documenting Lessons Learned9. Tools for Continuous Improvement10. Exercise: Collecting and Utilizing Lessons LearnedThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende el diseo profesional de Iconos" |
"En este curso aprenders de forma directa y sin rodeos todos los aspectos necesarios para crear iconos de calidad.Mi nombre es Martin Martinez soy diseador grfico con mas de 10 aos de experiencia en el rubro, tambin soy Experto e Instructor certificado por Adobe y te estar guiando a travs de los vdeos de este curso.El diseo de un icono es mas que crear simples formas y asignarles un color, un buen icono puede transmitir una idea accin o instruccin de manera correcta independientemente del estilo que se use, pero para lograrlo hay varios puntos a considerar y etapas que no podemos saltarnos, a travs de esta serie de vdeos cubriremos todos estos aspectos.Al final del curso conocers todos los aspectos necesarios durante la creacin de un icono y podrs afrontar de manera profesional cualquier tipo de proyecto relacionado al diseo de iconos. Empezaremos desde los pasos previos al diseo, luego vamos a tocar consejos sobre color, tamaos y estilos para un correcto diseo, tambin pasaremos a travs del diseo dentro de illustrator creando algunos iconos de ejemplos donde tocaremos temas como: sombras, colores, formas, entre otros para finalmente aplicar todo lo aprendido en dos workshop muy divertidos que vamos a trabajar juntos desde cero donde vamos a crear dos sets de iconos de diferentes estilos y con diferentes caractersticas."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Teaching art classes online" |
"Learn the basic steps to getting your course online. Learn about organizing your course then putting it in a format for filming. Speaking in front of a camera is easy if you relax and imagine you are teaching your best friend. Learn how to do this. Learn about using your iPhone as a camera. Learn about tripods, lighting and sound. Once your course is made, learn to edit, find places to put your course online then promote your course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Red Hat System Administration I - RH124 RHCSA Zertifizierung" |
"Dieser Red Hat Linux Kurs die beste Grundlage um als Linux-Systemadministrator zu arbeiten oder wenn Sie sich zum Linux Guru entwickeln wollen.Es warten auf Sie neben 13 Stunden Lernmaterial auf viele Prfungsaufgaben und ber 100 Quiz-Fragen!Gleichzeitig bereitet Sie dieser Kurs sofern Sie wollen auf die Prfung zum Red Hat Certified System Administrator vor und deckt alle Themen des offiziellen Kurs Trainings ab!Dieser Kurs ist der Folgekurs des RH024 Trainings und wird weitergefhrt mit dem RH134 Red Hat System Administration II Training. Beim RHCSA handelt es sich um eine leistungsbasierte Prfung, was fr Sie als Teilnehmer bedeutet, dass Sie keine Multiple-Choice-Fragen beantworten mssen wie bei LPIC, sondern ihr echtes knnen abgefragt wird um Aufgaben an einem Live-System praktisch lsen. Im leistungsbasierten RHCSA werden Ihre Kenntnisse und Fhigkeiten im Bereich der Systemadministration in zahlreichen unterschiedlichen Umgebungen getestet. Ihre neu gewonnenen Fhigkeiten bilden die Grundlage fr die Systemadministration aller Produkte von Red Hat, welche auch auf weiteren Linux Derivaten wie Suse, Ubuntu ,CentOS, Debian angewendet werden knnen.Bei der RHCSA Zertifizierung stellt der IT-Spezialist die in Red Hat Enterprise Linux wichtigsten Systemadministrationskenntnisse unter Beweis und kann seine Kenntnisse direkt in der Firma unter beweis stellen.Im Kurs werden zentrale Kenntnisse fr die Linux-Administration vermittelt, indem die wichtigsten Administrationsaufgaben behandelt werden.Folgende Themen sind Teil des 13 Stndigen Kurses:Installation des RHEL SystemsManuelle Partitionierung whrend der Installation mit LVMErweiterte GrundlagenWildcards in der BashVirtuelle KonsolenArchivierung, Komprimierung, Finden und AusfhrenArbeiten mit Gzip, Bzip, XZ, TarDaten Finden und Ausfhren von AktionenErstellen, Anzeigen und Bearbeiten von TextdateienErstellen, Anzeigen und Bearbeiten von Textdateien aus der Befehlsausgabe oder in einem EditorTextmanipulationen mit More, Less, Cat, tac, Head, Tail, Cut, Sort, Tr, GrepRegulre Ausdrcke / Regex (Regulr Expressions), Filtern und ManipulierenGrep mit RegexFiltern und Trennen mit AWKInline Editieren mit SEDDuplikate mit UniqDateien Vergleichen, Updaten mit Diff und PatchLokale Linux-Benutzer und -Gruppen verwaltenVerwalten Sie lokale Linux-Benutzer und -Gruppen und verwalten Sie lokale KennwortrichtlinienKontrolle des Zugriffs auf Dateien mit Linux-DateisystemberechtigungenLegen Sie Linux-Dateisystemberechtigungen fr Dateien fest und interpretieren Sie die Sicherheitseffekte verschiedener BerechtigungseinstellungenVerstehen von ACL's (Access Control Lists)Verstehen der Umaskberwachung und Verwaltung von Linux-ProzessenInformieren Sie sich ber das System und steuern Sie die darauf laufenden ProzesseProzesse nach Prioritten zuteilenSwap und SwapinessProzessinformationen auswerten und KontrollierenKontrolldienste und DaemonsSteuerung und berwachung von Netzwerkdiensten und Systemdaemons mit SystemDVerstehen von SystemD Units, Targets und Kontrollgruppen (cgroups)Erstellen von SystemD TimerMaskieren von SystemD DienstenOpenSSH-Dienst konfigurieren und sichernSicherer Zugriff auf die Befehlszeile auf entfernten Systemen mit OpenSSHProtokolle analysieren und speichernLokalisieren und interpretieren Sie relevante Systemprotokoll-Dateien fr die FehlersucheKennenlernen von JournalDVerstehen von RsyslogVerwalten von Red Hat Enterprise Linux-NetzwerkenKonfigurieren Sie grundlegende IPv4-Netzwerke auf Red Hat Enterprise Linux-SystemenRouting und Gateway KonfigurationVerbinden zweier Linux Maschinen ber ein internes NetzwerkDateien zwischen Systemen archivieren und kopierenDateien archivieren und von einem System in ein anderes kopieren.Softwarepakete installieren und aktualisierenHerunterladen, Installieren, Aktualisieren und Verwalten von Softwarepaketen aus Red Hat- und yum-Paket-RepositorysKennenlernen der neuen Appstream Modul FunktionenWiederkehrende Aufgaben verwaltenVerstehen von Anacron, Cron und atArbeiten mit SystemD TimersUmfassende berprfungben und demonstrieren Sie die in diesem Kurs erworbenen Kenntnisse und FhigkeitenRene Frst has no affiliation with Red Hat, Inc. The Red Hat trademark is used for identification purposes only and is not intended to indicate affiliation with or approval by Red Hat, Inc"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Task Tracking Application with Google Apps Script GSuite" |
"Google apps script always you to connect with GSuite products to connect and customize connections between themWithin the upcoming lessons - we walk you through creating a Task tracking application from scratch to track tasks and projects into a Google Sheet. Interact with the web app have the data placed within the sheet.JavaScript is a prerequisite to this course - Prior coding experience is required!!!!Source code is included so that you can build your own version of the application.Course covers building a fully functional web app using Google Apps Script - create a web app to track tasks within your spreadsheetThis is a fast paced course focused on creating the web app using Google Apps Script!Focus of the course is script - CSS and frontend styling is done by using Bootstrap 4Explore how you can setup a webapp using Google Apps ScriptConnect your webapp get data from the Spreadsheet Output client side data to the webappUse Google Apps Script to connect Gsuite together Track tasks and output from spreadsheet dataUpdate and edit spreadsheet data using the webappTaught by an instructor with many years of web development experience ready to help you learn about Google Apps Script and how you can write code to create custom applications. You have nothing to lose, start building your application today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AZ 104 Microsoft Azure Administrator" |
"If you are planning for AZ-104 certification and willing to learn each and every important piece of it with not only theory but with a 100% conceptual and practical approach then this course is for you. This is a totally new course for AZ 104 and not advisable for an old version of this exam AZ 103.The Azure Administrator implements, manages and monitors identity, governance, storage, compute, and virtual networks in a cloud environment. The Azure Administrator will provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.You need to have a valid Azure subscription in order to follow practice labs associated with this course without this enrolling this course will be meaningless.Candidates should have a minimum of six months of hands-on experience administering Azure. Candidates should have a strong understanding of core Azure services, Azure workloads, security, and governance. Candidates for this exam should have experience in using PowerShell, the Command Line Interface, Azure Portal, and ARM templates."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Guitarra en 5 Lecciones Claves" |
"Mas de 10 aos enseando Guitarra en la red a alumnos de todo el mundo; me han dado la experiencia suficiente y conocimiento tcnico y pedaggico para crear este super curso, con el cual abarcaras 5 lecciones que sern tu inicio definitivo en este hermoso instrumento. Luego de terminarlo sabrs que fue el punto de inicio definitivo en el instrumento que nos desvela."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Job Search Solution #2" |
"The Job Search Solution is the process to get a job!Learn Tony Beshara's proven system, which has helped more than 100,000 people find a new job.There are three major reasons people have trouble finding a job. They don't know what to do! They don't know how to do it! They don't do enough of it! A recent survey found that 86% of a group of 15,000 job seekers were resorting to only two activities to find a job...calling a few friends and sending resumes to internet job postings. The Job Search Solution explains exactly what to do for an effective job search well beyond these two fruitless activities. It details exactly how to do all of the right things to land a job, and it helps you manage the process so you do enough of it. It is an intense, systematic, step-by-step process.In this Course #2In this section, we will discuss how to prepare for those non-traditional interviews. We will discuss Skype and Video Interviews, the phone interview and also job search in relation to the internet. We will discuss important aspects of the job interview like your body language, voice, and presenting yourself. You will also leave this course with essential questions to end the interview with"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Complete English Punctuation Course. English Writing Mastery" |
"Upgrade your English by mastering all the English punctuation marks! Many English learners never fully learn how to use correct punctuation, and their English writing stays simple and limited. This course is designed to take you to the next level, and help you master English punctuation so you can create and use much more complex English writing!Learn and Master all English Punctuation Used by Native English SpeakersLearn all 14 English punctuation marks.Make your English writing better with interactive practice exercises for each mark.Learn how to use commonly misused abbreviations such as etc., e.g., and i.e.Contents and OverviewThis course is designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes to improve their English writing and master the English punctuation marks.In this course, you will learn all the English punctuation marks, and you'll see how they are used in hundreds of real-life examples.You'll then be able to improve your English writing by completing dozens of interactive practice problems.And, finally, you'll be able to communicate with me, an American professor, at any time of the day. I'm happy to answer any English related questions.By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you write excellent English material. You'll set yourself apart from others and start writing like a professional.Who this course is for:Language learnersPeople interested in improving their English writingWant to become like a native English speaker by mastering all the English punctuation marks? Sign up now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criando Aplicativo Portal de Cursos com Ionic 6" |
"O curso de Aplicativo para Portais com Ionic 6 e Mysql possui 59 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprende a criar um aplicativo para gerenciamento de portal de cursos com painel Administrativo para gesto das matrculas e vendas, e tambm tem o painel do aluno para que ele possa assistir as aulas diretamente pelo Aplicativo, usamos para desenvolver a verso mais recente do ionic, angular 9, mysqli e api em PHP PDO, atualmente ionic a linguagem mobile que mais cresce no mercado, torne-se um desenvolvedor mobile e comece a lucrar desenvolvendo seus aplicativos."
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Planetary Hours: A Complete Guide" |
"Many people are familiar with the concept of the planetary hours, especially those who are dealing with the traditional practices, like herbalism, magick, alchemy, or astrology, and who know that it is important to do things at a particular moment in time. If the nature of what you are doing will correspond to the area of responsibility of the planetary ruler of the hour, your actions will become more successful, the results will be more rewarding, as the Nature itself will be assisting you. If you think about it, you don't really need to be interested in some traditional practices to be able to benefit from the planetary hours you can apply this knowledge to the actions and decisions of your daily life!This course will teach you everything there is to know about what the planetary hours are and how to define them, what are the responsibilities of different planets, and what are their correspondences in the surrounding world. In addition, you'll learn about the planetary days, the higher level construct built from the hours, and the planetary years, a still higher level construct. They too can be meaningful in certain ways. The important piece of knowledge that was mostly forgotten in the contemporary practices is that planetary hours can be more or less potent depending on the current condition of the ruling planet, and this course will restore the justice by thoroughly explaining what this means, and how to use this knowledge. Finally, you will learn about the significance of the planetary hour (and the planetary day), when a person was born, and how to use this knowledge both in healing and for better psychological understanding. Welcome to the course, I hope you will enjoy it and find it very useful!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn and Teach Arabic Language the Montessori Way" |
"Hello and welcome to the course!This course is for absolute beginners to intermediate level! This course will help you learn and teach your child or students Arabic using the fun and interactive Montessori method.This course includes both PowerPoint and real life video presentations to help you learn how to teach Arabic using the Montessori method.As an Arab myself but with children whom Arabic is not their first language, I understand the struggles of Arabic language learners and parents who wish to teach their children the language but fed up with traditional boring and dry methods of teaching Arabic. Therefore, I decided to dedicate myself to finding solutions and work on a curriculum that helps children or adults in the beginners level who would like to learn the Arabic language following the Montessori principles that is fun, interactive and effective.The Muslimori Arabic curriculum is a curriculum designed for the parent/teacher to follow and guide the child into an enjoyable Arabic learning journey.The curriculum is designed to aid non Arabic speaking parent or teacher learn along with the child.I will be guiding you through all the presentations of the curriculum, all the printables and recommended resources in this online course will include the following:50+ high quality video presentations.All the printables you'll need designed and ready for you to print.Recommend books, audiobooks, websites, apps and games.If you are ready to start with your child the journey of learning Arabic as a second language and you want the experience to be enjoyable for your child and easy for you then sign up for the course and I will be looking forward to reading your comments, receiving your feedback and answering your questions.Enjoy the Course and the time you'll spend teaching/learning Arabic with your students/ children :)Course InstructorEllie"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |