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"Canva: Design Grfico Descomplicado" |
"Quem nunca se deparou com aquelas publicaes do Instagram que deixa qualquer um de boca aberta e se perguntou de onde o autor tirou inspiraes e conseguiu fazer? O poder do impacto do Design grfico incrvel! E acredite, est no alcance de todas as pessoas, mesmo daqueles que no entendem muito de ferramentas de criao grfica. Com o CANVA, PLATAFORMA GRATUITA de criao de Design Grfico, ficou muito mais fcil de criar posts para redes sociais, currculos, cartes de visita, apresentaes de trabalhos acadmicos e profissionais, panfletos e muito, muito mais! Porque usar o Canva? uma ferramenta GRATUITA;No preciso baixar nenhum programa em seu computador;Possui MILHARES de modelos para lhe inspirar;Voc pode criar quantos designs quiser, no existe um limite; extremamente fcil de utilizar;Voc pode utilizar a verso mobile em seu celular ou tablet;A cada dia que passa a plataforma s melhora! Voc pode abrir em qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento.""Eu poderia escrever aqui milhares de pontos positivos para voc utilizar o Canva!""O que voc ir aprender: Como criar sua conta no Canva;Como acessar o Canva pelo navegador;Como a interface do Canva;Como usar o Canva, de forma geral;O que a ferramenta oferece;Como salvar um arquivo desenvolvido no Canva;Como criar um modelo de design;Como utilizar modelos de design j existentes no Canva;Como editar imagens no Canva;Como editar texto no Canva;Como criar designes de Posts perfeitos para o seu Instagram;Como criar Apresentaes (De trabalhos acadmicos ou profissionais);Como criar um Design criativo de Currculo;Como criar um Portflio de trabalhos. O que voc est esperando? Faa j a matrcula no curso! Grade CurricularMdulo 01: Conhecendo o Canva;Mdulo 02: Ferramentas de Edio do Canva;Mdulo 03: Criando Post para Instagram;Mdulo 04: Criando Apresentaes com o Canva;Mdulo 05: Criando Currculo / Portflio com o Canva;Mdulo 06: Lembretes e Informativos. ATENO: Mesmo que voc assista todas as aulas e receba seu certificado, voc continuar tendo acesso ao curso e poder assistir as aulas quantas vezes quiser. Tambm poder me enviar suas dvidas sempre que precisar, respondo em at 24hr. O curso apresenta ensinamentos bsicos sobre o Canva, porm o necessrio para que voc crie materiais grficas para uso pessoal ou profissional. Vale ressaltar que o Canva extremamente amplo e permite criar diversos tipos de materiais grficos, nesse curso eu ensinarei a montar os mais utilizados, que no caso so: Posts para Instagram, Apresentaes (Do tipo slide feita no PowerPoint) e Currculo/Portflio. Futuramente adicionarei novas aulas ensinando a fazer outros tipos de materiais grficos, como cartes de visita, papel timbrado, dentre outros. INSCREVA-SE AGORA Aguardo ansioso pela sua presena em minhas aulas! "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Soft Skills for Smart People" |
"You high-tech abilities might have helped you achieve greater heights. In the future though, they will not be enough to compete and excel in a world characterized by artificial intelligence and offshore outsourcing. Your greatest asset in that world will be your humanity! Thats why it is imperative to start furthering your high-touch and high-concept aptitudes today. This course will provide you with the initial tools required to start bridging the gap between today and the new world of work."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
tatiana_davydova_veb1 |
", ! , @tanja.davydova , , , , , . , , , ... : , , , . , ... , , ..., , ... """" . - : ? ? , , ? ? ? , : - , "" "" 9 : . ? ? ? . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Nail Art. Handpainted Nails" |
"This course includes 6 sexy nail art designs and instruction for gel nail polish application. Your will learn to paint on nails using gel polishes. You will get full videos with descriptions. Using them you will find out how to give dimension to your art and will be able to paint these designs. Such a practice will help you to develop your imagination and inspire you to create your own unique designs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comment crer votre Etude de March." |
"Bonjour vous!Vous voulez apprendre crer par vous-mme une tude de march . Pour lever des fonds auprs de votre banque ou chez les investisseurs? Ou tout simplement vous voulez connaitre les meilleurs techniques afin de raliser une tude documentaire et/ou par sondage? Alors cette formation est faite pour vous.Ici vous allez apprendre rcolter les informations pertinentes pour votre tude marketing. travers les matrices stratgiques telles que PESTEL, les 5 forces de PORTER et bien d'autres. Vous allez apprendre beaucoup sur ce qui fait une excellente tude de march. De plus, je mets votre disposition mon expertise dans la cration d'enqutes dans laquelle je vais vous montrer comment vous devez utiliser le logiciel SPHINX pour l'laboration d'un questionnaire.Vous souhaitez vous former maintenant aux tudes de march? C'est possible en quelques clics seulement..."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Diseo y Clculo de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos en PVSyst." |
"El Curso de Diseo y Clculo de Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas en PVSyst tiene como objetivo, aprender a utilizar la herramienta de diseo y viabilidad fotovoltaica ms extendida a nivel mundial. Por tanto, en este curso aprenders a:Extraer informacin Meteorolgica del Punto de Instalacin FV.Analizar Bases de Datos de Mdulos Fotovoltaicos.Analizar Bases de Datos de Inversores FV.Ingresar Perfiles de Consumo a PVSyst.Desarrollar un Diseo 3D en PVsyst.Validar Proyectos de Diseo Propio.Validar Proyectos Externos.ALCANCE.Este curso te brindar las herramientas necesarias para verificar que los proyectos fotovoltaicos de tu inters o propuestos por empresas externas son viables, son de tu inters o no.REQUERIMIENTOS.Instalar PVSyst Versin 6.81.Se recomienda que el estudiante tenga conocimientos previos de energa solar, ya que el curso tiene como objetivo aprender a utilizar la herramienta, no aprender a dimensionar proyectos fotovoltaicos. NO TENGO EL PROGRAMA?El estudiante puede descargar una copia gratuita del Software, con una duracin de hasta 30 Dias! Con todas las herramientas de diseo disponibles. Por lo que, tendr tiempo de aprender a utilizar el programa, disear un sistema fotovoltaico para su casa y/o negocio.Por tanto, aprenders todos los elementos necesarios para disear, analizar, validar y desarrollar proyectos fotovoltaicos en esta herramienta tan importante e interesante, por lo que, no pierdas est increble oportunidad."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Cloud Computing desde Cero" |
"Comienza tu aventura en el ""Cloud"" con este curso desde cero donde aprenders los componentes principales del cloud, virtualizacin, distintas plataformas, modelos de servicios, proveedores, laboratorios, recursos y mas. He preparado este curso con gran entusiasmo en una forma prctica y simple de entender no importando el conocimiento que tengas ya sea ninguno, bsico o intermedio. Inclu pasos a seguir luego de tomar este curso y recursos para que puedas utilizarlos como herramienta para tu empresa y/o continuar educndote profesionalmente en este tema de gran demanda y crecimiento.NO se requiere tener experiencia previa en el cloud, solo tener el gran deseo de continuar aprendiendo y explorar nuevos horizontes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AI-100:Designing and Implement an Azure AI Solution:PT 2020" |
"Welcome to practice test for AI-100:Designing and Implement an Azure AI Solution:PT 2020Microsoft Azure certifications are one of the most in-demand in the industry today.Microsoft Azure is a cloud platform that provides infrastructure, managed services, and anything else you might need for your business applications. It is suited for businesses that want to leverage cloud servers, and who want to employ a vast array of intelligent services to work at scale and at cheaper costs than on-premises at your location.Candidates for this exam analyze the requirements for AI solutions, recommend appropriate tools and technologies, and implements solutions that meet scalability and performance requirements.This practice test will help you prepare for the real Microsoft official exam test environment. Microsoft Exam AI-100 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Analyze solution requirements (25-30%)Design AI solutions (40-45%)Implement and monitor AI solutions (25-30%)This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Best of luck !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"VP Vol.2" |
Price: 16800.00 ![]() |
"Wordpress de cero a experto + hosting y dominio gratuito" |
"En este curso aprenders a trabajar con la ltima versin de Wordpress sin necesidad de tener un previo conocimiento de este gestor de contenidos.En el curso, aprenders a realizar las siguientes actividades:Instalacin de Wordpress en un entorno local para que puedas realizar tus pruebas.Instalacin de Wordpress en un entorno real. Te facilitaremos un hosting gratuito durante un periodo de 30 das para que puedas realizar tus pruebas antes de comprar uno.Aprenders como crear tus entradas y pginas en tu sitio de Wordpress.Gestin de categoras y etiquetas.Moderacin de comentarios.Gestin de plantillas / temas.Modificacin de plantillas.Instalacin de plugins.Realizacin de actualizaciones de plugins y temas.Gestin de usuario y roles.Realizacin de copias de seguridad.Actualizacin de versiones de Wordpress.Adems de todo este contenido, me tendrs a tu disposicin para resolver todas las dudas que te puedan surgir en el curso o posibles mejoras en el contenido.Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React JS, Golang y MongoDB: Creando Red Social como Twitter" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a crear una aplicacin web de como Twitter donde tendremos las siguientes caracteristicas.Perfil de usuarioPodremos ver nuestro propio perfil donde tendremos datos del usuario, avatar, baera y un los tweets del usuario y podremos visitar el perfil de otros usuarios, pero solo se podr editar el perfil de usuario de uno mismo.Sistema de FollowersPodremos seguir Y dejar de seguir a otros usuarios que estn registrados en la aplicacin y tendremos una lista de usuarios para ver a quien estamos siguiendo en todo momento.Sistema de TweetsPodremos mandar tweets en cualquier momento y desde cualquier pgina de nuestra aplicacin y cuando visitemos el perfil de otro usuario podremos ver todos sus tweets.Buscador de usuariosPodremos buscar usuarios por su nombre y filtrar la bsqueda entre usuarios que no estamos siguiendo o usuarios que estamos siguiendo.Feed de TweetsTendremos una pagina donde podremos ver los ltimos tweets que han enviado los usuarios que estamos siguiendo.Este curso tiene como objetivo ensearte a desarrollar cualquier tipo de aplicacin de web usando Golang en el backend y React en el frontend.Estructura del cursoLa Biblioteca creada por Facebook! REACT JSAadiremos SASS al proyectoSistema de Login y Registro con JWREnrutamiento con React Router DomSubiremos imgenes al servidor usando Drag & DropConsumir un API RESTSubir la web a Netlify y GitHub PagesEl BackEnd ser desarrollado en GO (creado por Google)Incorporaremos los patrones de JWT (Jason Web Token) Incorporaremos bCrypt para encriptar nuestras passwordsUtilizaremos la BD MongoDB, en su versin gratuita que se autoalojar en AWS (Amazon Web Services)Estructuraremos nuestro proyecto de acuerdo a los estndares requeridos por google para las aplicaciones GOLANGCrearemos 16 EndPoints, ms de 30 archivos .GO para armar una API Rest muy versatil y potente."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Real Exam Practice Tests" |
"Latest available questions!!!Get a feel of the real MS-900 exam and guarantee yourself a PASS by taking these two practice tests ( 50 questions each ) which simulate the real exam accurately. Skills measuredThis exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam.Understand cloud concepts (15-20%)Understand core Microsoft 365 services and concepts (30-35%)Understand security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365 (25-30%)Understand Microsoft 365 pricing and support (25-30%)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Restfull API Web Services With Spring Boot And MySQL" |
"we will talk about how we will go on in this course.Also we talk about project structure that will be implemented in this course.We will create a new project in this course.And we will implement this project with using Spring Boot, and MYSQL.In our project, we will implement CRUD operations. And these CRUD operations will be requested from Postman.Then This requests will be handled from Spring Boot.Our project goes on User operations. Our main operations will be user login, register and user list.And this all things will be provided with secure way in Spring Boot.Also, we will go on with role based application.Our roles will be user and admin.User role will have typical operations like login, register.But admin role will have some specific operations like to list all users.We will have two main components to implement our project.These are server side and client side.In Server Side:Spring Boot will be main thing.Model View Controller structure will be implemented with using Spring Boot.Our MVC structure will work like that:First of all, the entity classes will be created under model package.Later, if model class is permanent, we will create a repository for it.Then we will call repository from services.Finally, we will call services from from controllers. In Spring Boot, Data will be presented to client as API call so Spring Rest Controller will be used to handle it.We will use MySQL as Database.We will also use Object Relational Mapping with Java Persistence API and Hibernate.You know, We can map our database tables to objects with hibernate.We will use JPA Repository and Crud Repository in Spring Boot. So these repository templates will handle common database operations like save, update, find, delete.With Spring Boot, we will also use Lombok library to clear code.You know that we don't want to implement getter, setter, equals and hash code. So we can escape it using Lombok @Data or @Value annotation.We will use Gradle To handle all dependencies on server side.That's all about Server side.Let's talk about Client Side.We will create endpoints with Spring boot.And on Client Side, we will test these endpoints with Postman.With Postman, we will handle Authorization and basic Http methods."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estudos de Identificao e Avaliao de Riscos de Processo" |
"Os Estudos de Identificao e Avaliao de Riscos de Processo so utilizados na indstria para identificar, classificar e mitigar os riscos que a atividade apresenta. A inteno garantir que as instalaes sejam seguras o suficiente, de acordo com o critrio adotado pela empresa e no sejam seguras demais, a ponto de inviabilizar o negcio.A inteno desse curso apresentar uma viso geral das metodologias utilizadas nos estudos de HAZID, HAZOP e LOPA. No um curso voltado para a formao de facilitadores, mas sim para pessoas que faro parte da equipe que executar os estudos ou que precisem conhecer a metodologia para conseguir interpretar o relatrio resultante desses estudos.Iremos falar sobre:- O que risco?- Percepo de risco;- Histrico do estudo de incidentes (Heinrich e Bird);- Exemplos de acidentes em indstrias;- Quo seguro seguro suficiente?;- Tipos de estudos utilizados na indstria;- Hazard Identification (HAZID); - O que ; - Inputs necessrios; - Palavras-chave; - Etapas do estudo; - Exemplo de matriz de risco; - Exemplo de tabela; - Exemplo de estrutura do relatrio.- Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP); - O que ; - Inputs necessrios; - Desvios de processo; - Os 8 elementos do HAZOP; - Etapas do estudo; - Exemplo de matriz de risco; - Exemplo de tabela; - Exemplo de estrutura do relatrio.- Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA); - O que ; - Cenrio; - Camada de Proteo Independente; - Quais cenrios estudar? - Etapas do estudo; - Os 9 elementos do LOPA; - Estimativa de frequncia e probabilidade; - Nvel de SIL; - Comparao do risco de trabalho na indstria com outros riscos.- Exemplos de HAZOP e LOPA; - HAZOP - Separador lquido-gs; - LOPA - Separador lquido-gs; - HAZOP - Vaso de knock out; - LOPA - Vaso de knock out; - HAZOP - Estocagem de petrleo; - LOPA - Estocagem de petrleo;"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Neuroplasticity: Neuroplasticity certification diploma" |
"The First Lecture has Resource AS Pdf and This Pdf is The Full Transcript of the course.And The second lecture has another Pdf for anxiety as a general review for the Future.Everyone experiences stress and anxiety in their life, and for some people, traumatic experiences take that stress and anxiety to an even higher level in the form of PTSD or Panic Attacks.In this course, I teach you how to turn on your body's natural calming response, the parasympathetic response, and train your mind and body to calm down, relax, and turn on the ""rest, digest, and heal"" response.The Stress and Anxiety response is a natural reaction to danger and it shows up in our Body through the Fight, Flight, Freeze Response. You feel your stomach go tight, hands cold and sweaty, your heart starts beating faster and your body tenses up. This is your nervous system preparing you to fight off physical danger. But this reaction isn't helpful when you're having problems in your work, school, relationships or if you're struggling with chronic stress or anxiety. When that reaction is severe, you may develop PTSD, Panic Disorder or Anxiety disorders.In this course you'll learn:How your stress response worksHow to turn on the calming part of your nervous system (the parasympathetic response)easy activities to turn on calmEssential skills for managing Stress, Anxiety, PTSD and Panic Attacks"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning for Trading with Python (Tensorflow and Keras)" |
"This course teach you about concepts of deep learning and other machine learning models for Trading. Such techniques are being used by Investment firms and professional traders to make significant return on their trading capital. The deep learning models in this course will be used to develop a powerful swing trading strategy. It is like no other course out there. This is the first time that such an exclusive content on machine learning for trading is being shared with a wider audience. The course shows you the practical and theoretical side of it. You will develop, train and test a deep feed-forward Neural Network on market data leading you to the development of your strategy.The course is designed to fully immerse you into the complete machine learning and quantitative trading/finance workflow, going from hypothesis generation to data preparation, feature engineering, training and testing of a Deep Neural Network model. It is a bootcamp designed to get you from zero to hero using the development of a reliable trading strategy. It will give you understanding of the differences between discretionary and quantitative trading. You will learning about different trading instruments/products or also known as asset classes.The topics of this course are steps and analysis that a data scientist in an investment firm would. We will cover the machine learning, deep learning techniques for trading strategies. Here are the details:Get an understanding of quantitative trading and why you should use machine learning for tradingNumpyPandasMatplotlibFeature engineeringTrain/test split and cross validationSupervised Learning and unsupervised learningClassification and regression problemLearn and understand what machine learning is and get a good grip of the type of machine learning algorithms available to solve different type of problems ( namely classification and regression problems)Deep Neural Network: Perceptron and multi perceptron, model architecture, activation functionsIf you're new to Python, don't worry, the course starts with a crash course. If you've done some programming before, it should be alright.What are you waiting for? Enroll now.DisclaimerThis course is for educational purpose and does not constitute trading or investment advice. All content, teaching material and codes are presented with sharing and learning purpose and with no guarantee of exactness or completeness.No past performance is indicative of future performance and the trading strategies presented here are based on hypothetical and historical backtesting. Trading futures, forex and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully if trading is appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital you can afford to lose, and the risk of loss being substantial, you should consider carefully the inherent risks."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Ferramentas da Qualidade - Mdulo III - Anlise de Dados" |
"Voc est buscando a participao das pessoas na descoberta de problemas, causas, solues ou alternativas e tem dificuldade de COLETAR e ANALISAR FATOS e DADOS para melhor conhecimento do processo. Ento este curso para voc!Sou o Prof Ronaldo, atuo no mercado de consultoria, treinamento e auditoria desde 1990 e junto com minha equipe criamos uma srie de treinamentos RPIDOS de ferramentas da qualidade, tambm conhecidas como de gesto, usadas nas organizaes. Nesta Srie Mergulhando nas Ferramentas da Qualidade - Nvel bsico (que vai ser tornar um livro) iremos abordar ao todo aproximadamente 100 ferramentas da qualidade ou de gesto em vrios mdulos.Neste treinamento especfico, vamos mostrar de forma prtica as ferramentas da qualidade - Nvel bsico:FLUXOGRAMAESTRATIFICAOFOLHA DE VERIFICAODIAGRAMA DE PARETOPara auxiliar no processo de coleta e anlise de FATOS e DADOS sobre uma:Um conjunto de dados dos principais problemas ou no conformidadesUm conjunto de dados das principais causas de um problema ou no conformidadeUm conjunto de dados das principais solues de um problema ou no conformidade Obs: ser disponibilizado como material de apoio o material das aulas em PDFVenha fazer parte desta srie de treinamentos rpidos.Venha mergulhar nas ferramentas da qualidade com a gente..Prof RonaldoEquipe Doutorgesto"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How To Stop Worrying What Other People Think Of You" |
"There are a lot of people that idolize others and end up being overly dependent on them. They dedicate their lives to making these people happy and can only be happy themselves if they feel they have done enough.In this situation the person being idolized has too much control of the other person.Not all comparisons are bad as you will learn in this course. You can use comparisons to improve your life and you will learn exactly how to do this.The aim of this video course is to move you away from negative comparisons and start using positive comparisons to make your life better.Topics covered:Why We Compare Ourselves To OthersThe Dangers Of Comparing Yourself To OthersHow To Make Healthy ComparisonsSmall Steps For Big ChangesLove Yourself More And Stop Being Overly Dependent On OthersBoosting Your Self EsteemGive Your Confidence A Real BoostAdvanced Tactics To Compare Yourself To Others In A Good WayComparing Yourself With Others Best Practices"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Messaging Apps For Marketers" |
"With this video course you will learn how to use social media and social messaging apps together as a powerful marketing strategy.The point of social messaging apps is not to try and get a large quantity of new customers. Rather, it is about building the quality of your existing leads. And its about conversions.With this course you will learn how to include social messaging platforms in your marketing strategy and generate more leads from social messaging platforms.Topics covered:The Power of Social Messaging AppsFacebook Messenger and WhatsApp The Big OnesSMS and Other Messaging PlatformsWhat is Conversational Commerce?Messaging Apps for SalesChatbotsBuilding an AppCollecting and Managing Contact DetailsBest Practices for Building Relationships and Making SalesInternal Uses, Providing Services, and More!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After Effects - Basi del compositing e della motion" |
"Adobe After Effects - Basi del compositing e del motion design un corso dedicato a chi si affaccia per la prima volta al software di motion graphics e compositing di casa Adobe. Analizzeremo le basi sia del software che delle tecniche principali utilizzate nellambito della creazione e modifica di contenuti multimediali. Dalla motion design, alla title animation fino ai vfx, Adobe After Effects - Basi del compositing e del motion design un corso completo che ti permette di apprendere le basi per qualsiasi percorso tu voglia intraprendere.Il corso suddiviso in moduli, base ed avanzati, non solo sulle competenze basilari, ma anche sulle tecniche pi complesse come il rotoscoping ed il chroma key. Ti spiegher come trasformare le tue idee e la tua creativit in animazioni e compositing professionali per i tuoi video."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guida al Chroma Key con After Effects" |
"Il mondo degli effetti vivisi costellato di verde! Green screen e blue screen sono ovunque e la fanno da padrona sui pi grandi set cinematografici. Con la Guida al Chroma Key con After Effects ti introdurr alle tecniche ed ai processi utilizzati nella realizzazione di video professionali con il green screen. Affronteremo una scena completa, dallorganizzazione, al rotoscoping, keying fino alle finiture! Ti spiegher come trasformare le tue idee e la tua creativit in animazioni e compositing professionali per i tuoi video."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blue Coat ProxySG 6.7 Basic Administration" |
"The ProxySG 6.7 Basic Administration course is an introduction to deployment options and management of the individual key features offered using the ProxySG 6.7 solution. This an introductory course and is designed for students who are new to the ProxySG solution.By the completion of this course, you will be able to: Describe the major Secure Web Gateway functions of the ProxySG License and configure a ProxySG Deploy a ProxySG in either explicit or transparent mode Use the Visual Policy Manager to write policies to manage web filtering, authentication, and SSL traffic management Use ProxySG access logs to generate reports"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Finance for Non Finance Managers" |
"Enables professionals, especially from functional areas other than finance such as sales,marketing, human resource, research and development, production, procurement, to gain an extensive working knowledge of critical financial principles in an easy-to-follow manner,enabling them to make critical business decisions involving cost-savings, budgets, new projects decisions, growth strategies and so onIn this 6 hour course on Finance for Non Finance, we endeavor to introduce you to the key concepts of finance so you can contribute to the success of your business. It will help us understand the language used by accountants and how financial statements fit together. Further we will understand how to user ratio analysis for getting a sense on the companys performance. In addition, we introduce you to the concepts of management accounting and decisions such as make-or-buy, shut-down etc. You will gain understanding into how to implement Budgeting and Working Capital Management. The exciting part is also the lesson on Investment Appraisal where you will learn how to evaluate business proposals from a return standpoint.Contents1) Understanding Financial Accounting2) Understanding Financial Statements3) Journal and Ledger4) Preparing Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet from Trial Balance5) Illustration- Cash Flow Statement -16) Illustration- Cash Flow Statement -27) Analysing financials of Starbucks Corp8) Analysis of Financial Statement_Common Size Statements_Ratio Analysis9) Case Study_Ratio Analysis10) Management Accounting11) Budgeting12) Case Study _Break-even Analysis13) Investment Appraisal NPV IRR Payback Period14) Pricing for Profit15) Working Capital Management"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Working with Web APIs in Microsoft Power Automate (MS Flow)" |
"In this course you will learn how to create web APIs using Microsoft Power Automate. You also learn how to consume the web APIs developed by other developers or third party companies. Power automate is designed for non-developers and so is this course. You don't have to be a developer to work with web APIs."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Singing Bowl Meditation Collection" |
"Musical Medicine from Singing Bowls Makes Meditation Easy!Experience 5 different types of ""listening meditations"" to see which style resonates with you. Over 50 different instruments are played in these harmonically beautiful meditation experiences. This class provides many opportunities to stop the mind chatter that is characteristic of the modern mind, and bring the the brain to a place of peace. Just by truly listening to the sound and vibration from metal and quartz crystal singing bowls, you can quickly connect with pure consciousness. Tune-in to whole-body healing, including stress reduction, release of negative feelings, improved immunity and wellbeing.Ann Martin is a global instructor, teaching modern singing bowl techniques to cancer patients, corporate employees, women's empowerment groups, school children, veterans, and thousands of others. No singing Bowl is needed for this class...just relax with a good set of headphones as Ann plays a meditative concert just for you. Once you have experimented with all of the different ways to meditate, pick and choose the ones that resonate with you and come back to this video again and again to broaden your exploration of paths to ""No-Mind."" Finally, a collection of classic, contemporary, and guided meditations for embodying the full experience of Presence. Anyone can enjoy and benefit from meditation with the beautiful and exotic music from the bowls. In addition, the more you listen, the more you train your brain to stop wrangling with the distractions of the world and focus on just one thing...The Present Moment! Let's get started and learn to focus and center with the sacred sounds of singing bowls!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"BCABA Board Certify Assistant Behavior Analyst Practice Exam" |
"269 UNIQUE practice questions for BCABA Board Certify Assistant Behavior Analyst Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : BCABA Board Certify Assistant Behavior Analyst Practice ExamTotal Questions : 269Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (201 of 269)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Programacin lineal- Investigacin de operaciones" |
"Este curso posee una estructura de aprendizaje lineal en secuencia, donde cada conocimiento nuevo adquirido es necesario para el tema siguiente. Esto facilita la comprensin de todos los elementos que participan en cada seccin, facilitando a su vez el aprendizaje general del curso.Los temas principales son detallados de forma clara y concisa con un ejemplo resuelto como apoyo para los conceptos tericos, siendo cada ejemplo resuelto con distintos algoritmos para visualizar de mejor manera las diferencias y similitudes con cada mtodo de solucin.Finalmente, en la ltima seccin del curso se realiza un ejemplo mediante un software para comparar el procedimiento con los mtodos de solucin manuales, as como se incita a la prctica y uso de este tipo de herramientas para facilitar clculos en modelos futuros, poniendo en prctica todo lo aprendido."
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
"REBT Certificate Course with CBT To Change Mindsets" |
"REBT can change the way you think. This is an REBT theory course. You will learn what REBT is, the history of REBT, what the process is, how it works and more importantly, why it works. There are practical exercises for you to learn to change your thought patterns and form new habits starting Today. If you have been searching for a quick effective solution to your anxiety, depression, or, PTSD then this is the course for you. Upon completion you will earn an Udemy certificate. This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Avoid Anxiety Or Stress With Emotional Intelligence Planning" |
"Recent events have traumatized people throughout the world. The best defense you can have to these challenges is a plan. With a plan you can reduce stress and anxiety. You can come from a place of emotional intelligence and figure out how to survive a pandemic or any other challenge that comes your way. This is disaster recovery pre-planning. Learn to identify stress, clear negative energies from your surroundings, and learn essential tools to regulate emotions."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Positive Psychology Habits Form A Happy Life" |
"Learn about positive psychology. Learn how you can be happier and apply habits into your life that will bring connection neurotransmitters and good habits are yours as you learn this method of psychology. As the course goes through positive psychology beliefs and techniques we will also work together on you forming your own habits and setting happiness goals. Once you have finished the course you will earn a certificate of completion from Udemy. The course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness For Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Stress Sampler" |
"In this overview course you will learn the basics about issues such as: stress, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The course explores treatment for the conditions. Techniques to reduce or eliminate symptoms are explored. The course gives the information on a broad scale so the student can further explore the topics that are of the most interest. Finish the course to earn a Udemy certificate of completion. The course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |