Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Industrial SOLIDWORKS learning program from scratch" |
"In this course, Author Manikantha, will teach you how to create a sketch, parts, assembly, and drawing using a variety of essential tools in Solidworks. this course is designed in a more compact way for the absolute beginner without any previous experience in Solidworks. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in Solidworks, then this is also the right course for them.2.5+ hours of HD Video tutorialsOver 62 individual video lectures3+ practice exercises- to test what you've learned in SolidworksExercise files - to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our industrial approach, easy to use interfaceIt is a more compact course as per the industry approach in a practical way.Once you have completed this course, you will fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own innovative idea using SolidWorks as a tool."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Release Stress & Anxiety With EFT Tapping & Meditation" |
"Join me as we walk through how to release stress and anxiety through EFT tapping and meditation. We explore the different types of stress and how it impacts our body, mind and spirit. We look at neuroplasticity, why it is important and how we can maintain & increase it. We navigate through various daily practice exercises allowing you to explore daily practices from sound activation and grounding through to energy exercises and heart mind alignment practices. We then move into the meditation module, exploring different types of meditations. Finally we end with the emotional freedom tapping module where we will review the process and techniques before doing a full practice of it, releasing stress and anxiety. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Principle ( )" |
"Principle . 2- , . , , -. , dribbble . Principle? . . . Principle.:1. 2. 3. 4. , , , , , . - ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a hacer Presupuestos con Arqumedes (CYPE)" |
"Arqumedes es un programa que est dentro de CYPE. Con este programa puedes desarrollar los presupuestos para tus proyectos, adems de mucha documentacin que nos exige el Cdigo Tcnico de la Edificacin como: Plan de Control de Calidad, Estudio de Seguridad y Salud, Pliegos de Condiciones, Gestin de residuos o Libro del edificio y mantenimiento. Por tanto es muy til para entregar un proyecto completo.Habrs odo que el Presto es el programa con el que se hacen los presupuestos pero es que Arqumedes hace la misma funcin y es algo ms completo. De todas formas entre Presto y Arqumedes existe relacin, el documento .bc3 va a poder interactuar con uno y otro. Si alguna empresa te pide el presupuesto en presto, siempre puedes exportarlo en .bc3 y no habr ningn problema.El curso que he hecho, siguiendo la lnea en mi forma de mostrar los conocimientos es corto, sencillo y directo. Consta de 4 vdeos en donde vas a aprender desde el minuto 1 a utilizar el programa. No hace falta mucho para generar tu presupuesto, sacar los documentos que necesitas y durante la obra controlarla de manera minuciosa y sacando tus certificaciones para un mayor control.Con Arqumedes mis proyectos son muy completos y con toda la informacin necesaria para ejecutar la obra de forma correcta y sin confusiones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mi hijo ha sido Matoneado Qu puedo hacer?" |
"El matoneo o Bullying y el Cyberbulling son un flagelo que azota de forma directa al 60% de los estudiantes del mundo, destruyendo la autoestima de las vctimas, generando una vida triste, de bajo desempeo, con deseos que llevan hasta el suicidio, maltrato intrafamiliar, feminicidios y una vida de alejada de bienestar, Pero qu se puede hacer, si esto muchos los consideran parte de la vida escolar?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video Editing on Adobe Premiere Pro ( )" |
"40 "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals Practice Test 2020." |
"AZ-900 is the exam that test on foundational level knowledge of cloud concepts and Azure services. Those who have experiences in other major cloud providers might find the most of AZ-900 materials to be very similar to they have learned.With the latest questions included in here, you will be able to pass your AZ-900 fundamentals exam in your first attempt."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Indesign for Fiction Book Layout - Complete Guide" |
"Do you need to make a layout for a fiction book for professional publication? Perhaps you are an author and want to learn how the book layout process works so you can make your own PDF. This course is for you! Most other Indesign courses teach lots of extra material that won't help you. This course is specifically targetted to people who want to learn fiction and textbook layout without all the fluff.Walter: ""Your course was so helpful. My staff struggled for a month trying to learn Indesign from YouTube. We just wasted our time and missed critical opportunities. Your easy-to-follow teaching style literally hand-held us, taught my team time-saving skills, and saved us $1,000's of dollars in lost revenue. Thank you!"" Walter P., Orange and Blue MarketingFrom Aaron: ""Hi there, my name is Aaron and I've professionally taught Indesign to hundreds of students. I've created hundreds of layouts in Indesign, from simple fiction books to complex guides and textbooks. Together we'll work through real projects will real manuscripts. You'll learn everything you need to know to be successful. This course is filled with instruction that gets you to success fast.""This course will save you from wasting $100's if not $1,000's of your hard-earned money. Many ""pro"" book layout designers learn from YouTube as they go, wasting your money. Other Indesign contractors charge insane amounts of money. That's why I made this course. It's for people who want to learn fiction book layout or need to do the job themselves.Bethany: ""What you just taught me almost made me cry. Before your class, my boss made me change the font in our company book twice. It took me a week. With what you showed me, I could've been literally done in a minute. One week cut down to one minute. I hope others find your course."" Bethany R., Outdoor Medical Training SchoolThis course helps you avoid these mistakes:Creating text that's incorrectly spaced out and looks weirdJustified text that still looks jagged - pro tipsOverload of hyphen breaksOrphans and widows - random text starting a pageWrong hyphens - you probably used the wrong hyphensIt's so easy to make mistakes and not see them during book layout. Aaron has seen books with beautiful covers but the inside looked like a hack job. Trying to do book layout in Microsoft Word will make your book look terrible. Word just doesn't have the right tools.This course includes:Sample complete manuscripts for practiceSample copyright page text completely free to useSample word processing program files for challenge assignmentsAaron shares the tricks he's learned over years of doing fiction book layout design. The goal of this course is to teach you how to make your own book PDF and not look like an amateur doing it. You'll learn the necessary skills to make turn your manuscript into a pro PDF.Manuscript software formatting guidelines include:Microsoft WordGoogle DocsOpenOfficeScrivenerApple PagesEven if you used a different program, the instructions for the above software will help you figure out what you need to do. Ask questions in the course forum and Aaron will do his best to help you out.There are a lot of small but important details in fiction book layout. Avoid making errors with this course. You spent 100's of hours perfecting your manuscript. Don't make the rookie mistake of making your book look like it was prepared by a fifth-grader.Who this course is for:Anyone wanting to create a professional PDF from their fiction manuscriptAaron's course is for people with no InDesign experience. No previous publishing knowledge required.This course is relaxed and bite-sized. It's broken down into small skills that won't overwhelm you. You only need basic computer skills to succeed.Aaron Linsdau Learning: Skills. Fast."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
start-trading-using-simple-method-of-price-action |
": - / / / / : - / / / / 1. 2. . 4. 5. 6.Trendline7.Channel8. 9. Volumn10. 11., 12.Summerise 13. 14. , 60 - 80%"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Eczanede nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi" |
"Eitmenimiz Fikret Kkkoyuncu fark ile bu kursu alyor olacaksnz. Sektrel anlamda insan kaynaklarnn ne kadar kymetli olduunun farkndayz ve bu eitimi bu yzden dizayn ettik.Bu kursumuzda e Alm Sreleri ve Liderlik ve Kurum Kltr hakknda detayl bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Dolays ile kursta rendiklerinizi bilgilerin kalc olmas adna meslek hayatnzda uygulamanz tavsiye ediyoruz.Bildiiniz gibi bilgi ancak pratik edilirse fark yaratr. Bu eitimin hayatnzda fark yaratmasn diliyoruz.yi seyirler."
Price: 379.99 ![]() |
"My at-home booty and abs program is not only great for beginners but it also is scientifically put together to hit all parts of your glutes without overtraining them, for maximum results. I have transformed my clients as well as myself with these tools. I will teach you my secrets to activating my glutes before my workouts so that your legs don't get all of the work. I am also going to give you my tips to eating right while you are gaining muscle and losing fat! All of your workouts are accompanied by demonstration videos so you will never have to google how to do them! You will get all of my secrets in this program and it is reusable for a lifetime! Lets Grow!!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"DevOps Foundation" |
"O Curso DevOps Foundation aborda os conceitos fundamentais e prticos na implementao das prticas DevOps em sua organizao.O contedo baseado nos melhores livros de DevOps (The Phoenix Project, Continuous Delivery, The Visible Ops, The DevOps Handbook, Effective DevOps e SRE) e Jornada DevOps (livro que sou co-autor), ampla vivncia em consultoria e principais eventos (palestrante no DevOps Days, TDC, Agile Trends, etc.) recomendado a profissionais de todos os nveis que desejam alavancar os conhecimentos em DevOps e compreender os meios e os benefcios da adoo na empresa.Mdulo 1 Conceitos bsicosOs desafios das empresa e time-to-market Os princpios do DevOps O que DevOps Antipatterns do DevOpsMdulo 2 Adotando o DevOpsBenefcios do DevOps Playbook DevOps Princpio das trs maneiras Ligao com outras prticasMdulo 3 Cultura OrganizacionalDevOps CALMS Os pilares do DevOps Cultura orientada a DevOps Papis e diversidade Perfis I-shaped, T-shaped e E-shaped Bimodal GartnerMdulo 4 Ciclo de vida em implementaesCiclo tradicional x gil ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) Gerenciamento da configurao Versionamento de cdigo-fonte Lead Time / Downtime / etc.Mdulo 5 Pipeline de implementaoPipeline de Build e Release Mapa do fluxo de valor Teoria das restries Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery Continuous DeploymentMdulo 6 Ferramentas e Avaliao Azure DevOps GitHub, SonarQube e Selenium Modelos de maturidade"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Dance for Ages 2-6" |
"This course is designed to give young dancers an awesome opportunity to learn the foundation of Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acrobatics, and Hip Hop Dance. Dancer confidence, physical activity, and increased memory are just a few of the phenomenal benefits of dance class.The course is created for beginning dancers ages 2-6 who are brand new to formal dance instruction or perhaps, those dancers that would like to try new styles of dance at home. These classes are great for parents looking for at home physical activities for their little ones!Each class will feature the foundational skills and terminology needed to build coordination, balance, rhythm, and confidence in young dancers. Classes consist of a short warm up and coordinating stretch, breakdowns of basic steps, and fun follow along choreography. Students will be able to review each class as many times as they would like to build a firm foundation in multiple dance styles!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner" |
"This AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner course will help you master the fundamentals of AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud computing. It will also help you prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination and easily pass it.This course contains a detail oriented training material of 271 pages for performing various lab exercises.The course is taught using Whiteboard technology to give students a real classroom like experience.The lab exercises will give you a strong foundation in AWS cloud computing skills and eventually help you become an AWS architect too. The lab exercises are well crafted to help you become ready for real world job performance once you complete this training."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Como encantar o seu cliente" |
"J parou para pensar em como est o seu atendimento?Pensa comigo:O que devo fazer para encantar o meu cliente?Como est o seu atendimento?Voc sabe comunicar com o seu cliente?Qual o seu diferencial?Quero que voc encarre esse curso de forma inteligente. Curso vai contribuir para voc chegar no mercado de forma encantadora. Lembre-se. Cliente feliz, bolso do vendedor cheio. E para que isso ocorra voc tem que deixar marcas na vida dos seus clientes. Nesse curso vou ensinar alguns comportamentos qie iro impulsionar o seu atendimento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Data Structures and Algorithms MCQ Solving Techniques" |
"This course will be helpful for the candidates who are preparing for UGC NET, GATE, NIC, ISRO,DRDO Scientist B and Scientific Assistant Exam. Various shortcut tricks are discussed. You will find Quiz in every sections, you can judge your performance. You will get the solutions of previous years UGC NET, GATE, ISRO Scientist B Exams. Stack, Linked List, Sorting, Searching, Graph, Tree, Minimum Spanning Tree (MST), Graph Traversal algorithm BFS and DFS, Hashing and Introduction to algorithms lectures are uploaded."
Price: 7680.00 ![]() |
"Gesto do Tempo: administre seu tempo com eficincia!" |
"Apresentar tcnicas para melhor administrar o tempo no trabalho e promover reflexo sobre a forma como o gestor lida com esse recurso no dia-a-dia, a fim de identificar o que pode ser alterado e tornar sua unidade mais produtiva.Objetivos especficos:a) compreender os principais aspectos relacionados ao recurso tempo;b) identificar os principais desperdiadores o tempo;c) estabelecer plano de ao para reduzir/eliminar os desperdiadores;d) estabelecer prioridades;e) utilizar o planejamento, a delegao e as reunies eficazes como recursos de economia do tempo.Contedo Programticoa) a compreenso do tempo conceito, aplicao, contabilizao do uso, principais dimenses;b) desperdiadores delegao ineficaz, mau uso do telefone, e-mail e internet, visitas casuais inoportunas, reunies no programadas, incapacidade de dizer no;c) elaborao de plano de ao para reduzir/eliminar os desperdiadores;d) estabelecimento de prioridades de tarefas;e) planejamento, delegao e reunies eficazes como instrumentos de economia de tempo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Product Owner Essential" |
"Con este curso podrs crear planes giles de productos que amen tus usuarios, podrs deleitar a tus clientes con productos de software valiosos y adems podrs manejar mejor las expectativas del negocio con los tiempos de entrega. Todo esto a travs del uso de herramientas giles recomendadas por gurs de la Agilidad."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso De Windows 10 Para Iniciante - Atualizado 2020" |
"Curso de autoria do criador do canal Musashiden Tutoriais, que ao longo de vrios anos tem ajudado milhes de usurios do Windows a resolver diversos problemas no Windows 10.O curso de Windows 10 Bsico Para Leigos voltado principalmente para usurios que esto migrando das antigas verses do Windows para a mais recente e ainda no est familiarizado com os menus e configuraes do Windows 10. Apresentarei o sistema de forma simples e prtica, utilizando de uma linguagem de fcil compreenso para todos.O que aprenderemos:Nos mdulos iniciais aprenderemos a como escolher a arquitetura correta do sistema antes de baix-lo. Aprenderemos como baix-lo da forma correta e grav-lo em um pendrive ou dvd. No mdulo de formatao, aprenderemos a como formatar completamente um disco ou drive ssd novo e prepar-lo para receber o Windows 10. Faremos ento a instalao do sistema em si e o configuraremos em tempo real.Posteriormente, comearemos trabalhando com a interface principal do sistema, onde aprenderemos a usar de forma completa o menu iniciar a rea de trabalho do Windows 10.Nos prximos mdulos, aprenderemos a configurar e usar de forma completa os principais aplicativos do Windows 10, entre eles o App Fotos, Email, Onedrive, Groove Msica, incluindo o novo Microsoft Edge Chromium. Aprenderemos a usar e dominar os principais atalhos do Windows 10 para que voc fique craque e otimize seu tempo na frente do PC.E por ltimo, dissecaremos por completo o painel configuraes, riqussimo em opes para se configurar e customizar o Windows 10. Este um dos nicos cursos na Udemy a abord-lo por completo. Ao final do curso, o aluno ter acesso ao certificado emitido pela prpria Udemy."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD Eitim Videolar(2D, 3D Tasarm ve Mimari izimler)" |
"AutoCAD Eitim Videolar ile AutoCAD Artk ok Kolay... AutoCAD; Tm Mhendisler(naat, Makine, Elektrik), Tm Mhendislik rencileri, Mimarlar, Tekniker ve Teknikerlik rencilerin renmesi gereken hayati neme sahip ve inaat sektrnn olmazsa olmazlarndandr. ki boyutlu(2D) izimlerin(Kat Planlar, Kesitler ve Grnler(Kuzey, Gney, Dou ve Bat)) ve Boyutlu(3D) tasarmlarn hazrlanmasna, 3 Boyutlu tasarmlara gereklik dokusu atanmasna ve render almaya imkan salayan kapsaml bir programdr.AutoCAD Eitim Videolar ile Sfrdan AutoCAD Programn renmeye ve leri Seviye Kullanc Olmaya Hazr msnz?AutoCAD Eitim Videolar KapsamndaMenler(File, Edit, View, Tools, ... ve dierleri)Ara ubuklar(Draw, Modify, Dimension, Standard, Layers, Properties Toolbars, ... ve dierleri )Butonlar(Line, Polyline, Circle, Text, ... , Erase, Copy, Mirror, Scale, Stretch, Explode, ... , Linear, Aligned, Radius, ... ve dierleri )Tm Klavye Ksayol Tular2 Boyutlu ve zometrik izim Yapmay3 Boyutlu izim YapmayGereklik Dokusu AtamayGn I ve Noktasal Ik Ayarlarn YapmayRender Almayrenmi Olacaksnz. Hadi Kolay Gele...Sizin iin hazrladmz ""SRPRZ ETM VDEOMUZU"" izlemeyi unutmayn..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Addomesticare le Proprie Finanze" |
"Se sei un ESPERTO e non hai problemi finanziari personali, di nessun tipo NON comprare questo corso! Se puoi comprare tutto quello che vuoi, hai un fondo pensione invidiabile, un lavoro che ti tiene poco impegnato, hai dei risparmi per fare studiare i tuoi figli, un salvadanaio per le emergenze che sta scoppiando... allora non hai bisogno di conoscere le informazioni contenute in questo corso. INVECE...Se hai un lavoro (o sei disoccupato) e non riesci ad arrivare a fine mese, questo corso potr farti capire dove finisce il frutto del tuo lavoro e dei tuoi sacrifici. Se hai sempre desiderato, avere un fondo per le emergenze, uno per le vacanze e capire come gestire al meglio anche le piccole somme...questo corso fa al caso tuo!Imparerai a pensare come pensano i ricchi e capirai la differenza tra te e loro. ""Non conta quanto guadagni, conta quanti soldi ti restano in tasca"" (cit)Anche io pensavo erroneamente, che la possibilit di vivere bene (economicamente parlando) dipendesse dai numeri in fondo alla mia busta paga. Mi sono accorto che anche il migliore degli stipendi fissi non serve a nulla se non si sanno gestire le proprie risorse. Ecco perch una volta imparato, anni fa, come uscire la tunnel che mi stava risucchiando, ho deciso di mettere a disposizione quello che ho imparato. INFATTI...Questo il metodo che mi ha permesso di mettere da parte in tre mesi la cifra che mi servita per trasferirmi in Inghilterra e successivamente, conservare regolarmente, una sostanziosa parte dei miei guadagni ogni mese. Non sono un contabile e nemmeno un ragioniere. Sono ""soltanto"" un disegnatore che ha avuto una sberla dal destino che mi ha mortificato e messo di fronte alla verit. Da quel momento ho iniziato a studiare e a mettere in pratica tutto quello che ho imparato leggendo decine di libri. Ascoltando oltre 260 ore di audiolibri di business e finanza personale e prendendo parte a corsi che si pagano con cifre con tre zeri finali. Se seguirai e metterai in pratica le indicazioni che ti dar, passerai da ""struzzo"" a risparmiatore consapevole."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ballet clssico - aula intermediria" |
"Exerccios de barra, centro e barra solo pra quem j pratica ballet clssico, que podem ser feitos em casa ou na academia. Pode ser usado como aula complementar ao trabalho semanal do bailarino ou como manuteno de condicionamento fsico e tcnica. Pode potencializar resultados e trazer melhoras na tcnica de dana pois possibilita que voc pratique a qualquer momento que tiver disponibilidade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Dormir bem com auto-hipnose" |
"Atravs deste curso, vai ter acesso a udios de auto-hipnose e de relaxamento, que lhe vo permitir ter momentos de relaxamento guiado bem como, ter noites mais tranquilas e sonos mais equilibrados.Vai perceber o funcionamento da mente, o que a hipnose e como a auto-hipnose o pode ajudar diariamente.Tem tambm acesso a um conjunto de estratgias que o ajudaro a melhorar o ambiente e os seus hbitos, para que possa preparar a sua mente para dormir."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a Physical Product from Scratch and Sell it on Amazon" |
"There was no one-stop guide covering all the steps of product creation in modern times... until now!I created this course to help you bring your product idea to life in 5 steps. Each step is a section in this course. STEP 1: Research, Hand Drawing, and Non-functional Amateur PrototypeSTEP 2: Professional 2D and 3D DesignsSTEP 3: Contacting Manufacturers and Making a Functional Professional PrototypeSTEP 4: Acquiring funding on crowdfunding sites (Kickstarter, Indiegogo) for mass productionSTEP 5: Mass production and selling your product on AmazonWe go through each topic in detail.I wont bother you with the regulations, dictionary descriptions, or formal instructions. I will only share my practical, first-hand knowledge with you!The best part of this process is... You don't have to learn how to use any 2D/3D design applications! You also don't need a 3D printer or anything at that scale.I created 3 products in the last 12 months. They were all successfully launched, and they are being sold now. I had to figure out a lot of things on the way by myself so you won't have to!If you cant create a product and launch it successfully within 3 months after completing this course, I will give you a full refund. Just message me, and I will issue a refund. No questions asked!I assure you, my friend, this course works!Get ready for a fun and knowledge-packed courseI will see you in the first section!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Liderazgo: Gerencia en Tecnologa / Ingeniera 2020" |
"Si eres un lder a cargo de equipos de tecnologa / ingeniera, este curso es para ti.El 77% de las organizaciones informan que actualmente estn experimentando una brecha de liderazgo y solo 16,2% de los proyectos de software son exitososLos lderes no nacen, se hacen! y este curso est diseado para que seas un mejor lder en equipos de desarrollo de software de alto rendimiento en empresas de cualquier tamao.Quiero llevarte por una jornada donde todo empieza con una idea o una necesidad y luego:Cmo afrontar los procesos de estimaciones y levantar capitalCmo ensamblar los equipos de trabajo en marcos gilesCmo definir la trayectoria profesional (Career Path) y los roles de tecnologaCmo destrabar los cuellos de botella y manejar efectivamente la burocraciaCmo definir y vivir una cultura sana de ingenieraEntender y profundizar en el rol del lder en una operacin tecnolgicaCmo acelerar el proceso de desarrollo de softwareY mucho msTambin vamos a navegar en cmo manejar situaciones tpicas de conflicto, aplicando mejores prcticas y siendo agentes de cambio dentro de una organizacin sin que sea interpretado como rebelda.Despus de tomar este curso vas a tener muchas ms herramientas para liderar a tu equipo y crear los prximos lderes de tu rea.Obtn an ms:Acceso de por vida al curso para que puedas obtener actualizaciones y nuevas lecciones extra GRATIS.Responder a tus preguntas. Para personalizar el aprendizaje. Si tienes alguna pregunta, con gusto la responder.Haz clic en el BOTN rojo AADIR A LA CESTA en la esquina superior derecha y comencemos.Muchas gracias, aprecio tu inters y espero verte en el curso!-Oswaldo Alvarez"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn the basics of Kayaking" |
"You will learn the basics of taking out the boat, how to configure your own seating, choose a paddle, how to paddle, what to do to launch the boat, how to get in and out of the boat, how to empty out the water from your boat if you capsize."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Refocus on Your Vision" |
"Life has never been more uncertain than it is right now as nearly the entire world wars with the invisible enemy called CoronaVirus-19. The news has been distracting. The case count has been alarming. And the fear of the unknown has been paralyzing. The excited energy created around the possibilities of a new decade fizzled to a whimper. It's been easy to forget the visions we had for ourselves. But it is proven that waiting and worrying never leads to progress and positivity. This course, Refocus on Your Vision, will help you do just that through goal-setting and vision casting. Included in this course are worksheets and a digital template for you to create an intentional vision cast board. Whether you've created vision boards in the past or are new to the process, you'll find there's plenty to encourage you as you set your sights on your goals."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastering SmartBear TestComplete" |
"This course is for testers looking to master the testing techniques in TestCompleteThe course will go through the following topics:Introduction to the IDEUnderstanding the Project WorkspaceUnderstanding the Object BrowserWorking with Name MappingUnderstanding the Keyword OperationsRegion, File, Property, Table and Database CheckpointsWorking with Data Driven TestsWorking with Low Level ProceduresWorking with Web TestingWorking with Web Services.Working with UserFormsWorking with EventsWorking with AI based OCRBonus: Sessions from SBConnect 2020 ConferenceThis course will updated regularly to cover new features and techniques released from newer version of TestComplete in the future."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to choose the electronic components for projects 2020" |
"This formation is the prospect of solutions to problems for which no formal design methods exist, in this formation, I summarize the basic concepts to create an electronic circuit, first I will give you the basic concepts, how you can choose the electronic components of your circuit,The goal of this first section is to give you a basic knowledge that you constate the good choice about the value and the type of the components more used in your electronic Projects also that you can use your theoretical knowledge more than previously and profit positively from your research about the electronic schemaThe goal of the second section is to give you an idea about the actual projects, also to present to you the importance to study project goals before to create your solution as an electronic project by comparing between two solutions of an actual electronic project"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Misurare, accrescere e mantenere la tua autostima" |
"Il corso ti accompagna grazie a sei concetti chiave attraverso un cammino che ti render pi consapevole ed efficace.Fiducia: per imparare a credere in te stesso.Consapevolezza: indagare cosa pensi di te e come ti sei creato la tua immagine il punto di partenza per decidere se e come cambiare.Motivazione: il cambiamento richiede impegno e per raggiungere risultati duraturi bisogna che tu sappia perch lo stai facendo e se ne vale la pena.Mission: lefficacia personale dipende in buona misura dai valori che vivi nella tua vita. Avere uno scopo alto ti far essere pi focalizzato e convinto di ci che puoi realizzare.Obiettivi: lautostima anche legata ad essi. Per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi devi imparare a porteli in modo corretto.Comunit: ambiente e relazioni influenzano le tue azioni. Diventa consapevole dei messaggi che ricevi dallesterno per utilizzarli al meglio.In ogni sezione ti verranno proposti esercizi pratici che ti mettano subito nelle condizioni di sperimentare i concetti esposti."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |