Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Complete Web Hosting Course Using Amazon AWS S3 - ACM 2020" |
" S3 (Simple Storage Service) CloudFront ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager) (Domain Name) 1"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
metodintervalov |
". 8 11 , .. . , , . , ."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"The Luxury Industry : What, How and Why" |
"In this course, you will learn what makes names like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Este Lauder, Ralph Lauren, Gucci and many more like these so special. Why are they called Luxury Brands? How the luxury industry developed and reached where it is today. Why do people buy luxury? What are the types of luxury buyers? You will realize why everything expensive need not be luxury. You will learn the clear difference between Luxury, Premium and Masstige brands.In all, this course would give you an excellent overview of 'Luxury' and 'the Luxury Industry' and help you in maximising your potential as a luxury professional, student or enthusiast."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Eczanede Danmanln nnde Duran Bariyerler" |
"Eczanede Danmanln nnde Duran Bariyerler ve zm Yollar.Eitmenimiz Fikret Kkkoyuncu fark ile bu kursu alyor olacaksnz.zellikle hastalarnz ile iletiim halindeyken sizi durduran eylerin neler olduuna uyanmanz geliimin ilk admdr.Bu eitimde tm bunlara cevap bulacaksnz. Dahas bunlardan kurtulmann yollarn da renmi olacaksnz.Dolays ile kursta rendiklerinizi bilgilerin kalc olmas adna meslek hayatnzda uygulamanz tavsiye ediyoruz.Bildiiniz gibi bilgi ancak pratik edilirse fark yaratr. Bu eitimin hayatnzda fark yaratmasn diliyoruz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Practical Training of GST with Conceptual Learning 2020" |
"File GST Returns with Tally ERP9 /Other Software/Without Software /Free UtilitiesTheoretical and Practical Course in Goods and Services Tax portal services , specially practical aspects of GST in India including GST Returns , applications and submission on GST web portal.Learn to file your GST Returns from any accounting software you are using . Courses helps to gain conceptual practical knowledge of all return filling services available on Goods and Service Tax. This course not only provides you practical live demo of each GST Return but also helps you to understand. Course covers following topics :1. GST Portal overviewo Introduction to GST Portal2. GST Registration of Normal Tax Payer and Composition schemeo Introductiono Ready yourself for GST Registrationo GST Reg part1o GST Reg part2o Possible situation after registration3. GST Registration of Non Resident , TDS, TCS, E Commerce Service Providero GST Registrations in case of Other Category4. Amendment of GST Registration5. Migration from Normal Scheme to Composition Scheme6. Composition to Normal Scheme7. For tally user - Before GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B8. GSTR 1 (Return for outward supplies)o Introductiono From tallyo Online modeo Offline modeo Amendment9. GSTR 2Ao Introductiono Direct methodo From tallyo Best mode to reconcileo New tool of Comparison10. GSTR 3B Online Mode (Return for summery for payment of tax)o Introductiono Content of informationo From tallyo Without tally from Excelo NIL return11. CMP 08 Return for Composition Suppliero Introductiono Online directlyo From tallyo NIL returno Reconciliation GSTR4A12. GSTR 5 (Return for Non Resident) (Introduction , content , how you can file return )13. GSTR 6 (Return for Input Service Distributor) (Introduction , content , how you can file return)14. GSTR 7 (Return for TDS Deductor under GST , Theory + Practical)15. GSTR 8 (Return for TCS Collector, E Commerce Platform Service Provider)16. GSTR 9 (Annual Return for Normal Tax Payers)o Introductiono Prepare yourselfo From tallyo Practical GSTR9 online without software17. GSTR 9A (Annual Return for Composition Scheme)18. GSTR 10 (Final Return)19. JSON fileo Down load Return using JSONo Solve error report using JSON20. GST Noticeso SCN on registration for clarification (Respond to notices received from GST Departments21. All Applicationo Different applicationo Application for clarification on registrationo Application for refundo ITC claimed of Refund22. E way bill (Revise the video in theory also)o Introduction , When , How , Methodso From tallyo Without tally23. Upcoming GST Returnso Introductiono Content24. Cancellation of GSTo Situations (voluntary, compulsory )o Procedure to activate GST number if cancelled25. Procedures to active E way ID if blocked by GST department26. Appealo Applicableo Cases when you can go for appealo Procedures27. Special cases of Accounting Entries and effect on GST returnso ITC reversed caseso ITC ineligible28. Special cases of Accounting Entries and effect on GST returnso Advance Received Introductiono Advance Received Accountingo Advance Received In Tally ERP9o Advance Received Effect on GSTR3B and GSTR1 in tally ERP9o Advance received in other Software29. Special cases of Accounting Entries and effect on GST returnso Advance payment Introductiono Advance payment Accountingo Advance payment In Tally ERP9o Advance payment Effect on GSTR3B and GSTR1 in tally ERP9o Advance payment accounting in other Software30. Special cases of Accounting Entries and effect on GST returnso RCM Introductiono RCM Accounting , Tax Rate , Taxability , Mechanismo RCM in respect of Purchase / Expense from Unregistered person In Tally ERP9o RCM in respect of Specified Goods/Services In Tally ERP9o RCM in respect of Import of Services In Tally ERP9o RCM in respect of Import of Goods (Raw Material /Finished Goods) In Tally ERP9o RCM in respect of Import of Capital Goods In Tally ERP9o RCM Effect on GSTR3B and GSTR1 in tally ERP9o Advance received accounting in other Software31. Special cases of Accounting Entries and effect on GST returnso Service Provider impact in RCM (seller who is unregistered, of specified goods/services)o Effect on GSTR3B and GSTR1o How to file GST return of Service providers of RCMo Accounting"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
errorenonmifaipaura |
"Il corso invita ad apprendere tecniche alternative per la correzione degli sbagli, superando le solite risposte esatto o giusto come avverrebbe nella pratica comune.Ho insegnato per parecchi anni, stanca di rimbrotti e lamentele che inevitabilmente accompagnano la correzione degli errori dei miei giovani allievi, ho ideato per i loro percorsi diversi, pi sereni e riflessivi, anche divertenti e utili nella vita di tutti i giorni, non solo alla scuola.Il viaggio ha dato uno studio personale delle problematiche inerenti al concetto di fallibilit ed errore in campo filosofico - educativo. Ho raccolto le mie idee sul piano teorico in un saggio sul metodo del recupero creativo del supporto. Il corso invece nasce come allegato, un approfondimento didattico, pi orientato alle tariffe e alle fasi operative.Quattordici filmati sono raggruppati in tre sezioni distinte per argomento: il racconto didattico, il tweet didattico, gli errori ricorrenti e il riciclo. Seguono riflessioni in sintesi per illustrare come si svolgono i percorsi per la creazione di testi particolari, trattati per esteso nei capitoli 12 e 13 del saggio.Nei file Mov racconto, in modo colloquiale, usati di costruzione, forniti alcuni approfondimenti sui requisiti di base del metodo ErroreNonMiFaiPaura; illustro eventualmente alcune applicazioni del sistema agli errori ricorrenti con esempi dell'impiego mediato da altri linguaggi disciplinari. Seguono le attivit specifiche su temi chiave trattati, seguiti qua e l dagli esercizi di riepilogo dei temi. Una verifica conclusiva e alcune indicazioni bibliografiche sono un supporto previsto teorico di fondo. Il metodo rivolto all'et giovanile in formazione, ma pu richiedere proficuo anche nell'et adulta per guardare ai propri limiti limiti con distacco critico e un sorriso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hookah University - Curso de aprendizaje de Cachimbas" |
"En este curso, explicaremos y ensearemos con informacin detallada y precisa, desde lo ms bsico de ser Shisha Sommelier, hasta lo que vemos ms complejo de esta profesin, para ello utilizaremos un mdulo de videos de teora, con datos importantes que recopilaris, para posteriormente, en el mdulo prctico, pongis en prctica dichos conocimientos. Este curso os har ir ms all de ser solo un simple Shisha Sommelier, ya que os ensearemos trucos y enseanzas que haga que resaltes sobre todos los dems, provocando una fuerte superioridad tcnica sobre el resto de Sommeliers y tener ventaja y ms oportunidades en tu vida laboral. Qu puede ser ms bonito que trabajar de tu pasin? No te lo pienses ms y vamos a ello."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom Classic CC - beginners/gevorderden" |
"In deze cursus leer je de volledige basis van het programma Adobe Lightroom Classic CC. De cursus bevat meerdere video's met praktische uitleg en tips. Je gaat aan de slag met je eigen foto's maar je kan ook extra beeldmateriaal downloaden. Aan het einde van deze cursus kan je Lightroom Classic CC gebruiken voor basisbewerkingen en professionele doeleinden."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AZ-900 Microsoft azure fundamentals certification course" |
"Learning Objectives: You will learn about AZ-certification and it's 4 modules. Module 1 Understand Cloud Concept (15-20%) Module 2 Understand Core Azure Services (30-35%) Module 3 Understand Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust (25-30%) Module 4 Understand Azure Pricing and Support (25-30%) Module 5 Additional Tips Module 1.: Explore common cloud computing services Explore the benefits of cloud computing Decide which cloud deployment model is best for you Compute power - such as Linux servers or web applications Storage - such as files and databases Networking - such as secure connections between the cloud provider and your company Analytics - such as visualizing telemetry and performance data Benefits of cloud computing It's cost-effective Cloud computing provides a pay-as-you-go or consumption-based pricing model. This consumption-based model brings with it many benefits, including: No upfront infrastructure costs No need to purchase and manage costly infrastructure that you may not use to its fullest The ability to pay for additional resources only when they are needed The ability to stop paying for resources that are no longer needed It's scalable Vertical scaling, also known as ""scaling up"", is the process of adding resources to increase the power of an existing server. Some examples of vertical scaling are: adding more CPUs, or adding more memory. Horizontal scaling, also known as ""scaling out"", is the process of adding more servers that function together as one unit. For example, you have more than one server processing incoming requests.It's elastic As your workload changes due to a spike or drop in demand, a cloud computing system can compensate by automatically adding or removing resources. It's current When you use the cloud, you're able to focus on what matters: building and deploying applications. Cloud usage eliminates the burdens of maintaining software patches, hardware setup, upgrades, and other IT management tasks. All of this is automatically done for you to ensure you're using the latest and greatest tools to run your business. It's reliable When you're running a business, you want to be confident your data is always going to be there. Cloud computing providers offer data backup, disaster recovery, and data replication services to make sure your data is always safe. In addition, redundancy is often built into cloud services architecture so if one component fails, a backup component takes its place. This is referred to as fault tolerance and it ensures that your customers aren't impacted when a disaster occurs. It's global Cloud providers have fully redundant data centers located in various regions all over the globe. This gives you a local presence close to your customers to give them the best response time possible no matter where in the world they are. You can replicate your services into multiple regions for redundancy and locality, or select a specific region to ensure you meet data-residency and compliance laws for your customers. It's secure Think about how you secure your data center. You have physical security who can access the building, who can operate the server racks, and so on. You also have digital security who can connect to your systems and data over the network. Capital expenditure (CapEx) versus operational expenditure (OpEx) Cloud deployment models Explore the three deployment methods of cloud computing Public versus Private versus Hybrid Types of cloud services Explore the three categories of cloud computing Let's take a closer look at the most commonly-used categories: Microsoft Azure , Azure All services, Azure Search All, Azure Overview, Azure Categories, Azure All, Azure General, Azure Compute, Azure Networking, Azure Storage, Azure Web, Azure Mobile, Azure Containers, Azure Databases, Azure Analytics"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Po em Casa - Fermentao Natural" |
"Aprenda de forma simples como fazer seu prprio po, dentro da sua casa, com os itens que voc j possui e melhor ainda, de forma saudvel pra voc e sua famlia. Panificao orgnica, sem o uso de melhoradores de farinha ou ingredientes desnecessrios. A forma saudvel de consumir pes naturais feitos com suas prprias mos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Crie a sua empresa de Instagram Marketing 2020" |
"Voc est procurando um um curso que te capacite para trabalhar em casa que vai te ensinar tudo que precisa para se tornar um profissional em instagram marketing certo? Voc encontrou o curso certo. Vou te ensinar tudo sobre Estratgias, tcnicas e ferramentas a CUSTO ZERO para alavancar seu negcio, marca, produto ou imagem no Instagram. E criar sua empresa em casa e de bnus vou te ensinar a anuncia seu trabalho no facebook de uma forma orgnica. Aprenda a criar campanhas de sucesso no instagram Aprenda a analisar concorrentesAprender Gerencia-gramTorne-se um lder no InstagramAprenda a criar planos de marketing Aprenda a gerar trafego para seu instagram Aprenda as estrategias usadas pelos maiores gerenciadores do mundo para otimizar o instagram Crie contedos virais no instagram Faa do stories uma maquina de vendas Aprenda a montar seu publico alvo com estrategias avanadas Aprenda os 6 gatilhos mentais mais poderosos do mundo para anunciar no instagram Aprenda a criar promoes ""matadoras"" no instagram Aprenda a criar um rob para automaizar seu instagramAprenda a divulgar seus servios no facebook Aprenda a criar uma cartela de clientes Aprenda Psicologia das cores Criar nncios virais no facebook para sua empresa de instagram marketing Ao terminar o curso voc aprendera todas as estrategias do marketing no instagram. Com as habilidades e estratgias que vai aprender aqui no nosso curso voc esta pronto para oferecer seu servio e ganhar dinheiro com instagram Marketing. O melhor de tudo que voc s ter que tirar apenas algumas horas do seu dia para realizar esta funo pois vamos encinar como criar um rob que trabalhe para voc de forma automtica para realizar suas tarefas e ajude a crescer sua empresa ou perfil."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Guitar for beginners 101" |
"Would you like to learn the basics of guitar really quickly? your favorite songs?...or impress your family, friends or maybe even someone special to you?This is the course for you!!""To drive a car you don't really need to understand how a engine works""I skipped all the boring stuff in guitar learning and went straight to the fun!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Il latino come non lo avete mai visto!" |
"Dopo cinque anni di studio della lingua e della letteratura latina, gli studenti liceali non hanno le competenze necessarie per leggere un testo di basso livello di difficolt in latino o per utilizzare gli strumenti della lingua al fine di produrre un testo dalla trattazione banale, come una presentazione di se stessi. Perch?L'errore risiede nel metodo. Non si pu imparare una lingua (qualsiasi lingua) trattandola come un insieme di regole grammaticali che non vengono mai applicate dal discente, ma sempre e solo individuate. La lingua si apprende, certamente, anche studiando la sintassi, la fonologia e la morfologia; ma tutto ci deve essere affiancato dalla produzione scritta e orale e dall'ascolto.In questo corso mi preoccuper di fornire gli strumenti necessari alla vera comprensione della lingua latina dando importanza agli aspetti pi tralasciati dal metodo scolastico di didattica del latino, quali il lessico, la fraseologia e la comunicazione verbale in lingua, al fine di portare tutti a una comprensione di testi (seppur semplici) immediata e non rallentata dall'analisi meticolosa e meccanica degli elementi della frase, per dare colore e vita alla lingua e renderla accessibile a tutti."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
videoboost |
"Instagram Stories?, ? , . 6 7 , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3ds Max Zero to Hero: The Complete Guide To 3D Modeling" |
"IntroductionAre you curious about diving into the path of becoming a 3D artist?Perhaps you're interested in motion design and want to use 3d to expand your creations.Perhaps you're interested in Game development, creating and animating characters.Perhaps you want to work on realistic architectural renderings.INSTRUCTOR :My name is Steven Andriantsiratahina and I am a 3D artist who has worked on video games, architecture and animation.GOAL OF THE COURSE :By the end of this course, you would have a full final render of a realistic exterior of a building.This course will start off with the very basics of creating simple shapes, then we will learn how to use polygon modeling to create objects from reference and imagination. Then we will learn to texture and animate those objects.Later on in the series we will learn how to add a skeletal system to a human model and animate that, creating a simple walk cycle.The course will contain assets that are ready to download to help you start some of the projects. The instructor will then guide you towards the steps needed to get to the end result.YOU WILL LEARN:How to create objects such as simple shapes, text, complex shapes etc.How to use polygon modeling to create objects from imagination and referenceHow to animate objectsWorking with camerasHow to create realistic materials and textures such as Metal and GlassHow to use a skeletal system to animate charactersHow to setup a light system for realistic architectural exteriorsThe solution to a lot of beginner mistakes"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Notion: Supercharge Your Productivity" |
"Do you want to become more organized, focused and productive in your personal and professional lives? This course is for you.Notion is a powerful all-in-one workspace that you can use to write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. Adopted by organizations such as McDonalds, Lululemon, and Nike, thousands of passionate users rely on Notion to manage tasks, organize projects, draft notes, study, and plan life goals. Notion can be difficult to setup, due to the nature of the software. In this masterclass, well cover everything you need to know about Notion so you can start optimizing your productivity workflow, today.I designed this course for new and existing users to Notion. Whether you never heard of Notion or you are an expert, you can start from the beginning of the course or jump ahead to more advanced sections.In this course, well cover:The basics of Notion: Well get you setup on the tool and make you familiar with Notions many featuresGet more productive, today: This course will provide real life examples of how you can apply it in your daily personal and professional life to improve your organization and productivity.Tips and tricks: Ill share with you my personal workflow and how I use Notion to optimize my productivity and live a better life.Templates: Youll receive access to over 20 professionally made templates that you can clone and use in your own workspace.Im passionate about Notion because I use it everyday to be more focused, organized and productive. If youre struggling to manage your hectic work and personal lives, this course is for you. Ill share how you can use Notions powerful feature set to If youre ready to use Notion to better manage your hectic life using its powerful set of features, this course is for you."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Licitao - Curso de Prego Eletrnico - Novo Decreto" |
"O Curso Avanado do Decreto N 10.024/2019 Prego Eletrnico com o professor/consultor Uesley Medeiros inova o mercado pelo simples fato de atualizar o aluno as mudanas significativas e o impacto com a revogao do Decreto N 5.450/2005.O Curso aborda o estudo avanado do novo decreto de forma clara e objetiva.A Legislao esta sofrendo mudanas significativas e muitos profissionais no esto se atualizando levando empresas ao encontro de problemas de difcil soluo.O vencedor do prego eletrnico com as novas regras no ser aquele que ofertara o menor lance no tempo randmico, mas sim o melhor lance nas regras de Disputa Aberta ou a combinao de Disputa Aberta e Disputa Fechada."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Informatica Musicale" |
"In questo corso impararemo come l'informatica, sempre presente oggi, si interfaccia con la musica.I vari algoritmi creati per l'MP3, il WAVE. Come un segnale da analogico si trasforma in digitale.Cosa succede quando si collega una scheda audio e si registra il suono di una chitarra?Cosa rappresenta il segnale? Cos' il sistema binario?Cos' il linguaggio MIDI? Come funziona? Quali strumenti possiamo collegare?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Montage PC + Installation Windows" |
"Comment assembler son PC et installer Windows en 7 tapes ?Commenons par crer sa cl USB d'installation de Windows et achetons une licence pour peine plus de 10 !Ensuite je vous expliques comment choisir les bons composants de son PC.Enfin le montage et son optimisation.Egalement je vous parle des pannes possibles.Monter un PC n'aura plus de secret !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a programar em .Net MVC - WebForms - C# e SQL" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a programa um sistema para Web. Instalar o Visual Studio, instalar o SQL Server na maquina, vai criar tabelas, vai aprender sobre o CRUD, vamos usar o Entity Framework no projeto MVC. Criaremos as telas de cadastros, Funcionrios e Departamento. Tudo isso neste curso. Ao final do curso, voc estar pronto para criar qualquer sistema para internet."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Come diventare Developer Freelance" |
"Quante volte ti capitato di pensare: ""vorrei lavorare in proprio, ma non so quanto farmi pagare...""oppure ""vorrei imparare a pianificare bene i progetti, in modo da non trovarmi sempre impiccato con i tempi...""Sei un Developer e stai pensando di metterti in proprio, e di svolgere la tua attivit come Freelance? Oppure sei gi in proprio e vuoi migliorare i tuoi processi di lavoro? O ancora, sei dipendente e vuoi portare valore aggiunto al lavoro che svolgi?Questo corso fa per te.Mi chiamo Simone Torrisi, developer dal 2000 (!!!), ho lavorato attraverso tutto lo stack di programmazione, prima in PHP e ora in Javascript. Sono sia developer che docente (Javascript e React), sono il proprietario di un'azienda di sviluppo software ed in passato ho lavorato come dipendente prima, e come freelance poi.Cosa imparerai con questo corso? Imparerai a non essere pi ""travolto"" dagli eventi.Imparerai a capire qual' il tuo reale valore di mercato.Imparerai a gestire i progetti in modo smart, e ad impiegare meglio il tempo che hai a disposizione.Perch? Perch oggi, la qualit fa la differenza nel lavoro che facciamo. Non devi fare l'errore di giocare al ribasso con lo scopo di prendere qualsiasi lavoro.Devi essere in grado di capire quali sono i lavori che fanno per te, e quali no. Di gestire il tuo lavoro in modo tale da non trovarti costretto a dover prendere qualsiasi lavoro ti passi sottomano, magari per 2 soldi e con molte complessit. Di capire se il cliente che hai davanti ti creer problemi con i pagamenti, o una persona affidabile."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Aprs cette formation, vous serez capable de crer votre 1re formation en ligne, vous aurez les clefs pour trouver votre contenu et les stratgies adopter pour que votre formation soit rentable.Dans cette vido, vous allez apprendre :- Comment trouver un sujet pour votre 1re formation et comment rendre son contenu pertinent- Quelle stratgie de vente adopter- Comment crer simplement votre vido- Le processus de cration dtailler pour la mettre en ligne en une journe- Les outils et le matriel que vous pouvez utiliser- Les options d'hbergement de votre vidoVous souhaitez :- Crer des formations pour transmettre un savoir- Montiser cette formationCrer sa premire vido en ligne peut savrer dcourageant si lon ne connait pas les outils pour la concevoir, la mettre en ligne et la promouvoir. Avec cette formation, vous aurez les clefs pour dmarrez votre projet de formation en ligne.Lorsque lon cre son 1er programme de formation vido en ligne, on se confronte gnralement un ou plusieurs problmes parmi les suivant :- je ne sais pas quel contenu propos- jai une ide mais je ne sais pas comment lorganiser- je nai pas des outils de qualit pour faire une vido et je nai pas les moyens dinvestir dans du matriel- je ne connais pas les logiciels pour monter mes vidos- Je ne suis pas laise avec mon image, ma voix ou mon visage-je ne sais pas comment mettre ma vido en ligne et la montiser- jai peur de ne pas tre productif, efficace et rentableJe me suis moi-mme pos toutes ces questions lorsque jai dmarr ma 1er formation en ligne. Javais des connaissances transmettre, des sujets qui me passionnaient et dans lesquels je mtais forms srieusement, mais je navais aucune ide de la stratgie adopter pour les prsenter mes futurs lves. Je ne connaissais pas grand-chose internet, la vido, aux logiciels et la vente. Je me suis tout de mme lanc dans un projet sans savoir ou aller et j ai perdu beaucoup de temps et de motivation, pour u final produire quelque chose de peu qualitatif. Jai finalement compris deux choses :- Commencer par crer sans savoir comment et qui on va vendre est le meilleur chemin vers lchec et la perte de motivation.- Se lancer tout de suite dans la cration dun trs gros programme de formation sans avoir dexprience nest pas une stratgie efficace.A lissu de cette formation :- vous serez en mesure de crer votre 1re vido- Vous aurez les solutions techniques pour la mettre en place- Vous aurez de pistes pour trouver de nouvelles ides de formationJe vous prsenterais des stratgies pour mettre en ordre votre contenu, les tapes de crations de la vido une a une, les diffrentes options de crations qui soffrent vous en terme de forme, les outils qui peuvent vous aider crer du contenu qui intresseront vos futurs lves et qui leur feront acheter votre formation.Si vous suivez les tapes de cration de cette vido et que vous tes motivs, vous pouvez crer en moins d'une journe votre premier contenu et le dposer en ligne, et commencer recevoir vos premiers clients , mme avec trs peu de matriel.Ce dont vous aurez besoin pour cette formation :Aucun lment nest ncessaire pour suivre cette formation.Si vous voulez crer votre 1re formation lissu de celle-ci, les seules choses dont vous aurez besoin sont : un ordinateur ou un smartphone, une connexion internet et votre motivation ?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Screenwriting: What makes a good story?" |
"In this course we will show you the first question you need to ask before you sit down to write your screenplay or TV pilot and the importance of conflict. We will examine what some industry experts have to say on the subject of how to craft a captivating narrative, show you how to generate ideas, get important feedback on your script, and set assignments so you can begin to write that great story."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Content Editor 12+ Ore 4 corsi in 1 + Bonus" |
"Benvenuto/a! Grazie a questo corso imparerai a gestire i social media sotto ogni aspetto. Partiremo della base del social media marketing esplorando temi come follower, reach, engagement e i pilastri della comunicazione online.A seguire imparerai a prenderti cura dei contenuti creando rubriche che trasmettono valore e format riconoscibili. Il capitolo seguente dedicato al piano editoriale. Riuscirai a padroneggiare i tuoi contenuti focalizzandoti sulla qualit e organizzando al meglio la loro distribuzione online.Ma non c' social senza immagine! Ecco che nel capitolo seguente affronteremo temi legati agli aspetti visivi sui social media come la creazione di grafiche di impatto.La sezione successiva dedicata al copywriting e imparerai a realizzare post coinvolgenti sfruttando numerose tecniche di scrittura creativa. Costanza e pazienza pagano sui social. Lo imparerai nel capitolo successivo incentrato sull'analisi dei risultati e sulle valutazioni da fare per capire se i tuoi contenuti sono davvero ottimizzati. In questa prima parte troverai anche molte lezioni aggiuntive e un seminario completo realizzato con i miei allievi.Saper raccontare storie che trasmettano valori una soft skill che ti torner molto utile nei pi svariati contesti. Dal colloquio di lavoro al public speaking passando per la scrittura creativa e il personal branding.Come trasferire l'emozione, i valori, le esperienze rimanendo autentici? Come farlo attraverso il web?A seguire troverai il mio corso completo di storytelling grazie al quale imparerai a impostare al meglio la tua narrazione online grazie all'impiego di strutture archetipiche, schemi narrativi e personaggi ben caratterizzati.Le lezioni che seguono fanno parte di un workshop professionale di gestione dei social media. Imparerai nel dettaglio cosa fa un social media manager, su quale social meglio sbarcare, come si devono comportare le attivit commerciali online, cos' un funnel di vendita, il posizionamento sul mercato e tantissimi altri argomenti che ti torneranno utili nella tua vita lavorativa.Ho aggiunto a seguire anche il corso ""La Netiquette per i social media"" grazie al quale non incapperai nelle insidie dei social e imparerai ad essere un vero gentleman della rete.Nelle lezioni extra analizzeremo la presenza online di brand di successo come Ceres, Ferrarelle, Armani e Chiara Ferragni. Verranno trattati inoltre temi come il Social CRM, i video virali e la realizzazione di grafiche appositamente per i social.Acquistando il corso avrai anche accesso alla mia libreria di oltre 250 eBook sul digital marketing, i social media e il copywriting (in inglese).Ci vediamo dall'altra parte!Emanuele"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Presentazioni Efficaci & Public Speaking Corso Accelerato" |
"Benvenuto/a! In questo doppio corso ti insegner a creare la presentazione perfetta grazie ad utili consigli che ti permetteranno di vedere con una nuova luce le tue slide. Imparerai inoltre le regole di public speaking pi importanti attraverso un percorso passo-passo che ti permetter di avere confidenza e di non farti bloccare da ansia e paura nei tuoi pitch.Presentare i propri progetti in pubblico sempre un po' rischioso ... soprattutto senza il prezioso supporto di slide ben fatte o se ci facciamo prendere dal panico.Ci sono presentazioni che creano una vera e propria distanza con il pubblico; grazie a questi consigli sarai in grado di usare lattenzione del tuo pubblico in maniera pi efficace e dare il giusto valore ai tuoi contenuti, rendendo la tua passione contagiosa.Non serve essere un graphic designer per creare delle ottime presentazioni, non serve imparare a utilizzare nuovi strumenti per realizzare slide effetto wow!Nel modulo dedicato al parlare in pubblico ti insegner a gestire il tuo corpo e la tua voce per avere pi sicurezza durante le tue presentazioni. Imparerai a realizzare un'ottima apertura, a improvvisare, a mantenere la corretta postura e a gestire domande e obiezioni.Come bonus avrai in omaggio l'accesso alla libreria di oltre 250 titoli di digital marketing, social media e copywriting (in inglese).Ci vediamo dall'altra parte!Emanuele"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Palo Alto PCNSE Practice Exam" |
"The Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) recognizes individuals with in-depth knowledge and abilities to design, install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot the vast majority of implementations based on the Palo Alto Networks platform. This Pratice test will take you to the next level and make you pass the exam. The PCNSE exam should be taken by anyone who wishes to demonstrate a deep understanding of Palo Alto Networks technologies, including customers who use Palo Alto Networks products, value-added resellers, pre-sales system engineers, system integrators, and support staff."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional v11" |
"Learn by doingIn this course you can use either all three or pick and choose your preferred methods of study. You will pass the Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional v11 exam by undertaking1) Real instructor lead training within Automation Anywhere on some of the exam topics. Create processes for these areas.2) 3 cheatsheets covering all the Advanced RPA Professional v11 exam content3) Practice Questions and Answers - the biggest pool of test questions and answers to skill yourself upLearn from an instructor who delivers enterprise Automation Anywhere projects and has been actively involved in engagements that has won international RPA awards.Intelligent Automation is at the forefront of disruption, also known as the ""digital workforce"". It is transforming the efficiency of every organization function from finance, tax, HR and IT. This saves hundreds of hours of peoples time to focus on more higher value tasks.What does this mean for you?There are HUGE opportunist in this space right now, RPA grew by 63.1% in 2018 to $846 million. It is currently the fasted-growing segment of the global enterprise software market. This course will enable you to get a first mover opportunity in this market, and also prepare yourself if your role is at risk!Ok so what topics will we cover?The exam itself!Control flowBots - task botsSecurity and audit logsDashboards and insightsThe biggest pool of test questions and answers there isAll my courses include:Unlimited lifetime access to the courseUnconditional, no questions asked full 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Stay Home Solution - Sound Healing, Yoga, Meditation" |
"Practicing yoga, meditation, sound healing, qigong and more in these times of quarantine is important, as it improves physical, emotional and spiritual health.These ancient practices will strengthen not only your muscles, but also your concentration, circulation, breathing and the mental, emotional and spiritual health.In some countries, fitness centres and other locations where individuals are normally active, will remain temporarily closed. Staying at home for prolonged periods of time can pose a significant challenge for remaining physically active. Sedentary behaviour and low levels of physical activity can have negative effects on the health, well-being and quality of life of individuals. Self-quarantine can also cause additional stress and challenge the mental health of citizens. Physical activity and relaxation techniques can be valuable tools to help you remain calm and continue to protect your health during this time.World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, or a combination of both. These recommendations can still be achieved even at home, with no special equipment and with limited space.That's why here I'm sharing the online routines (teaching in ENGLISH AND SPANISH) I've been doing live stream and the sound baths I've been presenting the last couple years ... You will find:Sound HealingMeditations TechniquesBreathing ExercisesChair YogaStand Up YogaQigongTipsMotivationHow to manage stressA guide of Coronavirus COVID19and moreIs easy to follow and SUPER EASY to ad it in your daily routine which these days is very important.You can access 24/7 and repeat it every time you want. And the best part, this course will be 30 days long!Let's start now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cost Reduction for Managers & Management Consultants" |
"What is the aim of this course?Every company has to control costs in order to survive and prosper. Therefore, many firms on regular basis perform cost reduction projects. Cost reduction project may be part of a wider Performance Improvement Project or be a standalone project carried out only in one of the business units. Those projects are extremely interesting because you will be able to make a real change, create a new reality and improve part of the business or even the whole business. There are also very difficult as you have to not only analyze areas but also find ways to cut costs, improve the current situation as well as, on some occasions, implement the change. The skills that you will learn during this sort of projects will be also very useful once you move to work for regular businesses or set-up your own firm. In this course I will show you how to deliver such projects fast and efficiently. In the course you will learn the following things:How to identify potential savings especially quick winsHow to optimize processesHow to analyze investmentsHow to carry out make-or-buy analysisHow to spend lessThis course is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement and turn-arounds in biggest firms from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B and services sectors that I worked for. I have carried or supervised over 90 different performance improvement projects in different industries that generated in total 2 billion of additional EBITDA. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Partners in PE and VC funds, Investment Directors and Business Analysts in PE and VC, Operational Directors, COO, CRO, CEO, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 60 000 students including people working in EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Dell, Walgreens, Orange and many othersI teach through case studies, so you will have a lot of lectures showing examples of analyses, tools that we use. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels as well as additional presentations, materials shown in the lectures so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you or your team in your work.Why I decided to create this course?As a manager quite often you will have to find ways to spend less, reduce costs. This is not an easy task as you will have to increase efficiency and quality at the same time. Luckily, there are a lot of techniques that will help you in a structured way look for savings that will help you improve the profits of your business. In this course I will teach you how to find potential savings, estimate them in Excel and how to make sure that they dont impact quality or efficiency. We will use for that management consulting tools, techniques and frameworks from top management consulting firms.This course will help you become an expert in the field cost cutting, cost reduction which will be extremely useful not only in consulting but also later on when you become director or you move on to build your own business. By giving you exposure to real life cases and analyses I want to improve your skills in analyzing the right things fast and implementing the improvements that you have identified. Thanks to this course, you will know what and how to do during a cost cutting projects to deliver ahead of deadlines high quality products.To sum it up, the course will help you become an expert in cost reduction, cost-cutting on the level of McKinsey, BCG, Bain, PwC, Deloitte, EY and other top consulting firms. That is why, I highly recommend this course to Managers, Management Consultants as well as Investment Directors working for PE, Directors, owners / founders of businesses that need better to improve their profitability and prepare for scaling.In what way will you benefit from this course?The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you understand, analyze the business considered for acquisition. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn:How to identify potential savings especially quick winsHow to optimize processesHow to analyze investmentsHow to carry out make-or-buy analysisHow to spend lessYou can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly.How the course is organized?The course is divided currently in 8 sections. Currently you will find the following sections:Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info how the course is organizedCost reduction frameworks. In the second section I will show you the main frameworks that will help you with cost reduction. We will have a look at the general framework. I will also show you the adjustments for FMCG and retail. Frameworks are great because they help you see the big picture. They also provide you with guidance what to do to achieve your goalsQuick wins. In this section I will show you how to identify the so called quick wins in other words big savings that you can easily achieve, implement. We will start with 2 general frameworks (80/20 and low hanging fruits) and I will show you how we can apply it to finding the projects that will generate big savings.Process optimization in practice Retail chain example. In the 4th section I show you how to reduce cost of process in practice. For that I will use an example of processes in a store. You will see how you should calculate the cost of the processes and what techniques you should apply to optimize processes and achieve cost reduction, savings.Make-or-buy analysis. In the 5th section we will discuss Make-or-buy analysis. You will be carrying them out after you have implemented the quick wins. They will help you find ways to further reduce costs. Make-or-buy analysis is extremely important tool that will help you decide in a rational way what you should do in-house and what to buyInvestment analyses. A lot of money can be saved by proper investment policy. In this section I will show you how to analyze in practice investments aiming at reducing costsReduce usage. In this section I will show you how you can cut costs by reducing the usage of certain things that you firm is usingSpend less. In the last section I will show you how to reduce your own private spending, expenditures. These examples will help you understand and implement the general approach to cost cutting. It will also help you reduce your own personal wealthYou will be able also to download many additional resourcesUseful frameworks and techniquesList of resources useful during a performance improvement projectsSelected analyses shown in the courseLinks to additional presentations, articles and moviesLinks to books worth readingAt the end of my course, students will be able toHow to conduct a Cost Reduction ProjectsApply the right frameworks and techniques from your management consulting toolboxIdentify quick wins when it comes to savingsAnalyze investments in ExcelConduct make-or-buy analysis in practiceAnalyze in Excel potential improvements in Retail, FMCG on the level of McKinsey, BCG, BainManage efficiently a consulting project devoted to performance improvementFind ways to cut cost of the business you manageWho should take this course? Who should not?Managers who want to increase the profitability of their businessManager you want to reduce costsOwners of small and mid-sized businessesManagement Consultants and Business AnalystsInvestment DirectorsFinancial ControllersWhat will students need to know or do before starting this course?Basic or intermediate ExcelBasic knowledge of economics or finance"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Zoom New User Course - From Newbie to Pro in Two Hours" |
"How to Zoom? That is the question! This course is your answer.I get it. Attending video meetings online can be intimidating.You don't want to embarrass yourself.You want to look like you know what you are doing among your peers.As a New Zoom User, you need to know how to do these Zoom Meetings Fundamentals: Use Zoom on Mobile devices such as your phone or tabletUse Zoom on desktopMute and unmute your microphoneTurn off your camera to avoid broadcasting embarrassing situationsShare your screen and not 'over-share'Change your backgroundToggle between Gallery View and Speaker ViewSchedule Zoom MeetingsSecure Your Zoom Meetings to Prevent ZoombombingKnow When You've Outgrown a Free Zoom AccountThe list goes on, but I have good news for you!You don't need to be scared of Zoom!!!In this course, I'll teach you how to go from an absolute beginner to Zoom Meeting mastery.I will show you not only what Zoom is, but how to Zoom, where to get Zoom, how to join meetings, how to leave meetings, how to chat privately and publicly, how to know what you can and can't do with a free Zoom account, and even when to know that you've outgrown a free Zoom account and need to upgrade to a paid Zoom Account.Who am I?I have been using Zoom to schedule and run meetings and webinars for my students for years. Zoom has been an instrumental tool in enabling me to deliver premium training experiences to my students.Not only have I used Zoom Meetings for training, but also for success story interviews, high-end webinars and more.Feel free to review my instructor profile here and note that I have well over 100,000 students and approaching 40,000 reviews.After Tens of Thousands of Udemy Survey ratings for my courses, the students have spoken:""Are you learning valuable information?"" 99.6% answered YES""Are the explanations of the concepts clear?"" 99.8% answered YES""Is the instructor knowledgeable about the topic?"" 99.9% answered YES30-Day Money Back Guarantee, No Questions Asked! Enroll Today and Let's Get Zooming!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video Creation For Business Video Marketing With InVideo" |
"Are you looking to create amazing marketing videos for your business, but dont want to hire an expensive marketing agency?Welcome to the Video Creation For Business with InVideo online masterclass!Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your business today. With this course, you will learn how to easily create professional marketing videos for your business with InVideo. InVideo is a cloud based video creation platform that allows you to quickly transform your existing content into amazing marketing videos.Follow me step by step through the entire video creation process using the InVideo video editing software. Whether youre an entrepreneur, small business owner or work with a marketing team, you will have the tools you need to create professional, high quality videos on a budget.Access Over 1500+ Video TemplatesAnyone can use this simple online video editing software - no design skills are required!You will discover how to access over 1500+ pre-made video templates that you can use for any project. Creating your video will be as easy as dragging & dropping your own content into your selected template.Video templates are available for:Promotional videosSocial media postsBranding & marketingPaid advertisementsPresentationsTutorialsAnd tons moreLearn how to add your own content to the pre-made templates, and edit your videos by adding scene transitions, animations, b-roll, stock footage, background music and much more!Video Marketing StrategiesYou will learn tons of free and paid promotion strategies to grow your business with video marketing.This includes learning how to set up simple online sales funnels using the AIDA marketing model. Developing sales funnels using your videos will help guide your customers from the initial discovery of your business to actually making a purchase.We will also cover tons of social media marketing strategies that you can implement using your marketing videos. This includes promotion strategies on popular platforms like YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.Discover how to:Create sales funnels with YoutubeBoost your videos on FacebookRun targeted ad campaigns with Facebook Business ManagerPost marketing videos on InstagramReach your audience with paid promotions on InstagramAnd tons more!Time To Take Action!Forget about hiring an expensive video producer just to create your marketing videos.Whether you want to create marketing videos to sell more products, increase brand awareness, or get more engagement, this course will provide everything you need to get started.Video marketing is one of the best ways to promote your business online, so enroll now and start creating your marketing videos today.Ill see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |