Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"ISACA CGEIT Certification Practice Exam (2020)" |
"Want to prepare for your ISACA CGEIT exam? We are here to help!This 271 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official ISACA CGEIT exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practice test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the ISACA CGEIT practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.What will students learn in your course?80 high-quality questions for your ISACA CGEIT examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Willingness to LearnWho this course is for: Students who are interested to clear the ISACA CGEIT exam Students who want to feel confident about being prepared for the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PTCB:Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Practice Exam" |
"Want to prepare for your PTCB exam? We are here to help!This 120 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official PTCB exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practice test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the PTCB practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.What will students learn in your course?120 high-quality questions for your PTCB examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Willingness to LearnWho this course is for: Students who are interested to clear the PTCB exam Students who want to feel confident about being prepared for the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"New SAT Math 2020 Practice test 8 Answers" |
"New SAT Math 2020- for all practice tests published by college board. In the SAT test, the time consume is very important. I will teach you the strategies to do every questions to save the time. I also show you steps by steps to do it. I do suggest students try to the question first and then watch my videos, so they can learn from mistakes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SERIES - Get Ahead of Cancer" |
"It's important to find a way through cancer and to remain positive.I've put together a series where 19 people share their stories and how they managed to rise above cancer.You will hear from survivors, previvors and people who still have cancer.You'll see that hearing the word cancer can be frightening, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and there is a message to hear and a lesson to learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Calculus - Course 1" |
"This course is the first course of my ""Understanding Calculus"" course series. In this course, students will be introduced with(1) Sequences and their limits(2) Completeness of the real numbers(3) Limit of a function at a point(4) Continuity of functions(5) Intermediate value theorem (IVT)(6) Extremum theorem.This course is very mathematically rigorous in the sense that we do manipulate the epsilon-N arguments for limit of a sequence and the epsilon-delta argument for limit of functions. These kinds of arguments are the gems of calculus and settle down the foundation for differentiation and integration that is to come in the next two courses in the series."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Redis Certified Developer - Practice Tests" |
"Redis is the best-in-class and mostly used framework nowadays in the IT Industry.Those who want to have a certified badge on their profile for career development should go for certification by RedisThe information regarding certification is available on their official site.The motive of this course is to provide practise tests for ""Redis Certified Developer"" exam by ""Redis University""."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"CISSP Assessment Testing Security Operations Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following test method examines the functionality of an application without scrutinizing its internal structure or know the details of its interior?a) Black-box testingb) parallel testc) Regression testingd) pilot testingQ) Which of the following is not a technique used to perform a penetration test?a) traffic paddingb) scanning and probingc) the composition of ward) sniffingQ) Which of the following is not a valid reason to use external companies to penetrate services rather than corporate resources?a) They are more affordableb) They offer a lack of corporate biasc) They use highly talented ex-hackerd) They ensure a more comprehensive reportingQ) Which of the following statements related to ethical hacking is not it?a) An organization should use ethical hackers that do not sell auditing, hardware, software, firewall, hosting, and / or network services.b) Testing should be done remotely to external threats simulation.c) ethical hacking should not result in the writing or editing of the target systems negatively.d) Ethical hackers are using tools that have the potential to affect a server or services.Q) Common Criteria 15408 requirements generally guarantee contours and through a functional concept of the safety assessment process of ______________, ____________, __________ for Evaluated Assurance levels (Eals) to certify a product or system.a) EAL, Security Target, Target Evaluationb) SFR, Profile Protection, Security Targetc) Protection Profile, Target evaluation Security Targetd) SFR, Security Target, Target Evaluation"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Start a Zero Investment Podcast" |
"This course is NOT about, Why one should start a podcast. This is about How one should start.If we get into the Why, that itself will make for a nice topic for another course.I am assuming that the student has already taken a decision to start a podcast.This course is for those who resonate with anyone of the following :I have always wanted to start my own podcast, but I feel overwhelmed. It seems too technical. I am not a coder or an audio editor.I have a message to share with the world and I feel podcasting is a medium that would allow me to do that.I have always wanted to start my own podcast but for one reason or another, I have been procrastinating on this.I want to build my own personal brand online.I want to build my own tribe online.I want to talk about my product & service offerings and serve my target audience.I need to build my own client base and also serve my existing clients with more added value.I look at podcasting as a full-time business and I am willing to put in the initial efforts required to build a community.I feel podcasting is a far better and an intimate way of engaging with my audience.I have an online course and I want to start podcasting to start talking about my offerings and how I can help my audience.I have started my own affiliate marketing business and I want to be on the podcasting platform, to generate interest in my products & services, which will allow me to serve people with the products that I genuinely care for and recommend.I just want to start a podcast as a hobby and see how it goes. If it works and people find it interesting, I will dedicate more efforts to it.I am a Coach / Consultant and I want to start interviewing, not only the experts in field, but also the clients that I have served and who have benefitted from my service offerings.I want to leave a legacy for my future generations to refer to. I want to be remembered as someone who chose to speak up.I want to start talking about the things and the causes that I deeply care for. I want to bring about a positive impact in the lives of the people listening to my podcast.I am an Artist and I want to talk about the current trends in my specific niche."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Speaking Course - Indian Accent to Global Accent" |
"Indian speakers of the English language can proudly read, write and comprehend advance level English. Therefore, many international companies are interested in doing business with India. Not only businesses, many international tourists are also very keen on coming to India and get surprised by its grandeur. However, once a deal is struck or a tourist lands in India, and when we open our mouth to communicate, they get the first taste of our bad speaking skills. Discreetly and secretly, we are ashamed of ourselves but we don't know where to turn to.Many non-native speakers who have their first language such as French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese etc., can speak better English than Indian speakers. Ironically, Indian people have been speaking English for a long time. However, we are still not considered native speakers of the English language. So, where does the real problem lie?We dug deeper into it and based on our findings, we have put together this course with guidelines from many international teachers, to help Indian people speak better English. The common problems are - incorrect pronunciation, wrong articulations, inaccurate intonation, zig-zag or non-linear sentences, incorrect, invented or manipulated vocabulary etc.If you want to feel confident, natural, native-like and equal to your clients, customers, international colleagues and friends, then this course is meant for you. We assure you with the international methodology of teaching English, you will be highly satisfied and completely transformed by this course. Small lessons focused on specific sounds and spelling patterns along with numerous practice exercises will familiarise you step-by-step with the English sounds, articulation points, sentence stress and intonation. Come along and brush up your Indianness with us! We are waiting for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Principles of Marketing Practice Tests" |
"I have provided 6 practice tests, each with 30 questions to test your knowledge of marketing basics. The questions in these tests are based on what is taught in a basic college-level marketing class. It covers topics like marketing plans, marketing strategies, pricing strategies, the marketing mix, the different forms of marketing, and more.You can take the practice tests as many times as you like, and if you need to leave during them, the timer will pause. You have 45 minutes to complete each exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Score a Lucrative Sales Job" |
"***HIGHEST RATED UDEMY COURSE FOR LANDING A CAREER IN SALES***In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know how how to land your first sales role at a software/technology company. Over the years of interviewing thousands of salespeople, weve noticed patterns and trends in how exceptional candidates dominate the interview process. Weve consolidated all of those learnings into this course.Sales roles are in high demand across the US. Entry-level positions can make upwards of $100,000/year! We will help you land one of these high-paying jobs!ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORSWe are passionate about saleWe have nearly thirty years of sales experience at some of the worlds best companies like Salesforce, Square, and Deloitte Weve hired and trained thousands of salespeople and We've built successful sales teams from scratch EXTRA RESOURCES INCLUDED IN THIS COURSESales Interview Questions and Answers - a list of interview questions and exactly how to answer themJob Tracker Spreadsheet - to help you organize your job searchLinkedIn Profile Template - update your LinkedIn profile to mirror industry best practicesTop Resume Template - how to edit your resume to attract top employersTop Sales Job Sites - a guide to the best places to search for sales jobsThank You Email Template - what to send employers after an interviewSales Email Series Guide - best practices for cold outreach to employers"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Only Shot Trader - Seja um sniper nas Opes Binrias" |
"Mtodo perfeito pra quem tem pouco tempo pra operar no mercado de cmbio, com apenas 20 min por dia, voc j consegue fazer uma renda extra na internet, ou at mesmo crescer o seu capital investido.Aqui a qualidade fala BEM mais alto que a quantidade de operaes, aliado com o juros composto, seus resultados porem ser altssimos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"KARATE - For Healthy Mind, Body, Emotion & Spirit!" |
"Hidden within basic movements/techniques, stances and breath control lies the true essence of karate. This course will cover a variety of deeper aspects of karate, normally revealed through self discovery through practice and training.The spirit of karate or empty hand training is known to fill any void of emptiness within the psyche of a disciple. Karate-kas are tenacious & sharp.My course will teach you karate style exercises that create confidence, strength of mind, strengthen the body and boost the spirit. The deeper aspects of karate are rarely explored in the modern world. My friends, karate really is FAR MORE than just a fighting form. Karate develops the spirit of a practitioner and creates amazing levels of courage and confidence. It will also give you wellness and good health if practiced in the way it was intended i.e. as a holistic way of life. Please check with your doctor that you are okay to start this or any other fitness programs before you start just to be completely sure. Always do any aerobics style warm up first...please warm up properly and stretch before doing any of the exercises within and be responsible for your own safety and good health. Courage, Love & devotion to all,Enjoy,Sensei ShiFu Paul J Tavares"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"American Transcendentalism" |
"The American Transcendentalists included figures such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, Louisa May Alcott, and Walt Whitman. Most of these are remembered today as writers, not as social activists. But they were in fact some of the most influential social activists of their day. In this course we will examine their social philosophy, political involvement, and reform efforts in order to gain a broader understanding of these famous men and women. We will also reconsider their renowned literary productions as social and political texts, and look at the impact that these manifestos held on the social and political development of the United States."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso destinado a Sndicos, Gerentes de Condomnio e Administradoras de Condomnio, enfim, a todos os profissionais que lidam direta ou indiretamente com administrao de condomnios. O curso tem como objetivo principal tornar o aluno inteiramente apto a gerenciar conflitos em condomnios edilcios de forma prtica e com a maior segurana jurdica possvel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ara Rotalama Problemi(VRP) SA Algoritma ile Optimizasyonu" |
"Ara Rotalama Problemi(VRP) SA Algoritma ile OptimizasyonuSimulated Annealing For The Vehicle Routing ProblemAra Rotalama Problemi (ARP), bir veya birka depodan mterilere hizmet gtrecek aralar iin en uygun rotalar belirlemeyi amalayan bir kombinatoryal eniyileme (optimizasyon) problemidir. ARP ile ilgili ilk makale George Dantzig ve Ramser John tarafndan 1959 ylnda yaynlanmtr ve benzin teslimatnda ortaya kan ARP'ler iin algoritmik ilk yntemi iermektedir. Genellikle, ARP merkezi bir depodan mterilere siparilerinin tanmasn planlama amal zlr. ARP'nin ama fonksiyonu toplam yol maliyetini en aza indirmektir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Power Transformer Vector Group, Star Delta Advance Topics" |
"Description,I have covered in this course topics that is not covered in any book or online course before. Explanation is fairly simple yet crystal clear. You will be able to draw vector diagram and connection of winding without memorizing the diagrams.Answered why delta is necessary in transformerWhat is difference between auto and power transformerWhere auto transformer is preferred over power transformersWhat are advantages & disadvantages of auto & power transformerWhat are different characteristics of star delta what is difference between magnetic & electrical couplingWhat is advantage of magnetic couplingwhat is disadvantage of electrical couplingWhat is graded insulation levels. What is mutual & self inductionZero Sequence current & neutral current I hope you will get knowledge of these unique concept. I am always available to answer your questions online.Best RegardsMuhammad Kashif"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a tocar Sanfona!" |
"Esse curso ele, e bem simples e detalhado nas explicases fao, um passo a passo de como juntar as duas mos pra ter o sincronismo da mo esquerda com a direita ok. Primeiro passo a mo direita frase por frase e depois a parte da baixaria fazendo o ritmo ok. So msicas que vo ficar pra sempre na historia, sucessos do Trio Parada Dura. Pra voc e tocar em todo lugar junto com amigos, e nas confraternizaes da famlia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Formao Analista de Cargos e Salrios" |
"Crie um plano de Cargos e Salrios sem correr riscos trabalhistas perante o eSocialA nova plataforma de envio de informaes trabalhistas no mudou a legislao. No entanto, as polticas de cargos e salrios das empresas precisam atender s exigncias dos rgos competentes. E este s o primeiro cuidado que todo RH precisa ter. Janeiro de 2018 trouxe muitas mudanas na rotina dos profissionais de Recursos Humanos. Depois de um ano marcado por alteraes na legislao trabalhista, foi a vez do eSocial entrar em vigor. A partir de 1 de janeiro de 2018, empresas com faturamento superior a R$ 78 milhes em 2016 passaram a enviar todas as informaes trabalhistas pela nova plataforma online disponibilizada pelo Governo Federal e as demais empresas iniciaram a transmisso em janeiro de 2019.O que vai mudar?De forma simplificada, apenas a forma de envio das informaes. Elas sero centralizadas em um mesmo ambiente. Na prtica, preciso comear o quanto antes, j que a primeira fase contempla o cadastro de todos os empregados dentro do eSocial. Mas no comemore ainda! Estas informaes sero eletronicamente auditadas pelos robs do e-Social. Sua empresa est totalmente segura perante as informaes que foram/sero transmitidas?Voc sabe utilizar corretamente uma CBO em seu plano de Cargos e Salrios?A CBO o documento que reconhece, nomeia e codifica os ttulos e descreve as caractersticas das ocupaes do mercado de trabalho brasileiro. No momento de cadastrar os empregados na plataforma do eSocial, ser necessrio informar tambm sua funo dentro da empresa. Dados relacionados remunerao, ocupao e contribuies trabalhistas faro parte do conjunto de informaes a serem includos no sistema. Esta tarefa passa, obrigatoriamente, pela poltica de cargos e salrios. Isso porque o eSocial tambm segue regras para gerenciamento de carreira e no considera nveis diferentes de funes. Como exemplo, nveis de senioridade jnior, pleno, snior. Como seus cargos esto estruturados perante essas exigncias?Por onde comear a rever esta poltica? preciso que o RH faa uma triagem de todos os cargos e salrios vigentes. Empregados classificados em uma mesma funo, mas com remuneraes diferentes precisaro ter seus salrios readequados. Feita esta reviso, hora de enviar toda a documentao via eSocial. Ser necessrio que a tabela da empresa especifique junto com a identificao do trabalhador o nome do cargo que ocupa e o respectivo CBO que deve constar no registro oficial do Ministrio do Trabalho. E ento est preparado?"
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"Brow Mapping for Brow Artist, Microbladers and PMU Artist" |
"Brow mapping 101 will walk you through why brow mapping is a key piece to achieving perfect brows as well as step by step break downs of how to brow map for any brow service you may be preforming for beautiful symmetrical results. If you are in the beauty industry you will can benefit from this course."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Core Java 8 Practice Tests" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to test Core Java 8 fundamentals with our carefully crafted questions. Questions are tricky and not textbook questions. All the tests have 15 questions each, so that it can be managed even in busy schedule.Practice tests cover following Core Java concepts and fundamentals:Data Types and Variables Declaration and Access Control Array Strings Operators Constructors and Methods Flow Control Overriding and Overloading Interfaces and Abstract Classes Inheritance Exceptions Threads Input OutputCollectionsStreamsQuestions are well formatted, hence easy to understand the code."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Heryerde PLATES" |
"Mat pilates ile hem esneme hemde tm vcut egzersizleri serisi sizi bekliyor. Hi bir ekipmana gerek kalmadan hem tm vcudunuzu esneteceiniz hemde tm kaslarnz altracanz bir egzersizi serisi oluturdum sizin iin. ster sahilde yapn ister balkonunuzda ister salonunuzda yapn ister spor salonunuzda.Bu eitimde bir profesyonel eitmen eliinde hareket ediyoruz.Matmz serip, telefon tablet yada bilgisayarnz net greceiniz bir yere yerletirin. Ve beni takip edin. nce snma hareketleri ile balayp, sonrasnda tm pilates hareketleri ile devam edeceiz. Bitirdiimizde vaktin nasl getiini farketmemi olacaksnz.Souma hareketleriyle egzersiz sonras arlar azaltp.Yaam kalitenizi arttracam.Bu dersi haftada 2 gn ya da 3 gn yapabilirsin."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The transformative power of self-hypnosis" |
"Self-Hypnosis is an incredibly powerful and natural technique that has completely transformed my life. I use it everyday to manage my own Anxieties and stress along with the Anxieties and stress of my clients who are all looking for ways to deal with the stress caused by emotional upheaval. This is what has lead me to create this course so that the world can benefit with this knowledge.Successfully manage your stress and anxieties easily at home with Self - Hypnosis. In this course you will learn:-- What is Hypnosis?- The misconceptions of Hypnosis- The science of hypnosis (Conscious vs. Unconscious mind)- How does Hypnosis reduce anxiety and stress?- Powerful and effective Self - Hypnosis technique- Ways to formulate Hypnotic suggestions (for stress, anxiety and all other aspects including confidence, motivation, focus and much more!)- Additional techniques to reduce stress, anxiety and overthinkingTake control of your life using Self - Hypnosis, this technique can be used not only to reduce anxiety and stress but to change your life and aspects of yourself which you thought could not be changed! All this and more is explained in detail in this course so you may begin to transform yourself with Self-hypnosis now."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Windows 7 - Informtica Simples e Descomplicada" |
"Seo 1: IntroduoAula 1: Seja Bem Vindo ao Curso de Windows 7Seo 2:Aula 2: Conhecendo a rea de trabalhoAula 3: O Bsico do Teclado - CapsLook, Shift, Ctrl, NumLock, Home entre outros.Aula 4: Alterando o plano de fundoAula 5: Colocando suas fotografias como plano de fundoAula 6: Reconhecendo a Resoluo de TelaAula 7: Alterar as cores da janelaSeo 3:Aula 8: Alterando o esquema de sons e Proteo de tela.Aula 9: rea de trabalho, lixeira, criando atalho na rea de trabalho.Aula 10: Criando contas de usurio Parte 1Aula 11: Criando Conta de usurio, Configurando, apagando entre outros...Aula 12: Abrindo o painel de controleSimulado 1: Avaliao 01 - Questo 1Seo 4:Aula 13: Lembrando do Controle dos Pais e Conta de UsurioAula 14: Alterando e atualizando Data e Hora e configurando o mouse.Aula 15: Reconhecendo Dados do seu sistema 32 bits ou 64 bitsAula 16: Dica para quem tem note-book economia de energiaAula 17: Atualizaes no Windows UpdateSeo 5:Aula 18: Personalizando a Barra de Tarefas, Personalizando o Menu Iniciar.Aula 19: Aplicativos nativo CalculadoraAula 20: Aplicativo nativo Bloco de NotasAula 21: Aplicativo nativo WordPadAula 22: Aplicativo nativo PaintAula 23: Utilizando o Desfragmentador e Tornando a mquina sensivelmente maisAula 24: Limpando os arquivos - Limpando a Lixeira, apagando arquivos temporrios.Aula 25: Utilizando a Galeria de GadGets da rea de TrabalhoAula 26: Utilizando o LUPAAula 27: Criando Notas AutoadesivasSimulado 2: Simulado 02Seo 6:Aula 28: Criando, removendo e renomeando pastas e sub-pastas,Aula 29: Copiando ou movendo contedo de uma pasta para outraAula 30: Copiando ou movendo contedo de uma pasta para outra boto direito.Aula 31: Programa nativo Windows Media PlayerAula 32: Manipulando janelasSeo 7:Aula 33: Instalando aplicativos Baixados na InternetAula 34: Instalando o Antivrus Avast 1 Aplicativo a ser baixado.Aula 35: Instalando o Libre Office ( Writer, CALC, DRAW, IMPRESS e muito mais)Aula 36: Instalando aplicativo CCleanerAula 37: Desinstalando o Aplicativo CcleanerAula 38: Instalando impressora nova - via repositrio - CD - ou pelo site do fabricante.Seo 8:Aula 39: Criando E-mail no GmailAula 40: Um pouco mais sobre GmailAula 41: Gmail parte IIAula 42: Colocando Imagem no Perfil do GmailAula 43: Acessando o GmailAula 44: Modificando a aparncia do GmailAula 45: Criando seu E-Mail no YahooAula 46: Troca de Email do Yahoo p/ GmailSeo 9: Um pouquinho sobre Redes SociaisAula 47: Vamos abrir uma conta no FacebookAula 48: Criando a Conta no FaceAula 49: Adicionando Amigos e postagensAula 50: Facebook Watch e Facebook MessengerAula 51: Atualizando o Ant-Vrus Avast e indo as compras. :-)Aula 52: Compras na Internet - Parte 1: De quebra criando conta no InstagramAula 53: Compras na Internet - Parte 2: CriptografiaSeo 10:Aula 54: Agora vamos fazer uma Upgrade do Windows7 para Windows10Aula 55: Upgrade windows 7 para windows 10 - corrigindo erro bios - mquina virtual.Aula 56: Habilitando o NX E PAE dentro da bios por maquina virtual.Aula 57: Iniciando a instalao com o erro NX resolvido - software verificador.Aula 58: Continuando a instalao do windows 10 - aps algumas horas fa.Aula 59: Concluindo a instalao Windows 10"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Son yllarda hayatmza yeni kavramlar girdi.4.Sanayi devrimi, eitim 4.0, dijitalleme, algoritma, kodlama, problem zme becerisi, analitik dnebilme, 3 boyutlu tasarm, hayal ettiini retme, robotlar, bilgi okur yazarl, birlikte alma gibi bir ok terimin ardnda esasen; geleceimizi bugnden tahayyl ederek nasl ekillendirmemiz gerektii bilgisi yatyor.Eitimin yeni bir anlam kazanmaya balad bu deiim ve dnm srecinde srekli gncel kalabilmek, gelimeler karsnda hzl adapte olabilmekten gemektedir.ocuklarmza, kendi dnemleri iin ihtiya duyacaklar yetkinlik ve becerileri kazandrabilmek iin ebeveynlerin ve retmenlerin bu deiim ve dnme ayak uydurmas gerekmektedir.Bu eitimle, ocuklarmzn geleceinin kilit anahtar rolndeki algoritma, kodlama, robotik, yapay zeka gibi alanlarn nasl retilecei, snf ii ve bireysel almalarda hangi aralarn kullanlabilecei konularnda bir yol haritas izilmitir. Bu alanda kullanlabilecek uygulama ve aralar elbette bunlarla snrl deildir. Sadece renmeyi renirsek en byk kazanm bu olacaktr.Kursumuzda baka neler reneceksiniz?Bu kursumuzu alanlar;- Algoritma ve Kodlama mantn sade, ak ve anlalr biimde,- Kodlama retim aralarn (ierik uygulamalar ve donanm materyalleri),- Code org, beeacademy, lightbot, toxicode gibi uygulama aralarnn nasl kullanlaca, hangi seviyesine hangi ieriklerin verilebileceini,- Scratch ile oyun ve uygulama gelitirmeyi,- ScratchIn brans derslerinde retim arac olarak nasl kullanlacan,- Snf ortamnda ve bireysel yaplabilecek unplugged (bilgisayarsz) uygulama rneklerini,- Okulda bir maker atlye oluturabilmek iin nelere ihtiya olduunu veya evde maker atlye ortamnn nasl oluturulacan,- ocuklara ynelik yapay zeka ve makine renmesi alanlar ile ilgili aralar,- Kendimizi srekli olarak nasl gelitirebileceimizi,- Hayal etmeyi, aratrmay, bir fikri proje haline getirebilmeyi, ksaca retebilmeyirenecekler."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Customer Service Mastery" |
"Do you want your customers to feel highly valued and satisfied with your service? Are you looking to build a long-term relationship with your customers? This customer service course takes you through the critical aspects of customer service, helps you to appreciate what makes or breaks an excellent customer service and provides you with tips on how to deal with every-day interactions and challenges."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"O que Coaching?" |
"O objetivo principal no um aprofundamento na metodologia, e sim que tenha a possibilidade de vivenciar o incio de um trabalho de Coaching e sentir-se energizado e compromissado com a consecuo das aes que voc mesmo ir propor.IntroduoPrincpios do coachingClareza de ObjetivosFoco na Soluo e no resultadoResponsabilidade IndividualExpanso da conscinciaFoco no futuroEntrar em aoMelhoria Contnua"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3D Max Modeling from beginner to advanced" |
"Welcome to the complete course of 3D's Max Modeling. I'm going to teach you step by step on how to create different type of objects in 3D's Max using just the standard tools to a complicated structure.My name is Malek Jaroudi, I have a Degree of Interior Architecture with a 5 years of experience in 3D's Max Modeling, Visualization and CAD drawings. In this Course it will show you how much 3D's Max is actually flexible and you can use it in many different ways.In each step you will have different kind of assignments which include Modeling of:HomeVillaInterior DesignAt the end of this course you will have all the skills and knowledge of modeling in 3D's Max. I will also be instructing you in simple mistakes that some of the student do when Modeling.This course is designed with a total beginner, but if you all struggle in Modeling I will provide you with a simple TIPS AND TRICKS I will be sharing them with you. By the end of this lecture you will build / design your own creative design without any struggle.So, What are you waiting for, Lets get started on how can we model in 3D's Max program."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Time Management Mastery for Every Student" |
"A student who manages time well during the exam usually fares good marks in his or her exams.Time Management Skills are extremely important skills that are a deciding factor for better exam results.This course blends time management skills from the perspective of a student to see, learn and implement in his or her academic life. This course caters students of all age groups and categories and helps them understand the importance of time and learn time management skills for academic, personal and professional growth."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python para Inteligencia Artificial" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso Prctico Python para Inteligencia Artificial!En este curso aprenders el lenguaje de programacin Python orientado al desarrollo de algoritmos de machine learning, empezando desde los conceptos bsicos de Python (estructuras de datos, funciones, OOP) hasta conocer el uso de las libreras necesarias para iniciar en el campo de la inteligencia artificial como Numpy, Pandas y MatplotLib.Este curso esta estructurado en 11 secciones:- Seccin 01: Introduccin e Instalacin de Anaconda- Seccin 02: Conceptos Bsicos de Python(Variables, Operadores, Tipos de Datos, Funciones)- Seccin 03: Estructura de Datos(Listas, Sets, Diccionarios, Tuplas)- Seccin 04: Control de Flujo(Condicionales, Bucle For, While, Zip, Enumerate)- Seccin 05: Funciones(Introduccin, Lambda, Filter, Map)- Seccin 06: Programacin orientada a Objetos(Clase, Mtodos, Herencia)- Seccin 07: Introduccin a las libreras de IA- Seccin 08: Numpy(Indexacin Booleana, Slicing, Broadcasting, operaciones con ndarrays)- Seccin 09: Pandas(Series, DataFrames)- Seccin 10: MatplotLib, Seaborn(Pie Chart, Bar Plot, HeatMap, Scatter Plot, Box Plot, Histogramas)- Seccin 11: Prediccin del Potencial de un Jugador en FIFA 19En este curso aprender Python y conocer el flujo del desarrollo de los algoritmos de Machine Learning."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Emocional & Alta Performance" |
"Voc vai descobrir porque 95% das pessoas no conseguem realizar suas metas e permanecem no ciclo da autossabotagem, e o como voc pode fazer parte dos 5% realizam.OS 5 PASSOS PARA ENTRAR EM ALTA PERFORMANCESair do ciclo da autossabotagemDesbloquear o seu potencial MximoDiminuir o estresse e ansiedadeLidar com sentimentos txicosTer mais Bem Estar Fsico e EmocionalVencer a procastinao e preguiaTer mais foco e ClarezaTer mais energia e motivaoTer mais disciplina para terminar o que comea"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |