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"Aprenda SQL do Zero!" |
"Ol!Parabns por ter se interessado em dominar a linguagem SQL. O Objetivo capacit-lo a utilizar a linguagem SQL para manipulao de informaes em bancos de dados relacionais. O curso composto de 70 aulas e voc poder curs-las em sua prpria velocidade e est repleto de atividades a serem feitas por voc. um curso ESSENCIALMENTE PRTICO e exigir seu comprometimento na resoluo dos exerccios. Se voc aluno de sistemas de informao, anlise de sistemas ou cursos tcnicos na rea de informtica voc precisa dominar a linguagem SQL. Meu compromisso com voc que se voc fizer sua parte cumprindo os exerccios e atividades corretamente ao final desse treinamento voc estar capacitado a utilizar com tranquilidade a linguagem SQL.Nesse curso voc ter mais de 7 horas de vdeos e resoluo COMENTADA de mais de 200 exerccios. O curso ESSENCIALMENTE PRTICO e voltado para o mais completo leigo em banco de dados.Voc ser guiado atravs de uma abordagem de fcil entendimento e aprender sobre:Insero, excluso e alterao de dadosTriggersJoinsFunes de bancoCriao e manipulao de tabelasUso de ndicesCriao de viewsE muito mais!Eu forneo pessoalmente um certificado de concluso que pode ser validado no site! (Alm do certificado que voc j recebe da Udemy)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Controle Financeiro com Excel (Plano de Contas)" |
"Parabns pelo seu interesse em realizar esse treinamento!Ol,Obrigado por seu interesse nesse nosso curso rpido de Controle Financeiro. O objetivo aqui te mostrar como voc pode com uma srie de ferramentas simples, que aprender em pouco tempo, a controlar muito melhor seu caixa pessoal ou at mesmo um pequeno negcio. importante entendermos que desde cedo todos ns temos que nos relacionar com dinheiro. Comea com aquele pequeno dinheiro que voc recebe dos seus pais e precisa administr-lo com seus gastos, passa pelos primeiros salrios que recebemos e que passam a fazer parte de nossas preocupaes e chega at a aquisio de bens e reserva para aposentadoria. Existem conceitos e prticas de administrao financeira que deveriam ser ensinados nas escolas desde as sries iniciais e que poderiam tornar mais fcil a administrao da vida financeira de qualquer pessoa. Porm nem sempre isso ocorre e muitas pessoas aprendem somente a controlar melhor seu dinheiro aps passarem porsituaes desgastantes. Talvez isso tenha acontecido at mesmo com voc. bem simples, responda a pergunta: Voc teve algum tipo de problema ou preocupao alm do normal com dinheiro, contas, emprstimos, etc no ltimo ano? condio imprescindvel para uma vida mais equilibrada e tranquila do ponto de vista financeiro conhecer e aplicar alguns conceitos simples porm teis no que tange a administrao de nossa renda e gastos. Enxergar o oramento pessoal quase que como a administrao de uma empresa nos d uma viso real, slida e uma segurana por verdadeiramente entendermos o que est acontecendo com cada real recebido. Voc precisa saber exatamente para onde vai cada real gasto! Eles foram difceis de ganhar, no foram?O PROBLEMA DO USO ERRADO DO DINHEIROMas onde ser que est o problema? Primeiro vivemos em um mundo financeiro mais complexo e com muito mais opes de gastos que as geraes anteriores. Soma-se a isso a facilidade de acesso ao crdito, aquele dinheiro que vai resolver seu problema de imediato e voc retira com facilidade em um caixa eletrnico. Temos ainda o apelo fortssimo do marketing nos empaturrando com mais e mais produtos que ""precisamos"" ter. E por ltimo a falta de educao financeira da maioria das pessoas tem as levado ao endividamento excessivo. E no que isso resulta? Na enorme quantidade de parcelas a serem pagas ms aps ms! Isso limita sua capacidade de consumo de bens necessrios, aumenta o stress e acaba refletindo em outras reas de sua vida.Controle Financeiro e uma melhor gesto de seus gastos pessoais deveria ser uma conversa obrigatria na famlia e at mesmo um excelente tema para discusso com os amigos, mas infelizmente essa no uma realidade e nos deparamos a cada dia com mais e mais pessoas e famlias com um alto grau de endividamento e dificuldade em cumprir os gastos bsicos.APRENDA A FAZER SEU CONTROLE FINANCEIRO PESSOAL!Desenvolva sua capacidade de gerenciar capitalAtravs desse treinamento voc despertar o administrador que existe em voc e ir aprender como melhor desenvolver suas habilidades de controle de seu prrpio dinheiro. No existe mgica mas sim uma srie de passos que qualquer pessoa pode fazer. No gosta de matemtica? No precisa. Voc precisa gostar de controlar melhor seu dinheiro e no ter mais preocupaes dirias com suas contas!Com esse curso voc ter a disposio planilhas especialmente preparadas para controlar suas entradas e sadas de dinheiro e aplicar os conceitos de grandes autores da rea de finaas pessoais, como Dave Ramsey, para melhor administrar suas economias.Com esse curso voc aprender:Conceitos relativos a controle financeiro como receitas, despesas e fluxo de caixa.Entender porque o ciclo PDCA (emprestado da Administrao) seu amigo.Trabalhar com a planilha de Plano de Contas GerenciaisFazer lanamentos de entrada e sada e editar lanamentos na planilhaConstruir a planilha espelho que conter os resumos dos lanamentos mensaisAlgumas dicas legais de uso do excel em geral (Sabe usar o F12 n?)Montar a planilha anual com as contas a pagar e receber de cada ms.Entender os 7 baby steps de Dave Ramsey para o controle financeiroComo fazer simulaes de investimentos e aproveitar o tempo a seu favorCONTEDO DO CURSOO curso de controle financeiro vai constituir o seu arsenal particular para cuidar melhor de suas finanas. Atravs de uma sries de aulas prticas, objetivas e didaticamente preparadas para imbuir o mais leigo de conhecimento valioso, voc ir entender como pode gerenciar melhor cada real gasto e cada real recebido. Alm disso as planilhas presentes nesse treinamento sero suas companheiras inseparveis a partir do dia zero no trato com suas finanas pessoais.O curso composto por:14 aulas em vdeo com descries detalhadas;Exerccios com lanamentos de exemplo para voc entender detalhadamente o funcionamento;Correo e comentrio dos exerccios resolvidos;Planilha plano de contas gerenciais completa e desbloqueada;Planilha de contas a pagar e receber anual;Anotaes das aulas;Anotaes das aulas extras ""7 baby steps"";Apresentao utilizada no curso;Presentes e bnus no final do curso;Certificado validvel (registrado) no site;E muito conhecimento valioso para voc!FONTES DO CURSOEsse curso foi desenvolvido presencialmente para alunos dos cursos de Sistemas de Informao e Administrao. Aps diversos cursos decidimos montar o curso no formato EAD para permitir que mais pessoas possam usufruir dos benefcios desse treinamento.Centenas de pessoas j fizeram o curso e deixaram seus depoimentos. Aproveite e comece esse treinamento hoje mesmo e passe a aplicar em sua vida financeira os conceitos aqui discutidos!AINDA NO EST CONVENCIDO? VEJA ALGUNS DEPOIMENTOS DE NOSSOS ALUNOSAs identidades foram preservadas. Esse depoimentos foram deixados aqui no site aps a concluso do curso:""Bom dia, Tiago! Tudo certo, e a? Assisti ao curso que postaram no ******, de controle financeiro, no ltimo sbado tarde. J baixei todos os arquivos, e neste final de semana pretendo comear a organizar minhas contas com a ajuda do material que voc disponibilizou. Muito obrigado pelo contato e por estar ajudando o pessoal a ter mais controle sobre suas finanas. Um abrao, Mario""""Estimado Tiago, Sei que um e-mail automtico, mas deixo aqui meus parabns pelo material produzido. Ainda estou assistindo as aulas, mas das que j vi, agregou muitssimo em pouco tempo. At breve. Um abrao, Jeremias""""Assisti mas na hora que apareceu o aviso da prova fiquei branco! Pretendo refazer assim que tiver um tempo. timo curso Tiago, eu comecei o curso e no consegui parar at ir ao final, nunca fiz um curso que me prendesse tanto a ateno. Curso super prtico, direto ao ponto e com contedo muito bem estruturado. Sua forma de ensinar facilita muito para o aluno aprender. Parabns pelo curso espero que eu consiga fazer os outros em breve. Abraos! Henrique""""Ol Tiago, Vi sim, muito boa. Obrigado! Acabei optando por um programa do celular (Minhas Economias), mas suas aulas foram fundamentais para eu perceber e entender a importncia do planejamento financeiro, principalmente a disciplina. Grande abrao, sucesso!""""Muito bom o curso! Sou administrador de empresas e mesmo assim me acrescentou muito, espero honrar o que aprendi. O Professor sabe o que est ensinando. Tem uma didtica excelente! D pra perceber que uma pessoa que no impe o tanto que conhece sobre os outros, mas sabe passar, e muito bem. Parabns! Recomendadssimo!!! (Evandro)""""Herick Excelente Material, contedo rpido e direto com finalidade bem especifica. O Baciotti um timo instrutor destacando os pontos importante e gerando conexes com outros cursos da plataforma. """"Emanuele Curso bem didtico. Excelente ideia em passar o contedo atravs de vdeo, com imagem e voz de pessoa real. Sem bonecos, animes ou textos gigantes. ""E tem dezenas de outros depoimentos que foram deixados ao final do curso. No final da pgina voc poder ver outros depoimentos que so passados aleatoriamente.PRESENTES PARA VOCAh, tem mais uma coisa que voc ir gostar!Adicionei 2 presentes exclusivos ao final do curso.Aproveite e faa agora esse curso e desenvolva uma nova habilidade que ir te ajudar por toda a vida. O certificado gerado ao final do curso e voc pode utiliz-lo para contar horas em suas atividades na faculdade.Aguardo voc!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoResponder Revelado: venda mais com emails personalizados" |
"PARABNS PELA SUA DECISO EM MELHORAR O CONTATO COM SEU CLIENTEOl,O que voc est prester a conhecer uma tcnica extraordinria que permitir a voc um melhor controle do contato com seus clientes e prospectos. Leia e entenda como isso poder ajudar vocO PROBLEMAUm dos maiores problemas enfrentados por qualquer pessoa que presta algum tipo de servio ou vende um produto (dentro e fora da internet) a construo do relacionamento com o cliente. Ora, no se pode deixar o cliente esquecer de voc e a dificuldade maior como manter um contato peridico, contnuo e crescente com os prospectos objetivando o fechamento de uma venda.A cada dia voc tem mais e mais prospectos e o volume de trabalho s aumenta. Alm disso voc tem a preocupao de no repetir emails e no enviar a mesma coisa para o cliente mais de uma vez.ENTENDENDO O TRABALHO DE CONTATO COM O CLIENTESe voc j teve a oportunidade de realizar algum curso de empreendedorismo j conheceu o poder do marketing um a um. atravs da construo de um relacionamento slido com seu prospecto ou cliente em potencial que voc poder construir mais credibilidade e assim aumentar a chance de fazer novos negcios com aquela pessoa.Claro que voc pode cuidar disso de forma manual, basta enviar emails de forma peridica, manter contato contnuo e sempre trabalhando os benefcios do seu produto e servio. Porm ao se trabalhar dessa maneira voc ir perder muito tempo enviando emails e tratando de forma personalizada cada cliente.Quando voc utiliza um sistema de autoresponder (e pode utilizar um sistema bsico mesmo) voc aumenta muito o contato a a relao de confiana com o cliente. Cabe ressaltar aqui que quando algum recebe uma mensagem padro de marketing ele fica sempre com um p atrs sobre aquela informao. Quando se utiliza um sistema de autoresponder voc ser capaz de enviar mensagens personalizadas para os clientes.Uma coisa interessante que notei em minha experincia que o simples fato de existir no assunto o nome do destinatrio j aumenta muito a chance desse cliente abrir o email e tambm lhe responder.VEJA ESSE EXEMPLOERRADO: JOO DA SILVA SILVA, no fique sem ler isso aqui.Olha, preste ateno no exemplo acima. Vamos comentar sobre algumas falhas que descobrimos de imediato:Embora tenha usado o nome do cliente no assunto do email foi utilizado o nome completo! Est na cara que uma ferramenta automtica!!Foi escrito em maisculas! Muito errado, pois maisculas sinal que voc EST GRITANDO. Isso invasivo e atrapalha!O nome completo da pessoa foi utilizado. Isso no acontece em nenhuma conversa! Lembre-se que queremos estabelecer uma relao de confiana aqui!O uso da palavra no. Voc j est negando! Se voc fez algum curso de venda sabe dos problemas em usar essa palavra!Muito bem, agora veja como esse mesmo assunto do email poderia ser reescrito:CERTO: Joo, veja que interessante esse recurso. J conhecia?Notou que agora usamos somente o primeiro nome do cliente? Alm disso o nome a primeira coisa que ser lida. O nome de uma pessoa como msica para seus ouvidos! Chama a ateno e aumenta bastante a chance dela abrir o email e escutar o que voc precisa falar!Ns tambm adicionamos no final do assunto uma pergunta. Quando voc usa perguntas voc est convidando para o dilogo e isso tambm auxiliar na abertura do email e maior receptividade ao que voc quer falar!O CURSO AUTORESPONDER REVELADOO objetivo do curso te mostrar como uma ferramenta de autoresponder pode ajudar voc a melhorar o contato com seus clientes ou clientes em potencial.Um autoresponder um sistema automatizado de envio de emails que a partir de inscries de clientes em sua pgina faz o envio automtico de mensagens em perodos definidos por voc.Por exemplo, voc pode usar um autoresponder para programar o envio de uma mensagem para um cliente 2 dias aps ele ter feito uma compra com voc. Depois voc pode adicionar uma nova mensagem 7 dias depois perguntando se ele recebeu o produto ou se teve algum problema.Se voc j conhece auto-responders sabe os benefcios astronmicos e imediatos possibilitados por esta poderosa ferramenta.Ns vamos alm disso, possbilitando a voc contatar seus clientes instantaneamente, automaticamente e sequencialmente.O que voc pode ter um fluxo constante de emails personalizados no intervalo de tempo que voc especifica, isso significa que seus clientes iro receber seus emails como se voc estivesse escrevendo especificamente para eles.Esse tipo de contato se chama Follow-up que nada mais que o acompanhamento junto ao seu cliente ou prospecto.Criao de uma newsletter semanal (e personalizada)A partir do momento que voc consegue centralizar seus cadastros fica fcil para enviar semanalmente novidades e dicas. Alm disso o software que utilizaremos gratuito para at 1000 prospectos permitindo a voc comear a trabalhar com emails automatizados sem gastar.Nesse curso te mostro em detalhes como configurar uma ferramenta externa de envio de emails que lhe permite fazer o envio de at 10.000 mensagens gratuitamente.Pense que ao invs de responder emails diariamente e fazer acompanhamento com os clientes voc tem a opo e o trabalho de configurar uma nica vez as mensagens que depois elas sero enviadas automaticamente.Autoresponders so uma ferramenta interessante para vendas on-line, por causa de toda a automatizao do contato com o cliente que esta ferramenta oferece.O QUE VOC APRENDER NESSE CURSO:As opes de autoresponder existentes no mercadoComo trabalhar com sistemas de autoresponderO que so mensagens de follow-up e mensagens de broadcastQual a diferena entre single e double optinEnviando emails automatizados com arquivos anexosEscolhendo a melhor ferramenta externa de envio de emailsInstalando e configurando uma ferramenta gratuita para iniciar seu trabalhoQUAL O CONTEDO DO CURSO?O curso composto por 20 aulas onde voc aprender a configurar e usar um autoresponder. Alm disso ir aprender sobre como fazer a instalao de um autoresponder em sua hospedagem de sites.ALGUMAS OBSERVAES SOBRE O CURSO:O curso no acompanha software de autoresponder e tambm no vendemos nenhum software de autoresponder. Porm ns comentamos algumas opes disponveis no mercado e recomendamos um software que utilizamos.A ferramenta que recomendamos permite que voc comece SEM COMPRAR OU ALUGAR UM AUTORESPONDER pois permite at 1.000 pessoas na lista.Alm disso mostraremos como usar um servio de envio de emails que NO cobra por 10.000 envios mensais.Para a instalao do script necessrio algum conhecimento sobre uso de hospedagens, transferncia de arquivos, etc. Se voc ainda no tem esse conhecimento pode precisar de ajuda nesse ponto. Porm detalhamos cada passo e buscamos mostrar da forma mais didtica possvel como fazer esse procedimento.Autoresponder no spam. Voc no ir usar ""listas de email com milhes de emails"" mas sim CONSTRUIR sua lista. Dessa forma voc ir tratar um pblico alvo muito especfico, o SEU pblico alvo! importante salientar que autoresponder pode ser usado por qualquer pessoa e traz melhoras sensveis no relacionamento com o cliente. Se voc vende artesanato pelo Facebook ou possui uma loja virtual aprenda usar autoresponders!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Draft, Review and Negotiate Contracts" |
"Are you anEntrepreneur? Consultant? Accountant?start-up founder? or an Employee or aFreelancer?Well, then the contract drafting and negotiating course is the best investment you can make for yourself.In this course we take you through the contract drafting, negotiation and reviewing process.After you have completed the course, you should have a good understanding on how contracts are formed and more importantly how you can draft, review or negotiate a contact.This course walks you through various contracts and what you need to keep in mind during drafting or reviewing a contract.Not only you aretaughtwhat you need to know aboutdrafting exceptional contracts, the sample template and worked out solutions will help you create your own agreements.So what are you waiting for, sign up today to be part of this revolutionary course that will save you time, money and effort on any contracts or agreements that you will have to enter into in your lifetime."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Prparation la certification SCRUM Master" |
"SCRUM est la mthode de dveloppement agile la plus rpandue et la plus aboutie. Elle explique de faon trs concrte comment dvelopper un logiciel, visant produire un service ou produit rapidement, sans avoir crire une expression de besoin dtaille. Au fil des itrations, SCRUM livre des incrments de fonctionnalit attendus par les clients: la plus grande valeur est livre en premier, les fonctionnalits moins importantes sont livres plus tard.Vous trouverez dans SCRUM des rponses vos problmatiques de dveloppement logiciel avec un time-2-market serr. Vous verrez de nombreux outils que vous pourrez rutiliser, mme dans des gestions de projet classiques.IntroductionCourbe d'acceptation de Kbler-RossPrincipes du Manifeste agileLes valeurs et les 12 principes du manifeste agileIntroduction et concepts de la gestion de projets agilePourquoi les mthodes agiles?Proposition de valeur des mthodes agilesCompatibilit entre mthodes classiques et mthodes agilesIntroduction SCRUMLes principes fondamentaux de SCRUMIntroduction aux rles SCRUMLe Product OwnerLe cadre de rfrence de SCRUM (SCRUM framework)Le Sprint BacklogLe Product BacklogLe grooming ou refinementLes mthodes d'estimation agilesLes SprintsLe Sprint BacklogDcoupage en tchesLe Sprint PlanningLe Sprint GoalL'excution des SprintsLa Sprint ReviewSprint retrospectivePrincipes Agiles en dtailVariabilit et incertitudePrdiction & adaptationValidation de l'exprienceWork in progressProgressionPerformancePerformance de SCRUMLes Sprints en dtailsPrincipes fondamentauxDfinition du DoneRequirements et User StoriesConfirmation, Conversation, CardProduct Backlog et Grooming ou Product RefinementEstimations et vlocitStory pointsIdeal daysPlanning pokerVlocitDette techniqueLe Daily Scrum en dtailsUtilisation des Burndown chartsLes rles SCRUMLes diffrentes structures d'quipes SCRUM"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Legal and Regulatory aspects of Registration of Charges" |
"About the course: This is a course for Indian Corporates. Yes! Almost every company borrows from Bank for meeting their project and operating requirements. When they borrow from Bank or Financial Institution, they provide securities which may be assets or properties of the company. When they provide the assets as security to the lender, they are creating right over the assets in favour of the lender and this right is called as Charge and it should be registered with regulatory authority called Registrar of Companies in India. There are certain legal aspects related to registration of charge with Registrar of Companies. Those legal aspects have to be complied in a given time frame. In case, time frame could not be adhered, the delay should be condoned by appropriate authorities in compliance with Indian Companies Act, 2013. Apart from that, when ever charges are modified it should be registered with Registrar of Companies. Similarly when the loans are closed and charges are satisfied, it should also be communicated and registered with Registrar of Companies and again they have to be done or completed in a given time frame. The companies which borrow from Bank have to maintain Register of Charges for inspection by the share holders and creditors. Similarly, the Registrar of Companies will maintain a register of charges of all the companies in the country for inspection by any one upon payment of prescribed fees. Hence, registration of charges is very important for every corporate who have taken secured loans from Banks. In case, the charge is not registered, it will go against the lender in the event of liquidation of the company because at that point, liquidator will consider or rank only those creditors whose charge were registered with Registrar of Companies. Hence, Registration of Charge is highly important from the Lender / Bankers point of view. Terminology: This course uses less legal terminologies. Efforts were taken to explain in simple English without legal jargons. Material used in this course: This course is presented through Video Lectures. Course Structure: This course is structured in self paced learning style. Why take this course? Registration of Charge is mandatory for every company taking secured loan from Banks / Financial Institutions. Hence, absolute knowledge on Charges and its related provisions, sections, rules in Companies Act, 2013 is must for every one who is dealing or will be dealing in charge matters."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Auditing A Complete Study" |
"Are you an Accounting or Finance Professional? Are you an Accounting or Finance Student planning a career in either of the fields? Are you a Professional Course Student planning career as Auditor? Then this course is for you. Welcome to Basics of Auditing A Complete Study The basic purpose of Auditing is to confirm the authenticity of Books of Accounts prepared by an accountant. So, the auditing begins, where the function of an accountant ends.Auditing is done to determine the true and fair picture of accounts examining the books of accounts with supporting documents. Auditing provides lots of benefits like Verification of Books of Accounts, Independent Opinion, Moral Check, Protection of the Rights and Interests of Share holders, Reliance by Outsiders, Ensures compliance with level requirements &Strengthens Internal Control. Hence, by taking this course, you will learn i) Evolution, Meaning, Features, Objectives, Principal aspects, Benefits and Limitationsof Auditing ii) Audit Processiii) Audit Engagement Termsiv) Audit Planningv) Audit Samplingvi) Audit Working Papersvii) Auditors Independenceviii) External Confirmationix) Verification of Assetsx) Verification of Liabilitiesxi) Special Audits covering Educational Institutions, Hospital, Cinema Halls, Charitable Institutions, Club, Hotels, Local Bodies, etc.)This course is structured in Self paced learning style. You may find accounting terminologies used in this course. Hence, you should have Basic knowledge of Accounting. Advanced auditing tools and concepts will be launched as separate courses in the due course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Accounting, Finance and Banking - A Comprehensive Study" |
"Welcome to this dream course ""Accounting, Finance and Banking - A Comprehensive Study""In this course, you will learn Accounting,Financial Management & BankingSo, you may have a question, why all in three?Answer is - all the three domains are interrelatedIf you are going to be an accountant, you cannot survive without interacting with Finance and Banking Executives. And same is the case for other two.So, you should have knowledge in all the three, and this course will teach you from Basics to Advanced concepts in all the three domains.So, what is curriculum?Section names are listed here. You would see the detailed list below this course summary Section 1 - Basics of Accounting in 66 Minutes Section 2 - Accounting Process Section 3 - Final Accounts Section 4 - Single Entry System of Accounting Section 5 - Rectification of Errors Section 6 - Depreciation Accounting Section 7 - Accounting for Partnership Firms Section 8 - Basics of Accounting Standards Section 9 - Accounting for Deferred Taxes Section 10 - Financial Management - Introduction Section 11 - Time Value of Money Section 12 - Financial Ratio Analysis Section 13 - Cash Flow Analysis Section 14 - Fund Flow Analysis Section 15- Cost of Capital Section 16 - Capital Structuring Decisions Section 17 - Types of Financing Section 18 - Capital Budgeting Investment Decisions Section 19 - Working Capital Management Section 20 - Basics of International Finance Section 21 - Quotes Section 22 - American Term and European Term Section 23 - Bid and Ask Section 24 - Basics of Banking Section 25 - Classification of Banks Section 26 - Functions of Commercial Bank Section 27 - Co-operative Banks Section 28 - Central Bank Functions Section 29 - General aspects of Banking Section 30 - Banking Credit Analysis Process Section 31 - Financial Statement Reading Skill Section 32 - Types of Business Loans This course is structured in self paced learning style.You will have right to access close to 400 Video Lectures of this course covering three domains.This course is structured with an intention to equip you in basics and advanced concepts for both academic and practical purposesMandatory Disclosure regarding course contents:.This course consolidates key lectures of other individual courses namely -Accounting is Easy, -Accounting for Beginners in 66 Minutes- Basics of Accounting Standards- Depreciation Accounting- Accounting for Partnership Firms- Accounting for Deferred Taxes- Basics of International Finance- Financial Management - A Complete Study- Banking Credit Analysis Process- Basics of Banking- Basics of International Finance Hence, if you are purchasing this course, it consolidates key lectures of all the above courses. So, make sure you don't purchase above courses, if you are purchasing this course.Take this course to gain strong foothold in Accounting, Finance and Banking.All the Best!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crash Course on Cost of Capital and Capital Structuring" |
"Welcome to this crash course on Cost of Capital and Capital Structuring. In this course, you will have overview of Cost of Capital and Capital Structure matters.About Cost of Capital:Every business raise various forms of Capital for running the business.None of the funds are free.Each fund comes with a cost.Every Entrepreneur, every Finance Manager should be aware of the Cost of Capital of their business.Many businesses fail, because the management itself would not be aware of the Cost of Capital of the business.Unless the returns earned from the business is greater than or equal to cost of capital, no business can sustain / grow.Cost of Capital is used to evaluate new projects of a company. It is the minimum return that investors expect for providing capital to the company, thus setting a benchmark that a new project has to meet.About Capital Structure of Business:All the Business entities in this world, will work on this topic.Because, Capital Structuring Decisions, would decide the long term stability of any business.Business entities can have mix of their own funds and debt funds for running their business. But the mix should be an optimum one.Wrong decisions in Capital Structuring would spoil the business which otherwise would have plenty scope for growth.The capital structuring of the business also decides the leverage and returns for the owners.About this course structure:This course is structured in self paced learning style. Video lectures are used for delivering course content.Welcome to this course and all the very best."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Accounting and Finance for Bankers - A Comprehensive Study" |
"Welcome to Accounting and Finance for Bankers course.This course will help you to understand Accounting and Finance aspects relevant and required for Bankers. It will also help you to equip yourself for Diploma in Banking and Finance Examination.Topics covered in this course:Module A : Business Mathematics and FinanceCalculation of Interest and AnnutiesCalculation of YTMCapital BudgetingDepreciation and its AccountingForeign Exchange Arithmetic. MODULE B: Principles of Bookkeeping and AccountancyDefinition, Scope and Accounting StandardsBasic Accountancy ProceduresMaintenance of Cash / Subsidiary Books and LedgerBank Reconciliation StatementTrial Balance, Rectification of Errors and Adjusting and Closing EntriesCapital and Revenue ExpenditureBills of ExchangeMODULE C: FINAL ACCOUNTSBalance Sheet EquationPreparation of Final AccountsRatio AnalysisFinal Accounts of Banking CompaniesCompany Accounts ICompany Accounts IIAccounting in Computerised EnvironmentMODULE D: BANKING OPERATIONSBanking OperationsOperational aspects of KYC / Customer ServiceOperational aspects of Accounting EntriesOperational aspects of Handling Cash / ClearingOperational aspects of Deposit AccountsOperational aspects of Loan AccountsOperational aspects of CBS EnvironmentBack office functions / Handling unreconciled entries in BanksCourse Structure: This course is structured in self paced learning style. You can learn at your convenience at any time and you get life time access to this course.Video lectures were used to deliver the course contentWhy you should take this course?This is one of the comprehensive course covering each and every aspect of Accounting and Finance aspects relevant for Bankers.If you are looking for a career in Banking, Diploma in Banking and Finance offered by IIBF will be an added advance and this course is one of the core paper in that diploma.If you have already joined the Bank and looking for a career growth, then passing JAIIB is very crucial and this course covers on the critical paper of JAIIB.All the very best."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MBA Accounting and Finance for Managers(Paper MS04 of IGNOU)" |
"Welcome to this course MBA Accounting and Finance for Managers (Paper MS 04 IGNOU) This course is for MBA Candidates who are preparing for MBA Accounting and Finance for Managers (Paper MS 04 IGNOU) Paper MBA Course - conducted by IGNOU. This Paper has Five Blocks. Block 1 Accounting Framework Block 2 Understanding Financial Statements Block 3 Cost Management Block 4 Financial and Investment Analysis Block 5 Financial Decisions Course Contents: Section Name of the Section 1 Block I - Unit 1 - Accounting and its functions 2 Block I - Unit 2 - Accounting Concepts and Standards 3 Block I - Unit 3 - Accounting Information and its Applications 4 Block II - Unit 4 - Construction and Analysis of Balance Sheet 5 Block II - Unit 5 - Construction and Analysis of Profit and Loss Account 6 Block II - Unit 6 - Construction and Analysis of Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statement 7 Block III - Unit 7 - Understanding and Classifying Costs 8 Block III - Unit 8 - Absorption and Marginal Costing 9 Block III - Unit 9 - Cost - Volume - Profit Analysis 10 Block III - Unit 10 - Variance Analysis 11 Block IV - Unit 11 - Financial Management: An Introduction 12 Block IV - Unit 12 - Ratio Analysis 13 Block IV - Unit 13 - Leverage Analysis 14 Block IV - Unit 14 - Budget and Budgetary Control 15 Block IV - Unit 15 - Investment Appraisal Methods 16 Block V - Unit 16 - Management of Working Capital 17 Block V - Unit 17 - Capital Structure 18 Block V - Unit 18 - Dividend Decisions Teaching and Learning Style: This course is structured in self-paced learning style.It is suggested to take screenshots of case studies for reference back during problem solving. Approaching the course with note book and pen or MS Excel and solving problems paralelly along with instructor will make you feel like attending real class and improve your listening and learning experience. Teaching Background: Indian scenario has been considered for explaining concepts through case studies.Take this course if you are preparing for MBA Course conducted by IGNOU"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cost Accounting - A Comprehensive Study for CA/CMA/CS /ACCA/" |
"Who should take this course? Are you struggling in understandingCosting concepts and techniques like Material Costing, Labour Costing, Overheads Costing, Standard Costing, Marginal Costing, Operating Costing, Contract Costing, Job Costing, Batch Costing, Process Costing, Joint Products &By-Products, Budget &Budgetary Control, Activity Based Costing? Are you a student pursuing professional courses like CA / CMA / CS / CFA /CPA / ACCA / CIMA / MBA Finance or are you a Finance Professional / Banker aspiring to excel in Costing Techniques and rise to top in your career? Then this course is for you - Cost Accounting A Comprehensive Study.Why you should take this course?By taking this course, you will be able to see practical side of Cost Accounting concepts with lot many case studies to solve. Approaching complex topics through case studies is the best way to understand them and you will find lot many in this course.If you a Professional course student in the line of Finance or Accounting, then you would have Cost Accounting will be one of your major subject. This course will explain theory and practical concepts in Cost Accounting which will help you to excel in Academic Examinations.If you are an Accounting or Finance or Cost Accounting Executive, this course will help you to brush up you basics in Cost Accounting and all the contents have immediate practical relevance and application. What you will learn by taking this course? This is a comprehensive course, covering each and every topic in detail. In this course,you will learn the Cost Accounting basic concepts, theories, and techniques which deals with conceptual frame work. You will be exposed to following concepts and Techniques: Basics of Costing - 46+ LecturesMaterial Costing - 47+ LecturesLabour Costing - 24+ LecturesOverheads Costing - 31+ Lectures Standard Costing Techniques - 12+ LecturesStandard Costing Variances - 16+ LecturesOperating Costing - 5+ LecturesProcess Costing - 8+ LecturesBudget and Budgetary Control - 17+ LecturesMarginal Costing - 26+ LecturesContract Costing - 11+ LecturesJoint Products &By Products - 14+ LecturesNon Integrated Accounts - 19+ LecturesJob Costing and Batch Costing - 19+ LecturesABC Costing -8+ LecturesHow this course is structured?This course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every section of this course is broken down as various micro lectures and then they are substantiated with examples and case studies. Several real world examples are used in this course through case studies. You'll gain authority on each and every topic as i take you through lectures one by one. This course is presented in simple language with examples. This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board / Note book / Talking head, etc). You would feel you are attending a real class. What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?You should have basic knowledge of Accounting. You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process. How this course will benefit you?At the end of the course, you will be able to solve various case studies in Cost Accounting at ease with high level of confidence. This course will equip you for approaching above listed professional examinations with confidence as well hand real life problems with clarity. Happy Learning and Best Wishes!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Accounting Basics - A Complete Study" |
"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to one of the comprehensive ever course on Accounting Basics. This course starts from What is Accounting, Need for Accounting to various Practical aspects in Accounting with 100s of Case Studies. Enjoy lectures for each and every concept in accounting presented in digital hand written format and excel based presentation followed by Solved Case Studies Video.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who should take this course?Are you just a beginner in Accounting? Are you struggling in understandingbasic accounting concepts and techniques like Double Entry System, Rules for Debit and Credit, Journalising Process, Ledgers, Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors, Bank Reconciliation Statements, Final Accounts, Partnership Accounting, Company Accounting, etc? Then this course is for you - Accounting Basics A Complete Study.Why you should take this course?By taking this course, you will be able to see practical side of Accounting concepts with lot many case studies to solve. Approaching complex topics through case studies is the best way to understand them and you will find lot many in this course.What you will learn by taking this course? This is a comprehensive course, covering each and every topic in detail. In this course, you will learn Fundamentals of Accounting, step by step covering the following:Section 1:Introduction to Accounting;Section 2: Book Keeping;Section 3: Accounting Objectives and Process;Section 4: Accountancy, Accounting and Book Keeping;Section 5: Technical Terms in AccountingSection 6: Accounting Assumptions, Concepts and PrinciplesSection 7:Double Entry SystemSection 8: Basic Accounting ProceduresSection 9: Rules for Debit and CreditSection 10: Journalising ProcessSection 11: LedgerSection 12: Subsidiary Books covering Sales and Purchases BooksSection 13: Purchase Returns and Sales Returns BooksSection 14: Cash BookSection 15: Bills of Exchanges and Related BooksSection 16: Journal Book / Journal ProperSection 17: Trial BalanceSection 18: Errors in AccountingSection 19: Case Studies in rectification of errorsSection 20: Bank Reconciliation StatementSection 21: Final AccountsSection 22: Accounts from Incomplete Records (Single Entry System)Section 23: Accounting for Partnership - Admission of New PartnerSection 24: Accounting for Partnership - Retirement of PartnerSection 25: Company Accounts ISection 26: Company Accounts IISection 27: Comprehensive QuizHow this course is structured?This course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every section of this course is broken down as various micro lectures and then they are substantiated with examples and case studies. Several real world examples are used in this course through case studies. You'll gain authority on each and every topic as i take you through lectures one by one. This course is presented in simple language with examples. This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board / Note book / Talking head, etc). You would feel you are attending a real class. What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?You need good internet connection for interruption free learning process. How this course will benefit you?At the end of the course, you will be able to solve above concepts, case studies in Accounting at ease with high level of confidence as well handle real life problems with clarity. Note: This course is created based onAccounting Framework adopted in India."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Management Studies (College Level)" |
"Welcome to Basics of Management Studies!Management is a very wider concept which is required in all walks of life and in Organisation for rising to top.Successful organisation would have achieved success not by chance but only by a Process called Management.Management is required for all kinds of organisations, whether it be small or large, manufacturing or online or elearning or trust or schools or hospitals, etc.In this course, you will learn about the Basics of Management coveringa) Introduction to Management;b) Concept of Management;c) Characteristics of Management;d) Objectives of Management;e) Importance of Management;f) Nature of Management;g) Management as an Art and Science;h) Levels of Management;i) Functions of Management;j) Co-ordination and its Nature.This course is structured in self paced learning style.Video lectures are used for delivering the course content.Approach this course with open mind and this course will take you through academic aspects of Basics of Management."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CFA Corporate Finance Level 2" |
"Welcome to Corporate Finance CFA Level 2 Course.As the name indicates, this course covers Corporate Finance Paper of Level 2 of CFA Exams.About Coverage:Section 1 will cover Reading 23: Capital BudgetingSection 2 will cover Reading 24: Capital StructureSection 3 will cover Reading 25:Dividends and Share Purchases: AnalysisTeaching and Learning Style:This course is structured in self paced learning style.It is suggested to take screenshots of case studies for reference back during problem solving. Approaching the course with note book and pen or MS Excel and solving problems paralelly along with instructor will make you feel like attending real class and improve your listening and learning experience.Teaching and Learningoutcomes:By taking this course, you will be able tocalculate the yearly cash flows of expansion and replacement capital projects and evaluate how the choice of depreciation method affects those cash flows;explain how inflation affects capital budgeting analysis;evaluate capital projects and determine the optimal capital project in situations of a) mutually exclusive projects with unequal lives, using either the least common multiple of lives approach or the equivalent annual annuity approach, and b) capital rationing;explain how sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation can be used to assess the stand-alone risk of a capital project;explain and calculate the discount rate, based on market risk methods, to use in valuing a capital project;describe types of real options and evaluate a capital project using real options;describe common capital budgeting pitfalls;calculate and interpret accounting income and economic income in the context of capital budgeting;distinguish among the economic profit, residual income, and claims valuation models for capital budgeting and evaluate a capital project using each.explain the ModiglianiMiller propositions regarding capital structure, including the effects of leverage, taxes, financial distress, agency costs, and asymmetric information on a companys cost of equity, cost of capital, and optimal capital structure;describe target capital structure and explain why a companys actual capital structure may fluctuate around its target;describe the role of debt ratings in capital structure policy;explain factors an analyst should consider in evaluating the effect of capital structure policy on valuation;describe international differences in the use of financial leverage, factors that explain these differences, and implications of these differences for investment theories of dividend policy and explain implications of each for share value given a description of a corporate dividend action;describe types of information (signals) that dividend initiations, increases, decreases, and omissions may convey;explain how clientele effects and agency issues may affect a companys payout policy;explain factors that affect dividend policy;calculate and interpret the effective tax rate on a given currency unit of corporate earnings under double taxation, dividend imputation, and split-rate tax systems;compare stable dividend, constant dividend payout ratio, and residual dividend payout policies, and calculate the dividend under each policy;explain the choice between paying cash dividends and repurchasing shares;describe broad trends in corporate dividend policies;calculate and interpret dividend coverage ratios based on a) net income and b) free cash flow;identify characteristics of companies that may not be able to sustain their cash dividend.Teaching Background:Indian scenario has been considered for explaining concepts through case studies.Wishing you all the very best to excel in Finance World."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Statistics - A Comprehensive Study (College Level)" |
"Welcome to the course Basics of Statistics - A Comprehensive Study.Statistics is required in every walk of business life to take decisions. When we take decision, it should be an informed one. Once we have statistics, we can be sure that decision is taken considering various factors. In this course, you will learn about the basics of statistics in depth coveringa) Introduction to Statistics;b) Collection of Data;c) Presentation of Data;d) Frequency Distribution;e) Measures of Central Tendency covering Arithmetic Mean, Median and Modef) Measures of Dispersion covering Range, Quartile Deviation and Standard Deviationg) Correlation h) Regression.This course is basically a bundle of other courses namelyi) Basics of Business Statisticsii) Statistics - Measures of Central Tendencyiii) Statistics - Measures of Dispersioniv) Statistics and Correlation.If you are buying this course, make sure you don't buy the above courses. This course is structured in self paced learning style. Video lectures are used for delivering the course content. Numerous case studies were solved in hand written presentation.Take this course to gain good knowledge in basics of statistics. (Please be guided that this course teaches Statistics only from Academic point of view. Hence, teaching style will be absolutely Academic based)"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Advanced Financial Management for CA/CMA/CFA/ACCA/CS/MBA" |
"Are you struggling in understanding advanced concepts in Financial Management like Capital Budgeting Techniques, Leasing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Portfolio Management, etc. Are you a student pursuing professional courses like CA / CMA / CS / CFA /CPA / ACCA / CIMA / MBA Finance or are you a Finance Professional / Banker aspiring to excel in Finance and rise to top in your career? Then this course is for you - Advanced Financial Management - A Comprehensive Study.By taking this course, you will be able to see practical side of advanced concepts in Financial Management with lot many case studies to solve. Approaching complex topics through case studies is the best way to understand them and you will find lot many in this course.In this course you will be exposed to the advanced concepts of Financial Management coveringa) Mergers and Acquisitions.b) Capital Market Instrumentsc) Advanced Capital Budgeting Techniques.d) Risk Analysis in Capital Budgetinge) Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis in Capital Budgetingf) Leasingg) Basics of Derivatives.h) Portfolio Management - Quantitative Techniques.i) Dividend Decisions.j) Start up Financek) Financial Markets and their regulationl) Mutual Fundsm) Venture Capitaln) Investment Bankingo) Credit Ratingp) Banking ManagementThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every section of this course is broken down as various micro lectures and then they are substantiated with examples and case studies. Several real world examples are used in this course through case studies. You'll gain authority on each and every topic as i take you through lectures one by one. This course is presented in simple language with examples. This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board / Note book / Talking head, etc). You would feel you are attending a real class. You should have basic knowledge of Financial Management.You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process.At the end of the course, you will be able to solve above advanced concepts, case studies in Advanced at ease with high level of confidence. This course will equip you for approaching above listed professional examinations with confidence."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cost Accounting and Financial Management - A Complete Study" |
"Note:This course may have several lectures reproduced from Financial Management A Complete Study Course and Cost Accounting A Comprehensive Study Course in addition to unique lectures created for this course. So, before buying compare other two courses with this course and take a calculated decision.Welcome to the comprehensive ever course on Cost Accounting and Financial Management A Complete StudyAs the name suggests, this course is going to teach you both the Cost Accounting and Financial Management very comprehensively covering Definitions, Theories, Examples, Practice Problems, Lots of Case Studies for practice, Articles to facilitate better understanding, downloadable handouts for revision purposes, Quizzes, etc. Course contents are delivered through Video lectures covering Talking head (where i appear on scree and take you through like class room teaching), screen cast and excel based videos for quantitative problems.This course is meant for students aspiring to learn Cost Accounting and Financial Management for finance based professional course examinations like CA / CMA / CFA / CIMA / CS / MBA Finance / MS Finance, etc. Hence, academic oriented teaching approach has been adopted for this course.This course will cover syllabus which will be equivalent to one semester / one year teaching in college / professional courses on Cost Accounting and Financial Management.Following topics will be discussed in this course:A) Financial Management: a) Introduction to Financial Management (covering role of CFO, difference between Financial Management, Accounting and other disciplines) b) Time Value of Money c) Financial Analysis through Ratios (covering ratios for performance evaluation and financial health, application of ratio analysis in decision making). d) Financial Analysis through Cash Flow Statement e) Financial Analysis through Fund Flow Statement f) Cost of Capital of Business (Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Marginal Cost of Capital) g) Capital Structuring Decisions (Capital Structuring Patterns, Designing optimum capital structure, Capital Structure Theories). h) Leverage Analysis (Operating Leverage, Financial Leverage and Combined Leverage) I) Various Sources of Finance j) Capital Budgeting Decisions (Payback, ARR, MPV, IRR, MIRR) k) Working Capital Management (Working Capital Cycle, Cash Cost, Budgetary Control, Inventory Management, Receivables Management, Payables Management, Treasury Management) B) Cost Accounting:a) Basics of Costing Accounting b) Material costing c) Labour Costingd) Overheads Costing e) Standard Costing Techniquesf) Standard Costing Variances g) Operating Costing h) Marginal CostingGet ready for deeper learning process and wish you a happy learning."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CAIIB Advanced Bank Management (Part I)" |
"Welcome to this course on CAIIB Advanced Bank Management (Part I)CAIIB is the short form for Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers. It is an examination conducted by Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) twice a year. Once in May and once in November. In order to be eligible for award of CAIIB, candidate must pass both the compulsory papers and any one of the electives of the candidate's choice. This course teaches you one of the compulsory paper called Advanced Bank Management.This course covers only one part of the paper Advanced Bank Management.This course will give you insight intoModule Aa) Introduction to Economicsb) Economic Laws and Anlaysisc) Business Economicsd) Different Markets and Price Determinatione) Budget and Budget Linef) Elasticity of Demandg) Cost and Revenueh) Indian EconomyModule Bi) Time Value of Moneyj) Discounted Cash Flow Techniquesk) NPVl) Time Seriesm) Mean / Median and Moden) Standard Deviation / Dispersiono) Correlationp) Regression q) Linear Programmingr) SimulationOnly the topics mentioned above are discussed in this course.This course is structured in self paced learning style.Screen cast video lectures, hand writing notes on digital board are used in this lecture. This course is ideal for CAIIB Aspirants as it focuses on CAIIB Exam only."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Accounting A Complete Study for CA/CMA/CFA/ACCA/CS" |
"Who should take this course?Are you struggling in understandingAccounting concepts and techniques related to Branch Accounts, Departmental Accounts, Royalty Accounts, Hire Purchase Accounts, Accounting for Bills of Exchange, Consignment Accounting, Joint Venture Accounting, Investment Accounting, Insurance Claim Accounting, Accounting for Banking and Insurance Companies, Average Due Date, Account Current, etc? Are you a student pursuing professional courses like CA / CMA / CS / CFA /CPA / ACCA / CIMA / MBA Finance or are you a Finance Professional / Banker aspiring to excel in Accounting Techniques and rise to top in your career? Then this course is for you - Advanced Accounting A Study.Why you should take this course?By taking this course, you will be able to see practical side of Accounting concepts with lot many case studies to solve. Approaching complex topics through case studies is the best way to understand them and you will find lot many in this course.Theoretical back ground for each and every topic will be explained followed by numerous case studies and most of them will be past examination tested problems which will help you to excel in Academic Examinations as well as in real life.If you are an Accounting or Finance or Cost Accounting Executive, this course will help you to brush up your basics in Accounting and all the contents have immediate practical relevance and application. What you will learn by taking this course? This is a comprehensive course, covering each and every topic in detail. In this course,you will learn the Advanced Accounting concepts, theories, and techniques which deals with conceptual frame work. You will be exposed to following concepts and Techniques through various video lectures, quizzes and presentations: a) Branch Accountsb) Departmental Accounts c) Accounting for Royaltiesd) Accounting for Hire Purchase Transactionse) Self Balancing Ledgersf) Sectional Balancing Ledgersg) Accounting for Service Sectors, Project Accounting, etc.h) Accounting for Service Sectors like Software, ITES, Telecommunication, Entertainment, Hospital, Educational Institutions.i) Accounting for Special Transactions - Bill of Exchangej)Accounting for Special Transactions - Consignmentk)Accounting for Special Transactions - Joint Venturel)Accounting for Special Transactions - Sale of goods on Approval or Return Basism)Accounting for Special Transactions - Account Currentn)Accounting for Special Transactions - Investment Accountso)Accounting for Special Transactions - Insurance Claim (Loss of Stock and Loss of Profit)p) Accounting for Banking, Electricity and Insurance Companies.How this course is structured?This course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every section of this course is broken down as various micro lectures and then they are substantiated with examples and case studies. Several real world examples are used in this course through case studies. You'll gain authority on each and every topic as i take you through lectures one by one. This course is presented in simple language with examples. This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board / Note book / Talking head, etc). You would feel you are attending a real class. What are the pre-requisites for taking this course?You should have basic knowledge of Accounting. You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process. How this course will benefit you?At the end of the course, you will be able to solve various case studies in Advanced Accounting at ease with high level of confidence. This course will equip you for approaching above listed professional examinations with confidence as well hand real life problems with clarity. Happy Learning and Best Wishes!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Commerce A Complete Study" |
"Welcome to this course on Basics of Commerce A Complete Study.The very first disclaimer:This is an Academic Oriented Course with an intention to enable the student to understand the various aspects of Commerce so that they can prepare themselves for various academic examinations.In this course, you are going to understand as to What is Commerce and its related aspects. But why we should understand What is Commerce?""In Modern world, we are enjoying a very happy life and good standard of living because of development of commerce. Commerce provides all the things that are required to lead a happy life. Commerce refers to those activities which are necessary to bring goods and services from the place of their origin to their place of consumption.""So, what you will learn in this course?In this course, you will learn the following:Section 1: Introduction to Commerce:Meaning of barter system - definition of commerce -business-industry-trade-hindrances of trade-branches of commerce.Section 2: Internal Trade - Small Scale Retail Organisation:Home trade - wholesale and retail trade - middle men types of small retail organisation - street stalls - second hand goods dealers - speciality shopsSection 3:Internal Trade - Large Scale Retail Organisation: Types of large scale retail organisation - departmental stores - features - merits - demerits - multiple shops meaning - definition -features - consumer co-operative storesmail order business - hire purchase and instalment system - recent developments - web marketing -E-commerce - TeleshoppingSection 4: International Trade:International trade - meaning - need - merits anddemerits - differences between home trade and foreigntrade - types of foreign trade - import, export, entrepottrade with examples - import trade - procedure - intermediariesinvoled in import trade - indent house - clearing agents - exporttrade - procedure - intermediaries involved in export trade -commission agents - export and trading houses - globalisationmultinational company - WTO.Section 5: TransportMeaning of transport - importance of transport functionsof transport - types of transport - land - water - air - merits -demerits - private and public carrier - containerisation -documents used in transport - bill of lading - charter party -way bill - railway receipt - air way billSection 6: BankingNeed for banking - meaning of bank - kinds of banks -commercial banks - central bank - functions of commercialbanks - co-operative banks - indigenous bankers -Reserve Bank of India - functions - internet banking and EFT(electronic funds transfer ) cheque - definition - features -MICR cheques - crossing - kinds - endorsement - meaning -kinds of endorsement - dishonour of cheque - reasons - ATMcard - credit card.Section 7: WarehousingNeed of warehousing - meaning of warehouse andwarehousing - functions of warehousing - kinds ofwarehousing - private - public - co-operative - bonded -advantages - warehousing documents - warehouse warrant -dock warrant - dock receipt - delivery order - warehousekeepers receipt - warehousing in India and in Tamil Nadu.Section 8: Insurance:Necessity of insurance - meaning of insurance -insurance - assurance difference - principles ofinsurance - forms of insurance - life insurance - kinds oflife policies - surrender value and nomination -fire insurance - marine insurance - burglary insurance -mediclaim policy - privatisation of insurance - meaning -need and benefits.How this course is structured?This course is structured in self paced learning style. Video lectures (screencast) are used for explaining the concepts.Any Prior Knowledge is required?No Prior knowledge is required for taking this course.What are the basic equipmentrequired for this course?PC / Laptop / Tab / Mobile (Android / iOS) with good Internet Connection."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Brand Launch: Public Relations & Media Strategies" |
"This is the course you will need to understand how public relations can positively effect your brand. This course ""Fashion Brand Launch: Public Relations"" gives insight on what an entrepreneur needs to build a reputation that will allow one to build and maintain a strong audience.The 45 minute video course includes a formal presentation of strategies taught by Shawn Ward. The course will cover the following subjects:What is Public RelationsWhy Brands Need PRTypes of Media to PitchHow to Generate Media ExposureProduct PlacementCollaborationsEventsTypes of Coverage to ExpectThe course will allow every entrepreneur a chance to step back and make sure that your idea is one that can penetrate the marketplace. Rather your idea has been honed or is in the beginning stages, this 45 minutes will give every participant a clear starting point to make sure you carve out a niche in the market and have a reason to draw consumers to your brand.The course videos last a total of 45 minutes.The course is structured into 7 lectures.If you have any questions relating to the course, please feel free to contact me here on Udemy!Please don't forget to leave me a comment and a rating if you think it is appropriate to do so. :)If you enjoyed this Course you may like to consider my other Courses here on Udemy: Fashion Brand Launch: Corporate Filings & TrademarksTestimonials:~ Very informative. A great detailed overview of the necessities needed for launching a brand. Great amount of knowledge and insight presented. From practical to inspirational - Stevyn~ It was jam packed full of info I was really looking for! - Cassy~ Great visual aids & amazing webinar overall; extremely appreciative of the wealth of knowledge shared - Shayna~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ A lot of people start a business and don't know the first thing about starting a business, so this was helpful. - Crystal~ I really enjoyed this. I don't know much about business but have an Idea and dream so this is very helpful and I can follow. This will give me a guideline. Thank you - Mona~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ I LOVE WARD & FIFTH!! - TG"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Brand Launch: Product ID, Design & Development" |
"This is the course you will need to understand how to generate product identification characteristics to distinguish your brand from competitors.The 45 minute video course includes a formal presentation of strategies taught by Shawn Ward. The course will cover the following subjects:Product I.D.Product I.D. ExamplesProduct Design PlanProduct Development PlanSample Tech PackageProduct Offering TimelineFinal SuggestionsThe course is structured into 7 lectures.If you have any questions relating to the course, please feel free to contact me here on Udemy!Please don't forget to leave me a comment and a rating if you think it is appropriate to do so. :)If you enjoyed this Course you may like to consider my other Courses here on Udemy: Fashion Brand Launch: Corporate Filings & TrademarksTestimonials:~ Very informative. A great detailed overview of the necessities needed for launching a brand. Great amount of knowledge and insight presented. From practical to inspirational - Stevyn~ It was jam packed full of info I was really looking for! - Cassy~ Great visual aids & amazing webinar overall; extremely appreciative of the wealth of knowledge shared - Shayna~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ A lot of people start a business and don't know the first thing about starting a business, so this was helpful. - Crystal~ I really enjoyed this. I don't know much about business but have an Idea and dream so this is very helpful and I can follow. This will give me a guideline. Thank you - Mona~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ I LOVE WARD & FIFTH!! - TG"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Brand Launch: Pricing Your Products" |
"This is the course you will need to understand how to effectively price your product to increase brand value and sales. This course ""Fashion Brand Launch: Pricing Your Products"" gives insight on what an entrepreneur needs to know about the impact of effective pricing.The 45 minute video course includes a formal presentation of strategies taught by Shawn Ward. The course will cover the following subjects:Key DefinitionsPainting The PictureCalculating Landed, Wholesale, Retail, and Distributor PricingPricing ExampleDetermining Product Pricing for ProductsThe course will allow every entrepreneur a chance to step back and make sure that your idea is one that can penetrate the marketplace. Rather your idea has been honed or is in the beginning stages, this 45 minutes will give every participant a clear starting point to make sure you carve out a niche in the market and have a reason to draw consumers to your brand.The course videos last a total of 45 minutes.The course is structured into 7 lectures.If you have any questions relating to the course, please feel free to contact me here on Udemy!Please don't forget to leave me a comment and a rating if you think it is appropriate to do so. :)If you enjoyed this Course you may like to consider my other Courses here on Udemy: Fashion Brand Launch: Corporate Filings & TrademarksTestimonials:~ Very informative. A great detailed overview of the necessities needed for launching a brand. Great amount of knowledge and insight presented. From practical to inspirational - Stevyn~ It was jam packed full of info I was really looking for! - Cassy~ Great visual aids & amazing webinar overall; extremely appreciative of the wealth of knowledge shared - Shayna~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ A lot of people start a business and don't know the first thing about starting a business, so this was helpful. - Crystal~ I really enjoyed this. I don't know much about business but have an Idea and dream so this is very helpful and I can follow. This will give me a guideline. Thank you - Mona~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ I LOVE WARD & FIFTH!! - TG"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Brand Launch: Sourcing and Manufacturing" |
"This is the course you will need to understand how to effectively source and manufacture your product.The 45 minute video course includes a formal presentation of strategies taught by Shawn Ward. The course will cover the following subjects:Sourcing and Manufacturing PlanHomework AssignmentThe course will allow every entrepreneur a chance to step back and make sure that your idea is one that can penetrate the marketplace. Rather your idea has been honed or is in the beginning stages, this 45 minutes will give every participant a clear starting point to make sure you carve out a niche in the market and have a reason to draw consumers to your brand.The course videos last a total of 45 minutes.The course is structured into 7 lectures.If you have any questions relating to the course, please feel free to contact me here on Udemy!Please don't forget to leave me a comment and a rating if you think it is appropriate to do so. :)If you enjoyed this Course you may like to consider my other Courses here on Udemy: Fashion Brand Launch: Corporate Filings & TrademarksTestimonials:~ Very informative. A great detailed overview of the necessities needed for launching a brand. Great amount of knowledge and insight presented. From practical to inspirational - Stevyn~ It was jam packed full of info I was really looking for! - Cassy~ Great visual aids & amazing webinar overall; extremely appreciative of the wealth of knowledge shared - Shayna~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ A lot of people start a business and don't know the first thing about starting a business, so this was helpful. - Crystal~ I really enjoyed this. I don't know much about business but have an Idea and dream so this is very helpful and I can follow. This will give me a guideline. Thank you - Mona~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ I LOVE WARD & FIFTH!! - TG"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Brand Launch: Logistics and Insurance" |
"This is the course you will need to understand how to effectively manage the logistics of your brand.The 45 minute video course includes a formal presentation of strategies taught by Shawn Ward. The course will cover the following subjects:Fulfillment PlanDevelopment TimelineBusiness InsuranceThe course will allow every entrepreneur a chance to step back and make sure that your idea is one that can penetrate the marketplace. Rather your idea has been honed or is in the beginning stages, this 45 minutes will give every participant a clear starting point to make sure you carve out a niche in the market and have a reason to draw consumers to your brand.The course videos last a total of 45 minutes.The course is structured into 6 lectures.If you have any questions relating to the course, please feel free to contact me here on Udemy!Please don't forget to leave me a comment and a rating if you think it is appropriate to do so. :)If you enjoyed this Course you may like to consider my other Courses here on Udemy: Fashion Brand Launch: Corporate Filings & TrademarksTestimonials:~ Very informative. A great detailed overview of the necessities needed for launching a brand. Great amount of knowledge and insight presented. From practical to inspirational - Stevyn~ It was jam packed full of info I was really looking for! - Cassy~ Great visual aids & amazing webinar overall; extremely appreciative of the wealth of knowledge shared - Shayna~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ A lot of people start a business and don't know the first thing about starting a business, so this was helpful. - Crystal~ I really enjoyed this. I don't know much about business but have an Idea and dream so this is very helpful and I can follow. This will give me a guideline. Thank you - Mona~ Great, easy to understand and follow. - Joseph~ I LOVE WARD & FIFTH!! - TG"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"101 Strategies for the Gluten-Free Business Traveler" |
"If you are determined to stick to your gluten-free diet when you travel for business but don't want to rely on granola bars and coffee to get you through, this course is for you! I will share over 101 tips and tricks that have worked for me as I traveled the globe on a strict gluten-free diet. You will discover how eating fresh, whole foods and practicing some simple mindfulness techniques can help you overcome the fatigue, jet lag and headaches that we typically associate with long trips. In just under two hours, you will become more confident about avoiding gluten-contamination, steering clear of temptation-pitfalls and become a gluten-free travel expert. Connect with other business travelers in the discussion boards and commit to experimenting with your new knowledge and skills on your next trip."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sounds True Presents: Brainspotting" |
"This course is taught by Dr. David Grand, whos famous for his creation of Brainspotting, a powerful approach for creating change and healing at the neurological level by focusing on where a person is looking.Youll learn how to not only balance, but also enhance, the way the brain functions so that you can enjoy improved mental clarity, performance, relaxation, meditation, studying, and creativity.Whether you want to learn this method for yourself or youre a therapist in search of the best ways to encourage healing in your patients, this course will dive deep into Brainspotting and its many benefits.Learn Brainspotting to Heal Physical and Emotional AilmentsComprehend Brainspottings History and Most Effective ApplicationsLearn Brainspottings Three Modes: Gazespotting, Inside Window, & Outside WindowUse Brainspotting to Harness Neuroplasticity for Natural Healing in Yourself or Your PatientsHeal Trauma, Release Mental Blocks, and Maximize Creative and Physical PotentialTap into the Brains Power to Promote Natural HealingDr. Grand uses this course to reveal key insights that have allowed him to create a revolutionary therapeutic tool called Brainspotting. This new method has been making waves in the field of brain-based therapy and psychological health.Brainspotting combines talk therapys benefits with the brains power to promote rapid healing. It also focuses on the fact that where you look with your eyes relates directly to whats going on in your brain. Youll move through four sessions that will show you how to harness the brains self-scanning system. This will allow you to locate and resolve old traumas, overcome obstacles in physical performance, and unleash creativity.Contents and OverviewThis course starts off with an overview of Brainspottings history and application, including how it has been used to treat everyone from athletes and businesspeople, to artists and survivors of disasters.Dr. Grand will focus on showing you how Brainspotting can be applied to those suffering with mental health problems, particularly trauma. Youll also learn how it can be applied to anyone whos hoping to enhance their creative or athletic performance.Youll even view live demonstrations of Brainspotting coaching. This will allow you to really see the immediate benefits and understand how you can apply this technique on yourself or on one of your patients.To enhance other systems of psychological self-care or therapy, and to help spark effective, rapid change and healing, youll also master how to use the brains natural scanning system to promote healing naturally.By the end of this course, youll have a thorough understanding of Dr. Grands work in Brainspotting, and how this therapy can be used to overcome a variety of physical and emotional ailments.You will be able to apply Brainspotting techniques to promote healing, particularly if youre a therapist and you work with patients who have difficulty overcoming traumas or fears."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sounds True's Awakening a Joyful Heart with Meditation" |
"This course, which is taught by Jack Kornfield, a renowned Buddhist teacher and author, dives deep into Buddhist psychology so you can attain a true sense of peace and joy in your life.Modern neuroscience has already demonstrated the immense benefits that you can derive from a consistent meditation practice. This course will show you how to use the Buddhas meditations to awaken a loving, joyful, and compassionate heart.Jack Kornfield combines the best of Buddhist psychology with scientific and practical information, stories, exercises, and teachings to show you how you can keep your heart open, particularly during difficult times.Awaken Your Heart with Buddhist Meditative PracticesLearn Various Buddhist Practices to Awaken the Heart and MindShift from Negative Thoughts to Joy and CompassionUnderstand the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Benefits of MeditationCreate a Balanced, Compassionate, and Joyful Life Using Buddhas TeachingsThe lessons in this course are designed to bring ancient Buddhist teachings into the modern world.Youll learn practices and techniques that will help you befriend and forgive yourself, as well as others, so you can become more compassionate.Jack Kornfield will also show you how to invoke healing and the art of transforming so you can remove sorrows from your life and awaken to courage and joy.As you explore and implement these teachings, youll experience the clinical and personal benefits of a steady meditation practice that has been helping people for centuries.Contents and OverviewThis course contains a total of 3 sessions.In the first session, youll explore common problems faced by all people, such as self-hate and judgment of others, so you can begin to transform suffering into joy. Youll learn how a trained mind can heal you, and how the Buddhist model of awakening can replace fear, anxiety, and aggression.After tackling the essentials of healthy living, youll master a loving-kindness meditation to facilitate healing on an emotional and physical level.In session 2, youll dive into lessons on how to be more present in every moment, and the importance of respecting yourself and others.To put what youre learning into practice, youll move through a guided practice involving breathing with a partner. This powerful, transformative technique can be done on your own as well, and it will help you operate in a state of presence as you begin to train your mind.Session 3 presents the Brahmaviharas, which are the Buddhist virtues of compassion, equanimity, joy, and loving-kindness.Jack then shares how he was able to work with individuals who had experienced serious emotional, physical, mental, and sexual trauma. By following his example, you'll shift into a positive state of being while expanding your tolerance for others.By the time you complete this course, youll have a thorough understanding of what you can do to transform your mind, heart, and life, and youll begin to feel increasingly positive the more you practice what you learn.After experiencing a variety of meditative Buddhist practices, youll be able to nurture your spiritual growth and move into a more compassionate and loving state of being."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sounds True Presents: The Yoga of Awakening" |
"This course, by renowned yoga instructor and spiritual leader, Seane Corn, will guide you to the deeper dimensions of yoga.Youll discover your unique and vast potential, as well as your capacity for connection, empowerment, and consciousness.As you progress from a physical to an energetic practice, youll use yoga poses to tune into the body-mind connection within.In other words, youll develop a yoga practice that heals you not only physically, but also emotionally and energetically.Align Your Body and Chakras to Create a Strong Mind-Body ConnectionEstablish and Deepen a Yoga Practice for Body and MindUnblock the Seven Chakras for Emotional and Energetic WellnessDevelop a Profound Connection with Your Inner SelfUse Yoga to Encourage Physical, Emotional, and Energetic HealingSeane Corn has created this course to help you connect with your physical body before going deeper into your energetic body.Youll begin with foundational lessons in vinyasa flow yoga. As you create a foundation with this ancient practice, youll release tension and deepen your mind-body connection. Once you learn to harmonize breathing, movement, and awareness, youll release stuck emotions by working with your edges. This will lead to both physical and emotional strength and wellbeing.After harnessing the benefits of a physical practice, youll use yoga as a gateway to your chakras (seven energy centers in the body) to energetically heal. Contents and OverviewYoull begin this course with Seanes body-mind flow so that you can build yoga poses from the ground up. This will ensure the process will be safe and effective.Youll also master proper breathing with a lesson on ujjayi pranayama before you dive into vinyasa flow yoga and experience an all-levels practice.When ready, youll move onto lessons on how to further deepen your yoga experience, and youll also have the opportunity to move through an advanced practice.After youve completed the body-mind flow, you can move on to the chakra flow section of the course. At this point, youll be ready to go even deeper into the mind-body connection youve already established.Youll learn about the chakras, how they absorb and reflect information, and how they impact your health.When your seven chakras are blocked, youll feel unbalanced and unwell, so youll tackle how to open up and balance each chakra for physical and emotional wellness.By the time you complete this course, youll have a thorough understanding of the connection between the mind and body, as well as the impact that your thoughts have upon your health.Youll realize that theres no separation between body and mind, and youll know how to heal yourself by witnessing your thoughts, aligning your chakras, and allowing abundance to flow into your life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sounds True Presents: Body and Mind are One, Part 1" |
"This one-of-a-kind course is taught by Zen master Thch Nht Hnh, who is accompanied by two of his senior Dharma instructors, Brother Phap Hai and Sister Lang Nghiem. Throughout this program, youll work on broadening your understanding of, as well as your training in, the practice of mindfulness. As you move through the lectures, exercises, and meditations, youll also open yourself up to the wonders and richness of the present moment.In doing so, youll unite your body and mind and bring peace throughout your entire being. Learn How to Practice Mindfulness in Your Daily Life Discover Buddhist Teachings on Karma, the Three Jewels, & the Four Noble TruthsUnderstand Mindfulness Practice and Its BenefitsImplement a Mindfulness Meditation Practice Unite Your Body and Mind While Being Present in Each MomentThis course will teach you about important Buddhist teachings that will allow you to understand what mindfulness is, and how it can benefit your body, mind, and emotions. In addition to the lectures that dive into Buddhist philosophy and the unique energy of mindfulness, youll be asked to commit to two 15-minute meditation sessions each day. Youll also access exercises that will allow you to tap into your inner Self. These include questions for reflection, open-ended questions that can help you deepen your experience, and a journal to track your experiences during the course and beyond. Contents and OverviewYoull begin this course by generating collective mindfulness by reciting the name of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. This will prepare you for the exploration of the energies of the Buddha. After learning about mindfulness, concentration, and insight, youll discover the concept of co-being. This will set the foundation for other Buddhist philosophies, including the Four Noble Truths, the Three Jewels, and karma. The third section of the course is focused on mindful walking, so youll explore walking meditation to transform your experience and generate the energy of mindfulness.Youll also discover the power of sitting and how to generate mindfulness not only within yourself, but also as a part of your community, to transform and heal yourself and others. Finally, after youre comfortable with generating the energy of mindfulness in your physical body, youll be ready to explore the exercises of mindfulness practice for your mind and emotions.Youll understand how positive and negative seeds within you become weaker or stronger with mindfulness.By the time you complete this course, youll have a mindfulness practice that you can use daily to strengthen the connection between your mind and body, and between yourself and others.Youll be able to work with your emotions and your mind in a healthy, productive way, and embrace each moment with clarity and peace."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |