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"HTML 5 and CSS 3 Training Course for Beginners" |
"Finally, Learn the Basics of HTML and CSS Code So That You Can Edit HTML and CSS Easily - Even If You're A Techno Phobe. This course is designed to show you how you can quickly and easily learn the basics of HTML and CSS so you can survive the online world. If you want to setup any type of web page or landing page, you absolutely must know HTML. The reality is that even if you are using visual HTML editors, you will still run into basic coding issues that often prevent you from moving forward. Does that sound familiar to you? You've been running away from trying to learn basic HTML and CSS code because it just looks too complicated, but the reality is that these problems will appear over and over again. Soon you will find yourself running in circles frustrated! Learning just the basics of HTML code will allow you to create hyperlinks that link to other websites, add pictures, format your fonts and text, and make your content far more search engine friendly. CSS3 codes will allow you to create a web page with a lot of styling effects.Even when you encounter site builders or content management systems like WordPress, you will still need to know basic HTML and CSS code. The truth is that compared to a lot of other languages, HTML and CSS are the easiest to learn. So now is your chance - if youve always wanted to build web pages, but were intimidated by the code, this course will help you learn the basics so that you can survive and even thrive in the online world. By the end of the course you should feel confident enough that you can go out into the world and edit existing websites without having to hire an expensive coder. Grab this course now so you dont ever have to worry about whether you can get past technical web page roadblocks again!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deepfakes step-by-step with DeepFaceLab + Avatarify" |
"This course shows the current state of the art of future-oriented technology machine learning with a specific application, namely the exchange of faces in a video. This process is also known as deepfake.Deepfake videos are almost indistinguishable from real ones. In contrast to photos, until recently it was very time-consuming to manipulate videos in a photo-realistic manner. But that has been over at the latest since the triumph of machine learning:AI-based tools can also be used almost unnoticed in the moving image and exchange faces or put them on other bodies.We use the current tool DeepFaceLab step by step to change the face in a video,so that is looks deceptively real.And we also take a look at Avarify: Control Photorealistic avatars for video-conferencing in realtime.Are there any requirements or requirements for the course?No programming skills are requiredYou should have a computer with a mid-range Nvidia graphics card (4 GB VRAM)(only for DeepfaceLab, for Avatarify you can render the code remotely on a google server :-)Who is this course for?Beginners interested in machine learning - deepfakesAdvanced developers who want to generate their own deepfakesA view of what awaits you:Step-by-step instructions, we go through everything together Download the software Preparation of the data Training the model Exchange of faces Video generation and reviewHow do deepfakes work?Legal - Faked videosOther toolsAvatarifyThe course contains a concrete practical example.You not only learn the principle of deepfakes,but also how you apply it directly.Im not advocating the usage of Deepfake technology for illegal or unethical activities.Please only use in the legal frame. There is one lession about this point in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# Programming for Beginners" |
"This course will prepare you with the fundamental principles of how to program in C#. You will learn the following concepts: 1. Variables and Operators 2. Loops/Control Flow. 3. Arrays and Lists. 4. Working with Strings and Numbers. 5. File Upload/Downloading. 6. Error Interpretation. There will be a review and a capstone project to display your comprehension of this course. The capstone project that consists of creating a program that incorporates what was taught in previous lectures."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Juicing For Health with Jason Vale" |
"The Juice Master Class is an exciting video-based e-learning course, designed cover all aspect of juicing and Jason Vale's philosophies on health and disease, in an energetic and engaging way. The Juice Master Class will equip you the knowledge and tools to become an active advocate for juicing, enabling you to confidently communicate the benefits of juicing with others.IntroductionJason's StoryGoldfish BowlSymptoms v CausePharmageddon!Why Super Juice! Me! was madeWhy Juice?Juice Pharmacy15-Minute WorkshopIt's Not All About Juice!Juice It Forward"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"KPSS DGS Matematik Problemler (Soru Bankas)" |
"2020 KPSS Snavnda ve 2020 DGS Snavnda, Matematik netlerinizi artrmak ve problem zme becerilerinizi gelitirmek istiyorsanz KZ HOCALAR bir adm att ! ! imdi sra sende ..SYM'nin son yllarda KPSS ve DGS de km Sorular incelendiinde Rutin(Klasik) problemlere ek olarak Saysal Mantk Sorularna daha ok yer vermeye baladn gryoruz. Kurs mfredat dikkatle incelendiinde KPSS ve DGS Snavnda en ok sorulan soru tipleri ve problemler kronolojik olarak zlmtr.Kurs genelinde sorular grsel hafza teknikleriyle ve animasyon zmlerle desteklenerek en hzl zm teknikleri uygulanmtr. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Spagnolo-grammatica base" |
"Il corso mira ad offrire le conoscenze basilari per la comprensione e la produzione orale e scritta in spagnolo. Il primo modulo offre una panoramica dettagliata sulla fonetica e pronuncia spagnola,per arrivare poi attraverso gli altri moduli ad analizzare in modo dettagliato i pilastri della grammatica spagnolo. Un'attenzione particolare rivolta al verbo e ai suoi diversi tempi e modi."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Camtasia Studio 2019" |
"Camtasia studio 2019 ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Security Specialty Practice Tests" |
"AWS Certified Security Specialty Practice Tests course is for anyone who is looking for a study material before appearing the actual AWS Certified Security Specialty exam.AWS Certified Security Specialty Practice Tests provides the following:Covers all the topics required for the latest AWS Certified Security Specialty SCS-C01 Exam3 sets of practice tests with total 150 Questions i.e 50 questions each. and 180 minute time limitSimulates the actual exam environment and patternDetailed explanations and proper references to actual AWS documentation for you to refer and deep dive.Excellent support to all the queries and clarificationsMore value than the Official AWS Practice tests, which are costly and offer only 20 questionsIn addition to the above, Udemy provides a 30 day look in period and compatibility with Web and Smartphones.AWS Certified Security Specialty Practice Tests are prepared by a group of AWS Certified professionals, who have clear all the AWS Professionals and Specialty exams and have a wide industry experience.NOTE - Do not treat these AWS Certified Security Specialty Practice Tests as exam dumps, as it is not allowed to copy exam questions and memorisation would not help to clear the exam nor in actual job.We recommend you Practice all the tests multiple times and make sure you you score above 80% in each of themGo through each of the reference links and detailed explanation to make sure you understand the concepts for both the right and wrong answer.Finally, as always we strive to make the content as unique and accurate as possible, but with the fast pace changes in the Cloud space, some of the concepts and. documentation is bound to be stale. We appreciate you constant feedback to help improve us further.All the Best ..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kiisel Kriz Ynetimi" |
"Kriz, hayatmzda bir anda oluan,kiinin haberi olmayan, tahmin edilemeyen ya da tahmin edilse bile ne zaman olaca kestirilemeyen bir durumdur. Acil karar alnmasn gerektirir , var olan dzenin,hayatn hatta hedeflerin ileyiini dorudan etkiler. Evet, zamann kestirmek zordur ancak birtakm koruyucu nlemler ile mevcut durum en az zarar ile atlatlabilir. Aslnda ou zaman bu ynetimsizlik kriz ve sorunu birbirine kartrmamzdan kaynaklanyor . Kriz ve sorun birbiri ile karde ancak ayn kan tamalarna ramen birbirinden bir o kadar da bamsz.rnein Covid-19 Pandemisi bir krizdir,Evinizi su basmas erken dnemde bir sorundur.te tam da kriz durumlarnda ihtiyacmz olan ey kriz ynetimi uygulamaktr.Eer hali hazrda bir kriz ynetimi plannz zaten varsa uygulama sreleri iin bu eitim size yardmc olacaktr.Ancak oumuzun byle durumlara hazrl yoktur.Eer hi kriz ynetimi uygulamadysanz bu eitim sizin iin biilmi kaftandr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"PHP & MVC: Dveloppez vos applications web" |
"Vous souhaitez comprendre comment dvelopper des architectures rsilientes, la fois maintenables, testables et rutilisables? Je vous propose de vous guider dans la comprhension du MVC et vous donnerai d'autres conseils pour enrichir votre architecture. Nous mettrons en pratique tout a en PHP grce la cration d'un petit site web en utilisant ce type d'architecture"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Classical music appreciation: basics" |
"Hello and welcome!I decided to make this course with the purpose of giving tools: tools to follow better the more focused future ones, tools to make everyone able to better explore Classical Music on their own.We will discuss four major topics, what every classical music lover should learn and know: - the timeline of classical music: the periods that make it and their differences culturally and musically and the most important composers;- music's triple nature: the three elements music is made of and how they are connected;- the genres: the most common words you are going to find within the world of classical music, focusing on the different type of pieces most often played;- the orchestra: we will get familiar with all the instruments found in a large symphonic orchestra, learning to recognize their sound and their characteristics and personality.Since I am allergic to too much theory, I took some time to add a couple of in-depth music appreciation lectures, to integrate the informative ones.Join and enjoy!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Chanel inspired Fashionable Face Mask Sewing Tutorial" |
"Hi all,In this tutorial I am sharing my sewing and basic patternmaking skills in order to make a designer face mask. It's going to be a great present for all members of your family.This mask has 3 layers of fabrics in the tutorial and it fits you (as I am showing how to take your measurements). You can add more layers of fabrics if you want, it's all up to you.The idea of this mask came from making something fashionable and nice to the touch as I am making it out of natural fabrics: silk and cotton.This is a simple tutorial, but it requires to have a sewing machine. I am demonstrating on Juki DL8700, but any machine would work!Please don't hesitate to reach out to me, if you have any questions!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PARALEL MAKNE ZELGELEME SA Algoritma ile Optimizasyonu" |
"Optimization Of Job Scheduling On Parallel Machines By Simulated Annealing AlgorithmsPARALEL MAKNE ZELGELEME SA Algoritma ile Optimizasyonuletmelerin retim planlama faaliyetleri kapsamnda belirli bir dnem aralnda yaplacak ilerin sralarnn ve srelerinin belirlenmesi ki ounlukla ayn ii yapan birden fazla makina olmas sebebiyle ska rastlanan bir durumdur sonuta hangi iler iin hangi makina daha uygun olduunun belirlenmesi ve makinalarda ilerin sralanmasn tahsis edilerek optimum retim hedeflerini yakalama almalar olarak tanmlanabilir."
Price: 349.99 ![]() |
"Sirtaki Balang Seviyesi" |
"Mzikleri ile de ok keyifli olan bu Yunan dans ile tanmak isteyenleri bekliyoruz. Bu kursta sirtaki dansnn temel hareketini, playa, kimata, kilit, topuk ve gonia hareketlerini reneceksiniz. Toplam 3 saat srecek kursumuz 36 dersten oluuyor. Hareketleri rettiimiz videolarla, birebir uygularak renebilecek ve pratik derslerinde, farkl hzlardaki mziklerle hareketleri deneyimleyebileceksiniz. Eitim ieriini hi dans tecrbesi olamayan kiilere gre oluturduk. Bu nedenle herkesin rahatlkla renebileceini dnyoruz. Kursumuzda grmek dileiyle."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness Power Blueprint - Mindfulness Through Meditation" |
"Are you struggling with your life? Want to get back your self confidence? Are you losing your inner peace?If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, then you are at the right place!!!This course is RIGHT for you to achieve the mindfulness. In this course, you will discover how to achieve mindfulness with simple but powerful meditation techniques which you can practice in daily life and lead life in a better way.Learn from the Certified Instructor: Peeratchaya Sunthonkamchanphanit! Peeratchaya is a certified coach and expert in training people on Mindfulness, Energy Healing, NLP and Emotional Hypnotizing.This course is designed for anyone. This course is ideal for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Energy Healers, Students, and anyone who is curious about knowing how to achieve mindfulness with meditation and want to get benefited.This course will help you to discover the SEVEN steps simple but powerful formula to align the conscious and unconscious mind to work together. When your brain and unconscious mind are aligned to work together, you will find miracles in yourself. You will become the best version of yourself, manifest your best life with the mindset of abundance, mindfulness, meditation, increase confidence, increase self-esteem, and release negative emotions.What is mindfulness?Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by whats going on around us.While mindfulness is something, we all naturally possess, mindfulness is more readily available to us when we practice daily. The goal of mindfulness is to wake up to the inner workings of our mental, emotional, and physical processes.By building mindfulness into your daily life, you can practice mindfulness even when you are too busy to meditate.What is meditation?Meditation is exploring. It is not a fixed destination. Your head does not become vacuumed free of thought, utterly undistracted. It is a special place where each moment is momentous. When we meditate, we venture into the workings of our minds, our sensations, our emotions, and thoughts.Mindfulness meditation asks us to suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind, approaching our experience with warmth and kindness, to ourselves and others.Mindfulness and meditation will help to free your mind. Mindfulness puts you in touch with your experience. Mindfulness and meditation give new ideas and it involved curiosity, openness, and acceptance. Mindfulness and meditation also improve your ability to focus.How great it would be If you can stay happy even when a lot of changes are happening with your life? If you can face all the problems in life with confidence and with a positive approach? If you are energized and enthusiastic in every situation and can reach a success every time? If you reach all your dreams in the present and in the future?All of these can happen when the brain and unconscious mind completely work together. This course will help you understand how the brain and mind work, and how you can alien the brain and mind together. When the brain and unconscious mind completely work together, you can automatically apply the power from your unconscious mind.How can the power of unconscious mind affect your life? You will see possibilities by being able to automatically look pass problems You will be able to be aware of your emotions and how to manage the emotions well You will have the potential to think faster, do faster, manage things faster and at the same time You will access to good luck as good coincidences will happen more often in your life because the filter in your brain begins to look for ways to receive good luck You will have the mind that is prepared for all circumstances because your unconscious mind will create immense energy to prepare you to be able to cope with any kind of changeIn this course, you will learn to adjust and tune in your brain and unconscious mind to work together. These 11 lessons consist of 24 video clips, they have been well constructed and you can keep re-watching them as much as time as you want.How to get most from this class? Finish watching each video in serial order. Do not worry about the parts that you dont understand because you will be able to understand all parts gradually with time. Once you have finished listening to the whole course in the 1st time, you will start to understand things and situations that happen in your life. Your energy will start to adjust and improved at least 30% If you want to keep improving your energy, you can watch lessen 6 through 11 again. And practice what you learn from lesson 11 every night before bed for better results. Around 1 week after you can repeat the videos from lesson 6 through 11 one more time, for better energy adjustment.This class was designed and aimed for learning to adjust the brain and unconscious mind to work together to apply energy and power from your unconscious mind. So, in this class, it is important to listen intentionally without worrying if you can understand everything for the first time. Eventually, you will gradually understand everything in a deeper level as you keep learning.This is the only fundamental class to adjust your unconscious mind and energy for you to be able to use the energy. This course provides you are the simple meditation techniques for you to use in your daily life.After taking this course, you will realize the positive change in your life!You will know how meditation can help to achieve mindfulness in life. You will experience the inner peaceful. You will be more self confidence in your life!So, what are you thinking? Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button.You have 30 days money-back guarantee and lifetime access to the course!!! See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Grade 9 Math Techniques for Secondary Students" |
"At the end of this course the students will be able to:Number Sense and Algebra: demonstrate an understanding of the exponent rules of multiplication and division, and apply them to simplify expressions; manipulate numerical and polynomial expressions, and solve first-degree equations.Linear Relations: apply data-management techniques to investigate relationships between two variables; demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of a linear relation; connect various representations of a linear relation.Analytic Geometry: determine the relationship between the form of an equation and the shape of its graph with respect to linearity and non-linearity; determine, through investigation, the properties of the slope and y-intercept of a linear relation; solve problems involving linear relations.Measurement and Geometry: determine, through investigation, the optimal values of various measurements; solve problems involving the measurements of two-dimensional shapes and the surface areas and volumes of three-dimensional figures; verify, through investigation facilitated by dynamic geometry software, geometric properties and relationships involving two-dimensional shapes, and apply the results to solving problems."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Timelapse professionali con LrTimelapse e Lightroom" |
"LrTimelapse il programma pi professionale e completo per creare video timelapse in condizioni di luce particolari (come alba e tramonto) nonch per qualsiasi video timelapse in genere.Usato sia da appassionati del settore che da professionisti, un software che ci permette di editare la nostra sequenza timelapse in maniera semplice e veloce grazie alla possibilit di interfacciarsi con Ligthroom per l' editing dei keyframes - fotogrammi chiave scelti da noi in LrTimelapse - e per la possibilit di apportare la modifica ai restanti fotogrammi attraverso lo strumento ""Transizione automatica"" tra i keyframes. Questo ci permette di creare la sequenza video con pochi click.Con LrTimelapse abbiamo un'anteprima visiva di come sar il nostro video ancor prima di effettuare il rendering in modo da apportare tutte le modifiche che vogliamo senza esportare ogni volta i nostri video. Inoltre ci permette di ridurre il flicker, un fenomeno per il quale certi video creati con sequenze di immagini (come i timelapse e gli stopmotion) presentano delle leggere variazioni di luminosit che provocano uno sfarfallio. Lo strumento ""deflicker"", quindi, aiuta a diminuire questo sfarfallio e a rendere la visione pi piacevole."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"30 Tipps fr interaktive virtuelle Meetings" |
"Alle 4 Minuten!Die Forschung sagt: Interagieren Sie mit Ihrem virtuellen Publikum alle 4 Minuten! Andernfalls werden die Teilnehmer zum Beispiel E-Mails nebenbei beantworten!In dieser Schulung haben wir einige Ideen fr Sie zusammengestellt, wie Sie Ihre Teilnehmer whrend eines virtuellen Meetings auf kreative Art und Weise bei der Stange halten knnen.Die Schulung bietet weiterhin wichtige Impulse fr die Zusammenarbeit in einem multikulturellen Team. Worauf muss ich achten, wenn Teammitglieder aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen kommen? Solche und hnliche Fragen werden adressiert und dienen dazu, Ihr Team zu strken und Vertrauen aufzubauen.Probieren Sie die Tipps aus. Dann werden Sie genauso viel Spa an Ihren Meetings haben, wie wir mit unseren.IhrMatthias HolighausP.S. Wichtig: In der Schulung wird immer wieder die Plattform Zoom erwhnt. Das ist eine der meist genutzten Online-Plattformen, welche viele hilfreiche Funktionen integriert. Im Laufe der Schulung knnen nur grundstzliche Ideen und Konzepte weitergegeben werden, die aber Plattform-bergreifend eingesetzt werden knnen. Detailierte Erklrungen, wie die einzelnen Funktionen Schritt-fr-Schritt in der Online-Plattform funktionieren, wrden hier den Rahmen sprengen. Gerne knnen Sie mich am Ende des Kurses fr weitere Infos kontaktieren!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"2020 Wordpress WooCommerce ile Kod Yazmadan E-Ticaret Sitesi" |
"Bu eitimi hazrlarken rencilerin ihtiyalarn net olarak karlayabilcek bir eitim sunmay amaladm. E-Ticaret sitesinden renciler rn satmay amalar. Bu eitim sayesinde Wordpress'in kurulumundan bir deme yaplp sipari alnncaya kadar tm aamalar gsterdim.Hi bir cretli tema veya eklenti kullanmadm. Herkesin bilgisayar banda herhangi bir temaya veya eklentiye deme yapmadan kurabilmelerini amaladm.Daha nce defalarca kez aktif bir WooCommerce sayfas kurduum iin en ok karlalan problemlere hakimim bu konular burada aydnlattm.Kesinlikle her seviyeden kiinin yapabilmesine uygun.Hazr bir tema kullanmadm. nk istediiniz her tasarm yapabilmeniz iin cretsiz Siteorigin eklentisini gsterdim.Yasal olarak gerekli sayfalar hakknda bir video hazrladm ve eitime dahil ettim.Trkiye'de online deme alabilceiniz platformlarn kurulumunu gsterdim.10. Bu eitim videosu gelimekte ve geliimini devam ettirmektedir. Amacm bu eitimin Wordpress Woocommerce asndan baucu eitiminiz olmas ve eitim bittikten sonrada belirli konularda ihtiyacnz olduka ziyaret etmenizdir.Wordpress dnya zerinde en ok kullanlan web yazlmdr. Bir ok farkl tipte proje iin kullanlmaktadr. Dnya'nn en dev firmalarndan amatr bir ie kadar bir ok sektrde kullanlr. Wordpress bilen personeller dnya zerinde bir ok tipte i grubu ierisinde istihdam salayabilirler. Etimimizde Wordpress kurulumu sonras Wordpress'in en popler eklentilerinden biri olan WooCommerce e-ticaret eklentisini detayl bir ekilde reniyoruz.Wordpress gelitirilmeye ok uygun bir yazlmdr. Gerek kendi ekirdek ekipleri gerekse d kaynaklardan gelen eklenti ve temalar sayesinde wordpress ve tabiki beraberinde WooCommerce uzun vadede geerli bir yazlm renmek isteyenler iin olduka idealdir.WooCommerce dnya'nn her yerinde olduka poplerdir. Bunun en byk sepelerinden biri WooCommmerce iersinde bulunan eklentiler yerel blgelere gre zelletirilebilmektedir. Yani yerel ihtiyalara gre web sayfanz optimize edebilirsiniz.Hasan ar Gngr"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Cognition Rehabilitation for Neurological Conditions" |
"This course will cover common difficulties in social cognition (e.g., mentalising, emotion recognition, social problem-solving) in both acquired and progressive neurological conditions in adulthood, and contemporary approaches to the rehabilitation of these difficulties. The main characteristics and theoretical underpinnings of the dominant approaches to social cognition rehabilitation are outlined, plus links and overlaps with the psychotherapy literature. The second half of the course explores the impact of different social cognition difficulties for different forms of social relationships around adults with neurological conditions, plus the application of specific rehabilitation strategies unique to each social relationship."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Cyber & Criminal Law in Digital World-Practice Test" |
"I have carefully designed this Advance Practice Test based on my separate Video Lectures on fundamentals of Cyber Law /IT Act 2000 in the context to digital world, Cyber Space, Interface Technology, concept of jurisdiction, legal issues in E-commerce, understanding of Cyber Crimes, Indian Penal Law, Indian law on obscenity and pornography, Penalties and offences under IPC, Investigation and adjudication issues, digital evidences. This course is required for all Law students and professionals working in the field of IT, HR, Bank, Software development, Media, Govt / NGO for enhancing their career opportunities as certification as well as understanding the Cyber Law.Lecture 1:-a. Cyber Crime and Digital world and Cyber Safetyb. Understand hacking in legal contextc. Cyber crime and digital world and cyber safetyd. Understand security related crimesLecture 1-ConclusionLecture 2:-a. Cyber crimes and the IT Act, 2000Lecture 3:-a. Cyber Law and TerrorismLecture 4:-a. Cyber Crimes: Tr ending Challenges And EmergenceLecture 5:-b. Information Technology Act, 2000Lecture 6 :- Case Study Cyber LawThis Practice Test is based on my Separate video Lectures -Total-45 Lectures with briefing of Current Case-StudyTotal 60- Objective-Test Questions with Answer"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Aula de atividade fsica - Treinamento em casa" |
"Curso de atividade fsica com 115 vdeos de treinamento feitos em casa, sem equipamentos, utilizando materiais que temos na nossa residncia e utilizando o peso do corpo.Separados em trs nveis: iniciante, intermedirio e avanado.Aulas de alongamento, aquecimento, treinos de perna, brao, ombro, peito, abdmen.Treinos de emagrecimento, resistncia e hipertrofia muscular."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Karate Jutsu Level 1 Certificate Course" |
"Learn the basics of Karate Jutsu & understand all the essential elements to becoming a solid Karate Jutsuka! Karate is not about becoming a World Champion, but simply be able to protect yourself out in the streets.Towards the entire of your lectures, you have the option of getting yourself an Official Kyu (Grade) under us.Hope to see you in our course, ! (Arigatogozaimasu!)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Digiuno ad acqua" |
"Digiuno ad acqua spiegato da un'esperta igienista naturale che pratica i digiuni (anche lunghi) da anni. Imparerai non solo la teoria ma anche la pratica. Ti sveler tutti i piccoli segreti e i trucchetti da adottare durante il tuo digiuno. Questo corso una guida completa per chi vuole approcciarsi al mondo della medicina alternativa e sperimentare con i digiuni. Il corso spiegato in modo semplice e diviso per lezioni."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Disegna e pianifica la vita dei tuoi sogni" |
"Mi chiamo Justine e sono una traduttrice e viaggiatrice. Negli ultimi 20 anni ho visitato quasi tutti i continenti. Sono perfettamente in grado di aiutarti a cambiare vita. Le informazione che ti dar hanno servito a me in primis, dato che l'anno scorso ho cambiato vita e attualmente sto vivendo il mio sogno a Dubai. Il corso una guida pratica che ti permetter di fare il grande passo. Ti sar spiegato passo per passo come trasferirsi all'estero. Conoscerai i criteri pi importanti per la scelta del paese, farai il tuo business plan, imparerai come acquistare e risparmiare sui voli, sui viaggi e sugli alloggi.Ci occuperemo nel dettaglio della sicurezza e dei visti nei paesi stranieri.Conoscerai l'arte del minimalismo che sar la chiave del tuo successo. Che cosa aspetti? Molla tutta e inizia a vivere la vita dei tuoi sogni!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Modern Guide for HIV & AIDS" |
"Do you know that there are as many as 36.7 million people living with HIV/AIDS across the globe? What's more astonishing is that 1 in 5 people with HIV don't even know they have it.This course aims to shatter the stigma of HIV, which is often more harmful than the diagnosis itself. We have come a long way since HIV was first discovered and diagnosed. This course is for any sexually active person over the age of 16 to understand the specifics of HIV, how to prevent transmission, and how to live a better life if diagnosed.This 16 section course gives you the facts, helpful tips & the information needed to have more productive conversions with your health care practitioner.So, what topics do we cover?Here's an overview of what you can expect from the modern HIV courseHow Does HIV get transmittedUnderstand HIV and Aids (and the difference)Conventional & Alternative Treatment OptionsUsing Diet & Exercise To Boost Immune SystemTraveling Guidelines For HIV PatientsManaging Your ExpectationsManaging Stress while being HIV PositiveHow To Talk About Your IllnessAdopting a Positive Mindset Towards LifeGuidelines For HIV CaregiversDealing With HIV StigmaHIV and WorkplaceHow to feel accepted and that you belongReady to shatter the stigma? Start living a better life today- Register now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Breastfeeding Preparation" |
"This course is intended for mums interested in breastfeeding and mums that have fallen into difficulty. This course is the perfect way to prepare for breastfeeding from the comfort of your own home. The course answers many of the most commonly asked questions such as, how do I know if my baby is getting enough? How often should I be feeding my baby? What does a good latch look like? What does the first feed look like? You will learn about different breastfeeding holds as well as some of the common concerns or road bumps you may come across on your breastfeeding journey and how to spot them. You will also get a comprehensive booklet with some info not covered in the class."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Chakras" |
"En este curso aprenderemos sobre el sistema energtico del cuerpo, los chakras y su funcin en nuestra vida, aprenderemos ejercicios para equilibrarlos y adems conoceremos a fondo su relacin y funcin con nuestro cuerpo fsico, mental y emocional. Primero analizaremos la teora general que nos apoyara a entender la forma en la que funcionan los chakras, para despus observar y aprender uno por uno sus funciones fsicas, mentales y emocionales, as como los efectos que tienen en nosotros al estar desequilibrados."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sabidura femenina para el ciclo menstrual" |
"Bienvenidas a este maravilloso taller que busca adentrarnos en la sabidura ancestral femenina para as conectar con nuestro ciclo menstrual.Aqu aprenderemos a:* Conocer nuestro ciclo desde un enfoque biolgico* Conocer nuestro ciclo desde un enfoque energtico* Aprender sobre las 4 fases por las que transitamos durante el ciclo* Confeccionar calendarios menstruales circulares* Utilizar los registros del ciclo como mtodo anticonceptivo* Meditacin sobre cada una de las fasesTe acompao durante todo el tiempo que ests haciendo el curso y estoy disponible para responder dudas todo el tiempo "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"More Than a Healthy Baby: How to Cope with Birth Trauma" |
"Have you had an overwhelming, scary, and confusing birth experience? You are not alone. 1 in 3 people will experience a traumatic birth. Wondering what on earth just happened to you and where to even start? Not sure what you need, or if youre even ready to talk to someone? Does the idea of being handed a pamphlet with a lotus flower and being told that ""all that matters is a healthy baby"" make you want to puke? Want to have a little stalk into what a Psychologist might offer? Want to know what tools I used to cope with my own two traumatic births? Want to know what tools other parents have used to find strength and growth?This course is not therapy. Its not a replacement for being responsible for your own healing and trauma work. This is not the course for you if you are looking for the words healed, recovered, or (ick) cured. What Im offering you is something other than pity, clichs and blaming. In Section 1, I give you (and your partner and/or family) education and information about what birth trauma is, why did it happen, and what you need to know about trauma being your biggest teacher for growth. In Section 2, I teach you practical, life-long strategies for coping. I know that they work because I've been teaching them as a psychologist for 10+ years experience. These are also things that I use myself. We cover strategies from CBT, Mindfulness and Meditation, ACT, Guided Imagery, DBT, Positive Psychology, embodiment practices and more. In Section 3, I'll give you the pros and cons of different treatment approaches, tips and advice for further support options. How to find support, and what questions to ask. Its beautiful, hopeful, bright and bold. I swear, I laugh. I teach you that doing work on your trauma doesnt have to be heavy. You can do it while sitting on your couch in your pjs. I would love to show you that you're not broken. That the strongest, most beautifully resilient version of yourself is yet to come."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |