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"Curso Experto en Marketing Afiliado" |
"Te doy la bienvenida a este mdulo de capacitacin en marketing afiliado!Durante las lecciones que te encontrars a continuacin me voy a asegurar de que, independientemente de cul sea tu modelo de negocio, ya slo con esta lnea de trabajo tengas rentabilidad como para poder dedicarte a esto nicamente.Aun as, te dir que yo soy una fan absoluta de crear marca, de tener tus propios productos o servicios y generar tu propio valor. Me parece la forma ms divertida y sostenible de emprender, pero esta es una cuestin de preferencias personales.Sin embargo, el modelo de negocio basado en el marketing afiliado es un modelo fantstico en ciertas situaciones. Por ejemplo:Cuando ests empezando, y ya empiezas a tener una audiencia pero todava no te has puesto a crear tus propios productos, de modo que necesitas un sistema para ir generando ingresos desde ya.Cuando ya tienes tu negocio montado y quieres complementarlo con lneas adicionales para generar ingresos de forma colateral e integrada en tu trabajo habitual.El marketing afiliado tiene un potencial de generacin de ingresos muy alto si lo haces bien. Y tiene la enorme ventaja de poder facturar sin haber creado tu propio producto.Bien! No me voy a enrollar ms. Empecemos a hacer marketing de afiliados ya."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Parking Lot Meditation - centering for stress management" |
"What is The Parking Lot Meditation?This is a short meditation that you can do in publicAnywhere you can sit and close your eyesfor a few minutesI learned it from Serge Kalihi KingAnd its based upon the Piko Piko or point-to-point or center-to-center breathing of his Huna tradition.This is a very useful meditation for any time you feel emotional and otherwise off and need to centerI would often use this meditation in the parking lot, behind the wheel of my parked car.Before heading back into work after lunch to calm myselfBefore facing the dumpster fires, I knew I would face there.It is one of the best methods I know to get quickly centeredto calm the emotionsto come back to yourselfto feel safe, secure, and in a place where you can handle anything and everything.How is this easier than other forms of meditation?This meditation can be done sitting, standing, or lying down.No equipment is necessary.The routine is simple and gives a point of focus for your mind.The routine is easy to do and relaxing.You simply go from point to point, inhaling and exhaling, and adding visualization, if you wish.What are the benefits of this meditation?This meditation can be done anytime, anywhere without calling attention to yourself. It is the easiest system to learn that I know of. It is the easiest way I know of to calm down and relax the mind.Why learn meditation?Simple to learn,Easy to do.Gives you one more stress-management tool to help you deal with chaos.Who is teaching?My name is David Burch.Im a former Information Technology Professional, turned certified Tai Chi & Qigong Instructor.I am a Certified Teacher of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi Easy, which is recommended by the National Counsel on Aging (NCOA).I have attended over 500 hours of in-person, intensive training in Qigong and Tai Chi.Ive been interesting in Qigong since I was a teenager.In midlife, I encounter two healing crises: First, my liver shut down. A few years later, I was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease, formerly known as End Stage Renal Failure.Striving to improve my health, I rediscovered Qigong and Ive been practicing daily now for well over 10 years.I have also learned other mind-body practices, like Huna, which work well with Qigong.When can I expect results?The amazing thing about this exercise is that you should feel calm and centered after a few rounds, which takes only a few minutes. If not, you just keep on going until you do.What will I learn?You will watch an instruction video that shows you how to do this exercise. I have two videos, one showing the points from the front and one showing the points from the back. Left and right don't matter for this, but I have two different videos, just in case the mirroring is confusing. Just choose the video that resonates with you. You can download the videos and take them with you, as video and audio to practice along with me.It won't take you long though before it will be ingrained through practice and you won't need anything."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso Facebook e Instagram ADS na Prtica" |
"Aprenda na pratica de uma vez por toda como vender todos os dias no Facebook e Instagram, saiba otimizao avanada de anncios, venda mais e gaste menos, coloque mais dinheiro no seu bolso. Seja um especialista no Facebook ADS e Instagram.Ganhe mais Dinheiro vendendo seus produtos e serviosGanhe tambm oferecendo seus servios de publicidade online para as empresas. Imagine voc vendendo mais todos os dias seus servios e produtos e destacando seus anncios com estratgias AVANADAS de Segmentao no Facebook ADS: Pixel de Converso, LookLike, Remarketing, Pblicos Personalizados, como vender para a Classe A, B, C, etc. Vou pegar na sua mo e lhe mostrar como eu fao meus anncios que j geraram centenas de reais em vendas, voc ver minha tela aberta de anncio e poder copiar para o seu negcio, simples assim! Voc Quer Vender mais e melhorar os Resultados de seu Anncios?Sua Empresa vai Falir sem Vendas e Resultados! Sei que voc no quer isso para seu Negcio, ento comece a mudar agora esse jogo! No vamos te ensinar Frmulas Mgicas e nem te prometer algo que no possvel de fazer como faz a maioria por a, mas ns vamos lhe entregar uma estratgia prtica que faz a sua mensagem chegar no seu pblico alvo, gastando menos e faturando mais.Presta ateno vou abrir minha tela do gerenciador de anncios do facebook e voc aprender na prtica como criar as estratgias para seus produtos e servios, basta voc copiar e colar, nada mais que isso. Nossas estratgias de vendas no Facebook ADS e Google j geraram centenas de reais de lucro. No precisa acreditar em mim. Veja nossos Resultado!Veja abaixo os resultados que sua agncia ou seu negcio tero: Vender mais os produtos ou servios dos seus clientes no Facebook ADS com com uma estratgia matadoras investindo a partir de R$5,00 por dia. Ganhar tempo e velocidade com nossas Estratgias avanadas prontas para voc e sua equipe marketing digital ou agncias de publicidade podem copiar e j aplicar.GARANTA J A SUA VAGA, CLIQUE EM FAZER A MATRCULA AGORA!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Financial Analysis in Excel: Debt Management Ratios" |
"Financial Analysis in Excel: Debt Management RatiosLearn Excel modelling to analyze financial statements for the assessment of a firm's debt management performance> Do you use or plan to use spreadsheet software like Excel for financial analysis, modelling, and valuation? > Do you have issues in understanding the concept of debt management and firm performance? > Are you a (personal/business) financial decision maker who needs to learn financial statement analysis? > Do you calculate financial ratios but do not know how to create a model of those calculations in Excel? > Do you calculate financial ratios but do not know how to interpret those? > Are you planning for being a professional financial analyst like CFA in the area of Finance? > Are you a manager, investor, creditor, supplier, regulator, or any other stakeholder of a business organization? If your answer is 'YES' to any one of the above questions, THIS COURSE IS THE PERFECT ONE FOR YOU TO START WITH... What you'll learn:Explain different debt management ratiosMathematical definition of the debt management ratiosCalculate the debt management ratios in Excel using publicly available financial statementsInterpret the debt management ratios of a firmAssess a firm's debt management performance over time and in comparison to cross-sectional standards This course consists of several video lectures that will be updated over time and based on students' requests, quizzes at the end of every section for testing your level of understanding, and additional resources. The lectures contain explanations of necessary concepts along with examples and illustrations. The instructor welcomes his students for continuous discussion with him. Any sort of input for improving the course is also appreciated. He also expects your positive and genuine review and rating of the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Data Visualization using Python" |
">>> Arduino Data Visualization using Python: Step by step is a course specially created for Electronic Geeks & Engineers who want to take Arduino Programming and Data Manipulation to next level. <<<Welcome to this course.The course lesson will explain How to work on Arduino Data using Python Scripting by using Python Language and PythonEnvironment. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. You will learn how to interface the Arduino with your Computer and Control it using Python and how to manipulate Arduino Data easily.You will get to create a GUI using Python to control each and every single Pin inside Arduino, turn on and off outputs and visualize dataWhy You Should Join this course?Because Arduino on its own won't give you much data control, you just get basic Input/Output control, while mixing it with the Powerful Python programming environment will help you unleash its full potential and have full data control.Youll learn how to:Write Python code to draw a GUI to Control Arduino PinsWrite Python code to collect readings from ArduinoVisualize Data in many ways using a Python coded visual interfaceHow to read Arduino InputOutput pins statesHow to draw a plot to monitor Arduino pinsHow to store Sensors data to Excel file for further processingAnalyze and Convert Sensor Readings as neededAt the end of this course, you can create Innovative Projects. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Applied Statistics in Python for Machine Learning Engineers" |
"The machine learning engineer is the single most in-demand job on earth, according to top job board indeed. My name is Mike West and I'm a machine learning engineer in the applied space. I've worked or consulted with over 50 companies and just finished a project with Microsoft. I've published over 50 courses and this is 51 on Udemy. If you're interested in learning what the real-world is really like then you're in good hands.A machine learning engineer cannot be eective without an understanding of basic statistical concepts and statistics methods, and an eective practitioner cannot excel without being aware of and leveraging the terminology and methods used in the sister eld of statistical learning.Developers dont know statistics and this is a big problem. Programmers dont need to know and use statistical methods in order to develop software. Software engineering and computer science courses generally dont include courses on statistics, let alone advanced statistical tests.Machine learning practitioners eventually realize the need to master statistics. This might start with a need to better interpret descriptive statistics or data visualizations and may progress to the need to start using sophisticated hypothesis tests. The problem is, they dont seek out the statistical information they need. Instead, they try to read through a text book on statistics or work through the material for an undergraduate course on statistics. This traditional approach is overly complicated, slow because it covers a breadth and depth of material on statistics that is beyond the needs of the machine learning practitioner.In this course you'll learn applied statistics for machine learning. The course will focus on the knowledge of statistics you need for your machine learning projects. You'll be able to take what you've learned and apply it to your real-world problems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn Sales Navigator: La herramienta para ventas B2B" |
"LinkedIn Sales Navigator est para aumentar tus ventas y desarrollo empresarial. Esta gua es para ensearte, paso a paso, los pormenores (y mayores) de esta poderosa plataforma que sobresale entre todas como generadora de leads y ventas B2B.Ya que ests aqu, solo te lo reaseguro: difcil que haya otra plataforma para encontrar tus clientes ideales con ms facilidad, reduzca riesgo de ventas o recopile informacin clave a nivel global. La razn por la que ests aqu, no?Si eres vendedor o emprendedor, sin importar tu edad o experiencia, el mercado de hoy demanda que tengas una presencia online. Y mientras ms activa y eficiente esa presencia es, ms probable que encuentres tus clientes ideales, reduzcas riesgos de ventas y cierres tratos que incrementen tus ganancias y negocios.Pero, cmo se usa mejor el LinkedIn Sales Navigator? Cmo hacer que sus opciones y algoritmos boten los mejores resultados posibles? Cmo generar leads que sea de tu inters y te ganen las ventas deseadas al final del da? Esas y ms respuestas se responden fcil. En menos de 2 horas esta compilacin precisa te llevar de lo ms simple a las cosas ms avanzadas. Y creme, no es nada difcil. Pues s, cursar y dominar el Sales Navigator es una apuesta segura para el futuro, cercano y lejano.Usando LinkedIn Sales Navigator podrs encontrar prcticamente cualquier compaa, de cualquier industria, tamao y ubicacin en el mundo. Pero primero, debes aprender a buscar apropiadamente.Una vez des con esos ansiados contactos de ventas, organizarse es clave para volver a ellos y hacer contacto con tus posibles clientes; es ah cuando crear y organizar listas de cuentas entra en juego, y con claros y sencillos ejemplos ten por seguro, estars acumulando carpetas rpido y sin esfuerzo (tu trabajo entonces ser filtrarlas y empezar a contactar tus leads).Quieres generar leads eficientemente? Hecho. Reducir riesgos de ventas y dejar los cold emails y llamadas? Hecho. Bsqueda avanzada para leads y compaas, recomendaciones basadas en tus preferencias de venta? El LinkedIn Sales Navigator te llevara por toda opcin y filtro para que puedas hacer todo eso.1. LinkedIn Sales Navigator es una herramienta verstil todo tipo de negocio a nivel global, y enfocarte en tus clientes ideales.2. Con muchos filtros disponibles, bien aplicados, reunirs informacin clave en compaa y podrs entenderlas mejor.3. Cuando dispones de informacin valiosa, se hace mucho ms fcil decidir a cul acercarte dependiendo su aparente crecimiento y reputacin.4. La data recopilada tambin te da una idea en como acercarte, as que puedes despedirte de los cold emails e iniciar verdaderas relaciones empresariales y comerciales que resulten en desarrollo financiero.5. Encontrar todo esto podra ser abrumador, pero no para nada, porque puedes etiquetar y categorizar todo en listas que tu puedes crear y manejar a tu antojo; as que tendrs todo bajo control.6. Expande tu visin, por intencin o accidente, y encuentras ms y ms prospectos de negocios que la plataforma te recomiende; exploracin es fundamental aqu, y tras unos pasos sencillos, estars encaminado.El punto de todo esto es que empieces a explorar pronto todas las ventajas que LinkedIn Sales Navigator provee, al mximo de tu capacidad. Todos los Qu y Cmo por los que pagas, el curso te lo ensear. Es tan fcil como inscribirse, poner el playback en 1.5 y arrancar!Recuerda, al final la gente compra y negocia con aquellos quienes les agrada y confan, y aqu puedes lograr conexiones que garanticen beneficio mutuo y desarrollo comercial."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Nedteaches - Chapter 2 Intermediate Mandarin in 7 days" |
"Yes, Nedteaches is back on its 2nd Chapter.This time you will learn Intermediate Mandarin in 7 days!Over 1b+ people speak Mandarin, in and out of China, compared to 500m+ of English. May your purpose for learning Mandarin is for business, for travel or a personal goal, this beautiful language is an asset.How to ask and tell the time.Sports and hobbiesMore commonly used phrases.Numbers, professions, colors and many more!Descriptive wordsIs this the right course for me?KISS - Keep It Short and Simple. This is exactly what I have in this course. If you're not happy, I'm ready to hear what I can do to make it an awesome learning experience for you :)Where do you go next after this course?I am working on the next course (Chapter 3). As we go along this journey together, I will continue to improve the courses as you, my beloved students, give your constructive feedback which I will appreciate them a lot."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CMake - Der einfache Einstieg" |
"CMake hat sich unter allen Build Systemen fr C/++ als Marktfhrer etabliert. In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du dieses mchtige Tool in deinen Projekten verwenden kannst.Der Kurs ist in 6 Abschnitte gegliedert:Einfhrung: Hier lernst du Begriffe die fr CMake wichtig sind und wie man CMake installiert.Basics: Die Grundstze der Skriptsprache CMake werden erlutert und ich zeige dir, wie du CMake verwenden kannst.Funktionen und Scopes: Scopes funktionieren in CMake ein bisschen anders als in C++. Hier zeige ich dir die Besonderheiten.Einstellungen: Welcher Compiler soll verwendet werden? Welcher C++ Sprachstandard wird untersttzt? Diese Dinge kannst du in CMake einstellen.Das System Untersuchen: CMake gibt dir die Mglichkeit zur Laufzeit herauszufinden ob es gerade auf einem Windows oder Linux Rechner ausgefhrt wird. Ebenso ob 32- oder 64-Bit Instruktionen verwendet werden. Wie du das und noch andere Dinge auslesen kannst lernst du in diesem Abschnitt.Dependency Management: Eines der Hauptargumente von CMake! Vor CMake war das Einbetten von anderen Projekten hufig sehr umstndlich und uneinheitlich. Dieses Problem lst CMake und macht das Management von Dependencies (fast) zum Kinderspiel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cure anxiety and stress fast using the latest science." |
"This course is about managing anxiety and other mental health issues that are affecting the joy and enjoyment in your lives. It will benefit you because you will be able to take control of your own mind and improve your physical and psychological wellbeing.Master Your Own Stress and Anxiety Quickly Using the 10 Steps Of The TRIGS and SERPS ModelsEliminate AnxietyMaster StressHandle PressureImprove Physical & Mental WellbeingTrigger MotivationIntroduce More JoyImprove your wellbeing fast and start to enjoy life again todayWe will teach you our unique 10 Step approach to keep anxiety at bay. As you know you are not alone in suffering in silence from the debilitating effects of anxiety, stress and depression and if not managed can lead to much more serious issues. It can attack anybody, anywhere and anytime, even me and my family.However, I know the power of the brain, the chemicals and the structures that make it so and what can be achieved if we only accept it and make a strong commitment to taking control of our own minds. I have seen it with athletes, business people, housewives, students, soldiers and some very high flying professionals. You can do this.I designed this anxiety management course to be easily understood by sufferers of all ages and also for non sufferers who want more control over the minds to handle pressure and to perform at a very high level.Complete with short videos, accompanying workbooks and audio lessons you'll be able to work alongside me and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Modelling For Beginners" |
"A data model refers to the logical inter-relationships and data flow between different data elements involved in the information world. It also documents the way data is stored and retrieved. Data models help represent what data is required and what format is to be used for different business processesPower BI is a business analytics solution that lets youvisualizeyour data and share insights across your organization, or embed them in your app or website. Connect to hundreds of data sources and bring your data to life with live dashboards and reports.Data Modeling is one of the features used to connect multiple data sources in BI tool using a relationship. A relationship defines how data sources are connected with each other and you can create interesting data visualizations on multiple data sources.With the modeling feature, you can build custom calculations on the existing tables and these columns can be directly presented into Power BI visualizations. This allows businesses to define new metrics and to perform custom calculations for those metrics.What You will Learn includes:How to connect to Microsoft Access Database FileHow to create and manage data relationshipHow to create calculated columnsHow to optimize models for reportingHow implement time intelligence on dataHow to apply filters on visuals"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Express ( Web Framework) for beginners" |
"Express is a fast, minimalist framework that sits on top of Node.js and allows you to build powerful single- and multi-page web applications and websites.Express JS is built with Node JS and is a web framework that can help developers build faster and smarter websites and web apps. NodeJS is a server-side technology built using JavaScript. Express can also be integrated with other modules and databases and offers HTTP utilities and middleware for creating APIs.This course will teach you the very basics in practical steps from installation to creating basic routes and using various http request and response status codes. You will learn how to use a useful tool called postman to test http request methods and also the response and status codes. We will also be learning how to install mongodb database and integrate it into our express app. By the end of the course we would have created a basic functional express server integrated with a mongoDB database.Topics include:Installing Nodejs and ExpressCreating a basic express serverServing static contentBasic RoutingTesting Routes using PostmanSetting Up Mongo DBIntegrating MongoDB with Express"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"TOTAL: New CISA (Info Systems Auditor) Practice Tests 300 Qs" |
"Are you looking to prepare for the ISACA Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) exam? Did you know that the CISA is among the Top 10 Highest-Paying Certifications of 2019 with an average annual salary of $132,278 per year*?Who is CISA Certified?CISA certification is for professionals who audit, control, monitor and assess organization information technology and business systems. - IS/IT Auditors - IS/IT Consultants - Security Professionals - IS/IT Audit ManagersWhat is the cost of CISA Certified?The exam vouchers cost $760 for non-members ($575 for members), so the more you practice, the better prepared youll be to pass the exam the first time.What can this course do for me?Our course offers practice exams to help you determine if you are ready to take the exam. CISA is a costly certification. If you are not ready, it can help you determine the areas where you need further study. The exams are up to date for the ISACA's current certification.Not sure which practice test course to choose? Check out our features and benefits: Our exams offer 3 different tests with 100 questions on each exam. The questions and answers are randomized within each test to help students not memorize the answers. Practicing the same questions over and over isnt helpful because youll quickly begin to memorize the test questions and answers. The best way to prepare is to practice as many DIFFERENT questions as possible. FEATURES & BENEFITS- 3 practice tests, 100 questions each, 300 questions total - More practice for studying- 100-question, 160-minute exam, passing grade of 80, domains weighted like the exam - Practice like the real CISA exam, and don't register until you consistently grade well. - The CISA exam is technically 150 questions and 240 minutes, however the time per question ratio is the same for these practice tests.- Answers linked to the domains - Target your studies, don't waste time studying for topics you know well.- Explanation of answers - Better understanding of the content, understand why the wrong answers are incorrect.- Pause or stop the exam - Practice on your own time, at your own pace.- Exam questions written by a panel of experienced test writers** - Know you're getting relevant, well-written exam questions that mimic the real exam.- Lifetime access - Udemy's courses all have lifetime access, so use this practice test to brush up on your CISA skills at anytime. WHATS COVERED: Domain 1 - Information Systems Auditing Process (21%) Domain 2 - Governance and Management of IT (17%) Domain 3 - Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Implementation (12%)Domain 4 - Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience (23%)Domain 5 - Protection of Information Assets (27%) HOW DO I TAKE THE CISA EXAM? 1) Check the exam schedule on ISACA's website make sure there is an exam scheduled in your area for the time you wish to sit for the exam. 2) Register for the exam once you confirm the exam location and date, register for the exam on ISACAs website. 3) Pay for the exam once registered, pay for the exam (ISACA Member: US $575, ISACA Non-member: US $760) 4) Schedule the exam scheduling the exam is separate from registering. Dont forget this step. *Global Knowledge 2019 IT Skills & Salary Report**Practice test questions are drawn from the McGraw-Hill CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam Guide, Fourth Edition"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Data Cleaning in Python" |
"Data cleaning or Data cleansing is very important from the perspective of building intelligent automated systems. Data cleansing is a preprocessing step that improves the data validity, accuracy, completeness, consistency and uniformity. It is essential for building reliable machine learning models that can produce good results. Otherwise, no matter how good the model is, its results cannot be trusted. Beginners with machine learning starts working with the publicly available datasets that are thoroughly analyzed with such issues and are therefore, ready to be used for training models and getting good results. But it is far from how the data is, in real world. Common problems with the data may include missing values, noise values or univariate outliers, multivariate outliers, data duplication, improving the quality of data through standardizing and normalizing it, dealing with categorical features. The datasets that are in raw form and have all such issues cannot be benefited from, without knowing the data cleaning and preprocessing steps. The data directly acquired from multiple online sources, for building useful application, are even more exposed to such problems. Therefore, learning the data cleansing skills help users make useful analysis with their business data. Otherwise, the term 'garbage in garbage out' refers to the fact that without sorting out the issues in the data, no matter how efficient the model is, the results would be unreliable. In this course, we discuss the common problems with data, coming from different sources. We also discuss and implement how to resolve these issues handsomely. Each concept has three components that are theoretical explanation, mathematical evaluation and code. The lectures *.1.* refers to the theory and mathematical evaluation of a concept while the lectures *.2.* refers to the practical code of each concept. In *.1.*, the first (*) refers to the Section number, while the second (*) refers to the lecture number within a section. All the codes are written in Python using Jupyter Notebook."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vermeide die 11 grten Fehler bei der Onlinekurs-Erstellung" |
"Fr viele Coaches, Berater, Trainer, Dozenten, Lehrer, Therapeuten und andere Fachleute oder Experten ist es im Moment sehr schwierig, vom OFFLINE-Business zum ONLINE-Business zu wechseln oder einfach mehr ONLINE in das seitherige Offline-Business zu integrieren. Es gibt verschiedene Mglichkeiten, um mit deinen Kunden aus Offline-Veranstaltungen nun ONLINE zu arbeiten. Ein Weg ist, dein Wissen in Onlinekursen aufzubereiten und zum Beispiel als reinen Selbstlernkurs zur Verfgung zu stellen.Gleichzeitig verrate ich dir auch, wie du deinen Onlinekurs geschickt in dein gesamtes Online-Business und dein Marketing einbindest, dadurch mehr Sichtbarkeit und neue Kunden gewinnen sowie langfristig ein passives Einkommen generieren kannst.Welche 11 grten Fehler du dabei unbedingt vermeiden solltest, erfhrst du in diesem Onlinekurs. Als ausgebildete Online-Tutorin, E-Learning-Trainerin und Business-Manager Social-Media wei ich, worauf es bei der Kurserstellung und bei der Vermarktung - insbesondere in den Sozialen Medien - ankommt.Wenn du wissen mchtest, welche Fehler - insbesondere beim Start ins Online-Business oder bei der Erstellung von Onlinekursen - hufig begangen werden und die teilweise auch noch so richtig ins Geld gehen, dann schau dir diesen Onlinekurs an. Erfahre 11 meiner besten Tipps (+ 2 Bonus-Tipps) fr deinen Online-Kurs und starte ganz einfach mit deinem Onlinekurs auf UDEMY (unofficial)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SEO Basic To Advance Expert Training Course 2020 in Hindi" |
"Learn practical white hat SEO strategies to rank your keywords faster on Google. Know each tip and component of search engine optimization to bring your website to the first page of Google. Get more visitors to your website/blog to attract more customers. This course is intended specifically for beginners and advanced students.I will show you step by step how you can rank several keywords on Google in less than 30 days.This is a complete course on search engine optimization that says you will learn every single SEO component in this course. This course gives you a clear step-by-step understanding of SEO. After completing this course, you can optimize your own website and customers.This course is great for those who don't know about SEO but also helps those who have a basic understanding of SEO. This course can further help marketers who want to discover new, real SEO techniques. The course is very well structured from beginning to end. We start with search engine optimization before we create a website and then optimize website content step by step. After posting, we use social media to increase our visibility and ultimately build links on our website and keywords to rank them in less than 30 days. we have discussed all the basic and advanced aspects of search engine optimization and specifically the SEO standards set by Google. And yes, I will regularly update this course with new content based on the latest changes in Google's algorithm."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Complete Data Science Bootcamp with Real-Life Java Exercises" |
"Build neural networks, machine learning algorithms, classifiers and more, step by step through real examples with data visualization and more!The Best Java Data Science GuideDo you need to learn data science and algorithms?Are you tired of theory and want to learn through practical projects you can put on your resume and upload to Github?Complete Data Science Bootcamp with Real-Life Java Exercises is the course for you.Enroll now to learn data science with Java programming.Learn through hands-on coding examples and learn to solve problems quickly.Don't wait! Enroll while spots are open.COURSE BREAKDOWNComplete Data Science Bootcamp with Real-Life Java ExercisesSection 1: Course IntroductionSection 2: K-Nearest Neighbors ProjectLearn how to set up data, enable user input, and set up a K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm.Learn how to work with matrices, RealMatrix, and Intstream.Sort euclidian distances and show classification.Calculate range and normalize values before testing the application.Section 3: Decision Trees ProjectBuild a 'display best feature to split on' project using a dataset and the Decision Trees algorithm.Learn key data science fundamentals including information gain and entropy.Build features, feature values, datasets, and information gain tables.Section 4: Neural Networks ProjectBuild your own neural network algorithm.Work with target result data, weight and activation functions.Test the application and train your model until the error is zero.Section 5: Naive Bayes ProjectBuild a classifier by learning different Naive Bayes algorithms.Learn how to classify user input and calculate log sum, probability and conditional properties.Test your applications to see your text classification at work.A dataset and source code is provided with each project!A SCHOOL YOU CAN TRUSTLifetime access that never expiresProject-based curriculum to superboost your portfolioGraduation certificate for every courseAbsolute beginner-friendlyNew courses every monthEfficient lectures with step by step explanationsRelevant industry topics 8 years of award-winning course delivery700,000 students in 186 countriesLearn with free tools and affordable coursesCourse AuthorAlexandra Kropova, Software Developer at Mammoth Interactive INC.Alexandra Kropova is a software developer specializing in Java and JavaScript, with extensive experience in full-stack web development and app development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive INC. since 2016.RequirementsExperience with object-oriented programming fundamentals. If you need experience, enrol in Introduction to Algorithms in Java first.We will show you how to install a free IDE such as Eclipse or Android Studio.We will show you how to install Java (also free)Don't wait. Enroll now in Complete Data Science Bootcamp with Real-Life Java Exercises.REVIEWS OF MAMMOTH COURSESCaptivating voice, easy to follow at a rapid pace, get some paper and fasten your seat-belts. I'm enjoying every second of this. PHILIP MURRAYI have completed many Udemy and Skillshare tutorials. This one is the most outstanding one that I have seen thus far. It is doubtful that it could be topped. This is a superior tutorial. Amazing. JOSEPH APPLEGARTHFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWhen does the course start and finish?The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.How long do I have access to the course?How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.What if I am unhappy with the course?We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.Do I get course certificates?Yes, a course certificate will be generated at the end of each course you complete! Along with projects, certificates are a way you can prove your work on LinkedIn.Do I have to show up at a particular place or a particular time?No, each course happens online, and you can take it from any place where you have an internet connection.All lectures are prerecorded so you can watch them at any time that works for you. Of course, you can also enjoy all the lectures on your phone and tablet.How much time do I need in order to take each course?You can spend as much or as little time as you want. With Lifetime Access, there is no expiry. You aren't required to complete the course within a certain time period. You can follow the course at your own pace and always come back to the videos later when you want to revisit the material or work on improving certain skills.What if Im not good with technology?The majority of Mammoth Interactive students are complete beginners. Even if you feel like you know nothing about technology, you wont feel left out. All technical concepts are described in simple terms while avoiding unnecessary jargon. Each course starts from scratch and builds up your knowledge substantially in steps. Students from age 5 to 70 have successfully completed our courses. And just in case you get stuck, you can always ask any questions under each lecture, which will be promptly answered by one of my team members.What if I'm an experienced developer?Stack Overflow's yearly developer survey found that developers over age 50 start to make less than their younger counterparts. Don't become one of the people affected by skill stagnation. Enroll in our school to future-proof your career for life. If you're an experienced developer, you will still benefit from Mammoth Interactive courses. By starting from scratch with each course, you will revisit the fundamentals and undo bad coding habits. You'll also find it easier to pick up new languages, making you able to take more courses and broaden your skillset."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kanban Practitioner and Using Scrum with Kanban" |
"In this course we will start learning what Kanban is and how you can use it in your projects and teams. Kanban is a workflow management method designed to help you visualize your work, maximize efficiency and be agile. Kanban helps you to reduce waste ,minimise risk and optimise your delivery process. The topics we'll cover in this course are;Brief introduction to Kanban4 principles and 6 practicesKanban BoardProject Planning in KanbanProject Execution in KanbanRoles and MeetingsKanban Analytics (CFD, Cycle time scatter plot, Monte Carlo...)Kanban for Scrum TeamsKanban Practices for Scrum TeamsFlow-based events in ScrumPreparation for PSK assessmentCommons MistakesGoogle Talks: Kanban explained by Eric BrechnerThis course is useful for anyone who wants to be successful using Kanban within their organisation, or anyone who works with teams utilising Kanban. As such, it will benefit anyone who is involved in using Kanban or considering using Kanban. It will be helpful both to those new to Kanban and those who have explored Kanban but now want to consolidate their knowledge in a practical setting. In terms of roles, the course is suitable for Product, Project and Programme Managers, Architects, Designers, Developers, Testers, Business Analysts and Scrum Product Owners and also Scrum Masters who want to enhance their Lean / Agile skill set. Also, teams in industries such as retail, FMCG, manufacturing would benefit from this course more than anyone else because flow optimisation is critical in these industries.If you are already using Kanban, you can learn more from the advanced topics in the course like Kanban for Scrum Teams or Kanban Analytics.At the end of this course you will be able to manage projects using Kanban System, make delivery estimations in agile, implement the necessary organizational changes to user Kanban in a company and also pioneer agile transformation on a team level. You will also receive Kanban System Practitioner Certification if you finish all lectures and answer all quiz questions. You will also be ready to take the PSK I assessment if you want an additional certification. You dont need any prerequisites for this course.You will have lifetime access to the course with all the additional resources we add continuously. You will also be able to contact ICAN Consultancy for any questions related with this topic."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360: Assembly from Scratch" |
"Autodesk Fusion 360 is a cloud-based 3D modeling software tool that is far more user-friendly than other professional solid-body modeling packages and has a really unique way of working with Assemblies. In this course, Fusion 360: Assembly from Scratch, you're going to learn everything you need to know to quickly get started on building assemblies from the ground up. Instructor Jomarc will initially take you to building skeleton sketches and then move up to creating multi-bodies. Learn how sketches and constraints links to assembly joints. Find out how to turn bodies into components and make revisions to existing components. Finally, discover how to apply joints to make your assembly dynamic.Mechanical assembly is the process of putting parts and components together to make a complete product or perform a function.In this Fusion 360 course:We will model all the parts and components need for the assembly.Apply bottom-up assembly techniques.Turn solid bodies into componentsCreate skeleton sketches..Make revisions to an existing component.Apply joints to create a dynamic assemblyUnderstand how sketches relates to assembly joints.Follow along with highly detailed light to moderate instruction.Downloadable exercise files included in every lesson with begin and end state for you to seamlessly follow along.By the end of this course, you will realize the importance of sketches, constraints, multiple bodies and how it relates to assembly joints. Most importantly gain the confidence to create an assembly from scratch.About Jomarc.Jomarc E. Baquiran is a passionate mechanical design engineer and technology evangelist.One of Jomarc's top missions is to influence and inspire our youth to take up STEAM related professions.In addition, he is an Autodesk Expert Elite, Autodesk Certified Instructor, Fusion 360 Certified User, LinkedIn Advocate, BIM Advocate and an Adobe Education Trainer."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"An Extraordinary Employee" |
"The biggest portion of our workforce works as an employee in various organizations. But we dont have a structured master-course online on how to become an Extraordinary Employee for their organization.Over the period of time, this course will guide you how to become a great employee of your organization i.e. the Employee that produces great results for the organization and grows his/her own career as well.Employees are the biggest assets of any organizationThey come to office at 8 or 9 AM, sit on their workstation all day, with small breaks, and works the whole day till 5 or 6 PM in the evening.Many, willing or not, have to stay even late at workplace for completing their work.Some of the employees in the organization you are working are highly productiveThey get easily noted by Top Management and are elevated for more senior position and challenging job roles. They also get great perks and packages !!!One the other hand, some employees are non-productive and stays at lower positions They have low increments and most of them are eventually fired But my concern in this course is not with these two types of employees . Because they are treated as they deserve.My concern in this course is with the other two types of employees, who1) Performs well, but remains unnoticed in the organization2) The employee who want to grow, excel and contribute, but > They either dont know how to do it > They know they should do great things but they are stuck. They dont know where to start . What actions to take.They are stuck in the pit .. They lack knowledge and strategies to grow in the organization in order to > Contribute more, > to work more effectively and efficiently, and > to make successful careersIf you are such a person, and want to grow in your organization and built up a career there. I can help you grow in your organization with this course.Welcome to the exclusive course An Extraordinary Employee , in which you will learn:1) how to work effectively and efficiently at your workplace2) How to increase your performance and productivity3) How to work with and influence your team members and your Line Manager and Departmental heads.4) How to Progress your career .. AND A LOT MOREIf you attend this course, follow the strategies I will teach, you will become more productive, well organized, and a good team player.Well there is one thing I want to tell you .This is an ongoing course..It means that I will keep adding new sections, video exercises, and techniques that will help you achieve your objectives at workplace.In every lecture of the course you will find a strategy to work on and implement to gain success.So lets get enrolled and start the journey of becoming An Extraordinary Employee Thanks...Rameez Ahmed"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SPED ECD Aprenda do Zero e Esteja Atualizado!" |
"Aproveite a oportunidade de participar deste curso pois ele ir lhe fornecer informaes de suma importncia para aqueles que so responsveis pela rea fiscal, contbil ou de tecnologia, como tambm aqueles responsveis por todo o setor Administrativo, Financeiro e Recursos Humanos das empresas. Atravs da anlise do Layout bem como da legislao relativa a essa obrigao, com os seus respectivos detalhamentos e nuances, temos a finalidade de demonstrar todas as regras que envolvem a Escriturao Contbil Digital (ECD) e quais informaes devem ser maior observncia por parte da empresa, alm dos devidos tratamentos fiscais, o que possibilitar ao participante deste curso a sua total preveno contra eventuais falhas e desvios de informaes no processo de elaborao da obrigao, com vistas a mitigar para futuras autuaes da entrada em vigor desta obrigao, o que para muitos j uma realidade.Com tantas mudanas voc no pode deixar de se atualizar e saber quais sero os impactos em sua rotina de trabalho.Alm disso, esse curso serve como horas complementares para sua faculdade.Algumas dvidas pertinentes que costumam perguntar. Caso ainda remanesa qualquer dvida nos informe.Qual o prazo que poderei acessar o curso?Para sempre, voc poder acessar sempre que desejar, inclusive para acompanhar as atualizaes e informaes atualizadas.Ao final do curso terei certificado?Sim, voc efetuar as aulas e completar os exerccios propostos, e assim que concluir o certificado ficar disponvel pela prpria plataforma.Para a emisso do certificado ter alguma valor adicional?No cobramos nenhuma taxa adicional.Que garantia esse curso tem?Elaboramos um curso atualizado com as ltimas alteraes da legislao pertinente e trazemos o contedo da forma mais didtica e dinmica possvel, por isso a confiana na qualidade do treinamento que ir efetuar. Mesmo assim, caso entenda que o contedo no serviu para voc, sem dvida alguma voc poder solicitar o reembolso em at 30 dias aps a confirmao da compra, e te devolverei 100% do valor investido. Significa que te damos atravs da maior plataforma do mundo de cursos e treinamentos online garantia incondicional por qualquer motivo. Mas a verdade simples, ningum pede reembolso, pois o contedo realmente muito bom.Tenho um tempo muito escasso para assistir as aulasEssa a ideia de ser um curso 100% online, pois ele ficar disponvel para voc acessar a qualquer tempo, qualquer horrio e lugar. No importa qual dia da semana seja, sbado, domingo, feriados, ou em qualquer horrio que realmente tenha disponvel, como por exemplo em uma fila de banco. Por isso preparamos videos curtos para que sempre tenha disponibilidade para assistir.Como saber se esse curso pra mimQuero que saiba que a ECD uma nova obrigao acessria que destinada s empresas de todo o Brasil. Caso voc seja relacionado alguma dessas reas ou tem interesse em atuar nessa rea este CURSO realmente para voc."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"SCRAPING: 10 000 Emails Cibls sans coder" |
"Imaginez un instant pouvoir scraper des milliers d'emails cibler pour vendre vos produit et service, et avoir entre les mains le pouvoir de dmarrer un business rapidement sans devoir passer par un blog, une chane YouTube, sans audience, sans partenariat, tout cela grce au scraping la technique secrte des grow hackeurs, qu'est ce que cela changerait pour vous ?Plus besoin de passer des heures crer du contenu pour se crer une audiencePlus besoin des connatre toutes les techniques du SEOPlus besoin d'allez mendier pour rechercher des partenaires qui face la promotion de votre produit ou servicePlus besoin des rseaux sociaux qui vous prennent des heures crer du contenu pour une majorit de touristesNON tout cela c'est fini, grce au scraping:C'est une audience qualifier, cibler que vous trouvez rapidementCe sont des prospects qualifis qui seront vos futurs clientsPlus de temps passer inutilement a cr du contenu, vous allez directs a l'essentielVous avez peut tres essayez par le pass et a t un chec, ce n'est pas de votre fauteLes techniques que l'on va a enseign sont dpasser, et vous ont mmes discrdit, les rgles ont change, aujourdhui les grandes entreprises les startups ont recoure au scraping pour se faire connatre et trouver rapidement des clients, des grands non du business comme Elon Musk ou Bill Gates utilise le scraping pour russir dans leurs entreprises, pourquoi pas vous.Bien sr il se sagit pas de faire du spam, mais de procder de faon lgale et thique, affin de vous faire connatre avec une bonne rputationVous, vous doutez bien que ses grands non du business ne perdent pas leur temps a des choses improductives, mais vont droit l'essentiel et dveloppe rapidement leurs business de faon thique.Aujoud'hui vous avez le pouvoir de prendre l'avantage sur vos concurrents, grce au scraping vous allez coucicuiter les schmas classiques qui consite a crer beaucoup de contenu pour avoir une audience, mais au contraire vous allez scraper des milliers emails cibler que vous pourrez contacter par la suite et faire dcoller votre activit et avoir rapidement des clients qui deviendront vos ambassadeurs.Tout cela dans un programme de 11 vidos on je vous montre de A Z comment procder, voici le programmeVous apprenez:Qu'est que le scapingLa loi RGPD4 erreurs qui ruinent vos efforts et pourtant commises par 95% des scrapeursComment scraper des milliers d'emails facilement sans dpenser 1 euroL'outil gnial qui va vous permettre de scraper des emails ultras ciblesComment nettoyer votre base d'emailLe modle d'email qui donne envie au prospect de vous connatreLes tapes pour transformer votre prospect froid en bouillantLancez votre campagne avec cet outil gratuitComment envoyer un maximum de trafic verre votre produitLes techniques avances du cold-emailingA la fin de la formation vous serez comment scraper des milliers d'emails cibles rapidement et comment les envoyer sans tres dtecter par les filtres anti-spams, vous serez quel type d'email envoyer et comment crer une squance d'email qui transforme un prospect froid en prospect bouillant prt a acheter vos produits ou services, vous aurez la garantie de ne pas travailler pour rien, mais de dvelopper un business en cood-emailing B2B tiques et rentables.Cette formation 100% vido est hberges et directement accessible aprs votre achat."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Warehousing Concepts - Real Time explanation." |
"The video tutorials help you understand various Data Warehousing concepts which will be useful for freshers till Architect level professionals.I have tried to explain every topic with real time scenario to avoid making the video monotonous. At various places in video it is expected the candidate go through the video or numbers multiple times to understand the concepts properly.Initially the video tutorials will have explanation of How, What, Why of Data Warehousing which is followed by how to decide a proper storage device and storage space for building Data Warehouse.Later the tutorials present you with lot of concepts like Definition, Architecture, type of Tables, Dimension, fact Table, Schema, OLAP, OLTP, SCD etc with examples.If you wish to work on real time project details for that is shared at the end of video tutorial."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"SQL Programming for Data Analysis and Software Development" |
"What will you learn in this SQL Tutorial?Introduction to SQl and its ApplicationsIntroduction to RDBMS and TablesInstalling MySql , MSSQL etc.Creating a DatabaseCreating a Table and Inserting DataWriting Queries for Select, Select DistinctWhere ClauseAnd, Or & NotOrder By ClauseInsert Into StatementNull ValuesUpdate Records in TableDelete Records from TableSelect Top Statement Min and Max Aggregate FunctionsCount, Avg, Sum Aggregate FunctionsLike Operator with Where ClauseWildcards in SQL for Pattern matchingUse of IN Keyword in where and having clauseBetween Keyword in where clauseAliases for renaming columnsJoins - Joining two or more tables to fetch dataInner JoinLeft JoinRight JoinFull JoinSelf JoinUnion and Union All for Joining two tables Group By Statement for One and More TablesHaving ClauseUse Exists KeywordUse of Any and All Operators in SQLSelect Into StatementInsert Into Select StatementFunctions in MySQL and MSSQLDatatypes in MySQL and MSSQLCase FunctionNull FunctionsWhat are Stored Procedures and how to use themHow to write Comments in SQLCreate, Drop and Backup DBCreate, Drop and Alter TableNull and Not Null ConstraintsSQL Unique ConstraintsCreating SQL Primary Key and PK ConstraintsSQL Foreign Key Constraints SQL Default ConstraintsCreating SQL IndexUsing SQL Auto IncrementWorking with Dates in SQLCreating SQL ViewsSQL Injection Connecting MySQL Databases with Python PandasUsing MySQL workbench for accessing MySQL databases , creating tables , inserting , updating, selecting and deleting records.Using SQL Server Management Studio for accessing MSSQL databases , creating tables , inserting , updating, selecting and deleting records.Graphical Visualization of Data in Phpmyadmin (mysql) and Python Pandas Module (Basic Graphs). Web Hosting of MySql and MSSQl Databases"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
JavaScript(ES6)/Vue.js/TypeScript |
"JavaScriptSPASingle Page ApplicationJavaScript JavaScriptES6TypeScriptVue.jsJavaScriptVue CLI"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Strategic Planning & Management, Fundamentals" |
"Strategic planning and management considers one of the most important technical aspects to succeed in life. It can be from individual and personal development aspects, Entrepreneurship and Business setup and Organizational Development. Strategic Planning helps your Focus and Drive your plans towards practical, calculated and achievable goals. Random and Chaos are the enemy of success; and it is always important to structure yourself in order to keep track of your progress. I won't talk a lot, will let you explore the course and wish you all the best and success :) "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Accounting 105 - Profit & Loss Statements & Balance Sheets" |
"Principles Of Accounting:""Accounting 105 is the 5th and Last Part out of a series of Accounting Courses that are designed to help the complete beginner, go on to master the basics concepts of accounting and move on step by step to become a professional accountant! Students can further their knowledge of key accounting concepts which they can use in their full time employment goals or even can use this series to pick up freelance jobs to earn passive income by maintaining/completing book keeping entries for others via freelance websitesThe course is not just theory but also takes real life examples and walks you through the accounting process. It is meant for students who would like to grasp the accounting concepts in an easy and fun learning environment. This is a slow moving course. Please do not expect me to move fast since it is designed for the beginner student. Those students who are already aware of accounting concepts should take a more advanced level course instead.Course Outline:In this course we are going to learn about the basic accounting principles of:Calculating Sales & Net SalesCalculating Purchases & Net PurchasesFinding the Cost of goods soldCalculating the Gross ProfitCalculating the Net ProfitCreating the Profit & Loss StatementCreating the Profit & Loss Statement with year end adjustment entriesCurrent Assets vs Non-Current AssetsCreating the Balance Sheet From ScratchUsing and building a template to create P&L Statements and the Balance SheetSolidify your knowledge through Practice Questions and check your answersHaving completed the entire series students of the proper age would be able to take up entry level jobs as book keepers, however students would have to practice these concepts again and again externally so that they can grasp real world applications quickly.Other Courses:The other parts of this Accounting Series are as follows:Accounting 102 - The Ledger & The Trial BalanceAccounting 103 - The Special Journals & The Subsidiary LedgersAccounting 104 - Bank Reconciliation & Correction Of Errors"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Flying the Fly the F35B" |
"F-35 Lightning IIF-35A Lightning IIRoleStealth multirole fighterNational originUnited StatesManufacturerLockheed Martin AeronauticsFirst flight15 December 2006 (F-35A)IntroductionF-35B: 31 July 2015 (USMC)F-35A: 2 August 2016 (USAF)F-35C: 1 January 2018 (USN)StatusIn servicePrimary usersUnited States Air ForceUnited States Marine Corps United States Navy Royal Air Force See Operators section for othersProduced2006presentNumber built355+ as of 20 December 2018 Program costUS$1.508 trillion (through 2070 in then-year dollars), US$55.1B for RDT&E, $319.1B for procurement, $4.8B for MILCON, $1123.8B for operations & sustainment (2015 estimate) Unit costF-35A: $89.2M (low rate initial production lot 11 (LRIP 11) including F135 engine, cost in 2020 to be $80M) F-35B: US$115.5M (LRIP 11 including engine)F-35C: US$107.7M (LRIP 11 including engine) Developed fromLockheed Martin X-35The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a family of single-seat, single-engine, all-weather stealth multirole fighters. The fifth-generation combat aircraft is designed to perform ground-attack and air-superiority missions. It has three main models: the F-35A conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant, the F-35B short take-off and vertical-landing (STOVL) variant, and the F-35C carrier-based catapult-assisted take-off but arrested recovery (CATOBAR) variant. The F-35 descends from the Lockheed Martin X-35, the winning design of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. It is built by Lockheed and many subcontractors, including Northrop Grumman, Pratt & Whitney, and BAE Systems.The United States principally funds F-35 development, with additional funding from other NATO members and close U.S. allies, including the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, Canada, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Turkey. These funders generally receive subcontracts to manufacture components for the aircraft; for example, Turkey is the sole supplier of several F-35 parts. Several other countries have ordered, or are considering ordering, the aircraft."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guide to using the Aircraft VHF Radio" |
"VHF radio is used by aircraft to communicate with ground controllers, ask advice on other aircraft in the area at similar altitudes and declare various types of emergencies. It is necessary to pass an exam on using the radio and be able to use the radio correctly. The phonetic alphabet is essential to learn as it is used all the time on VHF air-band frequencies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"learning to Fly Helicopters. Learn to fly. Aircraft pilot." |
"Not everyone is rich enough to pay out tens of thousands to fly helicopters. So why let it stop you? Fly for free anywhere in the world with your own PC. It is a great place to start and if you have or have not got what it takes you will soon find out without wasting loads of cash. Please do this course first or you will not understand course 2."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guide to teaching yourself to fly Helicopters . Part 2." |
"Learning to fly a helicopter is very expensive. but you can train yourself by flying on the PC with a flight sim program. This is designed to show you how good the latest flight sims really are. As a real pilot myself I love them. I have flown all the way around the world in aircraft I could never afford to fly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |