Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Fusion Style Floral Design Master Course" |
"The Floral Design Master Class - Fusion Style Floral Design is taught by Mark Pampling, Judge of International Floral Design Competition and Instructor of World Floral Design Champion, and filmed at floral design classroom of Cohim Flower School. Fusion Style is very unique and representative in contemporary floral design. In recent years it has won awards in various floral design competitions and has a profound impact on world floral designers, therefore, it is deemed as an required knowledge for making improvements in floral design competitions. This course is taught by Australian Floral Design Master Mark Pampling, and has a total of 11 lessons. Concentrating on Fusion Style, Mark will take students to go through an in-depth learning process by teaching floral design techniques and guidelines at the competition level. With comprehensive and detailed content, the course is very helpful for students to have a deep understanding of design, standardize the technical details, improve creativity and exptend their design appraches."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"COVID-19 SME Survival Guide" |
"Small business owners are struggling under COVID-19. And even when restrictions are lifted, how will your company recover? This course gives small business leaders access to the highest quality information and strategy advice, delivered by a globally recognized Professor of Strategic Management. You'll have a lot more information than is being provided online, and you'll feel more confident in decision making."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Confidence For Professionals" |
"There are two kinds of confidence that you can train for. If you are a professional of your domain and you only seek to appear more confident, this course is not for you!...But if you are the kind of a person who seeks to feel and become confident from within, you're in a right place! I invite you to join on a journey to professional confidence that will shine through!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Coding in Quarantine A: Programming Languages/Video Games" |
"Learn how to code while learning about current events! We will be teaching about COVID-19 throughout this course in a kid-friendly way. This course in particular revolves around learning about different programming languages and how students can learn programing through both playing and designing video games. Students will learn through different programming language environments with our expert coding coaches!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding in Quarantine A: Intro to Hardware and Software" |
"Learn how to code while learning about current events! We will be teaching about COVID-19 throughout this course in order to empower students to make a positive difference. This course in particular revolves around introductions to hardware and software that programmers can both use and create! Students will learn through different programming language environments with our expert coding coaches!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding in Quarantine B: Building a Community" |
"Learn how to code while learning about current events! We will be teaching about COVID-19 throughout this course in order to empower students to make a positive difference. This course in particular revolves around learning about the uses programming and how it can help to build communities and keep people connected! Students will learn through different programming language environments with our expert coding coaches!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formao Analista Comportamental DISC para RH" |
"Objetivos:Desenvolver habilidades em Identificao de Perfil Comportamental.Capacitar os participantes a extrarem o mximo da Metodologia DISC em todos os processos de Gesto.Contribuir nas decises que contemplam desde a seleo dos melhores profissionais at os projetos de desenvolvimento de pessoas e equipe.Oferecer condies para que o participante possa mapear e analisar as situaes reais de seu dia a dia.Oferecer viso estratgica de Gesto de Pessoas para a obteno de melhores resultados.Contedo programtico:Metodologia de anlise comportamental - Entenda a base metodolgica DISC e o que sustenta este conceito utilizado mundialmente em empresas de todos os portes. E aprenda a usar a ferramenta People+Assessement na anlise comportamental.Os diferentes perfis - Compreenda como so definidos os perfis comportamentais e a partir de qual ponto podem ser desenvolvidos.Desenvolvimento da autoestima - Identifique as etapas para o desenvolvimento da autoestima e compreenda como ir influenciar no mapeamento comportamental.Os 4 Perfis comportamentais - Executores, comunicadores, planejadores e analistas. Entenda suas caractersticas e relaes aprendendo a desenvolv-los de maneira assertiva. Como os perfis se relacionam Perceba como os perfis se relacionam e identifique fatores de conflito ou aproximao entre eles.Momento de autoconhecimento - Identifique com base no uso da ferramenta People+Assessement quais so suas caractersticas comportamentais e como o ambiente est influenciando em seus resultados.Feedbacks assertivos - Aprenda como oferecer feedbacks assertivos a partir da identificao comportamental da equipe e desenvolva planos individuais ou coletivos de desenvolvimento.Razo x Emoo - Compreenda como os perfis tomam suas decises e o quanto a razo e a emoo afetam as relaes e os comportamentos no ambiente.Velocidade - Entenda com qual velocidade os indivduos tomam suas decises ou reagem a estmulos, compreendendo o tempo de resposta de cada perfil.Momento atual - Identifique os fatores que podem estar afetando a produtividade ou o comportamento da equipe e desenvolva estratgias assertivas para o desenvolvimento das pessoas.Caractersticas positivas x negativas - Perceba os pontos positivos e negativos de cada perfil e identifique planos de desenvolvimento com base nesta informao.Realidade x Expectativa - Identifique a percepo de expectativa da equipe e compreenda como a falta de alinhamento entre indivduo e meio pode ocasionar mudanas errneas de comportamento nas pessoas.Estilos de liderana - Perceba os diferentes estilos de liderana e o saiba como identific-los a partir do mapeamento comportamental.Engenharia de equipes - Com base nas necessidades organizacionais aprenda a criar uma engenharia de equipes com sinergia entre competncias e comportamentos.rea de talento - Identifique as reas de talento desenvolvidas de cada indivduo e entenda quais atividades ele desempenhar com maior eficincia.Mapa de competncias - Mapeie as competncias necessrias para uma determinada funo e crie planos de desenvolvimento das competncias deficientes apontadas no mapeamento comportamental.Plataforma online - Aprenda a usar a plataforma que ir lhe ajudar a otimizar o processo de gesto comportamental em sua empresa."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Formao Analista de Recrutamento e Seleo por Competncias" |
"Para serem bem-sucedidas, as organizaes necessitam das pessoas certas, na quantidade certa, na hora certa. Assim, atrair as pessoas certas, pelo custo certo, na hora certa o resultado de um sistema de recrutamento eficaz.No passado, contratava-se um profissional, observando-se sua experincia profissional sob o aspecto tcnico para ocupar o cargo em aberto. Hoje, isso no o ideal para a maioria das organizaes. A rea de recursos humanos mudou muito esse paradigma por entenderem modernamente que mais que um profissional qualificado tecnicamente, a empresa necessita de pessoas com comportamentos e atitudes adequados a cultura, a misso, a viso e aos objetivos do empreendimento.Uma boa contratao, nos dias de hoje, aquela que observa a desenvoltura do candidato, identifica se ele compatvel ao jeito de ser da empresa, avalia o quanto atende s competncias definidas para o cargo, entre outros pontos a serem observados dependendo da abrangncia da funo.Ter apenas preparo tcnico hoje em dia no quer dizer muito. importante, mas no o que faz a diferena na hora da contratao. O grande desafio escolher no apenas o melhor candidato mas o que tem mais potencial e est aderente a Cultura Organizacional.Neste treinamento, voc vai aprender como planejar seu processo de Recrutamento e Seleo com foco em competncias, desenvolve-lo com a mxima eficincia, e por fim, medir os resultados, tornando seu processo com certeza muito mais estratgico."
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"How To Confidently Think To Thrive" |
"Confidently Think To Thrive. By the end of this programme you will gain the knowledge and skills to begin to live the life you really desire. By reducing and managing everyday stress and anxiety, you will regain your mental calm and control and feel increased levels of energy and vitality to live your best life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electric Vehicle Basics - Academics to Business" |
"Electric Vehicles expect to capture the automotive market in the near future. Most of the vehicle manufacturers already started manufacturing electric vehicles. The researches in the field of batteries help to decrease the cost of the batteries year by year.The Electric Vehicles Market is projected to reach 26,951,318 units by 2030 from an estimated 3,269,671 units in 2019. China, the USA, Norway, Japan, UK are the countries at the top in electric car usage. Indian EV market focus on two-wheelers and three-wheelers. Some cars have been introduced to the automotive market and they get acceptance. We, the team GetElectricVehicle educatee people about electric vehicles since 2007. ""Electric Vehicle Basics -Academics to Business"" is created to teach about the electric vehicles for students, business persons, and more.Why this course?The skill in the Electic Vehicle domain is essential in the future to work in the automotive industryThis course would be helpful to know more about electric vehicle technology.EV battery, motor, charging, BMS, economics, traction force calculations, etc. are covered in this course.Why would you take this course?We can breakdown the answer to 4 parts. You may check out how would it fit you.If you are a student, it would help you to know about electric vehicles and do awsome research projects.The knowledge of the electric vehicle basics would be helpful to mold your career if you are at the beginning. If you are a business person, it will help you out to think about how to proceed with a profitable business in the field of electric vehicles.If you just want to know about EVs, then also you may get more information from this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Business Website Course for Beginners - 2020" |
"We all know WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System), which is widely used around the world. In fact, 36% of the websites on the internet are powered by WordPress. Keeping this in mind we have created this course to help students master the fundamentals of WordPress CMS System and also help them learn how to make a business website from scratch.We cover all the information you need to get a completely professional looking business website up & running. The course is divided into easy parts for you to grasp the information well. We also keep updating the information from time to time to keep you abreast with the latest happenings in the world of WordPress."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criando ambientes 3D no Blender - Avanado" |
"Curso voltado a todos os profissionais interessados pela arte de desenvolvimento de cenrios e ambientes 3D utilizando a ferramenta Blender. Curso ideal para arquitetos, desenvolvedores de jogos, programadores, designers de ambientes e/ou designers de jogos. Sero estudadas tcnicas avanadas de iluminao, texturizao e renderizao com ganho de tempo e qualidade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Motivation-Reprogram your mind & tap your subconcious mind" |
"The power of your subconcious mind Theres no such thing as a life that involves just an unlimited number of rainbows, and smiles, and lollipops. We live in reality, and there is always room for improvement.Most of people are living far below their potential. They know they are capable of so much more. They know that they have the raw ingredients for great success and accomplishment in this life.Still, for whatever reason often self-inflicted, they fail to live up to their fullest potential.The key is to use the hidden power of your subconscious mind and take control of your life.Topics covered:The Conscious Mind Is LimitedHow Limited Is Our Conscious Mind?The Conscious Mind Is Powerful But Self-LimitedConscious Mind Needs The Help Of Your Subconscious MindLearn To Control Your Subconscious MindJust Because Its Hidden, Doesnt Mean It Doesnt ExistOwn Your Subconscious MindLearn to live in the momentCompile A Subconscious Mind ProfileUnleash Your Subconscious Mind With These Techniques2.Reprogram your mind Most successful people share a range of mindsets that enable them to maintain their success habits. In fact, they scale these up over time.This training teaches you to reprogram yourself for success by adopting 8 key mindsets.Topics covered:Do a Mental Detox Before You Seek to Adopt a Success MindsetAssume That You Can ChangeFailure Is Not To Be Feared, But Prepared ForGoals Reveal Your Objectives and Empower You To Achieve ThemActively Take ControlDecide After Enough Deliberation And Stick To ItBelieve That You Don't Know Everything About Your Goals And Must Learn MoreBelieve And Act Like There Is Always A Way Through Any ProblemSuccessful People Relish Calculated RisksBest Practices When Adopting A Success Mindsetcomplimentary content 3.1% better everyday Changing even a single aspect of your life takes time, dedication, and effort. Humans are creatures of habit, and once those habits have become deeply ingrained into our psyche.And yet despite many of us knowing all this intuitively, we still seem to think that we can make huge changes to our lives on a whim.There is a better solution. Its called Kaizen.This is the Sino-Japanese word for improvement and it has adapted to represent a specific approach to improvement.One where you make tiny improvements, take tiny steps, toward the goal that you are working towards.This video course will help you to apply the Kaizen approach to your every day life, business or career, relationships and more.Topics covered:5 Tiny Changes That Can Make You More Productive5 Tiny Changes That Will Make You HappierDo This for Just 1 Minute a Day and Your Life Will ChangeHow to Apply Kaizen in Your RelationshipsHow to Break a Bad Habit in 3 Easy StepsHow to Create New Habits in 3 Easy StepsHow to Get Rich by Saving Tiny Bits of MoneySmall Things You Should STOP Doing Right NowThe Kaizen Approach to DietingYou've Been Writing Goals All Wrong"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electricidad bsica automotriz" |
"El curso esta basado en el aprendizaje del uso de un multimetro digital o tester, para la posterior aplicacin en el sistema automotriz.Se deber aprender las nociones bsicas sobre tensin , corriente y resistencia .Voy a estar subiendo material , as como tambin mas cursos. La aplicacin practica es principalmente para la parte automotriz, para la medicin de sistemas elctricos , tambin para el uso domiciliario o electrnico, lo nico que va a cambiar es el rango a utilizar. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"NarrativeIntroducing the basics for green buildings and sustainability: The main objective is to summarize the Green principles and rating system and explaining the main LEED Categories in a simple manner in order to help and assist the readers and the students to achieve the LEED Green Associate exam.The course objectives are to presents a simple summarized lessons learned focusing on the main issues related to location & transportation, sustainable sites, Water efficiency, Energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation and regional priority, additionally I will focus on the LEED for neighborhood development, plus pattern and design in addition to the green infrastructure and buildings.The course contents will discuss the rating system and the LEED categories in addition to the steps of certification for new construction and buildings projects,The course contents will discuss the MPRs and the integrated project delivery and the LEED online with the CIRs and the LEED approaches and Systems.Ending up with the terminologies and major definitions and terms of green principles and ideologies.It is an excellent reference for all students and beginners reaching to achieve the LEED accreditation, and aim to understand the Main principles of green buildings and sustainability in a very comprehensive and simple explanation to be able to memorize the subject for the exam.Course brief & ContentChapter One: About LEED- Sustainability introduction and LEED literature review- Introduction of Green Principles- USGBC & LEEDChapter Two: LEED Rating Systems & CertificationProject Certification requirementsLEED rating systems LEED ProcessAccreditations & CertificationsChapter Three: LEED Categories - System thinking, life cycle, Integrative process, iterative process- Location & Transportation- Sustainable sites- Water efficiency- Energy & Atmosphere- Material & Resources- Indoor Environmental quality- Innovation- Regional PriorityReferences:- USGBC Core concept study guide- GBRI LEED Green Associate Study Guide- LEED green Associate candidate handbook- LEED 2009 Minimum Program Requirements- Guidance on innovation and design"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Instagram for Business Owners - From Basics to BOOM" |
"Instagram for Business Owners - From Basics to BOOM gives a solid foundation for anyone to understand Instagram and social media marketing. Why does your business need to be on Instagram? The power of social media should not be understated. In this day and age many people are not searching businesses on Google, they are searching Instagram. They are getting their information from Facebook, not the news, and they are buying more goods and services from social media than ever before.Put simply, your business needs to adapt with the times and have a social media presence, or you will get left behind.Most business owners I talk to seem confident enough with navigating the basics of a Facebook business page, but the idea of Instagram is a tad scary. And, it doesn't have to be! I am on a mission to help make Instagram marketing simple so that anyone can learn how to market their business effectively on Instagram.Throughout the course you will learn how to correctly set up your Instagram to make a strong first impression, how to create memorable branding, and how to organically connect with your ideal customer/client. In addition you will learn a simple method of creating content that is engaging, and how to easily grow your following without having to pay for advertising. There are also plenty of downloadable files to help you along the way and videos that you can watch back again and again. If you're looking to start marketing on Instagram but are feeling overwhelmed where to start - this is the course for you!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Redis - World's Fastest Database - Beginners to Advance" |
"This course is creating from step zero and then gradually moves onto advance topics. So this is suitable for Beginners to Advance Level.This course contains hands-on production like scenarios for setting up High Availability.Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes with radius queries and streams. Redis has built-in replication and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical RFID Hacking" |
"RFID is an acronym for radio frequency identification and refers to a technology whereby digital data encoded in RFID tags or smart labels captured by reader via radio waves.In this course, students will learn the vulnerability of RFID and take this opportunity to know the secret of the tags. Students will know how to clone the different types of RFID tag for analysis or even pentesting.Disclaimer:Hardware Ninja is an official reseller of the ProxGrind products from Sneak Technology including Proxmark 3, ChameleonMini/Tiny and grants approval by RRG International Limited to delivery official training using their products."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Lines Insurance P&C Sales and Service Guide" |
"A comprehensive overview of Property & Casualty sales and retention techniques. This course is designed to give you the confidence to relate to your customers, the foundation for best practices and long term growth. Property & Casualty has long been looked at as the bread and butter of the industry, having a good foundation created using best practices formed from decades in the industry will lead you to create a great career in a great industry."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master GMAT Quant Problem Solving: An Extensive GMAT Guide" |
"Ever thought that solving GMAT Math Quantitative problem would be very easy ?My answer would be a resounding YES !!!. Check the review below by my students : - ""FANTASTIC Teaching. Karthik Sir has got Amazing Knowledge on the Subject. Thanks a lot for this Brilliant Course. Now, I'm confident that I will score well in GMAT... Hurray. "" - Ashok Kumar - "" Its expose me to a logical business world "" - Raheem Mukaila Odunitan - "" SUPERBLY and ELEGANTLY CRAFTED COURSE..It was very simple and easy to follow and explains all questions very clearly ... Theory is easy to follow.Also course is very reasonably priced. Looking forward to more updates from the tutor "" - K.Sarangadhara - Fadel Rahman - S V - Girish Rane - Siva Pemma - Lavanya Vengadesan - R Meghana - Guddanti Venkata Sasi Kiran - Myo Min Htike - Suman - Deepesh Panwar - Richard P. Vitor - Anjireddy Kamireddy - Akhil - Prakash Chhaganrao More - Pooja Tiwari - T.S.Karthick - Muskan Raju AttarAccuracy is one of the most prime factors when aiming for a high score while attempting GMAT exam as it is an adaptive test.This Course teaches you on how to solve each question in a step by step fashion accurately.You will be able to solve even the trickiest of questions by following the methodology shown in this course.Even a novice will be able to understand the steps shown in this course easily.This course will be helpful for even GMAT test re-takers , GMAT aspirants , to fine tune their problem solving methodology.Here's what makes this course as unique :16 Theory and concept building lectures along with a downloadable resource.Theory application and problem solving section with over 125 questions explained step by stepOver 7 hours of quality video content This course will be regularly updated and will include more number of problems for better practice."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Rsoudre le Rubik's Cube Facilement (pour les dbutants)" |
"A travers cette formation vous aller apprendre rsoudre un des casse-ttes les plus connus, le Rubik's Cube. Il intrigue en effet beaucoup de gens. Il est aussi d'une grande difficult pour le rsoudre. Cependant des mthodes permettent de le rsoudre. La mthode que je vais vous prsenter va vous permettre de rsoudre le rubik's cube facilement et en quelques minutes. Vous n'aurez pas apprendre beaucoup de choses, juste quelques enchainements. Ensuite, quand vous aurez bien acquis cette mthode, nous allons la modifier pour passer quelque chose d'un peu plus dlicat mais qui permettra de rsoudre plus rapidement le rubik's cube (en moins d'une minute).Alors on se dit tout de suite pour commencer la formation."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Grade 5 Science" |
"This course offers 5th Grade learners the content and understanding for Biology, based on American Common Core State Standards. Using PowerPoint presentations the course presents a pre-recorded video of Teacher Science teaching the content as well as videos and illustrations which make the content both easy and enjoyable to learn and understand.The course consists of 12 lessons in total covering the following subjects:- The Structure of Living Things (Cells & Organisms)- Plant Structure and Functions (Plant Structures, Functions, and Life Cycles)- Human Body Systems (Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory, and Excretory Systems)After each lesson there is a short quiz to test each student's understanding and allow them to review what they have learned from the lesson."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C++ Programming Tutorial" |
"____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Course Content Data Types &Variables and Comments. Input & Output (If - Else If - Else) Conditions Loops & Repetitions Arrays 1D & 2D Strings Functions & Built-In Functions Basic Math Functions VectorsLibraries, Tips and Tricks Learn More About Contest and Online judges"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Life Transformation Manifest Abundance[Through Meditation]" |
"This intense course, designed and delivered by Chanshi Acmo, The Broken Buddha Foundation, aims at introducing you to the most unique ancient meditation techniques that can change your life ever. We often lead our lives as if we have nothing to do with it. Or, on the other hand, we end up just using some will power to steer through the rough situations. We completely ignore the fact that - for us to lead a life of fulfillment, the conscious and the unconscious mind has to work in unison. This was the very foundation of Yoga. Yoga means to Yoke. Yoke is a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plough or cart that they are to pull. Here within ourselves, what are we using the 'yolk' for? We are using it so that the conscious mind and the unconscious mind moves in the same direction. When the conscious and unconscious mind moves in the same direction, all sufferings end and we can ensure that the 'cart' of our life is indeed headed somewhere. Imagine the cart with 2 animals heading in different direction! Could you be in peace? Could you ever relax in such a cart? The same is with our lives. Many of our conscious and unconscious minds keep heading in different directions resulting in chaos and frustration. In this course, we are going to attempt a great adventure. We are going to approach the unconscious mind and explore ways in which we can use a small portion of its infinite power to help us lead a fulfilling life of abundance and prosperity. KNOW YOUR TEACHER:Chanshi Acmo is the founder and President at The Broken Buddha Foundation , a non profit, meditation center and a humanitarian organization that transforms you to being loose, playful and natural. By bringing about a wholesome meditation in you from within, we enable you to lead happier and a more fulfilling life. He designs and delivers programs consisting of different sets of powerful transformative tools that shall bring new meaning and joy to every aspect of one's daily life. With his focus on meditation, Chanshi has been sharing innumerable meditation techniques for more than a decade, that personally empowered him with an enlightened state of being. His programs are based on techniques and methods that are driven by customized system of Zen, Tao, Sufism, Vajrayna and Yoga that are strongly free from any religious or traditional and cultural baggage. Thus, emphasizing only on the essence and what works for an individual at a personal level.Having been on the other side, he can empathize with the challenges people face on an everyday basis in the corporate professional world. This enables him to design and deliver content that is relevant to the present day mindsets.KNOW YOUR ORGANIZATION:Why the name - The Broken Buddha?Buddha-hood or the Christ-hood is a natural expression of every being whose idea of the Buddha has been broken down completely. In the process of self discovery, the first and the foremost action to be taken by every individual is to break the ideas pertaining to the self. It is evident in the following natural phenomena, how only through the process of breaking can the essence bloom. Broken clouds pour rainBroken soil sets as fieldsBroken crop yield seedsBroken seeds give birth to new plant... Unless the shield breaks open, the essence remains hidden, protected and most importantly useless. The Broken Buddha is also an analogy to depict this generation of wise beings. The prudent beings of this generation are neither going to fit into the mental conception of what perfect is nor what austere is. The Broken Buddha is an enlightened accountant, the enlightened cobbler, the enlightened software engineer. The Broken Buddha is YOU. A natural movement in the expression of truth is for the truth to pour itself back into the world; embracing all its seeming perfections and imperfections.This Course Includes:3 Ancient Secrets for Instantly Manifesting your Desires!5 Proven Methods to Encounter Your Unconscious Mind!Detailed explanation on the usage of these techniques!2 Guided Meditations!Explanations on creation, our upbringing and aligning the unconscious mind with the conscious mind!How You will Benefit from this course:Align the Unconscious Mind with the Conscious Mind!Quickly Eliminate Your Toxic Beliefs So That You Can Live The Life You Dream!Allow abundance to flow into your life with greater joy and ease!To overcome many inner conflicts that stop you from leading the life you secretly want! Become more relaxed, happier, joyous and contended beings!KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR TEACHER:Chanshi Acmo is a spiritual teacher, musician & composer and a social entrepreneur. He was born to a humble South Indian Brahmin, Kannada speaking family. He was the only child to his parents that allowed him a great luxury of time and space to be lost in his own inner explorations and experiments. A few years after of his birth in Bangalore, his parents moved to Mysore, where he spent all of his growing years.Though all of his initial exposure to wisdom of meditation, yoga, religion and spiritualism came through the Brahmin tradition and family inheritance, it was his parents distinct approach to life, a devotional father and a strong-willed mother, that instilled a grounded acceptance of the heart-mind unison in him, that later opened doors to several meditations that were heart and mind oriented. Regularly watching corpse on pyre in a graveyard that was behind his grandparents house became an intense initiation to his inner inquiry, that led him to explore the teachings of many masters across different ages. However, it was the personal experiences through his life that made him become crystallized to be receptive for an inner awakening. Having completed his BE in Electronics and Communication, in 2006, he earned his Masters in Business Administration in 2008. Post a short lived corporate life, he ventured into various social entrepreneurial entities with his wife that, as he feels, became means to express the creative energies within him. All his ventures have always been around helping people with an organic life of well-being and balance. The conventional education he had helped him much to establish an unparalleled contextual relevance to his spiritual teachings, avoiding esoteric concepts as much as possible. Satire, humor and at times anger too are his fond tools, that he says can help to awaken people a little faster than being lovey-dovey. However those who have really known him well have always felt the underlying love and compassion in all his teachings. He founded The Broken Buddha Foundation in 2015, to host and encourage humanitarian programs with its complete focus on meditation through several methods and techniques.The foundation designs and delivers programs consisting of different sets of powerful transformative tools that intend to bring new meaning, joy and awareness to different aspect of one's daily life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Entrenamiento mental para deportistas: Autoconfianza" |
"Alguna vez te dijeron que tenes que tener ms confianza? Alguna vez, te dijeron cmo?En este curso veremos mltiples ejercicios para mejorar la AUTOCONFIANZA.Al finalizar tendrs una lista de actividades, una rutina de entrenamiento mental que te permitir mejorar la confianza en vos mismo y RENDIR A TU MXIMO NIVEL."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Anti-Aging & Mental-Health with Cross-Yoga" |
"Increase now the quality of your life with Cross-Yoga for Anti-Aging & Mental Health. This course teaches you the healthy lifestyle of Cross-Yoga that will help to reverse the aging process. The innovative combination of ancient Yoga, modern training- principles, healthy diet and active lifestyle gets you in better shape effectively and with joy! So you can live a happy and long life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Capoeira Angola Libray" |
"The library will help you reach the full understanding of the Capoeira Angola game and teach you simple and clear methods of training so you will achieve a higher level of capoeira while enjoying the process.the capoeira angola library includesThe library is divided into 3 basic building blocks for better capoeira angola understanding. For each block, I filmed a set amount of content that you can implement in your training starting today. The library contains more than 30 different techniques!You can choose whether you want to watch the content in order or simply what interests you the most."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Activate Your Awesomeness - Ninja Training!" |
"How to go from frazzled and overwhelmed by whats going on to calm, collected and eating cupcakes because you have a plan and all the resources you need to deal with the current challenge.How to deal with a world turned upside down, cut down on overwhelm and general madness- without having to spend hours learning new skills, read hundreds of self-help books or pay a fortune to a life coach.Taking This Course Will Let You:Create a clear plan of actions that will put you back in chargeCut through the plethora of noise and focus on what you really need to do to keep your business, your job and your sanityHave the confidence that the things you do work for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Analisi dei dati fotogrammetrici mediante QGIS" |
"Il corso avr come obiettivo quello di estrarre le geoinformazioni relative al dato acquisibile mediante sistemi Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto (SAPR), in ambito fotogrammetricoSi focalizzer l'attenzione verso il Modello Digitale del Terreno (DTM) per la determinazione degli output fondamentali quali:1. Curve di livello - piano quotato, con relativa stilizzazione ed etichettatura;2. Geoprocessing raster per il calcolo del modello di ombreggiatura e lo slope;3. Calcolo di aree e volumi di elementi telerilevati;4. Preparazione di un layout di stampa.NB. I dati utilizzati e forniti durante il corso per motivi di privacy saranno reperiti (e forniti) dalla piattaforma del Geoportale del Trentino. Le elaborazioni tuttavia eseguibile su modelli estratti da acquisizione fotogrammetrica saranno analoghe."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Que sabes de vitaminas?, Aprende que necesita tu cuerpo!!" |
"Las vitaminas son micronutrientes necesarios para el funcionamiento del organismo. La mayoria no las produce el cuerpo y por lo tanto debemos ingerirlas con la alimentacion diaria. Aprende donde encontrarlas y para que sirven cada una de ellas asi poder tener una salud optima. Sus deficiencias pueden provocar enfermedades graves y trastornos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Kill at Sales" |
"Hello! Welcome to How to kill at Sales.Selling is an essential part of our lives. We spend almost half of our day interacting with people and if you look at it, a lot of them are sales situations. Think of convincing your boss on your new idea, giving an interview, meeting a new customer or convincing your friends to take that road trip with you. These are sales situations and this course will help you to nail all of them.This course will turn you into a high-performing sales individual and teach you critical skills to prove your mettle in different contexts. You will learn how to build a memorable first experience, identify your sales persona, tell powerful stories and turn objections in your favor.The course will take you on a crusade of sales excellence with its series of lecture videos, articles, and assignments that not only equip you with the right tools but also push you to improve.Master your selling skills and set yourself on the path to a glorified life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |