Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Agilit et Leadership: 7 cls pour russir ses projets" |
"Afin de garantir la russite d'un projet, les managers doivent tre de vritables leaders capables d'identifier et de rpondre aux besoins de l'quipe pour atteindre les objectif du projet. Lors de cette formation, vous apprendrez passer du rle de manager celui de leader permettant une quipe de travailler ensemble et de russir des projets.Au terme de ce cours, vous aurez un guide des meilleures pratiques du leadership dans les projets ainsi qu'un plan de dveloppement personnel que vous pourrez mettre en pratique dans votre entreprise.Au cours de cette formation vous dvelopperez un style de leadership pour constituer des quipes projets hautement performantes. Les activits comprennent:Appliquer les meilleures pratiques de leadershipDistinguer les diffrentes tapes du dveloppement d'quipeDvelopper les rgles d'quipeDvelopper la participation au sein de l'quipe pour obtenir des rsultatsCrer une direction et un objectif d'quipeAnalyser des conflits pour minimiser les rupturesIdentifier les besoins de l'quipe projet pour maximiser les performancesCration d'un plan d'action pour un leadership performant"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master Job Search, Interviewing, Resume, LinkedIn, Testing.." |
"Sometime looking for a new job seems like a quest. A really hard quest that has an enormous impact on your life. A quest you must succeed at in order to find a better job that fits your goals and aspirations. This course will help you with that journey from where you are now to where you want to be.Now, some people seem to find new jobs easily. They get interviews and in many cases multiple offers. Why is that? Are they smarter. No. luckier. Nope. The answer is they have learned and applied the practical steps to ensure their success. Things like customizing a resume or CV or being overly prepared and ready for any interview question or knowing how to overcome employment testing plus recruiters finding them through a well designed LinkedIn profile and so much more.THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU THE PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES AND BEST PRACTICES SO YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL IN YOUR OWN JOB SEARCH. As a manager with decades of experience I have reviewed thousands of applications/resumes/CV and interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people. There are reasons some people stand out, even if they have less impressive experience. This course will help you to position everything you do related to finding a new job in the best manner so you can be one of those who can find a new job easier than others. Plus, give you massive amounts of confidence and feeling of being in more control. I have used these techniques myself for my own career and it makes a huge difference than falling into the cycle of applying to many jobs with not much success.THIS COMPREHENSIVE FLAGSHIP COURSE IS 100% DESIGNED TO HELP GET YOU A NEW JOB...FAST!Main Sections With Multiple Lessons Under Each Section:Preparing For A Successful Job SearchJob Boards, Aggregators & More. Find And Be Found OnlineLinkedIn Profile: Used By 87% Of Recruiters To Find People...Like YouJob Applications Resume And CV. Creating One That Gets You Noticed And Past Computer ScreeningDo You Need A Cover Letter...YES!Employment Testing And How To Avoid Getting Eliminated At The Beginning Or EndBackground And Reference ChecksJob Interview SuccessNext Steps + Bonus StepInterviewing Is So Crucial That Section Is Massive And The Instructor Role Plays Out For You Great Tips And How To Answer Even The Toughest Interview Questions:Interview PreparationKey Skills Employers Look ForTypical Job Interview ProcessInterview Formats: Get Ready For AnythingVirtual Interviews: Telephone, Skype, Zoom etc.Interviewer Questioning StylesGetting Ready For Your Next InterviewHandling Job Offers & NegotiationsAnswering Questions: Methods And Techniques You Can Use In Any InterviewCommon Opening QuestionsTough QuestionsPersonal Skills QuestionsTeamwork QuestionsIllegal Or Borderline QuestionsThe course is organized so you can go straight through from beginning to the end but you can also jump to any section you feel you need most. Want a better LinkedIn profile now...jump to that section. Have an interview tomorrow and your a little nervous...jump right to that section. Whatever works best for you.It has been reported that the average person will have 12 different professional jobs in their lifetime. Sometimes they choose to leave a company and sometimes through no fault of their own they are laid off. The result is a lot of job searching. There are many great things about Udemy but two that really stand out are:The 30-day return policy. I want you to love the course and if you don't then feel free to return it and get your money back.Lifetime Access. That means that when you go through your current or next job change you will always have this course to review and get you ready from things like updating your resume/CV effectively or getting ready for an interview fast.Considering the impact on your happiness and income, investing a little now in a comprehensive course could result in a big payoff for you.The Next Step? Just click the button to enroll now. Many thanks and I hope to see you in your first lesson and wishing you the best of success.Steve B"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your Reading Skills Part 3" |
"Continue to improve your reading skills in Improve Your Reading: Phonics and Poetry Part 3: Beginning Consonant Sounds. In this course, we continue our study of phonics, which is the study of the relationship of letters or letter patterns and their sounds. By learning the sounds of the different patterns, you can more easily pronounce words correctly.In this course you will learn about beginning consonants sounds in letter combinations that are called consonant blends and consonant digraphs. Consonant blends are letter combinations in which you hear the distinct sound of each letter, such as /bl/ or /st/. Consonant digraphs are letter combinations that together form a single sound, such as /sh/.In each lesson, you will learn words that begin with the target consonant blend or digraph. Then you will hear sentences using words with the particulars combination for that lesson. The lesson ends with a poem, and words with the target blend or digraph are highlighted. You can listen to the poems, and read as you follow along. This is great practice, and will help you improve your reading skills."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Quick Start Guide Node JS for Beginners Getting started" |
"Get started with Node js - this fast paced course is designed to quickly show you the basics of node and how you can write node code.JavaScript is an absolute prerequisite to this course, you must have javaScript coding experience to take this course.Course provides source code and a pdf guide loaded with source code and resources to help you follow the lessons.Learn how to setup your developer environment, install and get setup to code nodejsCourse covers the basics on coding node jsExplore how modules works, the default modules already included with node. Setup a local web server, load files. Create files and read files from your computer using node. Output html files directly into your browser. Localhost setup and running on your own machine.Learn about creating modules and using them within your code.You will be amazed at how easy it can be to do some really awesome things with node using just a few lines of code.There are 100's of thousands of prebuilt node modules that you can utilize within your own code. Using Node Package Manager NPM load packages and use them in your node application. Taught by an instructor with many years of real world web development experience ready to help you learn NodeJSFast friendly support is always available within the Q&A sectionWhat are you waiting for, you have nothing to lose, join now and start coding NodeJS today"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Google Apps Script Slides Maker from SpreadSheet Data" |
"JavaScript is a prerequisite to this course !!!!!!!! The course demonstrates Applying Google Apps Script to create a time saving micro application making use of GSuite apps connected together to produce amazing functionality.Source Code is includedRun the code and watch how it easily creates a Slides Presentation pre populated with content coming from a Google Spreadsheet.Tired of flipping through slides and creating a presentation slide by slide when you already have the content in a spreadsheet. This course is for YOU!!!Google Apps Script is a cloud based JavaScript Language that lets you power up your Gsuite and do some unbelievable things - saving you time. Like magic - great to amaze your coworkers :)Taught by an instructor with many years of REAL World web development - Google Developer Expert!!!Explore how you can setup content in a spreadsheet, loop through the rows of content and automatically create a presentation in slides.Then open the slides presentation and adjust as needed.Please note that this is a project based course and is fast paced focused on the project that is outlined in this description."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python Regular Expressions w/ Projects, Quizzes, Exercises" |
"Probably the most PRACTICAL Python RegEx course on Udemy I am answering all your questions, usually in less than 24 hours No slides, no boring theory, no rambling, no chitchat. Just coding Quizzes, Exercises, Notebooks, Real-Life Examples and Projects are included Downloadable Python 3 Regular Expressions cheat sheet is included Certificate of Completion is includedWhat others have to say about my courses?""What an incredible value and learning experience!"" by Sean A.""Excellent material. Kudos to a great instructor with a vast level of creativity."" by Anthony W.""The instructor is an excellent professional, skillful and engaging."" by Georgios T.Why would you take this course?Do you want to polish your Python programming skills without spending money on books and boring theoretical courses?Have you ever been confused by the Regular Expressions topic and wanted a detailed step-by-step learning guide?Would you like to be able to perform Basic to Advanced pattern matching tasks using the amazing power of Python?""As a Python beginner, I find this course is concise, easy to understand and structured. Also, Mihai responds to my questions during the course promptly. I highly recommend this training course."" by Johnny WangWhat are the steps you're going to take from Beginner to Advanced level skills?Section 1 - IntroductionSection 2 - Regular Expressions Cheat SheetSection 3 - Methods and ObjectsSection 4 - Metacharacters and Special SequencesSection 5 - Extension Notations and AssertionsSection 6 - Small Real-Life ProjectsSection 7 - Final Project: Validating User Account DetailsSection 8 - Final Section""I can say this man is going on smoothly and perfectly, explaining in the most empirical way."" by Kolapo A.Important information before you enroll!In case you're not happy with the course, don't forget you are covered by a 30-day money back guarantee, full refund.Once enrolled, you have unlimited, 24/7, lifetime access to the course (unless you drop the course during the first 30 days).You will benefit from my full support regarding any question and your course colleagues will help you, as well.""Very thorough course. Includes plenty of details and examples without being boring. Explanations are given at a very practical level."" by Gary ScarrLet's get started! Enroll now and I'll see you in the first lecture!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"HTML Email responsive from scratch" |
"This course is the all in one solution for learning HTML Emails. We start coding emails with hands then advance the development in frameworks, next level is to start and manipulate email campaigns. This course gives knowledge on how to create emails, what email campaigns are and gives you knowledge to find a new job or start your own business.P.S.: To everyone who already bought the course!Please note - just a few days ago (as of june 2020) Google changed the link path to the Gdrive pictures. It was a complete surprise to everyone.Here is the way links work:drive.googlecom/uc?export=view&id=IMAGE_IDThe new way:drive.googlecom/file/d/IMAGE_ID/view?usp=sharingTry the old way path in your emails, it works then."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build a RESTful API with Node.js, Express and PostgreSQL" |
"A useful and handy aspect of being a modern web developer is knowing how to work with APIs to facilitate communication between different software systems.In this course, youll learn how to create your own RESTful API in a Node.js environment running on an Express server and utilizing a PostgreSQL database. We will use Postman as our API client to interact with the API Server.REST stands for Representational State Transfer and defines a set of standards for web services. It is an architectural style as well as an approach for communications purposes that is often used in various web services development.An API is an interface that different software programs use to communicate with each other.RESTful API is an API that conforms to the REST architectural style and constraints. REST systems are stateless, scalable,cacheable, and have a uniform interface.RESTful APIs most commonly utilize HTTP requests.Four of the most common HTTP methods are :GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, which are the methods by which a developer can create a CRUD system create, read, update, delete. REST it is an application program interface (API) that makes use of the HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE the data over WWW. (World Wide Web)The main functions used in any REST-based architecture are:GET Provides read-only access to a resource.PUT Creates a new resource.DELETE Removes a resource.POST Updates an existing resource or creates a new resource.You learn how to:Create a new database user accountCreate a database and a tableInsert data into databaseBuild an express serverConnect to PostgreSQL Database from Node applicationCreate Route FunctionsExport route functions into main application fileCreate endpoints for route functionsCall the web API with Postman and perform CRUD operations"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Crystals' Light 5: Crystal Consciousness" |
"This is the fifth course in the series: ""Crystals Light"". It is an intermediate-level course and is focused strictly on crystals that work with consciousness. Remember, crystals are specialized. This course deals with Consciousness and is almost exclusively centred on the third eye. Understanding the crystals of consciousness requires that you know how the consciousness works, how thought-forms are created, and how the mind and its contemplation communicate with the higher realms. Explanations on each of these topics are clear and use plain language, but you are not spoon fed in the process. Intellectual energy is required. The crystals that are discussed in depth include: Moonstone, Unakite, Amethyst, Spirit Quartz, Charoite, Sodalite, Hawks Eye, Iolite, Anhydrite, Labradorite, and Lapis. The crystals are here to bring the light for your empowerment, but they are also here to help you understand their contribution to the spiritual path to enlightenment. The crystals of consciousness will help you to literally learn how to thinkhow the thinking process works.As are all my courses, Crystal Consciousness is based on the vast, comprehensive, and in-depth body of knowledge about how divine light works on Earth and in the heavens. This body of knowledge can be found in detailed explanations in my three books on crystals and divine light. If you are looking for a different and thorough approach to how crystals work, as opposed to taking someones word for an array of possible outcomes, you are in the right place. Please join me as I shine divine light on crystal consciousness."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Paint a Rural Scene in Watercolour Incredible Realism" |
"When I first started using Watercolour in 1980 I was inspired to copy the great artists such as Constable, Quinton and others. I couldnt get on with oil or acrylic so turned my hand at watercolour. As I had never gone to art school I just went with my instincts and had fun! Because I tried to copy the great artists, the techniques I developed were completely unique and unlike any other watercolour pictures I saw.I remained self taught, learnt as I went along and what youll see in this course is a result of years of learning through mistakes and finding what worked. Youll also see techniques never before attempted with watercolour (as far as I know). My watercolour pictures, even though theyre impressionistic, have a sense of realism about them.In this course Ill give you an outline drawing so that you can print this straight to watercolour paper or trace it using a carbon. Ill also show you the materials I use in my watercolour work. Then well get started with the paintings which are split into easy to digest parts.With this course you will learn to paint a beautiful rural scene. You'll learn how to get incredible detail with fine brushes. Learn to paint buildings, skies, foliage and more.I hope you enjoy learning my watercolour techniques, once you are finished, please do share your artwork via the Q & A section or message us using Udemy's messaging tools."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Author Website - Easy with WordPress" |
"Create an author website that turns online visitors into long term readers and fans.Many courses teach how to create a generic website. But as an author, you need something more than just a generic website.You need a website that promotes your author platform. A website that builds your audience and sells books.This course teaches you how to build a strong platform-promoting website.Some of you might be thinking, ""But I'm an author, not a web designer. How can I possibly create a website?""Don't worry! I'll take you step-by-step through the whole process. No experience necessary!We'll be using tools like Wordpress and Brizy that make the process super easy and provide your site with a professional look.We start with a blank slate, and when we finish, you'll have a website that will build your audience and sell your books.What do you get out of making your own author website?Save money - you don't have to pay a web developerGet the custom look you wantYou're in control of the changes made to your website All of these benefits can be yours. And it's so easy to do once you know the process.So enroll now to get started on making your very own author website!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Python Machine Learning and Neural Networks Masterclass 2020" |
"Learn everything you need to become a data scientist. Machine learning is quickly becoming a required skill for every software developer. Enroll now to learn everything you need to know to get up to speed, whether you're a developer or aspiring data scientist. This is the course for you.Your complete Python course for image recognition, data analysis, data visualization and more.Reviews On Our Python Courses:""I know enough Python to be dangerous. Most of the ML classes are so abstract and theoretical that no learning happens. This is the first class where we use concrete examples that I can relate to and allow me to learn. Absolutely love this course!"" - Mary T.""Yes, this is an amazing start. For someone new in python this is a very simple boot course. I am able to relate to my earlier programming experience with ease!"" - Gajendran C.""Clear and concise information"" - Paul B.""Easy to understand and very clear explanations. So far so good!!!"" - Alejandro M.Don't miss the biggest Python course of the year. This is a once in a lifetime chance to enroll in a massive course.Absolutely no experience necessary. Start with a complete introduction to Python that is perfect for absolute beginners and can also be used a review.Jump into using the most popular libraries and frameworks for working with Python. You'll learn everything you need to become a data scientist. This includes:1. Data Science with NumPyBuild projects with NumPy, the #1 Python library for data science providing arrays and matrices.2. Data Analysis with PandasBuild projects with pandas, a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis.2. Data Visualization with PyPlotBuild projects with pyplot, a MATLAB-like plotting framework enabling you to create a figure, create a plotting area in a figure, plot lines in a plotting area, decorate the plot with labels and much more. Learn it all in this massive course.3. Machine Learning TheoryMachine learning is in high demand and is quickly becoming a requirement on every software engineer's resume. Learn how to solve problems with machine learning before diving into practical examples.4. Introduction to TensorFlowBuild projects with TensorFlow, the most popular plaform enabling ML developers to build and deploy machine learning applications such as neural networks. Build your first linear regression model with TensorFlow. Learn how to build a dataset, model, train and test!5. Build a Convolutional Neural NetworkBuild a convolutional neural network (CNN.) Learn how to use Keras with machine learning models.Keras is a neural-network library written in Python capable of running on top of TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, R, Theano, and PlaidML. You'll be able to enable fast experimentation with deep neural networks with Keras.All source code is included for each project.If you buy one course this year, this is it. Sign up while spots are open."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Machine Learning and Classification Projects" |
"Machine learning allows you to build more powerful, more accurate and more user friendly software that can better respond and adapt.Many companies are integrating machine learning or have already done so, including the biggest Google, Facebook, Netflix, and Amazon.There are many high paying machine learning jobs.Jump into this fun and exciting course to land your next interesting and high paying job with the projects youll build and problems youll learn how to solve.In just a matter of hours you'll have new skills with projects to back them up: Deep dive into machine learningProblems that machine learning solvesTypes of machine learningCommon machine learning structuresSteps to building a machine learning modelBuild a linear regression machine learning model with TensorFlowTest and train the modelPython variables and operatorsCollection typesConditionals and loopsFunctionsClasses and objectsInstall and import NumPyBuild NumPy arraysMultidimensional NumPy arraysArray indexes and propertiesNumPy functionsNumPy operationsAnd much more!Add new skills to your resume in this project based course: Graph data with PyPlotCustomize graphsBuild 3D graphs with PyPlotUse TensorFlow to build a program to categorize irises into different species.Build a classification modelTrack dataImplement logicImplement responsivenessBuild data structuresReplace Python lists with NumPy arraysBuild and use NumPy arraysUse common array functionsUse Pandas seriesUse Pandas Date RangesUse Pandas DataFramesRead CSVs with PandasInstall and import PandasBuild Pandas Series and DataFramesGet elements from a SeriesGet properties from a seriesModify seriesSeries operationsSeries comparisons and iterationAnd much more!Machine learning is quickly becoming a required skill for every software developer. Enroll now to learn everything you need to know to get up to speed, whether you're a developer or aspiring data scientist. This is the course for you.Your complete Python course for image recognition, data analysis, data visualization and more.Reviews On Our Python Courses:""I know enough Python to be dangerous. Most of the ML classes are so abstract and theoretical that no learning happens. This is the first class where we use concrete examples that I can relate to and allow me to learn. Absolutely love this course!"" - Mary T.""Yes, this is an amazing start. For someone new in python this is a very simple boot course. I am able to relate to my earlier programming experience with ease!"" - Gajendran C.""Clear and concise information"" - Paul B.""Easy to understand and very clear explanations. So far so good!!!"" - Alejandro M.All source code is included for each project.Don't miss out! Sign up to join the community."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Clear and Simple AWS Advanced Security 2020" |
"Are you looking for AWS Security Training? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need to prepare for the AWS Security Specialty exam?I am an experienced AWS Instructor, and have a number of top-rated courses on Udemy. Most lectures in this course are 5 - 15 minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightly longer.Cloud Computing is everywhere. Traditional standalone datacenters are slowly becoming a thing of the past. More organizations are either migrating to the AWS cloud, or are configuring hybrid computing models that use on-premises resources and cloud resources. In order to stay relevant you must understand AWS. This course builds off my ""AWS Solutions Architect Associate 2019 with Practice Test"" videos, and gives you a deeper understanding of AWS Security."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Valor & Reconhecimento - Marketing, Precificao e Liderana" |
"Valor & Reconhecimento - Marketing, Precificao e Liderana um workshop que te prepara para entender como buscar dois grandes objetivos para seu negcio:Mais valor: quais os 5 princpios para poder cobrar melhor pelos servios e produtos do seu negcio?Mais reconhecimento: quais os 5 princpios para atingir reconhecimento no seu mercado de atuao?Voc aprender com dois especialistas nessas reas: Larissa e Christian."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Digishock 2.0: Machine Learning Certification (No Code)" |
"We all know that Machine learning is the actual application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience. The ever-trending field of machine learning is primarily focuses on the development of computer coded programs that can access data and make machines learn themselves to perform mundane tasks autonomously. Autonomously means that the task is not fully controlled by humans and machines play the bigger role of managing or scheduling them.This mind-blowing 2020 course taught by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and ""Vindhya"" takes the huge leap from Digishock 1.0 and is for anyone who want to get introduced with Machine Learning and Deep Learning without learning code, whatsoever. ""Digishock 2.0"" involves hands-on exercises with numerous tricks and techniques of analytics, advanced predictive concepts to work on to ensure that all are familiarised with the discipline of machine-learning, deep-learning, big data, analytics etc. The USP of the course is that there is no kind of technical knowledge required whatsoever for students who will participate in this course. What's more? We also will cover the topics of how you can create an app in minutes based on any software or application and start the conversion process. You can explore the techniques to create a voice assistant in minutes like Amazon's Alexa and deploy the same for a raspberry pi. These techniques would help you gain new knowledge on this vast subject. Nevertheless, some of these product outputs you will receive from the tech tools taught here in the course can also be used for machine learning projects you would be submitting for your college university.Enroll now in this mind-blowing machine learning course and be amazed by the technology taught. Let's start booming. Good luck for learning new things."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Whiteboard Video Creation with VideoScribe Certification" |
"In a typical product training session - imagine you've made a presentation which you believe, may engage or wow the audience.However, it doesn't work out at the end of the day.It simply doesn't. The audience just walk out bleary-eyed, shell-shocked and bored after a long line of presenters have in-fact bombarded them with PowerPoint slide presentations.This would include your 30 slider presentation on the latest and greatest products, features, functions or benefits. The audience are lucky if they retain 20% of what was presented after 60 days. This is where whiteboard videos come into action. This mind-blowing and wonderful course teaches you completely on how to grab the audience feel and engage them with creating these style of videos that will ultimately create an impact in people's minds and capture them at the same time. We will look at a few whiteboard creation tools like videoscribe and animjoy that will help you make great videos at the fastest time possible - thanks to even artificial intelligence technology at the end of the day. This can make it happen !!This concept is in-fact termed as ""Visual Storytelling"" by experts.If you have the creativity and guts to become the best whiteboard animation creation on the planet - then this course is for You!!If you have the interest and the passion to achieve and show something great to everyone - then this course if for You !!After all, whiteboard videos are the most engaging, the most captivating and are the ones that can create a wow factor anywhere, you take it with you.We will also look at a freelancing platform to help you sell services for others and make videos for your clients too.Enrol now and let's start rolling. Why wait?Who this course is for:People who want to create animated or whiteboard videos to promote their brandPeople who want to make money online as a freelancer. Please also note that creativity is a must and a required trait in order to create beautiful whiteboard videosSpecial Note:Access to videoscribe software and Animjoy is a must to practice the lessons taught from the course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Cost Accounting and Artificial Intelligence Tools: Part 1" |
"Ready to learn the basics of cost accounting with a glimpse of Artificial Intelligence technology usage in accounting?Cost accounting is an important aspect of an accounting policy that calculates the total cost of producing an item or providing a service by looking at all costs within the supply chain. It is done for the purpose of planning the budget and evaluating productivity. It is helpful to administrators to assess which goods, units or programs are most efficient and which ones require enhancement.Cost management includes assessing expenses that are fixed and adjustable. Fixed costs are losses that recur each month regardless of the manufacturing rate. Types cover leasing, depreciation, loan interest and rental charges. Dynamic costs are expenditures that fluctuate with shifts in the level of production, such as costs of inventory, labour and maintenance. Such costs are related to manufacturing in that the higher the units of a product produced, the greater the price associated with the materials and labour involved in the production of the item.This incredible course titled ""Cost Accounting and Artificial Intelligence Tools: Part 1"" created by Marketing Legend Srinidhi Ranganathan and Practicing Cost and Management Accountant Ravi Pacha covers the following aspects of cost accounting which include: The meaning of cost accounting, various branches of cost accounting, functions of cost accounting, classification of cost etc. Furthermore, we will walk you through some mind-blowing tools that leverage Artificial Intelligence in the field of Accounting to automate the complete accounting processes. While digital technology has evolved over the years, we've switched from tv to the Internet, and we're integrating Artificial Intelligence seamlessly and slowly today. John McCarthy coined the term AI for the first time in 1956. It involves many of the main things that range from robotics process automation to the actual robotics process. Because of the amount of data these type of organisations are working with, it has become highly popular with large companies today. Increasing demand for information pattern awareness has contributed to growth in AI market. AI models are much more successful at detecting information trends than people, which help companies understand and gain insight into their target audience. Thousands of businesses around the world see AI as the next big thing for the finance industry. Artificial Intelligence can be used widely for financial transaction auditing systems. AI can also be a great help when it comes to processing a large number of pages for tax changes. Organisations dependent on AI can be expected to make major firm-related decisions in the near future. AI also has the ability to identify how consumers should respond to different circumstances and problems. Artificial Intelligence can help people and businesses make smarter choices at a very fast pace. But the key here is to find the right human-machine balance.Get ready to go wow. Join this course now and let's start booming. Learn some great stuff here."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"STORYBOARD PRO 7 (Toon Boom) how to begin" |
"In this course, you are going to learn the basic options to know how to use STORYBOARD PRO 7 to create your storyboards. You will learn how to use the options to create frames, animatics and how to use the layers. You will also see how to publish your storybozrd in movie or PDF format. In short, you will learn all the basic tools of the software to create your storyboards."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de E-Commerce usando Embudos de Marketing" |
"Aumenta las Ventas de tu E-Commerce a travs de Embudos de Marketing y gnale a tu competencia con campaas publicitarias arrasadoras! Aprende a hacer Embudos de Marketing para E-Commerce y Marketing con Facebook Ads como un Experto con este Entrenamiento.El Comercio Electrnico sigue creciendo y la tendencia no va a detenerse ya que cada da ms y ms gente decide comprar online desde la comodidad de su hogar u oficina. Son cientos de miles las personas que hoy en da estn ganando muchsimo dinero comerciando productos online, y tu puedes ser uno de ellos. Nunca antes ha habido un mejor momento para entrar en este negocio... Y tu puedes tomar una tajada de este lucrativo pastel HOY MISMO!Con este Entrenamiento aprenders exactamente cmo aumentar tus ventas e ingresos a travs de la construccin de Embudos o Funnels de Marketing especficamente diseados para E-Commerce.Te mostrar PASO A PASO el proceso completo, el que empieza por realizar una exhaustiva investigacin de mercado, contina con la creacin del avatar de tu cliente ideal, construccin de tu carta de ventas, redaccin de emails con Storytelling, ensamblaje de tu funnel, integracin de aplicaciones, automatizaciones y otros elementos relevantes, y termina con la creacin y optimizacin de una Campaa Publicitaria Exitosa en Facebook.Este curso es apropiado para todo los niveles, de principiante a avanzado, ya que te servir si es que an no has abierto tu E-commerce como si ya lo tienes funcionando. Este Entrenamiento NO incluye lecciones para aprender a montar un negocio de E-commerce o una tienda online. Tampoco cubre tpicos como Importacin ni Logstica. Este curso NO abarca la venta a travs de una tienda virtual con cientos de productos, sino que explica en detalle COMO CREAR UNA MARCA y COMO CREAR UN EMBUDO DE VENTA para tu (s) producto (s). El comercio electrnico ha cambiado mucho en el ltimo tiempo. El modelo tradicional de llenar una tienda con 100 productos va en declive, ya que en el E-Commerce los mrgenes sern altos slo si es que se vende mucho volumen. Para solucionar el problema del margen se debe utilizar un Funnel o Embudo de Marketing y vender un producto que se convierta en una Marca. Para crear una Marca, sobre todo en productos fsicos, lo importante no es generar un marketing enfocado en el branding como lo hacen las grandes empresas, sino que lo que se debe hacer es tener un sistema que proporcione al cliente una experiencia de compra y un beneficio tal que haga que esa persona te vuelva a comprar.Eso es exactamente lo que te ensear a hacer en este curso, paso a paso y de manera exhaustiva para asegurar que tu Funnel funcione de manera perfecta y que tus ingresos aumenten de forma explosiva.Qu esperas para registrarte? Aumenta tus Ventas YA llevando trfico consistente y de alta calidad a tu sitio todos los das y Cautiva a tu Audiencia con Cartas de Venta Altamente Persuasivas!Somos Blast Marketing, Expertos en Marketing Digital y Lderes Vanguardistas e innovadores con numerosos cursos en Udemy.Estamos 100% comprometidos con tu xito, y te enseamos exactamente lo que nosotros hacemos para el crecimiento de nuestro propio negocio.Todo lo que te enseamos ya lo hemos probado y lo practicamos a diario en nuestras campaas de Marketing Digital.Somos expertos en Publicidad Online y Ventas y estamos constantemente actualizando nuestros contenidos para entregarte slo lo mejor y lo ms nuevo en el mercado.Tenemos una Calificacin Promedio de 4.6 y nuestros alumnos tienen muchas cosas buenas que decir de nosotros!El curso es prctico, desde la explicacin del por qu de su definicin a los retos que debes imponerte con la explicacin paso a paso, Agustin un seco no slo en el conocimiento sino en la didctica a travs de un medio digital, tanto como si fuese presencial, he asistido en ambas modalidades y este medio me encanta!!! (Lilibeth Alvarez)""Magnfico curso. El tercer curso que hago de Agustn Casorzo esta semana. Mil Gracias."" (Miguel Jos Rueda Pavn)""El curso es totalmente recomendable. Bien explicado. Se nota que domina el tema y que est dispuesto a compartir sus conocimientos"" (Marcelo Daz)""Excelente curso , me encontr con algunos tips que en otros No se mencionan, sobre todo con la explicacin objetiva y clara lo que hace que la comprensin sea hasta para alguien sin conocimientos, por mi parte yo lo estoy repitiendo por la gran ayuda que me ha dado, Gracias Profe."" (Martn Guevara)""Excelente curso. Como equipo nos permiti prescindir de los servicios de agencias y crear campaas exitosas manejadas por nosotros mismos. Muchas gracias!!"" (Claudio Olmedo)""Excelente curso, de verdad me gust mucho porque estoy reestructurando los procesos en mi empresa y creando el departamento de ventas y este curso me ayud mucho a darle una forma concreta de trabajo. Ya cada uno de los conocimientos adquiridos los estamos aplicando y seguimos trabajando para tener los mejores resultados. si no sabes nada o tienes muy poco conocimiento sobre las ventas, este curso te ayudar mucho y te abrir una nueva perspectiva sobre el mundo de las ventas"" (Jos Vivas)No lo dudes ms y forma parte de nuestro grupo de satisfechos y felices estudiantes!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Os Segredos do Mgica e Mentalismo: Torne-se um Ilusionista" |
"MAIS DE 7 MILHES DE PESSOAS SEGUEM DAVID MICHIGAN NAS REDES SOCIAIS.David Michigan foi citado e entrevistado nas revistas: Muscle & Fitness, FOX News, Forbes, Harvard, TED, Men's Fitness, IBTimes, La NASA, Huffington Post, CNBC, USA Today, Yahoo News, Florida Times, Buzzfeed, M6...Este curso gravado com o udio em ingls e legendado em portugus, sendo assim destinado todos aqueles que falem a lngua portuguesa.Querido leitor,Os conselhos e segredos que eu vou compartilhar com voc vo cobrir muitas reas de diferentes de como praticar a mgica e o mentalismo. Tudo o que voc quiser sabercada questo que voc gostaria de saber a resposta...cada nuance que voc quiser que eu explique, ser coberta.Os conselhos que eu vou compartilhar podem ser utilizados como um ponto de ajuda, onde voc poder acessar todas as respostas que voc precisar para poder resolver os problemas ou dvidas que voc possui. Este curso completo poder lhe ajudar :- Aprender tcnicas de mgica- Ser admirados na sociedade- Conhecer segredos que foram muito bem guardados- Ter as chaves para surpreender homens e mulheres- Possuir novos poderes- Ter uma melhor auto-estima-Aprender tcnicas do MentalismoMas isso no tudo.Porque voc e eu seremos os dois que ...Para ter realmente aquilo que voc deseja, voc precisa adquirir agora a melhor fonte de informao dessa rea.O seu sucesso depende da informao o conhecimento a que voc tem acesso.Voc dificilmente ir achar um acesso, um curso, de como aprender tcnicas de mgica e mentalismo to rpido, eficaz, organizado e pronto para ser usado imediatamente para resultados instantneos.Voc no precisa estudar tudo que existe para obter os melhores resultados. Aqui voc ter acesso direto a mim, meus conhecimentos, minha experincia e o meu apoio, caso haja um ponto a ser esclarecido ou alguma dvida a ser resolvida.E como eu vou transmitir os meus conselhos pela minha presena, a minha ajuda permanente e meu apoio constante ao seu corpo e espirito... nossos encontros sero mais prticos e tero mais valor...Ter todos os livros de mgica que foram publicados!No me entenda mal. Existem excelentes livros sobre mgica. Eu recomendo alguns.Mas... sejamos francos...De vez em quando as informaes dos livros podem ter uma nica dimenso e voc e eu sabemos que os livros podem, s vezes, demandar muito tempo, horas e horas de estudos sem interrupo.Comigo, em contrapartida, voc poder ter acesso a informaes mais especificas e rpidas eno ser necessrio semanas e semanas de ser necessrio de lembrar qual livro voc tem que ler...eno haver nenhuma sensao de que o livro deixou mais perguntas do que respostas principalmente quando o objetivo de ter um resultado rpido numa situao na vida real.Mas isso no tudo.Porque as nossas trocas vo lhe permitir a:Virar mgico e mentalista em todas as situaes tendo todas as tcnicas necessrias para isso.Se voc quiser conseguir tudo o que voc deseja (e acima de tudo o que voc merece na sua vida!), comece agora esse curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Freelancing for Beginners - How to Get Started" |
"In this course we will go over how to start your very own freelancing business. We will go over 3 Parts. How to get started, How to market your business and how to set your prices. Learn some valuable lessons that I have also learned in my freelancing career. Enroll Today and begin your freelancing journey. Thanks"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mexican And Mariachi Guitar" |
"In this English and Spanish online course you will learn how to play Mexican and Mariachi songs on the guitar. You will be taught simple and powerful techniques to perform 8 different styles of Mexican folk and traditional rhythms like: Las Mananitas (Ranchero Waltz), La Llorona (Son Itsmeo), Sabado Distrito Federal (Ranchero Polka), El Reloj (Bolero), La Malaguena Salerosa (Huapango Ranchero), El Ausente (Son de Arpa Grande) and La Cancion Del Mariachi (Son Huasteco)The course contains detailed rhythm explanations with syllables and body percussion exercises using your foot and clapping, right hand strumming, fingerstyle techniques, riffs, scales, bass phrases, chord diagrams, tablatures, lyrics, chord charts and examples of how to play the songs.The course is suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced guitar players. By the end you will be able to appreciate and understand Mexican music and have a good foundation to learn other Latin American and Spanish styles of guitar.En este curso en lnea en ingls y espaol aprenders como tocar canciones mexicanas y de mariachi en la guitarra. Se te ensearn tcnicas simples y poderosas para ejecutar 8 estilos diferentes de ritmos tradicionales y folclricos mexicanos como son: Las Mananitas (Ranchero Waltz), La Llorona (Son Itsmeo), Sabado Distrito Federal (Ranchero Polka), El Reloj (Bolero), La Malaguena Salerosa (Huapango Ranchero), El Ausente (Son de Arpa Grande) y La Cancion Del Mariachi (Son Huasteco)El curso contiene explicaciones detalladas de los ritmos y ejercicios de percusin corporal usando los pies y las palmas, rasgueos de la mano derecha y tcnicas de punteo, motivos tpicos, escalas, frases de bajo, diagramas de acordes, tablaturas, letras con acordes y ejemplos de cmo tocar las canciones.El curso es apto para guitarristas principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Al final sers capaz de apreciar y entender los estilos de msica mexicana y tener una buena base para aprender otros estilos latinoamericanos y espaoles en la guitarra."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Architecture, Art and Design of Route 66" |
"This is a course on the Architecture, Art and Design of Route 66. Route 66 was an old highway that ran from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California. We are going to cruise the 2,448 miles (3,940 km) of Route 66 from East to West. More than the highway, this course is about our own journey in life, and the importance of seeing the beauty and value of what we have in the present. Welcome!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Nucleic Acid and DNA Technology MCQ Practice (Bio Chemistry)" |
"ProteinDNA interactions occur when a protein binds a molecule of DNA, often to regulate the biological function of DNA, usually the expression of a gene. Among the proteins that bind to DNA are transcription factors that activate or repress gene expression by binding to DNA motifs and histones that form part of the structure of DNA and bind to it less specifically. Also proteins that repair DNA such as uracil-DNA glycosylase interact closely with itIn general, proteins bind to DNA in the major groove; however, there are exceptions. ProteinDNA interaction are of mainly two types, either specific interaction, or non-specific interaction. Recent single-molecule experiments showed that DNA binding proteins undergo of rapid rebinding in order to bind in correct orientation for recognizing the target siteRecombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genomeRecombinant DNA is the general name for a piece of DNA that has been created by combining at least two strands. Recombinant DNA is possible because DNA molecules from all organisms share the same chemical structure, and differ only in the nucleotide sequence within that identical overall structure. Recombinant DNA molecules are sometimes called chimeric DNA, because they can be made of material from two different species, like the mythical chimera. R-DNA technology uses palindromic sequences and leads to the production of sticky and blunt endsThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Protein, Nucleic Acid Interactions and Recombinant DNA Technology. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 41 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Idioma Dans Moderno - Curso Online (1 Edicin en Espaol)" |
"Comienza a aprender la fascinante lengua danesa contempornea con este curso en lnea orientado a hispanohablantes! Este curso est recogido, entre otros de temtica similar, bajo el programa del Mster Online de Estudios Escandinavos hecho por Daniel Lucas Hernndez en el proyecto de enseanza global a la comunidad hispanohablante de Dani E Idiomas.Ya seas un polglota curioso y vido de conocimiento sobre la lengua o alguien que necesita conocer esta lengua por motivos profesionales, he hecho este curso pensando en cuantas posibilidades me han planteado o en cuantas he pensado. Este curso incluye contenido orientado a explorar la pronunciacin, ortografa, vocabulario, gramtica y conversacin del idioma dans desde el nivel ms bsico.En este curso vas a comenzar a aprender el idioma dans moderno desde el completo desconocimiento de la lengua, dando primero la pronunciacin y algunas reglas fonotcticas propias de la lengua de Dinamarca que la hacen distintiva entre sus hermanas en las lenguas escandinavas (incluyendo el pobremente explicado ""std""). Empezars tambin a conocer las frases y expresiones ms comunes en la lengua danesa para saludar as como para hacer preguntas de cortesa, saber responder a stas y solicitar un tipo de ayuda que necesites si tu conocimiento es bsico."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Etkileyici Sunum Hazrlk ve Planlama Teknikleri" |
"Eer hazrlkszsanz, hatta daha kts dinleyicilere ""bu konunun uzman olmadnz"" sylerseniz, ne kadar iyi olursa olsun mesajnza kendilerini kapatacaklardr. Dier yandan, mkemmel hazrlk hemen kendisini belli eder. Sizin gvenilirliinizi arttrr. Hazrlk dinleyicilerinizi etkiler ve onlarn mesajnza daha ak ve daha alc hale gelmelerini salar.Bir konumac olarak baarnzn tam yzde 90 konumanz ne kadar iyi planladnz ile belirlenecektir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master crisis management during the recession" |
"This course helps you understand the cycle of recession. Once you understand the traits of the recession that is will be much easier to cope with the effects of the recession.This course helps you master crisis management during the recession.The course has been proven to set in motion the right mindset to deal with a situation caused due to the recession.Once you have completed the course you would have mastered the basic skills of crisis management during the recession.After completing the course you'll be able to help yourself and your near and dear ones overcome the effects of the recession, you will know and avoid the recession traps created by the situations out of your control."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Effective Use of technology to beat recession" |
"This course helps you understand the cycle of recession. Once you understand the traits of the recession that is will be much easier to cope with the effects of the recession.This course helps you make effective use of technology to beat recessionThe course has been proven to set in motion the right mindset to deal with a situation caused due to recession.Once you have completed the course you would have mastered the basic skills make effective Use of technology to beat recessionAfter completing the course you'll be able to help yourself and your near and dear ones overcome the effects of the recession, you will know and avoid the recession traps created by the situations out of your control."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to paint 4 MISTY TREES watercolor scenes beginner." |
"Watercolors are made to paint misty scenes,they are the perfect medium for it and in this course I teach you how to paint ""Misty trees""There are 4 separate tutorials to tackle and I have used a brand new way of presenting them!I film myself doing the paintings and then write a full narrative which appears on the screen explaining what I am doing,a very simple idea but very effective.""Don't subtitles do that?""Not really because I think sometimes tutors can get a bit carried away chit chatting about all sorts of things and completely miss the valid points as well as the annoying technical issues and also bodily noises,dogs barking , phone ringing you get the idea. Not only that but most subtitles are not even accurate, oh and another thing,even the voices of our most beloved family members can get on our nerves a little at times so what chance have I of not doing so?So my solution means that you can read through the narrative first and then start the painting the next time,you can always go backwards or forwards to read up on which colors we are using or which brushes etc. Just like the traditional Art book but with moving pictures!Check out the free preview videos to get an idea of what I mean and I will see you in the first lessonall the best,David."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PLC Advanced ST/SCL, No More Ladder Logic Spaghetti Code" |
"You are on this page, so you probably know that writing a PLC code that gets the job done, is sometimes not really super complicated.You are also probably aware that customers tend to change their minds quite frequently about the PLC design and the system algorithm.If that's the case, then you are definitely aware that changing a complicated algorithm written in Lader Logic or even CFC languages is not that of an easy task. Especially when dependencies in your code are high. Well, that is what we call a Spaghetti Code. It is a code, that basically gets the job done. But it lacks all the extendHere I am presenting you a solution, a way to elevate above the masters of PLC programmers. Learning Pattern-based programming is like designing a puzzle-based design, where you design individual code pieces and fit them together to create a powerful PLC software infrastructure. We will first start the design by creating unit functions, building them up to components that form the machines in the production line. And finally the controller. Modifying any piece of these would be so easy that you won't have to scratch your head for hours trying to figure out how to modify your algorithm or even worse deleting the whole thing. We all been there once!This knowledge can be applied to any PLC and any platform, be it Codesys, Tia portal, Bechoff or any brand that supports the following languages:CFCStructured TextYou are going to master a very famous design pattern including extensive hands-on Structured text and CFC.I hope to see you all in there!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |