Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Foundations of International Political Economy" |
"This course in International Political Economy gives students a unique perspective and allows them to understand how the international economy influences, and is influenced by, political organizations and social concerns. This course is an ideal companion course for anyone studying international economics because it examines many of the same topics but in a slightly different light. Whereas international economics studies the global economy from a dollars and cents, profit and loss standpoint, international political economy takes a broader approach than international economics and looks at the social and political ramifications of the global economy. This course is not a competitor to international economics, but a compliment. It gives students an additional lens that can be used to examine the global economy. By the end of this course, students will be able to:Describe the major international financial institutions and the role they play in the global economyIdentify the key organizations that regulate and promote international tradeExamine ""who wins"" and ""who looses"" as a result of international tradeCompare and contrast the Liberal, Mercantilist, Marxist, and Constructivist theories of international political economyUnderstand how political scientists measure global poverty and wealth inequality"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"IT 0" |
Price: 6600.00 ![]() |
"ISACA CRISC Certification Exam Prep : Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for ISACA CRISC Certification Exam Prep : Practice Tests 2020ISACA CRISC certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in IT Risk management domain.CRISC is one of the foremost certifications which help particularly IT professionals prepare for real world threats, with appropriate tools to both evaluate and manage riskISACAs Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) certification indicates expertise in identifying and managing enterprise IT risk and implementing and maintaining information systems controls.This practice test will help you prepare for the real CRISC official exam test environment. ISACA CRISC exam improve the following skills questions:IT Risk IdentificationIT Risk AssessmentRisk Response MitigationRisk and Control Monitoring and ReportingThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISACA CRISC in any way.Best of luck for your exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Realistic Drawing: Colored Pencil Drawing Art Course" |
"Beginner students need to start watching videos and doing their practices from the basic ones in order, to receive the right educational subjects.At the end of this colored pencil course, the student is expected to be able to recognize and distinguish colors from photos of simple models, and to some extent has learned how to combine colors in pencil drawing.In the first chapter, by learning three types of fruit, you will get acquainted with different textures and volumes, which can be a good introduction to learning harder sketches and with more complexity.In the second chapter, the student is introduced how sketch and color two types of beautiful flowers (sunflowers and roses) and then learn how to color objects such as piano keys or the shiny surface of a beautiful classic machine using colored pencils.In the third chapter, the student will be introduced to three different forms and shapes and textures of animals' bodies, and you will learn how to draw scales and fish fins, the body and transparent wings of bees, and the skin of a horse's body.And finally, in the fourth chapter, which is an introduction to the teaching of advanced levels for painting with pencil, they learn how to paint and volume the components of the face, including eyes, lips, and ears with colored pencils."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 7 La gua para crear sistemas web desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenders de manera practica a utilizar Laravel en su ultima versin. Laravel es en la actualidad el Framework mas popular y con una gran comunidad de desarrolladores.A lo largo del curso te enseare a utilizar y crear controladores, rutas, vistas, componentes, modelos, migraciones, validaciones, polticas, autenticacion y registro de usuarios y mucho ms.Todos estos conceptos los pondremos en practica en un proyecto real para que puedas comprenderlos de manera fcil y rpida. Una vez terminado el curso podrs crear tus propios proyectos y escalarlos tanto como lo necesites."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Como publicar tu libro paso a paso" |
"En este curso te ensear paso a paso todo lo que debes saber para publicar un libro. Diseo, maquetacin, impresin, promocin. Conocers los distintos tipos de letras y sus diferentes funciones.Comprenders los tres momentos de la promocin.Cuando termines este curso estars capacitado para imprimir tu propio libro o empezar una nueva carrera como profesional independiente"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Composicin" |
"En este curso te voy a ensear la teora y los fundamentos de la composicin para aplicar tanto a ilustraciones, fotografa, arte o diseo.Y mucho mejor an, te voy a brindar ejercicios concretos para que puedas practicar a partir de hoy.Si bien el contenido del curso est orientado a ilustracin, pintura digital y concept art, tambin te va a servir para aplicar al diseo grfico, a la fotografa y a todo lo que requiera componer una imagen.Una de las cosas que diferencia a los principiantes de los grandes artistas es el dominio de la Composicin y es por esta razn que dise este curso para compartir todo mi conocimiento sobre este tema.Con este curso vas a mejorar tus composiciones artsticas. Y lo mejor de todo es que aprenders muchos conceptos en poco tiempo.Este curso te va a ser realmente til si ests estudiando:Ilustracin / Ilustracin digitalConcept ArtDiseo grficoFotografaTodo arte que requiera componer una imagen"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Iniciacin a la Ilustracin Digital" |
"En este curso te voy a ensear las herramientas principales del Photoshop y el proceso exacto que sigo para realizar una Ilustracin Digital de principio a fin.En solo unas horas vas a aprender los fundamentos del programa y un mtodo efectivo para realizar tus primeras ilustraciones digitales con cofianza y mayor seguridad.En este curso aprenders a iniciarte en el mundo de la ilustracin digital. Veremos las herramientas del programa, la configuracin del espacio de trabajo, el manejo de capas, pinceles y lo ms importante, un proceso de trabajo slido y eficaz para que puedas crear cualquier tipo de ilustracin digital.Este curso est destinado a aquellos estudiantes que quieren dar un paso ms en el mundo del arte y quieren adoptar nuevas tcnicas como la digital para complementar su trabajo.Dise este curso, para darte una gua clara y eficaz, para que no solo conozcas las herramientas del programa, sino para que tambin aprendas a realizar una ilustracin digital de principio a fin.En este curso te voy a ensear los fundamentos tcnicos del Photoshop, vamos a ver cmo realizar un boceto con dibujo lineal usando una fotografa como referencia y finalmente vamos a estar pintando nuestra ilustracin a todo color para tener una pieza slida de portfolio.Espero que disfrutes del material, nos mantenemos en contacto y un abrazo grande!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vegan baking" |
"Bake all your favourite cakes and pudding.Baking as you used to is not possible when you are a vegan and gluten free.You need to make several changes too recipes to substitute what you would normally use.I have compiled a course with several familiar puddings and cakes for you to try.So you don't have to go without."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy vegan sauces" |
"A course for for people needing some gluten free and vegan sauces.There are several sauces from a basic tomato sauce to dessert sauces such as caramel and chocolate.The videos are step by step and easy to follow.All recipes are supplied in 1 downloadable sheet.This course is designed for people needing reliable chef recipes in one place.Learn these basic sauces then addd your own flair."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CRISC Practice Tests 2020 - ALL Domains - 450 Qs" |
"These CRISC Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions and interactive, question-level feedback to help you pass the exam with confidence. You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 75% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. ISACA defines four CRISC domains on which you will be examined:IT Risk Identification (27% of exam)IT Risk Assessment (28% of exam)Risk Response and Mitigation (23% of exam)Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting (22% of exam)Exam Details:Number of Questions: 450 questionsDuration: 4 hoursTest Format: Multiple choicePassing Score: 75%30 day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISACA in any way.""Average Certification Salary : $119,000"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quien soy? Un camino hacia el autoconocimiento" |
"A travs de este curso lograras conocer ms de ti mismo, veras como puedes tener una mayor evolucin y aprenders a construir tu propio futuro. Adems, mejorars tu proyeccin a travs de tu actitud y tambin tu autoconceptoAprenderas sobre los estados de YO; Un estado del yo es una forma de comportarse, que ser de una manera u otra, dependiendo de las emociones y la manera de pensar que tengamos en ese momento. Tambin depende de cmo nos traten nos har reaccionar de diferente manera. Descubriras un concepto super importante; el concepto que tienes de ti mismo. Descubre como te aceptas, cul es el significado que te das con las cosas que haces, las que dejas de hacer y las que quieres lograr.Recuerda que cuando desarrollas el autoconocimiento, conseguirs abrir tu mente a nuevas posibilidades. El autodescubrimiento suele generar deseos de cambio y planificacin de una estrategia de Vida donde NO PERMITIRAS QUE TODO TE DE IGUAL."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Pinn dich hoch! Pinterest Workshop fr Fortgeschrittene" |
"Richtig genutzt kann Pinterest deine Umstze steigern, deinen Markennamen bekannt machen oder deine Haupttrafficquelle werden. Pinterest ist ein starkes Tool um dein Business voran zu bringen. Whrend ich dir im Anfngerkurs die Vorteile von Pinterest aufgezeigt habe, lernst du in diesem Kurs, wie du Pinterest richtig nutzen kannst, um erfolgreich zu werden.Du wirst lernen, welche Funktionen Pinterest bereit hlt, um deine Reichweite fast spielerisch zu erhhen und wie du eine eigene Strategie fr Pinterest entwickelst und dir somit ein einzigartiges Profil aufbaust!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads Para Afiliado Do Zero a Escala" |
"Voc esta iniciando no marketing digital? Esta comeando a trabalhar como afiliado? Ainda no fez as suas primeiras vendas ? Ento esse curso pra voc, ele direto ao ponto! Aprenda as melhores tcnicas para realizar as suas primeiras vendas como afiliado! Decole com a sua carreira de vez nesse mercado que mais cresce em todo o brasil!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Destroy financial blocks" |
"Students will learn how to break the financial barriers that their environment places on them.In addition, they will learn how to create the right financial thinking to help them make the right financial action.In the course they will learn the following topics -1Self limited believe about finance 2 Pay yourself first 3 The monkey mind 4 How to keep track of your expenses5 And more.."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Success during a crisis" |
"In this course you are going to learn the secrets of success and how to succeed in times of crisis.You have to manage your money properly even in times of crisis, there are laws of success that you must apply even in times of crisis, especially in times of crisis, it is time to check that you are managing your money properly,In addition, I'm going to teach you how to invest in physical gold, and why investing in physical gold is a very good investment, especially during a crisis, and how to set good goalsThe topics you will learn in the course: 1)How to build Success during A Crisis2)Laws of economic success3)How to invest in physical goldI want you to succeed so I ask you not give up on your success.Buy the course and see you on the other side!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"MAKE YOUR VIDEO come stare davanti e dietro alla telecamera" |
"Questo corso unisce per la prima volta il mondo dell'audiovideo con quello della comunicazione. Un percorso a 360 per imparare a fare i video in maniera indipendente e imparare a comunicare davanti alla telecamera, con tanti training specifici dedicati al public speaking. Per questo la definiamo un'esperienza che tocca le basi delle varie materie in maniera ampia e molto versatile: teoria, tecnica e pratica, tutto insieme.GESTISCI AL MEGLIO QUELLO CHE STA DIETRO E DAVANTI ALLA TELECAMERA!Se sei un libero professionista questo corso ti insegner a gestire al meglio il linguaggio video per comunicare meglio il tuo messaggio.Se sei docente, insegnante, coach questo percorso ti insegner a fare ottimi video per la formazione.Se sei influencer, youtuber questo percorso ti aiuter a fare video eccezionali per i tuoi fan o per i tuoi clienti. COSA FARAI CON CRISTIANAPu essere difficile stare di fronte alla telecamera, e ci sono diverse cose da vedere ed esercizi che si possono fare prima, per prepararsi al meglio e sentirsi comunque a proprio agio. Per arricchire le tue potenzialit oratorie scopriremo come esprimerle, liberarle e usarle a tuo vantaggio. Per perfezionare il nostro linguaggio verbale e non verbale, e comunicare in modo efficace la tua unicit professionale, partiremo dalla respirazione, a mio avviso la perfetta chiave di accesso che apre molte porte, e impareremo insieme a gestirla correttamente. COSA FARAI CON FABRIZIO Anche se non hai mai preso in mano una telecamera scoprirai i segreti dell'audiovisivo che ti permetteranno di essere indipendente nel creare i tuoi video per la tua realt, divertendoti. In queste lezioni imparerai a realizzare video professionali e belli esteticamente rendendo la tua immagine e i tuoi contenuti funzionali alle tue esigenze. Per gestire i tuoi progetti in maniera serena ed efficace, affronteremo insieme tanti argomenti con un approccio interdisciplinare e con molto senso pratico, questo ci permetter di essere diretti, brillanti e comprensibili da tutti.********Vuoi avere altri contenuti oltre a quelli di questo corso?Digita Cool - Cristiana Raggi nella barra di ricerca di Youtube, troverai tanti tutorial e risorse gratuite dedicati alle tecniche del public speaking / parlare in pubblico e alla dizione. E ancora corsi, esercizi, consigli per vincere la paura e la timidezza di parlare davanti ad altre persone: dagli amici, sino alle grandi platee. Ogni mese rispondo alle domande e dubbi degli iscritti con un video che entra nel programma del corso.Iscriviti e non perdere nessun aggiornamento per capire come usare la voce al meglio, in ogni occasione."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Sade e Meio Ambiente" |
"O curso composto por 4 unidades, sendo elas:Unidade I: Conceitos e Correlao entre Sade e Meio AmbienteUnidade II: Meio Ambiente, Sade e SustentabilidadeUnidade III: EpidemiologiaUnidade IV: Polticas de sade pblica, ambiental e desenvolvimento sustentvelVamos ver como o indivduo compe uma relao com o corpo, consigo mesmo e com o meio em que vive.Seja um profissional qualificado! reas importantes para o seu desenvolvimento profissional."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"King Cobra Skin Creation in Substance Designer for beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn to create the Skin of King Cobra Snake. This tutorial is designed for beginner level Game Artists who wants to learn the basics of Substance Designer. You can still enroll to this course even if you are an Intermediate or Advanced level Game Artists who lacks skills in Substance Designer."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Acne - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment" |
"Layers of the skinDifferent types of follicles and their role in acneFollicle anatomyBarrier functionSkin and the immune systemAcne bacteria and the role of fatty acidsSkin inflammationHow acne developsInflammatory and non-inflammatory acneComedonal versus inflammatory acneScarringGenetics and acneHyperkeratosisKeloidsSensitive skinHormones role in acnePubertyPremenstrual breakoutsPregnancy and acnePerioral dermattitisBirth control pills and acneAcne and menopauseEnvironmental factorsWeather effects on the skinContact acneAcne detergicansOccupational acneGreasy work environmentsSteroids and acneContact acneDiet and acneCosmetic acneClient consultationProducts for homecareIn salon treatments"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Curso Excel Completo" |
"Bem vindos ao Curso de Excel Completo, nesse curso voc ir aprender: Apresentao do Curso + Mdulos Apresentao da Plataforma de Ensino (Udemy) Introduo ao Excel Formataes Bsicas (Fonte, Background, Bordas, Formatao de Nmeros Bsica) Inserir, Excluir, Ocultar e Alterar Tamanho de Linhas e Colunas Introduo ao Mdulo Como inserir frmulas + Operaes Matemticas Bsica Frmula SOMA Frmula MDIA Frmula SE Copiar e Colar no Excel + Copiando Frmula + Travando Frmula Frmula MAIOR e MENOR Frmula CONT.VALORES Frmula SES Frmula SEERRO Imprimir e Configurar Layout da Pgina Inserir Objetos I (Formas, Imagens, Comentrios e Caixa de Texto) Sheet - Criar, Renomear e Alterar Cor Hyperlinks Formatar Clula Classificar e Filtros Nomeando Intervalos Frmula PROCV + PROCH Frmula SOMASE + SOMASES Frmula MDIASE + MDIASES Frmula CONT.SE + CONT.SES Frmula CONCAT Frmula TEXTO Tabelas Grficos Frmulas para extrair Datas Tabelas Dinmica I Tabelas Dinmica II Introduo Macros Gravando Macro Inserindo Botes Propriedades da Sheet Botes Personalizados+ PROJETOS2 Projetos+ ATUALIZAES Frmulas para Extrair Datas"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
mekbghvn |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Exam MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Admin - Practice Exams" |
"Are you ready to take the 2020 MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Administration exam?This practice test course contains 4 complete timed tests, of at least 50-questions each, just like you will get in the official exam. That's over 200 questions to see how prepared you are for the real test. Each practice exam is perfectly balanced as per the domain weightings published in the candidate bulletin. In addition, after taking the exam you can review your answers compared against the correct answers including explanations and documentation links of each question, the answer options and the recommended approach for getting the answers right. Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions and explanations. There is no time limit. You can take the quizzes as many times as you like to make sure you're ready to take the exam. The exams are formatted just like the real questions would be. Unfortunately, we are limited in the types of questions we can offer, so this quiz will be multiple-choice and multi-select only unlike the real exam where you can expect additional types of questions like drag-and-drop and hot-area. You can learn more about the different types of questions on Microsoft's certification web site. But we're confident that you will be fairly tested on your knowledge of the Microsoft Power Platform after taking these practice exams.The exams were compiled by an experienced team of Microsoft security professionals whom have all passed the official exams. The test covers all the latest domains and sub-domains as published in the candidate bulletin including:Implement and manage identity and accessImplement and manage threat protectionImplement and manage information protectionManage governance and compliance features in Microsoft 365 Four practice tests allow you the flexibility to attempt one exam early-on during your exam-preparation to adjust your focus-areas and cut down on study time. The three remaining exams can be used to prove your readiness to take the official exam. Or you can just use all three in whatever way suits your preparation workflow. This is the perfect tool to assess your readiness, and find those one or two areas that you may want to focus on in the days before taking the test.We are looking forward to seeing you inside the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"S.O.S TCC na arquitetura- diagramao e montagem de pranchas" |
"Curso de rpida formao para alunos e arquitetos que buscam aperfeioar a forma de apresentar seus projetos e trabalhos. O curso conta com mais de 15 mdulos, e est cheio de contedo de alto nvel para voc aprender a diagramao de pranchas e ps produo de imagens renderizadas em alto nvel.Aqui voc aprender:- Como importar uma planta para PS- Como inserir background na prancha - Fazer linhas de chamadas- Inserir textos- Ter o domnio de diversas ferramentas do Photoshop- Fazer e tratar imagens na Ps produo ( aprenda trocar o cu da sua imagem, colocar escala humana, trocar texturas e sobrepor pinturas, entre diversas outras ferramentas)- Voc poder apresentar seus projetos ao seu cliente/professor em um nvel muito alto!- Disponibilizamos para os alunos uma biblioteca de texturas e imagens PNG.NO SE DESESPERE COM SEU TCC, VOC AINDA PODE APRESENT-LO EM ALTO NVEL!!!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Immune Boosting Vitamins" |
"Are you worried about exposure to new infections that seem to come out of nowhere every once in a while?Maybe you are in good health, but you are worried about your parents or grandparents contracting a disease. Or you are probably worried about your significant other who has one of the risk factors for worse health outcomes: overweight/obese, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, lung disease, kidney disease, etc...That's understandable and that is why I have created this course. In this course, I put together my decades of teaching and working in the health and nutrition field to present you with the knowledge that is so urgent to have during uncertain times. In this course, you will learn about which vitamins and the foods that are rich in them strengthen your immune system. A lot of ""common knowledge"" about what is healthy for us does not hold up under scrutiny.There is so much misinformation about what a healthy diet is that it can be very frustrating for the average person who just wants to improve their health without getting a Ph.D. in the process.For that reason, I simplify what vitamins are essential for improving our immune system function and which foods can wreak havoc on our physical health.I also provide you with concise straight-to-the-point explanations for my recommendations.If you are ready to take back control of your and your loved ones' health, then I will see you on the inside!In Health,Dr. Z"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Complete - 15 Simple Ways to Increase Results" |
"Productivity means results, and results are one of the most important aspects of modern life. Your results set who you are for yourself and for others. In many cases, your results determine the job you can have, and the level to which you can ascend in that career.On the other hand, lack of results is called ""failure"" and is a primary source of sadness, disappointment, frustration, and in severe cases disillusionment and even depression.Many of us are not happy with our results in one or more area of life. Either we have not yet achieved what we want, or we have achievements and are looking for what is next, what is the next level we can achieve. Or we feel we have reached a plateau and no matter what we try, we feel stuck.This course can improve your results in these areas of life:HealthCareerFitnessFamily and Child DevelopmentRelationshipsSportsHobbiesMoney and FinancesFriends and SocialisingPerformance or Public SpeakingWriting, Art or other Creative Vocation or AvocationSales, Management, OrganisationCoaching OthersAnd Many MoreBoth the achievement of results and the failure to achieve them, come from the same immutable process, the same fundamental design for producing results. But most of us do not understand and practice the rules that govern producing results. And because we don't, we end up falling short of what we want or reaching a level beyond which we cannot seem to progress.This course uncovers how productivity works in a way that leaves you naturally, almost automatically in action to produce the results - any results - you want.This is NOT a time management course. Time cannot be managed; it moves steadily from minute to minute, and there is nothing you can do about that. This IS an ACTION course. Your results are a direct of the actions you take and don't take. What many people think of as a failure to manage time, is simply not finding the right actions.But finding the right actions is not always easy. We have habits. We have learned ""how things are done"". We have learned the kind of actions we can take, and what actions we could never take.In this course, you will discover the source of actions and 15 simple ways to change this source, so that new actions are not only available to you, but you find yourself naturally and automatically taking these new actions. And because your actions become natural and automatic, you find you get more done in less time.In the course you will learn:The source of resultsThe inescapable design of productivityHow to identify and alter the source of your own resultsHow to identify and alter the source of results others achieveFifteen ways to improve your results in any area of life you wantA powerful way to remember these fifteen ways, making them readily availableThe secret to success in education, sales, marketing, and coachingThis course is for:People looking to expand their ability to produce resultsPeople who have reached ""a plateau"" and are looking to get unstuckSuccessful people looking for the next level of resultsPeople who have not yet achieved the results they wantAt the end of the course, you will have the tools necessary to produce any result in any area of life you want.What our students say:Profoundly insightful! Gets to the root of why we might be stuck with the same results, then provides very practical ways to bring about exciting changes. Well worth the investment of time!Great Job!Jim does a great job of flushing out the fundamentals of productivity in a way that is practical. His examples are useful tools and can be utilized in all areas of life. This course will change the way you view your life, your ability to produce the results you want. He even shares ways you can influence the results of others. Bravo!Very clear and concise. Jim also gives good examples. The course also expanded my view on what I thought I knew regarding my decision making and personal productivity."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Develop a Training Course" |
"Don't just build a course, build a successful course that helps you achieve your goals! Whether you're looking to create and sell courses to generate income, you're a business owner looking to create custom employee training, or even if you're just looking to learn new things or create a course just for fun.... this course is for you!In this course, you'll learn how to create a course from start to finish; from choosing your topic to planning your course and creating the content, to developing course elements like video, audio, and course aides, to implementing, launching, and marketing your course, and finally evaluating the effectiveness and overall success of YOUR course. RESOURCES INCLUDED!Students enrolled in this course get access to the:Comprehensive Course Planning Template (.DOC and .PDF), that will walk you through the different elements of course creation to help you develop a successful courseContent Creation Template (.PPT) to simplify your content development processCourse Marketing Strategy Template (.DOC and .PDF) that will help you outline your target audience and define promotion methods to get eyes on your courseAction Planning Template (.DOC and .PDF) to deep dive into the details of each marketing initiative you're using to promote your courseReady to get started creating your first course? Enroll now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Increase the Engagement of a Facebook Page in 2020" |
"Do you experience a constant declined Facebook Engagement? Do your Page Fans look inactive and never engage with your posts anymore?You are not alone. For the past years, Page Owners have been coming to me asking why their Facebook Page doesn't work anymore and fewer people seem to interact or even see the content they post. Most of them blame Facebook Algorithm. And although indeed the algorithm has almost killed the organic reach of a page, this doesn't mean you should continue doing what you do if you see no result. Quite the opposite, actually.You want to take the maximum out of a Facebook Page, not only to better promote your brand but to connect with the people matter to you most. And you can't do this if they don't see your content.On almost every Facebook Page Audit I run, I notice some repeating patterns. Some mistakes every non-professional page owner makes. And this leads to less interaction and eventually zero engagement with the page's community. This is the reason I created this course. To show you in simple, easy, and practical ways some specific steps you can take immediately to start seeing better results.I have packed here the most usual mistakes I encounter every time I run a Page Audit. And every time my students implement what I suggest, they start seeing tangible results.These instructions can now be found in this Course, which is created from scratch in May 2020. And you can complete it in less that one hour.This minimum investment can help you reactivate your Page with all the benefits you can have from this!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"VCPC610 VMware Certified Professional 6 Cloud Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the VCPC610 VMware Certified Professional 6 Cloud Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learn time management for the real exam."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce DEV-501 Certify Advanced Developer Practice Exam" |
"182 UNIQUE practice questions for Salesforce DEV-501 Certify Advanced Developer Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Salesforce DEV-501 Certify Advanced Developer Practice ExamTotal Questions : 182Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (136 of 182)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"IBM 000-J01 System HAC Implementing Technical Mastery Exam" |
"172 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM 000-J01 System HAC Implementing Technical Mastery ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM 000-J01 System HAC Implementing Technical Mastery ExamTotal Questions : 172Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (129 of 172)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |