Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"CSi SAP2000: Structural Analysis Program for Engineers" |
"About the course:CSI SAP2000 (StructuralAnalysis Program) is an engineering software that is ideal for analysis and design of structural elements like beams, columns, slabs, trusses, cables, shells, etc. What makes SAP2000 used by most engineers around the world is the fact that it's simple and capable at the same time. It can perform basic analysis like shear and moment calculations to time history analysis and dynamic analysis. My students, who are engineers and students, have requested from me to do this course for years; and now this course is ready and easy to follow and understand. This course is a basic introduction to the feature of SAP2000 and it dives deep into explaining the steps and options available inthis powerful software. What to expect from this course:After completion of this course, you are expected to be able to draw & analyze beams, frames (2D and 3D), and other complex structures using SAP2000; understand the different load combinations and patterns; and perform modal analysis on 2D Frames."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings" |
"A Civil Engineering Course by Hamid ElDarwich, Civil Engineerig PhilosophyFounder: Seismic Rehabiliation is the modfication of existing structure to make it more resistant to earthquakes. During the unergrad studies, engineers spend their time learning about the design of buildings rather than maintaining or rehabilitating the existing structure.In this minicourse, I will cover some the methods that can be used for seismic rehabiliation of Rreinforced Concrete Buildings; this course is meant to be only a basic course because each method I will be covering desevres a whole course on its own; I have summarized the basic concepts about these methods that the engineers need to know in case they are assigned a rehabiliation project.The methods that will be covered are: - Base Isolation, - TMD (Tuned Mass Damper)- CFRP (CarbonFiber Reinforced Polymer) Wrapping- Steel Jacketing - Adding New Structural Elements- Adding Supplemtary Dampers - Slosh TanksFinally, I will provide a comparison between these methods per project basis; this comparison will help the engineer decide when to use this or that method for a specific project."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Composing and Encoding Collage" |
"In this workshop we will investigate composition through the art of collage: approached as an inquiry, an experiment in decision-making and an opportunity for unexpected revelations. This method of collage/painting is inspired by Eastern approaches to contemplative art and contemporary improvisational approaches to painting.We will explore settling the mind, techniques of line-work and composition. The creative process and the beauty of imperfection is emphasized. No experience needed! Each of us will emerge with 3 original paintings, which we can then decipher to reveal elements of our own personal symbolism."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Docker + Swarm Orkestrasyon" |
"Sevgili Arkadalar,Uygulamalarla Docker eitimine ho geldiniz! Docker, yazlm baznda sanallatrma teknolojilerinden birisi. Gznz hi korkutmasn, bu zamana dek Docker renmek istemi ama renememi olmanz da cannz skmasn. Kurs dahilinde pek ok uygulama ve kaynak mevcut. Dilediiniz zaman bu uygulamalara yeniden gz atp unuttuklarnz hatrlayabilirsiniz.Kurs genel olarak nce teorik ardndan pratik eitim vererek bilgiyi ilemeye odaklanm durumda. Belirtmekte fayda var, pratii daha ok nemsiyor ve bu yzden kurs iindeki uygulama saysn fazla tutuyorum.Neden Docker renmeliyim?Eer Docker hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa unlar sylemek zihninizde bir eyler canlanmasna yardmc olabilir:Bir uygulama rettiniz ancak bu uygulamay baka bir bilgisayara (sunucu, test ortam) deploy etmeye kalktnzda hatalar alm olabilirsiniz. te Docker en temelde bu sorunu zm ve bir uygulamann her yerde ayn kararllkla almasn salamtr.Uygulamay deploy etmeyi baardnz ancak bu ilemi pek ok bilgisayara yapmanz gerekebilir, yani uygulamann birden fazla sunucuda almas gerekebilir. Bu durumda deploy ilemi hem zaman almakta hem de giderek zorlamaktadr. Docker ile bir uygulamann birden fazla kopyasn oluturmak ve farkl lokasyonlardaki sunuculara deploy etmek olduka kolay. Yalnzca saniyeler iinde tamamlanan bir ilem haline geliyor.Bir uygulamann bakm konusunda Docker yine n plana kyor. rnein deploy ettiiniz bir servis (uygulama) herhangi bir hata sebebiyle kt. Bu durumda Docker elle mdahale gerektirmeksizin otomatik olarak alan sunuculardan birisine sizin uygulamanzn kopyasn oluturur ve canl hale getirir. Bu sayede gece uykularnzdan feragat ederek ilem yapmanz gerekmez.Yukarda saydklarm ve benzeri pek ok sebepten tr Docker renilmesi ve kullanlmas artk kanlmaz bir teknoloji olmutur.Kursun Temel YapsSlaytlar eliinde kavramlarla beraber teorik bilgi aktarmBlm devamnda pratiklik kazandracak uygulama rnekleri ve uygulama pf noktalarKarlalmas muhtemel hatalar ve zmleriDocker imaj retmek, Dockerfile hazrlamakmaj iin script yazmak ve evre deikeni kullanmakBirden ok servisi ayn anda deploy etmekSanal Docker ortamlar hazrlamak (driver=Virtualbox)Docker cluster yaratarak bir proje iin ayr ayr sunucularda kopyalar retmek ve analizini yapmakSwarm orkestrasyon ve uygulamalarKursun banda Linux bilginizi tazelemek adna Linux dersleri olan bir blm var. Eer Linux bilginiz yeterliyse o blm dorudan geebilirsiniz. Sertifikanz alabilmek iin ltfen o derslerin de izlendiine dair kutucuu iaretleyin.Kursu alabilmek iin indirim kuponuna ihtiyacnz varsa adresinden bana ulaabilirsiniz."
Price: 349.99 ![]() |
"Modern Brush-Lettering & Calligraphy: From Sketch to Screen" |
"Interested in learning modern hand-lettering skills AND learning how to bring your lettering artwork onto the computer?This class is divided into two parts:Hand-lettering basics: supplies, techniques, and two different lettering stylesScanning our project and learning simple editing in PhotoshopYou'll Learn Brush Lettering:Supplies recommendations for brush pens, paper, and a scannerHand-lettering basics in six simple strokesModern brush lettering techniquesModern calligraphy techniquesYou'll Learn Digitizing Your Project:Scanning best practicesErasing the paper backgroundPlaying with color and textureIncorporating metallic textures into your letteringSaving tips for maximum resolutionFreebies You Get:Free 6-pack of metallic tonesBasic Brushstrokes WorksheetEnroll now to get started!xoxo,Cat CoquilletteCatCoq"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Convert Your Figma Designs Into Native iOS & Android Apps" |
"Have you ever wanted to convert your Figma prototypes into a native iOS & Android app? If so, you are in the right place. In this course, we will design and create three different real-world apps together. A contact app, an RSVP app, and a furniture app. Without coding. That's right.Now with the help of the Bravo platform, its possible to actually convert your Figma design into native apps quickly and the good news is that you can publish your app to the App Store or Play Store.So first we will design our apps in Figma and then we will convert them into real-world iOS & Android apps instantly thanks to Bravo tags. We will use all iOS & Android's native components in order to design and create ready-to-publish apps.Moreover, you will learn how to create your own database without writing a single line of code. In addition, we will work with public and private APIs in order to retrieve our data from a remote server.An amazing course for people who want to create native iOS & Android apps without coding.By the end of the course, you will learn how to make 3 real-world applications that are connected to a database using the Bravo Studio platform. So if you are ready to level up your skills, Ill see you in class.Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about my design courses:""I loved this course. Highly recommended if you want to build real-world designs. loved Arash's style of teaching."" - Mustafa Alabdullah""This course is AMAZING! I really like the content especially the projects. I could finally find a course to take me from the very basic concepts to the most complex part of UI/UX design. I 100% recommend it."" - Zhan K""A comprehensive and detailed course for anyone looking to become a UI/UX designer. Clear and easy to understand explanations. It covers all of the topics required for a real-world professional."" - Erikas""The course was awesome, he went through a lot of features and showed a whole lot of stuff that is going to make me a better UI/UX designer. Thank you Arash."" - Sara Brown""Such an amazing course. I was always looking for a comprehensive course that could teach me everything in one place. I finally found it. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to become a world-class UI/UX designer."" - Louis CastilloCourse highlights:Turn your ideas into real-world appsMastering Bravo Studio appTips & Tricks, make most of Figma toolsMastering Bravo TagsCreate your own database without codingBONUS! You will get an e-book (200+ pages) worth $199.We are so confident that you will love this course that we're offering a 30-day money-back guarantee! So you can sign up today with zero risks. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build Apps with Django Rest Framework and Angular" |
"In this class we'll be learning about the Django Rest Framework and Angular. We will also be learning how to use our docker containers to view data from PGAdmin as an image from docker. We will also use Angular Material as the styling framework to automate some styling of our components.We will use Django Rest Auth for Permissions and Authentication"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Physics 100:Electric Force, Fields, Potential and Capacitors" |
"This comprehensive course covers Coulomb's Law, Electric Field, Gauss's Law, Capacitors, Electrical Potential and Electrical Potential EnergyThe course combines lectures that summarize the important concepts and tutorials that will guide you and help you develop a problem solving strategy. Topics include in this class are:1) Charging Objects by Conduction and Induction2) Coulomb's Law3) Electric Field: Point Charges, Electric Dipoles, and Parallel Plates4) Electrical Potential and Electrical Potential Energy5) Electric Flux and Gauss's Law6) Capacitors7) DielectricsThere are over 60 fully solved problems ranging in difficulty. I've mixed in many conceptual problems as well as algebraic problems to help you practice applying energy principles to solve problems.If at any point you don't understand something in my videos please feel free to reach out. I'm always willing to help someone learn. Physics Ninja always has your back!Happy LearningDr. E.,Physics Ninja and Expert Physics and Math Teacher."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Law of Contract in India - Part 2" |
"The course covers the entire Indian Contract Act, 1872. You will learn about all the essential elements of a valid contract in detail such as Consideration, Free Consent, Capacity of Parties, Lawful Object and some special types of contracts such as Quasi Contract, Bailment and Pledge, Indemnity and Guarantee and Contract of Agency. Apart from this, other important topics such as Discharge of Contract, Remedies for Breach of Contract, Contingent Contract, Expressly Declared Void Agreements and Performance of Contract have also been covered."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Crez votre premier jeu 2D en codant avec Unity" |
"Dans cet Atelier vous allez apprendre utiliser les principales fonctionnalits de Unity , en codant en C# , pour crer votre premier jeu vido 2D. Le jeu vido prsent est un mix entre un Bubble Shooter et un Wall Breaker. Le jeu complet a t dvelopp en moins d'une semaine avec le Studio Event Orizon sur Carcassonne (11). Nous vous proposons ici de dcouvrir les tapes de cration du prototype, afin que vous puissiez voir comment organiser un projet par tapes.Il est noter qu'il est prfrable d'avoir des bases dans le langage C# avant d'aborder cet Atelier. Contactez moi par email ( pour avoir un coupon de rduction sur le premier volume de la srie ""Dveloppeur Unity"".Ou retrouvez dans la section BONUS, la fin due l'Atelier, un coupon de rduction spcial Etudiant.Vous voulez coder votre premier jeu vido ? Mais vous ne savez pas par o commencer, et vous voulez un Atelier rapide et compact.Vous avez des bases en C# et vous voulez dcouvrir le dveloppement de jeux vidos avec Unity ?Vous avez peut tre dj cre un premier jeu avec Unity, et vous voulez dcouvrir une mthode de dcoupage pour apprendre grer un projet tape par tape.N'hsitez plus et plongez dans ce cours !Plutt que de suivre un mega bundle, exhaustif mais sans rel focus, cet Atelier vous propose de coder un jeu vido 2D en 10 tapes !Retrouvez le jeu complet, pour le fun sur:Apple Store : lien dans la premire session de l'AtelierGoogle Play: lien dans la premire session de l'AtelierCe cours est compatible Unity 2017, Unity 2018, Unity 2019, Unity 2020.Si vous rencontrez des difficults en cours d'apprentissage, vous pouvez utiliser la section Questions/Rponses et je ferai de mon possible pour vous dbloquer.Commencez ds maintenant.Rejoignez le cours, en cliquant sur Suivre cet Atelier en haut droite."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"NASM CPT Study Prep Made Easy" |
"Learn from an instructor that has taught this material at a college level and has helped many trainers understand the exercise science behind NASM's method.During my time as a program director at Vatterott College I spent many years teaching a large number of students the ways of NASM and how to effectively learn the material. During this time I have perfected my method of successfully delivering the information in a way that is easy to understand. Join this program and learn what I have taught many others.Over 4 hours of video explanation content!!!This is the simplified guide to passing the NASM Exam on the first try. This course is broken down into bullet points and videos explaining the important or hard to understand topics. In the videos I will include the page numbers of the material I am speaking to. That way you can easily follow along and have references for future studying.The information of this course will be mostly video material, that being said be sure to review the bullet points provided in the resources tab.In the resources tab there will be material to help you study.To pass the NASM CPT exam:Focus on understanding the bullet points.Watch the videosFollow along in the bookComplete your practice exams (that are provided by NASM when you purchase your certification)If you get study questions wrong, find the answer in the book so you can understand why you missed itPractice what you learn in the gym and on friends or familyRepeatWhat does this course cover?NASM's Exercise ScienceHow to Identify Muscle Imbalances and Perform AssessmentsOPT model and Exercise ProgressionNASM's Nutrition / Supplementation Client Behavior and Personal Development"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Outlook 2019: Advanced" |
"In this course, you will use Outlook's advanced features to customize and manage your email communications, including using advanced features to organize emails; managing calendar settings and options; managing contact information; scheduling tasks; and managing Outlook backups and data file settings.This course draws on the fundamental concepts introduced in Microsoft Office Outlook 2019: Part 1 course and will help you tailor a communication program that is well fitted to your job style. REGISTER TODAY!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"TCA Cycle and Photosynthesis MCQ Practice (Bio Chemistry)" |
"The citric acid cycle (CAC) also known as the TCA cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle) or the Krebs cycle is a series of chemical reactions used by all aerobic organisms to release stored energy through the oxidation of acetyl-CoA derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and carbon dioxide. In addition, the cycle provides precursors of certain amino acids, as well as the reducing agent NADH, that are used in numerous other reactions. Its central importance to many biochemical pathways suggests that it was one of the earliest established components of cellular metabolism and may have originated abiogenically. Even though it is branded as a 'cycle', it is not necessary for metabolites to follow only one specific route; at least three segments of the citric acid cycle have been recognizedThe name of this metabolic pathway is derived from the citric acid (a type of tricarboxylic acid, often called citrate, as the ionized form predominates at biological pH) that is consumed and then regenerated by this sequence of reactions to complete the cycle. The cycle consumes acetate (in the form of acetyl-CoA) and water, reduces NAD+ to NADH, and produces carbon dioxide as a waste byproduct. The NADH generated by the citric acid cycle is fed into the oxidative phosphorylation (electron transport) pathway. The net result of these two closely linked pathways is the oxidation of nutrients to produce usable chemical energy in the form of ATPPhotosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities. This chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water. In most cases, oxygen is also released as a waste product. Most plants, most algae, and cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis; such organisms are called photoautotrophs. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere, and supplies most of the energy necessary for life on EarthCellular respiration is a set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert chemical energy from oxygen molecules or nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products. The reactions involved in respiration are catabolic reactions, which break large molecules into smaller ones, releasing energy because weak high-energy bonds, in particular in molecular oxygen, are replaced by stronger bonds in the products. Respiration is one of the key ways a cell releases chemical energy to fuel cellular activity. The overall reaction occurs in a series of biochemical steps, some of which are redox reactions. Although cellular respiration is technically a combustion reaction, it clearly does not resemble one when it occurs in a living cell because of the slow, controlled release of energy from the series of reactionsThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on TCA Cycle, Photosynthesis and Respiration. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 70 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amino Acid and Minerals MCQ Practice (Bio Chemistry)" |
"Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms. The three main purposes of metabolism are: the conversion of food to energy to run cellular processes; the conversion of food/fuel to building blocks for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates; and the elimination of nitrogenous wastes. These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. (The word metabolism can also refer to the sum of all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, including digestion and the transport of substances into and between different cells, in which case the above described set of reactions within the cells is called intermediary metabolism or intermediate metabolism)Metabolic reactions may be categorized as catabolic the breaking down of compounds (for example, the breaking down of glucose to pyruvate by cellular respiration); or anabolic the building up (synthesis) of compounds (such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids). Usually, catabolism releases energy, and anabolism consumes energyIn the context of nutrition, a mineral is a chemical element required as an essential nutrient by organisms to perform functions necessary for life. However, the four major structural elements in the human body by weight (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen), are usually not included in lists of major nutrient minerals (nitrogen is considered a ""mineral"" for plants, as it often is included in fertilizers). These four elements compose about 96% of the weight of the human body, and major minerals (macrominerals) and minor minerals (also called trace elements) compose the remainderNutrient minerals, being elements, cannot be synthesized biochemically by living organisms. Plants get minerals from soil. Most of the minerals in a human diet come from eating plants and animals or from drinking water. As a group, minerals are one of the four groups of essential nutrients, the others of which are vitamins, essential fatty acids, and essential amino acids. The five major minerals in the human body are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. All of the remaining elements in a human body are called ""trace elements"". The trace elements that have a specific biochemical function in the human body are sulfur, iron, chlorine, cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, iodine, and seleniumThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Amino Acid Metabolism and Minerals. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 50 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Modelado 3D con Autodesk 3ds Max" |
"En este curso aprenders a modelar con 3ds Max de forma progresiva. Comenzaremos desde 0 hasta llegar a un nivel ms avanzado. Una vez veamos la interfaz del programa, nos iremos adentrando en el uso de distintas herramientas y modificadores, modelando todo tipo de escenarios, para un aprendizaje ameno y divertido. Modelaremos escenarios de dibujos animados como los Simpsons y pasaremos a realizar escenarios realistas que te servirn para trabajar en el mundo de la infoarquitectura. Adems modelaremos props para videojuegos.Terminaremos realizando renders de altsima calidad a la vez que explicamos sus parmetros.Una vez terminemos el curso te sentirs preparado para meter la cabeza en el mundo profesional."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"AFFINITY Designer Initiation - Outils + Ateliers Cratifs" |
"Voici l'alternative parfaite Illustrator ... AFFINITY DesignerJe suis Romain, Formateur digital depuis plus 10 ans ( Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere pro,Wordpress ) et maintenant AFFINITY !!!Vous avez envie, ou besoin de crer des logos, illustration, picto,carte de visite ou autres???Cette formation AFFINITY Designer est parfaite pour vous !!!Le logiciel AFFINITY Designer cote moins de 60, achat 1 fois et vous l'avez pour toujours, alors n'hsitez plus.Niveau performance... C'est pareil (voir mieux) qu'Illustrator, que vous connaissez surement.Interface dynamique, fonctionnalits avances, rendu parfait et bien plus encore...Nous allons dcouvrir tout a ensemble.Je vous propose un programme adapt vos attentes, divis en plusieurs tapes pour apprhender le logiciel dans son ensemble.LE PROGRAMME DE VOTRE FORMATION:AFFINITY Designer, a quoi a sert?Les premiers pasDessiner les formesCouleursDessiner librementAtelier cratif - La sourisComment utiliser le texteLes calquesDessiner autrementContours et alignementsGomtrieAutres fonctionnalitsAtelier Cratif - Redessiner une illustration - Projet PouletAtelier Cratif - A vous de jouerAtelier Cratif - Cration d'un logo simpleAtelier Cratif - Cration d'un logo un peu plus avancAtelier Cratif - Faire une carte de visite recto versoAtelier Cratif - Faire une miniuature YoutubeAtelier Cratif - Crer un post FacebookAtelier Cratif - Illustration carte cadeauAtelier Cratif - Illustration carte anniversaire - Le chatAtelier Cratif - Crer une infographieN'hsitez pas acheter cette formation, tout est idal, logiciel trs performant et peu cher, formation de qualit et rgulirement mis jour, suivi de projet et rponse aux questions via le tchat du site.Je serais heureux d'tre votre formateur, trs bienttRomain Duclos Formateur Digital"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Business Analysis Fundamentals - become a Business Analyst" |
"Course OverviewThis online course is for anyone interested in becoming a Business Analyst or anyone interested in this field, individuals who want to make a career change or anyone with a Business Analysis background who want a more formal and industry-standard business analysis approach. The students will have a strong understanding of the role of a business analyst, structure of a project team, system development life cycle methodologies (SDLC), the importance of requirements gathering, different types of requirements, JAD (Joint Application Design) sessions , role of a Business Analyst in JAD session, and how to conduct JAD sessions. This training covers all in-depth elements and phases of business analysis. This course will go thru basics and will help you build a strong foundation in Business Analysis.The assignments and practical exercises provided thru documentation will make you feel that you are already part of a project and brings added value to this course as comparing to other courses on the market. You will not only build a solid theoretical foundation but also have access to practical resources in the same time. At the end of the course youll be able to understand the terminology, the responsibilities of a business analyst and the tasks and challenges associated with this role. Feel free to use code UDEMY09 to get your discounted course!Pre-requisitesNo prior experience is necessaryBasic computer skills, good communication and documentation skillsCourse Syllabus1. Role of a Business Analyst Business Analysis Elements and Phases. Business Analysis Defined Structure of a Project TeamJAD Session. Role of a BA in JAD Session. How to conduct JAD session? 2. SDLC Methodologies Project Life Cycle. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Waterfall, Agile Scrum Methodology, RUP3. Requirements GatheringRequirement Gathering Techniques Importance of Requirement gatheringDifferent Types of Requirements4. Artifacts Business Requirements Document, Functional Requirements Document, UML Diagrams5. Quality Assurance and Project Management BonusesThe artifacts which are included free in this course: Business Requirements Document (BRD) template which will help you practice your documentation skillsOther project documents are included such as Project Charter, Use Cases and others. You will not only build a solid theoretical foundation but also have access to practical resources in the same time. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NLP Destekli Szsz letiim" |
"Konuurken ki ses tonunuz, cmleleriniz de kullandnz buna dair kalplar ve zellikle de iletiimi ayran l yap, cmleler, emirler ve sorular. Uzaklatrc kullanan insanlar cmlenin sonunda ses tonunu ykseltmeye eilimlidir. fadenin veya cmlenin sonunda artan bu infleksiyonlar, aadaki rneklerde italikle gsterilecek.Kadnlar ve Dzelte ile ilgili zel bir durum sz konusudur. Maalesef hala bir ok i koluna erkeklerin hakim olduu bir konumdayz. Bu yzden bir bayan eitmen veya konumac olarak sunuma gittiinizde ou dinleyicinizin erkek olduunu grebilirsiniz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Essential Angular Programming by Practical Project Samples" |
"Angular is a ""huge"" web framework to build a great modern web application. This bootcamp explores essential Angular programming with practical approach. Angular concept and program samples are provided in order to get more practices. You will learn from basic TypeScript programming but you can skip this if you have knowledge of TypeScript. Learning essential Angular features is explored to accelerate your understanding of Angular development. Next, we build a full-stack web application that Angular works as a front-end application. Various back-end application platforms will be delivered in this bootcamp such as ASP.NET Core, PHP, Node.js and Spring Boot.You don't need to have knowledge of TypeScript and Angular to follow this bootcamp. We start from basic TypeScript programming. You need to focus on learning process. Internet access is needed in order to install some required libraries during hands-on-lab.Happy web developers!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Veri Bilimi iin statistik: Python ile statistik" |
"Gnmz en deerli kaynaklarndan birisi olan veri ve bu veriyi anlamlandrmak iin gerekli olan istatistik bilgisini herkesin anlayabilecei bir ekilde ele alyoruz.Veri odakl gelien dijital dnyada klasik okuryazarlk yerini veri okuryazarlna brakmtr. Kullandmz sosyal medya kanallar, internet siteleri ve mobil uygulamalar her an veri retmektedir. Bu veriyi okuyabilmek ve saylar ile konuabilmek toplumun her kesimi iin bir zorunluluk haline gelmitir.Bu kurs ile veri okuryazarln reneceiz ve internette yer alan ya da kendi verilerimizi nasl tanyabileceimizi, nasl yorumlayabileceimizi ve nasl grselletirebileceimizi reneceiz.Veri Bilimi iin statistik konusu ile statistik literatrnde yer alan konular gerek hayat uygulamalar ile ele alacaz. Veri Okuryazarl Temel KavramlarVeri, Deiken ve lek TrleriMerkezi Eilim lleriDalm / Yaylm lleristatistiksel Dnce Modellerirnek Teorisi ve Gven AralOlasla Giri ve Olaslk DalmlarHipotez TestleriVaryans AnaliziKorelasyon AnaliziDerslerde grmek zere!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMP310-1: PMP - Knowledge Areas Practice Tests" |
"PMP310-1: PMP - Knowledge areas practice tests contain about 300 questions covering the following knowledge areas existing in PMI PMBOK. Project Management Framework Project Stakeholder Engagement ManagementProject Communication Management Project Scope ManagementProject Schedule Management Project Cost Management The objective of those practices tests is to help the practitioners preparing to acquire PMP certificate to review every knowledge area by providing question covering different aspects of the knowledge area including but not limited to the list of processes, inputs, outputs and tools and techniques. The questions will help the practitioner to memorize some of the key tiny details for each knowledge area. The questions are divided by each knowledge area to give a chance for the practitioner to focus on knowledge area separately which will help him to build and leverage his knowledge in a smooth way. I am an independent consultant who is providing training and preparation tests on how to pass PMP exam, however I am not a registered education provider for PMI and I don't have any commercial partnership agreement with them. PMP is a registered trademark for PMI "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMP310-2: PMP - Knowledge Areas Practice Tests" |
"PMP310-2: PMP - Knowledge areas practice tests contain about 200 question covering the following knowledge areas existing in PMI PMBOK. Project Quality ManagementProject Resource ManagementProject Risk Management Project Procurement Management Project Integration Management The objective of those practices tests is to help the practitioners preparing to acquire PMP certificate to review every knowledge area by providing question covering different aspects of the knowledge area including but not limited to the list of processes, inputs, outputs and tools and techniques. The questions will help the practitioner to memorize some of the key tiny details for each knowledge area. The questions are divided by each knowledge area to give a chance for the practitioner to focus on knowledge area separately which will help him to build and leverage his knowledge in a smooth way. I am an independent consultant who is providing training and preparation tests on how to pass PMP exam, however I am not a registered education provider for PMI and I don't have any commercial partnership agreement with them. PMP is a registered trademark for PMI "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formation Git Avance: Devenez un expert de Git" |
"Bonjour tous et bienvenue dans cette formation avanc sur loutil git et la plateforme github, je m'appelle Arnaud Mercier et je serai votre formateur tout au long de ce cours.Avoir les bases en Git cest bien, mais matriser les diffrents sujets que nous allons aborder dans cette formation est vraiment un plus pour vous et votre entreprise. Vous allez passer de simple utilisateur de Git un vritable expert aux yeux de vos amis et collgues.Toutes ces notions ne sont clairement pas superficielles et elle sont, de nos jours, des incontournables dans toute entreprise en dveloppement logiciel.Dans cette formation Git et GitHub avanc, nous allons voir ensembles quelques mcanismes interne Git et ainsi comprendre ce que fait rellement loutil quand on utilise tel ou tel commande. Par exemple, quand vous ralisez un amend sur un commit, savez-vous qu'en ralit Git ne vas pas modifier le commit prcdent mais en crer un nouveau? Il en vas de mme pour le rebase, Git ne dplace pas les commits, il en cre de nouveaux. Cest une grande force de loutil car cela permet de ne jamais perdre vos commits et vous permet de revenir en arrire sur presque toutes les actions Git. Pour cela on utilisera le rebase interactif et le reset. Deux commandes surpuissantes mais trs peu utiliss malheureusement...Nous allons galement voir dautres notions autour de Git, comme par exemple les hooks ou encore les submodules.Pour finir, nous aurons loccasion de retravailler avec GitHub. Ainsi, je vais vous montrer comment contribuer un projet OpenSource sur la plateforme. Je sais que beaucoup aimerais faire une contribution, mais on ne sais pas comment faire au dbut.a vous intresse? Alors rejoignez nous dans cette formation qui, jen suis sure, vas vous passionner tout autant que moi. Au plaisir de partager cette formation avec vous.ArnaudQui je suis ?Je suis ingnieur informatique spcialis notamment dans les outils de dveloppement tel que git. Jai lors de mon parcours professionnel eu la chance dtre responsable des outils logicielle au sein du grand groupe SAFRAN. Pendant prs de 4 ans, jai donc eu l'occasion de mettre en place et d'administrer Git tout en formant mes collgues son utilisation.Depuis plus de 2 ans, je ralise des formations vidos sur le thme de Git et je vais galement en entreprise pour former des petits groupes sur 1 3 jours.La philosophie de mes cours:Apprendre en pratiquant : Comme le dit Richard Branson La meilleure faon dapprendre cest de faire ! Et oui, il n'y a pas de secret, plus vous pratiquerez, plus vous progresserez ! Vous trouverez alors environs 20% de thorie pour 80% de pratique dans cette formation.Apprendre en samusant : Vous lavez surement remarqu, mais nous apprenons bien mieux quand les choses sont prsentes de manire ludique. Vous trouverez alors dans cette formation un fil rouge sous forme d'une page web que nous ferons voluer tout au long des vidos. Cela permettra alors d'illustrer les commandes Git et servira de support pour les exercices que je vous ai prpar.Informations importantes savoir:Si cette formation ne vous satisfait pas alors vous pouvez obtenir un remboursement sous 30 jours.Une fois que vous avez rejoint la formation, vous y avez accs vie.Vous avez galement accs gratuitement toutes les mises jour que japporterai cette formation.Vous pouvez menvoyer des messages personnels avec toutes vos questions ou suggestions concernant la formation.Des extraits vidos sont votre disposition."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Dictionary - Volume 1 Fashion Terms Dictionary" |
"Fashion Dictionary - Volume 1The Fashion Directory covers hundreds of current fashion terms, techniques and detailsComprehensive dictionary with definitions and meanings of key fashion vocabulary. Reference for Students, Scholars, Authors, Designers, those on fashion business, and anyone with interest in fashion past and present. . Love fashion, but not sure exactly what the terms mean? Look no further than this fashion dictionary"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Metasploit: Ethical hacking and Penetration testing on Kali" |
"This course will teach you hacker's mindset. You will see all the steps which must be performed for successful attack using Metasploit on Kali. If you want to know how security mechanisms of Windows and Linux work and you want to know how to bypass them this course is definitly for you.All the lessons are well structured and contain actual infromation. That means that all techniques represented in the course still work on modern system.I am going to keep the content updated and also on the regular basis am going to add new lessons and assignments for my students.Given course is intended was everyone who is interested in Ethical hacking and Cyber security. It will be useful and helpful for beginners and professionals. Beginners will understand hot to orient in learning Information security and it will help them to structure their studying process.What will you learn?After completing the course you will get the following skills and knowledge: Skills to manage Windows and Linux using console commands All the steps of hacking remote system Different port and vulnerability scanning methods of network devices You will learn how to attack Windows and Linux systems using different methods You will understand how to protect your system against different attacksCourse structure: Lab preparation. We will install different Windows and Linux systems. Metasploit framework introduction. In given section you will understand how to work with Metasploit, how to perform network attacks, how to collect information about your victim. Information gathering. Before attacking remote system it is vital to collect as more information as possible about your target. In this section you will get some techniques. Scanning. Here we will discuss how to get more information about running services on remote systems and possible vulnerabilities in Operating system and applications. Access gaining. In this section I explain different techniques to get access to remote system. All described techniques still work on real system. Access maintaining and Post exploitation. Here you will understand how escalate your privileges on the hacked system, how to hack passwords, how to install backdoors for further remote management and many other things"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"- Malware analysis" |
". , . , . 4- : - , . - . - EXE/DLL. - , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering PayPal for Online Sales With simple programming" |
"Description Be A Wizard of PayPal, All The Way To The Bank.Anyone doing business online knows about PayPal. They know that you can send and receive money online using PayPal, and that you can integrate it into a website. In this class I'll cover those basic things, but I'll also cover what most people don't know: That PayPal has a long list of professional tools that you have access to, without paying a dime.Learn everything you need to know about PayPal and how to startaccepting payments online in minutes.If you plan on setting up an online business in future you ought to have plans for integrating PayPal payment among your payment options. PayPal is internationally know and respected. Accepting online payments through PayPal is both secure and painless. You can create various types of PayPal payment buttons,such as: Buy Now, Add to Cart(often forEcommerce),Recurring & Donations.Of course,you'll need to have an account on PayPal to create these buttons.One big advantage is that you do not need to write any HTML code togenerate the buttons.PayPal makes it as easy as 1-2-3, along withcustomization &specifications you can addwhen creating the buttons to keep track of inventory, new shipping addresses and more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Production planning and control - PPC" |
"Production planning and control refers to two strategies that work cohesively throughout the manufacturing process. Production planning involves what to produce, when to produce it, how much to produce, and more. A long-term view of production planning is necessary to fully optimize the production flow.Production control uses different control techniques to reach optimum performance from the production system to achieve throughput targets.In this course you will learn the basic concepts of Production, Manufacturing processes, selection of apt system for optimizing inventory, Product management to advanced planning and control techniques as such lot sizing, EOQ method, Order size calculation, Break-even analysis, Assembly line balancing and many more.Most suitable for students belonging to mechanical engineering, management, Industrial engineering, Production technology and Manufacturing science. Furthermore, this course covers all the topics for university students having PPC as one of the subject or an part of Industrial engineering and for ambitious Production managers employed in various industries."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Freelancing Online Business Model - Practical & Honest" |
"The Freelancing Online Business Model is 100% practical and honest advice from my own 9 years of experience as a freelancer.Hi, I'm Georgiana Dacosta, freelancing marketing consultant, business coach and digital nomad. With this course, I'll teach you how to start, run and grow the freelance business of your dreams. But first:What type of freelance business would you like to have?What type of work and pay would make you jump out of bed in the morning (and commute to your remote office)?How does freelancing without overwhelm sound like? Good hours, high-value clients, projects you are passionate about? A sense of stability and flow? You know where the next payment is coming from... Would this be a freelance business you enjoy?Chloe Brooks, Copywriter & Content Marketer at UpWork - ""Module 1 alone is going to help so many people so much that they'll make back their investment just from that.""Too many freelancers are overworked and underpaid. Frustrated with the industry and always one bad project away from quitting. That was me. Hardly making enough money to pay their bills even though I was good and I worked hard. That's just not right! It's got to change! A freelancer doing a good job deserves to be paid well for it. Am I right? There's a way to do it. Honestly.I didn't just wake up with a magic formula. I worked at it since 2011. When I started out, fresh out of college, without getting a job, pursuing the online business dream, I failed, ALOT! I made $5K in my first-year freelancing (yep, 5000 divided by 12 months!). I struggled for a few years but I just couldn't get myself to give up on my dream.One day in 2016, after quitting what was the worst bridge job I've ever had, I've made a decision to stop playing small, and start earning real money with my freelance business. I implemented some strategies I've learned whilst working for marketing agencies and I started treating freelancing as a real business. That was key!Nothing magic. Vision + strategy + implementation. Results? Slowly but steady I went from struggling to a thriving freelancer and finally I was able to truly enjoy and say that I've got a freelance business I am proud of.I can teach you how to do the same. Start by learning how to make that extra $100, $500, $5k/Month and more with your business, online, freelancing, without a team. Do this first and from there on, the sky is the limit!Ann Miszczak, Virtual Assistant & Lifestyle Blogger - ""This course is beautifully outlined in bite sized videos which is great for freelancers to absorb while hustling. There are so many nuggets of wisdom inside the course that I can't pinpoint what I loved the most. I am excited, empowered and ready to make my business up level to 5k months for the new year! Thank you so much Georgiana!!! ""Freelancing Online Business Model BlueprintAn interactive video-based training program that teaches smart, effective business strategies for freelancers who want to earn a consistent and stable income.Whether youre brand new to freelancing or established and ready to grow, this Freelance Course will show you the exact blueprint to build a strong and sustainable Online Business that you can Thrive with.You choose the services, the clients and the working hours. But I'll show you how to make it all work so that you can rely on it. A Complete Freelance Business Model Strategy and Implementation Plan that I've personally used for my own business and that Works!Built for freelancers by a freelancer! Real talk, practical and honest. Lots of resources that I personally used to succeedBecoming a freelancer changed my life. It took me places, physically (travel), emotionally (time with family, my baby) and professionally (creative freedom, being my own boss) that was beyond business. It helped change my life. Really. If you have this dream, believe in yourself and go for it. Follow the Freelancing Online Business Model and make it all about what you want to achieve. Don't build my dream freelance business, build yours! Just apply the lessons and save some time and money. You can do it!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Power Engineering: Power System Analysis - Part 3" |
"This course is the third part of a multi-part course series about one of the main areas of electrical engineering: power system analysis. Power system analysis is the core of power engineering and its understanding is therefore essential for a career in this field. In this third course of the multi-part course series, you will learn about power flow (load flow) analysis and short circuit analysis and their use in power systems. The course is divided into the following sections:1. Power Flow (Load Flow) Analysis: in section 2, we will introduce the concept of power flow. Also referred to as load flow, power flow is the analysis of how apparent, real, and reactive power flows between parts of a power system, from generation to the loads. Two different methods will be covered, which are the most widely used methods in power system analysis: the Gauss-Seidel method and the Newton-Raphson method. Several examples will be solved to help explain how these methods are used for power flow analysis.2. Short Circuit Analysis of Balanced Faults: in section 3, we will introduce short circuits. Also referred to as faults, short circuits are undesired occurrences in power systems when conductors are shorted between each other, to ground, or a combination of these. This is the basis for the field of protection and control which is widely important for the safe and reliable operation of power systems. To introduce how short circuits (faults) affect power systems, we will begin by discussing balanced (i.e., three-phase) short circuits. We will also introduce the concept of the short circuit capacity and the bus impedance matrix.3. Short Circuit Analysis of Unbalanced Faults: in section 4, we will continue discussing short circuits (faults), but will discuss the more complex analysis of unbalanced faults (e.g., single-line-to-ground, line-to-line, and line-to-line-to-ground faults). To do this, we will introduce the technique of symmetrical components, which allows us to analyze unbalanced power systems more easily.In each section, several examples are solved to illustrate how to analyze real-world power systems.By learning about power flow analysis and short circuit analysis and how they are used in power systems, you will be able to continue your study of power system analysis for a career in power engineering and electrical engineering. Remember that Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. I am also always available for questions while you go through the course to ensure everything is clear.See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microbiology 101" |
"Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi and protozoa. This discipline includes fundamental research on the biochemistry, physiology, cell biology, ecology, evolution and clinical aspects of microorganisms, including the host response to these agents. In this coursewe will begin with basic microbiology and then move to advanced level. I expect the students to go through the entire course as each topic is different and important."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |