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"letiimin Kara Bys - Maniplasyon ile kna Teknikleri" |
"Geleceinizi grmek istiyorsanz, gemiinize bakmanz yeterlidir. nsanlar hayatnda olduu kadar iinde de ayn dorular yapmaya devam ettii kadar, ayn yanllar da yapmaya devam eder. Zaman deiir, teknoloji deiir, konfor ve i yap eklimiz deiir. Ancak insan yaratl ayndr, ayn kalr. Gemiiniz bu nedenle geleceinizdir. Sadece %3 orannda bir grup insan geleceini deitirecek ""KSEL DEVRM""ine cesaretle ve ak yreklilikle yol alrken, kalan %97 deiimi ve baary yakalayanlardan olabilmek iin ayn hatalar daha inatla, daha sklkla tekrarlamaya ve ayn duvara tekrar tekrar midini kaybetmeden kafasn vurmaya devam eder.Kiisel Devriminize hazr msnz? Hayatnz ve iinizi daha iyi yapmak iin attnz her adm Kiisel Devriminize atlm bir admdr.Hayatta iki rolden birini yaarz. Ya maniplatrsnz, ya da hedef ve kurban Kk Adam...Tm ilikilerimiz birbirimizi ikna etme zerine kuruludur. kna ile tm hayatmzda ihtiya duyduklarmz elde ederiz. Daha iyi bir maa, daha gzel bir e, daha iyi ilikiler... Ne kadar ikna gcmz fazla olursa, hayattan daha fazla pay alma ansmz olacaktr. nsanlar ikna ile kontrol etme yntemleri binlerce yldr g ve servet elde etmek isteyenlerce de kullanlmaktadr. Satclar, sihirbazlar, bycler, krallar, siyasiler, nderler, hatipler, insanlar bir fikir veya ideal zerine harekete geirenler... Hepsi farkl seviyelerde maniplasyon tekniklerini insanlar ikna edebilmek iin kullanmaktadrlar. Maniplasyon iletiimin byl tarafdr. Kendi yararnza kullanabildiiniz gibi, etik kurallar aarsanz kara by gibi ktye de kullanabilirsiniz. Maniplasyon her ne kadar gnlk hayatta kt manada kullanlsa da, ayn zamanda, etik kurallar erevesinde, en geni ieriin, yani duygularn, kiisel bilgilerin, tepkilerin, insan yaratlnn da iin iine dahil edilerek, her iimizde srekli olarak yaptmz ikna almalarnn en geni uygulamasnn da addr.Sanlann aksine, daha kuvvetli ikna argmanlarn kullanabilme yetenei olan maniplasyon, insanlar ikna etme zerine bir meslee sahip olan herkesin bilmesi gereken teknikler ierir. Bu teknikler bizim ikna etmemiz kadar, bazen bakalarnn da bizi ikna ederken kulland tekniklerdir. Bu eitimde size en geni rneklendirmeleri ile maniplasyonu anlatacaz. Aileden, i dnyasna kadar paylaacamz rnekler, ikna sanatnn ne kadar geni bir erevede uygulanabileceini size gsterecek.Bu eitim kimlere uygun deildir? - Hayatndan, hayatn akndan memnun, syleneni yapan, birileri tarafndan izilmi ideal renci, ideal vatanda, ideal insan kalplarnda yaayan ve gerekleri grmekten, anlamaya almaktan ac duyan kimseler iin deildir. - Kendisine verilene raz olan, hayatta hakknn ne olduu, kendi hakk olan neleri kaybettii ile ilgilenmeyenler iin deildir.- Herkes tarafndan bir iyilik timsali olarak kullanlan, herkese yardmc olmak, sevdiklerinin yklerini hafifletmek iin onlarn yklerini stlenen, ama kimse tarafndan destek grmedii iin bakalarnn yklerini bile tamak zorunda kalanlar iin deildir.- Korkan, korkular ile hayatn ynlendiren, bakalar tarafndan korkular kullanlan kiiler iin hi deildir.- Patronuna, doktoruna, avukatna, tamircisine, partisine, ailesine her an kendisinin iyilii iin altklarn dnerek tam gven besleyenlere gre hi deildir."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA A + 220-802 Mobile Troubleshooting Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) While you create a new e-mail program that uses the POP3 protocol for the client decides techniques firewall blocking traffic. Which of the following ports to be open to enable POP3 mail traffic through a firewall?a) 53b) 110c) 443d) 3389e) NoneQ) The user just bought a Android tablet and want to connect to my work email. User employers have a Microsoft Exchange server for e-mail. Which of the following will TECHNICIAN configured to allow a user to access email on an Android tablet?a) DNS, DHCPb) IMAP, SNTPc) POP3, SMTPd) Units of measurement are incompatiblee) NoneQ) Which of the following techniques will be used to install software on the IPad? (Choose two).a) app storeb) Market Placec) Itunesd) exchangee) mobile marketQ) Which of the following mobile synchronization are the easiest for the end user, but requires more configuration on the part of the technician?a) however, synchronizationb) Encrypted solid synchronizationc) wireless synchronizationd) Wired synchronizatione) None"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA FC0-U41 Strata IT Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following devices are used to access data on a Secure Digital (SD) Card, MMC and Compact Flash (CF)?a) electronic bookb) Card Readersc) Smart Card Readersd) Barcode Scannere) None Q) Which of the following can be used for authentication? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Select all that apply.a) bio metricsc) encryptionc) passwordd) SignQ) Which of the following devices can cause great harm to the life of a deadly electric shock? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.a) SMPSb) drivec) monitord) Keyboard.Q) Which of the following ports on the computer used to connect the keyboard? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.a) USBb) DB 25c) PS / 2,d) DB-9"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Facial Protocols" |
"Hours of hands-on videos showing full facial procedures along with commentary. Learn how to combine European and American facial techniques into a facial protocol that your clients will enjoy. Esthetician Manual - A guide which includes skin types, conditions and overview of facial protocols. Sample Client Form - An example form that can be used for all new clients"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power Automate Automatiza Procesos" |
"Tutorial Power Automate en Espaol (Microsoft Flow) para crear flujos de trabajo workflows con en al plataforma en la nube de Microsoft 365 y automatizar procesos empresariales apoyado de otros conectores.Este curso lo considero basico - Intermedio as que si empiezas de 0 o ya tienes una base, es ideal para ti.Para realizar aplicaciones completas nos apoyaremos sobre todo de una fuente de datos muy potente como Sharepoint y demas conectores.Es muy practico, una vez presentado las herramientas y definido conceptos Importante: En este curso se enfoca mucho en conectores como Sharepoint , Correo y Aprobacin de Tareas"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Intro - 6 Keys to Ultimate Confidence, Body, and Self-Esteem" |
"What You Can Expect To LearnThis is the first course (there are totally 7) from the ""6 Keys to ULTIMATE Confidence, Body, and Self-Esteem"" program, which will be a blueprint to boosting:Self-Esteem - learn how to build skills and reprogram your mind for total self-esteem, so that you will have full success, you will have more lasting and healthy relationships; you will be able to accomplish your goals in life; respect your self, your talents, and believe in your inner worth."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Discover Your Success-With All That You Are" |
"What You Can Expect To LearnThis is the second course (after the Intro), and the 1 Key from the ""6 Keys to ULTIMATE Confidence, Body, and Self-Esteem"" program, which will be a blueprint to boosting:Self-Esteem and Confidence- learn how to discover or rediscover and successfully apply in your everyday life your unique personality characteristics, talents, strengths, learning styles, and types of intelligence, so that to ultimately reach your goals and to fulfill your dreams."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso maestro de Web Scraping: Extraccin de Datos de la Web" |
"Si buscabas convertirte en un experto en la extraccin de datos de la web ests en el curso correcto. Ests viendo el curso ms completo sobre Web Scraping de toda la Internet. Te ensear desde CERO los fundamentos del Web Scraping de una manera muy sencilla de entender. VOY DIRECTO AL GRANO! Realizaremos extraccin de datos de 16 pginas web (OLX, MERCADO LIBRE, TWITTER, ACCUWEATHER, TRIP ADVISOR, entre otras), sin detenernos en explicaciones complejas que no te servirn de mucho. En muy poco tiempo vas a aprender Web Scraping y te vas a enamorar del mundo de la extraccin de datos! En este curso utilizaremos Python. El mejor lenguaje de programacin para principiantes y uno de los favoritos a la hora de hacer Web Scraping. Si no sabes programar, te explicar los fundamentos de la programacin de una manera rpida y muy sencilla en la primera seccin del curso. Aprenderemos a hacer Web Scraping de una pgina (NIVEL 1), de varias pginas al mismo tiempo (NIVEL 2), de pginas con carga dinmica (NIVEL 3), de APIs y iframes (NIVEL 4) y de pginas con CAPTCHAs y autenticacin (NIVEL 5). Finalmente existe un NIVEL EXTRA que contiene lo siguiente: Extraccin de imgenes, extraccin de archivos, automatizacin de extracciones, almacenamiento de datos en base de datos (MongoDB) y actualizaciones peridicas de los datos almacenados.Practicaremos extrayendo datos de 13 sitios web: OLX, MERCADO LIBRE, DIARIO EL UNIVERSO, WIKIPEDIA, STACKOVERFLOW, W3SCHOOLS, TRIPADVISOR, TWITTER, GOOGLE PLACES, GITHUB, ACCUWEATHER, CRUZ VERDE, URBANIA, FILE-EXAMPLES e IGN.Vamos a aprender a utilizar 5 libreras modernas para hacer Web Scraping: LXML, Requests, Scrapy, Selenium y Beautiful Soup. Cada una con sus PROS y sus CONS. De tal forma que tengas un arsenal de herramientas para elegir al momento de hacer tu siguiente extraccin de datos. Adems veremos otras libreras tales como: Pillow, schedule, Twisted, time, json y pymongo.No nos detendremos en detalles complejos ni en teoras avanzadas. Solamente veremos lo realmente necesario para que te conviertas en un maestro del Web Scraping!Este curso utiliza la PRCTICA como herramienta principal para aprender. Es por esto que extraemos datos de 13 sitios web que suman un total de casi 10 horas de pura prctica extrayendo datos.Este curso es tu mejor opcin si:Quieres convertirte en un maestro del Web Scraping de la forma ms sencilla posible.Quieres aprender Web Scraping practicando con muchos ejemplos de pginas reales.Has tenido dificultades con otros cursos, y has llegado a pensar que la programacin no es lo tuyo.Eres un profesional en otra rea diferente a la informtica (estadstica, matemtica, biologia, ingenieras, etc) que necesita aprender a extraer datos de la web YA!Quieres aprender Web Scraping sin detenerte en explicaciones largas y complejas. Quieres aprender desde los fundamentos hasta la limpieza, almacenamiento y actualizacin de los datos que extraigas."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel-ProcV sem Limites" |
"Excel-ProcV sem limitesEste sem dvida o treinamento que voc estava procurando para definitivamente aprender o ProcV. No de hoje que o Excel uma das ferramentas mais utilizadas em ambientes corporativos. Sejam empresas pequenas, de mdio porte ou at mesmo grandes empresas fazem uso do Excel para gerenciar relatrios, tratar dados, montar grficos entre outros. No entanto, vrias possibilidades de automaes so negligenciadas, pois os usurios no conhecem a fundo as funes do excel e suas possibilidades.Com o volume de dados que gerado dentro das organizaes hoje, saber filtrar, editar, automatizar so recursos indispensveis para uma boa gesto de dados. Existem planilhas com frmulas e mais frmulas que so ""interminveis"". Para isso, trouxemos esse treinamento completo com o ProcV, onde voc poder em uma unica funo juntar dados de outras planilhas automatizando tarefas e fazendo uma gesto e analise de dados perfeita.Onde eu posso usar o ProcV ?Faa uso da funo quando voc precisar localizar em uma tabela ou at mesmo um intervalo de linha um determinado valor. Exemplo: Imagine que voc precisa saber a idade de uma pessoa, mas na tabela existem 100 nomes(que no se repetem). A funo ProcV lhe possibilita fazer a busca e trazer a idade na clula desejada.Por que eu devo me matricular no curso ?-Aqui reunimos o que h de mais atual e vrios exemplos prticos para que voc possa desenvolver habilidades usando essa funo.-Independente do nvel que voc se encontra, esse curso ir trazer a voc casos onde voc poder aplicar no seu dia a dia essa funo.-Suporte 24/7 do Instrutor-Acesso vitalicio as aulas, voc poder ver quantas vezes quiser.-Voc receber acesso a uma planilha com diversos atalhos.Vamos juntos nessa ?Se voc quer realmente aprender essa funo e todos os seus benefcios, matricule-se agora no curso e no perca mais tempo. Seja um diferencial no seu local de trabalhe, produza algo relevante onde voc estiver, ajude pessoas, construa seu futuro e por fim colha os seus frutos to sonhados.Instrutor: Angelo Ponciano"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel- Tabela Dinmica + Formatao Condicional( Prtica)" |
"Excel- Tabela Dinmica + Formatao Condicional( Prtica)Quando pensamos na quantidade de dados gerado pelas empresas atualmente, nos deparamos com a seguinte situao: Como analisar, gerenciar e controlar esses dados? O que tais dados nos ""dizem""? No obstante, o papel do analista e gestor dessas informaes de compilar e dar a ele(os dados) um sentido dentro do contexto corporativo. Pensando nisso, preparamos o curso de Tabela Dinmica + Formatao Condicional, que aborda de forma simples e prtica as principais funes desses dois elementos dentro do Excel. Nossa proposta no curso, no de esgotar o assunto e to pouco fornecer um curso exaustivo ao aluno, antes disso, de uma maneira objetiva e simplificada buscaremos no decorrer das aulas apresentar as possibilidades ao aluno. Afim de que de posse dessas informaes o aluno possa aplicar em seu dia a dia os conhecimento obtidos com o curso.A quem se Destina?A todas as pessoas que tenham interesse pelo tema e que querem desenvolver habilidades utilizando tanto a Tabela Dinmica quanto a Formatao Condicional.Por que eu devo me matricular no curso ?Bem, essa pergunta no to simples, mas poderia ser feita outra "" O que te impede de fazer esse curso""? Em um mundo em que os dados so tido como o ""novo petrleo"" saber gerenciar e otimizar seus dados far de voc uma pessoa fundamental dentro de todo o processo de anlise.Por que eu devo me matricular no curso ?-Exerccios voltados para a prtica com aplicaes no seu dia a dia, podendo ser adequado de acordo com a sua necessidade.-Independente do nvel que voc se encontra, esse curso ir trazer a voc possibilidades de se desenvolver utilizando essa ferramenta.-Suporte 24/7 do Instrutor-Acesso vitalcio as aulas, voc poder ver quantas vezes quiser.E ai, vai seguir ou desistir?Em um mundo cada vez mais competitivo necessrio ter habilidades distintas para poder se destacar no mercado de trabalho. Cada vez mais tem se exigido a capacidade de resolver problemas empresariais em um tempo cada vez menor e com uma qualidade maior, ou seja, mais com menos! Acredite, voc o nico responsvel por suas aes! Te espero l.Instrutor: Angelo Ponciano"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Alphabet Energy" |
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"Web Development Beginner's Bootcamp 2020" |
"I've complied common questions that I get often about web development. Perfect course for learning about web development or as a refresher course for anyone how create web content.This course is not designed to teach you coding but to give you a better overall understanding about how field of web development works. This is a beginners course that overviews how things work and explores top resources.With so many resources, terms technologies options to create online content this course is designed to tie it all together. Learn how to get started with web development, explorer top resources and find out more about how you can effectively create website and web content."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Certification Course For Angular" |
"This course is designed to help you to understand the basics of Angular quickly and thorough. Angular is basically a JavaScript framework (an open source web application framework) library, which is distributed as JavaScript file. Mainly used in developing Single Page Application (SPA). It extendes HTML with additional new attributes hence making simple development and making it more responsive at users end, since HTML was never design for dynamics views. Angular is very easy to understand hence learning it is a fun. Every feature of it can be modified as per the the requirement"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Basics Web Design Course For Beginners" |
"I've complied common questions that I get often about web development. Perfect course for learning about web development or as a refresher course for anyone how create web content.This course is not designed to teach you coding but to give you a better overall understanding about how field of web development works. This is a beginners course that overviews how things work and explores top resources.With so many resources, terms technologies options to create online content this course is designed to tie it all together. Learn how to get started with web development, explorer top resources and find out more about how you can effectively create website and web content.Learn how to setup Atomio on your computer to create web code. Learn about domains, browsers, source code, ip addresses, hosting, Wordpress, Content systems, FTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, online playgrounds and more."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python From Scratch" |
"This Python course has everything you need to know to start coding in Python and not even that, by the end of the course you will know how to build complete programs and also build graphical user interfaces for your programs so you can impress your employer or your friends. I will guide you step by step starting from the basics and always assuming you don't have previous programming experience or a computer science degree. In fact, most people who learn Python come from a vast variety of careers.This course is designed to not only teach you Python, but to also give you a real feel of how to use Python in a real enviornment. You will get this real-world experience of using Python by gaining free access to a remote server where Python is already installed. You will write and run Python programs directly on that remote computer in an easy fashion by simply using your internet browser. This will also allow you to run Python programs 24/7 on that server and let the apps do interesting tasks while you sleep. That will make you understand the real power of Python in a real server environment and I will guide you through the entire process."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Node.js Programming Course" |
"NodeJs is a powerful JavaScript engine that can be used for a variety of tasks. In this course, well learn the basics of working with NodeJS. Well work with the core libraries, but also learn about using npm: the Node Package Manager to load and work with any third party package that has been developed for NodeJS. Well also look at three ways to write and run a simple web server using node.The course is an hour long, and consists of two units. Topics include: - installation- testing and verifying the installation- introduction to the npm- using the REPL utility- file input and outputThe course assumes that you are comfortable writing and understanding object oriented JavaScript.I hope youll join us for this exciting introduction to NodeJS."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Angular 6 Guide For Kids" |
"Today Angular has a great demand in industry. So if you learn this language it will help you to get your dream job also! Angular is a very easy to learn and powerful language.If you have no previous knowledge or experience in Angular, you will like that the course begins with Angular basics. otherwise if you have few experience in programming in Angular, this course can help you learn some new information. Each topic is supplied with lots of examples which will help students in their process of learning. Upon the completion of this course, you should be able to write programs. We will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part in this course."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"React Beginner's Bootcamp 2020" |
"Welcome to my ReactJS course for beginners! In this course, I will highlight the basics and essentials of ReactJS that you need to understand to build your own projects. In this course, I will go through how to create a React App, what components are, react routing and the main fundamentals of ReactJS and how it works."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Certification Node Course For Beginner" |
"Welcome to my Node.js course. In this course you will learn about Node.js from scratch. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. By using this comprehensive course you will learn the basics of Node.js, Some of the advanced methods of Node.js programming and much more.In this course i will assume that you have no prior knowledge about Node.js and by the end of the course you will be at advanced level. This course will guide you step by step so that you will learn basics and theory of every part."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Master Microsoft Word from Beginner to Advanced 2020" |
"This Microsoft Office Word wil help you creating your Job Report, academic report documents, homework etc. Material was recorded using Microsoft Word 2019 on a Windows machine, but is relevant to Word 2010, 2013 and 2016. MAC users, since the videos are recorded with the Windows version of Microsoft Word, the interface will be a bit different.This Micorsoft Office Word Course include 3 Sections:- Intoduction to the main tools- more advanced tools and sections- insert of mathematical equationsStart from Beginner Microsoft Word Level to Advanced. This course will take you through a comprehensive understanding of the most popular word processing tools on the market. As your instructor I will use my 11+ years of Microsoft Office Experience to guide you step by step as you further develop your skills in word docs to wirte your report.You will learn: Effectively Formatting a Document with StylesHeader and Footer SetupEditing you textCover PagesAdding cover-pageEditing imagesinserting mathematical equations and Symbolsinsert bordersPrepare Documents for Printing and ExportingWorking with Page and Section BreaksControl Page OrientationCreate and Manage Table LayoutsWork with Tab Stops to Align Content ProperlyInsert ImagesManage TemplatesTrack and Accept/Reject Changes to a DocumentBuild Dynamic Table of Contentsand much more..."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Apprenez le piano partir de zro - Cours de piano complet" |
"Envie dapprendre le piano ! Ce pack est fait pour vous.Si je vous disais qu'apprendre lire de la musique et jouer du piano est compltement votre porte, en ce moment, pas dans des mois aprs avoir pris des leons de piano ?C'est vrai, vous pouvez le faire. Dans ce cours, vous apprenez de faon naturelle, de la mme manire que vous avez appris beaucoup de choses quand vous tiez enfant.CE COURS DE PIANO EN LIGNE QUI A AID DES CENTAINES DE PERSONNES JOUER ENFIN DES CHANSONS SUR LE PIANO, LIRE DE LA MUSIQUE ET S'AMLIORER.La faon dont le cours est cr, avec beaucoup de chansons et des explications simples de chaque dtail, signifie que vous avancerez rapidement chaque jour."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Calcolo combinatorio" |
"Il corso di calcolo combinatorio contiene innanzitutto il calcolo del numero fattoriale. Poi vengono chiariti i concetti di permutazioni, disposizioni e combinazioni, sia semplici che composte. Ogni lezione composta da una sezione teorica seguita da esercizi pratici anche con casi particolari. Infine viene fornito uno strumento agile ed efficace per risolvere velocemente i test e gli esercizi di calcolo combinatorio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Basics of Kinematics in High School Physics" |
"In day to day life, we see several objects moving. In this course, we will see how to analyze the motion of objects. It is the first step for science students to develop concepts used in Physics. The topics in this course will be used in later courses as well. No prerequisite is required to take this course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Learn 4-step modelling in Transportation Planning" |
"Transportation Planning is a discipline in Civil Engineering that talks about methods and concepts of predicting future demand i.e. Traffic on the Transportation Systems such as road infrastructure. Students with varying background such as Economics, Policy, Engineering and Sciences can take this course. After successful completion, each student is eligible to get a certificate from Udemy. "
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Aprende a crear una marca" |
"Con el curso ""Crea tu marca ""podrs desarrollar marcas a otro nivel o crear una propia de manera eficaz. Adems de entender como funcionan los elementos grficos de una marca y como estos ayudan a trasmitir un mensaje.ContenidoMarca vs. razn social.Personalidad de marca.Arquetipos de Jung.Identificadores.Tipografas.Teora y psicologa del color.Un programa de formacin destinado a comprender los elementos grficos y psicograficos que conforman una marca y su importancia para fijar un mensaje en la mente de los consumidores."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teacher Joseph Ingles Iniciante Mdulo 2" |
"Voc vai aprender os nmeros do cem ao mil, artigos A, AN, roupas, mais pases e nacionalidades, profisses, verbo To Be no negativo e muito mais. Este curso para voc que est iniciando seus estudos de ingls e servir como base para sua evoluo no idioma. Voc pode tirar dvidas atravs de mensagem diretamente comigo, teacher Joseph. Aproveite!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"nsan Kaynaklar Temel Dzey - Aile irketleri" |
"Yerel ve kresel aile irketlerinin yaplar, ynetim biimleri, irket kltrleri. nsan kaynaklarnn bu tr irketlerdeki ynetimsel rollerinin incelenmesi ve insan kaynaklarnn irket kltrlerindeki deiimi harekete geirmesi sonucunda irketin ekirdek bir aile deil de bir takm bilinciyle alma mantalitesi kazanmasna yol aacak yntem ve davran biimlerinin gelitirmesini salayacaktr. nsan kaynaklar yneticileri ve adaylar iin temel ve profesyonel uygulamalar ierir."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Antennas - Fundamental Parameters - Theory and Design" |
"Welcome to Fundamental Parameters of Antennas course! In this course, you are going to learn the most important parameters that describe the characteristics of antennas.Content breakdown: - Circuital Model of an Antenna - Field Regions - Radiation Pattern - Polarization - Beamwidth - Directivity - Radiation Efficiency - Bandwidth, Matching, VSWR, Reflection Coefficient - Effective Length and Area - Transmission Equation or Friis FormulaIn addition to that, an example in CST is performed to better understand the above mentioned parameters."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"From Emergency to Emergence" |
"Hi Quarantiners, welcome to Emergence! These games will help you enjoy cocooning in a time of emergency, so that you can emerge into peace, playfulness, and power. This series is for you if you are freaking out, and if you feel overwhelmed, anxious, lost, depressed, irritable, or scared. You will rediscover your calm, your cool, and your creativity.So if you're a dreamer, a doer, a dawdler, or a dancer, I invite you to dig in! "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"New Product Development - How the big brands do it" |
"We see new products hitting retailer shelves all the time. They attempt to solve a new consumer need, or solve an existing need in a ""newer"" way. However, the harsh reality is that more than 95% of all new consumer products that are launched FAIL. In fact, most of these are discontinued by their brands before the end of 2 years from launch, after accumulating huge losses for their parent companyNew products developed without doing the due diligence from both (1) consumer and (2) business perspectives are well on their way to the 'failed-launches graveyard', taking reputations of many marketers along with themThis course takes you through the most contemporary new process development system used by successful brands. It gives a unique consumer and business understanding, that professional brand managers have developed with reference to new productsThis course adds the practicality of business and market perspectives to the theoretical knowledge of marketing text books"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Como Vender Mais Imveis" |
"Com mais de 13 anos de experincia no ramo imobilirio, ofereo neste curso detalhes indispensveis para o sucesso do corretor de Imveis e Imobilirias. Ferramentas de Anncio no Facebook Ads e Google Ads com a criao de campanhas na prtica, em aulas explicadas passo a passo.Dicas de Dress Code, Como fazer um agenciamento perfeito com Vdeos e Edio de fotos, Anncios Gratuitos, a importncia das redes sociais, ferramentas que facilitam o dia a dia, tudo com o celular, mostrando que possvel fazer a diferena com poucos recursos.Observei nestes ltimos anos, a mudana de comportamento do cliente que busca imveis, este passou para o mundo digital e muitos corretores encontram dificuldades, ficando dias e dias em plantes e no captam clientes, por isso entrego o jogo todo, em detalhes para voc ter sucesso e vender muito.Usando estas ferramentas e sendo uma pessoa curiosa, procurando mais conhecimento e aperfeioamento pessoal e profissional o sucesso questo de tempo"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |