Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Matemtica completa para 6 ano." |
"Este curso tem objetivo de fornecer material para alunos a partir do 6 ano do ensino fundamental, vestibulandos e concurseiros, composto por aulas detalhadas abordando cada assunto de forma clara e objetiva. Todos os exerccios so corrigidos e explicados.O curso completo ser dividido em mdulos, neste curso o mdulo 1Este curso aborda todas as matrias do 6 ano (podem haver pequenas divergncias a depender do estado, verificar as matrias abaixo)- Conjuntos. -Noo de conjuntos. -Conjuntos unitrio e vazio -Relao de pertinncia. -Conjuntos iguais. -Subconjuntos. -Subconjuntos de um conjunto dado. - Interseco de conjuntos. -Unio de conjuntos. -Complementar de um conjunto. -Problemas de aplicao de conjuntos - Conjunto dos nmeros naturais. -O conjunto dos nmeros naturais -Igualdade e desigualdade. -Propriedades das igualdades e desigualdades. -Representao geomtrica dos nmeros naturais. -Subconjuntos do conjunto dos nmeros naturais. - Sistema de numerao decimal. -Nmeros decimais. -Valor absoluto e relativo de um algarismo. - Adio e subtrao no conjunto dos nmeros naturais. -Adio. -Propriedades da adio. -Subtrao. -Propriedades da subtrao. -Expresses numricas com adio e subtrao.- Multiplicao e diviso no conjunto dos nmeros naturais. -Multiplicao. -Propriedades da multiplicao. -Diviso exata. -O zero na diviso. -Propriedades da diviso -Diviso no exata. -Expresses numricas com as quatro operaes.- Potenciao e radiciao no conjunto dos nmeros naturais. -Potenciao. -Potncias de expoente zero e um. -Propriedades das potncias: multiplicao de potncia de mesma base. -Propriedades das potncias: diviso de potncia de mesma base. -Propriedades das potncias: potncia de potncia. -Propriedades das potncias: potncia de um produto. -Expresses numricas com potncias. -Radiciao.- Resoluo de problemas no conjunto dos nmeros naturais. -Clculo de um valor desconhecido. -Resoluo de problemas no conjunto dos nmeros naturais.-Divisibilidade, nmeros primos e compostos. -Mltiplos. -Divisores. -Critrios de divisibilidade. -Nmeros primos e compostos -Fatorao em nmeros primos- Fraes (conjunto dos nmeros racionais absolutos) -noo de frao. -Leitura de fraes. -Tipos de fraes. -Fraes equivalentes. -Simplificao de fraes. -Reduo de fraes a um mesmo denominador. -Comparao de frao-Operaes com fraes -Soma e subtrao de fraes com o mesmo denominador. -Soma e subtrao de fraes com denominadores diferentes. -Nmeros mistos. - multiplicao de fraes. -Frao de frao. -Simplificao de fraes -Diviso de fraes. -Potenciao de fraes. -Raiz quadrada de fraes.-Nmeros decimais -Os nmeros decimais. -Transformao de frao decimal em nmero decimal. -Transformao de nmero decimal em frao decimal. -Propriedade fundamental dos nmeros decimais. -Soma e subtrao de nmeros decimais. -Multiplicao de nmeros decimais. -Multiplicao por potncias de 10. -Diviso de nmeros decimais. -Diviso por potncias de 10. -Potenciao de nmeros decimais. -Transformao de frao em nmero decimal-Geometria intuitiva -Conceitos bsicos. -Semi-reta e segmento de reta. -Formas poligonais. -Polgonos convexos e no convexos. -Formas geomtricas. Este material foi pensado para quem precisa aprender matemtica de forma simples e organizada.Se voc no gostar tem 30 dias de garantia, seu dinheiro ser devolvido."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Design Analyse Flange Coupling with CatiaV5 & Ansys18" |
"Products design and analysis are being done with CAD and CAE. Designing is incomplete unless it is analysed to detect failure for further modifications as required. We are making a 3d design of flange coupling using CatiaV5 and analysing with Ansys18. We have a 2d designed drawing with required dimensions and components for assembly. Reference to drawing we create individual components namely flange,bolt,nut and shaft. Using CAD Firstly we create constrained sketch with dimensions. Secondly we apply required features to make 3d design. Thirdly we assemble created components with required constraints. All design procedures are parametric so that dimensions and constraints can be changed for modifications. Modifications are required while there is failure in analysis,manufacturing or assembly of components. We have shown detailed procedures for designing and analysing in uploaded videos. Hope you will like it as this method is used for products development in industries. "
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA for Modelling using Numerical Methods" |
"Hello everyone,As it is known, the engineers deal with a big amount of data and they use the sophisticated calculations to solve the problems. However, sometimes the analytical approaches are not efficient, because of the complexity or impossibility. In this case, the numerical methods are very useful to solve the problem with the low level of the errors. In this course, you will learn how to find the most approximate result to the real solution using the Excel VBA. The key points of each method is explained and the examples are given with detailed explanation. The course starts from the beginner level to explain the basics of VBA. Then, explaining the theoretical background of the each method, we will learn how to solve the different tasks in Excel VBA. In the end of the course, there will be problems which can improve your skills.The course will provide you with both theoretical and practical skills to solve any modelling problem with numerical methods. For each topic, the scientific papers are also added in the course which will elaborate you with advanced background."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Iniciaes Cristais Etricos Nveis 1 - 10" |
"Este curso perfeito para Terapeutas e pessoas que trabalham com cura, mais uma ferramenta poderosa em suas mos. A forma de ter acesso a esta energia atravs da sintonizao . uma energia que ativada nas pessoas e onde quisermos ativar na velocidade da Luz.Aps fazer estudo preliminar , entrar em contato para Iniciao.- O que so Cristais Etricos Qunticos- Mtodos e Tcnicas de Aplicao- Elixir de Cristais Etricos Qunticos- Como utilizar o elixir e floral- Fortalecendo um cristal fsico- Uma sesso de Cristais Etricos Qunticos-Os cristais e suas cores-Signo e cristais-Doenas relacionadas s emoes- SintonizaoUsado para Banhos ElixiresBebidas"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Certificate Program on Corporate Social responsibility" |
"Companies Should Not Have A Singular View Of Profitability. There Needs To Be A Balance Between Commerce And Social Responsibility... The Companies That Are Authentic About It Will Wind Up As The Companies That Make More Money. - Howard SchultzAs Former Naval Officer And Airline Pilot Prof. Stephen Harrison Has Been Making Strategic Decisions Throughout His Career And Now Being Aspire Business Schools Campus Academic Director He Crafted This Pristine Course On Corporate Social Responsibility To Give More Useful Panorama To The Environment Of The Business Culture."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Certificate Program on Strategic Management" |
"Strategy Is Simply Resource Allocation. When You Strip Away All The Noise, Thats What It Comes Down To. Strategy Means Making Clear Cut Choices About How To Compete. You Cannot Be Everything To Everybody, No Matter What The Size Of Your Business Or How Deep Its Pockets. - Jack WelchAn Enthusiastic And Experienced Prof. Fiona Employs Her Strong Motivational Abilities To Maximize Learner Engagement And Potential. Also With Business Psychology Skills In This Dedicated Studies About Management Strategy, She Is Guiding Students To Cultivate The Nature Of Recognizing Examining And Forming Plans And Strategies"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Cucina Street Food Siciliana e cucina Italiana" |
"Corso di Cucina Street Food Siciliano e Cucina Italiana, imparerete a cucinare in modo del tutto semplice e con i trucchi tramandati dalla mamma e la nonna di Patrizia, piatti originali della cucina Siciliana, vi spiegheremo passo passo e senza spendere tanti soldi per gli ingredienti, il corso comprende 18 portate in altrettante lezioni e alla fine del corso riceverete un attestato di Corso di Cucina Street Food Siciliano, i piatti che vi insegneremo saranno: Caponata, Parmigiana, Sarde a beccafico, Anelletti al forno, Pasta pesce spada e melanzane, Involtini di melanzane, Pasta alla norma, Polpette in brodo and STREET FOOD as Panelle, Arancine, Crocche, sarde allinguate, sfincione, Cannolo, Pasta con L anciova"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Educao em Direitos Humanos - Inspiraes" |
"Este curso dedicado a todos os atores da educao, principalmente os que so apaixonados e acreditam que a educao um espao estratgia para a transformao social. O intuito trocarmos ideias sobre a importncia da educao em Direitos Humanos no desenvolvimento social, cultural e cognitivo do sujeito que est no centro do processo educativo, ou seja, o (a) estudante."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Compound Interest" |
"In this course, you will learn how to find compound interest, I have solved a lot of strategically selected typical sample problems that will help students understand the concept better.For better understanding of the concept, you are expected to watch the entire course without skipping any part of it, you will find questions with increasing difficulty level.Best Regards, Happy Learning!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"In this course, you will learn Pythagoras theorem & converse of Pythagoras theorem, I have solved a lot of strategically selected typical sample problems that will help students understand the concept better. For better understanding of the concept, you are expected to watch the entire course without skipping any part of it, Best Regards, Happy Learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criao de Modelo 3d do ZERO ao render." |
"Quer aprender Computao grfica, atuar em empresas de desenvolvimento de jogos ou poder trabalhar em estdios de animao como a Disney ou Pixar ? Ento voc no poder perder essa oportunidade. Neste curso voc ira adquirir tcnicas para criar um personagem 3D do zero a partir de software que so utilizados pelas melhores industrias de jogos, filmes etc..APROVEITE!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strategic Planning & Deployment (PLAN -DO-CHECK-ACT)" |
"According to The Economist, a leading publication on business, economics, and international affairs, In business, strategy is king. Leadership and hard work are all very well and luck is mighty useful, but it is strategy that makes or breaks a firm.We will learn how to craft strategies according to the mission & vision of an organization while having external and internal factors, then formulate and drive the Goals and Multiyear Objectives to be cascaded to the Middle Management for Means Matrix and deploying for the action plans. This course covers all strategic planning elements including tools and techniques required in successful strategic planning process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unique Sales Secrets: Practical Ground Reality Sales" |
"As a sales person, you are driven to get results.Though you are well trained on what to sell, very few organisations invest on telling you how to sell. But the fact is only when you learn the unique techniques , there is career development. Sales professionals grow with experience and to gain experience it takes time. What if you had a source which could reveal a solution for the practical challenges you face on ground as a sales personnel ???This course has been designed to bridge that Gap. And the beauty of this course is it contributes to your self development as well as career development."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso de solidworks 2020 nivel principiante - avanzando" |
"Para obtener un mejor descuento por udemy, puedes aplicar el siguiente cupn ""DESCUENTOSEPT"" (sin comillas).Conoceremos las bases para empezar a disear en el software de SolidWorks. Veremos las herramientas bsicas para el diseo y la importancia que este tiene con el entorno grfico.Veremos Cosas que otros profesores jamas te ensearon y que solo aqu veras.Brindo calidad y algo mas importante, la diferencia, antes de dibujar debes conocer las bases.No solo copiaras como lo hacemos todos y sin aprender nada, si no que aqu con todo lo que aprenders podrs tu realizar tus propios proyectos.Al final de todo el curso realizaras el examen CSWA sin problemas.NOTA. Se agrega nuevo contenido todos los das."
Price: 1545.00 ![]() |
"How to Become Your Best Version in 2020" |
"IN THIS SELF-LOVE COURSE YOU WILL JOURNAL & LEARN ABOUT:- Personality tests (MBTI, Hexaco, Dark Triad & more);- Introspection exercises (Lives Audit, Feeling Memory, Ideal Neighborhood and more);- Life questions on your past, present, future;- Release trapped emotions in your energy body;- Change self-limiting beliefs;- Analyze your 7 wheels of life dimensions;- Make a 90-day plan;- Identify your purpose (Ikigai Japanese Philosophy);- Set your ideal day, ideal week, ideal year;- Build life-changing habits for 66 days;- Life skills, world habits, routines, working techniques, productivity tricks;- Release trapped emotions;- Create a 3 years life vision, a vision board and a vision of hell;- Learn about meditation practice, true manifestation;- I AM affirmations, gratitude journaling, self-love letter________________________________________________A beautiful self-exploration self-discovery reflective journaling journey of 82 pages that I suggest you write in 4 sessions of 2 hours in a period of 10 days to have full accountability on your investment in yourself.________________________________________________WORKSHOP TESTIMONIALS:Great workshop! Very well done and beneficial information delivered excellently. I would highly recommend the Workshop to anyone who is a lost soul like myself and who need some guidance, regarding improving yourself. It has changed my life, and it's no exaggeration when I say that it has. .... This is the best professional development activity I've ever done! THANK JF- Paola Bice; seeking new career opportunityJf's workshop inspired me to explore more of my talents and how to stay more focused. I learned a lot of golden nuggets that I can apply into my day to day life. I highly recommend investing your time in his knowledge.- Rafael M. Vergara; Sales Representative & future entrepreneur""The workshop was great. It was thought-provoking, interesting, and easily adaptable for each individual. I left feeling inspired as well as more directed in how to make my goals. So glad I attended!""- Jullian Rabe, Project Manager""Jf not only offers his valuable insights about what he has learned along his journey as a serial entrepreneur; but graciously combines those with a jam-packed workshop with useful tools to help you gain awareness of the direction your life is going and best practices for staying on course and being productive!""- Yahaira Morales; Life Coach70+ top reviews from previous 500+ guesses attending Jf's workshop._________________________________________________I am JF BROULandscape Photographer & Serial Entrepreneur & Author from Canada. Since 2011, I have helped 15,000+ exchange students to travel through InterStude, a Bus Tour Operator. I have created one of the biggest exchange students gathering, the Rep Your Flag Festival. Currently, Im focusing on my spiritual enlightenment in trying all kinds of immersive experiences."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Como Fazer um Delicioso e Suculento Hamburguer Artesanal." |
"O curso voltado para pessoas que queiram aprimorar seus conhecimentos culinrios ou aprimorar suas tecnicas de cozinha. Por no ter nenhum pre-requisito existente liberado para qualquer pblico de qualquer idade.O curso est dividido em dois mdulos ondem fica bem claro a aliana entre teoria e prtica.Alm de ser passado, de forma clara, o conhecimento sobre a cultura Gourmet o curso dotado do que h de mais atual no quesito culinria artesanal.O aluno poder aplicar tanto em sua casa, por se tratar de ingredientes simples e equipamentos acessveis, como tambm poder ser aplicado em pequenas lanchonetes.O que tem de melhor a clareza na linguagem e detalhes, sem dvidas, ao terminar este curso, o aluno conseguir colocar em prtica 100% de tudo que lhe foi ensinado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Vulnerability" |
"The ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - Vulnerability Response Exam Specification defines the purpose, audience, testing options, exam content coverage, test framework, and prerequisites to become Certified Implementation Specialist - Vulnerability Response certified.The Certified Implementation Specialist - Vulnerability Response exam certifies that a successful candidate has the skills and essential knowledge to contribute to the configuration, implementation, and maintenance of a ServiceNow Vulnerability Response Implementation."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Terapia Shiatsu para toda a famliaShiatsu uma ferramenta do bem viver.Voc no precisa ser terapeuta para aprender o que vou ensinar em 6 vdeos aulas.Voc s precisa deste conhecimento e suas mos para aplicar em voc e no seu companheiro(a) ou outra pessoa. Vou compartilhar nestes vdeos o que aplico a 26 anos com meus alunos que ajuda a reduzir o stress,prevenir leses e reduzir dores corporais. O shiatsu oriundo da medicina japonesa que tem como princpio que corpo e mente devem estar em equilbrio. Viver em equilbrio viver bem! Os resultados podem varia de pessoa para pessoa e no so garantidos. Atividade fsica e alimentao balanceada so necessria para se obter resultados.Consulte seu mdico e siga todas as instrues de segurana antes de iniciar qualquer tratamento."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"The agile entrepreneur / manager" |
"If you are an entrepreneur (or want-to-be), learn some important agile tools and principles to find the right idea and run your business all along. If you are an intrapreneur/project manager, learn how to find the right opportunity, get approval and manage your project with agile till handover.Availability to answer your questions in Q&A section of the course (in English or French). Possibility of short remote face-to-face meetings upon request after you finish the course as well.Note that 10% of this course revenue will go to charity. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Geladinho Gourmet 2.0 - Tudo o que voc precisa saber fazer!" |
"Adquindo o curso "" Geladinho Gourmet 2.0 - Tudo o que voc precisa saber fazer!"" ,alm de voc aprender o passo-a-passo de como produzir ,mesclar e envasar o geladinho gourmet; voc obtem um desconto de 20% no ""Curso Completo de Geladinho Gourmet 2.0"" onde ensino tudo sobre o geladinho gourmet,desde os procedimentos que voc deve ter afim de evitar a contaminao do produto at decorao, armazenamento e conservao do geladinho; mais as dicas de ouro, planilha de calculos dos ingredientes para faz a quantia exata de geladinhos por demanda solicitada(casamento,eventos,aniversario entre outros) e bonus (alongamento das mo + receita de geladinho gourmet zero aucar e zero lactose(diet).E adquirindo o ""Curso Completo de Geladinho Gourmet 2.0"", voc ganha desconto de 30% no curso "" Como Vender Geladinho Gourmet pelo Ifoods,Uber Eats,Rappi,etc. Os resultados obtidos com o curso so imensos,mas para isso, voc deve se dedicar com afinco a fazer os geladinhos e sempre investir para o crescimento e consolidao de seu negcio."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Hayatn Deitirmek iin Beynini Yeniden Programla" |
"Hayatnda Deiim ve dnm istiyor musun? Kiisel geliim yolunda, Nlp ile Beynini Yeniden Programlamak ve Yaam Koluu ile Kendi Gcn kefedeceksin, Hayatn batan yaratacaksn. Nlp ve Yaam koluu ile Bylece Hayal ettiin hayata kavumana yardmc olacam. Hayatn da deiim ve dnm istiyorsan ve bunun iin nereden balayacan bilmiyorsan, sana rehberlik yapabilirim. Sana sz veriyorum bu kursu bitirdiinde greceksin ki artk hi bir ey eskisi gibi olmayacak. Balang seviyesinde anlattm Nlp ve Yaam Koluu kiisel geliim yolunda sana yol gsterecek."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Practical Technical Analysis" |
"There are 3 simple market situations. 1) Bull Market 2) Bear Market 3)Sideways Market. 1) Bull Market - We want to buy right at the start of the Bull Market. In the section for Technical Analysis for Investing in Long Term Breakouts, we go about a process to find start of a Bull Market. 2) Bear Market - Want to Increase Cash at the start of Bear Market and deploy in the end of Bear Markets. In the section of Increasing Cash on Topping Out or Long Term Downtrends we look at how to be in cash much before the Bear Market starts and be able to deploy cash closer to market bottoms. 3) Sideways Market - Have high allocations to the best performing Sectors. There is generally a Bull Market in some sectors when the Benchmark indices go sideways. In the sectoral analysis section, we look at how we can spot out the leading sectors in various market cycles. If one is able to get at least 2 out of this 3 cycle timings right in every cycle the results will be superlative."
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda Wordpress: Instalao, temas e loja virtual." |
"Curso feito para ajudar desenvolvedores, designers, empreendedores e blogueiros. Aps esse curso voc ser capaz de desenvolver seu prprio site ou blog. Aprenda a criar um banco de dados e tambm a enviar formulrios atravs do wordpress, tudo isso de forma rpida e dinmica. O curso foi pensado pra voc que precisa comear a produzir imediatamente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"LIDERAZGO Efectivo y Trabajo en Equipo" |
"Este curso te proveer todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el liderazgo moderno y las herramientas para alcanzar resultados extraordinarios a nivel, profesional, personal y empresarial. Reflexionaremos sobre que es ser un lder, que es el liderazgo, los estilos de liderazgo, cual es la diferencia entre un jefe y un lder, el enfoque sistmico de procesos y el trabajo en equipo; ademas de las herramientas y retos que como lder necesitamos abordar para obtener resultados extraordinarios a nivel individual y como equipo de trabajo, sea cual sea el que fuere.17 aos de experiencia como Consultores y Capacitadores en mas de 300 organizaciones dan toda la confianza y respaldo en temas de calidad total, productividad, mejoramiento continuo / kaizen, estrategia, liderazgo y xito empresarial."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Pass Your IT Certification Exams with Ease" |
"Sample review from a student:""Good and quick. One should quickly go through this course before starting certification preparations. Thanks Seun for this course.""Asif M.This course will teach you how to pass your certification exams easily.This course is designed to teach you how to study effectively and how to quickly recall what you have studied so you can pass your certification exams easily.Master Memorization Techniques to achieve exam success!This course will introduce you to an adaptation of one of the most effective techniques for memorization that will help you study in an interesting way.What will you learn:Study techniques for IT certification exams like Security+, CISSP, PMP, CRISC, CISA, etc.How to prepare for an IT certification using AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals as an example. How to choose the right certification.How to create a plan for your certification journey.How to study in a fun and entertaining way.How to recall what you have studied with ease.How to prepare for the certification day.Who is the Instructor?Seun Kayode, an IT Consultant, Information Security Professional, and Project Manager with the following certifications: CISSP CRISC PMP PSM 1 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Microsoft Power Platform FundamentalsI will provide support and feedback to help you achieve success in your certification journey.Microsoft and Microsoft Azure are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Microsoft Corporation.Music from: bensoundWho this course is for: Absolute beginners who want to start their certification journey Anyone that is interested in taking IT certification exams. Anyone that wants to learn new techniques for studying and recalling information quickly."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Invertir en Bolsa: ANLISIS TCNICO Desde Cero a Intermedio" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Invertir en Bolsa: ANLISIS TCNICO Desde Cero a Intermedio Es bien sabido que la bolsa se comporta de manera irregular en muchas ocasiones, aun as, respeta ciertos patrones que se repiten constantemente a lo largo de los das, meses y aos. Por ello, en este curso, aprenders cuales son estos patrones, y como hacer un anlisis preciso del estado de un activo para poder decidir si su valor subir, o si no lo har."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to Blow-Dry Long Hair" |
"Join our online blow-dry course for long hair and learn how to create the perfect blow-dry. Practice different blow drying techniques & find out which blowdrying tools and hair styling products really work. Brush-in blow-dryCurly to straight blow-dryStraight to curly blow dryVictoria Secrets blow-dryVolume blow-drySuitable for absolute beginners & also for those looking to improve their blow-dry skills."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to Blow-Dry Short Hair" |
"Join our online blow-dry course for short hair and learn how to create the perfect blow-dry. Practice different blow drying techniques & find out which blowdrying tools and hair styling products really work. Volume blow-dry for short hairTextured blow-dry for short hairChoppy blow-dry for short hairSmooth-sleek blow-dry for short hairSuitable for absolute beginners & also for those looking to improve their blow-dry skills."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Cursive with Laura" |
"Did you miss out on learning cursive? Were you one of the thousands of students who fell into the murky years where cursive wasn't taught in school? Have you always wanted to learn? Do you pass letters from loved ones to friends who can read the cursive out loud to you?This course is designed for you. Whether you never learned cursive at all or you are trying to improve the cursive handwriting you already know, this course can help you. The course is designed to be taken over time, one or two lessons per day, to help you make cursive a permanent part of your life. What will you learn?Each of the building-block shapes that make up the cursive alphabetHow to form each capital and lowercase letter of the alphabetHow to connect letters together properlyHow to make your cursive writing legibleHow to recognize and read variations in cursive writingWhat do you get when you enroll?2 hours of premium cursive handwriting lessonsLifetime access to course updatesThe skill to write and read cursive writingA community of learnersWho is your instructor?Laura V Coulter is a career educator and an online course creator. She has taught thousands of students how to read and write cursive. Are you ready to enroll?Are you ready to be the friend who reads the cursive letters for others? Enroll in the course today.See you in class!Laura"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Neurocincia aplicada ao Esporte" |
"Nesse curso voc, tcnico, professor ou preparador fsico, vai percorrer um caminho de muitos conhecimentos (noo bsica do sistema nervoso, funes executivas, emoes, aprendizado neural) para chegar no corao de nosso curso: aprender a aplicar treinamentos cognitivos. Treinamentos cognitivos so exerccios que visam aprimorar funes cerebrais essenciais para a performance, tais como, ateno, tempo de reao e processo de tomada de deciso. Para finalizar com chave de ouro, ou melhor, medalha de ouro, o instrutor do ltimo mdulo o Campeo Olmpico Andr Heller. Em suas aulas, ele aborda temas extremamente relevantes, como a importncia do tcnico, do adversrio e da famlia, de uma forma leve e divertida."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |