Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Seja o melhor Gerente de um comrcio" |
"Este curso fornece informaes bsicas para que um Gerente conduza um Comrcio ou Negcio com sucesso. Abordaremos fundamentos de qualquer Comrcio ou Negcio tais como: Receitas, Despesas, Dinmica de entrada e sada de recursos em um Negcio/Comrcio, Gesto Financeira e Gesto de Recursos Humanos.O curso est voltado tanto para um pblico de Jovens com esprito empreendedor que queiram ter o seu prprio negcio, quanto para Profissionais de outras reas que queiram ingressar neste ramo (sejam eles ativos ou aposentados)."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"College Admission Secrets All Homeschoolers Should Know" |
"Save time, money and energy! In this course, participants will learn about practical ways to prepare their homeschooled children for college admission. Participants will also get insider tips on the college admission process and how to use their homeschool experience to take advantage of many of the typical college protocols. Whether you were an unschooler or college prep homeschooler, you will glean from this course. The instructor, a homeschooling mother, college professor and college advisor will share with you lots of tips to save money, energy and time. You will also reduce your stress. Participants will also receive a 100-page downloaded parent reference handbook. Carter is compassionate and informative.. You will find her answering your questions before you can even think of them."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IoT with Node-red" |
"This Course is based on Node-red and it also includes a lot of other online cloud services IFTTT and Adafruit that helps in making our IoT network more scalable. This is the continuation of the previous course - ""Getting Started with IoT"" and in this one we also be working on IBM Bluemix cloud server.This course includes some other services like google assistant, amazon alexa and Siri. The major focus of this course is to integrate different services with a single device and to make the device scalable and to control it via different platform according to the user demand."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer Meisterkurs: Der Komplette Kurs" |
"Herzlich Willkommen zu dem kompletten Affinity Designer Meisterkurs!In diesem Kurs lernst du alles, damit du direkt loslegen kannst das mchtige Designtool Affinity Designer zu nutzen.Nach diesem Kurs bist du bereit alle deine kreativen Ideen mit Affinity Designer umzusetzen.Als Bonus zeige ich dir besonders hilfreiche Seiten und wie du mit dem im Kurs Gelernten sofort Geld verdienen kannst!Learning by doing:Nachdem du alle Grundlagen von Affinity Designer ausfhrlich kennengelernt hast, verfestigen wir gemeinsam dein Wissen indem wir zusammen Logos, Icons, eine Landing Page und eine kleine App designen.ber Affinity Designer:Affinity Designer ist ein preisgekrntes vektorbasiertes Grafik- und Zeichenprogramm mit dem du nahezu alles designen kannst, was dir in den Sinn kommt.30-Tage Geld Zurck Garantie:Bist du aus irgendeinem Grund mit dem Kurs nicht zufrieden, dann kannst du innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Erwerb eine Erstattung anfordern.Du hast also nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen. Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt ein und nehme diese Chance wahr! Ich freue mich auf dich."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Batteria" |
"Lobiettivo di questo corso fornirti le basi per iniziare a suonare la batteria.Verrai seguito passo dopo passo nello studio della tecnica delle mani, nello studio di groove e ritmi, sia binari che ternari, applicazioni di fill e ghost notes...Ogni lezione continente numerosi esempi pratici in modo che tu possa capire al meglio largomento trattato nonch schede da poter scaricare e consultare in ogni momento.Il corso ti fornir le fondamenta della batteria rendendoti in grado di poter suonare dalle prime lezioni!!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Arredare casa da soli" |
"Divertiti a cambiare la tua casa! Puoi scegliere un nuovo colore per la camera da letto o ripensare il tuo salotto. Puoi decidere di illuminare meglio la zona pranzo, o creare l'angolo giusto per lo smart working. In sedici lezioni ti condurr attraverso i requisiti che devono avere le camere, il bagno, la cucina. Ti parler dei materiali e delle loro caratteristiche. Imparerai ad accostare i colori con sicurezza, grazie ad un metodo semplice quanto efficace. Apprenderai i segreti di una illuminazione corretta, ragionando per zone e funzioni. Infine ti condurr virtualmente nel mio studio di progettazione e ti racconter passo passo come nasce un vero progetto."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
gyousei-benkyou |
"Q&AVS2(PDF) 0 5540 1 2 1253 6 7 8 12 1.2.1210 11 12 13 12 1.2.3."
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"AD0-E103 - AEM Sites Developer Practice Questions" |
"Please refer Adobe Sites Developer Certification - AD0 - E103 PDF and go through all the topics mentioned in that. Go through all the basics of it.Once you had covered all the topics, take this test as it will make you confident enough to take a AEM Sites Developer Certification.Once you had completed the test, Please go through the Descriptions and References from a Review Questions section and try to learn from it.All the best. Cheers !!!May Discount Coupon - 280CF47FD5CFC767D763"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Modern ReactJS" |
"Bu kursta ES6 Temellerini, ReactJS temellerini , React Routing ve React ( Advance ) konularn renme frsat bulacaksnz. Tek ihtiyacnz olan balang seviyesinde Javascript bilgisi. Onun haricinde tamamsnz. Bu kurs srasyla 4 blmden olumaktadr. Bunlar ;1.Blm - ES6 Temelleri Bu blmde Arrow FunctionsTemplate Literals const-let-var kullanm,default function parametreleri spread operator let .. of const .. of yaplarn renme frsat bulacaksnz! Unutmayn bu konular ilerisi iin bir yatrm!2.Blm - ReactJS TemelleriHangi ReactJS kursunu alrsanz aln temelde size retmek zorunda olduu baz konular vardr. Bunlar ;ReactJS nedir ?Functional ComponentsClass ComponentsVirtual DOM ( Sanal DOM )Conditional Rendering ( artl Render )state, props yapsthis.setState() methoduLists.. map fonksiyonuimporting / exporting components fetching data ( Veri ekme )3.Blm - React RouterKursun 3. blmn Routing konusu iin ayrdm ;browserRouterSwitch ve exactLinks , NavLinksRedirect404 notFound iin Route oluturmamatch ve url parametrelerihistory ve url ynlendirme4.Blm - React Advance ( leri Dzey Konular )Buray atlasam olmazd :) Bu blmde u konular iliyoruz;Context ApiPortalsStrict ModeCode Splitting ( Kod Blmlemesi )Dynamic Import KullanmReact lazy() React SuspenseTypeCheckingStatic - Dynamic - Strong - Weak TypingpropTypesdefaultPropsrenderPropsRefsRef Forwarding ( Url Ynlendirme )5.Blm - React HooksBu blmde u konular iliyoruz;Hook Nedir ? Arkasndaki MotivasyonHook KurallaruseStateuseEffectuseContextuseMemouseReduceruseCallbackCustom HooksSon olarak ; bu kursu tamamladnzda ReactJS ile bir web uygulamas gelitirmek iin hazr olacaksnz :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Satla Zorun Ne?" |
"Bu eitimde, DISC Kiilik Envanteri yardmyla, sat srecinde karlaabileceiniz kiilik tiplerini tanmay reneceksiniz. Ayn zamanda, eitim boyunca sizlere sunacam farkl teknikler araclyla nce bu kiilik tiplerini tespit etmeyi, sonra da her kiilik tipi iin sat srecini nasl sonlandrmanz gerektiine dair fikir edineceksiniz. Henz sat sektrnde deneyim sahibi olmayan ve bilgi edinmek isteyen kiilerden, sat sektrnde uzun zamandr bulunan herkese ynelik bir eitimdir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google ADs Para Pequenos Oramentos" |
"Se voc usa o Google ADs mas tem dificuldades de obter resultados imediatos dentro do seu oramento, ento este curso para voc!RESULTADOS RPIDOS COM ORAMENTO REDUZIDONeste curso voc vai descobrir por que a maioria das pequenas empresas falham em marketing digital e o que voc pode fazer para evitar isto. Voc vai ver como gerar resultados como as empresas que investem milhes em marketing digital, mas com um oramento de mdia de apenas R$ 500.Este o PRIMEIRO e NICO curso de Google ADs pensado 100% para negcios locais.Cursos de Google ADs existem aos montes...Mas uma coisa aprender sobre a plataforma e seus fundamentos - que inclusive voc encontra esse contedo totalmente de graa na prpria Google Skillshop - outra coisa aprender com resultados e experincias que serviro de atalhos para o seu sucesso.Sucesso facilmente inventado. Expertise no.Qualquer um tentando se passar por expert em algo que no , detectado como um idiota em 10 minutos.Eu confio tanto nisso que estou deixando esta declarao aqui: se voc detectar que eu no sei do que estou falando ou que tentei vender algo irreal, voc pode printar e usar isto contra mim.E se voc estiver convencido, pode comprar o curso neste momento por apenas R$ 79,90.Conforme a demanda irei aumentar este preo.Portanto, reitero: se voc usa o Google ADs mas tem dificuldades de obter resultados imediatos dentro do seu oramento, ento este curso para voc.Estou falando de gerar resultados rpidos com um pequeno oramento de mdia."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Quantity Surveying Comprehensive MCQ" |
"For Civil Engineers Quantity Surveying or Estimation is very important subject. This subject is usually taught in the last year of degree. To check the knowledge of the subject this is the best test series as the knowledge of this subject is important while working in the construction industry. This basics will help you go on the top in the interview and increases your chances of getting job in good reputed company. So enroll today to take maximum benefits."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Salesforce Admin 201 Practice Test300 QuestionsSummer'2020" |
"Practice TestsThe practice exams fully prepare you for what it is like to take in Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam 201. These questions are collectedWritten and answered by multiple Salesforce professionalsExplanation of the answer is provided with every questionFollowing the 12 knowledge areas as required by the examThere are five practice exams included and theyre designed for those who would like to consolidate their knowledge and be fully prepared for the admin exam.All the exams will be updated and added in order to provide you with the most up to date content.About the ExamRead on for details about the Salesforce Administrator exam.Content: 60 multiple-choiceTime allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutesPassing score: 65%Registration fee: USD 200 plus applicable taxes as required per local lawRetake fee: USD 100 plus applicable taxes as required per local lawDelivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. Click here for information on scheduling an exam.Exam OutlineThe Salesforce Administrator exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience as a Salesforce Administrator and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below.Organizational Setup: 3%User Setup: 7%Security and Access: 13%Standard and Custom Objects: 14%Sales and Marketing Applications: 14%Service and Support Applications: 13%Activity Management and Collaboration: 3%Data Management: 10%AnalyticsReports and Dashboards: 10%Workflow/Process Automation: 8%Desktop and Mobile Administration: 3%AppExchange: 2%"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC per tutti! Il corso da ZERO ad AVANZATO!" |
"Ciao e benvenuto sulla pagina del mio corso! Ho creato questo corso e lho chiamato per tutti perch proprio quello lobiettivo, che sia facilmente comprensibile sia dagli esperti che vogliono concedersi un aumento di conoscenza del software sia dalle persone che vogliono imparare tutto da zero.Imparare praticando e divertendosi al tempo stesso la migliore soluzione a qualsiasi tipo di insegnamento!Ho cercato di mettere all'interno del corso tutta la mia conoscenza decennale del software e farlo risultare il pi semplice possibile.Il bello di questo corso che:Non ha un numero limitato di lezioni, ma si aggiorner sempre con video aggiuntivi!Ha a disposizione una libreria contenuti esclusiva, ovvero un insieme di elementi che possono esserti utili per la modifica delle tue immagini come nuovi pennelli, nuove texture e molto altro!IN CONCLUSIONE:Con questo corso, non avrai un semplice corso, ma un portale sempre aggiornato di video lezioni sul software e materiali utili per le tue immagini.Grazie per avermi dedicato il tuo tempo, se hai deciso di prendere la palla al balzo, ci vediamo all'interno del corso!Ciao"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Yeni Balayanlar iin ello (Viyolonsel) Kursu" |
"Toplamda 18 dersten ve 4 saatten oluan, daha nce bir mzik veya nota bilgisi gereksinimi olmadan temel solfej, ritmik ve teori bilgisi ierii ile elloya yeni balayacak olan renciler iin Mimar Sinan niversitesi Devlet Konservatuvar mezunu ellist Nihan Demirkap tarafndan hazrlanm ello kursu.Derslere balamadan nce, enstrman olmayan renciler iin doru enstrman seimi, ellonun blmleri, ellonun akordunu yapma, doru yay ve ello tutuu, evde elloyu doru muhafaza etme gibi ncelikli hususlar ele alnm ve nce enstrman tanma ve tanmlama hedef dersten itibaren, kursun kendine ait ve zenle derlenmi alma kitab ile takibini kolayca yapabileceiniz srete; sa ve sol elin doru kullanmn, tue zerinde notalar bulmay, nanslar, yay tekniklerini renirken farkna varmadan nota okumaya ve paralar almaya baladnz deneyimleyeceksiniz. Farkl alardan da grebileceiniz detayl anlatmyla, kursun sonunda ok iyi bilinen Popler ve Klasik eserleri alyor olacak ve kendi kendinize paralar karabilecek yeterli donanma sahip olacaksnz."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Usos de letras e nmeros na lngua inglesa" |
"Esse curso foi desenhado para alunos iniciantes ou intermdiarios que se interessam em estudar a lngua inglesa e ainda no sabem ou no se recordam de determinados contedos como numerais cardinais, como descrever operaes matemticas, em que medida o alfabeto ajuda ou atrapalha na pronncia, etc. um curso bem completo ao que se refere aos usos das letras e nmeros na lngua inglesa e em muitas das lies o aluno convidado a participar ativamente das aulas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Direito da startup - estrutura jurdica (kit de documentos)" |
"O link para download do kit enviado automaticamente por e-mail aps a compra.Se voc advogado vai conhecer os documentos bsicos para iniciar a advocacia para startups.Se voc empreendedor, dono ou scio de startup ter acesso aos documentos necessrios para estruturar juridicamente sua startup.Kit de modelos para auto-preenchimento de documentos jurdicos essenciais para estruturar juridicamente sua/uma startup:1. Nda (termo de confidencialidade)2. Memorando de entendimentos acordo de socios3. Termos e condies de uso(SAAS) / Contrato de servio4. Politica de privacidade de acordo com a nova lei de proteo de dados5. Contrato de vestingO link para download do kit enviado automaticamente por e-mail aps a compra."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mut zur Vernderung" |
"Manchmal fehlt es nur an einer Kleinigkeit. Die genialste Idee bleibt wertlos, solange wir nicht den MUT haben, sie real werden zu lassen. Mut steht zu Beginn jeden Handelns. Die grten Erfinder waren nicht erfolgreich, weil Sie schlauer waren als der Rest, sondern weil Sie den Mut besaen, sich ganz ihrer Vision zu widmen. Gleiches gilt fr alle erfolgreichen Menschen. In diesem Kurs geht es darum, wie DU den Mut bekommst, auch deine Vision voranzubringen. Habe den MUT dein Leben zu verndern!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crack OCI Architect Associate Exam Practice Exams: 1Z0 -1072" |
"If you are looking to prepare and pass the OCI Architect Associate Practice Exams: 1Z0 -1072, you should check out our practice exams. We have personally taken the exam in May 2020 and covered all the relevant topics to help you prepare for the exams. With each question, you will also get the relevant explanation and link to OCI documentation. Please note that these exams are not dumps but meant to help you succeed and deepen your understanding of OCI concepts.Exam topics covered are:Identity and Access ManagementNetworkingAdvanced Networking ConceptsMultiple VNICs, and IP addressesComputeStorageLaunching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute InstancesDatabaseAdvanced DatabaseArchitecting Best Practices"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Professional SET" |
"The Oracle 1Z0-997 exam is a proposal for individuals who possess strong knowledge in architecting using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. Moreover, the certification validates mature concepts of OCI services to control infrastructure, such as but not limited to:Firstly, high availability and disaster recovery,Secondly, data migration,After that, network connectivity,Moreover, monitoring and data retention,Further, storageLastly, databasesAbove all, the certification is available to all professionals who already are OCI Architect Associate Exam certified."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Beginner to Advanced" |
"Overview to the course:If you were looking for Microsoft Excel Course ,this course is for you .This course is in Bangla.Following are some of the key points in this course:How to Link Different Cells in Different Excel SpreadsheetsHow to Page Break in ExcelHow to freeze panes in excelHow consolidate function works in excelHow to Activate Developer Option in ExcelHow to Add & Delete Rows & ColumnsHow to Enable autosave in ExcelHow to create drop-down menus in ExcelVLOOKUP Function in ExcelHow to Do Average in ExcelHow to Filter Cells in ExcelCreating Charts Pie,Bar,LineHow to Insert Date in ExcelHow to Marge Cells in ExcelLock Excel by passwordHow to Insert Function in ExcelGenerate Auto Bar code from ExcelMuch More..Technologies we'll use in this course:Microsoft officeMicrosoft ExcelWhat youll learnYou'll learn about full excelAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Opening Microsoft Office ExcelWho this course is for:All beginners & intermediate users"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This exam tests your knowledge of implementing and operating core security technologies, including:Network securityCloud securityContent securityEndpoint protection and detectionSecure network accessVisibility and enforcementSDN and Network Automation ConceptsSoftware and networking become more and more interconnected every day.Security teams can take advantage of automation to scale their security solutions.Todays security professionals need a broader range of skills and deeper focus in strategic technology areas.The new CCNP Security certification program gives you exactly that breadth and depth.The core exam, (SCOR 350-701)}Focuses on your knowledge of security infrastructure including network security, cloud security, content security, endpoint protection and detection, secure network access, visibility, and enforcements}The core exam is also the qualifying exam for CCIE Security Certification."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Network Automation & Programmability Foundations" |
"This course will introduce you to the fundamental concepts and platforms that are involved with network automation and programmability, focused primarily on Cisco's approach and solution. Starting with an overview of the traditional methods of network management (and their challenges) we'll then progress through such topics as the Goals of Network Automation Common languages & tools and protocols used for automationSDN -Software Defined Networking SDN Models - Architecture - The imperative and declarative approaches to SDN implementationsHow SDN provides the ability to separate the Control Plane from the Data Plane,Cisco Devnet -SANDBOX for lab practice Introduction to Cisco's DNA Center solution, introduction to APIs with emphasis placed on REST APIs, overviews of Ansible, Chef, and Puppet JSON Data Encoding Format"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Docker for Beginners" |
"This course is all about DockerUnderstand HOW Docker works and learn its core features ON PRACTICE. This is 90% practice course without no useless demos!Learn how to create different containers like Node.js, Python, Wordpress, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch and much more.Become a master of Docker by understanding and practicing its main features.All project files are available in the GitHub repository.We will start by installing Docker on your computer - MacOS, Windows or Linux. On MacOS and Windows you will install Docker Desktop, on Linux you will install Docker Engine.Afterwards we will jump into tons of practice activities and use different Docker features. You will pull different docker images and run multiple containers using them.In practice sections you will perform multiple practice Docker activities:Run Docker containers in foreground and backgroundConnect to certain process in the Docker from the TerminalExpose internal container ports to outsideAdd environment variable for containerCreate custom names and hostnames for containerCreate custom bridge network and run multiple containers inside of itCommunicate between containersPersist containers folders using volumes mappingYou will also learn and practice how to use following Docker imagesUbuntuAlpine, BusyboxNode.jsPythonMongoDBMySQL, phpMyAdminNGINXWordpressElasticsearchRedisHttpdDuring the course you will need to view and edit text files. For that you will NOT use terminal. Instead you will use GUI application VisualStudio Code. Also all project files are available in the GitHub repository. This means that during this course you will also learn how to use Git and GitHubVisualStudio CodeWith this course you will get lifetime-long access to more than 50 lectures and tens of practical exercises. After the course you will get fundamental practical knowledge of Docker and be able to easily use it for development and testing of your applications.But most important is that you will UNDERSTAND Docker main features like Docker VolumesDocker NetworkingEnvironment VariablesYou will also get 30-days money-back guarantee. No questions asked!Don't wait and join the course now!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2020 :" |
"Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop . .. Photoshop : - Layers Panel- Blend Modes- Selection Tools- Texts- Shapes- Retouching - HDR Photos- Camera RAW- Dodge and Burn- Layer Styles- - !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio 20 - How to Produce Electronic Music in FL Studio" |
"In this course - which has been specially revamped for 2020 and designed for the latest version of FL Studio 20 - we will be showing you the very basics of FL Studio, how to use the interface, the windows and what the various plugins and effects do. Want to produce dance music, but struggling to figure out your mixer's from your mixdowns? With this course, you will be fully on your way to producing club banger smash hits with this brilliant course! The first 20 minutes of this course are absolutely free! Preview what gets taught with absolutely no risk!This course has been specially for those who have never used FL Studio before, or who have downloaded it and installed it only to open the program and become totally confused by what they see. When they look on YouTube, they get confused by the myriad of tutorials available and have no idea where to begin.That's where this course comes in.Everything is covered, from how to use the interface, to how to install and manage third party plugins. If you buy this course, you will learn eaxctly how to use the software to produce electronic music. We show you the exact techniques and workflows that we have been using to maximise what you can do with this DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).We also go over music production techniques, and explain about processes such as compression, equalisation, applying reverb and delay and flanging. We explain the meaning of terms such as 'tempo' and 'BPM'.Even if you hav used the program before, there will be new tips and tricks that you will pick up.FInally, we also explain in depth the synths that you will want to use in FL Studio, and not just how to use them but what they can be used for, as well as examples too!With over 6,000 students, and multiple 4 and 5 star reviews, we have been teaching for many years already on Udemy! With ten years of experience, we have been using this software and know it inside-out!What else is included in this course?Free sample packsThe best third party plugins you should useHow to install and manage third party pluginsAnd much more!If you just watch the videos then this course will take around 2.5 hours to complete, but we recommend setting aside at least six hours to go over the videos and the other documentation that is included as well.I have also included a full and uncut copy of my eBook as well, called ""The Elements of Dance Music"", on top of all the content already included with the course!And, if the course doesn't completely satisfy, you are backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On App Development with Ionic" |
"While Ionic is an easy and straightforward framework to learn, building Ionic apps can sometimes be hard. Designing its architecture and making sure that your application is high-performing, dynamic, and scalable are always tricky.In this course, you will develop a feature-rich Notes app in a step-by-step process using the Ionic framework. You will be using web components, persistent storage, and APIs to ensure your app is high-performing. You'll use the MobX reactive state management tool to make your apps scalable. You'll then use a SQLite database to persist data onto your device. With the Ionic Native Camera API, you'll add, save pictures to your notes then edit and save them, set reminders in your notes, and have your device notify you of events using Ionic Native local notifications. You will deploy your app across iOS and Android devices and also on the web.By the end of the course, you will have taken your Ionic 4 and 5 skills to the next level and will be equipped to build cross-platform hybrid mobile apps.About the AuthorAhsan Ayaz is a Google Developer Expert in Angular and a Senior Software Engineer at Klarna. He has developed several web and hybrid mobile applications over six years and has expertise in JavaScript, Angular, Ionic, Node.js, and web technologies. He has contributed to several open-source projects, including Angular CLI and Ionic Core."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Swift 5 Tips Tricks and Techniques" |
"With significant yearly updates to the Swift language and the introduction of new iOS SDKs, it can be hard to stay up-to-date. Nevertheless, it is critical to embrace these changes for the success of the apps you are building and your personal career. This course will enhance your skillset by showing you how to write better and more efficient code with Swiftin the least time with minimal effortand make the best use of Swift 5.In this practical and to-the-point guide, each section is specifically designed to further your programming skills with Swift. We will begin by creating a demo application using SwiftUI and will be implementing all the new features as we move on systematically. We will then explore the benefits of combining SwiftUI with UIKit to build advanced interfaces.We provide exciting tips, tricks, and best practices to enhance your understanding of Swift and the new features in version 5. While delving into Swift UI, a groundbreaking new technology that makes use of Swift to design simple, yet powerful user interfaces across all of Apple's devices.Ultimately, this course will help you tackle the latest challenges and help you master all key, relevant, and significant changes in Swift 5.About the AuthorPhilipp Baldauf is a professor of iOS development at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Austria. Through years of experience with lecturing, iOS, and Swift development, Philipp has a practical yet sophisticated approach for educating his viewers. Philipp is also one of the co-founders of Butleroy, an iOS and MacOS app for managing your schedule and tasks automatically."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"AZ-303 / AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies" |
"Study for the AZ-303 or AZ-300 exam, a requisite exam to become a Certified Azure Architect, with my complete preparation study guide - and ACE the test!Why Azure?Azure has been growing Year in Year and is a core service - in fact all of Microsoft's cloud offerings from Office 365 to Dynamics, Teams and more run on Azure.Microsoft continually increasing market share and adding new services.One of the highest demand job rolesCertified Architects can earn up to $150,000 a year in the US and 95,000 in the UK.With this comprehensive course you will be fully prepared for the AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies - one of two tests required for the Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert accreditation.Why this course, taught by me?They say those who can - do, those who can't - teach!As an experienced professional with over 30 years of IT experience in general and 20 years in the cloud, Ive worked with some of the worlds biggest companies helping them design and build cutting edge solutions.In other words Im definitely in the Can Do camp, for me teaching on Udemy fulfils a passion for helping others, and allowing me to talk about technology!A seasoned highly rated instructor ( This is my 5th Technology course on Udemy), you can be sure to gain real world insights from a high experienced technologist.Whats in the course?Closely aligned and structured to the AZ-303 requirements, this course covers;Implementing Azure InfrastructureLearning how to deploy and configure networkingBuild and Configure Windows & Linux Virtual MachinesBuild, Configure and Secure Storage AccountsConfigure Azure Active DirectoryAutomate deployments using PowerShell, Azure CLI, ARM Templates and Azure DevOpsImplementing SecurityConfigure management groups and subscriptionsConfigure Policies and InitiativesPrivileged Identity ManagementAzure Key vaultImplement Management SolutionsMigrating workloads into AzureAzure Traffic ManagerAzure Load BalancerAzure Application GatewayWeb Application FirewallsImplement Solutions for AppsWeb AppsEvent Grid (AZ300)Service Bus (AZ300)Kubernetes & ContainersAzure FunctionsAzure Logic AppsImplement and Manage Data PlatformsAzure Cosmos DbAzure SQLMonitoring Azure InfrastructureAzure LogsAlerts & MetricsApplication InsightsLog AnalyticsUpdate ManagementContinually updated, this course provides you with everything you need to ACE the exam!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Hands" |
"Hands are the hardest part of the body to draw. There are more bending points in your two hands than the entire body. Also, hands are definitely one of the most beautiful and important parts of the human body. They represent all of our work and creativity as well as much of our interpersonal expression. Thus, taking the time to focus on the art of drawing hands is worth every moment of time invested.We often tell ourselves that we will improve our hand drawing skills later... after we get those beautiful faces and body poses we've always dreamed of. But when does that day come? Let's get started now in this intense workshop where we will cover each and every bone of the hands, the best proportion practices, the creases in the skin, the finger nails, and all of the extra details we find along the way.We will cover all types of hand poses and gestures, both masculine and feminine. For those crazing a more intense challenge, the final lessons in this class will cover Color Theory, another often neglected study, and we will proceed to paint the best possible hand that we can possibly create with the time allowed."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to be Successful: The 6 Pillars of Success & Prosperity" |
"Success is life is built around six core building blocks that everyone possesses, yet 99% of society are oblivious to how important these components are. In this course, youll not only learn about the six pieces of the puzzle, you will master them, and in doing so, unlock the secret to a life of enormous wealth, success and prosperity.The Prosperity Puzzles takes a practical look at the 6 different elements of success and prosperity:1. TacticalPrincipals you can immediately implement to instantly stack the deck in your favor. Including:The Osmosis Factor (the key to effortless learning, so you can constantly improve without even actively trying)Impact Theory (one of Elon Musks keys to massive wealth generation)The Information Diet, including the kind of information you should consume, and the kind you need to permanently eradicate from your lifeWhat Einstein, Oprah and Bill Gates did to become the best in their fields (and how you can do the EXACT same thing)Sam Waltons Secret: What the Walmart founder obsessed over, and how professional sports teams do the exact same thing to take their success to the next level.2. PsychologicalHow to harness the full power of your mind so that you can turbo-charge your results. Youll discoverThe Adaptability Mindset: And how to reframe the concept of success vs. failure into something you can use to your advantageSpeed, and why its one of the key levers when it comes to wealth generation.The sure-bet alternative to winning the lottery: Directional Focus. What it is, and why its a fundamental ingredient of success in any project (from sports, to love and relationships, to business).How to break the shackles of mind memory. Ever wondered why millionaires who lose it all almost always bounce back? Its to do with the positive use of their mind memory.Why trial and error is the WORST way to learn. Learning from mistakes is great, but mistakes dont need to be yours! Heres what the mega-successful always aim to doVisualization: Seeing is believing, and visualization is an insanely powerful free tactic that the hyper-successful use (either consciously or subconsciously or both!)The truth about affirmations, abundance, outlook and humilityPlay to your strengths. Why this is the path of least resistance, and the path you MUST take if you want to achieve long-term sustainable success and prosperity.And much more...3. OrganizationalThe key to success efficiency, your organizational framework and your ability to move the needle will make or break your success. Here youll learn about:What Richard Branson, Mark Cuban and almost every other self-made millionaire does to protect themselves against the entrepreneurs curse (its easy, but it requires some practice)...Francesco Cirillos straightforward deadline system that practically forces you to get more done in less time (all you need is a smartphone)...Getting Help: Success and prosperity is almost never achieved in isolation. Explore the different approaches to plug your weaknesses, 10x your output, eliminate the menial tasks and focus on the strategic tasks that move the needle.Critical Path Planning: Youll discover a systematic but simple approach to getting better results in any project in life.The 2x Time Hack: How to use technology to save you time (and remember: time is money!)4. RitualHabits and routines used by the mega-successful to give them a permanent edge, and how you can harness the exact same set of game-changers, including:he 1% Rule, and how nano-improvements are the key to masteryWhat Michael Jordan did EVERY day to become the best basketball player in the world (its easy, you can use this today, and itll make an immediate impact on your life)Buffer Blocks: A simple way to proactively protect your most valuable asset, time.Why practices does NOT make perfect, and why you need to change the way you think about repetition.1440, thats how many minutes you have available each day and theres no way to make more time. There is however a simple 5-minute activity that you can use to make your time 300% more effective thoughYour Success Circle. The people you surround yourself with will have a significant impact on your results. Discover what you can do to make sure its a POSITIVE impact...5. PhysicalYour body is your success engine, and its up to you to make sure its tuned to perfection so that you can perform at your peak and get the results youre after. Here youll learn about:Sleep: Why its a fundamental piece of the puzzle, and why so many of the worlds wealthiest people are early-risers...The medically accepted level of alcohol intake, and how to reverse engineer exactly how much you should (or shouldnt!) be drinking.How to boost your alertness and your energy levels (95% of people get this wrong)Like it or not, physical stimulus is just as important as mental stimulus. Generally speaking, the worlds wealthiest and most successful people get physical stimulus on a regular basis, what most people dont realize however is that its for mental strength as much as physical strength (and what the experts say you need).Meditation: Why people like LeBron James, Bill Gates, Jennifer Lopez, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ray Dalio and George Lucas swear by it (and how you can get started on 5 minutes/day)...6. AccountableAccountability, no-one reaches their potential without it. Here youll find out about...Being interested or being committed, and why theres an immense difference between the two when it comes to your results.KPIs: Measurement is your success yardstick. Heres how to use KPIs as one of your secret weapons in project successGo Public! Should you or shouldnt you share your goals with the world? Opinions differ, heres what success magnates doHow to make an accountability group work, and the two mistakes thatll result in guaranteed failure.The wearing different hats strategy, and how you can use it in business to go from start-up to success, and indeed in all aspects of life as a critical feedback loop.Reward Systems: What they are, and how to use them to your advantageEverything weve touched on above is just scratching the surface of what youll get access to inside this training course.Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to achieve greater success in lifePeople who want to be rich, both in terms of their bank balance but also in terms of lifestyle balance and happiness in lifeEntrepreneurs looking to take build their first business, or take an existing business to the next levelParents who want to learn the secrets to success, so they can give their kids a huge advantage in lifeEmployees who want to climb the corporate ladder and are looking for a secret weapon to help"
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