Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
" FILE CASE -ONLINE ANYPLACE ,ANYTIME WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND TRACK STATUSNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHT COMMISSIONNATIONAL WOMEN COMMISSIONCONSUMER CASEFILE ONLINE CASE TO PRIME MINISTER AND PRESIDENTPENSION RELATED CASEE-COURT -HOW HELPFUL FOR USONLINE CASE FILE AND TRACK STATUS RELATED TO WOMEN,CHILD,TRANSGENDERONLINE FILE F.I.R AND FILE COMPLAINT TO F.I.R . , ? F.I.R ? ZERO F.I.R ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ? , ? , - HUMAN RIGHT ? - ? , CYBER CRIME , , , , , ? ? , ? , , - ? ? , , APPLY hello everyone today we learn how to tackle our daily life problems in a legal way.because many people suffer a lot in daily life but they have no money to pay travel expenses and many people live in restriction.So if anyone is a victim of any crime or suffers any issues they can file a case online and this case file lodge after you got legal acknowledgement and track your complaint status anyplace any time .in this course we learn about file case related to police when not file f.i.r and any complaintprostitution case ,how to help any child if you see they are deprived from their right and when women suffer any issue face grievances in life like domestic case,rape ,sexual assault any other case. she can file case without go to police and file case anyplace ,anytime . after lodge this complaint you get acknowledgement on your mail and phone number.if you want know about in deep about e-court file case and track status and all .in this course you learn also thishow to complain file online in national women commission ,national human right commission ,free legal aid aid at home and can counselling from lawyer anytime ,anyplace ,this is surely happen after completed courseyou can lodge a case in the prime minister website ,president website and track the status of your complaint ,you can file a case if you suffer any cyber crime and related to pension problems alsoIn this course if the government does not reply to your complaint then you can file RTI and first appeal and complaint to upper authority to relieve your problem and justice thus who authority not give answer they can suspend and give penalty due to you suffering a lot from this careless of government authority..Thus you learn a lot about your legal rights in your daily life but you suffer this due to having no always consume a product but when we get deficiency ,damage problem and not refund on time we become silent due to we are helpless but you can file all cases on an online portal and this is not like a district consumer forum. This is mediation for consumer and manufacturer. so manufacturing improves in own-self and you get your justice on time without wasting money and your time .so enjoy the course and tell me your review in the comment box."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"YouTube Affiliate Marketing MasterClass" |
"YouTube Affiliate Marketing is a great business model. You get paid commission if someone buys your suggested products. you are not the seller, only the center man. And yet, you'll make tons of cash through Affiliate sales. Who wouldn't love that business model?The Trick with Affiliate Marketing is getting enough traffic to your links. You don't have to invest money to get traffic, you will get tons of traffic from youtube that are ready to buy your suggested products.We all know that YouTube is the second-largest Search Engine in the world, behind Google. Therefore, if you can create the right Content, optimize your videos for maximum views, and then replicate that process over and over again, you would think that would be a winning formula, right?Right indeed!Enroll now and let me show you how to combine Affiliate Marketing with YouTube to generate maximum results!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Basic Italian vocabulary and grammar 2" |
"Break the initial language barrier by making a significant leap into a language, which, after this course, will seem fun and easy. Learn some basic rules and words of Italian. Memorize and learn how to use them actively. Practice and improve several areas of the language simultaneously: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, error correction etc. , , . . . : , , , , .."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"En route pour la certification Scrum Product Owner (PSPO)" |
"Mise en pratiques des questions d''examen de la certification professionnelle Scrum Product Owner, questions pratiques Scrum PSPO pour la certification en ligne PSPO 1 questions courantes + quelques conseils pour russir la certification Scrum Product Owner en ligne de la Scrum org. Comment ce cours peut-il vous aider vous prparer et russir l'examen Scrum Product Owner 1 ? Tlchargez le Scrum guide (gratuit sur le site scrum org) et lisez-le trs attentivement. La cl du succs est de bien comprendre les rponses du guide Scrum. Il ne s'agit pas de tout mmoriser.Cette formation contient plus de 350 questions avec leurs corrections dtailles (6 quiz x 80 questions chacun) que vous pouvez apprendre en mme temps. Toutes les questions adhrent la dernire version du Scrum Guide (novembre 2017) et seront continuellement affines en fonction des commentaires et des questions des utilisateurs. Vous pouvez rencontrer toutes ces questions lors d'un vritable examen de certification. Les questions sont en anglais (unique langue disponible pour la certification PSPO 1 )"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Forex Strategy Somali" |
"Casharadan taxanaha ah waxaan ugu tala galay dhamaan ardada dhibaato kahaaysato suuqa Forex Trading. Hadii aad tahy qof in badan lacag looga qaatay in wax labaro maanta wixii kadanbeyo waxaad noqon doontaa qof suuqa isku filnaankagaaro kadib markaa ad coursadan dhameeyso.Si suuqan aad uga meel gaarto waxaad ubaahantahy in aad fahantay habka eey kushaqeeyaan dadka suuqan sida eey rabaan kaxeeyo.chart patterns waa habka ugu wanaagsan ee lagu tilmaamo in uu suuqani kushaqeeyo,Aniga ahanateyda waxaan xitaa kutrade gareeyay news ayada oo suuqa kasocdo.Waxwalbo waxey ubaahanthay tijaabo iyo isku dey badan, balse hadii aad raacdo sida aan kuugu sharxay waxaan filayaa in aad inbadan kafaaidi doonto..coursada waxey kakoobantahy:1.Technical analyses2. Tradingview3. Charpatterns Reversal patterns continuation patterns"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"A03 Reporting (IBM Cognos Analytics)" |
"During the introduction to Cognos Reporting , the most important components of professional report generation are trained. The focus is on the different objects for report design. This includes, among other things: list objects, cross-tables, tables, layout components, prompt pages.Participants will learn how to create pixel-accurate and attractively designed reports on several pages, including cover page and table of contents.Tips for learning with the webinar videosThe best way to learn is to work through the lessons in the given orderThe lessons are self-contained. If you only want to learn or repeat a particular topic, you can also start directly with the lesson.Practice simultaneously on your own Cognos systemStart a video and press Pause if you want to follow the steps in your own system.View complicated operations multiple timesAfter each lesson, you should test and deepen your knowledge with your own data on your system."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"RPA UiPath - Develop Custom Activities" |
"Welcome to the course RPA UiPath - Learn How To Develop Custom Activities, where you will learn everything you need to know to develop custom activities for UiPath!We will start doing the Lab Setup, installing UiPath, Visual Studio and the necessary package to develop the custom activities. Then we will learn how to develop a custom activity in two ways!We will learn to develop custom activity in Visual Studio from scratch, install and test the created package! Then we will learn to develop custom activitiy with UiPath Library!The developed activities will be given for download."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar Anncios que Vendem para Lojas Virtuais" |
"Este curso destina-se aqueles que esto buscando uma metodologia TESTADA para criar anncios paras suas lojas virtuais. Est metodologia foi criada pela agncia SayHello e o seu diferencial que todos os anncios esto integrados e organizados para convencer o seu consumidor a comprar o seu produto dentro da Jornada do Consumidor. A Metodologia aplicvel em apenas 7 dias e tem como objetivo trazer resultados logo no primeiro ms.Neste curso apreenderemos a desenvolver anncios no Google Ads e Facebook Ads, mas tambm teremos aulas de conceitos de marketing e anlise de resultados."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Modern Life's Wise Cooking" |
"The Kitchen just got exciting!You no longer go hungry with busy life. You can eat even with low budget and take just a few simple ingredients and turns them into a filling meal. There will always food to feed your tummy. WHAT YOU WILL GETExperiment and discover easy and hassle-free way of cooking with friends and family. Cook light and simple meals with little ingredients.Make fun delicious meals within minutes.Enjoy good creative meal even with less budgetRecipes with less oil, less sugarWatch over your weights and manage your health problemsPreparing meals for yourself gives you more control over ingredients and portion sizes, enabling you to better control your weight or cope with food allergies.No more leftover fatigue and cracking your head for a single serving.Cooking for yourself now is no longer the problem. Weve got your back.Tie on your apron because these fun recipes are going to make you want to cook.Learn the class together and join in the community with other cooking enthusiasts. Also continue motivate yourself by posting your delicious food photo to FB page @prep.snap.feast community"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Best Core Java 8 Practice Test Series" |
"This course is for all Java beginners and professionals who want to make Java understanding in depth. Test series contains 6 practice test and each test contains various type/level of questions (Easy, Medium and Complex). All Questions are new, unique and tricky that will help you to clear the corresponding concepts at industry expectations.We have covered each core java concept as below.Data Types and VariablesDeclaration and Access ControlJava ArraysJava OperatorsObject Oriented ProgrammingException HandlingStrings HandlingLambda ExpressionsNetworkingMulti-threadingGarbage CollectionInput OutputJava Stream APICollectionsThis practice test series, each questions has its unique detailed explanation to understand why the right answer is Right and why others options are Wrong. At the end of each practice test, you can check your progress report and can review each question with its explanation.I believe, you like these test series and you understand the corresponding concepts.Note: I am continue to adding more quality questions until its reach up-to 500 questions.Q. 1 Why MCQ's is required?Multi-choice questions are very useful to check candidate's decision timings with accuracy rate. Sometime its very confusing just because of similar type of options available and that's checks your knowledge level. After completing any topic, it is necessary to test yourself in terms of accuracy, timing, tricks and much more.Q. 2 What type of MCQ's contains this Test Series?I categorized the MCQ's in 3 complexity level as it helps to learn from beginning to end.Easy (L1)Medium (L2)Complex (L3)This test series is for all Java lovers either for you are a beginner or a professional. I promises, that you love this test series.Q. 3 Do you provide Support ?I am available to provide you a rich support. For any query you can mail me at """", will revert you within 24 hours and I also trying to available on call as well, to make you feel comfortable and smooth learning.Call at: +91 9971062620Note: Because of different time-zones, it's not easy to make available all time, but If I am not sleeping or in-gazed in any urgent work, I definitely response you on call.Q. 4 Is this test series will help to crack Oracle Certificate?Sure, I designed the questions to make you clear from beginning to end. But to crack Oracle Certificate, you need to focus L3 level questions because L3 (Complex) questions is specially designed to crack Oracle Exams.Happy LearningTarique Anwer, CTO"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Psicologa de la seduccin: la gua definitiva" |
"Este curso est dirigido a todos los hombres que por diversos motivos tengan problemas para iniciar relaciones amorosas y/o sexuales con las mujeres, o que al establecer una relacin, presenten dificultades o no entiendan como mantenerla a travs del tiempo.Este curso est desarrollado con un lenguaje sencillo y claro, no se necesita ningn conocimiento previo para entenderlo.El contenido de este curso, se enfoca en los principales hallazgos de las diversas disciplinas que intentan explicar el comportamiento humano en los contextos de las relaciones interpersonales; incluidas las relaciones de pareja y las relaciones sexuales.Este curso se divide en varias secciones, todas ellas enfocadas en el desarrollo personal del hombre y en la exploracin y explicacin de conceptos ligados a la psicologa y a otras disciplinas del comportamiento humano, los cuales pueden arrojar luces sobre las conductas de las personas en el cortejo, la seduccin y el emparejamiento.Este curso NO ES UN RECETARIO O UNA LISTA DE PASOS A SEGUIR PARA TENER XITO CON LAS MUJERES. AQUELLO NO EXISTE, PUESTO QUE LAS DINMICAS HUMANAS ESTN CONTROLADAS POR UN NMERO CASI INFINITO DE VARIABLES QUE NO SIEMPRE PERMITEN PREDECIR EL XITO O EL FRACASO ANTE DETERMINADAS CIRCUNSTANCIAS. Se recomienda el visionado pausado de este curso; puesto que se abarcan numerosos conceptos y el objetivo es poder reflexionar sobre las falencias personales en el mbito del emparejamiento y buscar la manera de poder corregir esos problemas.La duracin del curso ronda las 6 horas."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Implementation of Large-scale Math Optimization Models" |
"This is the only course that teaches you the FICO Xpress Optimization software and the language MOSEL, which is a mathematical modelling language such as GAMS, AMPL, AIMMS etc. FICO Xpress optimization does really well with really large optimization models, such as the ones in the airplane industry or in finance. You can describe a problem that has a best solution. The description of the problem is through mathematical equations, which are really easy to write in the environment of FICO Xpress. For example, assume that you have $ 100,000 and you want to invest this money in 5 stocks. So you take a piece of paper and you write some mathematical equations. You say that X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 , X5 are 'variables' that represent the amount of money that you will invest in each of the 5 stocks. So the first inequalities are that: X1 >=0 , X2 >=0 , X3 >=0 , X4 >=0 , X5 >=0. Because the amount of money cannot be negative. The second inequality is that X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 <= 100,000 , which means that you can invest up to $100,000. And the objective is to find the value that X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 must have , i.e. how much to invest in each stock, so that you get the maximum return. You can describe all these in a very easy and quick way in FICO Xpress. Imagine that you have many many more equations and inequalities. So when we have really large optimization problems it is better to write these equations using software such as the one I am teaching in this course. Then we simply press a button and the software after some time (e.g. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 10 seconds) depending on how large the problem is, will find for us the best solution. There are many 'modelling languages'. The one I am teaching is one of them, and I find it very easy to learn, and this is why I am teaching it here. You can find other such software including GAMS, and MATLAB. I would recommend to test them all and see which one you prefer. The best is to have an idea about all of them. Because this will give you an edge at workplace. If you know how to develop optimization models (i.e. to write the code) you will benefit a lot. For example, this skill finds application in finance in terms of identifying the optimal investment portfolio. Platforms such as Nutmeg run 'optimization models' because they try to find the optimal allocation of the stocks and bonds for you to maximize your profit. It finds application in machine learning and in artificial intelligence. Because machine learning is all about making optimal predictions. See the word 'optimal' here. It finds application in business, in terms of identifying the best decision i.e. the one that will maximize profits.So, by purchasing this course, you get ------life-long access to the course and to the Q & A section. You can also contact me in private for any inquiries, and suggestions for collaboration.------life-long access to the course that has more than 1000 students enrolled, most of which have experience in optimization and, therefore, you can benefit from exchanging ideas. -----life-long access to updates/ new videos, new explanations, constant improvements etc.Finally you can recommend your own ideas about future courses and subjects to deal with."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GDPR Awareness" |
"Time to check out how well you match up and what steps you can take. A workshop looking at GDPR what has happened since we all worried about implementing it and how can this impact a business. Some practical steps to consider as you start to reach out to old clients and attract new ones. This webinar will help you Understand what GDPR is Familiarise yourself with the history and legislation. Give practical steps to help you set up processes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Temelden leri Seviyeye CSS Eitimi" |
"HTML ile bir web sayfasn yaparsnz ama CSS ile bu sayfaya dzen, grsellik, ekranlara uyumlu responsive tasarm ve dier seenekleri de eklemeniz gerekir. Aksi halde sayfanz dz bir yap olmaktan teye geemez.te bu kursta ncelikle CSS ile ilgili temel bilgilere bakp, CSS ve CSS3 ile ilgili zellikleri ve tanmlanabilecek deerleri greceksiniz. Ardndan baz HTML etiketlerine bu zellikleri ekleyerek uygulamalar yapacaz. Bylece CSS zellik ve deerlerini nasl kullanabileceinizi reneceksiniz. Son olarak CSS Flexbox ve CSS Grid konularn da temel dzeyde renecek ve kullanabileceksiniz.Bu kursun sonunda;CSS TanmlamalarnYaz BiimlendirmeleriniYaz Tipleri TanmlamasnBoluklar ve izgiler eklemeyiKatman ve Konumlandrma TekniiniResim yerine ikon fontlar kullanmayeffaflk, Glgelendirme, Animasyon ve Gei EfektleriniTablolara, resimlere, form elemanlarna stil tanmlamayMen Tasarmn, Image Sprite yapmayCSS Grid ve Flexbox yaplarnreneceksiniz. rnek uygulamalar ile de konular genel tekrar edecek ve uygulama yaparak CSS renmeyi pekitireceksiniz.GNCELLEMELER:Mouse imleleri dersi yaynland.Uygulama - 8: Ykleniyor kutusu yapma dersi yaynland.Temel Konular blmne ""l Birimleri"" balkl teorik bir makale eklendi."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Se voc est cansado de viver de pagar contas, acumula dvidas e carns e acha que o dinheiro seu inimigo.Venha aprender como se livrar dessas crenas limitantes, com algum que j esteve durante muito tempo desse mesmomodo. E importante saber que no existe frmula mgica, mas voc pode mudar o seu mindset para, ter mais inteligncia financeira e esse curso de Educao Financeira vai revelar voc o que no querem te contar sobre o mundo dos investimentos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Vue.js 2 - Der Praxiskurs (inkl. vue-router, vuex, uvm.)" |
"Hallo! Und herzlich Willkommen in der Welt von Vue.js. Hier in diesem praxisorientierten Kurs, wirst du alles lernen, um moderne, interaktive und reaktive Frontends mit dem populren JavaScript Framework Vue.js umsetzen zu knnen.Einige Kursziele, die du nach dem Kurs erreicht haben wirst:Selbstsicherer Einsatz des Vue.jS Frameworks.Profitiere von jahrelanger Erfahrung und nimm programmiersprachen-unabhngige Entwicklungskonzepte in andere Anwendungsgebiete mit.Du wirst nicht nur alle Kernthemen von Vue.js kennenlernen, sondern wirst zustzlich auch Routing mit dem vue-router Paket und ein skalierbares State Management mit dem vuex Paket umsetzen.Du solltest nach Abschluss in der Lage sein, modernste Frontends im Bereich der Webentwicklung schreiben zu knnen.Du kannst Anwendungen von der Planung bis zum online stellen realisieren.Ein paar weitere Grnde, warum du den Kurs whlen solltest:Bei Vue.js handelt es sich absolut um ein populres JavaScript Framework, welches aus der Webentwicklung (neben Angular und React) nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Das Zeitalter der sog. Single-Page-Applications hat lngst begonnen und wird in den kommenden Jahren noch weiter in den Vordergrund rcken. Falls du dir nicht sicher bist, mit welchem JavaScript Framework du anfangen sollst, dann empfehle ich dir auf jeden Fall Vue.js. Von den drei groen JS-Frameworks ist Vue.js am leichtesten zu erlernen und liefert dir bereits wichtige Konzepte, welches dir beim Verstndnis den anderen Frameworks extrem hilft. (Auch ich habe mit Vue.js begonnen und konnte dadurch Angular und React deutlich schneller erlernen. Ich bereue mein Vorgehen bis heute in keiner Weise.Mir ist es besonders wichtig, ein nachhaltiges Verstndnis von Vue.js und allgemeinen Entwicklungstechniken zu erzeugen. Daher werden alle Inhalte praxisnah unterrichtet und mit zahlreichen bungen untermauert.In den Videos rede ich nicht lange um den heien Brei herum, sondern komme zgig zum wesentlichen Inhalt. Das kann dazu fhren, dass du einige Stellen dir mehrmals anhren musst, aber dafr bekommst du in wenig Zeit viel Inhalt!Grober KursaufbauIm ersten Modul klren wir den ueren Rahmen des Kurses und schauen uns bereits eine erste Anwendung mit Vue.js an.In den nachfolgenden Modulen werden wir anhand von Projekten und bungsmodulen die Kernthemen von Vue.js erarbeiten, vertiefen und ben, ben, ben.Zum Schluss verffentlichen wir einige Projekte im Internet und schauen uns die dazugehrigen Voraussetzungen an.Also! Worauf noch warten? Lass uns gemeinsam tolle Frontends mit dem JavaScript Framework Vue.js realisieren!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Intuitist French Level One (Part 1)" |
"About Intuitist French Level OneThe Intuitist approach shows you how to think and speak French with more ease than you ever imagined. From the get-go, you will be amazed at how quickly you are saying things in French with a good accent, and you will feel your expression power and confidence growing.Step by step, layer upon layer, you will lay the foundation of your 'French house', simply, clearly and in a way that makes real sense to you.Whos it for? Beginners & those with some knowledge of French (eg: school French) Teachers looking to help their pupils to speak French more intuitively and spontaneouslyContent Introductory video 17 Coaching Videos : start speaking French 17 Test Yourself Videos : sharpen your speaking reflexes 17 Worksheets : practise your written FrenchThroughout the program, you hear Conor coaching his student Mark. You are, if you like, the 2nd student in the coaching session.How to get the best from the courseThe material is presented sequentially, so later tracks will assume knowledge of earlier ones. It is best to work through them in order. Watch the first Coaching video, then watch the corresponding Test Yourself video.Each time an English word/sentence appears, press pause and say your French translation out loud (essential). Then press play and compare your response with the recording.Dont worry about your accent. Your coach Conor gives you lots of help with pronunciation, and the sub-titles use a simple phonetic system specially designed for English-speakers.Saying the sentences out loud will help make your accent 'more French'. Importantly, you will also grow in confidence as you say more and more in French.(1) The Coaching videos : participate in a coaching sessionThe videos give you a rich learning experience, engaging you with French in 3 ways: hearing it, speaking it and seeing it.(2) The Test Yourself videos : sharpen your speaking reflexesTest yourself on the material you have learnt in the coaching videos. Treat it as a game: see if you can 'nail' every French sentence !For optimum learning, repeat each Test Yourself until you are 100% happy with your answers. Be demanding ! After only 4 sessions of Intuitist French, my girlfriend - from French-speaking Switzerland, and my greatest critic! - has already noticed a marked improvement in my French!!......Ive now done 8 sessions. Im just back from a wine trip to France... I felt a lot more confident speaking to the wine retailers. They understood me! There were none of those blank looks and silences.""Mark Wilson, Actor & Radio DJ (and the student in French Level One)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Revolutionary Treating of PTSD: Healing Through Service" |
"Produced using cinematic filmography, this high-speed course teaches the bare-bones, highly effective techniques of Healing Thru Service. Every lesson is backed up by real-world science and has ""tactical applications"" so you can hit the ground running immediately after every lecture. The course material is taught by an award-winning, combat Marine. You will learn cutting edge techniques and lessons that have transformed countless lives. Dive into scientific studies--backed up by real world science journals--and apply Biblical principles that are 100% on-point. This fast-paced course isn't for everyone; be prepared to be challenged, stretched, and ultimately given the tools to ""get right."" It will take work. But this isn't made up stuff. The proof is in the pudding; the very soldiers who have designed this course practice these methods on a daily basis. In short: It works. _______In 2015 God had been calling Sgt Q to share the healing he had found on the mission field with his fellow warriors. He had ignored this calling until he had a close friend and fellow Marine go off the grid and feared that he would become part of the 22 veterans that commit suicide every day in America."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"TE0-123 Teradata Physical Design Implement Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Table divided via RANGE_N function and includes NO RANGE and unknown partitions. There are gaps in the range and the designer must add new sections to fill in the gaps. The information contained in NO RANGE sections should be checked against the new sections. What procedure should be used?a) Create another table with a new definition of the sections, and then send the INSERT SELECT statement to populate the new table.b) Create another table with a new definition of the partition, and then extract data from non-range and unknown partitions and import data into the new table.c) Send the statement ALTER TABLE, to add new sections to extract the data from any range and unknown partitions and import data into an existing table.d) Send the statement ALTER TABLE, to add new sections, when the data from the NO RANGE and unknown partitions automatically checked against additional partitions.e) NoneQ) Which two statements are true about Upis? (Choose two.)a) They must be defined as NOT NULL.b) The database can search for part of the cost to them.c) They may be a reference to the column in the referential integrity constraintsd) The optimizer may receive demographic data even without statistical data collected.Q) What measures will help save disk space?a) Install permanent restrictions for each table space is created.b) Set a limit for the space coils for users in their profiles.c) Use a low number of cylinders stored forPERM settings.d) Use theDBQL.LogSQL DBQL.LogSummary table instead of the table.e) NoneQ) Formentera app ported that store and calculate statistics using different large integers. And 128-bit and 256-bit integer necessary to capture the results of complex calculations. Tera What data should be used for such large numbers?a) UDTb) BIGINTc) VARBYTEd) INTEGERe) None"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"VMware VCPC-610 Certified Professional Cloud Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The administrator must deploy multiple virtual machines. Storage discord between the virtual machines to be managed VMkernel. Some of the virtual machine will use MSCS, and must be highly available ESXi 5.5 hosts. What are the two storage options to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)a) ISCSIb) NFSc) Fiber Channeld) VSAN networkQ) Storage Engineer determines there is a problem with ISCSI network. Vsphere administrator must collect performance metrics on the specific ESXi 5.x host to determine if the problem is the high memory latency on the host ESXi. What tool should Vsphere administrator uses to collect this data?a) esxtopb) vmkfstoolsc) VMware CMDd) esxcli ISCSIe) NoneQ) The administrator must create a virtual machine cluster two nodes in Vsphere environment using Fiber Channel SAN. The cluster software does not have a SCSI or SCSI purposes effects team requirements. What VMware storage administrator must use?a) physical RDMb) VMFSc) virtual RDMd) NFSe) NoneQ) What term is used in the vCloud Automation Center to describe the amount of memory consumed, although the technology space efficient storage use?a) Reservedb) allocatedc) Usedd) physicale) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA CD0-001 CDIA + Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Human Resources, the application: 10% by fax, 30% of e-mail messages, and 60% per unit. All applications are two-sided forms. Applications received by mail must be scanned into the document management system (DMS). About 300 applications received in the Human Resources Department in the week, the number of images to be scanned in a week?a) 300b) 360c) 400d) 600e) NoneQ) Certkiller reviewing process several documents each year. Several people reviewing and revising these documents before final approval. What would be a better solution?a) EDIb) COLD / EDMc) E. maild) Workflowe) NoneCertkiller treat a large number of daily invoices that are of custom size and thickness. Which of the following is the most important criterion when choosing a scanner for Certkiller?a) ADFb) lampsc) high-speedd) remove stainse) NoneWhich of these standards allow the typical office applications to access the documenta) SQLb) JAVAc) ODMAd) ActiveXe) None"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"MA0-150 McAfee Assessment Professionals Networking Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What is the Microsoft tool encrypts the password hash in the SAM database using 128-bit encryption?a) ASLRb) DEPc) Syskeyd) Kerberose) NoneQ) What is the Microsoft tool encrypts the password hash in the SAM database using 128-bit encryption?a) ASLRb) DEPc) Syskeyd) Kerberose) NoneQ) What is the fastest protocol on Windows brute force attack?a) SFTPb) HTTPSc) SEAd) SSHe) NoneQ) An attacker must collect local privileges to operate the affected host. What tools can be used to accomplish this task?a) GDBb) CLEc) Iddd) builde) None"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Desafi 21 - Abundancia Financiera" |
"DESAFO 21: ABUNDANCIA FINANCIERADescripcinDesafo 21 para la abundancia Financiera es un curso en el cual, al cabo de 21 das lograr instalar nuevos programas en tu mente subconsciente. Este tiempo, es el necesario para crear nuevas redes neuronales con informacin ms poderosa, que te permita alcanzar tus objetivos econmicos que hasta la actualidad no habas logrado, por patrones aprendidos de tu pasado.El 90% de nuestro da es regido por nuestra mente subconsciente y lo hace de manera automtica. Esto quiere decir que conscientemente podemos desear ganar mucho dinero, pero si tuviste una mala experiencia de nio con el dinero, o tus padres te dijeron que el dinero era malo, aunque no te acuerdes de esas vivencias, no eres consciente de ellas, quedaron grabadas en tu subconsciente como ordenes incuestionables. Lo que sucede es que, aunque desees tener mucho dinero realizas acciones y actos sin darte cuenta (inconscientemente regidos por el cerebro subconsciente) que te impiden conseguir tus objetivos.Es por ello que a veces es necesario con una metodologa que te permita ver qu cosas hay grabadas en el subconsciente y hacer cambios conscientes sobre ste. Hacer consciente todas tus creencias relacionadas con el dinero y as cambiarlas.La nica manera es que logres tener la abundancia econmica que deseas, es que tui mente consciente y subconsciente estn alineada, de lo contrario siempre aparecer el auto boicot.Cuando trabajas tu mentalidad de abundancia subconsciente sucede que:Te sientes merecedor del xitoEmpiezas a adoptar acciones inconscientes que te acercan a tus objetivosEmpiezas a interpretar el papel del personaje que siempre quisiste ser y eso te empuja a otro nivel mental, ms motivado, ms abundanteTus objetivos conscientes son aceptados por tu subconsciente y empiezan a hacerse realidad.CaractersticasEs un curso online grabado en vdeo, lo cual te va a permitir consumirlo en cualquier lugar siempre y cuando tengas conexin a internetEst estructurado para que lo hagas en 21 das dedicndole entre 15 a 30 minutos aproximadamente por da.Adems de las lecciones se te da un libro de ejercicios que te permite hacer los ejercicios.Dispone de sonidos bineuralesen mp3 descargables, que reprogramarn tu mente subconsciente"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creare rendite passive: Creazione di taccuini su internet" |
"Ti do il benvenuto in questa formazione sulle grandi opportunit che offre il low content!Ti insegner in che consista la creazione di taccuini su Amazon (agenda, notebooks, diari, libri da colorare, parole intrecciate, etc...)Questo business che si sviluppa moltissimo in 2020 accessibile a tutti quelli che vogliono sfruttare la loro creativit al servicio di unattivit sostenibile che permette di conseguire un reddito passivo, lavorando da casa, o in viaggio. Infatti, pubblichi il tuo taccuino e ricevi le tue royalties su ogni vendita tramite Amazon. Si fa tutto in linea e Amazon stampa la tua creazione ad ogni ordine fatto da un cliente. Quindi per te, nessuna logistica!Creeremo un account KDP Amazon insieme, poi ti insegner le mie tre tecniche per trovare dei taccuini redditizi.Sceglieremo tre nicchie sostenibili per creare tre taccuini della A alla Z (interiore, copertina e messa in linea). In occasione della messa in linea, ti spiegher come trovare buone parole chiave e un titolo accattivante. Stabiliremo anche il prezzo. Io metto davvero in linea i taccuini creati durante la formazione. Potrai poi andare a vederli su Amazon, e vedere che si vendono.Regalato: tre interiori di taccuini: 1 libro da colorare (con elementi che ho comprato sulla versione a pagamento di Canva) + 1 diario di gratitudine/dei sogni + 1 interiore di parole intrecciate, che potrai usare con le tue proprie copertine.Ti auguro uneccellente formazione, ma sopratutto delle belle vendite!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Adobe Premiere Pro FAST : The Ultimate Guide" |
"In this course you'll learn everything from the basics to advanced topics in Premiere Pro. You'll find all the videos to be short, yet easy to follow and detailed. I'll even teach you how to make the most popular effects and transitions! After finishing this course you should be able to make just about anything you want!I will update this course when new versions of Premiere Pro come out if the change how to do things! All the course content is downloadable as well!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"S tu propia MAQUILLISTA PROFESIONAL Curso de Automaquillaje" |
"Quieres aprender los grandes secretos que los maquillistas profesionales no quieren que sepas??He trabajado hasta el cansancio para disear este nico, intensivo y profesional curso, el cual aprenders cmo lucir radiante y robar TODAS LAS MIRADAS, te compartir los secretos que he aprendido de maquillar ms de 500 rostros.No ms TUTORIALES de Youtube que no te salen, juntas lograremos el maquillaje de tus sueos para todos los das, conforme a la mtrica de tu rostro y tu tipo de piel.Acostumbrate a robar miradas y que todos te digan ""Qu guapa te ves"" ""Cmo has cambiado"" ""Qu te hiciste?""Al trmino del curso gozars de una seguridad que no creste conocer jams, lucirs todos los das la mejor versin de ti.??Curso de AUTOMAQUILLAJE intensivo completamente renovado??Aprende a maquillarte con las nuevas y avanzadas tcnicas de maquillaje que los profesionales no quieren que sepas?En el curso aprenders?Temperatura de piel?Tipo de piel?Cmo preparar tu piel y productos bsicos?Cmo aplicar correctamente todos los productos y uso de brochas?Contouring de acuerdo a tu rostro?Colorimetra ??Cejas perfectas segn tu rostro?Aplicacin de sombras de acuerdo a tu tipo deojo.?Estudio mtrico de tu rostro y ojos para que identifiques los mejores maquillajes de acuerdo a lNo necesitas nada solo las ganas para aprender a destacar la mejor versin de ti."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Pinterest - Wordpress - Adsense ls sayesinde hayalinizdeki otomatik gelir etme makinesi olan Pinterest Para Kazanma (PinToPin ) sitelerinizi bu eitim sayesinde kurabilirsiniz . Bu eitim sayesinde kuracanz otomatik kendiliinden alan siteler siz uyurken bile size gelir getirmeye devam edicekler.Eitim setinin ierii : 1) Giri2) Domain Seimi 3) Hosting Seimi 4) Domaini Hosta Ynlendirme 5) Wordpress ndirme // 1.KISIM CPANEL ZERNDEN PNTOPN STE KURMA 6) Domaine Wordpress Kurulumu 7) Veritaban Oluturma. Wordpressi Veritabanna Balama 7.1) SSL Kurulumu 8) Gereksiz Tema ,Eklenti Sayfalarn Silinmesi 9) Gerekli Tema , Eklentilerin Yklenmesi 10) Site erii iin Keyword Belirleme11) Wordpress Automatic Ayarlar ( Kampanya oluturma )12) Wordpress Automatic Cron Ayar 12) ne kan Resim Eklentisi Kurulumu Ayarlar 13) Botu pinterest iin pinlemeye hazrlama14) Pinterest Hesap Ama15) Pa Ayarlar 16) Pinterest Hesap Temini 17) Pinterest Hesap Takip Scripti Kurulumu18) Adsense Reklam Yerleim Ayarlar 19) Site Yedei le Kolay Site Kurulumu 20) Feed Makaleli erik ekme 21) Instagram To Pinterest 22) Spintax ile erik ekme 23) Domain Ban vs Shadow Ban 24) Adsense Alternatifleri // 2.KISIM PLESK PANEL ZERNDEN PNTOPN STE KURMA 25) Plesk Panel PintoPin Site Kurulumu - Hzl Wordpress Kurulumu 26) Tema - Eklenti Ykleme ve Ayarlar 27) Cron Ayar - ne kan Resim Ayarlar - Men 28) Plesk Panel Site Klonlama Gibi birok konuda bilgi sahibi olucaksnz Kurs rencilerinden Yorumlar ;>>Sadece tek bir konu zerinden gitmiyor her detaya deinilmi bir eitim seti olmu...>>Olduka net ve akc bir anlatmn sz konusu olduu bir eitim olmu.Daha ncesinde Pinterest'le alakal neredeyse hibirey bilmiyordum ancak bu eitimle beraber nemli bir seviyeye geldiimi dnyorum.Bu baarl eitim setinden tr eitimci arkadaa teekkrlerimi sunuyorum.>>Gzel, detayl ve akc bir kurs olmu. Teekkrler."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA 220-802 A+ Mobile Devices and Trouble Shooting Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A user just bought an Android tablet and want to connect to their e-mail job. The ds employer has a Microsoft Exchange server for email. Which of the following would be the technical configure to allow the user to access email on an Android tablet?a) DNS, DHCPb) IMAP, SNTPc) POP3, SMTPd) Devices are incompatibleQ) Which of the following would be a technical user to install applications on an iPad? (Select two).a) App Storeb) Market PlaceiTunesc) Exchanged) mobile marketQ) Which of the following methods for mobile devices synchronization is easier for the end user, but it requires more than the part of the technical configuration?a) Dock Syncb) Synchronization via encrypted cablec) wireless syncd) Cable SyncQ) A user realizes that they left their mobile phone in a taxi minutes after the car departs. Which of the following should be done to ensure the best any of the private data on the phone leads?a) Barring codeb) GPS trackingc) Remote Backupd) Remote WipeQ) A user is interested in an issue with iOS. The most likely user has which of the following devices?a) iCloudb) Android Phonec) i phoned) Windows Tablet"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Functions in PHP [Exercises]" |
"This course assumes that you are already familiar with functions in PHP. This course includes more than 40 coding exercises organized into topics such as simple functions, functions with a variable number of arguments, specifying parameters' types, anonymous functions, function arguments unpacking, variadic functions, accessing global variables, and few others. Each coding exercise includes code the student needs to complete its missing parts, and submit. Taking this course, if you feel that you would like to have more exercises of a specific level about a specific topic please don't hesitate and let us know. We will take your needs into account when working on the next version. If you encounter an exercise you fail to complete and have difficulties understanding its solution please let us know and we will prepare a video that explains that specific exercise and its solution. If a video already exists and you still need more explanations please don't hesitate and let us know so we could improve the video that already exists or prepare another one."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
dancepattern |
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
kzohlqvz |
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Price: 69.99 ![]() |