Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Building a Web App with ASP.NET Core, MVC, Entity Framework" |
"ASP.NET Core is a mature, stable platform for developing web applications and APIs. This course will walk you through building a web app from scratch using ASP.NET Core 3.0, Visual Studio, Entity Framework Core 3.0, Bootstrap 4, and Angular (v8).This couser teaches ASP.NET Core MVC with controllers and views, JavaScript, Bootstrap and Entity Framework. Also we are going to use Razor Pages. It is a new alternative in ASP.NET Core 2.0, a page-based programming model that makes building web UI easier and more productive."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Myofunctional Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea" |
"Proper airway screening is crucial in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea. With 22 million Americans suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea(OSA), it is imperative to be able to identify these disorders at an early stage in order to help prevent cascading health effects. Getting to the root of the cause when it comes to treatment is imperative, and being able to know about the various treatment modalities that are available is essential for the well being of our patients. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:Be knowledgeable about Obstructive Sleep ApneaGain knowledge on the cycle of OSALearn about the health consequences related to OSAGain knowledge on the various risk groups pertaining to OSAUnderstand why it's common amongst our populationLearn about the economic impacts of OSAUnderstand how a diagnosis is madeLearn how to do an airway screeningLearn about the different treatment modalitiesLearn how to perform oropharyngeal exercises to help with snoring and OSA"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Nutritional Controversies" |
"Health is on the forefront of everything these days, with that comes so many opinions, ideas, and concepts that it can become confusing which to choose from. In this 30 minute class I have chosen some of the leading controversies that make most of us crazy. I have broken them down in an easy to follow format so that you can then make the right decision for you and your family. Food should be empowering, dont let it hamper your health, make the right choices to enhance it! Learn about the components of foods and how they can affect mental clarity, brain development, and growth Understand why some foods are good and others are ""bad"" Discover new ways to look at the trends and research so that they match the needs of you and your family"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fluid Flow MCQ Practice Questions (Bio Chemical)" |
"Fluid is a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an applied shear stress, or external force. Fluids are a phase of matter and include liquids, gases and plasmas. They are substances with zero shear modulus, or, in simpler terms, substances which cannot resist any shear force applied to themAlthough the term ""fluid"" includes both the liquid and gas phases, in common usage, ""fluid"" is often used as a synonym for ""liquid"", with no implication that gas could also be presentLiquids form a free surface (that is, a surface not created by the container) while gases do not. Viscoelastic fluids like Silly Putty appear to behave similar to a solid when a sudden force is applied. Also substances with a very high viscosity such as pitch appear to behave like a solid (see pitch drop experiment)These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Fluid Flow.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 47 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Microsoft Bookings - od Podstaw do Eksperta" |
"Szkolenie Microsoft Bookings dla kadego!Dziki szkoleniu z Microsoft Bookings dowiesz si, jak zarejestrowa oraz skonfigurowa wasn stron rezerwacyjn, z ktrej bd mogli korzysta Twoi klienci. Dowiesz si te, jak wprowadzi i skonfigurowa oferowane przez Twoj firm usugi. Bdziesz take wiedzia, jak zarzdza baz pracownikw i jak ustala ich godziny pracy. Szkolenie zaprezentuje Ci rwnie jak mona wygenerowa i opublikowa strony do rezerwacji, a take stworzy bazy staych klientw. Co wicej, poznasz obsug aplikacji z perspektywy kocowego uytkownika, tj. Twojego klienta poprzez rczne wprowadzenie rezerwacji do kalendarza. W tym godzinnym cyklu szkole poznasz tajniki pracy z Microsoft Bookings, przewiczysz najpopularniejsze funkcje oferowane przez program, a take sprawdzisz nabyt wiedz, rozwizujc obszerny test. To wszystko przygotuje Ci do rozpoczcia pracy z rezerwacjami online.Dla kogo jest szkolenie?Szkolenie przeznaczone jest dla firm, ktre wiadcz rnego rodzaju usugi, gdzie zalecana jest wczeniejsza rezerwacja terminu. Aplikacja Mirosoft Bookings zostaa wyposaona w praktyczne i atwe w obsudze funkcje planowania terminw online, aby w znaczcy sposb uatwi klientom organizowanie spotka z przedstawicielami Twojej firmy."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Distribution Channel" |
", , , / , , , / This course in for those who are interested to make career in sales or already in sales profession also to those who are entrepreneurs, founders planning to start own company and whats to learn more about how channels of distribution works and how it can be created and used for the benefit of growing reach to markets which they want to cater in a fast and efficient manner.You will be able to understand concepts of distribution / channels of distribution, various aspects of distribution, terminologies used and importance, importance of channel partner/distributor.Also you will understand how to assess market potential scientifically and set goals before entering any new market or revise plan in existing market.You will also understand what and how sales team structure helps & supports distribution channel to optimize use of channel partners and make most out of it."
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Google Classroom 2020 /" |
"/ , ! , Google Classroom . Google Classroom . Google Classroom , . / , Android Apple iOS. Google Classroom . , iOS VoiceOver, Android TalkBack. Google : / , . : google classroom ; Google Drive; ; - , ; ; Google ; ; ; Google Drive, Google Docs Google Slides. Google Classroom? Google Classroom . Google Classroom . Google Classroom . Google Classroom , -. Google 30 , 100 (30 ) 200 , .Google Classroom ( , ). Google Classroom . Google Classroom , . ? , Google Classroom: Google Classroom - ( 20 )Google Classroom Google Drive (): Docs (), Sheets (), Forms () Gmail () Google , , , . : Lecture 8 17 days ago"", , -. , . ! , , . . ( , ), . 10/10."" ""Google Classroom 2020 /"" . , ! , ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Bengali Speaking through English (QUESTIONS & ANSWERS)" |
"This is a Learn Bengali Speaking through English (QUESTIONS & ANSWERS) course. You'll Learn 3 languages in one course (Hindi/English/Bengali).People ask several questions to each other and you should have your answers ready for their questions.This course will simplify your life and will make your speaking better from what it is now."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Python Django REST API: CRUD MySQL, Basic Auth, OAuth2, JWT" |
"Python is one of programming language that is used easily. This bootcamp is designed to any web developer who wants to build REST API. We use Python Django and Django Rest Framework (DRF) to implement REST API applications.This course focuses onlearning basic Python programming (for student without no Python programming)building REST API with some projectssecuring REST API by applying basic authentication, token authentication, OAuth2 and JWT tokenAll courses are delivered with step-by-step approach. All course contents are hands-on-lab format so you can follow this bootcamp easily."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
React |
"React UI JavaScript ""Learn Once Write Anywhere"" React React JSX React 2020.05.24"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Redux Beginner Guide with React Hooks" |
"Master Redux with the latest React Hooks.What is Redux?A Predictable State Container for JS Apps Redux helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. Centralizing your application's state and logic enables powerful capabilities like undo/redo, state persistence, and much more. The Redux DevTools make it easy to trace when, where, why, and how your application's state changed. Redux's architecture lets you log changes, use ""time-travel debugging"", and even send complete error reports to a server. Redux works with any UI layer and has a large ecosystem of add-ons to fit your needs.What is React?A JavaScript library for building user interfaces Declarative: React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. Component-Based: Build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs. Since component logic is written in JavaScript instead of templates, you can easily pass rich data through your app and keep the state out of the DOM. Learn Once, Write Anywhere.What is React-Redux? React Redux is maintained by the Redux team, and kept up-to-date with the latest APIs from Redux and React. Designed to work with React's component model. You define how to extract the values your component needs from Redux, and your component receives them as props. Creates wrapper components that manage the store interaction logic for you, so you don't have to write it yourself. Automatically implements complex performance optimizations, so that your own component only re-renders when the data it needs has actually changed.You will learn the following things in the course: Build the React app with hooks and redux state management library. Learn redux concepts such as Action, Reducer, State, Middleware, Dispatch, Async Action, Redux logger, and Redux-thunk. Learn to implement the best practices when handling application-level state with redux in react. Learn to make use of redux-thunk middleware to make your action creator asynchronous. Feel Confident with Redux Concepts and its integration with React Hooks. Learn the best practices to update the global state from reducers. Learn to debug the react app state with redux dev tools. Start with redux concepts basic and then implement redux with react hooks by building the real-world app. and much more."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"3 Online Business / Side Hustle Ideas For Sports Fans" |
"So you like sport, whether this be football, tennis, golf, cricket, horse racing or whatever it may be. Well why not join the thousands of people around the world who have turned their passion for sport into an online business.Thats right, people actually do this as their full-time job. I am going to show you the 3 most popular ways in which people make a living from sport by taking advantage of the opportunities provided by online bookmakers. Now just to be clear, I am not talking about any type of online gambling here. I will show you how to get started with each of these methods. Please note, this is NOT a thorough in-depth guide to getting you up and running in any of these ventures. The objective of this course is to show you what the opportunities are and how to get started with them.Check it out, its free, so what have you got to lose."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Formao de Auditores Internos Mdulo I" |
"Este treinamento foi desenvolvido para profissionais que atuam como Auditores Internos em incio de carreira ou Auditores Plenos e Seniores que queiram se reciclar, de acordo com as melhores prticas de mercado e conforme as Normas Internacionais de Auditoria Interna (IPPF), tendo como objetivo apresentar aos participantes os conceitos bsicos e essenciais para o exerccio da atividade de auditoria interna. Dentre os assuntos que sero abordados no treinamento, destacamos:Conceitos IniciaisAuditoria Baseada em Riscos - ABRControles InternosPlanejamento, execuo comunicao e monitoramentoMetodologia e planejamentoComunicao dos Resultados e Monitoramento da aes corretivas.Etapas do Trabalho de Auditoria InternaHabilidades e Perfil do Auditor atual"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Shear Over Comb Consulting-State Board Prep" |
"This course is designed to give 24 hour access to all aspiring Master Barbers! The content will prepare you to prep your mannequin before you go to take your test at State Board so you can pass your test on the ""first"" try. Designed and taught by Dan and Dani Brown of Shear Over Comb Consulting, you will be guided by two industry instructors and insiders to help guide you to success."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn NodeJS with MacOS" |
"Welcome to the NodeJS Course for MacOS users! why i am telling MacOS? Because each lessons has been made on MacOS and you will not get any trouble while coding, building and running, because you have to follow the same steps that i am guiding.You will start from first step, which is Installing NodeJS on your Mac/Macbook, then installing coding environment."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Master Google Sheets" |
"Use of Google spreadsheets is growing fast due to some of the advantages google sheet offers over other programs such as the ability to share and collaborate in real time with your team members,No installation of any software is required, The revision history, permanent storage of your files on google cloud and the ability to work from anywhere and on any device.If you are using highly complex spreadsheet with integrations using low level programming languages excel is still better alternative but for most businesses and organization, Google spreadsheets offer a more superior solution to their data storage and analysis needs.In this course, you will learn Google sheets features and how to use some powerful data analysis function available in google sheets. and the objective is to take you skill level to a point where you would become proficient user of google sheet and start using it like a competent professional.I have divided this course in three parts, Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. If you are familiar with the basics, you dont have to watch videos included in the beginner section. I would encourage you to look at the title of the video lectures and the content of the course before enrolling in the course. I consider this course to be mostuseful for intermediate users who want to learn more about how various functions and formulas work in google sheets. In all of my videos , i normally use an example or some questions about our data and then explain how to get answers to those questions.I would like to give one little advice that please watch full video on any topic you select because it could save you hrs. There are few little things which cannot be explained in the title and can only be covered during the explanation. And later when you will need them you will not know that this was actually covered in the lecture. A good example would be a Video on creating charts.There are free preview videos are available to show you my teaching style, please watch those videos before enrolling in this course.Feel free to join this course and become the first in your company who is a Master of Google Sheets. And I will see you inside the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Advanced Power Of Habit MasterClass" |
"In this course, you will get an introductory advanced insight on how habits are formed and how you can change them effectively. The goal is for you to master the fundamentals to understand your habits. Once you understand them, your awareness levels will go up, and by default, you will have better control over them. I would highly recommend you take notes to get the best out of it and if you have any questions feel free to ask me!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Training is a hands on experience of using the knowledge gained theoretically. Its a way to practically impart the knowledge. In this course, you will learn the training methodology, tips and tricks to conduct a successful training session along with the class management. Follow the lectures and get to know the day wise implementation of training and the activities that can be used in different topics. You will also get the list of activities and ice breakers in this course which are an essential element in making any training program a success. Some PowerPoint presentations on certain soft skills and employment topics are also given in this course. If you have doubt about the training process and its scope, this course will help you with that too. Learn to implement those theoretical concepts in a practical way specifically ""soft skills"" and ""employment training concepts"" in this course."
Price: 5760.00 ![]() |
"Learn Hindustani Classical Singing (Intermediate)" |
"What will be the biggest change in your life once you become a learned and a confident singer? - Will it be recording your songs and posting them on social media to be see by thousands of people?- Will it be jamming with your friends in a studio on a quite Sunday morning?- Will it be being a star at the friend's birthday party's karaoke night?- Or will it just be more appreciation of music that will help you listen better?I can tell you from my experience that all of the above will be possible!These online classes are specifically designed for you - who have limited access to singing coaches and tools - to go from being a novice to an absolute star performer.After my first course teaching the basics of Hindustani Classical Music, I equip you with deeper knowledge in Hindustani Classical which would improve your hold on Sur & Taal as well make you more confident in singing Bollywood songs. These lessons, spread over 8 sessions, are conceptualised to teach Hindustani Sangeet in a fun, logical and professional way, so you can feel the difference in your ability to singing within just a few weeks.I can't wait to greet you inside, and one day, hopefully, perform with you in one of my concerts ;-) Hop in!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Adobe Illustrator Through Flat Art Design" |
"Using Adobe Illustrator CC, we will be using and changing basic shapes like rectangle,circle,polygons, stars and some conventional but intuitive methods and tools in various interesting ways to come up with stunning but simple illustration you'll love. This course assumes that you are a beginner and are passionate about intuitive illustration-creative processes. we will walk through the process of arriving at our final illustrations while having fun."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MATLAB/Simulink for Power Electronics Simulations" |
"This course is designed to allow you to simulate any power electronics device in MATLAB/Simulink, including rectifiers, dc-to-dc converters, and inverters. This course not only gives a review of the theory of how rectifiers, dc-to-dc converters, and inverters work, but also gives several examples on how to simulate these devices using MATLAB/Simulink. The MATLAB/Simulink models for the power electronics devices created during the lectures are available for download with each lecture. The course is divided into the following sections:1. Introduction to MATLAB/Simulink for Power Electronics: in section 2, we will begin by reviewing the theory behind the semiconductor devices that are used in power electronics, such as diodes, power BJTs, power MOSFETs, IGBTs, and Thyristors. We will then take a look at the libraries available in Simulink to represent these devices in our models. After that, we will take a look at how we can model voltage sources, current sources, and passive components (resistors, capacitors, and inductors), as well as how we can put them together in a model using Simulink and how we can take measurements in the model to ensure proper simulation. 2. Rectifier Simulations in MATLAB/Simulink: we will begin section 3 by reviewing the theory behind the operation and topologies of power electronics rectifiers. We will then see how we can simulate both single-phase and three-phase rectifiers using Simulink.3. DC-to-DC Converter Simulations in MATLAB/Simulink: we will begin section 4 by reviewing the theory behind the operation and topologies of power electronics dc-to-dc converters. We will then see how we can simulate buck, boost, and buck/boost converters.4. Inverter Simulations: we will begin section 5 by reviewing the theory behind the operation and topologies of inverters. We will then see how we can simulate single-phase and three-phase inverters.As mentioned above, in each section, we will go over several models to illustrate how we can design and simulate power electronics devices in MATLAB/Simulink. The models are also available for download so that you can follow along, as well as use these models and modify them to create your own designs.By learning how to simulate power electronics devices in MATLAB/Simulink, you will be able to further your career in electrical engineering and power electronics.Remember that Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. I am also always available for questions while you go through the course to ensure everything is clear.See you in the course!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Converting Classroom to E Learning Quickly and Cheaply" |
"In this course you will learn how to convert some or all of classroom learning to electronic learning, how to select which Learning Management System is best for you and how to locate resources, equipment and tools to convert courses. You will also explore the basic issues and options when moving from classroom based learning to online learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anatomy Tests" |
"Code:-2EFD22E0156E34DF1EC3($9.99)-Expires in 5 daysRequirementsno prior knowledge requiredDescriptionAre you willing to learn about the anatomy of the human body? Are you curious about the nuts and bolts keeping your body together? If so, you have come to the right place. This course will give you the basic knowledge about the structure of the human body. Do not worry if you have not been exposed to a lot of anatomy before because you will start from the very beginning and will be eased into the material. Also, do not run away if you are a veteran because experts often overlook or forget the basic, yet essential knowledge and delve straight into the details.You may ask why this course? What makes this one better or more worth compared to other ones? Basically, you get sound anatomical knowledge. I would say this is a win-win combination!The purpose of this course is to provide you with a flavour of anatomy and the human body, giving you both the know-how and the knowledge. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully it will be an enjoyable experience for you!Who this course is for:anyone who's starting an anatomy coursemedical students, nursing, physiotherapy etcSample QuestionQ1) Which of the following cellular modifications associated with epithelia which provides a morphological barrier between adjacent cells?A) GlycocalyxB) Macula adherensC) Zonula adhernensD) NexusE ) Zonula occuldensCorrect Answer: EBonus:Questions added each month"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Treating Trauma: The Pathway to Transformation" |
"Treating Trauma: Pathway to Clinical Transformation presented by Robert Rhoton, PsyD, LPC, D.A.A.E.T.S., is designed to give the participant a working knowledge of how to engage in the process of trauma treatment. Focusing not only on interventions, but how to sequence the interventions to maximize outcomes. This training is designed to improve the quality of treatment for those that have experienced trauma. There will be a focus on the active ingredients the things that are common factors that help all treatment work become better and work more efficiently."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Shrek, Gandalf, Sr Incrvel e a Crise da Meia Idade" |
"Se voc jovem, se voc homem, se voc mulher sugiro que voc faa esse curso.Por mais de 10 anos temos estudado e testemunhado muitas famlias de bem sendo ""destrudas"" sempre com os mesmos argumentos:""sou infeliz no meu casamento""""minha famlia um peso""""eu tenho o direito de ser feliz""""quero viver a minha vida""""vou abandonar minha famlia para viver uma aventura""Ento aquele homem (na sua maioria) deixa a famla para ser feliz e... se lana nos braos da infelicidade.Quando eu, Gabriel Vaz, descobriem 2007 que existe uma tentao prpria do homem na metade da idade, isto , entre 35 e 45 anos, isto , no meio dia de sua vida ele confrontado com a morte e suas prprias decises pude testemunhar muitas quedas.Partilhei com muitas pessoas nesses anos, inclusive com o Felipe Bezerra, meu irmo virtual (nunca nos vemos pessoalmente). Na poca ele morava na Alemanha. Hoje ele est no Canada.Ele enriquesse nosso curso nos levando a rezar neste tempo to difcil.Contudo eu tambm testemunhei alguns soergimentos. Mas muitas quedas.Quedas que gente que sempre admirei muito, que foram base para eu decidir me casar e constituir uma famlia.Mas caram.Se voc quer se previnir, ou combater esse ""esprito"" junte-se a ns.Inscreva-se e venha refletir conosco sobre esse demnio que j destruu tantas famlias e que chegar sua. No tenha medo. Ele age sempre do mesmo modo e a Verdade nos liberta e nos faz vencer.Agora voc pode decidir investir uns trocados para aprender de forma organizada e ordenada ou tentar aprender lendo, ouvindo noutros lugares.Eu sugiro que voc aprenda conosco e continue de onde paramos.Os primeiros vdeos esto disponveis para ""pr-visualizao"" e voc vai contar com nosso suporte para partilhar suas dvidas a cerca desse vale da passagem."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 200-301 Practice Tests" |
"In these practice test, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the CCNA 200-301 Certification Exam. With 6 full-length practice exams with 50 unique questions and each of which is timed at 80 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence. None of the questions are repeated! These practice exams were updated to reflect the new 2020 CCNA 200-301.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the CCNA 200-301 for all 6 domains of the exam so you can take and pass the actual CCNA Certification Exam with confidence! The exam is outlined on a total of 6 modules. The questions are focused on:Network FundamentalsNetwork AccessIP ConnectivityIP ServicesSecurity FundamentalsAutomation and ProgrammabilityYou will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further. This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the Cisco CCNA 200-301 , and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Streamlabs OBS Completo" |
"Este curso foi desenhado especialmente para aqueles que querem transmitir sua criatividade para o mundo!Partindo dos conceitos mais bsicos, voc aprender o passo a passo desta ferramenta extremamente verstil.Abordaremos assuntos como configurao inicial para streaming e gravao de vdeos, captura de jogos, pr-mixagem de microfone, chroma key, LUTs, entre muitos outros, organizados em aulas separadas por contedo, para que o seu aprendizado fique mais fcil e dinmico.E no para por a! Todos sabemos da evoluo das ferramentas ao longo do tempo. Com isso em mente, o curso contar com atualizaes de acordo com o lanamento de novas ferramentas!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"3D Photoshop" |
"Sei incuriosito dagli strumenti 3D che offre Photoshop? Questo video corso dedicato a chi vuole imparare a utilizzare il modulo 3D di Photoshop, anche senza avere una preparazione specifica sul tridimensionale. Offre una serie di tutorial semplici per capire dal vivo come composta una scena, come aggiungere elementi, modificarne le dimensioni, definirne i materiali e creare animazioni. Imparerai inoltre come inserire un oggetto mancante, come per esempio una sedia, un quadro, una bottiglia, a partire da modelli 3D da creare ex novo o da importare direttamente in Photoshop. Vedrai come impostare la fotocamera, le luci e le ombre in modo che l'elemento virtuale si inserisca al meglio nella foto e appaia come effettivamente presente sulla scena originale.Per finire vedrai come realizzare rendering con effetto pittorico, luminescente e come esportare il file 3D in un PDF o per la stampa."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Kick Technique" |
"Temel Tekme Teknikleri:Ama: Mesafeli vurular ile saldrgan uzaklatrmak, her vuruun bir mesafesi vardr, Orta mesafe Yumruk, Yakn mesafe; Dirsek, Daha yakn ; DizUzak mesafe; Tekme Tekme bazen rakibimizin bize yaklamamasn salayan en iyi tekniklerden birisidir.ISINMA:,Tekme tekniklerinde snma ok nemli rol oynar eer snma tam anlamyla yaplmazsa kaslarda yrtlma gerekleir.snma tekme almasnda ok dikkatli yaplmas gerekir, bu konudaki videoyu .ok dikkatli izlemenizi neririm.TEKNK & UYGULAMA & PRATK YAPMAKTEKME TEKNKLERNDE NELERE DKKAT EDECEZ?Yksek atlan tekmelerde denge kurmak ok zordurKavga halinde dner tekme gibi bir ka kombine teknik yapmaktan kanacazTek teknik ve sonuUygulama:Her zaman esnek ve belden aa ilk vurularmz olacak sonra belden yukar kabilirizeer saldrgan tekmenin zerine gelirse iimiz zor olabilir.Piratik yaparken srekli bir torba olacak darbeli tekme atmek sizi gelitirirMalzeme:Darbe yastklar veya tae kwon do raket ellikleriKa trl Tekme teknii uygulayabiliriz.?1.n tekme2.Yan tekme3.Geri tekmeAa, orta ve yukar olmak zere kiiye gre deiir.Not: Unutmayn ki biz ring dv yapmyoruz haliyle puan almak iind vurmuyoruz hayatta kalmak iin kullanyoruz tekmelerimizi bu nedenle fazla show yapmamalyz ksa ve hedefe odakl Tekme Nerelere vurulmal:1.Diz2.Mesane3.Karacier4.Karn boluu5.Kollar 6. Kafazet olarak kar taraf etkisiz hale getrirecek her vuru doru tekmedir. nemli olan dengeniz bozulmadan tekme atmak."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ground fighting" |
"Krav Maga Yakn temas anlamnda anlatlr. Krav Maga sistemi uzmanndan renilmesi gerekir aksi durumda baar yerini baarszlkla deitir. Krav Maga sisteminde uzman antrenrn gemii ok nemlidir. Az kuvvet ile ok zarar veren bir eitim sistemidir. Tm savunma sporlar ac verirken Krav Maga hayatta kalma beceri sistemi tehlike arz eder.Yer Hareketlerini yapmadan nce glenmek:Boyun kaslarn kuvvetlendirmek iin belli eksersizler unlardr.1-Bir sandalyeye oturunuz. Ba nce saa doru eviriniz elinizle ban saa hareketini zorlayarak hareket miktarn arttrnz. Yine ayn hareketi bu kez ters istikamete yani sola doru yapnz ve gene elinizle hareketi zorlaynz.2-Banz saa doru yatrnz ve sa elinizle ba solundan ekerek hareketi zorlaynz.Sonra hareketi ayn ekilde banz sola yatrarak yapnz.3-enenizi sa koltuk altna getiriniz ve sa elinizle ba arkadan ekerek hareket miktarn arttrnz.Yine ayn ekilde sol koltuk altna getiriniz .Bu sefer sol elle ekerek hareketi arttrnz.4-Banz ne gs blgesine yatrnz ve iki elinizle arkadan ne ekerek hareketi zorlaynz.5-Sa avu iini alnnza koyunuz ba ne doru itmeye alrken elinizle de ona kar diren uygulaynz.6-Ellerinizi ban arkasnda kenetleyiniz .Bu ekille ellerinizle diren yaparken ba geriye getirmeye zorlaynz. Bu hareketleri 10 ar tekrardan yapnz. Teknikleri yaparken nasl uygulama yapacaz?1.Teknik videosunu bir ka kere izleyin2.Teknii uygulamadan nce uygun bir alan bulun3.Spor yapacanz alanda ayna olsun4.Ayanzda yksek taban olmayan bir spor ayakkab bulunsun5.Elinizi eldiven veya bandaj ile koruyunALIMAYA BALADIKYere dme tekniini ok iyi aln aksi durumda sakatlklar yaanr.1.On dakika snn2.Esnetme ve germe yapn, g almas ile bitirin (Isnma eitim videolarna baknz)3.Teknikleri uygularken ilk nce tek, tek sonra birletirin4.Acele etmeyin sabrl olun5.Yaknlarnza uygulamayn tehlike arz eder6.Anlamadnz derslerde sorular sorunTm Level Blmleri bitir, Ara diplomalarn al En sonunda Uluslar aras geerli, Final bitirme diplomas alacaksn"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Verilog on Intel (Altera) FPGA" |
"This series of lessons base on Intel (Altera) FPGA. It will include the content as follows:(1) Verilog basic knowledge and coding skill;(2) FPGA basic knowledge and concept;(3) How to use Intel FPGA Quartus software and USB Blaster for coding and debugging.(4) How to use modelsim for simulation.(5) It will discuss some verilog examples in detail, such as, clock divider, fifo, ram, rom, 7 segment dispaly, uart, sequence detector, keyboard etc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |