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"Fsica 1 Mecnica: Bsico, Intermedio, Avanzado" |
"El curso de Fsica 1 representa el primero de los cursos de fsica general que los estudiantes de ingeniera ven al ingresar a la universidad. El enfoque que daremos a este curso se basa en la tcnica de los cuatro pasos para resolver problemas (identificar, plantear, ejecutar y evaluar) lo cual nos permitir aprender conceptos a travs de la practica. El poder didctico de las figuras: El poder que tienen las figuras en la enseanza fue enriquecido con el empleo de la tcnica de anotaciones, probada por las investigaciones (comentarios estilo pizarrn integrados en los videos, para guiar al estudiante en la interpretacin de sta), y por el uso apropiado del color y del detalle (por ejemplo, en la mecnica se usa el color para centrar al estudiante en el objeto de inters al tiempo que se mantiene el resto de la imagen en una escala de grises sin detalles que distraigan.En el curso se estudian la cinemtica y la dinmica de la partcula; dando inicio as al estudio de una parte importante y fundamental de la fsica conocida como mecnica clsica. La mecnica clsica es un campo de la fsica que se ocupa del movimiento de los cuerpos que son relativamente grandes comparados con los tomos y se tiene la restriccin de que se mueven a velocidades mucho menores que la velocidad de la luz. Se desarrollan los conceptos fundamentales de la cinemtica tales como posicin, velocidad y aceleracin, lo que permite introducirse al estudio de las leyes de la Mecnica o Leyes de Newton, continuando con el estudio del movimiento de una partcula usando conceptos de energa y cantidad de movimiento lineal, as como los teoremas fundamentales Impulso-Momentum y Trabajo-Energa que son sumamente importantes y tiene aplicaciones en otras reas de la fsica. El curso incluye laboratorio, en donde se hace nfasis en la experimentacin, as como el proceso de medicin, como comprobacin de las leyes de la fsica y en la presentacin de informes o reportes cientficos acerca de los experimentos realizados."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTML & CSS - Build responsive real-world websites easily." |
"Thought building website with HTML and CSS is hard? Its not what you think, it's easy, and Im going to show you how! In this tutorial, we'll build 5 projects and break them down step-by-step to see exactly how they are made. By the end, you'll walk away a little bit more confident and a lot more prepared with some great practices you can apply immediately to build amazing websites for online with HTML and CSS.You can start your new career in web design today by learning HTML & CSS with the expert secrets most tutors are hiding from you. After helping many beginner web designers to solve many of their challenges, I have realized many of them learnt with tutorials or courses that over-complicate everything because they want to cram all possible HTML and CSS tags, properties and values into their head and this act has resulted in students being confused or students not knowing how to go about solving their web design challenges when they are stuck or end up not knowing how to build real-world websites.And the hope of many students or learners to start a career in web design has been shattered because they are stuck or confused and they cannot continue with the tutorials or courses they have at hand.Don't be stuck; be unstoppable.You don't have to be stuck and slow down your learning and career progress in HTML & CSS (web design) in the process as a result of tutors' fault. That is why this course -- HTML & CSS - Build responsive real-world websites easily -- is launched to help you and others who want to launch a career in web design by learning HTML and CSS to be unstoppable.This ""HTML & CSS - Build responsive real-world websites easily"" course addresses three major strong points:1. How to think and design web pages by example 2. How to be unstoppable by HTML and CSS (web design) challenges. That is, the course teaches how to go about solving HTML & CSS (web design ) challenges most beginner web designers always face.3. How to easily update your knowledge independent of any tutor.These are the basic qualities every software developers or any problem solvers on Earth should have. This course is designed specifically to equip you with those qualities easily. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time and this course ""HTML & CSS - Build responsive real-world websites easily"" . Many tutors are proud to have taught a lot of people HTML and CSS, but I am proud to have taught a lot of people HTML and CSS and how they can go beyond all have taught them. That is important in the tech industry in the real world because things are changing very rapidly and those who can learn fast and those who are unstoppable win.You cannot stop a winner.This course does not assume any prior experience. We go back to the absolute beginning and teach you everything by example. By the end of the course, you will have created five websites/webpages and acquire expert secrets directly or indirectly to prepare you for the real world. By example, this course will guide you to build several mini-websites from scratch with the two most important languages for web design and you will learn everything quickly and easily.Below is an introduction to all that you will learn in the course:HTML5 and its featuresHTML5 tags structuresHTML5 tag attributesHTML5 Parent/Child StructureHTML tags exampleCSS3 and its featuresCSS3 selectors and their usesCSS properties and their valuesExpert secretsVisual studio code setup and folder creation and structureThe first project (blog page) with HTML and CSSThe second project (card) with HTML & CSSThe third project (YouTube card) with HTML and CSSFourth project ( simple and complex tables) with HTML & CSSFifth project (a complete landing page) with CSS and HTMLAnd many more.I don't want to bore you will too much information here as you will experience everything first hand in the course through practice.So, do you still want to learn web design using html5 and CSS3?Do you want to be unstoppable and a winner?You are the only one that can stop yourself from the progress you are seeking at this point in time.Join this course now or do nothing to remain the same.What are you waiting for?Join now; I am waiting for you."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Negociao para profissionais de Recursos Humanos" |
"Embora a rea de Recursos Humanos deva exercer os papeis de prestadora de servios, representante dos empregados, consultora de mudanas ou parceira estratgica, pouco se comenta que negociao uma competncia fundamental para o sucesso nesses papeis.Mas infelizmente o tema negociao ignorado. Provavelmente por dois motivos: a) o profissional no se reconhece numa situao de negociao, pressupondo que decises vindas da hierarquia, sistemas, normas, no podem ser questionadas. b) no conhece as regras do jogo do ganha-perde,perde-ganha, perde-perde e, o clebre ganha-ganha.O resultado que se afasta e se aliena das atividades e decises mais estratgicas. Tudo isso porque no sabe - e nem se interessa- negociarEste curso visa preencher esta lacuna de competncia dos profissionais de Gesto de Pessoas, aportando princpios, conceitos e tcnicas de negociao, feitas sob medida para os profissionais desta rea."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Work From Home - Emotional Intelligence & Removing Anxiety" |
"Mind Programming for EQ when Working from Home. Understand the difficult to believe hidden reasons why one gets anxious like lack of self belief, fear of failure, lack of competence etc. Use Mind Techniques to isolate & uncover them and then unlearn them. These are the techniques used by the top athletes, performers and businessmen to stay positive before big challenges. To stay motivated, energetic and on top of things.Mind Program yourself to- Wake up positive- Stay positive when paying bills- Stay positive when thinking about the future- Gain rock hard self belief to handle any situation- Keep improving your Competency levels- Accept Reality without any fear- ability to adjust in any situation- Openness to change- Remove Self Pity and get a new jest for Life"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"YouTubeAdobe Premiere Pro CC 1" |
"5GPremiere ProIllustratorPhotoshopPhotoshopAfter EffectsBGMSE11"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Manager votre quipe distance ou en tltravail" |
"Vous managez des quipes distance (tltravail, quipe nomade ou disperse sur plusieurs sites), cette formation vous apporte des cls pour intgrer la distance dans vos pratiques de management. Manager distance bouscule l'organisation classique du travail - pour vous et pour vos collaborateurs - et remet en cause les mthodes classiques du management. Manager distance vous invite lcher prise sur le style purement directif, dvelopper la confiance et l'autonomie de vos collaborateurs.Piloter et animer une quipe distance c'est savoir :Dvelopper un management de lengagement et de la confianceContractualiser la relation de travail avec vos collaborateursFormaliser votre organisation et les modes de suivi du travail distanceAnticiper et organiser la communication pour viter l'effet tunnelFavoriser linterdpendance et la collaboration distanceMatriser les outils numriques de communication et de collaborationGarder le contact et organiser des rituels, pour stimuler le sentiment d'appartenance une quipe et viter les phnomns d'isolement.Bref, c'est tout ce que vous allez dcouvrir dans cette formation :)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"YouTube - , ," |
"YouTube - , YouTube, YouTube. , . - YouTube. . . YouTube - !"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"(Quantities Estimation)" |
". :* * * *"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing 2020 - Growth Through Collaboration" |
"Have you been trying to grow your social media account and feel like you have tried everything? Are you wondering how other people seem to grow their pages so quickly? Then this course is for you! In this course I will be teaching the strategies to how some of the biggest social media influencers grow their followers so quick. I will talk about strategies to grow all your social media accounts. Facebook Like Pages, Instagram, Youtube, & Tik Tok. I will show you how to leverage other peoples presence to grow yours on all the different platforms. I will talk about things that work and what doesn't to grow your account quickly. I will show you how to build a foundation on each platform and how to grow your first base of followers and then later grow to huge numbers of followers. This whole course is revolved around collaboration, working with other people and businesses to help your your followers. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ayuno intermitente y cetosis" |
"En este curso hablamos de dos conceptos que siempre han existido, pero ahora son muy utilizados por su eficacia en la quema de grasa corporal. A lo largo del curso se explica todo el contenido de estos dos conceptos separados en secciones.Al final de cada una de las secciones se explican diferentes planes nutricionales paso a paso. Adems, este contenido es totalmente descargable.Una vez acabado el curso, los estudiantes tendrn ejemplos claros y sabrn cmo empezar y llevar a cabo estas dos herramientas nutricionales, mejorando a nivel fsico, mental, de energa, y por tanto, de rendimiento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Scrum & Agile Masterclass: Become a Scrum Master; PSM1 Test" |
"-- One of the best selling german courses now finally available in english! --In a fast moving business world modern Project Management approaches like Scrum become more and more important.Countless organizations have recently transitioned from traditional Project Management approaches towards Scrum, or are in this very process right now, creating many exciting job opportunities for trained Scrum Masters, Product Owners, or Developers.Unfortunately, we experience way too often that project teams, Scrum Master and entire organizations struggle with the implementation and execution of Scrum projects, as most trainings rely on simplified textbook education, that cant match the challenges of todays projects._______The ""Scrum & Agile Masterclass: All you need to know about Scrum"" is the perfect addition to the official Scrum Guide and goes way beyond just explaining the roles, events and artifacts of Scrum and provides examples, lessons learned and even templates from and for real life projects to help you succeed in your agile project._______This course is suited for beginners and intermediate Project Managers, Agile Enthusiasts, Scrum Masters, Product Owners and Development Team members, that want a more pragmatic and real-life oriented approach to Scrum _______At the end of this course you will be able to:+ understand Scrum, way beyond what you would learn from the Scrum Guide or Scrum Primer+ know exercises, techniques and templates that you can directly apply to your project and team+ be more successful in an agile Transformation or Scrum project+ start immediately as a Scrum Master in any given project and not step into common pitfalls+ have more successful Sprint Retrospectives+ pass your Scrum Master certification _______This Course includes a final exam similar to the PSM 1 certification (professional scrum master) and a ""cheat sheet"" that helps to prepare and pass the official exam_______Pledge to my students:1. Quality over quantity: Proven Content and real life experienceThe content im sharing is based on real-life experience from several years as project manager, Scrum Master and agile coach. This is not a repetition of the official Scrum Guide, but an extensive explanation of how to make Scrum work in real projects. Im only talking about what i have learned from my projects and where i can truly consider myself an expert in, to give you the best possible advice to make you succeed in your project. --2. Continuous Improvement of this courseThis course will be continously improved and enhanced. Feedback from participants will regularly be reviewed and added to the course in new lessons if feasible --3. Answering your questionsI offer my support in regards to any questions in regards to this course, or real-life Scrum challenges of your current project. Dont hesitate to contact me --I sincerely hope youll enjoy this course! See you in the course!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Master Money: The Path to Wealth and Financial Freedom" |
"The accumulation of wealth is not random. Some people think that the rich are those who inherited it from their great-grandparents, or were lucky enough to win the lottery. This simply is not true. Anyone can take a few simple principles and apply them to their lives to generate massive changes. This course is not about get rich schemes or flipping real estate on the weekend with no money down. Instead, this course will lay the foundation for your financial well-being. If you follow the outline of the course, you will have a path to financial freedom. This course will cover how you can become financially free.Some of the topics covered include: The formula for wealth Planning your expenses each month and automate your saving How to get started investing in the stock market Real estate investment through real estate investment trusts (REITs) Generating cash flow through dividends How to invest in small businesses for as little as $100 Investing for retirement The basics of buying a car Finding a side hustle to supplement your income And much much more!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"iPhone Product Creation For Beginners: Fast Track Training" |
"iPhone Product Creation For Beginners: Fast Track TrainingYour iPhone can make you money...Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Create A Product In Hours With Your iPhone.Do you have an iPhone? Then you've everything you need to start making money online.With it, you can create your own info-product.Why an info-product?First it has a wider profit margin than physical products.It's cheap to create and you can sell it for almost the same price as a physical product.You Can Make A Big Profit!As you can see, it's extremely profitable and you can get started very quickly.No need to worry about the delivery process and other things like that. Just upload the products to your site and you can automate everything.You Can Do It With Your iPhone.If it's so profitable and easy then why only a few people do it?""The answer is simple.It's because most people think creating info product is hard.The misconception is that people believe they need expensive equipment and software or even need to set up a home studio.That's completely wrong!In fact, you can create your own info product today using your own iPhone.No fancy software and high-tech equipment's are required....and I can show you how to do it starting today.Why You Need To Get Started Now:If you're interested to learn how to quickly and easily create info products with your iPhone, then you get started today.In some niches, there are still only a few people who already created info products. That means it's easier for you to make a big profit.Many people are interested to create info products but they don't know it can be by just using their iPhones. It's EASY.There's no better time to start making more money than today. If you let this opportunity pass you by, you may forget about it, and youll be missing out completely.If you still don't have a solid online business, then sell info-products is the fastest path to success.You don't need to be an expert. Just gather information online, use it to create your own product, and start making more money.And the list goes on and on.Listen...I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingCreate A Product With iPhone:Quickly & Easily Create Info-Products Starting Today!Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how you can use your iPhone to create your first info-product and sell it for passive income.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:A quick overview of how to create products with your iPhone.Discover all the powerful apps to create info products, which you can download for free. (You probably use some of these apps but you never realized it could be used to create products. Prepare yourself to be shocked)The simple process to create an info-product using your iPhone - from start to finish.How to create products in audio format, and edit it like a pro, with no computer and no expensive audio editing software at all.The secretly-guarded method I personally used to create a video training anytime anywhere with my own iPhone.The fastest way to do a research for your info products, and use it as a source for your own products.All the overlooked features of iPhone that could be used to create products, which looks professional as it was creating using expensive tools.How creating products on your iPhone will make the creation process faster and easier than on a computer.--------------------------------------------------------------------iPhone Product Creation For Beginners: Fast Track TrainingSection 1: Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: Setting Up iPhone Equipment2 - Minimum iPhone Equipment Adapter3 - Hardwiring-Your-iPhone-to The Ethernet4 - Minimum Camera EquipmentSection 3: Alternative Sound Equipment5 - Alternative Sound Equipment6 - Speech To Text Content7 - Editing Written Content8 - Dragon Anywhere App AlternativeSection 4: Recording Your iPhone Screen9 - Recording Your iPhone Screen10 - Taking Talking Head Videos11 - Recording Live Video12 - Editing VideoSection 5: Recording Audio13 - Recording Audio14 - Editing Multi Track AudiosSection 6: Creating Presentations15 - Creating PDFs and-Screenshots16 - Creating Presentations17 - Displaying PresentationsSection 7: File Management18 - File Management - Part 119 - File Management - Part 2Section 8: Conclusion20 - Conclusion"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Speed Typing on your Phone: Android and iPhone" |
"Discover the only course that teaches you to type faster on your smartphone, guaranteed. Are you texting on your phone to send messages, for Social Media posts or in your business (emails etc.)?Then take advantage of the recent developments, enhancements, and dedicated smartphone keyboards to significantly increase your typing speed.The big players out there invested time and money to make the smartphone keyboards faster and more efficient. It's time for you to use these tools and get to a totally new level at work and home. Learn from the people managers, directors and VPsThis course features proven tips used by busy professionals, like people managers, project managers, and VPs to achieve more in less time. Accelerate your learning with Demos and practice appsI designed the course to be hands-on and engaging. Use the demos on the screen to implement the tips, and use the practice apps to get faster. This class is a step-by-step, practical guide to learn speed typing on your phone.Start to see value from the first tutorials of the training. Right after the first tutorials, you will be already in the position of using this knowledge in your daily work. This is a productive start to learning speed typing and to save time, be more productive and enjoy more.By the end of this course, given that you will put in the required practice, you will be confidently and naturally typing faster and using tools like voice recognition to save time.Here are some examples of what you will learn & receive: What are the best phone on-screen keyboards for speed typingWhat are the best hand positions for typingHow to use prediction to save on thousand of touchesHow to set up shortcuts and text expansion How to use voice recording to input textHow to type punctuation in one moveHow to end a sentence using a double-clickTips from executives to save time using your phone for workand many other topicsYou'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you valuable time, increased complexity, and frustration.Faster typing is a skill that will serve you for a lifetime. If you are texting every day, the best way to save hundreds of hours is to type faster. This course will teach you the fundamentals of typing and features typing apps that will get you typing with accuracy and speed in no time.This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee - so there's no risk to get started.Go ahead and hit the ""Take this course"" button now to start working faster and create a great impression at work and home today!See you there!-Valentin (Founder, VeryFastExcel)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"La ISO 9001 spiegata alla nonna" |
"In diverse aziende certificate ISO 9001 molte persone hanno una bassa conoscenza del Sistema Qualit che viene visto come un ostacolo per l'azienda perch rigido, fa perdere tempo ed introduce ulteriore burocrazia.Un Sistema Qualit pu essere un nemico della produttivit aziendale oppure un suo alleato prezioso, le aziende hanno un altissimo livello di personalizzazione in risposta ai requisiti della ISO 9001.Per cui, se il Sistema Qualit molto burocratico spesso abbiamo delle leve per snellirlo e renderlo molto pi utile ma per farlo occorre la consapevolezza delle persone coinvolte.Nel mondo attuale sono necessarie sempre pi competenze organizzative e la conoscenza base dei requisiti del proprio Sistema Qualit il primo passo verso questo percorso.In questo corso imparerai le basi del sistema qualit e ti parler di ISO 9001 in modo semplice e chiaro, esattamente come se la raccontassi alla nonna."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to draw an eye, a nose and a mouth realistically !" |
"If you want to learn how to draw an eye, a nose, a mouth realistically !If you want to improve your drawing skills from beginner to advanced !This course will show you some original methods for drawing the face parts realistically using shading techniques ,and it will show you the secrets for drawing the face parts step by step for adding a perfect look to your drawing,to be able to draw a perfect portraits ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Play With Trees like a Child to boost your Imagination" |
"In this course I will try to let you imagine the trees in multiple dimensions from the subatomic level to higher levels to expand your imagination. Some parts of course are basic and some advanced, so if it is advanced for you try to understand it and if it is basic for you try to think in beginner's way. If you find any difficulty in the course you can ask me, I will be happy to guide you in understanding the course. It would be best for you if you have multiple interests.The contents in the course will be mostly of fantasy. It wont agree with the modern science because this course is for imagination not for knowledge. Although they may cause future discoveries. There are many thought experiments in the course, they are for imagination only any attempt to do in practical life can be dangerous. Be cautious. The level of this course is set at intermediate level. You need to have learnt some of the techniques of imagination and creativity to understand this course better. Some of the techniques that help you understand the course better are:- 1- Divergent Thinking 2- Surrealism 3- Socratic Method"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"EXAMEN ISTQB Foundation 2020/2019 - russir du premier coup" |
"*******************ISTQB 2020**************2 EXAMENS BLANCS (chauffement)2 EXAMENS REELS4 examens qualitatifs(bien cibls) plus que quantitatifs*******************************************Ce cours est destin aux personnes souhaitant passer la certification ISTQB 2018.Ce examens couvre entirement le programme actuel de l'ISTQB (version 2018) et fournit galement des informations et des conseils supplmentaires. Les termes utiliss dans ce cours sont tirs du glossaire actuel d'Istqb(2018 FR).Des centaines des personnes qui sont passs par notre centre sont maintenant certifis ISTQB l'aide de ce cours.Les deux premires collections sont des exercices blancs pour se prparer l'examen rel, ils couvrent toutes les notions qui arrivent dans l'examen 2019. qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il?Testeurs, analystes de tests, ingnieurs de tests, consultants de tests, responsables de tests, testeurs fonctionnels et dveloppeurs de logiciels."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Linux Kernel Programming" |
"100+ Lectures on Linux Kernel ProgrammingUpdated on Sep 21st 2020 : Added Blacklisting video in Bonus sectionThese videos are part of my Linux kernel programming course: Master Linux Kernel Programming. After this course, you will be able to see how hello world Linux kernel modules compile, load, and install. You will be learning various tools/commands related to Linux Kernel Modules.By enrolling, you will have lifetime access to course. You can learn at your own pace and refer back them whenever you want!Summary of what you""ll getOver 5 hours of video teaching and trainingUnderstanding the in and out of the hello world kernel modulesWrite various kernel modules which exports symbols, accepts parameters, creates kernel threadsLearn about the printk function in deepVarious commands used while working in Linux Kernel Modules:insmod, rmmod, modprobe, lsmod, dmesgAll examples and notes used in the course are available for downloadDirect access to your instructors for questions and help through the Udemy communication channelsLifetime access to the course, including all future updatesCommands you will learn from this course:lsmoddmesginsmodrmmodmodprobemodinfodepmodobjdumpps -lAPI's covered in the course:module_parammodule_param_arrayEXPORT_SYMBOLEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPLMODULE_INFOKBUILD_MODNAMEdump_stackpanicBUG()for_each_processnum_online_cpusprintk_rate_limitprintk_onceprint_hex_dumpprint_hex_dump_bytescurrentkthread_createwake_up_processkthread_stopkthread_should_stopkthread_runusleep_rangemsleepsmp_processor_idVERMAGIC_STRINGThis course comes with a 30 day money back guaranteed!. If you are not satisfied with the course, you'll get your money backSo what are you waiting for, enroll now and take the next step in learning Linux Kernel Programming"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ace Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Associate (1085)" |
"Want to ace the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Associate (1Z0-1085) examination and become an Oracle Certified ? What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Associate (1Z0-1085) Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the exam.Who this course is for: Oracle Cloud Absolute Beginners. No prior Oracle Cloud experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Living Through Self Compassion" |
"""Have you given up on yourself, peace, trust or faith?"" I had. I had been living a life of quiet desperation, depression, and destruction. Due to my self sabotaging ways my marriage had ended. Many times, my reputation as a successful writer and speaker felt like a lie. I had succumbed to self-destructive behaviour until I found and applied the antidote.I create this course, dear learner, to serve another who is feeling uncertain, scared or lost. The course is an offering with my love and absolute sincere compassion. I know how deeply it can hurt and how liberating (and beautiful) it can feel when you can heal yourself and serve others. This is not a course about what you should do. It is a course about loving your own life, being authentic and joyful. It is about moving from surviving towards 'striving and thriving'.Compassion truly is the antidote to depression, desperation and destruction."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Storage Management" |
"This course will help you understand the storage management concepts and understand all the protocols used in managing enterprise storages. This course simulates the storage management environment using Open Filer (Open Source based Enterprise Storage Appliance) and help students to build their understanding about the storage technologies.Videos related to DAS, NAS and SAN will help you understand the realtime environment which you can simulate in your home virtualization lab."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tm Detaylar ile Timelapse Eitim Seti" |
"7 senedir video prodksiyon ve timelapse ierii retimi konusunda almalarm oldu. Timelapse ve video zerine 1.5 sene global bir firmada sahada ierik retici ve beta tester olarak altm.Tm bu deneyimleri sizlere bu eitimde aktaryorum.-Planlama-Ekipman seimi-Kompozisyon-Gece gndz geii-Astro Timelapse -Motion Control-Hyperlapse nasl yaplr?- Ak -Toplu dosya ileme -Flicker Giderme-SonuTimelapse retim sreleri ve tekniklerini renirken.rettiiniz ham datalar bilgisayarda birletirip ilerken nitelikli timelapseleri retebileceksiniz.Derslerimiz srekli gncellenerek devam edecek ltfen kursu takip etmeye devam edin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan lk Mteriye Freelance alma Kursu" |
"Freelance alarak, zgr Bir Dnya'ya lk Adm Atmak stiyorsunuz Ama Nereden ve Nasl Balayacanz Bilmiyormusunuz?Artk bu kurs ile, daha nce hibir tecrbeniz olmam olsa bile rahatlkla Freelance dnyasna adm atabilecek ve ilk mterilerinizi bularak, yerden ve zamandan bamsz, zgr bir Dnya'ya kavuabileceksiniz.Bu kursu tamamen sfrdan balayan, hibir bilgi birikimine sahip olmayan bir kiinin bile anlayarak, uygulamaya geirebilecei bir ekilde hazrladm. Ayrca yine kurs srecinde aklnza taklan her hangi bir konu olduunda bana kolaylkla Soru-Cevap blm zerinden ulaabileceksiniz. Bu kurs sonunda sizde Freelancer olarak hizmet vermeye balayabilecek, ilk mterilerinizi bulabileceksiniz. Peki, Kurs Boyunca Neler Yapacaz? lk blmde serbest almaya bir giri yaparak kursa balayacaz. Bu blmn ierisinde hangi alanlarda hizmet verebileceinizi belirleyeceiz. Daha sonra serbest alan biri olarak sahip olduunuz avantajlardan ve dezavantajlardan da biraz bahsedeceiz.kinci blmde, Trkiye'de popler bir freelancer platformu olan Sadeceon'da batan bir hesap aarak, ilanlar oluturmaya balayacaz ve sipariler alacaz. nc blmde, yine Sadeceon'a benzer zellikler tayan Bionluk platformunu kullanacaz ve buradan sipari almaya balayacaz. Drdnc blmde, ileri daha profesyonel bir seviyeye tayacaz. Bu blmde, hibir bilginiz olamasa bile Wix ile sfrdan bir internet sitesi oluturacak ve internet sitemizden de potansiyel mterilerimizin bizi bulmasn salayacaz.Beinci blmde, Shopier ile online deme almay ve mterilerinize kredi kartlarna 12 aya varan taksitler yapabileceksiniz. Hem de tm bunlar bireysel olarak, her hangi bir irket kurmak zorunda olmadan yapacaksnz. Altnc blmde, nasl yeni mteriler bulabileceinizi ve nasl blog aarak ierik pazarlamas yapabileceinizi reneceksiniz. Ayrca bu blme yine mteri bulma aamasnda ihtiyacnz olacak baz yazlmlar nasl kullanabileceinizi reneceksiniz.Yedinci Blmde, ilerleyen zamanlarda byk bir mteri kitlesine ulanca, ilerinizi nasl ynetebileceinizi, mteriler ile etkili iletiimi nasl salayabileceinizi reneceksiniz. Son olarak sekizinci blmde de, 0850 ile balayan bir telefon numaras alarak, daha profesyonel bir izlenim brakacak ve vergi konusunda da temel bir bilgi edineceksiniz.Sende tm bunlar ve daha fazlasn renerek, freelance Dnyasna salam admlarla girebilir ve hemen gelir elde etmeye balayabilirsin..."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"ISO 28000:2007 Sistema de Gestin para la Seguridad de la CS" |
"Objetivo del Curso: Al finalizar el curso, el participante conocer los requisitos de un sistema de gestin para la seguridad de la cadena de suministro basado en la norma ISO 28000:20007.ISO 28000:2008 Sistemas de Gestin para la Seguridad de la Cadena de SuministroLa adopcin de un sistema de gestin para la seguridad de la cadena de suministro es una decisin estratgica para una organizacin que le puede ayudar a mejorar su desempeo global y mejorar la seguridad de sus operaciones, as como dar cumplimiento a los requisitos legales.Los beneficios potenciales para una organizacin de implementar un sistema de gestin para la seguridad de la cadena de suministro basado en esta Norma Internacional son:a) establecer, implementar, mantener y mejorar un sistema de gestin de la seguridad;b) asegurar la conformidad con la poltica de gestin de la seguridad establecida;c) demostrar dicha conformidad ante otros;d) buscar certificacin/registro de su sistema de gestin de la seguridad por un organismo de certificacin de tercera parte, acreditado; oe) realizar una auto-determinacin y auto-declaracin de la conformidad con esta norma.Contenido temtico del curso El presente curso tendr la siguiente estructura: Seccin 1. Aspectos Generales de un Sistema de Gestin para la Seguridad de la Cadena de SuministroSeccin 2. Captulo 4.1 Requisitos generalesSeccin 3. Captulo 4.2 Poltica de Gestin de la SeguridadSeccin 4. Captulo 4.3 Evaluacin del Riesgo de Seguridad y PlanificacinSeccin 5. Captulo 4.4 Implementacin y OperacinSeccin 6. Captulo 4.5 Verificacin y Accin CorrectivaSeccin 7. Captulo 4.6 Revisin por la Direccin y Mejora ContinuaSeccin 8. Conclusiones y proceso de certificacin"
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Ultimate 'Love and Relationships' Poetry Course!" |
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about helping them when it comes to studying the 'Love and Relationships' Poetry Anthology? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit and the thorn in your side has always been the fifteen poems in this anthology? Maybe you are currently studying the Anthology at school but you feel lost, unsure about what your teacher is saying and the pace at school may be too rapid?Not to worry - we've got you covered! The Ultimate 'Love and Relationships' Poetry GCSE Course covers EVERYTHING you need to know and understand when it comes to learning this Anthology, understanding its key themes as well each of the poems' poets. Barbara, your teacher, will also examine literature techniques related to each poem as well as how you can compare and analyse each poem for your exams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Presenting and Public Speaking Course!" |
"The 'Ultimate English Language GCSE AQA Spoken Assessment Course' is a comprehensive course for students wishing to their GCSE qualifications in English Literature which are all part of the AQA GCSE specification. This course is aimed both at students who will be presenting and public speaking as part of their English GCSEs, but also for people who want a good guide to public speaking and how to improve their public speaking techniques!"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"This Ultimate Hitler and Nazi Germany course contains EVERYTHING you need to know when it comes to Hitler - from his birth in 1889, his early life, his founding of the Nazi Party and his rise to power in Germany. This course will look at everything including Hitler and the Nazi party's mixed fortunes during the Weimar Germany period, how he took advantage of the 1929 Great Depression, his rise to power and how he consolidated power and became Fuhrer in 1934. We will examine in depth ALL the laws the Nazi Party implemented in power, its persecution of minority groups such as the Jews and Slavs - and the reasons that led to the beginning of the Second World War in 1945. This course is your one-stop-shop - including EVERYTHING including in-depth revision resources and History practice questions - including ESSAY PLANS to practice your essay writing skills!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unlock the science behind psychology. In this extensive course, we cover different types of psychology, from behavioural to abnormal psychology including cognitive, social and developmental. Discover key actors, major theoretical frameworks and experiments that shaped the way to how psychology is interpreted today!This course is the ideal study tool if you want to have a thorough understanding of what it is inside you that makes you do the things you do."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens: GCSE English Course!" |
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about helping them when it comes to studying Charles Dickens novella, 'A Christmas Carol'? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit and the thorn in your side has always been this novella? Maybe you are a student who is currently studying 'A Christmas Carol' at school but you feel lost, unsure about what your teacher is saying and the pace at school may be too rapid?Not to worry - we've got you covered! The 'Ultimate 'A Christmas Carol' English GCSE Course covers EVERYTHING you need to know and understand when it comes to learning this novella, understanding its key themes as well the main characters and symbols when it comes to the novella. Barbara, your teacher, will also examine context related to the Victorian Era and she will show you what it takes to write a top Level 9 model answer for the play - either for your coursework or exams!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate 'Power and Conflict' Poetry GCSE Course!" |
"Are you a parent homeschooling your child and not sure how to go about helping them when it comes to studying the 'Power and Conflict' Poetry Anthology? Alternatively your child may sadly have failed their GCSEs in English and need to resit and the thorn in your side has always been the fifteen poems in this anthology? Maybe you are currently studying the Anthology at school but you feel lost, unsure about what your teacher is saying and the pace at school may be too rapid?Not to worry - we've got you covered! The Ultimate 'Power and Conflict' Poetry GCSE Course covers EVERYTHING you need to know and understand when it comes to learning this Anthology, understanding its key themes as well each of the poems' poets. Barbara, your teacher, will also examine literature techniques related to each poem as well as how you can compare and analyse each poem for your exams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |