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"Startup Financing Mastery - A Startup Business Funding Guide" |
"Do you want to know how startup funding works?Are you struggling to decide on the best funding options for your startup?OR you are simply curious to know what are the funding options available for a startup?If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, then you are at the right place!!!In this course, you will discover different funding options available for your startup business and/or side-hustle to secure your funding.Learn from Hannah, an industrial expert with an MBA who has 8 years of experience at an FTSE100 firm, currently working as Head of Procurement - Technology & People Capability.This course is designed for startup business owners, who are ready to discover various funding options for their startup, the first-time entrepreneurs who are seeking financial growth in their business and for new entrepreneurs, either full-time or side-hustles, who are launching a new business and needing to secure funding for the launch.This course will help you to evaluate and identify the best financing options for your business and develop your plan, all in less than an hour!As a business owner, you want to focus on delivering the best product and service to your customers, not losing valuable time researching how to get finance. This course enables you to avoid the research and fast-track your decision making so you can focus on your main goal of growing your business.If you have recently started a business or a side-hustle, you will know how important finance is to keep your business alive. For new entrepreneurs, it can be hard to know where to start when looking for funding, especially if you have managed to self-fund it so far.This course is full of investment case studies and ready-made worksheets, which will help you to quickly develop your startup funding model or financial plan.This course is loaded with 10 downloadable resources:1. Your current funding sources (PDF)2. Negotiation case study (PDF)3. Non-monetary startup benefits from financial providers (PDF)4. Risk worksheet, to identify how risky will finance providers consider your business? (worksheet)5. Identify your operating costs, and how you might reduce them (worksheet)6. Identify your finance requirements - What activities need to be funded? How much money does your business need? (PDF)7. An investor case study (PDF)8. Financing your business Debt or Equity? (PDF)9. Financial options summary sheet (worksheet)10. Your financial plan (worksheet)At the end of the course you will be able to: Estimate the value of your business to support your pitch for financing Reduce time spent researching finance options including bank loans, crowdsourcing, venture capital and private equity Confidently decide on appropriate financing options for your business at different stages of its growth, understanding the risk it incurs Anticipate and address negotiation topics, such as equity %, by understanding finance providers' objectives Plan and enact the next steps to secure whichever type of financing your business needsThis course will: Guide you step-by-step through the process of identifying different financing options, deciding which are best for your business and how to go about securing it Share with you the risks to look out for, and negotiation topics likely to arise Help you understand how risky your business is for finance providers and how to prepare to get the best deal Identify how different types of financing are appropriate at different stages of your business growthAfter taking this course, you will most importantly have the confidence to decide on the right financing option(s) for your business at different stages of growth by understanding and anticipating the risk it incurs.You will experience how financial planning will lead your business to success. You will lead your startup journey more confidently towards success!So, what are you thinking? Go ahead and click on the Enroll Now button.You have 30 days money-back guarantee and lifetime access to the course! See you in the course!Course Reviews:""Really clear teaching and delivered in easy to comprehend bite size chunks. Very useful and practical content too! Thank you"" - 5 stars""Wow what an excellent course providing a great insight into the fundamentals of starting a business. The presenter gave clear and concise advice throughout the course and supported examples with easy to follow, step-through slides. I appreciated the way the different examples were delivered independently enabling me to refer to any of the sections as and when the need may arise."" - 5 stars""This is a short but in-depth course. Hannah has explained the details in great depth and a lot of case studies and templates are made available which are real ice breaker."" - 4.5 stars"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build Dating/Chatting app from scratch in android" |
"In this course. Unlike other course,Instead of building basic app such as making hello world app, calculator app which I won't call it app. We will see how to make an real life android application. just like chatting app like whatapp and dating app like Tinder. I promise you after taking this course you will be able to make your own app without any other course.Note:We won't cover every feature of app as it will consume lot of time.But we will try to implement most of the feature."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Coaching e Desenvolvimento Humano" |
"Neste Curso: Coaching e Desenvolvimento Humano: Libertando a potncia que h em voc! os participantes vivenciaro os seguintes aprendizados:Desenvolver competncias, habilidades e atitudes sobre Coaching e Desenvolvimento HumanoCompreender os principais conceitos de Coaching, tais como: Local Seguro, Dinmica Transferencial, Estado de Flow, Maiutica Socrtica, Trade do Equilbrio, Quatro Necessidades Bsicas do Ser Humano, Self1 e Self2, Mindset Progressivo e muito maisCompreender o quanto a aplicao do Coaching melhora as relaes humanas no ambiente de trabalho, familiar e social. O foco ser no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional do alunoCientificar de como, quando e por quem o Coaching pode ser aplicado nas relaes interpessoais no ambiente de trabalhoEntender e aprender a superar Crenas LimitadorasDimensionar a importncia da Ressignificao em sua vidaCompreender o Coaching como um potencializador de competncias que contribui para o atingimento de metas pelo praticante do mtodoConhecer e usar Ferramentas de Coaching para assimilar aprendizadosContedo apresentado em 14 Mdulos."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Talend Data Integration & Kobo Toolbox en franais" |
"Vous allez apprendre crer une application professionnelle complte pour l'extraction automatique des donnes de vos formulaires KoBo ToolBox au format Excel ou CSV en temps rel en utilisant Talend Data Integration. Apprenez les techniques de base de dveloppement et de dploiement de job Talend. Vous allez vous familiarisez avec un ETL open source du march (gratuit) et puissant d'extraction, de transformation et de chargement de donnes.A la fin de cette formation Talend Data Integration vous serez firement capable par la pratique, dautomatiser l'extraction de vos donnes des formulaires crs dans Kobo Toolbox vers Excel ou vers un fichier au format CSV. Au fur et mesure que les quipes denquteurs collecteront les donnes avec leur tlphone mobile et qu'ils les enverront dans Kobo ToolBox, ces donnes seront charges automatiquement dans une table de base de donnes ddie au projet. Vos donnes sont ainsi scurises de bout en bout !Cette architecture de collecte et d'intgration des donnes vite les erreurs lies aux changes de donnes entre les enquteurs et les agents de saisie. Ce systme garantie aussi la dtection des erreurs en temps rel lors de la phase de collecte des donnes de lenqute, de les corriger assez rapidement avant que cela ne soit trop tard."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"LifeSquire Academy: Become a Rock Star Assistant" |
"Did you know that more and more companies are looking for individuals with soft skills? In fact, 59% of businesses are hiring candidates based on those skills alone. Why is that? Because they want to mold you into the employee they need, not necessarily the industrys standards.Backed by ten years of assistant experience, LifeSquire Academy has developed a professional online training program for current and aspiring assistants, personal assistants, nannies, and anyone working in a support staff role that wants to take their career to the next level.No, this class isnt going to teach you how to properly answer the phone or how to work on an Excel spreadsheet. Instead, this class teaches the skills you need to deal with difficult bosses and chaotic offices, how to create and set professional boundaries, what proper etiquette looks like, how to create organizational systems, how to be a time management pro, and so much more.If youre looking for the technical side of assistant work, this isnt the course for you. But if you want to achieve rock star assistant status, then what are you waiting for? Enroll today"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Growth-Hacking E-commerce" |
"Dans ce cours je vous dvoile comment acclrer la croissance de votre Entreprise Shopify, Wordpress ou Clickfunnels sans dpenser 1 seule Euro en MARKETING !Vous aurez 3 scripts (robot) pour CIBLER vos clients QUALIFIER dans les groupes Facebook , page Facebook et ami(es) potentiellement intresss par votre niche, que vous fassiez du E-commerce , ou du coaching pour vendre vos services, cette stratgie vient tout droit de nos confrres Amricains qui ce gardent bien de vous livrer ce genre de secrets.Nous allons voir ensembles comment tout AUTOMATISER pour vous faciliter dans l'acquisition de trafique et avoir de rels clients qualifis."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hallo und Willkommen! (Ol e bem-vindo!)Posso ajudar voc a aprender alemo? Quer se tornar fluente em alemo? Ento minhas aulas so perfeitas para voc.Inscreva-se no curso Alemo em 5 palavras agora mesmo e comece a falar alemo a partir do 1 diaMeu nome Renan e ensino idiomas estrangeiros h mais de quinze anos. Adoro idiomas e, acima de tudo, adoro ensinar idiomas. Este meu objetivo na vida e minha paixo. Adoro viajar e falar com os nativos em seu prprio idioma e descobrir os detalhes da sua cultura e da sua vida. E por este motivo que, ao longo da minha vida, aprendi mais de 10 idiomas e vivi em mais de 15 pases (entre eles Alemanha, Itlia, Frana, China, Brasil, Argentina, Colmbia e Peru). Sou professor de idiomas h mais de 15 anos, tradutor e intrprete juramentado. Sempre trabalhei com o ensino e uso de idiomas.Como estudante e professor de idiomas, sempre achei os mtodos tradicionais muito maantes, cansativos e demorados. Meu objetivo sempre foi aprender um idioma de forma rpida, divertida e prtica. E tive sucesso!E foi isso que criei o curso Alemo em 5 palavras como uma maneira de tornar o aprendizado do alemo mais fcil do que nunca e acessvel a qualquer pessoa, especialmente s pessoas que tentaram aprender e falharam no passado, e a pessoas que querem entender como funciona o idioma e alcanar nveis mais avanados.Meu curso perfeito tanto para o iniciante quanto para aqueles alunos que nunca aprenderam a falar nada em alemo, pois divido o idioma em pequenas partes que mostro como montar novamente de uma maneira lgica e simples de entender.Antes de comear cada lio, h uma reviso da lio passada e, s depois disso, as novas palavras sero apresentadas. Como essas palavras sempre sero revisadas no futuro, no h risco de esquecimento.Com este mtodo, voc deixar de ser um total iniciante e passar a montar suas prprias frases em apenas alguns minutos. Inscreva-se no curso Alemo em 5 palavras agora mesmo e comece a falar alemo a partir do 1 diaCOMO FUNCIONA O CURSO ALEMO EM 5 PALAVRAS?Como o nome sugere, cada lio deste curso apresenta 5 novas palavras que voc vai aprender. Como este primeiro curso para principiantes, as palavras tambm sero para principiantes (ou A1 segundo o quadro europeu para idiomas).Primeiro, voc far uma reviso da lio passada e s depois disso aprender as 5 novas palavras que podem ser usadas para criar frases. A pronncia e as estruturas gramaticais sero aprendidas de forma muito eficiente e fcil e junto com as palavras.Ao longo do curso, as frases iro se tornar cada vez mais longas e complexas, mas de fcil memorizao. Isso um sinal de que voc estar amadurecendo no idioma. Mas no se preocupe, como professor de idiomas, sei at onde posso ir.Tenho certeza de que voc no se esquecer das palavras, pois esta uma forma excelente de aprender idiomas e, se funcionou para eu aprender 10 idiomas utilizando este mtodo e para milhares de outros estudantes, tambm funcionar para voc.Este curso apresenta lies muito curtas com palavras fceis de memorizar, com contexto e com muita prtica. Vocabulrio, estrutura e prtica, isso que precisamos para aprender um idioma. E com o alemo no diferente.Vielen Dank (muito obrigado)RenanInscreva-se no curso Alemo em 5 palavras agora mesmo e comece a falar alemo a partir do 1 dia"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Segurana em Aplicaes WEB" |
"Voc quer aprender a desenvolver aplicaes pensando na segurana desde a concepo do seu projeto? Quer conhecer as principais vulnerabilidades atuais da web, e aprender a corrigir cada uma delas? J desenvolve em alguma linguagem, e pretende aprimorar suas skills em segurana? Ento, leia com ateno:Ser um prazer ser seu professor neste curso! Sou profissional de Redes e Segurana com mais de 8 anos de experincia. Atualmente sou responsvel pela segurana da rede de uma empresa do ramo alimentcio de faturamento dirio superior a 10 milhes de reais. Meu objetivo trazer para este curso todas as minhas experincias na administrao de sistemas de segurana em redes de grande porte, protegendo as mais diversas aplicaes Web.Eu quero guiar voc no aprendizado de ferramentas de segurana, na compreenso de protocolos de rede, e auxiliar na sua misso de propagador de segurana.Para isso, no curso Segurana em Aplicaes WEB trabalharemos em vrios mdulos, sendo eles:1. Primeiros passos na Segurana WEBVeremos aqui de forma detalhada a Arquitetura e Tecnologia das Aplicaes WEB atuais, tipos de pentest e metodologia para teste de invaso, OWASP como ferramenta de pentest, OWASP ZAP como ferramenta de descoberta de vulnerabilidades, e estruturaremos o laboratrio a ser usado no curso. 2. Injeo de cdigo malicioso Veremos as principais formas de injeo de cdigo malicioso, dentre elas:- Injeo de SQL com acesso plataforma subjacente, especificidades dos SGBDs e injeo de SQL s cegas;- Injeo de comandos remotos;- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) e CSRF;3. Criptografia e Transporte de Credenciais Transporte de credenciais por canais inseguros; Enumerao de usurios; Poltica de senhas fortes no implementadas pela aplicao; Falhas na programao ou projeto do mecanismo de autenticao; Mecanismos de recuperao de senhas vulnerveis; Condies de corrida no mecanismo de autenticao; Teste dos mecanismos de autorizao; Testes dos mecanismos criptogrficos;4. Escalonamento de Privilgios- Sniffers- Cewl- xHydra- Hydra5. Como se defender- Proxy de aplicao- SSL- HTTPS- Defendendo-se no cdigoCada mdulo do curso conta com diversos exerccios prticos e laboratrios, bem como videoaulas mostrando a maneira de resoluo. Cada exerccio pensado buscando apresentar cenrios reais com aplicaes reais, e podem ser aplicados em ambientes de produo. Voc poder participar do curso utilizando um computador com qualquer Sistema Operacional, pois trabalharemos com um laboratrio completo em mquinas virtuais.Alm da grade curricular disponvel abaixo, voc pode conferir mais detalhes por meio de algumas aulas gratuitas disponveis no curso."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Compact Job Interview Preparation with Checklist" |
"It's time to make job interview preparation less tedious and structured!Job Interview preparation is one of the most messy tasks out there especially when you are caught with an upcoming interview with little to no time for preparation. The thought of going for an interview puts many people in anxiety and preparation are often done hastily without structured ways or checklist. In this course, I will be going through with you:the stages of job interviews, the pre-interview preparations, the dress codes, phone calls,mental preparation, commonly asked questions and how to answer them,questions to ask during an interview,online interview preparation,post-interview follow ups This course is also designed in such a way that every topic covered is inside the checklist Ive attached, so that you can refer to it and quickly start your preparation for your upcoming interview at the end of this course. The ideal students for this course is anyone who had already applied for a job, or have an upcoming interview and is looking for a quick and compact recap of interview preparation steps.Once you go through the course, the checklist will serve as a guidance to every job interview without having the need to review this course again. It's super time-saving!Lifetime access to the course. I will be updating the course overtime with more content, and updating the checklist if necessary. You can also contact me for advice when you need to!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"How To Start A Small Business" |
"This course has been specifically designed for prospective and new entrepreneurs and will teach you how to do the following things before you start your small business and avoid all potential pitfalls you might encounter along the way. It will inform you about:- Why People Decide To Start A Small Business.- The Most Common Mistakes Made Before Start-up.- The Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs.- Selecting An Idea That Suits You.- How To Set Business & Personal Goals.- How To Compile Your Business Plan.- Getting Your Business Registered & Having Mentors / Consultants Available.- Tips For Successful Management.- Obtaining Finance For Your Business.- Important Financial Information You Need To Know To Run Your Business Successfully.- How To Compile Your Marketing Strategy.- Conforming To Regulations.- What To Do When Things Go Wrong In Your Business."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
70-412-e |
"Windows Server 2012 . Windows Server 2012 . Windows Server 2012."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Making A Website With WordPress From Scratch (Bootcamp)" |
"In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a wordpress step by step. You will learn:- How To Set Up-How To Set Elementor-How To Set Up The Home Page-How To Set Up Our Global Values-How To Add Our First Section-How To Add The Who We Are Section-How To Work With The Navigator & History Tools-How To Create Advanced Structures-How To Add The Services Section-How To Add The Why Work With Us Section-How To Add The Meet The Team Section- How To Add The Clients Section.-How To Add The Testimonials Section"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Industrial Energy Management" |
"You'll learn the fundamentals of industrial Energy Management, important aspects of ISO50001, develop KPIs of your organization, do calculations, know how to save energy costs, make Energy Management strategies and build a modern Energy Management System. Youll learn the practical aspects of energy management, EMS systems, strategies and techniques of energy conservation. Along the course youll get related information, Q&A, videos, case study and worksheets."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Como CANTAR com tcnica DO ZERO!" |
"Bem vindo sua ""Primeira Voz""! Meu nome Rodrigo Rossi e h muitos anos sou um profissional da voz atuante no mercado brasileiro e internacional. J gravei e lancei dezenas de trabalhos em estdio (no mercado de Dublagem principalmente), participei de inmeras turns e espetculos ao vivo, e fui responsvel pelo treinamento e preparao de vrios cantores no meio do caminho. Preparei esse breve curso por alguns motivos: a maioria das pessoas que me procura nunca tiveram contato com tcnica vocal, mas tem o desejo de desenvolver suas vozes. Ento sempre bom comear pelo comeo, certo? Estas so as primeiras aulas que teramos em pessoa, para que voc possa dar o pontap inicial em seus estudos e comear a descobrir a sua voz. Ainda melhor: organizei tudo da maneira mais didtica para que voc possa executar sozinho da sua casa todos os dias. Tambm inclu aqui arquivos de audio com pianos pr gravados. Estes so os arquivos que vamos usar em nossos famosos VOCALIZES. Nas aulas eu sugiro alguns exerccios diferentes, mas que utilizam o mesmo arquivo de maneiras diferentes. Me envia uma mensagem quando voc j estiver com tudo bem entendido, e a ns podemos adicionar mais e mais sempre!Alm disso, acompanha um Ebook - dividido em captulos correspondentes s respectivas aulas - para que voc consiga navegar pela teoria e ter um guia para os seus exerccios. Pense nele como uma primeira apostila para que voc possa tomar nota e marcar as passagens que achar mais importantes.No deixe de me seguir nas redes sociais para manter o contato e sempre receber mais e mais dicas para melhorar a sua voz! Bons estudos.RR"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Maksimalkan potensi otak dan daya ingat bersama Yudi Lesmana" |
"Maksimalkan potensi otak dan daya ingat bersama Yudi LesmanaVideo ini merupakan salah satu seri dari rangkaian video pengembangan diri yang akan membantu kamu meningkatkan daya ingat dan menyerap informasi dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan sesuai dengan cara kerja otak kita. Kamu akan diajarkan berbagai metode daya ingat yang bisa membantu kamu dalam keseharian, di kantor, maupun di sekolah. Proses mengingat tidaklah sekedar menghafal dan mengulang-ulang, namun harus dilakukan sesuai dengan cara kerja otak sehingga kamu akan bisa mengingat lebih banyak dengan mudah dan waktu yang singkat.Apakah kamu stress dengan banyaknya informasi yang kamu terima dan harus diingat?Apakah kamu sering merasa bahwa sudah mengulang-ngulang informasi namun masih susah untuk mengingatnya?Dengan mengikut kelas ini, kamu akan bisa:Membuat proses belajar dan mengingat informasi menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkanMengingat lebih banyak hal dari yang pernah kamu bayangkan sebelumnyaBelajar dan menyerap informasi apa saja hingga 2x lebih cepat.Mengingat banyak angka penting yang ditemui sehari-hari maupun di kantor dan sekolah.Bagi kamu yang sudah bekerja, kamu akan bisa memiliki keunggulan kompetitif dibandingkan rekanmu dengan teknik memory yang bisa digunakan untuk data-data penting perusahaan.Video ini tidak hanya akan mengajarkan kamu teori dalam video, namun kami juga menyiapkan berbagai kuis dan tugas yang akan membantu kamu dalam proses pemahaman materi. Pada video ini kamu akan belajar teknik memory dasar yang akan menjadi fondasi kamu sebelum belajar teknik memory lainnya. Teknik memory dasar ini sangatlah penting untuk menunjang proses belajar kamu.Siapakah Yudi Lesmana? Yuk kenalan dengan mentor kami.Yudi Lesmana adalah pemegang gelar International Grandmaster of Memory pertama di Indonesia yang diberikan oleh Badan Memory Sports Dunia. Saat ini ia menjadi Ketua Umum Indonesia Memory Sports Council yang membina anak-anak Indonesia untuk berprestasi di tingkat nasional dan internasional sejak tahun 2013. Yudi telah menulis 4 buah buku Best Seller seri Memorizing Like an Elephant. Yudi telah menimba ilmu dan berkompetisi di lebih dari 8 negara, yang termasuk Inggris, Malaysia, Hongkong, Jepang, Filipina, Korea Selatan, China, Singapura. Hingga saat ini Yudi telah banyak melatih murid dari berbagai umur dan background. Yudi telah melatih ratusan anak Indonesia berkompetisi daya ingat di berbagai negara. Yudi juga memiliki banyak pengalaman menjadi trainer di berbagai perusahaan baik lokal maupun international untuk dapat meningkatkan kompetensi pegawai."
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Circuit Design for High Speed Serial Links" |
"In high-speed communication applications , a large amount of data may have to be communicated from one chip to another. Unfortunately, the number of input and output (I/O) pins is limited on a System-on-Chip (SoC). Serializing and deserializing (also called ""SerDes"") the data using a serial link between the chips at a high speed is the way to achieve high speed data transfers. The data transfers can happen in short and long distances. The architecture of the design depends not only on the distance, but also on the speed of transfer (frequency of operation). Serial communication is used in machine to machine (M2M) and chip-to-chip (C2C) communications greatly. In fact, each smart phone in our hands has multiple such SerDes in it. In this course we will discuss the overview and the challenges of designing high speed SerDes. This course is specially curated and designed for freshers from the undergraduate and post graduate degrees. This course can act a refresher to experienced analog IC design engineers and high speed design engineers too. "
Price: 4160.00 ![]() |
"It has been proven: ""You will only be able to lose weight when you imagine yourself thin"". In this course you will learn in practice to reprogram your imagination. Therefore, your subconscious mind will act to make you thin, definitely, and without sacrificing yourself.The most important part of the course is the DRIVER, an MP3 audio file specially prepared to guide you. It has a soundtrack to access your subconscious mind and edit your command lines."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"ECG SKILL Training : Level 1" |
"Do you feel ECG reading skill is the most important skill as a doctor but you are stuck?Do you feel embarrassed when your patient expects to give an interpretation of his ECG?Do you feel a sense of guilt when you have to pass the ECG to other Doctor to give an Interpretation?Do you feel less of a Doctor as you are not able to give an option on one of the most important investigations of heart?If this seems like the world around you then, I shall assure that if you follow exactly what I instruct, by the end of this 70 minutes training you shall not only be equipped with skills to interpret Level 1 ECG but also effectively remember all the steps and formulas. Thats my promise.How to undertake this training for the best outcome.First and foremost important thing is to take this training at a stretch. Do not take a break in between. It may take at most 70 mint to compel this training.Secondly, the initial 30 minutes are what makes the complete understanding of the ECG. The third point is to pay your best attentional and listing to the first 30 minutes, it is wherein Initial 10 minutes- I shall create a creative conceptual scenario with the analogy for easy understanding and also long-term retention of ECG basics. & then next 20 minutes, we shall look into the critical concept to understanding ECG. So By the next 30 minutes, I assure you that you shall be completely equipped with the basics to understand ECG interpretation. So the First 30 minutes is what the entire ECG is about.Finally, the next 40 minutes is very simple. it's just like knowing 1 plus 2 is 3 thats it. However, you must follow the instructions and remember to repeat along with me.At the end of 70 minutes, you shall be equipped with practical skills to interpret Level 1 ECG and save lives."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Building a Relevant and Meaningful LinkedIn Network (2020)" |
"""Networking is finding, developing, and nurturing relationships that mutually move people forward through life. @TLBurrissWhen used properly, LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool.As of the end of early 2020, there were more than 675 million people with LinkedIn Profiles. Most of these are business professionals, however, the industries and job titles represented on LinkedIn are broad and diverse. Ive also discovered that often LinkedIn Members are open to connecting and for relevant conversations when approached properly.This course was created to help you learn how to find the right people to connect with on LinkedIn and how to create business and career value through your LinkedIn Network.During this course, we will:Review what is LinkedIn.Introduce you to Networking for Mutual Benefit.Uncover the importance of defining your Most Important Viewers & their Influencers.Review who you should connect with on LinkedIn.Discuss using LinkedIn Search tools and filters effectively.Introduce you to researching LinkedIn Members before Connecting.Share with you some best practices of LinkedIn Networking.Discuss what to do after you connect.Look at LinkedIn Networking Live on LinkedIn.This course is designed to help you create real value from networking on LinkedIn so you dont just create a pile of digital business cards (connections).The Real BenefitsI have discovered that the more purposeful I am at connecting on LinkedIn, and when I start the conversations with my new connections, all about them, they are more likely to want to know more about me and my business, and even happily introduce me to others I need to know.I refer to my Network, including my LinkedIn Network, as my most important asset in life. Think about this for a moment, where does all the great stuff in your life come from? Typically your network.I'm sure you'll get great value from this course if you follow and practice the ideas I share with you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Class A surfacing in CATIA V5" |
"In this course you will learn to create high quality freeform surfaces with different surface analysis such as connect checker to check the continuity in the surface,highlight and distance analysis, feature modelling, harmonization different types of blends and much more about good surfacing techniques. you will learn about different considerations for making a class a surface and creating blends in freeform surfaces we will be covering all the topics from very basics to advance level After this course your surfacing skills will improve significantly and you will be able to create a good aesthetic surface. If you have any doubts on how to make your career in automotive designing sector feel free to contact me. I would be happy to help you keep learning and see you inside ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Powder Brows tattooing, for begginers." |
"Hello my dear,Welcome to my online Masterclass.As you probably know, every technician works in his own way, adding personality to every learned technique.I'm very pleased to share with you my Powder technique. This is a most best-known technique, suitable for everyon, doesn't matter your clients age, neither the skin quality.In this video I will teach you the basics of this technique, the difference between the tattoo needle, the speed of the machine, drawing and tattooing on latex, hand positioning and machine holding, and some tips and tricks about how I am doing this technique in my own way."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Forex Scalping MasterclassForex Scalping Strategy Course" |
"Welcome to Forex Scalping Masterclass Course.Welcome to Forex Scalping Masterclass. This class is all about mastering a forex scalping strategy.But before that.What is scalping in Forex or What is the meaning of Scalping?Scalping is a type of trading style where traders buy or sell a currency pair and hold it for a short period of time to make a profit. Basically in scalping traders take trades in expectations of small profits in a very small period of time. It is one of the fastest forms of trading and Scalping is one of the most famous styles of trading in forex.Why is it so?Why so many people are interested in scalping?Because Scalping is one of the fastest ways to make huge profits in a short interval of time And It also is because of the benefits that scalping provides as compared to other trading styles.Like1. Multiple setups - In scalping forex, you can get multiple setups or multiple trades in a day, unlike other trading styles where you will have to wait for a day or 2 to get 1 single setup.So basically you get more opportunities to place a trade while trading.2. The low risk involved - In scalping there is low risk involved in each trade. You have to risk a very small percentage of your account on each trade.3. Suitable for Small accounts - Scalping is very suitable for those people who want to start trading with a small account or for those people who want to invest a small amount in forex. You dont require big accounts to get started with scalping.4. Active style of trading - scalping is a very active style of trading. When compared with other trading styles like swing trading or day trading where you have to be very patient and you might have to wait for setups for days which might feel very inactive styles of trading. In scalping, you get multiple setups. If you miss one setup the next setup will be right around the corner.Forex Scalping if done right it is one of the fastest ways to make huge profits in a short interval of time.But Remember if it is done right.So what are the things that need to be done properly in order for scalping to work for us and be profitable?You should have a Proper Forex Scalping Strategy - A strategy with proper win rate, a risk to rewards, and multiple setups.The Forex Strategy should contain instruction for proper entry and exit points i.e the strategy should have proper and clear instructions for entering a trade and also exiting a trade. This is one of the most common shortcomings I see in scalping strategies.Proper Conformations - There should be at least 2 confirmations that a strategy should have. I have seen people selling scalping strategies in which they tell people to enter trading with one single conformation which can be risky.See keep this thing in mind forex trading is a complex process and there are a lot of variables involved in it and If you are placing a trade on 1 single confirmation then it can be very risky.You must least have 2 confirmations before entering a trade.4. Risk Management - I always say this. No strategy is complete without a risk management plan.A strategy should always have a risk management plan designed specifically for that strategy.5. Specifics rules for that Forex strategy - A scalping strategy should have a specific set of rules which cover the guidelines, things to avoid, proper exceptions, and different situations that might occur which trading.Each and every trade is different and there have to be certain rules which should help you take proper decisions and act accordingly.This Masterclass covers each and every point properly and clearly.This scalping class covers a very profitable forex scalping strategy.In this Forex Scalping Strategy Course you will learn1. IntroductionIntroduction of the world of scalping and scalpers in forex trading. This video provides you with an overview of scalping in forex and scalping trading.2. How to choose a Broker for ScalpingThere are different types of brokers in the forex market which charges different fees. Each one of them has a different fee structure. To choose the best broker for scalping trading styles in forex, there are certain criteria that you should look for before choosing a broker for scalping. This video will help you choose the best forex broker for scalping in 2020.The right way to choose a scalping broker in forex.3. How to set up the chart for Scalping Trading StrategyThis video covers everything you need to know for setting up a chart for our forex scalping strategy. We have added a video that provides a step by step instructions for setting up a chart for scalping strategy in forex.4. Forex Scalping Indicator 1This part covers about one of the best indicators for scalping in forex. This indicator is one of the most accurate scalping indicators and one of the best scalping indicator in mt4 and mt5.5. Forex Scalping Indicator 2This second indicator which we will be using is one of the very accurate scalping indicators. This forex scalping indicator will help you take you scalping to the next level and also help you predict the next move of the forex market. This indicator is used in mt4 and mt5 for scalping.6. Understanding Support and ResistanceSupport and resistance are some of the most used technical tools which are widely used by forex traders all around the world. Because of a lot of misinformation in the forex market, many of them don't exactly know how to use it properly. This video covers the right way to use support and resistance in scalping and how exactly you can make your scalping strategy better with support and resistance.7. The Secret Forex Scalping StrategyThe forex scalping strategy which we have taught in this class is the most profitable forex scalping strategy. This scalping strategy is easy to use and also helps you get a lot of setups every day.This Strategy works on charts ranging from 1 minute to 15 minutes.Time Frame -Forex 1 minute scalping strategyForex 5 minute scalping strategyForex 15 minute scalping strategyThese scalping techniques which are taught in this scalping system will help you trade the forex market like a professional scalper and you will never need to look for any other scalping strategy or forex scalping signals. This is one of the best forex scalping strategies in the market.8. Rules for the Scalping StrategyAny Forex scalping strategy is not just trading setups. The market keeps on changing with time and each and every situation is different.If you had any experience in trading you might have seen that each and every trade is different.So in order to deal with different scenarios in the forex market, we have designed a set of rules for scalping. these rules which we have taught in this masterclass will help you deal with different market setups and also help you tackle all the problems which you might face which trading scalping strategy.9. ExamplesThis part of the class we have taken out all the different types of setups that you might get which using a forex scalping strategy. These scalping examples will help a forex scalper trade to be prepared beforehand.These examples will be very useful for anyone using our strategy.10. Forex scalping Risk ManagementI always say this no strategy is complete without proper risk management. We all know that there is always a risk involved in any kind of forex trading style. No matter which trading style you use there is always risk involved in it.Risk cannot be avoided in forex trading but it can be managed. I have already added a proper Risk management plan for our Forex scalping strategy. This plan will help you minimise your risk in scalping, help you grow as a professional scalper in forex, and also will help you do forex scalping for living.This Forex Scalping Masterclass is designed so that anyone who wants to grow as a forex scalper can easily take advantage of this scalping system and turn into a Professional Forex Scalper."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA [ 2020 ] - Step by Step zum Verkaufserfolg" |
"In diesem Amazon FBA Online Kurs lernst Du, wie Du Schritt fr Schritt dein Amazon Business aufbaust und passives Einkommen damit generierst. Du erfhrst alles was wichtig ist um die Infrastruktur fr dein Unternehmen aufzubauen, ein Produkt zu finden, es einzukaufen und auf Amazon zu pushen. Ersteinmal schauen wir uns grundstzliche Dinge wie die Unternehmensgrndung oder die Markenanmeldung an. Wir gehen mit den neusten Tools zusammen auf Produktsuche und finden ein profitables Beispielprodukt, mit dem wir weiterarbeiten. Du lernst was du beim Sourcing des Produkts und beim Import der Waren beachten musst. Wir schauen uns an welche rechtlichen Stolpersteine es gibt und wie Du sie vermeidest. Du erfhrst wie du ein optimales Produkt-Listing erstellst, dein Angebot auf Seite 1 fr eine gewnschte Suchanfrage rankst und hochprofitable PPC Werbeanzeigen schaltest. Im Kurs wird das Tool Helium 10 benutzt, was jedoch keine Voraussetzung fr die Teilnahme ist. Wichtig: dies ist definitiv kein ""ich-mach-dich-schnell-reich-Kurs"". Diverse sogenannte ""Amazon Experten"" suggerieren im Internet oft falsche Illusionen. Mit Hilfe dieses Kurses kannst du durchaus ein rentables Amazon Business aufbauen und den Grundstein fr ein selbstbestimmtes Leben setzen. Ich mchte jedoch betonen, dass dies nur mit viel Flei und Selbstdisziplin zu schaffen ist sowie mit der Fhigkeit sich von Rckschlgen nicht aufhalten zu lassen. Ich freue mich darauf dir mein Wissen zu vermitteln damit du erfolgreich mit Amazon FBA durchstarten kannst."
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"Anlise de Certificado de Calibrao" |
"Se voc responsvel pela gesto dos equipamentos de sua empresa e ao receber um certificado de calibrao, rapidamente bate um carimbo de aprovado, arquiva e torce para ningum te perguntar como foi feita essa anlise crtica, ento esse curso para voc.Nesse curso voc ir aprender o passo a passo para analisar criticamente o certificado de calibrao dos equipamentos sobre sua responsabilidade."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud Platform Enterprise Analytics 2019 Associate" |
"Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC)Describe the editions of Oracle Analytics Cloud and solutions providedCreate an OAC instanceDimensional ModellingExplain Transactional System, Analytical Systems, Data Warehousing, Dimension, Facts and HierarchiesBuild Types of Dimensional ModelingDescribe the different layers of the BI Repository and use administration tools to view and update the repositoryData PreparationDescribe self service data preparationPerform operations on a data setExplain how OAC Data Sync works and when it is implementedExplain the OAC remote data connectorMachine LearningUse the 'Explain' functionalityCreate and train a machine learning model, analyze its effectiveness and use it in a projectNew Features and Enhancements in OAC Release 105.1.4 and 105.3Create Connection ADW or ATPDescribe New visualization TypesUse Map LayersReplace data Set and search data sets using BIOracle Analytics Cloud Provisioning and LifecycleProvision Database. Storage and Identity ServicesProvision Users and Application RolesExplain how to migrate from OBIEE on prem to Oracle Analytics CloudUse the Oracle Baseline Validation Tool (BVT)Monitor server health and apply OAC patchesData VisualizationExplain OAC 'best visualization' for a data setCreate a flexible layout of multiple visualizations to present data as a storyCreate a custom visualization pluginAdvanced AnalyticsDescribe the Advanced Analytics capabilities in OACCreate trendline, and forecastUse ClusteringUse Outlier IdentificationOracle Analytics Cloud Answers, Dashboards and BI PublisherUse Answers to build an AnalysisCreate pixel perfect reportsManage content in the Catalog"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Basic256 - Linguagem Basic e Programao Estruturada" |
"O Curso possui 23 lies, com uma introduo e instalao e concluso, e todas as outras lies com programao estruturada Basic. Assim, o curso uma prtica de mtodos e modelos de programao que podem ser aplicados praticamente em todas as linguagens de computador. O Curso fundamental para quem quer iniciar no mundo da Programao de Computadores e se tornar um grande programador. Feito especialmente para ser a primeira linguagem de computador aprendida."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Vaastu Shastra by Vastu Maestro Part 1" |
"Vastu shastra is the ancient science of architecture of exploring human potential through built up environment .Vastu Shastra identifies the purpose of building and defines the planning and design of building to achieve that purpose . The study of impact of built up habitat on life is called Vastu Shastra. Vastu means suitable building for residence and shastra means study. In contemporary usage Vastu means designing or correcting buildings as per Vastu shastra. We know that , Vastu Shastra is explained through many ancient Granths . The famous among them are Vishwakarma Prakash ., Samrangan Sutradhar, Mayamatam etc. Vastu Shastra explains that how should we create our buildings to get best support from the nature . It is the way of life simplified thousands year ago. In this course you will learn about the two basic but very important things associated with Vastu Shastra in detail :1. 16 Zones 2. 32 Entrances 3."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Geoprocessamento e QGIS aplicados na agricultura de preciso" |
"Um curso do software QGIS totalmente voltado a agricultura. Nesse curso voc ir aprender a utilizar o QGIS para calcular ndice de vegetao, interpolar dados de anlise de solo, gerar mapas de recomendao de adubao em taxa variada, criar mapas de altimetria e declividade,utilizar imagens de satlite para o seu projeto e imprimir e classificar todos os mapas criados."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
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