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"Davud Hoca ile jQuery" |
"JavaScript, jQuery ncesi ve sonras diye ikiye ayrlabilir. Web 2.0 dneminin en nemli ktphanesi hala poplerliini koruyor, bu ktphaneyi bugne kadar renme ansnz olmadyla bu eitimle buna balayabilirsiniz.Jquery ile bir ok plugini dzenleyebilirsiniz, bir ok bootstrap zelliini gelitirebilir veya sayfalarnza uygulayabilirsiniz.AJAX ilemlerini jquery ile daha az kod yazarak yapabilrisiniz.Jquery UI ile sitenizin grselini gelitirebilirsiniz ve daha bir ok ey yapabilirsiniz.jQuery'i uygulamalar zerinden reten bu kursu kolayca tamamlayacaksnz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Richard Stibbard's ""Practical MySQL""" |
"ONLY 12 HOURS TO GO BEFORE THIS COURSE IS MADE PRIVATE - SO ENROL NOW TO LEARN MySQL AT THIS INCREDIBLE PRICE!MySQL is the most widely used open source database system in the world, making a thorough knowledge of MySQL a vital skill for every web developer. This is a highly practical course, which concentrates on teaching you exactly what you need to know, first to get up and running and then to master MySQL in action. The course moves from simple queries to much more advanced topics.Topics include:MySQL in phpMyAdmin, on the command line, and in PHP scriptsMySQL queriesbuilt-in MySQL functionsusers and privilegesrelational database designpreserving data integrity with constraintsautomation with stored procedures, triggers and scheduled eventscustomisation with user-defined functions (UDFs) and viewsMySQL in PHP with PDO and named parametersa variety of create-read-update-delete (CRUD) projects in PHPThe course is flexibly designed, with Working Files which make it suitable for learners with a range of existing knowledge or for complete beginners if you do not need to start at the beginning of the course then it is easy to look through the code and dive straight in at any point to speed things up.ONLY 12 HOURS TO GO BEFORE THIS COURSE IS MADE PRIVATE - SO ENROL NOW TO LEARN MySQL AT THIS INCREDIBLE PRICE!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Podcasting - How To Go From Zero To Hero" |
"Podcasting is the perfect way to share your voice, grow your brand, build a business and connect with the word.Maybe you've tried before and given up? Afraid of the tech headaches? Not sure what to use or how to set it all up? And we've updated the course Dec 2017 givingyou a fresh look at the tools you need to create your first podcast.This course is for you.I'll walk you through choosing the right tools, setting up your equipment and show, recording basics, creating eye-catching cover art and getting your show live and sharing it with the world.This course is geared for the beginning podcaster, but the extra's section will contain some cool free tools and techniques to enhance any podcast and reach out to new audiences and markets.Each step of the process is clearly explained and demonstrations of what exactly you need to do next. By the end of this course you will be a master at the technical stuff, create stunning audio and eye-catching cover art, and be able to share your podcast show with the world.While you could pay $$$ to learn this material, It shouldn't cost you a fortune to create your very own podcast. In Podcasting Zero To Hero, you get a solid understanding of the how and why and learn about all the free tools available to take your show to the next level.The power of Udemy is in the community. I'm here for any questions and to support you on your podcasting journey. My students stretch around the world and have created podcasts in multiple languages and formats with great success.Are you ready?I'm here to walk you through every step of the way and committed to your success.I can't wait to hear your first podcast show!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"One Week To Better Sleep" |
"Having problems sleeping?Relying on coffee and energy drinks to make it through the day?How often do you sleep well and wake feeling great?**You can now find the majority of this course on my YouTube channel for free viewing Search for Mitchel M.D. **Don't feel bad because you're not alone. Over 60 million people suffer in the U.S. alone.As a physician, I see tons of people for sleep problems and the health issues directly related to poor sleep. I was once just like you. As an EM physician, being rested and sharp was critical; lives depended on it. Fortunately, I was in the ideal place to figure it out. Surrounded by great medical minds, I compiled the best techniques and blended that together with current science. Thats why I created this course for you.With the frenetic pace of todays world, getting good sleep has never been more important. You are here because either you or someone you care about has a problem with not sleeping - am I right?This course is straightforward, the material is easy to understand, and no advanced knowledge or medical degree is needed. I promise. If you want to sleep better, feel more rested, and wake up with tons of energy this course is for you.You might be a friend or family member of someone who sleeps poorly and youre here to learn how to help them.My goal in this course is to give you an understanding of why sleep is eluding you or a loved one and provide you with an action plan.The goal of One Week To Better Sleep is to give you the information, tools and techniques to start sleeping better.There is no Sleep Bank, so learning this is critical for your health.Ill be sharing the 7 Ps of getting good sleep. Each day layers on another strategy to ensure you are getting the sleep your body needs.Each module corresponds to a day of action or activity. By the end of the week, you will have a firm grasp on the how and why of getting better sleep.If youre someone who reaches for the coffee or energy drink just to get through the morning, this course if for you. Find yourself tossing and turning and watching the clock tick by, dont waste another night counting sheep. There is a better way.I look forward to interacting with you and sharing One Week To Better Sleep.Mitchel Schwindt, M.D.Physician, Author, Healthy Living Expert and Creator of the One Week To Better Sleep Course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Accounting - Do Bookkeeping - Earn Money" |
"Learn and Master the Accounting ( Bookkepping) Process.Understand that accounting is the language of business.Know business terminology (biz speak).Understand the difference between a corporation and a single proprietorship.Know the three forms of business - service company, merchandise company and a manufacturer.Understand an Income Statement and how to prepare one.Understand a Balance Sheet and how to prepare one.Know how to analyse and record business transactionsLearn how to use debits and credits to record business transactions.Know how to use the accounting journal and ledger,Complete a set of accounting records for a service business using excel spreadsheets.Complete a set of accounting records for a merchandise company using excel spreadsheets.Understand LIFO and FIFO.Understand how to use the accounting system for Internal Control.Understand the different methods of depreciation.This course is unique in that it contains a number of excel projects on using a set of accounting records first for a service company and then a merchandise company. There are practice midterm and final exams with marking keys that highlight where an exam marker will award you marks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Language Learning For Absolute Beginners" |
"Learn how to develop the right mindset and use the most effective strategies, methods, and resources for learning a new language with absolute confidence. Our course gives beginner language learners powerful tools (used by polyglots and linguists) to learn languages effectively.Begginer Language Learners: Learn a Language With Confidence & Start Talking Within WeeksLearn The Key Principles Of Successful Language LearningUse Learning Techniques for Memorizing VocabularyLearn How To Express Yourself QuicklyDevelop Good PronunciationLearn Grammar Without StressLearn Methods Used By Polyglots & Other Successful Language LearnersMany people would love to learn a foreign language but simply don't know how to get started, or perhaps they have tried a language program without much success (usually because it wasn't the right program for them). Fortunately, learning a language can be easy as long as you have the right mindset, tools, and methods. This is what this course focuses on giving beginner language students confidence to dive into the language learning process.The course starts presenting the language student with the right mindset including the key principles of successful language learning, followed by a list of suggested resources and how to tackle them. Given that it is often important to have some support when starting to learn a language, the course then moves on to discuss how to work with tutors and language exchange partners - which will help students find the right professionals and people to work with.Additionally, the course provides a framework on how to set realistic goals and make a language learning plan, which can make a great positive difference in the student's learning progress.From a more practical standpoint, the course also teaches how to learn important sentences effectively, how to develop good pronunciation, how to use learning techniques for memorizing vocabulary, and how to learn grammar without stress.Finally, the course will provide students with a time-tested, proven framework to start learning a language, achieve great progress, and pave their way to fluency."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How To Learn Any Language" |
"Learn popular strategies and methods used by polyglots to conquer the basics of any language, start communicating quickly, and progress confidently into more advanced levels.Master the Basics of Your Target Language and Start Communicating With Confidence Using Time-Tested Learning Strategies Taught by a Polyglot.Build the skill to quickly learn how to express what you want and need to sayImprove reading and listening comprehensionUse flashcards effectively to memorize vocabulary the way polyglots doImprove pronunciation in your target languageLearn grammar without stressProven Strategies to Conquer the Basics Of Your Target Language Quickly and ConfidentlyMany language learners start learning a language with a lot of enthusiasm but start losing motivation once progress starts to slow down. As a result, they stay at a basic level for longer than they should! This course was designed to help language learners avoid that altogether by using proven techniques and strategies to master the basics and reach higher levels of their target language.Content and OverviewSuitable for language learners who have already started learning their target language, the course starts with an introduction of suggested resources that the language learner can use in order to learn as effectively as possible. Language tutors and/or exchange partners are introduced and discussed, since they can provide good support for the student.Additionally, the course introduces a method for the student to focus on learning what he or she wants and needs to express in the target language - which is a skill that, if mastered, can contribute significantly to the language learner's ability to communicate in the language. Moreover, the course focuses on how to use flashcards (either with a software or plain paper cue cards) for reviewing vocabulary effectively using ""spaced repetition"" - a popular and efficient learning method. The method of learning by association is also introduced as an alternative way to learn vocabulary.The course also focuses on two fundamental skills required for any language learner to progress with confidence: reading and listening comprehension. We discuss what texts the student should read, and how to approach them in order to improve reading comprehension. Similarly (for listening comprehension), we introduce what students should listen to, and how to approach the content, in order to promote progress.Finally, the course provides a concise overview of how to develop good pronunciation and learn grammar - two activities that language students often find challenging - without stress. To conclude the course, we discuss how to embrace the culture associated with the language in order to stay passionate and continuously promote progress through exposure. With the strategies and tools provided in the course, the language learner should be well equipped to master the basics and advance quickly in his or her target language."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Como Aprender Ingls Com Confiana" |
"Aprenda como desenvolver a mentalidade certa e usar recursos, estratgias, e mtodos eficientes para dominar o ingls com confiana absoluta. O nosso curso oferece ferramentas prticas (usadas por poliglotas) para aprender lnguas de uma maneira eficiente.Alunos de ingls: aprenda com confiana e consiga se comunicar mais rapidamenteAprenda os princpios de aprendizado de ingls que levam ao sucessoAcelere o aprendizado de ingls independente do mtodo que voc est usandoAprenda tcnicas de memorizao de vocabulrioAprenda como se expressar com confiana e desenvolver a capacidade de faz-lo mais rapidamenteDesenvolva boa pronunciao e sotaque em inglsUse mtodos usados por poliglotas para aprender lnguas com sucessoSe voc est aprendendo ingls, eu quero te ajudar no fazer os "erros" que fiz ao aprender ingls. Quero te ensinar como falar com confiana, e entender bem - algo que para mim no foi fcil.Eu me lembro da dificuldade de entender e tambm de se expressar. Depois de tanto tempo aprendendo, era irritante ter canadenses e americanos me pedindo para repetir quase todas as frases que eu dizia. Depois de seis anos aprendendo no Brasil, a minha pronncia ainda era terrvel e era dificlimo conseguir me comunicar sem me enrolar todo.Com este mtodo, que desenvolvi durante os ltimos nove anos como consultor de ensino no Canad, voc ir conseguir falar ingls com mais confiana mais rapidamente, porque este o nosso foco. A base do meu mtodo no ensinar a lngua em si - mas ensinar como aprend-la.Eu demorei cerca de OITO anos para finalmente me tornar fluente. Depois de seis anos aprendendo, ainda era bem difcil de conversar em ingls. Eu comecei a aprender ingls aos 10 anos de idade no Brasil. Eu tive sorte de ir uma escola boa de ingls por seis anos (esta era a durao do programa) e logo em breve mudei para o Canad. Quando cheguei aqui, eu j conseguia me expressar (na maioria das situaes, com uma certa dificuldade) e entender razoavelmente bem, porm seria um exagero dizer que eu j era "fluente". Eu s consegui chegar em um nvel fluente depois de dois anos morando aqui no Canad. Olha que eu no era mal aluno, e a escola era boa!Mas oito anos? Por causa disso, eu cheguei a simples concluso que eu era "pssimo de aprender lnguas". Esta idia justificava o fato da demora em me tornar fluente. Eu simplesmente no tinha o dom para aprender lnguas. S isso.Porm, como eu sou teimoso (e de um certo modo tambm muito curioso), eu decidi tentar superar esta noo que eu era ruim de lnguas. Ento, comecei aprender mais lnguas - espanhol (mais fcil para ns brasileiros, n?), francs, alemo, e depois que me tornei fluente nestes (e no processo, desenvolvi um mtodo de aprendizado de lnguas), comecei a aprender italiano, holands, russo (nestas trs j consigo ter uma conversa legal) e continuei com outras. Aprender lnguas se tornou uma paixo, assim como ensinar pessoas como aprend-las como consultor. O curso comea com uma lista de recursos sugeridos e tambm com a nossa filosofia de aprendizado. Em seguida, continuamos com como focalizar naquilo que queremos aprender e como aprender frases importantes. Tambm focalizamos em como usar cartes de memorizao e mtodos de memorizao por associao para aprender vocabulrio, e tambm como melhorar pronncia e gramtica sem stress. Um foco que se estende pela maioria do curso a descrio da mentalidade de sucesso para aprender ingls com eficincia - algo que pode ser til para alunos de todos os nveis.Com estas ferramentas, voc estar pronto para ter mais progresso no estudo de ingls."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Turbine O Seu Ingls: Foco Em Conversao" |
"Aprenda ingls com texto e udio de conversas reais e modernas! Ao se focalizar em conversas, o aluno ganha confiana na compreenso auditiva e tambm na hora de falar ingls! O nosso rpido curso oferece material para o aluno desenvolver compreenso e aprender frases importantes para situaes sociais verdadeiras.Alunos de ingls: aprenda com conversas e consiga se comunicar mais rapidamenteGanhe confiana na hora da conversaMelhore sua compreenso auditivaMelhore o seu sotaque ao escutar contedo com pronncia neutraAprenda frases utilizadas com frequncia na Amrica do NorteAprender com conversas fundamental para o aluno que quer ir alm do ingls acadmico e que tambm quer se comunicar com confiana o mais rpido possvel.Muitos alunos tm a sensao de no se comunicarem bem mesmo depois de anos de cursos de ingls. Isso acontece pela falta de foco direto em conversas com contedo genuno e moderno na lngua inglesa.O contedo deste pequeno curso foi inspirado em conversas genunas. Ao ter exposio a este contedo, o aluno se prepara para conversas reais em ingls.Alm disso, o contedo complementado com dicas de um poliglota para como maximizar o aprendizado e incorporar o que foi aprendido em conversas genunas.Eu me lembro da dificuldade de entender e tambm de se expressar. Depois de tanto tempo aprendendo, era irritante ter canadenses e americanos me pedindo para repetir quase todas as frases que eu dizia. Depois de seis anos aprendendo no Brasil, a minha pronncia ainda era terrvel e era dificlimo conseguir me comunicar sem me enrolar todo.Eu comecei a aprender ingls aos 10 anos de idade no Brasil. Eu tive sorte de ir uma escola boa de ingls por seis anos (esta era a durao do programa) e logo em breve mudei para o Canad. Quando cheguei aqui, eu j conseguia me expressar (na maioria das situaes, com uma certa dificuldade) e entender razoavelmente bem, porm seria um exagero dizer que eu j era ""fluente"". Eu s consegui chegar em um nvel fluente depois de dois anos morando aqui no Canad. Olha que eu no era mal aluno, e a escola era boa!Mas oito anos? Por causa disso, eu cheguei a simples concluso que eu era ""pssimo de aprender lnguas"". Esta idia justificava o fato da demora em me tornar fluente. Eu simplesmente no tinha o dom para aprender lnguas. S isso.Porm, como eu sou teimoso (e de um certo modo tambm muito curioso), eu decidi tentar superar esta noo que eu era ruim de lnguas. Ento, comecei aprender mais lnguas - espanhol (mais fcil para ns brasileiros, n?), francs, alemo, e depois que me tornei fluente nestes (e no processo, desenvolvi um mtodo de aprendizado de lnguas), comecei a aprender italiano, holands, russo (nestas trs j consigo ter uma conversa legal) e continuei com outras. Aprender lnguas se tornou uma paixo, assim como ensinar pessoas como aprend-las como consultor.As primeiras conversas deste curso so bsicas, porm j introduzem idias mais complexas que a maioria dos cursos bsicos, oferecendo ao aluno contedo que pode ser utilizado em praticamente qualquer conversa. Em seguida, outras conversas focalizam em situaes sociais que ocorrem no dia a dia na Amrica do Norte. A ltima conversa (bnus) oferece um pequeno desafio aos alunos de um nvel bsico com uma pequena entrevista de emprego (com um tom mais formal).Com este contedo, o aluno pode desenvolver mais confiana na conversa e desenvolver a capacidade necessria para aprender com udio e texto de uma maneira altamente eficaz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Nauite engleski jezik!" |
"Nauite engleski jezik pomou pisanih i zvunih zapisa razgovora koji su stvarni i suvremeni! Kada uenik ui na temelju stvarnih razgovora, stjee samopouzdanje da razumije ono to uje, ali i da vodi pravi razgovor. Na ubrzani teaj nudi materijale pomou kojih uenik razvija svoje razumijevanje i ui vane izraze za stvarne drutvene situacije.Uenici engleskog jezika: uite uz razgovore i izraavajte se bolje na engleskom!Steknite samopouzdanje za voenje pravih razgovoraPoboljajte svoj izgovor i naglasak sluanjem sadraja s neutralnim engleskim izgovoromUenje uz razgovore je kljunoNauite izraze koji se danas redovito koriste u Sjevernoj AmericiSadraj ovog teaja nadahnut je stvarnim razgovorima. Prouavanjem ovog sadraja uenik se priprema za voenje pravih razgovora na engleskom jeziku.Osim toga, sadraj je popraen savjetima poliglota o tome kako poboljati svoje iskustvo uenja (i poveati svoj vokabular) te usvojiti ono to ste nauili svaki put kada vodite stvarne razgovore i tako primjenjivati ono to ste nauili.Prvi razgovori u ovom teaju su osnovni, ali oni ve uvode sadraj koji je sloeniji od veine osnovnih teajeva. Oni ueniku nude sadraj koji se moe koristiti u gotovo svakom razgovoru u bilo kojem drutvenom okruenju. Sljedei razgovori iz naeg teaja temelje se na drutvenim situacijama koje se javljaju u svakodnevnom ivotu u Sjevernoj Americi. Posljednji (bonus) razgovor nudi mali izazov uenicima na osnovnoj razini, uz kratki intervju za posao u formalnijem tonu.Pomou ovog sadraja uenik stjee vie samopouzdanja u svoj govor. Takoer razvija osnovne vjetine uenja iz pisanih i zvunih materijala na vrlo uinkovit nain.Opis teajaOvaj ubrzani teaj nudi nekoliko razgovora, a svaki razgovor ima dvije verzije: jedna verzija je vrlo spora (kako biste se mogli usredotoiti na izgovor ponavljanjem svake rijei), a druga verzija sadri govor koji se odvija uobiajenom brzinom (kako biste se mogli usredotoiti na razumijevanje).Ako uite pomou razgovora, osim to uite izraze koji se koriste u svakodnevnom ivotu, takoer stjeete veliko samopouzdanje jer poinjete govoriti jezik i shvaati izvorne engleske govornike mnogo bolje dok priate s njima.Sadraj teaja je suvremen, a razgovori se temelje na stvarnim drutvenim situacijama. Sadraj nije dosadan kao u starim udbenicima koji vas poduavaju razgovoru u zranoj luci ili razgovoru u hotelu. Sadraj nudi izraze koji se mogu koristiti u svakoj drutvenoj situaciji.Uz ovaj sadraj moete nauiti vane izraze, poboljati izgovor, poboljati sluno razumijevanje i razviti samopouzdanje u vlastito izraavanje.Naravno, ovaj ubrzani teaj predstavlja samo malu osnovu za uenike engleskog jezika, ali moe vam posluiti i kao dobar uvod kako biste govorili jezik s veim samopouzdanjem."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
russianenglish |
"! , , , . , . : ! ! ! , ! , ! . , . , , ( ) , , . , , , , , , . , . () , . , ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Ingls Con Conversaciones Reales!" |
"Aprende ingls con el texto y el audio de conversaciones que son reales y a la vez modernas!Al centrarse en conversaciones reales, el estudiante gana confianza con la comprensin auditiva y tambin cuando l o ella est teniendo conversaciones reales. Nuestro curso rpido ofrece material para el estudiante para desarrollar la comprensin y aprender frases importantes para situaciones sociales reales.Estudiantes del idioma ingls: aprende con conversaciones y exprsate mejor en ingls!Gana confianza al tener conversaciones reales!Mejora tu comprensin auditiva!Mejora tu pronunciacin y acento al escuchar el contenido con una pronunciacin neutral en ingls!Aprende frases que se utilizan actualmente y con frecuencia en Amrica del Norte!El aprender con conversaciones es fundamental para el xitoEl contenido de este curso se inspir en verdaderas conversaciones. Por ser expuesto a este contenido, el alumno puede prepararse para tener conversaciones reales en ingls.Adems, el contenido se complementa con sugerencias de un polglota sobre cmo optimizar la experiencia de aprendizaje (y retener el vocabulario nuevo) e integrar lo aprendido cuando tenga conversaciones reales, poniendo en prctica lo que has aprendido.Las primeras conversaciones en este curso son bsicos, sin embargo, introducir el contenido ya que es ms complejo que la mayora de cursos bsicos, ofreciendo al alumno el contenido que puede utilizarse prcticamente en cualquier conversacin en un ambiente social.Las conversaciones de nivel bsico tienen dos versiones: una versin de baja velocidad y otra versin en la velocidad de habla normal. Todas las conversaciones bsicas incluyen texto y traduccin. A raz de estas conversaciones, las conversaciones de nivel intermedio son conversaciones genuinas entre canadienses. Ten en cuenta que el acento canadiense es neutral, casi idntico al acento americano en California y la costa occidental de los Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto, si te centras en el desarrollo de este acento, te entendern bien en todas partes en el mundo de habla ingls. Es importante que los estudiantes escuchen este tipo de conversacin con el fin de familiarizarse con el ritmo de expresin regular, as como las expresiones y el vocabulario utilizado en la vida diaria en Amrica del Norte.Con este contenido, el alumno puede desarrollar ms confianza a la hora de hablar y puede desarrollar las habilidades bsicas para aprender con audio y texto de manera muy eficaz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
englishrussian |
"! . , , . , . ( ), . : ! ! ! , ! , ! . , . , , ( ) , , . , , , , , , . , . () , . , ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Ingls com Conversas: Comunique-se Com Confiana!" |
"Aprenda Ingls com texto e udio de conversas modernas! Com foco em conversas modernas, o aluno ganha confiana com compreenso auditiva e tambm quando ele ou ela est em conversas reais. Nosso curso rpido oferece material para o aluno desenvolver a compreenso e aprender frases importantes para situaes sociais reais.Estudantes da Lngua Inglesa: aprenda com conversas e se expresse melhor em Ingls!Ganhe confiana quando voc estiver em conversas reais!Melhore sua compreenso auditiva!Melhore a sua pronncia e sotaque, ouvindo o contedo com uma pronncia neutra em ingls!Aprenda frases atualmente e frequentemente usadas na Amrica do Norte!Aprendizagem com conversas fundamental para o sucessoO contedo deste curso foi inspirado em conversas genunas. Ao ser exposto a este contedo, o aluno pode preparar conversas reais em ingls.Alm disso, o contedo complementado com dicas de uma poliglota em como otimizar a experincia de aprendizagem (e reter vocabulrio novo) e incorporar o que foi aprendido sempre que voc tiver conversas reais coloque o que aprendeu em prtica.As primeiras conversas neste curso so bsicas, no entanto elas j apresentam contedo que mais complexo do que cursos mais bsicos, oferecendo o contedo de estudante que pode ser usado em praticamente qualquer conversa em um ambiente social. As seguintes conversas no nosso curso concentrar-se em situaes sociais que ocorrem no nosso dia a dia na Amrica do Norte. A ltima conversa (bnus) oferece um pequeno desafio aos estudantes em um nvel bsico, com uma entrevista de emprego rpida em um tom mais formal.Com esse contedo, o aluno pode desenvolver mais confiana quando fala e pode desenvolver as habilidades bsicas para aprender com udio e texto de uma forma muito eficaz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Merhabalar arkadalar , ben Umut ada Ba.Osmaniye Korkut Ata niversitesi Ynetim Biliim Sistemleri (MIS) 2015 mezunuyum. Yksek lisans eitimi ukurova niversitesi letme ve Teknoloji Ynetimi program mezunu olarak tamamladm.zel bir firmada IT Manager olarak almaktaym.Hayat boyu renme ve rendike retme anlay ve felsefesiyle sizlere dzenli olarak ders video ierikleriyle ulaacam.Takldka sorularnza ak biriyim.Hep birlikte gzel ve baarl projelerde bulumak dileiyle. Bu eitim videosunda C# ve Devexpress modlleri ile Windows masast uygulama gelitirmeyi ve c# program dilini reneceksiniz.Programlamaya merakl tm dostlar bekliyorum.Programlama alanyla ilgili tm sorularnza itenlikle ve hzlca cevap vereceim.Srekli ve dzenli olarak video eitimlerime devam edip kodlamay sizlere sevdireceim.Tm sorularnz iin mail adresim : adresi zerinden ulaabilirsiniz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lync 2010 Introduction" |
"This course shows students how to use the Microsoft powerful, all-in-one communication tool: Lync. Over the course of this video, students will understand how to use the interface, manage contacts, and set important defaults. Additional time will be spent learning how to communicate via instant message, email, audio or video calls, and live online meetings. Students will also learn more about Lync's seamless integration with Microsoft Office."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Educacin De La Voz: Aprende a Hablar, Leer y Editar Audios!" |
"TE DOY LA MS CORDIAL BIENVENIDA AL CURSO DE PERFECCIONAMIENTO!En este videocurso, iremos directamente al grano de lo que quieres aprender: Mejorar Diccin, Tono y Timbre de Voz rpidamente.Si ya has adquirido en el pasado nuestro anterior curso, ste ser una herramienta fundamental ya que perfeccionars lo aprendido entorno al uso de la voz, con nuevos ejercicios y centrndonos especficamente en dos puntos fundamentales:- MODULO 1: VOZ Y DICCIN: 7 VIDEOS- MODULO 2: TONO Y TIMBRE DE VOZ: 6 VIDEOS- MODULO 3: LECTURA ORAL VELOZ Y PROFESIONAL: 10 VIDEOS- MODULO 4: GRABANDO Y EDITANDO CON ADOBE AUDITION CC 2018: 6 VIDEOS- MODULO 5: FONTICA DE LOS PRINCIPALES IDIOMAS EXTRANJEROS (Reglas De Pronunciacin)- MODULO 6: ORATORIA Y AGILIDAD MENTAL- MODULO 7: EBOOK PARA TRABAJAR CON TU VOZ. 55 PGINASEn estas mas de 40 lecciones, que suman ms de cinco horas de contenido y material adjunto para continuar practicando, te contar y practicaremos juntos los mismos ejercicios que me ensearon hace 12 aos, y que me han servido especficamente para adquirir lo que usualmente se conoce como Voz de Locutor/a o Voz de Radio combinando esto con la edicin de audio y el entrenamiento en oratoria y presentaciones efectivas...MI EXPERIENCIA PERSONALCuando estudiaba locucin, era muy aplicado, sin embargo, haba algunas trabas que no me dejaban avanzar Al finalizar el curso, tena cualidades de locutor; Haba adquirido el don de la simpata, de leer como un profesional, de volverme un comunicador nato y ser ms sociable en un plano interpersonal, crear emociones a travs de mi voz, y mejorar muchsimo mi diccin. Pero an estaba muy lejos de en lo que quera convertirme, que era poder crear el impacto de hablar y que se dieran cuenta que era locutor slo al pronunciar unas pocas palabras Eso an no suceda Slo cuando los minutos pasaban Pero a veces no hay segundas oportunidades para una primera impresinMARCANDO LA DIFERENCIAEs por eso que, al terminar el curso, tom unas clases particulares de perfeccionamiento para locutores, que no fueron ms de 8 o 10, y que me sirvieron para darle cuerpo, resonancia y vibracin a las cualidades que mi voz haba adquirido con el anterior curso Al inicio sin confiar mucho en los resultados que poda llegar a obtener, haca los ejercicios por hacerlos Pero llego un da en que al atender el telfono con un simple hola me confundieron con mi padre, y eso me impact, porque era un familiar que me conoce perfectamente Es all que me di cuenta que quizs algo diferente estaba ocurriendo en mi voz, pues las confusiones continuaronEs un poco como compararlo a cuando una persona va al gimnasio, sin esperar muchos cambios, pero, un da se encuentra con alguien y le dice estas como ms delgado? ms grande ests haciendo algo? quizs uno sonre y dice no, no pero sabe que la rutina est comenzando a dar resultadosPERFECCIONAMIENTOCon mi voz empez a pasar ms seguido, incuso en el supermercado, al encontrarte con personas, al hablar por telfono (que te dan ms edad), es una realidad que la autoestima se dispara por las nubes En familia y amigos me hacan bromas como no te hagas el locutor deja de hablar como locutor etc. Sin embargo, yo no poda evitarlo, es que en realidad no estaba haciendo nada para que ocurriese de forma intencional en ese momentoEl secreto fue el aprender a respirar correctamente y activar los resonadores naturales de nuestro cuerpo Fue all cuando comenc a prestar atencin, grabarme y comparar mi resonancia natural, con el funcionamiento de un instrumento de viento como es una Guitarra: Sus cuerdas, su boca y como acta su caja de resonancia para hacer vibrar el sonido, y como poder aplicar ese principio para mejorar lo que haba aprendido en esas lecciones tan valiosas de perfeccionamiento para locutoresLo que viv me hace recordar a aquella fabula del Ingeniero y el Tornillo donde en un momento de mi vida de aprendizaje, encontr a ese ingeniero que supo realizar en m, pequeas afinaciones en mi voz y respiracin que trajeron, cambios contundentes en la proyeccin e impostacin vocal. Sin embargo, nada hubiese sido posible por la formacin previa que haba obtenido en locucin...MISIN Y OBJETIVOSPretendo con este videocurso, ir al grano de esos secretos que trajeron en mi un cambio contundente en la voz y que lo considero en gran secreto de los profesionales Ganar proyeccin, resonancia, tono ms vibrante y perfeccionar la educacin de la voz con detalles de diccin y pronunciacin que debemos trabajar de forma constante, en bsqueda del acercamiento a la perfeccin.LECTURA VELOZ Y PROFESIONAL / APRENDE A LEER COMO LOS PROFESIONALES DE LA RADIO Y ORATORIAComo algunos de ustedes saben, me dedico a la locucin profesional desde hace 15 aos. Y algo que es imperante en este campo es tener una lectura correcta, precisa y sobre todo entretenida. Las equivocaciones son normales, pues no somos especies de contestadores, donde aprietan un botn y comenzamos a hablar o leer. Sin embargo, es muy importante tratar de disminuir los errores al mnimo posible ya que de eso depende la claridad del mensaje a transmitir sin importar cul sea.En este nuevo mdulo no se trata de aprender memorizacin, ni tampoco mtodos de estudio que faciliten recordar lo ledo. Sino trataremos los fundamentos entorno a la lectura:- Fluidez, Velocidad y Claridad.- Interpretacin e Intencin del mensaje a travs de la lectura.Fluidez, Velocidad y Claridad: Para que nuestro mensaje llegue de forma exacta, sin ningn tipo de ambigedad. Recordar que nosotros tenemos el texto, pero los oyentes, los presentes o el pblico, no lo tiene. Solo cuenta con nuestra voz para decodificar el mensaje que le transmitimos. Y pero aun, solamente una oportunidad para entenderlo, mientras tu continuas leyendo y la otra o otras personas siguen recibiendo informacin a travs de tu palabra. Todo esto ocurre en fracciones de segundo, y si tu mensaje es ambiguo o confuso, dalo por sentado que ya perdiste el inters de la otra persona.Interpretacin e Intencin del Mensaje: Sin importar si es un discurso, una presentacin o solamente un pequeo concepto, la connotacin que le imprimas, se relaciona directamente con la percepcin que la persona, o el grupo presente va a tener no solo del mensaje, sino tambin del transmisor, que en este caso eres t. Es muy importante la redaccin y claridad del discurso, por ejemplo, pero ms o igual de importante es la forma de transmitirlo. Vamos a trabajar juntos para dejar que suene ledo, e imprimirle naturalidad y ganar credibilidad. Este nuevo mdulo (lectura oral veloz y profesional) conforma mas de una hora de duracin, repartidos en 10 videolecciones, que adems cuentan con 8 repartidos adjuntos para practicar conjuntamente con los videos.ORATORIA URBANA: Generalmente los cursos de oratoria estn destinado a personas que se dedican a brindar conferencias, presentaciones en pblico, coaching, etc. Sin embargo en nuestra seccin de oratoria encontrars ejercicios y tips en oratoria pero enfocadas en lo urbano, en tu da a da, para que puedas responder y conversar con elecuencia tanto en lo laboral, como en lo social, reuniones, amigos, familia, relaciones, etc. Adems gran mdulo de edicin y produccin de audio a nivel profesional con el potente software Adobe Audition y un Ebook con todos los secretos para que puedas (si es de tu inters) y tengas todas las herramientas y secretos para insertarte en el mercado laboral de multimedia a nivel internacional.AHORA T ERES EL QUE TIENES LA POSIBILIDAD DE PERFECCIONAR LA DICCIN, ORATORIA, PRONUNCIACIN, TIMBRE Y TONO DE VOZ! ADEMAS: INCLUYE GRATIS EL EBOOK DE 55 PAGINAS PARA TRABAJAR CON TU VOZ"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Como Grabar Cursos o Videos Con Adobe Audition y Vegas Pro" |
"Tus videos tienen ese feo eco y resonancia inadecuada?Tu voz suena baja en los videos que grabas?Sientes que tu voz no tiene brillo en las grabaciones?Quieres parecer un profesional en tus videos de Youtube?Quieres tener credibilidad en tus videos?Con este curso podrs mejorar la voz e imagen en tus videos hasta alcanzar la calidad profesional que has estado buscando pero no la obtienes por mas pruebas que realices... Se lo importante que es el audio en un video. Te ayudar de forma fcil y rpida a tener calidad de audio cinematogrfica en tus videos... Para eso utilizaremos dos programa de edicin profesionales: Adobe Audition 3.0 y Vegas Pro que previamente debes tener instalado en tu computadora... La palabra hablada es una de las formas de comunicacin mas utilizada desde siempre, ya sea por telfono, mensajes de voz, radio, o JUSTAMENTE EN LOS VIDEOS...En la enseanza en linea o video-tutoriales, no tenemos la intercomunicacin con el estudiante en el momento, pues necesitamos motivarlo desde el inicio. El se puede encontrar en su hogar, pero tambien en lugares abiertos y que te escuche de forma clara es esencial para ampliar y aumentar tus posibilidades de llegar a mas audiencia. Ya sea como profesional, profesor e instructor sobre un determinado tema...Ademas tambin te ayudare a mejorar la calidad visual de tus videos a traves de Vegas Pro.No lo dudes, este curso har crecer tu audiencia y ganar confianza en tus alumnados, ademas de mostrarte mas profesional en el tema que dictes. Recuerda que tienes competencia. DESTACATE!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Grammar Essentials" |
"Good writing starts with good grammar. How comfortable are you with your English grammar skills? In our digital world, you are required to write a variety of documents; emails, text messages, social media posts, incident reports, job applications, college essays, research papersin every area of life, some form of writing is required. So, good writing skills are important to your personal and professional success in the classroom and the workplace.If you are a student or an adult learner returning to school after many years, a non-native English speaker, or someone who just needs a refresher on American English grammar rules, this class is for you!""Grammar Essentials"" gives you the tools you need to quickly improve your understanding of standard English grammar. Learn the grammar rules you absolutely need to know to improve your language skills in just minutes a day."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"LESS de cero a experto" |
"Al finalizar el curso obtendrs un certificado por parte de LESS.No podrs escribir CSS sin preprocesadores despus de hacer este curso. Los preprocesadores CSS han entrado con fuerza en el desarrollo front-end y cualquier profesional que trabaje con CSS debera utilizarlos, o por lo menos conocerlos. Este curso te proporcionar, en tres horas aproximadas, los conocimientos necesarios para ganar precioso tiempo en tu da a da y en cada proyecto, por pequeo que sea. Para todos los profesionales que se dedican al front-end hay una cosa cierta: antes o despus acabarn necesitando usar los preprocesadores. Te garantizo que al acabar este curso no querrs volver a escribir CSS sin un preprocesador."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Financial planning for Indians" |
"Course descriptionLearn how to manage your personal finance, build an emergency fund, save for retirement, and save for personal goals (house, wedding, childs future etc.)Let the money work for you while you focus on enjoying your life.Course ObjectivesAfter taking this course, youll be able toCalculate your net worth.Create a monthly budget.Create a personal savings plan.Understand specific investment strategies.Have your questions answered about investing.Know how much and where to save for various goalsGet an Excel model for your future reference as well.What are the requirements?You must be willing to develop good money habits.Who is the target audience?Those who are saving for their childrens college education.Those who are currently investing for retirement and want to learn more.Those who want to learn the real cost of working.You should not take this course if you want to get rich quickly.You should not take this course if you think I can guarantee the same results Ive accomplished."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Fabulae Faciles: Hercules" |
"This series of lectures picks up after the Perseus stories, as represented in the textbook, A Junior Latin Reader. It's advisable to run through those stories first (also available on Udemy) before approaching these Hercules passages. Your experience with Perseus will not only build up the basic vocabulary and syntax you'll need for the Hercules stories, but you'll also learn how best to use the materials on this site."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"German for Travelers" |
"The content of this course includes: - In what countries is German spoken worldwide- 13 Reasons to learn German- 19 Strategies to improve your German- Basic Grammar- Conversational German for day to day situations:* Greetings* Talk* Changing Money* Spending Money* Airport* Customs and Passports* Asking for directions* Bus* Underground* Train* Taxi* Boat* Driving a car* At the petrol station* Car problems/Breakdown* Hiring a car* Shopping - Holiday* Clothes Shopping* Food Shopping* Sightseeing* Beach* Sport* Skiing* Nightlife* Hotel* Self Catering* Camping & Caravaning* Children* Special Needs* Exchange Visitors* Problems* Complaints* Emergencies* Health* Business* On the Phone* Email/Fax* Numbers* Days & Months* Time* Eating out* Ordering Drinks* Ordering Food* Special requirementsThere are 55 video sessions. You will learn how to write and speak/pronounce certain phrases in German. I also provide the English translation to everything. You will hear the German parts twice and the English parts once, that will help you to remember it easier. The duration of the course is 3 hours.An additional benefit of this course is that you will also get to know how different things work in Germany. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Job Interview Guide 2020" |
"Job Interview is the best way to showcase your inner potential and knowledge. It is a known fact that too many job looking aspirants jump right into a full-scale job search without any preparation other than putting together a resume. A serious mistake! Although your resume may get you several job interviews, but to win job offers, it is important that you must prepare yourself further. The current job market is becoming more competitive, and many interviewers are flooded with too many applications for the available positions. Hence you need to know the basic rules of the job interview: what to wear, what to say, and what to do when it's over.It's extremely important to distinguish yourself from other candidates in some positive way to make sure you are in the top priority.Preparing for a job interview isn't difficult, but you need to be aware that it does take time and effort. The two important points you need to remember, and know thoroughly, are: what they want; and what you've got.So, the basic question in any job interview arises when interviewers say they're looking for 'competent' candidates, what exactly do they mean?This course Job Interview Guide 2020 answers the basic question ""How To Prepare For An Interview"" by providing several tips and insights which every candidate should understand before attend any job interview. This course also helps students who are looking for Job Interview Tips along with several insider secrets which the Interviewers use to assess the required candidates.This course Job Interview Guide 2020 explains the following important conceptsJob Interviews & TypesHow To Prepare For Any Job InterviewKnowing Your Strengths To Face Any Job InterviewHow To Research About The Company & also details various waysDress Code For Any Job InterviewBody Language For Any Job InterviewLearn Different Job Interview PhasesHow To Approach Any Job Interview & The Important Subjects( Be Prepared)How To Answer Ice Breaker Questions EffectivelyHow To Answer Tough Questions In Any Job InterviewHow To Answer Questions Related To Long Term UnemploymentLearn To Convert Simple Answers To Effective AnswersHow To Answer Questions Related To Salary CleverlyLearn About Questions Which You Can Ask In Any Job InterviewLearn About Questions Which SHOULDN'T BE Asked In A Job InterviewJob Interview ClosureTop Job Interview Questions - Several Important QuestionsJob Interview Tips& lot more..This course Job Interview Guide comes with a 30 days money back guarantee and also life time updates. So what are you waiting for? Join this course today."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"iPhoto for photographers the missing manual" |
"iPhoto comes with most Mac computers. Unfortunately they do not come with a user manual which makes it very frustrating for beginners to understand and use the iPhoto software. iPhoto is a simple yet advanced program that anyone who is getting started with photography should have hands on knowledge. Upon completion of this course you will be able to edit pictures like a professional. This course is structured in simple video tutorial lessons to help you master iPhoto at the convince of your home.In this course you will learn the following plus much more:* How to organize your pictures* Basic and advanced editing* Creating photobooks* Using iPhoto for photographyTaking this course will help you become a better photographer. With this knowledge you will be able to make nearly any image and make it look amazing. No more need to delete bad photos. With simple edits you can rescue most pictures and give them a makeover. Take this course or give it as a gift to anyone interested in becoming a photographer. ************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************OFFICE HOURS & EXTRASWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D Demo: Create a game fast no coding required" |
"Unity 3D Demo: Create a game fast no coding requiredNote this is a lite version of the full course here you get a taste what the full course is all about for free and therefore no source code will be included. Once you purchased the full course we will also include a section how to market your course once it is published. If you enjoyed this course make sure to get the full course which will include the lectures here plus a lot more content. This course assumes you know nothing about making games, and you will publish your very own game to the apple app store without coding not even a single line of code,The full course will include the following....The game comes with multiple advertising channels to bring your passive income.Teaches you how to market by using social media such as Facebook and twitterHow to get virtual assistants to outsource some of the tasks for creating the gameAs a bonus show you how the game also works on Android phones not just macsAll it takes is one afternoon to have your very own game join the fan today************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"eBay tricks and tips for beginners" |
"eBay tricks and tips for beginners (Newbies course)This course is designed to teach you new ways to make money on eBay. It will cover a lot of basic and advanced concepts in simple short lectures, and teach you a few ways you can profit. This course includes practical examples as well. As an eBay Powerseller, I have significant experience with everything to do with eBay. This course will give you a taste of some of my methods for how to make money on eBay. In this course, I will cover some of those methods. To learn more, you have to buy the full course.************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Art of Photography: Photography composition made simple" |
"Freshly updated with three times as much content Do you want your photos to look better? Do you want to learn how professional photo editors edit their own photos? take this course and learn many new skills in this unique courseArt of Photography: Photography composition made simpleCourse Overview:Learn to edit photos in iPhotoMake portrait photos look better by using many different techniquesAdjust brightness exposure, contrast, color, saturation, and compositionLearn how to edit specific styles of photography like nature, food, and portraitsOrganize your photos with different rating methods New section includes:Take amazing pictures with your smart phone DSLR hands on essential tips and techniquesPhoto Editing for Photographers is your one-stop course to learn how to professionally edit photos using iPhoto. Whether you are using a PC or Mac, this course will teach you the exact steps to editing your photos like a pro!Photography is an art not a science that said a few guidelines exist to help guide you to make amazing pictures. This course will cover all you need to know and how to use it to make amazing composition pictures that will impress any onlooker. I have been taking pictures since the age of 7 my first camera that my grandpa gave me unfortunately did not survive the journey to America. I dropped it as we landed in the United States. I always been really into photography when I took my first photo course in high school I was so advanced the teacher gave me permission to experiment and submit project for a grade.Pictures is an art not a science it is a lifelong journey. This course will start by you viewing some of my best work and I will teach you how I used theory to construct each image. As a professional photographer who is completely self taught I want to show you the art of photography and theory combined creates amazing breathtaking images.No course on composition is perfect unless it teaches you essentials about the gear you are using. Therefore I had added two new section one focuses on getting amazing images with your smart phone and another gives you essential tips and techniques for your DSLR.The final section of the course will feature case studies that show how the theory goes into application with remarkable results. After taking this course you should be able to compose pictures equal or better I highly suggest you complete entire course for best results. See you on the inside.Enroll inside to learn...How to take amazing picturesUse theory to compose breathing imagesLearn how I create some amazing picturesHow to take amazing pictures with your phoneDSLR Hands on essential tips and techniquesApply case studies for practical applicationsUse iPhoto for mac for editing pictures************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How learning The 12 Universal Laws will change your life" |
"How to become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own life.Everything in this Universe, including you,boils down to energy, frequency and vibrations. And within thisUniverse there are Universal Laws dealing with energy, frequency and vibration. These laws are as real as the laws of physics. Once you know how these laws work you will know ""The rules to the Game of Life"". You will know how to change your personal frequency so that you are in harmony with these laws.Most people are ignorant of the universallaws and as resultthey are unconscious creators of their own reality. This course will help you become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own reality. Anything is possible once you know these laws.You will be introduced to The Bigger Picture of Reality where you will see the underlying deep-rooted mechanisms running this Universe. Knowing these mechanisms will help you succeed.Do YouWant Good Things To Happen To You And Have Opportunities Come Your Way?Do You Want To Know Why Successful People Are Successful?Do You Want To Know The Playing Rules To The Game We Call Life?Do You Want To Know How You Communicate With The Universe?Do You Want To Know And See The Bigger Picture Of Reality?Do You Want To See Cutting Edge Research On How The Universe Really Operates?Do You Want To Learn More About How Certain Universal Laws Are Governing Your Life?If you answer yes to any of these questions you should join our program. It will giveyou the answers to these questions. Check out what other students are saying. Already more than 1500 people enrolled.1. This course will show you how the Universe is set up and how The 12 Universal Laws work.2. The course is based on live video recordings with stunning 2D & 3D graphics added in addition professional 3D animations. It is probably one of the most comprehensive and complete personal development program available online today.3. You will learn by watching the videos for each law.You will alsobe given actions steps you need to take for each law helping you become a conscious creator of your own reality.4. The course material is divided into two main section. Section one cover important background information needed in order for you to understand how the Universe operates with energy, frequenciesand vibrations.Section two cover each of the 12 universal laws. Both sections also contain a summary of all the lectures. 5. You will also get access to Supporting Material in the form of audios, extra videos and ebooks. This extra material will help you integrate the Universal Laws into your everyday life. Once you do your life will change for the better. It has to. Its the law. 6. After completing this course you will know ""the rules to the game"" we call Life and that makes all the difference. Most people are completely unaware that these laws exist and how they govern our lives. By taking this course you will become aware of how this Universe operates- You will become a conscious creator of your own reality and a conscious co-creator of the world."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"eBay mini newbies bootcamp: Become a Powerseller fast" |
"eBay mini newbies bootcamp: Become a Powerseller fastThis course been designed to fast track you to become a Powerseller. In this mini newbies bootcamp you will learn the theory and foundation you need to be a successful seller on eBay. Upon graduation you will be ready to take a more advanced course learning how to be successful on eBay. The class will cover a lot of basic knowledge you need so you can be ready to be a professional eBay seller in no time. Dive in this course right away to get exclusive content that took me years to learn as an eBay seller why learn from me? I have sold thousands of items on eBay and I am an active PowerSeller on eBay.What is eBay? eBay is the world's online marketplace; a place for buyers and sellers to come together and buy or sell almost anything! Here's how eBay works: A seller lists an item on eBay, from antiques to cars, books to sporting goods.Why sell on eBay?eBay is the best way to supplement your income it is one of the largest online market place anyone can get paid and make spare or even fulltime income on eBay. With eBay you do not need to find buyers all you need to do is list the item and if the price and description is right you will get paid fast. This course will include...How to correctly ship and pack a productWhy get better Camera & which to chooseWhere to gather merchandise to sellPlus much more..!************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conversational French 1: Master Spoken French for Beginners" |
"Would you like to finally be able to speak French? Have you taken normal French courses and been bombarded with French grammar?This conversational french class focuses on learning the language and speaking the language, rather than learning the grammar. After all, the goal of learning a language is to be able to speak right? That's why, this course will have you speaking French from the very first lesson. As a college French professor, I love French. I want to share this beautiful language with the world and help people all around the globe learn French. This course is designed for people who want to learn to speak French and who like a conversational approach to language learning.WHY IS THIS COURSE UNIQUE?Each lesson is designed like a conversation between me and you, simulating a real-life interaction.Each unit has a vocabulary summary with all of the key words from that unit.All the vocabulary is words you will actually use while in France, no useless phrases and sentences, like you may encounter in other courses.You get exclusive access to an online French learning community, where you can practice with other students and myself.This carefully-constructed course slowly teaches you key phrases by building on small sentences. At the beginning of the course, you will learn how to say hello, introduce yourself, and ask questions about personal details. By the end of the course, you will be able to purchase tickets at museum, purchase clothing in French, and event check in/check out at a hotel.As with all my courses, you can purchase this course risk free with my 30-day money back guarantee.Go ahead and click ""Register"". You have nothing to lose and so much to learn from this course.I look forward to getting to know you and working with you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |