Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Ultimate 2020 Guide for Cryptocurrency Trends" |
"The most VALUABLE course you'll need in 2020 and beyond if you're a cryptocurrency investor or trader! This course covers breaking Cryptocurrency trends and opportunities that are emerging. Tailored for any skill level, this course takes you through the lessons learned from 2018 + 2019, and covers what you NEED to know for 2020 and well into the future. Developed and taught by Cryptocurrency Entrepreneur and Founder of well-known Cryptocurrency Australia, and who taught the #1 rated Cryptocurrency Investment course on Udemy in 2017-2018. Beau traveled and spoke at multiple cryptocurrency conferences in 2018 for his expertise, and has been consulting to blockchain start-ups for nearly 2 years. As an Engineer and Certified Bitcoin Professional, Beaus rationale take on the complex world of cryptocurrency comes from years of first hand experience.In this MUST-DO course, you will learn,What was behind the 2018 bear marketThe Clarity on Crypto-Asset ClassificationWhat happened to Initial Coin OfferingsHow the infrastructure is in place and ready for another bull-runEverything you need to know about Security TokensTokenized AssetsPrivacy Coins, their value propositions and risks!The breaking trends in crypto-gaming and VRCrypto-collectibles and virtual currenciesDApp platforms and protocols - what is hot!Advanced Investment Tools and Analytics What to read and who to follow to take your expertise to the next level!Thanks and I hope to see you in the course with me!Beau"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Crea un CRUD con Laravel, Sweetalert2, Toastr, Vuejs y Axios" |
"Aprende a crear un CRUD con las siguientes tecnologasLaravelSweetalert2ToastrVuejs AxiosEste curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia con estas tecnologas, y requieren realizar un CRUD de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada.Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Crear api rest en laravel 7 a nivel del backend.Usar Vuejs para realizar las acciones de lugar en el frontend a fin de que muestre las informaciones entregadas por el api rest.Crear peticiones get, post, put y delete a travs de axios.Mostrar formularios con sweetaler2.Mostrar mensajes con toastr.Crear un CRUD con estas tecnologas.Por qu elegir este curso para aprender y no otro? Porque este curso es muy prctico. Quines son tus estudiantes objetivo?Cualquier desarrollador o ingeniero en sistema que quiera aprender."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks Kat Modelleme Komutlar by CADProfesor" |
"Merhabalar,imdiye kadar kat modelleme komutlar hakknda tm bildiklerinizi bir kenara brakn ve detaylandrlm bu anlatma bir gzatn. Kursumuzda hi bir yerde bulamayacanz detayda ve sadelikte btn kat tasarm komutlar sfrdan anlatlmakta. Bu demek oluyor ki bu kurs iin bir n bilgiye sahip olmanza gerek yok ve sahipseniz de kendinizi gelitirebilecek bilgiler edinebileceksiniz. Kurs kapsamnda komutlar anlatlmakla birlikte ayn geometriyi farkl komutlarla nasl elde edebilirsiniz, hangisi size ne fayda ve avantajlar salar bunlarada deiniyoruz. Bu arada CADProfesor' yeni eitimlerden haberdar olmak iin YouTube, Lnkedin, Facabook ve Instagram'da takip etmeyi unutmayn.Hazrsak balayalm.. :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ngilizce-Kalc Kelime renme Kursu (5000+Kelime 50+ Saat)" |
"Tamamen bilimsel yntemler ve bir sistem dhilinde hazrlanm bu zel kurs ile binlerce ngilizce kelimeyi sfr ezber ile kalc olarak renin ve dilediiniz zaman kullann!Peki Nasl? Sahi ngilizce Kelime Nasl renilir?ncelikle kelime nasl renilmez bununla balayalm; dillere pelesenk olmu bir ifade vardr kelime ezberlemek diye ve kendisi ngilizce kelime bilgisini artrmann en hzl; ayn zamanda en etkisiz, en gereksiz ve en skc yntemidir! Buradaki hzl kelimesi ilginizi ekebilir ancak birka gn veya hafta ierisinde neredeyse tamamn unutacanz binlerce kelime ezberlemeniz, kimin ne iine yarar?Yani; Kelime ezberlenmez, renilir!Onlarca seenek varm gibi dursa da kelime bilginizi artrmann aslnda 1 TANE bilimsel yolu vardr:Kelimeyi duymak (telaffuz)Kelimenin karln renmek ve farkl zaman aralklar ile EN AZ 4 KEZ tekrar etmek.Kelimeyi rnek cmleler ierisinde grmekVe renilen kelimeyi cmle ierisinde kullanmak.Kulaa ne kadar ho gelse de kelime renme noktasnda henz yolun banda olan birinin bunlarn tamamn tek bana yapmas ok zordur, o yzden de dier kt ancak kolay yollara ynelir.Artk var!Yukarda anlatlan bilimsel yntemle hazrlanm bu kurs sizlere ihtiyacnz olacak btn materyalleri (kelime, altrma, kullanma, duyma, aklamas vb.) ve anlatmlar salamaktadr. Sizin tek yapmanz gereken sistemi takip etmek ve renmek!KURSUN KAPSAMI:ngilizce kelime renmek tek bana yeterli deildir! Bu yzden de ihtiyacnz olan ne varsa kursta toplanm ve kurs 6 ANA BLMDEN OLUMUTUR:Kelime setleri: Kursun belkemiini oluturmaktadr. Kk gruplar halinde (7-10 aras) kelimeler; ngilizce ve Trke aklamal anlatmlar, telaffuzlar, rnek cmleleri, (varsa) zel kullanmlar. Video eitimden sonra ise size verilecek alma kad ile sistemli ve farkl altrmalar ve sonrasnda kelimeleri kullanmanz istediimiz bir alandan olumaktadr. Bu setler sayesinde kelimeleri hzla ve kalc olarak renebileceksiniz!Reading le renme Setleri: ngilizce kelime renmenin en iyi yntemlerinden biri nedir biliyor musunuz? Reading yani Okumak! Reading setleri ile bu sefer metin ierisinde geen kelimeleri getii gibi renecek ve sizlere verilen alma kad ile bu kelimelerin altrmalarn ve uygulamalarn yapacaksnz. Bylece okuduunu anlama beceriniz de hzla geliecek!Diyalogla renme Setleri: ngilizceyi neden reniriz? nsanlarla konumak yani diyalog kurmak iin deil mi? Bu setlerle olas diyaloglarda geen kelimeleri, ifadeleri, gnlk konuma kalplarn renecek ve her zamanki gibi alma kad + altrma+ uygulama yntemiyle pekitireceksiniz. Yani; bir yandan da konuma becerilerinizi gelitiriyor olacaz!ngilizce Gnlk Konuma Kalplar ve Yerlemi fadeler: Amerikan ngilizcesi bata olmak zere genel anlamda ngilizcede ok fazla gnlk konuma kalplar bulunmaktadr. Yine yerlemi baz kullanmlar ok sktr. Bu setlerde de bu kalplar renecek; filmleri-dizileri-ngilizce konumalar ok daha rahat anlarken kendiniz de ana dili ngilizce olan biri gibi bu ifade ve kalplar kullanabileceksiniz! (altrma+ uygulama ksmlar her zamanki gibi bulunmaktadr.)Phrasal Verbs (Deyimsel Fiiller): ngilizcenin en sevimsiz fiil eidi olan deyimsel fiilleri anlatm+ eitli renme tyolar+ altrmalar + uygulama blmleri ile rahatlkla renecek ve kelime bilginize ok nemli bir zenginlik katacaksnz!KURSUN YNTEM:Kursumuz kolaydan zora (Beginner Advanced) doru, SSTEML olarak hazrlanmtr. Temelinde kelimenin telaffuzu dahil renilmesi, altrma sreci ve kelimenin renci tarafndan kullanlmas yatmaktadr. yle ki:Videolar ile kk gruplar halinde kelimeler size tm detaylar ile anlatlr. (ilk renme- tekrar 1)Size zenle hazrlanm alma kad verilir ve sizden bu sefer kendiniz tekrar yapmanz istenir.(tekrar 2)nce boluk doldurma altrmas yaplr. (tekrar 3)Sonra ngilizce aklamasndan hangi kelime olduunu bulmanz istenir (tekrar 4)En son ise kelimeler size kark olarak verilir ve Trke karl ile birlikte kelimeyi en az 1 cmle ierisinde kullanmanz istenir (tekrar 5 + uygulama)Peki bu kadar m tekrarlar? Kurs ierisinde size verilen her ey ngilizcedir! rendiiniz kelimeler bugn bir altrmada, yarn bir kelimelin aklamasnda, bir okuma parasnda, diyalogda vs. SREKL OLARAK karnza gelecek ve defalarca kez MARUZ kalacaksnz.Bu sre dahilinde RENME + UYGULAMA sreci tamamlanr ve o kelimeleri artk kalc olarak renirsiniz. Bu sadece bir teori deil, yzlerce renci zerinde daha nce denenmi ve ok baarl olmu bir sistemdir! Deneyin ve grn.Deerli arkadalar,Bu kursu oluturmak hayatmda yaptm en zor ey idi. Byk emeklerle ve zenle hazrlanan bu kursun hep istediiniz kelime renme srecinize byk etkisi ve katkc olaca inancndaym. Benim gibi; sizler de emek verirseniz gerekten baarmamanz iin hibir neden yok!Aklnza taklan her konuda yannzda olduumu ltfen unutmayn, almalarnzda ve ngilizce renme srecinde hepinize baarlar diliyorum.Serdar Hoca."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Management Consulting Essential Training" |
"**Updated for 2020!**Imagine you could learn the techniques taught by the worlds top consulting firms such as McKinsey and BCG without ever working at a firm! What if you could put yourself in a position to earn a six-figure salary, not to mention maximize the efficiency of any business interests you have, all from the comfort of your own home?Management consulting involves identifying and suggesting important changes to what a company does and how they do itdeveloping a working strategic plan and guiding its execution with optimum effectiveness. A management consultant learns everything about the product or service a company sells for profit and then finds more efficient and more profitable ways to sell that product or service.You can see why management consulting is a growing field very much in demand in todays marketplace.College graduates with management consulting degrees receive offers from top firms with compensation approaching or exceeding $90,000 in their first year alone. Experienced management consultants can earn well over 6 figuresand that's not accounting for bonuses.And while these consultants are helping companies improve their bottom linesand being compensated nicely for their effortscertain consulting techniques can be applied to individual problems, allowing you to employ what you learn to improve your business and personal life.Our goal in this training program is to help you improve your day to day operations, career and yourself, so I will show you techniques and toolkits that we use in management consulting industry, and ones that I frequently share with my clients and students.You simply have to find a way to acquire practical skills that will give you an edge over the other candidates.But how can I help you do that?Management Consulting: Become An Exceptional Consultant is the most comprehensive, dynamic, and practical course you will find online. It covers several topics, which are fundamental for every aspiring management consultant:What makes this course different from the rest of the consulting courses out there?Knowledgeable instructor (experience in companies like BCG)Complete training: We will cover all major topics and skills you need to become a top-class management consultantExtensive Case studies: To help you reinforce everything youve learnedWhy should you consider a career as a management consultant?Salary. A management consultant job usually leads to a very well-paid careerPromotions. Management consultant acquire valuable technical skills, which makes them the leading candidates for senior roles within a corporationSecure Future. There is high demand for management consultant on the job market, and you wont have to be concerned about finding a jobGrowth. This isnt a boring job. Every day, you will face different challenges that will test your existing skillsYou will make your money back from the price of this course. Udemy guarantees it with their no-risk 30 day money back guarantee. You really have nothing to lose.Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. The course will always be up-to-date here and nowhere else. I am also available for questions inside the course discussion board."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tableau Interviews and certifications Prep - 2020" |
"Are you looking for Hands-on questions for Tableau ?This is the perfect course for you to give preparation series of 3 practice tests with Detailed Answer Explanations to understand your preparation levels.Features:30 QUESTIONS - Varying difficult levels to give you a real feel of exam. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - Unconditional 30-day money-back guaranteeCOURSE UPDATES - Course content is regularly updated. Latest version update date is July 7 ,2020.UNLIMITED EXAM ATTEMPTS - Exams can be retaken any number of times.MOBILE ACCESS - Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileEXPLANATIONS AND REFERENCES - Detailed explanations for correct and incorrect answers with images, and supporting references/Knowledge areas to understand the concepts behind. This helps to understand whole concept rather than just that question.INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT - Responsive instructor support for any questions, concerns or suggestions.WEEKLY UPDATES - Based on student feedback.LIFETIME ACCESS - You will have lifetime access to the resources and we update the course regularly to ensure that its up to date. Who this course is for:Students preparing for the Certifications /InterviewsAnyone who is keen to learn Tableau through the questions and answers, explanations, knowledge areas and reference links providedEnroll now to fast-track your preparation for Tableau Interviews and Certifications !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Self development and discipline 2020" |
"Hi Everybody )My course is focused on the whole life, our everyday's life, our relationships between us, our behaviour.--->how to live in good health ? --->keep your energy and feel better about yourself...---> how to control, how to be disciplined ,how to judge yourself ? -->HOW TO EAT ?-->GOALS IN OUR LIFE.-->HOW TO KEEP YOUR ENERGY LEVEL UP ?-->HOW TO KEEP YOUR POSITIF ENERGY?-->WHY WE LOSE ENERGY ?-->CHANGE & DEVELOP YOURSELF--> SELF-CONTROL & DISCIPLINE-->ARE YOU HAPPY ? HOW TO BE HAPPY ?-->OUR MISTAKES &PRINCIPLES-->FOODS THAT REDUCE ANXIETY& FATIGUE -->WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOOD WORK &USEFUL WORK ? AND WHY IT'S SO IMPORTANT ?-->HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIFE ?-->THE ORDER & ORGANISATION OF EVERYTHING-->PUT LOVE IN YOUR LIFEGOOD LUCK GUYS )))"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Herhangi bir dinleyici kitlesi karsnda, herhangi bir konuda, bir konumay tasarlamak ve sunmak iin kullanabileceiniz kantlanm bir reete ya da forml vardr.Konumak zere ayaa kalktnzda iyi bir ilk izlenim brakmanz ok nemlidir. Bylece, iyi bir ilk izlenim brakmak konumanz ncesinde gzel bir balang olur.Gl bir ilk izlenim brakmann ikinci bir ksm konuma yapacanz yere erken, tercihen bir gn nce gitmek ve mekanda dolaarak tm kurguya kendinizi aina hale getirmektir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sunumda Ses Ustal Teknikleri" |
"Gl ve rahat konutuunuz zaman, anlatt konularn nemine inanan ve konusuna hakim grnmenizin yannda katlmclarn da size inanmalarn ve bak anz kabul etmelerini salarsnz. Daha yava konutuunuzda, sesiniz daha etkileyici ve gl olur. Dinleyicilerinizin de anlattklarnz sindirip, geri yanstmalarna frsat vermi olursunuz.ovlar ve sergiler iin dzenlenen salon, yapsndan dolay akustik ve ses btnl iin hi uygun deildi. Btn sesler eko yaparak dalyor ve grltl bir ortam yaratyordu."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sunum Yaparken Mekan Kullanma" |
"Sahneye kacak ilk kii bir grupla uyum gelitirme, grubu bir araya getirme, onlar iyi bir ruh haline sokma konusunda en baarl kii olmaldr. Bu uyumu bir sonraki kiiye annda devretmek iin, bu belirli ruh haliyle ilikilendirebileceiniz belli kelimeler, belli bir fizyoloji ya da sahnedeki belli bir nokta zerinde nceden anlamanz gerekir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Building Emotional & Mental Resilience In Uncertain Times" |
"The look out towards a solace of building emotional and mental resilience in uncertain times of COVID-19. The priority talks about its inception in lamination towards excellence at large. The module encapsulates the new learning desire catering to the challenges in particular. The challenging world needs a new normal and the draft models the spectrum."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Decoding the Recipe of Education & Skilling in 21st Century" |
"Decoding the recipe of education and skilling in the 21st Century, now post covid-19 is going to reflect on ground of learning as a desire towards the preparatory stroke in particular. The priority is dealt in the modules with perception and inclusive of traits of humanity at large. The course empowers attributes towards excellence at pace and reflections on priority."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Essential T-SQL Querying on SQL Server for Beginner" |
"T-SQL (Transact-SQL) is a set of programming extensions from Sybase and Microsoft that add several features to the Structured Query Language (SQL). This bootcamp focuses on how to write T-SQL scripts to perform queries on SQL Server database.All topics are delivered with step-by-step approach so you can follow easily. Starting on writing basic T-SQL query. Then, we learn to write T-SQL for joining tables and sub-query. This course also covers topics about user functions, stored procedures and transactions.You also can use this course for SQL certification exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Domine todos os recursos do Reason" |
"Aprenda a utilizar todos os instrumentos do Reason para criar msicas, trilhas sonoras e design de som. Use loops, baterias eletrnicas, maquinas de bateria e baterias synth para criar suas batidas. Trabalhe com samples e Synths. Grave e mixe udio e MIDI usando todo o poder do Reason. O curso ministrado por Caetano Salles, mestre em msica e professor de tecnologia musical com experincia reconhecida na rea.Ao completar esse curso voc ser capaz de:Conhecer o funcionamento do ReasonUtilizar os instrumentos do ReasonUsar e criar loops no ReasonCriar e reproduzir samplesProgramar baterias eletrnicasCriar sons com sintetizadoresGravar udio e MIDI no ReasonUtilizar os efeitos do ReasonUsar automaesMixar um trabalho multi-pista"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Wireless Basics CCNA Level" |
"Cisco wireless solutions are resilient, have the integrated security you need, and employ adaptive and insightful intelligence providing useful insight into your network. With intent-based networking built on Cisco Digital Network Architecture, our wireless solutions go beyond the latest Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard and are ready for the growing user expectations, IoT devices and next gen cloud-driven applications.In this course Students will learn about different types of wireless topologies, wireless RF fundamentals, wireless standards and an introduction to wireless security. They will also acquire the basic understanding needed to secure their wireles networks using the following techniques and protocols; PSK. 802.1x, WPA/WPA2 with EAP-TLS, EAP-FAST, PEAP and LEAP."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"NLP Mind Boosting Tool - Life Firewall" |
"With the uncontrolled situation of the external environment, we gets hurt frequently which impact of mental and physical well being. People gets anxious, depressed, stressed and their self limiting belief and lack of confidence takes control and people becomes victim of the situation. Life firewall is unique tool and guard for yourself to change your mindset to enhance the quality of life. "
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Thorax and Abdomen Anatomy" |
"This is a course that teaches you fundamentals of thorax and abdominal anatomy. This course is for medical, paramedical, nursing, dental students. Masters in Anatomy and PhDs can also find it useful. I have reviewed all organs starting from ,lungs, heart, liver spleen, pancreas , kidneys etc. I hope you find it useful."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Open Source Puppet with Foreman - Definitive Guide" |
"Hello,In this course you will learn how to build your puppet infrastructure. We will start by setting up an environment and build our open source puppet automation site. The front-end is supported by Foreman which is one of the most versatile and popular front-ends for puppet. We will walk through the nifty details that allow you to automate your daily work. We will also check out the plugin system of puppet and create a custom module which deploys a python web application to the designated machine.If you are new to puppet or an aspiring DevOps engineer this course is for you.See you in the next one.Cheers,Daniel"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The most 124 popular baked recipes for all people" |
"In this course I am going to show you step by step how to bake easily at home. How to make delicious recipes for your family and your friendsto enjoy. Every thing will be exaplained from the ingredients and the steps. You will learn to make the recipes with different tastes. You don't need fancy equipments to make these recipes. You will need an oven, bread loaf pans, mixing bowls, spoons and electric mixer. So come and join me to learn how to bake together."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to Develop Effective Managers" |
"Developing managers to be effective managers can be challenging. This course was designed to help senior level management strategically plan and develop managers. Effective managers take the organization to the next level of performance and success. If your management team is not helping the business grow or get to the next level then this is the course for you."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Tiempos Verbales En Ingls (English Tenses Spanish Course)" |
"Hola mis queridos amigos! Me alegro mucho de verlos aqu! Mi nombre es Carlos y estoy aqu para explicarles todo acerca de los tiempos verbales en ingls.Para muchas personas que estn aprendiendo ingls alrededor del mundo, la parte ms difcil del tema gramatical son los tiempos en ingls!Muchos estudiantes se encuentran con muchos obstculos y dificultades para entender los tiempos en ingls debido a que intentan hablar utilizando su idioma nativo pero utilizando palabras en ingls.Estoy seguro de que despus de completar nuestro curso, cualquiera podr expresar sus pensamientos y ser entendidos de manera correcta.Este curso consiste de 16 videos y ejercicios.Pero no hablar en espaol todo el tiempo! Usar espaol solamente para hacer explicaciones, but the main language of the course will be in English!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISC2 (CAP) Certified Authorization Professional : Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam ISC2 (CAP) Certified Authorization Professional : Tests 2020ISC2 CAP certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their future in Cybersecurity domain.The Certified Authorization Professional (CAP) certification exam is one of the most-demanded and industry-leading IT certification.CAP certification is a proven way to build your career and demonstrate your expertise within the risk management framework (RMF).CAP DomainsDomain 1 Information Security Risk Management ProgramDomain 2 Categorization of Information Systems (IS)Domain 3 Selection of Security ControlsDomain 4 Implementation of Security ControlsDomain 5 Assessment of Security ControlsDomain 6 Authorization of Information Systems (IS)Domain 7 Continuous MonitoringThis practice test will help you prepare for the real CAP official exam test environment. This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISC2 CAP in any way.Wish you all the best for your exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks programnda orta ve iyi seviye rneklerin izimlerini iermektedir. rnek says srekli artacaktr. Daha nce eitli firmalara yapm olduum baz tasarm rneklerini arkadalara step formatnda indirme ve inceleme imkan sunmaktadr.Setin btn amac genlere faydal olabilmektir. Bol altrma her programda olduu gibi solidworks iin de geerlidir. Programn komutlarn biliyor olmak o program bilmek anlamna gelebilir fakat kullanabilmek anlamna gelmez. Bu sebeple program kullanabiliyor olup olmadnz anlamak adna sizin iin iyi bir tecrbe olacan dnyorum.Her hangi bir CAD programn kullanmaya yeni balam veya eskiden beri kullanan arkadalardan henz i deneyimi yaamam olanlar iin mmkn olduu kadar ok altrma yapmak arttr. Umarm faydal olacaktr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Simulados Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - Preparatrio AZ-900" |
"Sobre os Simulados :Estes simulados destinam-se a candidatos que procuram demonstrar conhecimento do nvel fundamental dos servios em nuvem e como esses servios so fornecidos com o Microsoft Azure. O exame destina-se a candidatos com histricos no-tcnicos, tais como aqueles envolvidos na venda ou compra de solues e servios com base em nuvem ou que tenham algum envolvimento com solues e servios com base em nuvem, bem como aqueles com uma formao tcnica quem tem necessidade de validar seu nvel fundamental de conhecimento em servios em nuvem. Experincia tcnica de IT no exigida, mas algum conhecimento ou experincia geral de IT seria benfico.Habilidades Verificadas : Conceitos de nuvemServios do Core AzureSegurana, privacidade, conformidade e confianaPreos e suporte do AzureA certificao : A certificao possui as seguintes caractersticas.Idiomas: Ingls, japons, chins (simplificado), coreanoCompreender o Conceito de Cloud (15-20%)Compreender os Servios Bsicos do Azure (30-35%)Compreender a Segurana, Privacidade, Conformidade e Confiana (25-30%)Compreender a Precificao e Suporte do Azure (20-25%)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Professional C++ Introduction to Boost C++ Libraries" |
"Course title: ""Learn Professional C++ Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries""Duration: 7 hrs+Boost C++ is a set of libraries with much more detailed & simplified function in addition to ISO C++ Standard libraries.In fact, much of the features have been taken from Boost lib & incorporated into ISO C++ library.In this course, there will be no series 2 (with same name), bcoz there will be continuous addition of new programs.As this course is for lifetime access as per the platform's membership policy, so no problem in there.Topics covered: - Assertion: BOOST_ASSERT(), BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(), BOOST_VERIFY(), BOOST_VERIFY_MSG() - Assign: +=, insert(), push_front(), list_of(), map_list_of(), tuple_list_of() - Container:- vector: element each of 1, 2, multiple- list: element each of 1, 2, multiple - deque: element each of 1, 2, multiple- set: element each of 1, 2, multiple- map: element of 2- multimap: element of 2- multiset: element each of 1, 2, multiple- stack: element each of 1, 2, multiple - String: conversion, erase, trim, replace, split Applications using C++: - Blockchain (EOS) - Data Science- write faster code: C++ (definitely for Codebases)- write code fast: python (NOT for Codebase) - GUI (using Qt)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Make an Ecommerce Website with Wordpress" |
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Master eCommerce. Learn About all products and woocommerce options!Use the BEST WooCommerce Theme Available!Get a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a LivingTHE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Dont Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveWe have helped THOUSANDS of businesses and individuals create PROFESSIONAL and SUCCESSFUL online stores!!Unlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Dont be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all wordpress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your ecommerce wordpress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!START SELLING Your Own Products Simply and EasilyMaster The BEST WooCommerce Theme On WordpressMaster Wordpress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?Create An eCommerce Website With Wordpress! FROM SCRATCH!Create A Modern And Beatiful Website. Images ProvidedFully Control and Manage Your eCommerce WebsiteSet up Taxes, Shipping, and Manage OrdersCreate Unique Coupon Codes!What is the target audience?Anyone. This Course is for anyone with a desire to learnAnyone Who Wants To Start Their Own Online ShopWhat are the requirements?You Dont Need To Have Any ExperienceComputer And An Internet ConnectionWhat am I going to get from this course?Create Your Own Website From Scratch!Start Selling Your Products OnlineWhat is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Create a Professional And Modern Looking Website!Who is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Create An eCommerce WebsiteAnyone Who Wants A MODERN And Beautiful eCommerce Website"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"O Curso Dashboards ExcelForever completo, aborda as modernas e mais utilizadas tcnicas para desenvolvimento de Dashboards no Microsoft Excel. O treinamento conta tambm com um projeto de vendas regionais completo passo a passo, das premissas at a entrega final ao cliente. O aluno conta com inmeros modelos prontos, e excelente banco de imagens para realizao de projetos incrveis."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Restful API Web Services With Spring Boot And Vue JS + Vuex" |
"We will create a new project in this course.And we will implement this project with using Spring Boot, Vue, and MYSQL.In our project, we will implement CRUD operations. And these CRUD operations will be requested from Vue.Then This requests will be handled from Spring Boot.Our project goes on User operations. Our main operations will be user login, register, profile and user list.Also, we will go on with role based application.And this all things will be provided with secure way in both Vue and Spring Boot side.We will have two main components to implement our project.These are server side and client side.In Server Side:Spring Boot will be main thing.Model View Controller structure will be implemented with using Spring Boot.Our MVC structure will work like that:First of all, the entity classes will be created under model package.Later, if model class is permanent, we will create a repository for it.Then we will call repository from services.Finally, we will call services from from controllers. In Spring Boot, Data will be presented to client as API call so Spring Rest Controller will be used to handle it.We will use MySQL as Database.We will also use Object Relational Mapping with Java Persistence API and Hibernate.You know, We can map our database tables to objects with hibernate.We will use JPA Repository and Crud Repository in Spring Boot. So these repository templates will handle common database operations like save, update, find, delete.With Spring Boot, we will also use Lombok library to clear code.You know that we don't want to implement getter, setter, equals and hash code. So we can escape it using Lombok @Data or @Value annotation.We will use Gradle To handle all dependencies on server side.That's all about Server side.Let's talk about Client Side.Vue will be the main client controller.Vue works on nodeJS.In vuejs, we will consume server side data with api calls.To do it, we will create service classes.In service: We can connect to server side and we can send requests or we can get responses from server side with http.Then, we will call service data from components and we will render them.Our User interface panel is contructed from admin operations and user operations.In user operations:, we will implement login, register and profile pages for users.In admin operations:,We will list all users and we will display the detail of users.And of course, we will implement authentication and authorization for admin operations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PROJETOS ELTRICOS Projetista Especialista + AutoCAD" |
"#O curso se encontra-se em DESENVOLVIMENTO (Ser postada aulas todos os dias at a concluso)Assinando o curso Curso Projetos Eltricos, voc ganha um Curso de AutoCAD Bsico.Neste curso voc aprender desde os fundamentos at a elaborao de um projeto eltrico residencial. Aprender tudo que necessrio para elaborar um projeto seja ele de uma pequena residncia ou grande residncia.Seja um projetista completo e ""AUMENTE SEU FATURAMENTO"".Aprenda: simbologias, padres, processos, elaborao, check-list, conceitos.Aprenda agora a criar seus prprios projetos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Haksz Rekabet Hukuku" |
"Drstlk kuralna aykr davran ve ticari uygulamalar ve bunlardan doan hukuki sorumluluk, gndeme gelebilecek hukuk ve ceza davalar anlatlmaktadr.Ticaretle ilgilenenlerin ve bir mal veya hizmet sunan kiilerin yan sra tketicilerin de bilmesi nem tayan drstlk kuralna aykr davran ve ticari uygulamalar yani dier adyla haksz rekabet tekil eden eylemler ve bu eylemlerden doan hukuki sorumluluklar, gncel yasal dzenlemelerden faydalanarak oluturulmutur.Ayrca ''Marka Hukuku' eitimden yararlanan herkes bu eitimden cretsiz olarak yararlanabilecektir.ndirimli kuponlar iin iletiime geebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Spirituality: How to Observe/Decode Signs from The Universe" |
"Am I on the right path?Should I be doing (insert thing)?How do I know if this decision is right for me?At one point or another we all ask ourselves these questions, and struggle to answer them.Fortunately, we all always have access to the infinite guidance of The Universe (God, Source Energy, etc.) and can tap into that guidance whenever we want.If youre in the midst of questioning your life and choices right now then this course is for YOU. In this course on spirituality, you'll learn how to observe and decode signs from the Universe by learning how to: Connect and open up to the metaphysical worldUnderstand different types of signs physical, vision, auditory, symbol, dream Understand what synchronicity is, how it's experienced and what to do when you're experiencing a synchronistic series of events Understand how to harness your intuitive nature, and why it's importantDecode signs you're on the right path, and signs it's time to switch directions ...And so much more! This course comes with assignments, and 5 downloadable resources including a dream journal, numerological guide template, intuitive harnessing template and more."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |