Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Practical Cyber Threat Hunting" |
"In this course students will learn counducting threat hunting and compromise assessment. In the first module I created a real life attack scenerio as an adversary simulation in a demo lab. I lecture to my students about cyber threat intelligence sources and types, basic definition and terms like IOC, TTP, Cyber Kill Chain Model, Incident Response Steps. I critisize security devices capabilities for explaining why we need monitoring and SIEM infrastructure. In the second module I give you therotical knowledge about real attack techniques like SQL Injection, Buffer OverFlow Exploit Codes, SSH tunneling methods and more... I teach to my students how to collect full pcap traffic and which tools should be used for analysing. In module two I analysis tunnels, pivot points, web attacks, Remote Code Execution Exploits, Web Shells and Web attacks traffic from pcap files and I share my real world analysis experince with my students. In third module, First I present the fundamental windows processes and process injections, hollowing techniques and tools, pe injection and thread injection techniques and tools as theoritically. Then I teach you dumping memory samples for memory forensic and I analyze Stuxnet attack's memory image, Cridex, Zeus, Darkcomet Rat's Memory images and DLL injection event's memory image. In fourth module I perform therat hunting over ELK. First I explain the event id numbers which are used common for hunting and I analyze a real life scenerio. I detected malicious word documents, hta files, unsigned exe files, vbs files and more. I teach you how to detect and investigate tunneling methods, persistency methods like registeries, services, schedule tasks. Some techniques are used like lolbas in attack lab and we investigate and map them by using MITRE framework. Google Rapid Response And Osquery usage and labs are performed by me. Important Note: My Udemy Training only includes the videos. Memory images, pcaps and virtual machines aren't shared in Udemy. I am creating lab environment in a different platform in Cloud and when I complete the Lab network in cloud I will announce and You can purchase separately from this."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn beginner Python using football/soccer-only projects" |
"Hey sports fans,Learn to code with this beginner Python programming course featuring 100% football-related examples and projects.Whether you want to change careers and become a super savvy sports data analyst or, just pick the best fantasy league team every week learning Python is where it all begins.Check out this course and learn a new high-income skill while tackling interesting football scenarios.As a sports fan, even if youve tried to learn to program before, but lost interest because of the boring examples give this course a go youll be pleasantly surprised.And, obviously, if you aspire to become a sports data analyst, but need to learn Python basics first then this is definitely the course for you. You will learn programming using relevant sports examples as opposed to rehashed unrelatable exercises.This course is very practical. Im going to teach you a lot of different concepts right from the start, and you will immediately see how they work in a practice in real scenarios because you are programming something from lesson one. Then, we will keep on using and building on these concepts throughout our projects until you become really familiar with them.Many other courses take 10-20 videos to go through some of the concepts I introduce in lesson one and you would be sitting there wondering when youre going to get to actually program something. With this course, you wont ever feel that.This course is based on a very successful learning strategy that many experienced programmers encourage, which is to find a project that you enjoy doing, and then learn the concepts you need to complete that project. Then do another project and, learn what you need, and build your knowledge, and so on.Learn what you love, love what you doSo, if you are ready to invest some time in learning Python why not enjoy it? Its a lot easier to learn to program when youre engaged in the subject matter and working through scenarios that you can picture in real life and while having fun. So, are you ready to kick-off? I know, I am."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin Alternatifi Altcoinler le 1'e 300 Kazanma Mant" |
"Bu kursun temel amac kripto paralara ilgi duyan, bu konularda yatrm yapmak isteyen fakat nereden balayaca konusunda fikir sahibi olamayan deneyimsiz insanlara tecrbeler kazandrmak ve zellikle altcoin piyasalarnda yksek gelirler elde edebilmeleri iin yaanm ve sonu elde etmi deneyimleri onlarla buluturmaktr. Sadece bitcoin deil altcoinlerde de gzel kazan imkanlarnn olduunu grmelerini salamak ve alabilecekleri risklerle orantl olarak gelirlerini artrmay hedeflemektir."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Filmora 9: 2020 -Video Editing like PRO & How to get clients" |
"Hello and welcome to the Filmora editing software courseThis course is for everyone working online whether you are a youtuber or a course instructor or you just want to learn video editing this course is the one for you.With this course you will learn to edit videos in a smooth and simple way starting from cutting and merging videos to adding cool effects provided by software and creating all new ones, you will also learn to work with texts and animate it and edit audio files to export a full professional project plus changing and grading colors inside the video.After you complete this course you will be able to create your own videos in a professional way to upload it online in a high quality to offer great videos to your audience and clients.You will also be able to start your income from applying the tips and tricks that you have learned"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Workshop de Cromoterapia" |
"Conhecer o conceito da Cromoterapia e seus mecanismos de atuao baseado nos conceitos de Ren Nunes e Oswaldo Galvo Filho;Sabero utilizar as cores para a Harmonizar e Equilibrar os principais sistemas do corpo;Aplicao na prtica da Cromoterapia nos Sistemas Nervoso;Aplicao na prtica da Cromoterapia no Sistema Circulatrio."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Gestin y desarrollo de Proyectos con SCRUM" |
"SCRUM es una de las metodologas giles ms conocidas para la gestin de proyectos. Es necesario hacer una gestin rpida de todos los movimientos necesarios para desarrollar un proyecto, de modo, que en este curso se analizar el ciclo de vida de un proyecto, los roles que existen y el uso de buenas prcticas para aplicar en el da a da de una forma rpida y sencilla, acorde a la metodologa SCRUM.Aprenders a gestionar proyectos haciendo uso de la estrategia SCRUM implementando sus unidades de trabajo y las herramientas empleadas en la gestin gil."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"7 Meditations to Reduce Lockdown Stress" |
"Keeping mental health sane at this time of crisis is very important and having that in mind here are seven very relaxing meditations that let you have better mental health and reduce stress big time. You feel less stressed about the future and more in tune with the here and now. As your concentration improves, so does your ability to work on a single task efficiently. Interestingly, even when you arent formally meditating, you are becoming more aware of your mind from moment to moment. The act of realizing that youre thinking is actually a significant step in the direction of mindfulness!Try to make your life making life more joyful and meaningful even in hard times."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Everyday Magic" |
"Bored? Stuck at Home? Looking to Engage your family to learn something together? Impress & Amaze your friends online? You've come to the right place! Welcome to Everyday Magic where I will teach you simple Magic Effects that you can learn & perform in the comfort of your own home! This is the perfect course for families to get together and learn Magic together!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Edexcel GCSE History: The Cold War" |
"Specifically targeted for students and teachers of Edexcel GCSE History (9-1) - Superpower Relations and the Cold War, 1941-91.The course content is also suitable for AQA students, although the exam practice is specifically aimed at Edexcel examination board. For students of A-level or university history with no background in Cold War history, the course makes an excellent introduction to further research.For maximum effectiveness, I recommend completing the course as follows:1. Deal with one section at a time.2. Watch all the videos in a section, taking notes and writing key questions as you watch. 3. Complete the multiple choice quiz at the end of the section. 4. Revise any topics you got wrong on the quiz. 5. Complete the resources after each lecture to consolidate learning. 6. Complete the exam zone.There are videos talking students through the examination paper, how to structure questions and how to attain a Level 9."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3 Passos Para Eliminar Ansiedade e Estresse Com Auto-Hipnose" |
"Elimine a ansiedade e o estresse aprendendo tcnicas de reprogramao mental com auto-hipnose.Aumente o foco e concentrao em qualquer atividade, em qualquer rea de sua vida.Saiba como pessoas no mundo todo utilizam a hipnose e a auto-hipnose como ferramenta de resoluo de problemas emocionais, de mudana comportamental.Aprenda o controle das suas emoes e da sua vida, da sua sade e da sua liberdade de conquistar o que deseja.Promova melhoria de desempenho em qualquer rea de atividade. Domine tcnicas de auto-hipnose e aumente o foco e concentrao para promover mudanas e alcanar objetivos.Mude antigos aprendizados inconscientes e elimine crenas limitantes e pensamentos negativos.Coloque a engrenagens de mudanas em sua vida em movimento, acessando o seu inconsciente e liberando recursos incrveis para a soluo de problemas.Desenvolva sua habilidade natural de usar recursos internos poderosos que esto na parte mais profunda da mente.Aprenda como a hipnose e auto-Hipnose funcionam e porque so as tcnicas teraputicas e de melhoria de desempenho que mais crescem no mundo."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Athletics / Track and Field at Home for Junior Athletes" |
"In this course we introduce skills for every athletics event - including all the running, jumping and throwing events. Learn to sprint start, how to improve you top speed, get better fitness, hold a pole vault, do some hurdle exercises, throw a shot putt and lots more. The content of the course will provide content for about 2-3 months of athletics activities with the athlete training twice a week and provide any youngster with a great start in this fantastic sport. Each event has skills we can learn at home or in a small area (eg a local park). The equipment needed will all be stuff from around the house (eg. a broomhandle)."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Terapia ABA no Autismo para pais e cuidadores" |
"Curso para PAIS, PROFESSORES, CUIDADORES que tm interesse em saber mais sobre o AUTISMO e a Anlise Aplicada do Comportamento (ABA) de forma DESCOMPLICADA. O pblico alvo so os pais e pessoas que buscam uma forma mais acessvel de entender este universo amplo do Autismo e como a ABA se aplica no dia a dia. Sabemos que a maioria dos cursos nesta rea so voltados para quem deseja ser profissional, devido a uma linguagem de difcil compreenso, apresentando custos altos e levando muito tempo para finaliz-los.Neste curso, apresentamos os contedos com uma linguagem clara, prtica, para quem no da rea poder finalmente compreender o que o Autismo, seus impactos no mundo, a aplicao da ABA e os conceitos bsicos de Comportamento, Reforo, Punio e Extino. Trazemos EXEMPLOS PRTICOS e com muitas dicas para os pais e mes, educadores e babs conseguirem por em prtica."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Salk Hukuku Eitimi" |
"Salk hukuku, kiilerin salk kurulularndan yararlanma haklarn, salk bakm hizmetlerinin dzenlenmesini, nleyici salk hizmetlerini, salk hizmeti verenlerle salk hizmeti alanlar arasndaki ilikileri, hak, ykmllk ve sorumluluklar dzenleyen ve ortaya kabilecek hukuki ihtilaflar zmeye yarayan hukuk dal olarak tanmlanabilmektedir. Geni bir alana sahip olan salk hukuku; kamu sal hukuku, salk idaresi hukuku, tp hukuku, ceza hukuku, borlar hukuku ve tketici hukuku ile i iedir. Salk ve hukuk alannda yllardr faaliyet gsteren Av. Uzm. Dr. Ahmet Erzurumlu tarafndan verilen bu eitimde salk hukukuna ilikin teori ve uygulamalar srasyla detayl bir ekilde ele alnmtr."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain Hukuku" |
"Blockchain ksaca, ifrelenmi ilem takibi salayan bir datm veri taban olarak bilinmektedir. Sisteme dahil olan her kii, sistemdeki iki kii tarafndan yaplan gnderimi onaylayarak kaydn tutar. Bu sayede direk olarak kiiden kiiye (Peer to Peer) para gnderimi gerekletirilir. Bu gnderim de sistemdeki madenciler tarafndan onaylanarak resmiletirilir. Bu sayede hem kiiden kiiye gnderim imkn tannyor hem de bu gnderimin sistemdeki kiilerin ounluu tarafndan onaylatarak arac kuruma ihtiya duymadan gnderim onaylanm olur. Aracsz her kullanc aa balanabilir, yeni ilemler gnderebilir, ilemleri dorulayabilir ve yeni bloklar oluturabilir. Blockchain, teknolojisi gerei ayn zamanda effaftr. steyen herkes u ana kadar birikmi bilgi bloklarn inceleyebilir, onlar gzden geirebilir. lk kt zamanki para transferleri bile incelenebilir. Ancak alc ve satcya dair sadece ifrelenmi kimlikler ierdiinden alc ve satcnn gerekte kim olduu bilinemez veya tahmin edilemez. Bu adan Blockchain teknolojisi, iki tarafnda anonim kalmasn salar. Bu programmzda Blockchain Teknolojisi nin hukuk alanndaki etkilerini inceleyeceiz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"E-Ticaret Hukuku Eitimi" |
"E-Ticaret Hukuku Eitimini Neden Almalym?E-ticaret sektr, geleneksel ticaretten farkl olarak kendine has zellikler barndran bir dnya. Avukat ve ayn zamanda sektrn iinden olmas sebebiyle iin dinamiklerine hkim olan Av. Atakan Karatan bu programnda katlmclar temel kavramlar ve szleme ilikilerini; erez, gizlilik ve kiisel verilerin korunmas politikalarn, mesafeli sat szlemesini ve e-ticaret mevzuatn ayrca ticari elektronik iletiler ve rneklerini ve daha fazlasn renirler. Hem hukukular hem de e-ticaret sektrne girmek isteyen veya halihazrda sektrde bulunanlar iin anahtar niteliinde bu program online eitim avantajlaryla edinebilir ve kariyerinizde bir adm ne geebilirsiniz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"irketler in Hukuku Eitimi" |
"irketler iin Hukuku Eitimini Neden Almalym?irketler iin Hukuku program, i szlemesinin temel kavramlar, i szlemesinin taraflar, i Hukukuna ilikin sreler, fazla alma, mazeret izni-yllk izin-ulusal bayram ve genel tatil-haftalk izin-doum izni, fazla alma kapsamnda iinin haklar, ii ve iverenin haklar ve ykmllkleri konularn i hukuku mevzuat ve temel mant erevesinde ele alr. Sade ve anlalr anlatmyla katlmclara i hukuku temel ilkelerini ve mantn retmeyi hedefler.Eitim erii szlemesinin temel kavramlar szlemesinin taraflar hukuku mevzuat Temel i hukuku mant Hukukuna ilikin sreler Fazla alma Mazeret izni-Yllk izin-Ulusal bayram ve Genel tatil-Haftalk izin-Doum izni Fazla alma kapsamnda iinin haklar i ve iverenin haklar ve ykmllkleri"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Fonksiyonel Antrenman Ve Proprioseptif Alg" |
"Dr. Suat Yldz tarafndan verilen bu eitimimizde; Fonksiyonel Antrenman, Proprioseptif Alg, Mekanik Problemler, Kinetik Zincir, Core Blge vb. konulara deinilmitir.Bu eitimi tamamlandnda kazanlacak yetiler;* Bireyin postr analizi* Oluan mekanik problemlerin zm.* Antrenman plan hazrlanrken dikkat edilmesi gereken unsurlar.* stabilizasyon ve mobilizasyonun spordaki nemi.* Postr bozukluklar zm.Ayrca Fonksiyonel Antrenman Ve Proprioseptif Alg eitiminde Uygulamalara yer verilmektedir."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Waldbaden - Natur mit allen Sinnen genieen und entspannen" |
"Den Wald mit allen Sinnen erfahren und genieen - das ist Waldbaden (jap. Shinrin Yoku), wie es in diesem Onlinekurs vor allem praktisch ausprobiert werden kann.Achtsam und entspannt im Wald oder im Park zu sein, ermglicht uns von dem Stress des Alltags Abstand zu nehmen und Einzutauchen in die erholsame Begegnung mit der Natur, mit den Bumen und Pflanzen des Waldes.In diesem Onlinekurs bekommst Du fnf verschiedene bungen fr Sinneserfahrungen im Wald oder Park als Video, Audiodatei und als PDF- bzw. JPG-Download. So kannst Du, jeweils nach einem kurzen Einfhrungsvideo, Dir die Anleitung als Video anschauen und dann mit der mp3-Datei auf einem Ohr oder mit der schriftlichen Kurzanleitung als Spickzettel losgehen, um Deine eigenen Waldbadeerfahrungen zu genieen.Waldbaden strkt nachweislich unser Immunsystem, entschleunigt sprbar, sodass auch unser Herz-Kreislaufsystem davon profitiert und frdert einen erholsameren Schlaf, wenn es regelmssig praktiziert wird.Das nach-Hause-kommen im Wald, entspannt uns in der Tiefe und wir knnen darin auch unsere Zugehrigkeit zu etwas grerem Ganzen erleben. Das funktioniert auch in Stadtwldern, greren Parks oder auch mal im eigenen Garten und kann somit leicht in den Alltag integriert werden.Nach diesem Kurs kannst Du die erlernten bungen jederzeit wiederholen oder variieren, sodass Du eine gute Basis hast fr eine alltgliche Stressreduktion, Gesundheitsfrderung und Entspannung im Wald."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"VMware vSphere 6.7 Foundations Practice Exam (60 questions)" |
"In this practice test set, well cover all the topics included in the VMware vSphere 6.7 Foundations Exam (2V0-01.19) to make sure everyone can pass on their first try. Topics included in these practice exams:vSphere, ESXi, vCenterSecurity, SSO, and Role-based Access ControlvSphere Networking and Storage, including vSAN and VVOLsvSphere UpgradesTroubleshooting, Clustering, DRS, HA, FT, EVCAnd more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Customer Journey im Mittelstand" |
"Mittelstandskommunikation wandelt sich. Digitale Leadgenerierung, Social Selling & Co werden wichtiger und damit steigt die Komplexitt. Das Tool der Customer Journey hilft wirkungsvollere Kommunikation ber alle Kanle zu orchestrieren.Zwei Customer Journey Frameworks S/T/D/C und McKinsey vorgestellthochwertiger Video Content, verteilt auf 12 LektionenVorlage fr Workshops und zustzlicher LesestoffDrei Schritte, wie ich dank des Customer Journey Frameworks wirkungsvollere Kommunikation machen kannwir reden nicht nur ber online Touchpoints - sondern ber Kommunikation im Mittelstand!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Practice Papers" |
"Practice tests for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam.If you're not sure if you are ready to take the AZ-900 exam, these practice test can test your knowledge. If you find something that you don't know, you can study a bit more on that area.Microsoft Azure is still the fastest growing large cloud platform. The opportunities for jobs in cloud computing are still out there, and finding good qualified people is the #1 problem that businesses have.If you're looking to change your career, this would be a good entry point into cloud computing.Sign up today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNP Service Provider SPCOR-350-501" |
"Software and networking become more and more interconnected every day.Service Providers can take advantage of automation to scale and secure their networking infrastructure.Todays SPs need a broader range of skills and deeper focus in strategic technology areas.Provides real-world, job-focused skills in key areas.Validates the knowledge you need to excel in your jobThe core exam, (SPCOR 350-501)}Focuses on your knowledge of service provider infrastructure including core architecture, services, networking, Automation, Quality of services, Security, and Network assurance.}The core exam is also the qualifying exam for CCIE Service Provider certification.Concentration exams}Focus on emerging and industry-specific topics such as Advanced routing, VPN services, and Automation.This exam tests your knowledge of implementing core service provider network technologies, including:NetworkingCore architectureServicesQuality of servicesSecurityNetwork assuranceAutomationThe core exam is also the qualifying exam for CCIE Enterprise certification.}Associated certificationsCCNP Service ProviderCCIE Service ProviderCisco Certified Specialist Service Provider"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kinesiology Taping - A Cutaneous Nervous System Approach" |
"This course has been developed based on current understandings in anatomy, physiology, neurophysiology, neuroscience, and pain science. The course introduces the foundations of k taping and its history and introduces the student to the principles and theories of k taping. Most k taping courses are still teaching taping to target particular muscles. This course aims to show the student that the main target (and likely only targeted tissue) of taping is the skin. We dive into the basic anatomy of the skin and its nervous supply and introduce taping applications aimed at affecting specific cutaneous sensory nerves to have our therapeutic effect."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Governana Corporativa em Empresas Estatais-Lei das Estatais" |
"1. Fornecer uma viso completa dos principais aspectos da Lei n 13.303/16;2. Proporcionar aos participantes conhecimento da matria de tal modo a tornarem-se aptos a implementar ou consolidar o processo de governana corporativa exigido pela Lei n 13.303/2016 em suas empresas;3. Apoiar as organizaes para estarem em conformidade com a Lei das Estatais;4. Capacitar diretores e conselheiros das organizaes a atenderem aos requerimentos da Lei n 13.303/2016;5. Apresentar os principais requisitos e estrutura da Lei das Estatais;6. Propiciar melhores prticas da Governana Corporativa nas Estatais que aderiram Lei n 13.303/2016;7. Apresentar os IG - Indicadores de Governana SEST - Secretaria de Coordenao e Governana das Empresas Estatais;8. Expor as principais mudanas nas estatais, tais como: requisitos de indicao do Conselho, contratos, divulgao de informao, auditoria interna e outras;9. Demonstrar pontos crticos para o compliance e manuteno da Lei das Estatais."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Alteryx: Data Science for Non-Scientists" |
"I've been using visualization tools such as Tableau for a very long time and before that Excel. When data is clean its so much fun to do visualizations and reporting. However, in reality, data is more often than not very dirty, messy, incomplete or needs to be combined with other data sets. Therefore, you need a tool that can help you combine, consolidate and manipulate data in just the way you need it. In addition this, the other problem with standard business processes is the repetitive manual work we need to perform every single day. The routine is always the same. Data comes in, we filter here and there, do some calculations and send it out. Wouldn't it be nice to automate this without needing to know programming languages such as VBA, SQL or Python?Well the answer is Alteryx! Alteryx has built in, drag and drop tools designed specifically to make the data cleansing process easier. What would usually take me hours to do in Excel I can do in just minutes in some cases. The beauty is that once I've set it up the first time all I need to do is press RUN! This saves me a lot of time!***The other benefit of Alteryx is the ability to perform MACHINE LEARNING analysis. Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence in some circles, is the ability to predict and classify data. For example, when watching Netflix, they collect your viewing habits to find recommendations for movies you may like. Or on Amazon and eBay, your buying habits are analyzed to predict the most likely items you'd want to but in the future. But it doesn't stop here! Machine Learning is a MASSIVE and EXCITING space to get into!if you're like, who doesn't have a Computer Science, Programming or Data Science background then this course is for you. No fancy languages or terminology. In this course I'll teach you the basics of Alteryx and ultimately get you started on Machine Learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power BI Sales Pipeline Analytics & Visualization" |
"Want to extend your knowledge of Microsoft Power BI? Power BI Sales Pipeline Analytics and Visualization by G Com Solutions is a practical hands-on course, designed to give experienced Power BI users further practice on data modelling, DAX, visualization and report creation.The course begins with data preparation using Power Query. We connect to our data, perform basic transformations and import an External Date Table which we then map to the dates in our main fact table.We then set up relationships between our various tables. However, since we are dealing with a sales pipeline, we have a main fact table which contains multiple significant dates, as we track the progress of each lead from the contact stage, right through to sales.This course will show you how to establish multiple relationships between the same two tables and then use DAX to activate the appropriate relationship as you perform calculations.And the course provides plenty of additional practice in creating DAX measures.Then we turn our attention to visualizing our data. We look at using the funnel visual, as well as displaying a hierarchy of images in slicers which enable the user to track the performance of sales managers as well as individual salespeople.We also look at a useful technique for creating a chart which only becomes visible when a slicer selection is made by the user.In short, this course will provide Power BI users who are familiar with the basics, with a challenging, hands-on workshop which will expand their familiarity with data modelling, visualization and report creation."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Power BI SQL Server Integration" |
"In this Power BI training course by G Com Solutions, we will focus on connecting Power BI to Microsoft SQL Server using both DirectQuery and Import modes.This hands-on course is aimed at beginner and intermediate users of Power BI, especially those with limited prior experience of working with SQL Server. All the materials used in these video tutorials can be downloaded, so that you can follow along as you watch. And during the course, you will get practice on connecting to both the on-premises and cloud-based versions of SQL Server.The course starts with a walk through of installing the required software and exercise files and an overview of connecting to SQL Server databases.We then discuss different strategies for connecting to data held in SQL Server databases: connecting to SQL views, executing SQL commands from within Power BI, as well using Power BIs relationship columns feature to navigate and collate relational database tables.We also compare the experience of importing data with that of working in DirectQuery mode and the different roles played by on-premises data gateways in each of those modes.In addition, we will look at creating a live connection to an Analysis Services cube, parameterizing your SQL Server connections to facilitate switching from a testing to a production server, as well as the use of dataflows to centralize your data connection and data cleansing operations."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Get JNCIA-JUNOS Certified in 30 days + Practice Exam" |
"In this course, I will describe in the easiest way possible all the topics nessesary to pass the JNCIA-JUNOS Certification in 30 days or less. The JNCIA-Junos certification is designed for networking professionals with beginner-intermediate knowledge of networking. It builds a candidate's understanding of networking fundamentals, as well as the core functionality of the Juniper Networks Junos OS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP Adobe Form Training Course" |
"01 - Introduction - Requirement for Adobe Form02 - Difference BW Adobe Form & Smart Forms03 - Difference BW Adobe Form & Smart Forms04 - Editors in Adobe Form05 - Steps to Create Adobe Form06 - Designing Adobe Form Part - 107 - Designing Adobe Form Part - 208 - Initialization of the Value in Adobe09 - Difference BW Body Page and Master Page10 - Context Binding in Adobe Form Part_111 - Context Binding in Adobe Form Part_212 - Context Binding in Adobe Form Part_313 - Offline Adobe Form14 - Adobe Form in Webdynpro Application Part_115- Adobe Form in Webdynpro Application Part_216 - Adobe Form in Webdynpro Application Part_3"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Test Your Bahasa Malaysia Vocabulary According CEFRL A1-C2" |
"English has six levels within the CEFRL are A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.)Beginner Level: A1 A2Intermediate Level: B1 B2Advance Level: C1 C2With these levels, you can easily work out your ability and assess your progressEnjoy your study and give GOOD ranking for encouraging our painstaking effort, thanks.Our ""Test Your HSK Chinese Level in 10 Minutes"" is very useful for school teacher and students: This unique system supported by a huge database from our many years of research and experience. We are also going to launch Monthly Quiz on vocabulary, grammar, and reading skill, covering Chinese, English and Bahasa Malaysia. We believe step-by-step progress is essential and the assessment is also important. We provide Contents, Online System and Live Teaching Online ! Share with You What We Know Best is our Slogan. "" We start with LEGOO Mandarin and now expand the system into other topics: Bahasa Malaysia, IT eCommerce, Accounting and Finance, Tai Chi Fitness and Qi Gong. You can learn anytime anywhere! We offer school Group licence at affordable price. Please contact us in our website. You can find the linkage under my Udemy Profile photo. Thanks. Enjoy your study and give GOOD ranking for encouraging our painstaking effort, thanks AGAIN."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sistema para Gesto de Escritrio de Advocacia" |
"O curso completo para gesto de advocacia possui 71 aulas, neste curso vamos criar o painel do cliente para ele poder acompanhar as audincias, movimentao e histrico do processo, anexar arquivos, verificar contas pagar, observaes quanto ao processo e muito mais, criamos tambm alguns ajustes nos demais paineis, fizemos toda a parte de envio de emails e alertas ao cliente, ideal que antes de acompanhar este curso o aluno faa os outros 3 mdulos anteriores caso no tenha conhecimento em PHP e banco de dados."
Price: 549.99 ![]() |