"Guia Negocio Online do Zero ao Infinito" |
"Aprenda o passo a passo de como comear um negocio online do zero e escalar de forma exponencial, com as ferramentas e tcnicas mais efetivas para comear seu negocio online hoje mesmo.Nesse curso eu joo marcos ensino a voc , tudo que aprendi com a pratica e mostro a estrategia testada e comprovada de criao de negocio online do zero ao infinito , j que no haver limites para seu negocio online."
Price: 99.99

"Acemiler iin Hzlandrlm Sat ve kna Teknikleri" |
"Geleceinizi grmek istiyorsanz, gemiinize bakmanz yeterlidir. nsanlar hayatnda olduu kadar iinde de ayn dorular yapmaya devam ettii kadar, ayn yanllar da yapmaya devam eder. Zaman deiir, teknoloji deiir, konfor ve i yap eklimiz deiir. Ancak insan yaratl ayndr, ayn kalr. Gemiiniz bu nedenle geleceinizdir. Sadece %3 orannda bir grup insan geleceini deitirecek ""KSEL DEVRM""ine cesaretle ve ak yreklilikle yol alrken, kalan %97 deiimi ve baary yakalayanlardan olabilmek iin ayn hatalar daha inatla, daha sklkla tekrarlamaya ve ayn duvara tekrar tekrar midini kaybetmeden kafasn vurmaya devam eder.Kiisel Devriminize hazr msnz? Hayatnz ve iinizi daha iyi yapmak iin attnz her adm Kiisel Devriminize atlm bir admdr.Yeni sata balayan arkadalarm iin hzlca kullanabilecekleri, neye dikkat etmeleri hangi konuda nasl bir yntem izlemeleri gerektiin gsteren ksa bir eitim paketi hazrladm.Dier eitimlerimde daha detayl sat tekniklerini anlatyorum, ancak yeni balayan bir satcnn tm teknikleri en ince detayna kadar zmseyip uygulamas mmkn olmayacaktr. ncelikle en temel uygulamalara balamas, sonra bu uygulamalar pratiklerle kendi davran kalplarnda yerletirebildikten sonra ikinci aamada ileri sat tekniklerine odaklanmas daha uygun olacaktr.Bu amala bir ders gibi 1 saatte size hazrlk yapmanz salayacak temel konular zet halinde eitimde anlattm.iyi dersler dilerim.Ercan OZTURK"
Price: 79.99

"Hi there! Welcome to the course. Do you have problems understanding Reading passages and speech of native speakers? Do you want to use high level vocabulary in your Writing? Do you want to speak more fluently and express you ideas clearly? If you answer yes to these questions then you should definitely take this course. ''600 WORDS FOR IELTS'' is a series of video lessons designed to help learners of English language to be better prepared for their exams such as: IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, SAT and etc. The course concentrates on most essential high frequency vocabulary which you are very likely to find in Reading and Listening sections of the exam. In addition you can also use these words in the Writing and Speaking parts. Every single word explained in this course has: * definition* examples* picture * explanation You will also be able to download the pdf files and review the course any time you like. By the end of the course you should be able to better understand the Reading passages and Listening sections of the exam. You should also be able to get a higher score in Lexical Resource part of your Writing and Speaking exams. All in all, I wish all the best with your exams. See you inside the course!!! Take care!!!"
Price: 99.99

"Build Body Confidence-Improve Your Body Image" |
"What You Can Expect To LearnThis is the third course (after the Intro and First Key), and the Second Key from the ""6 Keys to ULTIMATE Confidence, Body, and Self-Esteem"" program, which will be a blueprint to boosting:Body Confidence, so that you will feel good about your body, you will respect your body, you will build body acceptance, become body-positive, and develop body mindfulness, which will boost your personal power to achieve your goals, and fulfill your dreams."
Price: 199.99

"AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals" |
"This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational-level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The exam is intended for candidates with non-technical backgrounds, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud based solutions and services, or who have some involvement with cloud based solutions and services, as well as those with a technical background who have a need to validate their foundational-level knowledge around cloud services. Technical IT experience is not required, however, some general IT knowledge or experience would be beneficial.Understand cloud concepts (15-20%) Understand core Azure services (30-35%) Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%) Understand Azure pricing and support (20-25%)"
Price: 19.99

"Agile: User Story and Story Points" |
"Understanding the needs of users is one of the key activities for successful development of any project or product. Earlier practices of understanding and documenting the complete User needs as big one time activity is a major limitation in traditional project development models. User stories provide an opportunity to represent up to date inputs from the users at all stages of the project development.An User Story is a requirement item with simple and short description that provides a small business value to end user. It is a pointer of a small requirement where the details can be added at any point of the project development.This course is best described the areas like, User Story, User Story template, developing Acceptance Criteria, splitting User Stories, Prioritizing and User Story mapping etc. This course also makes you to understand about Story Points, Fibonacci series, Estimation Techniques and much more.This course makes you familiar to the tool- Atlasian Jira. Jira is project management Tool, primarily used for Agile software projects. The tool walk-through on how to create Sprints, how to create and assign requirement items like-User stories, #Tasks to the Sprint will help the learners immensely."
Price: 64.99

"aret Dili Eitimi" |
"ncelikle yeni bir dil reniyormu gibi alfabeden balayarak kelimeleri renir sonrasnda rendiiniz kelimeleri birletirerek cmle kurmay renirsiniz. Ayn zamanda karnzdakini de anlar ve sohbet etmeye balarsnz. Balang seviyesindeki kelimeler kstl ve ayrntya girmeden, yaygn kelimelerin ve belli kalp cmlelerinin kullanm retilir. Tekrar ve pratikle gelitirilecek bir dildir. Olabildiince gnlk hayatnzn iine dahil etmeniz renmenizi hzlandrr. rendikten sonra da ok seveceiniz bir beceri olacandan eminim. Umarm sizler iin gzel bir kurs deneyimi olur."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Python Basics for Data Science" |
"By the end of the course, you will be able to:1. Use comments, variables, printing in a python program.2. Use operators and data types in a python program.3. Use conditional (If) statements in a python program.4. Use lists and dictionaries in a python program.5. Use for loops and while loops in a python program.6. Use functions in a python program."
Price: 19.99

"iOS app development: Swift 5 fundamentals for beginners" |
"This course will help you to master Swift 5 programming. You will learn about the different data types in Swift, how control flow works within Swift files and multiple different ways for building an interface for your app. By the end of this course you will be able to easily create basic applications for iPhone and iPadSwift is a fantastic language to learn, and this course covers everything you will need in easy to digest chunks!"
Price: 19.99

"Aviation: Airport Ramp Handling & Baggage Handling Course" |
"IF You Are The One Who Wishes To Work Under The Open Sky & Discipline Is The Part Of Your Life.Come & Join Our Airport Ramp Handling Course OR Baggage HandlingThis Course Equips You With Knowledge On Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment Of Airport, Ramp Safety Activities, And Safety Management Of Airport Ramp.."
Price: 1920.00

"Lean Champion Course - Beginner Level" |
"This course helps Manufacturing Professionals understand the basics of Lean Manufacturing and start Lean Initiatives in their workplace. This course would also help Managers to get to the fundamentals and train their team members. The Course Covers:1. History of Lean Manufacturing2. Basics of Lean Mfg3. Work Vs. Waste5. Seven Wastes of Lean Mfg (Muda)6. Mura and Muri7. Why WIP is considered as the biggest waste in the company?8. What is the One Magic Pill to reduce all the wastes?9. Introduction to Lean Tools10. Step-By-Step method to create Current State Value Stream Mapping11. Takt Time, Bottleneck, Line Balancing12. Kanban and Supermarkets13. Just In Time, Pacemaker Process, Pitch14. Load Levelling, Cell Concept15. Seven Steps for creating Future State VSM16. Review and Conclusion of the course"
Price: 2880.00

"C programming language Beginner to Advanced" |
"The course fully covers the basics of C programming language step by step. Further the most demanded and typical topics in C programming are also taught in this course. Also at the end of each sections, the practice problems are provided.By the end of this course, you will be familiar with basic concepts of computer programming and developer tools,can write your own programs using standard language infrastructure regardless of the hardware or software platform."
Price: 1280.00

"Oracle Cloud Infra. Developer 2020 Associate (1Z0-1084-20)" |
"100% Pass IT Certification Test! 100% Pass Guaranteed. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate 1Z0- 1084-20Course StructureThe topics covered in this exam include:Developing a high available, highly scalable & secure cloud native application :Develop high performing applications & API Develop a serverless application Develop a secure application Manage application persistence Develop application using OCI Developer tools, such as, APIs, SDKs and CLIDeploying a cloud native application:Deploy the code using existing CI/CD pipeline on OCI Deploy a serverless application Manage & store the application code runtimes Manage the deployment strategy such as blue/green, canary, rolling upgrade Deploy an application on Oracle Kubernetes Engine Deploy and manage autonomous database for application persistence Deploy the base infrastructure using Resource ManagerSecurityMake authenticated API calls to OCI Use Encryption in Application Deployment Use IAM for Authentication and Authorization Use 3rd party tools for secret managementLogging, Monitoring and AlertingDevelop applications such a way that uses the logging service & send metrics to telemetry service Enable logging for OCI services such as Events, Object Storage, Oracle Function Enable compute resources for monitoring Monitor the application metrics in Telemetry DashboardApplication Modernization on OCILift & Shift existing application on OCI Craft new Microservices based on Microservices design pattern such as Circuit Breaker, Bulkhead Pattern, API Gateway etc."
Price: 49.99

"Learn British English with Skye" |
"In this course you will learn how to speak and write in perfect English using the present simple grammatical structure. You will also learn how to use the articles ""a"" and ""an"", how to ask questions, understand prepositions of place and how to use them, and much more! Practice makes perfect! There are 7 audio lessons to help you practice speaking in every day situations at a beginner level.For more information about me and my teaching qualifications, you can visit my website: Skye's ESL Cafe"
Price: 19.99

"Reiki The Love Light - A Luz do Amor" |
"The Love Light uma energia maravilhosa para ser o complemento do Reiki ou Karuna Reiki, uma energia forte e ao mesmo tempo suave e por vezes sutil! cura familiar, de relacionamentos e de expanso em seu amor incondicional, a energia que a humanidade precisa! Luz de Amor e Tranquilidade."
Price: 84.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye ngilizce Kursu ve Konuma Eitimi" |
"Konu ngilizce eitimi olduunda, zel derslerle veya kurslarla uzun vakitler geirdiinizi ve ykl miktarda para harcadnz, sektrn iinde olan kiiler olarak gayet iyi biliyoruz. ngilizce'yi sfrdan renmek ve rendiiniz bilgileri konuma becerisi olarak aktif bir hale getirmek birok rencinin temel kaygs olduu iin de, alm olduunuz bu eitim setinde sizi en net ve en hedef odakl eitim bekliyor.Burada farkl bulacanz eyler neler?ncelikle belirtmek isteriz ki, online eitim kavram gnmz dnyasnda her gn daha da poplerleen ve geleneksel eitim metodlarnn yerini almaya balam bir kavramdr. Sizler de bu eitim anlaynn nclerindesiniz. Dil kurslarnda ve zel derslerde dil eitimi almak iin paranzdan ve daha da nemlisi zamannzdan devaml olarak dn vermek durumunda kalmanz, renim sreciniz ve performansnz asndan sizi doal olarak geriye iten faktrler olabiliyor. te tam da bu sebepten tr, eitim sreniz boyunca saladmz aadaki zellikler, eitiminizi kolaylatryor ve sizlere profesynel bir eitim anlay sunuyor olacak;Onlarca ek kaynak.Trke aklamalarn ardndan PDF formatnda inceleyebileceiniz ngilizce aklamalar.nteraktif online altrmalar.Eer bilgisayar zerinden altrma zmeye alk deilseniz veya zorlanyorsanz, indirebileceiniz formatta ek testler.Kolay adapte olabilmeniz iin size sunulan bir snf ortam.Aklnza bir ey takld zaman soru sorabilmeniz ve 12 saat ierisinde cevap alyor oluunuz.Devaml olarak gncellenecek bir eitim program.stediiniz zaman, istediiniz yerde eitiminizin devamlln salama.Konumak iin doru yerde miyim?Kesinlikle evet! Hepimizin bildii zere, dil renimi srecine girdiimiz zaman detaylarla ve kurallarla bouluyoruz. Bu durum sizlerin dil renmek iin sahip olduunuz heyecan ve azmi ldrebiliyor. Bu durumu rencilerimiz ok sk dile getirdii iin hazrladmz eitim programnda size konuma becerisini salayabilecek en temel ve en nemli konular n plana kardk. Bu da demek oluyor ki, gramer balklar arasnda en ok ihtiya duyacanz konular sizi bekliyor olacak.Ders esnasnda, hangi konularn gnlk konumada daha popler olduunu, bu konularn nasl kullanldn ve aradaki farklarn neler olduunu detaylca vurguladk. Buna ek olarak hazrlam olduumuz altrmalarda en ok zerinde durduumuz zellik, cmle yapsnda kullanlan kalplarn ve kelimelerin, gnlk yaantda en popler eler olmasna dikkat ettik. Bu da demek oluyor ki, ieriimizde gnlk yaantnzde en ok ihtiya duyacanz gramer yaplar ne kmakta. Unutmayalm ki bir dili etkin kullanabilmenin anahtar gramere olan hakimiyetimize gre ekillenir.Neden bu eitim setini semeliyim?Sahip olduumuz deneyim, bizlere farkl kurumlarda, farkl ya aralndan gruplarla alma frsat sundu. Verdiimiz zel dersler ve yurtdnda tecrbe ettiimiz 1 yla yakn i deneyimi, ngilizce dilinin en doru ekilde nasl renilmesi ve uygulanmas gerektii konusunda bize k tutan tecrbeler oldu.Bunun sonucu olarak ezbere dayal, standart eitim anlaynn olduu, gndelik hayattan uzak ve ar detayc bir eitim anlaynn dil renmek isteyen bireyler iin doru olmadna inanyoruz. Eitim setimizde de greceiniz zere, sizleri akc ve elenceli bir program bekliyor olacak.imdiden sizi grmek iin sabrszlanyoruz!"
Price: 89.99

"Vdeos Para Rede Social" |
"Vdeos so a primeira escolhas dos usurios na hora de ver um contedo online. Seja para se divertir ou aprender algo. Portanto, mais do que nunca, agora hora de aproveitar esse cenrio e comear a trabalhar com vdeos em sua estratgia de marketing e vender ainda mais. Saiba Como Fazer Vdeos para usar no Facebook, LinkedIn e Instagram com resultados?Voc no vai acreditar no que voc vai poder fazer aqui. Inscreva-se no treinamento e comece agora mesmo!"
Price: 219.99

"Baarl E Ticaret in Ne Gerekir" |
"Bu eitim giriimcilere ve rencilere yneliktir. Rekabeti bir dnemde e ticaret ile nasl farkllk yaratp satlarnz ve gelirinizi artrabileceinizi anlatmaktadr. Dijital an olmazsa olmaz kural e ticaret karlln salamann ipularn iermektedir. Ayrca e-d ticaret konusuna da deinilmitir. Baarl bir e ticaret sitesi ne gereklidir sorularnn cevaplarn bu eitimde bulabileceksiniz. E ticaret sitesi ierikleri hakknda da rehberlik edici bir eitim olup keyifli seyirler dilerim. Ayrca bir de makale bulunmaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"How To Write & Self-Publish A Book" |
"I started writing and self-publishing my books back in 2013 and now I am finally ready to teach what I know to you! This eCourse is designed to help you write your book and self publish it using my tips and experience. It's quick and easy and straight to the point and will help you publish your books with ease."
Price: 29.99

"Mdulo Especialista - Excel do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O curso de Excel foi elaborado procurando possibilitar ao participante o primeiro contato com a planilha eletrnica, agregando informaes bsicas de clculos com frmulas e aplicao de funes. direcionado ao pblico que necessita trabalhar com os principais recursos bsicos de uma planilha.So criadas situaes que levam os participantes a colocarem em prtica conhecimentos adquiridos em sala de aula.Aplica diferentes conceitos de formatao, faz clculos matemticos em planilhas e trabalha com grficos bsicos. um programa muito importante para o mercado de trabalho, o que justifica a sua oferta e o seu aprendizado. A partir desta experincia o aluno pode dar continuidade em outros segmentos da rea de informtica.Hoje no existe um escritrio de qualquer empresa, de qualquer segmento, que no utilize o Excel. Todas as reas que trabalham com gerenciamento de recursos, sejam materiais ou no, utilizam esta ferramenta para facilitar o trabalho, criando grficos e tabelas.Saber formatar apenas tabelas e inserir dados j no basta. As empresas esto utilizando cada vez mais recursos robustos e grande quantidade de dados no Excel, que possibilita o controle avanado de dados numricos, estatsticas e projees.As reas que mais exigem do profissional um conhecimento mais avanado em Excel so as de Finanas, Consultorias em Geral e Planejamento e Controle de Projetos, com a finalidade de possibilitar anlise, gerenciamento e compartilhamento de informaes visando tomada de decises de forma mais eficiente e inteligente."
Price: 204.99

"c++ sfrdan" |
"Bu kurs ile c++ temelinden itibaren ileri seviyeye kadar kullanabilecek hale geleceksiniz. Aklnza gelebilecek her program zebilecek ve bunu c++ ile oluturabileceksiniz. Yapm olduum uygulama dersleriylede konuyu en iyi ekilde pekitirip her ayrnty reneceksiniz. Eer niversite veya lise rencisiyseniz snavlardan rahatlkla geebileceksiniz. Herhangi bir sorunuzda 2 saat ierisinde dnme garantisi veriyorum ki aklnzda herhangi bir soru iareti kalmayacana eminim."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Filmora Video Editor - Edit Your Videos Like a Pro" |
"You, Will, learn the wondershare filmora 9 with easy step and easy tutorial. You will get your control in this editing software. You can create your own videos and make a good career in video editing. In this course, you will get many examples of videos that you can make and many projects which you have to perform which is really very interesting."
Price: 19.99

"Mommy's Baby Guide: Newborn Bundle of Joy" |
"This course will assist you with making the most out of your child's first year by giving you some basic guidelines and milestones to measure against.Your infant's first year will be an adventure that you will always remember. It will be loaded with grins and giggling, as well as tears and difficulties. A lot of what you learn will be by experimentation. No two infants are similar. Parenting is about affection, tolerance, and the speculating game. Regardless of what plans you make, your infant will make a choice on numerous things for you, essentially in view of his preferences, dislikes, and personality."
Price: 199.99

"A'dan Z'ye Solidworks Eitimi -Tm dersler piyasa uygulamal" |
"Solidworks iin iki setten birincisi olan setimizde sfrdan ileri dzeye kadar program renmekle birlikte para tasarlamann ,tasarlanan paralarn animasyonun hazrlanmas ve baka 3 boyutlu tasarm programlar iin nasl renebileceklerini ve dier programlarn alt yapsn kazanmaktadrlar. Uygulamalar tek balarna videolar bittikten sonra birden fazla izmelerini tavsiye etmekteyim. Bu sayede bir ok metodu kefetmelerini salayacaktr. "
Price: 409.99

"FL Studio 20 Eitimi (Hzlandrlm)" |
"Teferruatlarla zaman kaybetmeden, FL Studio ile elenceli bir ekilde mzik yapmaya balamak isteyenler iin ideal kurs. Mesam'a kaytl, TRT ocuk, Amerikan film enstits, Axa sigorta gibi markalara mzik yapmann yannda kendi TRAP, Rap almalaryla baar kazanm profesyonel bir prodktr gznden projelere ve ileyie tank olup, kendi benzersiz eserlerinizi yapmak iin yol haritas reneceksiniz.Mzik retiminde daha ileri seviye iler yapmak ve eitmeninizin kiisel tekniklerini renmek istiyorsanz, bu kurs size gre. eitli tarzlar ve o tarzlara uygun seslerin nasl kullanlacan, nasl standardizasyona oturtulup bir aranje haline getirdiimizi hep birlikte grecek, reneceksiniz.Profesyonel mecralarda yaynlanm projelerimi de gzden geireceiz. renirken eleneceiz. "
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda como fazer suas transmisses e editar suas gravaes" |
"Nesse curso, ministrado por Joo Pedro e Ka Benning, voc aprender todo o bsico e necessrio para: conseguir transmitir ao vivo, em qualidade equivalente a sua internet, gravar a tela do seu computador, para dar uma aula ou gravar alguma gameplay, e aprender, tambm, a como editar seus vdeos gravados. Com total suporte, tanto da plataforma quanto dos professores. Durante o curso voc vai ficar por dentro de detalhes e dicas essenciais aos seus projetos, tornando nosso material excelente para quem esta comeando nesse universo."
Price: 129.99

livra_improvement |
Price: 4800.00

"Temel Yan Flt Eitimi" |
"Bu kursa katlma isteinde bulunup gerekli artlar salayarak bunun ilk admn zaten attn. in geri kalan ksm dzenli yada dank yaadn 24 saatinin verimli alabilecein bir ksmn doru ekilde enstrman almaya ayrdn srece, renmenin sonunun asla olmad mzik ve enstrman icrasnda istisnasz her eyi bileceini ve kusursuz yan flt alabileceini deil bu yolda olumlu gelimeler gstereceini garanti ederim."
Price: 139.99

Web |
"WebcomWebWebWebWebWebWebWebDNSIPFQDNURLHTTPSSSLWebWebWebFTPWeb(HTTPS)comFilezillaLet's EncryptWindows10(FTPMacOS)()"
Price: 20400.00

"15 Ritmos de Samba para Violo" |
"Este um curso voltado para Msicos Amadores e Profissionais, amantes da msica em geral, principalmente da msica brasileira, aonde vocs podero conhecer um pouco mais sobre os ritmos que envolvem os gneros populares de nossa cultura. A mo direita, dentro do violo brasileiro , sem dvida, a parte mais incrvel e importante da nossa rtmica com esse instrumento ibrico to interessante. O violo brasileiro deixou e deixa legado por onde passa, em uma escola que comea com grandes nomes como Ary Barroso e vai passando por Baden Powel, Dino 7 cordas, Bola Sete, Romero Lubambo, Raphael Rabello, Yamandu Costa, Rogrio Caetano, Maurcio Tapajs, Canhoto da Paraba, entre tantos outros.Aqui voc ir aprender 15 ritmos bsicos ligados diretamente ao que conhecemos popularmente de Samba. importante deixar claro que apenas uma vertente de cada ritmo e que os mesmos so tocados de forma plural dentro das mais variadas interpretaes. As aulas so dinmicas e bem envolventes, a partir de uma oratria fcil e tcnica simplria - que vai se aperfeioando durante as aulas. H, tambm, algumas aulas introdutrias necessrias como as Tcnicas de Base, aonde voc ver o que voc precisa saber antes de comear a tocar samba, e as Prticas de Bolso, que so exerccios de melhoramento e execuo tcnica para mo direita e mo esquerda.Todas as aulas so divididas em 4 momentos: Construo do Ritmo, Didtica, Aplicao e Desafio."
Price: 69.99

"Marketo Certified Expert Exam Preparation Questions 2020" |
"Additional Questions Included On 15-August-2020.Are you looking for [Newest-2020] Real and Updated Marketo MCE Practice Test Questions? You Arrived at Right Place where you can get official MCE pdf dumps questions.Familiarize yourself with the types of questions you will find on the Marketo Certified Expert exam, to help make sure you're prepared for the test.No additional software is needed to use the MCE PDF material.The Practice MCE software contains a great number of mock exams with hundreds of verified questions.To achieve the best result in the MCE exam, you need to experience the types of MCE exam question you will be asked to answer and prepare for the MCE test from MCE PDF dumps for each and every topic."
Price: 1280.00
