Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Visual Regression Testing with BackstopJS" |
"Automated visual regression tests add a new validation layer in the software development life cycle, ensuring that when application changes break its visual appearance, you will have a quick feedback to fix it before your users even notice.In this course, you will work on a project of visual regression testing, exploring the functionalities of BackstopJS for the creation of automated tests."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Write SAT Essay Exam Questions in 3 Steps - Writing" |
"In this course, students will learn my 3-Step (R I P) SAT Essay Exam Technique which incorporates my T-Zone Chart Analysis Technique which is also used to successfully answer SAT Multiple Choice Exam Problems.This Course is designed to teach essay reading writing and analysis techniques through one-on-one practice using sample Essay questions. Students will be introduced to the SAT College Board Grading Rubric. These techniques provide students with a consistent plan for successfully answering any SAT Essay question meeting the requirements of the high scoring essay as set forth in the Grading Rubric.The course instructs students to use a 3-step process to successfully writing SAT Essay responses delivered in 3 Course Videos and SAT Essay Sample Exam #1 which will be provided. Students may practice each of the 3 steps (using SAT Essay Sample Exam #3 provided)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mixed Reality for users: Microsoft Hololens (1st Gen.)" |
"This course aims to guide you to learn how to create your first application with Microsoft HoloLens. If you are not a developer, you just bought a HoloLens and want to learn how to use it.. this course is for you!This crash course start with an overview of the definition of Mixed Reality and an introduction to Unity3D. It follows a guide to know features, specs, and limitation of Microsoft HoloLens headset. Then, the course guide you to use HoloLens for the first time, run applications and play games with HoloLens.This course won't cover advanced topics or tip & tricks. A more advanced course will be released by end of May that will focus on the development using Microsoft HoloLens (specifically for the audience of software developers).In case the audio is not clear enough, or you have difficulties understanding the lecture due to the accent of the lecturer, please enable subtitles.The HoloLens version used here is the 1st Generation (not HoloLens 2).Legal NoticeThe copyright of this course - including each lesson, scripts, and material - belongs to the publisher. Is therefore legally forbidden any duplication of this course in Udemy, Youtube or any other platform, And any inappropriate usage of the lessons. It's also forbidden any inappropriate behaviour in the reviews, that will be promptly reported to Udemy, according to Udemy Policy. For more information, please visit the LecturerThe Lecturer is a Software Engineer professional with more than 4 years of working experiences in the field of Extended Reality that offered availability to create this course. She developed Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality projects, including on contract consultancy activities of extended reality projects. She recently received an upgrade to Project Management activities of Extended Reality projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Your Easy Guide in learning Microsoft Excel in Arabic" |
" . . , .: Enroll now to go through a deep dive of the most popular spreadsheet tool on the market, Microsoft Excel. As your instructor, I will use my multiple years of training to guide you step by step through the beginner to advanced level and beyond.At the completion of this course, you will have mastered the most popular Excel tools and come out with confidence to complete any Excel tasks with efficiency and grace."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mind Reset: Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs" |
"""Discover How To Reset Your Mind So You Can Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs and Have Greater Clarity And Focus In Your Professional and Personal Life""This Ebook Will Guide You To ""Reset"" Your MindDo you want to achieve greater happiness and success in your life? Get in line!EVERYONE wishes they were richer, more successful, happier, or all of the above. That is part of the human condition.The problem is that so few of us know how to go about making those changes and becoming the very best versions of ourselves.In fact, if youre reading this, then chances are this isnt the very first time youve tried to change your mindset and your fortunes.In fact, youve probably tried other programs, ebooks, and courses in order to become a better version of you.But they didnt work.Too many self-help books and books about being more confident or successful or better in business will all focus on the outside elements that are easy to fix. That might mean telling you to wake up at 6am every day, it might mean telling you to ditch those distractions, or it might mean telling you to follow the X, Y, and Z blueprint.The Big ProblemYou just don't do any of those things.Put your hand up if that sounds like you. If you have ever read an ebook or paid for a course that tells you how to get what you really want out of life and then not followed the advice!Why do we do this? Why pay for the course at all if youre not going to even TRY to follow it?I can tell you the answer: its because of your limiting beliefs. Its because you have deeply ingrained beliefs about yourself that hold you back.The only thing THE ONLY THING holding you back is you and your own beliefs. You have the skills, the knowledge, and the talent.You just need to take the plunge and believe in yourself.And self belief is just ONE limiting belief. Lacking positivity, being rigid in your thinking, being guilty of pattern thinking and type behavior all these things are major setbacks that prevent us from fulfilling our potential. And were hardly ever aware these things are even happening!So what can you do right now, today?Thankfully, I created a guide that gets to the very core of the problem by rewriting your own beliefs about who you are and what youre capable of.Let me introduce to you...MIND RESETHow To Reset Your Mind So You Can Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs and Have Greater Clarity And Focus In Your Professional and Personal Life"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Mit Merch by Amazon (MBA) passives Einkommen aufbauen" |
"Mchtest du mit Merch by Amazon in Zukunft passives Einkommen aufbauen und Geld ber das Internet verdienen? Dann bist du hier richtig. Ich bin Daniel Gaiswinkler, seit fast 6 Jahren erfolgreich Selbststndig in diesem Bereich. Durch eigene Aktivitten, aber auch durch das Coaching von mittlerweile ber 1400 Studenten habe ich mir ein umfassendes Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir alles was du brauchst, um den Einstieg in das T-Shirt Business mit Merch by Amazon zu finden und in Zukunft auch dein Geld von zu Hause zu verdienen. Ich fhre dich durch die Plattform und erklre dir, wie du sehr einfach mit gratis Tools erstaunlich schnell Produkte verffentlichen kannst. Du lernst zeitsparende Methoden um in Zukunft mehr in krzere Zeit auf dem groen Amazon Marktplatz hochzuladen. Du lernst deine Produkte zu optimieren, damit sie auch von Benutzern gefunden werden und ich zeige dir anhand von Fallstudien, wie einfach du teilweise Verkufe erzielen kannst. Natrlich findest du auch meine reichhaltigen Ressourcen um gute Grafiken und Designs fr deine T-Shirts zu erstellen. Teilnehmer Stimme von Iris Wimmel (09.2020):***** Fnf SterneJede Detail des Merch by Amazon T-Shirt Business wird praxisnah und direkt mit einfachen Beispielen durchgesprochen und erklrt. Du erhltst das Kursmaterial direkt zum Download und kannst somit perfekt mitarbeiten. Zustzlich erfhrst du Links, Ressourcen und Webseiten. Dein Vorgehen und dein Wissen ber das T-Shirt Business werden nach diesem Tutorial nicht mehr wie vorher sein!Der Vertriebsweg Print-on-Demand ist ein Milliarden schwerer Geschftszweig und entwickelt sich in einer rasanten Geschwindigkeit und du kannst heute davon leichter profitieren als jemals zu vor. Fast jedes Jahr kommen neue Dienste, Seiten und Produkte, wo du jegliche Produkte bedrucken und verschicken lassen kannst. Selbst den Kundensupport bernehmen viele Firmen fr dich, je nachdem welches Modell du whlst. Schritt fr Schritt zeige ich dir im Detail, was mit dem spannenden Print on Demand Business mglich ist und wie einfach du mit diesen Business Modellen im Internet Geld verdienen kannst:Einrichtung des Merch by Amazon AccountsWissenswertes ber Merch by Amazon MarkenrechtWas sind Mrkte und was ist eine NischeWelche Grafikprogramme eignen sich fr die DesignerstellungWelche Grafikressourcen du nutzen solltestWie erstellst du einfach Produkte am Flieband Wie optimierst du diese Produkte, dass diese auch von Kunden gefunden werdenDu kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck erhalten, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Dies ist deine Chance!Es ist Zeit, deine Merch by Amazon-Knste auf das nchste Level zu heben. Schaue dir jetzt die kostenlosen Beispielvideos an und schreibe dich gleich in den Kurs ein!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Daily Math Devotionals for Motivation with the Math Sorcerer" |
"Mathematics is hard, for everyone. In this course you will get the motivation and inspiration you need in order to succeed in your math courses.This course is for anyone who is taking a math class or is studying math on their own.The best way to use this course is to watch one video every single day.I hope this course helps someone who is struggling with mathematics:)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Redes de Armazenamento de Dados em Linux" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender todas as tcnicas necessrias envolvendo armazenamentos de dados tradicionais, inteligentes e as tendncias atuais em sistemas de armazenamentos distribudos, que integram as novas tecnologias de Cloud, Containers, Data Lakes, dentre outros. O dados em nosso novo mundo digital requer solues escalveis que permitam o armazenamento de dados estruturado e no estruturados de forma inteligente, com resilincia, disponibilidade e segurana. Esse curso visa de forma indita, ajud-los a trilhar um novo caminho em armazenamento definido por software (SDS - Software Defined Storage)."
Price: 429.99 ![]() |
"Series 7 tests by topic + Full Exam" |
"These practice tests will prepare you to pass the Series 7 (General Securities Representative). You can view this course as realistic alternative to paying for hours of tutoring and allows you to pause, rewind, and/or repeat concepts as needed.This Course includes FIVE Practice Tests + Full Exam. You will have unlimited attempts.Content Outline:Test 1: Communications and Product disclosures. Approvals, suitabilityTest 2: Equity Securities, Derivatives, Partnerships, and Real EstateTest 3: Fixed Income Securities - All About That DebtTest 4: Packaged Securities and Managed Investments Test 5: Trading Markets.Processing Trades, Key Tax Issues, and MarginFinal exam: 125 questions, 225 minutes to complete"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SIE practice tests + Full Exam" |
"These practice exams will prepare you to pass the Securities Industry (SIE) exam that is required as of October 1, 2018 by FINRA for anyone who is interested in entering the financial services industry.This Course includes FOUR Practice Tests + Full Exam. You will have unlimited attempts.Content Outline:Test 1. Conducting Yourself as a Financial Services ProfessionalTest 2. Equity, Debt and Other Investment ProductsTest 3. Investment Companies, Private Equity and Structured ProductsTest 4. Capital Markets, Issuing Securities and Trading on Customer AccountsFinal Exam. 75 questions, 105 minutes to complete"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Data Analytics" |
"NEW CONTENTS TO LEARN FOR FREE - EVERY MONTH!!!Certificate Course for Absolute Beginners Free Codes to Download Business Analytics Finance and InvestmentDEDICATED DOUBT CLEARANCE (Great for new learners) - Response within approx. 24 hours. This is a super-basic course intended for people who know absolutely nothing about python or data-science. My aim is to help you learn python programming while learning to employ data-science solutions to financial investment problems. At it's best, this course is probably your first-stepping stone into the world of python and data-science. If you are a seasoned python programmer or data-scientist - this course might serve as a refresher (at the most). Also, this is an applied course and there is little theory in it. I hope to offer some insight into the theory from the quizzes. But I recommend you to read books on python, data-science and statistics for more in-depth learning. Also, I have restricted the use of jargons in this tutorial and made it as simple as possible. Why financial investment problems?Money is a basic need for everyone of us - and almost all of us hope to buy an apartment, trade in stocks, and curious what type of customers will buy our product if we open a startup. No matter whether you are in academia or in industry - money connects us all.Since this course is intended for people of different disciplines, students and practitioners from Management to Medicine, Social Sciences to Humanities might be interested to learn Python programming and implement data-science solution to their workplace problems. I chose financial investment problems for demonstration purpose - with a hope that everyone will be able to find it as a common platform - no matter what is your academic or trade background.Disclaimer: This course is not meant for financial education and neither encourages financial investments. Also, I am not an expert in finance - so I do not recommend students to blindly invest their money after following my tutorials. Although I tried to follow research papers and investment websites still I do not have domain knowledge so there are chances that I might have mistaken. Most of the data used here are toy-data (i.e. I just made them up). The information conveyed through this course is similar to a college or python/data-science school course; it is not intended to give investment advice, but instead to communicate basic information to help learners understand the basics of Python and Data-Science."
Price: 8960.00 ![]() |
"Cyber Security - Go From Zero to Hero (2020)" |
"------------- FIRST SEE THE REVIEWS & RATINGS THEN PROCEED TO CHECKOUT :) ----------------The field of technology is growing exponentially with the IT sector flourishing every day. Amidst such growth of the industry and increased concern for privacy, the demand for security is rising. Cybersecurity has become an everyday struggle for many businesses. Recent trends and statistics reveal that there is a huge increase in hacked and breached data from very common sources at workplaces. So go for this course to get a better understanding of cyber security!Most of the people are often confused when they are asked - WHAT IS CYBER SECURITY? The most common reply is - UM, HACKING. Well, hacking is part of cyber security but it doesnt mean that hacking is the synonym of cyber security. Many courses out there only teach how to use the tool but the reasoning that goes behind its selection is not taught. Also, the main focus of these courses is on hacking but it is not the only domain in cyber security. Other major domains are Incident Response Management, Blue team, Security Audits, IT Security Management, Security laws and many more.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"" I was doubting on this course as this was a new one on Udemy . But getting started with the course gave me a good insight of Cyber Security and all my concepts were cleared about Computer Networking in the first section itself. No course based on Cyber Security includes Networking but this course has covered the same so I preferred this course. "" ~ Sonia Sharma----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well University of Maryland, United States, says,Hackers attack every 39 seconds, on average 2,244 times a day.So are you sure that your data is well protected from these hackers? Have you even configured your network to control your privacy? Do you know how hackers can access your devices without your knowledge?? Well, dont worry! We are here to answer these questions. There must be many questions in your mind regarding this course. We will surely address all once you enroll for this course, but for the time being, well focus on the following questions: WHY SHOULD I LEARN CYBER SECURITY?Lets face it. We live in a digital world. Our work lives, personal lives, and finances have all begun gravitating toward the world of the internet, mobile computing, and electronic media. Unfortunately, this widespread phenomenon makes us more vulnerable than ever to malicious attacks, invasions of privacy, fraud, and other such frightening cases. This is why cyber security is such a vital part of a secure and well-ordered digital world. Cybersecurity keeps us safe from hackers, cyber criminals, and other agents of fraud.But let me ask you a question, HOW GOOD IS YOUR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CYBER SECURITY?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"" This course is very useful for learning the basics of cyber security. I was not familiar with the terms at first but after opting for learning something new I learned new terms. The instructors are very helpful and they make us understand the concepts in ease and the explanation provided by them is very quick to grasp. So thank you for sharing this amazing course."" ~ Madhura Risbud----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here are some facts that would blow up your mind!1. According to Varonis, Worldwide spending on cyber security is forecasted to reach $133.7 billion in 2022.2. Data breaches exposed 4.1 billion records in the first half of 2019.3. Symantec says, the top malicious email attachment types are .doc and .dot which makes up 37%, the next highest is .exe at 19.5%These are not just facts but they are warnings! Everyone who is accessing a device should be aware of their security and that is why we have designed this course. Okay, here comes the next question. UM, OKAY! BUT WHY SHOULD I ENROLL FOR THIS COURSE?The perfect answer to this question would be - Have a look at our curriculum. Cyber Security - Zero to Hero in 9 Hours is the first part of our CYBER SECURITY SPECIALIZATION. In this course, we have covered from the basics of the computer to networking right up to advanced concepts such as cryptography, security auditing, incident management. Yes, we have started right from the definition of a Computer Network. Our course is broadly divided into seven sections. In the first section, we will cover the basics of networking. We will discuss the various protocols and their usage. We will talk about IP addresses and their classes and cover many important points in the field of cyber security.Bonus Material -We have also included interesting practicals !!In the second section, we dive into cyber security. We discuss right from the history of cyber security to different trending terminologies. We have specially designed the curriculum to make sure even a novice student can understand the concepts. The course will help you develop critical thinking needed to pursue a career in Cyber security. You will also get to know about organizations and resources which provide assistance and framework in this field. We recommend you to watch our introductory video where we have discussed the entire syllabus :) Have a look at the few features of our course.1. Handpicked curriculum, specially designed for all levels of learners.2. Continuous assessment through challenging quizzes.3. Get your questions answered within 48 hours.4. A variety of resources such as useful links, books, PDFs are also provided.5. Regular updates made to the curriculum.6. Different aspects of Cybersecurity explored.7. Practicals with explanation included.8. Understand how cryptography works in real life.9. Real-life examples such as firewalls, antivirus, cyber-attacks are also discussed and much more.Suggestions are always welcome :) WHO CAN ENROLL FOR THIS COURSE?This course is not intended for a specific group of people. Anyone who wants to learn about cyber security can enroll for this course. If you already know a few concepts, you can always revisit the ideas and clear. We have covered statistics along with technical topics. In short, this is a perfect course for you if you want to kick start your career in cyber security!BOTTOM LINE -Once you move ahead in this course, you will get a clear idea about what cyber security is. We have assembled this course in a way that you will enjoy and learn along the way."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Create an online casino website by mysql,php and javascript" |
"in this course we will teach you , how to create an online casino website using several programming languages including, php , mysql , javascript . so some of the topics are as following :1- networking: including overall introduction to networking , definition of protocol and port numbers , computer structure , private and public ip addresses , tcp/ip networks, http and https protocol and some other concepts about networking .2-Mysql :we will explain the definition of databases and benefits of mysql , . what xampp and lamp are and how to install lamp on linux which includes apache, linux, mysql and php . after that we give an introduction about how to work with mysql in linux using cli or command line interface.3- html and css :in this module we will teach you almost everything you need to create the graphics of a website including almost all the tags in html , and how to use css to modify the appearance including margins, borders, padding , animation in css and many more topics that you could check in the module four of the course html and css . 4- creating a sign-up form using php and mysqlin this module we will give you an introduction about what php is and how to use php and mysql with each other . and then we use php and mysql to create a sign-up and register page . the graphics of this page has already been created using html and css in the earlier module , so in here we program it , we connect to database using mysql and we do various kind of validation including email validation using php . 5- javascript crash coursethis module could be a complete separate course . we give you a complete introduction about javascript . what is javascript, what is DOM and how to access html and css using javascript are some questions which would be answered in this module. also eventhandlers , object and addeventlisteners which could listen for user events and do something based on the user code are some benfits of them . 6- creating roulette game using javascriptin this module finally we use everything we learned in previous module to implement our module and design a game using javascript."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Online: Bookkeeping Like a Professional" |
"Testimonials from current studentsSonja Mongie ""Thank you so much, It was explained easily. Good about giving some theory before going into the practical. Moved at a good pace and made it so easy to understand. Keep up the good work""Mahima Asopa ""Great experience to get knowledge from instructor"" Theresa Buzzetta ""This course was a great match for me. I would like to learn how to use Quick Books to add another skill to my resume and use for my side business. I am excited for new courses from this instructor"" Arbee David""I'm accounting graduate and did not practice it in my current job but it helps me refresh my in in this course"" Aruna Sriam""Interesting and quick way of maintaining accounts"" This course will help you understand QuickBooks Online with no prior experience. After taking this course you will understand how to import accounting transactions into QuickBooks Online.By the end of his course you will also know the basic terms and principles of Accounting 101. These principles and terms have led me to own and operate my own successful QuickBooks bookkeeping company. By the end of this course you will also know how to apply prepare and Lastly, by the end of this course, you will be able to update your resume to start applying for QuickBooks Online positions. How We Are Going To LearnI am teaching this course in an exciting and fun way. The first section will be a 10 minute animated cartoon which will explain the terms and definitions that are extremely important in understanding the basics. The second part of the course will be a a problem solving interactive exercise that we will do together. From scratch, we will use a Free Trial of QuickBooks Online to import and enter a Real Life Client of Mine. This is EXACTLY what I did, and got paid for it $$$Who this course is for:Anyone interested in the fundamentals of Accounting (no accounting experience is needed).Anyone interested in learning how to use QuickBooks OnlineAnyone interested in starting their own career or business in accounting Click enroll and let's have some fun!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Accounting: In Just 60 Minutes!" |
"Testimonials from current studentsWasiu Ayinde""This wonderful course opened my mind to different treatments of financial transactions""Shelia Ingram-Beale""Fun videos in the beginning and the fact that the instructor is taking his time to implement the steps""Penny Cooke""Very easy to understand! Love the examples and how they relate to each other. Thank you!""Mohammed Muzamil""It helps to make our basic knowledge about accounting concepts strong""This course will help you understand accounting with no previous accounting experience. After taking this course you will understand how to create and prepare a Profit and Loss Statement as well as a Balance Sheet. By the end of his course you will also know the basic terms and principles of Accounting 101. These principles and terms have led me to own and operate my own successful bookkeeping company. By the end of this course you will also know how to apply the very basics of accounting to understand your own financial transactions. Lastly, by the end of this course, you will be able to update your resume to start applying for entry level accounting positions. How We Are Going To LearnI am teaching this course in an exciting and fun way. The first section will be a 10 minute animated cartoon which will explain the terms and definitions that are extremely important in understanding the basics. The second part of the course will be a a problem solving interactive exercise that we will do together. From scratch, we will be able to prepare a Journal Entry, A General Ledger (Day Book), A Chart of Accounts and finally, both a Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet. Who this course is for:Anyone interested in the fundamentals of Accounting (no accounting experience is needed).Anyone with little to know knowledge of Accounting Anyone interested in starting their own career in accounting Click enroll and let's have some fun!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Break 100 in Golf and Transform Your Golf Game" |
"Breaking 100 is the biggest hurdle for average golfers.As a matter of fact, something like 50% of golfers will never break 100. But it doesn't have to be so difficult. The Break 100 Fast system can help you go from hacker to mid-handicapper in only 22 short lessons!Why This Course is Different from OthersBreak 100 Fast is not just a collection of tips and tricks: it is a proven step-by-step training system that will help you improve every aspect of your game - AND - it's designed with the average golfer in mind.The course will give you:The essential fundamentals you need to improve every aspect of your golf game (from putting to the full swing)Effective practice drills (28+) that will force you to get betterA course management strategy that will make it easy to break 100What's Covered in This CourseThis course will teach you how to:Make short putts and leave the long ones closeChip consistently and get up-and-downBe effective with your wedgesMake consistent full swings and cure your sliceHit from sand bunkers, under the trees, and from awkward stancesDesign an effective course management strategyMaintain your mental focus even during your worst roundsHow This Course is StructuredThis course consists of 22 lessons organized into 7 sections.The sections are:Putting (6 lessons)Chipping (3 lessons)Pitching (3 lessons)Full Swing (3 lessons)Specialty Shots (3 lessons)Mental Game (3 lessons)Breaking 100 (1 lesson)Each lesson contains two parts: Concepts and Practice.The Concepts will teach you the fundamentals you need to be successful.The Practice will layout the exact drills you should be doing to improve your game.This Course is for YOU if:You have never broken 100 or fail to do so consistentlyYou are willing to practice to get better You are looking for highly effective practice drillsThis Course is NOT for You if:You want to get better immediately without any practiceYou don't have any time to work on your gameYou are a single-handicapper and want to learn how to break parWhat Are You Waiting For?If you've been struggling to break 100, now is your chance. This training course will give you everything you need to transform your golf game, and finally break 100."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Laravel 6 -Build a bot powered web-app(course project)" |
"In this course, we are going to move from the very basics of Laravel: MVC Architecture, Routes, Middleware, Routes, Views, etc to advanced Laravel, where we are going to be building various apps as we move forward. We will build a blog, then finalize the course by doing a telegram-bot powered e-commerce application that will enable admin to received real-time purchase, clicks, search, etc updates from the application. I can assure you that you are going to learn a lot and I am going to keep updating this course if need be: In case of any changes."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Data Structures & Algorithms using Java" |
"Hello everyone and welcome to this course!Are you a computer science college student that struggles to understand the Data Structures and Algorithms because the teacher thinks that you already know them? This is a common thing. But don't worry! Enroll in this course and you will master data structures and algorithms! Do you also have some homework to do and write it in java?Even better! the implementations are written in java programming language.Are you a java fan who wants to get a deeper knowledge of the language and try to solve some difficult puzzles? Are you a soon to be java developer and you want to prepare for job interviews?Then this course is all you need!The topics tha will be covered are the following:Bubble Sort algorithmSelection Sort AlgorithmInsertion Sort AlgorithmShell Sort AlgorithmRecursion (it's not that scary!)Merge SortQuick SortCounting SortTreesBinary Search TreesHeapPriorityQueueRed Black TreesKruskal AlgorithmPrim's AlgorithmDid you press the enroll button? Not yet? what are you waiting for?Grab this chance and fire up your skills in algorithms and java!If you don't like what you learn you can always get your money back, but i seriously doubt that, because data structures, algorithms, programming languages and mathematics, combine all together a magical world!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office 2019-Beginner to Expert Level" |
"**This course includes 70+ lectures , LIFETIME access and a 30 day money back satisfaction guaranty by udemy **Learn Excel, PowerPoint and Word 2019 with this tremendous value 3-course bundle.In this Microsoft Office bundle, I make the three essential MS Office programs (Excel, Word and PowerPoint) simple to understand. This bundle includes 3, full-length courses to help you achieve your goals.What's included?MS Excel 2019MS-Power Point 2019MS- Word 2019This bundle includes:5+ hours of video tutorials and will be Updated70+ individual video lectures and will be updated .Certificate of completionINSTRUCTOR SUPPORTI understand that students will have questions related to the course and its necessary also for a healthy learning process hence I encourage students to ask their questions related to the course in the Q&A section of the course.Finally, if you are still thinking weather you should enroll or not then I encourage you to watch some of the preview videos and test the waters before you actually enroll in the course and even after enrolling if you feel that this course failed to meet your expectations then you can always ask for a refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de Chakras, Corpos Dimensionais e Energia(Ki)" |
"Esse curso foi criado para as pessoas que desejam aprender um pouco sobre Chakras, Corpos Dimensionais e Energia(KI).Voc ganhar um mini E-book com todo contedo impresso e tambm vdeos.Ele est dividido em 3 partes:O que energia.O que so corpos dimensionais.O que so Chakras.Na parte de Chakras voc ter Mantras para equilibrar e energizar cada Chakra e tambm materiais de apoio como vdeo extra e diagramas de Chakras.O curso conta tambm com alguns exerccios prticos para voc treinar a sua sensibilidade."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"App Builder Certification Preparation Kit" |
"On your journey to becoming a Salesforce Certified App Builder, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam. Our exams are updated in alignment with Summer '20 enhancements...Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics: Salesforce Fundamentals: 8% Data Modeling and Management: 20% Security: 10% Business Logic and Process Automation: 27% Social: 3% User Interface: 14% Reporting: 5% Mobile: 5% App Development: 8%NEXT: Make sure to take the Salesforce Certified App Builder Exam."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye AutoCAD eitimi" |
"Tm meslek gruplar iin ve hi bilmeyenler iin AutoCAD eitimi. Bu eitimin dier eitimlerden asl fark, 20 yl akn sredir piyasann iinde olduum iin gzlemleme imkan bulduum, sk yaplan yanllara deiniim. Matematiksel temelli olmas nedeniyle ok kullanlan bir tasarm program AutoCAD ki Autodesk gibi bir dnya devince retiliyor. Baz kritik ayrmlarn farknda olan kullanc son derece verimli bir ekilde kullanacak ve netice alacaktr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create a Wildlife Garden: A Beginner's Guide" |
"Do you have an outside space and would like to see more wildlife? Then this course could be for you. Here I will take you through the basics of creating a space that will not only attract wildlife, but encourage it to stay. There are a whole host of things you can do to make your garden more wildlife friendly and what people can do will vary depending on the space you have available and who else uses your garden. Ponds for example arent always compatible with young children or birds with pet cats. But there is something for everyone and in this course I will give you plenty of ideas to take away and play with.Ill show you how to create various habitats for different species in this one hour course, using my own garden as an example. Well also be revisiting my garden throughout the year so all students will get exclusive bonus content.Wildlife gardens are simple to create and even easier to maintain, (you just leave them!) They provide hours of enjoyment and can be a rich source of learning for children too. With our outside spaces getting gradually smaller and less wildlife friendly its more important than ever that we offer what we can to our native wildlife. So whether you have a garden in the country or a balcony in the city, the good news is that everyone can offer something to help the wildlife in their area. This course will help you get started.Please note that I started this course just before the Covid-19 pandemic and had to complete it in the middle of lockdown. For this reason it is a bit rough around the edges. However I am still very proud of this course and look forward to making more in the future."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Internet of Things with Python Programming" |
"Learn Python, the language for IoTHow great would it be to write your own computer program? Or, design a web or desktop application that millions of people could enjoy? Both are a possibility if you learn how to code in Python. Python is the very versatile, object-oriented programming language used by startups and tech giants, Google, Facebook, Dropbox, and IBM. Python is also recommended for aspiring young developers who are interested in pursuing careers in Security, Networking, and Internet-of-Things.Raspberry Pi development comes in many flavors, but Python is common and powerful. In this project-based course, learn how to work with this highly readable languagealong with a Raspberry Pi boardto build a secure ecosystem of interconnected IoT devices. We will be reviewing the basics of IoT smart devices, as well as several important IoT communication models.You will work on 4 Development kits as part of this Hands-on IoT with Python course:Live Weather monitoringMotion detection in a room and image captureTank alarm using Water level detection sensorSmart trashcanWhat youll learn:Problem-solve using an algorithmic approach.Understand programmer's work in the software development process.Gain knowledge on how a program is executed in a computer environmentHardware considerationsIoT communication protocolsInternet security and cryptographyDesigning the project architectureIntegrating sensors with Raspberry Pi"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Breathe. Relax. Refresh." |
"Is it a challenge to keep your emotions consistently in-check? Are you looking for easy to learn techniques to manage these emotions and reduce stress? Have you been looking to boost your self-esteem, improve your physical health, and reduce the social isolation in your life? Then you have found the right spot...Sit back. Grab a warm beverage. Breathe. Relax. And refresh!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Leitura de Fluxogramas (P&ID), Plantas e Isomtricos" |
"Se voc Tcnico ou Engenheiro e no saber ler um documento de engenharia: PARE AGORA! Este curso fundamental para quem quer ingressar na carreira tcnica ou da rea de engenharia industrial. Torne-se capaz de ler e interpretar desenhos e obtenha qualificaes bsicas que todo profissional deste setor de deve possuir. Conhea um pouco sobre o trabalho do professor Pedro Carlos da Silva Telles, um dos maiores nomes da Engenharia e autor de diversos livros de leitura obrigatria para os profissionais da Mecnica/Caldeiraria. Aprenda de uma forma bem didtica a se localizar dentro de uma planta industrial atravs de Fluxogramas (P&ID), Plantas e Isomtricos de tubulaes. Descubra as principais simbologias aplicadas, regras e conceitos para criao de TAGs de equipamentos / linhas. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"iOS 13 & Swift 5: Send Transactional Emails with SendGrid" |
"Welcome to the iOS 13 & Swift 5 - Send Transactional Emails with SendGrid course.In this course, we will build an Events app and learn to:Send emails from your iOS app without building a serverObtain an API key with SendGrid Send templated and non-templated emails from our app aloneAdd dynamic QR code into our emailCreate a customisable email template designThis course is designed for iOS developers with at least 1 year experience and is not a beginners' course. These are some comments from some of my students:Excellent Content, I appreciate the different styles of onboarding screens and all the great explanation! - Carey MThe course is very concise but informative . I really like the project based approach that this course takes. It cuts straight to the chases and show you how these abstract concepts are put into real life problems . Highly recommended - AN DinhReally easy to follow and great for beginners. Really enjoyed the course, thanks Kelvin! - Atiqah A.KPerfect course to help me get started on ios programming! - Tan Kel VinThe instructor is knowledgeable and clear with his instructions. The course is great and informative for those who are planning to build a skeleton they can build on their own app projects Instructor is also helpful. - Raphael Lim"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anxiety management change your perception of riality" |
"Modern man experiences high or low-level anxiety for most of the day whether in his or her relationships or career. This lifestyle leads to a state of imbalance that ultimately causes mental and physical suffering. To improve your mental state you must conduct a thorough and courageous investigation and understand the root of the anxieties, frustration, and despair you are experiencing.The course aims to gain insight into the anxiety and suffering you are experiencing. Knowledge is the key to healing. Even if you practice such and other methods to reduce the stress and suffering you feel, without knowledge you will not be able to reach a full understanding. To make a real change and not just treat the symptoms of anxiety and suffering.This course inspires a person to stop and think, to understand life, the causes, and motives for anxiety, frustration, and despair and how to change it. This course will also open up a new and challenging way of thinking for the student who is ready and willing to change his or her life concept and belief system by which he lives today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Balangtan leri Seviyeye Python (18+ SAAT)" |
"Herkese merhabalar,Bu kursu ekmeden nce biraz tereddtteydim. Udemy zerinde ok fazla sunulmu Python kursu var, ve bir ou iyi yorumlu ve saat olarak ok uzun. Fakat biraz daha aratrma yapp bu kurslarn bazlarn izledikten sonra bende yeni bir Python kursu hazrlamaya karar verdim. Hedefim bilgisayar mhendisi olun ya da olmayn, matematik vesaire biliyor olun yada olmayn, eer bu kursu ciddiye alp bitirirseniz sizi yazlm mantn kavratacam dnyorum. Bu kursun videolarnda ezberden ok kodlamann mantn, bilgisayarlarn alma prensiplerini size kavratmay dnyorum. zlediim videolarn bir ounda sadece kodlar ezber olarak anlatp geiyorlar, sizde bunlar izleyip rendiinizi dnyorsunuz fakat mantn oturtmadan krleme kod yazmak sadece ezber olur, kendi kodunuzu yazacak hale gelemezsiniz ve ne proje yapacam diye dndnzde kafanz karma kark olur. Bunlar biliyorum, nk ayn durumlar ilk kod yazmaya baladmda bende yaadm ve bouna zaman kaybedip zorluk ektim, hatta biraz soudum bile diyebilirim. Benim amacm size zaman kayb yaatmadan bir bilgisayar, en azndan Python programcs yapabilmek. Kodlamann altn kural hi bir kodu kopyala yaptr yapmamaktr, bu konuya dikkat edin ltfen. Kursu gerekten hakkyla alp bitirirseniz o ben yazlm biliyorum diyen insanlarla kod stne konutuunuzda bir ey bilmediklerini fark edeceksiniz. Tek gereken ey bolca kodlamak ve ezberlemeden bilgisayarla konuabilmek. Kursumu tercih ettiiniz iin teekkr ederim, sizi hedeflerinize ulatrabilmek bu kursu hazrlamaktaki tek amacm. Kursun kaynak kodlarn github repomdan ulaabilirsiniz : github/ardaPhysTech/BaslangictanIleriSeviyeyePythonUdemy"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Effective Communication Motivational Interviewing Part 2" |
"This course is a follow up to our 2 FREE online classes through Udemy: Physics of Behavior Change and Effective Communication and Motivational Interviewing. In this class you will dive deeper into understanding more about empathy, reflective listening and increasing engagement while decreasing resistance. This course provides greater examples, discussion and Q & A on the topic of effective Communication and Motivational Interviewing.*This is a pre-recorded training, credits cannot be given-if you would like to receive credits, please sign up for one of our live upcoming trainings."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Profissional" |
"Curso feito para que voc possa viver de youtube, e dominar essa ferramenta que tem sido a que mais atrai publico a cada dia.Desde o inicio de sua carreira com youtube, tambm vai te ajudar caso trabalhe com redes sociais e precise ganhar audincia pelo Youtube.-100% em vdeo-mtodo testado e comprovado-garantia do seu dinheiro"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |