"PHP Orient Objet partir de zro" |
"L'un des langages de script ct serveur le plus puissant ncessite un cours tout aussi puissant et simple pour vous aider, d'une manire progressive, matriser le PHP orient objet.Ne vous contentez pas d'tre bon en PHP, soyez plutt un excellent en apprenant comment les objets et les classes se combinent pour dvelopper une application ou un site Web simple et fiable. Laissez de ct les vieux cours compliqus et optez pour le cours qui vous salit les mains en vous enseignant non seulement les aspects thoriques de la programmation en PHP orient objet, mais qui vous prpare aussi aux aspects pratiques.Voici comment la programmation oriente objet se combine avec le PHP pour crer quelque chose de simple et de beau.L'ide derrire la programmation oriente objet ou POO est qu'elle tourne autour d'objets plutt que d'actions. Ainsi, au lieu de manipuler la logique derrire l'objet pour changer quelque chose, vous manipulez l'objet lui-mme. Simplifions les choses : dans la programmation oriente objet, des objets similaires peuvent tre regroups en un seul objet. Cela signifie que les codes qui sont similaires sont placs dans un seul objet. Ainsi, si vous voulez changer les objets ou les modifier de quelque manire que ce soit, vous pouvez simplement modifier ou appeler l'objet (cela changera ou appellera tout ce qui se trouve sous cet objet). Vous pouvez galement ajouter des sous-classes, qui partagent les caractristiques de l'objet. Cela est utile lorsque vous devez constamment appeler certaines classes pour les modifier.Ce cours a t conu pour simplifier le processus de comprhension de la programmation orient objet en PHP de la manire la plus simple et la plus prcise possible. A laide des exemples simples et des exercices pratiques, ce cours prsente les bases du fonctionnement du PHP avec la POO ainsi que la manire de combiner les deux pour crer efficacement un site Web dynamique.Le cours commence par couvrir des concepts simples tels que les classes, les objets, les mthodes, les proprits, le constructeur, le principe dencapsulation, les mutateurs, les accesseurs, les mthodes et attributs statiques, les constantes de classe etc. En suivant les bases, vous progresserez ensuite vers des sujets plus avancs comme lhritage, les mthodes et les classes abstraites, les interfaces, les mthodes magiques etc. avant de pouvoir utiliser tout ce que vous avez appris pour crer un projet de gestion dun espace utilisateur fonctionnel avec la POO PHP.Voici un cours qui vous simplifie la vie et vous faire apprendre l'un des langage les plus populaires, riche et puissant pour crer les sites web dynamiques. Inscrivez-vous ds maintenant et dcouvrez comment le PHP OOP peut changer votre vie et votre approche de codage en PHP. Je serai toujours votre ct en cas de difficults. trs bientt !"
Price: 59.99

envelopebollingerband |
Price: 12000.00

"Intermittent Fasting Formula" |
"Intermittent Fasting Formula is an easy-to-follow plan to help you lose weight fast. The best part is, you dont have to ban your favourite food. This is what makes the Intermittent Fasting easier to stick to as compared to other restrictive diet plans out there... while delivering remarkable results.This blueprint reveals everything you need to know about Intermittent Fasting How to get started with Intermittent Fasting, learn how Intermittent Fasting works, the amazing mental and physical health benefits, diet protocols, effective tips to get better results fast and much more!If you want to get ripped, burn stubborn belly fats, and improve overall health quickly then this is the solution that youve been waiting for.Not only does the course include 12 premium quality videos of the Intermittent Fasting Formula, but you will also receive the following resources:Intermittent Fasting Formula eBook to accompany the videosIntermittent Fasting Formula Checklist containing a step-by-step action plan for you to make sure you get the full benefits of Intermittent Fasting Formula.Intermittent Fasting Formula Mindmap, which is perfect for 'visual' learners and outlines everything you are going to discover throughout the entire course."
Price: 24.99

"The Perfect Website Structure" |
"Do you have a website, online store or blog? Want to learn how to better optimize it from a user experience perspective? That means better engagement, more sales and a more functional and useful website for everyone?In this course I take you behind the scenes of my personal user experience testing for numerous websites, marketing agencies, local business and start up services looking to fix big mistakes we all make when designing and creating a website.I've done hundreds of reviews and love helping people. I'm sharing these private case studies in this massive course to help you make your web presence better. You'll learn various ways to improve your own website by watching someone go in blind and use a brand new website. Give, real actionable feedback based on my own personal experience of running two 4 figure websites."
Price: 119.99

"Simulados para Certificao Linux LPIC-3/303-200-SECURITY" |
"Pratique com o simulado completo para o exame de certificao LPIC-3:Security 303-200 em portugus-BR atualizado 2020.Esta a certificao de nvel Avanado da carreira de um profissional Linux, uma das principais certificaes Linux do mercado, muito valorizada e reconhecida internacionalmente. Validade de 5 anos, requisito ter a LPIC 02 valida.O que a prova abrange:CriptografiaControle de acessoSegurana do aplicativoSegurana de OperaesRede de SeguranaRequisitos da provaPara o exame voc precisa acertar 50% das questes, ou seja 30 questesSo 60 questesTotal de tempo 60 minutos de prova.Linguagem da prova, somentem em Ingls, JaponsNecessrio estar com a LPI 2 em validadeValor $173 dlares, necessrio carto internacionalNvel avanado"
Price: 39.99

"Unconscious Habits & Coronavirus Prevention" |
"Acquiring infections requires direct contact with infected people and/or the objects they touch. Social distancing is critical; however, so is recognizing potential transmission sources like buttons, knobs, handles, keyboards, and even items within stores & other areas where people congregate.Fortunately, theres a solution.Often it is our unconscious habits that put us most at risk of acquiring an infection. These habits live in and operate from the unconscious part of the mind which is over 90% of the human mind. Clinical Hypnotherapy works with the unconscious mind to change unwanted behaviors and that is exactly what we are going to do in the upcoming online Hypnotherapy Clinic by Liv Scrivanich, International Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist."
Price: 39.99

"Learn Building Management System - BMS Practically in Arabic" |
": 42 ( ) : ( ) , , : , , , ( ) , 30"
Price: 199.99

"React Hooks TypeScript - Firebase" |
"React Hooks, TypeScript, Firebase(Store, Storage)1.React2.React Hooks(useState, useEffect)3.TypeScript4.Firebase(Cloud FireStore,Cloud Storage)5.Material UI6.React Router"
Price: 24000.00

"Hard Surface Creature Creation in Zbrush Intermediate User" |
"Hi, would you like to be able to create really cool creatures with hard surface partsWell if so this course is definitely for you !Welcome to Nexttut education's Hard Surface Creature Creation in Zbrush Intermediate User course .My name is Richie Jon mason . I am a self taught 3D artist, in the past I have worked for 3D artist and 3D world magazine, Nissan. I was also a 3D artist at Guerilla games . Currently working at Warcradle studiosAt the end of the course , you will be able sculpt hard surface creatures using zbrush and keyshot with confidence, you will be able to create a hard surface creature with ease and use the techniques to go on and create your own models.We will cover in this courseSculpt overall shape of our CreatureAdding mechanical partWorking with fabrics for jointsCreating outer ArmorMaking custom insertsPosing The characterGetting it ready to send to keyshotRendering in keyshot then bringing the files into photoshopFirst we will look at our base mesh, then we will roughly sculpt out the panel placements . Well go over each piece individually creating Armor and fabrics, deciding which parts to switch out with hard surface , when were happy with that we will start painting the organic parts, and then before moving to keyshot we will go though the model and prepare it ready for keyshot .Once we have it into keyshot we will start adding materials and find the best render settings then move the images into photoshop fir our final composite imageI made this course for intermediate Zbrush users but any one can download zbrush and keyshot and just start creating with only what zbrush comes with . All default settings, all real time, no speed ups, no skipping and completely step by step.So enrol now and start creating, Hard surface creature model today."
Price: 99.99

"Masterclass on Customer Loyalty" |
"In this course we will learn how to win the minds and hearts of customers. Our goal is to develop a brand, where the customer not only likes the brand, but loves the brand. We will learn from successful brands around the globe, that have been able to develop exceptionally high levels of customer loyalty. Find out what it takes to get your customers to start loving your brand.I have developed this course based on my PhD, where I researched top brands and how they get customers to love their brand. I worked with brands like Emirates Airlines, Apple, Harley Davidson, BMW, Lexus, Caterpillar, Singapore Airlines, Zara, Ikea and Walt Disney. Since then, I have been testing out the research, the models and tools I developed with companies from all across the globe. These include big firms like Fortune 500 companies, all the way down to the entrepreneurs and startups. I have had the chance to work with companies from all across the globe and in a wide variety of industries. Some of these include, Airlines, Hotels, Travel, Health Care, Education, Government, Defense, Banks, Financial Institutions, Shopping Malls, Professional Sports Teams, Formula 1, IT and Telecom, Professional Services, Performing Arts and Entertainment, Manufacturers, Oil and Gas Sector, Cement, Real Estate, FMCGs, etc.The tools, models, and concepts that I will be sharing with you are both based on research, and have been tested in a wide variety of industries. These tools, concepts and models are not available anywhere else.You will learn how to identify the different types of loyal customers, including what true loyalty looks like. You will be able to measure the different types of loyal customers so that you can create customised marketing strategies to appeal to each types of customers. We will discuss what it takes to develop a great brand with high levels of loyal customers. You will be able to develop strategies that incorporate elements to move your organisation towards high levels of loyalty. You will be able to apply our 'how to' list of action points to transform your brand / organisation towards getting more customers to love your brand.This course is also accredited by the European Professional Certification Agency (EPCA). Participants completing this course will be eligible to get an internationally recognised certificate from EPCA."
Price: 99.99

"Sketchup pro de 0 a 100 - Simples pasos para ser un experto." |
"Tras haber iniciado mis estudios en Arquitectura y con el nico deseo de poder expresar mis ideas de una forma ms all de las palabras, incursion en el mundo del modelado 3D con programas tales como Sketchup Pro, AutoCad 3D, ArchiCad, entre otros; claro, no todos los domin al instante, pero si con el tiempo y siguiendo los consejos de profesionales en el tema, pude yo tambin convertirme en uno, aunque debo admitir que uno mis mtodos favoritos de expresin hasta el da de hoy es SketchUp Pro. Durante mis estudios, siempre estuve rodeado de compaeros (no solo en el mbito de la arquitectura, tambin de interiores, urbanismo, diseo industrial, estructurales, entre otros) que al no tener un buen dominio de esta herramienta de trabajo 3D la presentacin de sus ideas no alcanzaba su 100% ; nada muy alejado de la realidad laboral, en donde da a da muchos de mis colegas pierden buenas oportunidades por las mismas razones. Razones que a travs de todos estos aos fueron formando mi habilidad de ayudar con mis conocimientos a estos compaeros y colegas que se convirtieron en mis alumnos.Mi experiencia enseando SketchUp pro ha sido tan eficaz que decid crear un curso prctico cargado con toda mis conocimientos y consejos tiles, y lo mejor de todo, accesible con solo un click a todo aquel que desee aprender. Dentro de este curso no solo encontrars las descripciones detalladas de como utilizar cada una de las herramientas sino que, a lo largo de cada captulo te ir dando mis mejores tips, trucos y estrategias que te convertirn a ti tambin en un experto en poco tiempo.Qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas de la forma que siempre has querido.Adelante, nos vemos en el primer captulo!"
Price: 29.99

"Impara come acquistare Diamanti risparmaindo fino al 50%" |
"In questo corso imparerai dove acquistare Diamanti da Investimento al Miglior Prezzo.Imparerai se meglio comprarli in Italia o all'estero e perch.Ti indicheremo il sito migliore da utilizzare.Ti insegneremo come capire le differenti caratteristiche di un diamante.Quale certificazione deve avere il tuo diamante tra le certificazioni internazionali GIA, IGI ecc. e molto altro..."
Price: 199.99

"The Womans' Medicine Circle" |
"The Woman reflects the Earth, Her seasons, and the Moon, Her phases. Our inner workings, menstruation and life phases, are a copy of those of the Earth and Moon, our greatest allies. This course takes you through reflections. The Womans' Medicine Circle takes elements of the original Medicine Circle and narrows it down to be specific to women. The Woman of this world is the creator, the healer, the nurturer, the peace-maker and the benevolent leader. We, as women, have full access to all these qualities, though most of us are not fully tapped in. This Medicine Circle provides proof of the great power of being woman. The Woman reflects the Earth, Her seasons, and the Moon, Her phases. Our inner workings, menstruation and life phases, are a copy of those of the Earth and Moon, our greatest allies."
Price: 19.99

"Positive Psychology Use Flow States For Success Results" |
"Do you want to learn to focus better. Do you want to get more done? Do you want to define and work toward real goals? Do you want to learn how to concentrate better?Learn to master productivity and time management in this course filled with examples, tips and strategies for your success. Be more productive. When you finish the course you earn a certificate of completion and the course is back by a 30-day money back guarantee."
Price: 199.99

"SCRUM et le best-of des mthodes agiles de gestion de projet" |
"Russir dans lagilit : de quoi avez-vous besoin ?Si vous souhaitez tre performant dans votre activit professionnelle, vous devez avoir toutes les cartes en mainPour cela vous avez besoin dacqurir un ventail trs large de connaissances sur lagilitAvec cette formation, vous allez apprendre les mthodes, techniques et pratiques les plus populaires dans le dveloppement agileSCRUM bien entendu incontournable, mais aussi XP (eXtreme Programming), Kanban, Lean Software Development, les tests agiles avec TDD et BDD, le mouvement Software Craftsmanship, bref le best-of des mthodes agiles pour grer vos projetsEn prime, toutes les certifications agiles sont dcortiques, que vous soyez Scrum Master, Product Owner, Dveloppeur, mais aussi les autres certifications de type PMI, Prince2 et Agile LeadershipPour que votre entreprise devienne agile, les diffrents Frameworks pouvant tre mis en place sont expliqus, avec SAFe, le modle Spotify ou du Scrum of ScrumsEnfin, vous sont proposes des dmonstrations de logiciels de lcosystme agile : Jira, Trello, Confluence, Slack, Teams et XMindToute la formation est agrmente de nombreux exercices interactifs, de quiz, sans compter la trentaine de ressources supplmentaires mis disposition pour perfectionner votre apprentissageVous tes lacteur de vos succs futurs !"
Price: 199.99

"The Power Query Workshop - Part 1" |
"The Power Query workshop is a unique course that allows the student to gain experience with Power Query by practicing on all sorts of common transformation scenarios. The course contains, among other things, 30 real-world exercises that will help you gain experience with many types of transformations you will perform in your day-to-day work. The course is targeted towards those students who have some experience with Power Query and M but not enough to really feel proficient."
Price: 24.99

"Tworzenie gier w Unity 2 - Projekty, Git, Android, PlayStore" |
"Kurs Unity GameDev przeznaczony jest dla osb chccych tworzy gry i aplikacje w silniku Unity.Zaczniemy od prostych aplikacji, skupionych gwnie na elementach UI stopniowo przechodzc do kolejnych, bardziej rozbudowanych projektw.Wikszo lekcji omawianych jest na konkretnych przykadach w trakcie tworzenia projektw.Kurs ten przeznaczony jest dla osb, ktre maj ju podstawow wiedz z zakresu programowania w C#. Warto jednak zaznaczy, e w projektach uywamy naprawd podstawowych elementw programowania wic nawet osoby pocztkujce powinny sobie z nimi poradzi.Dla osb, ktre dopiero zaczynaj przygod z programowaniem proponujemy nasz kurs Podstawy Programowania w C# na Udemy lub darmowy 2.5 godzinny kurs programowania na kanale youtube."
Price: 24.99

"ISO 27001 Lead Auditor: Material de Estudo em Portugus" |
"Esta certificao cobre o norma internacional publicada pela International Standardization Organization (ISO), que descreve como se deve gerenciar a segurana da informao dentro de uma empresa. A ISO 27001 pode ser implementada em todos os tipos de organizao: com ou sem fins lucrativos, privada ou estatal, de pequeno ou grande porte. Ela foi escrita pelos melhores especialistas do mundo na rea de segurana da informao e fornece uma metodologia de implementao de gesto de segurana da informao em uma organizao.Tambm permite que as empresas se tornem certificadas, o que significa que uma entidade de certificao independente confirmou que uma determinada organizao implementou a segurana de informaes em conformidade com a ISO 27001.Este curso incluiEstude documentos para preparar a certificao em PDFMaterial do alunoDocumentos e registros exigidos por ISO 27001.Prticas recomendadasTermos e definiesSyllabus.Brochure.Inclui um desconto de 30% no exame Certiprof Certified ISO 27001 Lead Auditor (I27001LA), quando voc o compra conosco. Consideraes importantes:Este curso NO inclui vdeos.Somos membros da rede de parceiros de parceiros de treinamento autorizados CertiProf."
Price: 39.99

"Fundamentals of AWS" |
"The course is designed for students who are foraying for the first time, in the world of Cloud Computing. The course opens with an explanation of how Cloud Computing came to be, and what is it. Once students are aware of what Cloud Computing is, the course shall move on to what AWS. The course contains both theoretical knowledge, and demos, ensuring that students by the end of this course, have hands on knowledge, on to use AWS in real life professional scenario.By the end of this course, students will have a strong foundation and will be on their journey, to be able to prepare for the first Associate level AWS Certification, that is AWS Cloud Practitioner. At the very end of this course, students will also be explained the benefits of becoming AWS Certified."
Price: 34.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner" |
"This course is designed to prepare you for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.The fundamental-level course is intended for individuals who seek an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. It provides a detailed overview of cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support. You will also learn how to define what the cloud is, how it works & how to differentiate between cloud computing and deployment models."
Price: 99.99

"100+ Manual Test Cases- Interview Preparation" |
"When anyone is working as a Tester in any industry, his dream may be how he became a Great Software Tester, for that the tester has an eye for detail. But at the same time for having a good tester you have to write effective Manual Test Cases. So, for writing an effective Manual Test Cases, the tester should have both talent and experience.When it comes to writing the Manual Test Cases, some testers feel it is a boring job, but from the test cases, we can know what to test and how to test. So writing good test cases is a valuable asset to the organization, improve the productivity of the team and help your organization to create quality software"
Price: 2240.00

"Curso UX Research" |
"A compreenso do cliente, cada vez mais complexo e protagonista, essencial para a perenidade das organizaes e deve ser o vetor principal da inovao. Nesse contexto, j consenso que, para desenvolver e entregar produtos e servios relevantes, se comunicar com impacto, criar conexo com um pblico, precisamos aprender a ouvir a voz do cliente.Nesse curso vamos abordar como:Como realizar um projeto de pesquisa e anlise de comportamento do consumidor de forma produtiva, coerente e confivel.Como ajustar as minhas lentes para extrair informaes relevantes.Como planejar e conduzir uma entrevista em profundidade.Como analisar, conectar informaes, obter insights, requisitos e oportunidades.Como tomar decises a partir dessas informaes.Como apresentar as informaes para que sejam bem assimiladas.O curso tem foco em pesquisa qualitativa, de carter etnogfico. Ou seja, voc vai entender como entrar na realidade dos seus clientes, conversar olho no olho, extrair o que relevante e valioso para eles.Voc vai perceber que pesquisa com o consumidor no algo exclusivo de grandes organizaes, e que voc pode criar vantagens competitivas, oportunidades de inovao e vnculo com seus clientes a partir das preciosas informaes que so obtidas nesse processo."
Price: 204.99

"O segredo para falar em pblico e encantar" |
"Curso para quem ainda no fala em pblico e para quem j fala. Nesse curso ser apresentado o trip necessrio para a boa comunicao e conceitos de comunicao verbal/no verbal. Entenda o que necessrio para ser um orador que se sobressai e o segredo para encantar os mais diversos pblicos."
Price: 39.99

"Autocad. Gua Terico-Practica. Desde Cero" |
"El presente curso contiene las fases del conocimiento para el aprendizaje del software de dibujo asistido por computador: AutoCAD.Autodesk AutoCAD es un software CAD utilizado para dibujo 2D y modelado 3D. Actualmente es desarrollado y comercializado por la empresa Autodesk. El nombre AutoCAD surge como creacin de la compaa Autodesk, en que Auto hace referencia a la empresa creadora del software y CAD a Diseo Asistido por Computadora (por sus siglas en ingls ""Computer Aided Design""), teniendo su primera aparicin en 1982. AutoCAD es un software reconocido a nivel internacional por sus amplias capacidades de edicin, que hacen posible los dibujos digitales de planos de diferente tipo como arquitectnicos, elctricos, mecnicos etc., es uno de los programas ms usados por arquitectos, ingenieros, diseadores industriales y otras especialidades.El proceso de aprendizaje se llevar a cabo a travs de videotutoriales guiados y material textual donde se ensear las diferentes funcionalidades de AutoCAD, para luego, mediante ejercicios prcticos afianzar el conocimiento, logrando de esta manera, la aplicacin en el dibujo tcnico.Al estudiante se le proporcionara las herramientas necesarias para que realice Actividades de apropiacin del conocimiento (Conceptualizacin y Teorizacin) en cada seccin del curso.Seccin 1: Introduccin descarga e instalacion del Software AutoCAD.Seccin 2: Conocer la interfaz grfica del programa y aplicar las coordenadas para la representacin grfica de geometra.Para obtener el conocimiento sobre la Interfaz grfica y la entrada de datos, el aprendiz debe estudiar el material de apoyo: INTERFAZ GRAFICA Y ENTRADA DE DATOS, documento que encontraras en la seccin 2. En este material, aprender lo concerniente a las partes de la pantalla inicial de AutoCAD, cmo se ingresan los datos y el uso de coordenadas.Seccin 3: Dibujar con precisin mediante utilidades de la barra de estadoPara obtener el conocimiento sobre las Utilidades que estn ubicadas en la barra de estado, debe estudiar el material de apoyo: UTILIDADES DE LA BARRA DE ESTADO, documento que encontraras en la seccin 3. En este material, aprender las utilidades tales como: Forzcursor, rejilla, orto, polar, referencia a objetos, rastreo de referencia a objetos entre otros.Seccin 4: Dibujar geometra mediante comandos de dibujo y edicin.Para obtener el conocimiento sobre el manejo de Comandos de Dibujo y edicin que estn ubicadas en la Cinta de opciones, debe estudiar el material de apoyo: TUTORIAL COMANDOS, documento que encontraras en la seccin 4. En este material, aprender cmo se utiliza cada comando mediante la ejecucin de dibujos sencillos explicados paso a paso.Seccin 5: Dibujar geometra aplicando capas y propiedades de objeto.Para obtener el conocimiento sobre el manejo de Capas y propiedades de objeto que est ubicado en la Cinta de opciones en el panel Capa, debe estudiar el material de apoyo: CAPAS Y PROPIEDADES DE OBJETO, presentacin que encontraras en la seccin 5. En este material, aprender cmo se organizan los dibujos y el control de la visualizacin de los mismos, aplicacin de propiedades como color, grosor de lnea y tipos de lneas.Seccin 6: Dibujar plano arquitectnico mediante insercin de bloques. Presentaciones.Para obtener el conocimiento sobre el manejo de Bloques, trazado de dibujos, debe estudiar el material de apoyo: ACTIVIDAD BLOQUES ARQUITECTNICO Y PRESENTACIONES, documentos que encontraras en la seccin 6. En estos materiales, aprender cmo se dibuja un plano arquitectnico, cmo se crean y se insertar bloques personalizados desde la librera: Design Center, disponible en AutoCAD. Como fase final, aprender a realizar el trazado de dibujos desde el entorno de Presentacin."
Price: 59.99

zvuki-slogi |
": : . , , , """" , , , , . """" 2 , -."
Price: 19.99

"Yeni Balayanlar in Dijital Pazarlama 2020" |
"Bu kursta Pazarlama ve Dijital Pazarlamann temellerini renerek dijital dnyaya start vermi olacaksnz. Pazarlama bir bilim daldr ve asla ansa braklmamaldr. ansa brakmak istemiyorsanz kursa kaydolun ve hemen balayn. Bu kursa katlmak iin herhangi bir blm mezunu olmanz gerekmiyor. Yeter ki isteyin ve azmedin. Pazarlamayla ilgili aklnza taklan her trl soru iin benimle iletiime geebilirsiniz.Kursu indirimli almak isterseniz mervecapguler .com adresinden kupon kodunu alabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Google Ad words Search Advertising Advanced Practice Exam" |
"234 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Ad words Search Advertising Advanced Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Ad words Search Advertising Advanced Practice ExamTotal Questions : 234Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (175 of 234)"
Price: 169.99

"SAP C_BOCR_08 Application Associate Crystal Report Exam" |
"290 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_BOCR_08 Application Associate Crystal Report ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_BOCR_08 Application Associate Crystal Report ExamTotal Questions : 290Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed 200 minsPassing Score : 75 (217 of 290)"
Price: 179.99

"AutoCAD 2020- La formation complte" |
"Cette formation englobe la majorit des fonctionnalits gomtriques de dessin technique du logiciel DAO AutoCAD. Les exercices sont choisis avec une pdagogie trs dveloppe qui permet l'tudiant d'apprendre progressivement et de faon efficace. Sur cette formation complte AutoCAD on va aborder les chapitres suivants:1/ Interface utilisateur et environnement de travail2/ Dessin 2D3/ Les blocs et les attributs 4/ Habillage( Cotation, lignes de repre..)5/ Les calques6/ Prsentation et mise en page de dessin7/ Projet final."
Price: 64.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner" |
"This course is designed to help you prepare for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification exam. The fundamental-level course is intended for individuals who seek an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. It provides a detailed overview of cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support. You will also learn how to Define what the cloud is and how it works Differentiate between cloud computing and deployment models."
Price: 44.99

"Certificate in Covid 19/Corona management" |
"The course planning and execution has taken time for months and years of the technical team and the faculties at Heartbeatsz academy. To do a simple Master review course, the chief faculty had to spend few thousand $ and of course travelling expenses were extra. We aim to share the knowledge in compact way at very affordable price to be able to help our students save money. If you will notice, our faculty are highly qualified across the best academic centers but price wise we have tried to keep more money in your pocket rather than someone else. Moreover, our courses have highest hours of quality video content compared to others surely (please check and compare). Please support us by giving good review for our course, so that we can add more lectures. Don't forget to follow us on Youtube, facebook, facebook group Instagram and Twitter.##There are special discounts for students giving 5 star rating for other course by messaging screenshot#We have brought together some of the best experts from around the world to share the expertise for everyone.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about management and fundamentals of corona patients . Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly. The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format."
Price: 49.99
