"Pilates Suelo II" |
"Tras el curso de Pilates suelo nivel I, os traigo Pilates suelo nivel II, en el que aprenderemos las diferencias entre los dos niveles.Al final de cada vdeo encontrars un resumen con los puntos clave ms importantes a tener en cuanta en cada ejercicio y desde la primera leccin dispondrs de dos PDF con el resumen de todos los ejercicios (tanto de nivel I, como de nivel II). Este curso est enfocado a las personas que quieran formarse como instructores de pilates o para personas que quieran avanzar ms en esta disciplina.Es muy importante que hayas hecho el curso de Pilates nivel I, o al menos tengas nociones y hayas practicado pilates con anterioridad."
Price: 84.99

"Convert Scanned Documents to Text. JPG to Excel" |
"""Level Up for Beginners who are interested in Big Data and Machine Learning (using Python).This Step-by-Step Course is intended to be an initiation to learn #BigData and #MachineLearning with #Python programming for absolute beginners that have no background in programming. In this course, we will step by step, using the example of real data, we will go through the main processes related to the topic ""Big data and machine learning"". Since the material turned out to be voluminous, I divided the course into five parts. The Second part is devoted to the collection and extraction of data from scanned documents and Images. In this course, you will learn how to extract data from From Scanned Documents And Images, invoices, receipts, contracts and any other documents in PDF format or in Image format. We will work on real data. We will have two sets of data consisting of PDF files that we will transform to the text and to tabular form. We will visualize the received data on the Kaggle platform using python libraries, which will help us to depict our received data in a graphical format. During the training process, we will install Python and such libraries as Pandas, seaborn, matplotlib and others. We will upload the received data to the Kaggle platform and here using the Jupiter Notebook we will visualize our data and at the end, we will upload our data to the GitHub platform. Topics covered in this course: Lecture 2. Python. Choosing python IDE. Anaconda. Install Python.How to convert a scanned PDF to text?Python or Anaconda?Choosing an Python IDE for beginners.How to install Visual Studio Code on Windows?How to install Python?How to run Python in VS Code?Lecture 3. Scanned PDF files. Convert a PDF document to images using Python.How to convert scanned PDF to JPEG?How to Install Tesseract OCR?What is Tesseract?Google OCR in Python with Tesseract.Extract a page from a pdf as a jpegHow to convert a pdf document to images using python?Convert PDF to Image using Python.Install Poppler, Pillow (PIL) module.Lecture 4. Installing Tesseract. User-defined functions in Python.Installing Tesseract for WindowsInstall PyTesseract OCR.Iterate over files in a given directory.How is try/except used in Python?Writing user-defined functions in PythonLecture 5. Regular Expression in Python. Pattern matching in Python.What is regular expression?How do you match in regex?Online RegEx tester and debugger.Use Findall in Python?Using Regex for Text Manipulation in Python.Lecture 6. Array und Function in Python. Add data to Array. Create function in Python.Add a string to an array.How to declare and add items to an array in Python?Write a function in Python.Save data to Pandas Dataframe.Lecture 7. GeoPy - easy to locate the coordinates. Get the latitude and longitude of location.How do I convert address to coordinates?How do you geocode data?Locate the coordinates.How do I find the geocode of an address?Install GeoPy module.Install GDL, Fiona module.Lecture 8. Kaggle. Jupiter Notebook. Plot data with matplotlib, seaborn, squarify.Visualize a dataset.Run Jupyter notebook using Kaggle.Python Treemaps with Squarify and Matplotlib.How do you create a TreeMap chart?How to Convert Strings to Floats in Pandas DataFrame.Replacing strings with numbers in PythonPlot a DataFrame with matplotlib and seaborn.Lecture 9. Folium. Mapping in Python. Plot Geographic Data on a Map.Plot Geographic Data on a Map.How to use folium with Jupyter notebook?Placing coordinates on a map.How to plot data on maps in Jupyter.Efficiently display a map with CircleMarker().Mapping in Python with geopandas.Black & White map with Folium.Lecture 10. GitHub. Desktop GitHub. Store and manage code.GitHub and how do you use it.Upload files to GitHub.Install GitHub Desktop.Sync with a remote Git repository.Adding a repository from your local computer to GitHub.The course is best-suited for learners who are interested in Big Data and Machine Learning (using Python) or for learners who already have Python programming skills but want to practice with a hands-on, real-world data project can also benefit from this course."
Price: 44.99

"Secret of Candlestick Trading To Master Forex/Stock Trading" |
"Stock lover, Forex lover, Traders, Investors, Stock market, Forex market[CC] EnglishMaster the secrets of candlestick trading for Forex and Stock MarketDo you want to learn:- How to master Japanese candlestick trading with hidden secrets of candlestick ?- When a upward or downward trend will come to an end ?- How to Identify strong candlestick patterns from weak ones ?- How to Trade in Forex and stock with confidence ?- How buyers and sellers move the price ?- How to maximize profits with minimum risk ?- How to use candlesticks in Forex, stock, commodity, index, options, cryptocurrency ?- How to develop a new mindset of success ?- How to Understand the market sentiments just by looking at the candlestick ?- How to trade and invest in stock market successfully ?Here's a good news for you !!We have designed this course for Forex, stock, commodity, index, options, cryptocurrency, in which we revealed all the secrets of candlesticks trading which are used by professional traders.Take this course now and learn from my many years of experience. This course will teach you how to trade in market successfully with confidence.This course is for All Levels : Beginners Intermediate and Advanced Traders.Enroll in this course Now and become a successful trader.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All our courses come with :- 30 day money back guarantee- Unlimited lifetime access at no extra cost- All future additional lectures in this course will be always free"
Price: 199.99

"How to Build a Business Website" |
"This is a hands on course where you will learn how to create a business website. During this course I will teach you how to look at your website and think about your website from the standpoint of a web developer. As we create the site, I will point out various areas to pay close attention to and explain to you why I am doing the things I am doing. By the end of this course you will have a beautiful, fully-functioning website."
Price: 29.99

"YouTube Tutorial For Beginners In Tamil" |
"Are you an Housewife, Entrepreneur,Retired Person, Working Person or any person looking to earn extra income online. You can start YouTube Channel from scratch with zero knowledge. In this YouTube video course you can learn all basics and important money making strategies that I experimented in my successful youtube channels. So that you can learn all my strategies and complete understandings of YouTube analytics and YouTube algorithm. Which will help you to grow your channel instantly."
Price: 1280.00

"Kurs tworzenia zapyta w jzyku SQL z uyciem SQL Server." |
"Oddajemy w Wasze rce praktyczny kurs tworzenia zapyta w jzyku SQL. cznie otrzymujesz 35 lekcji. To ponad 8 godzin materiau video. Wszystkie wiczenia s realizowane w oparciu o nasz treningow baz danych BANK. Dodatkowo otrzymasz od nas dodatkowej lekcje/wykady z wiczeniami z treningow baz danych Northwind. Treningowe bazy danych BANK i NORTHWIND znajdziesz na naszej stronie www (patrz oglny profil na UDEMY tam znajdziesz link do strony).Kurs moesz rozpocz nie majc adnego dowiadczenia z jzykiem SQL. Wszystko w kursie jest wytumaczone od pocztku w praktyczny sposb. Duo dobrze wyjanionych zada gwarantuje, e otrzymacie mega paczk praktycznej wiedzy, ktr kady z Was bez problemu wykorzysta w codziennej pracy.Serdecznie zapraszamy!"
Price: 189.99

"Lumion A'dan Z'ye renme ve Hzl Mekan Gereki Render" |
"3D Modelleme yapyorsunuz ama istediiniz kalitede render alamyorsanz tam size gre bir kurs.Lumion ile ilgili hibir ey bilmenize gerek yok, hepsini burada hzl bir ekilde reneceksiniz.Objeler iin kaliteli malzeme materyalini ayarlaya bileceksiniz.Doru k ayarn gn nn nasl olduunu reneceksiniz.Lumion programnn pf noktalar greceksiniz.Ksa srede foto gereki render alma ve animasyon hazrlamay bulacaksnz.Aldmz rendern zerinde photoshop ile post yaparak daha gzel grnmesini salayacaksnz.sterseniz tek tek ders videolarn izleyebilir, isterseniz de uygulama projesinin videolarn izleyerek renebilirsiniz.Ders videolar farkl farkl projelerde grecek ve pekitireceksinizSadece ekstralar blmnde olan videolar ile 3D Max ve Lumion program iin hayatnz kolaylatracak bilgileri ve dosyalar bulabileceksiniz.3D Max'deki gzkmeyen malzemenizi bilgisayarnzdan Script yardmyla bulacaksnz3D MAX Vray materyal ile izilmi projeyi Standart materyale evirerek Lumion programna aktarmaProjenizi Animasyon yaptnz, televizyondan veya bilgisayardan da kendi logonuzun videosunu oynatabilirsinizGerek k, doru gn ayarnn Photoshop program zerinden Lumiona uygulamay greceksiniz.Lumion da istediiniz malzeme rengini Photoshop program yardmyla Lumion da uygulamay bulacaksnzGerek saydam ie yada cam iinde gzken sv malzemenin nasl yapldn reneceksinizMesleki tecrbelerimi kullanarak sizlere bilgilerimi paylamak istedim. Konular ile ilgili her zaman soru sorabilirsiniz.Kurs sonunda sertifika alacaksnzBu kupon kodunu kullanrsanz indirimden yararlanabilirsiniz. Kupon Kodu: HIZLIRENDER* Memnuniyet Garantisi: Kurstan herhangi bir nedenle memnun olmazsanz, 30 gn iinde Udemy zerinden demenizi geri alabilirsiniz.KURSUN AMACI: Hzl ama Gerek Kalitede Render Alma ve Animasyon Hazrlama"
Price: 99.99

"AWS Cloud Development Kit - From Beginner to Professional" |
"AWS Cloud Development Kit(CDK) - From Beginner to ProfessionalProvisioning cloud applications can be a challenging process that requires you to perform manual actions, write custom scripts, maintain templates, or learn domain-specific languages. AWS CDK uses the familiar and expressive power of programming languages.AWS CDK gives you components preconfigured with proven defaults, without needing to be an expert. AWS CDK provisions your resources in a safe, repeatable manner through AWS CloudFormation. Note: This course assumes you know how to use the AWS Cloud. It will help you transform your solution architecting skills into CDK Stack.Section OutlineHow to get started with CDKCreate AWS Resources and Customize resources to suit your needsCreate Serverless & Deploy Serverless Application ResourcesCreate Advanced Use-Cases and Architecture PatternCreate & Deploy a fully functional application using CDKThis Course Also Comes With: Lifetime Access to All Future Updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Links to interesting articles, and lots of good code to base your next application onto Udemy Certificate of Completion A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!This is the course that could change your AWS skills.Learning and getting hands-on on AWS CDK helps you to enhance your career opportunities and helps to boost your income. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning AWS CDK today!Take the course now, completely risk free !"
Price: 39.99

"(Machine Learning) R" |
", . , . , , , , . , ? R, ."
Price: 104.99

"Freelancing On Upwork: Importance Of The Interface Phase 1" |
"The primary benefits of mastering the interface:1. Reduce the time it takes to find jobs by mastering search interface2. Improve communication with clients using app interface3. Increase chances of closing a job by understanding job interface4. Time Tracker: Timely and protected payments by using time tracker5. Knowing where to find key information within interface to help you manage your freelance business6. Find more job opportunities by filtering search results"
Price: 199.99

"Java Interview preparation" |
"In this course, you won't be learning what is an interface rather you will learn that object of an interface can not be created but its reference variable can store the address of class to which it implementsForm above example you might have understood that this course is all about Java Concept, not basic java topicsEach lecture video is divide into three parts Theory, Practical and Notes revision, If you are expert in java you can learn concept just by watching theory and Note revision part, this saves your 2/3 of time on each lectureYou will Get PDF notes for each lecture so that you do not have to waste time on making handwritten notes"
Price: 19.99

"A Beginner's Guide to Android App Development" |
"Welcome to our course ""A Beginner's Guide to Android App Development"".Looking to launch your own app on Google Play Store but don't know where to begin? Then here's your chance to learn the basics and build your skills in Android development. Before you read further, it is an essential prerequisite for a student to have good understanding of Java (OOPs and Threads, in particular) Android development course is a collection of Android Application Development tutorial videos. You will first get started with the software installation, cover basics like Layouts and Views, and gradually move on to more advanced topics. And then finally, you get to build your very own Bluetooth Chat Application right from scratch.Take your first step and we will guide you into this amazing, ever-evolving world of Android.More lectures will be uploaded soon.PS: Each video is dependent on previous videos, so please watch them before moving to the next videos."
Price: 1280.00

"Research Thesis Preparation" |
"This course provides expert advice and tips on aspects of the thesis process which are very often ignored but which can have a major impact on efficiency and stress during the process. This is not a thesis writing course, but instead it looks at pre-preparation before you actually start writing anything. "
Price: 300.00

"SAP C_TFIN52_05 Financial Solution Consultant Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following statements is correct?a) master customer data comparison program compares the basic elements have already been created in the field of accounting, but has not yet been established in the field of sales and distribution.b) master customer data, comparing clients in the existing system, with customers in the system 3 / Rc) master customer data comparison program compares the basic elements have already been created in the purchase, but not in salesd) Mater customer data comparison program checks postbag client, whether the phone number.e) NoneQ) The layout of the main data for each class of assets is determineda) the number of tabsb) Group of fields shown in tabsc) tabs titlesd) all righte) NoneQ) Reporting definition is a tool that lets you analyze drawings G / L Transaction accounts and financial statementsa) TRUEb) FALSEQ) The account can be changed according to your needs, but the depreciation schedule is always in a particular countrya) FALSEb) TRUE"
Price: 179.99

"Obtenez des milliers de prospects cibls gratuitement" |
"Cette formation est faite pour tous ceux qui veulent dcouvrir comment capturer des milliers de mails cibls via la puissance de Google. L'argent est dans la liste. C'est ce que tous les marketeurs disent et c'est vrai. Mme si vous commencer de 0, vous pourrez trs vite faire grossir votre liste et gnrer des ventes. Peu importe votre thmatique, vous trouverez votre bonheur."
Price: 19.99

"Impara JavaScript da Zero" |
"In questo corso vedremo le basi del JavaScript.Ogni lezione video avr dei file su cui potrete mettere in pratica quanto spiegato nel video.Come si crea un programma JavaScript.La sintassi, i data types, numeri e stringhe.Gli oggetti, gli arrays, i metodi ed anche le boleane.Gli events, gli operatori di assegnazione.Le variabili, var, let e const.I loop for, while ed il break.Strutture condizionali, If else, switch e l'operatore ternario.La arrow function.La form validation.Le funzioni e le classi.Come installare un progetto in modern JavaScript con WebPack, Node.js, NPM, Babel, ESLint."
Price: 24.99

"VMware VCPC610 Certified Professional 6 Cloud Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) An administrator must enable a cluster for use by vCloud Automation Center. The cluster has the following configuration: changing the cluster administrator must make?a) Enable HA.b) Add additional hosts to ESXi clusterc) Enable DRSd) Create a resource pool.Q) An administrator wants a FlexClone machine model for distribution only FlexClone storage. What is the best method to meet the requirements?a) Creating a policy of reservation, and assign the reservation criterion for the project and storage for implementations of FlexClone machinesb) Create a business group specifically for deployments of FlexClone FlexClone machines and assign a reservation for the business groupc) Create a tenant specifically for deployments of FlexClone FlexClone machines and assign the book to the tenant.d) Creating a Reservation criteria, assigning the project and storage for implementations of FlexClone machines to the booking conditions.Q) Where can input User Interaction be expected for a vCenter Orchestrator workflow?a) Inbox> User Action Manualb) Stocks Inbox> Resourcec) Requests> User Action Manuald) Inquiries> Resource StocksQ) What is needed for a tenant to manage an item in vCloud Automation Center that was created by a workflow vCenter Orchestrator?a) A resource provisioningb) A mapping of resourcesc) resource actiond) A published service projectQ) What are the two instruments would be an administrator to vCloud Automation Center user to extend the default installation for the production of Anything as a Service (XaaS)? (Pick one.)a) vCenter Orchestratorb) vCloud Automation Center Advanced Service Designerc) vCloud Automation Center Designerd) Organizer infrastructure"
Price: 169.99

"Creating Fun Basic Facebook Applications to Earn(2020)" |
"DescriptionWelcome to the course, where I will teach you How I made money on facebook over a period of one month only. The Couse Teaches you how to monetize your simple games.This Course is basically focussed on focussing the targeted audience specific to a certain category depending on the content which you provide. The better the content you better you can earn with the time it takes to make this page is about 4-5 including collecting data.For your education purpose , I will be revealing my website url that I have used and still using to earn money from Google Adsense every month. Not just that , I will be giving you all the necessary PHP files and database that you can simply host and start working right now.During the course you will be taught how to find the right niche and how i find mine.In this Course there will be certain material, Sites and Tips which i use professionally and to you will be beneficial. This Course is to benefit other and also contains the Knowledge which i learned over these many years.What you'll get:A Pre Built Website and Database ready to be deployed. A Link to my current working site as an example.Method to Drive Traffic to your Webpage.Complete newbie tutorial on how to set up the website PHP files and import the included database.Source of Getting Traffic to your Site.Who this course is for:Social Media Marketers (experienced or inexperienced) will benefit from this course"
Price: 99.99

"EQ ( )" |
". , , , , , , . , , , , , . , , . , , , . ( EQ) 90 . Google 2007 "" "" . , . EQ, . EQ , . : , : , ; , , ; , , , ; , ; , , ; , , , ; , , , . : , , . , , ( ). , . , , , . , , . , ! - !"
Price: 99.99

"Mindfulness & Pilates" |
"Programa especialmente diseado para 21 das, compuesto adems de sesiones planeadas de acondicionamiento fsico, de sencillas dinmicas de atencin plena, para la mejora de calidad de vida integral de quien practique, como la correccin postural, evitar, corregir dolores de espalda y articulaciones por falta de trabajo de fuerza muscular No te preocupes si no estas familiarizado con los trminos manejados, no se trata de un examen al final del programa, todo lo contrario, se trata de integrarlos vivencialmente a tu estilo de vida y aprovechar de manera benfica y efectiva el tiempo del que disponemos."
Price: 720.00

"Corso Base di Chitarra Acustica" |
"PRESENTAZIONECiao, sono Roberto Castelli e sono qui per presentarti il mio Corso Base di Chitarra Acustica in 4 Settimane!Come dice il nome si tratta di un percorso che ti porter, passo dopo passo, a suonare la chitarra acustica, fino ad arrivare a suonare insieme a me 4 canzoni di facile esecuzione.STRUTTURA DEL CORSOIl corso strutturato in 4 settimane allinterno delle quali studierai diverse materie: teoria, accordi, strumming, arpeggi, lettura (in diverse modalit di scrittura) e scale.Per mettere in pratica tutto questo ci saranno una serie di esercizi, ognuno dei quali ha un compito ben preciso:gli esercizi di riscaldamento e di stretching: servono per esercitare entrambe le mani sviluppando coordinazione, resistenza, agilit e precisione;gli esercizi di training: hanno una funzione preparatoria in quanto si entrer nel dettaglio vedendo ogni singolo passaggio da svolgere;le hotline finali: sono esercizi riepilogativi per mettere in pratica quanto imparato durante la settimana.Alla fine delle 4 settimane ci sar una sezione bonus dove, come ti ho detto allinizio, suonerai 4 canzoni insieme a me; questi brani sono fuori dal corso e quindi avranno bisogno di pi tempo per essere suonate in maniera adeguata.ULTERIORI INFOPerch 4 settimane? Perch credo sia il tempo adeguato per mettere in pratica il materiale che ti dar da studiare; ovviamente puoi concederti pi tempo, nessuno te lo vieta: lapprendimento infatti diverso da persona a persona, quindi non preoccuparti se necessiti di qualche giorno o settimana in pi!Attenzione: il corso non ha la pretesa di insegnarti a suonare la chitarra acustica come i grandi professionisti in sole 4 settimane! Suonare uno strumento complicato, e come tale richiede tanto esercizio e tanto tempo. Il mio corso ha il solo scopo di darti le basi per poter suonare la chitarra, il tutto in un tempo non troppo lungo; ci tenevo a chiarire questo aspetto che io ritengo fondamentale.Se ti va di cominciare a suonare, allora iscriviti al corso, ci vediamo l! Ciaooo"
Price: 39.99

"Embodiment of Prostitute - Lover Archetype" |
"One of survivor's archetype of a prostitute is a journey that teaches us about our fears regarding physical survival, trains our skills of seduction and challenges our capacity to negotiate with our soul.If you are afraid to make your way in the world, the Prostitute will lead you to sell yourself to anybody who will support you. Youll sell your mind, your opinions, your ethics, your bodyit doesnt matter what form the prostitution takesbut in the process youll learn the value of maintaining your integrity. Archetype of prostitute is reflected in situations when we give priority to safety instead of giving the empowerment to ourselves. So, this is when we sell out ourselves (our ideas, dreams, ideals..) for security. Exceeding the prostitute archetype is the journey to the higher vibration of a LOVER archetype - it involves the activation of personal passions and learning to surrender to them. In particular, learning that we are able to risk everything for our deep-rooted values."
Price: 29.99

"350-701 SCOR: Cisco CCNP Security" |
"Achieving CCNP Security certification proves your skills with security solutions. To earn CCNP Security certification, you pass two exams: one that covers core security technologies and one security concentration exam of your choice, so you can customize your certification to your technical area of focus.350-701 SCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR)This exam tests your knowledge of implementing and operating core security technologies, including:Network securityCloud securityContent securityEndpoint protection and detectionSecure network accessVisibility and enforcement"
Price: 19.99

eastbotox |
". ? , , , . , , . . , . . ."
Price: 19.99

"Programmatic Advertising 101 - Digital Marketing" |
"Programmatic is getting more important over the past years. The programmatic spendings went from $31B in 2017 to approx. $81B in 2021! Thats more than a 100% increase. These numbers show the increasing importance of programmatic.With advancing technology we are now able to get the best out of our media campaigns.And since programmatic is getting more important and of course more complex, it is time to learn and use it. The trend is not stopping.Do you want to learn Programmatic advertising? Do you want to use it within your media strategy? Do you want to reach more customers while spending less? To reduce your scatter loss and reach only customers that are relevant to you?In this course, I will teach you not only what Programmatic means technically, but also what the programmatic thought and strategy is. What to think about when setting up a campaign and which data to use. Also I will teach you what data and targetings actually are and how you can use them to optimizie your campaigns.Programmatic seems like a very complex topic, but we will break it down to some simple steps, so that everybody can understand programmatic.By taking this course you will learn from a German award-winning media consultant. I want you to learn and understand programmatic to boost up your knowledge and your career. Does Germany not stand for quality? Well let's find out!This is what you will learn:What is Programmatic Advertising? Definition of Programmatic and history of Advertising - What is Programmatic and where does it come from?Definition 2.0 and strategic goals - What does Programmatic mean in this context and how to use it properly.How does Programmatic work?A technical approach - How does Programmatic work technically? What are the single process steps?About DSPs and SSPs - What does a DSP and how to use it? And what are publishers and vendors offering through an SSP?Programmatic and RTB - What is the difference between Programmatic and RTB? The terms are often mixed up but are actually different things. A story of buying process and buying types.Data, Data, DataAn Introduction to Data and Data signals - What is data and what data traces are leaving in the internet?Targeting - How to use these data signals as targetings to reach our wanted audience?How is data even collected - How is data collected? An introduction to the generation and use of data.1st, 2nd and 3rd party data - In this module we'll discuss the quality and origin of different data types. Data is not always data and not all data fits our goals.Optimizing your strategyDefining your needs - Data combination - How to combine data into targetings to fit into our programmatic strategy. To always reach the right person with the right message.Which DSP to use? - Based on the technical process of programmatic and the evaluation of 'good' data for us, we can now choose a DSP for our campaign.Bigger Picture and Wrap Up - A short course wrap-up. What's programmatic and how do all topics find together in one overall programmatic strategy?WIth this course you will not only boost up your knowledge of programmatic but are also able to boost up your career and your media campaigns and in the end - get much more reach and sales for your brand!So lean in and let the journey begin!Have fun!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Induccin de Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo" |
"Este curso esta pensado para aquellos que buscan tener su primera Experiencia Fuera del Cuerpo de manera rpida. y tambien para los que buscan reproducir la experiencia de manera repetida, las veces que lo deseen.Se analizan el modelo tradicional y lo que dice la ciencia al respecto, se discuten los riesgos y se ensea como construir un inductor de Experiencias Fuera del Cuerpo con elementos muy sencillos.Se muestran las tcnicas ms efectivas par ala practica segura de esta disciplina"
Price: 270.00

"Concepts of GST Simply Explained 2020" |
"Welcome to New Course, which covers every topic of GST including all sections and provisions in one Course. The new way of learning GST Law with tables, charts, and practical live examples in a simplified manner. You will be able to learn not only theoretical knowledge but also content practical examples also. This Easy GST learning course will cover 1. Introduction to GST What is Goods and Service Tax, Earlier and GST Situation, Difference between Past and Present Tax Situation, Applicability of GST in India, When GST is to be applicable? ,i. Supply under GST , Types of Indian Government Taxes, Present Tax Structure in India with Examples2. Supply coverage Rate of Supply (To decide the Rate applicable on specific goods and services, which helps in deciding Rate of GST Tax to be the due date for payment of GST i.e. Taxable event) with ExamplesTime of Supply (To decide the date on which GST applicable, for payment of GST i.e. Taxable event with Examples)Place of Supply (To decide the place , which will determine whether the transaction is Intra State or Interstate, This place is helps in determination of location of receiver, for determination the Rate of GST, whether Intra State or Interstate with Examples )Value of Supply (This is the Value or amount of goods or services on which GST to be charged i.e. TAXABLE VALUE, Taxable value when Price is determinable, Taxable value when Price is Not determinable , non monetary transaction , Taxable value when Goods supplied/received through Agent,Taxable value when Air travel agent , Taxable value when Life insurance business with Examples)3. Input Tax CreditOutput tax Vs Input Tax ( Introduction between Output and Input Tax, Input tax meaning, Examples)Availment of ITC (Conditions to take ITC, Time limit, Examples, Utilization of ITC (How to utilize, Conditions, in what manner, preference , Cross utilization , Examples)Reversal of ITC (Different situations where ITC to be allowed and reverse, How to be reversed method, formula , Examples)Ineligible ITC (Situations where 100% ITC is Not available at all with Examples , Cases where ITC not available even ITC used for Taxable supplies , Exceptions to Ineligible ITC )4. Registration(Voluntary , Limit , Condition wise registration, Compulsory registration , Registration not applicable)5. Invoice GST Tax Invoice , Bill of Supply , Invoice cum Bill of supply , Invoice ( Who, When , What particulars to be mentioned in Invoice, Sample of Tax Invoice and Bill of Supply) Debit Note & Credit Not (Who can issue, When can issue, Impact of it, Examples)6. Composition Scheme Who Can Opt for this scheme, Who Can Not go for this scheme,Conditions of Composition Scheme, Benefits under GST Composition Scheme, Examples7. Reverse Charge Mechanism - RCMIntroduction to RCM, RCM in respect of Goods, RCM in respect of Services, Examples 8. Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) & Tax Collected at Source (TCS)Meaning, Applicability of provisions of TDS and TCS, Treatment of TDS and TCS, Examples9. Difference between RCM & TDS & TCSComparison of Applicability, Comparison of Tax Treatment10. Input Service DistributorIntroduction, Conditions to be fulfilled, What are the benefits, Examples11. Job WorkIntroduction, Conditions to be fulfilled, Practical aspects, Examples12. All GST Returns and its Due DatesAll Existing GST Returns name, to whom to be filed(monthly or quarterly or yearly) and Due date for all types of persons , ExamplesNew GST Returns ( New GST Returns to be implemented, Introduction, Content, Difference between old and new returns) Applications to be filed under GST (Introduction to each application to be made , When can filed which application) 13. ExportTwo ways of Export Procedures, Document to be Furnish, Tax Treatment of Export, Particular to be mentioned in the invoice14. RefundSituations where Refund can claim, Refund in case of Export, Refund of Unutilized ITC, Refund in case of Export without payment of Tax, Documents required for filing of GST Refund (May vary from Cases)15. E-way BillIntroduction, When to Generate, Validity, Who can generate, How can Generate, Documents required for Eway Bill, Sample of E Way Bill16. GST Annual ReturnApplicable, Due Date, Penalty provisions, Late filing fees of GSTR-917. GST AuditGST Audit GSTR 9C, Applicability, Content, Penalty provisions18. Penal and Offence ProvisionsLate Fees and Interest (Introductions, How to be calculated, Examples)Offences (Types of Offence , Offence attracting Fiscal Penalties, Offences Attracting Prosecution, Types of offence, Jail Punishments , 20 Examples of offences and amount of penalty)"
Price: 19.99

"Corso Pattern Armonici (Strategia di Trading Completa)" |
"Migliora il tuo Trading con una strategia completa sui Pattern Armonici !Stai cercando un corso che ti insegner ad utilizzare i Pattern Armonici in maniera facile e divertente ?O sei semplicemente alla ricerca di una strategia funzionale per il tuo trading ?Ho creato il corso giusto per te !Benvenuto, mi chiamo Stefano Chieffallo e ho messo insieme questo corso per aiutare le persone come te a padroneggiare rapidamente I pattern armonici per trarre profitto sui mercati.Se il tuo obiettivo imparare e utilizzare una strategia per guadagnare sui mercati come : Forex, Azionario e Criptovalute, questo corso perfetto per te. Ti far iniziare sulla strada giusta e ti fornir le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per padroneggiare questa strategia al massimo delle sue possibilit.Ora, in questo corso, andremo ben oltre. Alla fine, acquisirai una competenza completa sulla mia strategia anche se al momento hai solo le basi sul Forex e non sai nulla su questi pattern !STUDIATO PER CHI VUOLE IMPARARE A GUADAGNAREQuesto non uno di quei corsi che ti lasceranno al caso o che ti daranno troppe informazioni tutte insieme cos da creare solo confusione. Questo un corso dal quale non solo imparerai molto, ma non ti annoierai mentre stai imparando (che una parte molto importante del processo di apprendimento)Il corso ti prender per mano e ti insegner tutto ci che devi sapere passo dopo passo e persino mettendo le tue conoscenze in pratica immediatamente mostrandoti quali sono le regole a come impostare le tue posizioni a mercato.Inoltre, riceverai anche il mio supporto continuo per assicurarti di avere successo con il mio corso.IMPARA PASSO DOPO PASSOAndremo passo dopo passo e tratteremo i Pattern Armonici per aiutarti a:A) Imparare a individuare correttamente questi pattern.B) Imparare a tracciare correttamente i pattern sul tuo grafico.C) A trarre profitto dalle operazioni.Ecco cosa tratteremo nel corso:1. Inizieremo fin dall'inizio e spiegheremo cosa sono i Pattern Armonici.2. Studieremo passo dopo passo ogni singolo dettaglio di questa Strategia da fornirti una formazione a 360.Iscriviti ora mi piacerebbe vederti all'interno e aiutarti a imparare e padroneggiare questa piattaforma !"
Price: 199.99

"Error Reduction & Human Performance Fundamentals Using AERO" |
"Would you like to learn the key principles and implementation guidelines of Human & Organizational Performance? This course is a foundational understanding of error which will help you and your organization achieve the desired performance shift in the areas of quality, safety, reliability, efficiency and productivity.Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) / Human Performance has proven over decades to be the next logical step in improving individual and organizational performance. This course helps people new to HOP and seasoned practitioners alike the opportunity to learn advanced error reduction in organizations (AERO) from Rob Fisher, a globally recognized leader in the science, understanding, education, integration, and sustainability of HOP. Take the next step in your understanding of how errors impact the workplace today.This course is suitable for all levels of your organization, senior leaders, managers, directors, supervisors and frontline workers. Its also applicable to, not only, EHS Professionals, but also those in Quality and HR. There is something for everyone. It provides real-world applicable knowledge and tools to help either, prevent an error, reduce the probability for making an error, or mitigate the consequence for when an error is made. You will learn about the Task-Based System, a systemic approach to individuals performing tasks. We will then describe the Essential Leadership Cycle, how an organization controls the Task-Based System.The FacilitatorRob Fisher, a world-renown thought leader in the Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) space, delivers this course through video-based lectures and articles providing a baseline knowledge of the practical application of the science behind HOP.Equilibrias Personality Diversity provides lessons on how different people with different personality tendencies see and manage risk differently. An important portion of the course describes our mental model or Performance Modes. These Performance Modes are how we do work, and helps address a risk that isnt much thought about when we do hazard or risk analyses, the performance risk. There is also an explanation of Dr. James Reasons Swiss Cheese Model that helps you apply the model into your daily work. Finally, we will give you applicable tools you can immediately start using to help reduce the predictable error rate in any given Performance Mode. By understanding and wanting to integrate these concepts into your organizations daily activities you will see organizational improvement in safety, quality, efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. Since you value the prevention of errors, then this course IS FOR YOU!!Joining this course provides tests of what you have learned throughout the course**Please note that applying all the lessons derived from the course is highly recommended yet completing the course does not give you the right to teach the content it contains to others. To pursue this opportunity, contact the course facilitator. **BonusPeople who purchase this course will get access to ask questions directly to a team of AERO SpecialistsLearn the concepts and practical application from someone who has deployed over 200 times in 40 countries and 10 languages."
Price: 199.99

"MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 (Mule 4)" |
"Student should have minimum knowledge on the below technologies to understand the Mule and for giving the certification.Experience with Java (preferred) or another object-oriented languageBasic understanding of data formats such as XML, CSV, and JSONBasic understanding of integration technologies such as HTTP, JMS, JDBC, REST, and SOAPPrepare well before giving the certification.This practice test will build student confidence and to know the pattern of exam."
Price: 1280.00

"Emprendedores, 7 pasos para reclutar talento en tu negocio" |
"Emprendedor, Dueo de Negociose que es difcil para ti atraer talento a tu organizacin, es algo cansado y desgastante buscar gente que realmente se comprometa a lograr grandes resultados.cmo te sientes con eso?No crees que es momento de acabar con ese terrible desgaste que implica conseguir personas con la actitud correcta?No sufras mas, con nuestro SRA (Sistema de Reclutamiento con base en ACTITUD) lograras de una manera sencilla y por auto eliminacin, contratar al mejor equipo comprometido que tu organizacin necesitaatrae solo a los mejores hacia tu organizacinahorra tiempoahorra esfuerzodeja que ellos solos se eliminen del procesosimplifica la tarea atraves de estos 7 pasos y deja que el sistema trabaje soloQUE ESTAS ESPERANDO?"
Price: 19.99
