"Introduction to the Business of Self-publishing a Book" |
"This short course provides a free introduction to the business of self-publishing for beginners. This course is intended for those new to self-publishing in search of advice regarding the complexities of the self-publishing process. The course provides answers to the most common novice questions including:Why publish your bookWhy pursue self-publishing instead of traditional publishingSteps to self-publishing a bookWhere you can self-publish your bookWhy you should self-publish your book exclusively on AmazonBenefits of entering the Kindle Select programWhy self-publish a Print on Demand (POD) paperbackWhen to self-publish your eBook everywhere through SmashwordsWhy you should not publish an Audiobook through ACXAfter finishing this course you will understand the self-publishing process, your publishing options and which of those options are the best for you.The course concludes with an article providing pointers to additional Udemy courses explaining how to self-publish a book in multiple formats and on multiple book distributor sites, options for creating a book cover and book marketing tips.Before attempting to self-publish a book, you need to watch this course!I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Certificado Fundamentos de Python 2020 desde cero" |
"Sobre este certificadoA travs de los 5 mdulos que conforman el curso de Fundamentos de Python, aprenders a:Identificar las caractersticas generales de Python.Diferenciar las estructuras de control del lenguaje para la solucin de problemas utilizando Python.Seleccionar la estructura de datos ms adecuada para la solucin de un problema.Aplicar los conceptos de la programacin orientada a objetos.De esta manera desarrollars habilidades en:Pensamiento lgicoSecuencias algortmicasResolucin de problemasParadigma de ProgramacinUna vez culminado este curso el estudiante estar en capacidad de comprender las bases de la programacin de computadores y resolver problemas bsicos utilizando el lenguaje de programacin Python. Esto servir de base para tomar cursos ms especializados como el uso de Python para visualizacin cientfica, big data y programacin web.Composicin del curso:Mdulo 1 Introduccin a la programacinConocers la composicin de un sistema computacional, la evolucin de los lenguajes de programacin y haremos nfasis en las caractersticas de Python.Identificar la estructura de un sistema computacional y la Arquitectura Von Neumann.Describir la evolucin de los lenguajes de programacin.Aplicar los fundamentos bsicos para la programacin.Mdulo 2 Tipos de datos e instrucciones bsicasAbordaremos la programacin como el diseo, codificacin, depuracin y mantenimiento de algoritmos en pseudocdigo o en algn cdigo especfico.Aplicar los conceptos bsicos de programacin.Usar los valores, tipos de datos y acciones disponibles en el pseudocdigo.Identificar variables y tipos primitivos del lenguaje de programacin Python.Usar operaciones fundamentales y funciones predefinidas en Python.Mdulo 3 Estructuras de controlVers las estructuras de control bsicas como lo son: las condicionales y las iterativas.Identificar las variantes de estructuras de control condicional e iterativas.Aplicar estructuras de control condicional e iterativas en la solucin de problemas.Desarrollar programas en Python siguiendo las directrices de la programacin modular.Mdulo 4 Estructuras de datosEn este mdulo comprenders las estructuras de datos que puedan recolectar varios valores simultneamente.Identificar los datos estructurados presentes en el pseudolenguaje.Aplicar la interaccin de los programas con archivos secuenciales para leer y escribir datos.Desarrollar programas que utilicen los objetos de datos estructurados de Python: listas, tuplas, conjuntos y diccionarios.Usar operaciones y funciones asociadas a los datos estructurados en Python.Mdulo 5 Programacin orientada a objetosNos enfocaremos en la programacin orientada a objetos que representa objetos de la vida real en nuestras soluciones computacionales, a travs de sus cualidades y comportamiento.Identificar los conceptos y principios bsicos de la programacin orientada a objetos.Identificar la herencia como mecanismo para extender las funcionalidades de una clase.Definir clases en el pseudo-lenguaje y su equivalencia en un diagrama de clases UML.Desarrollar soluciones a problemas de la vida real aplicando la programacin orientada a objetos en Python"
Price: 19.99

"Devops Tools and AWS for Java Microservice Developers" |
"Sample of the reviews:Your lectures are straight, clear very understandable.helped me a lot to improve my skill set.I was actually waiting for this course of yours .becoz i couldn't understand anybody else's courses.All your courses are amazing. - Sahithi MuchalaVery well explained!!! Easy to follow and practical information about AWS, GIT, Docker, Kubernetes & Ansible!!! - Navneet BehlHey, Hi Bharath Happy to see an All in one course covering all the essentials required for a java microservice developer. I can understand the efforts you have put forward to bring out such a quality product. Keep looking forward for your courses.. - Uday Kumar Bommala---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----Look at any developer job opening out there, the knowledge of Cloud like AWS and experience with Devops tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins is a must.In this All In One course you will master all the Devops Tools from GIT all the way to Kubernetes and also AWS Services from EC2 to Cloud Watch to make your MicroService applications Continuous Deployment and Production Ready.Are you a Developer with Microservices background ? Are you a developer who is just getting started with your career? then this course is for you .You will quickly master the fundamentals of Devops Tools(Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins etc) and AWS Services a developer uses.Enroll now andYou will learn the concepts of cloud, continuous delivery,Continues Integration, and Devops in the context of micro services development and how they all fit together to be cloud and continuous deployment readyYou will then be introduced to AWS, where you will setup your AWS Cloud accountLearn how to launch AWS instances and learn a few linux basic commands required to work on the cloud and DevopsYou will learn how to install and use GIT locally and to push your project and perform operations on remote Git Repositories as wellYou will also learn how to resolve code conflicts ,branching and moreMaven is one of the most used build and dependency management tool in the java worldYou will master all the fundamentals of maven and create and build standalone and java web applicationsYou will then create two micro service projects using spring bootYou will deploy and test your Micro Service applications manually to AWS by setting up java, mysql on a EC2 Instance on the cloudUsing AWS Elastic bean Stalk Service we can quickly deploy our applications and it will provide our application the environment that is required to run .You will use EBS with RDS (Relational Database Service) to deploy and test your micro servicesDocker is an open-source tool to package your applications and everything they need as containers.You can then use these containers on your laptop , in testing, stage and all the way to production which could be on the cloud or servers with in your organization You will use various docker commands to pull images and launch containers, mount volumes and even working with docker networks and see how simple they areYou will use Visual Studio Code IDE which will make that task super simpleDocker-Compose is a very powerful tool using which we can launch multiple docker containers in one shotKubernetes is drastically changing the application deployment process, making it possible to roll out new releases with no downtimeYou will learn what Kubernetes is ,various components in the Kubernetes clusterThe Object Model what deployments, services ,pods are and how they work with each otherYou will setup Minikube which is a super easy way to explore Kubernetes cluster on your laptopYou will deploy containerized applications to Kubernetes clusterYou will then come back to AWS and master services such as IAM , Auto Scaling,Elastic Load Balancer, Cloud Watch to monitor the health of the machines and send out notificationsYou will learn how to use Jenkins to configure you project builds , web hooks ,pipelines and automate the complete deployment processYou will also be introduced to Ansible which is a configuration management tool for DevopsYou can learn them all or pick a topic and master it as required for your interviews and projects.Check Out the course content and free preview lectures and enroll.See you on the course"
Price: 29.99

"Proofread Like a Pro" |
"Would you like to: Produce error-free documents every time? Use professionally recognised proofreading symbols correctly? Know exactly what to look for when proofing any document? Learn strategies for catching more mistakes? Launch a freelance career as a professional proofreader?If so, this course is for you.In this highly detailed and practical proofreading course, you'll learn: Strategies for catching more errors even when proofing in a hurry Spelling 'landmines' - and how to avoid them The most common errors of punctuation, grammar and syntax How to ensure correct use of capitalisation, as well as bold and italic text What to look for when fact-checking an article How to ensure your document has a consistent style How to catch errors in headlines, graphs, charts and tables How to proofread academic text Tips for proofreading video content How to earn an income as a proofreaderYoull also get detailed instruction on how to use proofreading symbols correctly, to indicate the need to: Insert and delete text Insert and delete punctuation marks Indicate typographical changes (bold, italic etc) Raise a question about the text Alter the look of paragraphs Indicate you've changed your mind about a mark-upHOW IS THIS COURSE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER PROOFREADING COURSES?Proofread Like a Pro is a comprehensive course that digs deep into the skills you need to be a successful proofreader. But what really sets this course apart is its practicality.Proofreading is a skill you learn best by doing. Thats why, in Proofread Like a Pro, you wont simply be bombarded with information about proofreading. After almost every lecture, youll be presented with a proofreading exercise designed to test your understanding of the material and hone your ability to catch typical errors.Whats more, as a professional copywriter, Dr Clare Lynch understands time is money. That's why the most often used words in reviews of her courses are 'clear' and 'concise'. So every lecture is punchy, pacey and packed with easy-to-grasp advice. No fluff. No padding. No repetition.WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE THIS INSTRUCTOR?Dr Clare Lynch has a PhD in English literature from the University of Cambridge, where she also now teaches writing skills.Clare is also an editor, proofreader and professional copywriter with 20+ years experience of helping big-name corporate clients get their messages across clearly, accurately, precisely and compellingly.Clare is also a qualified and highly experienced corporate trainer and facilitator. So shes been trained to communicate even the most complex, technical ideas in a way thats memorable, entertaining and addictively engaging.That's why, in October 2019, Udemy bestowed their Student Success award on Clare for her dedication to her Udemy students.A WORD OF WARNING: WHAT THIS COURSE IS NOTThis course is not a superficial beginners guide to proofreading. Its designed to give you the skills to proofread professionally.Although the course covers some aspects of grammar, spelling and punctuation, it is not a comprehensive guide to the correct use of English.To get the most out of this course, you should already have a strong grasp of English grammar, spelling and punctuation.If that sounds like you, enrol in Proofread Like a Pro today!"
Price: 199.99

"The Prophetic Plan: 5 Day Challenge" |
"DO YOU WANT TO HEAR FROM GOD...ABOUT YOUR FUTURE, YOUR MONTH...YOUR WEEK...YOUR DAY?Or maybe you are not sure what the future holds and really need to learn to hear his voice clearly?If thats you, I want to invite you to try this 5-day challenge called The Prophetic Plan where I am going to help you pray, plan and purpose your year.The word prophetic simply means to hear and understand what God is saying, and I believe He wants to speak clearly to you each and every day. If you are a Christian, or even if you simply are curious about hearing Gods voice for your life, I would love you to join us.THE STORY OF HOW THIS ALL STARTED...The way this course came to be, is really quite an amazing one. I want to share this with you to show you the impact that it has had on so many already (including me!)One day, I was praying and doing exactly what is in this course asking God what He wanted me to do for that week. Very unexpectedly but very clearly, He said: I want you to create a 5-day prophetic challenge. Now at the time that didnt make much sense because I was actually about to launch something else, but when God speaks clearly like that when its so out of the box, Im going to pay attention.So I went ahead and simply set up a group for a 5-day challenge. I hoped that around 50 people might do the challenge with me. To my surprise, within 10 days, 2500 thousand people signed up! We had an incredible time together that was very transformational for all of us, and now I want more people to discover the joy of what its like to confidently know you have heard from God for yourself and your family.WHO AM I?If we havent met yet, Im Roma Waterman, and Ive been in ministry for over 30 years. I have the privilege of training thousands of students around the world in topics of creativity, theology, the prophetic and spirituality and it would be my privilege to help you discover what God wants to unfold in your life. I love all things prophetic, all things creative, I love to write songs, sing, lead worship, and train others up in those areas too.HOW DOES IT WORK?Let me share how the challenge will workInitially, this was a 5-day challenge, but you can kick off any time and during any time frame suits you. However, I would just like to recommend to really experience an injection of motivation to try doing this every day for 5 consecutive days.What do you do on those days? We are going to spend 5 days exploring hearing from the Lord for your year. Then at the end, we are going to put all you have learned together so that you can get a big picture idea of His will for your life.COURSE STRUCTURE1. Watch a video every day, which is under 10 minutes in length;2. Read the scripture assigned to each day;2. Print out the notebook, or open the document on your computer and then use a journal to take notes;3. Post your homework in the Q&A so we can encourage and pray for you. (Yep...you are going to meet all the others who journeyed through this the first time!)This is a challenge you can do over and over again if you need to, Id recommend every year and remember you have lifetime access so that you can revisit the training anytime.I believe you will be really surprised to find that if you just look in the right placesHe has been speaking to you all about what your life is meant to look like. Come and learn to hear from God and become clear in your vision for you and your family! It would be an honour to walk with you and I hope you will join me in the Prophetic Plan 5-day challenge."
Price: 24.99

"Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning Master Class" |
"** Mike's courses are popular with many of our clients."" Josh Gordon, Developer Advocate, Google **The machine learning engineer is the single most in-demand job on earth, according to top job board indeed. My name is Mike West and I'm a machine learning engineer in the applied space. I've worked or consulted with over 50 companies and just finished a project with Microsoft. I've published over 50 courses and this is 51 on Udemy. If you're interested in learning what the real-world is really like then you're in good hands.Welcome to Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Master Class. You are inundated with text, from books, papers, blogs, tweets, news, and increasingly text from spoken utterances. Natural language processing is the area of study dedicated to the automatic manipulation of speech and text by software. It is an old eld of study, originally dominated by rule-based methods designed by linguists, then statistical methods, and, more recently, deep learning methods that show great promise in the eld. Who is this course for? This course is for developers that know some applied machine learning and some deep learning. Maybe you want or need to start using deep learning for text on your research project or on a project at work. This course was written to help you do that quickly and eciently by compressing years worth of knowledge and experience into a laser-focused course of hands-on tutorials.What are you going to Learn? What natural language processing is. What deep learning is and how it is dierent from other machine learning methods.How to prepare text data for modeling.How to develop distributed representations of text using word embedding models.How to develop a bag-of-words models.How to author a neural sentiment analysis model for automatically predicting the class label for a text document.How to develop a neural language model, required for any text generating neural network.How to design a photo captioning system to automatically generate textual descriptions of photographs.How to develop a neural machine translation system for translating text from one language to another.This course is a hands on-guide. It is a playbook and a workbook intended for you to learn by doing and then apply your new understanding to your own natural language projects. To get the most out of the course, I would recommend working through all the examples in each tutorial. If you watch this course like a movie you'll get little out of it. In the applied space machine learning is programming and programming is a hands on sport. Thank you for your interest in Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Master Class. Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Ionic React: Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Ionic 5" |
"Ionic React lets you build mobile websites as well as native Android and iOS apps from a single code base, using familiar web technologies such as JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML, and CSS.This course will introduce you to Ionic step by step, starting from a standard React app and gradually adding more and more Ionic components.Then it will guide you through developing a simple but complete app that includes some form elements and a chart (based on Recharts), and show you how to build this app not only as a mobile website but also as a native Android and iOS app with Capacitor.In the latter sections, you will learn how to build a more complex application featuring page navigation / routing and integration with a Firebase backend, including handling user authentication, storing data in the Cloud Firebase database, and uploading user-generated files to Cloud Storage.This course is based on version 5 of the Ionic Framework."
Price: 119.99

"Create Your First Social Media Marketing Plan" |
"Do you know why most people fail at social media marketing?Well.. it's because they are trying to do ""stuff"" without creating a proper plan first.Nothing works without a PLAN and it's true for your social media marketing as well.In this short class, I will show youHow to create a simple but effective social media marketing planWhat are different components of this planReal life example and case study (we will create a plan together inside the class)A fun class projectClass Project - Your class project is to create a social media plan for your own business. Download the business and start working on the plan as you watch the lecture.Also this class comes with a 30day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. ENROLL right now and I will see you inside the class."
Price: 44.99

"Testing iOS Apps - Behavior Driven Development Using Swift" |
"Do you have tests in your app, which protects you from future changes? Can you change your existing code with 100% certainty that it will not break other dependencies? Do you understand the business value your code provides to the client?If your answer to the above question is NO, then this course is for you!In this course, you will learn how to write unit tests for your iOS applications. You will learn the principles of Test Driven Development and how it encourages design and architectural decisions of your app. Next, you will learn about Behavior Driven Development and how it provides clarity in order to understand business needs.Check out the contents of the course:Understanding Test Driven DevelopmentTypes of TestingTest Driven Development Life CycleTest ExpectationsDependency Injection and MocksUnderstanding Behavior Driven DevelopmentIntroduction to Cucumberish FrameworkBuilding Credit Card APR Calculation FeaturesWhat are the prerequisites for this course?This course requires knowledge of Swift language. The user interface is implemented using the SwiftUI framework so knowledge of SwiftUI framework is also recommended but not required.Who should take this course?This course is intended for all iOS developers, who want to learn about test driven development and behavior driven development.What students are saying?There are a lot of Swift courses that show you how to make twitter or instagram, etc ... but Almost all of them don't pay attention to software engineering best practises. What Mohammad has done here is creating rather small projects that have very high quality and actually teach you how to write good code.BY FAR THE BEST SwiftUI course. I own/watched all of them. This course has both the most relevant content and the best practices to achieve the end result. I have been programming iOS since the App Store opened. My apps have been featured by Apple many times. But I have learned a great deal from this course. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.Learning advanced concepts is hard, but Azam makes it easy to understand. and I'm a person who can't understand without making an app, this course is so helpful and an investment for me.I hope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 199.99

after_effects_crazy_courses |
": Motion Graphics Visual Effects VFX :Motion Blur Mask ShapesAnchor pointtext animationtrack mattefollow parenttrim path3d layerlinear wipe - radial wipepuppet pen toolcharacterrendering"
Price: 99.99

"PLR Products - How To Make Money With PLR Private Label" |
"Are you fully satisfied with your current financial status?Are you completely happy with your regular tedious daily routine that brings very little to the table?Do you need a legitimate online business that will earn you more money even when you're sleeping?Do you want to know the secrets that top marketers are using to make lots of money online?Do you want to own several digital products without doing any of the tedious work?Are you ready to acquire new skills that will change your perception about online business?If your answer the these questions is YES, this is the exact thing you need.This course is first of its kind. You will sure love the content and the presentation.Simple. Descriptive. Explanatory. And 100% Practical.If you truly want to make more money even when on vacation, this course is for you.You need this course. No hype. learn how i do things with my practical videos and you'll come back to share your testimony."
Price: 39.99

"RPA - BluePrism Beginner Hands on Training" |
"This Course give you complete information related to BluePrism tool with hand on training by covering all required topics for RPA Developers.Students will understand each topic with examples very well and we have Covered fundamentals to advanced topics.No need to have any programming background freshers and professionals can learn easily."
Price: 19.99

"Teste de Preparao Para o SAS Base" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido com as perguntas para a certificao em SAS Bsico em mente. Uma forma realista de medir sua preparao para o exame de Especialista Certificado em Programao Bsica do SAS utilizando o SAS 9.4Voc deseja medir sua preparao para o exame do SAS Base?Voc deseja realizar um este que foi desenvolvido com as perguntas para o Certificado em SAS Base em mente?De fato, no final de 2019, ns realizamos o exame do SAS Bsico para ver como o teste havia mudado em relao s suas verses anteriores. Ento desenvolvemos nossos prprios conjuntos de dados e perguntas com o exame de certificao em mente.Ento se seu objetivo for: Se familiarizar, entender e trabalhar com as perguntas da certificao em sas base encontradas no exame (Especialista Certificado em Programao Bsica do SAS utilizando o SAS 9.4) Obter uma medio realista de sua preparao para realizar o exame bse de certificao do SASVoc deve se matricular!O curso para o teste possui duas partes, com 20 perguntas em cada parte.A primeira seo baseada em performance. Isto significa que voc ter um conjunto de dados com o qual trabalhar e voc precisar escrever e executar cdigos do SAS para poder responder uma pergunta de mltipla escolha.A segunda seo consiste de perguntas de conhecimento de mltipla escolha.Por favor, assegure-se de ter um software para responder s perguntas baseadas em performance do teste."
Price: 39.99

"Agile ELearning Development" |
"The Agile ELearning Development: How to create awesome eLearning courses using the Agile methodology course covers everything instructional designers and eLearning professionals need to know about developing courses the Agile way! The course will introduce you to the Agile methodology and compare it to the traditional ADDIE model. You'll learn about the agile teams and their roles and responsibilities. In addition, the course will teach you how to write and estimate user stories, how to write acceptance criteria, and how to manage change and risk. You'll also be introduced to Scrum and Kanban. Lastly, you'll learn about the Agile testing and the tools that can help an eLearning organization become Agile-ready. This course is your guide to the Agile eLearning development and project management. To guide you along the way, there are thought-provoking questions that should help you understand your current process, how you can change it, and what steps you can take to make your eLearning projects more agile."
Price: 29.99

"MSTER en Arquitectura Ecolgica, Sostenible y Bioclimtica." |
"MSTER en Arquitectura Ecolgica, Sostenible y Bioclimtica.Convierte en Profesional del Diseo, Gestin y Planificacin Sostenible y Medio Ambientalmente Eficiente.Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Ante la enorme presin medioambiental que ejerce la actividad humana sobre el planeta, es fundamental identificar e implementar aquellas actividades, iniciativas y modelos, que consigan reducir al mnimo los residuos y aumenten al mximo la sostenibilidad, el reciclaje, y la reutilizacin. Por eso la gestin e implantacin de la Arquitectura Ecolgica, Sostenible se ha convertido en una herramienta estratgica imprescindible para las empresas que busquen crecer y prosperar en un mercado en el que sus consumidores son cada vez ms conscientes del impacto ambiental que tiene lo que consume.El diseo y la implementacin de la arquitectura sostenible ecolgica y bioclimtica, requiere profesionales que sean no solo capaces de cumplir la normativa actual y los compromisos internacionales, sino que sobre todo cuenten con las herramientas, conocimientos, y competencias necesarias para convertir los desafos planteados por la transicin a modelos de produccin sostenibles en oportunidades estratgicas de negocio que no solo repercutan en beneficios para la sociedad y el medioambiente, sino tambin en la creacin de riqueza y trabajos para la empresa. Esta formacin te aporta el conocimiento tericoprctico para que obtengas una visin transversal de todos los mbitos de aplicacin.Itinerario Formativo:Introduccin y Bienvenida al MSTER en Arquitectura Ecolgica, Sostenible y Bioclimtica. Introduccin al Desarrollo Sostenible en la ConstruccinProcesos Constructivos SosteniblesEnvolvente Edificatoria. Aislamiento y Conceptos de Diseo.Criterios para la Eleccin de Materiales Constructivos y SosteniblesCubiertas Vegetales en la Arquitectura SostenibleIntroduccin al Diseo Bioclimtico en la ArquitecturaIluminacin Natural en ArquitecturaIluminacin Artificial Sostenible en ArquitecturaDibujo 2D Asistido por Ordenador con AutoCAD en Diseo de Arquitectura Ecolgica, SostenibleModelado 3D de Proyectos de Diseo de Arquitectura Ecolgica, SostenibleRenderizado de Imgenes Fotorrealistas de nuestros Diseo de Arquitectura Ecolgica, SostenibleEdicin Fotogrficas de Nuestros Proyectos y Diseos en Adobe PhotoShopMaquetacin, Presentacin y Documentacin Tcnica de Nuestras Propuestas de DiseoRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos SosteniblesEmisin del Certificado de Finalizacin del MSTER en Arquitectura Ecolgica, Sostenible y Bioclimtica.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Maya 2020, Zbrush, Substance e Marmoset Machado Estilizado" |
"Maya, Zbrush, Substance e Marmoset Machado EstilizadoCurso Maya, Zbrush, Substance e Marmoset Machado Estilizado, aprenda passo a passo o processo completo de produo de assets para games e animao utilizando o Autodesk Maya 2020, Zbrush 2020, Substance Painter e o Marmoset , comece do zero e produza um modelo completo estilizado.Preparao do projeto, modelagem poligonal, escultura digital com ZBrush, criao e configurao dos materiais, exportao da textura, animao e exportao de um vdeo no Marmoset e finalizao da pea pronta para usar no seu game ou animao e tudo de forma prtica e objetiva, assim voc no perde tempo estudando ferramenta por ferramenta para finalizar e entender a produo de um modelo completo.Inscreva-se no curso e comece uma nova carreira."
Price: 579.99

"Maya 2020, ZBrush e Substance Barril Estilizado" |
"Maya 2020, ZBrush e Substance Barril EstilizadoCurso Maya 2020, ZBrush e Substance Barril Estilizado, aprenda passo a passo o processo completo de produo de assets para games e animao utilizando o Autodesk Maya 2020, Zbrush 2020 e Substance Painter , comece do zero e produza um modelo completo estilizado.Preparao do projeto, modelagem poligonal, escultura digital com ZBrush, criao e configurao dos materiais e finalizao da pea pronta para usar no seu game ou animao e tudo de forma prtica e objetiva, assim voc no perde tempo estudando ferramenta por ferramenta para finalizar e entender a produo de um modelo completo.Inscreva-se no curso e comece uma nova carreira."
Price: 579.99

"How To Draw Wild Animals for Beginners - Only 11 Pencils!" |
"Have you ever wished you could draw?Would you love to be able to draw AMAZING pictures you never thought possible?With this course you'll learn to draw 3 Wild Animals using JUST 11 PENCILS!Pick up and LearnIn my 30+ Years of Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.Whether you're completely new to drawing or are looking to try something new, this course is for you.You'll learn how to draw a:BadgerLionessChimpWhen you have finished this course not only will you walk away with 3 AMAZING paintings but you will also be able to apply what you have learnt to draw your own pictures.MaterialsThe pencils I use and recommend are Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils. You can use any pencils you like however you'll hear me refer to the Faber-Castell colours specifically throughout the course. The 11 Pencil Colours needed for the pictures are:101 white199 black273 warm grey182 brown ochre177 walnut brown267 pine green187 burnt ochre176 van Dyck brown283 burnt siena186 terracotta183 yellow ochreThe paper I use is Sand Coloured Fabriano Ingres Paper, this is a great neutral tone and works so well for all kinds of subjects. It is ideal for someone new to pastel pencil work as you can erase mistakes!I provide you with an outline drawing for each subject so that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. I walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing beautiful animals and create pictures you can be proud of.If you have always wanted to learn how to draw then this course is for you. With just a small amount of pencils you will see the AMAZING effects you can get with no previous experience.Let your journey into drawing and painting start here."
Price: 29.99

"Windows Powershell ( )" |
" , PowerShell. , . . PowerShell . ISE. :; , I- IPv4, DNS ; : PowerShell; Windows PowerShell; ISE; PowerShell Windows PowerShell Integrated ScriptingEnvironment (ISE); PowerShell, ; , ; ; PowerShell; ; ..."
Price: 124.99

"Professional Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Teacher Course" |
"Study with confidence with Dr Karen E Wells - Hypnotherapy Tutor with Over 100,000 students worldwide.Professional Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Teacher CourseFully Accredited Course Taking You From Student To Teacher Of Hypnosis! Easy & Simple Steps To SuccessThis course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association. Dr Karen E Wells has been training others in Hypnotherapy for the last 15 years and has worked around the world in many different countries teaching these skills on what makes an effective Hypnotherapy tutor. Welcome to this Professional Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Teacher course. This in depth course provides information on setting up, promoting and training others within the hypnotherapy industry amongst many other things to do with training students in the field of Hypnosis. This course assumes you are a qualified hypnotherapist or, are studying to be one. If you are ready to make the step from student to tutor, this course is for you! Our easy to learn modules include:Introduction to your Professional Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Teacher CourseYour Professional Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Teacher Course training manual PDF The Training ProcessMindset & ProgressionThe Next StepCreating A Solid Business ModelMoving From Student To TutorHypnotherapy Student Group SizesWhat Students Come For - To Learn Or Their Own IssuesTeaching The Hypnosis Basics & Advanced TechniquesSuccessful Practical Sessions with StudentsDealing with Difficult StudentsContra-indications with studentsHandling Abreactions & Emotional Releases With Groups of StudentsSuccessful Happy StudentsAccreditationAnd much more!This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99

"Complete JavaScript Coding Interview Questions Masterclass" |
"JavaScript Coding Interview Prep: 10 Most Commonly Asked CategoriesLearn the best way to answer an interview question, solve the most commonly asked questions and analyze time complexity!Data Structures, Algorithms and Interview Questions JavaScriptLearn the most commonly asked questions by the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon and Spotify for beginners.Preparing for the JavaScript interview is hard. You need to understand not only concepts but also be able to articulate your thought process as you plan and execute a solution.The Ultimate JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures MasterclassIn Complete JavaScript Coding Interview Questions Masterclass, you'll learn the best way to answer an interview question, look at the most commonly asked questions, and analyze time complexity of various algorithms.You'll learn through hands-on coding examples and learn to solve problems quickly.Refresh your JavaScript knowledge and solve new problems with the most common beginner interview questions asked by FANG companies.COURSE BREAKDOWNSection 0: Introduction to Interview QuestionsCourse OverviewFizzBuzz: Print the numbers from 1 to 100 and for multiples of '3' print ""Fizz"" instead of the number and for the multiples of '5' print ""Buzz"".Section 1: String/Array Interview Questions01 Reverse Words in a String: Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.02 Rotate Array: Rotate an array of n elements to the left by k steps.03 Isomorphic Strings: Given two strings a and b, determine if they are isomorphic. 04 Kth Largest Element in an Array: Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array. Note that it is the kth largest element in the sorted order, not the kth distinct element.Section 2: Matrix Interview Questions01 Set Matrix Zeroes: Given a 2D matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place.02 Spiral Matrix: Given a 2D matrix, return all elements of the matrix in spiral order.03 Number of Islands: Given a 2D grid map of 1s (land) and 0s (water), count the number of islands.Section 3: Linked List Interview Questions01 Implement a Stack Using an Array in Java: Implement a stack using an array.02 Add Two Numbers: You are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list. 03 Reverse a Linked List: Reverse a singly linked list.Section 4: Tree Interview Questions01 Inorder Traversal: Perform inorder traversal on a binary tree.02 Preorder Traversal: Perform inorder traversal on a binary tree.03 Postorder Traversal: Perform inorder traversal on a binary tree.Section 5: Graph Interview Questions01 Clone an Undirected Graph: Each node in the graph contains a label and a list of its neighbors.Section 6: Sorting and Time Complexity01 Types of Time Complexity: Learn the types of time complexity in Big-O Notation in order of horrible to good.02 Bubble Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with bubble sort.03 Selection Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with selection sort.04 Insertion Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with insertion sort.05 Quick Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with Quick Sort.06 Merge Sort Algorithm: Sort a list with Merge Sort.07 Time Complexity of Different Sorting AlgorithmsSection 7 Dynamic Programming Interview Questions01 Coin Change: You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. 02 Edit Distance: Find the edit distance between two strings.03 Distinct Subsequences: Given a string S and a string T, count the number of distinct subsequences of T in S.04 Maximum Sum Subarray: Find the sum of contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers which has the largest sumSection 8 Bit Manipulation Interview Questions01 Bitwise and Shift Operators: Manipulate bits and shift bits to change values.02 Single Number: Given an array of integers, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one.03 Sum of Two Integers: Calculate the sum of two integers a and b, but you are not allowed to use the operator + and -.04 Number of 1 Bits: Take an unsigned integer and return the number of 1' bits it has (also known as the Hamming weight.)05 Reverse Bits: Reverse the bits of a given 32 bit unsigned integer.06 Bitwise AND of a Range: Given two non-negative long integers, a and b and given a <= b, find the bitwise AND of all integers from a and b.Section 9 Combinations and Permutations Interview Questions01 Permutations: Print all permutations of a given string.02 Distinct Permutations of a String: Print all distinct permutations of a string that contains duplicates.03 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number: Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent on a phone board. 04 Factor Combination: Return all possible combinations of an integer ns factors.Section 10 Math Interview Questions01 Reverse Integer: Reverse the digits of an integer n.02 Palindrome Number: Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. 03 Excel Sheet Column Numbe: Given a column title from an Excel sheet, return its corresponding column number.A SCHOOL YOU CAN TRUSTLifetime access that never expiresProject-based curriculum to superboost your portfolioGraduation certificate for every courseAbsolute beginner-friendlyNew courses every monthEfficient lectures with step by step explanationsRelevant industry topics 8 years of award-winning course delivery700,000 students in 186 countriesLearn with free tools and affordable coursesREVIEWS OF MAMMOTH COURSESCaptivating voice, easy to follow at a rapid pace, get some paper and fasten your seat-belts. I'm enjoying every second of this. PHILIP MURRAYI have completed many Udemy and Skillshare tutorials. This one is the most outstanding one that I have seen thus far. It is doubtful that it could be topped. This is a superior tutorial. Amazing. JOSEPH APPLEGARTHCOURSE AUTHORAlexandra Kropova, Software Developer at Mammoth Interactive INC.Alexandra Kropova is a software developer specializing in Java and JavaScript, with extensive experience in full-stack web development and app development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive INC. since 2016.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund. Do I get course certificates?Yes, a course certificate will be generated at the end of each course you complete! Along with projects, certificates are a way you can prove your work on LinkedIn.Do I have to show up at a particular place or a particular time? No, each course happens online, and you can take it from any place where you have an internet connection.All lectures are prerecorded so you can watch them at any time that works for you. Of course, you can also enjoy all the lectures on your phone and tablet.How much time do I need in order to take each course?You can spend as much or as little time as you want. With Lifetime Access, there is no expiry. You aren't required to complete the course within a certain time period. You can follow the course at your own pace and always come back to the videos later when you want to revisit the material or work on improving certain skills.What if Im not good with technology? The majority of Mammoth Interactive students are complete beginners. Even if you feel like you know nothing about technology, you wont feel left out. All technical concepts are described in simple terms while avoiding unnecessary jargon. Each course starts from scratch and builds up your knowledge substantially in steps. Students from age 5 to 70 have successfully completed our courses. And just in case you get stuck, you can always ask any questions under each lecture, which will be promptly answered by one of my team members.What if I'm an experienced developer? Stack Overflow's yearly developer survey found that developers over age 50 start to make less than their younger counterparts. Don't become one of the people affected by skill stagnation. Enroll in our school to future-proof your career for life. If you're an experienced developer, you will still benefit from Mammoth Interactive courses. By starting from scratch with each course, you will revisit the fundamentals and undo bad coding habits. You'll also find it easier to pick up new languages, making you able to take more courses and broaden your skillset.The JavaScript Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms and Data StructuresDon't miss out! Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"Elementor ProWordPressEC" |
"Elementor ProWordPressECWooCommerceECECQ&AWordPressElementor ProWooCommerceECStripePayPal"
Price: 2400.00

"AliExpress Dropshipping Checklist Find Profitable Products" |
"If youre looking to start a new dropshipping business (or improve the one you already have beyond your wildest dreams)...You will LOVE this course!Dropshipping is taking the eCommerce world by storm.Many entrepreneurs are using this method to thousands of dollars every day! And guess what? One day - this could be YOU!Dropshipping might be your best chance to start earning money online.What's In This Course?I will start by explaining the AliExpress market.I will then show you why AliExpress is your best choice to pick products and suppliers. In no time at all you will be able to know which products to considered and which products to avoid!I will show you how to pick your niches and how to test them and make sure there is a market. By the end of this course, you'll be able to easily explore the huge Aliexpress marketplace armed with the knowledge you need to find your winner products!This course has a 30 day money back guarantee, so if you feel this course isn't for you, you can easily ask for a refund.Enroll now, and let me show you how easy it to start earning money dropshipping on AliExpress."
Price: 64.99

"Los ms grandes negociadores del mundo." |
"Qu tcnicas de negociacin utilizan todos los nios para conseguir lo que quieren, en un mundo donde el poder lo tienen los adultos? Todos los nios en cualquier parte del mundo negocian igual, y les funcionan! Cules son esas tcnicas?Vas a descubrir las 8 herramientas de negociacin ""antibalas"" que usan los nios para conseguir todo lo que desean. Las 8 tcnicas las aplican a dirario todos los nios en cualquier parte del mundo. Todos hacen lo mismo!, y sin asistir a ningn curso de negociacin.A travs de muchos ejemplos y ancdotas vas a descubrirlas al detalle. Antalas, as podrs t tambin negociar como ellos.Si tienes hijos, vas a asimilar rpidamente el curso porque vers que son las tcnicas que todos los das usan tus hijos contigo. Si no tienes hijos, tambin te vendr muy bien porque vas a refrescar esas tcnicas que aplicabas cuando eras hijo. Las hemos olvidado al convertirnos en adultos.Cmo es posible que todos los nios hagan lo mismo si no se conocen entre ellos? Es que existe un curso de formacin en negociacin para nios? En este curso te desvelamos las 8 tcnicas al detalle.Gracias por mantener fresco tu espritu de aprendiz, tal como hacen todos los nios."
Price: 199.99

"Communication for business owners, directors & managers" |
"Do you want to be a better communicator at work and in business?Do you want to learn more about communication skills and how to apply these at work and in business?Do you want to understand your own communication and relationship challenges and identify the areas where you want to improve?This course is a practical, action oriented course designed to give you the tools, tips and strategies to improve your communication and relationships at work and in business.The course aims to give you an insight into communication and relationship skills and the challenges of communication and building relationships. You will understand your own communication and relationship challenges and identify the areas where you want to improve. The course will explain the core communication skills and how you can apply these at work and in business and give you a range of communication tools, tips & strategies to use at work or in your business to be a better communicator. As you go through the course you will develop a personalised communication action plan to improve your communication and relationships going forward.The course is designed to be practical and relevant to real life. It is not a theoretical or academic course on communication.Who is this course designed for?This course is designed for you if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, director, executive, manager or professional who:* Is currently having communication and relationship challenges at work and in business.* Wants to learn more about communication and relationship skills and how to apply these skills at work and in business.Please note if you are not a business owner, director or manager and want support with communication in your life then I would recommend that you take my other course Communication for life: how to be a better communicator rather than this one as it will be more relevant to you. There is an overlap of content between the two courses so please choose one or the other, not both.What are the course aims?The course aims to:* Give you an insight into communication and relationship skills and the challenges of communication and building relationships.* Look at your own communication and relationship challenges and identify the areas where you want to improve.* Provide you with a range of communication tools, tips & strategies to use at work or in your business to be a better communicator.* Look at the core communication skills and how you can apply these at work and in business.* Enable you to develop a personalised communication action plan to improve your communication and relationships going forward.What is included in the course?The course has the following sections:* Introduction: including an introduction to the course and the tutor* Communication costs & challenges: including looking at the costs of poor communication and relationships and the challenges of communication and relationships in the workplace.* Your communication analysis, including an exercise to look at your own personal communication challenges at work and in business.* Core communication skills tips & strategies: including looking at a range of core communication skills tips & strategies. This section also includes an exercise to understand what you are going to do differently to improve your communication skills.* Applying the communication skills tips & strategies: including looking at a range of tips & strategies in how you can apply the core communication skills in different workplace situations. This section also includes an exercise to understand what you are going to do differently in applying the communication skills.* Your communication plan: including your own communication challenges and action plans to improve your communication and in applying the communication skills.* Course summary: including a short summary of the course.We have also included introductions and summaries throughout the course to help with learning.The course is in short bite sized lectures and you can see the detailed course content in the course curriculum.Developing your own communication planThere are exercises to complete as you go through the course to develop your own personalised communication action plan. These include understanding your own communication and relationship challenges and what actions you are going to take and what strategies you will follow to improve your communication and relationships at work and in business. You will need to allow additional time in addition to the duration of the videos to complete the exercises.What will you cover on the course and what will you learn?As you go through the course you will be looking at your own communication and relationship challenges, the impact on you, your work and your business, how to improve your own communication skills and how to apply these communication skills at work and in business.By the end of the course you will have a better understanding of your own communication, know what your communication and relationship challenges are, have an action plan for improving your communication skills and an action plan as to how you will apply these communication skills at work and in business.Even if you are not finding communication difficult at the moment, you will have the opportunity to review you, your work and your business and to decide on actions to enhance your communication and relationship skills and their application.Important notes and more about the courseIf you are already very knowledgeable about communication, this course may not be for you. It includes an insight into communication skills and the challenges of communication and relationships, practical communication tools, tips and strategies that you can use to be a better communicator at work or in your business and an opportunity to develop your own communication plan, some or all of which you may already know a lot about. By signing up for this course you gain lifetime access so you can watch the lectures at your convenience on your computer, tablet or smart phone.You can choose to complete the whole course or just watch the lectures that are most relevant to you, whichever you prefer. You can watch each lecture in full or just the elements you want to watch and you can stop a lecture at any point if you want to study the content in more detail.You can watch the lectures at the pre assigned speed or you can choose to speed up or slow down the lectures to suit your own preference.There are English text captions available on this course which you can choose to see or turn off.Student feedback on this course""A very good and well structured business communication course with lots of ideas for improving communication to use. Thank you.""""A great course, I have learnt a lot!""""The course was a great chance to reflect on personal experience and what to improve. The step by step nature really helped to consider all aspects of communication at work, which ones have been a personal challenge and where to focus my efforts on improving. I would highly recommend this course to anybody managing staff as a way to reflect on and improve your and your company's communication.""""The course was very thorough covering all aspects of communication at work.""""Excellent course with very detailed and comprehensive contents. Covers a wide range of topics within communications and has help for those managers with people issues or difficult employees. Highly recommended.""""I have found the course very helpful for my communication at work.""Good luckGood luck with the course and I hope you find it invaluable."
Price: 49.99

"All about Coronavirus (Covid-19) I Hindi Version" |
"Hello and welcome to this course, In this course you will learn all about ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.With the ongoing research on Coronavirus (Covid-19), the content to this course is being developed real time and more lectures will be added as the science develops in the coming weeks.The videos tutorials for this course are made using Illustrator and After Effects to make your learning more enjoyable.Along with the video lectures, you will find infographics which are easy to understand the concepts through visuals and graphics.This course is by far the most comprehensive and data rich content gathered from world renowned organisations like WHO, PAHO, CDC, OSHA etc.If you are a business owner or planning to start a business, an employer or working for a company or just an individual worried about the repercussions of the pandemic on your household then this course is highly recommended.The course has been developed under the guidance of various industry experts, this course is unbiased, no nonsense with research based information which will guide you the right steps to be taken during and after Covid-19 pandemic.Looking forward for you to join the course. See you inside ! "
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Spanish Method. Intermediate. Course 2." |
"FULLY MASTER THE ESSENTIALS OF SPANISH IN A MATTER OF WEEKS, NOT YEARS!NO BORING ""STUDY"", ONLY NONSTOP SPEAKING.EL MTODO allows you to: Speak, non-stop, from the very start. (no note-taking required) Produce and assimilate thousands of practical phrases for daily use. Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary at intermediate level. Make rapid progress, without the need to memorise or ""study"" in the traditional sense.ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE CARRIED AWAY BY THE METHOD.""Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn ."" (Benjamin Franklin)Right from the start, EL MTODO engages you in a non-stop spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. This beautifully simple resource allows you to use and understand Intermediate Spanish in a matter of hours, without the need for tiresome attempts at memorisation or lengthy, grammatical explanations. This is achieved through a expertly designed, world-class methodology that builds up and practices the language in your mind and mouth, step by step, until you are able to form increasingly complex sentences with ease.From the very start, you will be forming your own sentences, effortlessly absorbing structures without even realising it. The method guides you through Intermediate Spanish in a motivating and stimulating way.Recent students put it this way: ""Outstanding from the very first lesson to the end. The Spanish is challenging and fast moving, and yet constantly revisits vocabulary and structures so that it sinks into long term memory. Explanations are short and yet accommodate for all learning styles. The whole journey has been a world-class introduction into a language Ive learned to love. Gracias por todo!""""After completing level 1 and level 2 , I am here for level 3 and have already purchased level 4. Does it not prove how good and well organised the courses are! It's Fantastic. Beyond expectation!""LEARN SPANISH NATURALLY AND RAPIDLYIn EL MTODO as in real life, learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The process continues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposure to new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these are acquired for life.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?EL MTODO INTERMEDIATE, level 2, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken Spanish. After every lesson there is a series of optional written exercises..We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk, talk and talk. You won't stop speaking Spanish from start to finish. This is the ideal system to learn Spanish. My goal with EL MTODO is for you to become ""hooked"" on the program, thereby mastering intermediate Spanish as quickly as humanly possible.Best of luck! "
Price: 19.99

"The Secret Christian Mystic Mindset Manifesting System" |
"In this course you will learn a new way of perceiving your place in this universe. Starting from the beginning, you will reconsider your relationship to the universe and/or God. This new knowledge of your oneness with God and His creation will, when assimilated and applied, propel you into profound levels of creating your world and manifesting your dreams. In other word the course will direct you toward the concept of putting on the new man. "
Price: 19.99

"Basic Analytical Concepts & Applications for Sales" |
"This course gives basic understanding of analytical concepts which would help you analyze and improve your performance as a sales professional.This course will help you inUnderstanding of analytics and analytical frameworkIdentifying the importance of data for today's businessesBuilding basic knowledge of statistics and various statistical tools used in analyzing the data Developing expertise in establishing casual relationship between variables responsible for sales generation and growth Knowing the techniques of sales forecasting Becoming a smart and data driven sales manager Why you should Enroll in this CourseWell researched , organized and focused content with videos supported with detailed study material Certificate of CompletionOn successful completion of this course you will get ""Certificate of Completion"" from Udemy.!!Don't ForgetUdemy operates a 30 day full money back guarantee, no questions asked! If you're not happy with this course you can request your money back.So Let's Start our journey to be become a smart sales professional !"
Price: 29.99

"AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams 2020" |
"Welcome! - Want to pass the *NEW* SAA-C02 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams? Look no further. I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam[June 2020 Update]: New practice exam added with all new latest questions and fully up to date.According to salaries reported by LinkedIn members who work at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States: ""The average salary for the role of Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States is $142,000. This salary is based on 122 salaries submitted by LinkedIn members with the title Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States"" You get 4 practice exams complete with real world scenario along with questions and answers, and I am always here to further explain any topic.I am 3x AWS Certified and bring you the current most up to date knowledge of AWS Platform.See what our students say I must say this course helped me not only PASS AWS Certification and obtain my certification by the scenario based questions were awesome! and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Philip EdmundsThis is such an awesome course. Complete scenarios with solutions. To the point, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Mary HigginsAWS Certified Solutions Architect certification course is geared for people who want to enhance their skills in AWS to help organisations design and migrate their architecture to the cloud. This is the next step after obtaining your Cloud Practitioners Certification. This course will develop your skills your learned from the Cloud Practitioners Course in further detail. We cover a broad range of topics with a specific concentration on High Availability, EC2, VPC, Storage and Overall Management of the AWS Console.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Why take this course?As 3 x AWS Certified, and a DevOps Engineer managing and deploying enterprise level IT projects, my experience with AWS has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now in AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Exams course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of certification and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Myra GulTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 99.99

"Bem vindo ao curso da CONSTRUA RELATRIOS E PAINEIS com R Markdown e R ShinySaiba que ela uma das ferramentas mais poderosas de mercado, para construo de relatrios tcnicos e apresentaes de resultados. Voc dominando R Markdown pode produzir documentos super bem elaborados derivados dos seus scripts em R, Python ou outras linguagem de programao. Mas, grande parte dos analistas de dados produzem contedo em R e no sabem como ajustar para fazer uma apresentao ao seu cliente.Por isso, antes de apresentar seus dados estatsticos que iro conter modelos de regresso, grficos ou simplesmente apresentar estatsticas elementares, saiba que existe um grande aliado a linguagem R. Os seus dados contam uma histria, transforme suas anlises em documentos, relatrios, apresentaes e painis de alta qualidade. Tudo isso ser possvel com o uso do R Markdown. Para criar texto e cdigo narrativos para produzir uma sada formatada com leveza e muita, mais muita elegncia. Junte-se aos seus colegas e aprimore seu conhecimento em R Markdown.No mdulo do Curso SHINY na Linguagem R do Zero: Crie Painis para Anlise de Dados. Se voc estava procurando um treinamento essencial totalmente prtico para aprender a utilizar a incrvel biblioteca SHINY aplicada a linguagem R, esse o material que voc buscava. Vamos comear.A biblioteca Shiny na linguagem R foi disponibilizada para possibilitar aos usurios a apresentao mais amigvel e interativa dos dados extrados, atravs de indicadores, tabelas, grficos(plots) e tudo isso relacionado com muita interao entre os componentes.Nosso curso tem mais de 3 horas de contedo, te apresentando de forma prticas os principais recursos e arquitetura para construo de um ou vrios painis em Shiny. Veja o que aprender no nosso treinamento:O que e porque aprender R ShinyArquitetura de um aplicativo/painel ShinyUtilizao de Objetos de Entrada Texto, Nmeros e DataUtilizao de Objetos de Entrada UPLOADUtilizao de Objetos de Sada TextoUtilizao de Objetos de Sada Tabela Esttica e DinmicaUtilizao de Objetos de Sada PLOTS/GrficosUtilizao de Objetos de Sada DownloadAplicao de HTML em APP / Painel ShinyDefinio de layout para aplicativoUso de TemasIntroduo Reatividade e Publicao de Aplicativo BrilhanteNo final do curso, te entrego Uma aula de como publicar seu aplicativo Shiny para acessar pela Internet.Aqui voc contar:VOC AINDA GANHA Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana ao instrutor atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 204.99
