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Price: 19.99

"Basics of electrical engineering house wiring & safety" |
"This course present simple explicit & easy way for learning at the beginning for understanding the different types of tools & instruments for mastering the subject Electrical Engineering.The students, professionals & the fresher's on this subject can easily able to understand the principle & concepts. Much care is taken to explain everything detail with the neat diagram.All the topics of this book are self illustrative. The reader at the beginning level also will learn this book with much interest themselves, because such care & interest is taken to prepare this book.I personally thank all for giving me this best opportunity to bring out a best book for the benefit of students & professionals in Building services field. All the readers of this book will enrich knowledge on Electrical Designing & Drafting, which makes us feel proud"
Price: 1280.00

"MuseScore: corso completo di notazione musicale" |
"Musescore: corso completo il video-corso definitivo dove impari a scrivere la tua musica padroneggiando Musescore, il software di notazione musicale GRATUITO pi usato al mondo.E un corso completo creato appositamente da Joseph Arena per ScrivereMusica e completamente dedicato alla scrittura musicale: con questo corso impari a padroneggiare con disinvoltura tutti gli aspetti di questo programma.Musescore Il software di notazione musicale GRATUITO pi usato in progetti di piccola, media e larga scala, disponibile per Windows, Mac e Linux.Puoi usarlo per scrivere la musica di una semplice canzone con voce, testo e accordi, solo piano, lead sheet, ma anche per la musica di una intera band, gruppi jazz, gruppi cameristici o corali, sinfonie orchestrali, musical fino a colonne sonore per grande orchestra, coro, etc.Aziende, universit, musicisti professionisti e insegnanti di musica di tutto il mondo lo usano gi per le loro attivit professionali.Attualmente non esistono altri programmi al mondo - gratuiti - in grado di offrire tutte queste potenzialit: si tratta senza dubbio del miglior software gratuito per la notazione musicale.In questo corso completo ti spiego come utilizzarlo al meglio per tutti i tuoi progetti musicali, illustrandoti tutte le sue funzioni, procedendo gradualmente, passo passo, dal semplice al complesso.Il corso chiaro e facile da seguire, ricchissimo di esempi pratici e utili.Imparerai come dare alla tua musica una veste grafica professionale e accattivante, cos come stanno gi facendo migliaia di studenti, appassionati di musica e professionisti avviati.Dal pi semplice brano per voce e accordi alla pi ricca e complessa partitura orchestrale, tramite esempi chiari e spiegazioni facili da seguire, guarda coi tuoi stessi occhi come realizzare la tua partitura in pochi minuti.Iniziamo con le tecniche di base e aggiungiamo gradualmente nuovi strumenti alla nostra cassetta degli attrezzi, passando dal semplice al complesso in un percorso passo passo, dalla A alla Z, ricco di esempi chiari, valutando le esigenze e i problemi pi comuni.Alla fine del percorso, potrai concentrarti soprattutto sulla tua musica e lasciare che sia il programma a occuparsi di ottimizzare la resa grafica della partitura.Il corso pu essere seguito indipendentemente dalla tua precedente esperienza col software, basta avere un minimo di familiarit con la terminologia musicale di base.Tra gli argomenti trattati Come scaricare, installare e configurare Musescore Come orientarsi nel programma Come impostare la tua prima partitura Come inserire note e pause Come inserire parole, accordi e altri simboli musicali Come impaginare la musica Come scegliere e far suonare i diversi strumenti musicali Come far suonare il programma: ascolta la tua musica Come generare un file audio (per esempio mp3) con la tua musica Come generare un file MIDI Come usare una tastiera MIDI per inserire le note Come far suonare al programma una tastiera esterna Come immettere le note pi velocemente Come inserire diagrammi accordo per chitarra Come scrivere una tablatura Come scrivere per la batteria Come scrivere in notazione ritmica e slash Come trasformare la tua partitura in pdf Come generare le parti staccate Come stampare la musicaSe vuoi scrivere musica col computer hai ADESSO l'opportunit di imparare tutto quello che ti serve per usare il software gratuito di notazione musicale pi diffuso al mondo.Iscriviti subito e non perdere l'opportunit di imparare da un vero professionista.Informazioni sull'insegnanteSono Joseph Arena, musicista compositore e didatta, diplomato al Conservatorio di musica A. Corelli, insegno teoria e scrittura musicale con strumenti digitali.Ha fondato ScrivereMusica, il primo portale italiano dedicato alla scrittura musicale digitale.Ti aspetto nei miei corsi ;)"
Price: 49.99

"Nerd2Noob - Java Crashkurs fr Anfnger Suchmaschine bauen" |
"Mark hat sich vorgenommen Java zu lernen. Aber je mehr es sucht, desto weniger ist ihm klar wie er beginnen soll. Wie fngt man berhaupt an Java zu programmieren? Aber ihm fllt ein, dass er einen Java-Entwickler kennt, den er sofort anruft. Sergej programmiert seit 20 Jahren und gibt Mark einen Java-Crashkurs. Aber sie kauen keine trockene Theorie durch. Nein, sie entwickeln zusammen eine einfache Suchmaschine, die eine Datei durchsucht und Ergebnisse formatiert ausgibt.Sobald Sergej mit unverstndlichen Fachbegriffen kommt, hakt Mark nach und stellt in seiner einfachen Sprache Fragen. Der Kurs ist eine interaktive Unterhaltung zwischen einem Java-Nerd und einem Java-Noob. Es wird gezeichnet, gegoogelt und natrlich programmiert.Der Dialog zwischen den beiden wurde vorher gut durchdacht, so dass der Kurs viel Information in kurzer Zeit vermittelt und nicht mit mhm und ohms langweilt.Das erste Kapitel ist komplett gratis, so dass du dir ein eigenes Bild ber den Stil und den Inhalt machen kannst."
Price: 19.99

"PBR V-Ray Next" |
"- 6- , , PBR . , , . . - #1 00:26:00 Specular Metalness Workflows . #2 00:26:00 Specular Metalness Workflows . #3 00:28:00 Specular Metalness Workflows . #4 VRayMtl 00:57:00 PBR : Diffuse, SpecularMetalness GlossyRoughness Normal, , , , , . , , , VRayMtl . #5 01:26:00 . PBR . - poliigon, arroway-textures . #6 VRayMtl 01:01:00 , , VRayMtl PBR . - Diffuse Roughness GTR Tail Falloff, . , , ."
Price: 39.99

"17UY0333-5/A1 SG, EVRE VE KALTE YETERLLK BRM1-YETERLLK BRM ADI: SG, evre ve Kalite2-REFERANS KODU:17UY0333-5/A13-SEVYE:54-KRED DEER:-5-A)YAYIN TARH:29/11/2017B)REVZYON NO:00C)REVZYON TARH:-6-YETERLLK BRMNE KAYNAK TEKL EDEN MESLEK STANDARDI13UMS0365-5 / Pazarlama Sorumlusu Seviye 5 16UMS0520-5 / Sat Sorumlusu Seviye 57-RENME IKTILARIrenme kts 1: Acil durum ve i sal ve gvenlii talimatlarn aklar. Baarm ltleri:1.1: sal ve gvenlii konusunda mevzuat, prosedr ve talimatlar aklar. 1.2: Koruma ve acil durum mdahale ekipmannn kullanmn aklar.1.3: Acil durum mdahale prosedrlerini aklar.renme kts 2: evre koruma nlemlerini aklar. Baarm ltleri:2.1: evre korumaya ilikin alnan nlemleri yaplan iin gereklerine uygun ekilde aklar. 2.2: Atk ynetimine ynelik ilemleri aklar.renme kts 3: Kalite ve mteri memnuniyeti uygulamalarn aklar. Baarm ltleri:3.1: Uygulama srelerinin kalitesinin salanmas ve iyiletirilmesine ynelik uygulamalar aklar. 3.2: Mteri memnuniyetini salamak iin alnabilecek tedbirleri aklar.8-LME VE DEERLENDRME8 a) Teorik Snavoktan Semeli Snav: A1 birimine ynelik teorik snav Ek A1-2de yer alan Bilgiler kontrol listesine gre gerekletirilir. Teorik snavda adaylara en az yirmi (20) soruluk 4 seenekli oktan semeli ve her biri eit puan deerinde yazl snav uygulanmaldr. oktan semeli sorularla dzenlenmi snavda yanl cevaplandrlan sorulardan herhangi bir puan indirimi yaplmaz. Snavda adaylara her soru iin 1.5 dakika zaman verilir. Yazl snavda sorularn en az % 70ine doru yant veren aday baarl saylr. Snav sorular, bu birimde teorik snav ile llmesi ngrlen tm bilgi ifadelerini (Ek A1-2) lmelidir.8 b) Performansa Dayal Snav-8 c) lme ve Deerlendirmeye likin Dier KoullarYeterlilik biriminin elde edilebilmesi iin adayn T1 snavndan baarl olmas gerekmektedir. Yeterlilik biriminin geerlilik sresi birimin baarld tarihten itibaren 2 yldr.9-YETERLLK BRMN GELTREN KURUM/KURULU(LAR): Trkiye Tm Emlak Mavirleri Federasyonu (TEMFED)10-YETERLLK BRMN DORULAYAN SEKTR KOMTES: MYK Ticaret Sektr Komitesi11-MYK YNETM KURULU ONAY TARH VE SAYISI :29/11/2017-2017/109YETERLLK BRM EKLEREK A1-1: Yeterlilik Biriminin Kazandrlmas iin Tavsiye Edilen Eitime likin Bilgiler1. Meslekle ilgili temel kavramlar, kodlar, terimler2. Sal ve gvenlii ile ilgili meslein gerektirdii yasal mevzuat2.1. sal ve gvenlii talimatlar2.2. Kiisel koruyucu donanmlar2.3. Gvenlik ve salk iaretleri2.4. ekipmanlarnn kullanmnda salk ve gvenlik artlar2.5. Acil durum prosedrleri3. Meslekle ilgili evre koruma mevzuat3.1. evre, evre kirlilii3.2. Atk prosedrleri3.3. evre kazanm ve koruma3.4. Atklarn (ambalaj, pil ve benzeri) ayrtrlmas ve toplanmas.3.5. Doal kaynaklarn verimli kullanm4. Meslekle ilgili ilk yardm.5. Meslekle ilgili olaan d durum ve olaylar6. Meslekle ilgili kalite ynetimiKURS VE ETMENN HBR SORUMLULUK VE YKMLL YOKTUR.Bu kurstaki bilgiler tamamen genel bilgilendirme ve eitim amaldr. Kurs kapsamndaki bilgilerin gncel ve doru olmasna azami zen gsterilmi olmasna ramen kurs ve eitmen; bu bilgilerin eksiksizlii, doruluu, gvenilirlii, uygunluu ya da elverililiine ilikin olarak ve yahut da herhangi bir ama iin kurs metninde bulunan bilgi, rn, hizmet ya da ilgili grafikler konusunda alenen ya da zmni hibir ykmllk stlenmemektedir. Bu sebeple, bu bilgilere dayanlmas kesinlikle bilgiye riayet edenin kendi sorumluluundadr. Dokmanlar kullanlarak herhangi bir vekil-mvekkil ya da avukat-mvekkil ilikisi meydana getirilemez. Kurs ve Kurs Eitmeni; kr kayb ya da dier btn kayplarn sebep olduu dorudan ya da dolayl hasarlar da dhil olmak zere herhangi bir kayp ya da zarardan ykml ya da sorumlu tutulamaz.""Burada yer alan yatrm bilgi, yorum ve tavsiyeleri yatrm danmanl kapsamnda deildir. Yatrm danmanl hizmeti, yetkili kurulular tarafndan kiilerin risk ve getiri tercihleri dikkate alnarak kiiye zel sunulmaktadr. Burada yer alan yorum ve tavsiyeler ise genel niteliktedir. Bu tavsiyeler mali durumunuz ile risk ve getiri tercihlerinize uygun olmayabilir. Bu nedenle, sadece burada yer alan bilgilere dayanlarak yatrm karar verilmesi beklentilerinize uygun sonular dourmayabilir. bu kurs ve eitmen aracl ile sunulan tavsiyelere dayanarak alnan/alnacak yatrm kararlarnn ve yaplan/yaplacak alm satm vb. ilemlerinden ve bu ilemlerin olas neticelerinden Kurs ve Kurs eitmeni herhangi bir surette sorumlu deildir."
Price: 199.99

"17UY0333-5/A2 PAZARLAMA STRATEJS GELTRME VE ORGANZASYONU YETERLLK BRM1-YETERLLK BRM ADI:Pazarlama Stratejisi Gelitirme ve Organizasyonu2-REFERANS KODU:17UY0333-5/A23-SEVYE:54-KRED DEER:-5-A)YAYIN TARH:29/11/2017B)REVZYON NO:00C)REVZYON TARH:-6-YETERLLK BRMNE KAYNAK TEKL EDEN MESLEK STANDARDI13UMS0365-5 / Pazarlama Sorumlusu Seviye 516UMS0520-5 / Sat Sorumlusu Seviye 5 12UMS0267-5 / Satn Alma Sorumlusu Seviye 57-RENME IKTILARIrenme kts 1: Emlak sat/kiralama stratejilerini gelitirir. Baarm ltleri:1.1 : Hedef pazara ilikin verileri analiz eder.1.2: Ama, hedef ve strateji(leri) rn, pazar ve hedef kitle verilerine gre belirler. 1.3: Emlak Sat/kiralama plan oluturur.renme kts 2: organizasyonu yapar.2.1 Emlak sat/kiralama srelerine ilikin planlama ve organizasyonlar oluturur.2.2 Personel ynetimi, yntem ve prosedrlerini aklar.2.3 Sat/kiralama btesini oluturur.2.4 Srekli eitim ve geliime ynelik ihtiyalarn belirlenmesinde kullanlan yntemleri aklar.8-LME VE DEERLENDRME8 a) Teorik Snavoktan Semeli Snav: A2 birimine ynelik teorik snav Ek A2-2de yer alan Bilgiler kontrol listesine gre gerekletirilir. Teorik snavda adaylara en az 20 soruluk 4 seenekli oktan semeli ve her biri eit puan deerinde yazl snav uygulanmaldr. oktan semeli sorularla dzenlenmi snavda yanl cevaplandrlan sorulardan herhangi bir puan indirimi yaplmaz. Snavda adaylara her soru iin 1,5 dakika zaman verilir. Yazl snavda sorularn en az % 70'ine doru yant veren aday baarl saylr. Snavsorular, bu birimde teorik snav ile llmesi ngrlen tm bilgi ifadelerini (Ek A2-2) lmelidir.8 b) Performansa Dayal Snav(P1) Beceri ve Yetkinlik Uygulamalar: A2 birimine ynelik performansa dayal snav Ek A2-2de yer alan Beceriler ve Yetkinlikler kontrol listesine gre gerekletirilir. Performans snavnda; beceri ve yetkinlik ifadelerinde yer alan ltlere uygun senaryo(lar), bilgi notlar ve dier aklayc dokmanlar kullanlarak, adaylarn pazarlama stratejisi gelitirme ve i organizasyonu uygulamalarnda; planlama, organizasyon, takip, ikna ve iletiim becerileri, i kapsamna uygun inisiyatif alma, veri-alan-sre hakimiyeti gzlemlenecektir. Bu amala; Ek A2-2de yer alan beceri ve yetkinlik uygulamalarn yapmas istenecektir. Deerlendiriciler gerekli grdkleri noktalarda, belirlenecek kurallara gre sorular sorup aklamalar isteyebilirler. Performansa dayal snavn sresi gerek uygulama artlarndaki sreye karlk gelmelidir.Adayn, performans snavndan baar salamas iin kritik admlarn tamamndan baarl performans gstermek kouluyla snavn genelinden asgari % 70 baar gstermesi gerekir. Performansa dayal snavn sresi, uygulamann kapsamna gre tespit edilerek snav kontrol listesinde belirtilir. Performansa dayal snav gereine uygun olarak dzenlenmi alma ortamnda ve alma ekipmanlar ile gerekletirilir. Beceri ve yetkinlik ifadelerinin (Ek A2-2) tamam performansa dayal snav ile llmelidir.8 c) lme ve Deerlendirmeye likin Dier KoullarBirim iin ngrlen snavlarn geerlilik sresi snavn baarld tarihten itibaren 1 yldr. Yeterlilik birimlerinin geerlilik sresi birimin baarld tarihten itibaren 2 yldr. Adayn kendi ve dier kiilerin can gvenliini tehlikeye sokacak bir davran gstermesi halinde snava son verilir.9-YETERLLK BRMN GELTREN KURUM/KURULU(LAR):Trkiye Tm Emlak Mavirleri Federasyonu (TEMFED)10-YETERLLK BRMN DORULAYAN SEKTR KOMTESMYK Ticaret Sektr Komitesi11-MYK YNETM KURULU ONAY TARH VE SAYISI29/11/2017-2017/109KURS VE ETMENN HBR SORUMLULUK VE YKMLL YOKTUR.Bu kurstaki bilgiler tamamen genel bilgilendirme ve eitim amaldr. Kurs kapsamndaki bilgilerin gncel ve doru olmasna azami zen gsterilmi olmasna ramen kurs ve eitmen; bu bilgilerin eksiksizlii, doruluu, gvenilirlii, uygunluu ya da elverililiine ilikin olarak ve yahut da herhangi bir ama iin kurs metninde bulunan bilgi, rn, hizmet ya da ilgili grafikler konusunda alenen ya da zmni hibir ykmllk stlenmemektedir. Bu sebeple, bu bilgilere dayanlmas kesinlikle bilgiye riayet edenin kendi sorumluluundadr. Dokmanlar kullanlarak herhangi bir vekil-mvekkil ya da avukat-mvekkil ilikisi meydana getirilemez. Kurs ve Kurs Eitmeni; kr kayb ya da dier btn kayplarn sebep olduu dorudan ya da dolayl hasarlar da dhil olmak zere herhangi bir kayp ya da zarardan ykml ya da sorumlu tutulamaz.""Burada yer alan yatrm bilgi, yorum ve tavsiyeleri yatrm danmanl kapsamnda deildir. Yatrm danmanl hizmeti, yetkili kurulular tarafndan kiilerin risk ve getiri tercihleri dikkate alnarak kiiye zel sunulmaktadr. Burada yer alan yorum ve tavsiyeler ise genel niteliktedir. Bu tavsiyeler mali durumunuz ile risk ve getiri tercihlerinize uygun olmayabilir. Bu nedenle, sadece burada yer alan bilgilere dayanlarak yatrm karar verilmesi beklentilerinize uygun sonular dourmayabilir. bu kurs ve eitmen aracl ile sunulan tavsiyelere dayanarak alnan/alnacak yatrm kararlarnn ve yaplan/yaplacak alm satm vb. ilemlerinden ve bu ilemlerin olas neticelerinden Kurs ve Kurs eitmeni herhangi bir surette sorumlu deildir."
Price: 369.99

"17UY0333-5/A3 EMLAK SATI/KRALAMA VE SONRASI LEMLER YETERLLK BRM1-YETERLLK BRM ADI:Emlak Sat/Kiralama ve Sonras lemleri2-REFERANS KODU:17UY0333-5/A33-SEVYE:54-KRED DEER:-5-A)YAYIN TARH:29/11/2017B)REVZYON NO:00C)REVZYON TARH:-6-YETERLLK BRMNE KAYNAK TEKL EDEN MESLEK STANDARDI13UMS0365-5 / Pazarlama Sorumlusu Seviye 5 16UMS0520-5 / Sat Sorumlusu Seviye 5 12UMS0267-5 / Satn Alma Sorumlusu Seviye 57-RENME IKTILARIrenme kts 1: letmenin mevcut emlak portfyn kontrol eder.Baarm ltleri:1.1 : Portfyn gncellii ve gvenilirliini kontrol eder.1.2: Portfydeki emlakn durum tespiti ile ilgili bilgileri kontrol eder. 1.3: Portfydeki emlakn tespit edilen gncel rayi bedelini onaylar. 1.4: Portfydeki emlakn sahibi ile imzalanacak belgeleri kontrol eder.renme kts 2: Emlakn sat/kiralanmasna ilikin hazrlklar yapar. 2.1: Portfydeki emlakn tantm yntemini onaylar.2.2: Pazarlama iin gerekli ara, gere, malzeme ve hizmetleri temin eder. 2.3: Portfydeki emlakn sat/kiralamaya uygun hale getirilmesini salar.2.4 : Emlakn sat/kiralama bedelinin belirlenmesi ve pazarlk srecini takip eder.2.5 : Emlak sahibi/mteri arasnda yaplacak sat szlemesini/kira kontratn kontrol eder.renme kts 3: Emlak sat/kiralama sonras ilemlerinin yrtlmesini salar.Baarm ltleri:3.1 Tapu ve teslimat ilemlerinin yaplmas srecini takip eder. 3.2: Hizmet bedelinin tahsilat ilemlerini gerekletirir.3.3: Sat/kiralama sonras portfy gncellenmesini kontrol eder. 3.4: Sat/kiralama sonras hizmetleri yrtr.renme kts 4: Emlaka ilikin fizibilite ve yatrm danmanl hizmeti verir.Baarm ltleri:4.1 : Yatrm mterisinin talep ve ihtiyalarn belirler.4.2: Talep ve ihtiyalar dorultusunda fizibilite almalar yapar. 4.3: Yatrm mterisine alternatif yatrm olanaklarn sunar.8-LME VE DEERLENDRME8 a) Teorik Snavoktan Semeli Snav: A3 birimine ynelik teorik snav Ek A3-2de yer alan Bilgiler kontrol listesine gre gerekletirilir. Teorik snavda adaylara en az yirmi (20) soruluk 4 seenekli oktan semeli ve her biri eit puan deerinde yazl snav uygulanmaldr. oktan semeli sorularla dzenlenmi snavda yanlcevaplandrlan sorulardan herhangi bir puan indirimi yaplmaz. Snavda adaylara her soru iin 1.5 dakika zaman verilir. Yazl snavda sorularn en az % 70na doru yant veren aday baarl saylr. Snav sorular, bu birimde teorik snav ile llmesi ngrlen tm bilgi ifadelerini (Ek A3-2) lmelidir.8 b) Performansa Dayal Snav(P1) Beceri ve Yetkinlik Uygulamalar: A3 birimine ynelik performansa dayal snav Ek A3-2de yer alan Beceriler ve Yetkinlikler kontrol listesine gre gerekletirilir. Performans snavnda; beceri ve yetkinlik ifadelerinde yer alan ltlere uygun senaryo(lar), bilgi notlar ve dier aklayc dokmanlar kullanlarak, adaylarn emlak sat/kiralama ve sonras ilemleri uygulamalarnda; planlama, organizasyon, takip, ikna ve iletiim becerileri, i kapsamna uygun inisiyatif alma, veri-alan-sre hakimiyeti gzlemlenecektir. Bu amala; Ek A3-2de yer alan beceri ve yetkinlik uygulamalarn yapmas istenecektir. Deerlendiriciler gerekli grdkleri noktalarda, belirlenecek kurallara gre szel sorular sorup aklamalar isteyebilirler. Performansa dayal snavn sresi gerek uygulama artlarndaki sreye karlk gelmelidir.Adayn, performans snavndan baar salamas iin kritik admlarn tamamndan baarl performans gstermek kouluyla snavn genelinden asgari % 70 baar gstermesi gerekir. Performansa dayal snavn sresi, uygulamann kapsamna gre tespit edilerek snav kontrol listesinde belirtilir. Performansa dayal snav gereine uygun olarak dzenlenmi alma ortamnda ve alma ekipmanlar ile gerekletirilir. Beceri ve yetkinlik ifadelerinin (Ek A3-2) tamam performansa dayal snav ile llmelidir.8 c) lme ve Deerlendirmeye likin Dier KoullarBirim iin ngrlen snavlarn geerlilik sresi snavn baarld tarihten itibaren 1 yldr. Adayn kendi ve dier kiilerin can gvenliini tehlikeye sokacak bir davran gstermesi halinde snava son verilir.9-YETERLLK BRMN GELTREN KURUM/KURULU(LAR):Trkiye Tm Emlak Mavirleri Federasyonu (TEMFED)10-YETERLLK BRMN DORULAYAN SEKTR KOMTES :MYK Ticaret Sektr Komitesi11-MYK YNETM KURULU ONAY TARH VE SAYISI29/11/2017-2017/109KURS VE ETMENN HBR SORUMLULUK VE YKMLL YOKTUR.Bu kurstaki bilgiler tamamen genel bilgilendirme ve eitim amaldr. Kurs kapsamndaki bilgilerin gncel ve doru olmasna azami zen gsterilmi olmasna ramen kurs ve eitmen; bu bilgilerin eksiksizlii, doruluu, gvenilirlii, uygunluu ya da elverililiine ilikin olarak ve yahut da herhangi bir ama iin kurs metninde bulunan bilgi, rn, hizmet ya da ilgili grafikler konusunda alenen ya da zmni hibir ykmllk stlenmemektedir. Bu sebeple, bu bilgilere dayanlmas kesinlikle bilgiye riayet edenin kendi sorumluluundadr. Dokmanlar kullanlarak herhangi bir vekil-mvekkil ya da avukat-mvekkil ilikisi meydana getirilemez. Kurs ve Kurs Eitmeni; kr kayb ya da dier btn kayplarn sebep olduu dorudan ya da dolayl hasarlar da dhil olmak zere herhangi bir kayp ya da zarardan ykml ya da sorumlu tutulamaz.""Burada yer alan yatrm bilgi, yorum ve tavsiyeleri yatrm danmanl kapsamnda deildir. Yatrm danmanl hizmeti, yetkili kurulular tarafndan kiilerin risk ve getiri tercihleri dikkate alnarak kiiye zel sunulmaktadr. Burada yer alan yorum ve tavsiyeler ise genel niteliktedir. Bu tavsiyeler mali durumunuz ile risk ve getiri tercihlerinize uygun olmayabilir. Bu nedenle, sadece burada yer alan bilgilere dayanlarak yatrm karar verilmesi beklentilerinize uygun sonular dourmayabilir. bu kurs ve eitmen aracl ile sunulan tavsiyelere dayanarak alnan/alnacak yatrm kararlarnn ve yaplan/yaplacak alm satm vb. ilemlerinden ve bu ilemlerin olas neticelerinden Kurs ve Kurs eitmeni herhangi bir surette sorumlu deildir."
Price: 399.99

"Il bilanciamento professionale delle formule da gelateria" |
"Vi siete mai domandati come si stila una ricetta per gelateria in maniera professionale? In base a cosa siano scelti gli ingredienti e le loro proporzioni? Perch il gelato acquistato in gelateria resta soffice nel tempo? Questo il momento di dare disposta ai vostri quesiti! Il corso rivolto a Gelatai e Pasticceri o ad appassionati di gelateria. Durante il corso tratter i vari ingredienti del gelato, soffermandomi sulle loro funzioni per comprendere come poi costruire una ricetta di gelato partendo da zero."
Price: 24.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Test Papers 2020" |
"OCI Knowledge Check Tests: 6 Test Papers (300+ Questions) No Repeat Questions 3-in-1 Test Modules for (OCI Foundation, Architect Associate & Architect Professional)This series of practice papers are aimed to prepare every student to check their knowledge and understanding on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure before they plan to attempt to appear/sit for any OCI exams primarily OCI Foundation, OCI Architect Associate and OCI Architect Professional.Please Note: This is to test your self-knowledge that you gained during your course of study. However, the course also contains more than 90% simulation questions.All major syllabus are covered in these series of test papers. Once you are through these test papers simulations, you can be sure you have an extensive knowledge of the OCI Platform. This is will help you to identify your opportunity areas where you need to focus to clarify the specific areas that you need to revisit in your study and exam preparation.All the best and Happy Learning!Areas Covered (Foundation): 1. Cloud ConceptUnderstand terms like Scalability, Elasticity, Agility, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery, CapEx, OpEx Understand and differentiate between IaaS, PaaS and SaaS Understand Public, private and hybrid cloud models Reduce TCO with migrations (on-prem to cloud without re-architecting) 2. Getting Started with Oracle Cloud InfrastructureDescribe the key features and components of OCI. Regions (Multi-AD, One-AD), ADs, Fault Domains, Console, API, CLI SDKs. 3. Core Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ServicesUnderstand Core OCI Services: IAM, Compute, Network, Storage, and Database. Understand Cloud Native Services: OKE, OCIR, Fn, Streaming, API-Gateway. 4. Security and ComplianceOCI Security services (VCN, SL, NSG, WAF, Identity, MFA, KMS, Data Safe, Audit) and compliance. 5. Pricing, Support and OperationsOCI Pricing Model. Understand OCI subscription models, pricing calculator, Free tier, OCI SLA. OCI Operations. OCI concepts like budget, quota, limits and support.=============================================================================================Areas Covered (Architect Associate) 1. Identity and Access ManagementApply core Identity and Access Management components Explain resource locations Design federation with various identity providers Apply IAM, governance, and security best practices 2. NetworkingApply design concepts related to VCN components Describe Public and Private IP addresses and virtual NICs Apply VCN connectivity options Understand remote network connectivity Apply OCI Load Balancer concepts Understand OCI Edge services Apply OCI networking best practices 3. Advanced networking conceptsManage your cloud network components, such as Virtual Private Network (VPN), Fast Connect, Multiple vNICs, IP addresses 4. Instantiating a Load BalancerSetting up a Load Balancer 5. ComputeUnderstand compute and sizing Troubleshoot options using console connections and boot volume Architect High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutions Describe image options 6. StorageUnderstand OCI Storage options Design storage solutions for applications and database 7. Launching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute InstancesDescribe the components of Compute service, including shapes, images, and custom images 8. Architecting Best PracticesDesign for Security using OCI 9. DatabaseDescribe OCI Database options Explain OCI Database Operations Architect HA and DR solutions Manage Autonomous Database 10. Advanced DatabaseUse advanced database features, such as Data Guard, BYOL, Data encryption, RAC, and EXADATA.=============================================================================================Areas Covered (Architect Professional) 1. Plan and design solutions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)Plan and design solutions to meet business and technical requirements. Create architecture patterns including N-tier applications, microservices, and serverless architectures. Design scalable and elastic solutions for high availability and disaster recovery. 2. Implement and operate solutions in OCIImplement solutions to meet business and technical requirements. Operate and troubleshoot solutions on OCI. 3. Design, implement, and operate databases in OCIEvaluate and implement databases. Operate and troubleshoot databases. 4. Design for hybrid cloud architectureDesign and implement hybrid network architectures to meet high availability, bandwidth, and latency requirements. Evaluate multi-cloud solution architectures. 5. Migrate on-premises workloads to OCIDesign strategy for migrating on-premises workloads to OCI. Implement and troubleshoot database migrations. 6. Design for Security and ComplianceDesign, implement, and operate solutions for security and governance. Design, implement, and operate solutions to meet compliance requirements. ============================================================================================="
Price: 19.99

"SAP Cloud Platform Certification Questions (C_CP_11) / 2020" |
"All Unique questions!!! No duplicates like other websites.Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Exam Questions similar to actual SAP Certified Development Associate -(C_CP_11) SAP Cloud Platform Certification.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam.The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic Areas:Front-end Application Development > 12%SAP Cloud Platform integration Services > 12%Extend SAP Cloud Solutions 8% - 12%Introduction and Architecture 8% - 12%Java Application Development on SAP Cloud Platform 8% - 12%SAP HANA XSC Application Development 8% - 12%SAP Mobile Services < 8%SAP API Management < 8%SAP Cloud Data & Storage < 8%SAP Cloud Platform Security Concepts < 8%SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Services < 8%Internet of Things (IoT) Services < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud PlatformExam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 63%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePractice ExamTotal Questions to check your knowledge: 160Type of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePassing Score : 63%"
Price: 19.99

"2x2x2 Rubik's cube for Beginners (in English)" |
"Explained in a way that anyone can relate and understandI created these course to show you how you can solve 2x2x2 Rubiks cube with step-by-step. With help of only 2 simple Formula. Practice it for 30 min daily and afterwards you can solve 2x2x2 Rubiks cube.Solving Rubiks cube before study or any brain related work, it will help to focus or to concentrate more."
Price: 1280.00

onlinese |
Price: 84.99

"Practical Photography for Beginners and Hobbyists" |
"""A picture is worth 1000 words"" -Fred R. BarnardWhat do you want your pictures to say? In this tutorial, you'll get a hands on demonstration of some of the most important fundamentals of photography. As a full time, working photographer, these are some of the things I wish were easily accessible to me when I was starting out. We will dive into: Exposure: The Capture of LightExplanation and Defining ExposureShutter Speed ISOAperture How to Balance These 3 Things Gear: Understanding the LingoHow to Choose the Right Gear For Your Purposes Composition:Framing & Tone Setting Lighting: Hard vs. Soft LightDifferent Ways to Use a FlashEditing: JPEG vs RAWEditing in LightroomVisual Story TellingThere is so much to say and think about photography and taking the photos the you really want to take. I have distilled down what I think is the easiest and most understandable approach to starting your photography journey. Happy shooting!"
Price: 39.99

"Marka Hukuku" |
"Av. Atakan Karata tarafndan hazrlanan Marka Hukuku eitiminde katlmclar hem teorik hem de uygulamaya dair kazanmlar edinirler. ncelikle: markaya ilikin ulusal-uluslararas dzenlemeleri, marka bavuru srecini ve ilgili belgeleri, marka tescilini; sonrasnda da pratik adan nem tayan marka davalar ele alnr.Eitim eriiMarkaya likin Ulusal ve Uluslararas Dzenlemeler Marka Bavuru Srecinde Aranan artlar ve lgili Belgeler Marka Tescili Marka Davalar Uluslararas Marka Bavurusu"
Price: 59.99

"Batan Sona Kiisel Verilerin Korunmas Eitimi (KVKK)" |
"Katlmclar KVKK eitiminde, Kiisel Verilerin Korunmas Kanunu, gncel gelimeler, uluslararas dzenlemeler gibi teorik bilgileri renir. Daha sonra, kiisel veriler hukuku asndan avukatlarn uygulamada karlat sorunlar, danmanlk verilirken dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar gibi pratik ksmlar ele alnr. Hem teorik hem de pratik olarak kiisel verilerin korunmas konusunu ele alr. Bu adan hem irketlerin hem de herkesin ihtiyalarna cevap verir."
Price: 59.99

"Learning Chess" |
"Hello and welcome to my Learning Chess video series. This series breaks down the game simply so that views of all ages can learn and play the game of chess. I hope that you enjoy this series and love the game of chess just like I did as a student."
Price: 99.99

"Curso Tableau Desktop Bsico" |
"Curso Tableau Desktop Bsico ISi ests comenzando con Tableau, este curso 100% en Espaol te ayudar a poder obtener un mejor entendimiento de Tableau Desktop para comenzar tus anlisis de datosTemario del Curso Bsico IIntroduccinConexin a DatosFiltrosOrdenOrden AnidadoFechas ContinuasFechas DiscretasGrficas CombinadasGrficas ApiladasEje CombinadoMapasEn este curso podrs aprender si ests comenzando con Tableau."
Price: 24.99

"GIMP : dmarrez de zro !" |
"J'ai voulu crer ce cours afin de permettre tous de dcouvrir les bases de l'infographie. Dans ce but : - Le cours s'appuie sur Gimp, le clbre logiciel de retouche d'images libre et gratuit !- Nous partirons de zro et verrons mme comment installer le logiciel.- Le cours va l'essentiel et est pens pour le dbutant. - La formation vous est propose un prix dmocratique afin que tout le monde puisse en profiter."
Price: 24.99

"Ol, este o PRIMEIRO modulo de testes para voc que quer se preparar para ser trader de opes binrias. Todo o contedo de estudos para que possa passar neste simulado grtis e esta em nossa pgina do instagram @lud.cap. Neste mdulo abordaremos assuntos bsicos como depsito e abertura de conta na corretora, bem como o que so opes.Aproveite,Qualquer dvida entre em contato pelo direct no instagram.---------------------------@lud.cap-----------------------------"
Price: 199.99

"Video Montaggio Al Femminile" |
"Questo corso, destinato al pubblico femminile, raccoglie al suo interno tutti i passaggi necessari per la realizzazione dei video romantici, creativi e strappalacrime. Proprio come a noi donne piace. Il corso strutturato in 10 video lezioni partendo dalle basi importantissime del video montaggio e concludendo con tecniche pi complicate. Inoltre include anche una lezione bonus sulle tendenze di instagram 2020.Cosa impareremo.- Regole base della ripresa cinematografica;- Montaggio da 0 con le principali App di editing come InShot e Viva Video;- Creazione dei video animati in sile cartone animato;- Creazione degli spot pubblicitari efficaci;- Impareremo a fare Stories creative e interessanti;-Impareremo ad usare alcune App per dare un tocco di magia ai nostri video;- Scopriremo cosa sa fare la nostra videocamera;- Scopriremo le principali tendenze di Instagram 2020."
Price: 19.99

"Les fondamentaux du Droit International Humanitaire" |
"Le droit international humanitaire est un ensemble de rgles qui s'appliquent en temps de conflits arms et qui ont pour but principal de protger les personnes ne participant pas ou plus aux hostilits. Ces normes de DIH rglementent galement les moyens et mthodes de guerre pour tenter de rduire au maximum les souffrances humaines provoques par la guerre. Le DIH facilite galement l'action humanitaire pour les acteurs des organisations engages dans l'aide d'urgence et l'aide humanitaire. C'est pourquoi il est crucial que les professionnels de l'humanitaires et du terrain se familiarisent avec les concepts fondamentaux de cette branche du droit ainsi que leurs effets."
Price: 19.99

"Trading without gambling!" |
"Does this sound like you? Are you a beginner that has always wanted to learn to become a profitable trader?Do you feel like you are sometimes missing out on profit or taking unnecessary losses?Are you struggling to determine whether its a good time to get in, get out or just hold?In this course, I will teach you everything you MUST know before you begin trading. In this training, you will learn a very simple and highly effective strategy that will IMMEDIATELY help you to increase your profits and reduce your losses!"
Price: 199.99

"Python Code Camp" |
"Want a gentle, approachable introduction to programming that works even for the apprehensive beginner? Join the Python Code Camp. This compact, efficient program will teach you the foundations of the Python programming language, providing you with confidence every step of the way. Using Mark Lassoff's proven instructional method, used to teach coding to over 1,000,000 people, this Code Camp will get you coding right away. Using a popular web-based tool to write and run Python code, you will be engaged by Mark's captivating video lectures and examples and gently guided through lab exercises that provide clear, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. The Python Code Camp guides you through all the fundamentals of Python, included object-oriented Python and file i/o. You simply won't find a better introduction to coding. Start learning to code with Python Code Camp today!"
Price: 49.99

"Sito Web Facile - Corso Accelerato" |
"+ BONUS: 267 eBook di Digital Marketing (link nell'ultima lezione)Creare un sito web difficile ... Dicevano! Sei un imprenditore che ha bisogno di un sito aziendale? Un designer alla ricerca del portfolio perfetto? Uno studente che vuole avere la propria homepage per un progetto scolastico? Un musicista che vuole realizzare il sito della sua band?Un artista che vuole mostrare le sue opere?In questo corso ti guider passo-passo a strutturare il sito web perfetto (e a pubblicarlo online) in meno di un'ora!Utilizzeremo un software gratuito veramente eccezionale: Mobirise.Con Mobirise otterremo un risultato professionale senza scrivere una riga di codice ... incredibile, vero?Pubblica il tuo sito oggi, iscriviti al corso!Indice delle lezioni1. Introduzione a Mobirise2. Scaricare il Software e Siti di Esempio3. Creare un Sito da Zero e Scegliere il Tema4. Introduzione ai Blocchi di Contenuto5. Menu, Salvataggio dei Blocchi e Link6. Intestazione del Sito, Modifica Parametri e Prima Anteprima nel Browser7. Link Esterni e Video di Sfondo8. Blocchi Testuali, CTA, Footer e Modulo di Contatto9. Aggiungere una Pagina, Propriet e Metadati, Link Social10. Slideshow, Video, Prima Navigazione e Link Checking11. Pagina Contatti, Mappe e Controlli Finali12. Esportazione in Locale e Impostazioni Globali13. Pubblicazione Online e Aggiornamenti"
Price: 19.99

"Active Listening Skills To Give And Receive Feedback At Work" |
"Learn a professional and systematic way to give and receive feedback at work and in your personal life using the Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) model.Giving or taking bad, critical, or negative feedback at work or in your interpersonal situations can be difficult. There is also a risk of having the conversation turn negative, and escalate into a conflict that is accompanied by negative emotions like anger, frustration, or even fear.This course will give you skills to listen better and to read the emotions of the other person better so you would be less likely to have your difficult conversations go poorly, and achieve desired outcomes.LEARN ACTIVE LISTENINGActive listening is a technique that is used in counseling, training, and solving disputes or conflicts. It requires that the listener fully concentrate, understand, respond, and then remember what is being said. This is opposed to other listening techniques like reflective listening and empathic listening.USE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE DURING ACTIVE LISTENINGWhen you listen, there is much more to the conversation that just what's being said. You have to think about the other person's emotions and do your best to direct their emotions and yours. You also have to pay attention to their body language, facial features, and tone of voice.LISTEN WITH EMPATHYTry to truly understand what people are saying. Be present in the moment and understand how they feel and how the topic of conversation impacts the other person's life.GIVING FEEDBACK AND RECEIVING FEEDBACKMuch of active listening is used in the workplace. Throughout your career, you will be giving feedback and receiving feedback on many occasions. This course will help you understand the other person when you are receiving feedback.Invest in yourself. Enroll today!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Excel con ejercicios prcticos" |
"Completo Curso de Excel con manuales tericos y ejercicios prcticos resueltos.El objetivo de este curso es adquirir las competencias y habilidades necesarias para crear de forma eficiente hojas de clculo en Excel y ser capaz de gestionar y analizar gran cantidad de datos mediante esta herramienta.El Curso de Excel con ejercicios prcticos es un curso completo que empieza desde un nivel bastante bsico. As que, aunque no tengas conocimientos anteriores puedes seguir este curso online.Gracias a los ejercicios prcticos podrs reforzar los conocimientos adquiridos y aplicarlos a cualquier hoja de clculo."
Price: 39.99

"FL Studio 20 - Produce a Trance Track using FL Studio" |
"Struggled to recreate that trance lead sound? Not sure how to reproduce that classic trance bass? Look no further!Welcome to this course on producing trance music with FL Studio. I show you exactly how I go from an empty project file to a fully-fledged trance track in just a few hours. Everything is shown, from how I arrange the track, to sample selection, synth selection, melody design, mixing and mastering!I have broken down the steps of creating the track, section-by-section so that you can see exactly how I produced the track that you hear at the start of the course.Whats covered:Empty project file to fully mastered track in just 3 hoursSound selectionPresets and recommended synths, third party pluginsPattern and melody designSample selectionCompression, EQ, Delay, Reverband much more!We start off by going over some of the basic components of what is in a trance track, before moving on to the drum intro. We cover how to design the trance drum loop, how to create a driving trance bassline, and how to create a convincing hi hat pattern.We then look at how to create the buildup to the first breakdown, before going over how to create piano sounds, pads and white noise sweepers.Then we look at how to create the buildup to the main drop.We cover how to create a classic trance lead sound, and how to supplement this alongside the bassline, and how to come up with a great chord progression, with MIDI files included!With over 2,800 students, and multiple 4 and 5 star reviews, we have been teaching for many years already on Udemy! With ten years of experience, we have been using FL Studio and know it inside-out!What else is included in this course?Free sample packsThe best third party plugins you should useHow to install and manage third party pluginsAnd much more!If you just watch the videos then this course will take 3 hours to complete, but we recommend setting aside at least six hours to go over the videos and the other documentation that is included as well.And, if the course doesn't completely satisfy, you are backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee"
Price: 199.99

"Christian Health and The Bible!!" |
"About combining our Christian beliefs with our health. Giving us a better perspective of our health and how It relates the Bible. Continuing to stay in right standing with God is a good way to stay healthy. Putting God first in your life will help you on your fitness journey. Giving of ourselves takes a toll on us so staying health is our responsibility what we do, what we think and what how we act."
Price: 19.99

"Hands-On Computer Vision with OpenCV 4, Keras & TensorFlow 2" |
"Do you want to understand how computers see images and videos? Using artificial intelligence, we can enable computers and smart devices to interpret what is in an image (computer vision).This can provide massive benefits when it comes to automating tasks for which images are vital, such as examining medical images or enabling self-driving cars to see. Already, these applications are creating a massive industry around computer visionone that is set to grow rapidly, with some sources predicting that it will be worth over $43 billion by 2023.This course provides you with a perfect foundation from which to understand computer vision and supports your professional development in this fast-growing arena. We first learn the basic concepts and explore these using OpenCV4, the most popular open-source computer vision library. Next, we explore using Machine Learning in computer vision, including the use of deep learning (using TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras) to implement advanced image classifiers.This course is designed to help data scientists, and those who already have some familiarity with ML and DL (and experience with Python, Keras, and TensorFlow), to gain a solid understanding of OpenCV and train their own computer vision deep learning models.About the AuthorRajeev Ratan is a data scientist and computer vision engineer. He has a BSc in Computer & Electrical Engineering and an MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh, where he gained extensive knowledge of Machine Learning, computer vision, and intelligent robotics.He has published research on using data-driven methods for Probabilistic Stochastic Modeling in the Public Transport arena and was part of a group that won a robotics competition at the University of Edinburgh.Rajeev launched his own computer vision startup based on using Deep Learning in education. Since then, he has contributed to 2 more startups in computer vision domains and one multinational company in the data science field.Previously, he worked for 8 years at two of the Caribbean's largest telecommunications operators, where he gained experience in managing technical staff and deploying complex telecommunications projects."
Price: 124.99

"Power BI Excel Integration" |
"Microsoft Power BI and Excel form a natural pairing and work well together. In this course by G Com Solutions, you will learn all the different ways of using Power BI and Excel in conjunction and the benefits of integrating these two powerful and versatile environments.We start the course with a side-by-side comparison of Power BI and Excel BI, using Power Query in both environments to connect with data and carry out data transformations. Then comparing data modelling and DAX in Power BI to the data modelling experience in Excel Power Pivot. And we end our side-by-side comparison by looking at how to import an Excel Power Pivot data model into Power BI and build a report from it.We then move onto discussing the different Excel-related operations which can be initiated from within the Power BI service. Here, well look at techniques such as importing Excel tables and uploading entire Excel workbooks into an app workspace. We also examine the different options for exporting data to Excel from Power BI visuals, as well as using the Analyze in Excel feature to build Excel reports based on Power BI datasets.Next, we switch over to Excel for a look at Power BI workflows which can be initiated from within Excel. In this module, we will use the Power BI Publisher for Excel add-in to pin Excel content to Power BI dashboards. Well also discuss how we can use Power BIs dashboard subscription feature as a method of distributing Excel content throughout an organisation.In the final module, we examine the different techniques and considerations involved in importing Excel data into Power BI desktop. This includes techniques such as connecting to hidden sheets and filtering out the total row from Excel tables.In summary, this course will provide you with all the practical insights you need to be aware of when using Power BI in conjunction with Microsoft Excel."
Price: 59.99
