"Podstawy Facebooka 2020 - Wykorzystaj potencja Fanpage" |
"W Tym kursie poznasz wiedz na temat optymalizacji i skutecznego prowadzenia fanpage. Otrzymasz wiele trikw, wskazwek i porad, czsto unikalnych i pozwalajcych na wykorzystanie w peni potencjau Facebooka dla Twojej marki.Facebook jest podstaw dziaa w Social Media dla wielu bran. Jest on wizytwk, dlatego TAK wane jest, aby Twoja strona wygldaa wietnie, zachcaa do kontaktu i obserwowania. Wiele osb ""prowadzi"" profil na Facebooku czsto intuicyjnie, a wiele duych marek i agencji nie wykorzystuje w peni swojego potencjau i nie dba o szczegy, ktre s istotne dla odbiorcw!Dlatego powsta ten kurs. Dla cakiem zielonych, ale rwnie dla kaego kto prowadzi jakikolwiek Fanpage, nawet te ponad 10000 fanw. Na podstawie tego kursu moesz samemu przeprowadzi audyt swojej marki i sprawdzi czy zawiera wszystkie elementy konieczne do skutecznego dziaania.Zapraszam do ogldania kursu! :)"
Price: 99.99

"Reiki Xamnico com Cones Hindus" |
"conteudo teoricoapresentaoeu souo primeiro encontroporque cones hindustratamento reikianomural dos terapeutascertficadoo nosso cone hindudiviso em passosprimeiro ,segundo e terceiro passotratamento para empresas RHquarto, quinto, sexto e setimo passonumero cabalisticomagias e segredos: primeira, segunda e terceira leituracones de quelao, quelao dos chakraslimpeza de ambientesnossa relao universal, cones para quelaosndrome do pnicoquantas sesses?olhar holsticoconteudo praticopreparao do paciente , limpeza energticaaplicao da tcnicafinalizao do atendimento"
Price: 384.99

"Statistics, Geometry and Analytical Geometry" |
"This course has three sections. It firstly shows pupils how to go about basic statistics and regression lines. Section two summarizes circle Euclidean geometry, similarity , proportion and pythagorus theorems. Section 3 helps pupils master co-ordinate geometry with lines and shapes, and then goes into more detailed analytical geometry with circles and tangents."
Price: 29.99

"Go - The Essentials, Be a productive as fast as possible" |
"In this course we are obviously going to learn about The Go Programing language, but what makes that course special ?I made that course with the goal in mind to make you go up to speed in Go, as fast as possible.In this course we are going to build a restaurant, this is because a restaurant is a really good fit to leverage the features of GO.First a restaurant is composed of multiple services, so we will learn how to correctly organise our code around that. Also, these services should always be working, for example the kitchen should always be preparing incoming user orders. This makes it awesome to learn about the famous Go concurrency tools."
Price: 19.99

"Coronavirus. La gua definitiva" |
"Ms de 20 clases de conocimientos tericos-practicos sobre toda la informacin actual del Coronavirus. Descubre qu es, cmo se comporta, los sntomas que produce as como los mtodos de diagnostico y tratamiento tanto en adultos, nios como en embarazas. Adems aprenders todas las medidas necesarias para evitar el contagio en casa, en la calle y en el trabajo."
Price: 49.99

"Planeacin Financiera en Excel" |
"Este curso est dirigido a profesionales que necesiten usar la herramienta Excel en su da a da y al mismo quieran aprender a disear modelos financieros que busquen proyectar y analizar la situacin financiera de la empresa. En la primera parte el curso ensea funciones y comandos ms utilizados de la herramienta excel qu sin duda le ayudar a recortar los tiempos al profesiona a la hora de hacer sus anlisis con bases de datos, en la segunda parte se revisarn conceptos financieros como EBITDA y Flujo de caja libre que sentarn las bases al modelaje financiero."
Price: 19.99

"The Beauty of Infant Massage" |
"What you will learn This four week online course will help you get a deep understanding of connecting with your baby through massage, topics include:When is a good time to massage,What oils to use,Benefits your baby gets from massage,How massage changes when your child is older,Full body massage sequence,Immunity boosting exercises,Colic and constipation reliefCaring for children with special needsFAQAt what age should I introduce massage time into my child's routine?Infant massage is best to be incorporated sooner, rather than later. The best age is between 0 to 12 months old. Although it's never too late!! I will be teaching you how to modify the massage sequence when your child is a toddler and preschooler.?At the end of this course can I teach baby massage to other parents?No as you won't be qualified! This course is only for your personal knowledge and for you to enjoy with your baby. ?I am a certified infant massage instructor, which means I have a qualification and have studied to be able to teach new parents infant massage.Why should I massage my baby?Massage has numerous benefits, but the most important one is that it helps strengthen the bonding process between you and your baby.Studies have also shown that if you massage your child regularly, your mood and self-esteem will boost, and it can also help with anxiety and depression."
Price: 24.99

"Introducing the Personal Data Protection Act in Singapore" |
"The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) was first introduced in 2012 and further enforced from September 2019 with revised guidelines and rules. The PDPA applies to all organisations in Singapore. Find out what are the updates and how it affects the individual and all business (small and large). Also discover what are first steps to become compliant. Finally, through case studies learn from mistakes made by others and take steps to prevent them from happening to you."
Price: 24.99

"Get prepared for motherhood like no one else" |
"Hi beautiful. You arrived!I am Ivana and I am here to help you get prepared for motherhood like no one else! I am a mother of twins and a postnatal depression survivor. This experience was frankly the worst experience of my life and something I don't wish anyone to ever have to go through.However, I soon understood I wasn't the only new mum who was struggling. In fact, most new mothers are NOT happy in the early stages. Even if it doesn't go as far as depression... Becoming a mother is a huge shock and in most cases, nothing like what we have expected. Media and the environment feed us with the illusion that a new mother experiences nothing but pure happiness from the first moment.However, the reality is often different so if the feelings of happiness do not arrive right away, a mother feels like a failure and often suffers in silence.it's a vicious circle.So after I pulled out of depression, I decided to do something about it!I set up Mumsjourney and have been helping mothers to set clear expectations, lower the risks of postnatal depression, and live happy and stress-free motherhood.I am an award-nominated blogger, author of 'Motherhood - The Unspoken', motivational speaker, and NLP coach. I have been seen on various media outlets including BBC 3CR, TALKradio, Honest Mum Website, Independent Magazine, London Mums Magazine, to name a few.I put this course together with an NHS midwife Marley Hall who offers a lot of valuable information on birth and how to make this experience better for you.HERE ARE THE TOP BENEFITS YOU GET FROM THE COURSEBy the end of the course you will..Be more confident as a mother than you ever imagined possibleBe fully empowered and armed to overcome any obstacle that might come your wayNotice a significant reduction of stress, worries, sleepless nights, and physical tensionMaster the little known secrets for happy and stress-free motherhoodKnow how to prevent postnatal depressionand much more!GET PREPARED FOR MOTHERHOOD LIKE NO ONE ELSE is your one-way ticket to explore real-life after the baby arrives that will hugely benefit you and your baby.I have worked with mums for over 3 years and trust me when I say that 99% of them struggle in the first months due to unrealistic expectations and zero knowledge about the reality of motherhood.Don't let it be the case for you too!Enrol in the course today and get prepared for motherhood like no one else!TESTIMONIALSWhat you said about my in-person course...'The course has met and exceeded my expectations. Very relevant, informative, and comprehensive. Thank you so much for your hard work.' - Anastasia Ward'The course exceeded my expectations, I found all the parts very useful. It was also nice to have a male point of view.'Beena Patel'I found the advice reassuring, nice to hear real stories. What I liked the most were real-life experiences and what feelings are natural and not to be too scared of them. ' - Sarah Ward'Having your personal stories and advice from the midwife. It made me think about this possible result of pregnancy/motherhood. Its scary but I feel better for thinking about it now and not being taken by surprise if it does happen to me.' - Laura O'MalleyWho this course is for:Future mum who is keen to explore a real-life of a new mother with all its ups and downs, who wants to learn how to handle common struggles of a new mum, and who is not scared to face also some not so pretty facts people don't talk about but that is absolute gold for her and her baby.Who this course is not for:Expectant and longing mums who do not wish to explore the reality of early motherhood. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSHow is this course different from an antenatal class?The antenatal classes provide a lot of valuable information on birth and how to look after a newborn. However, as even admitted by the NHS midwives, most of them don't offer information about life after the baby arrives, about the emotional changes that come with motherhood, or postnatal mental health. These are, however, crucial, and in my opinion, the most important info for a future mum to know. Because if she doesn't know what to expect, what emotions are ok to experience, or how to deal with the common issues that come with motherhood, she can easily fall into the feelings of guilt, failure, or even depression.How can I know I will achieve all the results the course promises?If you are openminded, if you can listen and are willing to teach, the results are inevitable.Why is it called Get Prepared for Motherhood Like No One Else?Because it contains information that is not spoken about in most perinatal classes and that can be life-changing for you and your baby."
Price: 99.99

"Complete fire sprinkler system & design as per NFPA 13" |
"This course is designed such a way that a student can learn from scratch to advance level of sprinkler system design. The guy who does not know anything about fire sprinkler system and want to get a well paid job in fire industries as project engineer or design engineer can enroll this course to enhance his knowledge and boost his skill. The concept that person will show in front of interviewer definitely impress the interviewer to get a job.This course have mainly two sections. First section explains and make you learn about the concepts of sprinkler system like different parts, their working principle ,color code, other type of working principle, sprinkler head working, about NFPA, sections of NPFA 13 and a lot more information.In second section, lectures are focused on design on basis of NFPA 13 sections. We have shown you NFPA 13 sections and its formula directly in our lecture so that student can get the concept easily. Pressure and flow rate at node/sprinkler, friction loss calculation, loss due to elevation and all about hydraulic calculation. Every lecture is explained in easy way with diagram and indication to make you understand all concepts and design procedure step by step.At the end of this course. you would realize qualitative enhancement in your skills and you would have enough confidence to crack the interviews and work independently. Your improved version will surprise your your boss and work partner. Thank you!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Game Design Tools to create Fun and Meaningful Games" |
"This course offers a comprehensive framework to understand and practice game design. At the end of this course, you will have the tools and thinking process to understand why some games are fun and keep players playing for a long time, while others fail. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN...Understand the role of the game designer and other roles in game developmentHow to keep improving as a game designer and what skills you needWhat are game parts, mechanics and dynamics and understand the language of gamesHarness the power of Design Thinking to better Empathize, Ideate and Prototype your games.Use Psychology to understand your players and how they perceive your game What is a GDDWhat is a game pitchHow to communicate your game idea to your teamHow math and probability works in board and video gamesCreate simulations using Google Spreadsheets to test your game earlyUse random, procedural generation and systems thinking to create systemic gameplay to design games that are interesting to play and watch.Analyze real and game systems to create meaningful games by relating players with their surroundings and experiencesHOW WILL YOU PRACTICE WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNEDYou will create 3 board games and will transform 1 video game into a board gameEach board game is exclusively designed so you can practice what you have learned in the specific chapterYou can use and modify these board games to showcase your skills in your portfolioWhat is NOT included in this course...Programming languagesArt asset creation"
Price: 89.99

newborn-photo |
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Price: 6799.00

"Boogie Woogie tanzen mit und ohne Partner leicht gemacht" |
"Boogie Woogie:flotte Fe und oben Ruhig. Schnelles Tempo und trotzdem lssig. Wir gehen in diesem Kurs auf die Basics, sowie auch auf ein paar Fuvariationen ein.Die Choreografie, welche wir in diesem Kurs machen, ist 1:1 sowohl solo als auch paarweise tanzbar.Wir beginne entspannt und steigern zum Ende hin das Tempo.Viel Spa mit dem Boogie Woogie Kurs! :-)"
Price: 39.99

"Jive tanzen fr Solo- und Paartanz leicht gemacht. Teil 1" |
"Schon mal von Jive gehrt? Jive gehrt zur Familie des Swing, Boogie Woogie, Lindyhop und Rock'n' Roll.Erlernen Sie in diesem Kurs die Basics und einige Grundfiguren.Genaue Erklrung mit hilfreichen Tipps und Technik flieen in diesem Kurs mit ein.Wir steigern uns im Tempo und wagen uns auch an ein langsames Originaltempo.JEDER KANN TANZEN! Das meiste ist Technik, die einem das Tanzen erleichtert."
Price: 39.99

"Jive tanzen fr Solo- und Paartanz leicht gemacht Teil 2" |
"Schon mal Jive getanzt, dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs gut aufgehoben.Wenn Sie noch keine Grundkennteisse haben, empfehlen wir Ihnen den Kurs ""Jive Teil 1"" vorzuziehen.In diesem Kurs lenen Sie Figuren aus verschiedenen Stufen (Stufe 1 - 4)Sie lernen Tipps zur Krperbeherrschung und koordination.In jedem Kursabschnitt sind die Figuren fr Solo- und Paartanz mglich."
Price: 39.99

"Salsa tanzen mit und ohne Partner leicht gemacht. 1" |
"Salsa tanzen mit und ohne Partner leicht gemacht. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie verschiedene fr Salsa typische Schritte, Elemente und Bewegungen mit Variationen fr Fe, Beine und Oberkrper.Die Schritte der Choreografie knnen 1:1 solo, als auch paarweise getanzt werden.Fr alle Levels geeignet. Ob mit oder ohne Vorkenntnisse.Solo und Paarweise gezeigt."
Price: 34.99

"Jive tanzen fr Solo- und Paartanz leicht gemacht Teil 3" |
"Schon mal Jive getanzt, dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs gut aufgehoben.Wenn Sie noch keine Grundkennteisse haben, empfehlen wir Ihnen den Kurs ""Jive Teil 1"" vorzuziehen.In diesem Kurs lenen Sie Figuren aus verschiedenen Stufen (Stufe 4 - 5)Sie lernen Tipps zur Krperbeherrschung und koordination.In jedem Kursabschnitt sind die Figuren fr Solo- und Paartanz mglich."
Price: 39.99

"Tableau 2020 de la A-Z: Formacin en Anlisis de Datos" |
"Aprende todas las tcnicas de visualizacin de datos con Tableau 2020 y descubran patrones ocultos en los datos, comportamiento de compra de los clientes, tendencias de ventas o cuellos de botella de produccin.Aprenders todas las funciones de Tableau que te permiten explorar, experimentar, corregir, preparar y presentar datos de manera fcil, rpida y elegante.Utiliza Tableau para analizar y visualizar datos para responder a cualquier pregunta. Conecta Tableau a una variedad de fuentes de datos Analiza, combina, une y calcula cualquier dato Visualiza datos en los principales grficos, diagramas y mapasConvierta datos sin procesar en visualizaciones de datos profesionales con Tableau 2020Como cada mdulo de este curso es independiente, puede comenzar en la seccin que desee y seguir el itinerario que ms te interese.Cada seccin proporciona un nuevo conjunto de datos y ejercicios que te desafiarn para que puedas aprender aplicando inmediatamente lo que has aprendido.El contenido se actualiza a medida que se lanzan nuevas versiones de Tableau. Siempre puedes volver al curso para perfeccionar tus habilidades, mientras te mantiene actualizado.Contenido y descripcin generalEste curso comienza con los conceptos bsicos de Tableau. Navegars por el interfaz, lo conectars a un archivo de datos externa, para que incluso los principiantes se sientan completamente cmodos.Para poder encontrar tendencias en tus datos y hacer pronsticos precisos, aprenders a trabajar con extractos de datos y series de tiempo.Adems, para facilitar el anlisis detallado de los datos, aprenders cmo usar la agregacion para resumir la informacin. Tambin utilizars la granularidad para garantizar clculos precisos.Para comenzar a visualizar datos, explicaremos cmo crear varios tipos de grficos, mapas, diagramas de dispersin y paneles interactivos para cada uno de tus proyectos.Incluso aprenders cundo es mejor unir o combinar datos para trabajar y presentar informacin de mltiples fuentes.Finalmente, cubrirs las funciones ms recientes y avanzadas de preparacin de datos en Tableau 2020, donde crears tablas calculadas, grficos de mapa de rbol e histogramas.Para cuando complete este curso, ser un usuario de Tableau altamente competente. Utilizars tus habilidades como cientfico de datos para extraer conocimiento de los datos para poder analizar y visualizar preguntas complejas con facilidad.Estars completamente preparado para recopilar, examinar y presentar datos para cualquier propsito, ya sea que est trabajando con datos cientficos o si desea hacer pronsticos sobre las tendencias de compra para aumentar las ganancias."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga" |
"Welcome!In a world filled with haste and stress, it is important to restore your inner balance. Yin Yoga is the perfect antidote to this yang energy. In a complete contrast to the usual energetic yoga asanas, Yin Yoga consists of finding stillness and relaxing the body. As the poses move away from any dynamic movement, they are focused on stretching the deeper connective tissues in our bodies and nourishing the joints.What you will learnRelax your body and mindLearn to stretch and revitalize the deep tissues of your bodyExplore meditation and mindfulness techniquesGain insight into the philosophy of yogaDiscover the theory and practice of Yin YogaCourse overviewWe start the course by exploring what yoga as such actually is. While most yoga classes focus on the physical aspect of yoga, the origins of yoga stem from a spiritual practice. We will focus on three core concepts: stillness, balance, and wellbeing.We then consider the principles of Yin Yoga in particular. Yin Yoga came about as an antidote to our increasingly stressful lives. This is mirrored not only in the physiology of Yin Yoga which we discuss, but also in the fact that Yin Yoga is a meditative and mindful practice.Moving on to the practice of Yin Yoga, we learn about the different yoga props available, how they should be used and what are some of the alternatives if you dont have yoga props at home. In a series of short lectures, we look at some of the most popular Yin Yoga poses and explore their variations so that everyone can get the benefit of the pose, regardless of their flexibility.Finally, you will be able to bring all of that knowledge into practice. Among the three Yin Yoga classes included with this course, you will target your hips, heart centre and the full body. The classes include full instructions and guided meditations, relaxing your mind as well your body."
Price: 199.99

Price: 270.00

"Desenvolvendo a Tcnica de SLAP" |
"Para os baixistas de todos os nveis que buscam se aperfeioar na tcnica de Slap, esse curso vai demonstrar um caminho para o aprendizado e evoluo na tcnica de Slap. O Curso aborda as tcnicas de Thumb, Pop/ Pluck, Hammer on e Pull off com e sem saltos de cordas, Dead Notes, Double Stop, Slap com Two Hands/ Tapping e Double Thumb. Todos os exerccios e Grooves esto disponveis em vdeo e com um material de apoio em pdf. "
Price: 94.99

navikis3 |
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Price: 1799.00

"Cold Process Soap Making for Beginners- Start your Business." |
"Soap making is such a fabulous hobby to learn, it gives the option to control everything thing you want to put in your soap. In this course you will learn how to calculate and customize your own soap without needing to refer to other people's recipes anymore. If you don't want to invest a lot of money into equipments and molds as well as packaging items, then this course will show you how to start making soap efficiently and cheaply!You will discover how to use natural colors and fragrances that you probably have at your home or at food store. Also you will go through a demonstration of how to make soap using clay and other ingredients.I have discussed all the important details about cold process soap making , I hope that it will help you to start your adventure as a soap-maker! If you have any questions or feedback , then don't hesitate to let me know, I'll be here to answer you and help you!."
Price: 19.99

"Master the Art of Professional Communication" |
"To whom it may concern:Good day, Hey!Writing English as a professional is an art, and I'm here to help you master that art. Why settle for blah-blah, when you can craft emails that inspire, and write reports that read like poetry? Your reputation hangs on every email that bears your signature. The stakes are high. Never mind dressing for the career you want; write for it. This course will introduce you to the core principles of writing English in a professional context. I've designed this course to offer you practical insight, and every concept is tied to a scenario-based assignment to which you can apply your freshly acquired knowledge. We're going to look at how to:Structure a progress reportPosition a request for informationClarify confusion over email Construct a narrative for a quantitative reportProofread others' workOffer written feedbackMy lectures will entertain you, and the assignments will challenge you. The additional resources and links will offer you room to explore your newfound passion for writing."
Price: 350.00

"Reiki Fitoterapico" |
"Mestre Reiki Walter ArajoMetodo fantastico e simples de manuseio da energia das plantasO Reiki Fitoterpico Etrico um sistema vibracional eficiente e de fcil aprendizagem, que usa a energia de plantas etricas (no fsicas) nas suas vrias aplicaes. Esta energia pode ser aplicada em todos os seres vivos presencialmente ou distncia."
Price: 84.99

"Parenting through Uncertain Times" |
"A really warm welcome! I'm so excited you are here!This promises to be a parenting program like no other. My hope is that together we will get to the root of challenges that have playing out for you, with your child and/or partner for a very long time. Niggly things that you are yet to resolve that will upgrade the quality of your family life.There is also the opportunity to embody frames of mind that will allow you to connect with and enjoy, your child and your parenting journey a whole lot more.This program is not just theory, it is the HOW TO. Real practical tools that will help you create the family life you want, TODAY.Excited? Watch the video to get started.."
Price: 24.99

"Java Interview Preparation: Multi-Threading" |
"Multi-threading in Java is a vast topic. This course was designed to help you revise important multi-threading topics very quickly.It contains all important topics on which you can expect questions in a JAVA interview. This course can be used by experienced JAVA programmers as well as beginners to quickly understand news concepts and revise those which you already know. If you are looking for a clear and concise overview of multi-threading and are short on time, this course is for you !"
Price: 1280.00

"Pixel Art - Para criar Jogos !" |
"NESSE CURSO ENSINAREI VRIAS TCNICAS MUITO IMPORTANTES PARA QUE VOC CRIE SUAS PRPRIAS PIXEL ART PARA JOGOS E ETC! FORA ISSO OS ALUNOS DESSE CURSO TERO ACESSO GRATUITO AO ASEPRITE ! QUE UM APLICATIVO/SOFTWARE PAGO.O Aseprite permite criar animaes 2D para videogames de sprites a pixel art. Possui extenso tambm para grficos de estilo retro e mais itens da era de 8 bits e 16 bits. bastante popular e possui uma comunidade grande e ativa para auxiliar em seus projetos."
Price: 19.99

"eSocial x Novo eSocial: Entenda o que e o que muda" |
"Entenda uma Viso geral do eSocial (o que , o que muda, o contexto no qual foi idealizado), os objetivos e vantagens quando o eSocial tiver todo implantado e a lgica do funcionamento do sistema; o cronograma de implantao (como esto dividido os 6 grupos e o faseamento de cada um deles com a respectivas datas de obrigatoriedade); eventos iniciais e de tabela; eventos no peridicos; eventos peridicos; eventos de Saude e Segurana do Trabalhador (SST); Conhecimentos Importantes referente ao eSocial (aposentados e pensionistas; afastamento e cesso; Qualificao Cadastral - on line x em lote - e a importncia de continuar qualificando a base do CNIS mesmo com CPF tornando a chave de identificao do trabalhador/servidor; e entender a documentao tcnica do eSocial - a diferena entre layouts, MOS, Manuais de Orientaes, Notas Tcnicas, Notas Orientativas, Notas de Documentao Evolutiva e como se complementam); as mudanas trazidas pelo Novo eSocial (verso 1.0- beta) para cada um dos eventos (iniciais e de tabelas, no peridicos, peridicos e SST); e pontos importantes para uma boa implantao do eSocial: integrao entre as reas; importncia da reviso dos processos internos e da cultura organizacional; adequao de sistema e identificao se precisa ou no automatizar rotinas e processos; a importncia das pessoas e da viso sistmica do eSocial para a organizao como um todo, sendo com isso importante o envolvimento de diversas reas e profissionais no projeto, desde os que iro operacionalizar as rotinas bem como o alto escalo para ter uma viso holstica e saber identificar os impactos, as mudanas e os custos necessrios seja financeiro seja de tempo e de recursos."
Price: 39.99

"Formao - Designer Grfico em Corel Draw+Lio em Photoshop" |
"SEJA UM PROFISSIONAL ! Voc ir aprender desde s noes bsicas at as avanadas de como usar as ferramentas essenciais do Corel Draw para seu dia a dia, quais formas de trabalhar e gerar renda, idias de criaes para produtos e um bnus de photoshop que ser usado junto ao Corel.Alm de voc aprender todas as ferramentas necessrias para trabalhar, vou ensinar como criar e produzir cartes de visitas, criar logotipos para empresas, criar projetos para redes sociais, vou passar noes de Sublimao e tambm como criar fotolitos para estamparia como camisetas silkadas, alm de tudo isso vou passar algumas coisas do photoshop para mesclar junto ao corel e ter um resultado espetacular e agradar seus clientes.Aqui voc ir aprender com qualidade e detalhes que iro realmente fazer a diferena no seu dia a dia de trabalho. Com certeza voc ir evoluir e eu ficarei muito feliz em poder ajudar."
Price: 39.99

"Aqu Mando Yo" |
"Este curso es para quienes necesitan aprender a dar un cambio y transformarse a si mismos, a travs de tcnicas de coaching sencillas y practicas, fcilmente explicadas y aplicadas; Atreve a encontrar la mejor versin de ti, que necesitas; cambia lo que no te gusta y logra aquello que sueas."
Price: 345.00
