"Installation and Commissioning of Process Field Instrument" |
"Dear student,This course covers Testing and commissioning carried out on instrument installations to ensure that they are safe and meet the design requirements.In this course you will learn detailed procedure, Standard best practices, checklists and Site inspection plan for erection, installation & Commissioning of field instrumentation in Oil & Gas process industries.Explains different ways of installation,erection & commissioning of different set of instrumentation used to perform measuring tasks for temperature, pressure, flow and level.The course includes extensive graphics, cut sections, process schemes and 3D animations to give you a virtual practical exposure.Hope to see you there.Cheers,"
Price: 69.99

"Aprenda MATLAB do zero. Bsico ao avanado + SIMULINK" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender:Conhecimentos bsicos e avanados da linguagemLgica de programaoOperaes com matrizesResolver equaesResolver e plotar equaes diferenciaisInteragir com o usurioCriar aplicativos para o MATLABManipular arquivos (.xlsx,.txt...) e muito maisManipular dadosClculo diferencialPlotar qualquer grfico 2D e 3DEntender e aprender sobre o SIMULINKComo bnus um curso de Python MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) uma das principais linguagens utilizadas no campo de engenharia, cincias e afins, inclusive, uma das linguagens mais utilizadas no MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), a melhor universidade de tecnologia do mundo. No curso vamos aprender os fundamentos da linguagem e pouco a pouco vamos nos desenvolvendo nela, com vdeos curtos e explicativos, sem muita enrolao. Alm disso, te dou minha palavra que estarei sempre inovando e trazendo contedos novos para juntos, desenvolver-nos ainda mais. Entre os tpicos estudados vamos aprender a implementar grficos de alto nvel, trabalhar com estatsticas, fazer o tratamento de matrizes, diversas sees possuem exerccios de reviso alm de uma ampla lista de exerccios para voc treinar. Seo com AppDesign e Simulink, entre muitos outros tpicos. Venha aprender conosco."
Price: 39.99

"Sevgili renci arkadalarm ve saygdeer meslektalarm hepinize merhaba. Ben naat Mhendisi Uurcan AKAL.Sizler iin sade ve hzl bir anlatmla deCAD eitim seti hazrladm.Bu eitimi hazrlamamda ki temel amacm bir meslektanz olarak sizlere mesleki olarak bir art salamak.Eitim setimizde hem temel bilgileri alacak hem de baz detaylar greceksiniz.Ufak tefek hatalarm mutlaka olmutur bu konuda affnza snyor ve hatalara deil verilen bilgilere odaklanmanz rica ediyorum.Dncelerinizi mesaj ksmndan iletebilirsiniz.y ialmalar dilerim."
Price: 49.99

"Forgive Yourself and Others Masterclass" |
"This course will focus on the importance of forgiveness, both for yourself and others. What does forgiveness truly look like and what does it mean? You'll learn why it's important to let go of events and circumstances from your past, and how you can do it. You'll learn how the brain works in this area and some new approaches to letting go of what's been holding you back and making you feel miserable for so long. I'll show you why it's important to create meaning to past events, and how this is crucial to moving forward from the guilt that manifests in our minds and bodies from things that have been done to us in the past or things we feel we've done to ourselves. I'll teach you how to take responsibility for your own happiness, and what that means. We'll dive deeper into guilt and fear, and how each compels us to act in a certain way. PLUS as a bonus, I'll teach you a forgiveness ceremony you can do to help facilitate this new outlook and change in your life."
Price: 29.99

"Canva Fcil - Designs Profissionais em Minutos do Zero" |
"O Canva Fcil um curso online que tem como objetivo te ensinar do zero, mesmo que voc seja um total iniciante, as tcnicas secretas da criao de materiais grficos como logotipos, apresentaes de slide, capas para Facebook e Youtube, post para redes sociais e muito mais.Aprenda a criar materiais grficos de forma rpida, fcil, profissional e eficientes.O Canva Fcil tem como objetivo te ensinar do zero a criao de artes profissionais em poucos minutos.Aprenda do zero como criar cartazes, folhetos, capa para YouTube e Facebook, miniaturas de vdeos, e tudo mais que voc conseguir pensar e imaginar.Aqui voc aprende conceitos que se aplicam a criao de QUALQUER tipo de material grfico existente na face da Terra. Tudo isso com uma ferramenta gratuita e sem baixar nenhum programa.DVIDAS? ENTRE EM CONTATO COMIGO!contato@claytonferraz.com"
Price: 204.99

"MS-Project (Bsico a Experto)" |
"En este curso de MS-Project encontraras compactos 5 cursos de Project realizados previamente por el autor y como este lo ha aplicado en su trabajo. Donde aprenders a llevar el control y seguimiento de tus proyectos tanto en el mbito laboral como personal.Te mostrara desde el punto de vista de varios proyectos, como es que llevan su control y seguimiento (esto es lo que ms me sorprendi, pues no todas tienen en cuenta lo mismo)Vers desde 0 como armar todo un proyecto (configuraciones previas, entorno, asignacin de tareas, relaciones entre tareas, generacin de reportes, gestin de recursos, de costos, lnea base, valor ganado, %fisico, %completado, campos personalizados, configuracin de campos, ruta crtica y formas de identificarla, informes, modificaciones en diagrama de Gantt y dems vistas, y un sin nmero ms de temas.Lo ms importante de todo: Cada clase contiene los temas no solo explicados mediante vdeo, sino que esta expuesto el tema tambin en diapositivas con el paso a paso. Esto con la intencin de facilitarle al estudiante la informacin.Encontars links de ayuda, y recursos descargables para que puedas practicar cuando deseesEn cuanto a los conocimientos previos: antes de cualquier aplicacin prctica, esta expuesta una introduccin del tema, esto con el fin de que no solo ingreses datos. Sino que tengas claro el por qu de cada accin."
Price: 19.99

"CRISC: Risk and Information Systems Control Practice Exam" |
"CRISC demonstrates the ability to identify and evaluate IT risk, and provide insight on that risk from an overall organizational perspective. Standard IT professionals often lack the skills to conduct a valid risk analysis. Having a CRISC-certified individual on staff is vital to ensure risk is properly scrutinized and business objectives are met.Security manager and director are the most common job roles for a CRISC-certified professional, but a large percentage also work in information security, as a security engineer or analyst, or as a security architect.To achieve this certification, you must pass the Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) exam, which consists of four domains:IT Risk IdentificationIT Risk AssessmentRisk Response and MitigationRisk Control, Monitoring and Reporting"
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan Kapal Otopark Havalandrma ~Jet Fan Proje Tasarm" |
"Selamlar,Bu kurs kapsamnda otopark havalandrma tesisatnn tasarm kriterleri ve uluslararas standartlar inceleyip teorik bilgiyi tamamladktan sonra 3 farkl konseptde yer alan projenin jet fan proje tasarm bu kurs kapsamnda irdelenmitir. rnek -1 Konut projesirnek -2 Gross Marketrnek -3 AVM Bu kurs kimler iin uygun : *Yeni mezun mhendisler*Makine teknikerleri*almakta olan makine mhendisleri*Mekanik tesisat antiye mavi yaka alanlar"
Price: 59.99

"Sing with Confidence - NEXT LEVEL" |
"This course is designed for those who want to take their voice to the NEXT LEVEL and sing with power! Professional vocalist Michael Land shares over 20 years of experience and teaches important topics such as:*The Secret to Power*Busting the Volume Myth*Vocal Control and Dynamics*Mastering Your Mix Voice *Singing the 'Money' Notes*The Best Vocal Warm Ups and Cool Downs*How to NOT Lose Your Voice*Eliminating Strain*Vocal Recovery ...and much more!"
Price: 34.99

dtohgnvj |
"~AB)(AB)(Yukiko )(Maiku)PDF"
Price: 19.99

"Pesquisa Operacional: Programao Linear" |
"Neste Curso, Ir Aprender:A Importncia de Pesquisa Operacional (Programao Matemtica)Molagem Matemtica Para Tomada de Deciso Mtodos ou tcnicas de Modelagem Programao Linear Formulao de Problemas de Programao de LinearAlgoritmo de SimplexAplicar as Tcnicas de Modelagem para estudo de Caso de Mundo RealResolver Problemas de Programao Linear pelo Mtodo Analtico e Computacional"
Price: 54.99

"Calidad del SERVICIO al Cliente" |
"Este curso te permitir conocer a fondo mtodos comprobados de Gestin de la Calidad y Servicio al Cliente, que definitivamente llevan a las empresas, negocios y proyectos a alcanzar el xito y resultados extraordinarios, an en medio de tiempos difciles. 17 aos de experiencia como Consultores y Capacitadores en mas de 300 organizaciones dan toda la confianza y respaldo en temas de calidad total, productividad, mejoramiento continuo / kaizen, estrategia, liderazgo y xito empresarial."
Price: 99.99

salonshukyaku |
Price: 3600.00

"Carregadores para Veculos Eltricos" |
"Voc sabia que as vendas de Veculos Eltricos e Hbridos cresceram 300% de 2018 para 2019 no Brasil? Seja um Profissional preparado para o segmento de mercado que mais vai crescer nos prximos 20 anos.Torne-se um o profissional completo no assunto e lder em Vendas Consultivas, Especificaes, Projetos e Instalaes de Carregadores para Veculos Eltricos. Torne-se um Consultor de Vendas diferenciado, Especifique e faa Projetos para obras e imveis residenciais, comerciais e industriais com o que h de mais atual no assunto de recarga para Veculos Eltricos. Voc ter conhecimento terico e exemplos prticos completos para dimensionamentos e integraes com Energias Renovveis como inversores fotovoltico. Diferencie-se no mercado, inclua mais opes de negcios e fique preparado para atender s demandas atuais. Os clientes buscam solues completas, atendimentos consultivos e instalaes profissionais de Carregadores.Depois de realizar o curso:Dominar os fundamentos a respeito dos princpios dos Veculos Eltricos e as tecnologias envolvidas; diferenciar os tipos de Veculos Eltricos, Carregadores e suas aplicaes.Orientar os consumidores para o melhor modelo de Carregador para cada Veculo Eltrico.Realizar um projeto de Carregadores compatibilizando com capacidade de carga eltrica do empreendimento. Calcular e dimensionar o sistema de energia solar para atender demanda do Veculo Eltrico.Analisar um local de instalao para avaliar a capacidade da edificao de receber o Carregador para Veculo Eltrico. Adequar o empreendimento segundo s Recomendaes e Normas locais.Apresentar planilha de todos os clculos, selees e configuraes, concluindo o material completo do sistema de Carregadores.Reconhecer e interpretar conceitos, unidades, smbolos e significados presentes em um ambiente eltrico para Carregadores."
Price: 324.99

"Mom Office. Home office para mams" |
"Este curso proporciona herramientas aplicables para las mams que cambiaron sbitamente sus labores profesionales y su rol de mam.El contenido del curso se enfoca a desarrollar en qu consiste el rol de madre en el siglo XXI, describe qu y cules son las situaciones especiales que pueden cambiar la vida cotidiana, relata en qu consiste el teletrabajo y finaliza con una serie de herramientas y estrategias para realizarlo de manera exitosa."
Price: 270.00

"Muay Thai" |
"INFORMACJE O KURSIEKurs skada si z odcinkw z ktrych kady zawiera kompletny trening do samodzielnego wykonania dla osb na poziomie pocztkujcym i redniozmineralizowanym. Kady odcinek to kompletny trening,jest w nim zawarta rozgrzewka, elementy techniczne, siowe,wydolnociowe oraz wiczenia rozcigajce.W czasie tego miesicznego kursu,poznasz podstawy najwaniejszych technik Muay Thai, nabdziesz podstawowe umiejtnoci z zakresu samoobrony, dowiesz si w jaki sposb prawidowo przeprowadza trening a take poprawisz swoj form i wydolno organizmu.DLA KOGO JEST KURSUdzia w nim wzi moe kady kto jest wystarczajco sprawny eby wykonywa oglnorozwojowe wiczenia i na tyle zdrowy eby mg to robiCO JEST POTRZEBNEWygodne ubranie i obuwie do wiczenia na zewntrz, natomiast w domu mona wiczy boso.Z przyborw treningowych w tej czci kursu potrzebna jest tylko skakankaILE TRWA KURSKurs na poziomie pocztkujcych trwa sze miesicy, obecny kurs jest pierwszym odcinkiem i obejmuje 9 treningw sugerowanych do wykonania w okresie jednego miesica z czstotliwoci dwa razy w tygodniu.JAK WYGLDAJ LEKCJEKady z omiu odcinkw jest oddzielnym treningiem obejmuje rozgrzewk, nauk techniki Muay Thai , wybrane wiczenia oglnorozwojowe, poprawiajce kondycje i si mini, a take techniki rozcigania mieni koczce kady trening. Odcinki trwaj okoo30 minut , wiczc naley uywa pauzy aby wykona samodzielnie zadan ilo powtrze."
Price: 69.99

"Google Classroom para estudiantes desde 0" |
"Google Classroom es una plataforma gratuita que ofrece Google a las escuelas y personas para crear aulas virtuales e impartir clases remotas. Hoy ms que nunca, con cientos de miles de personas desde casa cobra vital importancia el aprendizaje desde casa.Este curso ha sido diseado para todos aquellos estudiantes que se encuentran en la transicin de clases presenciales a remotas.Puntualmente, estos son los temas que cubrimos en el curso:Qu es Google Classroom?Qu puedo lograr con Google Classroom?Cules son los cambios de pasar de una clase presencial a una remota?Para qu me sirve la cuenta de Gmail?Qu es Google Drive?Cmo organizo mis archivos y carpetas dentro de Google Drive?Cmo busco archivos?Cmo puedo recuperar un archivo eliminado en Google Drive?Cmo me uno a una clase de Google Classroom?Cmo trabajar dentro de mi aula virtual de Google Classroom?Cules son los tipos de tareas que se manejan dentro de Google Classroom?Cmo resuelvo las tareas?Cmo envo las tareas?Cmo utilizo el calendario para encontrar mis tareas?Qu es Google Meet?Cmo me uno a una videoconferencia de Google Meet?Cules son las reglas ms frecuentes a seguir durante una videoconferencia?"
Price: 19.99

"Open To buy- Retail Merchandising Planning" |
"In today's world of uncertainty, when retail across the world is crying, it is important that cash flow of the business is preserved for long term sustainability. One of the best ways to do is to manage the inventory of the business, where maximum cash of the retailers is invested. We can effectively do this using OTB ( open to Buy) management. OTB is a budget that can help retailers know how much they need to buy in order to manage their business effectively. With the help of this technique many retailers can save themselves from the situations of over stocking or under stocking. With the help of this course we aim to educate all retailers or people pursing their career in Retail planning as to how they can simply implement this Open to buy technique and how they can create self managed excel based rolling budgets without spending hundreds of thousand dollars on fancy tools. This course will provide step by step methodology to charter out OTB ( open to buy plan) and manage merchandise optimally."
Price: 34.99

"Lean Manufacturing, Lean Operations: Learn through questions" |
"Everyone has ""heard"" of Lean... It's probably the most successful and widespread operations improvement methodology of all time. But can ""you"" really stand up and talk knowledgeably about it; be a valuable team member of your company's most important initiative, be comfortable with the Lean principles and all the specialist language when you are asked to offer senior support to a Lean project?...This course is for ambitious professionals working in operations: be that manufacturing, retail, healthcare, transport looking for a grounding in what Lean is (and isn't); the principles, philosophy, tools and language of Lean.Assuming very little or no prior knowledge of Lean, the first 4 multiple choice quizzes simultaneously teach and test you Lean; enforcing key details you perhaps already knew and identifying knowledge gaps you didn't know you had.Each question has a follow up explanation to get you up to speed quickly and with focus on where you need it.Finally, put together all you have learnt with the 2 Final Exam multiple choice tests.The course covers 8 topics:1. Fundamentals2. History3. Philosophy and Principles4. Value and Waste5. Tools6. Quality7. Flow8. SchedulingMost people with no specific Lean training get 45% of answers right the first time around whilst the average score for someone who has done a 1-3 day lean course within the last 2 years gets about 85% on their first attempt. Find what you got wrong, read the targeted explanations and go again!Fast track your learning, save yourself hours of half watching videos and get straight into testing yourself, finding those knowledge gaps and filling them, taking your confidence in Lean from zero/basic to confident in 2 hours."
Price: 39.99

"Growing Your Natural Hair" |
"This course will teach you practical steps for growing your natural hair long, strong, and healthy. You will learn daily hair care routines, how and when to use protective styles, the Big Chop (Cutting all your hair off!) vs. Transitioning (Cutting a little bit of your hair over time), when to shampoo, when to clip your ends, why going natural will save you money, and so much more."
Price: 39.99

"Alimentos Funcionais" |
"Bem vindos ao Curso de Alimentos Funcionais.O curso de alimentos funcionais foi criado especificamente para a sociedade em geral, que desejam aprender um pouco sobre alimentao saudvel, usando como base os alimento funcionais dentro de uma rotina alimentar habitual.Neste curso voc ter acesso a vdeo-aulas explicativas;O curso dividido em uma sesso com cinco aulas;Cada aula ser abordado temas diferentes sobre os alimentos funcionais;Cada aula possui os slides para download.Sejam todos bem-vindos ao curso de alimentos funcionais."
Price: 144.99

"Erfolgreiches Zeitmanagement im digitalen Zeitalter" |
"Zeitmanagement ist definiert als Umgang mit der zur Verfgung stehenden Zeit.Klingt gar nicht so schwer, oder?Aber dennoch fordert es uns doch jeden Tag Beruf, Familie, Haushalt sowie die Freizeit alles gemanaged zu bekommen.Jeder hat 24 stunden. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.Wir sehen, obwohl es ja sehr fordernd ist Menschen, die deutlich mehr schaffen, obwohl ja jeder dieselbe Zeit zur Verfgung stehen hat.Wie kann das sein?Und damit herzlich willkommen bei meinem Kurs rund um die alltgliche Frage.Du lernst die wichtigsten Zeitmanagement Methoden kennen und wie man diese im Detail anwendet.Anfangen werden wir dabei mit den Grundlagen, in denen wir elementare Prinzipien erlernen.Untersttzt durch Praxisbezogene Beispiele sowie einigen Materialien wie Folien, Grafiken etc. wirst du dein zuknftiges Zeitmanagement optimal im Griff haben.Zudem wird ein groer Wert auf digitale Umsetzmglichkeiten durch Apps und Anwendungen gesetzt die deinen Alltag passend ergnzen sollen."
Price: 19.99

"Spiritual Direction 101" |
"Welcome to spiritual direction. This course will introduce you to the ancient spiritual guidance process called spiritual direction. It is designed to help people on their spiritual journey by providing mentorship, companionship, and instruction. Spiritual direction is for people of all faith traditions and is suitable for those who are not quite sure what they believe (or even if they do believe). Join us as we explore the spiritual direction and learn how it can help you find deeper meaning in life."
Price: 29.99

"Manuteno Autnoma e Profissional (WCM)" |
"A Manuteno de Classe Mundial uma juno da metodologia aplicada na Manuteno Profissional e na Manuteno Autnoma, pilares do WCM (Manufatura de Classe Mundial). Implantar essa metodologia na gesto de manuteno importante para quem deseja elevar seus nveis de qualidade e eficcia, visando obter melhores resultados. Para isso, importante integr-la na gesto estratgica de manuteno tambm, para que possa ser alinhada s principais aes e processos que envolvem essa rea.Este curso visa qualificar profissionais para exercerem aes de alto desempenho e resultados efetivos na manuteno, em qualquer empresa, visando a Manuteno de Classe Mundial, baseada nos princpios do WCM."
Price: 39.99

"Criao de Personagem Pixel Art" |
"Ol pessoal!!!Este curso voltado para todos iniciantes que amam pixel arte, e tambm para aqueles que j sabem pixel art, porm querem uma ajuda melhorar um pouco o seu desenho.Tendo em vista que aulas muito longas so um tanto quanto exaustivas, todos os nossos mdulos tero aulas curtas e Objetivas.Ateno: Eu liberei este curso com as aulas iniciais, porm eu irei adicionar aula nova toda semana. No tenha pressa em terminar o curso, assista as etapas e, aps finalizar cada video, tente colocar em prtica!! Pois, com a prtica que ns vamos aprender e melhorar cada vez mais. Bons estudos!!Obs: Aps voc comear a praticar, me envie uma solicitao de amizade no discord, para que eu lhe adicione no grupo com outros alunos e, para que eu crie um portflio para voc publicar o seu progresso!!Discord:Mark Wolf#2582O que vocs vo aprender:Conhecendo Aseprite;Entendendo Perspectiva 45 + Alinhamento;Desenvolver o esqueleto do Personagem + Base com Triangulos;Blocagem da Base com Triangulos + Outline;Finalizao da base + Criao de Personagem;Sombramento + Animao;Criao de Criaturas;Criao de Cenrios;Criao de Equipamentos;Criao de Magias;Tudo que voc precisa para desenvolver a parte grfica do seu game!!"
Price: 39.99

"How to Win at Chess Effortlessly even if you are a Beginner" |
"""The course was really easy to follow. It explained the game in a simple yet effective way. Would definitely recommend it to others."" - Soumita Bag, Udemy student""Good Chess Course. I am learning new concepts as a beginner. "" - Sheuli Sengupta, Udemy StudentThese are the testimonials of the happy students who have tried out the course: How to Win at Chess Effortlessly even if you are a Beginner Are you fumbling about trying to learn Chess but not able to find a good course? The Internet has a lot of content to offer but which one would be able to provide you Real Quality in learning Chess? This course would provide you exactly what it has provided to my other Chess students. Mind blowing Value for Money. The jaw-dropping discount you see on the page is real. Don't let this opportunity go to waste. Don't be left behind!Do it now! Take a look at the Chess course structure and also the three COMPLETELY FREE lessons. Click on 'Buy Now' to avail the opportunity now! Remember I offer a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE within 30 days. *************************************************************************************************************************************************"" I have just finished the Chess course. It was a wonderful journey and the instructor really tested my knowledge through the practice tests. Overall, the course was very helpful in the learning process of Chess. Special thanks to the instructor for delivering such a wonderful course."" -Subho Ray, Udemy Student Let me answer you in brief of what this course actually consists of- 36 instructional lectures of Chess - Fully equipped 36 lectures which is guaranteed to make you an expert in Chess. And all in a matter of a few months. Powerful Chess Hacks- You will understand the reason behind the moves played, so with a few lectures you will be able to implement the same with a real opponent. Get ready to amaze your friends and your chess rivals with your newly developed skill!24X7 Question and Answer portal- As you go through the course, you will have doubts and you need to clear them. Our Q/A portal is available for you 24X7, anytime, all the time. Do not let your Chess doubts remain unsolved!What to do to improve your game of ChessWhat NOT to do to let yourself be outsmarted by your opponents in Chess.Quiz and Practice tests- You will be able to improve ONLY if you practise. All of these lectures will go to waste if you don't practise and practise hard. I wish I had a person who could have told me what to do when I was just getting started. But luckily you do have a guide who has 10+ years of knowledge and information that have been acquired by spending countless hours playing Chess,analyzing classic games of Chess, learning from the greatest of authors of the books of Chess. So you are in safe hands.Join the list of happy and confident Chess players who are ready to overcome their opponents and creating a new hobby to show to the world.The difference between those satisfied Chess students and you is just a click of a button. Time to put an end to the difference. Join me today in the journey! Improve your game of Chess NOT in a time frame of years, but in a matter of months with consistent practice.*********************************************************************************************************************************************************"" I am a beginner level player of Chess. Earlier I knew about the basic moves only. Recently I started the course and still going through it and the instructor here explained everything so beautifully. From rank, file and name of the pieces to ultimate moves to win the game of Chess. Everything is clearly explained. Specially the quiz sections are too good to improve your learning. Very interesting course for beginners and others as well. thanks to the instructor and Udemy."" Arohi Sen, Udemy Student*****BONUS*****For all my students, there is a lecture on which you will discover a completely new method of learning how to visualise the following Chess moves very easily. Discover ""The Blindfold Notation Exercise"" in the bonus section in the Chess course here and perfect yourself in the art of deciding 5-10 moves in advance. Also you will find all the video lectures with the help of a Chess board to assist you in visualising concepts easily.Find lessons on-Basics of ChessChess TacticsAdvanced Pawn StructuresChess OpeningsStrategies in ChessTricks and Maneuvers in Chessand lots more!!!So you know now what you need to do. Start applying these concepts and you will see phenomenal change in Chess! Hop right into the course TODAY! :)"
Price: 12800.00

"Save Electrical Energy - 150 Ultimate Ways" |
"This course gives basic ideas or options to save energy of equipments like Fans , Blowers , Chillers , Compressors , Motors , Diesel Generator Set , Pumps & Performance improvement options for your HVAC system , Building energy management system , Lighting system.It's a complete package that gives you more than 150 options to save energy and reduce electricity bill. It will improve your performance, your organisation savings & also would be helpful for environment.Awareness of energy saving options is very useful for Electrical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Students, Technicians, Facility Supervisions, Facility Managers, Architects & all those who are really interested to save cost in terms of saving electrical energy."
Price: 19.99

"Goal Setting Success Mastery" |
"Description:Many of us are born with dreams in the head but they are disappointed every moment of life because they lack the knowledge of reaching goals. People tend to beat around the bush knowing that achieving targets in life are just far-fetched dreams. They become dissatisfied with their lives because they feel that they have lost their path to success in midway. There is no particular time in a year where you should make your goal calendar and ask yourself to work on it. Let your morning begins even in the middle of the night. Maybe, you start working on your goals in the middle of the year, and it must not remain the task of the new year resolution. You should adopt every possible trip and trick taught here in these curriculums to achieve goals of life without fearing the hurdles. Because you should always remember that your goals are the most important aspect which will decide who you will become in your life.Mr. Sanjay Bhasin is an International Success and Wellness Coach who is taking extensive training on motivating people to achieve their goals of life. He has imparted training all over the world and online as well. This course will surely add value to your life and you will learn a few techniques to achieve the podium of success without much effort, only by sitting at your home.This course will cover all the essential details you need to know about how to achieve goals in life. You will learn from the expert how to channelize your energy to reach your goals in life in a much easier way. As a whole, you will learn how your effort to achieve goals in life does not go waste.So if you do not wish to waste a single moment of your life to learn about how to achieve goals in life, and you are ready for the hard work to reach success, let's get started right in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Master the Telephone Sales- Cold calling Secrets" |
"Description:If you're making cold calls every day and it is not providing the desired result in sales, then it becomes a matter of frustration for any salesperson. People spend hours to convince their clients to buy their products or services. It is quite frustrating that clients either hang up the call without listening or they come up with a big 'No' at the end of the call. Both situations are quite disappointing. If sales calls do not go well, you end up losing clients very often. As a salesperson, if the customers are not getting interested to buy your products or services even after you have put all the effort into convincing them will make you lose interest in your job. So an effective sales pitch decides how conveniently you can crack the deal.Sales are nothing but listening to customers and providing solutions as per their demands. Sales call does not need to be elaborative and complicated. Customers just search for their solutions on the go. A convincing salesperson cracks the deal when he can provide the exact solution to the customers. With this course, you can master a certain sales aptitude in just a few minutes. If your regular job is to sell anything or everything to any kind of customer then you will learn to master certain sales skills after completing this brief course.Mr. Sanjay Bhasin is an International Success and Wellness Coach who is taking extensive training on sales and management for enhancing the skills of the salespeople. He has imparted training all over the world and online as well. This course will surely add value to your sales experience and you will learn extensive sales techniques sitting at your home.This course will cover all the essential details you need to know about sales techniques. You will learn from the expert how to deal with your rigid customer and make their negative approach to positive. As a whole, you will learn how to engage your customers on the phone and how to close the deals without much effort."
Price: 19.99

"CURSO FOREX : Do Zero ao Avanado Completo" |
"Saiba tudo o que precisa para comear a negociar no mercado Forex hoje! Neste curso, mostrarei como voc pode aproveitar os movimentos dos preos para obter lucros. Vamos falar em detalhes sobre Moedas, Grficos, Gesto de Risco, Trading Plan, Estratgias Vencedoras e muito mais.Vou explicar detalhadamente como funcionam as corretoras de Forex, para que voc possa separar facilmente as Corretoras Regulamentadas das no confiveis, e assim no momento em que estiver pronto para abrir uma conta de negociao real, estar apto para fazer a melhor escolha.Neste curso, voc tambm aprender como ler o Calendrio de Eventos Econmicos, o que imprescindvel para negociaes fundamentais em Forex, bem como operaes de scalper que vamos abordar pela frente.Tambm fornecerei a voc uma planilha profissional de gesto de risco, para que possa operar de forma profissional e proteger seu capital.Faa este curso agora e aprenda com os meus mais de 5 anos de experincia. Evite as armadilhas mais comuns que pegam 90% dos Traders iniciantes!Este curso tanto para iniciantes como para quem j tem experincia no mercado Forex. Tudo que voc precisa uma mente aberta e paixo para ser bem sucedido!As vantagens deste curso:Voc tem acesso vitalcio ilimitado sem custos extras, sempre.Todas as futuras aulas adicionais, bnus, etc neste curso estaro sempre gratuitas aos inscritos.Estarei sempre disponvel para voc, se ficar confuso ou tiver uma dvida conte comigo.Mal posso esperar para te ver l!Para quem este curso:Quem quiser negociar no mercado Forex como os profissionais.Qualquer pessoa que queira revisar seus conhecimentos de Forex e preencher as lacunas.Quem quiser entender como funcionam os mercados financeiros.Qualquer um que queira entender como ler grficos no Forex.Quem quer aprender Anlise Tcnica.Quem quiser aprender metodologia de scalper Finalmente, quem est procurando o LUCRO que negociar no mercado Forex realmente pode oferecer!Para quem este curso:Para todos que desejam aprender a investir no Mercado Forex de forma profissional e responsvel"
Price: 39.99

"Unleash your true potential: Neuroscience for life [2020]" |
"Discover the NEUROSCIENCE Cognitive and Behavioral Approach. Learn how four brain structures run our lives and easy methods to take management.In the Neuroscience The NBA (or Neurocognitive and Behavioral Approach) is an interesting, modern, and multi-disciplinary strategy born out of 18 years of scientific analysis. It combines the fields of Neuroscience, social psychology, behavioral sciences and lots of extra to provide you with one overlaying, the complete principle which supplies distinctive insights in our advanced human nature. Change into a skilled in his groundbreaking strategy. I've developed this course to make his work accessible to all, no matter background or prior data. I'm way more a communicator than a scientist myself. And that is precisely my contribution to his work: explaining advanced issues in a complete and entertaining method.This course is a lot greater than a pile of recorded lectures. It's actually nearly a residing, respiration entity, a piece in progress, that continues to evolve over time. What to count on:30 day full a reimbursement assure, no questions requestedHigh teacher availability: I reply to any questions you will have in a short while body. I all the time reply inside 24 hours, however often a lot quicker than that. Weekly instructional bulletins, largely weblog posts, on how our mind works and its influence in our everyday life. This is model new content material, thrilling insights, that I'll be sending your method on a weekly foundationBased on the pupil's questions, I'll be including new content material frequentlyThe content material stays updated, primarily based on new scientific analysis and researchTools and insights for private improvement and genuine relationshipsExpect to develop a revolutionary new framework, primarily based on our energetic mind construction. Look on the world with new eyes and acknowledge the underlying patterns that govern our lives and that of these round us. Expect workout routines, homework, placing principle into apply in an enjoyable and entertaining method. You can even acquire entry to our Facebook group the place it is possible for you to trade your experiences with the NBA and study from others as nicely.So what are you ready for? Join now!"
Price: 19.99
