"Curso de Roteiro - Essencial (PARA INICIANTES)" |
"Este curso de roteiro vai te dar toda uma bagagem inicial para escrever roteiros. Com uma linguagem simples e direta, O Curso de Roteiro Essencial vai te guiar no processo de escrita do seu primeiro roteiro. A proposta aqui que voc comece a escrever ainda hoje. Essa uma metodologia de ensino aplicada da prtica para a teoria.Voc vai usar tudo que aprendeu aqui para escrever roteiros prontos para virarem filmes. E tudo que voc aprender aqui vai servir como ponta-p inicial para se aprofundar no mundo dos filmes.Ser acrescentado mais contedo no decorrer do tempo.Um curso para voc comear e terminar bem.Vamos juntos."
Price: 234.99

"Uso do QGIS no uso do solo urbano" |
"Neste curso o aluno ir aprender como criar os dados de uso do solo urbano, seus tipos como ocupado, construdo, comercial e etc. Todos em um ambiente gratuito de modo rpido e eficaz. O curso ser divido em cinco aulas assim distribudas: - AULA 01 - GERAO DA REA DE TRABALHO- AULA 02 - CRIANDO OS ATRIBUTOS- AULA 03 - CONFIGURANDO O GOOGLE STREET- AULA 04 - CONFIGURANDO O QUICK MAPPER SERVICE- AULA 05 - CRIAO DOS TIPOS DE USOS"
Price: 39.99

"Authenticity and Awakening for Lovable Idiots" |
"The only thing that correlates strongly with happiness is the quality of our intimate relationships. If we want to have positive, functional, loving, compassionate, supportive relationships then we have to learn how to be authentic. This course will give you a unique and fresh reframing of who you are and why you think the stuff that you think. You will learn how your mind was built and what it was primarily designed to do. Then you will learn how to hack the system to make it work more smoothly. Learn why you think what you thinkLearn how and why you became inauthenticLearn how to think better thoughts starting todayLearn how to clean up your past in order to show up authentically for the presentLearn how to transcend your fearsLearn how to meditateLearn how to release resentmentsLearn how to overcome self-sabotageLearn how to forgive everyone including yourselfLearn how to create a life full of positive relationships"
Price: 99.99

"Affiliate Marketing for Beginners" |
"A step by step course, along with my one-on-one consultation, on Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. I will handhold you and assist you in building your online business, setting up systems and offer you tips & tricks to succeed.This course is full of short & to the point, precise chapters with actionable steps, assignments & interactions. I really hope you do complete it. The only way you will see results, is if you take action."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA)" |
"Process Discovery Training & an Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA)With the Age of Digital Transformation, RPA has become very popular. Check out our Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) course as the first of several in our Process Discovery Training Program. In this course, you will learn:Key Industry Definitions including Digital Transformation, Robotic Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Process Discovery, Process Mining and HyperautomationBenefits of RPAPitfalls of RPARPA Process Discovery Opportunities within 8 departmental functions of an organization including: Finance, HR, Account Management, Customer Contact Center, Supply Chain Management, Legal & Audit, RE & Facilities Management and IT OperationsStats, Forecasts & Key RPA VendorsThe RPA Talent Pool - what employers are looking for and who the competition isUpcoming RPA Trainings"
Price: 199.99

"How to plan an Event or Festival - Masterclass" |
"The content of this course has been taught in multiple colleges and is based on the instructor's experience of over 30 years of planning, executing and managing events ranging from Corporate Dinners and Comedy Festivals to Cultural and Rock Festivals for up to 70,000 people.This course covers everything you need to know and provides you with Jimmy K's own developed and fined-tuned tools that have produced these successful events. By using these tools for your event planning, you will be able to create a complete overview of what is needed in less time than ever before without forgetting anything.Use the tools to keep track of your progress. It will allow you to be on Top of your Game at all times.By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and the tools to become more efficient, organized and professional.And if you are new to the field, this course will allow you to learn things the right way from the top down without the need to upgrade your essential skill set repeatedly.Personal TouchStudents will be able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I pride myself on answering most questions within 24 hours.For those that want additional help with their event planning that is beyond the scope of this course, I provide One-On-One Virtual Consulting Sessions for festivals and events through my website.I love helping students that take my course and I have taken it to a whole new level. I am here to help!More about the course:There are a lot of good event planners and managers out there. Most specialize in a specific field and repeat the same process over and over. Not that there is anything wrong with that. The problems occur when event planners step out of their comfort zone to plan events that are larger than what they are used to. It is next to impossible to apply the same principles to a larger event.If you are used to planning events for 300 people, you cannot apply the principles for those events to larger ones for 3,000 or 30,000 people. If, however, you know how to plan events for 30,000 people, you can downscale those principles to smaller events.This course shows you how to plan the ""big events"". You can then use the skills you learn here and apply them to any size event.A big part of planning a large-scale event is knowing all of the requirements.More people does not mean you just need more of the same. More people need more things, different things (requirements).A brief overview of what is covered:The difference between festivals and events.What kind of time frames are involved in the planning stages?Attracting the right kind of sponsors for your event.How to plan an effective and winning sponsorship strategy.The elements of sponsorship proposals.How to deal with sponsors to keep them year after year.Why buying entertainment is different from buying a couch.Who are the people involved in the process?What you need to know about sending an ""offer"" to prevent you from having major issues.When it is appropriate to send an offer.Why artist riders are so important to the overall process.How to spot potential issues in artist riders.How you can utilize the Event Master Plan to plan any kind of or any size event or festival.How to use the Event Master Plan in your daily planning life and how it will make your life easier.How to use the Event Master Plan to prime your budgets.How to use financial information discovered and bring it all together in the Cost Sheet.How to use the cost sheet to provide an industry standard and accepted financial overview of all costs, revenue and potential profit, including industry-standard splits.My Tools. As part of this course, you will get lifelong access to the tools that I have custom designed and perfected over 30 years of planning and managing events of all kinds and sizes.This course is ideal for people in the following categories:Event planners/managers that have never had the chance to produce a large scale event and would like to expand their skill set to attract more business.Event planners/managers that have tried unsuccessfully to produce a large-scale event and want to learn how to do it properly.Wedding Planners that want to expand their business beyond weddings.Corporate Planners that want to grow the size of events they would like to tackle. The same principles are 100% transferable to corporate planning and I have successfully done so myself many times over.Board Members of festivals and events (and corporate companies that put on large events).As a board member, you are responsible for the event in many ways. Having a solid knowledge of everything in this course will help you reviewing budgets, marketing and all other plans. It also will help you find the right person to manage the event for you and provide you with the knowledge you need to see if your staff is doing a good job. You will be able to troubleshoot and provide advice.Newcomers - If you always wanted to learn how to be a successful event planner or manager, but weren't sure where to start, this course will teach you the right principles and provides you with the right tools to do it. Learn from the Best to become the Best.Certificate of CompletionWhen you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic.Enroll now. The time you save by using the tools that come with this course is worth more than the cost of the course itself!"
Price: 64.99

"Biliim Hukuku Eitimi" |
"Bilgi Teknolojileri ve letiim Kurumu'na gre biliim teriminin birok tanm yaplmaktadr. Biliim, elektronik sistemlerin tamamn ieren bir st terimdir. Biliim, bilgi ve teknolojinin birlikte kullanlarak retilen sonular olarak ksaca tarif edilebilir. Ya da daha geni ve farkl olarak; teknik, ekonomik ve toplumsal alanlardaki iletiimde kullanlan ve zellikle elektronik aletler araclyla dzenli bir biimde ilenmeyi ngren bir bilimdir. Bir dier tabirle, her trl bilgi ve verinin elektronik bilgi ilem aralaryla ilenmesini ve deerlendirme tekniklerini konu alan bilim eklinde de tanmlanabilmektedir.Biliim Hukukunu ise bilgi ve teknolojinin ktye kullanm ile insanlara zarar verilmesini nlemek amacyla ortaya km olan bir hukuk dal eklinde tanmlayabiliriz.Av. Atakan Karata tarafndan anlatlan Biliim Hukuku eitiminde; biliim sular, KVKK, E-Ticaret, E-imza, FSEK gibi kavramlar erevesinde biliim hukuku kapsaml bir ekilde ele alnyor."
Price: 59.99

"Become a Neo4j Certified Professional: Practice Exams" |
"TWO complete high-quality practice tests of 80 questions each in one hour will help you become a Neo4j Certified Professional, passing the FREE Neo4j online certification exam with a high score:All questions are closely emulated from those currently found in the actual exam, so you'll not waste time on anything else.Unlike the real exam, you'll know right away what questions you missed, and what the correct answers are.Detailed explanations with external references for any possible choice, in each practice test question.Quiz types distributed close to 50% multi-choice + 25% multi-select + 25% True/False.Domains distributed close to the real exam: 40% Cypher + 30% Intro + 20% Modeling + 10% Developer.Questions will test you on Neo4j version 3.x, but explanations will have updates on deprecated features and change history.Why not just trying again and again the free online exam, until I pass?Because starting May 2020, you can try only once a day the real online exam.Because the high number of multi-answer questions and the gotcha tricks may give you no idea what went wrong.Because it is time consuming and you can easily get stuck at the same low scoring mark.Because nothing tells you where and what you failed, and next time you will likely make the same wrong choices.Because you can hardly improve without knowing what went wrong.Because you may want to get a better passing score anyway, as long as it appears on your issued certificate.How should I use these tests?Try first practice test. And do not worry about the time or if you fail. You are expected to fail, this is how you learn...Stop the exam anytime, if you're not patient enough to go over all 80 questions.Once done, you get your total score, and per domain. These are the same domains used in the actual exam.Click Review Questions and scroll down to both the right and wrong choices for each individual question (remember these!).Read the detailed Explanation for each question. This is something else you don't have at the actual exam...Repeat with the second practice test. Don't skip it, as both these tests together cover most types of actual exam questions.Repeat these tests again and again, until you score at least 90% on each. And then go for the real deal. Good luck!""Neo4j Certified Professional: Exam Practice Tests"" is also available as a Kindle ebook, on Amazon."
Price: 19.99

"Copywriting Secrets to Sell Like a Pro in All Marketplaces" |
"My copywriting strategies for super fast learning do not require any previous writing experience.Topic: Content Writing, Writing, Content Marketing, Business Writing, Freelance, Writing and Blogging.Do you want to become a top copywriter and start your own business? Then, this course is for you. All you need to know to become an expert at writing copy is now at your fingertips.I have laid out all the crucial steps and the best copywriting tactics. You don't need any previous experience. My system is very simple and to the point. No guesswork on your end.Whether you are ready to quit your job, you are not currently employed, want to start your own home-based business, or simply want to spend more time with family and friends then, you must give yourself a chance and take this course. All it takes to make your journey successful is your commitment to change your life for the better. Give this course a try, you will be happy you did!Your goal is to become successful and take charge of your life right? So, don't miss this opportunity and commit to your amazing goals. Why? Because if you don't you will miss out on your biggest life opportunity to become part of a $47.7 billion Industry. That's right! There is plenty of ongoing work and very little competition. Simply put, as Forbes stated in one of their articles, If you want to be successful online, the only essential skill is being a good copywriter.In this course you will:learn to write for any marketplace, quick and easy.become an expert content writer.learn the best tactics that pros use daily.start your own business and call yourself BOSS.own your unique skills and use them in all market places.This is the best course for novices, freelancers, and start-up businesses. Make sure you watch it until you understand all concepts and put them into practice in your own day-to-day efforts whenever possible.Ready to get on board and make a great living writing for the Web? Take advantage of my discounted introductory offer (Expires on 09/25/2020) covered by a no questions asked 30-day money-back guarantee.Click the BUY NOW button to join me on this amazing journey to becoming and expert in the art of copywriting!"
Price: 114.99

"Reiki Healer Level 1 Practitioner Certification" |
"Hi everyone! Welcome to Reiki Level 1! If youre not familiar with Reiki, think of it as an energetic massage. Its a safe & gentle energy that has been used for centuries to heal the mind, body & spirit, that can be done in person or through distance healing, raising your vibration with positive energy from the Universe.=WHAT TO EXPECT =Reiki gives you the ability to heal yourself, others, and even your pets. By enrolling in this course, you will become a certified Usui Reiki Level 1 practitioner and will provide a solid foundation that will give you the confidence to heal yourself & others. Are you ready to move forward in life? Transform, and become the best version of yourself? Have you been seeking ways to enhance your personal growth? Perhaps youre on a spiritual journey seeking enlightenment and finding out who you really are. Do you often feel drained, struggle with anxiety, insomnia, stress, looking to overcome fear, and youre ready to let go of what no longer serves youThen this course is for you=ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTOR, JULIE ANN DAWSON, REIKI MASTER TEACHER =Ive been a Reiki Master Teacher and proud business owner or Chakra To Ya for 4 years. My credentials include being a master of several healing modalities: and my practice includes a blend of Traditional Usui Reiki, Reiki Tummo, Hypnotherapy, Beyonders, Norri Healing, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing, Psychic Healing, Aromatherapy, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree.My goal is to help you find your path to be living your best life. Thank you for letting me be part of your spiritual journey and this life-changing experience. Ive had much success with this program offered in person and through webinars and Im excited to expand and connect with you on Udemy!=WHAT'S INCLUDED =Reiki Level 1 includes:2 hours and 40 minutes of blended lectures 54-page comprehensive guidebook, written by Julie Ann DawsonStep-by-step tutorials Practice exercises Downloadable worksheets Quizzes Journal prompts Certificate of completion (PDF), by Julie Ann Dawson, Reiki Master Teacher, founder & CEO of Chakra To Ya, in addition to a second certificate provided by Udemy Distance attunement ceremony *bonus material & multiple meditations,* like how to get in touch with Angels & your spirit guides, and helpful tips and resources.=JULIES REIKI COURSE TESTIMONIALS =""Well, what can I say :) This course has been amazing and so enjoyable too. Julie was excellent at what she does, explaining everything very clearly every step of the way. This is an excellent beginner's course and I will definitely be doing level two with her in the future."" -Jacqueline L.""Julie's course is excellent, in-depth, and thorough. I would definitely suggest this course for anyone ready to bring Reiki into their life to heal themself and others. Thank you, Julie!""-Kalyn S.""Thorough and descriptive. I'm so excited to have begun my Reiki journey! Looking forward to the next 21 days as my Reiki abilities develop, and to three months when I can take the next course. Thank you Julie from Chakra To Ya!"" - Katie F.Ive been a client of Julie for years due to her astounding healing sessions utilizing Reiki and other healing modalities. She has always been nothing short of thoughtful, kind, and provides valuable insights that assist me in overcoming roadblocksI have taken Reiki courses 1-3 with Julie and shell explain everything to you so you will feel completely at ease. She is a great teacher, and I highly recommend her if youre looking to learn Reiki. The bonus part is you can do so from the comfort of your own homewhat are you still reading this for? Go book the class already! -Johnny T.""Julie is so sweet and knowledgeable. She breaks the course down great and passes along tips and tricks to use!"" - Brittaniee D.""Understanding what Reiki means and the benefits at each level. Very informative.... Learning a lot, the teacher is very patient and knowledgable, eager to learn more Thank you Julie, for teaching, patients, demonstrations, this is a wonderful course!!!"" - Monica L.""Easy to understand. Love that there are videos on how to actually perform the healings."" - Maryanne L.Julie is an absolutely phenomenal healer. She is incredibly skilled and intuitive and her knowledge of reiki and healing methods is amazing. Whether youre well-versed in this type of healing or brand new to it, Julie sets the bar high. -Jenna S.""First of all Thank you very much for this course I really felt very identified and I enjoyed it to the fullest that I will be waiting for the second level, again Thank you so much.""- Maria C.Wow. I had such an amazing experience with Julie about a month ago while in the midst of transitioning to a new chapter of my lifethis helped give me the perspective I needed to leave my past behind and go forth in life free of the negative chains that once held me back from seeing my dreams come true. I cant thank her enough. - Radio S.""This was a fantastic course. I am a beginner and found it very informative."" - Cristen G.""A gem of a course sharing a wealth of new knowledge. Thank you Julie:)"" -Uzuma I.""I actually felt the attunement. I'm really happy."" -Anne F.Julie is a truly gifted and beyond phenomenal healer. I would definitely recommend Julie and her Chakra To Ya services to anyone!!!! There can be great insight around the corner when you sync-up with Julie. Namaste! -Virginia W."
Price: 24.99

"Learn to Make Amazing Smoothies at Home" |
"You'll learn everything you need to know to start making smoothies at home! All smoothies in this course you can make at home and are vegan friendly, sugar free, and low calorie. This course is perfect for beginners as EVERYTHING is covered about making smoothies at home. Get ready to start your at home smoothie making journey"
Price: 19.99

"How to Make New York City Pizza at Home" |
"Hi! As a former New Yorker, I got tired of going to NYC Style Pizza places across the country and being disappointed. Thus, I took matters into my own hands (literally) to learn the secrets of making great NY pizza at home. The tools you will learn in this course come from years of consuming books, YouTube videos, personal research - and I do have a background in working in the pizza industry prior to my current profession of coaching track & field. By making your own pizza at home, you can save money on ordering take-out pizza or delivery - and it will taste much better! If I can do it, you can do it too!"
Price: 69.99

"Tik Tok Marketing" |
"A tiktok marketing plan is a great way to provide yourself with the leads you need in a successful manner. One of the most important things about it is that you're getting your hands on the right kind of traffic. The greater the traffic, the greater the chance that a prospect will get into your site and buy from you. Let's take a look at what you need to do to create a tiktok marketing plan for your online business.In order to make a sales page a success, the content is the most significant way to draw traffic. Why? Because people are looking for information and content is what they can find in the most compelling way. It has to be organized and information rich, so that your prospects know what is behind the door and will find what they're looking for when they walk through it. One of the best ways to do this is through posting articles in your niche and community, but there is a big difference between attracting visitors to your website and ""luring"" them into visiting. The latter is known as getting your targeted traffic to follow through.Getting your targeted traffic to follow through on a buying decision is what you're aiming for, but with tiktok marketing, it's really easy. After all, tiktok marketing is simply promoting products through the same marketing technique that businesses use every day. All it takes is a little bit of imagination and you can get great results. Creating an effective tiktok marketing plan can put you ahead of your competition and show potential customers what you're all about. In short, it is the key to getting a jump on the competition."
Price: 19.99

"Love Piano Anfngerintensivkurs" |
"Bist du ein blutiger Anfnger? Dann bist du hier richtig. Lerne mit mir anhand von nur 3 Noten die Grundlagen des Klaviers. Mit Love Piano wirst du so richtig Lust bekommen Klavier zu spielen. Lass dich verzaubern! Ich nehme dich mit in die Welt der Musik. Am Ende des Kurses wirst du verstehen wie Musiktheorie und Musiknotation funktioniert. Du wirst das komplette Love Piano Lied mit beiden Hnden am Klavier spielen knnen und auch die Noten dazu lesen knnen. In ber 20 gut durchstrukturierten Lektionen lernst du mit der revolutionren Power Chronology Methode die Grundlagen fr das Klavierspielen. Anhand des Love Piano Liedes erklre ich dir Rhythmus, Noten und Takt. Mit Noten von Anfang anNur wer Noten lesen kann, kann auch langfristig selbststndig Klavier spielen.Mit der Power Chronology MethodeKomplizierte Konzepte werden einfach, systematisch und logisch erklrt.Mit beiden Hnden sofort spielenBeidhndiges Spielen frdert die Koordination beider Hnde von Anfang anIch wnsche dir viel Erfolg und vor allem viel Spa beim aktiven durcharbeiten des Love Piano Anfnger Intensivkurses!Deine Stphanie."
Price: 59.99

"Kiisel Geliim, Ruhsal Geliimle Balar. imdi Tam Zaman!" |
"Bu eitimin sonunda ne kazanacaksnz?Bu eitim duygusallktan fiziksellie kadar yaamn yer ynn etkiler. Bunu yaparken, iinize getirdiiniz enerji, etkinlik ve verimlilik zerinde derin bir etkisi vardr. Bu nedenle z-ynetim teknikleri, kariyerinizin her alannda becerilerini gelitirmek iin temel oluturur. 1- lham Verici Ama2- Tepkiden Uzaklamak3- Aklc Karar Verme Geliimi4- Stres Drc5- imdiki Ana Odaklanmak6- Toplumsalln Gelitirilmesi7- z Kontrol Tohumunu Bytmek8- lham Verici kran9- Kendini Snrlandrmann tesinde Gelimek10- Farkndal Arttrma: 11- Genileme Perspektifi:12- Kvlcm Yaratc Dnme13- yi Bir Ruh Hali Yaymak"
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan, Kapsaml Almanca A1 Kursu" |
"Bu kurstaki konular rendiinizde kendinizi ve ailenizi kolayca tantabilirsiniz, kendinizle ve evrenizle ilgili konuabilirsiniz, gnlk hayatta kullanlan ifadeleri anlayabilirsiniz, basit konularda karnzdakilerle iletiim kurabilirsiniz ve ierik de belirtilen dier tm konularla ilgili konuabilirsiniz, konuulanlar anlayabilirsiniz. Bu konular unlardr:1. Alfabe ve telaffuz2. Selamlama, tanma3. ""Als-bei"" edatlar, ahs zamirleri, fiil ekimleri, kaynatrma alan fiiller, meslekler, memleket sorma ve cevaplama4. ""Haben-sein"" fiilleri, evlilik durumu, aile ve akrabalk kelimeleri, iyelik zamirleri5. Saylar, ya sorma ve cevaplama, fiyat sorma ve cevaplama6. ""Viel-viele"" fark, isimler, isimlerin oul halleri7. ""Ja-nein-doch"" kullanm, evet-hayr sorular, dz cmleler, soru cmleleri, ikamet sorma ve cevaplama, ""in"" edat8. lkeler, diller, milliyetler, zel ekimli dzensiz fiiller, corafi ynler9. Belirli, belirsiz ve olumsuz ""Artikel"" kullanm, birleik kelimeler10. ""Akkusativ"" ismin -i hali, ""Akkusativ"" alan fiiller ve cmleleri, yaln hal ve cmleleri11. Sfatlar, renkler, materyaller12. ""Prsens"" imdiki zaman, geni zaman kullanm13. Pasif cmleler14. ""Knnen-wollen"" modal fiilleri15. ""Nicht-kein"" fark ve kullanm16. ""Mgen"" modal fiili, hobiler, ""gern/gerne"" kullanm, gnler, aylar, mevsimler, ""in-an-um"" zaman edatlar17. ""um"" edat kullanm, saatler18. Ayrlabilir fiiller, ayrlabilir olmayan fiiller19. ""Perfekt"" gemi zaman, dzenli-dzensiz, kark, ayrlabilir fiil tipleri, ""-ieren"" ile biten fiiller, ""Prteritum""a giri20. Burlar, yllarn sylenii, doum yeri, doum tarihi sorma ve cevaplama21. ""Schon-erst"" kullanm22. ""Dativ"" ismin -e hali, ""Dativ-Akkusativ"" karlatrma, ""Dativ"" alan edatlar, edatlarn ksaltmalar, zamirlerde ""Dativ-Akkusativ"", ""Dativ"" alan fiiller, ""Akkusativ alan edatlar""23. Deiken edatlar24. ""Mssen-drfen-sollen"" modal fiilleri25. Emir cmleleri26. ""Aber-denn-oder-und-sondern"" balalar, ""dann-danach"" balalar, yol tarifi sorma ve cevaplama27. Sfatlarn derecelendirilmesi28. Konuma snavlar teknikleri, rnekleri ve altrmalar29. Gnlk hayatta karmza kacak szck bekleri ve rneklerle kullanmBu kurs 27 adet dersten , 27 adet ders altrmasndan ve 2 adet de konuma derslerinden olumaktadr."
Price: 249.99

"Corso Goa Per Imprenditori" |
"""CORSO AGGIORNATO AL 2020"" QUINDI CON TUTTE LE NUOVE SCHERMATE E NORMATIVE FACEBOOKCiao, mi chiamo Patrizio Pascuzzi della Goa Digital Marketing e sono un Advertiser, con l'apprendimento di questo corso, sarai in grado di creare tu stesso le tue pubblicit, in modo di raggiungere migliaia di nuovi clienti ad un costo veramente basso! Con questo corso di Advertising Base potrai finalmente approcciarti al successo per il tuo business. Con le pubblicit sui social hai il miglior modo di fare pubblicit al minor costo sul mercato, puoi raggiungere tutti gli utenti che sono in target (interessati al tuo tipo di business) avendo cos il massimo delle conversioni!Poi se, dopo che hai toccato con mano i grandi ricavi che le pubblicit sui social ti ha portato,puoi contattarmi in privato per iniziare una collaborazione con noi della Goa, in modo di moltiplicare tutti i successi avuti sui social, con delle campagne professionali! Al termine del corso ciascun partecipante potr disporre di 30 minuti di consulenza gratuita privata, in cui fare domande su argomenti del corso oppure chiedere un parere sulla Campagna Pubblicitaria Facebook che vuole realizzare."
Price: 29.99

"Assembly Programlama Dili" |
"Bu kursta Assembly reneceksiniz ve dk seviye programlamaya bir adm atacaksnz. Assembly dnda C/C++ ile bildiklerinizi anlamlandrabileceksiniz. Bu konuda kafanzdaki baz karanlk noktalarda aydnlanacak. Yksek seviye programlama dili ile urasanz dahi arka planda yatan mant, ilemciniz hakknd detaylar DOS ve BIOS servisleri hakknda detaylar fazlasyla reneceksiniz. Ayrca hatal bulduunuz anlalmaz bulduunuz noktalar mesaj ile bildirmeniz durumunda yeniden ekeceim."
Price: 99.99

reharmonize_chord_theory |
"Youtube5Apple Musicsus4MIDIDAW"
Price: 2400.00

"Maestro JavaScript. Da zero ad esperto" |
"Questo corso JavaScript intitolato Maestro JavaScript, in quanto ha l'obiettivo di rendere il programmatore pienamente consapevole di questo linguaggio. Linguaggio spesso trattato con superficialit e senza il giusto approfondimento.La comprensione di strumenti di sviluppo avanzati, che poggiano le loro fondamenta su JavaScript, non pu partire da una conoscenza approssimativa di JavaScript stesso.Il corso parte dalle basi, facendo una panoramica degli elementi e concetti strutturali, per poi addentrarsi in profondit in ogni aspetto del linguaggio, fino ad arrivare alle parti pi avanzate.Studieremo tutti i tipi di funzioni, strumento per creare un livello di astrazione sui valori e sulle azioni. Studieremo in profondit, il modello prototipale, che rende JavaScript un potente linguaggio OOP.Studieremo le classi e i moduli, quali strumento di scrittura codice per implementare incapsulamento e riutilizzo del codice, in diverse parti del programma JavaScript e in diverse applicazioni.Molta importanza sar data agli engine, perch tramite la comprensione dei meccanismi interni saremo in grado di comprendere concetti avanzati quali Runtime, Call Stack, Execution Context, Hoisting, Scope, Closure e soprattutto il concetto di programmazione sincrona e programmazione asincrona, grazie alle API a disposizione del linguaggio.Impareremo come gestire gli eventi che si susseguono sulla nostra applicazione, e come gestire e manipolare il DOM.Le lezioni sono corredate da slide ed animazioni e non sono inutilmente prolisse.Ad una prima parte concettuale e pratica, seguiranno aggiornamenti dedicati esclusivamente allo sviluppo pratico, con realizzazione di progetti completi e di esercitazioni."
Price: 69.99

"Practice exams 70-740 MCSA 2016" |
"In this practice test set, well cover all the topics included in the Microsoft Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 exam (70-740) to make sure everyone can pass on their first try!Topics in the exams:Install Windows Servers in host and compute environmentsImplement storage solutionsImplement Hyper-VImplement Windows containersImplement high availabilityMaintain and monitor server environmentsThe actual 7-740 exam consists of 40-65 questions that are selected randomly. These 4 practice exams are aimed on testing the skills learned."
Price: 24.99

"Enis Canikli ile kolay gitar renimi" |
"Kursumuz balang seviyesinden daha ileri seviyelere doru ilerleyen sarmal bir rnt ierisinde tm mzikseverlere ve gitar merakllarna kolay ve elenceli bir ekilde gitar enstrmann icra etmeyi retecek, bu gzel hobi ile hem kendinizi hem de evrenizdekileri elendirip etkileyeceksiniz. ark renme odakl bir eitim srecinden geerek bir yandan birok arky renirken , rendiiniz her ark ile armoni ve teori bilginizi artracak, enstrmannza hakimiyetinizi gn getike ilerleteceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"A1-A2 seviyesinde tm ngilizce eitimler verilmektedir. Bu kurs size ngilizce Mfredata bal olarak temel bir eitim verir ve orta seviyeye gemek iin gerekli tm ierii salar. Bu sayede B1 seviyesine geerek mkemmel ingilizce seviyesine ulaabilirsiniz. zellikle yazma konusunda daha detayl anlatmlar yer alarak tecrbe etmediiniz bir eitim sizlere sunulmaktadr. Metin evirme, metin ve cmle yazma, kelime renme konusunda sk almalar yaparak seviyeniz B1 seviyesine geer."
Price: 89.99

"Microsoft Power BI for Beginners: Get Started with Power BI" |
"**This course includes practice exercise files and LIFETIME access**Learn Microsoft Power BI with this brilliant beginner course from Microsoft experts Simon Sez IT.Power BI is an incredibly powerful, self-service Business Intelligence (BI) solution from Microsoft. It is the perfect Business Intelligence tool for people with limited technical experience.In this Power BI course, we start by looking at Power Query, and how to use this tool to organize and clean our data. We then show you how to build a Data Model and relate separate tables. After that, we teach you all about the data analysis language DAX in Power BI. Finally, we look at how to present this data using the charts and graphs available.In this course you will learn:What is Power BI and why you should be using it.To import CSV and Excel files into Power BI Desktop.How to use Merge Queries to fetch data from other queries.How to create relationships between the different tables of the data model.All about DAX including using the COUTROWS, CALCULATE, and SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR functions.All about using the card visual to create summary information.How to use other visuals such as clustered column charts, maps, and trend graphs.How to use Slicers to filter your reports.How to use themes to format your reports quickly and consistently.How to edit the interactions between your visualizations and filter at visualization, page, and report level.***Exercise and demo files included***This course includes:4+ hours of video tutorials45 individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedCertificate of completionDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 99.99

"Curso Experto en Cerebro Manipulador" |
"En este curso veremos en detalle el pensamiento de la persona manipuladora y las estrategias que utiliza para orientar el comportamiento de otros en su beneficio. Nuestro objetivo es llegar a comprenderlo a aprender a protegernos.Estudiaremos la ciencia tras las estrategias, veremos ejemplos de casos reales y aplicaremos pautas para identificar estos comportamientos y protegernos de la influencia que puedan tener en nosotros."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Telecommuting Course - Remote Work - Work Life" |
"The Complete Telecommuting Course - Remote Work - Work LifeTelecommuting - Remote Working - Tools for Working from Home - Better Organization for Work Live Balance & ProductivityTelecommuting and remote working from home can be a great way to live a professional life, if you plan accordingly and learn this new way of doing business.The recent public health crisis has forced millions of executives around the globe out of their offices. Now, working from home, telecommuting, is the new norm. Unfortunately, its also normal to feel frustrated and inefficient working from home.Personal development expert TJ Walker has been working from home and telecommuting off and on since the 1980s. He shares beginner, intermediate, and expert tips on how to thrive in this home working environment.In this course youll learn everything from how to look your best in a Zoom meeting to how to deal with noisy kids and neighbors, to how to establish firm start times and quit times to make your day more efficient, and to keep you from going crazy.If you are new to the telecommuting and remote working game, this course is for you. And if youve been telecommuting for years and still dont feel like you have the right rhythm down, this course is also for you.Working from home is no longer an occasional evening or weekend activity. Telecommuting is the new normal. Yes, they are huge advantages in not having to commute or spend time on trains and in traffic. But they are even greater distractions and temptations coming to you from your family, your refrigerator, and your cell phone.If you are ready to jump start your telecommuting efficiency, then sign up for this course today."
Price: 199.99

"Certificao AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - 2020" |
"Esse fantstico curso para Certificao AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner destinado a indivduos que querem criar e validar uma compreenso geral da Nuvem AWS. Esse roteiro til para indivduos em funes tcnicas, gerenciais e financeiras ou nas reas de vendas e compras que trabalham com a Nuvem AWS.Este exame voc pode fazer no conforto da sua casa, sem a necessidade de ir a um Centro de Provas.O exame AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner destinado a pessoas com conhecimentos e qualificaes necessrios para demonstrar eficazmente uma compreenso geral da Nuvem AWS, independentemente de funes tcnicas especficas abordadas por outras AWS Certifications. O exame pode ser feito em um centro de testes ou no conforto e na convenincia de uma residncia ou escritrio como um exame supervisionado on-line.A certificao AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner uma etapa recomendada e opcional para a obteno da certificao Specialty ou em nvel Associate.Neste curso voc vai aprender a...Definir o que a Nuvem AWS e a infraestrutura bsica globalDescrever os princpios bsicos da arquitetura da Nuvem AWSDescrever a proposta de valor da Nuvem AWSDescrever os principais servios na plataforma da AWS e os casos de uso comuns (ex.: computao, anlise)Descrever os aspectos bsicos de segurana e conformidade dos produtos e servios da AWS e o modelo de segurana compartilhadaDefinir os modelos de faturamento, gerenciamento de contas e definio de preoIdentificar fontes de documentao ou assistncia tcnica (por exemplo, whitepapers ou tquetes de suporte)Descrever as caractersticas bsicas/principais de implantao e operao na Nuvem AWSO que est incluso no curso:- Aulas sem slides! 100% prticas!- Videos gravados em HD 1080i de resoluo!- Tira-dvidas pelo Chat!- Certificado de Concluso do curso!- E muito mais...Nos vemos na primeira aula do curso :)"
Price: 579.99

"CAPM Certification Exam Prep Course 25 PDU Contact Hours/PDU" |
"Passing the CAPM certification exam is a must for any individual looking to move up the corporate ladder in any company. This course will cover all the topics needed to pass your CAPM exam on the first try. Topics such as the 49 processes, EVM and network diagram will be covered.This course is taught by Instructor and PMP author Andrew Ramdayal. Andrew has over 53 certifications and has authored a few bestselling books for the project management. Andrew has taught this course to thousands of students around the world both in the classroom and online.Unlike other providers, we are a PMI Registered Education provider: #3333 and this course is accredited by PMI.This course will include the following:25 PMI Approved Contacts hours/PDU Certificate needed to take your CAPM exam.Based on the PMBOK Guide 6th EditionExpert instruction from a certified CAPM Instructor and one of Amazon bestselling authors for the project management.200+ Videos400+ realistic exam questionsCourse Slides and PDF's with all the processes and formulasFull length mock exam"
Price: 149.99

"Fortalece tu sistema inmunolgico estimulando tu cerebro" |
"El cuerpo y la mente estn relacionadas.Si estimulas tu cerebro adecuadamente, mejorars la salud de tu cuerpo.Para estimular tu cerebro, los audios teraputicos son la mejor opcin.Esta tecnologa es la encontrars en este curso.Consta de audios teraputicos para estimular tu cerebro.Ellos te ayudarn a la reparacin celular y as tener una energa ptima.Tendrs mayor absorcin de las vitaminas y nutrientes.Te relajars y as disminuirs el estrs.Fortalecers los rganos responsables y las clulas involucradas.Aumentars las defensas del organismo."
Price: 79.99

"Introduction to Business Analytics 2020" |
"When can we say that a business is successful?Which are the techniques corporations use to monitor their performance?What makes for an effective analytics project?If these questions sound interesting and you want to learn about business analytics, then youve come to the right place.This course is an invaluable journey, in which we will layout the foundations of your superior business analytics skills. You will start developing abilities that are highly necessary in any type of business environment, but particularly so when working for a large blue-chip corporation -running a complex business.In this course, you will learn how to:- Define business expectations- Distinguish between a long-range plan and an annual business plan- Perform stakeholder mapping- Understand what business intelligence is and why it is essential for every modern company- Carry out end-to-end process mapping- Become familiar with the main types of end-to-end processes in a corporation: Hire-to-Retire (H2R), Record-to-Report (R2R), Order-to-Cash (O2C), Source-to-Pay (S2P)- Identify key value drivers- What are metrics and what distinguished metrics and KPIs- Perform internal and external benchmarking- Understand the importance of the Master data function- Carry out historical analysis, variance analysis, trend analysis, value-based analysis, correlation, time series, regression, as well as machine and deep learning analysis- Determine which is the most appropriate type of analysis depending on the problem at hand- Acquire an understanding of how to manage an analytics project- Gain an understanding of what makes for a successful analytics projectAll of this will be taught by an instructor with world-class experience. Randy Rosseel has worked in the Coca-Cola ecosystem for a bit more than 16 years. He has been a business controller, senior manager of planning and consolidation, an associate director of planning and performance management; and, ultimately, a director of finance responsible for hundreds of employees.Each of the topics in the course builds on the previous ones. And you risk getting lost along the way if you do not acquire these skills in the right order. For example, one would struggle to understand how to identify KPIs if they are not introduced to Stakeholder and end-to-end process mapping first.So far, we have not seen other comparable training programs online. We believe that this is a unique opportunity to learn from a proven professional who has 360 degrees view of the analytics processes in one of the most recognizable companies in the world.What you getA well-prepared and structured business analytics trainingActive Q&A supportCourse notesHands-on exercisesQuiz questionsAll the knowledge to apply analytics in a business contextA certificate of completionAccess to all future course updatesAnd we are happy to offer an unconditional 30-day money-back in full guarantee. No risk for you. The content of the course is excellent, and this is a no-brainer for us, as we are certain you will love it.Why wait? Every day is a missed opportunity.Click the Buy Now button and become a part of our business analytics program today."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Excel for Finance & Accounting" |
"Microsoft Excel has hundreds of functions and formulas to store, analyze, and alter data efficiently. However, no one really needs to know all of them to be able to work effectively on Excel.In this course, you will learn key functions that are required most used by Finance and Accounting users when they are working with their business data. These functions include finding, replacing, sorting, filtering, summarizing, and analyzing data. Additionally, you will also learn how to bring in a particular data against a specific row parameter from other excel sheets. Who should take this course:Accounting studentsFinance studentsAccounting professionals Finance professionalsEntrepreneurs and Business Owners with Finance knowledgeInvestors with Finance knowledge Why you should learn Excel for Finance and Accounting:This course will change the way you work and will save your hours otherwise spent on complex calculations. You will be able to calculate the values you need for analysis and decisions just by writing small and easy formulas. The rest of your time can then be spent on tasks that matter! Prerequisite: This course expects you to have basic knowledge of Excel, Finance, and Accounting. Let me be more precise on what you should know before starting this course. Excel:Basic navigation and cell formattingBasic maths functions like plus, minus, multiply and divide Accounting:Concept of depreciation and methods of depreciation Finance:Concept of Time Value of MoneyPresent Value and Future Value concept Conversion from present value to future value, and from future value to present value Concept of Discount factor and AnnuityConcept and calculation of NPVConcept of calculation of IRRTopics Covered:Calculation of depreciation with Excel formulasCalculation of PV and FV with Excel formulasCalculation of NPV with Excel formulasCalculation of IRR with Excel formulasMoney-Back Guarantee: Nothing to lose! If you will not be satisfied with the course, Udemy offers 30 days money-back guarantee! Introduction to the teacher:Chartered Accountant 12 years of work experience 12 years of teaching experience as visiting facultyI am a Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA) from the UK with 12 years of professional work and teaching experience and have taught more than 4,000 students in class and 80,000+ students on Udemy! I have implemented accounting software and ERP at various organizations and have expertise in financial transformation. I have been leading accountancy practice for small and medium-sized entities for the last 4 months and have frequent interaction with entrepreneurs. So I know what exactly do entrepreneurs need to know to well manage their books. So, Microsoft Excel is what I use most of my day! I love this software, not just because it enables us to do a lot with data, but also because it is very simple and easy to use."
Price: 99.99
