"SAP Workflow with Practise" |
"Now days, SAP is the most famous ERP system in the world. Many of companies all over the world with big market capitalization use this ERP system to run their businesses . By mastering SAP, we you can build your career not only local in your country but also international career all over the world.One of SAP feature that is very useful is SAP workflow . What is SAP workflow ? , and what for is sap workflow ?.SAP workflow is simply for creating and managing approval process in an SAP system .In a company there are definitely some requirements for approval. Such as when creating a purchase order document, the document must be approved by supervisor or manager. Or when creating a budget proposal, the proposal must be approved by manager or event by director of the company and so on .So approval process is an important thing in a company, and approval in an SAP system can be accomplished by using sap workflow ,In this course we will learn SAP workflow by immediate practice step by step , we will create approval by using sap workflow starting from very basic until the complex one. By mastering SAP workflow , you can raise your bargaining power when building Career in SAP specially as SAP ABAP developer."
Price: 154.99

"Einstieg in Excel VBA Makro Einfach & schnell arbeiten" |
"Mssen Sie immer die selben Arbeitsschritte in Excel machen? Erstellen Sie tgliche Berichte, die man automatisieren knnte? Mchten Sie, dass der Benutzer von einem bestimmten Dokument zu einer Eingabe aufgefordert wird, wenn das Dokument geffnet wird? In diesem Excel VBA Kurs lernen Sie all dies und noch viel mehr um wiederkehrende Arbeitsschritte zu automatisieren und dadurch effizienter zu arbeiten. Visual Basic ist eine leicht erlernbare Programmiersprache fr Office Programme. Sie sind nach diesem Kurs in der Lage, eigene Makros zu schreiben, um dadurch mit Excel effizienter zu arbeiten. Anhand praxisnaher bungen werden die Teilnehmer Schritt fr Schritt an die Entwicklungsumgebung herangefhrt, um anspruchsvolle Lsungen mit Excel eigenstndig zu realisieren.Johannes Fontner, der Spezialist fr VBA Programmierung erklrt Ihnen anhand vieler Praxisbeispiele wie einfach man in Excel Makros erstellen kann und dadurch viele Aufgaben komplett automatisiert werden. Zusammen mit Rene Frst, gehen wir auch immer wieder Excel-Grundlagen durch, die den ganzen Kurs ergnzen. So besitzen Sie die ntige Grundlagenbasis fr die weitere Makro VBA Programmierung.Lernen Sie echte VBA Makro Programmierung aus dem realen Umfeld kennenWende Sie Ihre neu gewonnenen Kenntnisse gleich an, um Ablufe zu automatisierenLernen Sie neue Tipps & Tricks kennen, um mit Excel effizienter zu arbeitenWas Sie in diesem Kurs erwartetEinstieg in VBA, berblick der MglichkeitenKennenlernen der VBA-EntwicklungsumgebungObjektorientierung in VBA, Eigenschaften, Methoden und EreignisseGrundlegende Programmelemente (Variablen, Konstanten, Datentypen...)Kontrollstrukturen in VBA, Lineare Strukturen, Verzweigungen, SchleifenArbeitsmappen und Tabellen ansteuern und verwaltenZellen und Bereiche ansteuernPivot-Tabellen automatisiert steuernZugriff auf Zellen und Bereiche fr verschiedene Einstze (Formate ndern, kontrollieren, Inhalte ndern usw.)Einsatz von VBA im Bereich ListenverarbeitungFormulare entwerfen und anpassenInteraktion mit anderen Programmen von Office (z.B. Terminerstellung in Outlook aus Excel heraus)Tipps und TricksPraktische Makros fr den AlltagWir sind uns sicher, dass Sie Ihre alltglichen Aufgaben um das dreifache schneller erledigen werden knnen als bisher! Sollte Sie dieser Kurs nicht berzeugt haben, knnen Sie ihn innerhalb von 30 Tagen ganz einfach zurckgeben, ganz ohne Risiko."
Price: 159.99

"How to Play the Ocarina" |
" We know the Ocarina from popular figures like Link from the Zelda video game series. We also know it from Totoro the Asian anime movie. The Ocarina is a wonderful instrument to play and has a wonderful sound. If you have a 12 hole Ocarina you can play any note and aren't stuck in one key, this gives you the freedom to play many songs and with your friends no matter what they are playing. This instrument in one form or another has been around for over 10,000 years. At times it was called the potato instrument because it can be made by carving out a potato. (that version doesn't last much past supper time, so make sure you aren't planning to jam with your friends after your meal.) It has a wonderful sound is easy to play. In this course we are going to:look at the instrument and how to physically play it. Learn the notes on sheet musicLearn the notes based on the piano (helpful to find songs)Learn how to play melodyLearn how to play an arrangmentLearn chords so you can play almost any song Whether you know five instruments or this is your first this course will help you start playing and enjoying this instrument. Thank you for checking out this course and feel free to try out some of the preview sections to see if my teaching style works for you. Thanks Micah"
Price: 99.99

"The Job Search Solution #4" |
"Most people know that next to getting a job offer, getting interviews is the most important thing that they can do. In spite of that, most people dont know how to develop a systematic strategy of massive action to get interviews. Looking for a job is a numbers game. This tutorial teaches and sustains massive action to get interviews."
Price: 49.99

"Prince 2 Practitioner Practice Tests & Questions and Answers" |
"PRINCE2 Practitioner certification is suitable for anyone managing projects. This could be as part of a formal project management function or a role which involves project management as part of day-to-day work. The Practitioner certification aims to confirm that you have sufficient knowledge and understanding to apply and tailor the method in a range of different project environments and scenarios.Attaining your Practitioner qualification is only one part of becoming a successful and effective project manager. It is important to ensure that yous upplement this with real-life experience working on projects, in addition to investing in personal professional development and wider training.These Questions will help you with Prince 2 Practitioner certification exam."
Price: 19.99

"Resistance Band Super Strength Series- Vanuatu" |
"Are resistance bands better than free weights?As we know the ageing process leads to widespread changes on the human body including loss of muscle mass, bone mass and a reduction in physical capacity.The loss in muscle mass leads to a decrease in strength and can make our day-to-day activities more difficult such as lifting, bending, exercising, house-work and outdoor activities with friends and family.Strategies such as weight training and resistance bands are widely used to combat the decline in muscle mass and strength as we age.Why resistance bands are greatDr Fleur is a Chiropractor, personal trainer and Pilates trainer who discovered the many benefits of resistance bands while working in Hong Kong. After suffering from back pain for several months she realized that normal weight training and gyms were not suitable for her anymore as she felt too much pain after each session, which was not normal. So she decided to design a resistance band course that was safe and effective for people that were finding free weights too challenging and ineffective. After using bands for several months she found a significant increase in strength, muscle tone and less back pain.Her first resistance band course (Resistance Band Super Strength Series Sydney) was filmed in Australia (her home town) and after the success of that series she decided to design a longer course in a more beautiful location with different and more unique exercises.Course detailsBe transported to the beautiful Blue Hole in Santo Island- Vanuatu, while you gently exercise your whole body, using bands and Pilates.Dr Fleur was lucky enough to visit Vanuatu just before lock-down in Sydney where she filmed her new resistance band Pilates course.Each exercise is slightly different but still easy to follow and you will methodically exercise your entire body.Some of the benefits of resistance band training Pilates include: Increased strength- using resistance bands allows more muscle fibres to be recruited increasing your muscle power and force. Variable Intensity- you can adjust the tension or strength of the band to increase or decrease the intensity of the workout Safe workout- using bands creates a very controlled and safe movement when compared to using dumbbells and weights Better ageing- improving your strength will reduce stress on your joints slowing down the rate of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis occurring to your body Look better- strength training can tone the body and improve posture Feel better- all type of training releases endorphins making you feel happier!Below is your recommended 21-day schedule. Try and follow the videos consecutively if possible, as they are designed to work different parts of the body in a specific order. It is not compulsory to complete this course in 21 days. You can do it at your own pace. The most important thing is that you enjoy this course. So, don't rush it. You can play your own music if you prefer and exercise at a time that suits you during the day. Week 1Monday- Leg Strength 1Wednesday- Upper Body Strength 1Friday- Core/Abdominal Strength 1Saturday- Back StretchesWeek 2Monday- Leg Strength 2Wednesday- Core/Abdominal Strength 2Friday- Upper Body Strength 2Saturday- Standing Whole Body StretchesWeek 3Tuesday- Whole Body Workout 1Thursday- Whole Body Workout 2Saturday- Whole Body Stretching SessionThis series works your whole body which is much better than doing a few random classes online on YouTube that are not appropriate for you and often too hard. The structure of this series will allow you to get better long-term results, safely and more effectively. Enrol now and we will see you soon! Scroll down for instructor profile and course reviews."
Price: 59.99

"Criando um Site para Delivery" |
"O curso de criao de Site para delivery possui 63 aulas, neste curso iremos criar um site voltado para delivery, vamos usar um template free e montaremos toda estrutura do nosso projeto em cima deste template, no curso voc vai aprender a estruturar todo um site aplicando formulrios, banco de dados, tela de login e muito mais, este o primeiro dos cursos para criao completa de um sistema delivery, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver seus projetos web de forma profissional."
Price: 504.99

"Practical QGIS For Spatial Data Analysis: Beginner to Expert" |
"MASTER SPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS IN QGIS: HANDS-ON GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) TRAINING WITH REAL SPATIAL DATASETS Do you find GIS & Spatial Data books & manuals too vague, expensive & not practical Are you looking for a course that takes you by hand, teaches you all the concepts, and get you started on working with actual spatial data? Or perhaps you want to save time and learn how to carry the most common GIS tasks?I'm very excited you found my spatial data analysis course. My course provides a foundation to carry out PRACTICAL, real-life spatial data analysis tasks in popular and FREE software framework, QGIS.Im Minerva Singh, and Im an expert data scientist. Ive graduated from 2 of the best universities in the world; MPhil from Oxford University (Geography and Environment), and a PhD holder in Computational Ecology from Cambridge University.My course aims to help you become proficient in the use of QGIS and carrying out common GIS tasks on real-life data like me.With this course, youll get familiar with all thats required to move you from a basic level to carrying out some of the most important GIS analysis on real-life spatial data.Youll be introduced to some of the important GIS concepts and how they can be implemented on real-life data using QGIS. This includes working with both raster and shapefile data and carrying out important GIS tasks like deriving topographic products and spatial cluster mappingThats why this course is centred on training you on how to effectively implement the different spatial data analysis techniques on real-life data, including working with the Google Earth Engine (GEE) plugin and the powerful System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA) processing toolbox.Each video will teach you a practical GIS skill to implement on your own data.If you take this course and it ever feels like a disappointment, feel free to ask for a refund within 30 days of your purchase, and you would get it at once.Become an expert in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using the freeware QGIS by taking up this course today!#dataanalysis #spatialdata #GIS"
Price: 149.99

"Curso online preparacin del ttulo oficial ingls B1 o B2" |
"Curso online preparacin del ttulo oficial ingls B1 o B2Curso de ingls preparacin ttulo oficial. Ttulo Aptis del British Council (Tasas de examen oficial no incluidas)Instructores: Freddy Augusto Piango y lvaro GarcaContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Por qu este curso de ingls es diferente?Aptis es un ttulo oficial del British Council, con reconocimiento internacional y centros de examen en todas las provincias de Espaa. Pases de todo el mundo de habla hispana como Colombia, Mxico, Per, Venezuela, Chile, y otros como Portugal o Polonia tambin reconocen y examinan de este ttulo oficial.Si siempre has estudiado ingls y ests valorando ahora obtener una certificacin oficial que acredite tu nivel de ingls, has llegado al curso adecuado! En el mercado existen muchos ttulos oficiales. Algunos tienen muchos aos de vida como Cambridge, y otros son ms recientes como TOEIC o IELTS. Para nosotros, estudiar ingls sin tener un objetivo de una certificacin oficial, es cosa del siglo pasado. La competitividad profesional a nivel interprovincial e incluso trasnacional exige que puedas demostrar tu capacitacin en un nivel de ingls determinado. Hoy en da la mayora de Universidades y escuelas de negocio exigen, o bien para su acceso, o bien para graduarse, o ambas, la prueba de unas ciertas capacidades con el idioma ms hablado del mundo. Para oposiciones para el acceso a puestos de trabajo pblico, en procesos de seleccin de multinacionales o para ejercer una carrera de maestro, tambin te van a solicitar acreditar tu nivel de ingls con un ttulo oficial.Antes de adquirir este curso por favor revisa estas recomendaciones:Tu plan de carrera de estudios o trabajo: dependiendo de para qu quieras tu ttulo oficial, es muy importante que revises la validez del mismo. Aptis es aceptado en el 98% de instituciones pblicas y privadas, pero la validez de un ttulo oficial no la da la entidad que la emite sino la institucin que acepta dicho ttulo. Aptis es un examen creado y cuyo ttulo emite el British Council, institucin con base en el Reino Unido, con ms de 80 aos de historia y cuya misin es difundir el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa y su cultura mediante la formacin y otras actividades educativas.Tu nivel de ingls actual. Este es un curso de preparacin a examen, no es un curso de ingls al uso. Aptis es un examen multinivel y sirve para acreditar los niveles B1, B2, C1 y C2 de ingls, que equivalen respectivamente a Intermedio, Intermedio Alto, Avanzado y Bilinge. Para realizar este curso necesitas tener un nivel avanzado del idioma ingls, o complementar el trabajo del curso con el apoyo de un profesor cualificado en esta lengua.Dnde te vas a poder examinar al terminar el curso. El examen oficial se realiza por ordenador en una de las cientos de sedes del British Council en el mundo. No confundir por favor que el examen sea por ordenador a que puedas realizarlo desde tu casa. Cuando te sientas preparado, debes abonar las tasas de examen (que son ms econmicas que el resto de exmenes oficiales), reservar un da y hora (el examen dura entre 3-4h) y acudir a la sede de examen. En 48 horas tendrs tu ttulo por email y en una semana el original en papel. Puedes consultar ms informacin sobre este examen en la pgina web del British Council de tu pas.Sobre Aula ingls AcademyAula ingls es la primera academia de Espaa que empez a preparar el Aptis hace ms de 5 aos y est completamente especializada en este examen. Miles de alumnos han pasado ya por sus aulas y el 98% ha superado el examen y conseguido su ttulo oficial. Nuestra metodologa ha sido testada tanto en clases presenciales como virtuales, as que no encontrars un curso ms especializado y con una metodologa ms orientada a superar el examen que la nuestra. Aula ingls Academy es reconocida en Espaa por su metodologa y sus cursos innovadores con material propio que han ayudado a cientos de estudiantes a desarrollar y mejorar sus habilidades lingsticas y por consiguiente, posicionarse mejor en el mercado laboral. Aula ingls pertenece al British Council Aptis Network, lo que la reconoce por su conocimiento de este examen y estar al da de todas las novedades con respecto al mismo.Cmo funciona el curso?Hemos diseado un curso de 20 horas especializado en el examen Aptis General del British Council que va orientado a conseguir el nivel B1, B2 o C de ingls (C no es igual a C1, es un B2 alto). Es un curso dinmico basado en videos explicativos donde se desarrollan detalladamente todos los aspectos y ejercicios que conforman esta versin del examen, todo con la finalidad de maximizar a travs de trucos y tcnicas las posibilidades de alcanzar el nivel avanzado del idioma. Adems, el curso ofrece la posibilidad de hacer dos modelos de examen completos con todos sus componentes: Grammar and Vocabulary, Speaking, Listening, Reading y Writing.Lo que aprenders:Tcnicas de examen para superar los 5 componentes del examen Aptis General.Trucos para minimizar tu esfuerzo y la posibilidad de cometer errores en el examen.Ejemplos de respuestas apropiadas para los componentes de Aptis Speaking y Writing.Consejos para entender mejor textos escritos.Ejemplos de cmo escribir emails y artculos.Formatos de presentaciones orales.Gramtica esencial para ser ms avanzado al hablar y al escribir.Practicas de examen a travs de dos modelos completos de Aptis General que incluyen todas sus partes: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening y Grammar & VocabularyEl curso incluye dos modelos completos del examen Aptis General, es decir, con sus 5 partes: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening y Grammar & VocabularyRequisitos:Nivel pre-intermedio para acreditar B1 de ingls o nivel intermedio para acreditar B2.Ordenador y acceso a internet.Cuaderno y lpiz para apuntes.No olvides seguirme en mi canal de YouTube y en Instagram: FREDDYEXPERTOENAPTIS donde encontrars videos sobre tcnicas de examen Aptis para todos los niveles.**********************************************************************************Welcome to the only English course with right to an official exam!Why is this English course different?Aptis is a British Council official title, recognised internationally and with examination centers in each Spanish province. Spanish speaking countries all around the world like Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, and others, like Portugal or Poland also recognise and prepare examinations of this official title.If you have always studied English and you are considering obtaining an official qualification that certifies your English level now, you have arrived to the right course! There are many titles available in the market. Some of them have been operating for many years like Cambridge, and others are more recent like TOEIC or IELTS. For us, studying English without the goal of an official certificate is a trend of the past. The competitiveness in the professional sector, both at inter provincial and international level, demands that you demonstrate your abilities in a specific level of English. Nowadays most universities and business schools demand, either for being part of them, and/or as a requisite for graduating from them, proof of certain abilities regarding the most widely spoken lenguage in the world. For competitive exams, where you access civil servant positions, multinational selection processes or in order to work as a teacher, you will always be asked to certify your English level with an official qualification.Before completing this course please review these recommendations:The requirements of your university degree or job: depending on what you want the official qualification for, it is very important that you check its validity. Aptis is accepted in 98% of both public and private institutions. It is the institution that accepts the qualification the one that actually gives effect to it, not the one that delivers it. Aptis is an exam created by the British Council, which also issues the certificates. The British Council is based in the United Kingdom, it has been active for more than 80 years and its mission is to spread the knowledge of the English lenguage and its culture through training and other educative activities.Your current English level: This is a course designed to prepare an exam, not to learn English. Aptis is a multi-level exam which attests levels B1, B2, C1 and C2 of English. These levels correspond to Intermediate, High Intermediate, Advanced and Biligual respectively. In order to be part of this course you need to have an advanced knowledge of English or to reinforce the course's work with extra classes with a qualified teacher.Where are you going to be able to take the exam when the course is finished?: The official examination is computed based and it takes place in one of the hundreds of locations the British Council has in the world. Although the exam is computer based that does not mean you can take it at home. When you feel you are ready, you should pay the exam fee which is more affordable than other official exams save a day and a time the exam lasts between 3 to 4 hours and go to the location of the exam. In 48 hours you will have your certificate via email and in a week you will recieve the original certificate in paper. For further information you can visit the British Council website in your country.About Aula Ingls AcademyAula Ingls is the first academy that started preparing the Aptis in Spain, five years ago and it is fully specialized in this exam. Thousands of students have studied there and 98% of them have passed the exam and obtained their certificates. Our metodology has been tested both in face to face classes and virtual. You won't find a more specialized course and with a methodology more oriented to pass the exam than ours. Aula Ingls Academy is recognized in Spain because of its methodology and innovative courses that have helped hundreds of students develop and improve their lenguage abilities, and thus, to find better opportunities in the labor market. Aula Ingls is part of the British Council Aptis Network, which aknowledges its expertise in this exam and being updated in all its changes.How does the course work?We have designed a 20 hour course focused on the British Council Aptis General, which is oriented to obtain a B1, B2 o C level of English (C is not the same than C1. It means a B2+). It is a very dynamic course based on informative videos, where all the aspects and exercises of the exam are explained in detail. All of this with the purpose of maximazing, through tips and techniques, the posibilities of obtaining the desired level. Also, the course includes the possibility of completing two complete exams that include all the components: Grammar and Vocabulary, Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.What will you learn:Techniques to complete the five components of the Aptis General Exam.Tips to minimize your effort and the possibilities of making mistakes in the exam.Examples of appropiate answers for components like Speaking and Writing in the Aptis.Tips to understand written texts better.Examples on how to write emails and articles.Oral presentation formats.Essential grammar to have an advanced level when speaking or writing.Exam practice with 2 full samples which include all the parts in Aptis General: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening and Grammar & Vocabulary.Two full exam samples of the Aptis General Exam including its 5 parts: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening and Grammar & Vocabulary.Requirements:Pre intermediate or intermediate Level of English.Computer and access to Internet.Notebook and pencil for taking notes.**********************************************************************************Sobre la Formacin:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores Freddy Augusto Piango y lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Insightful Customer Interviews for Product Managers" |
"A deep, intuitive customer understanding powers all our work as product managers - from strategy to new product development to our search for growth. Surveys, product usage data, AB tests - they all help us understand our customers, but our best tool (by far) is direct interviews with real customers.These in-depth interviews - either in-person or via video conferencing - help us understand our customers' needs, motivations, and hopes. They connect us to (quoting Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos) the ""heart, intuition, curiosity, play, guts, taste"" of a remarkable customer journey. And these interviews give us a chance to test our product concepts, refining and retesting them until we find true customer value.Given the critical importance of these interviews, you would think we would all be good at these. But these interviews are tough to get right - it is challenging for all of us to get deep, unbiased insight out of these interviews. We need techniques, skills, and practice.This course is designed to give you these skills. Specifically, we'll help you develop the skills you need to:Interview and observe customers in a way that gets to their articulated and unarticulated needs Test product concepts, in an interview setting, with approaches that yield a wealth of unbiased information to guide new product development Analyze customer needs for insight to guide strategy, new product development, and your search for growthWe'll do this with a set of engaging lectures, company examples, tools, templates, and practice activities.We hope you will join us!"
Price: 19.99

"Blender 2.8 Criando objetos para animao" |
"Sobre o CursoNeste curso voc aprender todo o processo de produo de um modelo que pode ser usado em animaes 3D. Mostrarei todos as etapas da produo comeando com a modelagem, iluminao, mapeamento, textura e finalmente a renderizao de uma imagem em alta resoluo do projeto.Esse no um curso bsico e necessrio que voc tenha um conhecimento prvio no BlenderDesenvolva seu conhecimento em 3D com um curso direto e objetivo, vejo voc na prxima aula."
Price: 579.99

"Blender, Substance Painter e Unreal Engine Assets para Game" |
"Blender, Substance Painter e Unreal Engine Assets para GameApreanda a criar assets para games passo a passo utilizando o Blender, Substance Painte e montando todo o projeto na Unreal Engine 4. Durante o curso vou mostrar uma linha de produo e integrao entre os programas que poder ser utilizada em qualquer projeto sendo ele simples ou complexo.Inscreva-se no curso e comece uma nova carreira."
Price: 579.99

"Blender - Produzindo Modelo 3d para ilustrao" |
"Blender Produzindo Modelo 3d para ilustraoAprenda a criar modelos 3d para ilustrao e publicidade passo a passo utilizando o Blender. Durante o curso vou mostrar a produo completa e passo a passo da imagem da apresentao do curso, vamos modelar esculpir, criar materiais e renderizar uma imagem em alta resoluo utilizando os recursos do Blender.Inscreva-se no curso e comece uma nova carreira."
Price: 579.99

"Self Care - The Definitive Road Map To Self Discovery" |
"When was the last time you took care of yourself, like really took care of yourself?Self-care is crucial for your happiness and well-being. Without it, the mind and body can quickly find themselves out of sync, leading to all kinds of problems. It can also hold you back from being the person you were born to be. And a big part of your self-care is self-discipline.So, if you struggle with self-care, in this course youll discover why now is the time to change that and how it can help with self-discovery.The importance of self-careSelf-care is often dismissed as a luxury, when in fact its absolutely essentialIf you arent taking care of yourself, eventually youre going to start feeling all kinds of negative effects.Failing to care for your health and happiness can lead to issues such as burnout, depression and chronic stress. It also puts you at an increased risk of developing all kinds of ailments and diseases.One thing you need to remember with self-care however, is that you need to do what you want to do. Youll find a lot of self-care tips which mention things like keeping a journal and meditating. These are definitely some of the most effective self-discovery tools you can use, but theyre not necessarily for everyone. If you dont enjoy them, dont do them. Find something you do enjoy thats the secret to benefitting from self-care for self-discovery.So, as you can see, taking time out to really look after yourself is crucial to your health and happiness.Now, When we hear the word discipline, we are automatically reminded of convents and boot camps. Who doesnt love living each day, as it goes, without any rules? Of course, there are joys that can be experienced by living a carefree life! But if you want a life filled with happiness, that can be sustained, so, as part of your self-care routine you need to bring in some rules!And no-where is it written that rules are always bad. You wont believe how incorporating a little discipline as part of your life can help you improve the quality of your life and sustain your happiness, well-being and a better understanding or yourself. I encourage you to not be immediately put off by the idea of adding some discipline to your life as part of your self-care routine. I am sure that this course will give you a fresh perspective on discipline and help you realize how it improves your life!"
Price: 19.99

"Online Meeting Survival Guide" |
"Survive and thrive in shared online work environments with the Online Meeting Survival Guide Udemy Course. This course will bring you up to speed on the latest online communication and collaboration technologies available to increase your personal and professional productivity. Familiarize yourself with the worlds most popular online meeting software, and learn how to use the most effective features these solutions offer. From unified communications to collaboration and online meetings, this book is a welcome tour of the worlds best software solutions.Part one of this book looks at the online communications industry from a high level to help you better understand modern communications and online workspaces. In part two, business leaders and managers alike can take a deep dive into the top online communication solutions such as Google Meet, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. Part three is all about productivity and best practices for your online communications.Finally, you will get a glimpse of where online communications are headed. When is a webinar better than a meeting? How does live streaming fit into your sales and marketing plan? When is collaboration counterproductive, and how can your teams meet more effectively. This book draws upon Joseph Pines Experience Economy, Jonah Bergers Invisible Influence, Morten Hansers Collaboration!, and Malcolm Gladwells Tipping Point to apply the research of top business authors, sharing their insights. This book will help anyone responsible for deploying online communications be more effective.You can also decide to take your learning further with the Online Meeting Survival Guide Udemy course. This online course features video tutorials walking you through all of the most important topics discussed in the book along with helpful software walkthroughs from the author. Increase your knowledge and familiarity with online communication tools today with the Online Meeting Survival Guide."
Price: 19.99

"Come Home to Your Mind" |
"It feels as though life is speeding up, with more to do, greater distractions, and less time to ourselves. But contemplative practices like meditation offer an off-ramp when the pace of life gets overwhelming. You don't have to live in a cave in the Himalayas to benefit from the ancient wisdom behind meditation techniques; in fact, neuroscience increasingly shows that even small amounts of meditation can change our brains for the better, and more than that, it can transform our lives.I've been practicing meditation now for over 20 years, and this course contains many of the practices I've found most helpful both on the cushion and in daily life. What many courses don't tell you is that learning to sit down and work with your mind is only part of what it takes to live mindfully. You're much more likely to succeed in changing your life if you also consider the situations and habits in your life that train your mind to stay spinning all the time, like multitasking at work (and home), feeling like you're at the mercy of digital distractions all the time, and all the ways we tend to feed the busy monkeys of our mind.In this course, you'll learn:a variety of techniques for helping the mind slow down and return to the present moment. Not everyone enjoys meditating in the same way, after all!how to supplement your formal meditation practice with opportunities to bring your mind home during the day.about the negativity bias, our brain's innate tendency to fixate on what's threatening rather than what's enriching -- and how to counteract that bias.how to stop multitasking at work.and more!If you've tried meditating before but just couldn't make it a habit, or you've been meaning to give it a try, here's your opportunity to see what you've been missing. I'll guide you through the process of sitting down to practice, then integrating the skills you've built in your formal meditation into the rest of your life."
Price: 44.99

"All about telescopes" |
"A telescope is a magical tool that connects us closely to the wonders in the night sky. Have you ever wondered how it actually works?This course will only focus on the telescopes that we use to observe the visible light. These telescopes are easily found in any science store and are also a household commodity in various homes. In this course, we will discuss the physics behind the working of various types of telescopes, what determines the power of the telescopes, how to set up a telescope, what are the various parts of the telescope and how can you use it to observe the night sky like a pro!We touch upon the history of the telescope: how it was invented and also track down the evolution of the telescope as an astronomical equipment. This is the 1st course of the 2 in the series; the other one discussing how to buy a perfect telescope (releasing soon). The course is open to all, as always!"
Price: 1920.00

"Scrum Master and Product Owner Certification Prep Questions" |
"This course and practice exams are neither endorsed by, nor in partnership, nor affiliated with Scrum . org.This course will help you prepare for Scrum .org Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I ) exam also known as PSM 1 or Professional Scrum Product Owner I (PSPO I ) also known as PSPO 1 .-----------------------This course will take you for zero and prepare you for the Professional Scrum Master I certification. No previous experience with Scrum is needed. In this course includes:Exam simulation with the help of mock exam questionsTips on how to approach hard exam questionsAll questions have a detailed explanationEnroll today!== About the PSM I exam ==I recommend that you first attend a course to get a better understanding of Scrum. After you have finished your preparation, you can register for the exam. If we talk about the exam fee, it's $150 for every attempt, and if you attend a Scrum . org training center, then your first attempt would be free. All you get is a personal password without expiration date through which you can get connected to their page and can give exams.The main topics covered in the PSM (Professional Scrum Master ) exams are:the theory of Scrum as briefly described in the Scrum Guidethe Scrum GlossaryHow their state of mind and behavior is different from other development teams.== About the PSPO I exam ==I recommend that you first attend a course to get a better understanding of Scrum. After you have finished your preparation, you can register for the exam. If we talk about the exam fee, it's $200 for every attempt, and if you attend a Scrum . org training center, then your first attempt would be free. All you get is a personal password without expiration date through which you can get connected to their page and can give exams.The main topics covered in the PSPO (Professional Scrum Product Owner ) exams are:the theory of Scrum as briefly described in the Scrum Guidethe Scrum GlossaryProduct Backlog managementEBM Guide (Evidence-Based Management)== Frequent questions ==Can I earn PMI PDUs (Professional Development Units) by taking this course?No, by attending this course you will not be able to earn PDUs. Can I claim PMI PDUs (Professional Development Units) by taking the PSM I / PSPO I exam?Unfortunately not. PMI PDUs are obtained for attending a course and NOT for passing a PSM exam.-----------------------The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk. "
Price: 19.99

"Bioenergetica del Sacro Cerchio" |
"Bioenergetica del Sacro Cerchio un corso avanzato, consigliato a chi ha gi fruito del corso base (Le Sacre Direzioni e il potere della Ruota di Medicina). Occorre, infatti, avere gi assimilato i significati degli otto punti in cui si articola il Sacro Cerchio, per poter raggiungere un buon livello operativo con essi. In questo corso, infatti, lavoreremo soprattutto con tecniche operative che vi consentiranno di raggiungere i vostri obiettivi tramite una pratica costante. Il nostro principale strumento operativo consiste nelluso consapevole dei movimenti da compiere e dalle posizioni da assumere allinterno e allesterno di una Ruota di Medicina costruita su terreno. E anche sulluso del tamburo e dei sonagli sciamanici in relazione alla Ruota di Medicina.Linsegnamento proposto da Harley Swiftdeer focalizza lattenzione sugli aspetti bioenergetici delle direzioni cardinali (i costituenti delluomo) e di quelle intermedie (i motori vitali che muovono tanto la Terra quanto la vita umana). La ruota gira solo se i raggi sono in equilibrio, ecco perch occorre sempre equilibrare le energie tramite il centro, come sottolinea spesso Meadows. Se una direzione ci manca dobbiamo rafforzarla, se in eccesso dobbiamo smorzarla, ma sempre in dialogo con la direzione opposta.Lo squilibrio per sempre in agguato, anzi, praticamente la norma (come anche ci dice la Qabbalah, spiegando la natura delle Qlippoth). Quindi, occhio ai pericoli, ai rischi di ogni direzione. Occhio al loro lato oscuro, che Swiftdeer individua dal punto di vista bioenergetico.Lattenzione alle tenebre, ai lati oscuri della nostra psiche e della manifestazione stessa, non possono essere ignorati, perch se vengono ignorati, negati, rimossi, in agguato la malattia, la violenza, e, a livello collettivo, lorrore della guerra, malattia dellumanit.Bisogna quindi essere profondamente consapevoli dei nostri lati oscuri, scovarli con coraggio e, direi, con gioia, perch scovandoli li illuminiamo e li portiamo a risoluzione. Ben sapendo che altri aforeranno, ma che noi, con la nostra vigilanza, potremo sempre gestirli. Noncombatterli, badate bene, ma in un certo senso amarli, accettarli, comprenderli, integrarli con compassione e tolleranza. Non ci sono altri modi di rapportarsi al male: c solo da stanarlo, comprenderlo nel senso di prenderlo con s e, semmai, curarlo amorevolmente.The Walk of the Wolf: denito da Leo Rutherford il Cammino del Lupo, il lavoro con i punti della ruota un lavoro che crea ponti fra qualit opposte che possono essere armonizzate.In questo corso abbiamo approfondito temi importanti per la pratica della Ruota di Medicina. Abbiamo visto come dobbiamo rapportarci ai punti cardinali, le Sacre Direzioni, e ai punti intermedi, che sono importanti motori operativi in relazione ai nostri intenti e progetti. Abbiamo appreso a bilanciare le energie, nel nostro corpo e nella nostra vita, scaricando quelle in eccesso e attirando a noi quelle di cui siamo carenti. Il tutto in una semplice dinamica il cui equilibrio si trova sempre al Centro della Ruota di Medicina."
Price: 29.99

"La Defensa Moderna 1" |
"La Defensa Moderna es una defensa universal y muy flexible, que podrs emplear contra casi cualquier apertura elegida por las blancas.Adems, como generalmente se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal para jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la Defensa Moderna es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Es una defensa que se puede jugar por esquemas, donde lo importante es comprender los conceptos. Esto te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema de defensa contra casi todo.Es un sistema fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la Defensa Moderna, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos, que te servirn para mejorar tu comprensin estratgica del ajedrez en general.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales, completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Moderna te permitir tener un sistema de defensa universal, flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La Defensa Moderna 2" |
"La Defensa Moderna es una defensa universal y muy flexible, que podrs emplear contra casi cualquier apertura elegida por las blancas.Adems, como generalmente se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal para jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la Defensa Moderna es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Es una defensa que se puede jugar por esquemas, donde lo importante es comprender los conceptos. Esto te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema de defensa contra casi todo.Es un sistema fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la Defensa Moderna, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos, que te servirn para mejorar tu comprensin estratgica del ajedrez en general.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales, completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Moderna te permitir tener un sistema de defensa universal, flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La Defensa Moderna 3" |
"La Defensa Moderna es una defensa universal y muy flexible, que podrs emplear contra casi cualquier apertura elegida por las blancas.Adems, como generalmente se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal para jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la Defensa Moderna es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Es una defensa que se puede jugar por esquemas, donde lo importante es comprender los conceptos. Esto te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema de defensa contra casi todo.Es un sistema fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la Defensa Moderna, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos, que te servirn para mejorar tu comprensin estratgica del ajedrez en general.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales, completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Moderna te permitir tener un sistema de defensa universal, flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La Defensa Moderna 4" |
"La Defensa Moderna es una defensa universal y muy flexible, que podrs emplear contra casi cualquier apertura elegida por las blancas.Adems, como generalmente se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal para jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la Defensa Moderna es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Es una defensa que se puede jugar por esquemas, donde lo importante es comprender los conceptos. Esto te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema de defensa contra casi todo.Es un sistema fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la Defensa Moderna, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos, que te servirn para mejorar tu comprensin estratgica del ajedrez en general.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales, completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Moderna te permitir tener un sistema de defensa universal, flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La Defensa Moderna 5" |
"La Defensa Moderna es una defensa universal y muy flexible, que podrs emplear contra casi cualquier apertura elegida por las blancas.Adems, como generalmente se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal para jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la Defensa Moderna es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Es una defensa que se puede jugar por esquemas, donde lo importante es comprender los conceptos. Esto te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema de defensa contra casi todo.Es un sistema fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la Defensa Moderna, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos, que te servirn para mejorar tu comprensin estratgica del ajedrez en general.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales, completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Moderna te permitir tener un sistema de defensa universal, flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"La Defensa Moderna 6" |
"La Defensa Moderna es una defensa universal y muy flexible, que podrs emplear contra casi cualquier apertura elegida por las blancas.Adems, como generalmente se producen pocos cambios de piezas, es una defensa ideal para jugar a ganar con negras.La ventaja de la Defensa Moderna es que, ms que una defensa, es un sistema de defensa, en el que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teora sino que lo importante es comprender las ideas y los planes que surgen.Es una defensa que se puede jugar por esquemas, donde lo importante es comprender los conceptos. Esto te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo en el estudio de las aperturas, ya que podrs confiar en utilizar este sistema de defensa contra casi todo.Es un sistema fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy ricas, llenas de ideas estratgicas y posibilidades tcticas y combinativas.En este curso aprenders las ideas fundamentales de la Defensa Moderna, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes tpicos y esquemas y modelos estratgicos, que te servirn para mejorar tu comprensin estratgica del ajedrez en general.Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes que surgen a partir de este sistema de defensa tan interesante.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida.En definitiva, tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales, completamente comentadas, para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de defensa lleno de posibilidades.La defensa Moderna te permitir tener un sistema de defensa universal, flexible y slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer Course" |
"Welcome to the Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer Course!Just like the initial Platform Developer I course, I have designed and built this course to be 100% aligned with the official exam outline of the latest Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer release, and I will be updating it on each subsequent release if necessary. Currently, this course fully covers the latest Spring 20 release.The official Exam Outline has 3 Sections; each Section has many topics within it and has its own number of questions weighting (in percentage) out of a total of 60 questions. These are the different sections with the number of questions weighting:Declarative Sharing Performance and ScalabilityProgrammatic Sharing Each topic mentioned in the Study Guide under each Section above is covered in this course, and each topic has at least a video lecture that is divided into a presentation, and a demo on the Salesforce environment. I am sharing all the slides in PDF so that you could download them and read them offline, and I am also sharing a lot of reference links in each lecture. These references include links to Trailhead modules, links to the sources I have used to build the slides, links to official Salesforce documentation related to the topic, and links to official Salesforce guides and eBooks. Finally, I have been there, I spent hours and hours preparing for this exam, I dissected each and every topic of the Study Guide, and took tons of notes, just like I did when preparing for my other certifications. I guarantee that after completing this course, and after practicing on the Salesforce environment, you will pass this exam, and you will become Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer certified! Good Luck!Walid"
Price: 199.99

"Marketing de Contenidos: crea tu propio calendario" |
"Has notado que hay empresas que parecen estar en TODOS lados TODO el tiempo? Muy pronto tendrs esa presencia constante frente a tu cliente. Incrementa tus ventas en Internet!Las personas necesitan tener 6 contactos con tu marca para tomar la decisin de contactar a tu negocio.En este curso vas a crear un Calendario de Contenidos paso a paso para lograr esos seis impactos a travs de redes sociales, correo electrnico, blog y WhatsApp.Comenzaremos por definir las temticas ms importantes para tu negocio que necesitas producir desde ya! y luego aterrizaremos esa lista de contenidos en una estrategia omnicanal (estrategia que est presente en todos tus medios digitales).Adems, tendrs un calendario que contempla todas las etapas de un Embudo de Ventas: atraccin, venta y recompra.Para finalizar el curso, crears una Planeacin Ejecutiva con objetivos de forma anual, trimestral, mensual y semanal para avanzar con paso firme hacia tus metas.Ests listo?Comencemos a crear tu Calendario de Contenidos!"
Price: 1170.00

"First Programming with Scratch < School Computer Curriculum" |
"HighlightsSchool Computer Curriculum Ready - Suitable for a 20-Week Middle or High School SemesterGrades 7+: Middle or High School First Programming Class Using ScratchDesigned for Middle School and High School studentsClassroom-Tested: This course was taught in a 20-week semester for an 8th grade class12-Unit (~20 Weeks) Workshop Course11 Hands-on Projects Trains and encourages creativity, critical thinking, logical reasoning, and technology fluency in young adultsGives a lot of freedom and space for students who would like practice their artistic and creative skills when doing projectsWorkshop-Style: the majority of each class is spent by the student working on a project on their ownCovers fundamental topics in Programming Languages, including: AlgorithmsVariablesPrototypesPropertiesExpressionsOperatorsLogicConditionalsLoopsEventsTimersDesignImplementationTestingDebuggingState MachinesAnd MoreBonus Design Project: Students will design, implement, test, and debug a State Machine device (e.g. a soda machine) using Scratch4.5+ hours of video instruction, plus many more hours spent doing the projects on your ownAccompanying Slides for Each ClassNo prior knowledge or learning in computer science or programming neededOverview This new class is designed specifically for middle or high school students who want to take their first class about computer programming, or for educators who are looking for a suitable, classroom-tested first programming course to include as part of a computer curriculum for their schools.This course isn't about learning Scratch programming specifically. Rather, it is designed to help students get their first experience with computer programming, and along the way, get a basic understanding and familiarity with essential concepts in programming languages, such as algorithms, variables, conditionals, etc.This is a workshop course. Each week's class includes some lecture and slides, but the majority of the time is spent by the students on their own to finish each week's project. The solution to each project is presented at the end of each class. The course ends with a capstone project, wherein students will design, implement, test, and debug a State Machine device (e.g. a soda machine) using Scratch.I teach this class to a real 8th grade classroom in a middle-high school, during one school semester.Perquisites and RequirementsNo Prior Knowledge or Experience in Programming NeededExercises Only Require a Computer with Internet AccessSectionsIntroCourse OverviewUnit 1Scratch: Sign Up, Log InBasics DemoUnit 2Intro to AlgorithmsProject 1: Write Algorithm for Farmer River Crossing ProblemUnit 3Project 2: Implement Algorithm to Farmer River Crossing Problem Using ScratchUnit 4LoopsEventsBroadcastsProject 3: Remote Controlled CarUnit 5CostumesTimersProject 4: Traffic LightUnit 6VariablesArithmetic OperatorsProject 5: Traffic Light with TimerUnit 7Create a Moving ArtUnit 8Project 7: Browse Existing Scratch Community ProjectsUnit 9Asking the UserConditionalsProject 8: ATM MachineUnit 10Project 9: Make Some Sound/MusicUnit 11Logical OperatorsTesting & DebuggingProject 10: Rock Paper Scissors Game: Debug & Customize(Bonus) Unit 12State Machines(Bonus) Design Project 11: Make Your Own State MachineOutroConclusion"
Price: 24.99

"Agile Project Management" |
"Agile is a methodology for developing Software Applications in a variety of industries.In this course, we cover the foundations of Agile - what it is, how to apply, and when to use it. We educate you on the subject so you can lead your team with confidence. We present you with Industry Standard tools that will make your job much, much easier. Presented by Alejandro Javad - a 7 year veteran of the software industry; he has done work for Amazon, Wells Fargo, Gallup Inc., and runs his own consulting company now."
Price: 199.99

"Sell Web Designs for 15,000 Dollars Web Design Business" |
"Design a process-driven business model for your clientsMarketing positioning to sell $15,000 websitesMarketing strategyHow are you going to change your marketing (website, brochures, landing pages, phone calls) to present yourself as a professional service provider rather than as a product maker?Most web designers aren't maximizing their revenue because they sell websites for a few thousand dollars. To sell websites for $15,000, you need to take a client-centred approach to marketing. This means, first of all, recognizing how clients see you. They see web design as a professional service rather than as a product. So position yourself as a professional, trusted advisor and you'll be able to command a higher price for your services. Your approach to marketing should be consistent with how successful professional service firms (accounting, law, finance, physicians, etc.) market themselves.The easiest way to sell higher-priced websites is by specializing. Specialization in this context means to specialize in helping specific industry groups. Specialization does not mean only doing WordPress websites or Drupal websites; this sort of specialization is ""firm-focused"" rather than ""client-centred."" The key to higher revenue is being ""client-centred.""A second way to get higher budget projects is by getting government contracts.A key to commanding higher prices is to mature as a business. This means have formalized, consistent processes so that things don't fall through the cracks. Present an aura of professionalism and you'll be able to justify your high fees.Being professional does not necessarily mean branding yourself as a larger firm than you actually are. Boutique professional service firms (e.g., specialized law firms) often charge out at the highest rates. Being small and versatile can equate to ""premium."" You need to decide if you want to use you and your partner(s) names or if you want to build a brand independent of the owners.ProspectingProspectingCreate at list of 20 ideal candidates that would make good clients. Develop a plan for how to engage them and think about why they should hire you instead of your competitors.Getting large government contracts is quite feasable. You need to review the Request for Proposal (RFP) from government websites in your state or province. Review the document and get a sense of what the government agency is looking to achieve. Write a very focused proposal that explains how you are going to achieve of their objectives. Try to identify the decision-makers and indirectly suggest that their lives are going to be easier because of your solution. Do not price your proposal too low or you won't be taken seriously -- $10,000 minimum.Having a client-centred approach to marketing helps you prospect much easier. This may involve identifying specific industry groups and finding contacts through InfoGroup directories available for free at your local library.Any client you have is leverage you can use to get more clients from that industry. Use your past experience to get your foot in the door with cold-calls, e-mails, etc. For example ""We just did the website for your competitor XYZ Plumbing. Would you be interested in meeting to discuss how we can get you more plumbing contracts?""Lead generationBlogWrite a blog article that is prospect-centred and come up with a call-to-action that includes a free offer such as an ebook or video.Blogging -- if done correctly -- epitomizes modern Internet marketing. As professional service provider, you need some way of building trust with your prospects. One way to do this is by providing FREE educational material via blogs. You generate sales leads by providing more free information that can only be accessed if the prospect submits his/her email. So this means every blog should have a call-to-action to access more valuable, educational content. Follow-up with educational emails. You can promote your blog articles in industry-specific forums and LinkedIn groups.Landing pages are the key to lead-generation. These are different from websites and are focused on one purpose: capturing email addresses. Many web designers make the mistake of directing prospects to their homepage too early in the sales process. Cold prospects aren't interested in YOU...they're interested in solving their problems. You can generate sales leads by offering an ebook/video/document that helps solve a problem. Promote the free offer (NOT YOUR SERVICES) on the landing page.You can drive traffic to your lead-capture landing pages by using Google Adwords. When starting out, use exact match keywords to avoid overspending your budget.Lead nurturingMailchimpCreate a list in Mailchimp of your current clients.Most sales leads will be captured with lead-capture landing pages that promote ebooks/videos/documents. Once you have a lead, this does not mean you can go for the sale. You need to ""nuture"" that lead by building trust. You do this by sending regular educational emails. Store your emails in lists on MailChimp. Send highly relevant, problem-solving emails through MailChimp campaigns. Keep your eye on click-through rates and unsubscribe rates. A/B test subject lines to see what captures the most interest.Multimedia lead generationCreative lead genUse a program like Camtasia or Screen-cast-o-matic to create a video that would be useful as a lead-gen tool. Post this on YouTube.One of easiest ways to increase sales through your website is by integrating online chat such as SnapEngage. This allows visitors to quickly begin a conversation with you if they have any questions. Remember, sales mostly occur in person or on the phone. Websites aren't usually sufficient to land a sale. So simply starting a conversation can increase your sales rate dramatically even if your website is out-of-date or sub-par.Providing helpful, educational emails is an easy way to build trust and sales leads. For example, you could give away the first 30 seconds of a video for free and then require an email address to finish the video. Store these emails in MailChimp or another program like InfusionSoft.Infographics can also be used to generate sales leads. They are eye-catching and spread virally. Make one that is client-specific and you can add a link below it to download your ebook or other lead-capture offer.Web design sales processSales processWrite a sales process with at least 3 steps that you could use consistently.One of the easiest ways to improve sales is simply to have a consistent process. It does not need to be perfect. Just have several key steps and tweak your process as you encounter issues.A second way to improve sales is to package your services into bundles. Clients like the idea of purchasing packages centred around problems they're facing. Charging by the hour is less appealing to customers. Package pricing is also trusted because it's assumed that the pricing is the same for all ""customers"" -- unlike custom quotes. Another advantage of package is that they make it difficult to compare your services with other web designers.Web design for web designersCase studyWrite a ""success story"" from a client you helped. Include this as a page or blog post on your website.Many web designers have great-looking websites that are impractical. Your website should be designed to promote yourself as a professional service provider. Focus your site on success stories that detail the outcomes you can get for potential clients. Use authentic, real photos of you and your staff. Your clients want to know the professionals they'll be working with. Design your site around the client and their needs rather than on the competencies you value internally.Getting larger contracts by having a processYour processDevelop a web design process that you can start using immediately. This might be a diagram, Word/Google document, or even hand-written.The single biggest change you make to improve your web design business is shifting to a process-driven model. This means having a consistent set of steps to follow for each project. This may include getting approval for the homepage writing, approval for the wireframe mock-up, and approval for the homepage graphic design. As much as you're able, make your procedure formalized: from your first encounter with a client to the end of the warranty period and eventual repeat business. Show that you are structured and organized by driving the web design process. Doing this will build trust. It will also deter the client from questioning your decisions and from requesting endless revisions. Clients will lose trust in you if you're unpredictable and unstructured. Neurotic web design businesses don't grow into profitable corporations. The basis of successful businesses is structured processes that exist independent of the people who execute them.Clients will pay a premium to deal with predictable, structured service providers."
Price: 89.99

"Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Master Course" |
"Major domains of Kubernetes Administration for CKA examSchedulingLogging/MonitoringApplication Lifecycle ManagementCluster MaintenanceSecurityStorageTroubleshootingCore ConceptsNetworkingInstallation, Configuration & ValidationInstallation, Configuration & ValidationDesign a Kubernetes clusterInstall Kubernetes masters and nodesConfigure secure cluster communicationsConfigure a Highly-Available Kubernetes clusterKnow where to get the Kubernetes release binariesProvision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes clusterChoose a network solutionChoose your Kubernetes infrastructure configurationRun end-to-end tests on your clusterAnalyze end-to-end test resultsRun Node end-to-end testsInstall and use kubeadm to install, configure, and manage Kubernetes clustersCore ConceptsUnderstand the Kubernetes API primitivesUnderstand the Kubernetes cluster architectureUnderstand Services and other network primitivesApplication Lifecycle ManagementUnderstand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates and rollbacksKnow various ways to configure applicationsKnow how to scale applicationsUnderstand the primitives necessary to create a self-healing applicationCluster MaintenanceUnderstand the Kubernetes cluster upgrade processFacilitate operating system upgradesImplement backup and restore methodologiesNetworkingUnderstand the networking configuration on the cluster nodesUnderstand Pod networking conceptsUnderstand service networkingDeploy and configure the network load balancerKnow how to use Ingress rulesKnow how to configure and use the cluster DNSUnderstand CNISecurityKnow how to configure authentication and authorizationUnderstand Kubernetes security primitivesKnow to configure network policiesCreate and manage TLS certificates for cluster componentsWork with images securelyDefine security contextsSecure persistent key-value storeStorageUnderstand persistent volumes and know how to create themUnderstand access modes for volumesUnderstand persistent volume claims primitiveUnderstand Kubernetes storage objectsKnow how to configure applications with persistent storageSchedulingUse label selectors to schedule PodsUnderstand the role of DaemonSetsUnderstand how resource limits can affect Pod schedulingUnderstand how to run multiple schedulers and how to configure Pods to use themManually schedule a pod without a schedulerDisplay scheduler eventsKnow how to configure the Kubernetes schedulerLogging/MonitoringUnderstand how to monitor all cluster componentsUnderstand how to monitor applicationsManage cluster component logsManage application logsTroubleshootingTroubleshoot application failureTroubleshoot control plane failureTroubleshoot worker node failureTroubleshoot networking"
Price: 199.99
